Rosliny all the paths at the dacha. What better way to plant paths at your dacha for successful decoration

Rosliny all the paths at the dacha. What better way to plant paths at your dacha for successful decoration

A skinned person who is working on a plot of land would like her cottage to be cleaned and looked after.

The Internet is updated with articles with different options for landscaping summer cottages with photographs of beautiful garden paths, but it’s not clear how to do everything yourself.

The services of designers are expensive, and at this time I would like your garden to be different from others. Original garden stitches will give any garden an original look.

DIY garden paths

To decorate a plot with garden paths, you don’t need to spend a lot of money, especially if you have access to this material at the dacha.

You also need to use your imagination and carefully consider other places where you can save the necessary elements for making the stitch.

Due to the lack of options for garden paths, the choice is to lie only to the satisfaction of the lord of the dacha.

How to make a garden path with your own hands

The easiest way to make a stitch is from gravel. To prepare this, you will need:

  • Pebbles chi expanded clay;
  • Geotextile or reinforced lining;
  • Pisok;
  • Edges made of wood or concrete (sides) for stitches.

To begin with, you need to think about the design of garden paths. The path is laid out manually and harmoniously.

To prepare a clear path, all parts need to be cut one by one:

  • Learn the markings for the future stitch. If you plan to make it with a twist, then paint over all the links.
  • Dig in wooden blocks or concrete sides along the sides.
  • The upper ball of the turf is stitched along the entire length with a depth of approximately 15-20 cm.
  • Geotextiles or thick lining are carefully laid along the stitches, the edges are laid under the edges of the stitches.
  • The cleaned surface is covered with a 5 cm ball of sand. After which the sand is leveled.
  • The prepared surface is covered with gravel.
  • The gravel is compacted with the help of a hammer or a basic shovel.

Garden stitch from natural stone

Natural stone is one of the finest natural materials. Vin miraculously fits into the perfection.

Paths made of stone are hired. This allows them to maintain their current appearance for a long time. To prepare such paths you will need:

  • The stone is crushed or but;
  • Kilka pisku.

Garden paths made of natural stone

Laying out the path is the first thing the robot can begin with.

It is necessary to remove the turf from the entire area designated for the path. The depth should be equal to the size of the largest stone for stitching.

Sand the stitches flat, then proceed to finishing. The thickness of the ball of sand may become close to 10 cm.

The stones are placed on the sand. It is necessary to press the brooks into the joint.

The gaps between the stones can be closed as the earth begins to dry up. Who sows this earth with waste grass?

Increase your respect!

If the stone is small, then gaps of 2-3 cm will be sufficient. Further, these seams can be covered with cement.

Concrete garden paths

In order to prepare a concrete garden stitch, you can create a form for the path, which is a plastic frame. This is a much simpler application, which will significantly simplify the whole process.

Materials required for a concrete walkway:

  • Pisok;
  • Crushed stone or gravel;
  • Water,
  • Cement.

How to prepare a place for a concrete path?

This path is being prepared in the same way as a gravel path. The trench for it is wider than the size of the finished path - approximately 20 cm.

  • Take soil from the trench and compact the bottom.
  • To fix the formwork, vicorize wooden sticks, spread along the entire path along the wrong sides.
  • The crushed stone of the 5-10 cm pile falls to the bottom. It’s not easy to re-examine these numbers.
  • To ensure that the concrete does not crack, the formwork is reinforced with slats. The slats are installed transversely every 2.5-3 meters.
  • Next, a form for concrete is applied to the animal.
  • The form must be filled evenly with cement, without leaving empty gaps.
  • Having completed one section of the trench, move on to the step, covering the finished gap with polyethylene molten material to prevent any dirt from getting onto the fresh concrete.
  • After two rounds of cleaning, the formwork must be removed.
  • The areas that are missing between the slabs can be filled with soil or grass can be planted there.
  • Those places that have been lost from the sides of the trench are filled with pebbles or laid out whole.

Wooden stitches for the garden

Wood is the most accessible material for making garden paths. The rich variety of colors and textures of the wood allows you to give free rein to your imagination.

Increase your respect!

Wooden garden paths can be made from stripped boards or simple tree cuts. The methods of laying such paths often vary from one type to another.

Path with strands

Splits of wood or hemp can be harvested to create original paths for the garden. When preparing such tracks, follow the step by step instructions:

  • The material for laying garden stitches needs to be treated with an antiseptic, since the tree cannot withstand contact with damp soil. Treating the wood with 10% copper vitriol will promote the dryness of the tree. For these purposes, bitumen is frozen. You can add an antiseptic to the already treated material.
  • Place the area of ​​the path and remove the top ball of the earth.
  • Dig a 30 cm deep trench.
  • Lay out the plastic or geotextiles along the entire road.
  • Pour the spit into a ten-centimeter ball of crushed stone.
  • A ball of sand is placed on the crushed stone, which can be soaked and compacted.
  • Now you can unpack the piles. The gaps that are missing between the cuts can be filled with earth or gravel.

The path from the boards is prepared in the same way as a garden path from cut trees, only the boards are laid vertically.

Whatever option you choose, it is important to finish all work in the garden with good mood and intensity.

Even a dacha is a place for renewing mental and physical strength. The flatness of the skin is pleasing to the eye and inspires new thoughts.

Increase your respect!

Photos of garden paths with your own hands

Many designers forget about the garden path, occupying themselves with it during the rest of their day, and thus they themselves end up creating the most beautiful landscape. This part of the design is as important for the plot as it is a neat frame for a beautiful canvas.

How to choose the right track?

The first and most important reason for starting a robot is functionality. No matter how beautiful your garden path is, you need to lay it in a short and handy way so as not to turn your plot into a podium.

On the other hand, it is not less important that this material is used by the designer. If you are not ready to move the veranda today, it is better to build the path with concrete and remove stones and concrete blocks.

Remember that the style of the paths is not subject to conflict with the design of the plot. Since the riot of farb and greenery is your style, then other decorative elements are responsible for this image. The situation at the gate is so simple - the classics in the landscape must be accompanied by the classical path.

I would like to pay special attention to the tracks and fences. Behind all the canons of design, there are differences in the same style and color or design elements that come together.

Since the path is one of the key aspects of the landscape, it is better to work as a whole in order to focus on it the respect of strangers and to correctly see among the green plantings. If the path is just one of the parts of the great mosaic, it must be beautifully reinforced and complemented, and better designed step by step, focusing on the untreated version.

When talking about practicality, it is impossible to mention the nutrition of dimensions. Of course, the width of the path should be the same as the dimensions of the plot itself, but according to the unspoken standard, the main lines should be approximately 1-1.5 meters apart, and small decorative stitches should be no more than half a meter, so that they can be seen and not accumulate chewed on the situation.

In addition, when laying the path for the next road, it is possible to choose the shortest, most efficient routes, which can bring some beauty and beauty to the fore. The basic, wide lines are primarily to be practical and handy, and the narrow stitches are to allow the owners of the plot to easily get lost in the secret place of their little corner. Avoid sharp corners and sharp turns.

The paths themselves should be laid out with a slight tug on the sides, so that the water does not stagnate. If the path passes through a flowerbed or flower bed, it must be raised a few centimeters above the level of the ground so that it is never clean.

Type of tracks

All garden paths can be divided into groups based on materials: stones, wood, concrete and paths made from available materials. Almost all materials can be added to this remaining category, starting with glass and ending with pebbles or caps behind plastic pads.

Concrete slabs

The most economical and practical material for garden decoration can be called concrete. Such tracks are frost-resistant, wear-resistant, and will last much longer regardless of the coating. In addition, concrete slabs can be given any shape and size, creating unique paths for your plot. It is also easy to change the color of the coating, smut - you can quickly add the required quantity of special barberries to the concrete.

Concrete is good in cages, in modern or high-tech styles. Due to the severity and coldness of this material, it works wonderfully with metal and plastic, and such paths are much easier to clean and clean. The main drawback is that it is not the most presentable appearance (if it is not properly designed).

Paths made of natural stone

Many designers respect this type most beautifully, both from a practical and aesthetic side. In fact, stone in chiseled lawns, bushes, trees and bushes looks more natural than any other material. The only thing that can be made from this coating is the high price and complexity during processing and possible subsequent replacement. Vicor stone paths should be preserved in their color and texture, so as not to turn a beautiful piece of nature into a piece of empty space. Particularly popular are marmura, labradorite, granite, vapnyak and basalt.

Happy with the pebbles

Using crushed stone or pebbles is, of course, the easiest and cheapest option. When creating such a path, it is necessary to clearly mark the boundaries and correctly select the thickness of the material. This type of coating is not suitable for a skin garden; when using it, it is necessary to remove the pebbles from the overflow, so that by the end of the day your path of the world does not turn into mush.

Another unique material that is often used when creating paths is mulch. The mulch is similar to great sand or even crushed pebbles of any colors or shades, and falls asleep in a small area in preparation for burial paths. A single type of this type of path is this “folding” tray made of extra soil in dry weather.

Cegla clinker

The tracks, therefore, are not particularly resistant to impacts and wear resistance, requiring careful attention, but really deserve this respect for their unique, warm colorful gamut and in Fairly cheap (for the original one with other coatings). Also, if you work with these covers, you will be very pleased, they are easy to install and dismantle, and even easy to lift.

Up to this category there are also tiled paths. The stench looks especially effective in country style designs. Warm tones with sparkling splashes create an incredible atmosphere of a quiet home, the smells are easily absorbed from almost any kind of wood, but the impurity of tile surfaces often brings their position to the market.


It is impossible to change the atmospheric quality of wooden coverings. Paths made of planks, correctly installed and correctly decorated with logical methods, transform the plot into a shed, transferring any guest to the beautiful world of Japanese harmony and Chinese discipline. These coatings require a steady, meticulous eye and are not particularly durable, unless your budget has enough money to regularly replace the unwanted wood that was created for you.


The least important and most popular type of paths in the 21st century is a European innovation, which is literally translated as “croki-kaminchiki”. Most often for their creation, they use split logs, large stones or large tiles. In addition, tracks made from folding materials for processing, such as plastic caps or cords, properly trimmed and designed, are becoming more and more popular.

Steppingstones made from concrete are particularly original. Such paths can be protected without sacrificing creativity, especially if you tackle them on your own. To create everything you need: wash the mold and buy the cement itself. In addition, if a cold, gray color coating is not to your liking, a special preparation that is added to the point of destruction can easily solve this problem.

The subsidence along the virgin paths of the earthen hills looks very impressive. In this photo they were landscaped with lawn grass.

But in practice, this solution is even more troublesome, even if mowing is not easy, regular watering is required, because the soil on the tops quickly dries out.

In areas with a wet climate, a shady garden can be decorated not with a lawn, but with a lawn.

Dormouse, ale vologi decorate the plots (photo of the animal).

In more arid regions, you can plant such tall, dry, ground-covering or chagarbic herbs that are evergreen (different varieties of euonymus Fortune, cotoneaster, and horizontal grass), and the soil under them is compatible a ball of decorative mulch.


Bezdoganno and sternly look volume lines all the paths from the same type of growth. For such plantings, the best choice is to plant clumps of clumps, such as lavender, hosta, and alpine carnation.

This technique is often used for winding paths in order to clearly emphasize their smooth lines.

In a garden of a regular style, uniform living borders on both sides of the paths are planted on short and straight plots of the path, in order to echo the savage geometry. Here, evergreens and low-growing chagarnas, suitable for molding livestock, are more often grown.

Since the garden stitch is long and straight, then planting the same stitch over and over again looks tedious and monotonous. That's why it was decided to become a vikorist Priyom Cherguvannya Roslin behind the bark, shape and height.

For bright contours, select plants with contrasting leaves and flowers.

The landscape garden has a pre-river selection of plants with a soft color contrast and vague outlines of curtains (heuchera, brunnera, shavliya, bergenia, sedum and so on).

The effect is well served by the sight of singing plots: cuts, turns, bends, forks.

Naturally and harmoniously fits the paths into the landscape by erasing the contours, when the trees appear on the boundaries and mask them. These tasks are handled miraculously by ayuga, chistets, cuffs, ground-curved sedums, gravilate, bergenia, splinter, etc.


Theoretically, it is possible to plant paths on all sides, regardless of the growth of the trees. If only there would be a need for a clear look at them.

It’s better to immediately divide the plot into zones with equal light and moisture in the soil and plant the most interesting species in front of them.

Roslines for edging shady paths:

  • green leaf heuchera,
  • Brunner,
  • hakonekhla,
  • clean,


It often happens that you like a picture from the Internet and you really want to create something like this in your garden. But the problem arises - you don’t know what these or other plants are called.

Right-handed in the photo:

  • from the left side of the path there is a thread-like speedwell (foreground), then a Japanese maple, then a sliver of pure Byzantine, against which background grow white potassium, French lavender and hosta ;
  • right-handed kilim with pachysandry and in the background there is a white-edged hosta.

In the photo above: the path is framed with clumps of English lavender (similar to the Munstead variety), the photo of other trees is blurred, I don’t know...

In this landscape composition, the dominant role is played by Siberian irises and Armeria (Rose flowers).

On the left is a cherry blossom, behind it is a dubravna shavliya, the Caradonna variety, on the right, similar, basil, again shavliya, basil, in the background, amazingly, the color of pivonia (the shape of the leaf is poorly visible).

The “fragrant path” is sharpened with bushes of shavli, mint, and rosemary.

On the contrary growth, the easy-to-use bergenia is thick.

Left border is clean woolly, right-handed – French lavender.

Hakonechloa (photo above) is growing exponentially, so be prepared to watch out for more than one day when such beautiful clumps will appear. Between them are petunias, and behind them are black-shaved ones.

The planting from the catnip and the cuff is complemented by trojans and a lily on another plan.

This spring flowering border represents forget-me-nots, on another plane behind it is a night violet (hesperis), further (not yet bloomed) a curtain, another one and again a hesperis. The background is the much loved tulips.

The picture is spread out, so it’s hard to judge that the first line of the border is planted for the growth, the beginning of flowering begins to grow, and then there are the usual doubts: another line is bearded iris, the third is poppies and daisies.

In the foreground of this composition there is a bush that has not yet bloomed, behind it stands a clump of Chinese miscanthus, a bush of catnip, a yellow clump of catnip, a lilac clump of speedwell, a giant clump of speedwell towers above the speedwell. and the window sill (not yet in bloom), ), further, sorry, don't rosіbrat...

The blue vase on this high road is an effective contrast to the golden voles of dechampsia (soddy pike), the bushy flowers of Bonarska verbena, and the low green clumps of milkweed.

This bulky path is decorated with the golden hair of thin-skinned forged leather, silver curtains (alpine, I think), the dark gloom of the cuffs of the meat, the sparkles of the red-hot helenium flowers. (Sahin's Early Flowerer variety).

Along the Uzbek path grow erysipelas, which are easily recognizable, purple decorative onions (allium), blue aquilegia and yellow ones. 5154 03/08/2019 6th

Dacha is a quiet place where people come to get away from the bustle of the city. How to relax on a warm summer evening, grease the kebab and enjoy the clean air and nature. If you want to take your satisfaction away from the final task, you can think about how to arrange your dacha plot correctly. Please give special respect to the notebook. If the malt composition is folded correctly, a richer, more aesthetic malt can be produced.

Registration of a ticket for the road

For those who want to properly transform their dacha plot, it is necessary to fill out a registration form for each path. For this purpose it is necessary to carefully select the plants and know the fine planting of the skin variety. The structure of the composition is clearly indicated by the ruler’s desires and his abilities. It is clear that people, as a matter of time, do not think through complex ornaments.

The process of decorating a garden path can be used as borders, mixed borders, or garden crops. The cordons of the paths can be clearly visible, straight or even slightly different. If you want a design with clear contours, the growths that appear along the paths, you need to trim them with vicor and garden shears. And from the tickets you can create a discount.

Here's a video of how to beautifully plant flowers in your dacha:

To create a straight path, quickly follow the planting pattern:

  1. In the background hang a kulyastu.
  2. In front of the path, plant thyme and acorn-like phlox, and thyme.

For a curved path made of tiles or stone, you can use a great mixborder, obtaining poplar geranium, barberry, and other fruits of culture. In this manner, they begin to set up a Yuletide encampment in the courtyard for the entire summer.

To create a place for paths with soft surfaces that look like gravel, to decorate the garden, place decorative chagarniks, combining them with non-vibrant aggregation crops.

Along the soft road with straight lines that wind, it’s quite pleasant to walk on a warm summer evening. We only need to prepare it before such a road requires special attention. To collect snow, it is not necessary to use a snow removal machine. Somebody got the chance to use a shovel.

To decorate soft paths, you can use the following types of plants:

  • honeydew;
  • barberry (and what the axis looks like can be seen in the photo in this article);
  • vintseviy;
  • White Derain;
  • bulbocarp;
  • iris (and what the axis looks like, information and photos and statistics will help you understand);
  • m'yaka cuff.

Since the dacha is located in the gathering zone, then for the decoration of the club and varto, respect should be paid to the tenacious culture. Here you can bring convalia, fern, honey and honey.

Flowerbed decoration

In a dacha garden, creating a garden flower bed is not as easy as you might think at first glance. There are a number of decorating options, so you can choose the one that suits you.

Video of how to decorate a flowerbed with your own hands (diagrams):

Choice of soloists

First of all, you need to select a number of varieties of roses that will play a major role in your flower composition. They are not to blame for more than 3. In the flowerbed, mark a place for visaging the skin group. As the role of the soloist will be, those other rich crops can grow greatly. Ale smut, so that the stench does not cover the main growth.

Crops with decorative leaves

You can add to the flowerbed with the help of additional smell, chaos, scrap stones and sparklers.

You can give your flower bed an attractive appearance not only with the help of flowering crops, but also with vicorous plants and decorative leaves.

They can be grown between flowering crops.

Kvitkov’s “castes”

All the plants that are in the flowerbed “sweat” for light, vologa and lifelong speech. So, when planning a holiday, it is necessary to distribute close to one crop with equal needs. In another season, the strong plants will suppress the weak ones.

And what the axis of the night red flowers looks like can be seen in the photo in this article

Uninterrupted color

Often, when filling out a card at your dacha, you can add lily, pepperethrum and sedum. They should be planted in the flower beds, so that the flowering crops are not covered during the dry season. If part of the flower bed is in the shade, you can plant styles and hosts there. Therefore, such a spreading of the growths can create an impression of permanent color.

Grass with shades

Indeed, the flower bed looks very beautiful and luxurious, and when decorated it was decorated with the flowers of the roses. Ale is not less attractive than a flowerbed with trees of the same color. The softer the transition of the shades, the more respect the shape of the flower turns. You can also get information about those who are waiting

Very often, for these purposes, the following types of growths of the erysipelas are used:

Kvitnik with chameleon effect

Such flower beds are suitable for those who want to decorate their garden plot in a unique way. When decorating a pot, mix creopsis and agrostemma. The agrostemma begins to bloom first. Then the kvitnik turns into a rye color. And the sickle axis is pleasing to Creopsis with its bright flowers.

When choosing flowering weeds for decorating a flower bed, you need to be especially careful. If you select the culture correctly, maintaining the barbering and color terms, you can get a great effect for minimal investment.

Decoration of flower beds in front of the booth

You can find the perfect one before going to bed at home, so you can understand what types of quizzes there are. Divide:

  1. Open up the flowerbed. There is a lawn on which there are heavy paths and flower beds. Not varto visajuvati rich in wood and chagarnik growths. In this way, the visibility of all sides is created.
  2. The flowerbed is closed. Vaughn rejected this name for the shell of the one who fenced. It may look like a carnivore or have a small architectural form. And what the garden balsam looks like in a flower bed can be seen in the photo in this article

The video shows how the flowerbed in front of the booth is decorated:

It is necessary to select the type of kvitnik before the booth in accordance with the authorities. If you love silence, self-confidence and tranquility, choose a closed type of flower bed. And for those who are not afraid of prying eyes, you can plant flowers in an open flowerbed.

Other design options for flower beds

Today, it is no longer necessary to plan a border at the dacha, called a border. This line, the dimensions of which can be changed to suit your needs. You can visconate the border short. We will bury the territory of the White Hanku.

Borders are also great for enclosing space in a plot. For example, they can be used to divide an arbor or a garden. Gardeners often construct a border line along the side of a fence.

From now on, you can check out the figure book. It can be formed into cola, rectangular, or oval shapes. Everything here is stored for special reasons. It’s better to put such bills on small hills. They can be made from piecemeal, vikory, or a mixture of crushed stone, peat, or primary soil. In the middle of the bushes you can install lighthouses and garden sculptures.

Flower pots that are placed in vases or other containers look very impressive.. Moreover, they don’t have to be bought, all the equipment can be found at home. Chantly, you have all sorts of unnecessary speeches lying around. For example, you can store tires, wooden boxes, and oak barrels here. This type of planting is clearly visible in places where the soil is dry.

Even today, the polar world is enjoying a style called “flower fences.” This version of the flowerbed involves planting sprouts that will replace the fence, which creates a border and gives the shape of a flower bed.

Vikorist and simple speeches, which are found in every person on the mountain or in the barn, can be used to remove the kvetnik from the rural style. And you can install it right in front of the window. The trails of such crops as honeysuckle and clematis gently descend from it.

You can also dig up a car body or an old one. It’s not good to throw out these, at first glance, unnecessary speeches. If you show a little imagination, you can incorporate all your design ideas.

Landscape designers appreciate that garden paths will be a great option for redesigning a garden plot. To select the appropriate type of flowers for planting, you need to know the fine texture and color of the skin of the fauna. And the axis of the composition of the composition should be based on your desire and capabilities. Of course, busy people can’t spend many hours planting and thinking through folding forms and ornaments. Nutrition is the issue: how to choose the types of exercises so that there is less physical effort, and the result is maximum? But first, I need to sort out the garden paths, since you don’t have any yet.

One of the ways to beautify the garden is to plant flower beds along paths in the form of mixed borders, borders or flower beds.

How to create garden paths at your dacha?

Garden paths will be arranged so that smells are present and provide access to all ends of the plot. Ale stinks are not only a necessary attribute of a country house, but also create a dirty look of a garden plot. If you wanted to create concrete paths, then think about those that will be left without them for a long time, dismantling them will be difficult, leading to a lot of reworking of the design. But visually such paths do not look very good.

Depending on what material you collect, your expenses will be determined. Paths made of stone, crushed stone, paving slabs, wooden cuts and composite boards can look amazing. The installation options may also be different. First, before laying the paths, think through all the details and purchase the required material. Get started sooner rather than later.

Design of garden paths

You can decorate garden paths in the form of borders, mixed borders, garden weeds and flowers. The cordons of the paths can be clearly decorated, straight, with smooth or uneven shapes. If you prefer clear contours, trim the weeds along the paths with garden shears or get the job done.

For a straight path, here is a planting scheme with the following tree species:

  1. In the background, a kulyast zahidna thuja is planted.
  2. Plant early thyme and spiny phlox in front of the path.

If you have a stone or tiled path with a curved appearance, you can decorate a beautiful mixborder with geranium, barberry, Troyand, japanese, astilbe japonica or other brightly colored plants. Let us set up a holy camp near the courtyard for a long time.

For obvious paths with soft surfaces, for example, gravel or mulch, it is advisable to frame them with decorative chagarniks, combined with non-vibrating larch grasses. On the soft surface with straight lines that meander, it will be pleasant to walk in the summer hour. However, such paths require special attention, especially in winter: to remove snow from it, a snow blower is not suitable - you will have to quickly use the good old method, use a shovel for it.

Thus, for soft paths, the following types of planting are suitable:

  1. Medunitsya.
  2. Barberry.
  3. Chubushnik vincevy.
  4. Derain beliy.
  5. Bulbashok.
  6. Aconite and delphinium.
  7. Iris.
  8. Myak's cuff.

If your dacha plot is planted in a forested area, then to decorate the paths it is better to use thin trees. All types of convalia, ferns, honeydew, and kupena can be brought to them. Walking along such paths, you will wander through the dark and mysterious fairy hours.

What kind of flowers can be planted at the dacha?

Since there is already a lot of work at the dacha, but you still want beautiful flowers to please the eye and create a good mood, rather than choose unattractive varieties. Such as would not be difficult to see, were not fragile to the point of getting sick, and bloomed from early spring to late autumn. When we talk about early flowers, we mean daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths and pivonias. Apply them with cibulins in late autumn, and after the snow has melted and the soil has warmed up, let the stench disappear. Therefore, they should be imprisoned in open locality. Among these colors are late and early species. Therefore, having properly planted, these trees will delight you with their flowers from early to late spring.

After spring, poppies, pivonias, trojans, and daisies begin to bloom. Pivonias bloom in black and linden trees until frost. You can plant flowers along paths or flower beds. If you want, so that the color does not fade, you need to cut the stems in place of the buds that have blossomed.

The most prominent species include austria, gladiolus, hydrangea, rudbeckia, phloxy, forget-me-nots and hostas. Their traces should be removed carefully, so that the stench does not attract special attention; they bloom all summer and the beginning of autumn. The garden plots and all the paths of the flower beds and grass also look good. They should be planted along the edges of paths and flower beds. To look out for these types:

  • manna, spurge;
  • hairs, little hairs;
  • lavender, meadowsweet, covil.

The stench is unpleasant to eat from garden flowers, which create a din from various flowers.

To ensure that the flowers bloom steadily on the paths, select them according to the flowering seasons, and then perhaps the whole river will be filled with flowering bushes. For example, you can plant roslinis in this order:

  1. First row - crocusi, muscarine, galanthus.
  2. The other row is tulips and daffodils.
  3. Third row - daisies, primroses, floxy.
  4. Georgines, aistries, chrysanthemums and crocuses can complete the color composition.

What kind of flowers should I plant in the spring?

Start planting spring flowers with tulips, hyacinths, and crocuses. They can be dried with the first spring sunshine, firebrand, so that the soil can warm up. If you prefer planting with cibulin, then it is better to work with the zhovtni. Pivonia, phloxy, monardi, and hosta are planted later. The stench is beginning to bloom.

Bagatory peas are planted from the beginning in the pot, looking like the present day. After the frosts have ended, you can plant the seedlings in dry soil. The peas will produce a small bush that can bloom, but the growth will gain its strength before the coming summer season. The smut, so that you can later prepare a support for it, the splinters of the sprout will transform into a majestic bush that will delight you with its flowers from the cob of the linden tree right up to the first frost.

Irises can be brought up to the non-vibrating shoots planted in the spring. If you choose the right varieties of these flowers, your flowers will brighten up your garden from early spring to late summer.

Preparation of soil before planting

A large number of properties give superiority to the ground of light mechanical warehouse. For cibulin flowers, such as tulips, daffodils, crocuses, as well as for bulbova (georginas), a rich soil is suitable that is well-protected with moisture and moisture, which allows these flowers to grow healthy and intact, without root rot.

For single-hill areas, the soil may be loamy; Since the plants are rhizomes, the loams swell but are dead. Since the dacha plot has rocky soil, then for planting weeds it is necessary to dig small trenches in which specially prepared soil is placed to fertilize it. The depth of the trench depends on the type of water. In order for the soil to be fertile, it is necessary to feed it with both organic and mineral nutrients. Apply the fertilizer well in advance, 4-6 days before planting the sprouts.
