Sad stories on real scenes. Scary stories

Sad stories on real scenes. Scary stories

This section contains a hand-selected selection of the most terrifying stories published on our website. There are many terrible stories from life told by people in social settings. This section differs from the “better” section in that the most terrible stories from life are collected here, and not just jokes, snoring and confessions. We wish you a happy and luscious reading.

Recently I wrote a story on the site and clarified that this is the same mysterious story that I have been following. Already, all the new episodes were constantly being remembered in my memory, which were observed not only with me, but also with people next to me, which, of course, you can completely disbelieve. If you don’t believe everyone who entrusts you with it, then you don’t have to believe it...


On the right is the cob of the 50s. My grandmother’s brother, an electrician for the light, turned back from the war, when it was just too much - there were no people left, the country was evacuated from ruins. Also, having settled in one village, he actually worked for three - fortunately, there were settlements close to the same type, it was important to walk... Hurrying up, walking from one village to another, you often...


I felt this story on the train from the passenger compartment. The ideas are absolutely real. Well, acknowledge those who told me. It took five years to get going. Riding in the compartment with me was a young girl with a little girl of five years of age and a woman of sixty years of age. The girl was such a restless girl, she was constantly running, making noise, and her young mother was chasing her and...


This wonderful story began in 2005. At that time, I had completed the first course of the Kiev Polytechnic and, having arrived home before my father for the summer holidays, decided to help with the repairs at the booth. The town in Chernihiv region, where I was born, is very small, the population is no more than 3 thousand, there are no high-rise buildings, no wide avenues - a barrage, in appearance...


This story unfolded before my eyes through many fates of people whom I could call a friend. Although we rarely studied and perhaps did not surf the Internet. It is important to get along with people, as they try to avoid simple human happiness - unacceptability at work, depression, constant shortage of money, the number of hundred-year-olds due to a sick condition, living with a poor mother and brother, like ours. ugh...


This story is not mine, but I don’t remember exactly what it is. I read something here, something I found out... There lived a woman alone, in a communal apartment. Her life was already rich, and her life was important. The man and daughter loved it and found themselves alone in that apartment. And even old ladies and girlfriends, whose stench they spent hours gathering over a cup of tea, embellished their self-worth. It's true...


Let us tell you our story. One mysterious story that happened to me in life. This truth can be written off as a dream, but for me everything was even more real and I remember everything as if it were just another bad dream. A little bit of history. I already have a lot of dreams, and like other people, I have a lot of dreams, I don’t dream very often...


One young couple was looking for their apartment. Golovne, they said, let it be inexpensive, and let it be in a good place. Once they found a well-finished apartment: it was inexpensive, and the lady was a nice granny. Finally, the grandmother said: “Be quiet... the walls are alive, the walls feel everything”... The boys were amazed and asked with a smile in their faces: “Why are you selling the apartment so cheaply? What for you...


I don't like children. Lots of little larvae that make people squeal. I think there are many who can stand before them out of madness and confidence, like me. It’s almost amazing to see that literally under the windows of my little house there is an old children’s garden, a whole river filled with hundreds of cries that are going around. Every single day you have to go through this passage. This summer was especially special for our region...


This story became my fate 2 years ago, but if I guess it becomes even motoric. I want to tell you this right now. I bought a new apartment, but since the apartment passed, I haven’t been in much trouble. I had already taken care of everything, but I was upset by one wardrobe that stood in the bedroom and occupied most of the room. I asked the great rulers to take it away, but they said that...


This happened in St. Petersburg, in the Novodivichy District in 2003. Then, in our midst, occultism and the so-called black rituals were buried. We have already called out to the spirits and I have chanted, ready for anything. It’s a pity that the things that happened those nights made me afraid to reconsider my views on life, so now I’ll try to retell everything that I remember. Linda caught up with me on Moskovsky Prospekt. I...


In our homeland there was a tradition: you should go to the Vologda region and pay your respects until the day before. And the edges there are swampy, the foxes are impenetrable - the gloom of locality is the undercurrent. The relatives lived in a village on Uzlisse (in essence, it was a dacha village). I was 7 years old at that time. We arrived in the afternoon, gloomily, rainfall. While I was making speeches, the grown-ups were already lighting up the grill under...

In the life of every person, there are such stories and stories that reveal how one’s bottoms are sweating, and how one’s hair is falling. Of course, most of them are significant escapes, but it is not always true. In fact, mysticism is rising in our world, so damn story If you go out in a row, you can become completely skinny. Then we will talk about the most terrible and terrible things that have happened to people.

On the right was in Latvia, and Rizi herself. The young woman suddenly became friends. You want to get together with friends and have a little sleep. Of course, I couldn’t do without alcohol on the right. All night long, friends went to the cat again and had fun like the last time. Absence of alcohol and drugs were present throughout the evening.

After a few years, the cheerful skins began to disperse to their rooms to rest and get some sleep. One of the friends is likely to lose the kitchen cleanliness in order to spend the night in dialogues “behind the scenes.” If you had already drunk all the alcohol, and your friends could no longer stand on their feet, they praised the decision to go to bed. Young people Having recently become a man, he left the room for his friends, and his friend left for the next one, but there was no one.

This is where the mysterious story begins, which is based on real ideas. The lad lay down gently on the sofa, then immediately sensing something unkind: wonderful creaks and curls, swearing, and whispers. Of course, such a situation could have happened to anyone. Then a shadow passed by the mirror, which was spread across the face, as a young man screeched. I was afraid to get up, because it was unknown what was going on. Then there were a few knocks, similar to hammering a flower. The thought immediately appeared that alcohol and drugs took their toll. It would be possible to respect the truth, as if there was not a strong knock, after which the guy did not notice and turned on the light.

What it reveals then is easy to understand. There was a hammer lying on the underside, the knocks of which had happened a little earlier. A strong move and a sense of self-preservation took the mountain, and the boy went to bed until the next room. Having woken up, retelling history friends. But they were not amused. It turns out that this little house was like a mature man who was in love with the light. Suddenly I hung myself on a tree with a brush. How and why this was achieved is still unknown. And this ghost is still wandering around the house.

Reading this mysterious story, based on real stories, I get goosebumps on my skin and my hair just goes away. Sometimes you marvel at what you do with people.

The young girl, who works constantly in the office, practically did not show up at her apartment, and the shards of the robot buried her from head to toe. The only thing she was doing while she was at home was so busy in her soul, preparing for it and sleeping. There simply wasn’t enough time to get to the point. The girl was not arrogant and did not invite friends from the guest, because the evil boss did not give the young lady a break.

And it seemed like the moment had come when it was necessary to sell the apartment. She was famous, and the owner was a famous buyer. Well, it’s not enough for a girl to leave the living area to be in charge of other people. The rental agreement left the property with just one more week left until the due payment. It took me an hour to find a new apartment.

Hiring realtors there was not a penny, not an hour. So the young lady went to find out who could help her. And, it would seem, there was a good opportunity to live in a friend’s apartment for a small fee. There is only one problem - in this place my grandfather recently died, and his grandmother died in front of him. I feel like the owner of the apartment decided not to recognize his powerful friend. Obviously, she wanted more pennies.

Having picked up the bags, the girl moves on to a new apartment. Of course, she showed up there again very rarely, the fragments are at the end of fate, and it is necessary to add up the total number for the entire working period. There were no days off at all.

One day the boss plans to earn a gift by giving the girl the day off. She dedicated an entire day to getting her apartment ready. In the evening, tired of the bustle, she drank a flask of red wine and turned on the TV, where they were showing cartoons. Unauthorized young lady I felt like the castle was coming to an end. Strong fear washed over her. Then the human crumbs spilled into the kitchen. The tenancy of the apartment lay in disarray. Later, having gained strength, she still wants to go and check it out. But there was no one there.

The next day, she told this story to her friend who rented her apartment. Vaughn did not shy away and revealed that her grandfather and grandmother died on that sofa where the girl slept. For everything, these perfumes swayed the house. Over the course of a few days, the little baggage collected her speeches and left. She didn’t get along with her friend anymore.

A mystical real story about the lives of real people, starting from the 90s of the last century. There's a lot going on, no one has a penny, everyone gets by as best they can. And the inconspicuous homeland lived absolutely like everyone else: a small apartment, two children, a hated and underpaid job.

Albeit, the head of the family declares that having bought a new car. There was a lot of welding involved in the purchase, because there were no pennies to spend on a hedgehog, but my father was buying transport. The new purchase was an old Audi 80 with over two hundred thousand kilometers on the clock. And from the first day the car didn’t seem to love its master: it was constantly breaking down, all the parts were falling out, and the rust was eating up the body.

Dad spent days and nights at the garage, trying to solve the problem that had appeared again. Gently, the diva said: a puncture of the wheel was already so much a matter of business that the new ruler could not manage to save money, but dutifully repaired his “lastivka.”

I axis one day, when the tide was just ending, it turned out sell a car. Before preparing to sell your family, you want to wash the car inside and out to create a more presentable appearance. The children wanted to pick up the dirt under the seats when they found a package.

Whose little bag had different leaves, in which there were all sorts of curses and evils. It is important to instill great fear. It’s unknown who left the writing in the car, but the stench made me nervous. They wanted to dispose of all the curses with the way of spitting. So they did it.

After this, all sorts of wondrous speeches began. For example, I wanted to steal a hamanets from my mother. Step by step, the problems gained momentum. One of the serious problems was the robot. I almost feel like I’m so angry with the man and the squad that I hope to reduce their salaries. Apparently, I had to look for a new source of income, because my family and children were simply dying of hunger.

And there is a buyer for a car here. Having arrived at the required place at the appointed time and having inspected the transport department, you can still pick up the car. Provivshi short test drive, the buyer drove into a pit and punctured the wheel. This is where problems begin. Still, you hope to add a “curse” to the car without suspecting its past. The favor was given, the money was taken, the buyer left.

It’s almost impossible to marvel at the bright films of the horrors, and when you know that the plots for them are seen in real life, it becomes completely scary.

Open up the sea

Open Water, 2003

Film: A young couple is looking for the best place in the Bahamas to go scuba diving and enjoy the beauty of the underwater light. When Susan and Daniel arrive on the surface, it appears that the boat is leaving, 15 kilometers to the shore, and sharks are circling nearby, satisfied with this arrangement.

Real story: The Lonergans’ friends forgot to protect them when the other birds turned on board. The loss was discovered 48 years later, when their bag with documents was found on the boat. The jokes continued for two years, but no body was found. We came across too many pieces of equipment. During the fishing season, there was a sign to help divers swim in the depths. It was written on it: “Monday 26th; 1998 r. 8:00. Anyone who can help us: My items were lost from the Egentcourt Reef by the Outer Edge boat 25 June 98 r. about 15:00. Be kind, tell us, I will help you, before we die. Help!

Beyond the boundary of fear

Borderland, 2007

Film: Three students, Phil, Ed and Henry, went by car to Mexico. The plans were for turbo-free drinking and fun. However, the holidays followed a different scenario: Phil was tied up with Mexican smuggling, behind the madness of Satanism, as they were looking for a fresh victim for rituals.

Real story: In 1989, a group of “narco-Satanists” was discovered in Mexico City, killing at least 20 people and harvesting their body parts from ritual sacrifices. The stinks stole and killed Mark Kilroy, a medical student in Texas, who was born in 1989 around the time of spring break in Mexico City.


The Mothman Prophecies, 2001

Film: The friend of journalist John Cline died of a swollen brain, which began after an accident, in which there was an unconscious and wonderful story. So, when in one of the towns he sensed a description of a similar story, he immediately took up the investigation bath.

Real story: In the 60s of the 20th century, residents of Point Pleasant heard about those who were in the surroundings of a great white light with wings about 3 meters and red eyes that glow. It was called the snowstorm man, and biologists assumed that the townspeople had encountered an abnormally large chaplea or a sandhill crane on the path of migration. News about the marvelous creation ended after the 15th of 1967, when the Srіbny town collapsed. On that day, 46 people died, and a legend arose in the area about the connection between this story and the tragic story.

Pagorby's eyes are blinking

The Hills Have Eyes, 1977

Film: The American homeland is not noticeable to anyone when it reaches California and gets into an accident in the desert, where no one dares to go. They would calmly wait for help, as if it did not appear that in what forgotten place to live people are really rotten.

Real story: Director of Ues Craven Vidkopavu as Istoria in the Publichny Bibbletets New York at Scottish Kinzi XVI Station at Pechersk near the Mista Gerthwan lived, Suns lived the yogo birthplace, vi-brim, the same daughter. The stench was added by the fact that they caught, killed and killed people who suddenly got lost in their mountains. There are dozens of people living on their conscience. In 1625, a group of cannibals were captured, recognized as divine, and spent.

Misto, who was afraid of the sunset

The Town That Dreaded Sundown, 1976

Film: At the end of the day on the outskirts of a small town, the maniac Yunaka attacked two people who were killed, injuring and stunning, and beating the girl. The town was quiet, the town's inhabitants had not heard of such terrible stories. And three years later there was a new attack, only this time the pair were driven in.

Real story: In the 1940s, on the outskirts of the town of Teskaran, there was a serial killer, whom people nicknamed “The Phantom.” The locals were so inundated with terrible attacks that they began to buy up wild goods en masse, and the police arrived to help the locals. hunt of the Texas Rangers. After the eighth attack, everything ended and the place turned to a lot of life, but on the right it was deprived of an unopened file.

Children's games

Child's Play, 1988

Film: Boy Endi was given a doll Chucky, and it turned out that the doll had the skill of a killer maniac, whose spirit moved into her after death. Lyalka.

Real story: Of course, the killer doll didn’t really exist, but it did in the mid-80s, which gave director Tom Holland the idea of ​​future greed. A bully killed a man who was standing peacefully in front of the store for a baby Cabbage patch for his child. And the police shot dead immediately.


The Conjuring, 2013

Film: The homeland of Perron is moving at the new cabins of Father, mother and five daughters are happy, the cabins are right up their alley, and then things start to happen in a motorized and unconscious way. The followers of paranormal phenomena believe that the ritual of exorcism is absolutely necessary.

Real story: This film was based on the mystery of Food and Lorraine Warren, who were professionally engaged in the investigation of paranormal episodes. The stinks confirmed that everything in the film was true. Each time, as long as there was no mayor, no one dared the Warrens to carry out the ritual of their expulsion.

Six demons by Emily Rose

The Exorcism of Emily Rose, 2005

Film: The trial is held at the hearing about the death of a young girl during the hour of the rite of exorcism. Accusations are made by the priest who performed this ritual. The doctor-neurologist confirms that the girl suffered from epilepsy, which developed into epileptic psychosis, and for the time being the priest did not like the treatment.

Real story: The girl really died under the hour of the ritual, Father Mora was rightly tried and found guilty And the axis of the warto believe in the decision, believe you.

Vovcha pit

Wolf Creek, 2005

Film: Two girls and one boy, about to leave on the coast of Australia, plan to go to the local natural monument - a funnel from a meteorite called “Witch Pit”. When they try to go back, it turns out that the car is broken, and they have to spend a romantic night just like heaven.

Real story: Horror tells the story of the crimes of a real Australian maniac named Ivan Milat

Movchannya lambs

The Silence of the Lambs, 1990

Film: The FBI can't possibly stop a psychopath who steals and kills young wives. To get to the bottom of the maniac's thoughts, young agent Clarice Starling is tasked with dealing with Hannibal Lecter's involvement in order to having suggested who should immediately collapse. The tedious evil genius is even for the sake of the unsatisfied spivozmovnik and from the soul, Clarissa is mentally stupid.

Real story: Anthony Hopkins looked through the files of real murders, went to court, watched a video recording of Charles Manson's conversation, and created his image of Hannibal Lecter. And the plot of the film is based on the real-life investigation of serial killer Ted Bundy and University of Criminology professor Robert Keppel.

From whose section we have collected true mystical stories, submitted by our readers and corrected by moderators before publication. This is the most popular section on the site, because... Reading stories about mysticism, based on real stories, should appeal to those people who have doubts about the real world and respect stories about all the strange and unimaginable things that simply escape.

If you have any information on this topic, you can do it absolutely without cost.

My dear teacher allegedly revealed such a mystical story.

The new school holidays are over, it’s time for school, and the first lesson is literature. We read the testimonies in the modern times and in those times, and Hanna Ivanivna gave us testimonies of various stories related to miracles. Little by little, the stories began to move away from the same topic, some about the little drum, some about the river that mystically arose. Once we had exhausted the stories of our classmates, we asked the reader to share the story. The axis has given us the gift.

When I was young and started my third year at university, I often went hiking with my classmates. Axis and this time without becoming the culprit. We made plans to go rafting on the chevny river as soon as possible. The company was large, about 15 people, we had fun making speeches and making plans. My mother knew all the boys and had a good attitude before our trips. Well, literally two days before leaving, my mother quietly asked me not to go, having wrapped it up. I was, of course, rebellious, we had been planning this trip for a month, I was so happy and looking forward to it, and then I felt like I was over-the-top. I am a Komsomol member, an atheist, and my mother Marennya is not related to the Radyansk giant. She oohed and aahed and waved her hand.

My uncle is alive in the village. His mother, father and grandfather lived with him. At that time, my brother and sister had not yet been born. They lived modestly and not easily, like most people who lived in the villages at that time. Budynok, in which the stench lived, having learned to grow from the turf. Well, then such everyday life is not uncommon, due to a weak financial situation. There was a large room next to that one, where the uncle slept, and the door, through the passage, was another room without doors, where the uncle slept, and the bed where the uncle slept was visible. My uncle was less than 10 years old.

Once again I fell in love with the foolish. And can anyone help me get better? As I have revealed in other stories, I am friends with a Dutchman. We live near Belgium. We are already friends with 8 rocks. Before we became friends, he lived in Holland and spent 20 rubles on one robot seller. He has a very great proof of work on the fork navantazhuvachi. Fork transporter is a type of special warehouse transport for storage, intended for lifting, relocating, dismantling, hauling, folding (stacking) pallets, pallets and other miscellaneous items with the help of forks or other operating devices. wan (hanging possession).

Then I arrived. Since Holland has different laws, and I have no right to hesitate there, we moved to Belgium. Yogo mama was against it and vlashtovuvala scandals. Vimagala, let me sign a love contract. We spat on everything; we legalized it in Belgium and lost it there. She already knows how to behave, rather than sitting at the same table with her. I’ll say further that when we moved to Belgium, he started having problems with the robot’s search. So, perhaps, I don’t understand. His character is a perfectionist. Faithful, loyal, honest, respectable and intelligent. That experience is decent. The man hasn’t bothered with everyday work for a long time. They called him out for no reason, but they couldn’t explain why. Then problems arose with the registration of the car, because in Belgium it is very important to register a Dutch one, but there was no money for a new one, and no one was given a loan, because there was no work. And his car didn’t cost anything, the old guy over there got it, an old 1991 model.

This story became with me when I was 20 years old. I lived behind the cordon and got along with a guy. My boy, having already settled into a good position and rented an apartment where I had come from time to time, sometimes lost the night. The apartment was renovated in a European style, decorated in dark colors. It looked stylish. Between the bedroom and the hall there was a hole in the wall near the arch, where there was a statue made of stone. Golfer statue. She didn’t suit me at all, but she added to the interior of the apartment. The statue was so important and inaccessible to me that I could not take it away on my own. I didn’t notice anything strange near the apartment, and I didn’t start to lose any documents there alone.

It so happened that I was writing to a friend because she was no longer with me. I myself have never had a chance to come into contact with this phenomenon; to be honest, it seems like I have a lot of cravings. Having read the story of my sister on this site, my man told me his story, what happened to him when he was still a student late in the evening, returning home with friends.

Let's recap the history of my homeland, which spanned three generations. I don’t know, but the fact becomes a fact.

My grandmother on my mother’s side died at age 35 (war, famine, illness), my mother was taken away by my aunt. Mom got married, gave birth to three daughters, the middle daughter was born with a disability. It was a terrible accident and my mother would die, my mother was 35 years old. Granny is following us behind Father's line.

The date of the 9th of May for our rich people is associated with the Day of Victory. But these are people, or rather, for whom the whole day has been spent in a gloomy, plaintive color. What happened on the 9th of May itself is unknown to this day. This is a long story of people I have known since childhood.

Uncle Kolya and Aunt Raya were friends with my dads, as far back as I can remember. And I was friends with her daughter Klava, she was the same age as me. We played together, then went to the same school, and after we graduated, we went to school in different places, and after that connection with her, I completely spent it.

Uncle Kolya, Aunt Raya and her homeland were my father’s neighbors along the Maidan, Aunt Raya often came by to drink tea at the good time before my mother, talk about those things, and when I was with him, I really loved hearing about her . Her calm, measured voice had once calmed me down, it became me, and as Aunt Raya told me about this, I always asked her not to go, and we still don’t have enough.

The man and the cat sit under the plane tree, first the cat, then the man, and then the plane tree comes. An old parable that reminds us once again that in this world there is nothing eternal, and everything will end. Elementary particles that live for fractions of seconds, and stars that shine billions of rocks, will still die and with these affirmations of today and belief and atheism.

If we believe all the terrible prophecies, then our Earth and all humanity will hardly face tens of thousands of fates. For many years, astrologers and experts in the field of science have been chanting the death of every living thing on the planet. The list of such transfers is endless, and soon God’s prophet tells us about the remaining days, or, happily, we will continue to live. Although, in the history of the Earth there were a number of periods when biological life hung in the balance. The stench is called “mass extinction” and is even close to “”.
