What mi їmo: the most safe hedgehog in the world. The most safe hedgehog (tse tsikavo)

What mi їmo: the most safe hedgehog in the world. The most safe hedgehog (tse tsikavo)

Fugu is riboi, in such a liver and great internal organs to avenge the lethal amount of the blast toxin "tetrodotoxin", as there is no way to rub it off. However, є shanovnі spetsіlnі kuharі fugu in Japan, yakаyutsya zashit nіvnu kіlіkії otpіdnoї, schob zrobiti relish ribi unique.

Thirty years ago, there was a commotion all over Japan, if Bando Mitsugoro, the leading kabuki actor, died after a couple of portions ... wanting wine, maybe a little evil.

If you are in the mood to “rizikuvati life”, change your mind, that in the place, where you are violating, there were no deaths associated with Fugu. In addition, you have a choice: siroy fugu sashimi, fugu lubrication (relish like a trigger) and fugu jams.

2: Ackee - Jamaica

Tse national fruit of Jamaica. Do not marvel at those who are rich in vitamins and proteins, as if the fruit of the first half of the wines are ripe, then the stench is even more unsafe, and there may be lethal consequences. Vin blocking the synthesis of glucose in the liver, which leads to constant vomiting and judgment.

3: Bullfrog - Africa

Should we get by with nothing more than toad legs, like in France, so that you can eat all the toad? The giant toad Bullfrog of Namibії is a delicacy in this country, but only in that moment, as if it was evil and it was used at the right time. In other words, the toad can be in the love period. In another way, such a delicacy can lead to nirk deficiency and, without a doubt, enter the category "The most safe hedgehog" .

4: San-Nak J i - Korea

Don’t be too rich, sobbite one serving of San Nak Ji (small Syrian octopus) for lovers of the “alternative” zhі. Eight divisions, preparations with sesame oil, and a dozen presentations on a plate. In this rank, someone’s tentacles will still crumble down (remember, the skin “leg” of an octopus can have its own brain), and, without worrying, the stink of vicorist suckers on you, as if you will try to beat them. Chew resolutely, first let me live in my throat and potentially not safe.

5: Fresh apricot

Apricots can also be unsafe. When we were children, we were given food for the sake of food, to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, but not to mention unsafe toxins, which are supposed to be consumed. Cherries, plums, peaches, almonds, apricots and apples also avenge water cyanide. Ale, don’t panic, as you see an apple, reading this article; schob zavdati shkodi, it’s necessary to have a lot of money.

6: Cassava - Africa, Pvdenna America

The leaves and the bottom of cassava are at random rich in cyanide. Manioka is a tropical vegetable that resembles Pvdennoy America, ale vines are also broadened in Africa, the head rank of yogo sik, which vikoristovuetsya for fermentation I will drink and call Piwarry.

7: Casu Marchu - Italy

Kasu martsyu technically pose the law in the greater part of Italy, and richly hto vvazha tse shvidshe like smittya, nizh їzha. Tim is no less, it is meticulously prepared at the beginning of a wonderful dessert: the sir of sheep's milk is filled with blukati; at the process of preparing yoga, especially flies are seen and eggs are laid, from which the larvae hatch, and the evening begins ... for the larvae, that is not for you; better in front.

Zreshtoyu, the larvae to kill the syr for survival, and the stench is to be blamed on the live bait at once from the syr, to avoid additional toxicity. If you don't want to eat the larvae alive, you can block the tar by placing the sir in a sealed paper bag in a plastic bag. The larvae, zreshtoyu, vystribnut іz sir at poshukakh poіtrya і, not knowing yogo, die.

8: Elderberry - Europe

Possibly, the least deadly hedgehog on this list, but it is potentially unsafe, as if she did not suffer much. It was recorded a spate of sudden deaths and, obviously, these berries are not in the category of non-negotiable.

9: Crooked Clams - Shanghai, China

This is not a safe bee, as it can infect you with hepatitis. If you want to get involved in one of the most beautiful stravas in the country, you will need a quick preparation to eat viruses and bacteria, including hepatitis and dysentery!

10: McDonald's - USA

You read it right. Hitting number one in the states is not driven by an untrustworthy person, but by maniacs, the result of fast food: high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, hyper-fat… and just as deadly yak cyanide or tetrodotoxin; stinks just work harder.

So beware of what you put up to your mouth. Adzhe іnodi svіtovі delіkatesi – tse the safest hedgehog .

Like a statue bula cіkavoy - dіlitya in social networks, we'll be more vdyachnі. For respect!

P.S І for the end of a fun short video about the current Bullfrog toad 🙂

No one will specifically eat strychnine, squint or pale toadstools. Because everyone knows that it is a deadly otter, and they will be afraid of it. Prote people often swear at the hedgehog, as if building them in. Like the most safe hedgehog in the world, and like a vagrant on the common table?


Fugu is the safest hedgehog in the world. The center of Japanese cuisine. Get ready for the ribeye skelezub and other representatives of the pufferfish family. In їhnіy shkіrі, zhovchnymіkhurі, pіncі іkrі znajaditsya tetrodotoksin deadly otrut, yak 500 times stronger than potassium cyanide. Usogo 1 gram, wipe off the building, drive in 500 grown-ups. Treat to tetrodotoxin not known.

Cooking fugu may be the right to cook more than the chef, yakі took away a special license. Before you lay down your sleep, the stench of the whole river learns how to properly prepare the grass. One pardon - and vіdvіduvach is no longer leaving the restaurant. On the back in the new one, kill and tongue, then we will see confusion, weakness and boredom, then we will spend the sensitivity of the mustache of the body, and the person will pretend to be a zombie. Vіn mustache bachitim, sensitive and sensible, that you are dying, but you can’t knock it over with either hand or foot.

10-50 vibrations of the fugue are fixed widely. For the old hours, at times, the fugu of the cook, having prepared the grass, would have prepared the grass, the goiter would kill himself, or commit ritual self-destruction.

Irrespective of risk, fugu is a very popular strain in Japan. Depending on the restaurants, they like to strip their nerves at $100 to $500 per serving. With this, up to 40 vibrations are fixed with a lethal end after the fugu has been implanted. To help the doctors can only artificially boost the system of indigestion and blood circulation, until the liver is neutralized and wiped off. Navit at times, the body is left sick, the shards are destroyed by the robot of the liver, nirok, heart.

Prepare cash marts on the island of Sardinia in Italy. Yogo is also called wormy chi rotten sir. This is not an allegory. Sirnoy of infection with live larvae of the syrnoy fly. Virobniki gladden for an hour and flatten the eyes, so that the larva can see the orphan and damage the eye.

"Ugh! Yaka gidota!" - say a lot of hto. Ale wormy sire in the world may have had few gourmet gourmands, like yogo for its inimitable hospitable relish and pungent smell.

Cooking yogo is simple: the famous variety "pecorino sardo" (more savory cheese made from sheep's milk) is put on the street. Once upon a time, sirn flies are angry at the new one, and they lay eggs at the sir, from which larvae appear in an hour. The stench eat the sir from the middle, "fertilizing" yoga with the outputs - the products of their life. After a couple of months, kasu martsu, similar to viscous porridge, is ready.

Kasu martsu is a mortally unsafe hedgehog. Nayneshkіdlivіshe, scho cheka on lyudina, yak z'isti wormy sire - tse allergy. Serious consequences - severe injury with a lethal end and intestinal rupture, resulting in peritonitis. On the right, the fact that the larvae do not perish in the slug juice, but eat the intestines alive and, trying to vibrate, drill through the yogo. Tim is no less, the rotten sir is even more popular in his fatherland. Italians serve a delicacy on the days of the people, fun and other cleansing. Ale only prikhovuyut tse, shards officially wormy sir are fenced to live like a product, not safe for the health of that life of a person. You can buy yoga only on the black market from the rural shepherds. I, too, okrіm larvae, dodayutsya and unsanitary mind cooking. Z'їzh shmatochok of this sumnіvny delicacy and a bunch of ailments in your gut, and life - under the threat!

This is the name of the Korean grass, which is prepared for a live octopus. As a result, if you put a little thing in your mouth, it calls, you can crawl from the mouth into the nose through the nasopharynx or touch it to the tonsils, as a result of which you get short of breath. In order to get away, it is necessary to drink a small piece of leather with a great amount of water, to win.

It’s sing-song, it’s even more fluid, if you climb independently through your nose, but what do you watch the day of october, what kind of live bait? No comments...

Literally translated as "shvidka zha". Get ready from the napіvfabrikatіv, yakі need less roses and fill it with dill. Already realized that such a hedgehog was enriched with vitamins and minerals and did not carry the corrosive content to the body. Ale tse sche pіvbidi. Fast food is even worse for health for the following reasons:

  • this is too much to avenge preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers;
  • prepared from genetically modified vegetables;
  • raises the level of "shkidly" cholesterol in the blood;
  • fast food is a strong carcinogen, which leads to oncological illness;
  • ruining the immune system of the body;
  • in 10 cases, risky development of circulatory diabetes;
  • with regular implantation, it causes obesity (an American problem).

Chips, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sandwiches, hot dogs, french fries, porridge, vermicelli, mashed potatoes and swede-cooked soup are seen before fast food. It has long been brought to light that fast food is the most delicious food! Tim is not smaller, it's more popular because of the swedishness and the preparation of that cheapness. As a rule, it is sold at the cafe of Swedish food. The menu of McDonald's restaurants includes fast food.

To the warehouse, whether it be from the category of shvidkoy, sodium glutamate E-621 should be included (change it yourself, reading the warehouse for the product on the packaging). Tse toxin, which infuses the human nervous system. Wine masks the relish of products, deceives the brain, creating the illusion of the most delicious and the most beloved of the world. Ale naytsіkavіshe, scho vіn vіduє zalezhіє, go to narcotics. Axis why we can not go through the chips or potato fries.

Zhahlivo, scho is so shkidliva for a healthy їzha є zagalnou, it flooded the whole world, and hundreds of thousands of people today live її, to the full driving in their body.

Kovbas is not the safest product, sausage is not the best for a year, like puffer, but definitely the best hedgehog for people. Pediatricians are pleased not to give either boiled or smoked cowbass to children, calling the product a “meat nightmare”.

Kolis for hours in the SRSR, the cowbass was prepared exclusively for meat. The variety of virobiv was stale in the form of meat, as if victorious was being made under the hour of preparation. The highest variety of cowbass strove for yalovichini, soaked in cognac, the first variety - the product of pork and minced pork, other varieties strove for minced chicken, non-variety - from offal (liver, blood, heart and other). For DSTU, 100 kg of "Doctor's" at 90 kopecks per kg were paid:

  • 70 kg lean pork,
  • 25 kg yalovichini,
  • 3 kg eggs,
  • 2 kg of natural (not dry!) ​​cow's milk.

Since 1974, it was allowed to add 2% starch to minced meat "Doctorskaia".

Today, navit kovbasnі vorobi vyshchogo katunka do not add up to 100% of meat. Try to make the product as cheap as possible and take the maximum surplus, put the vineyards at the shortest drop of 10-20 kg of meat per 100 kg of the product. Everything else - lard, skin (often unpeeled, at once from fir'yam), cartilage, brushes, starch chi borosno, pіdsiluvachi relish, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives. There is no way to find milk for eggs and milk.

Okremo varto tell about such a warehouse, whether it be some kind of cowbass viroba, like transgenic soybeans. Vaughn calls mutations in the organism on the clitin level, before the old age and cancerous disease. The rest of the studies of German scientists have shown that transgenic soy reduces maternal instinct and provokes aggression to offspring.

Unsanitary mind cooking - another bonus for lovers of cowbass. It's no secret that you can have a meal at the majestic meat grinder.

No one thinks about the health of the living person. The cowbaska is savory for that alone - it’s a waste of upovіlnenoї dії. With regular administration of the drug (1-3 times per day), the risk of developing oncological diseases, obesity, ailments of the pharynx, mush, nirok, liver, and intestinal duct increases by 40%.

Maє right buti on the table is less than homemade cowbass, made with your own hands from natural syrovin. There's a lot of meat, liver and blood. Today in supermarkets, already cleansed natural intestines and synthetic fries are being promoted, which can be easily reminiscent of home-cooked minced meat. For relish, add a chasnik, black pepper, cognac.

The next list includes the most secure world. However, the right time for cooking will help to overcome the tragedy and turn it into delicacies, as if to amaze you with its extraordinary relish.

1. Riba fugu (Japan)

Puffer fish rightfully bear the title of one of the safest delicacies in the world, although it is respected by the national tradition of Japanese cuisine.

Nobody can give a 100% guarantee that after such an offense you can survive. It’s more important, like a cook, like a ready fugu, to be corrected by a professional.

Riba puffer can be used in zhu:

At the greased look, boiled, orphan (sashimi). The use of puffer with rice burner, as well as miso, a product of traditional Japanese cuisine, has also been expanded.


Live the liver and other internal organs of ribe fugu, stink shards to avenge a lethal dose of tetrodotoxin. Tsya otruta paralyze people's m'yazi and bring them to the point of indigestion.

In the period between 1996 and 2006 pp. 44 fatal cases were recorded after the introduction of ribi fugu.

2. African toad

In a number of African lands, zokrema, Namibia, a toad, what a riє, live in a hedgehog as a whole, and not just її paws. At tsomu th polygaє the main problem.

Killing such a toad before the start of the breeding season means risking your health.


Eat such a toad as a whole. They have a low level of unsafe toxic speeches, which can beat a person.

Young individuals, which have not yet begun to multiply, are the most deadly. Vzhivannya in їzhu can call death in people due to lack of nirkov.

3. Aki (Jamaica)

Akі аbo Blіgіya is tasty - a tree, yak is widely widened in the krains of the Caribbean, okrema, in Jamaica.

It’s not safe to make immature fruits like, and also a black nasinnya that avenges itself in the middle.

You can get used to zhu:

Only stigli plіd without nasіnnya.


Live in unripe fruit. They have the toxin hypoglycin A and B. Sucking into the body of a person, this speech transforms into a deadly poison, like a call to the Jamaican vomit ailment.

Vіdomi vpadki, if tsia ailment led to a strong znevodnennia organism and induce death.


In 2011, there were 35 recorded outbreaks of exotic fruits.

Approximately 1 out of 1000 cases, if they try something like that, they infect their own organism on safety but we destroy it.

4. Sannakji (Korea)

Sannakchi is a traditional Korean dish. Sprinkle a living octopus with sesame oil, and then add sesame seeds to it.

Shards of octopus are fed to the table alive, wines writhing on plates and stealing with tentacles. Small suckers on these tentacles are chiseled in the mouths of people for everything they can, and to that building they bring to death in the form of a breath.

The most important rule in case of giving tsієї stravi є retelne rezhovuvannya.

Statistics: almost 6 people are dying because of the poison due to such a recent offense.

5. Crooked mollusks (China)

Crooked mollusks are a popular herb in the lands of Asia and China. The stench took away its name through a bright-red zabarvlennya.

Such a color of delusions is a great number of hemoglobin in the middle.

Molyuskіv boil or cook for a couple.

Nebezpeka їhny vzhivannya polygaє in the fact that these molluscs retaliate against various viruses and bacteria.

Hepatitis A, E, typhoid fever, dysentery - the axis is only an incomprehensible disease, which threatens the survival of infected mollusks.

The very risk of low ailment in rich countries blocked the import of such a product.


In 1988, about 300 thousand people were infected with mollusks. Shanghai has an epidemic of hepatitis A.

As a result of sleep, 31 people perished.

Nearly 15 thousand quiet, who live in crooked mollusks in hedgehogs, infect themselves with one of the lists of diseases.

6. Haukarl (Iceland)

Haukarl is a national country, also popular in Iceland. Tse in the meat of the Greenlandic polar shark can drink both among the Icelanders themselves and among the number of tourists.

The orphan's vin is rather unsafe. On the right, in the fact that the meat of the polar shark is to take revenge on the great amount of the sechovin, to fight against it with the trash.

In sharks, there are daily nirks and sechivnik, for the most part, the causes of toxic speech are seen in the skin.

In order to escape the destruction, the shark carcass is cut into pieces and dried for 6 months. Carcasses are placed in front of special containers with openings, like bran juices drain.

7. Casu Marzu (Italy)

Casu Marzu is a type of syrah vibrated in Italy (Sardinia region).

Vіdomy tim, that the larvae of the syrnoї fly are alive in the new one, that the wandering product is crying out. This rotten sire is not in vain respected by the safest in the world.

The larvae can pass through the walls of the intestines, thereby provoking low serious illnesses.

8. Medusa Nomura (Japan)

Mustache of toxic speech may be removed. At the vineyards of the jellyfish, there is a spravzhnіsіnka otruta, a building to beat the people.

Prote, properly processed and prepared, the jellyfish will not become unsafe.

The Japanese serve jellyfish as a valuable delicacy.

9. Pangium natural (Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia)

Pangium istivniy is also known as a fruit, which "calls for the ogid".

To avenge the high kіlkіst tsіanіdu, for the rahunka of which it is not safe for the people.

The fruit can be planted only after it has been thoroughly cleaned and the skins have been trimmed.

10. Fesikh (Egypt)

Fesikh can be celebrated on the day of the spring festival in Egypt (Sham-el-Nessin).

Riba hangs under the sun and shines in salt for a whole rock, after which it is ready to live.

But this is not a guarantee that you will be left alive if you eat.

Shoroku, dozens of Egyptians are dragged to the spital from strong poisoning. So, for example, in 2015, 6 cases were hospitalized due to severe illness after eating ribi.

The statistics for 2009-2010 are more summative: as a minimum, there were some fluctuations in depression, which ended in a fatal accident.

11. Cassava abo cassava (Pivdenna America)

Manіok gets used to zhu in boiled, lubricated, steamed or lubricated on the grill.

In an orphan-looking maniok, it is natural to take revenge on the high concentration of linamarin, which, turning into cyanide, can beat a person.

Fatal fluctuations are regularly fixed after the introduction of such growth.

So, in 2005, 27 Filipino schoolchildren died after a snack, before which the product was included.

12. Mavpyachі mіzki (Asia)

Mavpyachi mіzki їdyat, head rank, in the lands of Asia. Such a delicacy is even more popular among tourists.

The stench can get used to the orphan, baked and cooked looking.

However, varto amulets are placed to the point of fear. Aje vono can be a serious illness, so I call the Creutzfeldt-Jakob ailment, as it attacks the cerebral cortex.

This disease can bring an infected person to death.

13. Absinthe (Europe)

As a rule, relatives are unsafe for a living.

Absinthe, which is prepared from the juice of licorice fennel or anise, avenges the toxic speech of thujone.

Behind the great rachunk, thujone is a natural hallucinogenic and psychotropic drug. In times of venous causation, lead to mental disorders, tuberculosis and epilepsy.

In fallow species, speech can be suicidal.

14. Elderberry (in the whole world)

The berries were next to be seen, resolutely prepared, peeled from the tassels, the chick and the leaves.

Itself in these parts of the berry is not safe for the human speech - cyanide.

Literally, the skin knows that this speech can be used as an important thing for the body of a person.

Failure to follow the rules of harvesting berries can lead to attacks of diarrhea, as well as the blame for other serious illnesses.

15. Siri cashew peas

Remember: don't eat cashew peas at the orphan's sight! Їsti їх you can TILKI at a greased look.

As a rule, “sirі” pots, like mi bachimo in supermarkets, have already gone through steam processing to save the product from chemically harsh speeches.

In Syrian cashew peas, urushiol is purged, a blast of speech, as if you could beat a person. Vіdomі vpadki, if trÔnnya cієyu speech called out the death of a person.

16. Leafing rhubarb (according to the whole world)

At the root of the rhubarb, oxalic acid is hidden, as our nirks are negatively injected.

The symptoms of disorder are as follows:

boredom, problems with the breath, diarrhea, pain in the eyes, liver in the mouth and throat, cutting the red color.

Vіdomo sprat vipadkіv, if torn by rhubarb root caused to death.

17. Carambola (for the whole world)

If you have problems with your work, then just 100 grams of the juice of that fruit can be a good deal.

For those who have nirks to process normally and filter out the harsh speech (neurotoxins), this problem is not safe, you can safely live in a hedgehog.

Today we want to get married, chi is so tasty not safe hedgehog how can you die? What can you prick on a fork more loudly at your plate and z'isti?

The most safe hedgehog in the world

Nothing can be said that it is necessary to gain courage in order to try out the unimaginable and the unknown products. However, in order to take a portion of adrenaline, there are smiles. Aje relish of the unknown is the most addictive for lovers of hospitable sights. All the same, before health, it is necessary to put it dbaily: the body cannot always get into our grub's fortunes.

Products that bypass the term applicability are not only unsafe, but also deadly. Most of the types of such products are suffered by people, as they perebuvayut at the cost. Quiet, who love to rise in price, take the risk of breaking through a simple trip to a restaurant in a place unknown to them in the country.

Not safe hedgehog - exotic strains

As you climb to an unknown land, you need to find out what the natives eat. I especially want to see Japan, China and the edge of Africa. Here people live in the lives of those who would not sleep for us to think about trying. For example, in China you can get shashlik from wasps, dzhmelіv and scorpions. In the countries of Asia, they love їsti plazunov and coma, before that they are scruffy. The Chinese and the Japanese love the seas from the seas. Riba fugu is the most popular delicacy of the meal. For yoga cooking, cooks are allowed, they have undergone special training. Such a harsh breath does not make sense, so that one wrong crook can take away the life of the one who tries it.

A gigantic jellyfish, like a pufferfish that lives in these lands, is just like a puffer fish. In Namibia, the native Meshkans love to eat the blasted toad-beak. The legs of the toad, which appeared in our supermarkets and are so loved by the French, have toxic toxins in their skins.

Arriving to Korea and Japan, you can eat a live octopus. By itself, yogo meat is not poisonous and does not carry health problems. However, most of the time, the stray die up to 10,000 deaths. Death looks like the fact that even though the tentacles are still alive, they soak up to the throat or the herbal canal, twisting the kiss.

Not safe hedgehog - Kasu martsu

The most risky product for people is Kasu martsu, which means "rotten sir." In Sardinia, this sir gained his popularity among the shepherds. Invisible smell and relish of youmu give the larvae of flies that live with him. Yogo is prepared from sheep's milk, as it is displayed in the fresh air. Flies, obviously, sit on the sire and lay on new larvae.

Fans of rotten syrah eat it all at once from the larvae, as they can viskakuvat from a quarter meter curl. It is important, at this moment, to clean up the disguise, so that the worms do not waste at the vіchі, even if the stench stribayut at the height with such force that you cover them with a paper, then the stench about it rises. The larvae can kill the sir, so you can cover it with a plastic bag. Vipovzayuchi іz sir vіd nestachі sour, stinks give the opportunity to taste the delicacy in a clean look.

Eat Kasu martsyu chi ni, virishuvati you. Significantly, that the rotten sire is being overrun at the krains of the European Union. In Italy and Sardinia, wine under the official fence. Doctors admit that by taking such a sir I threaten with food poisoning and allergic reactions. The most powerful aphrodisiac. Irrespective of the fence, the sire is still preparing the shepherds in the minds of the home. Vіn popular among mandrivniki; yoga is prepared at different urochistosts. Smak syru is specific and is not suitable for skin. The bitterness is strong and there is a strong smell - not for everyone.

Talk about an unknown life that threatens your health, you can do it for a long time. People often feed on vicorous products, it’s impossible to eat them, because they’re boring and boring. For example, in Asia there are kazhaniv, even tse unsafe hedgehog. Who deserves dead seagulls, who have lain in a tulle skin for three years. Who cares about eggs as a delicacy, as if they were boiled with chickens, which didn’t hatch, but were formed.

The meat of a tarantula, behind its savory flavors, may be similar to shrimp. In Laos Cambodia, such spiders are used to make a shashlik on a fire and serve it as a slice, or cut into shmatki, mixed with chili peppers. Eat like a crab with a spit, vibrating meat from the shell.

A delicacy is accepted to vvazhat eggs of the tarantula. When a spider hits your hands, cut it with scissors. To strangle the spider, pushing on the chest. Let's sweat, sip with spices, smear it and put it at the clock shop. For relish, the tarantula tastes like chicken meat with a touch of almond brush.

In Jamaica, they eat akі fruit - the safest in the world. Otruta yoga is neutralized only after drinking water from boiling water. Cassava root in Africa is vicarious for boroshn. Other parts store chenille acid in their warehouse.

Zvichna їzha tezh unsafe їzha

We need to remember: the simplest thing is our hedgehog can lead to harm to the body. Herself not safe hedgehog for our latitudes - tse. To finish a lot of people to love and live them. On the right, in the fact that you can wind a small piece of a mushroom with a bruised one, drank it into a dish, and kill it in the same way. People, like otruilsya mushrooms, the doctors can not catch up for help, and you can do it quickly to die.

The majestic rizik gives his health to those who buy the nasty cleansings of liver creatures. Slid nagolosity, scho to please the unique sheep heads and guts.

I don’t lessen the need for people to carry a swedish meal. Tsya is greased, fat enough, ale virno driving in lovers of fast food. Above the world vzhivannya kawi, gassed licorice drinks, piece juices; cowbass, confectionery products of mass production, ketchups, mayonnaise, canned food - all the way to various illnesses of the heart-vascular, immune system of a person.

Potato itself is not a very corrosive product, but chips from it are even more so. They have carcinogenic, aromatic speech, oli and sodium glutamate. The more often you live tsyu zhu, the more you give the body the risk of getting sick with cancer. Well, you can zarahuvati to french fries.

Alcohol is a valuable product. Vivation of yoga, if you want to scatter it for a month, is a stagnation, which should be taken care of. The best thing in this time is to help a company that doesn't know. And if you didn’t drink alcohol, then don’t buy cheap alcohol: wine at tetrapacks and beer at dances.

Mayonnaise and sauces are not homemade not safe hedgehog. As soon as you stop being fat, then immediately remember the change in your figure: the waist will become thinner and the fat folds will be taken up. At your warehouse, the stinks of fats, flavorings, barvniki. There are no natural components there. Better, if you replace your sauces with homemade sour cream. It's tasty, it's colorful.

From the above-said flock, it became clear that you don’t need to go far to “rake up” your nerves and take a portion of adrenaline. It’s better to look at the products in the container and think about what the stench is. And if it’s not all the same for you, as you live far and skilki, then, without a doubt, think about it, what you are. Bo Hippocrates marked: we are those who are.

and to drive in people.

Є deyakі products of the creature's that growing pojzhennya, yakі podіbno to disgust, otruyat organism mittevo.

The next list includes the most secure world.

However, the right time for cooking will help to overcome the tragedy and turn it into delicacies, as if to amaze you with its extraordinary relish.

Not safe hedgehog

1. Riba fugu (Japan)

Puffer fish rightfully bear the title of one of the safest delicacies in the world, although it is respected by the national tradition of Japanese cuisine.

Nobody can give a 100% guarantee that after such an offense you can survive. It’s more important, like a cook, like a ready fugu, to be corrected by a professional.

Riba puffer can be used in zhu:

At the greased look, boiled, orphan (sashimi). The use of puffer with rice burner, as well as miso, a product of traditional Japanese cuisine, has also been expanded.


Live the liver and other internal organs of ribe fugu, stink shards to avenge a lethal dose of tetrodotoxin. Tsya otruta paralyze people's m'yazi and bring them to the point of indigestion.


In the period between 1996 and 2006 pp. 44 fatal cases were recorded after the introduction of ribi fugu.

The most safe hedgehog

2. African toad

In a number of African lands, zokrema, Namibia, a toad, what a riє, live in a hedgehog as a whole, and not just її paws. At tsomu th polygaє the main problem.

Killing such a toad before the start of the breeding season means risking your health.


Eat such a toad as a whole. They have a low level of unsafe toxic speeches, which can beat a person.


Young individuals, which have not yet begun to multiply, are the most deadly. Vzhivannya in їzhu can call death in people due to lack of nirkov.


3. Aki (Jamaica)

Akі аbo Blіgіya is tasty - a tree, yak is widely widened in the krains of the Caribbean, okrema, in Jamaica.

It’s not safe to make immature fruits like, and also a black nasinnya that avenges itself in the middle.

You can get used to zhu:

Only stigli plіd without nasіnnya.


Live in unripe fruit. They have the toxin hypoglycin A and B. Sucking into the body of a person, this speech transforms into a deadly poison, like a call to the Jamaican vomit ailment.

Vіdomi vpadki, if tsia ailment led to a strong znevodnennia organism and induce death.


In 2011, there were 35 recorded outbreaks of exotic fruits.

Approximately 1 out of 1000 cases, if they try something like that, they infect their own organism on safety but we destroy it.

Not safe hedgehog

4. Sannakji (Korea)

Sannakchi is a traditional Korean dish. Sprinkle a living octopus with sesame oil, and then add sesame seeds to it.

Shards of octopus are fed to the table alive, wines writhing on plates and stealing with tentacles. Small suckers on these tentacles are chiseled in the mouths of people for everything they can, and to that building they bring to death in the form of a breath.

The most important rule in case of giving tsієї stravi є retelne rezhovuvannya.

Statistics: almost 6 people are dying because of the poison due to such a recent offense.

Unsafe hedgehog in the world

5. Crooked mollusks (China)

Crooked mollusks are a popular herb in the lands of Asia and China. The stench took away its name through a bright-red zabarvlennya.

Such a color of delusions is a great number of hemoglobin in the middle.

Molyuskіv boil or cook for a couple.

Nebezpeka їhny vzhivannya polygaє in the fact that these molluscs retaliate against various viruses and bacteria.

Hepatitis A, E, typhoid fever, dysentery - the axis is only an incomprehensible disease, which threatens the survival of infected mollusks.

The very risk of low ailment in rich countries blocked the import of such a product.


In 1988, about 300 thousand people were infected with mollusks. Shanghai has an epidemic of hepatitis A.

As a result of sleep, 31 people perished.

Nearly 15 thousand quiet, who live in crooked mollusks in hedgehogs, infect themselves with one of the lists of diseases.

6. Haukarl (Iceland)

Haukarl is a national country, also popular in Iceland. Tse in the meat of the Greenlandic polar shark can drink both among the Icelanders themselves and among the number of tourists.

The orphan's vin is rather unsafe. On the right, in the fact that the meat of the polar shark is to take revenge on the great amount of the sechovin, to fight against it with the trash.

In sharks, there are daily nirks and sechivnik, for the most part, the causes of toxic speech are seen in the skin.

In order to escape the destruction, the shark carcass is cut into pieces and dried for 6 months. Carcasses are placed in front of special containers with openings, like bran juices drain.

Rotten sire

7. Casu Marzu (Italy)

Casu Marzu is a type of syrah vibrated in Italy (Sardinia region).

Vіdomy tim, that the larvae of the syrnoї fly are alive in the new one, that the wandering product is crying out. This rotten sire is not in vain respected by the "most safe" in the world.

The larvae can pass through the walls of the intestines, thereby provoking low serious illnesses.

8. Medusa Nomura (Japan)

Mustache of toxic speech may be removed. At the vineyards of the jellyfish, there is a spravzhnіsіnka otruta, a building to beat the people.

Prote, properly processed and prepared, the jellyfish will not become unsafe.

The Japanese serve jellyfish as a valuable delicacy.

9. Pangium natural (Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia)

Pangium istivniy is also known as a fruit, which "calls the ogid".

To avenge the high kіlkіst tsіanіdu, for the rahunka of which it is not safe for the people.

The fruit can be planted only after it has been thoroughly cleaned and the skins have been trimmed.

10. Fesikh (Egypt)

Fesikh can be celebrated on the day of the spring festival in Egypt (Sham-el-Nessin).

Riba hangs under the sun and shines in salt for a whole rock, after which it is ready to live.

But this is not a guarantee that you will be left alive if you eat.

Shoroku, dozens of Egyptians are dragged to the spital from strong poisoning. So, for example, in 2015, 6 cases were hospitalized due to severe illness after eating ribi.

The statistics for 2009-2010 are more summative: as a minimum, there were some fluctuations in depression, which ended in a fatal accident.

11. Cassava abo cassava (Pivdenna America)

Manіok gets used to zhu in boiled, lubricated, steamed or lubricated on the grill.

In an orphan-looking maniok, it is natural to take revenge on the high concentration of linamarin, which, turning into cyanide, can beat a person.

Fatal fluctuations are regularly fixed after the introduction of such growth.

So, in 2005, 27 Filipino schoolchildren died after a snack, before which the product was included.

12. Mavpyachі mіzki (Asia)

Mavpyachi mіzki їdyat, head rank, in the lands of Asia. Such a delicacy is even more popular among tourists.

The stench can get used to the orphan, baked and cooked looking.

However, varto amulets are placed to the point of fear. Aje vono can be a serious illness, so I call the Creutzfeldt-Jakob ailment, as it attacks the cerebral cortex.

This disease can bring an infected person to death.

Skoda absinthe

As a rule, relatives are unsafe for a living.

Absinthe, which is prepared from the juice of licorice fennel or anise, avenges the toxic speech of thujone.

Behind the great rachunk, thujone is a natural hallucinogenic and psychotropic drug. In times of venous causation, lead to mental disorders, tuberculosis and epilepsy.

In fallow species, speech can be suicidal.

14. Elderberry (in the whole world)

The berries were next to be seen, resolutely prepared, peeled from the tassels, the chick and the leaves.

Itself in these parts of the berry is not safe for the human speech - cyanide.

Literally, the skin knows that this speech can be used as an important thing for the body of a person.

Failure to follow the rules of harvesting berries can lead to attacks of diarrhea, as well as the blame for other serious illnesses.

15. Siri cashew peas

Remember: don't eat cashew peas at the orphan's sight! Їsti їх you can TILKI at a greased look.

As a rule, "sirі" pots, like mi bachimo in supermarkets, have already gone through a steam treatment, in order to save the product from chemically harsh speeches.

In Syrian cashew peas, urushiol is purged, a blast of speech, as if you could beat a person. Vіdomі vpadki, if trÔnnya cієyu speech called out the death of a person.

16. Leafing rhubarb (according to the whole world)

At the root of the rhubarb, oxalic acid is hidden, as our nirks are negatively injected.

The symptoms of disorder are as follows:

boredom, problems with the breath, diarrhea, pain in the eyes, liver in the mouth and throat, cutting the red color.

Vіdomo sprat vipadkіv, if torn by rhubarb root caused to death.

17. Carambola (for the whole world)

If you have problems with your work, then just 100 grams of the juice of that fruit can be a good deal.

For those who have nirks to process normally and filter out the harsh speech (neurotoxins), this problem is not safe, you can safely live in a hedgehog.
