At the State Duma they propounded the payment of wages to the readers. The State Duma has proponated the payment of the salary to the readers

At the State Duma they propounded the payment of wages to the readers. The State Duma has proponated the payment of the salary to the readers

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has issued a proposal for the salary increase for the readers, fixing the future for 2019. A summary list of directions by the representatives of the household before the Ministry of Justice at the beginning of 19 Bereznya. The same on what rate can teachers be able to help?

Course on advices

Pay the wages to the readers to plan to make money from the author, so that 50% of the increase will come from the average salary in the region, so that. promotion will appear proportionate in all sub'ects of the Russian Federation.

Reforms, as well as to ensure the safety of educators, sciences, victories of universities and institutes, have been rosy since 2012 - just like that, at the same time, there was food about the improvement of narahuvan for state employees. V.V. Putin signed 11 decrees, direct on the planned and progressive changes. Professors, professors, practitioners of culture, nurses, social workers and social workers and brought up to 100% -200% during the middle of their work Today, if the front is already reached, the order is viral to take a course on the improvement of the social status of these services, having broken out of them, zokrem, Russian pedagogues, more stolen from financial plans.

The Ministry of Education means that the salary is not deprived of the middle class from the earners, but from the quiet, who pressure the services of preschool education.

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The current households look at 2 main routes, which can be thought of as possible at life. The first one is the price of salary increase for the forerunners of the home education, including not depriving teachers, but also of social workers, psychologists, bibliotekariv and іn. Tsey shlyakh dovgy, protest, how to speak in numbers, guided by:

  • up to the improvement of the quality of life of 1,250,000 people who have taken up the Russian educational system of the middle Lanka;
  • until the growth of the average salary of the pedagogical worker - from 37,800 rubles in 2018 to 76,500 rubles in 2024.

However, for a whole state there is a great number of additional values. As soon as the current fund for the payment of good people will become 568 billion rubles, then even after 5-6 rubles it will grow up to 1.332 trillion. rubles, the planned vitrati just do not give in to criticism! So far it is not clear, how does Vlad get to memorize such a sutta failure, and even in the minds of an economic crisis it is not easy to emerge.

The second option, which seems to be more "sparing" in relation to the situation before the economic situation, has been put up, only for the readers, and at the same time. This means that even the offensive fate of labor for 1000500 teachers can grow by 150%, or in the middle up to 59000 rubles and more. For the whole, in 2019, the Fund for Payments will increase by 255.2 billion rubles, and in 2020, by 273.1 billion rubles. In the result, the budget of the Fund for the payment of education will increase from 475.9 billion rubles from the flow rate to 819 billion rubles from 2020.

The defender of the head of the Uryad of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, as well as the representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Finance, will leave the comments from the team, in the same way the salaries of the Russian readers are being adjusted in 2019.

One of the last novelties, the advancement of salary payments to readers may not be earlier than June 2019. The size of the index can become 6%. At the end of 2020, the size of the market may grow by 5.4%, and in 2021 - by 6.6%.

How to get paid

The salary of women and teachers is deposited at once from a number of warehouses, one of which is fixed, and іnshі - for a good job, informed and informed. Mova IDE about:

  1. Salary. The actual indicator is of particular importance for the representatives of the religious community, because wines are counted according to the actual dates. Vіdshtovhuyuchis vіd sumy salary to the reader, as a rule, form your own budget, plan out vitrati and іn.
  2. Premium viplays.
  3. Pay extra (for example, for the robot on a normal basis, preparation for regular visits with children and in.).
  4. Allowance for qualification of work experience. For advanced and competent teachers, the possibility of a percentage allowance can be transferred, which can be calculated based on low factors - no qualifications and experience, as well as to the region, sit down, reach, increase the number of jobs.

Good news for the fact that the reader will enjoy the improvement in salaries and bonuses. It means, scho, from one side, the zagalny rіven of the life of state employees in zagalі, and, from the second, the stench appears to be drawn from the maximum possible returns with the sign of rejection of the premium - the blessing of food.

Dumka experts

Nearly 60% of the respondents were not satisfied with their salaries in 2017. For the whole period of time (from 2016 to 2017), the incomes were practically lost at an unprecedented price of approximately 34,000 rubles, and in 4 Russian regions, the stinks have gone down, high and low. It’s even less so, we can’t recognize the workers of institutes and universities (about 36,000 rubles).

Regardless of those that are scheduled for reform, it is often possible to resolve the existing problems and to help negatively suspicious moods, it is far from all to marvel at the potential changes positively. For example, the rest of the news about the wage adjustment of the sanctified people was sturbed with the help of the head of the professional group "Teacher" Vsevolod Lukhovitsky. Win stating that in 2019 the rock of the region will see the financials on its own, and all vitrati, newswires, will know the stench itself. The results of reform can be brought about as soon as possible, if there is no official plan. However, do not pay a lot of money to everyone, you will be able to get involved in the library, psychologists and part of the readers, so that the part of the audience gets busy at the recycling center.

The senior specialist of the Analytical Credit Rating Agency Oleksandr Shurakov will take a similar look at the situation. For these fowls, in order to recruit the dignity of change, the regions will have more vitrahati - approximately by 500-600 billion rubles per rik. The federal government will be aware of the need to adapt the sub''kti to the financing of the reforms, it would still be better to bring the regional Borgs to maturity, the need for restructuring of budget loans and in.

Chi spravdі wages of readers are taka visoka: video

Whole fate of the workers in the budgetary sphere, there is only one food: why do you have a salary, zokrema, people in 2018? Remain new to talk about those who will still be promoted. Ale shvidshe for all the deprivation in the boundaries of the index.

Where can you keep a teacher's salary at a school?

  1. With experience, I’m better than lyudin’s pratsyu, then I’ll reject more.
  2. From the region - in the central region of the region, from the suvorim climate, the viewers will find more, less in the new and old federal districts.
  3. View of the best server.
  4. From the free admission of qualifications.

Warehouse salary is stored in 4 warehouses:

  • basic (teaching lessons, additional busyness, converting things too),
  • stimulating (for the provision of new methods of development and high performance indicators for scientists),
  • compensation (for pratsyu in special minds, for example, with cheeky speeches and a Korean class)
  • that premium.

Ale the rest of the rock, as the bi didn’t grow up to pay for the teacher, the salary was practically unimportant.

Share by decree from 2012

In 2012, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the planned payment of salaries to the chief executives of the budgetary sphere in the period from 2012 to 2018. According to the decree, the income of school teachers may be increased by 200%. Advancement of the plan will not be carried out one-time, but step-by-step, even at such a pace, until 2018 will be completed.

Kriza, who resigned in 2014, caused a large-scale budget deficit and the unhappiness of bringing in a small increase in salaries without blaming public sector employees. They didn’t ignore the program, the President’s decree was not harsh, it’s not hard to get involved. If I want, wickedly, for rіk, scho having lost, salaries for teachers from 10-12 thousand rubles. up to 30-36 yew. rub. do not get overwhelmed, because the sovereign budget cannot be cleaned up on the central bank.


The index є the advancement of wages and salaries, up to and including the inflation rate (growth of prices) in the country at the rate of 1: 1. So, if inflation was 12%, then the incremental salary rate becomes 12%. Of course, in 2015, the index was skewed, and in 2016 it was deprived of the chastkovoye. The reason for this uryadov structure was called the crisis of the economy of the land, the growth of the day-to-day situation of the necessary size of financial conditions.

Allegedly, the indexes themselves, the salary of the readers in 2018 in Russia is still growing. It’s not big. The average indicator becomes close to 6%, tobto. 1200 RUB with a salary of 20,000 rubles. This is a great surcharge, so you can name it neatly, if, behind the words of the order, you won’t be able to improve the prices on the main products and services.

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In 2018, the salary of the readers of the school will not be deprived of their seniority and index, but they will not be deprived of the index. It’s transferring, so that ordinary readers can reach that school and start at school 1: 4, so that the young teacher’s salary is 15 thousand rubles. rub., then the director otrimuvatime maximum 60 yew. rub. How rozrahovuvatymyutsya reached the іnshikh pratsіvnikіv, it is still unclear.

Krim kofіtsієnta rozkidu z 2018 roku salary of teachers in lay down from new posad for the title:

  • vchitel (Lyudin, as soon as she came in pratsyuvati and didn’t deny any additional education yet, nor did she improve the quality, won’t just get children);
  • senior teacher (another step kar'єri, scho polyagaє at the programs written by the chiefs, the program for the development of disciplines and korektsіynoi robots);
  • a provincial teacher (his robot includes the coordination of the educational process and the organization of the educational process). From a plant, there is also a salary and additional allowances to salary.

The introduction of new posad, on the idea of ​​development of the project, in addition to the development of the profession of a teacher "kar'erny gatherings" for young specials. The increase in the popularity of the profession is one of the main employees of the field of pedagogy. Ale chi will correct the stench to yourself, if only the sound of the song is coming.

It is possible to correct the planting if you have increased experience of robotics and passed pre-school and general attestations and programs for teaching teachers. Here it is important to mean that in 2018 it is also planned to prohibit paid "izpiti" for teachers of the school, as they allow them to gain their professional qualifications and increase salary adjustments from the standard. However, the project of the Academy of Education of the Russian Federation has gone out of business, and will be left unreasonable, which will bring positive results in development.

Forecast for 2018 rik

It is impossible to change the salary of the head of the offensive fate, it is impossible to talk about it. Nayimovirnishe, there are three ways to grow at once due to the influx of new frames.

Before speech, about kadri. Being sensitive about the speed of pedagogical warehouses is just as sensitive. The speed of feeling and without that innumerable lavi of qualified readers is not planned, for that it is only to lower the prestige of the profession even more.

Meals about the advancement of wages and salaries in 2018 for children who are not so great. Let us report on the price of nutrition and the diznaєmosya to increase the salary of the readers in 2018.

Special features to be applied to the scope of coverage in 2018

Prior to the sphere of education, there should be the workers of preschool educational organizations, the establishment of the average, professional education, robots of a different kind of correct, medical, scrutinized and other enterprises.

Shodo posad, then it was accepted to see the offensive warriors:

  • director;
  • head of the main part;
  • a teacher of the middle school, like a viklada, be it a subject;
  • the whipper;
  • driver;
  • pedagogical pratsivnik in the installations of cob and middle professional education of Russia;
  • instructor;
  • person, yak to be engaged in Vikladatskoy that wicked robot;
  • fahivets iz psychology;
  • lykar, which is engaged in vivchennyam of science about the destruction of movi;
  • musical kerіvnik;
  • Kerіvnik physical vikhovannya;
  • nurse;
  • trainer.

For now, in the Internet, we have programs that will help you to increase the salary of users in 2018. Protect can be developed independently.

Before we take data about the base rate, for the price of 3000-3500 rubles. To the tsієї sumi will be given a kofіtsієnt, as a teacher:

  • navchaє u seli (0.25);
  • at a special lighting tab (0.2);
  • in the boarding school for orphans (0.2);
  • in the boarding school (0.15);
  • zdatny vikladati mіstsevі heirs, for example, Chechen MOV (0.15).

In addition, the power of education, the level of quality, the manifestation of the people known by the state or the support of the merits of the people, it was the experience of the robot, the steps of the quality system in science, establish the status. The bosses can also reserve the conference for the flexibility of this discipline, which is the case.

The following indicators are added to the salary:

  • length of service - if you are vishche, then the more you entered the sum of viplat;
  • region - a serious climate injected with an adjusted salary;
  • Kerіvnitstvo;
  • advising qualifications.


The salary can be adjusted, as in the country the growth of the price at the rate of 1: 1 has become. For example, if it costs 10%, then the sum of viplat costs 10%. As soon as 2018 is rocky, the salary will be increased by 6% - 1200 rubles.

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In 2018, we will also have a good deal of money in the event of an increase in salaries for workers. In such a rank, come to the demanded vchitelіv and the authorities vstanovlyuvatimutsya at spіvvіdnoshennі 1: 4. Tobto, as the salary of the readers in 2018 rotsi is 15 thousand rubles, todi the director is set aside 60.

Yak the salary of the teacher has changed since 1 September 2018

From the 1st of the present day there was an innovation for the planting of the official of the sphere of illumination. The main role of the present day is:

  1. The teacher, who only started to master the planting and go to study only for the whole profession.
  2. The senior teacher is Lyudin, who is a preschool warehouse and discipline program.
  3. The leading teacher is guilty of stitching for the distribution of the first readers and the fixation of the process.

Young employees of such a system can take care of their descent. Heads of staff at the time of the advancement of the demand for the profession.

For 2018, there is also a plan for the provision of paid services for teachers, on the basis of which the professionalism of the worker and the possibility of increasing the salary will be approved. However, at the present moment the project has not gained dignity.

News news about the salary of readers in Russia in 2018 rotsi

The salary of the readers in 2018 will be better, let’s still be surprised, as for this year’s day є new news of the current situation.

The order of the Russian Federation will see to it 14,500,000,000 rubles for the adjustment of payments to the workers of the public sector. Half of the amount of financing in the period from the increase of salaries to the teachers in 2018 was paid.

Oleksandr Burkov, meaning that it is necessary to advance the labor resources, and that with such a rank it is possible to achieve the advancement of wages. Vin meaning that before the demand, brothers, the working hour of the worker.

  • The average salary of a reader per month will be 31,477 rubles, and in Mexico - 375,830 rubles.
  • In Japan, the bosses pay additional time, hto pratsyuє at home. It’s because the robot owner doesn’t get a penny for renting an office.
  • In Britain, a law has been established that the official cannot receive information about the copyright laws. Tse means that if I’m a teacher, I can know, I’ll reject my colleague.
  • Statistics show that the average income of women in the Russian Federation is 26% lower than that of women in this self-employed profession.
  • The salary of the reader at the school establishments in Nimechchin is 7-8 times the amount of viplat payments from Russia.
  • Yak mi bachimo, the teachers will receive a salary from 2018 rotsi, ala, nyimovirnishe, it will not be better to call the index.

The efforts of the teachers of our unassailable land are worried about how much salary will be paid. In 2018, the plan is to carry out an index of incomes in viclades near the boundaries of inflation.

Transferred to a warehouse of 6 vids. Equally on style to index the salary of Vikladachiv.

The most important capital of any country is children. The more we invest in them, the more beautiful we will be.

Oskіlki in our hour, the teacher's profession is not є prestigious, until the pedagogical VNZ is treated by graduates, who cannot boast of good balls from a single sovereign class.

Surely, є vinyatki - the purpose of linguistics and computer directly. Also, special features allow practice in other spheres.

Robot from the sovereign's chief mortgages does not imply prestige. Pedagogical vices have more grandparents than teachers, as they cannot boast of high points from EDI.

Russia is actively discussing the 2012 draft law, it is clear about the increase in the level of wages and salaries of public sector employees. Already naprikіntsі rock stinks otrimuvati 200% more.

It’s obvious that the big people don’t need to go around. Ale the stench is even more conducive. Even in the future rockets, there was no increase in salaries to public sector employees,

The price can be explained. Adzhe crisis to finish off the economy of the country. Efforts of the position, transmission in the decree, bully viconani.

It is important to say, to wake up the viconati chi ni. Even an hour on їхнє is not enough. The state employees themselves are especially interested in the payment of wages to the readers.

Index of wages and salaries in 2018

At the light of the last sounds, it became zerous, and the salary of the viclazes is still getting better. However, the income of the readers will be simply indexed. Vrahovuvatimetsya zagalny rіven іnflatsії.

As inflation in the country becomes 20%, then the increase in the wages of users will be 20%, if 200%, then the increase will be increased by 200%.

In 2015, they didn’t overrule the salary, in 2016, they didn’t get it. The powers of the state simply do not go through a crisis.

Experts will still prophesy a salary increase by 6% in 2018. Even though it is still far away from the general population of 200%, the protest is a guarantor that such a sum of coverage and price adjustment for services and products.

Innovation for educators to allow for higher salaries

In 2018, Russia will have a new system of posad. In full with the income of the readers and the efficiency of the budget. Special customers for the delivery to the core warehouse should be trimmed at the rate of 1: 4.

For example, the salary of the vicladac-pochatkivtsya will become 15,000 rubles, for such a time the director will take four times more - 60,000 rubles. The mechanism of payment for the other categories of victories has not yet been broken down.

Nowadays there are such categories of professional education: teacher, senior teacher and provincial teacher. Apparently, and payment from cich categories will be reasonable.

Also, for the salary level, now I have a sleep, given the folding of what kind of a worker to develop a good quality standard. There is also such a sleep in the form of an independent assessment of professional qualifications of victories.

Kozhen wikladach may be able to sleep like this in 2018 roci. Of course, the result of the sleep is not especially to improve the income, but for the sake of passing through the carnival gatherings, the wine will be injected.

This kind of sleep is paid for. However, it will not be binding. You can pay for sleep if you are a Viclad, as it is initially installed in your Viclad.

Forecasts for 2018 rіk from the wikladachіv themselves

The main part of the Vikladatskiy warehouse is still hesitating, if you can just walk by the mountain, and the stench is good to get rid of in 2018. The system, yaku zbirayutsya zaprovaditi, na їkhnyu dumka, do not allow the bagatom otrimuvat and pay extra that premium.

After a few more years of education, as well as being retired and promoting vicladati, the bill on independent evaluation. Nayimovirnishe, the whole law was abused in order for the pensioners to play a role for the graduates of the pedagogical VNZ.

Economist. Dosvid robots on the core plantations near the virobny spheres. Date: 14th serpnya 2018 roku. Reading hour 6 min.

The average salary of readers for 2018 rik increased by 16% and reached the level of 42,226 rubles. The addendum of viplat on the ear of the beginning of the rock is planned for the regional level, so that it will be possible to reduce the indicators of not less than 100% of the average income for sub'ekts.

Skіlki bude the average salary of readers from 1 Veresnya

For tribute to the Federal State Statistics Service, for pidsums of the first pіvrіchchya, the average message of the readers became 42,226 krb., Zokrem from the federal primary mortgages - 73,900 krb., From the regional - 60 466 krb., And municipalities - 37,876 krb.

At the same minimum income is spared from:

  • Republic of Dagestan - 22,474 rubles;
  • Chechen Republic - 22,564 rubles;
  • Republic of Mordovia - 23306 rubles.

The new salaries and salaries were sanctified by:

  • Yamalo-Nenets AT -113,826 rubles;
  • Nenets AT - 101,681 rubles;
  • Chukotka AT - 92,797 rubles;
  • Magadan region - RUB 85,795;
  • m. Moskvi - 83,679 rubles.

Unimportant for growth indicators, and practically 100% of the "grass" decrees in 2012, after 60% of Russian victories, according to the data of the RANEPA, are not satisfied with their salaries, and 24% are promising, as a young professional. As much as 50% of sportsmen are trained in education.

Dovidka! According to the Decree, signed in 2012, the wages and salaries of pedagogues and schoolchildren of small maturity are up to 100% of the average income in the region until 2013, and for viclads of VNZ - up to 200% until 2018.

In order to save the established legislation, the average salary of pedagogical workers up to the mid-thousandth regional income at the level of 100% vlad will be impressed by the coriguvati.

According to an earlier estimate by the Federal State Statistics Service, for another period of 2018, the increase in salaries may decrease, and in the foreign picture, it does not exceed 5-9%. Tobto, at the most out-of-the-box indices become worth 44 330-46 000 rubles.

Chi bude p_dvischennya on the federal rivna

The head of state, put by the president in 2012, was responsible for the increase in salaries of state employees, in front of them, in front of them, in early adopters, in preschool education, in the VNZ, up to 100 or 200% of the average income.

Note! On the cob 2018 r. their allowances so and did not hurt the pedagogical workers of preschool, pre-school and general professional education.

2 Bereznya Olga Golodets, Vice-premier, apparently, "practically skrіz" is an indicator of the growth of salaries of state employees in Viconano.

A new meta was the zeal of saving the achieved result over the course of 2018-2020 rockiv. Tobto "travnevi Ukazi" 2012 r. bully continued until the end of ten years.

The new grass-roots Decree on the development of Russia until 2024, like RBC, has no good word about the advancement of payment for pratsi teachers. Aleh immediately, the president of the country staggers respect for the need to secure a stable growth of income for the people of the community for the price of inflation, as it is.

The main directions of development for the next 6 rockets Uryad can be hardened by 1 June 2018, according to the TARS information. To that, there are no changes and solutions for the provision of viplays to readers up to 1 month on the federal level.

The Ministry of Education and Science with the aim of making a special promotion of the social status of the Russian teacher of the plan to see two options for the promotion of viplat:

  1. Shchorychno from 2018 to 2024 rock. by 10%, to allow reaching the regional level of 160%, so that the payment for pedagogical workers will move from 37 800 rubles. up to RUB 76,500 until 2024 p.
  2. The salary changes and the hassle of vchiteliv - the increase becomes payable up to 59,000 rubles. 2019 p.

Krym, the nicest teachers for reaching the professional skills as early as 2018 can be discounted for 200,000 rubles. prizes, yak will be awarded for the bags for the competition.

Remaining news, about the growth of wages and salaries of users for the 1st spring of 2018 p. by 10% - cob lance and 24% - older until the cob of a new new rock is not approved by the regular official jerel.

Zrostannya viplat on the regional Rivne

Virivnyuvannya salaries by regions - one of the most relevant food. It’s a pity that Minosvity doesn’t have the right to invest in the salary policy at the places.

Already in the region, they pay the main vitrati on the payment of salaries to the readers, and the linkage of payment to the average level of income is on the basis of the average indicators.

In addition, if the payment of viplays is increased up to 1 month, then through growth of income from the region, or from the initiative of the local government.

So, the Vlad of the Moscow Oblast plans to increase the salaries of the sovereigns for spring 2018 by 15%, the start of the development of the region. Such information is given by TARS Andriy Vorobyov - the governor of the region. Krim tsyogo, increase in 5000 rubles. otrimayut young specialties and classy kerivniks.

The capital of the Kirov Oblast on the 29th worm announced that the base salary will be raised from the ear to 11,163 rubles. - Rivne minimum wage in the region.

St. Petersburg is planning to pay for an ear of rock from 23537 rubles. up to RUB 27387 or in the middle for 4000 rubles.

Besides, the regional vlada gave the teachers of the pilgrimage 50% of the cost of compensation, the payment for the purchase of literature and inn.

In addition, the size of the allowance and the change in the field, and the socially enter the pedagogues, as the teachers disclaim, lay down the decision of the capital of a particular region.

Chi bulo pidvischennya to readers at 2018 rotsi

For the tribute to Rosstat, in 2018, the growth of viplat to pedagogical workers was spared not in our regions. And in deyaky sub'єkty there was a change in salaries.

Table 1. Narakhuvannya by regions in 2018 p.


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