Slimaki. Naked slug - a careless mischief

Slimaki. Naked slug - a careless mischief

Today it so happened that I happened to end up in the wrong place))) and I came across such a mandarin, which crossed the road of the great roadside slimaki.
Slimaks are terrestrial chernopods with a reduced shell or do not wash their shells at all.
Anatomically, slimaks are very similar to ravyls: their body actually consists of one large foot-foot, connected to the head. On the upper side of the body, behind the head, a mantle is visible - a kind of scarf that forms the entrance to the organs and the anal opening of the mollusk. In some species (they are called napislimaks) there is a shell, but the shell is not visible, the fragments are covered with a mantle. The pattern of slimaks is characterized by bilateral symmetry, which destroys the unpaired leg opening, instead of rotating the right hand.
The size of most of these mollusks ranges from just a few centimeters, but large species (banana, great roadside, blue-black slima) can reach up to 15-30 cm! The products are mostly in a non-displayable shade of brown, or forest slime, for example, there is an anthracite-black pickle, red roadside - chestnut or orange-red, long banana slime - bright yellow.
These creatures shift their shoes with the help of a thin, quill-like shortening of the sole. The fragments of the lower body are soft enough to rub against the harsh substrate, the mollusks look like oily mucus. It’s important that there are two types: the watery one spreads from the center of the leg to the edges, and the thick and sticky one stretches from the head to the tail. In some species, the mucus is practically clear, in others it is bluish, and behind the mollusk, which comes, there is no permanent visible trace. Since the mucus is hygroscopic and can absorb water, the mucus not only relieves the mouth, but also protects the dry shellfish from drying out. This speech may be different. The mucus of certain species is not palatable and prevents shellfish from being eaten by fish. In a number of species, the flooring is thick, so that they hang on their vertical surfaces or upright legs, and hang on it, or on a thread. Regardless of the extremely low fluidity of drying, slimes sometimes undergo very long migration - in searches, the stern of the stench can be transferred to a distance of several hundred meters.
Among the Slimaks there are different types of food. Most of these mollusks are freshwater. The stench is not particularly excessive and chews leaves, aerial parts of roots, flowers and fruits. They specialize in eating fungi, others detritivores, in order to eat dead parts of living organisms (fallen leaves, carrion, moss, lichens, feces). Let's face it, among the Slimaks there are always the same kind. Small molluscs catch earthworms, their other relatives, during attacks when they attack small birds and targets. Slimaki feed is ground using a so-called grater (raduli). Vona is disc-shaped, studded with thousands of small teeth. The molus methodically removes the soft tissue, ball by ball, and swells.
These creatures multiply rapidly. Like all molluscs, they are hermaphrodite: each individual has female and human organs, and its products do not ripen overnight. The sperm matures and is packaged in special bags called spermatophores. During this period, the slug begins to see mucus with pheromones, and to recognize its relative behind the smell.
People associate the word “slimaka” with a weak and worthless essence. In fact, among the creatures, slimaki are a kind of “statuary giants”, the fragments of which are the largest in size compared to the size of the body, the penis. This dove is older or outweighs the dove of the body, the absolute record holder is the long banana slima. His body measures 81 cm, but his body is over 15 cm! The process of mating itself is also unexpected. In sustrita, the mollusks are intertwined with the body's organs, and in accordance with the rules of this great dowry, it is not easy to untangle this tangle. There are plenty of slicks after a steam bath to simply taste your partner’s vital organ or your own. Over the years, the damaged body parts grow again. After mating, the eggs in the body of the slimaku have finished maturing, they become fertilized, and the individual has matured to lay eggs in the ground. In the average skin, the mollusk lays 30-70 large, white and clear eggs. Their developments last 3-5 years. The egg is spit out with creamy slime on the surface. They grow quickly and reach maturity in 2 months. The triviality of life of these creatures is collected from 1-2 fates.

Through the thickness of the shell, slimaki is a light and useful food for many creatures. They are eaten by raccoons, noses, wild boars, jocks, chickens, hedgehogs, leleks, waders, pheasants, jackdaws, pigeons, jackdaws, magpies, toads, toads, salamanders. Against the attack of slimaks, it is protected by the lack of ostentation and the slight crumbling. Friendly flavors and delicious “ribs” of mollusks are easy to renew. In some areas of the Slimaks live in raw or boiled water, and the Slimaks can be carriers of helminths and meningitis. The agricultural and cultural cultures of Poland will be threatened by the Polish and merciful Slimaks. These types of vegetables can be used to dehumidify hazelnuts, cucumbers, beets, turnips, lettuce, crepes, zucchini, watermelon, cabbage, dini, and wheat. Slimaks often eat the fruits and sprouts of these plants, and spread dangerous viral, bacterial, fungal diseases of agricultural crops. Growing up in the grass, stinks can cause infection with helminths in cattle, sheep and chickens.




Even the word “slimaka” evokes hysteria among people. The water immediately appears before your eyes, the disgusting, formless slimy stuff that is always somewhere else appears.

Doesn’t nature understand that it could produce such a people, no one needs it, no one cares about the creature? To know the evidence, read the report below, which describes the great roadside slime, a photo of which is just before your eyes. Having become familiar with the description of Slimak, people can see what the external appearance of this reality is, what is the way of living in the world, where is the place of their residence.

Great roadside (or leopard-skin) slimaki: a modern look

Representatives of this species are the largest among all species of the great Slimaks. In many parts of the world, mollusks were brought from Europe, as is their father’s land. The great roadside Slimakiv is like a shellfish in the corral of passenger cars. Its body is made up of one leg, which is connected to the head of the slime and is called the sole. The length of the body of the mollusk reaches 10 to 20 cm. At other times, the body of the creature grows up to 30 cm. It is wrinkled, rounded, and the back part is hardened.

The body of the slimak is symmetrical on both sides. The top is covered with the so-called mantle, looking like a scarf. Underneath her are distended reproductive organs and anal opening. There is a keel on the tail.

The cured slime tends to range from light gray to chestnut, sometimes yellowish-white or yellowish. The entire coat of the great roadside slimak is covered with black spots and smugas. This “sweet” essence has been spreading tentacles for a long time. Their mucus is barren-free.

Internal Budova

On the back, under the skin of the mollusk, you can see a shell, which, like all other slimaks, is greatly reduced. The color of the sink is white, its shape suggests a long oval, its depth is 13 mm, and its width is 7 mm. It is hoped that valuable words are saved there. This shell has been known about for a long time and was practiced with licentious methods.

The herbal system of the leopard slimak consists of the radius, pharynx, tract and intestines. The intestines seem to have a connection with the liver, and the other two just hang freely in the middle of the body.

At first glance, this slug reveals even a simple essence, except the nervous system, which consists of ganglia. The cutaneous ganglion has its place: the pedal lies under the radula, the vernix is ​​a little to the right behind the midline, and the visceral ganglia are located in the middle between the duct and the lingual membrane.

Place of residence

The place where the great roadside slimak lives is covered by great territories. The habitat is located in the wet and temperate climate zones. Slimaks live only in biotopes with sufficient moisture. For them, a very comfortable place to live is covered with leafy forest.

Slimaks are the original inhabitants of Australia, New Zealand and Northern America. The smells are also found in Western and Central parts of Europe, in the Caucasus, where their favorite places are fields, onions, forests, gardens and ovens.

Great roadside Slimakiv: what to celebrate

These mollusks are fresh, and you don’t have to be careful when choosing them. Before morning time in the terarium, provide them with vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. It’s important to take a closer look at what the great roadside Slimak eats in natural habitats.

The main food for mollusks is their growth. The leopard slug feeds on scorched leaves, fruits, fruits and soft stems of living plants. Sometimes mushrooms are present in your diet. Although they are slimy and eat a lot, they are unpretentious, and if necessary, they can live without a hedgehog for about 60 days, passing through the hairy area.

Great roadside Slimakiv: reproduction

This species, like all Slimaks, has a dominant hermaphroditic reproductive system. The skin of the individual has state organs that indicate the state. These products become ripe depending on the hour. The sperm begins to mature from the beginning. Vaughn represents packaged bags - spermatophores. Then the human condition begins in individuals. This river is filled with the smell that Slimak knows as his relative.

The love ceremony of the great roadside Slimaks is celebrated with even an extraordinary rank. The mollusks hang on mucus threads with their heads down, their bodies are woven into a single glomerulus by their organs. Remnants of the black penises of Slimaks reach the great age, and it is not too late for loving couples to get divorced. In this case, individuals go all the way to the limit and eat an organ that grows within an hour.

After a sealed mollusk lays a clutch of eggs near the ground, on average one adult individual can lay 30 to 70 large eggs. Their development occurs between 21-35 days, after which small slimes appear. They reach state maturity after 60 days. There are no more than two fates to live as a creature.

Gospodarske significance. Zbitki zavdani

For nature, slimaks bring bark to the deyak, being orderlies. The stinks of the building are crushed from the fallen leaves of the trees, and there is humus from them. But most of these shellfish, including the great roadside slimaki, tend to cause a significant harm to the rural government.

Potatoes, eating the bulbs and leaves of the weed, are especially susceptible to this unpretentious waste. Suffering from the pile of slimaks are cauliflower and white cabbage, various varieties of lettuce, root vegetables, young vegetables, as well as fruits, tomatoes and cucumbers. Vineyards and citrus plantations are affected by this disease.

Much less Skoda is in charge of the great roadside slimak for the upcoming crops:

  • Black cabbage.
  • Root and parsley leaves.
  • Tsibulya and chasnik.
  • Sow barley and grow.

Spring wheat, flax and buckwheat may not even sense the invasion of Slimaki. In addition to the fact that mollusks are indifferent to agricultural crops, they are also carriers of fungal and viral diseases. Among these poor people and the great roadside Slimaks. A description of these ailments, which include cabbage flattening, potato blight and bad borer mildew, makes it possible to once again run into the problem of slime. There is food at the place where we live, how can you get rid of such a nasty enemy?

Methods and ways to combat slimaks

Before finding out what effective methods of combating slimes are, it is necessary to study and immediately use all available methods of prevention. We first need to ensure that the plots have a large number of natural resources from Slimaki. Before them lie little toads, toads and toads.

In addition, you need to make a trench around the plot, and also cover it with sand, pine needles, wax and cooked scalloped eggs. This way the slimy slimes will be crushed. The growths in the beds should be kept away from the wild Buryans, and they should be thinned out at any time.

You can fight slimaks by picking them up with your hands. To do this, at the beginning between the bushes, lay out pieces of wet bark or a bunch of mown grass, under which there is a shkidnik. Vranza calmly begins to collect the bad guy under the name “great roadside new”, people know a lot of ways, one of them is to catch shellfish with a can of beer, which can serve as bait for slimy, unfavorable guests.

Since it was not possible to use slimaks in the most important ways, and a massive proliferation of bad people has already begun, it will soon be necessary to use chemical drugs. At this hour, the abilities of a new generation have appeared, which does not pose any dangers for the excessive nature.

Do you know what creature on the planet sits first among the toothy ones? Chantly, so much so for the skin of people. It’s amazing, but the toothy thing itself, although it doesn’t have a hut, is a great roadside slime. I have about 30 thousand teeth! This mova-grater helps the slimmist to grate all the products that he eats and work in them

It is possible to create a picture that among the toothy individuals there are not only large shells, but also mollusks, which are related to the smallest representatives of the created world.

The body of a slimak is made up of three parts - the head, the coat with a mantle, and the leg. The tulub is twisted at the bottom, a little flattened downwards. The head rises and is well marked, There are two pairs of tentacles - long ones, on which sit the eyes and smell receptors, and short lips, which serve as a source of sweetness and taste. The front of the mouth is on the head.

Behind the head on the back there is a bulging “komir” This is a mantle, in the middle of which there is a leg, and on the right side there is a small opening. Anal opening of rotating instructions. The leg is on the lower surface of the sheepskin coat, where the mussel rises.

The skin of the slimak is thin, bare and always covered with mucus. Curve, zazvichay, toil, zahisne, barvlennya- Sand, brown, sulphur, brown, and sometimes along the brown background there are divisions of white and black spots.

The mucus helps the mollusks to freeze, cools them down and protects them from enemies.

Dimensions vary from 20 cm to 2 mm. carefully

banana slug

Great Slimakiv

Goliy Slimakiv

Chervony roadside

Fox slug

How to reproduce?

Let's talk about how slimaki multiply. The stink of hermaphrodite nature, The skin person carries both the human and female state system. Ale for laying eggs it is necessary to overcrowd, so that the slims know one another by the smell, and after an unforgettable love dance, which may be a good look, they exchange sperm.

After this, the skin lays 20-30 eggs in watery soil. After 2-3 years, small slimes will come out, They feed on organic soil surpluses from the beginning, and after 1.5 months they grow and begin to reproduce. After a single mating, the clutch of eggs lasts for a month or longer. Over the summer, a skinny slime can lay up to 500 eggs.

In the middle smoothie, the grown-up slimaks, having laid eggs, will rise and die in the spring. The eggs overwinter, the young hatch on the ear of the worm, and after a month of active feeding they begin to multiply.

The life cycle, as well as the development cycle, can speed up or slow down depending on the weather. Sometimes the slimacs, which have not yet reached the eggs of spring, winter near the ground and begin laying in the spring.

What do Slimaki eggs look like?

Not more than 3 cm in the native hairy soil In the spring you can buy a bunch of white, clear-eyed eggs with a diameter of 1-2 mm.

Clutch of Slimaki eggs


Slimaks, not looming over the stale shell, Mostly lie under the moisture and temperature. The optimal temperature range is 15-19 degrees. The optimal moisture content is that the slime blows not only through the lungs, but through the surface of the voluminous body, Well, hanging will lead to death.

Why are these nocturnal mollusks active at night? The day after the stench can also come out of hiding. In dry summers, stinks go to the ground and fall into hibernation in a cocoon of mucus.

These are the reasons why the stench loves the thick tea leaves. So what Weeding the weeds and fluffing up the soil makes life easier for them.

Slimaks will howl kindly, even if they have a leg with strong flesh, and also retract their tentacles and burn into a bag for troubles.

What do Slimaks eat, why do the stars show up, and also Who is Slimaki in nature? read further.

Are the stars taken from cities?

The reasons for their appearance in the city may be as follows. Slimaks live near nature, supporting the ecological balance of forest and field groups.

To smell the stench, I want to move on to cultural lines, vikoristovuchi for food over 150 types. They may be brought into the garden with new, infected weeds.

Reproduction of slimaks can occur on a massive scale for friendly minds, tse:

  • warmth of Vologa spring;
  • Don't worry about the rainy summer;
  • warm weather in autumn;
  • m'yaka winter.

Where to live?

In the gardens of the city you can find slimak under the great leaves, in the shady, damp chagarnas, in the compost pits, where the stinks are grubbed by cut weeds. In addition, stinks can settle in trees or basements.

Why do you eat?

Lots of slimaks, mushrooms, redberries, ale pour fresh juice parts of the plants, Vegetables and berries, so there is some slimak in the first cup. Avoiding stench is important for the healthiest growths.

Their mouths have a slit with a chitinous edge and a tongue, seating with chitinous denticles- Tertka or radula. Grinding the weeds, the stench is removed from traces of dirt the appearance of cracks on the smooth edges or deepening of the bulbs of potatoes and other vegetables.

Slimaks will not only lose their enemies, but can introduce flowers, bacterial and viral infections. How to eat food: What kind of chicken or toads do you eat? Read below.

And the thick ball of slime that covers the growths after raids becomes fermented and leads to rotting.

The plants like slimaks are eaten in the first place(actions can be used as bait):

  • cabbage;
  • salad (until it shoots up and becomes bitter);
  • sunitsa berries;
  • repack;
  • Kulbaba;
  • gritsik;
  • woodlice;
  • chrestotsveti (cream of mustard).

How long do you spend the winter?

Slimak eggs, and some and mature individuals, The eggs hatch from the clutch due to weather conditions and overwinter in native soil, no deeper than 3 cm above the surface.

What is there not to love and what is there to be afraid of?

Slimaks do not make direct sleepy exchanges, dryness and increased temperatures. Dry soil is the scourge of slimaks, so early watering is recommended, and not evening watering, if the stink starts to creep in.

Since the soil is covered with soil that seems unsuitable for digging - with gravel, ash, straw and pine needles, it is important for them to dry out.

Slimaki, having a wonderful sense of smell, the deeds of the Roslin “can’t stand.”

Part of the persha. Gastropods attack!

Spanish ravlik, Lusitanian slimakiv, rudiy slimak...

This is definitely a new citizen of the middle line of Russia, who has appeared in the suburban dacha plots of the Moscow region with just a few rocks. The large, rapidly multiplying, all-ever Slimaki variety of colors from orange-ore to dark brown is accepted by many summer residents of the older century as a mutant of the original Slimaki, and they are talking about the deterioration of ecology. and fears of the chemical industry, and now this type of mischief with vegetables and fruits . Foreign zagarbnik, so bi moviti.

Red roadside slime (Arion rufus)
Abo, mozhlivo, Lusitanian slima (Arion lusitanicus)

The popular names of this slimak - Spanish ravlik, Lusitanian slimak, red slimak and other variations of those colors and places - may coincide with the name two species of legeneweeds from the genus Arion: Arion rufus and Arion lusitanicus. The Russian one, apparently, is the red roadside Slimaki and the Lusitanian Slimaki. The species are similar to each other, which means which of them came across to you among your favorite Trojans, or in a greenhouse that is gently growing, it is hardly possible. You can definitely include the black variation of the slimak - Arion ater - which includes a new species, which is not yet common in our country, and in Eastern Europe there are entries up to the Book of Reds (although not as a species that we raє).
In Europe, there is still a great roadside slimakov - but the water is still growing, which grows up to 20 cm in the middle of the last century, in our country it is still not alive. (I want to write on the Internet that the great Slimaks have taken root badly in both Americas...)

For the first time, the Red Slimaks lingered in the present day in Portugal and Spain (on the territory of the ancient Roman province of Lusitania, for which one of the species has lost its name). Obviously, the main food for these gastropods was rotting forest litter, which, during the development of the agricultural dominion, gave the red slimaks richly sown and significant sizes of “pasture”. The warming climate, as well as the increase in rural areas, trade connections, globalization and other advances of human civilization have meant that red slimks have become more expensive throughout Europe, gradually discovered new areas of residence - willingly planting vegetables, orchards, as well as planting grain and There's a lot of vineyards there.

Until the first quarter-third of the 20th century, red slimaks were respected as a scourge, depriving them of their native lands of residence, but Over the course of twenty centuries, Slimaks have covered almost all of Europe, after which they destroyed it, then it’s up to us. Slid to bending Shchels, until the 1990s, the Rock is the rockery of the silt-free product at the hard-erects to the rang, they simply did not healthy, the vegetable-fruit dragged them to the tenth of that. Along with them, obviously, came red slimaks, which at that time were already recognized in Europe as catastrophic losers.

We kindly ask, foreign zagarbniks.

What provoked the rapid growth in the number of Slimaks and their expansion in such a significant territory? A couple of online publications cleverly talk about the abundance of natural enemies in Slimaks, which leads to an uncontrolled increase in their numbers. But in this kind of approach there is obvious deceit - slimaki, which seemed like a dry shell, is actually a simple and accessible food for a large number of meat-based animals. First of all, slimaks are species of hedgehogs, moles and shrews. Slimak does not help with hunger pangs. Slimaks are a favorite snack for amphibians: toads, toads, salamanders. Slimaks are included in the diet of lizards and snakes. And then there are the birds: great gorsebirds, most ravens, and a lot of waterfowl are ready to eat the prairie-footed birds.

Chervony roadside slimaki on the edge of the forest
(beside the reclamation ditch)

It’s clear that all these enemies are not ready to attack a mature red slimy, which reaches a maximum of 15 cm at a time, the stench would be too small for the majority of small worms. Ale tse does not come out. For a completely obvious reason - the majority of the enemies of Slimaki - the enemies of the rural dominion, are larger and more visible, and not only Europeans, but our Russians have been fighting them for a long time and successfully and farmers. There are no moles - no slimaki. No toads – no slimaki. There are no birds - there are slimaki. Why are we marveling here?

The driving factor for the expansion of slimaks could be the dry conditions in modern Europe - slimaks cannot live in a dry climate and are likely to perish for work. Reclamation and the transfer of the agricultural kingdom to technologies for vikory irrigation, fostered the multiplication and comfortable life of Slimaks. You can, of course, write wise articles about the entry into the biosphere of the planet of a comet named after an unknown astronomer, but in reality we ourselves paved the way for the Slimaks to travel and organized excellent feeding grounds for them.

In our Russian minds, the winter frost may affect the numbers of both Lusitanian and Red Slimaks. When grown up, small slimy plants overwinter near the ground, burying themselves in it and falling into anabiosis. Our winters are not on par with the Spanish ones; the soil in the forest can freeze to a few tens of centimeters deep. It is much more difficult for the size of the European immigrants to achieve greatness, and it is much more difficult for us to preserve all systems of life than for our ordinary Slimaks.

However smut for survival - so that Slimak eggs can overwinter, but as you know, it’s a completely different river. Eggs can be stored in the middle of the root tangles of trees, in earthen burrows, and simply in the depths of leaves. The egg itself is a stable form of life, and one slime can contain up to a hundred eggs in one nest. (I don’t know who and how is important, but the figure varies from stat to stat.) How often Slimaks can lay eggs is unknown, I don’t know any reliable information. Our gray slimes begin to grow once in the spring - spring, with the triviality of life from 1 to 3 years. But I’ll say it again, all around the empirical data.

And you don’t need to forget that if you have a dacha, you can give the Slimaks a quiet place, where you can quietly and calmly weather the coldest winter.

Let's say, let's see... We will live on a naked planet.

The articles of famous agronomists and distinguished farmers continued to talk about how best to blame Slimak. But I won’t discuss the nutrition of the mass killing of Slimaks. I myself am lazy for energetic military approaches, and I respect the skin of my skin from the waste of land on a scale of six to fifteen to thirty hundred hundred. Until then, I don’t feel like I have the right to spare the other aspects of life from what I’ve been short-circuited here and will immediately have mercy on what I’m growing up with, and they’ve given someone a stink. Until we talk about cultivating the land for our daily bread, there is no sense in fighting against what nature itself has come up with. And let them understand what chemists and biologists have come up with.

Estimate the size of the slimak by stretching it out
And this is far from the largest example

Did Slimaks lure me into favoring a little kitty? Well, then that's it.
I will have mercy on the wondrous creatures that are about to invade Europe.
It turns out that the stench is even worse than the stuff.

Well, that’s it for now. How long have you had a hedgehog at your dacha? Ah, a long time ago. And no hedgehog can get into your plot, because you have a reliable parking lot, and no hedgehog can get past it. How many fates have you taken to kill all the moles? Ah, already ten years. And you don’t want any more of this kind of misfortune for yourself. Why are you bothering with the sickly toad? Oh, you're being timid. Brudne and bridka... What about a snake? Oh, this is crazy...

Continue, dear summer residents, to clean your plots to the fullest extent of your pathetic illusions, as you decide who should live here. Red Slimaki are on their way. Get ready to guard against uninvited guests. And get ready to give them everything - vegetables from the city, fruits from the garden and flowers from your favorite flower bed. Everyone loves Slimaki. Let's all get together.
Do you think this cunning trick will help you? Find out how much of this you and your children will eat and inhale. And think for a second about what you want to come after the slimaks. I wish you could come. Obov'yazkovo. Are you ready for this meeting?

Photo and text: Lenivy Summer Resident, 2014

And the fragments of garden slime are ubiquitous; most garden and urban crops can be zipped. It is really impossible to describe all the different types of terrestrial slugs, since there are plenty of them. Mi selected the most popular ones and wider. Photos of slimaks with names will surprise you from the material.

Types of Slimaki

Ogorodni (gardens)

They are also called goli slimaki. The stench of the twisted sheepskin So you can change the shape for a shell of meat quickly. The body is always composed of mucus, which appears permanently.

The barley is not ostentatious - gray, yellow and light brown. The grater has been rubbed with mine- Lots of small cloves of hard consistency, spread out in rows.

At the leading edge there are tentacles with healthy organs growing on them. Dimensions are small - 25-30 mm.

This species can eat various fruits and vegetables, especially love tomatoes, cabbage and sout. Expansion throughout the entire territory of Europe. To harm the plants, eating leaves and stems, open the fruits and vegetables. At the end of its activity, the crop begins to rot, and commercial and decorative fruits are wasted.

Active in gloomy and rainy weather, at night and early in the morning. You can see the sun in the voluptuous lowlands, under the earthen breasts.

In steadily formed localities(Groundwater may be found on the surface if the river floods) fertility is prevented. One mature individual can lay a clutch of 300-400 eggs. Stinks spend the winter near Grunti, young animals emerge in the spring.


Small (up to 70 mm at dovzhinu) and the most common transporter of cities. Absolutely omnipresent, you can eat practically any kind of plants.

It has been known for a long time that the diet includes non-greasy slimak include over 160 types of crops. The outer world is unshowy, it’s important to show it in a barbarous way.

Tulub can buti pofarbovany have brown, gray or beige color with light and white shades. The mantle is weakly visible and can be seen on the coat.

The body is clearly covered with mucus, which appears larger than in other forms. It's not important to know what you're doing through a large number of mucus paths devoid of it.

This view can be achieved practically in any part of Europe. Isn't it amazing, oh naked slimakiv finish plіdny for whom?

Great European

One of the biggest miscreants of this family. Great Slimaka you can boast of a dozhina up to 150 mm. The barrage can be extraordinary.

On top of the main background color (gray or brown, sometimes light brown) a mixture is applied and a mixture of different colors ranging from light to white to jet black.

What great Slimaks are like can be seen in the photo.

A European resident who absolutely does not like to collapse and change the place of residence.

The most common people who settle in the greenhouse are the vologgers and spend their entire lives with them. It is omnipresent and unpretentious, it can eat whatever vegetables, mushrooms and fruits of fruit trees are available.

Great roadside leopard print

Dovzhina tuluba can grow up to 20 cm. One of the largest representatives of Slimaks. The body is wrinkled, very rounded, only the back part is sealed at the end.

Basically, the barley can vary from a light gray color to a chestnut color, often accompanied by poplars and yellowish slicks. All over the coat there are scattered black flames and smudges..

What a great roadside Slimaki looks like can be seen in the photo below.

He hangs around in Europe, which is his father’s land, especially in the Central and Pivnichno-Zakhidny parts.

Its main feature is the method of mating. Mature individuals attach themselves to trees or other support structures for help, these strings of mucus hang down. A hostility is developing that the stench is spreading in the wind.

Great Plyamstius

A great representative of the family, which can reach 130 mm. I am shocked by the presence of small black specks and spots, which cover the mantle.

In addition, it also has a late black smog that runs across the entire surface. The shape of the sheepskin is oval, rounded at the ends.

Expansion in the western part of Europe and in Asia, as long as there are enough heat-loving ones. In colder areas you can settle in greenhouses and other warm areas.

I crave carved vegetables, but I love mushrooms the most, especially pecheritsa.

Skoda is forced to live out a serious legacy of great proportions and live out a difficult period of life for 3-4 years.

Great Chorny

The biggest black slime in the whole world, which reaches 300 mm at a time. Black Slimaki wears a black mantle, decorated at the edges with small light spots.

The sole has two colors - gray on the sides and black in the center. The barbed coat can vary between one family and change from monochromatic to embellished with multi-colored prints.

The black slug is procrastinating in Europe, It occurs most frequently in Zakhidny and Central. In the Northern regions, there may be less delay in greenhouses.

Chorny Slimakiv photo.

It’s important to eat mushrooms, don’t bother with vegetables. Alternatively, your favorite hedgehog may eat lichen. The great size of the tulub means a great appetite and great pain, which is full of unpretentious velvets.

The nest may have close to 100 eggs.


It varies in average sizes, the initial depth is about 100 mm, and then it grows up to 180 mm. It’s already possible that the tuba is in ruins- I look at it, sometimes yellow, brown-green or black.

It hangs around Western, Similar and Central Europe, Southern America. In many countries it is listed up to the Book of Reds.

In nature there are living things from people, settling in the fields, near gardens, and before you can catch on foliage plots, I know it’s close to where people live.

Chervony roadside

People also call it Spanish and Lusitanian. Vipadkovo was imported from Russia, hangs around in warm areas of Europe.

Portugal and Spain respect this Fatherlandism. You can go up to 200 mm, but it’s rare. The average length of mature slimaks is 9-11 cm.

Zabarvlennya monotonny, zazvichiy chervone, tseglyane, orange. The mantle and sheepskin coat are, however, prepared differently. Rizhki black. Cover the entire body with wrinkles.

There is an abundance of everything that eats fruits, berries, berries, and gourds. Love the mushrooms. Very soft looking. All mature Slimaks are hermaphrodites.

When mating, they mate with each other and lay eggs every 5-6 days for up to 400 skins. For replacement from other varieties, The clutch of eggs is laid in the spring and in flight, young Slimaks “emerge” already in just a few years and grow within 2 months to the status of “mature or mature individual.”


Unrespectful for an equally small dowzhin(3-4 cm), these slimaki serve well with all types of cabbage. The stench settles on the rocks and begins to grow silently in the middle, not being satisfied with the sucking of the outer leaves.

Tulub and mantle are painted in brown or brown color with flames of a dark shade. The flames are not brightly expressed, they are spread out in good order. The sizes vary. The ribs and head are a little darker.

They are found throughout the entire territory of Europe, including rural areas. It’s important to eat cabbage, or if your favorite hedgehog is missing, you can eat mushrooms, various vegetables and leaves.


The molus is small in size and grows by 3-4 cm. The barbering is not ostentatious and incomprehensible, varies from light gray to light chestnut color.

Call it a plain coat, or a mantle. The body shape is similar to a spindle- The sound is wide in the middle and sounds until the end.

It roams throughout Europe. Live in the valleys, in gently sloping lowlands and on bows. Often moves to gardens, cleared fields and cities.

Hungry for young pagons, leaves, fruits and vegetables. The hedgehog's favorite is sunica berries.


A small mollusk that grows up to 25 mm. The mantle is spread out on the upper half of the coat. The color is always monotonous, the colors can be brown, red, black. The shape is cylindrical, the end sounds.

It lingers in Europe, including the edges of the SND. Settle on ever-growing bows, filled with water and swamps. Shows strong love of water, resistant to cold..

Hungry for carved berries, The plants in the greenhouses are heavily chewed, in nature it eats mushrooms and rotten plants.


During its life, forest slime can grow up to 15 cm, and maturity begins as early as 3 cm. Young specimens are first prepared in a chestnut color, which changes most often.

The fertilization of mature slimaks is very varied and varies from milky white to bluish-black color.

The habitat is very large and includes the British Isles, the entire Northern part of Europe and the Northern sunset of the Pacific coast.

The hedgehog is inconspicuous, perhaps all-pervasive. You can eat live and rotten plants, be like mushrooms, carrion.

In Ireland, Germany and Great Britain there are entries up to the Book of Reds.


It is of great size, slightly short of black slima. The length of the tubing should be approximately 250 mm.. I am proud of my arrogance.

Most often it is a bright yellow color, but there are also some varieties of white or green. Make the preparation in a single color, sometimes with dark colors scattered on the back. The eyes grow on the upper rims and the lower ones, which are shorter, irritate the smell receptors.

The Fatherland of Banana Slimak is Pivnichna America They can be found along the Pacific coastline, right up to Alaska.

His diet includes mushrooms, lichens and grass that has rotted, as well as feces of various animals. Dependent on important hedgehogs, building tulub change barvlenya.

After being deposited, there are on average 70-75 eggs in the nest. The winter hour is settling into a period of calm when the temperature is high and the weather is dry.

At this time, slimaks find themselves in a dark place and hibernate. When they dry out, mucus secretes, which is regularly seen for protection.


Another exotic guest, this time from Australia. The external appearance is somewhat different from other slimes. It has 2 tentacles replacing the adjacent 4.

In addition, the mantle is decorated with a clear red or purple jersey. The barley of the tulub is even more varied, There are soft russet, milky white, dark or light cream colors., olive and red individuals.

The large size (up to 150 mm) allows for a good look at its redness.

For accommodation, he always chooses vologic shady gardens and foxes, empty spaces. They often make their way to the living quarters, standing near the bathroom of the room, where the mold eats. Nature has lichens, especially on eucalyptus trees.

Orange chi burii

It is of medium size, growing by 80 mm. The tulub is made from orange, brown or dark ruddy ones. The mantle is smooth, occupying a third of the body. The sheepskin coat itself is covered with folds and wrinkles.

Don't be afraid of the cold expansions in Europe, including the Northern part and Siberia in Russia. For living, he chooses forested areas, suitable for leaves, mixes, and coniferous forests.

Sometimes you can see in parks that have grown, or in the old town, where there are a lot of trees.

The night grunts, smelling rotten and dead roots, carrion, fallen leaves and mushrooms. If the dacha or plot is grown in a row with the forest, the slimaki will inevitably move to you, actively pestering lettuce, cabbage and other vegetables.


A small mollusk that grows by 2-3 cm. The barley coloring of the tulub is more specific - against a beige background of scattered stripes in the appearance of a mesh, which is created by the thin intersections of the edges of the dark color. The face has the greatest expression on the back and mantle. The tentacles sound black.

It occurs in neighboring Europe, including in Russia and the countries of the SND. Settles in sheltered plots- in the villages of smitty, onions, fields and in cities. Gives advantage to clayey soil. In forested areas there is no such thing as chagarniks.

In addition, if there is enough wood, it attacks for sowing winter crops.


Regardless of profitability, black-footed clams are even more popular among couples. Horned slimaks take place in apartments like home-based doctors.

In addition, they appear in computer games (for example, Royal Slimaki in Terriaku) and as heroes in books (Horned Slimaki is featured as an ingredient in enchanting potions).

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