Put on the life of the people. Take a walk until the word of honor

Put on the life of the people. Take a walk until the word of honor

The book includes two seminaries, which gave the great Tibetan guru, Vidyadhara, Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche. The offense of the seminary was dated 1974 by rock. The first one was given at the birch tree in New York, the other one was given at the Veresna in the "Tiger's Tail", the meditation center, which seemed to be asleep at Vermont and what was the change in the name of "Karmi-Cheling". The seminars took revenge on Trungpi, which was not published before, on the topic of the look and practice of Buddhist meditation.


Podolanya spiritual materialism
Rik vikonannya: 2008 r.
Author's nickname: Trungpa
Іm'ya author: Chogyam
Viconavets: Tetyana Orbu
Vidavnitstvo: "Eneagram"
Audio codec: MP3
Audio bitrate: 128 Kbps
Sounding hour: 10:00:00
Size: 573 Mb

Description: Yak pastki chekayut shukach enlightenment in the midst of a dreadful life? The main and the most insecure of them is “spiritual materialism”, the anger of his human beast against his own corny mustache, which is very useful, to navigate the process of internal transformation and sound from him. Qia book is an indispensable practical guide for the messenger of any spiritual path.

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Go to the point of uneasy, like і be-like a path, like a path up the hill. Practically inevitably, we will have to stick to the road up the hill with no difficulties. It is possible to furnish and furnish our inner camp. Ale smut on the road is not the meta itself, but those who we get to get to the point of getting there.

As soon as you see it, wherever your meta is, then it’s persistent, it’s next to intelligence, it’s difficult - it’s good. Difficult - tse same those who see us from me and how smelly є - mean mi ruhaєmosya.

Let’s take our way to the met and emotional stations, through which we will pass, the docks will not be able to achieve success.

1. Requested

Perche, you should be on the way to the met, - tse the requested page. It’s so, it’s got us to the point. Well, they wanted to destroy a part of their life. Ale tse is not just a bazhannya, but the first path, the first contours of what were painted in front of us.

At all stages of the journey, we must not go forward. Everything is forgiven and intelligent, and the goal is easily achievable.

2. Enthusiasm

Lyudina started to work on the first Zusilla, she won’t be in captivity herself, so she spent a lot of money for her life. Seeing the whole stage - the satisfaction of those, that the ear has been deposited. And as soon as it is necessary to lay it down, then the axis of wine is successful, it is in your hands!

3. Skin of an unkilled witchbear

Enthusiasm is within reach. In uyavi, Lyudin has already reached the end of everything. Thoughts have already begun; think, as they are now alive! It’s a pity, Lyudin’s zabuvaє, how many small crocs have been shattered, and thousands of them in front of them.

Svychayno, naygolovnishe rozpochati, but not all.

4. The First Difficulties

There are the first difficult ones, as the trochs cool the fuse of the people. Lyudina started to stumble. Previously, it was an asphalt road, but now it is a road. Start not to read that knowledge.

5. It's not that simple

Come, please, it's not so simple. People will be interested in the first great blow. Shlyakh until there is no such thing as such. Growing up.

At the end of the stage, you will be able to correct the request in a dozen hours. Bazhannya nikudi is not going!

6. Commitment

If Lyudin isn’t thrown, then you’ll get ready to know, I’m a support, you will continue, the entuziasm is not the same. І people know the support in zealotі. “I am virishiv (la) and I am falling away with a walk!”. It’s not marvelous, it’s a little extra help and step-by-step start to turn around.

7. Sum at the right

Lyudin knows more and more about her world. Vaughn already nabuva realistic outlines, also reminiscent of negative rice. Maybe not a lot of meta of all the victims? Can you throw everything away for an hour?

There are a lot of people on the whole stage. Ale scho zmushuє collapse forward quietly, hto get lost? I know the passion. "If the meta is not a wart, then is it a wart?"

8. Sum of sob

Foldable growth and that people think, why can it be right in the new, and not in the whole? Maybe not a friend of mine? Tsya їdka dumka is seen even more than people.
Ale well, will I fix it? And spit on the sumnіvi. Devotion to їkh ryatuє. Do not make yourself feel timid, the stench is already a mysia. Yake meaning ma chi gidna lyudin? On the right is the axis of the smut.

9. Visibility to the result

The transition is coming - the visibility of the visible result. Zusil has been invested in the same, but in addition it is not. Meta is so far away. It’s obvious that it’s an illusion, but it’s just a matter of getting closer.

The price can be adjusted from the mandrivka. If you have already passed half of the way, the other person is not yet a designated point and the point to navigate is not visible on the horizon. Maybe you’ll be good, everything is marno! Ale tse is not so. The result will not be clear, it doesn’t mean that people are on the road. It's just that the critical point has not been passed yet.

10. Pride for ruin

Lyudin ryatuєs pride in rubleness. So, the result is still not visible, ale the robots of the enemyє. First and foremost, all at once from the start, yes, yes, yes. Tse is like a marathon. If in people they have already lost strength (7 and 8 stages) and one, then the sniffing vtekty is the end. Yak raptom is old and lighter and easier to see each other.

I want nagolositi, scho stages 7-10 can be repeated a few times, fallen asleep due to the foldability of the material. And on the whole road there will be people who see, it seems that nothing will come.

11. Vera

Night before the svitanka. Determine the strongest, if the axis-axis can be broken through. At the end of the stage, the inevitability is already overgrowing in the virus, if the same is true for all the do-it-yourselfers. Tse moment kolivan, if even viconano 99% are robots. Ale the opir that lack of significance is what I want to do.

12. Success

Nareshty infusion of success. Usi pratsi, like a lyudin, having invested in the reach of the achievement, mend to bear fruit.

But the main value here is not in reaching the point, but in the fact that the road itself has changed the people, has given the message of information, which will allow rewriting and giving.

It will remain an hour to get even more information about the goals, progress and success. Є a lot of books, trainings, seminars. Apparently, I will be in full business.

Of course, the materials are much more similar. Setting up meti, time management, fighting against fears. Anyway, visualization, reframing, pouring into the drive.

For the traditional fashion, go from the start. To that, in the style of the ancient methodology and the ancient style of information presentation.

I want to talk about the dying pidhid before reaching the point. I don’t think about it for the purpose of promoting it for material benefits.

Tse in the edge of the intelligence and the simple way of the ministerial.

Otzhe, we talked about іznitsі at pіdhods. I have already written a series of articles about the importance of the process i. Read їх, learn from memory.

Zakhidniy pidhid - mean a specific meta, beat the achievement at the stage and reach the result.

Skidny pidkhid - the intelligence of its values, the motives of its own meta. Zdobuti bachennya maybutnyogo, zzumit svіy way and let it go ...

Be guilty of my mother, not you. Reaching out to meti is not so important, yak shlakh, yaky vie robite.

Vzagalі richly in our suspension is overrated. Peremogi are even more important for people. The spirit of deception is strong. Competition keru ball.

Through the advancement, the significance of the moment is overmogti on the back of the fold. On trenuvannі you can show the results, and for a short time before overcoming you can slip up. From the іnshiy side, you can achieve success for the rakhunok invented trenuvan, adrenaline and more concentration. But for such a result it is necessary to make more money.

Apply a nearby ruku to meti

Like at the bowling, I threw two pieces of meat and offended I smashed the bowling pins. For 3 strikes, lay a pawn to rob a small gift, so I strained myself. Virishiv, I'm just playing a gift at once. I missed the first time. And yakby I am not chasing the result, with great ymovіrnіstu to reach yogo.

The children of the family are programmed for those who will come to the children. Tse instinct, by means of suspension. Stink to get out of the way, and do not find a happy homeland. People are a child, and not a virostity of a popular member of the suspension.

Smell I think I’m thinking that when children appear, we’ll shrink our life by itself. They are not ready for hard times either.

The result is a lot of them, they go for quiet, but it does not befit. People are living with them, living that suffering. Razluchayutsya often, more often to endure. After 10-20 years of social life that survived through the experience, sometimes one arrives feeling, calm, mindful of one.

Ale not all. Are you ready for vitratity of 10-20 years for those who will be happy with the common people? Why not pick the very same match? Why shouldn't you try to make your little ones ideal when you are still young?

Luckily, it’s also very fast when it’s up to 30 years. In girls, the chain of pragmatism is manifested earlier.

For boys, especially those close to thirty, є the need for self-realization, high status, earning money, volodinnya mine (apartment, booth, car). Moreover, it is often not importantly by a yak method.

That stench rush to all the hard - go for earnings, start at unloved robots, see business in any way, call on the criminal. Tse tezh IMHO angry life in unitaz. Everything can be done (except for the crime), ale varto it tilki tudi, de befits a bootie.

Take a shlyah, go ahead to the memorable note

I have reconciled three and three laws. Smell є recipes for comfortable meti. Without the lamina, that podolannya will be difficult for you. Here I will describe theses, and then I will write a few real attachments from my life.

Tsil is a camp, not a moment... No need for a pragmatic moment of life. Pragnit to the camp. Such a meta is even more frequent, and is itself good. I will become happy, harmony, calm, joy - you can't buy a car.

Shlyakh important for the meta itself... Crumbs are important YAK you see, below KUDI. The point of recognition can be wicked at you, be-like emotions (you don’t know them before the way), and the axis of the roads is still guilty, but we will be guilty of accepting emotions. If there is an important way, take the problems.

Reaching meti neobov'yazkovo... The goal is not to blame for your will. You can see from her be-like miti. Not guilty but the cause of discomfort.

Meta - development... One of the most sought-after goals of people is development. This is without interruption. You go along the path of samovdoskonalennya. It’s not just fun. If you have results, you live better, and moreover, it’s better than that. Having determined the meta, you will develop in the right direction, and you will reach the point.

Put on your life

Shvidshe for everything, I didn’t get to see those who wanted to transmit. Matter is even thinner. Therefore, I will give you a drop of my butts from real life. I already wrote, scho. Infection spreads trochas of reports.

Sales scripts

For a long time I have long wanted to develop my own online store for the sale of digital goods. I don’t think about the program, there’s little reason for marketing and sales, but what I want. I am greeted by Vadim Lasto, Galm and other ideologists of software solutions.

Infectious I am engaged in the sale of scripts in addition to my scripts for the sale of digital goods. Such an axis pun. The bottom line is that I'm here, where I want to, and on the machine. Razbyravsya at the program, writing scripts for yourself, kolupavsya at the code. Meni tse bulo tsikavo.

Progressively, I often know that vigaduvati is such a solution that people need. Now I am an honest seller of scripts.

Dіvchina mriї

For a long time I wanted to create a child of the world. Bulo pevne bachennya. I make up my mind, I’m ready to go. I live with her for 2 years, and I'll be friends soon.

Zhodna of the famous couples cannot boast of such kind handfuls as we have. It is not easy for us to tell us about them. All those who are talking about problems, skipping on their halves, or I don’t want to change. We went to such blatant, rocked, snorted to themselves on the beautiful.

And you know, if I am a device? If the best shukov. Tobto, savagely, I didn’t mind the show, I couldn’t have a romance or start a trivial hundred-ssunki at me.

Also, they can get the same guys, as they are put before them until it gets cold, not to lie in front of them, but to show their independence.

Here I suffered, and I am virish to write a non-bargain article about those who create their own world :)

The essence

Crafts are robust. I am especially practical when I have not crossed over, but the independence is in the name of power.

Otzhe, step by step be-like meti:

  1. Vibir straight... Even more smoothly for an hour of intelligence, where you want to drink, and be busy, how to bring joy. The price can be changed for help. Just try everything that feels good to you.
  2. Rukh at a demand straight, a development at a tsom... If you are okay, you want to achieve the best results at the right time, do it again. The result is not important, your interest is important, and you are satisfied with it.

Bagato hto chuv about stan "stream". If I am dying for you, I’m dia. So you stop talking about everything. So screw the axis into the new one, choke on your beloved right, choke on all the distant and the distant.

As a result, in a dozen hour, you will feel wonderful. If you are mindful, you can think of everything you thought. But you can’t make a mistake. I collapse far away.

Not happy to get sick [Kerіvnіstvo z so-called earlier practices of Buddhism in Tibet] Khyєntse Dzongsar Jamyang

Shlyakh є tsil

Shlyakh є tsil

Theoretically, practical way of harvesting the fruit from the ear itself, or taking into account the methods, how to understand the "reason" and "fruit". This vipadku "yayavayut" maє na uvazі, scho, I want you to be built, scho you maєte right s the reason your enlightenment, and also declare yourself plid, so that the enlightenment itself. Take to prepare the egg. Wiggled egg - yak an egg, not an omelet. Ale if you are picking up an omelet, your rose already has a clear picture, if you want an egg to look like an omelet, you have noticed that you want to come back with an egg, if you have it. This is the butt of that, as the result is a good way and the method of bringing the reason to the maturity shvidshe.

The Іnshy butt: milk is kinda, it’s not like a hard shmat of butter, but if it’s a simple, rather energetic process of beating, then, as soon as this young watcher wants to see it, it’s all all over the place for a day. So the call itself is not similar to water and ice, but on the other hand - water.

One of the frustrating method of solving the problem is that it’s a win for the scholars in the way shlyakh є tsil.

Those who bind the sansarnyh ustot, can їkh sound

In tantric texts, it’s easy to read, but it’s possible to fill it up with a simple idea, and the roundabout of a boot can only be made up of a roundabout of a boot.

The great Saraha can also call: those who tie the unreasonable, the sound of the wise. The ambassadors of the Dharmi, who are married to a vision of that vision, to accept the truth, this spiritual path, will be languidly built up, the methods of encirclement are obvious, and we will enjoy the important and suvoric path.

However, you don’t need to have pardon, vazhayuchi, but you have all the health and power you need in order to be able to use the Vajrayani method. The great forebears of the past from the very ear have known and known us, well, do not aim at the practice of good luck to the fruit, as it is impossible to put oneself in favor of the path of reason, Shravakayani and Bodhisattvayani. On the calling rivni maєmo practice shravakayana, on the internal one - bodhisattvayana, and on the local one - vajrayana.

If you practice in such a way, you will bring majesty crimsonness. For example, as soon as you practice shravakayana, you can also practice and develop your maturity, humility and modesty. As you practice bodhisattvayana, then on the internal level your vision and spirit will be accepted, and you will also discover such a side effect as intelligence. Take care of your Vajrayani practice in the taunnitsa, and cleanse all of those who have come to pass the time, because the stench will be shocked by the methods, and you will also be unaware of any inappropriate inheritors, as they so often reproach repetitions.

Those, who are not ready for tantrayani, protest against showing themselves as tantric yogis, not only taking the power of the spiritual path, but in those who are trying to add bazhany to you. If people want to mamagatisya uyaviti, scho otrut - goals, persh nizh vipiti її, tі, hto, do not volodyuchi the power pavichs, they’ll re-create otrutu, make a taku try, drown them. In addition, it’s melodiously the reason why Buddha Shakyamuni respected the modest one to appear in the whole world, and don’t stand up to the richly adorned and rosy aspect of the sambhogakaya with the honored greats of his palaisers.

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