Shot meal menu for weight loss. For the sake of nutritionists

Shot meal menu for weight loss. For the sake of nutritionists

Svitlana Markova

Beauty is like an expensive stone: what is simpler, then expensive!


Proper eating is the basis of a burning self-confidence of a person, helping to save your health, sprying your money. An hour ago, the doctors used to drink wine, which is a regimen of healthy eating, when it is divided into small parts of the portion, it is beneficial to the body - it helps to turn on gastritis, a viscera, to protect your appearance. Such a system of living їzhi took away the name of dribne eating. After a certain hour, she began to successfully victorious for no less than an hour of rejoicing, becoming an important part of leading a healthy way of life.

What is such a dry meal?

The essence of such a regime of eating is based on the fact that during the day you eat 5-6 times, without exceeding the additional calorie content (up to 1600 kilocalories). Dietitians are recommended to break between no more than 3 years, splitting the daily diet into 6 main meals: the main meal, another meal, insults, midday, supper, a snack a year before bedtime. Another snack from midday should be taken as a snack between the main foods, and as a shot portion of a low-calorie product before going to bed, you can drink.

  • Fractional eating helps to reduce the amount of calorie savings and reduce hunger. This is due to the fact that, with occasional intakes, the hormone does not vibrate, which leads to appetite. If you work a great break, as if you are under the system of eating snacks-obid-evenings, hunger feels richer. Why should a person get richer, lower is really necessary for the body, which will help accumulate accumulated fat, increase in the work of the SHKT, increase the blood level in the blood.

  • If you want shotgun eating, you can have a bite to eat between the main meals, the stench is not to blame for the accumulation of shkіdlivih herbs: lubrication, licorice, salted, gostrih, so forget about chips and tіstechka better. Choose savory savory food products for eating, for example, a big green apple, a bottle of natural yogurt or fresh juice, or trochs of syrup. Ideally, I would like to switch to healthy eating. However, it is necessary for the beginning of the population to follow all the rules strictly, especially if you don’t want to lose weight or become ill.
  • The system of shot-shot eating will help to overcome drowsiness and heaviness after sleep. Chantly, having remembered someone richly, as a result of a strong offense, the practice decreases, I want to lie down, but think, I’m not going to go out. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through those shcho krovuєtsya to the sluice for etching їzhi, vіdlâvayuchi vіd mozku, m'yaziv, heart. With a shot rozpodіlі їzhі vdastsya vanish molavostі, because. the slug is not overwhelmed even, the body takes away natural strength, so the tone and strength do not leave the person after a tasty meal.

Fractional eating - the whole system of squeezing, when the number of calories per day decreases, the exchange of speech improves, the work of the mucosal-intestinal tract normalizes, and the frequent intake of small portions increases, it should be stabilized shudnennya and bezpechuetsya postiyna energetic support to the body.

The measles of the shotgun system for weight loss

The mode of shot eating is miraculously suitable for those who are worse. Tsya spryaє system is more povіlnіy, but stable vtrati zayvoї vaga. If you don’t adjust the diet, for a month you can reduce your weight to 1-3 kg, and if you eat the right food, you can consume about 5 to 8 kg of food. It is recommended to eat shots with physical rights, in order to get rid of weight loss, build up the mass of m'yaziv, get rid of the appearance of stretch marks, lethargy of the skin. The measles of the eating system during the consumption of food:

  • Do not happen to be surrounded by products - the smut is smutty in the case of smears, it is necessary to eat that salted herbs, malt, boron sprouts, alcohol. It is permissible to drink one kelikha of red dry wine for a day with a shot podіlі їzhi.
  • The calorie content is progressively changing. As soon as you live more than 1600 calories, then when you switch to a meal, there will be no sharp change.
  • Reduced appetite. Zavdyaki to the one who stop catching the hormone of hunger to vibrate, the one who is thinner, doesn’t seem to have a strong need to eat, as if you’re on low-calorie diets.
  • Confirmation of results. Zavdyaki “disperse” the exchange of speeches, the result of losing weight is trimming more richly, so do not go over to the colossal type of eating.
  • The quality of shot-shot eating gives people the opportunity to get a similar diet for manifesting chronic illnesses, diabetes, which reduces the risk of heart disease. However, it is important to consult a doctor.
  • The mode of shot-like meals is created by the skin of a person for himself, looking at the busyness of the day, the head of the mind - a break in eating for 2 to 3 years.
  • Psychological effect Zavdyaki small breaks between sufferings, the one who is thinner, does not feel discomfort.

I have a sprat of rules, as it is necessary to treat obesity, which is worse and sicker, we will come with a shot system of meals. First, you can’t reduce the number of calories, the lower limit is 1200. In another way, it’s important to gradually restore the body’s water balance, drinking from 1.5 to 2 liters of pure filtered water (a bottle for five years to a day). Thirdly, it is necessary to get the right balance of protein-fat-carbohydrates during the day, and simpler carbohydrates to get better. Do not forget about taking vitamins, necessary for diets.

Basic principles of shot eating

To improve the health of the body, it is important to understand the basic principles of shot eating. The correct path to the system is to allow the maximum possible results to be achieved. Wart to understand that not all products are suitable for a better life. As for 6 servings, you will get a package of chips, there will be no such meal. Shot-raw food in Persh Cherga may be on the vase of the strain, which should be taken care of the necessary speech for the normal functioning of the body's systems. Other principles:

  • Navіt yakscho you do not feel like hunger, dotrematisya їzhi obov'yazkovo.
  • Snacking with a shot meal is made up of brown, not fatty foods.
  • The folding of the daily menu, the smart layout of the hour of meals will help you to reach the system of living.
  • The size of the shot portion may be small, otherwise there is a chance to revantagize the slug.

Portion rosemary

To nurture the body, a small shot portion is needed every 3 years. The optimal obsyag is one flask, which is to be avenged for rosemary in the valley. It is recommended to use the best dinner plates, giving priority to small bowls and saucers, and add them with dessert forks and teaspoons. It’s not only to help you reach the obsyagіv strav, but it’s better to accept the okіsnom rezhovuvannya їzhi, as a last resort – to the best її mastered. To marvel at the video, it is explained why it is necessary to eat in small portions, why is this type of eating:

Eating mode

The correct mode of eating may be on the basis of the presence of the necessary microelements for a normal working organism:

  • Snіdanok podrіbnenoї system is guilty of revenge the most quantity of carbohydrates, to give energy for the whole day;
  • For another meal (as an appointment and at bedtime) there should be light, low-fat foods rich in brown tongues;
  • Obid is served hot, at noon you can vicorate in carbohydrates (albeit less, less at the hour of snidanka), or rather, you can win over proteins, as well as products, rich in snidanka;
  • The supper may be folded from white views.

Daily menu

The first butt of the menu, specially folded for shot-shot eating, will help you to look at the hour of the transition of each type of meal. Don’t forget about saving up for the next five years before the shot, or go through the next five years. As a matter of fact, they are physically right, a break in the event of an injury can be no less than a year. Properly, the shot was fired by the stretch of the day:

  1. Snіdanok: white porridge/muesli with milk/whipped porridge, whole grain bread with olive, apple/orange, tea/German natural kava.
  2. Another snack: one large apple / bottle of natural yogurt / 70 g low-fat syrah with a spoonful of honey / whole grain bread with syrup.
  3. Obid: a piece of meat with green vegetable salad / a portion of soup with a piece of viscous bread, low-fat fish / a small piece of chicken fillet with baked vegetables, a portion of vegetable soup.
  4. Noon: one type of dried fruit troch / muesli bar with tea / low-fat cheese / fresh juice / fruit.
  5. Supper: baked or boiled rib, meat, boiled egg, cheese with vegetable salad or a portion of baked vegetables.
  6. At night (1 year before bedtime): a bottle of kefir or a glass of natural yogurt.

Straw recipes from photo

The first recipe is mashed potatoes with crops and cauliflower. For a savory herb, you need 200 g of boiled young potatoes, stalks and cauliflower, a tablespoon of milk syrup, krip. All zmishuvati in blenders, docks do not form the same mass. When you reach the required consistency, serve it to the table. Delicious, low-calorie, succulent grass of the right eating is ready!

  • Cold soup with ogirkiv is a miraculous sacrifice to resentment for getting the right shot-shot meal. Take one kilo of clean fresh ogiers from the blender, one piece of lemon sliced, a bunch of melissa herbs. If the consistency becomes homogeneous, pour the soup into bowls, add fresh boiled shrimp (200 grams), lightly sip sesame seeds.

  • Cabbage salad. Cut white cabbage, pour over one teaspoon of rice oats, marinate in the refrigerator for up to two years. If it's an hour, remove the prepared grass, season a portion with soy sauce (1 tablespoon), sesame oil (1 teaspoon) and serve to the table. For beauty, add fresh sesame seeds. Ideally for an evening reception.

  • Salad with cherry tomatoes. Take a trifle of basil, oregano, put on the bottom of a bowl, grind with a wooden mortar, pour a tablespoon of olive oil and a small amount of octa. Tear with your hands (do not cut!) a bunch of green lettuce, add 200 g of chopped cherry tomatoes, 4 finely chopped olives, mix. Season lightly with sea sill. Good evening or until the main portion of meat.

Skoda is such a diet for health

A fractional type of dietary regimen is korisny for health, it is allowed to increase the intake of vitamins, to increase the intake of food. Varto vrahuvat, that with vagity it is not possible to experiment with a strong reduction in calories, even if the mother can provide the child with the necessary brown words. Often, eating in shot-sized portions can hurt your teeth, which is seen as a large amount of shlunk juice - it causes caries. In the other case, the shotgun rozpodil їzhi vimagaє vykljuchno vіdpovіdalnostі, without any possible appearance of unacceptable naslіdkіv.

Shot-shot eating is an ideal system of recuperation for people who suffer from chronic ailment of HKT, want to lose weight and be quiet, who wants to feel good every day. By eating a shot mode of meals from squeezing out less brown products, so that you can avenge all the necessary people's speech, you can improve the body and improve the proper functioning of yoga systems.

Respect! The information given in the article may be of an informative nature. The materials of the article do not call out to independent exultation. Only qualified doctors can make a diagnosis and give recommendations on how to treat, depending on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Especially, the melancholy and the contraindication of shot eating for weight loss. Rules for folding the menu and apply it for one day, for three days, for a week and for a month.

Description of the features of shot-type eating for weight loss

Another name for shot-shot eating is grazing (eng. Grazing is translated as "grazing"). Hungry is transferred like a sheep to a pasture - in small portions with small breaks for a long day. In this manner, you will be able to digest food again, without getting hungry and without heaviness in the shell.

And if you don’t feel hungry, your body doesn’t recognize stress and doesn’t vibrate two hormones that respect weight loss - ghrelin and cortisone. The stench itself changes our metabolism and imposes a veto on vitrati accumulated fat reserves.

Fractional eating may have the following special features:

  • Number of receptions. How many calories and calories you didn’t foresee yourself for a day, live them for at least 6 meals. You can split up your meal and for a larger number of times - this, the big, the nine. Everything should be deposited according to individual characteristics and needs of your body, as well as according to your employment. Start eating better at the empty place, if you don’t lie down during the working hour and you can, without haste and without nervousness, determine your eating rhythm.
  • Prom_zhki between priyomy їzhi. The blame is the same but strictly observed: 2 hours 2.5 years. Take off in five years after awakening, and wake up 3 years before the battle. So you don’t feel almost hungry, and your hormones won’t give the command to your body to shape your fat reserves.
  • Rozmir single portion. Everything is possible, but not in a small amount. Large portions are contraindicated. Just make sure that you don’t fit in a bottle, but I’ll give you, take it too much. In case of a designated amount of money, also insure what you see yourself. If it’s fruits, vegetables, kefir, syrah, then you can take 1-1.5 bottles, if you want protein hedgehog (meat, fish) or high-calorie for pasta, bread, eggs, syrah, then half a bottle is enough. And the axis of cakes, tіstechka, tsukerki and desserts were the next stіlki, skіlki would fit in the sirnikov's box.
  • Number of calories per serving. For the first two days, get 1200-1500 kcal per day. Come summer, your daily portion may become 1500-1800 kcal. Add calories to the amount of food you take, and you take the calorie content of a single serving, for example, 1200: 6 = 200. Obviously, you can vary this number, focusing on your self-feeling and consumption. For example, having saved the money for life, and the supper is lighter. Obov'yazkovo go to your doctor and be glad with him, so that your health will not be harmed by a decrease in calories per day.
  • Amount of money per day. Drink 7-8 flasks every day, be it your motherland. But remember with tsoma that a cup of kawi with troyoma spoons of tsukra and milk that thickens, revenge to finish a lot of calories! Therefore, it’s better to give respect to mineral water without gas or green tea.
  • Black list of products. There is no yoga. Shot-shot eating doesn’t stop you from getting fat, potato patties and cakes, but similar to sing-song-like to make you throw off your vaga. Do you feel hungry like a quarter of a pack of potato chips? That yonder is just annoying. Aje tse your one-time norm! Hungry for similar products, you will not be able to almost die of hunger, which means that your hormones will give the body a command to work strategically store fat. Therefore, switch to a healthy diet - fruits, vegetables, cereals, berries, boiled meat and fish. Without licorice, well, it’s important, for that, plan for a new 100 kcal per day.
  • Obov'yazykovі elements of the menu. Do not eat exclusively daily food. Hot hedgehog is guilty of being present at your table 3 times a day, vegetables - 2 times, fruits - 1 time.

Wow! Shot-shot eating will allow you to eat 5-6 pounds per month.

Shot-shot meal

This style of eating can become your way of life, comfortable bedding and easy to stick to the needs of any person. For the development of stable sounds, you need to eat in small portions for about 20 days (the permit is the best hour!), And you practically see all the mischief:
  1. Daytime drowsiness and blurryness. Take it as a break, and in case of dry eating, you trim the body in tone. It doesn’t feel like hunger, but the slack doesn’t overflow, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and easily conquered. Vrahovyuchi those that the rest of the time їsti next 3 years before bedtime and їzha tsya do not recapture you to the eyeballs, you will sleep well and prokinetes badyorim and vodpochchimsya. Tse most visible effect, which you remember, having switched to eating dribne.
  2. Slimming. This positive effect will become obvious to you not so quickly, as there are more descriptions, but here in about a month. Shot-shot eating will allow you to smoothly and without discomfort feel free to eat, reducing the number of calories that you get used to. There will be no constant feeling of hunger, there will be no wild feasting of picking up small pieces of chocolate, so there are no pickled products, there’s only a little more fodder for their living.
  3. Healthy recovery to the body. Those people, who choose to eat for themselves often in small portions, are embarrassed to change their way of life, become elected, even if they manage to control everything (buy brown products, cook them correctly, choose thermoses and dishes for work). Having established the necessary regimen and increased to a point, you will calm down, relax, restore your nervous system. Garniy dream to crush you badorish. And the thinning of that weight in the diet of poor products is definitely positively signified on your health. The blood normalizes rіven tsukru, the exchange of speeches improves, there will be no revantation of the mucosal-intestinal tract and systems that are to be brought out.

Know! A great plus of shot eating for weight loss is those that you don’t turn around in 2 days to throw off kilograms, as if you’re on a hungry diet, if a person is thinner for a little rahunnya, the motherland from the body, and then we’ll quickly restore the amount of weight, otherwise you gain more. Fractional eating gives a trivalent effect, to which the metabolism changes and the body stops storing fats.

Contraindications for shot eating

Їх practically nothing. Navpaki, such a way of eating is prescribed by doctors, for example, with circulatory diabetes, gastritis, colitis, virulence. On the right, in the fact that it is easier for the body to digest food, which is served in small portions, before that, a constant rhubarb tsukra is supported in the blood and there is no feeling of hunger.

Regardless of those who, even after equal intervals of time, have a healthy eating plan, first work it in your own way of life, obov'yazkovo rejoice with the doctor. In case of certain illnesses (for example, phlegm) it is not possible to get a low-calorie diet and a large number of people need both fat and carbohydrates.

But still, you can’t contra-indicate and take away the doctor’s advice, having started eating hard, test your self-esteem, especially the camp of the duct-intestinal tract. Whether there is any discomfort, it is a base for in order to apply all innovations.

The minus of shot-shot eating is the mother's need for permanent access to her and to clearly follow the timchas scheme. People, as if practicing, it is important to cherish such minds. Weekend є: carry їzhu in thermoses and containers, and put on a mobile phone a birthday present for the recipient of їzhі. All the above words are not so well put together, it’s just that willpower is needed.

Menu folding rules for shot live

Hungering badly does not mean that you can eat a cake for the day, just pouring yogo into 6 servings. Before you yourself, the next is put so very respectfully, like up to an hour you go that intervals between them. Store your own shopping list of these goods, so that they can become the basis of your diet, and buy only them.

We all know what is colorful, what is shky, and even more caloric, on the price, and also on the steps of the rules and varto orientate:

  • Exchange. So, high-calorie products for kshtalt chips, smoked meats, potatoes lubricated with lard should not be eaten better. Ale suvora fence on all zvichni smakoliks brought to zriviv. People with untrained willpower are not able to separate themselves for a long time. Mittevo willpower does not bend, so change in the diet of the more correct and healthy eating should be introduced step by step. If you want hot chocolate, please, but it’s not rich and all high quality: hot black chocolate and fresh peas, and not a cheap candy bar with a filling and a package of smeared salted peanuts. At the future step-by-step, introduce your menu (for example, by pair of names of high-quality products for each day) and uniquely get used to everything greased, licorice, fat, sauces, refined zukor, olive oil, white bread, sip and zdoba, juices from the package and gassed drinks.
  • Carbohydrates and proteins. A good choice for the first meal is muesli or sandwich, whole grain bread. The carbohydrates that are in them will provide you with the energy you need for a good start. Before another meal, you can add whites (for example, sire or cook poultry meat and scrambled eggs). Proteins will also provide you with energy and will not give you hunger for a long time.
  • Vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Vegetable soup with meat is a wonderful option for a meal. Fruits, berries, jelly, kefir, yogurt, steamed, stewed, fresh vegetables in the other half of the day. Plant potatoes and pasta in a large quantity, cereals - unpolished.
  • Solodashchi. You should still love licorice, having switched to eating dribne, you will remember in an hour that your cravings will be reduced to a new one. For this reason, one of the effects of eating in small portions is the normalization of the level of tsukra in the blood. However, through those that are necessary for the brain to work with glucose, obov'yazkovo urinate your diet with honey, dried fruits or black chocolate.
  • Pittya. Turning off the calorie and brown drinks on kshtalt cavi with milk or packaged juice with preservatives, switch to greens or herbal tea, non-carbonated mineral water, sour milk drinks. For example, let's take a glass of kefir before going to bed. Obviously, you can allow yourself some kava, but don’t slander him. Obov'yazkovo dotremite water regime and drink 30 g of water per skin 1 kg of your water per day. And sob not to dilute the shlunkovy sik and not to start etching, to work for 30 minutes before the end.

Remember! Change the plates of great roses into saucers. If we have a self-made little thing on the Great Strava, we immediately call out the negative, we are sure that the hungry hours have come. And in a small vessel, a small number of people look like enough. І do not forget relatively that long time to rezhovuvat їzhu!

Apply the right menu when eating shots for weight loss

The system of shot eating is practically not contraindicated and it is easy to tolerate. You can work it out in your own way of life, in order to take significant results from those who are thin and steadily increase the need for energy. You can perekonatisya in small portions of eating in small portions by yourself having tried to switch to a new one. Axis of kіlka variantіv vіdpovіdnogo menu.

Menu for the day for a dry meal

For a rocky start, start your own promotional day and follow the principles of shot eating:
  1. Snidanok. Prepare porridge for veins and fill it with honey and apple. Even more popular are plastics, which do not need to be boiled, just poured with water. It's handy - just brew a glass of wine.
  2. First snack. Navit perebuvayuchi on robots, you can sing-songly interrupt and drink at the required hour a bottle of yogurt with berries and toast from whole grain bread.
  3. Obid. Vegetable soup-puree with boiled meat (about 150 g) miraculously fits in a small thermos, and you can eat at the workplace.
  4. Another snack. Relieve hunger with a small amount of peas or dried fruits (approximately 20 g).
  5. Supper. Order 200 g of sirah and vegetable salad (with potato vinaigrette).
  6. Third snack. Drink tabir kefir three years before bedtime.

Remember! Ideally, strength can be included in the diet, but such a diet is not easy to tolerate. A more acceptable option is to replace the kitchen with sea water.

Menu for the day for shotgun eating

Before you, according to these options, for six priyomіv їzhi. You can create your own menu for the whole day from the menus you have requested:
  • Snidanok. Vegetable salad and scrambled eggs; porridge on water, seasoned with honey and grated apple; baked fish with boiled vegetables and croutons; vinaigrette and a piece of ribi (boiled or cooked in a micro-furnace oven); low-fat tavern with buckwheat porridge; vegetable salad and steamed ribis; 2 boiled eggs and tea, salted with honey.
  • First snack. Pivsklyanki yogurt and 5 oranges; half a banana and a glass of kefir; pіvsklyanki siru that half of a green apple; vegetable soup with rice and meat meatballs; casserole with syrup with grated carrots; casserole from syrah with grated apple; fruit salad dressings with yogurt.
  • Obid. Riba, baked with vegetables, thin toast; sheep salad with croutons and boiled veal; wuha and whole grain bread; vegetable salad, thin toast and chicken breast, steamed; chicken broth and vegetable salad without potatoes with croutons and brinza; sheep's soup with crackers and a piece of boiled meat; vegetable salad, drizzled with olive oil, breadcrumbs, a piece of steamed yalovichini and stewed vegetables.
  • Another snack. Pivsklyanki kefir and 1/2 banana; yogurt and salad with pears and apples; banana cheese; baked with cheese and honey green apple; cooked fish and stewed or baked in oven vegetables; grated apple and carrot, seasoned with olive oil; fruit salad with apple, banana, orange and pear, dressings with yogurt.
  • Supper. Chicken breast, baked with vegetables; vegetable salad and meatballs with turkey meat, steamed; riba, baked with vegetables (krym potatoes); pea porridge that is cooked in a steamer of yalovichina; stewed cabbage and boiled yalovichina; mlinets with cibulno-egg filling and vegetable salad; omelet and vegetable salad.
  • Third snack. For example, a bottle of yogurt, fresh juice, berry fruit drink, compote, kefir, vegetable juice, for example, tomato or any kind of fruit.

Wow! If you can’t live without licorice, then replace the bread with an insult, otherwise the croutons are like malted. For example, two tablespoons of jam, a piece of chocolate, marmalade, a small marshmallow.

Menu for a month for a shot meal

As if by stretching out for a month of life, dorimuyuchis rules shot-and-shot eating, you will see the star and stop being a problem. You remember the products, like a bagan, call to the regime, learn how to plan your day, follow up with a meal. For ease of adaptation, we offer you a menu-hint for a month.

First decade:

  1. Snidanki: all sorts of porridge (wine, rice, corn, Greek, pshonyan), a bottle of juice (apple, orange), a piece of hard syrah.
  2. First snack: orchid vegetables (morquin, daikon, turnip).
  3. Obіdi: vsіlyakі supi on the meat abo rib broth with small pieces of meat (ribi) and croutons.
  4. Other snacks: eat dried fruits (rodzinki, dried apricots, prunes, dried apples, pears and cherries).
  5. Evenings: according to your will, cooked or steamed fish with cooked, steamed or baked meat (veal, poultry) plus boiled or baked vegetables.
  6. Third snack: a bottle of any low-fat fermented milk drink (kefir, yogurt).
Another decade:
  • Snіdanki: eat vegetable salads (from fresh or bred vegetables, for example, vinaigrette) plus cooked eggs in a different way (when cooked in an omelette), drink green tea.
  • First snack: syrі fruits (banana, orange, apple, pear, persimmon, pomegranate).
  • Obid: cherguyte pisny borscht, yushka, mashed soup plus a piece of meat abo ribi (boiled, steamed) and brinzi skewer.
  • Other snacks: not salty and rather than blue peas (hazelnuts, hairs, almonds, peanuts, cashews).
  • VESSIE: RIZNOMANITY VELAY SALATI, prepared by the product, plus the shomatoko of the vіdvarny m'yasa aboan zyzhikh, plus shomatochka ribi (muddy, prepared in vaporcarza abibespypy), drink half the skills of the cattle (Yablulchny, alpine) annexy). , Kefir).
  • The third snack: a bottle of berry juice or compote, salted with honey (honey can be taken okremo).
third decade: Draw a line from the menu of the first decade of the next decade.

Know! Mustache vegetable salads can be buti without mayonnaise. You can season with olive oil and lemon juice or apple otts.

Menu for 3 days for shot eating at the table

The same menu for three days for a shot meal. In the form of tables, it is more likely to be accepted, so it’s more convenient to handle it, put it on the refrigerator and orient yourself when preparing food.

Important! Don't forget that all portions can be small but not more than 200 kcal.

Watch the video about the shotgun eating:

Fractional eating for weight loss - that diet is clumsy, korisna for health. You can outgrow it at the sound of your ear and become your system, I will accept it for all my life.

Shot-shot eating is a miraculous opportunity not only to throw off the pounds, but to improve your health. The diet will be especially correct for people with problems of the mucus, intestines and liver. After marriage, for an hour, we eat wrongly, often saving up even a little for snacks, like fast food for lunch and a large portion of fresh food for the evening. Through this reversal in the body, problems are often blamed, which appear in the appearance of the nerves.

If you want to live a new life and be as healthy as possible - you need to eat a lot. Tse, really, is not so foldable, as it seems. The fractional eating system is not just a diet. If a person has already reconciled with such a technique, then it is necessary to continue it.

Diet fractional food

Do not swindle the shot and the rozdilne eating. Kharchuvatisya dribno - means often in small portions. Small portions of food, swallowed in a slug, more easily and richly are more easily digested, and then clog the intestines less, which reduces the risk of diarrhea, nausea, bloating, filthy self-feeling and heaviness in the middle.

Principles of losing weight on a shot diet

The principle of diet is based on the fact that the body progressively sounds up to parts and small portions of it, the etching is improved, the normal expansion of the tube is restored at a different stretching, the functioning of the SHKT and the liver are stabilized.

It is necessary to remember that 3 meals a day are not enough. Skin 4 years in the body may have a black portion of hedgehog. You can visit more often. So, for example, don’t eat at night, but it’s necessary to sleep at least 6 times a day. If necessary, it is necessary to increase the optimal proportions of portions: no more than 1 bottle at a time.

It’s hard to get over your body, but after the transitional period, you feel wonderful. Tim is more that you can eat practically everything that is worth it. Golovna, dorimuvatisya portions and їsti more often.

Call this diet the doctors will prescribe for the bowels and other patients with problems of the bowel. Ale, if you yourself realize that you are eating wrong, you should think about other eating while there are no problems with the body.

Signs of improper eating:

  • discomfort in the body
  • parts of vomiting or diarrhea,
  • bloating,
  • prickles in the abdomen,
  • pain and rіzi in the intestines, sac, liver.

Do not varto chekati, dock become hirsche, needlessly change your diet. It is necessary to begin to instill in yourself portions. First of all, you will definitely be able to stabilize your normal weight: for a day, it will be 1-1.5 kg. And in a different way, you will forget about those who are so uncomfortable after going. Eating in small portions to allow recognition, as if learning to eat in small portions for the benefit of the body.

Shot diet rules

The main rules that must be followed are not foldable:

  1. Take at least 5-6 times a day.
  2. The portion is to be placed near the bottle (250 grams).
  3. You need skin for 3.5 - 4 years (and until the body sounds until a new meal, you need to keep yourself awake, you still don’t feel hungry).
  4. Step by step reduce the additional calorie savings to 1200-1600.
  5. Steps for the support of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, especially cellular tissue.
  6. Look out for fast food and other sloppy-looking snacks.

All these rules must be complied with when laying down the daily routine and your menu. You can’t line up, you can’t take a job with you ahead of time prepared and put it on the phone, don’t call the docks until your schedule.

So be it a system for the diet of transferring physical activity. As a minimum, increase the number and hour of your leisure walks, give priority to the gatherings of lifts, and work on a rank exercise. In order to get the best possible result - to add 2-3 years of training for a week to your schedule, something like fitness, yoga, a steppe pool, not so important.

Diet products

The main products of the diet are low-fat, low-calorie foods. Basically, tse rіznomanіtnі soups, dietary low-fat meat, chicken and fish, cereals, whole grain bread and cereals. Milk, kefir, yogurt and cheese of low fat content are also good. Ale, like condensed milk, zukor, chocolate, zukerki, fast food are not recommended.

The main products of shot brewing

  • Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, Beijing and red cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, cibulya, carrot, asparagus, ogirok, tomato, radish, beetroot.
  • Fruits: apples, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, kiwi, pomelo, pomelo, peach, pear, pineapple, currant, midnight, raspberry, agrus, blackberry, ozhina, kavun, dinya, midnight.
  • Greens: spinach, sorrel, krip, arugula, parsley, lettuce, fennel, basil, selera.
  • Dairy products: yogurt, kefir, milk, ryazhenka, sour milk, sirovatka, low-fat syrup.
  • Fish and meat: cock, turkey, veal, pork liver, flounder, chum salmon, smelt, river perch, whiting, hake, cod, pike perch, tuna, squid, crab.

Harvested products

Under the fence there are tsukor, kava, malt (tsukerki, rolls, pasta, dried fruits, halva, milk that thickens milk, chocolate, bakery, torti). Also, varto is uniquely smeared on olive oil and smoked meats, the stench is even more caloric and shkidlivy for all organs of the intestinal tract.

Strictly under the fence there are fast food and frozen products: meatballs, mlints, dumplings, dumplings and other beverages.

It is not allowed to live in the grass, which is to revenge the great number of calories: almond, hairy pea, peanut, hazelnut, cashew, sonia, sedentary, cod liver, fat pork, bacon, gander, lamb, rabbit, peas, soybeans, kvassola, sochevitsya, izum, prunes.

You can’t drink gassed drinks and store juices in packages.

Fractional food menu for the day

  • Snidanok: white porridge with an apple, for five years you can drink a cup of tea with melissa or be some kind of herbal.
  • Snack: low fat yogurt and bread.
  • Obid: Soup with chicken broth made from vegetables, natural juice.
  • Snack: fresh vegetable salad: pekinka, cibulya, ogirok, 1 boiled egg, greens, green tea.
  • Supper: vegetable stew with eggplant, zucchini, bell pepper, tomato, cabbage, carrots and cibuli.
  • Snack: low fat cheese with honey, green tea or black tea without zucru.
  • Snidanok: Greek porridge with kefir, chicory or tea at a bite with a spoonful of honey.
  • Snack: pomegranate, apple.
  • Obid: fish baked with vegetables, cooked rice, sour yogid.
  • Snack: grated carrot with an apple.
  • Supper: chicken meatballs in tomato sauce, tomato, green tea or black tea without zucru.
  • Snack: Bioyogurt

  • Snidanok: whiskey steamed with pears and kiwi, herbal tea.
  • Snack: vinaigrette, orange.
  • Obid: soup-puree with watermelon, a bottle of fresh fresh juice.
  • Snack: cooked fish and ogirok.
  • Supper: chicken salad, leaf lettuce, tomato and greens, olive oil dressing, tea.
  • Snack: a bottle of low-fat yogurt.
  • Snіdanok: bioyogurt, bread from visіvok.
  • Snack: sprat of peaches
  • Obid: boiled chicken breast, tomato, ogirok, fruit tea.
  • Snack: salad with carrots and cabbage with olive oil and greens.
  • Supper: Greek porridge with stewed fish, boiled beets.
  • Snack: mango chi dinya.
  • Snidanok: scrambled eggs from 2 eggs, licorice pepper, green or black tea.
  • Snack: kiwi and tangerine.
  • Obid: Soup with meatballs and a piece of black bread, sour.
  • Snack: fruit puree from an apple and half a banana.
  • Supper: wheat porridge with spicy and small turkeys, herbal tea.
  • Snack: low fat kefir and bread.

  • Snidanok: cereal porridge with muesli, chicory, or be it tea with a spoonful of honey.
  • Snack: 150 g of tuna and sprat of tomato.
  • Obid: soup with vegetables and mushrooms, sprat of black bread.
  • Snack: Buryak jam and 1 boiled egg.
  • Supper: Chicken fillet baked with vegetables, unsalted tea with fruits.
  • Snack: fat-free cheese from a spoonful of honey.
  • Snidanok: rice milk porridge or pasta, green tea or chicory.
  • Snack: grapefruit
  • Obid: stewed hake and porridge hornivka, natural apple juice.
  • Snack: bioyogurt, bread.
  • Supper: vinaigrette, 1 boiled egg, black bread roll, tea.
  • Snack: grapes and pear.

Recipes for a detailed diet

Omelet with Bulgarian pepper


  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml milk
  • 1 pepper,
  • a pinch of soda,
  • salt shake,
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with milk with a mixer, adding soda and strength there. Pour the pan with olive oil and put Bulgarian pepper on the bottom of the cuts with thin skiffs, then beat the eggs with milk and reduce the fire to a minimum. Don't forget to cover the pan with a lid. Lubricate an omelette with a stretch of 7-10 quills. If you are ready to sip greenery.

Soup with meatballs

  • minced chicken 100 grams,
  • 1 small cibulina
  • 1 carrot,
  • 2 potatoes
  • greenery,
  • seasoning is strong for relish.

Cooking method:

Take a small saucepan, pour water into it and put it on the fire. Cut the potatoes dryly, hanging by the water. Grate the carrot and cut half of the cibulini, after brushing it, wisipte it into a saucepan. Add some salt, pepper, and gray cibula to the minced meat. From chicken minced meat, form bags, throwing them in boiling water. The soup is boiled for more than 30 hvilin. For example, add greens.

Harmelon Soup Puree:

  • seamelon 150 grams,
  • potatoes 3 pieces,
  • qibulya 1 piece,
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • strong seasoning.

Cooking method:

Peel all the vegetables, cut them dry and wilt them in a saucepan, adding a small amount of water (so that the vegetables were filled with that extra sprat of centimeters). Boil them on a small fire and after the stench becomes soft (whilini after 20-30), beat the whole pot with a blender. Then boil the mashed potatoes, stirring slowly, 10 more strands and when ready, add the parsley, finely chopped.

For skilki kg you can lose weight on a shot diet

The fractional diet was created not only for losing weight, but for the improvement I will become the organs of the intestinal tract. If you want to experience the unacceptable consequences of improper eating: diarrhea, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, if there are spasms, you should go to the shot option of eating. For a month of such a clumsy diet for health, you can get 5-7 pounds.

And for a pіvroku pіde ponad 20 kg. Tse vіdminniy result, yakscho vrahuvati, scho dribne eating - tse principle for all life, and not one-time for losing weight. With this option, the diet will not turn back and you will experience unacceptable symptoms of disease of the PCT and the liver.

With the appearance of a baby in the world, mothers and doctors often finish the annual regime in three years all day. The child takes everything necessary and actively develops. Ale, in the world of growing up, people stop victorious eating physiologically correctly.

The results are given as signs of a disease or lack of health and the appearance of health problems. With gastritis and other types of ailment of the mucosal-intestinal tract, it is recommended to stop eating shots. Well, it’s better to build up to lose weight, so as not to hurt the body. Diet, especially if it looks like a monovariant, it gives a great deal of interest to the liver.

The essence of the living system

Fractional eating is like a system, like a conveyer, that a person can live everything, but in small portions. Zvichayna diet transfers mass obmezhenie, which causes psychological discomfort in a person. Zvіdsi postіyni see. Tsya system step by step nalashtovuє organism in the right way through the change obligatory portions.

Basic rules:

  • priyomi їzhi mayut buti 5-6 times a day;
  • break between them and put them roughly the same in an hour;
  • the size of the portion is to blame but not more for those who fit in the hands of the people.

Vrakhovuchi, that the valleys of all the different people are fallow in this complexion, then the portions will be taken.

The mechanism of shot eating allows the liver to function more quickly, because. an organ to purify the blood from the speeches that were supposed to come from the hedgehog. Even intervals between snacks do not change yoga. Why don't you let it be another diet. When gastritis is restored, the regimen allows the difference in acidity to disappear.

The diet of eating can be adjusted by adjusting the special considerations for the types of products. If there is a presence of singing illnesses, then you can take a supplementary diet. With gastritis, it is not recommended to get used to the host, to get used to eating food. Tse in a be-like vipadka the head of shkodi. The first results of zastosuvannya shot-type eating can be done in a month. To change the tone of the skin and become hairy.

Transition to the shot-type meal

If you abruptly switch to a new eating system, it will not become a stress for the body. You can manage the robotic internal systems. It is recommended to gradually switch to a new diet and change the size of the portion. Who needs:

  • designate a simple menu for the day;
  • set the hour for the receptionist to improve the work schedule and sleep schedule;
  • 2-3 days to inoculate the body before the new schedule for saving obligatory portions;
  • change the obligation of the accepted obligation of the product to the required one for 3–5 days.

Those who have made the transition to this system, talk about those that the body itself is securely guarding against the overworld obligation of portions. Therefore, change the rozmіr strav to go out quickly, if the person calls to the regime of eating schogodini.

Deyakі d_єєtologists to please before the cob of vikoristannya new system of eating to carry out the cleansing of the liver. Tse allows you to better cope with the challenges that have happened, and better take away the results of losing weight. Already the first month, you can throw off up to 10% of the in-line vag. Tse does not mean that such an effect can be achieved by everyone who has switched to a new system. It is rich to deposit according to the weekend parameters.

Features of eating

Drobove eating is served, which is the main meal of the day - tse snіdanok, obid that supper at the hour. Between them, you can have a snack. For them, do not choose chips, chocolate bars, or napo, as they can hurt the liver or the gastritis sac. Bazhano improve the body on the correct assimilation of proteins and starches. For whom:

  • starch products should be used on the diet: porridge, muesli, herbal tea;
  • at the same time, it is necessary to saturate the body with proteins in the diet with vegetables and fruits;
  • at the supper, the supply of protein products increases.

Proteins are over-etched more. Tse give trivale viscidence, so a person does not overdo it before going to bed. Particularly important in gastritis, because. the admission is guilty of buti endings with such an illness at least 2 years before bedtime. Podіbne recommend be-yak a diet.

As a snack, you should drink portions of salads, fruits. Be careful with the rest: stench can increase acidity in gastritis. Fatty salad options are better than vikoristati. The number of portions of the main priyomіv їzhi is not guilty of but more. At the day of May, there are more than 2 yew trochs. kcal.

What's on the menu?

Those who switch to dribne eating are guilty of laying down the menu for a leather day or a day in advance. Tse allow to plan the purchase of the necessary products, having known the list. Whom is assisted by a table with a menu for the day. Zorove spriynyattya strengthen the mood. The age of the new diet calls out the singing stress in humans.

Options for insurance on credit:

  • 200 r. porridge, bergamot with cereals with whole grains;
  • 150 muesli;
  • 150 r. baked potatoes from greens.

Snіdanok can be supplemented with peas, a great fruit.

The day is full of energy. Tse vrakhovuyut pіd hour viborіv strav. On obіd pіdіgo:

  • soup with vegetable broth (200 ml);
  • veggies at the boiled look or steamed (200 g);
  • lettuce from vegetables, to some rivers add peas, legumes, as there is no contraindication from the side of the liver (150-200 rubles).

For the supper, for example, you can prepare one of the following:

  • cooked or stewed vegetables;
  • rice made from corn as an independent grass;
  • casserole with tomatoes, peas and sesame;
  • zucchini.

A table has been compiled to allow rearranging the positions on other days and working on a ration of different people. In order to see the results, what food is given, the menu for the day is varto to look over.

An example for a snack for the day:

  • avocado salad with carrots;
  • cabbage salad with green cider, corn and carrots;
  • 30–40 r. dried fruits and peas;
  • 150-200 g fruit salad.

Rosemary portions of any salad are not guilty of overdosing 200 g per day. With gastritis, do not drink fresh juices, if you want stench in other conditions, it is acceptable as a snack. Perevagu following products, yakі can not get under the skin of baked goods.

The system allows you to solve a lot of problems. Zvichna diet is not good for activating the internal forces of the body, only giving supplies for others. To that її it is not recommended to vicorate with gastritis, for whom it is not important to understand the number of implanted herbs, but rather the frequency. About the camp of the liver, as you switch to a new mode of work, you can understand the scales. She will become more erysipelas, less bumpy, and defects will appear sooner. Just one more bonus, a cream for the liver, a drain for the body as a whole, which can be taken away when changing the principles of eating and switching to a shot system.

4.5 out of 5

Ale, small portions. The results for the day include 5-6 appointments for the replacement of the son’s salary, the evening of that evening.

Advantages of shotgun eating for weight loss

In the current dietology of shot-shot eating, it is introduced around the place. Behind this system there will be impersonal fashionable diets, including protein and carbohydrate ones. It has been reported that the bagatorazov eating helps to keep the fatty deposits.

Correspondence of the authority of shot-based life for weight loss:

  • It is not necessary to drastically change the ration of the diet and take into account the favorite products;
  • The calorie content of the diet is reduced even more properly, so the body is not susceptible to stress;
  • Through the parts of a snack, one does not blame a little hunger, which is powerful in a rich diet;
  • The result of shot eating for weight loss;
  • Vzhivannya їzhi with small commitments allows you not to overwhelm the etching system;
  • When eating in small portions, hedgehogs are overeaten;
  • Parts of a snack help to effectively get rid of the folded centimeters at the waist and buckles;
  • Fractional regimen of eating recommendations for chronic illnesses and suitable for people of any age;
  • Eating skin for 2-3 years normalizes blood sugar in the blood, so the shot method can cause ailments to blood diabetes.

Fractional eating for weight loss, for the advice of doctors and nutritionists - an absolutely safe, healthy method. The cost of repayment is less for a few months, and it can be won as a system of food for all life.

The main principles of the essence of shot eating for weight loss

Golovne zavdannya shot method of eating - stepwise reduction of calorie content of the diet without health damage. The change in portions and the exchange of shkіdlivih produktіv lead to a decrease in daily calorie content. What more often is the transition to a dry meal, the organism is better attached to it.

The rate of weight loss in case of a shot system is 1-5 kg ​​per month. The calorie content of the supplementary diet cannot be lowered below 1200 kcal, but should be increased above 2000 kcal. Do not try to speed up the process of losing weight with a fast way of calories. The failure of the manager is such a bad body, like a re-admission. Take care of the established diet, do not skip it, and then the figure will become a string.

If the body takes constant nourishment in small doses, metabolism will speed up and the process of fat burning will begin. Fractional eating ahead of the transition, haircuts in the blood, relieve constipation and other problems of poisoning.

The fractional view of eating does not give hunger. If you eat 1-2 times a day, then at the moment I take my appetite, the sheets are lifted, so you get more, less is necessary for the truth. As a result, the tube is aware of a colossal pressure, insulin is released, tsukor rises sharply, and the skin swells up with the skin. With the shot method of eating, attacking hunger is not blamed, there is no need for it to be greedy.

Golovnі rules of shot eating for weight loss:

  • Eat 5-6 times a day;
  • The volume of the portion is not guilty of overtaking 200-250 g;
  • Drink less than 1.5 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day;
  • Obov'yazkovo eat and don't miss a snack (you still have no appetite);
  • Malt and high-calorie products are less likely to live until lunchtime;
  • After 15 years of the day, switch to protein products;
  • Do not eat 3 years before bedtime;
  • The diet is to include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and food.

If you can’t seem to see the ticks and the zucerok, allow yourself to eat, but don’t forget about the size of the portion. The best option for snacks is porridge, fruit, cheese with honey. Carbohydrates provide a supply of energy for the whole day and do not go over to fat, so they can live up to 12 days.

Offended by the hot grass. Perfectly suitable for soups on light meat or vegetable broth, steamed cock with lettuce, stewed vegetables with fish.

The Supper is due to be made up of white straw (ribi, meat, syrah, eggs) and fresh or stewed vegetables.

For lunch and afternoon, take non-salted peas, dried fruits, fresh fruits, vegetables, kefir, yoghurts, syrup with honey. It is important to say that 1 banana and an apple is already a full meal. Fractional eating is not better, like a skin 3 years old to the edge. If only lightness is to blame for the body.

With the dry method, eating is possible and necessary after 6 pm. The evening meal may be served 3 years before bedtime. Golovna, the evening was low-calorie and did not contain carbohydrates. Before going to bed you can drink 200 g of kefir or sour milk.

The fractional type of eating will be richly effective, as it will be enjoyed in lubrication, smoked, salted herbs. Include cowbass, canned and manufactured drinks. Avoid licorice soda drinks, zucr products, malt, boron beans, potatoes, white polished rice, fatty sauces and dressings. Zhu z fast food, tsukor, tvarinni fats, chips, malt - products that do not avenge brown speeches for people, but are always indicated on the vase.

Shot meal diet for slimming menu for the day

Try to urinate your diet. Joke for new recipes, cook up unimaginably daily, decorate beautifully. It’s healthy to eat properly every year, and you’ll see a star, and you won’t want to turn to a colossal way of life.

Snіdankіv options:

  • Omelette from 2-3 eggs with vegetables;
  • Vіvsyanа porridge with fruits, peas, berries;
  • Sir with honey or fruits;
  • Boiled eggs with vegetable salad;
  • Dietary bread with cheese.

Options for shot-shot eating for a slimmer menu:

  • Borscht, steam cutlet, vegetable salad;
  • Stewed vegetables, chicken breast, 1 piece of bread from visivok;
  • Tuna, green and vegetable salad, rice porridge;
  • Yalovichina, buckwheat, vegetables;
  • Omelet with mushrooms, stewed vegetables.

Evening options:

  • Vegetable casserole and meat;
  • Grilled fish, stewed vegetables;
  • Sir, vegetable salad;
  • Tuna, green peas, vegetables;
  • Veal cooked with vegetables.

Snack options: cheese, fruits, dried fruits, yogurt, kefir, peas.
