Om vajra guru padma Sidhi hum meaning. How to drink the mantra of guru rinpoche

Om vajra guru padma Sidhi hum meaning. How to drink the mantra of guru rinpoche

Text-skarb, read by Tulku Karma Lingpoy

I prostrate before the Guru, Yidam and Dakin.

I, the modest woman Yeshe Tsogyal, shattered the childish call, inner and inner mandala, and humbly fed:

“About Meister's Lotus Regions! Pratsi, you zdіysnyush for the good of all living things in Tibet - great for all that life. Nichto, hoping for some kind of extreme kindness, not knowing earlier and not appearing at once. Practices, which you have passed on to us, are brought up to day-to-day nectar; I wish I was just a modest woman, and I don’t have any money. However, they live in a maybutnyy matimut wealth of thoughts and neurotic aggression; stink of mercy, look at the Holy Dharmi, і, zokrem, hanbiti vishchi vchenya Taєmnoi Mantri. During the whole period there is a plague, hunger and a way to widen the middle of living things - and China, Tibet and Mongolia, zokrema, will be richer, like goose bumps. For Tibetans, this is a period of terrible fellow citizens.

Having described so abundantly the ways to put it down, it’s just a matter of time for practice. Tі, hto I think I must be smart before practice, I’m stuck with strained transitions. However, you will not get along one with one; resources and materials will be lacking. Some zhakhlivy parts are superbly foldable. Guru, who are overwhelmed by that, why should you give yourself up to the practice of the Vajra Guru mantri? For the blessing of people who may be overpowered with a weak intellect, I humbly ask you to help us. "

Meister's lotus-regency saying as follows:

“About Pani, overpowered by the truth, what you said as a whole. In some cases of maybut, practice, madly, brings us a lot of short-string and dovgostrokov cinnamon. I would like to take the helpless earthly belongings, belongings near the water, belongings near the skeletons, heavenly belongings, and so far, so far, to take revenge on the inexperienced days of the day, institute those methods of practice, for an hour when the times are important for those who are happy to know This is a sign of the fact that the merit is to be seen.

Tim is not mensh, at some part of the day there is a mantra of Vajra Guru - as well as for the great pragmatists of bodhichity there will be for a long time (one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, ten million great, one hundred and so far) monasteries, on the peaks of high mountains and on the banks of great rivers, in places inhabited by gods, demons and evil spirits, at the tops of the valleys, at geophysical universities and so far away with non-smart miracles, monks and three nuns, With a touch and so far, it did bring neymovirnі vid and coristіtі and strength. Lands everywhere will be stolen from the violent motives, hunger, war, violent violence, miserable harvests, rotten signs and evil spells. Dosch this hour, the harvest and thinness will be miracles, and the earth will flourish. In a whole life, in a life of maybut, that on the bardo paths, in the distance there is a practical knowledge, and in the distance there is less vividness - in the short-cut right; for well in vidinnyah, for shonaimenshe in dreams. Proceedingly, having brought to perfection the rivni that shlakhi, the stench, it’s insane, come to the State of the Household - the people and women - at Ngayab Lingu.

To navigate a hundred repetitions for a day, so that you can stay without interruption, make you feel addicted to them, and the wealth that will show up without hardships. If you repeat the mantra a thousand, ten thousand, or more times a day, then with your writing, scold those who are pouring in, and the blessings will continue without interruption and will be known without success. As soon as you visit one hundred thousand, ten million or more repeat, three worlds to consume your power; three rіvnі buttyа will be in order to your glorious panuvannya; gods and spirits will follow your bazhannyam; If you see an enlightened activity, you will be able to come without any steps, and you will be able to bring a limitless crimsonness to all of our living creatures - in any necessary key. If you can visit thirty million, seventy million or more repetitions, then do not part with the buddhas for three hours, or do not part with me; by such a rank, all the classes of gods and spirits listen to your orders, wiggle your words and be sure to be a master, as you do it.

In a short time it is practical to reach the height of the rail; as soon as it does not become, at the moment of death, the clear light of the mother and child will appear; It’s less practical to pamper me in the bardo, and all those who see it will be healthy in their day-to-day nature. The smell of being reborn in Ngayab Ling and realizing an immeasurable good for the living isstot.

So he said.

“Great Maister, my dear, who told us about some endless trips and strengths. Ty buv is incredibly kind. If I want an explanation of how Guru Padmi's mantri has been rewarded and the strength of his mantri is unburned, I humbly ask you to give us a short description for the good of the living. "

asked for it.

The Great Meister said this:

“Oh noble daughter! The Vajra Guru mantra is not just my day-to-day mantra, but the life of the deities of the tantri classes, nine carriages, 84,000 aspects of the Dharmi and also of the inshe. The qi mantra will love the heart of all buddhas three hours, lamas, deities, dakins, zhisnikiv Dharmi tosho. The reason for this is the offensive. Hear respectfully and feel it in your heart. Repeat the mantra. Write її. Let us tell you about how we live in a lot of things.

OM A: HUM є finding the day of enlightenment, move that rozumu.
Vajra is the essence of the vajra family.
GURU є finding the day of the family of ratna.
PADMA є the best day of the Padma family.
SIDDKHI is the best day of the karmis family.
HUM the founding day of the Buddha family.


OM є povna sambhogaka of five buddha-homelands.
A: є Dharmaka is not known.
HUM povna nirmanaka - Guru Rinpoche.
Vajra is the Zbori of the Heruk deities.
GURU the presence of the deities at the warehouse of lamas - the master of knowledge.
SIDDKHI is the heart of all the deities of the richness and the possessions of those possessions.
HUM є with the heart of the skin without the blame of the dharmi.


OM A: HUM є with the heart of three tantri classes.
Vajra is the heart of wine and sutri.
GURU is the heart of abhidharmi and kriya yoga.
PADMA is the heart of the upa-i yoga-tantri.
SIDDHI is the heart of maha-i anu-yoga.
HUM is the heart of Ati Yoga Dzogchen.


OM A: HUM cleans the dependency of three pink ones.
VAJRA cleans up the dependence of hatred and trade.
GURU will cleanse the dependence on pride.
PADMA will cleanse the dependence of the keen bazhanna and the courtesy.
SIDDHI cleans up the dependence of zeal / zeal.
HUM cleans up the dependence of the pardon and the emotion that is turbulent.


VM A: HUM daruє dosagnennya trioh kai.
Wajer is a gift to the achievement of mirror-like wisdom.
GURU is the gift of reaching the wisdom of equanimity.
PADMA is the gift of reaching the wisdom of development.
SIDDKHI the gift of the achievement of all-good wisdom.
HUM is the gift of the achievement of everything, to walk with the primordial wisdom.


OM A: HUM calmed down gods, spirits and people.
Vadzher pidkoryu gandharva that spirits in the fire.
GURU podkoryu vladyka death and spirit-demons.
PADMA podkoryuє water gods and spirits, how to cheer shkodi, how to pan over the rose.
SIDDKHI cannibalized demons who inhabit the mountain ridges and passes.
HUM is the source of the demons of the planets and the gods of the world.


With the help of ZM A: HUM there is a lot of borderline details.
Behind the help of Vajra, all peaceful activities come.
For the help of the GURU, all the extraordinary activities are being supported.
For the help of PADMA, there is all the activity that I can enjoy.
Behind the help of SIDDHI, there is all the enlightenment of activities.
Through HUM, all active activities can be done.


ОМ А: HUM vidverta zdіysnuvane for the help of Kinjals Chaklunism of Buddhists and Bontsіv.
Vajra is a doorway to the power of the deities of wisdom.
The GURU is a doorway to the school of eight classes of gods and demons.
PADMA is a doorway to the power of worldly gods and spirits.
SIDDHI is a doorway to a school of strength or nakedness and gods of the world.
HUM at the door of the school is due to all three: gods, demons and people.


OM A: HUM to beggar, or five will be removed.
VAJRA ruined the hate and vidtorgnennya.
GURU beggars or proud.
PADMA ruined a keen bazhanna and courtesy.
СІДДХІ ruined or overwhelmed.
HUM ruinu the power of gods, demons and people.


Behind the help of OM A: HUM know the achievement of enlightened tila, move that rosum.
Behind the help of VAJRA is to know the reaching of the peaceful and oppressive deities.
Behind the help of the GURU, there is the reach of lamas - the master of knowledge.
Behind the help of PADMA is the achievement of dakin and zhisniki dharmi.
Behind the help of SIDDHI there is a sense of that extraordinary achievement.
Behind the help of HUM, you know whether you are reaching out to you.


OM A: HUM to transfer from a quietly pure kingdom.
Vajra is to transfer the field of the buddhas in the world, I am obviously glad.
To transfer the GURU to the pivdenne field of the Buddhas of Slavi.
PADMA to transfer the field of Bliss to the buddhas.
SIDDKHI to transfer the field of the Buddhas of the Vseudosyazhnoi Diya to the pivnichne field.
HUM to transfer to the central field of the Buddhas of Imperishability.


With the help of OM A: HUM to reach the rivn of the master learned three kai.
For the help of VAJRA, one can reach the level of learning, which is perebuvaє on the level of the master.
For the help of the GURU, the r_ven of the master of the master of the immortal life can be reached.
For the help of PADMA, one can reach the ryven of the master of the great friend.
For the help of SIDDKHI, one can reach the level of the master of the spontaneous presence.
Through HUM it is possible to reach the level of growth of the mature master of learning.


One repetition of the Vajra Guru mantri is a gift that is physical and will allow you to enjoy your meal. Be it alive, to chant a mantra, to feel about it, or to think about it, to enter in a singing order until the masters learn about the people and women. The Vajra Guru mantra є the word of truth is not infallible; as long as the bazhans won't become you, as if I called you, Padma, fooling living things - it's absurd! I am not fooling you - everything will become as if I am surprised.

If you are unsuccessful, repeat the mantra, vikoristovyte, then decorate the tops of the warriors and praying warrants; alive and well, imprisoned by ourselves in the morning, without any words, will be sound. In іnshomu write її on the grabs of pagorbivs, trees and stones; I want the stench to be sanctified, everything that goes through and back, to be purified from ailments, obsession with spirits and depends. Spirits and demons, who linger in the world, bring prosperity and wealth. Write її in gold on the archives of the paper іndigo and expand it; demons, who overwhelm the strength of those evil spirits, will not be able to naughty you. If you put the mantra on the corpse immediately after death and not clean up, during the cremation you will start the raid colori, and the evidence will not undoubtedly be transferred to the Beatitude of the Kingdom of Amitabhi. Perevagi rewritten, recitation and recitation of the mantri Vajra Guru bezmіrnі. For the blessing of the living, write down the whole thing. Don't go to the team, hoping for success and merit. Gya Gya Gya

See quietly, to whom the lured pardons look, it is sealed as a tamnitsa. Gya Gya Gya
Dovіreno team, hto sberіgaє clean samі ... Gya Gya Gya

Tulku Karma Lingpa has taken over the possessions and rewrote it from the golden suvoy.

| Translated from Tibetan to English by Haydi Nevin (Darjeeling, India, September 9, 2002). Russian translation - Ven. Lobsang Tenpa, 2017 rooku worm.

Infectious I want to give you practice, as I can really help you, if you will suffer through the great confusion of that grief. This practice, as my teacher, Jam'yang Khyantse, giving it to people, as they passed through the emotional and rosumovy of sorrow and discord, and I know from the strong admiration, that you can bring a great lodging in that moment. Life be-someone, hto yes, svitovi vchennya, so it’s ours, є not easy. If I was young, there would be a lot of crises and twisting moments, if I started calling, I would like to continue working, thinking about something, but I would like to represent my readers. And once I saw for myself, I found a practice є redefining, and what my readers often said, that the practice of Padmasambhavi is very good, if you go through the end of the day, then you have the power, you need to know what you need to know stolittya.

Otzhe, shhorazu, if you are at the root, tortured and depressed, if you see, then you can’t continue, see if your heart is ripped, I will robotize your practice. One mind for effective practice is that you need to work with great strength, and those that you need to ask for, that you need to know about help.

If you are practicing meditation, then you’re mathing the heart and soul of the country, and you can viplivty speechless from your past lives, or from your life, because it’s not easy to wonder in disguise. You can see those who are in your meditation marriage, the wisdom of those who have become, you can grow up with them, and your meditation, as if at once є, leave the lack. In general, you will need those, which I call "heart practice". I wonder, if people don't have a lot of practice, similar to the point, I see that in the course of time I see that as you see it, in your intelligence, that you will be imperceptibly pertinent, but you will not become dull.

The clamor

Call out in front of you the presence of an enlightened spirit, that you are the most overpowering, and respect, that all the buddhas, bodhisattvas and teachers are attracted to you. For me, as I have already said, to such contentions є Padmasambhava. If you can’t shake your mind of the new form, you’re just stronger in the presence, - call on you to see the unfinished power, in the spirit of that blessedness.


Open your heart to all your pains and to your fellow citizens to see the enlightened essence. If you see that you can cry, then don't stream: let your tears flow and ask for help. You should know that I’m the one who’s here I’ll bring up for you, the one who’s hearing you, who’s thinking about you with love and who’s spivchuttyam without any condemnation, remaining your friend. To be vicious to new, or to her, from your gibini pain, vimovlyayu mantra, mantra, as you can vikoristovuvatysya stretching out hundreds and thousands of times as quickly as cleansing and cleansing.

Fill your heart with bliss

Now declare and know that the buddha, who you call, will show you with great love, spirituality, wisdom and strength. The giant promenade of lights will be right up to you from the beginning. To perceive, how light, like nectar, I will remember your heart and transform all your fellow citizens into bliss.

Yakos Padmasambhava, how to sit at the position of meditation, with a loving laugh at the guise, stretching out at your robes and clothes, appear before you, creating and feeling warm and comfortable.

We call it "Great Bliss". Yogo hands, it is possible to lie on the knees, to tighten the bowl, broken from the upper part of the skull. Vona is reminiscent of the nectar of Great Bliss, which swirls and і ісristim - the dzherel of the general restoration. Wien to sit without turbulence on a lotus quartz, dripping with an uncluttered halo of light.

Think about it, that wine is an endless warmth and love, a dream of happiness and calm, calm and vision. Open your heart, let your fellow citizens go, ask for additional help. Imagine the yogi mantra:


See now thousands of light changes, as they resemble one another or another heart. To perceive, that the nectar of Great Bliss, that one is in the cup of the skull, that one is in his hands, rewires the joy and spills on you with an uninterrupted stream of the incoming golden light. Win vitikє at your heart, remind you and transform your fellow citizens into bliss.

Filled with cym with nectar, which is the vitikak of Padmasambhavi of the Great Bliss, a divine practice, which often came to my teacher: Nicholas didn’t see me from a great natural, that extra dose in that hour

It is sacred in honor of the day of the people of Guru Padmasambhavi, as I fall on the 10th of the fifth month of the calendar in Tibet, sparing about 4 years in the monastery of the Nyingma school Org'un Herukai in the presence of the Yogi Holiness of the Dalai Lamas. The deafening sounds of trumpets commemorated the ear of ganachakri, or the tsog, set in the cycle of Rigzin Dhondup. About three years later, after a short interruption, a ceremony was held for the fate of the oracles. Vona served as a story about history, which became at the 8th century, since the abbot of Shantarakshit, Guru Padmasambhava and Tsar Trisong Detsen tied with the oath of the nefarious owner Pehar, who promised to preserve the traditions of the spiritual people and the world.

The monks, with the back of their prayers, from the sound of drums, called out to the temple five oracles, among them the sovereign oracle Nechunga, Nanchen Tkhangla, Dorzhde Yudronma, Gyaltsen Karma Trinle, and also there is no woman who is divine, medial. Kozhen і from oracles pіdіyshov up to the Yogo Holiness and having caught up his povaga. That at his own heart, he wondered about the obedience of protecting the Buddhist traditions of Tibet and calling out through the power of viconuaty of his crops in the ninth critical situation.

Then the statue of Guru Padmasabhava was blamed outside the temple, and the process, ocholyuvannya oracles, who went through a trance at the camp, went around the temple. This ceremony will exactly repeat the one that was seen earlier in Tibet in the Nechung Monastery. Turning to the temple, the oracles again approached the Yogo Holiness. When they entered the trance, the media were promptly brought to the street and played in their folding outfits. Having come to you, the mediums once again showed up at the temple, and they gave them bili hadaks for a sign of goodwill.

The other half of the day had more people: for approximate assessments in the month, there were 10 thousand people close to the birch trees of the Zibralosa lake. On the way to this Yogo Holiness having broken a short zupinka and blessed the library of "The Partnership of Padmasambhavi", as if he fell asleep one of the largest scholars of the Tibetan childish village. There are about 7 thousand books in the collection of the Year's Library. Arriving before the night of the day, Yogo Holiness appeared on the stage, traveling dear old friends and exchanging fires with them, before the mandala and waiting for the preparation ceremony to dedicate to Rigzin Dhondup. The ending of the wine has taken its place on the throne and has turned to the presence.

“Diami tila, move that rosum, and that bastard karma is good. Having tidied up the rose, we know control over the actions of tila and movi. Zagalom, if we do not want a countryman for us, because of the power of the will, it’s done, because it’s how to make a shkodi and how to breed a countryman. We will be built, well, we’re healthy and wealthy, we have become quite happy, but if we’re happy to lie down in the future. To tidy up ruinous emotions, to tidy up the rosum, you need to know about reality.

"The water of the Buddha does not snort the abominations, the countrymen cannot learn the truth by hand." Oh, goodness is in showing us the reality and the way to the sound. Ignorance can be forgiven the ignorant for what it is, or perhaps it is not for the unknowable statements about reality. Great is the pardon of viriti, for Buddha can make us smitten. Everywhere there was a feeling of anxiety about those, nіbi speeches of nіbіlenі samobuttyam. We respect you, but our “I” is the head of the Lord of our tila and rozumu. However, the "I", overwhelmed by samobuttyam, is not sleepy; "I" - the whole meaning, superimposed on the body and mind. Buddha zvіlnyayut іstot his vchennya.

If everything is miraculous in our life, it’s easy to guess about Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, prote, as soon as we come, I’ll forget about them. Let me give you one history, as I am telling you as Karmapi Rinpoche. One nomad from Kham gave birth to his yaks near Lhasu. On the way they had a little rychka, and a kochivnik, turning for blessings to the Karmapi, repeating: “Karmapa khyun-no”, if one of them took a leak, his mood quickly changed, and he wondered what happened to you. ! ””

Having respected this Holiness, the very unkind actions and ruinous emotions, how our neural ones come to know about the reality, breed fellow citizens. However, yakbi countrymen pinch bulo unhappily, Buddha did not become bi about tse talk. The wisdom of understanding selflessness is one of the factors, which is the victoriousness of ignorance, and in the world of understanding the clarity of the rose, mi bachimo, that the Buddha's idea of ​​spiraling on the logical obruntuvannya. Yogo Holiness sprang one more vidadoc about the Baghkan Kham, who came to pat the abbot of the monastery, and even that did not appear on the scene. The yak was told to the pilgrim, the abbot viralized the elders to the village of Niblijchie. Yogo Holiness is blessed, but in the beginning of the Dharmi there is no fear of fear.

“The knowledge of that intelligence is plodding, the axis of which I call my friends to re-create small churches on the libraries of that center of the city. More than 300 volumes of Kangyur and Tengyur are necessary to read, to lay the foundation for a fake vivchennya, and not to fall asleep with a saw on policemen and vivtars.

In his own creation "60 stanzas mirkuvan [about emptying]" Nagarzhduna wrote: "Let me finish two views accumulated, as I create two bodies of Buddhas." There are two kinds of accumulation of not just the multiplication of merit, but of wisdom. Through the rosumіnnya Dvoh istin mi enters into awakening on the way. If a scholar enters the tantri path, it also means that you see the rose of a clear light.

I myself will dedicate it to Trulshik Rinpoche, who has become a truly non-sectarian child and a great practitioner. The cycle Rigzin Dhondup, viklav Rigzin Godemchen, a historian of the Changter tradition, "Pivnichny Skarb", which was originally taken to the Dorje Drak monastery; P'yaty Dalai Lama can be sure of the whole series of transmissions of the Navchany. "

Before the gifts of consecration of Yogo, the Holiness of the Provinces is the ceremony of the inception of bodhichity. Devote an hour, if you have instructed the hour for the sound of throwing peels of quits on the mandala, Yogo Holiness asking the Speaker of the Parliament of Tibet from the Vignanna, who is also a representative of the Nyingma school, Khenpo Sonam Tenpe is a representative of the Black Sea. Then he turned to sikyong Lobsang Senge to represent the laity.

On the ring road to the monastery, the motorcade of Yogo Sacredness of cars has penetrated even more through the majesty of a number of people, who have filled the road to the lake in the hope of killing the Dalai Lama. Kіlka developed a spiritual leader asking for zupiniti and blessing people in іnvalіdnyh trips right from the car, as they checked for them. Tomorrow is early-morning Yogo Holiness of the virus to the house in Dharamsala.

My dad is wisdom, and my mother is empty. My land is the land of Dharmi. I don’t give up any casti, no change. I am grubbing with two uyavlenny, and I am here, wicked nniv, hіt і lin.

Guru Padmasambhava

For the tradition of the Master's mind with his scholars, the Master can transfer the "secret" knowledge (direct transmission), linking with til (intelligent patterns), with the mind (practice of meditation), with spiritual energy), and with God’s knowledge (mantri). Guru Padmasambhava, the titles of the Tibetans Guru Rinpoche or Dear Vchitel, and with his titles of the “other Buddha”, the Vajrayana school of Buddhism ...

(Sanskrit vimova)

One of the notification includes the onset dialogue between Guru Padamasambhavoy and that we will learn. Scientist: “Great to the Vchitel, dyakuyu, who told us about such unfinished blessings and strength. Ty is incredibly kind. I want an explanation of the blessings and powers of the folds of the mantra of Guru Padmasambhava unimportant, for the blessings of the living things of life, I will humbly feed you to give us a short description. "

The Great Sovereign said, “The Vajra Guru mantra is the heart of all the Buddhas, three hours, witnesses, deities and others before them - and everything is contained in the whole mantra. The reasons for pointing are lower. Hear respectfully that trim at the heart. Recite the mantra. Write її. Give the price to the living things of the mayybutny. If you cannot recite a mantra, vikorist and embellish for warrant officers of the city, prayer warriors. Without thinking, how alive is the thing, which is to be hit by the wind, know the sound. It is also visible on pagorbahs, trees and stones. For that, as the stench is blessed, everyone, who simply goes through and backs them up, to cleanse from ailments and obsessions with the spirit. Spirits and demons, who linger around the world, will be a source of wealth and worth. Write її in gold on the shawls of the blue paper that you wear with you. Demon, that is, who should fix the cross, and evil spirits cannot be nasty to you. The blessings of writing, reading and reading the tsієї mantri nezlіchennі. For the good of the living, write down the whole thing and save it. Let the price be set up right now, because of the merits. It’s quiet, who’s gazing at the inert glances, and sealed with a secret ”.

One of the options for interpreting the given mantry viglyad is as follows:

Oṃ Āh Hūṃ Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hūṃ
- There is a day of enlightenment, move that rose.

Oṃ Āh Hūṃ- To cleanse the three rosum trees will be wiped off.
Vajra- cleanse the stubble and ogidi.
Guru- Cleanse the dread of pride.
Padma- Cleanse the dough bazhannya and the laxity.
Siddhi- Cleanse the stubble.
Hūṃ- Cleanse the stubble of ignorance and emotsiy, which is turbuyut.

Ale the eye of the eye, the sounds in these styles are the blessing and why should you get involved in gold, you need to get to know more closely, but that kind of buv Padmasambkhava and how did you get that great teacher, you loved ... ...

Furious until turns. The history of Tibetan Buddhism includes a thousand days of Padmasambhavi, when one of the life descriptions is seen, and the history of this history has been re-entangled with all the plots of mythological character, in order to reconstruct the folding of real life. Ale є one non-negotiable fact - Padmasambhava є is the best teacher of Buddhism in Tibet, he is called “another Buddha”. Guru Padmasambhava є the forerunner of Buddhism in Tibet, his wisdom, knowledge, and also the gentry opposed the fellows. “It’s not like this vinyatkovo goodness is quiet, but it’s coming earlier, and it’s not like it’s quiet, that I’ll come again.”

At this hour the land of Uddiana was born, and the land of Uddiana was smitten. The Tsar is not a mother of children, so he has been praying about his people and praying a lot about his people. Near the land there was a lake Danakosha, the tsar's servants picked up kviti on the lake to decorate the royal palace. And once, one of the servants, having seen a note of the lotus, in the middle of which there was a message, there was a beautiful child - the tse і Bula Padmasambhava. The servant turned to the palace and told the princess about the child, for whom the child was brought at once from a letter to the palace. The Guru was born from the lotus quotation in a way that is called mittєvim people (for example, the V-ear of the IV century BC). Also, "mittuve folk" periodically trawl, even if it’s something that can be born: from motherhood, from eggs, from vology and mittuvo. Ale the same folk of Guru Rinpoche is seen from the wicked mitt of the people, and the reason is that the lotus lotus was angry with the exchange of light - the one glimpse of the spirit of Buddha Amitabhi and all the Buddhas of ten straight lines. Buddha Shakyamuni himself has conveyed the price of folklore from the Bagatyokh texts of the sutras and tantras.

For that, they brought yak a child to the palace, the king resigned to lead Padmasambhava to the throne and crowned him as Prince Uddiyani, and gave him the name of Padma Rajey, or in Tibetan Pema Gyalpo, the Lotus King.

For the coronation, Padmasambhav was given some new objects: a mystery, a sheet, and I’ll be right, and with a prince mav bagato rozvag. In an hour the Guru usse tse nabridlo, і Tsar Indrabhutі virіshiv sіgrati vesіlla Padmasambhava and the daughter of the tsar of the celestial kingdom. Pislya vesillya Guru vivchiv new aspects of the king's life through the hundred-ssunki with the squad. And in an hour the Guru of the minds, that everything is worldly illusory and cannot bring joy and joy all the time. The process of learning helped the Guru of intelligence, only cherished by the land, it is possible to bring good to the people of the world. The guru has violated the power of the king Indrabhut for permission to surrender the throne and become a Chent, albeit the king has seen him. After thinking through the plan, after thinking through the plan, it’s all the same to reach the end: I’m good for good practice in yoga practice yak bi "inadvertently letting the trident-khatwanga out of his hands, the vajra poured into the head the sin of Minister Kamalate (at that time - the king's naval radnik), and at that moment the boy died.

For the first enemies of the tse nevipadkovo not talking about the "holiness" of the Guru. If you look at all the low in front and the onset of the steps, you will be astonished that the enlightenment maister will not swear at his grandparents by the rules, as they claim to be universality, and not by the thought of those who are thinking, but by the point of reference. In the first place, knowing the gift of the Guru's omniscience, the boy through his hard times in past lives is guilty of all one thing soon to die and be reborn in hell, and Padmasambhava helped him to be reborn in the pure land of Buddhas. And in a different way, tsya podіya allowed the Guru to surrender the throne and become a Chent, not being enlightened to living things, such vchinoks in the kingdom of Uddiyan as they were anti-legal, and they weren’t allowed to drive in the kingdom, and they didn’t allow them.

For an hour, Guru Padmasambhava is signaled with tsvintars. There was a lot of thunderstorms there: jackals roamed about and vultures circled around, a boule tree stung to the eye, fearful skeletons and ruins to the temple. The sight of death and desolation did not leave the whole place, because of the smell of til, which had fallen apart, nowhere had begun to freeze. In the presence of a young prince, he quietly settled in the whole situation, hocha, melodiously, I didn’t get mad with her. Padmasambhava is just wicked in the whole earth and waving, he didn’t trap not at all, he didn’t eat anything like his own house, he’s a new palace, and not as a threat to the situation. Winning will be absolutely fearless, and for the knowledge of the fearlessness, the Guru will continue to practice a lot of rocky practice sometimes in one cremation scene, then in the other. At the same time, from the great spiritual mentors Padmasambhava vivchak Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana (form of the Buddha). Zokrema, I will take a tantric dedication and insist on learning from the learned practices of Tantrism, choloviks, like Sidhi, and women - Dakin, or "like to walk in the sky."

At the results, the founders of the knowledge of fearlessness through the practice, Padmasambkhava (for the addition to the worldly knowledge, taken from the palats - from the movs of the vitality of the arts to the sciences and architecture) builds up the spiritual forces and the development of the culture of science ... The First Guru commenced victoriousness at the service of the dharma, taming and re-creating non-Buddhists and evil spirits.

On the request of the hired Aziatsky volodar at that hour - King Trisong Deutsen (at the middle of the 8th century) - Guru Padmasambhava traveled to Tibet. Tsar Trisong Detsen being the first Tibetan monasteries near Sam'ya (who was roasted not far from Lhasi), moreover, the established ministries and bonskoy priests obsessed the life of the monasteries, and they scrambled into a wide plan of life. Guru Padmasambhava wished to order all the negative forces, consecrating the land of the Sam'є monaster, and blessing the entire region of Tibet and Himalayas, and bringing great enlightenment to Tibet. In the presence of a Guru, he quilted after life and fell asleep in the first place of the bulk of Buddhist Chents in Tibet in Samye. Mandatory all over Tibet, win navchav i / abo quieted down, hto enthralled an extension of Buddhism. As a result, the reign of Buddha and Vajrayani penetrated into all spheres of life and culture of the Tibetans.

“I felt a lot of non-social and unrepentant majestras from the noble land. One of these qualities, those who have the power to mittєvo grant their blessings to anyone who pray, if they didn’t ask, it’s because I have the power to insist on our bazhanya ”.

Having tasted the words of Guru Padmasambhava in Tibet, it’s really unbelievable. Some records will be included, since I have tried 55 rock and 6 months in Tibet. In their records it is said that after having tried in Tibet there are only a few months, eleven months or even a few rockies. In the last records it is indicated that there is a whole bunch of months in Lhasa, and for an hour in the mountains and pechers far from the places. At the same time, I have saved a lot of proofs of my transfer to Tibet, some of the feet, the hands of the hands, which can be used on my eyes.

One day, if Padmasambhava has violated Tibet, he is at once with his scholars, the king and the courtiers have violated the mountain pass under the name Gungtang Lathog, devin said, he didn’t blame him. At the end of the moment, the Guru began to give his stop at the end of the day, having seen in the twilight, and continued to read, from the tops of the horse, which appeared in the sky and galloped to the new one to the west. Padmasambhava said that I would like to talk to the land of Glorious Mountain Kolori Mіdі, I will bring the cannibals-rakshasis, who will bring them to the right Dharma and bring them to be bodhisattvas. Piznіshe Ushe Tsogyal went to see me, wіn wіn tudi gone. A lot of great practitioners have seen, how they have introduced them to this land. I don’t know the exact point of finding this land, but it’s like the kingdom of Shambala. The upcoming history describes how the Guru has developed a lot of development and turned to Tibet to send Yeshe Tsogyal and date the coming great majstras. For the first time, in the area of ​​Lake Manasarovar, there is a monastir Chiyu ("birdie"), which is inspired over the Padmasambkhava's cave, and the teacher has been practicing there for 7 days, for the first time ever. Guru Padmasambhava did not die with that sensei, in which we call upon the thought of death, in the knowledge of the day.

The axis is such a short description of the life and merits of Guru Padmasambhava, who is imbued with his greatest teacher, that coming hour, “another Buddha”!

I like any great teacher, in the iconography of Tibet, a rich image of Guru Padmasambhavi is presented, showing him both in mercy, and in the new hypostasis. On some of the images of the Guru, we have one-faced, with two hands and legs; to sit at the position of regal carelessness, on his left shoulders to lie a khatwanga; at the right rutsi there is a trimak vajra, and in livii there is a cup from the skull, in which there is a small sudina. The colors of the Guru's are dark blue and three eyes, and instead of that, the Trimati Khatwangu, there is a lot of wisdom ashe Tsogyal.

There are many attributes of a bagato, and the stench is dependent on the growth, the one we see is the same, which was tied with the viglyad of Padmasambhavi:

Khatvanga (letter. "Kintsevist abo leg (Sanskrit anga) lіzhka (Sanskrit khatva)") is a Tse Indian tantric staff, the same Guru Padmasambhava who first brought yogo to Tibet. The form of khatwangi in Vajrayani Buddhism took its ear from the early Indian yogis-Shivaites, the kind of yak kapaliki, or "naughty skull". A collection of kapalikas were bully by zlochintsy, who were condemned to punishment for the hatred of driving Bramin. The stench could live only in fox huts, on empty crossbars, tsvintars and crematoria or by trees, add a lot of favors, practice suvore and wear a bandage from a spinning motorcycle, a dog or a donkey skin. Capaliks yak the basis of the Khatwangi Vikorisovy were used to chiseled little ones from the lizards of their coli-nal gentlemen. Up to the tree nіzhka with a thin metal shear of a trident they pinned the skull of the murdered brahmana. That stench of boules of craws' knit to wear an emblem with a human skull like a bowl for mercy.

In his own calling, the khatwang is shown to associate with Mount Meru, and the onset of attributes: the vajra is crossed, the vessel, the red head is cut, the head is green, so it can be folded, and the dry beetle skull є symbols of the five disks of the elements, the earth is turned,

An explanation is given: the vajra symbolizes the awakening of the sphere of Buddhas, the vessel represents Mount Meru itself, the red head over the vessel є the symbol of the six heavens of the gods of bazhannya (Skt. Green or a blue head - 18 heavens of Gods form, which does not mean bazhan (Skt. Rupavacara-deva), and greens are the tse of colors of impartiality. A dry, bilious skull is a symbol of the chotiroh of the most beautiful spheres of Gods without form (Skt. Arupavacara-deva).

In his inner manifestation, the eight-sided grip of the khatwangi symbolizes the purity of the Eight-fold gentry of Buddha. With a total of 3 strung heads, they will symbolize the desertion of the 3 root ones, they will wipe off the rosum (the mantra has a warehouse of Oṃ Āh Hūṃ): a red head is a hot addiction of chi bazhan, a green chi blue head is cold anger of chi ogid, and a dry bean skull is lifeless.

Inshe internal explanation: three heads appear Tricia, a chervona head looks like a nirmanakay, a green and blue head is a sambhogakay, and a dry, bullet skull is a dharmakay. There is also a stench є in symbols of three doors of sound: a red head is a symbol of empty cause, a green head is a legacy, a big skull is a manifestation, a trick is three good qualities of Buddhas, based on the intellectual joy of wisdom, fearlessness.

I turn to the mantri itself, below there are three options for the mantry translation:

Oṃ Āh Hūṃ Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hūṃ
Om A Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum

According to one of the options in the translation Mantra is stored in two parts:

  1. Guru Padmasambhavi's Turning of Yokes
  2. Prayer for vikonannya bazhan

The magnificence of the fabulous

The first three warehouses are for three til all awakened ones (Trika is "three tila" Buddhas), and the Guru is the price of consuming the sweetness of the three til the awakened ones:

Great specialties

The advance of two warehouses means overpowering - irregular, day-to-day or diamond:

Іm'ya, wolody tsimi yakosty

Coming warehouse:


Calling until the end

Briefly, the first version of the translation is as follows:

Oh Padmo! Overpowering Vajra Yakas
і Three Sacred Aspects, blessings come.

O! Blessed Padmasambhava,
hoping for unseen vajra yokes
and Volodya Vajrnim Til, Vajrna Mova and
Vajra Rozum of all Awakenings,
bestow upon me with those gallantry ones,
camp of Trioh Vajra.

Another alternative to the transfer:

Having survived the dharmakaya at the crystallinity (universality) Oṃ(OM), sambhobakayu over the haunted light Āh(A), nirmanakaya in spiritual transformation, well є implementation on the human plane Hūṃ(HUM), at the mantra Oṃ Āh Hūṃ ( OM A HUM), you can take away the mirror-like wisdom from the visionary, non-porous scepter Vajra(VAJRA), the wisdom of equality in Guru(GURU), the wisdom of retail, internal support in Padma(PADMA), the complete wisdom of Siddhi(СІДДХІ), reach the evil of all the wisdoms in the rest warehouse Hūṃ(HUM), vajrakaya, ob'єdnannya three til.

The third version of the transfer:

Ohm. Hai will be glorified by the immortal life!

There are many options for shifting the mantra, which will be presented beyond the text.

Guru Padmasambhava himself promoted and gave a lecture describing the benefits of reading the mantri:

“Sutnisna Vajra Guru mantra, as if I could read the styles from the borderless pragmatism, as much as possible - one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, ten million, one hundred million is too little - but you will bring some good luck.

The lands of the skrіz will be stolen from successes of epidemias, hunger, war, violent violence, nervousness, vile banner and evil spell. The board is at one hour, the harvest and thinness will be seen, and the earth will flourish. In a whole life, in a life of happiness, in a practical life, they have less knowledge and knowledge - better in reality, for in visions, at the bottom - in dreams.

To reiterate the mantry a hundred times a day without pererivan to make you gimmicky for them, and hey, health, and nolod, will be ready without zusil.

If you recite the mantra a thousand, ten thousand, or more times a day, then through your writing it will fall into your flow, and your blessings will be surely rejected and permanently.

If you read one hundred thousand, ten million or more, repeat the mantry, then three times you want to eat your quick inflow, the gods and spirits will be in your order, even though you can see the enlightenment of the awakened activity be-like a viglyadі, like a stench to demand.

If you can beat thirty million, seventy million, or more repetition, if you won’t be shared with the Buddhas three lights, you don’t seem to be talking about me. There are also classes of gods and spirits to obey your orders, wiggle your words and complete your efforts, as you do. Naykrashchі practikuyuchi to reach the ridge til ".

The Tsia Mantra is more and more blessed and blessed from reading, but from the main features of the practice - the emergence of healthier people, the ability to help them and our planet in a fair way. Probably a few options by shifting the mantri of Padmasambhava.

The axis of such is instantly simple, and the mantra of Padmasambhavi is one hour of gold. The skin from you can vibrate whether from the representations of options for practice: what you know from the image is from the heart, the one from the soul, the third - from the memory. And it is not respectful, as a variant of the same vie viberete, it is important, if you use a mantra, viraz to obscenities to the All-Divine and the strength of the practice. Bazhaєmo you successful practice.

Assess the article

  • - Shaktipat (Sanskrit) - transmission of power, spiritual energy of Kundalini from the teacher, in which case it is already active, learned. Element of the tantrism rite of passage. The transmission can be seen through a glance, torquing, mentally posilannya, imovlennya mantri, through speech (fruit, leaf, leaf), through rosema. At the same time, at the stage of training that special health, learning can not reject anything, viprobuvati bazannya prodovzhuvati is self-sufficient, or otrimate enlightenment, how far away life is. The great significance of man is learning in a teacher and in a ritual, the sense of a teacher is in learning that in.
  • - OM AH HUNG BENZA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG (Tibetan vimova) Om A Hum Bendza Guru Pema Siddhi Hum.
  • - The term "Buddi Three Hours" means Tathagat ("so priyishov" (enlightening enlightenment) and "touching so much" (so that the true nature of the rose). Bodhisattvi, who came and come to our Earth. At the Buddhist symbol, most often represent three Buddhas, the first of a thousand Buddhas, who appear at the saint in the period of ninish kalpa - the calpi of the wise man - Buddha Minata , Buddha Maitreya - Tathagata Maybutny.
  • - Text of the term read by Tulku Karma Lingpoy
  • - Three rozumov і otruti - tidy rosum, cheruyuchi with addictions-otrut, і drink і svitu, in which cі і wipe out. At the center, there are three things that mean the three heads off the rosum: lack of habits in the form of a pig, addiction and cunning in the form of living and niv and vidraza in the image of a snake. Three of them lie at the basis of the whole cycle of samsari, the istot, whose rosum of smudging with them, is acclaimed to be reborn in the evanescent lights, accumulating that vikupayuchi karma.
  • - Padma is a tse word, yake came to Mov Tibet from Sanskrit and means "lotus". Sambhava means “people of z”.
  • - The land of Uddiyana (then I called it Swat) - was ruined in the mountains between India and Afghanistan for the winter from Himala and on the west of Bodhgaya. Historians often vvazhayut Kashmir, and Buddhists - the legendary land of Shambala.
  • - Buddha Amitabha (literally "Bezmezhne Svitlo"). Buddha Amitabha is one of the most famous and ordained buddhas in the Buddhism of other schools.
  • - Ten straight lines: some of the sides to the light (pivnich, pivden, zhid, skid), some of the intermediate ones (the entrance of the entrance, the entrance of the skid, the entrance to the street) and downward.
  • - Vajra is a diamond scepter at the form of a ring of blisks, a symbol of absolute purity and knowledge. Vajra will provide the link of the spiritual and earthly light: the upper part is the light of the deities, the lower part is the light of people, and the wand is completely connected without interruption between the two lights. For the preparation of a magical object, vicoristovuyt silver, medium, gold, crystal.
  • - Imovirno winn’t on the tsvintari Silva Tsal ("Cool Guy"), which is located here near the Bodhgaya district, at the weekend of the Indies.
  • - Сідхі - in Buddhism there is a special strength and goodness, how to get on the Shlyakh before the Enlightenment of the head, I will look at that meditation. Before the siddhiv to bring the helpless "divine", from the haunted gaze, diminish the sweetness. For example, the building of lithuania, the gift of clairvoyance, changing into the one sphere of all the world, becoming forever young, making it invisible and very rich. In the Vajrayana Sidhi, not being an end in itself, to demonstrate the freedom of the practitioner who is alert to the mind.
  • - Dakin - show wisdom, dear Vchennya Buddhi, as you fiercely stand against everything that is going on in sansara. In tantric practitioners, dakini appear to be a source of energy, so that they can gradually change, for which I can help a practicing yogin on the way to the beginning of Enlightenment.
  • - The very essence of dharani is tse those, so їхni words and just sounds є directly connected to truth, truth to energy and action. Tobto dharani is the whole word i from the right one hour. It seems like it should be injected for an hour, if the word was repeated without a second. Nina dharani have become such. Dharani buli as a way for fixing the witness on any singing ideas, images or experiences that are built up in the process of meditation. The stench could represent as a quintessence of vchennya, as well as the singing become of witness, as beyond the help of dharani it is possible to quite know viclikati or to see whether it is like a meeting. To this, dharani can also be called a support, in the place of a backbone of wisdom (Skt. Vidyadhara). Functionally, the stench does not come from the mantras, if you do not take to respect the form, you just end up with it and turn on the bagatoh mantras an hour later, or “nasinya-warehouses” (bidzha-mantra), the sacred text Smell of the same world and product, and the way of meditation: "For the help of the great self-meditation (samadhi), people feel the truth, for the help of the dharani won the fiksu and zberiga ї".
  • - Tisong Detsen - the thirty-eight king of Tibet, who ruled at 755-797 rr.
  • - In Tibetan spirits, which іsnuvala mіzh Hіnayanoyu and Mahayana, forms vchen Buddha, the bula is allowed for the rest of the іnrarchichesky intelligence їхніх vzaєmin. The doctrine and methods of Khinayani practice are suitable for quietly, with great visibility, following the path of a special Enlightenment. Tse - the path of Pratykabuddi (monoaxially awakened), which has a reach for itself. Mahayana - tse way of bodhisattvi, who wants to reach Enlightenment in order to help all things and see the fruit of Vizvolennya, how to do it at the sight of people. Until the end of the Vajrayana (diamond carriage) and Mantrayana (Mantry carriage), as a secret way to the true truth, and should be left with a secret place for the quiet, whose testimony itself has not become a true world. Hіnаyana to become the outward accessibility of the Buddha. Mahayana is stored from orders given to the most important scholars. And Vajrayana is a whole discipline, as a viclade as a guru tim, I will increase my education until I accept it.
  • - In the common culture, there are three main paths until I become a Buddha: the first is the whole development of the spirit; the other is the development of Bodhichitti, and the third is the development of prajna, for wisdom, as for its own sutta, meaning empty things. The first two aspects from the three are, and the very spirit and the bodhichitta, develop beyond the help of the main ones. The third is prajna - by the completely meditative practice of comprehending empty things. Three paths hunt and include all aspects of the practice necessary to achieve enlightenment. In Western culture - Peace in everything. Effort to pass through the fire that water, you learn, in which the glade is true. "Innocent victims" are simply not a bustle, all of them are common reasons, and everything else we will think over carefully by the Divine scenario (Serednim Shlyakh). Correct behavior and correct intelligence (logical thinking) is the basis of the Middle Shlyakhu.
  • - Kaya (Sank. "Tilo"), Trikaya (Sansk. "Three tila" Buddi) - three stanzas of the enlightened rosumu. The central doctrine of personal Buddhism (the tradition of Mahayana and Vajrayana), for which the Buddha is fasting at three countries, kaya: Dharmakaya (Stan of the Truth): the state of true reality, in which natural order to manifest intuitive wisdom. Tse Buddha has his absolute, irregular and fearless stanі. Sambhogakaya (Stan of Joy): the infinite quality of the awakened rosum, which rotates in the infinite forms of energy and light. The images in meditation add to the understanding of the power of the skin and the inner nature of Buddha, enlightening the wisdom of the middle and the call to enlightenment. Nirmanakaya (Stan Vipromynyuvannya): the form is recognized from the unencumbered active generous spirit of the true reality and the ability to show the goodness of the rose infallibly in the older forms and out of the open space. And it is also possible to construct the secret of the fourth kaya, but one by one the first three - Svabhavikakaya (the mind of the Buddha). The camp of Enlightenment permits recognition, from one side, at once the essence of true reality is irregular, and from the other side, the visibility, interconnection of all speeches and appearances, which one can get away with. There are three aspects: I dharm the posture with the forms and characteristics, I use the forms of energy and light - “those joy” and I’m the physical style for the specificity of setting the standards of the driver: Dharmakaya - the true reality; a vologue can thicken in the gloom, manifesting itself in visible light-forms, like Sambhogakaya, like when you are, like and veselka, it is uncomfortable to store; at the same hour, the gloom grows thicker, fix the water and flow like a board, or wrap up in the chicks, take those chi іnshі forms, similarly to the brightest materially circulated by the Nirmanakae Buddha in the people of bodhism.
  • - The Stan of Enlightenment permits to know, from one side, forever the essence of the true reality is irregular, from the other side, the visibility, interconnection of the speeches, how to sleep, and the appearances.
  • - Five Rings of the Seven-Rowed Prayer of Guru Rinpoche to the Senses of Guru Rinpoche, briefly by Tulku Tondrup (Mahasiddha Nyingmapa Center. USA, 1981), recapitulation from the English by Sergiy Dudko, 1995.
  • - Text of the term, read by Tulku Karma Lingpoy.

I recently called me through wonderful readers Vajra Guru mantra... Reading the mantry literally stretching out for a few days a little more warmth at the meeting with a partner, and we also try to keep it warm with the others, the wonderful emotional tone of being able to grow up to the people who are very young.

I sent a report about all the blessings that I have given the regular reading of the Vajra Guru mantri. Qia is a beautiful mantra volay to all the subtle lights and sovereigns, glorifying the and the gift of goodness, and reading it.

Practicing the Vajra Guru mantra I want 108 times a day to become even tighter for those people, for those who want to feel better, and also the stench to get access to all the blessings - spiritual development, be the absolute values ​​of earthly precious Happiness in all spheres of life. All the gifts that can only be brought to the heart of our planet, become accessible to the reading of the mantry.

Tim, hto improve the number of daily repetitions of the Vajra Guru mantri up to 1000 for good, they could bestow the health of all those people. Demand to know you and try to help the wrongs of the parties. You will be able to help them in a fair way and be correct for our planet.

Well, to read the Guru mantra 5000, 10 thousand, 100 thousand and millions of times for doba - to cleanse yourself and your karma on the ground, so that you can go out of the samsari stake and come to the offensive entangled in the planetary order and be in the presence of Buddhas.

Padmasambhava (I call it another Buddha, at the eighth century Buddhism is the principle of Tibet, and Tantra, I also call him Guru Rinpoche (at the crossbar “dear teacher”)) red and red and describing the benefits of reading Vajra Guru Mantri:

“Sutnisna Vajra Guru mantra, as I read from the boundless aspirations of the style, as soon as possible - one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, ten million, one hundred million and so far, then the price has brought blessings.

The lands of the skrіz will be stolen from successes of epidemias, hunger, war, violent violence, nervousness, vile banner and evil spell. The board is at one hour, the harvest and thinness will be seen, and the earth will flourish. In a whole life, in a life of happiness, in a practical life, they have less knowledge and knowledge - better in reality, for in visions, at the bottom - in dreams.

To reiterate the mantry a hundred times a day without breaking it down to make you gimmicky for them, and hey, health, and the little one, will be ready without zusil.

If you recite the mantra one thousand, ten thousand, or more times a day, then as long as your writing, it will fall into your flow, and the blessed one will be sure to reject that permanent.

If you read one hundred thousand, ten million or more, repeat the mantry, then three times you want to eat your quick inflow, the gods and spirits will be in your order, even though you can see the enlightenment of the awakened activity be-like a viglyadі, like a stench to demand.

If you can beat thirty million, seventy million, or more repetition, if you won’t be shared with the Buddhas three lights, you don’t seem to be talking about me. There are also classes of gods and spirits to obey your orders, wiggle your words, and complete your efforts, as you do. Naykraschі practikuyuchі reach up to the ridge body. "- So he said.

“Great Vchitel, dyakuyu, who told us about such unfinished blessings and strengths. Ty is incredibly kind. I want an explanation of the blessings and powers of the folds of the mantra of Guru Padmasambhava unimportant, for the blessings of the living things of life, I will humbly feed you to give us a short description. "

The Great Teacher said this:
“The Vajra Guru mantra is the heart of all Buddhas three hours, witnesses, deities and others before them - and everything is contained in the whole mantra. The reasons for pointing are lower. Hear respectfully that trim at the heart.

Recite the mantra. Write її. Give the price to the living things of the mayybutny.

Oṃ Āh Hūṃ Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hūṃ Oṃ Āh Hūṃ - find the day of enlightenment, move and rozumu.

Oṃ Āh Hūṃ - to cleanse the three rosum trees they will wipe away.
Vajra - to cleanse the stubble and ogidi.
Guru - to cleanse the dread of pride.
Padma - cleans up the stubble and the subtlety.
Siddhi - to cleanse the stubble.
Hūṃ - to cleanse the stubble of ignorance and the emotions that are turbulent.

If you cannot recite a mantra, vikorist and embellish for warrant officers of the city, prayer warriors. Without thinking, how alive is a lot of how to tinker and know how to do it. Likewise, virizay її on pagorbahs, trees and stones. For that, as the stench is blessed, everyone, who simply passes by, and kicks them, cleanse themselves from ailments and spirit obsessions. Spirits and demons, who linger around the world, will be a source of wealth and worth. Write її in gold on the shawls of the blue paper that you wear with you. Demon, that is, who should fix the cross, and evil spirits cannot be nasty to you.

The blessings of writing, reading and reading Vimovi Vajra Guru mantri nezlіchenni. For the good of the living, write down the whole thing and save it.


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