Sira kurіpka in home minds. Problems with viroshuvanny

Sira kurіpka in home minds. Problems with viroshuvanny

Vyroshuvannya and breeding chickens for sale of eggs and meat can be brought up to the category of competitive and profitable business through a regular drink on this product. For a cob of quality, it is enough to correctly possess a chicken cob and buy mature birds. It’s also a decision to allow you to go to a stable exit, which you can take away from a deaf village. Vibrating my business, it’s quite a bit to bypass the sphere of activity in breeding and keeping a look at the wild bird, but not easy to look after it, the protein flavor of the meat and the egg of the chicken for similar products.

Breeding an exotic bird yak business

Relevance to business

Vyroshuvannya kurіpok є actual business through the road products and the day-to-day need for special minds to fix the exotic bird.

Bagato pіdpriєmtsіv do not bazhayuvati in tsіy nіshі, oskіlki vvazhayut її a foldable that university, that in nіі practically all day-to-day competition. Having learned this kind of performance, it is possible to trim the income not only from the sale of meat, but from the sale.

Business re-establishment

Before tim yak possession and purchase of a bird, it is necessary to register the planned activity. On the cob stage, there is enough evidence of individual production. In the world of business expansion, you can think about changing your status to a legal person. When the documentation is drawn up, mark the type of activity "Breeding of agricultural birds". For the registration of a loan for planting birds, or whatever it is, you need to make a call to the ear of robots in the up-to-date organs of the CES and the state inspectorate. The document will be seen for singing minds. In the package of documents, the package of documents can be seen on the display:

  • lease agreements on the papers about the right of power to the equipment;
  • an insurance contract with a single person, a vigodonabuvach with a third person - the renter, the owner of the order of the roztashovannyh ob'yktyv;
  • contracts for the conduct of disinfection and deratization robots.

At the stage of implementation of the product, it is necessary to control the veterinary service, and it will also be necessary to draw up one more agreement for the conversion of meat to conform to the regulations of legal acts. In the process of farm production, at the stage of slaughtering and preparation of meat before implementation, as well as when storing food and packaging, you can change the CEC. In the field of competence, the control of the availability of the finished product to the regulatory authorities, as well as the performance of the day in any pathogenic microorganisms.

Pidpryamnytsky Riziki

Chicken eggs

The breeding and cleaning of chickens at home minds are tied with risiks, zooming in with the nuances of business. Financial losses can be tied with a bird through a mischief, as well as through the reduction of mischief. Chickens are sick to early infectious ailments through weak immunity. Before getting sick, it is possible for the preparation of vitamins and microelements to be introduced before the race, as well as for a quick prophylactic treatment of birds with drugs.

Females take the time to lay eggs after 9 months, so if the reception is not ready for the next few months, then you will be able to get a hit on the sales product. A negative point can be the waste of permanent clients, which we take as a product copyright owner.

Ptah can spend a lot of time, or it is inappropriate to carry eggs in stressful situations, zoomed by strong noise, wandering food, or inadequate temperature and environmental conditions in primitives, so hens are depleted. For a reason, if you want to buy a bird, you need to learn about the peculiarities of this.

Read also: Breeding ostriches yak business: why start, how to reach success

The negative side of business є the need to remove the necessary documents for conducting business. During the implementation of the product, it will be necessary to inform the veterinary service to deny evidence of the product's relevance to vimogs, which is regulated by legal acts.

Vimogi to prim_shennya

Breeding chickens at home minds for the ears does not make it difficult for them, as long as they are competent in the whole food.

You need to read up on the literature, and also consult with people, so that you can specialize in this galusa. One of the minds is to ensure the normal living of birds є to care for the state's buddies, those who grow up have a bird. It’s not guilty for those who are not to blame, but it’s warmer and vented from one side if necessary. The new one is guilty but the bed is clean and dry. The handrail from the corral is used to cover the box for the bird vigula.

Klіtini for kurіpok

When the size of the necessary space is determined, it is based on standard norms, in the same way as for normal living conditions of one individual, one square meter of space is required. Trimati are allowed at the birds only, and the over-grown bird is more beautiful than the growth of the birds.

What to see

First of all, it’s necessary to do it in a practical way, as well as for business, and to go to it. For those it is recommended to buy breeding chickens, lay eggs for the female and virostiti chickens to mature individuals. It is also a decision to allow:

  • appraisal of the power of the power and the bazhanya to engage in active work with the nisha;
  • trim the practical tips from the spheres to look after the partridge;
  • to be able to fold, with which you can stick;
  • rorahuvati business profitability.

Vivedennya birdies

Business for growing birds, bringing a constant influx, it is necessary to add more information about the increase and increase of the number of livestock. Birdies can be copuvati, however, the offspring can be seen independently. In case of planning a great number of livestock, it is recommended to use an incubator, for whom it is possible to vivodit chickens from the chickens.

Females of the exotic bird are seen by mothers, so the stench can spontaneously come to the birds. For one individual, it is possible to carry up to 25 eggs per person. For a whole їm necessary cat, zapovneniya sіnom. She needs more children. The stench is not guilty of being stuck. On the egg, it is necessary to hang a quota, yak, through a special physiological cycle in the body, it is ready to become a mother. Rashtu diy vona vikona is independent.

Watching the birds

The little birds will swim for eggs on the 25th day. As long as they are visually quappy, then you can trust them to look after them for the first time in your life. At the most, it is recommended to bring the birds to the okremiy volєr every other day. It is unacceptable to grow up at once from growing up with a bird.

For the first few days, the little ones need more boiled cheeks. Add greens to the ratsion slid in the viglyad kropivi, kulbab and cabbage. On the way to add life to the race, you can introduce meat, larvae and crumbling bread. Little by little, it is necessary to add grain to the grain. Harchuvannya birds will need to be saved in two-day mode.

Years of birds

Correct year for the birds to guarantee the success of the business project. The culprit is responsible for the unbalanced eating, as it would allow the reduction of the immune system for reasons of infection, and also ensured the maximum increase in the mass of power and the parameters of non-consistency.

Strava from kurіpki

Kuropki nevibaglivі in їzhі. Їm enough inclusion to the race of sums of wheat, all and maize. Peregodovuvati kurіpok is not so bad, so do not provoke them to get sick of the herbal system, which will become the reason for the mischief and decrease in mass. Before such problems can cause undershoot feed. How many is required for such a rank, that at the heat of the time of fate, one individual has cut off food for 300 calories. In the cold period, the indicator of ma buty is reduced to 90 calories.

Bagato farmers are skeptical about the possibility of living in the minds of wild birds. Ale will drink on such a product a very high one, the same arrival at any time. And there are practically no competitors on the market, too, the breeding of chickens in summer cottages can become a successful business.

Breeding such a bird in home minds is simpler for low reasons:

  1. Vaughn does not require special minds, she is unwavering to race;
  2. Otrimati can not only meat, but the first egg, which may be drunk;
  3. The spheres have few competitors.

What is the need for the nobility about the restoration of business?

Take a look at the house, maybe you’re a ludin, you’re a little householder in the village, or there are enough houses, but you can rent a small land parcel from a barn.

The bird itself is a little sick, and it is not to blame for her problems. Tsyogo not say about the tax inspection, as can be found in all documents from the enterprise.

To this, the yak IP is re-structured, as it is necessary to plan a large-scale breeding of birds, obov'yazkovo. Vibrantly directly in the field - breeding of agricultural birds that will start until the establishment of ptahoferms and purchase of chickens.

Yak oblastuvati prim_shennya?

Breeding chickens in the home minds next to fix the choice of the state budget. We are warm, but we will be warm, on the pidlog we will lay a dry bed and a pad about the visibility of the stretches. The handrail from the shed can be used for a bird vigula.

Deyaki farmers see a ferry crossing from small clientele. Such a method may have the right to life, as far as the use of its own order is not large, there is a great number of vilny people;

Even better, if there is grass in a new place, then the hens will be smelled on the way spokіynіshe. Wild minds often have a stench in tiny mists, so near the enclosures you can visadzhuvati chagarniki.

Breeding kurіpok yak biznes stan vigіdnimi vypadku, as there is a large land plot for the cultivation of volurіv. Here it is important to take into account the fact that the statehood of the demand to seize from hiji birds is important. Crows and hawks do not fight half-suvati with savory chicken meat.

If you want to buy big chickens, you will need to take it out of your mind for a quick start, regularly grab birds and chekati, as long as the stench grows. If you add eggs, you will need to remove the offspring from the sprout. For everyone to know:

  1. A small cat, the bottom of which needs to be covered with a ball of sleep;
  2. Lay in the middle of the egg so that the stench lay dull and did not stick around. It is necessary to turn the skin over for 2 days with a stretch of 2 types;
  3. Place a cat in a cool place and put a little crochet on them.

The little birds will have to swim in about 25 days. A collection of їх can be filled in with a quotchka, if you want to sit around. Little birds fly and only grow up - you can grab a drink at the enclosures, and the stench grazed on the grass. Chicks are free to walk, as only they can get a month.

At the first days of life, we need to boil a chicken egg with a zhovt. Go to the ratsion to add greens kulbabi and cabbage to the Ruban. Even more piznish (on the 5th day of life) babies can get crispy white bread, eat meat or eggs flies.

They feed two years for a day, portions of feed gradually grow in the world of growing chickens. A great problem in breeding chickens can be the condition of infectious diseases of birds. In order to unknow the bends of the whole population, it is necessary to exclude the contacts of birds with other domestic critters, if you are a healthy person, and there are plenty of vitamins for you.

On the cob stage, you can take trocha more than 10 eggs. So it is possible to assess all the folding, which is responsible for the process of breeding chicks, as well as assess your strength and the cost-effectiveness of the business. One laying hen per season will bring close to 60 eggs, so the heads of such high productivity can be even faster than the number of birds.

Vitrati and income from business

Seasonal farming in the middle of the farmers is even wider. Pidpryumtsi feed chickens, geese, chickens and bagatokh other birds. Leaving farms with partridges is not enough, so he will drink on meat and eggs for the minds of practically zero competition in halus.

Therefore, this type of business can be even more tricky for industrial workers, as they do not lose the opportunity to work with a large investment at the main farm. Porahuєmo zrazkovі vitrati, uniqueness that cannot be seen:

  1. You can stay in the enclosure with your own hands from the slate, the boards and the warmer. Ale for a whole lot of land is needed, for rent, or for a swim. For the obviousness of the earth, vitrati for the future becomes less than 30 thousand;
  2. Dal it is necessary to buy a few pairs of chickens. Approximately 5 pairs of 10 thousand karbovanets;
  3. Now the price of buying feed for poultry, grain and combined feed;
  4. I want a large-scale business, and it’s not easy to look after birds on my own - to find a couple of workers - up to 15 thousand per month for a salary.

Now about the potential arrival. The female is carrying about 50 eggs on the fish, the amount of skin lumps from 15 to 20 rubles. For simple females of 5 females - as many as 250 eggs, a virus of which dorіvnyuvatie 3000 rubles. A lot of cinnamon chicken meat, I would like to send it to the sale in the first place.

The price of a kilogram of meat is about 1000 rubles. Already in another way of doing business, the farmer can easily sell meat for a sum of up to 100 thousand rubles, and the figure is constantly growing, as the number of birds is increased.

Judging yourself is not the most expensive, more promising business. The implementation of the business plan is correct, the ability to remove stable income and turn all the investments of a penny into the mainstream world.

I would like to share my business with you. You can take a quick look at the video about the breeding of chickens, as it allows you to delve into the subtle roots of the chicks, the optimal minds of living and breeding.

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However, the very sight of birds of a bird is permanently under the great threat, which only makes it impossible for me to fall in love with the view of the Mislivsky bird. On the right, in fact, the gray chickens have a lot of "crows" - the winter hijacks, cold and hungry winters, the sick birds ...

About those who are interested in and for whom the distribution is so important - our publication is ready to tell you ...

Vorogi siroї kurіpka

From the earliest century, the seed of time in Nature is overwhelmed by the post-security problem. Ground and birds hijacked to empty bird's nests, and not only eggs, but young birds, before they are often attacked and on grown-up birds. Oh, forty - the one who calls out straight to the point of flying, knowing their nests and picking up, or else on the go-to egg.

Give to the whole fact that wandering cats, dogs, foxes, weasels, thori and jellyfish can not be opposed to half-suvaty little birds and eggs of chick birds, and in your mind, you can see the partridge in such smart minds.

Do not take the multiplication of birds from Nature and dry spring, but I do not care about making long boards, which are repaired in the course of a new nest - so you can restore the whole vivodok. Until then, the weather was just like that for the wider middle of the country.

It is not easy for the birds to fall and take them. For a short winter day, the stench of a lady grows up to know the food, and as soon as it sips, it’s rich and glibky - the little chicks fix their hunger. The very fact, it is recommended to be in the quiet, deceased to be found - razgribati snig and pidgodovuvati ptahiv. Until the speech, so I will help the partridges to nadayut ..., as they razryvayut snig at the jokes of the grass, and unforgettable chickens are angry at the end of the day, as they have weakened due to hunger. It's a pity, the stench is an easy view for huts.

To trample, scho, hiding in the cold and hunger, and the birds to see the narrow-minded people, are in the middle of the population.

As a rule, for such suvorikh and hungry winters, the number of birds decreases.

It is even more common for chicks to go out from the gravel of grass and other grain crops, as they go to the fields to fight with the greens. Shkodit їm the water of the rychok and lakes is blocked, near the yak they descend from the entrance of factories and chemical enterprises.

A bag of kurіpki, as a rule, there, they have spared the lisov maidanchiks and drіbny chagarnik. On very critical dilenks, it is possible to grow it to death.

Great skoda cim ptaham produce and develop illnesses - coccidiasis, cholera, plague, diphtheria, etc.

Fight against the enemies of the siren kure

Primitively, the protection of chickens is made of uvaz, the first for everything, the fight against the head biological enemies. So, forty is necessary to start early warnings - because birds are not so protective. The hinged nests of the cichus of hiznykh birds need to be ruined, however, the nests of the eggs must be carried not on the cob of the clutch (forty can be seen again), but in the end. For a whole lot of you, you can just pierce the egg and leave it at the nest.
You can also tie a cat near the nest of a magpie. With their forty voices cry, they join their relatives and they get angry, so that they can kill the nests. It’s not important for those who are mislers to spend їх masoviy іdstrіl.

It is possible to know the paths of the green chickens (hawks, fox huts) with the help of other traps and pastocks. Adzhe, what more can you deny such huts - the more you will have chickens and corny game in your places.

Protection of the nests of the siroї kurіpka

The very nests of the chicken need to be protected, and before the hour of the young cat and the harvest of the harvest, it is necessary to take care of it, but not inadvertently. If the harvest is harvest, and the nests have become bare, it is possible to create a special piece of ukritty so that the birds could calmly prodzhuvati visidzhuvati eggs and not be afraid of either hijackers or villains.

Features of single breeding of gray chickens in captivity

Well, before the single breeding of the syrikh kurіpok, then the stench is even more important for such breeding. Hiba high efficiency showing the way, if from the nest of the hammered chicken there are eggs. If you want to, you need to put it in front of the quote and protect it further. It is necessary to cover the box of chi cat with straw chi, and nourish it with thyrsu. Laying eggs in such a nest is necessary so that the stench did not stick one by one, but lay bluntly downward. Beastly respect - the box is to blame for the uprising at a cold place, and for that, the egg will lie for 10-15 days, it will be necessary to turn it over for 2-3 days. A hammer for a visiuvannya is more beautiful to grow light and spokyynu as possible.

Much for the little birds

If the little chicks wander, you will need to put the nests in the box, or in the cat with a size of 30 centimeters by 30 centimeters by 30 centimeters. From such a nest of small chicks, you cannot get into the tekti. Varto nobility, scho

The little birds are even more chilly, and at the least noise, the stench should be hammered into the dark kut of primitiveness, so that they can be bogged down, splinters at the click of a stench will not appear.

It is even more important that the stench could not leave the boundaries of its "nest". Before the speech, on that vipadok, as soon as the chickens still try it out in the feed - just tell me about those who "nest" stood on the ground - so the little birds do not grow up.

Vibir primischennya, de live kurіpki

Applied, they are worth the same - they are dry, well-treated, ale without stretching. Follow the team, there are no traps, through which you can penetrate the huts into the new one. It is also recommended to cleanse as much as possible the place of unnecessary speeches; It is most beautiful to smear it with clay and cover it with either sleep or straw.

Turbot about little birds

For that, as all the little birds have to go out, they just need to do it. Then it can be transferred from a quotation to a special room, in which case it will be issued 2 times. The first person will have a small quota, but if they are not seen from another in such a rank, then small chicks could climb up to the point, but not before them. Another example of a bed is meant for chicks, it’s not less than 0.6 meters wide and not less than 1.5 times the length, while the height of the wall is not less than 60 centimeters. For this purpose, you can pull the sieve on the tree from 3 sides, and the bottom is visible as shown on baby # 1.

If the chicks grow up, all at once from a small box and a cell at the warm days you can wine on the street and put in the middle of the low grass. This will give the young birds the power to develop in their minds, close to the natural ones. As soon as the sun rises high, the client will need to darken it. If the chicks grow up, the client can be rewarded from the client. As a rule, until the end of the hour, the stench is already ringing until it is seen on the next page.

Years of chicken chickens

On the first day, the birds can be given a boiled egg that is steeply cooked and in the same rank as they are chickens. When re-growing, it will be possible to pick up a sprinkler, leafing a tree and a kulbaby. On the 2nd day, before the summit, you can add other biscuits. Such a sum is guilty of being rosy and often and myako so that the bird didn’t stick to the sky and the sky, and the stench could be really kovtati. On the 3rd and 4th day, you can give the chickens fresh and cooked meat without fat, and if you have such power, then you can feed the chicks with murashin eggs. It’s good to give їm and nesolona a fresh sir or porridge from an egg, diluted with milk.

If the little birds have enough of the fresh Russian food, then the need to give them water in the fall by itself. However, if there is a cake on the street, then in small quantities, water will still need to be introduced before the ration. For a quote, put a whistle in the kitchen more beautifully, the birdies did not turn it over.

Years of chicks may not be older than 2 times a day, they are about 16.00 pm, and if they are guilty of doing something, they will eat their food.

In a month, if on such a rationalization, the chicken grows up and grows up, and the stench can still appear, and the stench can let you - you can see it from the quota.

If and yak vipuskati to the freedom of the grown-up chickens

Vipuskati to the wild is more beautiful than 2-month-old chickens, and vibrate for a whole mіstsya, there are vivodki of a whole bird. However, the deyakі myslivtsі vipuskayut kurіpok earlier, to that їkh year - the road is pleased and takes away a lot of hour, to that, the stench of the will to vipuskati calls for all the little birds.

For a whole stench, take villupleny and hungry chicken chickens and about 8 years old take the wound on those days, dearly love the vivodok chickens. As a rule, having pummeled a person, they will come close, grow up to be angry, and the little ones will be in the grass. At the moment, you will need to keep the birds you brought. The smell of squeaking squeaks, and for your entrance, the old people are bound together in one game. Ale, if the knowledge of her vivodok will be great, then you can't get away with it, and part of the birds can hide in the cold.

In such a rank, the skinny mister can make a small contribution to the protection of the breeding of gray chickens and the increase in the number of cich birds in their own population.

Yak help chickens in the cold winter

We wrote that it’s even more important for chickens to endure cold and hungry winters. It is not often at such an hour that the stench is overpowering the living for them, and coming closer to the life of the people. That one, at his own devil, can grow up with birds, who spend the same time in chagarniks and loves - loving little ones. Such feeds from Maydans need to be managed in such a way that they do not blush the food, and that at any hour they could eat the feed.

More can be done in quiet bushes, in those who live in hens, with garden knives to cut the lower thimbles to a distance of 50 centimeters from the ground. However, if you want to remove the inner part of the chagarnik, which is not suitable for the first side, it is necessary to add loopholes for the chicken in both sides.

For such a natural year, it is necessary to cleanse everything from the smitty and from the zhovtnі zasipati piskom. And in order that you could save a lot of things from the notice, you can shoot over it and put a screen-screen on the side of the part of the head.

Anniversary for the growth of chickens

If there are no natural minds, then you can create piece years. The stench can be represented by decilcom types - from one-sided or two-sided navs, as it is shown on baby No. 2 and No. 3 or colony-like, as seen on baby No. 4. The upper part of the day, be it a year old, needs to be increased by 80 centimeters, and the lower part - by 20 centimeters from the ground. On the sides of such a year, there is no need for a chagarnik, so that once the attack of the hijackets, the little ones could get into a new position.

Food for chickens

Fodder for chicken can be oats, barley, wheat. More often it is more victorious to see from these cultures, as they become overwhelmed by the prospect, they also trawl grasses, dry comas and other stones. Such food is good for hanging. And in order to make sure you know it well, until the next year, you can lay out a little bit of bread.

Pіdzhivlennya kurіpok

It is necessary to fix it for the first time in the future. So you can drink from the district, leave the living space of your life, in the jokes of the community. So, for example,

for 100 pounds you know from 1 to 3 kilograms of feed per day, it’s fallen from the weather minds and the one who can know himself.

If you support charging a solid crust and a high amount of money, then you will need a rate of up to 4 kilograms per year. You can also feed carrots, cabbage and beetroots to such a grain feed. Cabbage can be pickled on pickles, attached until the year. Beastly respect, in the year of the year, there is no need for rashing and sacking, or the earth, so the smell is necessary for birds to pickle.

Not far from the year, you can set up and copy the picture - they have chickens you can shukati so much as it gets from frosty weather. In such years, you can also put a lakalo in the middle - pick a crow for the whole, planted on a keel, for the sake of seeing these feathered hijacks. And you will need to capture the axis of the chotirilapikh hijakas in kurіpok by periodic round-ups.

Breeding and resettlement of kurіpok

Navigate to quiet places, the girls are still there, you can breed them again by resettling the virobniks from the first place. For many birds, which are made for breeding, it is necessary to take them from specially prepared cells. Vipuskati їkh can be shed, before the cob to the sparing season.

The very same vilov kurіpok can be carried out yak vlіtku, so і vіnі і vlіku. Shchepravda, the easiest way to eat is, if the goodness allows you to kindly mask the pasta for the little chicken. Until then, well, as a practice to reduce, tsі ptahi mensh protection. Ale, also the lіtnє vilovlyuvannya myє low of its shortcomings. The young chickens have grown insufficiently, and in the minds of captivity, the stench so much may become too underappreciated. So, there is a lot of sickness from them, not from grown-up birds.

The winter pitchfork, at my own house, will change the hour to look at the crimson birds, ale and the hedgehogs and pastes yak vy vikoristov were taken for a good catch, you don’t need a charge. Therefore, it is more beautiful to spend the wintering pitchfork near every year. And from at mіstyakh, de vipadaє a lot of snіgu - catching kurіpok even more smoothly.

Business Ideas in the Civil Government Ale, yak vіdomo, there are a lot of businessmen who do not have enough starting capital, so buy, for example, a field or I’m ready to farm. For all the price needed pennies. And if it’s dumb, you don’t know how to put a speck on it? The anatomy of the business has studied the price of food and has shown you one of the most modern options for pets - growing chickens.

What is the purpose of distributing the development of business ideas in the Silk state government?

Yaksho Vi poke at a private booth with a mighty dilyanka - a great plus for this business, some of the necessary parts of your business are already there є. Nagadaєmo, for a powerful living there is no need for a formalized enterprise or for gaining the status of an individual enterprise. If we are talking about business, then we must first revoke the right to conduct commercial activity in the form of state restructuring. A selection of the ideal option will be the restoration of the IP and the vibration of the simplified system and support. You can learn more about the subtleties from our statistics

Otzhe, kurіpka - ptah finish rіdkіsny, її do not wander around like chickens, rocking about geese. On the other hand, the process of breeding the floor is simple, as well as in the case of perahovanih svijskih ptahiv. It’s not worth talking about the prospect of a given business and a small amount of competition on the market. One pereshkoda on the ear itself - de take the bird itself? Here it will be necessary to try to know close to your place of people, who are engaged in breeding chickens, or to turn to the Misliv government. Most often, these are the state's gifts to sell live birds - from the chicks to the size of the individuals. For a cob there will be enough close to five pairs of chickens.

As soon as there are a lot of good things to do in order to stay in special enclosures, you can trim the birds in the shed, smut - good insulation. For the sake of knowing this, there is a lot of straw, as it is necessary to cover the bed, to isolate all the lines. It is necessary to add some information about the sound insulation - chickens are even worse than the fearful birds, the constant noise can be signified by growth. At the primitive it is necessary to place sheaves that resemble bushes from gilks, so that the mind and life are as close as possible to natural ones. An important element of the decor is the wall and the stele - the dice is tightly stretched by the hem, for that the birds did not fight against the hardness during the heat. At the same time, it is necessary to turn on the possibility of the chicken getting lost in the whole hedge. There was no need to show the vestibule in front of the entrance so that the chicks couldn’t be vile, if the people entered.

One of the most important moments of the building of the birdhouse is the illumination. Vono maє butti is sufficient and natural. Without a lot of mind, you can run shitlessly.

Remember, the maximum number of birds per square meter of closed enclosure is three birds.

If you want to spend a little bit of time, then you will need some information about this method of isolation. It’s not just because the birds couldn’t fly, but also to capture your lovers from those feathered huts.

Pidrakhovuєmo vitrati that come from the breeding of chickens!

Otzhe, we already talked about those who, if yours has a shed and a garage, then we will spare you about 30 thousand rubles for your life. Sami kurіpki cost about 300 rubles apiece, at once vitrati for 5 pairs - 3000 rubles. You can watch up to 1000 pieces on your own without learning any additional work force. The incubator can be used in a similar way, without a new word. Also, we can look at the option not to add a great number of birds at once, but to breeding. Tsya stattya vitrat is pulled about 4500 rubles. Fodder for kostuvatime is close to 18,000 rubles. Napuvalki, infrared lamps - about 6,000 rubles. Nevrakhovani vitrati - 5000 rubles. Eared cob vitrates - 36,500 rubles.

What kind of income for the first rіk? With five pairs of chickens, up to 120 offspring can be produced through the first rock. Even through pivroku the figure can be increased to 1000 or more. We take it to the rescue, but it’s not for sale with eggs, but for special needs, plus borrowing for breeding. At the present moment, eggs are sold for about 4 rubles. 40% of birds from 1000 will be good laying hens, the skin carries 20 eggs per month. For the first time, a number of mature eggs will be 48,000, a third of them will be sold for breeding, and a sieve can be sold. Sum from sale to warehouse: 32 000 * 4 = 128 yew. rubles

Besides, as it is more beautiful to sell chicken - we live as a bird or meat, then there is practically no difference in price. One piece of carcasses at the price of navit cheap for live birds. The average warehouse rate is close to 1000 rubles per kilogram. If you want to grow even closer, it is not a matter of vrahuvati all factors, you can see with an indelible eye that the middle of the business idea in the Russian state of raising chickens is busy, and the arrival of the growing farms will be

What are the shortcomings and challenges of the business ideas?

Among the positive moments, you can name the following:

- Simplicity of viroshuvannya ptahiv. Mothers do not need special knowledge, but a few tips;
- Chicks are not vibrant in the food;
- from cich birds it is possible to cancel the delivery earlier, lower from the cich birds of the country (two months hens are good to carry eggs and give meat);
- It is not necessary to have a lot of space for setting significant numbers of birds;
- it is not necessary to buy a lot of pennies for the purchase of birds, you can sell young animals and eggs for the first time;
- To deliver a wide market of zbut yak for live chickens, as well as meat;

Among the negative sides, you can name the following:

- Tsі ptahs schilіnі to infectious diseases;
- chickens develop quickly, but also quickly take in the ability to lay eggs (already after 9 months);
- laying hens are even more inflated and may waste the health of laying eggs up to two times at the time of stress (frequent noise, food is too thin);
- Required additional information and information from veterinary services.

In such a rank, you have a ground for thinking. The skin business has both positive and negative sides. Hey, wait a minute, because of the business ideas in the Silskoy government with small cob investments, you can be amazed at the option of breeding chickens. Anatomy of a business, good luck to you in the repairs and good luck in the results!

Viroshuvannya іndichka. Good business with minimal investment! Viroshuvannya mushrooms pecherits yak business. Vigidne investment, which quickly pays off.

The breeding of chickens at home minds is based on respect for oneself, the domestication and viroshuvannya of the wild bird, the establishment for the living of comfortable minds with the aim of rejecting the meat of that meat. Today, two ideas have arisen for the folding process: one can move, but not one folding one in a whole lot, and those who are, navpaki, keep away from the great investments and difficult ones. Let's talk about the report of the knowledge at once, having talked about the delicate look of tsikh birds.

Kurepki - the prices of small siri wild birds from the family of pheasants, as we see them from time immemorial, as loves are the trophy of bagatokh mislivts. I want to know about the species of birds of the year not knowing, for the protection through sports and industry, all the more often the breeding of birds has become in the home minds. Yak seem to be fakhivtsi, tse duzhe tsikava and pributkov on the right. And the meat of the cich ptahiv has long been a fair delicacy and a high price for wine-making gastronomic delicacies.

Nina virobniche breeding of cich ptahiv is not good, I want the party of chickens for the first time in our land in 1972 at the State Specialized Hunting Department "Astrakhan". Until 1988, close to 20 thousand piece birds were sent to the rock near the rural areas of the Radiansky Union. 2003 rock also continued breeding of game at the "Astrakhanska" enterprise, and even more respect for the pheasants. Well, I'll try to talk about those in whom the breeding of chickens in the household minds.

How much do we need to prepare?

So, as a chicken is a wild bird, then when you grow up in your home minds, there are many important moments. Perche, more meat of tsikh ptahiv - bazhaniy vidobutok not only for bagatokh hijakiv, but th for hizh ptahiv. The stench often conceives an attack from the side of hawks and crows. The very first rule is that it is necessary to kindly seize your dominion for the help of volarіv, zruchnykh ukrittіv.

In a different way, chickens in wild nature wake up to the singing їzhі, it’s not so good for them to see the same kind of birds. Read about the rules of the year of the report in our statute. Whenever there is a territory for a vigulu, then, besides, when they have been captured from their sides, they are naturally ukrittya - chagarniki. The wild minds of the chicks live near the forest zones with dense dew, so they love to be housed in tiny dilyankas. You can plant thorns, thorns, or thorns at the volra, or be it іnshі chagarniki.

Why should you want to?

Otzhe, if you violated the breeding of chickens, you surely, perseve the food, how do you win - de take a bird? Let's just say that it's easiest to fix old birds. Oh, you can be self-hostile to polyvalent (it’s not easy to finish it) or buy from farmers. Obov'yazkovo need a mother a couple. Another option is to know, or know, to buy an egg and to grow birds. The rest of the way is the most labor-intensive and the growing knowledge of young birds. Ale, if there is no way to know an oversized bird, then you will be able to get it done.

Nagadaєmo, scho, yaka is most suitable for home breeding, we live in nature on a large part of our land. For example, the area has expanded to occupy the zone from the cordons of the SND territories to Altai, the entire pivnichnu zone to the Pivdennaya Karelia. Ptah settle down to the top of the Pechora and around the population near the White Sea.

The clutch of the female hen is viroblya from the end of the day, as a rule, the clutch is not more than 15 months old. Visiju offspring up to 26 dB. At home breeding chickens there are eggs from birch trees to lime trees, and after the whole term, there can be up to 60 pieces of eggs. But such indicators can be deprived of the right minds to see the light of the lighting regime. So, for example, already from the beginning of the dinner of the light day for the birds, they become 15 years old.


Otzhe, if you have grown-up kurіpki, on the right you’ll get lost for something new: the correct year is that you’re thinking about it. Іnsha rіch, as soon as we got eggs from wild birds. Until the speech, tame the birds, how to reduce the practice, more simply. To trim off the offspring is necessary:

  1. Take a small cat with a size of 30 * 30 centimeters, cover it with a solid ball of straw and sina.
  2. Lying on the egg in such a rank, the stench did not stick out one by one, and lay dull end at the bottom. Through the skin two days stretching 15 dB and then turn.
  3. The cat itself should be placed in a cool place, or put a little crochet on the egg.
  4. After about 25 days, the chicks come to light. In the first place, I will add it to the cat, so that it will be transferred to the neighborhood, divided into two sectors.
  5. If the little birds grow up and change, they can be taken in a small enclosure on the grass. For a good development, babies need a dry earth that sun.
  6. For one bird, the birds go out of the way. Through the month of the birds, they can go for a walk by the vollery on their own.

Why do you have a bird?

Chicken chickens on the first day of life give birth to a roasted chicken egg. Then, at the beginning of the day, in the new, you can pick up greens of sulbabi, trees, cabbage. Writing can be given a troch of white bread and crisp. And on the 4th-5th day the axis should be introduced into the rasіon napіvzvarene meat chi murashinі eggs. The little ones are in the air that day, step by step, the volume of feed increases.

Doroslі birds

Buy chickens, guilty of memory, but on the vidminu reshti svijskih ptahiv, the stench is not polygamous. If you take the stench to live by nature in great games of up to 30-80 individuals, then the canopies are broken into a bet. That is why the mothers of generally young birds, with a further bred male, has a great role in the brooding of the offspring.

Do not forget that in the period of the current season it is not possible to allow the free walk of young couples in the same enclosure, some of the males will be bitisha. In order to skin a couple, it is necessary to secure an apartment with an area for a walk.

In the reshtі period, a large countryside is not required for kurіpok. At the primitive, for їх withering in the cold season of fate, it is necessary to provide a warm, dry bedding and regularly її mintyati. It is not possible to admit the appearance of openings and openings. They can penetrate the grizzlies, and the broaches, like in the edge for birds, can be opened.

It is necessary to take care of the chicken in a quiet place without a loud noise, since it is even very damp. Above there is a sieve, so, having changed, one female can become angry and lead the whole herd after herself. When there are nests for laying, the females make holes in the thick grass or in the bushes. She covered many birds with dry grass, leaves, or with fuzzy fluff.

I'm healthy

Obviously, no one ptahivnikiv wants to vitrate a lot of energy and spend an hour to spend a chickens and spend it through ailments and unfriendly factories. Happily, a gray species of wild birds appears to be good immunity and to endure a little cold weather. However, the risk factors can be infectious ailments, as well as unclean grain. To this, for their "dear" birds, it is important to cup them out of high-quality fodder, which is more beautiful than self-styled, as the city allows. Do not allow chicken to come into contact with other domestic birds or creatures. More reports will be amazed at the video.

Video "Sira kurіpka in Boris Kravchik's birthday party"

At the top of the statistics on the application of the home government of the city of Shakhty Boris Kravchik, you can play around, as it is possible for the history of the chicken, to look in detail at the calling of the females and the male cych poultry, as well as the education of the winter season.


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