What does Friday the 13th mean? Virus of our ancestors

What does Friday the 13th mean? Virus of our ancestors

Chantly, there are no people, as if they wouldn’t believe in the signs, the lapses and escapes. You may not recognize them, but the skin may be its own, verified on a special basis. For example, it’s not good to get up on your left foot, turn home for a forgotten shirt, sew into an expensive garment... this change can be brought up to a hundred, and much of what we are trying to figure out for an hour is not known. Ale is another bob, tied to one day.

Friday the 13th.

Where did the fashion come from to tremble in fear of “Friday the 13th,” to call it “the day of Satan” and to watch out for the dark forces of evil? Let's face it, it all started with the Templars, who died on this very day. Let’s try to get back to you, the stars have come from the drive of the mystical authorities on Friday the 13th, and why should they be afraid of this day?!

Just like the mystical power of Friday, the 13th is a number of versions. The most popular explanation is given by the Last Supper, in which 13 people took part - Jesus and the 12th disciples. Thirteenth blvd Yuda health resort.

Another explanation is that the conclaves initially consisted of thirteen participants. The protocols of the courts have always confirmed this rule, and the people have firmly believed in it. It is important that on this day everyone is resting, because that other trash is going to the demonic Sabbath from all ends of the world.

Even Friday was “guilty” of the fact that, according to reproaches, Adam and Eve squandered the fruit and were kicked out of heaven on that very day.

Another version: 700 years ago this was due to the founding of the most powerful and richest organization in Europe - the Order of the Templars. The warlords built roads, fought wars, and financed the life of Gothic cathedrals. But in 1307 the stinks appeared from the historical arena as quietly as they appeared on it. One day, the 13th of April, on Friday, all the stinks were accumulated, planted behind bars, and then slept on the riches of the Inquisition.

Some astrologers respect that the number 13 itself in numerology is the beginning of something new. In the middle century, in contrast to the dozen - the number 12 - people who dealt with the dark right, decided to “find” the devil’s dozen, which is indicated by the number 13. Friday, as a negative day for those with the “devil’s” number, was chosen for those who dreamed from Thursday to Friday is respected by all things.

The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia, and is a special form of illness. To conclude, it is significant that the term “phobia” echoes Phobos, the god of fear. And speaking about phobias, if a person blames the “god of fear” for power, then it is fear that is being served by him, and not by fear.

It is significant that Friday the 13th is important to many unlucky people.

The biggest contributors to slaughtering were the Americans. The United States does not have a lot of overhead budinki on the 13th. After the 12th I go to the 14th. Most airports do not have 13 gates. Each airline company withdraws this day from its flight schedules. In hospitals and hotels there is a 13th ward and a 13th room. Together with other facts, on Friday the 13th the US economy will see a surplus of $800–900 million. And buying on this day is considered a bad sign.

And in Britain, surgeons are afraid of Friday the 13th. The actions taken from them are assigned to that day of the operation. British doctors sing that the risk of failure on Friday, the 13th, doubles. In cinemas there is no chair number 13. And in France there is a tradition: when 13 people are gathered for dinner, they put the 14th chair and sit on a new mannequin, which is to be served, as is the decision.

Before the speech, at the thirteenth step of the Parisian tunnel, a car carrying Princess Diana crashed. In 1970, the Apollo 13 spacecraft interrupted its flight to May due to a rupture in the tartar cylinder on board. Having started on the 13th quarter of the 13th year, the 13th anniversary of the starting square No. 39 (three 13).

There are a number of episodes of amazing gains on the number 13, including some familiar features. For example, Richard Wagner. The number thirteen retraced all life. This name is recorded by Latin letters, consisting of thirteen letters, born in 1813. On the 13th (on Friday), when I smelled Weber’s opera “The Great Archer”, I jumped on him. Throughout his life, he wrote 13 operas, no more, no less. The opera "Tannhäuser" (which was completed on January 13, 1844) was a failure in Paris on February 13, 1861, and was later rehabilitated there on February 13, 1895. The powerful theater, where Wagner began his service as bandmaster, was born on the 13th spring of 1837, like the powerful theater at Bayreti - the 13th sickle. He died on the thirteenth century of German unity, and the day of death was the 13th. Mysticism, that's it.

On Friday the 13th, she was arrested and sentenced to prison by the all-powerful “Lord of Chicago,” the famous American gangster Al Capone. On Friday, June 13, 1996, in the famous city of gambling in Las Vegas, the popular musician and composer Tupac Shakur, who had previously successfully made many serious moves, was killed. But on Friday the 13th, the killers finally caught up with him.

Napoleon Bonaparte (1804-1815) spent his day focusing on military operations and, as a true Corsican, did not suffer from any fear of death. As you can see, the French emperor was not himself, the German powerful figure Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) was nicknamed the “False Chancellor”, the English Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) and the oil magnate Jean Paul Getty (1892-1976) ) day of contracts and agreements .

German singer, thinker and follower of nature Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832), Friday the 13th, will be celebrated in bed about every episode. It would seem that the man, the author of the famous “Faust,” had been sanctified, but would have been terribly slaughtered.

The Austrian composer Arnold Schonberg (1874-1951), the pioneer of 12-tone music, spent Friday 13 June 1951 in bed, under the castle, shaking in fear. A quarter of a year before the night before, his squad Gertrude looked in: “Soon it will all be behind.” Schonberg raised his head a little, whispered the word “harmony” and... died. Hour of death: 13 evenings until midnight. You were 76 years old, Sumi was 13. I was born on the 13th of June 1874.

However, the number 13 is considered auspicious by the Kabbalah and the Mayan Indians.
A Jewish boy undergoes the “Bar Mitzvah” ritual at the age of thirteen.

English 13 is often called “the baker’s dozen.” This similar name is connected with the fact that in the Middle Ages bakers, fearing severe punishment for deceiving buyers (even to the point of losing their hands) that they were doing at that time, decided to add one item to each dozen of goods that were sold, so Vipadkovo don’t get caught up at your own expense.

And I urge you not to believe the beavers, to remember that your ancestors on your grandmother’s side were Indian Mayans, and to enjoy Friday the 13th sickle!

June 13, 2017 falls on Friday. And, as you know, Friday the 13th- This is a special day when there may be differences of inconsistency. Friday the 13th It is customary to call it “Black Friday”. This date has been croaked by people since long ago, so Friday the 13th knitted richly with a fence.

Who's afraid of Friday the 13th

And people who are so afraid of this date that they tend to care about mental illnesses and personalities. This phobia is difficult to call “paraskevedkatriaphobia” or “friggatriskaphobia” (fear Friday the 13th) and is a private type of another similar illness - triscadecaphobia (fears of the number 13).

What happened on Friday the 13th

The number 13 was considered unlucky in the ancient world, and since this date fell on a Friday, the unpleasant effect, in the minds of people, grew seriously. Thus, people of old respected that they themselves Friday the 13th ancestress Eve skushtuvala fences plіd, pіdbivshi on tse Adam There are few serious inheritances for the entire human race.

In the middle eyelid itself Friday the 13th- 13 August 1307 - by order of the French king Pylipas IV The Order of the Templars was defeated, and its members were subjected to cruel torture and suffering.

And the axle is even more tragic, which were trapped in Friday the 13th:

13th birthday 1907 Roku - the death of a British schooner "Thomas Lawson", named after the author of the book Friday the 13th”(That’s why English sailors don’t like this very much).

13 leaf fall 1942 fate - the miserable defeat of the allies at the naval battle with Japan at Guadalcanal, which eventually took away the name “Battle of Friday the 13th».

June 13, 1972 - an Ilyushin Il-62 passenger plane crashed near Moscow, killing 174 people, which became the world's largest plane crash at that time due to the number of victims. The cause of the tragedy has not yet been established.

On September 13, 2012, the Costa Concordia liner crashed, with 4,200 people on board, and nearly forty of them died.

Friday the 13th: folk signs and barriers

In the Middle Ages they respected that in Friday the 13th The Sabbath is celebrated on 12 days, until last month Satan himself arrives on the thirteenth night. These slaughtered animals are still alive.

Friday the 13th Doctors, especially surgeons, no longer like doctors, so as of now they are trying not to perform planned operations.

Through the possibility of hacker attacks Friday the 13th Don't hesitate and computer people.

Zagali Friday the 13th is important in the near future for the beginning of various important inquiries, financial transactions, and especially - fun. It is important that everything started this day will end in a fiasco, and the family union, arrangements Friday the 13th, will fall apart, and with a scandal

It is no longer possible to work on Friday the 13th

In the opinion of caring people, it is not possible to make such speeches without extreme necessity.

It’s not possible to go crazy without an extreme need to make it more expensive.

It’s best not to sit behind a kermo these days, since road accidents are very dangerous, and pedestrians need to exercise maximum caution.

It’s not a good day to plant rooms and garden weeds, it’s important that the stink will take root.

It’s important that you don’t have time to work out, cut your nails and wash your hair (before the first point, we think that you can get rid of it, since you don’t intend to leave the house until that day).

It’s not a good day to get busy with the jokes of a new job or go to a chat room.

It’s not a good time to start working on complex medical procedures, as they may be planned.

on Friday the 13th Better not plan to have fun.

No day is it possible to lay down important goods, and also, brothers and sisters, to save pennies.

Going from work to Friday the 13th, better not look around.

Let's be honest - more positive, a sense of humor, that Friday the 13th walk like crazy.

How terrible is such a Friday and how many times does fate fall out - the food that rich people, especially those with a carnivore, enjoy.

In the minds of the people, the date of this year is unlucky. Let's continue the fate of such days. What is this number based on? How many unlucky Fridays can there be and why should everyone be afraid of them?

The day of the week and date is collected once per river, and a maximum of three times. There is no such certainty that in the future such a tandem will appear on the calendar every day.

What does Friday the 13th mean?

Everything should be kept in place regardless of whether the river is a prime or a leap year. In order to protect yourself, as far as Friday the thirteenth will be held out to fate, you need to be faithful, on which day of the year the first day of fate falls. For example. If the first day of the day is on a Monday, and the day of the first day, then Friday the 13th will be at Kvitna and Lipni. If it is a leap river, then it will be at the spring and chest. Depending on the first day of fate and type of fate (elementary or leap), the corresponding mathematical formula can be determined in which month there will be an “evil” birthday.

Genesis of the thirteenth

Obviously, the fear of the number thirteen stems from ancient Babylon. Based on the Babylonian laws, the order of the world is based on twelve: 12 months per river, 12 years of day and night and 12 signs of the zodiac to establish harmony. When the number thirteen appeared, everything collapsed. This number means chaos. Vine replaces the balance with the All-World. Even the ancient Egyptians had a fear of the number thirteen. Thirteen gatherings at gatherings that lead to eternity, the thirteenth gathering symbolized death.

The popularity of the number reached ancient Rome, because on the day of birth ("ID" in the Roman calendar meant the thirteenth day of the month) one of the most famous Roman leaders, Julius Caesar, was stabbed to death. The number of the day is 13 and what is the day of Friday, tell you.

Friday the 13th - is it real?

The expansion of evil forces sleeps around thirteen, which is largely responsible for the development of Christianity. We can say that this number bears witness to all the misfortunes that Christians have faced.

It all began with the ill-fated, last supper of Jesus Christ, in which thirteen people took their part, including the well-known friend Yuda. In addition, Christ rose on Friday. People celebrated Friday and the date created a deadly wind that foreshadows the apocalypse.

On Friday, June 13, 1307, the slaughter of the Templars began, the union of Christians with the then Pope Clement V.

Why is Friday the 13th a problem?

This is truly an incendiary number, connected with Satan himself. No wonder, the thirteenth chapter of the Apocalypse falls until the Antichrist and the Monster. Unfortunately, Satan became the thirteenth member of the coven, in which twelve wights took their part. Thirteen did not bring happiness to the head of the Roman Catholic Church. On May 13, 1981, fate took a swing at Ivan Paul II. It’s good that it’s not Friday, but it’s incredible that it would end tragically. The sum of the numbers of the date of his death, the sum of the numbers of the hour of his death, and the sum of the numbers of the century in which he died is equal to thirteen.

Friday the 13th – what does this day mean?

The number 13 May has a powerful force, and a great force of unification and harmonization.

Friday the thirteenth, probably before the pre-Christian revolution, was a day of feminine energy and contained all the guises of the goddess - the maiden, the mother and the poor.

Known on an unlucky day, fear was called out to the honor of the goddess, through which, as it was hoped, the old matriarchal way would be slightly reversed. Women this day do not need to be afraid of failures; the goddess will help them reveal their potential.

Phobias and reality

All phobias against Friday the 13th seem absurd. Zreshtoya Karol Voytila ​​was born in 58 years (5 + 8 = 13).

In the Old Testament, thirteen indicates the number of salvation. Until this day, it will bring success to the American Indians and the Chinese. And yet people love God simply by thinking about the number 13, without even seeming to talk about Friday the 13th. Sailors are afraid to go to sea on the thirteenth day of the month; in many hotels there are no rooms with this number. The day became the starting point for the film of the Jahievs with this very name. This is the day since Jason started the bloodshed on Crystal Lake.

What day, perhaps, it’s not possible to get new certificates, chhati chi bathe. The best thing to do is to stay at home and not go out from bed. If you don’t give in to these concerns, it means that you will inadvertently provoke a guilty failure. The walls will never be safe again. That's why the threat of a village church can lead to disaster.

In fact, Friday the 13th is the first day of the month, for some the most fulfilling, for others not so much, with so many adventures and challenges of such surreal significance.

Friday the 13th is an unforgettable day, although we would like those connected with it to take a lot of notice. In 2018, the family has two such days – in Kvitnya and in Lipnya. Why Friday the 13th became such a “black” day on the calendar, and what concerns are associated with this day – read the materials.

Felinologists (who also study intestines) believe that black intestines are more closely related to fatty acids and are more sensitive to the weather, lower than other fluffy creatures.

If we talk about today, then there are a lot of people in the world who are panicky about the number 13 (in principle, without any connection until Friday). Moreover, this impressive list can be completed by all countries! So, in the USA the 13th row is “beveled” on top, but in flights there is no 13th row. American financial news is particularly hostile: hence the increase in fear of Friday the 13th will reach close to 750 million dollars. This is due to the fact that contracts are not signed every day, as the stink is even worse.

Take note of Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th has always been a reminder that on this day there will be many signs of concern. The black guts are pouring, the mirrors are broken and scattered, so dark as the day approaches.

That's why it's important that you don't want to take pennies from the Borg. Because any negativity and other bad emotions will be transmitted through pennies. In addition, it is important that this day’s intelligence is very sensitive. And if you tell your loved ones about your dreams, you can save yourself a lot of life energy.

You can’t get upset and conflict. It is necessary to say that these days people are very emotional, so even a minimal conflict will develop into a grandiose scandal.

Friday 13: all problems on this day assume special significance

It is also important that on this day, no matter how long the road is, there will be many unpleasant surprises. It’s better for him to get away from the mandrivas.

The shoots that were planted on Friday the 13th will not grow or bear fruit. It is not recommended to plan fun activities for the day. For the record, the schedule for Friday the 13th will not be reliable and valuable.

Hello to all the fussers of all the facts. Today we let you know why Friday the 13th is considered a bad day. The population of the whole world is already wary of this dark date and is already anxiously aware of what may happen to them. What is the date? Why are so many people afraid? Legends abound. Let's figure it out together.

From paganism to Christianity

You may be surprised, but the explanation for this unlucky date is simply meaningless. And in different countries, stench is interpreted differently. All we can say is that everything went from paganism, as it gradually came to Christianity. The first axis is the version:

  • From now on, one legend ruled the Sabbath on the 12th day, and on the thirteenth it was Satan himself.
  • For another version of this day, Eva harvested the plіd fences.
  • Another version is that on Friday the 13th Cain killed his brother Abel, making him the first brother-killer.

Scandinavian mythology has its own explanation why Friday the 13th is a bad day. During the hours of God Odin, 12 apostles lived with him. When the thirteenth apostle appeared, a battle between the seven inhabitants began. The rich God Baldur died from this warlock.

It is also respected that Jesus himself rose on Friday, so this day is respected by the filthy and the unlucky.

Cultural thought

Culturologists respect that everyday misfortunes are not associated with a specific date, having scoured the literature, no one knows the mysteries about this date. Ale often wondered that besides the number 13, the number 13 always symbolized misfortunes, just as the day was Friday in everyone’s association with unpleasantness.

The first riddle about the death of the day of this year is the biography of the famous Russian composer, dated 1869. The composer died on the 13th leaf fall of 1868, which itself fell on the fifth day of the year. And in this very biography there is an upcoming lesson:

Russia, as well as the Italians, has a lot of respect. that Friday is the day of bad luck, and 13 is the number of bad luck. And it was necessary that his death should happen on the eve of this day. (Translation of the translation, but the essence is the same).

The legend of the Templars

So, what a story. On June 13, 1307, King Philip IV ordered the arrest of all members of the Templar Order, including the Supreme Court. The Templars were guilty of blasphemy. The Order was dissolved, and its members recognized the tortur and strata. Also, after 7 years, the Grand Master of the Order, Jacques de Molay, died in Paris. Until Jacques is proud, he cursed the King, who watched over the stratum, as well as the entire royal dynasty.

Even if everything wasn’t written correctly, this version is skipped almost all the time.

Legend of sailors

For sailors, this is a day of connection with another tragic story. One Friday the 13th, a ship also called “Friday” wrecked near Vilna. Poland's ship is not of any importance.

It is likely that the ship will also be obtained on Friday. This idea relieved the concerns of the sailors until this date.

The figs of savage people

It is clear that among the famous people there were a lot of interesting features, who were trying to miss this number by hook or by crook.

  • Napoleon Bonaparte lost the battle, as the stench fell on Friday.
  • Bismarck never put his signature on the documents of this ill-fated day
  • Franklin Roosevelt, President of the United States, was also willing to sign various documents and praised all sorts of minor decisions.
  • Mark Zuckerberg worked in such a way that no one could register with Facebook under number 13 (after 12 there will be 14). Pavlo Durov created the same thing for his analogue of Facebook, then VK. You will not find a merchant for ID 13 and 666. This is due to concerns, but simply taking the idea entirely from your partner, it is unknown.
  • Before speaking, many European and American booths have 13 days on top. After the 12th time, I go to 14th, or instead write to the letter M, since the thirteenth mark in the Latin alphabet.

Friday the 13th - Lucky number?

Since we respect 13 as a cursed number, then many peoples are also lucky.

Jews especially laugh at us and still cannot understand why Friday the 13th is a bad day. This day marks happiness for them, like the number itself:

  • On this day the great Messiah descended from heaven.
  • Kabbalah May 13th Gerel
  • The Power itself is divided into so many parts.
  • I’m not even talking about the thirteen gates.

The Maya Indians also walked around this day and respected him as sacred. More precisely, it is not the day, but the number itself, which itself was revered as a symbol of the gods’ cunning.

Friday the 13th

Regardless of all concerns, this date was poorly realized in commerce. In this way we can study a whole series of books, films and computer games dedicated to this topic. The first film dedicated to this date is “Friday the 13th,” which tells the story of the murder of Jason Voorhees. The first part was taken back in 1980 and gave birth to the anonymous story of Freddy Krueger.


I don’t mind that so many people are suffering this day. But this does not happen at all through the magic of this number. The whole point is that people tell themselves that Friday the 13th is a bad day, and therefore they need to watch out for inconsistencies.

Our knowledge perceives this as a program that needs to be eliminated, so you yourself begin to joke about being inappropriate to your heel. And most importantly, people know what is unacceptable.

You may also be reminded that the 7th sickle is a day of inconsistency, and if you think so, then in all likelihood, inadmissibility may well be the case. It may be insignificant, for example, you missed your phone and broke your glass, or you simply tripped. Let yourself be the songs that you programmed for yourself.

Of course, you can think about the topic of work for a long time with coverage and you won’t be able to read one article at a time. But one thing can be said for sure - don’t program yourself to waste. Friday the 13th is a special day, and it is not good to be afraid of it.

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