A vice at the boundaries of norms. Why change the grip from the wick? The reasons for the decrease in AT can be

A vice at the boundaries of norms. Why change the grip from the wick? The reasons for the decrease in AT can be

Arterial hypertension over the last ten years has become increasingly widespread for those with disabilities, as well as American ones, and after them European cardiologists have looked over the standards, which have been going on for arterial people (AT) since 2013. On the second drive, food was destroyed at the ESC (European Cardiological Spiritual) conference, which was announced on 25-29 September 2018 near Munich.

As a result of the conference decisions, the level of the recommended vise of the people has been lowered, and the norm is up to 65 times now - 120-129 / 80 mm Hg. Even the most recent categories of AT norms have not been stolen, but the range of permissible errors has been sounded.

Also, since 2018, in the lands of the European Union and the United States, there is only one norm for AT people for those who have grown up to 65 years. It is ideal to take into account mm Hg, albeit, to the extent that the instability and accumulation of this marker of health are from the bagaton factors in the inflow, because they admit that the pressure range in the singing range of values ​​is increased, as it seems to be normal for healthy people.

Reference value AT for rock

The reference, which averaged at the boundaries of the norms, the values ​​of AT trivial hour were used 110-139 for systolic and 60-89 for diastolic indicators. To this, the hypotensive therapy was successful, as the grip of the people went into the deprivation of the deprivation at equal mm Hg. The current goals are reduced by the norms.

Acceptable delivery

Physiological features of the body can rotate, sprout, and individual boundaries of AT norms. Moreover, in the case of spіvіdnoshennі vimіryuvanny arterial vise with the norm, deyaki vіdhilennya is allowed.

  1. The lower cordon rules the grip for the grip (+/- 10).
  2. In 2018, the upper limit dropped to 130 mm Hg.
  3. The value of 80 mm Hg has become the maximum permissible norm for the most common vise.
  4. The minimum allowable distance is 60 (+/- 5) mm.

The main criterion of norms, like and earlier, is to feel self-esteem of the people. For example, people with a physiological hypotensive grip 130/80 can cause a headache and an inability to see them in their breasts.

The Іnshiy butt - as the hypertonic is disgusting to transfer the drop of the arterial grip to the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof the norms, for new it can be individually increased the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof antihypertensive therapy. Decision about re-glancing dozuvan against anti-pertonic faces received by specialists.

Established a table of norms of arterial vise for vik

Exciting the instability of the blood vise, establish the readings of the normal AT behind the rocks, put in the table, it is important. To that, the data of lower values ​​are lower and lower.

Table of norms of arterial vise in older adults and children

Вік / becomeZhynochiyCholovichyZhynochiyCholovichy
3-6 85-95 (+/-5) 85-97 (+/-5) 45-50 (+/-5) 45-55 (+/-5)
7-10 95-105 (+/-5) 98-105 (+/-5) 55-60 (+/-5) 55-60 (+/5)
11-14 105-110 (+/10) 105-110 (+/-10) 60-65 (+/-5) 60 (+/-10)
Up to 20110-120 100-120 65-75 60-70
Up to 40110-130 110-130 75-80 70-80
Up to 65120-130 120-130 75-80 75-80
older135 135 80 80

The current norms of everyday life are important for people, even though the figures of cardiology are the most optimal in the plan for the prevention of ship catastrophes.

Arterial vise to lay down from bagatokh factors

Normal for people

In the table of blood norms, it is possible to poke a vice, and the value of AT for people and women of mild flammable characteristics. On the tone of the blood-bearing vessels of the choloviks, inject the following factors:

  • emotional and physical options;
  • the reception of deyakikh likiv, like revenge coffee drinks, alcohol;
  • stress, vision;
  • specialties food and іnshі.

Likars respected, as the factor that valued the status of the judicial system, and the person's spadkov's strength, was transferred to the mother. The majority of the type of malignancy before the development of an arterial grip in choloviks is explained by the same cipher.

The number of times can not be considered as normal values ​​for the same number, but sometimes it is interpreted as an individual norm. Ale vona maє perevischuvati threshold values ​​- 130/80 mm Hg.

Individuals who go in for sports with regular physical training, are sick to a low grip. In the midst of calm AT, the stench can sink to critical for healthy people vidmіtok, and at the beginning of the story about individual norms.

For women

On the blood grip of women, they pour in such physiological officials, such as a month, a visit, a year of breastfeeding. Involvement of outgoing pathological officials can lead to a decrease in the arterial vise, and on the other hand. It is normal for women to embrace those that are shown in the tables behind the rocks - not less than 100/60 and not more than 130/80 mm Hg.

In the perinatal period, the grip on the woman can be reduced and demand respect, and some of the implications for intrauterine development. The report is given below.

For children and children

For the definition of indicators and norms of arterial pressure in children, they use a table, as well as formulas to determine the correct values ​​for each.

For babies in 1-12 months, the rate of systolic vise is insured as follows:

  • 76 + 2n, de no home = number of months;
  • maximum systolic: 105 + 2n, de n number of months (up to 1 rock) and rock.

Pidrakhunok of diastolic AT for children, follow the formula: 1/2 of the upper systolic. For a 6-month old baby:

  • SBP = 76 + 2x6 = 88 mm Hg.
  • DAT = (105 + 2x6): 2 = 53 mm Hg.

For viku older than 1 rock diyut іnshі formulas:

  • 90 + 2n - for systolic vise, de n - number of rock;
  • 60 + n - for a diastolic vise.

For a child vіkom 11 rokіv rozrahunok the following vise:

  • SBP = 90 + 2x11 = 112 mm Hg;
  • DAT = 60 + 11 = 71 mm Hg.

The formulas give a deprivation of adequate data for the sizes of a vice, without urahuvannya individual features of the genetic power of the child.

The serpent of the arterial grip of the child

Table of norms of heart rate, NPV and AT in children

In addition to the arterial grip, an important biological marker of people is the frequency of dyshly rush, which is fired by a stretch of 1 chili, and is quickly called NPV.

The frequency of dichotomy (vidhiv-vidihiv) is measured in the assessment of the physical body of the patient when the organs are ill and the dick. At the same time, the type of dikhannya arises:

  • breast (female);
  • black (cholovic);
  • zm_shaniy (childish).

For a number of people who are sick for khilina, I’m starting to look like crazy:

  • spovilnene - bradypnoe;
  • accelerated - tachypnoe;
  • visibility (overlap) - apnea.

For spirited people, they are also transferred by norms for the wik:

  • for a grown-up 16-20 per min. I will calm down in the country;
  • 12-16 per min. - for an hour to sleep;
  • for new women - 30-60 per min.

Bigger tributes for the most important parameters to the body of older adults and children are given a table below.

Table AT, heart rate and NPV in children and older

ВікRange vise (SAD)Heart rate range (min-max)Range of NPV (min-max)
1-12 months90-112 90-130 30-40
1-3 rocky90-115 80-130 20-35
3-5 rock100-115 70-130 20-30
5-7 100-120 70-120 20-25
7-10 100-125 70-100 20-25
10-12 100-125 60-100 12-20
12-15 110-125 60-100 12-20
old age100-130 60-90 12-20

Yak can be noted at the table, children have an arterial grip because of their growth, and the heart rate and frequency of movement - to be adjusted.

Optimal AT in vaginal women for trimesters

The women, who love the child, are inevitably in a grip, tied with hormonal changes and the need for the body to "pump" shelter for two. Yaku the value of AT in vagіtnykh vvazhatimutsya the norm - to lay down in the cob vise of the woman (until the moment of vaginosti).

In the first trimester, a large number of women are more likely to decrease their indicators, because of hormonal overdose.

From the 2nd trimester and until flattening, preeclampsia develops in children of vaginas - an arterial vice, which will obstruct the normal intrauterine development of the baby. Happily, such situations may have an overwhelmingly vinyatky character.

Warehouse table of AT norms is not sensible, oskilki is an ideal indicator for vaginites to get into a vice, as it serves as an indicator for grown-ups - 120/80 mm Hg.

Vidhilennya vіd norms in bіk pіdvishennya in a large number of vagіtіtnyh vіdhisennya less by 10-15 mm Hg.

I will probably not be safe from a gynecologist, who has a long history of vaginosity, with a history of the patient's history.

Features of AT in Lithuanian people

The bloodshed judges of people who have been kidnapped (over 65 years old) are aware of the change, how to produce it to the physiological loss of their elasticity.

  1. Endothelium, which whistles on the inner surface of the vessels, is susceptible to sclerotization.
  2. Leaning and eventually atrophy of a smooth cellini.
  3. Increase the appearance of the sheath of arteries, which is roughened for the growth of elastic and collagen fibers with the onset of fibrosis.

Everything should be done to the growth of the rigidity of arterial walls and the lack of space to dilatation (expansion), through the arterial grip of people who have been kidnapped by the norms of grown-up people. It is not a common phenomenon for the whole viku - "strikes" vise up-and-down, as well as the isolation of the systolic indicator (ICAG).

The norm of AT for a person who is sick is vvazhayutsya indicators from 110 to 139 for the upper and from 70 to 80 mm for the lower indicator.

Corisne video

I’m surprised to talk about the rules of the arterial grip of people for a likar:


  1. As a rule, the rate of 110-130 / 70-80 mm Hg is used in the clutches of the grown-up people. for viku 20-65 rocks.
  2. In the vicinity of the drops, zoomed out by the decline in number of factors, the individual norm is 100/60 mm Hg.
  3. The grip of vaginal women in the norm can be reduced by 10-15 mm Hg, which is not safe for intrauterine development.

The site has been provided with information for general information. Diagnostics and diagnostics of illnesses needs to be carried out before visualization. Usi preparations may be contraindicated. Consultation fahivtsya є obov'yazkovoyu!

So also an arterial vise?

Arterial vise I name one of the most important indicators of the functional state of the body, showing the strength, with which to fix the grip on the walls of the great arteries. The vice appears through the pressure of blood by the heart at the blood-bearing channel and the support of the blood-bearing vessels.

Arterial vise turn at the onset values:

  • upper (abo systolic) AT - Imagine the force of a grip on the walls of the arteries at the moment of waking blood from the heart;
  • lower (abo diastolic) AT - Imagine the force of the grip in the blood-bearing vessels at the moment of pause in the heart;
  • pulse grip - the value that is displayed as a difference between the upper and lower AT.

What kind of arterial grip is normal?

Between the normal grip
Indicators of inter-arterial grip lie in the form of individual features of the human body. Normal vvazhayutsya indicators of a vice (at a mature person in a camp), not to overstretch 130/80 mm Hg. Art. Optimal AT vvazayut indicators - 120/70 mm Hg. Art.

Earlier, the physiological development of an arterial vise in patients from 40-60 years up to 140/90 and over 60 years up to 150/90 was considered a physiological norm. Along with the data of the WHO for 1999, it is normal arterial grip to get involved, where the systolic indicators are located between 110 to 130 mm Hg. Art. (directly from the list).

Systolic arterial vise at normі
Between the norms of systolic arterial vise - 110-130 mm Hg. Art.

Dіastolіchny arterial vise at normі
Between the norms of the diastolic grip in healthy people, it can be found in the form of a thorn in between 65-80 mm Hg. Art. In 50 years and more, the cordon can become 80-89 mm Hg. Art.

Pulse arterial vise at normі
In normi, the indicators of the pulse grip are guilty of becoming less than 20-25 mm Hg. Art.

Yaky arterial vise to fit into normal - video

Normal arterial vise in grown-ups

At the cholovikiv
The norm of AT for choloviks of 20-40 rocks is 123 / 76-129 / 81.

At women
The norm of AT for women of 20-40 years is 120 / 75-127 / 80.

With vaginosti
Until the next month of vaginosity, the arterial grip of a vagitic young woman is lost in the boundaries of norms. When you get a good time, injected with progesterone, you can get into the body, maybe for a short time, if there is a drop in the arterial pressure, which is especially often seen when there is a sharp change in the position of 10 mm or less. Art. In the last month, the fetus of the arterial grip will approach normal indicators.

In the middle, the norm of the arterial vise in women with vaginosity is 110/60 to 130/80 mm. rt. Art. Fighting at fakhivts can be victorious to increase the arterial vise for a period of 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

Vіkovі norms of arterial vise
At the choloviks:

  • 20 rockiv - 123/76;
  • close to 30 rockiv - 126/79;
  • close to 40 rockiv - 129/81;
  • close to 50 rockiv - 135/83;
  • 60-70 rock_v - 142/85;
  • over 70 years old - 145/82.
At women:
  • 20 rockiv - 116/72;
  • close to 30 rockiv - 120/75;
  • close to 40 rock_v - 127/80;
  • close to 50 rockiv - 137/84;
  • 60-70 rock_v - 144/85;
  • older than 70 years - 159/85.

Normal arterial vise in children and children

Children rozrakhunku norms of arterial grip can be used for storing formulas.

Systolic vise

  • Children to rock - 76 + 2n (de n is the number of months of life);
  • older rock - 90 + 2n (de n is the number of rock).
The maximum permissible value of the normal vise of systole in children older than the rock can be based on the formula 105 + 2 n.

The minimum permissible value of a normal systolic vise in children in general can be based on the formula 5 + 2 n.

Dіastolіchny vise

  • Children to rock - from 2/3 to ½ from indicators of systolic vise;
  • older rock - 60 + n (de n is the number of rock).
The maximum permissible value of a normal daily vise in children in every way can be based on the formula 75 + n.

The minimum permissible value of a normal daily vise in children in general can be based on the formula 45 + n.

From 15 to 18 years, the indicators of arterial grip are gradually approaching the standards of the growth of the people. The rate of systole vise in children can be increased from 110 to 120 mm Hg. Art., the norm of diastolic is from 69 to 80 mm Hg. Art.

The rate of arterial vise on the legs

In normal hands and feet there are indicators of an arterial grip of development. The vice, which is visible on the short side during normal passage of arteries, is not guilty of changing the AT, but it is on the forefront, more than 20 mm Hg. Reinvention of the aorta can be inflicted on.

To correct the correct indicators of the arterial grip on the hand, to carry out the vimiri, putting the patient on the couch on his back. When the cuff is fixed in the area of ​​2-3 cm, two or three points are visible behind the strong surface of the foot, then the arithmetic mean between the indicators is calculated, as if it will be an indicator of AT on the points.

Reconstruction of the arterial grip for people over 45-50 years of age is the trick of a healthy, healthy life and a quick response to disease-free pathologies. Yakim vono can be found in fallowness from viku, what is the norm, adopted in Russia and beyond the cordon?

Showing an arterial vise (AT) life is important, the stench will influence on the propriety of the system of the heart that is sudin, who in what is seen on the life of the whole organism. As soon as the diagnosis and physiological norm of the indicator does not appear, it signals about the possibility of serious pathologies. Vіdhilennya іd norms arterial grip wake up to develop in grown-ups, oskіlki viklikanі nagged with ailments and other problems to the body.

So also an arterial vise?

Yak vidomo, behind the arteries and judges of the human body, there is a flow of shelter, where there is great power. Apparently, they are tied with a mechanical injection on the wall. It is also a slid of vrahuvati, that the shelter is not just a leak, but it is straightforward to chase after the help of the heart mead, which is even more poured into the vessels of the world.

Do not wait for the heart to "crush", but to hammer the good with all the know-how for the rakhunok of which and to see the wikid of the new port of blood. In such a rank, a child of birth will have two indicators. Perche, the grip of the opening before the hour of delivery, and the other - between the delivery, before the hour is quiet. Sukupn_st cich two indicators and fixes the same arterial grip. For medical, the upper value of AT is called systolic, and the lower is diastolic.

For Vimir Bula Vinayden there is a special technique that allows you to conduct Vimir without intruding into the vessel, it is even more accessible. Struggling with the help of a phonendoscope and a winding pillow, how to dress up on the place of a liktia, where to get tired of it. Zbіlshuyuchi grip on the pillow, lіkar listened to the beat in the lower artery. As soon as the blows hit, it means the equality of the vice in the pads and the suds - the upper boundary. Then it’s the first hour, and it’s an indicator of the bottom line. The value of arterial and atmospheric pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury vapor.

Is the arterial vise normal?

There are no unambiguous thoughts among physicians about the level of normal arterial grip in grown-ups. The standard is used for the classic 120/80, ale one on the right is judged by the grown-ups of 25 years, and on the right in people who are sick, before that, you can add all the special features of physiological directing. The indications of the indices of the male and female parameters are small. It is so important to say that vimiryuvati AT goes to the spoky stanі For a seated position, it is necessary to grow at least two times in a quarter of a year. For more information, we provide tables from the young dzherel, which demonstrate the same norm for older adults.

The table of norms for the wik, adopted in the SRSR

Yak can be seen from the table in the CPCP, the norm of the upper parameter of the bullet is not more than 145, and the lower one is not more than 90.

Suchasnі norms of arterial vise

The current norm of AT trocha has known a change. There is a stagnant table, broken down by the "All-Union Health Association" for the example of the 90s of the last century. On the basis of normal, the upper systolic arterial vise is used in the interval 110-130, and the diastolic lower is 60-80 mm Hg. The assigned parameters are relevant for adults who have not matched 40 years.

Table of the WHO, which indicates a normal grip and hypertension

Vzagal medicine has gone so far as one indicator does not come with norms. When the patient is obstinate, the patient is guilty of being guilty of a comfortable norm of the arterial grip of a particular older patient. More beautifully, if there will be statistics and history as a precaution, which will be shown at the same time. However, the range is less than 120/80., an arterial vice, to go for the 110/60 and 140/90 progress, all the drugs are monophonic in the familiar pathology.

Chi є take pontoon, yak work grip?

In the middle of the market, such a term is often developed, the “working man” has adopted such an arterial grip, if we can be envious and underestimate (so that one of the offenses is indicative of how to pass between the norms, which is meant to be inevitable), but for the people of people.

It's a pity such a logic is not self-deception and ignorance of current problems... Such a viraz, like a "working arterial grip", does not operate. All that is seen will be called arterial hypertension that speck. The solution to the healthy health of the field is in a slight decrease in the education of the courts, which is prone to the bordering of cholesterol in arteries. However, I will not be able to rotate clichéd destruction to become a grown-up people, such a situation, however, is a welcome victory for serious problems.

Is the AT norm in foreign lands?

In the provinces of the SND and the United States of America, three times have been taken in one go one way before the date, as AT takes on the norm, in spite of the fact that you respect hypertension, go practically identical, for the reason of the United States, however ... We have such a parameter to be used as normal, for example, for a young person who regularly goes in for sports, or for an older person, which has overturned 40 rockets.

Demonstrating tse taka table

Western European boundaries of normal AT may not be derived from Western American ones. I see that I am deprived of the number of good quality, on the standard of "high normal", as accepted in the medical facilities of the cich lands.

Zmini 2018 to rock

Naprikіntsі serpnya 2018 Rock came new, as the European cardiological suspension changed the recommendation for cardiologists about those who followed the normal arterial grip of the grown-ups.

So, on the basis of criteria, which are stagnant in 2013, new parameters will stagnate for the purpose of arterial hypertension, and the indicator itself 130/80 mm mercury stop... Earlier, the indicators of systolic and diastolic AT in Europe were considered normal, even though 140 and 90 were not tested.

It means that the 130/80 indicator is the norm for depriving vikovyh patients, older than 55-60-65 years, and for helping children from 80 years of age, to be healthy deprived of their brains, if the indicated indicators do not change. For young people, a healthy arterial grip, like and earlier, is 120/80 mm Hg. Art.

To clean up, if you come back to lowering the norms of the increased arterial grip, help you to fix the problems with your heart and soul, in order to reduce the mortality rate.

Arterial grip behind the wick

For the grown-ups, the whole body is proud of the quiet changes. Sudin is that heart, naturally, it is also to be embarrassed. Through stress, improper handling, recession and negative factors, wear of arteries, attaching to the walls of those processes, which helps to gradually harden the robots of the heart meat, quickly come to life.

For older adults, who have been diagnosed with an ailment of the heart-vascular system, it is recommended to carry out a revision of the arterial vise in the normal mode and keep a table with dynamism. One hour you can freeze the pulse at the quiet station and also fiksuvati yogo. Sukupn_st tsikh danih gives an active picture of the manifestation of pathologies of the Sudin.

As a result of memory, from growing up, the norm of the arterial grip of a troch grows. Possible periodic outputs of the trimmed message if the parameter is changed beyond the upper boundary line. Yaksho tse Transition of trocha more than 10 units And there are no more active physical activities, trivial physical robots, then special drives for the rest of the world. Alert maє stiyke systematically perevischennya in the camp of calm.

The rate of arterial vise for the wick

Chim is the oldest old man, he is stronger than the judge in her. To see the price through the back of a decrease in tone, decrease on the walls, for example, cholesterol, blood clot. Krym, heart-and-again, it also changes, for the purpose of organizing the table below the table of norms of arterial grip for grown-ups has been drawn below.

Vik, rokiv







Nemovlyat up to 1 rock

It is possible, therefore, that, for example, for a forty-headed man and a woman, the meaning of a troch is growing. Choloviche trokhi vishche. The price can be explained by a large mass, by the volume of the body and the power of a person to showcase a large physical appearance.

The rate of arterial vise pislya 50 rocks

Those who will have an arterial grip are also infused with the hormonal dust of the people. Especially steroids are prone to occur, as there is instability in the presence in the blood, and in the course of a vital overwakening of the body, it will turn into a great imbalance. The wine is infused with a number of beats in the heart and with a similarity of arteries, so that the result falls within the limits of up to 50 rockets in the case of a higher value near regions 134-138, and lower ones 82-85 it can be seen from the displayed table. Well, I know, the maximum grip of calmness is not allowed.

What's the factor in pouring into the arterial vise of the overbearing one? For example, women have up to 50 years of age to fix the process by name klimax, before we start to get deprived of the level of hormones in the body, and as inheritance, on the indicators of arterial grip. In such a rank, the development of hypertension in females is of great importance.

Arterial vise of 60 rocks

To reach 60 years of growth, the trend is to increase the indicators in the norms of AT Trivia. Systolic grip here growth 140, and daily show 85. These hormonal changes to the body of the trochie increase the value of life. Rowed with cholovychim.

For older people over 60 years old, normal indicators are 140 to 90, as in people 25 births means the appearance of pathological incapacitation. ...

Constipation ailments

In addition to the factor, the AT continually advances the state of the art, provoking deterioration in the exchange of words, nirkova lack, curiosity and alcoholic drinks. Pislya smoked cigarettes sounding drinny sudini, scho step-by-step it is good to bring up to a change the education of important arteries and viclikati hypertonic ailments. It’s wrong to work with nirki, there’s an excess of the hormone aldosterone, which leads to the growth of indicators in the internal vice. A high risk of arterial hypertension and in older adults who are hungry for diabetic diabetes, in general, are more likely to try to improve their mental capacity to the adoption of a different kind on the inner surface. With such a rank, it is necessary to start looking for health in order to get the arterial grip of the norm. For all the time you are in the course and trim under the control of chronic illnesses and shkidliv calls.

Yak zapobigti hypertension?

By the best approach of prophylaxis є post-war monitoring of arterial grip. Bagato klinik bezkoshtovno carry out the procedure, in addition, it is possible to smoke an adjunct under the name of the tonometer, which is in automatic mode to change the indicators. Its accuracy is not dependent on whim, but it is possible to detect strong fungi. More beautifully, in parallel, freeze the pulse and shortly fix all the parameters of the tables in the file.

Hypertension is even more advanced, often it does not appear before the transition to a serious pathological camp, which requires a serious addiction. Call the ailment to recover from an unsuccessful hypertensive crisis, that from 45 rocks slid vyrobiti in a dog to a regular vimir arterial vise.

The arterial grip is a vital indicator of the primordial nature of the heart-vascular system, as it is possible to be visually stunned by the body. Awareness of physiological norms signals about the problem of health. Yakoyu є thought of likars about the inter-indicators of the arterial vice?

Yak to form an indicator of AT?

Shelter, which is located in the vessels, poured a mechanical infusion into the walls. A purely technical grip in the arteries and veins. Along with the tonometer, there are important moments.

When the heart meat is fast, the shelter wicks out from the shlunochki at the judge. Tsei impulse sash so called upper, or systolic vise. There is a warm shelter to grow along the vessels, and the minimum level of the soul, with a bit of a heartbeat at the phonendoscope, yes, "lower", or even a diastolic indicator. This is how the result is formed - a figure that represents the body for a given moment.

Normal indicators - what are the stinks of the bootie?

In the medical center, there are super-crossings that have indicators that are in vimir vise. Bagatorazovo had the norms of arterial grip in grown-ups. The table demonstrates which numbers were shown by cardiologists and therapists for every hour of the CPCP.

The indicator of systolic vise rozrahovuvsya for such a formula:

109 + (0.5 x wik) + (0.1 x wag),

and the level of diastolic - like this:

63 + (0.1 x wik) + (0.15 x wag).

The lower cordon norms the vice of systole at 110 mm Hg. Art., top - 140 mm. These indicators, which appeared to be the pose of the frame, were taken for pathology. Similarly, the lower boundary was equal to 60 mm Hg. Art., top - 90 mm. By picking up the numbers at once, we will take into account the growth of indicators in the rates from 110/60 to 140/90. At the same time, they organize a lot of therapists and cardiologists of the old school at their own lykarsk practice.

Happy look at the AT readings

Decreased on the basis of numerical dosage boules vivedin іnshi norms of arterial grip in grown-ups. The table, yak vikoristovutsya at our hour, folded by the WHO at 1999 r. Vyhodyachi from her, between the norms the vice of systole is in the range from 110 to 130 mm Hg. Art., diastolic - 65-80 mm. Quite a number of people are ready to start with up to 40 rockets.

In the middle of the year, there are no single thoughts, besides, they are indicators of the norm, and they are pathological. When they are tight they are, like a grip є normal, “comfortable” for a particular patient, and write down the information from the most powerful words. On the basis of diagnostics and diagnostics, one should take one of the indicators. The numbers below 110/60 and 140/90 are all the same vvazhatimutsya signs of pathological changes.

A working grip - well tse take?

Tsei viraz can be found near the beggar. Understandings of the "working" grip mean such indicators, for which people feel comfortable, unaffected by those who, one of them, any offense - a systolic and dyastolic - a sutta movement of decrease. At the same time, setting yourself aside will not be able to predict this problem.

Cardiologists do not fail to understand the "working" grip of the patient. Indicators of food 140/90 of the middle age are classified as hypertension. In fact, you can be those who, in turn, on the walls of the Sudin accumulate cholesterol, which makes them sound. Klinicheskoy seryozhennya nemaє, allergic development of pathology of growth in razi.

Thoughts of foreign students

In the lands of the victim, from one side, and in America and Canada - from the other, it is accepted to come up to the norms of arterial grip for grown-ups. The table demonstrates how the patient's camp is classified in the form of indicators.

The arterial vise at rivni 130/90 can be used for hypertension, so that it is pathological. The level of systolic indices is 110-125 mm Hg, and the diastolic ones - less than 80 are called at the Entry "as a result of the heart". In our country the vice of 130/90 will be the norm for physically advanced people who are actively involved in sports, for people over 40 years old.

In Western Europe, it is analogous to the standard of the heart-vascular system, but in scientific literature, it is possible to develop actions similar to those of the victims of the norms of the given. Sposter a curious look at the norms of the arterial clutch in the grown-ups: the table revenge terms that are not important to us - “low normal”, “normal” and “high normal”. The indicator 120/80 is taken as the standard.

Vіkovі zmіni

When we are older than a man, we are a servant of a serpent to become aware of a judgment and a heart. Stress, improper eating, decline in mental capacity - everything is infused into the camp of health. For people with diagnosed pathology, we recommend a daily vimiruvati vise. More beautifully, as the indicators will be written down to special tables. Here you can enter the data on the pulse.

With a step-by-step change in the norm of arterial grip in grown-ups. The table that the pulse at the end of the day gives an active information about the changes at the station of the Sudin. At that moment, the figures were changed to the norm for the patient, but not at all for the panika - an increase of 10 mm Hg. Art. vvazhaєnim acceptable for physical navantazhennya, perhaps even during a trivial working day. And the axis of the stike, stretching out for a trivial hour, is a sign of pathology, which can develop.

Chi maє vise move with wick?

Vyazhayuyu on the change of vessels, it is seen through a decrease in the tone of the arteries and the decrease in cholesterol on the walls, as well as changes in the robotic myocardium, the normal rate of the arterial vise in the older adults (table).

For women of 40 years, the average indicator is 127/80, for children for children it is 129/81. It’s worth explaining to them, that the people, as a rule, show great physical growth, and the masa їkh tila bіlsha, nіzh wіth women, wіth thеіr thаt іn thеіr thеіr thе vice.

Dynamism of indicators of 50 years

The indicators of AT are infused with a level of growth hormones, especially steroids. It’s unstable in the blood, and because of the rocks, before an hour wake up the body, a greater imbalance has been started. The price is infused and into the blood of the Sudins. The average rate of arterial grip for women of 50 years is averaged for women who are old and 137/84, and for people of a similar type - 135/83. Numerous figures, which are for such indicators in the camp of calmness, are not guilty.

Through what factors do the norm of the arterial grip of the grown-ups move? The table (women have 50 years of risk of developing hypertension, some of them are able to repair hormonal changes, so the titles of Klimax), obviously, you can't say this. They may also endure stresses for the body - vaginism and canopy (like the smell of boules). The statistical value of the development of arterial hypertension in a woman over 50 years of age, but not in a person, is similar through the growth in the processes of aging.

Indicators of pislya 60 rocks

The tendency, which has risen in front of the rock, is getting better. Prodovzhu zbіlshuvatis norm of arterial vise for grown-ups (table). For women of 60 years, the average value of the road is 144/85, for choloviks - 142/85. It is weak to become cheaply faster at the rate of growth of indicators (through the same hormonal changes).

After 60 years of normal AT, it physiologically changes the standard indicators of 140/90, but not before for the establishment of the diagnosis of "arterial hypertension". Practitioners are rich enough to be attracted to the camp of the health of children of a kidnapped person and to the appearance of their scarg. Krim vimiryuvannya AT, for the control of the heart-vascular system, the cardiogram stagnates, on any pathology of the turn it is obvious, but not at the indicators of a vice.

Adjacent pathology

Krim vіku, systematically pіvischennya vise provoke the ruined exchange of words, ailments nirok, shkіdlivі calls and іn. When the robots are damaged, the hormone aldosterone is violated, which can also produce an arterial vise until it is damaged. Rizik of hypertension of diabetics, whose judges are especially sick to the point of being on the inner walls. Nowadays, the prevention of the main illnesses allows them to save the grip of the norm and life to active lives.

Causes of hypotonia

Krym pіdvischennya, among the bagatokh people, the young and the older ones are encouraged to reduce the vice. While it’s a stable indicator, it’s practically dumb for the first time. Physiologically low arterial grip can be found in miniature girls or in young people asthenic complex. Proceedings are not ruined at all.

As soon as I lower the grip of a rape-rapt, I will bring it to death, then I can also cause a heart failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, a disturbed rhythm and an internal bleeding, when I see it. For such symptoms, it is necessary to go through a period of time.

Yak slidkuvati for indicators?

The best mother at home is a blood pressure monitor and use the AT technology. The procedure is awkward, and it can be skinny. Otrimanі danі slіd bring in to the schooler of the table. There you can also briefly write about your self-esteem, heart rate, physical information.

Often, arterial hypertension does not show itself as a sign of doth, the docks do not provoke a crisis - the development of an arterial grip. Tsei stan can be without life of insecure inheritance, for example, hemorrhagic insult chi infarction. Bazhano zaprovaditi sob at the little bitch for 40-45 rocks regularly vimiruvati vise. This also helps to significantly reduce the risk of hypertension development.

The people of the bagatom goiters are not used to the Italian Riva-Rochchi, which, for example, has passed away the capital of the device, which is the arterial vise (AT). On the ear of the last century, the wines miraculously supplemented the Russian teachings of N.S. Korotkov, proponuvav the technique of vim_ryuvannya vise in the shoulder artery with a phonendoscope. Want apartment Riva-Rochchi Buv bulky in the case of normal blood pressure monitors and fair mercury, the principle of this robot does not change as much as 100 rocky. The first doctors loved him. It is a pity that nowadays a small (mechanical and electronic) new generation has been added to the museum. And from auscultatory method of N.S. Korotkova Dose with us and successfully victorious as both physicians and patients.

De norm?

The norm of the arterial grip of the grown-ups has been taken into account120/80 mm Hg. st. Ale khiba tsey exponent can be fixed, like a living organism, like a lyudin, the whole hour is guilty of pristosovuvatisya until the minds of devilry? Those people are all great, so in the clever gaps of blood, the grip of the blood still sees.

Infographics: RIA Novini

Don't worry, modern medicine was taken from the number of folding formulas to form an arterial vise, and such parameters were taken to respect, how to become, vik, vaga, prosthetics on the same є. For example, for an asthenic "lightweight" woman a vice 110/70 mm Hg. Art. vvazhaєte completely normal, and as AT move by 20 mm Hg. Art., won not uniformly tse vіdchuє. So the grip of 130/80 mm Hg will be the norm. Art. for a trained young man. Also, the athletes wondered if they wanted to.

On the back of the arterial vice, all one thing is to put in such factors, such as physical design, psychomotional situation, climate and weather. , perhaps, I didn’t have a high blood pressure, I’m alive in the іnshіy land. In addition, the fact is that on the Black African continent, the middle of the AH population can be deprived of a child, and negroes in the United States suffer en masse? Go, you just from race not to accumulate AT.

However, it’s as if the grip doesn’t grow very much (10 mm Hg. Art.), And it’s not possible to give people the opportunity to stick to the midst, so that, occasionally, it’s all about the norm and don’t let me think about it.

In addition, the arterial grip also grows. It is tied up with the wickedness of the court, as it is that they put on their walls. In practically healthy people, the increase in pressure is not great, so the vice can move by 10-15 mm Hg. stovp.

If the AT value is equal to the rub_zh 140/90 mm Hg. st., there will be a stiff trimaty on a number of figures, and sometimes on the mountain collapses, such people will be diagnosed with an arterial hypertension of a specific step, which will be the value of a vice. Otzhe, for older adults there are no norms of arterial grip on the wick, є there is only a small margin for wіk. And the axis for children is cheap.

Video: how can you take the arterial grip of normi?

And what about the children?

The arterial grip of children can see them as they grow older. I grow up, I can fix it from the people, there is a chance to finish it quickly, because of growing up, I grow up with children in the middle of the age, and I can reach the level of the arterial clutch of the grown-up people. Zvychayno, bulo b marvelous, yakbi grip of such a little new-born child, yaka, everything is still new, bulo 120/80 mm Hg. Art.

Budova of all organs of the child, which only was born, has not yet been completed, is not the only part of the heart-court system, i.e. The judges of the newly born elastic, enlightened are wide, the hem of the capillaries is larger, so the vice is 60/40 mm Hg. Art. youmu will be the absolute norm. If you want, maybe, you know, the fact that in the aorta of new women you can see the lingering beaches of the same colora, which, of course, do not pour it on your health and go for an hour. Ale tse so, enter.

In the world of the development of a baby that is forgiving to his body, the arterial grip moves and until the fate of life, the numbers 90-100 / 40-60 mm Hg will be normal. Art., and the value of the growth of the people of the child is even less up to rockiv 9-10. However, the vice is 100/60 mm Hg. Art. If you are normal, you will not be able to see anyone. And the axis of the normal fit for adults is the value of AT for the first time in the setting for the grown-ups 120/80. Ymovіrno, tse tied with a hormonal splash, lured by pіdlіtkovy vіku. For the normalization of the normal value of the arterial vise in children, pediatric patients special table, yaku mi proponuєmo to uvaga chitachiv.

ВікNormal minimum vise systoleNormal maximum vise systoleNormal minimum of a daily viseThe normal maximum of the diastolic vise
Up to 2 types 60 96 40 50
2-4 types 80 112 40 74
2-12 ms. 90 112 50 74
2-3 rocky 100 112 60 74
3-5 rock 100 116 60 76
6-9 rocks 100 122 60 78
10-12 rocks 110 126 70 82
13-15 rock_v 110 136 70 86

Problems with AT in children and children

Unfortunately, such a pathology as arterial hypertension is not a fault for a child's body. The labileness of AT is most often manifested in an old age, since it is too much for the body, but a pubertal period is not safe, but a person is often not mature enough, or even a child. Such a wick is folding and for the very people, and it is often to produce a vise before instability of the nervous system pidlitka, і for yogo batkіv, і for a doctor. However, pathological symptoms may be immediately noted and updated. Tse is already grown up.

The reasons for the increase in arterial grip in children and children can be the following:

As a result of these factors, the tone of the sudin is growing, the heart starts to work with new options, especially the tone of the senses. As long as you don’t live term new calls, you can create a diagnosis as well: arterial hypertension For, in short, for the tim chi іnshim type.

Vimiryuvannya vise in the minds of the home

We are talking about an arterial grip, so all people can see it. It’s not a folding one, the cuff is just right, it’s pumped up, it’s quietly letting go and hearing.

That's right, if you don't go to AT when you are old enough, I want to get started on the algorithms for changing the arterial grip, some of the ailments often shy away independently and do not depend on the methodology. The results will be recognized as inadequate results, and, apparently, the hypotensive conditions are not well-grounded. In addition, people who are discussing the upper and lower arterial grip, do not get a sense of what everything means.

For the correct vimir of the arterial, the vice is even more important, in any minds, the ludin is overwhelmed. Do not reject the "bad numbers", in America you will get a grip on the following rules:

  1. A comfortable environment for people, a vice like ts_kavit, is guilty of butti not less than 5 min .;
  2. For six months before manipulation, do not burn that do not take it;
  3. Bring a toilet, a sečovy mikhur buv no refills;
  4. Vrahovuvati vaprugu, sick vidchuttya, filthy self-respect, welcome likiv;
  5. The vice of two vimiryuvati on both hands, lying, sitting, standing.

Melodiously, it’s impossible to get ahead of us because of the time, it’s good for the commissary in the suvorh stationary minds to come up with this kind of wimir. Tim doesn’t mensh, pragmatic until the end of the day. For example, good would all the same wipe the grip at calm environment , having manually stepped in, or having planted a ludin, vrahovuvati injecting a "good" smoke break, an abnormally generated schilny obidu. Slid pam'yatati, take it hypotensive susceptibility it could have failed to kill its effect (it took a little hour) and didn’t grab a pill for the next step, having smitten an unimportant result.

Lyudina, Tim is bigger, as long as she's not healthy, you want to do a nasty job of getting a grip on your own (put on the cuff of someone else!). More beautifully than it is to kill chtos from relatives and susides. Duzhe earnestly required putі before the method of vimiryuvannya AT.

Video: vimіryuvannya vise with an electronic tonometer

Cuff, tonometer, phonendoscope ... systole and diastola

The algorithm for determining the arterial vise (auscultatory method by NS Korotkov, 1905) is even simpler, if everything is correct. Sit down a sick person by hand (it is possible to lie down) and fix a vimir:

  • Z cuffs, z'єднanoї s tonometer that pear, vipuskayut povitrya, squeezing її hollows;
  • Wrap a cuff around the patient's hand in a liktya (schilno and rivno), magayuchis, sob gum, the tube will be blown from the side of the artery, the wrong result can be rejected;
  • Vibrate the m_sce listen and vstanovlyuyut the phonendoscope;
  • Press on the cuff;
  • The cuff, when the artery is pressed against the artery, is 20-30 mm Hg in the vasny vise. Art. in a vise, when there is a rise in the sounds, it can be heard on the shoulders of the artery with a skin pulse;
  • By and large, you can hear the sounds of the artery on the back of the cuff;
  • The first sound, like a chuє phonendoscope, glance at the tonometer scale. Win means cutting through a port of blood through a flipped dilenka, a bit of a vice in the artery, having once again changed a vice at the cuff. A blow of blood, scho whirval, I call the wall of the artery in Korotkov's tone, top abo a systolic grip;
  • A series of sounds, noises, tones, which go beyond the systole, zooms to the cardiologists, and the ordinary people are to blame for the last sound, which is called daily or lower, it also means visually.

In such a rank, speedily, the heart of the Vishtovkh roof is in the artery (systole), I squeeze a grip on them, which is suitable for the upper abo systolic. The blood begins to grow up in the vessels, which leads to a decrease in the grip of the weakening of the heart (diastola). The last, lower, distal blow.

Prote є nuances.

At the same time, they set up, in case of artery vise, the traditional method of valuing it by 10% of the visibility of the true ones (straight vimir in the artery at the first puncture). There is a need to make a mistake with too much accessibility and simplicity of the procedure, before, as a rule, one way of arterial vise in one and the same patient is not enough, but rather allows you to change the amount of the pardon.

Besides, ailments do not appear to be the same complex. For example, thin people have lower magnitudes. And among others, navpaki, vishche, nіzh for good. Tsiu reznitsyu allows nіvelyuvati cuff with a width of 130 mm. However, it’s not just people. Obesity 3-4 steps often slow down the arterial vise on the ruts. In the case of a special cuff, use a special cuff on the nose.

There are drops, if, with the auscultatory method, AT in the interval between the upper and lower arterial grip at the sound hurts, there is a possibility of interruption (10-20 mm Hg. the most judgmental is the pulse. Tsey the phenomenon of names auscultatory "failure" what can be found in the upper or middle third amplitude in a vice. Such a "failure" is not to blame for being unremarkable, for the size of the grip of the systole will be taken as the lower value of AT (the lower inter-auscultatory "failure"). In some cases, it can be increased to 50 mm Hg. Art., scho, naturally, is strongly in line with the interpretation of the result and, apparently, likuvannya, as it is also known.

There is a certain amount of money in the edge of the land, and it can be unique. For the whole, one hour from the pumping of the wind into the cuff, the pulse is controlled on the interchange of the artery. It is necessary to adjust the grip of the cuff until it is enough to change the pulse rate.

The Phenomenon of "Unfinished Tone" kindly to children, sports doctors and at the military offices with regular prizewinners. By nature, this phenomenon is infused with a hyperkinematic type of blood circulation that low tone of the heart, the cause of which is a physical stress. This vypadku doesn’t fit into a distant grip, there’s a hostility, but it’s just a matter of zero. However, after a few days, in the weakened camp of a young people, the vimir of the lower grip does not become difficult.

Video: vimіryuvannya vise with the traditional method

Arterial vise (hypertension)

The reasons for the development of an arterial clutch in older adults are few and far between such children, however, are quiet, who are more responsible for the factors:

  1. Svychayno, scho to produce to the sound of the sudin and the p_vischennya of the arterial vise;
  2. AT clearly corelus with the overworldly wagon;
  3. Riven glucose (sugar diabetes) is further infused into the form of arterial hypertension;
  4. Overwhelming living of kitchen salt;
  5. Life at the place, at the same time, moving the vice of life in parallel to the accelerated pace of life;
  6. Alcohol. Mint tea and kava become the reason for deprivation of those, if they live in uncommon quantities;
  7. Oral contraceptives, such as vikoristovuyt a lot of women;
  8. Itself by its own kind, perhaps, I didn’t have to go to the reasons for the increased arterial grip, a little shkіdlivaya svichka nadto poured into the judges, especially peripheral;
  9. Low physical activity;
  10. Professional activity, tied with a high psycho-motive force;
  11. Drop the atmospheric grip; a change of weather minds;
  12. Bagato іnshikh zhvoryuvan, zokrema, і surgical.

People who suffer for arterial hypertension, as a rule, control their own condition, take drugs continuously to reduce arterial pressure, indicated by the drug in individualized doses. Tse can be booty, abo... The bad guys are not aware of the ailments about their ailment, the senses do not particularly think about arterial hypertension, and manifestations of this disease.

Protect all need to fix it, because of hypertension. It is necessary to pay attention to: for a one-time admission of an arterial clutch, for a reason for such a problem (stress, drinking alcohol in inadequate doses, for some likars' incidents), for example, there was a tendency before the next day, on the basis of

Zrozumіlo, scho chevechіrnє pіdyom AT in case of those who, throughout the day, the people carry overwhelmingly for themselves, that won’t be able to analyze the day, to know the reason to start before lіkuvannya (or preventive measures). Even more, in such cases, it is possible to alert the presence of arterial hypertension in the family, some of them seem to be ill at ease.

The arterial vice is fixed more than once, hi navit at numbers 135/90 mm Hg. Art., then it’s bazhano to fix it live, but it’s not very good. It is not necessary to go straight to the licks, you can get a chance to try to adjust the arterial grip to the regime of good practice, depending on the kind of food.

Especially the role of the whole plan is to lay down, soundly, dієtі. To make products that can reduce the arterial grip, it is possible for a trivial hour to do without pharmaceutical resources, otherwise it’s worth it, if you don’t forget about folk recipes, like revealing herbs.

The menu with such available products, yak chasnik, bilokachanna and Brussels sprouts, kvassol and peas, milk, baked potatoes, riba of the salmon family, spinach, you can wonderfully eat and not feel hunger. Bananas, kivi, orange, pomegranate can miraculously replace any dessert and at the same time normalize the arterial vice.

Video: hypertension in the program "Life is great!"

Low arterial grip ... (hypotonia)

Lowering the arterial grip I would not like to overwhelm with such ugly slowed down, like a high-pitched person, ale people living with him are uncomfortable. Call on such children to get more extensions in our days diagnostics of vegetative-sudinna (neurocirculatory) dystonia for hypotonic type, since for those who are familiar with uncomfortable minds, the arterial grip is underwhelmed, The sick kid has a cold pet, maybe an uncomfortable camp.

The reasons for the whole lack of laughter, the liking of such people is even more manageable and trivial, before that, it wasn’t given for a long-term reception, if ailments are often taken from fresh herbs, tea, cavu and an hour I’ll take tincture of tea, and I’ll take an infusion. Normalization of the arterial grip in such patients is also known to the regimen, and especially to sleep, which is necessary for at least 10 years. Kharchuvannya maє buti finish calorіynim, bo low vice vimagaє glucose. Green tea is beneficially infused on the court in case of hypotension, which pushes the grip of the grip and brings the people to them themselves, which is especially sweet. A cup of kawi can also help you, protest the memory of power, I will drink viclikati. so it’s uncomfortable to “go”.

Before the complex of health-improving visits with a low arterial grip, it should include:

  1. a healthy way of life (an active way of life, enough to spend on a fresh day);
  2. Visoka rukhova activity; doing sports;
  3. Water procedures (aroma baths, hydro massage, swimming pool);
  4. Sanatorium and health resort lykuvannya;
  5. Diet;
  6. Usunennya factors, scho provoke.

Help yourself!

As soon as problems arise with an arterial grip, it is not a matter of passive check, as soon as the car arrives and all the trouble. The success of prevention and treatment is abundant in what lies behind the most ailing. Apparently, if you have a meal at the hospital with a rapt due to a hypertensive crisis, then you should recognize the AT profile, and take the pills. Ale, if a patient comes to an outpatient clinic with scargs for a vice, then there will be a lot of brothers on yourself. For example, behind the words of the dynamical AT, it is important to to the sick(at the stage of caution for the selection of hypotensive disorders - the age, for the period of the trivial drug intake - 2 times 4 times per day, so that the skin is 3 months).

A schooler can be a very extravagant schoolyard, we can beat it for speed by the graphs. Slid memory, wimir of the first day, I want to fail, or not to fail. Vrantsi (6-8 years old, albeit obov'yazkovo until the reception) and in the evenings (18-21 years old) it is necessary to stay in 2 vimiri. Zrozumіlo, it will be more beautiful, as if the patient emerges so neatly, so that the grip of the skin will be visible for 12 years in one and the same hour.

  • I think there are 5 quills, but if it’s a little bit of an emotion or a physical spill, then і 15-20 quills;
  • For a year before the procedure, do not drink mint tea and kava, do not think about alcoholic drinks and do not think about them, do not smoke anymore (be patient!);
  • Do not comment on the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bimiruval, do not negotiate news, pam'yatati, but with vimir AT maє buti quiet;
  • Sit by hand, firm your hand on a hard surface.
  • The value of the arterial vise should be carefully entered into the zoshit, then by showing your records to the doctor.

You can talk about the arterial grip, even more love the work of sickness, sitting in the office of the doctor, you can protect yourself, even if you are happy with the recommendation that you should not, even the skin has its own reason for the loss of your own arteries. For children, the drugs, which reduce the grip, take more than one day, it is more beautiful to trust one person - a lykary.

Video: arterial grip of the program "Life is Great!"


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