PWM controller: the principle of operation and scope. Pulse width modulation (PWM) Pressure PWM voltage regulator 36

PWM controller: the principle of operation and scope. Pulse width modulation (PWM) Pressure PWM voltage regulator 36

Digital PWM controller of collector motor wraps. kirich46 write at 9 pm, 2015

CCM5D Digital DC Motor Speed ​​Controller/PWM Stepless Speed ​​Control Switch Black Price $14.47
The item has been removed without cost for inspection.

Another look at the topic of whatever speeches for self-doubts. How many times will I tell you about the digital wrap controller? The river was delicious in its own way, but I wanted more.
Who cares about reading further :)

The government has low-voltage devices like a small grinding machine or something. I wanted to enhance their functional and aesthetic appearance a little. True, it didn’t work out, although I still hope to achieve my goal, perhaps another time, as soon as we speak today.
The manufacturer of this regulator is from Maitech, or rather the name itself is often found on all sorts of hustkas and blocks for self-driving machines, although I don’t think I found the website of this company.

Through those that I have not gained from the results that I want, the review will be short at first, but I will begin as soon as it is sold and overpowered.
Near the envelope was a special bag with a zipper.

The kit only has a regulator with a changeable resistor and a button, the hard packaging does not contain instructions, but everything arrived intact and without damage.

There is a sticker on the back that replaces the instructions. In principle, such a device does not require anything more.
The indicated operating voltage range is 6-30 Volts and the maximum flow is 8 Amperes.

The external appearance is of great disrepair, dark-colored, dark-gray plastic body, when it comes to the side it looks tanned black. It looks great, there’s nothing to worry about. A transport material is glued to the front of the boule.
Installation dimensions of the device:
Double depth 72mm (minimum opening in case 75mm), width 40mm, depth without front panel 23mm (with front panel 24mm).
Front panel dimensions:
Dovzhina 42.5 mm width 80 mm

A replacement resistor comes complete with a handle, the handle is very rough, but it’s too hard to dry.
The resistance of the resistor is 100KOhm, the degree of regulation is linear.
As it turned out later, there was a glitch. When using a switching power supply, it is impossible to set stable readings, it means pointing at the fraction to the changeable resistor, through which the reading jumps +2 signs, otherwise it would be good to jump, jump the engine speed at once.
The resistance of the resistor is high, the flow is small and the drops are collected all over the place.
When using a linear power supply, this problem persists every day.
The length of wires to the resistor and button is approximately 180mm.

The button, well, nothing special here. The contacts are normally open, the nominal diameter is 16mm, the extension is 24mm, there is no backlighting.
The button vibrates the engine.
Tobto. When power is supplied, the indicator lights up, the engine starts, when you press the button it goes off, and when you press it it goes off again.
If the engine is turned off, the indicator will not light up.

Under the cover there is a board attached.
The terminals show the contacts for the life and connection of the motor.
The positive contacts of the connector are connected together, the power switch switches the negative wire of the motor.
Connecting the exchange resistor and the buttons is not connected.
Everything looks neat. The capacitor pins are a little crooked, but I think it’s worth checking :)

The indicator is large, the height of the numbers is 14mm.
Dimensions 69x37mm.

The board is neatly assembled, except for the contacts of the indicator there is a trace of flux, but in general the board is clean.
On the board there is: a diode for protection from polarity reversal, a 5 Volt stabilizer, a microcontroller, a 470 uF 35 Volt capacitor, power elements under a small radiator.
You can also see the place for installing additional sockets, their recognition is unclear.

I'll sketch out a small block diagram, just for a clear understanding of what is connected and how it is connected. A replacement resistor switches one leg up to 5 Volts, the other to ground. Therefore, it can be safely replaced with a lower denomination. On the diagram there is no connection to an unsoldered socket.

The device has a microcontroller 8s003f3p6 manufactured by STMicroelectronics. As far as I know, this microcontroller is used in many different devices, such as ampervoltmeters.

The life stabilizer 78M05 heats up when operating at maximum input voltage, but not much.

Some of the heat from the power elements is added to the middle areas of the board, and you can see a large number of transitions from one side of the board to the other, which helps to remove heat.
Also, heat is supplied through a small radiator, which is pressed down to the power elements of the animal. This placement of the radiator seems less dubious, since heat is transferred through the plastic to the body and such a radiator does not help much.
There is no paste between the power elements and the radiator, I recommend removing the radiator and coating it with the paste to make it a little nicer.

The power part has an IRLR7843 transistor, the channel support is 3.3 mOhm, the maximum flow is 161 Amperes, but the maximum voltage is only 30 Volts, so I would recommend that the input be separated at 25-27 Volts. When working at near-maximal levels, there is little heating.
There is also a need to replace the diode to extinguish the liquid stream due to the self-induction of the engine.
Here we have STPS1045 10 Ampere, 45 Volt. There is no power until the diodes are turned on.

First included. It so happened that I carried out testing before removing the dry spit, which is also in the photo.
The contrast indicator is brightest in the world, it’s amazing to read.

For now, I'm planning to try other things and get rid of the disappointment first.
No, I don’t have any complaints about the manufacturer or the store, I’m just confident that in such an obviously expensive device there will be stabilization of engine speed.
Unfortunately, without simply adjusting the PWM, the indicator displays the % full from 0 to 100%.
The regulator turned on the engine without changing the speed of the engine, and it’s a very funny idea :)

Dear readers, melodiously, expressed their respect for cutting the wires with which I connected the life to the regulator.
So, then I decided to go to the global power supply and turn on the engine.
It’s important to put a lot of pressure on the regulator, but at idle speed its flow is close to 5 Amperes, which made it possible to check the regulator in modes closer to the maximum.
The regulator is operated directly, before I forget to indicate that when it is turned on, the regulator smoothly increases the PWM filling from zero to the set value, ensuring smooth acceleration, on the indicator at which point the set value is shown, and not as on the frequency them drives, where the display is actually more accurate.
The regulator is not working well, it has warmed up a little, but it’s not critical.

Since the regulator is a pulse one, I decided to just run around with an oscilloscope out of interest and see what happens at the gate of the power transistor in different modes.
The robot PWM frequency is close to 15 KHz and does not change during the robot process. The engine will start after about 10% cleanup.

Right now I’m planning to install a regulator on my old (or rather ancient) power supply unit (more about that another time). The idea is due to the replacement of the front panel, and the rear panel is to blame for the wrapping regulator being loosened, without planning to install a button (fortunately, when the device is turned on, it will immediately switch to the “depressed” mode).
Mav come out beautifully and neatly.

Ale gave me a feeling of disappointment.
1. The indicator would be slightly smaller due to the dimensions of the lower insert of the front panel, but it would be thicker, so that without crawling along the depths, they rest against the stand for connecting the halves to the body.
And if the plastic housing of the indicator could be cut, it would not become one thing, the fragments would remain on the regulator board.
2. If I were to eat first, I believed that there was another problem, I completely forgot how I had developed a life block. On the right is that the regulator is minus life, and behind the circuit there is a reverse relay, the primus power supply of the engine is turned on, and the control circuit for the entire circuit is on. And from their reworking everything became more complex: (

If the regulator is supposed to stabilize the speed, then I still got confused and redesigned the control circuit and reverse, or redesigned the regulator for switching + life. And so it’s possible and I’ll redo it, but without enthusiasm and now I don’t know if.
I can tell you this, a photo of the insides of my power supply unit, getting out of the rocks so close to 13-15 ago, I may have been working for the whole hour without problems, I had to replace the relay once.

The device is entirely practical.
Neat looking.
Brightly folded
The kit includes everything you need.

The operation of the pulsed life blocks is incorrect.
Power transistor without voltage reserve
Such modest functionality deserves a price (although everything is clear here).

My thought. If you close your eyes to the price of the device, it itself is not bad, and it looks neat and works normally. So, the present problem is not very good skewness, I think that it is awkward to solve, otherwise it will get boring. In addition, I recommend not to overextend the input voltage above 25-27 Volts.
It will be more boring for those who are amazed at the options of ready-made regulators, but there is no solution to stabilization of revolutions. It may be possible to supply anything, but it will not. Let me explain how I used a sanding machine with stabilization, which works much better than usual.

That's all, I'm sure it was great :)

Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is a method of altering a signal, in which the strength of the pulse changes, and the frequency becomes constant. In English terminology it is referred to as PWM (pulse-width modulation). From this article, we will clearly understand what the SHIM is, where it stands and how it works.

Galuz zastosuvannya

With the development of microcontroller technology, new possibilities have opened up for PWM. This principle becomes the basis for electronic devices that require the regulation of output parameters, as well as maintaining them at a given level. The pulse-width modulation method involves changing the brightness of the light, the winding speed of the motors, and the power transistor controlled by the pulse-type power supply units.

Pulse-width (PW) modulation is actively monitored in LED brightness treatment systems. Due to low inertia, the LED tends to switch (fade and go out) at a frequency of several tens of kHz. This robot in pulse mode is perceived by the human eye as a constant glow. At its core, the brightness lies in the trivality of the pulse (opened state of the LED) for one period. Since the hour of the pulse is equal to the hour of the pause, then the filling factor is 50%, then the brightness of the LED is set to half the nominal value. With the popularization of 220V LED lamps came an increase in the reliability of their work with an unstable input voltage. The solution was found in the form of a universal microcircuit - a life driver that works on the principle of pulse width or pulse frequency modulation. The circuit based on one of these drivers is described in detail.

The voltage applied to the input of the driver microcircuits is gradually equalized with the internal circuit reference voltage, forming a PWM (PWM) signal at the output, the parameters of which are set by external resistors. Several microcircuits are connected to supply analogue and digital signals to the digital signal. In this way, the robot of the pulse driver can be used to assist another third-party operator. It is important that the LED is not driven by high-frequency pulses, but by smoothing throttle strums, which is the binding element of such circuits.

The scale of PWM is reflected in all LCD panels and LED switches. Unfortunately, in LED monitors most of the frequency converters operate at a frequency of hundreds of Hertz, which has a negative impact on desktop PCs.

The Arduino microcontroller can also operate in PWM controller mode. For this purpose, call the AnalogWrite() function from the values ​​assigned to the arms from 0 to 255. Zero indicates 0V, and 255 – 5V. Intermediate values ​​will be insured proportionally.

The widespread expansion of devices that operate on the PWM principle has allowed people to use linear-type transformer units. As a result, there is an increase in the FAC and a decrease in a number of times in the mass and size of the life expectancy.

The PWM controller is an invisible part of the daily pulse life block. It operates as a power transistor, mounted in the original phase of a pulse transformer. Due to the obvious nature of the loop, the voltage at the output of the power supply will no longer be stable. The least amount of output voltage through the gate connection is fixed by the microcircuit, which is a mitt that corrects the flow of ceramic pulses. In addition, the current PWM controller operates with low additional inputs, which harmonizes the increased reliability of the life-saving device:

  • I will ensure a smooth start-up mode for the restart;
  • between the amplitude and intensity of the core impulses;
  • controls the level of input voltage;
  • protects against short circuits and temperature fluctuations of the power switch;
  • For consumption, transfer the device to the current mode.

The principle of a robotic PWM controller

The PWM controller is set to a power switch for changing control pulses. Operating in the switching mode, the transistor is in one of two states (opening surface, closing surface). In a closed state, the flow through the pn-junction is drawn from the coil, therefore, the pressure of the dispenser is zero. In an open state, regardless of the great flow, there is very little support for the p-n junction, which also leads to insignificant thermal losses. The greatest amount of heat is seen at the moment of transition from one stage to another. However, due to the short duration of the transition process against the modulation frequency, the intensity of losses during re-micking is insignificant.

Pulse width modulation is divided into two types: analog and digital. Each type has its own benefits and circuitry can be implemented in different ways.

Analog PWM

The operating principle of an analog SHI modulator is based on two equal signals, the frequency of which varies by several orders of magnitude. The leveling element is the operational booster (comparator). A saw-type voltage of high constant frequency is supplied to one of the inputs, and a low-frequency modulating voltage with variable amplitude is supplied to the other. The comparator equalizes the values ​​and at the output forms direct pulses, the value of which is determined by the exact values ​​of the signal that modulates. In this case, the PWM frequency is similar to the frequency of the saw-tooth signal.

Digital PWM

Pulse width modulation of digital interpretation is one of the numerous functions of the microcontroller (MK). Operating inclusively with digital data, the MK can generate either high (100%) or low (0%) voltage at its outputs. However, in most surges, for effective control of the voltage at the MK output, it is necessary to change. For example, adjusting the wind speed of the engine, changing the brightness of the LED. What should you do to detect voltage values ​​from 0 to 100% at the output of the microcontroller?

The power supply is subject to the pulse-width modulation method and the result of oversampling, if the frequency of the interconnection is set, the reaction of the ceramic device is determined several times. As the pulse velocity changes, the average value of the output voltage changes. As a rule, the entire process is carried out at a frequency of tens to hundreds of kHz, which allows for smooth regulation. Technically, this is implemented with the help of an additional PWM controller - a specialized microcircuit, which is the heart of any digital control system. The active use of controllers based on PWM is due to their obvious advantages:

  • high efficiency of signal conversion;
  • stability of work;
  • energy savings that benefit residents;
  • low varity;
  • I will ensure high reliability of everything.

There are two ways to detect a PWM signal on the microcontroller pins: hardware and software. The skin microcontroller has a wake-up timer that generates PWM pulses on the active circuits. This is how hardware implementation is achieved. Removing the PWM signal using additional software commands gives more power to a separate building plan and allows more pins to be used. However, the software method leads to high utilization of the MK and takes up a lot of memory.

It is noteworthy that in digital PWM the number of pulses per period can be different, and the pulses themselves can be spread out over any part of the period. The level of the output signal is determined by the total value of all impulses in the period. In this case, it is clear that the additional pulse of the skin is the transition of the power transistor from the open state to the closed state, which leads to an increase in the cost of over-micking.

Butt of a vicoristan PWM regulator

One of the options for implementing a PWM simple regulator has already been described earlier. When based on microcircuits, there is little complexity. However, regardless of the size of the circuits, the regulator can cover a wide range of functions: circuits for controlling the brightness of LEDs, LED strips, regulating the speed of winding motors in a constant flow.

Read also

This self-contained circuit can be used as a speed regulator for a 12 V constant flow motor with a nominal flow of up to 5 A, or as a dimmer for 12 V halogen and LED lamps with a voltage of up to 50 W. Control is based on additional pulse width modulation (PWM) at a pulse frequency of approximately 200 Hz. The frequency can, if necessary, be changed to suit maximum stability and efficiency.

Most similar structures are assembled using a simpler scheme. Here we present a more advanced option, such as a 7555 vicor timer, a driver based on bipolar transistors and a high-voltage MOSFET. This design ensures faster regulation of fluidity and operates over a wide range of applications. This is a very effective scheme and the availability of parts when purchasing for self-folding is low.

PWM controller circuit for 12 V motor

The circuit uses Timer 7555 to achieve a variable pulse width of approximately 200 Hz. VIN controls transistor Q3 (via transistors Q1 - Q2), which controls the fluidity of the electric motor or lighting lamps.

There is plenty of room for all circuits that will have 12 V power: electric motors, fans or lamps. It can be used in cars, electric vehicles, and other models.

12 V LED lamps, such as LED strips, can also be easily connected here. Everyone knows that light-emitting diode lamps are more efficient than halogen or heated lamps and last much longer. And what is required is to operate a PWM controller at 24 or more volts, since the microcircuit itself with a buffer cascade acts as a life stabilizer.

Speed ​​​​regulator of the jet engine

PWM controller for 12 volts

Driver for the regulator of the stationary strum napivmostovy

Mini-relay speed controller circuit


Hello everyone, there are a lot of radio amators, just like me, who have not just one thing, but a few. In addition to designing electronic devices, I do photography, video recording on a DSLR camera, and video editing. Menu, as a videographer, will require a slider for video recording, and for the beginning I will briefly explain what it is. The photo below shows the factory slider.

Indication slider for video recording on cameras and camcorders. It is analogous to the rack system used in wide-format cinema. This will help to smoothly move the camera around the object that is being photographed. Another very powerful effect that you can experience while working with the slider is the ability to get close to or out of sight of the object being captured. The next photo shows the engine used to create the slider.

The drive of the slider is driven by a constant flow motor with 12 volts. On the Internet, I found a diagram of a regulator for a motor that moves the slider carriage. In the next photo there is a brightening indicator on the LED, a toggle switch that turns in reverse and is a vital indicator of life.

When using such a device, it is important to ensure smoother speed control and easier inclusion of engine reverse. The fluidity of the motor shaft wrapping when our regulator is stagnant is smoothly adjusted by wrapping the handle of a 5 kOhm changeable resistor. Perhaps I’m not the only one on this site who is tired of the photo, and would like to repeat this device, which may be interesting, for example, in the statistics of the archives with a circuit and a different controller board. The basic diagram of the regulator for the engine is shown on the little one:

Regulator circuit

The circuit is very simple and can be easily assembled using radio amplifiers. The advantages of this folding device include its low flexibility and the ability to adapt to specific needs. The regulator board is pointed at the baby:

However, the area of ​​operation of this regulator is not surrounded by sliders alone, but it can easily be used as a regulator of wraps, for example, a machine, a self-powered Dremel, powered by 12 volts, or a computer cooler, for example, with dimensions of 80 x 80 or 120 x 120 mm. I also developed a circuit for reversing the engine, or in other words, changing the rotation of the shaft into a different one. For this purpose, there is a six-pin toggle switch with 2 positions. The next little one shows a diagram of its connection:

The middle contacts of the toggle switch, marked (+) and (-), are connected to the contacts on the board marked M1.1 and M1.2, the polarity does not matter. Everyone knows that computer coolers with reduced operating voltage and, apparently, revolutions, produce much less noise in the robot. In the next photo, the KT805AM transistor is on the radiator:

In the circuit, you can use any transistor of medium or high strength n-p-n structure. The diode can also be replaced with analogues, for example 1N4001, 1N4007 and others. The main motors are shunted by a diode when the gate is turned on, and they are designed to protect the transistor when the circuit is turned on and off, since the motors are inductively driven. The circuit also contains an indication that the slider is turned on on an LED connected in series with the resistor.

If the engine is very heavy, as shown in the photo, a transistor must be attached to the radiator to improve cooling. The photo of the payment that was entered is placed below:

The regulator board was divided using the LUT method. You can see what happened in the video.

Video robots

As soon as there are additional parts that will be rejected, mainly the mechanics, I will begin to assemble the attachment in the body. Stattu nadislav Oleksiy Sitkov .

Diagrams and overview of the speed regulators of the 220V electric motor

To smoothly increase and change the fluidity of the shaft wrapping, a special accessory is used - a 220V electric motor speed regulator. Stable operation, no power interruptions, a trivial term of service - the use of a 220, 12 and 24 volt engine speed regulator.

  • What is the need for frequency conversion of wrappers?
  • Galuz zastosuvannya
  • Select device
  • Pristriy PL
  • Types of extensions
    • Prilad triak
    • Process of proportional signals

What is the need for frequency conversion of wrappers?

The function of the regulator is to invert the voltage of 12, 24 volts, ensuring smooth start-up and components with variable pulse width modulation.

The speed controllers are included in the structure of many devices, which ensure the accuracy of electrical control. This allows you to adjust the speed to the required value.

Galuz zastosuvannya

The regulator of engine wraps of a stationary jet is used in many industrial and everyday areas. For example:

  • scorching complex;
  • bring possession;
  • cooking apparatus;
  • electric ovens;
  • sawsuckers;
  • sewing machines;
  • washing machines.

Select device

To select an effective regulator, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the device and its particular application.

  1. For commutator electric motors, vector controllers, or scalar controllers, are the most reliable.
  2. An important selection criterion is tightness. You must ensure that it is permissible on the vicorized unit. And it’s better to change the safety of the robot system.
  3. The voltage is within acceptable wide ranges.
  4. The main purpose of the regulator is to change the frequency, so this aspect must be selected as technically feasible.
  5. It is also necessary to pay attention to the term of service, size, number of inputs.

Pristriy PL

  • engine of the alternating strum; natural controller;
  • drive;
  • Additional elements.

The circuit diagram of the engine wrap controller 12 is shown on a small scale. The wraps are adjusted using a potentiometer. If the input receives pulses with a frequency of 8 kHz, then the live voltage will be 12 volts.

The equipment can be purchased from specialized sales points, or you can make it yourself.

Scheme of the regulator of the wrapper wrapper

When starting a three-phase motor, the flow is transmitted to full force, and this is repeated about 7 times. The power of the jet bends the motor windings, and the heat is maintained over three hours. The inverter converts, which ensures the conversion of energy. The voltage is supplied to the regulator, where 220 volts are rectified with the help of a diode installed at the input. Then the stream is filtered using an additional 2 condensers. PWM is established. Next, the pulse signal is transmitted from the motor windings to the singing sinusoid.

Creates a universal 12V device for brushless motors.

To save on electricity bills, please read the “Energy Saving Electricity Saving Box”. Monthly payments will become 30-50% lower, lower than the current economy. It removes the reactive warehouse from the margins, and as a result, the demand and, as a result, the flow rate decreases. Electrical appliances use less electricity and reduce the cost of paying for them.

The scheme consists of two parts - logical and power. Microcontroller for expansions on microcircuits. This is the diagram for the engine that pushes. The uniqueness of the regulator lies in its combination with different types of engines. The circuits are powered separately; the key drivers require 12V.

Types of extensions

Prilad triak

The accumulator device (triac) is used to regulate lightening, intensity of heating elements, and wrapping fluidity.

The controller circuit for a triac contains a minimum of details shown on the small unit, where C1 is a capacitor, R1 is the first resistor, R2 is another resistor.

With the help of the operator, the tension is adjusted by changing the time of the open triac. When the voltage is closed, the capacitor is charged due to the additional voltage of the resistors. One resistor controls the flow rate, and the other regulates the speed of the charge.

If the capacitor reaches the limit voltage threshold of 12 or 24 V, a switch is required. The simistra transforms into an open state. When the voltage passes through zero, the triacister closes, and the capacitor then gives a negative charge.

Changes on electronic keys

The thyristor regulator has been expanded to create a simple robotic circuit.

The thyristor operates in the alternating current.

Let's take a closer look at the voltage stabilizer of the exchanger. The stabilizer replaces the transformer with multiple windings.

Scheme of a stationary strum stabilizer

24 volt thyristor charger

The voltage is 24 volts. The principle of operation is based on the charge of the capacitor and the closed-circuit thyristor, and when the voltage reaches the capacitor, the thyristor sends a current to voltage.

Process of proportional signals

The signals that arrive at the input of the system trigger the turning signal. In the report we will look at additional microcircuits.

Chip TDA 1085

The TDA 1085 microcircuit, shown above, ensures heating with a 12V, 24V electric motor without wasting pressure. Obviously, there is a replacement of the tachometer, which will ensure the return coupling of the motor from the control board. The power supply signal goes to the microcircuit, which transmits it to the power elements to supply voltage to the motor. When pressed onto the shaft, the board adds tension and the tension increases. When the shaft is released, the voltage changes. The revolutions will be constant, but the power moment will not change. The frequency is measured over a wide range. Such a 12, 24 volt motor is installed in the lifting machine.

With your own hands you can make an attachment for a grinder, a wood lathe, a sharpener, a concrete mixer, a straw cutter, a lawn mower, a wood splitter and much more.

Industrial regulators, which are connected to 12 and 24 volt controllers, are filled with resin and cannot be repaired. Therefore, a 12V adapter is often prepared independently. An uncomplicated option using the same U2008B microcircuits. The regulator has a reverse linkage or a soft start. In cases where the remaining necessary elements C1, R4 are selected, the jumper X1 is not required, but in the case of a turn-off connection it is not necessary.

When selecting the regulator, select the correct resistor. So, with a large resistor, there may be jerks at the start, but with a small resistor, compensation will be insufficient.

Important! When adjusting the tension controller, remember that all parts of the connection device are connected to the minimum level, it is necessary to ensure safety entries!

Speed ​​controllers for single-phase and three-phase motors 24, 12 volts are a functional and valuable device, both in everyday life and in industry.

Engine wrapper regulator

On simple mechanisms, analog regulators must be installed manually. For example, smells can change the fluidity of the engine shaft wrap. On the technical side, such a regulator is simple to install (it requires the installation of one transistor). Suitable for regulating the independent speed of motors in robotics and life applications. There are two widest range of control options: single-channel and dual-channel.

Video No. 1. Single-channel regulator for robots. The torque of the motor shaft is changed by wrapping the handle of the change resistor.

Video No. 2. Increased torque of the motor shaft during operation of the single-channel regulator. Increase in the number of revolutions from the minimum to the maximum value when the handle of the exchange resistor is wrapped.

Video No. 3. Dual-channel regulator in a robot. It is not necessary to set the torsional speed of motor shafts based on adjustable resistors.

Video No. 4. The voltage at the output of the regulator is measured with a digital multimeter. Remove the current battery voltage and select 0.6 volts (the difference is due to the voltage drop at the transistor junction). When the battery voltage is 9.55 volts, a change from 0 to 8.9 volts is recorded.

Functions and main characteristics

The voltage supply voltage of single-channel (photo 1) and dual-channel (photo 2) regulators does not exceed 1.5 A. Therefore, to increase the voltage value, replace the KT815A transistor with KT972A. The numbering of the pins of these transistors is condensed (e-k-b). The KT972A model is ideal for use with strings up to 4A.

Single-channel regulator for engine

The device operates with one motor and operates on voltage in the range of 2 to 12 volts.

I will add the structure

The main design elements of the regulator are shown in the photo. 3. The device consists of five components: two replaceable resistors with a support of 10 kOhm (No. 1) and 1 kOhm (No. 2), a transistor model KT815A (No. 3), a pair of two-section screw terminals for the output for connecting the motor (No. 4 ) and the input for connecting the battery (No. 5).

Note 1. The installation of screw terminal blocks is not obligatory. With the help of a thin, rich mounting rod, you can connect the motor and the power supply directly.

Robot principle

The order of operation of the motor regulator is determined by the electrical circuit (Fig. 1). With polarity corrected, constant voltage is supplied to the XT1 connector. The light bulb or engine is connected to the XT2 connector. At the input, turn on the variable resistor R1, whose wrapping of the handle changes the potential at the middle output in contrast to the minus of the battery. Through the flow exchanger R2, the middle output is connected to the base transistor VT1. The transistor is switched on behind the regular circuit. The positive potential at the base output increases when the burner of the middle output is moved from the smooth wrapping of the handle of the swap resistor. There is an increase in flow, which is due to the reduced support for the collector-emitter junction in transistor VT1. The potential will change if the situation changes.

Principle electrical diagram

Materials and details

You need a hand-made board measuring 20x30 mm, made from a sheet of sklotekstolite foil on one side (acceptable thickness 1-1.5 mm). Table 1 shows the mix of radio components.

Note 2. The exchangeable resistor required for the device can be of any kind, it is important to adjust the struma support indicated in Table 1 for a new value.

Note 3. To regulate flows higher than 1.5A, replace the KT815G transistor with a stronger KT972A (with a maximum flow of 4A). In this case, there is no need to change the small parts of the second board, since the distribution of the pins of both transistors is identical.

Folding process

For further work, you will need to download the archive file, locate it, such as statistics, unzip it and unzip it. On the glossy paper there is a regulator armchair (termo1 file), and the mounting armchair (montag1 file) is on a white office arch (A4 format).

The further arm of the mounting board (No. 1 in photo. 4) is glued to the guide tracks on the bottom side of the arm of the board (No. 2 in photo. 4). It is necessary to create an opening (No. 3 in photo. 14) on the assembly chair at the landing seats. The mounting bracket is attached to the frame plate with dry glue, which will prevent the opening from happening. Photo 5 shows the pinout of the KT815 transistor.

The input and output of the terminal blocks-sockets are marked with a white color. The voltage source is connected to the terminal block through the clip. The entire collection of single-channel regulators is shown in the photo. The battery life (9 volt battery) is connected at the final stage of collection. Now you can adjust the winding speed of the shaft behind the additional motor, for which you need to smoothly turn the adjustment knob of the variable resistor.

To test the device, it is necessary to tighten the armchair disk from the archive. Next, you need to stick this chair (No. 1) onto a thick and thin cardboard paper (No. 2). Then the disc (No. 3) is cut with scissors.

Turn the removed workpiece over (No. 1) and attach a square of black electrical tape (No. 2) to the center to quickly seal the surface of the motor shaft with the disk. It is necessary to open the opening (No. 3), as indicated in the image. Then the disk is installed on the motor shaft and you can start testing. Single-channel engine regulator ready!

Two-channel regulator for engine

Vikoristovuetsya for independent caravanning with a pair of engines at the same time. Life operates on voltage in the range of 2 to 12 volts. Strum navantazhennya up to 1.5A per skin canal.

The main components of the design are shown in photo.10 and include: two adjustment resistors for regulating the 2nd channel (No. 1) and the 1st channel (No. 2), three two-section screw terminal blocks for output to the 2nd motor (No. 3), for the exit to the first engine (No. 4) and for the entrance (No. 5).

Note.1 Installation of screw terminal blocks is not obligatory. With the help of a thin, rich mounting rod, you can connect the motor and the power supply directly.

Robot principle

The circuit of a dual-channel regulator is identical to the electrical circuit of a single-channel regulator. It is made up of two parts (Fig. 2). Main replacement: replace the resistor with an adjustable resistor. The fluidity of the roller wrapping is set at a later stage.

Note.2. To quickly regulate the torsional speed of the motors, replace the adapter resistors with an additional mounting bracket with resistors, an exchangeable support with the support indicators indicated on the diagram.

Materials and details

You will need a board with dimensions of 30x30 mm, made from a sheet of 1-1.5 mm foil on one side. Table 2 shows the overlap of radio components.

Folding process

After accessing an archived file located in the statistics section, you need to unzip it and unzip it. On the glossy paper there is a regulator chair for thermal transfer (termo2 file), and the mounting chair (montag2 file) is on a white office arch (A4 format).

The parts of the mounting board are glued to the guide tracks on the protruding side of the arm of the board. Form the openings while installing the seats in the seating areas. The mounting bracket is attached to the frame plate with dry glue, which will prevent the opening from happening. The pinout of the KT815 transistor is being prepared. To check it, you need to connect inputs 1 and 2 with a mounting rod for an hour.

The input terminals are connected to the power supply pole (a 9 volt battery is shown at the end). The minus was to fasten it to the center of the terminal block. It is important to remember: the black wire is “-”, and the red wire is “+”.

The motors are connected to two terminal blocks, and it is also necessary to set the required fluidity. After successful attempts, you need to remove the time-connected inputs and install the device on the robot model. The two-channel engine regulator is ready!

THE ARCHIVES present the necessary diagrams and chairs for robots. Transistor capacities are indicated by red arrows.

Regulator of engine wraps for stationary jet

The constant flow motor wrap regulator circuit operates on the principles of pulse width modulation and is designed to change the constant flow motor wraps to 12 volts. Regulating the frequency of the motor shaft wrapping using additional pulse-width modulation gives a higher efficiency factor than when simply changing the constant voltage supplied to the motor, although we can also look at the diagrams

Regulator of engine wraps of a stationary jet circuit for 12 volts

The motor connections to the field-effect transistor are controlled by pulse-width modulation timer NE555, which operates on the microcircuit, which is why the circuit turned out to be so simple.

The PWM controller is implemented using a secondary pulse generator on an astable multivibrator, which generates pulses with a passing frequency of 50 Hz and generated on the popular timer NE555. The signals coming from the multivibrator create a bias field at the gate of the field-effect transistor. The strength of the positive impulse is adjusted by the changeable support R2. The greater the strength of the positive pulse of the field-effect transistor that goes to the gate, the greater the pressure applied to the electric motor of the constant current. And however, the less intense the impulse, the weaker the electric motor turns. This circuit works miraculously with a 12 volt battery.

Regulating the engine speed of a stationary jet 6 volt circuit

The speed of the 6-volt motor can be adjusted between 5-95%

Engine wrap regulator on PIC controller

Regulating the speed of this circuit is achieved by supplying voltage pulses of different voltages to the electric motor. For these purposes, PWM (pulse width modulators) are used. In case of pulse-width regulation, the PIC microcontroller is provided. To change the speed of the engine wrapping, two buttons SB1 and SB2, “More” and “Less” are used. You can change the thickness of the wrapper using the pressed “Start” toggle switch. The strength of the impulse varies, from 30 to 100%.

As a voltage stabilizer for the PIC16F628A microcontroller, a three-voltage stabilizer KR1158EN5V is used, which has a low “input-output” voltage drop, only about 0.6V. The maximum input voltage is 30V. All this allows you to drive motors with a voltage of 6V to 27V. The role of the power switch is played by a storage transistor KT829A, which should be installed on the radiator.

The device is assembled on a second board with dimensions 61x52mm. You can install a small hand-made board and the firmware file as quickly as possible. (In the archive folder 027-el)

The voltage level can be adjusted using additional regulators using pulse width modulation. The advantage of such adjustment lies in the fact that the output transistor operates in switch mode and can be only in two states - open or closed, which turns off overheating, which means the viscosity of the great radiator and, as a result, lower є spend on electricity.

On VT1 and VT2 there is a multivibrator with adjustable pulse spacing. The transmission frequency is close to 7 kHz. From the collector of another transistor, the pulses go to the pressurized switch transistor MOSFET N302AP, which makes connections to the main points. It is good to replace it with the adjustable support R4. With the support in the extreme left position, observe the upper baby impulses at the output of the muscle, which means minimal output tension. When in the extreme right position, the device is applied to maximum tension.

To get to the regulator, you can connect the ignition lamps (including 12 volts), the electric motor of a stationary pump and direct the charger to regulate the flow.

The design is very simple and if installed correctly, it will immediately begin to work. As a key, as well as in the front phase of stagnation, a tight n-channel transistor.

Since it is necessary to regulate the voltage on the vantage point, one of the contacts of any connection to the “mass” (as happens in cars), then a circuit is created in which, to the plus of the connection life block, there is an n-channel field-effect transistor, and on The attraction is connected to the cob.

A regulator circuit based on pulse-width modulation or simply a vicoristan can be used to change the speed of a steady-state motor by 12 volts. Regulating the frequency of the rotation of the shaft using additional PWM gives greater productivity, rather than simply changing the constant voltage supplied to the motor.

Engine wrap regulator shim

The motor connects to the field-effect transistor VT1, which is controlled by a PWM multivibrator, based on the popular NE555 timer. Due to the stagnation, the speed control circuit became idle.

Yak was designated as a thing, PWM engine speed regulator signals using a simple pulse generator, which is vibrated by an unstable multivibrator with a frequency of 50 Hz, set on the NE555 timer. The signals from the output of the multivibrator are terminated at the gate of the MOSFET transistor.

The strength of the positive pulse can be adjusted with a variable resistor R2. The greater the width of the positive pulse of the transistor that is applied to the gate of the MOSFET, the greater the pressure applied to the motor of the constant flow. And as a result, the narrower the width, the less tension is transmitted and is subsequently reduced. wrap the engine. This circuit can be used with a 12 volt power source.

Characteristics of transistor VT1 (BUZ11):

  • Transistor type: MOSFET
  • Polarity: N
  • Maximum power that rises (W): 75
  • Maximum permissible stack-turn voltage (V): 50
  • Maximum permissible gate-turn voltage (V): 20
  • Maximum permissible continuous flow (A): 30