Sun tarot I'm healthy. The magic of numbers

Sun tarot I'm healthy. The magic of numbers

It is widely believed that Sontse is the most beautiful card of the Arcana. It did not carry a secret ambiguity or immeasurable height that could alert (and such a presence, for example, in such a card as Light).

This is the flower of life, happiness, wonderful success. In life, people reject every present gift that they can simply give joy to. Behind the Sun, people can take away gifts for well-deserved and well-deserved recognition, which, perhaps, they did not respect for themselves. You just need to accept these gifts and enjoy them, without raising doubts, without raising doubts, without trying to understand their effective position. Reach the mark. Holy from the drive of the construction of something important. The sun gives the opportunity to relish both what was achieved and rightfully taken away, and what was given free of charge (although this does not mean karmicly undeserved).

The sun is the new perspective that appeared before people after the dream of the Arcanum of the Month, if there is a fear and the strength to fully engage in life in the fullness of life, having escaped from the illusion, fear I am doubtful. Life turns to its sleepy side, light and darkness begins, a period of activity, success and happiness.

Without a doubt, Sontse is one of the best cards in the deck. When it comes to food, it gives a friendly answer, which means that something important has been reached, the food has been well-founded.

When looking at the situation, the Sun appears surprisingly calm and in the distance it is stronger. Plans to proceed immediately, although, perhaps, and not as quickly as we would like. The unfortunate result of the situation will appear in the distant future, and one will soon forget that it happened at such an hour to celebrate the victorious hopes. This Arcanum shows the abundance of darkness in any food, and its rarity.

For a highly practical sense, a trip to warmer countries, as a result.

The sun is wholesome, healthy and your soul is not darkened.

A rich and wise soul, which now knows that such happiness, trust in reality, and contentment can be accepted in life as it is. It is necessary to live in constant distrust of the world and fear of life in order to understand what wine is the gift of the Sun, the relish for life, the turbo-free satisfaction from everyday sleep. The joy of living with a child’s heart, wise in one’s kindness and readiness to please goodness, to delight every day, to bring warmth and light to the lives of those who are absent.

Great mood, contentment and security. Optimism, clarity of judgment, knowledge and understanding. Special strength, self-confidence, confidence in a position of power. Reality clearly follows its path, without doubts, languor and tossing, restlessness and fears, self-confidence. Reconciled with its “dark” side - shown in the bright light of the mind, we are unaware of the fact that it no longer screams and people are ready for further self-reflection (even though it is even clearer to recognize the right from the wrong and will look directly at and on your thoughts and ideas).

The sun often tells us that people managed to smooth out their internal problems that were crying out under stress. Our information shows the forces that help us find clarity, overcome fears and deep fears, and make peace. This is the energy to resist these influxes of an unknown collective field, which give people doubt about the correctness of their actions. The sun helps to acknowledge one’s originality, to lovingly accept one’s unique peculiarity, signifying a person who is alive and not overwhelmed by the light - she has found the remainder of the inner light, exuding her wisdom to the world love, inspired by the light of transformation.

This card appears when a person has completed a great and intense spiritual work, which is how the spirit has developed in itself. Now he takes away the fruits of his work as a gift and is obliged to eat them as best he can. There is a feeling of joy and newness, a feeling of freshness and relief – this is the result of spiritual enlightenment, which is often preceded by a crisis.

Arkan Sontse often literally “looks out from behind the gloom.” Vine describes the state of a person who has experienced “the birth of the people anew” and is now bursting with it like the sky is brighter, and such a state emerges after the “thunderstorm”. And if we follow the logic of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - after the important emotional journey of the Month, through layers of gloom and important worries, a veil of fears and doubts, through the cunning course of sick compromises Siv, which wanders between the swamps.

The lesson of Sontsya is similar to the lesson of Mortality. I wish it were simpler. Inhale the aroma of Troyandi. Live here now.

It is worthwhile to embrace life with the simplicity of a sage and a child, for the sake of a pleasant environment on the skin, to enjoy its simplest gifts without unnecessary nourishment and anxiety. In contrast to the worldliness, the Sun will place an emphasis on terpenity, streamliness and inner calm. It conveys the sacred truth of happiness. It's never that simple. No wonder the famous psychotherapist Bert Hellinger respected: “Happiness is barking.” It takes a mother’s courage to understand her.”

This card assumes that in life there is a center around which everything turns - a child, a project, hundreds and other aspects - and from which a person draws passion and meaning.

In addition, there is no light in the situation that is seen, however obvious, there are obvious facts and motives, despite the lack of knowledge of the truth, revelation from the drive of what is to come. It’s just as bright as the light (as is greatly emphasized by the presence of Justice or the Ace of the Sword in the layout).

The sun is a source of warmth and light and is a kind of material symbol-intermediary between God and people.

The most valuable aspect of the divine is the most valuable aspect of the earthly. The sun is a symbol of spiritual revival, which is open to everyone. It commemorates the wonder of the Transformation of features, including the one and only thing that is given to the forces of information and information, to man and woman. The formation of a new spiritual peculiarity, whose sensitive aspirational purification (a child of a white horse, psychologically a horse - ce Eros, pierced by the noble “like a child” leader). The triumphant red flag and crown are symbols of victory and the beginning of real rebirth. What is new and transforms the world, implying the completion of the alchemical process, the “great work.” It will no longer be the cunning instinctive light of the month, but greater clarity and understanding in some of the deep nourishments of the mysticism of life.

The card symbolizes the transition between the light of this world and the spiritual light of the heavenly light, the greatest awareness, spiritual wisdom. The union of the earthly and spiritual may have been achieved - the remaining wall reinforces the new water. This is why you should continue to chew this, dedicate the rest of your money to your life, It seems to the Sun that now people are absolutely clear.

The sun symbolizes the greatest zeal of information, the highest levels of self-confidence, achieving purity and clarity of mind and heart. Just as the Priestess and the Moon are a woman’s path to wisdom, the Magician and the Sun are a human path, they emphasize the importance of thinking logically and rationally, bringing the worshiper to the light of God.

Trying Suntsya is the preservation of pure and bright, not obscured by any blackness, infuses the world. This Arcanum reminds the old truth that true luck comes only to those who, like children, accept life simply and wisely, it is easy and joyful in their simple day. Resisting oppressive influxes, preserving innocence, warmth and honesty behind the word of Christ “Be like children.” Vidmova in the pursuit of “wisdom with knowledge.” The song is an allegory of self-identification of a prankster, the joy of living here and at once, as well as the hope that life will move to the highest stage of life. This is not one of the first, but one of the final major Arcana. The Court and the World are farther away.

The appearance of the Sun can tell you about the release of the current karmic obligation. This Arcanum heals the oldest and most painful wounds.

We were able to know approximately the following text that describes the stage in spiritual development that is symbolized by the Sun:
“About people like you, in esotericism there is: “Initiations.” You know the sacred truth and the order behind it - trust yourself and daily contentment with life. You have already overcome fears and the main differences in your life, adopted optimism, becoming a charismatic and bright person. You have reached the highest level of self-knowledge, having both your bad and good sides, you know how to overcome shortcomings and ruin goodness. You have a rich, wise and accomplished soul, which has experienced much in this and in previous lives. You have known happiness and have lost your trace on our land. You know who has the mission since you came to earth, and you don’t see it disappearing, the fragments that realize it, you realize it for yourself. You have already become overwhelmed by your karmic borgs, having come to terms with your shadow side, having given up everything you can get from your ruler. Your character did not break under the blows of the share and you did not succumb to trivial bites. Now you can generate good karma for yourself, and also help others with it. Be kind to them."

Success for those on the right.

Prosperity for hardships.

Emphasize your importance, work according to the call, enjoy your work (which, of course, comes best from representatives of creative and large professions). It is important that the Sun is also concerned with business related to lighting, enlightenment, children and play, as well as animals (horsekeeping, dog breeding).

The atmosphere is alive and well, it’s fun and creative, it’s teamwork. Control over the situation, the presence of power, authority (not always a high position, but always a special charisma). Self-realization, self-development and self-illumination. Joining any professional groups, associations (or their creation!).

Professional triumph, honors, recognition, well-deserved honors. This is a new beginning (the birth of an idea, a project) and an achievement. Successful career, professional growth. Great successes have been achieved in any field of activity (and especially in the sphere of mystery and marriage). Rebooting at the center of respect.

The Sun is a very pleasant card for professional nutritionists, as it seems: those on whom you have worked hard and worked hard are ready to be illuminated with the light of new clarity and completion.

Among Russian tarologists there is an idea that the Sun, associated with the unpleasant Arcana, can come across those whose business faces difficulties through the politics of the state.

The sun is a symbol of wealth, high social status and material wealth.

Success in business ventures and financial investments.

Addressing financial problems.

Advancement of the level of life.

Material well-being and prosperity. May you be prosperous.

The Sun is a very pleasant card in the sphere of special blessings, and in the meaning of “happiness”, and in the meaning of “reconciliation”.

Sometimes it is even more important to reconcile with yourself, which is necessary for happiness with another person. The sun also brings news about those who are drinking with love, accept your partner as he is, without trying to change his nature and correct his shortcomings, and you can rejoice in the same crazy way Yogo side.

As soon as the situation is tense, difficulties will arise, the essence of the problem will become clearer, more human traits will be revealed, people will become closer to one another, everything will become simpler and more intelligent. The map is to talk about the real possibility of making peace in the right way, wiping it up, forgetting welding and welding. It’s no longer possible to change all the bedrooms and renew the daylight hours, but the map still indicates “warming” and trust.

There is openness and harmony in the interaction between two people. Thank you for the warmth in your veins, for the warmth of mutual love, for sexual satisfaction. Just understanding, joy and happiness. Partners pamper each other with respect and tenderness, removing affection and love from each other, at the same time joyfully living and seeing themselves with one goal. This is a card of trust and kindness, fidelity and loyalty. A great theft union, even a great connection. Wider and selfless feelings, generosity, magnanimity and readiness to give more, brothers, the joy of self-sacrifice of the khan of people, wisely giving to themselves, without wasting money on themselves. Depending on the special demand, importance for the partner, its great value and importance.

The sun describes a good partner, courageous, energetic, creative and decent. Tim, who has not yet seen his half, knows that his half will be the best! The sun always sees new fruits, a great farm, the appearance of close people, as if it were affecting the life of the teacher.

Pleased to Sontsya – let’s be a “sun”! Do not skimp on warming your heart, delighting with hospitality and affection, instilling positive energy, helping other people to believe that life is beautiful, “as important as it is unsafe.” Comfort, praise, love and encourage.

The sun is respected by the signifier of the lobulous oyster, knowledge in the khanna, zaruchin, fun, successful lover. This card conveys a happy life, a happy life and (or) Swedish people's child. It is alchemically possible to achieve harmony between the human and female principles. This dance and the right weight - suitable partners will find each other. The sun is a symbol of a fulfilled partnership, if all energies are available for creative processes and are not wasted on fighting for something. Freedom dawns in the state of joy, in which the true alchemical transformation of both souls can occur.

The joy of the success of children, the well-being of children.

In an inverted view, the Sun can, according to one of the authors, indicate the “joy of separation” - resentment of each other to one another, entirely for the sake of the connection and broadly hope for happiness in the future life. Also, with great distinction among women, where there is more demonstrativeness, they will also feel that closeness.

Miraculous health, vital energy.

Replenishment of strength, activity and vitality.

Wonderful physical and spiritual stature, great goodness. Oduzhannya (and sometimes literally overcame death, and even Sontse - the life of life). Garny soulful camp.

The sun can tell you that we live not to practice, but to live.

Turned upside down, you can indicate vysnazhennya, professional vigoryanya. Heatstroke, sleepiness (in case of seizures - skin cancer). Sometimes - problems with the heart, but, as a rule, the consequences of overheating or physical desires are not due to fate.
Please be careful that the inverted Son may indicate seasonal depression (what is called SAD - seasonal affective disorders in advanced psychiatry). The sleepy day shortens, the hour changes, the rhythm of life changes and people feel a loss of spirit and strength. It is possible that a person’s hypersensitivity may be reduced to the sleepy cycle and activity (blackouts, sleep, magnetic storms, etc.).

When placed upside down, the card symbolizes difficulties in contacts with people, problems in love and partnerships, inconsistency, amicable statements about success, industriousness, activity that does not produce results. Sometimes the reversed position indicates health problems, family troubles, temporary separation from a loved one, or a lot of fun. Without being a bad card in a direct sense, the burnt-out Nineteenth Arcanum means that all the positive influx of the Sun in this position will be weakened: success, and only after significant efforts, partial success, investments, triumph, and soon the heart's peace will come true, but not Of course, we hope to save up at any time (although this does not mean that everything is spent), end by end will be known. In some episodes, the authors emphasize emptiness, selfishness, loss of sense and other direct negatives, but mostly agree on the fact that the Son, likewise, is deprived of the Son. This card does not have a negative sense at all.

However, in an inverted appearance, it retains its meaning, even if it indicates the gloom that came across the Sun, but the gloom dissipates (or it has the sense and the ability to “throw up your hands”).

As an idea, when paired with even unfavorable cards like Bashti, you can use words such as gornya, pozhezha, vybukh.

This is the interpretation of Mary Greer, which emphasizes the very “fear of happiness” according to Hellinger: people are afraid to give themselves joy and receive good things, and they reject the belief that nothing is worth anything, but “it must be good in order to be true.”

Like the Light, the Sun smooths out and softens the negative influx of other cards in the layout, changing its value to a better one.

Iz Shutom - non-turbulence, non-turbulence and spontaneity.

With the Magician - the ability to implement all your creative plans without any risk and with financial success.

With the Empress - the situation is truly wonderful, success in the battle of the teacher, you need to seize this moment.

With the Emperor there is a great affinity for voluntarism, the supra-mundane willful grip of people (or at the side of the one who drinks, which people are sharpened by him).

With the Ierophant - a friendly acquaintance, a clear understanding of your actions and a blessed destiny.

With the Satellite - the period of independence of completion, the time has come to share inner wealth with others.

For Death - a pleasant acquaintance, rebirth is completed, a look at the changes that occur in life, wise, and one cannot become overwhelmed with the positive aspect of the purified space.

With the Devil is the blindness of the pursuit of material wealth. The financial sector is enjoying good fortune. Sexual dissatisfaction.

With Bashta - garne of honor, honor, revival. There may be temporary health problems that are worthless (more likely to get rid of the investment and goiters). The prevalence of depression is great.

Zi Zirkoya - a wonderful victory, victory is very close, the report has lost the remaining strength to reach the mark.

With the Month - disorientation, illusions.

With the Light - what we have achieved is complete, great is our reach. This is colossal in the positive energy of the cards that bring good luck and intercession to people on all planes, from the terrestrial to the most advanced, cosmic level.

With the Ace of Wands - friendship

With the Two of Wands - special strength, vitality.

Behind the Six of Wands - take away the praise, reach the camp.

Behind the Ace of Swords there are curtains, the successful one has brought out the tractor.

With the Sixth Sword - depression, loss of strength.

With the Great Cup – second

Since in the horoscope there is stress (square, opposition), then the value of this card symbolically speaks of a period when the aspect functions as a reaction and appears, therefore, to be inaccessible to the ease of butt.

In addition, the card symbolizes friendly living conditions, but does not correspond to the beloved ones - you will have to lead a life “in the light”, and with a smile you will pay for simple human joy. This card gives and demonstrates the ability to accept life on earth as it is, valuing those who know that it is not quite the same joys that you want, but it is not such a simple lesson. Lovers of the monthly light will be languished by the sleepy languor and scorched.

Main meaning of the card

Straight waist

The sun symbolizes a sleepy, light and dark life, a period of happiness and good luck. In a dark situation, the Sun can mean the people, the appreciation of something new and even positive, and the culmination of any process. When characterizing a person, this Arcanum is perceived as love of life, sympathy for the future, the skin situation or problem to be described clearly and sensibly and easily resolved. Moreover, the Sun influences the forces of the human soul that urge him to go to the light, to embrace and embrace the dark side of his nature. The significance of the Sun will become even more powerful if you select Magic from it in the layout. In this type of success, nutrition is not a failure, but a natural phenomenon. And together with the Hierophant Sun, talk about those that people have bright, pure, high ideals.

Turn the camp over

The sun in an inverted view means you have crossed the path to great happiness, significant success, high goals. Such an Arcanum tells about those whose goals, happiness, successes are feasible and real, the path ahead to them is by no means bleak, and there is a stench not like what fell from the sky with the wave of a charming wand, but as a result, the hem hardships and t .p. You can understand what kind of problems themselves, especially in the case of a specific skin problem, can be discussed from the Sontsem Arkaniv. So, at the same time, the Chariot of the Sun can mean problems associated with inconsistency and adventurism of powerful people; With the Priestess - problems that arise from supermundane zeal for strangers or unacceptable attempts to enter the world of esotericism, magic, enchantment, etc.

Kohannya and stosunki

Straight waist

For layouts on the bottom, this Arcanum is interpreted as great happiness, a group of brave, warm-hearted people, the establishment of stable mutual relations. The sun can also mean the beginning of a new, promising and fruitful love affair with a person. And such an Arcanum - at the very least, also means that there are still problems with centipedes. In addition, the Son, a kind of Jester, symbolizes the extraordinary generosity and burying of a partner, the Son with a Double Sword is the setting that is often less deserved by people, and, for example, the Son with Justice is what people and there will be a proposal to legitimize his contribution from partner.

Turn the camp over

The inverted Sun for the sphere of special wears is perceived as temporary problems, as a period of rubbing. The sun in an inverted appearance can indicate those who are receiving support. Since such an Arcanum falls into the mix of affairs and fun, then we can talk about those that a person has any doubts about what she would like to develop, first of all to earn a decisive income. Characteristic actions of the combination of the inverted Sun. Let's say, with the Devil there is such an Arcanum - this is addiction, filthy little things that respect possible happiness; Happy Month - filthy impressions, bezpodstavni, ale, prote, piss of life.


Straight waist

The sun for a career is success, reaching career heights, promising undertakings. This Arcanum is completely expressive and clearly indicates that a person can overcome significant difficulties and can successfully bear significant responsibility. In addition, since the Sun falls into the equation simultaneously with the King of Cups, this means that people can benefit from additional support from the side of a well-known person who was born under one of the water signs of the Zodiac; and since the Sixth of Swords appeared next to the Arcanum, this means the joy of acting without haste, without speaking arrogantly, calmly and, perhaps, without being ironed in the past.

Turn the camp over

Reversed The sun at the hour of fortune in the profession indicates average success, which could potentially be greater. Otherwise, in that situation, which in already thought, it would seem that any mischief would have been successful, which, of course, should not be summed up as a result, but rather to scribble or to confuse the person to report for her more zusil, below she conveyed.

Ale, why is the essence of the code? What kind of buti zusilla are they? Evidence for this other food can be obtained by twisting other Arcana in the layout that fell at the same time from the inverted Sun. For example: the Face of Cups is often highly emotional, since people cannot streamline the process of their activities; Two of Coins - on the basis of unjustified optimism and the need to avoid possible objective difficulties.

Enjoy your success. You can reach so much more. Why? This should be kept in mind by your life goals and inner light. Charisma and perseverance will remain with you in the future.

Sontse – XIX Major Arcana

In the astrological aspect, the 19th Arcanum (Sun) closely resembles the Son in the 5th house. It symbolizes the joy of life, along with it the triumph of creative potential.

Other names for Sontsa: Prosperous, Reaching, King of Light Fire.

In other words, the map is called: Die Sonne, The Sun, Le Soleil, Il Sole.

Description of Arcana

In the classic XIX Arcana of the Tarot, which is called Sun, there are two main figures - they are twins, who are different in reality, but united in general. These twins may appear to be charmingly silent, as they play one after another. The boy and the girl are buried on the table, so that they can get true bliss from it. They love one another, and this love gives them the strength to create.

Some decks depict a man and a woman, who are naked, or their nudity - this is a symbol of purity and the presence of any concerns and fears. They look happy, because no one and no one cares about them merging with each other and with nature.

Є decks, de XIX Arcana of a little differently: a happy child is riding on a luxurious horse, holding in her hands a red banner that is developing. The child has the look of a true triumphant, and she expresses true satisfaction with her victories.

On the Arcana of the Sun of the Yeri Aquarius Tarot school, two charming babies are depicted. The smiling boy holds a majestic dormouse in his hand, and a happy girl plays with a snowstorm - a symbol of the human soul.

On this Arcana, all decks depict wild growth, let alone those that are favored by dormouse prominences. Vaughn symbolizes kindness. They also contain images of walls that reliably shield people from the unfriendly outside world, creating an atmosphere of deep love, harmony and trust. Nothing can darken the joy of life.

Above the figures depicted on the Arcana, the Sun rises in the gloomy sky. This nitrochi does not burn with its changes, but gives vital energy to every living thing. This is the energy of love that is popularized by the common knowledge of the Spirit, which is symbolized by the figures of people on the map.

Sacral sense Sontsia

In different schools, both modern and classical, the Arcanum “Sun” is depicted differently, although the sacred sense card is not wasted. At the center of the plot on the Arcana there are always two posts, and in some decks there are twins (a boy and a girl, a man and a woman), and in some decks there are children on horseback. These two posts, regardless of their image, signify the knowledge and intelligence of the people.

If you look at the decks where a child and a horse are depicted, the child means intelligence. On the child’s head there is an image of a wreath of flowers. It should be said that the wreath has long been worn as a sacred place: the wreath symbolizes any kind of inception. It is from ancient merry rites that the new wreaths are named as the initiation of a maiden to a wife. In this Arcana, the wreath signifies the purity of information, its uncloudedness with concerns, superficial knowledge and predatory facts. This is the figure of a child.

The lasso shows that knowledge can be trustworthy and pure, like a child. Only in such a situation can one completely trust in this power, as he knows his life. In this case, this power is symbolized in the Arcana by a horse - a person’s closest assistant, who can carry him along the path. Just as people’s work is easier, so we know that if you trust me, we will lead people along their path.

In decks containing the XIX Arcana of representations of two children (a boy and a girl), the role of information is played by the boy, and the role of information is played by the girl. The stinks are depicted as roaring and without turbo. It is important that the children are buried alone. This is a moment of increased awareness and awareness, which, in essence, brings people happiness, inner comfort and harmony with themselves.

And on the Arcana with children, and on the Arcana, where a child and a horse are depicted, behind there is a wall. It symbolizes that at the moment when knowledge and awareness are united, a person is protected from all sorts of life’s troubles and difficulties. Of course, if you are under protection, all the troubles will pass without interruption in your life.

On the quiet Arcana, where a child is depicted with a horse, a red banner is often painted, which is developing. Of course, such an ensign symbolizes the ability to overcome. In this case, it is a symbol of a person’s victory over everyday problems, enemies and negative aspects.

Traditionally, the 19th Arcana depicts a riot of growth. Vaughn symbolizes the kindness of people, and dovkilla. The map seems to be that since awareness and awareness are one, then people do not need anything or nothing. Here we can draw an analogy with the biblical saying, which is to say “... when two of you ask for one thing, they take away the sight of our Heavenly Father” (Matthew 19). If knowledge and awareness want one and the same thing, then people inevitably reject it, because this is the right thing to do, as they usually say, “I desire with all my soul.”

The image of Sonts himself symbolizes the wickedness of any god. This shows divine generosity to those people who were able to reach the sacred one, those in the middle, and those who are called.

Mythological type of Sontse

On a mythological level, the Arcanum is represented by all the dream deities: Ra in Egyptian mythology, Yarilo in Slavic mythology, Helios in Greek. In addition, the wisdom of the Arcana reveals myths about twins, for example, Apollo and Artemis in Greek mythology, Bathed and Kostroma in Slovenian mythology.

These myths bear witness that the twins, together, are at one and the same time, but at the same time they will soon be surrounded by song in the atmosphere. The stinks demonstrate love as anger in one whole, as the Arcanum states.

The meaning of the direct Sun in the layout

Whatever the situation, the Sun always gives the most favorable forecast. In layouts for a situation, there is information about the possibility of completion, in layouts for a healthy Sun, there is significant success in the future or the long-term result of the operation. In financial distributions, you will be able to show how to win profits, place promising opportunities or win the lottery.

The sun forever means a calm and distant passage of life. The arcan speaks about the new kindness in all aspects of human life. You can sense that the family has children, and the family itself seems to be friendly and friendly.

In the layouts, the Sun will remember any negative Arcana. In order, such Arcana as Death (XIII Arcanum), Bashta (XVI Arcanum), Promotions (XII Arcanum), they cease to be fatal in nature and the situations that this Arcanum describes are becoming more widespread. The unsafe Arcanum instructs the Sun to be overturned by the Zirka, which will speed up the manifestation of pride, which also shortens the term of the Arcana to the Son. All the Young Arcana are companions, and the suit of the Sword is entrusted with the Sun, showing more than one inconvenience.

Arcanum to talk about the good performance of a person. This is the hour before new ideas and necessary solutions come. This card especially helps those people for whom Krasnomovism plays an important role in life - lawyers, speakers, businessmen.

Arcanum Sontse has a higher significance. The point is that if a person has been in the state of bliss and well-being for a long time, she has the ability to revive her pride, which can lead the person from the stage of the 19th Arcanum to the XX (Judgment). In essence, as only people forget that everything is in the hands of God, they will inevitably deserve God’s judgment.

With this Arcana, there is great confidence in becoming ambitious and overly ambitious, having believed in their incredible success.

The meaning of the inverted Sun in the layout

The Sun is the most ostentatious Arcanum, which has upright and inverted meanings literally and literally. Inverted Sontse - tse vogon, ale vono - vogon suffering.

If the inverted Sun appears in the layouts, it emphasizes failure, failure, waste, lost hopes, hundreds of days that were interrupted, lack of mutual understanding with children, the impossibility of having a child. Immersed in all this is a strong image, which obligingly accompanies the person who has the most important moments in the layout.

Whatever the situation, as described by the inverted Sun, deprives a person’s soul of a burning wasteland. With such a stature of a man, we can hardly reason or reason. He gives in to emotions. This is not depression or apathy of the XVII Arcana, this is anger, hatred, revenge. These are the things to do to rob people in order to punish the crook. Reversed Sun is always accompanied by vengeance.

There is only one way out: you need to try your best to listen to the voice of your mind, stop and try to marvel at the situation from the other side. Most often, people are not able to work on their own, but have to call for help.

If the exit is not found, then people will inevitably retreat back to the XVIII Arcanum (Month) and in the new rebirth all complexes and fears. The situation will intensify as the “important” Arcana lies in the order of the Sun. And if the direct Sun will remember the action of these Arcana, then inverted – it will tighten them. People blame the image of the whole world, they perceive the injustice of life. In this case, if the order is XII Arcanum (Promotion), this can lead to suicide attempts.

Straightforward self-development

In direct self-development, the Sun is talking about those that the time has come for people to listen to their own information, and now there is every chance of losing the power of information as a deputy on the Way.

It is necessary to understand that a person is obliged to bring his mind to a state similar to the mind of a child. For this reason, you must learn to trust yourself, your own feelings and impulses, not judge them from their position blindly, and not get caught up in their logical arguments. In addition, people must take care of themselves who respect them in correctly assessing both the actions of those in power and the actions of distant people.

An important detail is the emotional purity of a person. It manifests itself in the presence of claims to oneself and to the utmost light, which brings a person to peace. You can live with understanding: everything you have to worry about is better. A person faces the task of learning to enjoy everything that happens to her in life. In fact, for such a card there is no greater punishment, the fragments of the Sun bring victory, triumph, joy.

Optimism, faith in power, self-reliance and self-sufficiency, self-knowledge can help people in their self-development. Arkan leads people to achieve new harmony and inner comfort. It is accompanied by a clearer mind, a positive attitude towards the result and a humble attitude.

The reversals of the Arcanum will turn on people’s heads for self-development with their own image and malice. The fire that is currently burning people is simply unbearable. It is rare for a person to be able to carry out such an action on his own, so that the bright, angry fire blinds them. In this situation, people can be helped by various spiritual practices that are aimed at tidying up emotions and understanding their inner self.

For such an Arcanum, a person must realize that one of its problems is self-confidence, pride and the lack of authority. In order to be on the path to self-development, a person must get rid of these negative traits, as it is too early to lead him to degradation. If the direct Sun is awareness, then the inverted one is the reality of such, and everything is based on the fact that, as a rule, I entrust such a person, because there is no one who can tell me, or he is simply inspired by such a person’s instinct.

Another problem with the inverted Son is self-destruction. The person does not want to take on responsibility, she tries not to mark speeches that are important to her, as they smell of the least incompetent. Of course, he transfers the personality of other people and is portrayed by them.


In the layouts, practice directly Sontse, peredusim, means prosperity. We can say that people are completely satisfied with their earnings, income from business and the company that Volodya has started. The Sun prophesies the most favorable conditions in any sphere of activity, no matter what a person chooses.

This Arcanum predicts profitable contracts, won tenders, serious financial investments in your business, and the necessary support for flood events. In fact, one might say, help comes to new ends. The lasso of the work plan signifies a person as an enthusiast of his work, a work that brings him penny satisfaction, and satisfaction with the labor process. About such people we say “they are ready to burn on the job.”

If you don’t become overwhelmed by successes, then you will be able to endure the difficult hour, at the very least. It is not safe to fall into euphoria and at any moment write down your successes forever.

For people who do not work on themselves, the Sun prophesies salary increases, promotions, the removal of additional social bonuses and better minds. This Arkan can talk about new knowledge, new evidence, the protection of candidate's and doctoral dissertations, the successful completion of the initial project and the protection of a diploma project.

With such an Arcana, people can undertake serious business trips or travel across borders, and they will inevitably be effective. For people in professions that are bound by the need to speak beautifully and eloquently, we can literally talk about special success: people will tomorrow be bright, warm, red-blooded, and overly eloquent.

For people of creative professions, Sontse is not just a well-thought-out and creative idea itself, it is about the successful implementation of a creative idea - the sale of a painting, the publication of a book, the impressive premiere of a show or a film. With this Arcanum, unprecedented success will come to a creative person. In such a situation, it seems that the person has committed a famous mischief.

For the team, the direct Arcanum Sontse shows the team as one whole - friendly, united, tuned up on the right side. As a rule, such a team has an authoritative person - a leader, who is followed by the entire team. Such a team does not interfere with the rights of its other members.

If the plan is to work on one of the members of the team, then we can say that the Sun prophesies intercession and good relations with superiors, and kindness. You can say that the person was noticed and appreciated for his professionalism.

The inverted Sun in working layouts shows failure of plans, failure, inability to properly carry out the work process and arrange necessary tasks. This card is to talk about incorrect, ill-considered investments that were obviously at risk, but at the possible risk of no one losing respect.

The card is subject to serious financial expenses, right up to the bankruptcy of the company. It is unlikely that you will be able to find the required capital for the beginning of the establishment. If the business is only at the stage of formation, then the inverted Sun indicates a lack of seed capital.

For businessmen, this Arcanum means the prospect of successful tenders. For creative people, it’s not so much the lack of a creative idea, but the inability to translate it into reality. The fragments of the inverted Sun mean an image that for people who work in public means aversion to creativity, unreasonable publicity, and rejection.

For the team, this Arcanum prophesies constant scandals and conflicts, one-on-one situations, unfair distribution of assets, the lack of any benefits, and the bosses’ preferences.

Features are mutual

In the layouts on the particulars of each other, the XIX Arcanum is always friendly. If we talk about a love union, then we have to talk about a period of confusion, immersion in one another, euphoria. This card falls on a lucky couple on their hundredth birthday or honeymoon. You can also point to a happy married couple, as if you are looking at the children of the people. This map is very friendly for the birth of a new life. The same can be said about those that the slopes will pass calmly and in good time, and the child will be healthy and healthy.

If we look at a business union, then there are two people who know their rights well, know each other well, trust each other and bring the same value. Such a business union can be called ideal, aimed at the right side and, as a rule, success is expected.

If you look at one of the partners in a love union, then you can say that the person herself is screwed up, she is burning with passion, passion, and the wrong development of her wines. Vin reveals such qualities as generosity, generosity, the ability to give to oneself, warmth, special spirit and respect.

In a business relationship with such a partner, you can rely on the remainder. Honest, competent, excellent approach to work and partnerships. Behind such a partner, business can be like behind a stone wall.

For a self-sufficient person, the Sun is a new sustrich, a wonderfully romantic idea. This does not mean that these items will be durable and last throughout life, but they will immediately be remembered as the most beautiful and most beautiful things.

Interact with children in direct contact with your parents, they are the most beautiful, they completely trust and mutually understand each other. Nobody creates problems for anyone, doesn’t cause trouble, and doesn’t cry out for rejection.

The reversed Sun, falling into any kind of union, shows the obviousness of mutual image, aggression, which results from hatred and vengeance. Such partners can knowingly work one to another, frame and deceive. In essence, stench cannot be called partners, the fragments of their stink are more similar to witchcraft.

If the card falls on the position of one of the partners, we are talking about those who have an empty soul in the person. You can’t and don’t want to continue to chew some hundreds of dollars, having lost all your trust and respect in your partner.

For the selfish person, the inverted Sun prophesies his selfishness and beyond. There is no need to spare any opportunity to meet a couple, but the reason lies in the new one. You don’t trust anyone, you don’t want to obey anyone, you don’t want to let anyone into your soul. Such a camp for a new one can be trivati ​​shonaymenshe rіk. The position of the 18th Arcanum (Moon) is taken into account, where fears and complexes come to the fore, which hinder one’s even greater self-worth.

Characteristics of specialness

With direct Son, a person is characterized as cheerful, good-natured, cheerful, friendly and decent. Such a person is always seen in marriage. It glows with a smile, exudes warmth and joy. This miracle has a sense of humor and good language.

The person described by this Arcanum is characterized by generosity, readiness to help at any moment, and in some cases, she may show up as a selfish person. He is narcissistic, but it appears that he miraculously knows his own value and is not ready to reduce it.

As a rule, a person pierced by this Arcanum is highly spiritual, since one of the purposes of the Arcanum is to bring the mind and soul to the last. He is highly moral, but does not engage in moralization, since he miraculously knows the price of care and inflictions.

Such a person is happy in life, but it’s hard to walk calmly through the forest of pride’s knife. Those who are least satisfied with their luck, beauty, easy character, talents, red-bloodedness, and abilities can easily become a proud person from someone who likes people and wins marriage, as they are unworthy of themselves.

In order to more accurately decipher the characteristic of the specialness and turn off the negative influx of the Sun, it is necessary to decipher this Arcanum with just one card. If one of the “important” cards falls out, then with great hypocrisy we can talk about those that the person could not pass the test of fame and success and was stuck in the negative manifestations of his character.

Reversed XIX Arcanum characterizes people as malicious, evil and vengeful. He often succumbs to uncontrollable feelings of anger. You can unpromptedly call the person back if you yourself have become the cause of the problem.

Such people are most often self-sufficient in marriage, and this angers them even more, while in their souls they will always respect themselves as leaders, they need to be respectful and be at the center of respect. These people often lack vitality and in order to replenish the stench of their anger and irritation, they arouse emotions in other people. We can safely say that people of the inverted Sun are real energy vampires.

Very often, such people are unhappy in life, look at the world pessimistically, try to solve problems rather than solve them, and then, when everything gets worse, try to find someone to blame and blame someone else for their anger.

It turns out that a person under the inverted Sun experienced a very strong tragedy in her life, which left a very deep trace in her soul. As a result, we changed the characteristics of our essential properties in order to hide the negative effects of the nature of our blood and spillage. Most often, this mask will be there at any time, and if it becomes so that the soul of his life is strong, there will be no trace of the character he has created. You will become who you are.


It is important, depending on how deep it is for a person to worry about health, that a schedule for reviewing it is selected. If the food is not enough, and only the understanding that people are healthy at the same time is important, then you can go up to one of the Major Arcana, pulling it from the deck, which has been shuffled in such a way that it has both direct Major Arcana and inversion.

Since nutrition affects not only the overall health, but also the functional processes that take place in the body, you can look at the two Major Arcana. In this case, in the deck, just like in the first round, the Major Arcana are present in two positions - upright and inverted. The card that fell in the first position shows the organ in which respect has been restored, and fell in the other position, depending on its state, the presence of illness or the period of weariness, which will help to understand the process that Poo at whose organ.

The most important thing to do is to remove the information, you can take into account the layout behind the chakra vortices. It provides a detailed understanding of everything that occurs in the human body, helping to more accurately identify health problems and prevent illnesses that are still beginning. The deck may be represented by both straight and reversed Major Arcana. Layout of the work from the lower chakra. Reading the layout: the Arcanum is first deciphered directly on the chakra itself, and then it appears to be connected with the neighbors. This can help to more accurately identify existing and underlying health problems.

Zagalny camp

If the fortune telling is carried out with the help of one Major Arcanum, then the Sun directly indicates that healthy people do not suffer from daily battles. The only thing that can threaten you is sleepiness, as you have been exposed to direct sleepiness for a long time.

Turn the Sun upside down, even if it poses a threat to your health, as you come out of the fire. People need to be wary of exposed fire vents, as there is a high risk of tearing off the guards. At the same time, this Arcanum can talk about the presence of ignition processes that cause a strong increase in temperature.

Inverted Sun, in any case, it is necessary to decipher either the Senior or the Young Arcana in order to understand how serious the illness can be, the fragments of Sun talk about a very high temperature. The most unsafe connection is with the XVI Arcanum (Vezha), the XII Arcanum (Promotions) and the inverted XX Arcanum (Judgment).

Processes that are in progress

When looking at the health of a couple with the cards of the Major Arcana, the Son in the first position is independent of the position of the person’s visible brain. In this case, it is necessary to understand what to say about the cerebrum as an organ.

Another position of the Sun in the layout of two cards of the Major Arcana in the direct position indicates that the organ designated by the Arcanum in the first position is healthy.

Turn the Sun over to a different position to learn about those that ignition processes occur in the body, which are accompanied by temperature changes.

Chakra diagnostics

First, begin the layout of the chakra system, the tarologist of goiters will conduct an internal attunement with the client’s vortex system. After sleep has been successful, one Major Arcanum is drawn to the skin chakra. You need to start first with the lower chakra.

Muladhara . Let’s talk directly about healthy organs, which lie up to the first chakra.

The inverted Son foretells about the opica of the lower ends, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, inflammation of the sciatic pathways.

Svadhistan . The direct XIX Arcanum indicates the health of the organs of both women and men.

Inversions of the Arcanum protects against the ignition of the internal organs of the body. For women, the inverted Sun speaks about the presence of ignition processes that overcome the current pressure.

Manipur . The direct position of the Sun on this chakra shows healthy organs that lie up to the third chakra.

The inverted Sun indicates ignition processes in the ruminant, 12-guts, intestines, liver, and sub-guts. All this is accompanied by temperature changes.

Anahata . The word in the direct position describes healthy processes in the schluka and leg system.

An inverted Sonce shows serious inflammation in the legs, even to the point of threatening tuberculosis, as well as in the shank.

Vishudha . The sun on Vishuddha indicates healthy organs that lie up to the fifth chakra.

In an inverted view, the Sun shows the burning processes of the throat, larynx, and oral cavity.

Ajna . Let's talk directly about a healthy body, yogo picks and picks.

The inverted XIX Arcanum shows inflammatory processes in the brain, arachnoiditis, cerebral problems.

Sahasrara . It’s best to talk about strong creative potential on the seventh chakra, and it’s more logical and figurative.

The inverted Sun indicates a psychopath, a person with suicidal insolence, anger and vengeance, a neurasthenic.

Layout for the situation

When it comes to the situation, it’s right to talk about calm and in the distance, whatever the situation may be. This form of Arcanum always attracts friendly minds. It is necessary to understand that the Moon (XVIII Arcanum) was blowing away the Sun, as it carried fears and experiences. It’s time to talk about those that this period has ended, and the hour of prosperity has come for people.

In this case, we can talk about those that all the circumstances, the surrounding situation, some bad, some good, it’s early and too late to bring measles. Since there are picture-pictures (Damis and Kings) next to the Arcanum Sontsa, then we can assume that people will be driven away by people who are always ready to come to the rescue in this situation.

The situation may be associated with nervous experiences, since the Mali Arcana of the suit of Swords were being shaken around the Sun. However, regardless of this, people successfully overcome any difficulties, and in any way I can help on all sides. You just need to go through the nervous period.

In any everyday situations, the Sun directly shows that a way out will be found in people, and with the help of some non-standard solution or something unsuitable for the new season.

In fact, the Sun prophesies success in all areas. In financial matters, this may be a turning point, since people have had problems so far. Possibilities may appear from the most unsatisfied forces, but it is up to them to bring them to the people. This card is drawn to those who are destined to win the lottery.

Very often, the Sun shows the final plan and development of plans, however, that need to be secured, it may not turn out as smoothly as we would like, since the Arcanum itself gives a whole river on this ground. It is necessary to stock up on terpenes and not lose hope, since the fruits for such cards can be extracted with great frequency.

The card can be seen in the city for its long-term work and special merits. In essence, this is a card of victory and triumph, and it is not for nothing that in many decks it is depicted as a red ensign, which can develop over the people.

If a person was planning to eat a more expensive fruit or was dreaming about it, then the Sun directly indicates good luck in their diet.

The reversed Son in situational scenarios indicates that the situation is at a critical stage. Everything is falling apart, people who are in charge are failing, furnishings are not going well, things are going wrong.

People accept everything very painfully, which they feel is a serious nervous shock, which they most often perceive as punishment. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, under severe nervous stress, a person loses the ability to make rational decisions and gets even deeper involved in a situation that is unacceptable to her.

Even often it is wrong that a person wants to prank foreign enemies and unkind people and to know them, sometimes they are not at all aware of calling people. Obsessing over his wrongdoing and obsessing over his thoughts about the future, people waste every hour of their time searching for a solution.

Most often, such situations turn into a scandal, which, of course, does not bring relief. People recognize the failures of all their people and often rush to scandals literally at the drop of a hat. He often burns with anger, and does not hesitate to take it out on those who are absent.

It is necessary to remember that no matter how important the situation described by the inverted Sun would be, it would be no more than fate, and then a person may have the miraculous ability to believe.

Card of the day

The direct XIX Arcanum, which has appeared on the card, is the day to talk about those who are looking for low friendly opportunities for people, how to earn them a happy day. Success is expected from anyone undertaking. You can benefit from meeting friends, new acquaintances, quality time spent, love affairs, successful negotiations and trips.

About such a day, it seems that everything is in the hands of a person. And the people themselves can cheerfully say the phrase “Today is my day!” Arkan promises special joy to the one who has a special project, a concert and a special visit - they will bring him triumphant success.

If a person has unsolved problems, then this day is the best day to try to change the situation, since success can be achieved with everyone.

For the sake of this day, the inverted Arcanum should not be insured on serious actions and successful results. Every day there will be no more happiness, because of the great danger of failure, waste, including financial ones.

The day can become filled with conflict if you don’t take your emotions into your hands, and there will be enough fragments for the drive to irritate. There may be inconsistencies with your partner, both in business and in love. It is necessary to try to smooth out the conflict so as not to lead to welding. All the same, tomorrow we’ll have to make peace.

Roku card

Directly, the Sun, in the position of the card of fate, indicates those whose fate on the people is checked by the crown of the holy day. Those that have died so long ago will become a reality, and will be taken away easily and without additional efforts. This can happen both in everyday life and on the level of important visits.

Arcanum also promises advancement in the job, finding a new high-paying job, clawing back unpaid profits or winning the lottery. If the person was planning to buy an apartment or a car, the potential for earning money would reach the maximum. In this case, a person can easily find out the amount that she is marrying, based on the minds that suit her.

Whose fate is expecting great success from the people, since the hour has come before her. This is a good time to complete the printed certificate. Creative people will be especially successful - they can gain recognition and a high appreciation of their talents.

We can say that people take the whole river, smut, don’t sign up and don’t spoil the sweet Fortune. Virtue will be written and burned in the exchange of glory for the future of the future.

The reversals of the Arcanum in the position of fate speak about those who march to success and will, unfortunately, not be Trojans. Whose fate will have to work a lot, encounter various unpleasant situations, encounter a number of dubious peculiarities, suffer and experience. Above all, stay calm and not fall into despair. Should anyone have a bad time, the card prophesies only negative things will happen, and then everything can turn out really bad.

This river is not the best for planning valley-bearing periods, and it is better to try to live without drastic changes.

For such cards, a person may be able to reverse the Arcanum and rest on his laurels, but for this he needs to keep his mind clear, embrace his emotions and almost his inner voice, which will show him the right path. If you don’t mind working on your own, you can take someone close to you as your assistant, or just trust her again.

Timing characteristics

The card indicates those who are likely to be drawn along the river or will be transported through the river. The specifics lie in the nutrition that is asked.

Congratulations to Arkan

Sontse recommends searching for the link under your control. For which it is important, first of all, to become familiar with those who respect you, and to marvel at the world with wide-open eyes. You need to learn to accept the world as it is, and to love it that way. Then these wonderful furnishings will always be suitable for any kind of work.

Fortune is always beneficial to those who walk through life like a child, accepting everything that is learned with natural wisdom and at the same time with simplicity, without trying to complicate life with ambition, pride and wild ambitions.

This Arcanum is for the sake of purity of mind: not to judge and not to condemn other people to yourself, but to understand that they also help to self-improvement. A pure mind can easily connect with oneself and lead a person to greater harmony with itself and with more light. We bring joy to this type of life, and people will live in complete comfort with their inner self.

“And the sun has set over the ruins”...

This card talks about the most favorable result for any diet. Major Arcana Tarot card It’s time to talk about those that your plans are going to be carried out in the highest order, that you will forget that you happened to check on their plans. In this article we will look at the description of the meanings of the upright and inverted cards, the shadow and the connection with other cards in the layouts for business, health, career and work.

The appearance of Suntsia at the table is a good sign, you are now in the bright smoothie of life.

Description of the card

The image of a child and children on a beautiful sun-drenched galya emphasizes the absence of disturbance and happiness, purity and innocence. The image of the sun emphasizes love before life, warmth, brightness, joy in the future, joy. The people of the world were born again. You will feel fresh, you will feel young again.

The meaning of the card

What do you think about Sontse? It warms us, it gives us warmth, giving it to everyone indiscriminately. It's more fun to live on a sleepy day than on a gloomy day. Warmth, joy, cheerfulness, laughter, sparkle, happiness, success, love, light, the gift of light and warmth to our entire planet. And now realize that you are still entering your life with an ever-pressing flow, or else you are already entering.

The Tarot Sun itself appears in this manner in all aspects. People enter at the very best time of life, with relish and blossom. It reaches a high level of knowledge, whose soul becomes wise and knows happiness. Vіn deducts the share of the gift.

If you understand that gifts are not deserved, just accept them and enjoy them. Don’t try to analyze why you are so happy. Your karmic borgs are written off, and you get rid of them. New horizons are opening up before you. Your dreams are being completed, your goals are being achieved.

The Tarot Sun is important to talk about cards that need to be dealt with quickly when given a chance. It’s not good to sit on the spot, claim new heights, even if your share is to be favored. Go ahead. The time has come to master new types of activities that you have wanted to master for a long time, but have not had the courage to do.

Once you have taken up the cause, be confident in your abilities and think positively. Be in marriage most often. New connections and acquaintances will turn out to be a benefit for you in the future, just as in work and in a special life. It’s time to think about this family, about your continuation of children. Finish the letter on the right, saying that it seems overwhelming and very foldable to you. Complete the remaining time after the desired result appears.

Description of features

The person went through the most important testing, conquered the majestic work over herself, and put away her internal wipes. And now the darkness has come in my life, the Sun has come and brightened the dark corners of my soul. It was realized that it was not so, that it was necessary to enjoy life with this priceless gift.

Positive rice

People learned to enjoy life; having sensed its relish, they began to reject contentment from life. You, like a child, have opened your eyes to the light and embraced the new day. Viniklo is dedicated to bringing warmth and light to the absent. The people have acquired wisdom and a clearer understanding of their path. Vin is no longer afraid of his own dark sides, having delved into them, getting rid of his fears and choosing to be more self-reliant.

The Sun came and illuminated all areas of life with brightness and direct changes of light. Lyudina became happy with her strength and fell in love with herself. Starting to value yourself as a unique speciality. Calmly and clearly marvel at the future, she knows what she wants. Know your inner energy and generously share wisdom and love with those who are absent.

You clearly understand what is right and what is not. Once you know, you know exactly what choice you need to make in this or that situation. This is the way of clarification, and we need to expand it to the smallest detail. It became clear that I needed to work on myself in order to polish myself.

The speaker acts as a turn of the share. Here, now, and in the future, there will be luck again on this day. All these gifts went to you for those who, despite tireless chores, stuck forward with energy. A person is optimistic about life, is inspired by practicality, creative ideas, has a great reputation, and is blessed with good luck.

Negative rice

However, such a person may have shortcomings: Marnoslavism, delusions of grandeur, egoism. You can be polite, polite, not accept criticism at your address, and behave like a friend. You need to know a weak supernik, who is overpowering, and will rise in the eyes of power.

Nutrition from doctors and experts:

On a greater level

Realize that you are the white peak of the mountain. You are between heaven and earth. White, bright, pure, innocent, sticky-white peak on the ashes of a clean, dark sky. What does this mean?

Transition to a new slab. You have risen above your problems, and now, looking at the animal from the side, you have become wiser. This is the middle ground between God and people. Self-praise, re-creation of specialness. The process of transformation is exciting, there is a transformation, the unification of man and woman, information and information.

Nabuttya sensu zhittya. Clarity and understanding of external fundamentals. Nowadays, the reality of this world is clearly revealed to people. However, it is necessary to stay away from self-refinement on the path to reach the worldly and spiritual.

The lesson of Sonts is to preserve the purity of the world. Success comes to those who accept living like children, unpretentious and natural, living easily and joyfully. Preservation of honesty, innocence, warmth. The appearance of the Sun in the chart marks the release of significant karmic obligations, the release of old ailments, the healing of wounds, so there is no need to worry.

Significance of Sontsia in various layouts

For career and work

You are at the center of respect, you are a charismatic leader, you can breathe, jump and want to follow yourself. Workers look to you for success, recognition, well-deserved honors, and professional triumph. Those that you have been pursuing for a long time are being realized.

It is especially worthwhile for those whose profession is connected with the rewards of marriage and mystery. The lasso also corresponds to those whose activity is in the sphere of illumination, associated with children, play, and creatures.

The card talks about new projects, plans, initiatives, as well as the achievement of goals. You can intelligently contribute your ideas. You deserve your job, you have found your right. You have warm, friendly relationships with your bosses, colleagues, and partners. Successful work in the team, lively creativity, warm atmosphere. You can join one of the professional groups or become a creator.

You will be quickly pushed through by the quarry gatherings. You are valued at work, you can be paid to support your colleagues. It’s not good to rush headlong, haste will inevitably lead to punishments, which will obscure the result.

If the Sun is in an inverted position, all your achievements will be in the middle. It is possible to introduce external factors that influence the results and try to combine them. Your colleagues will be hurt and harmed for whatever reason. Varto will be collected and not avoid unusual items.

On finance and main

Rich and generous harvest. Your table is bursting with a great number of herbs and drinks. May you prosper and prosper. Prosperity, financial well-being and stability. The success of financial transactions and pleases. Growth of the material formation. Financial problems disappeared in the past. The high rush of life.

Na kohannya ta stosunki

The Sun of the Tarot, the meaning at the bottom, conveys happiness to the union. The card symbolizes an energetic, reasonable, kind, courageous, reliable partner, sexual connection, satisfaction with sexual advances.

The Arcanum conveys to you that you yourself become a “sun”, bestow

Sontse is one of the best cards for describing romantic dates.

give your partner your warmth without wasting anything. You accept a partner without changing anything from anyone. You will love to work miracles, and the truth will be revealed to you right away. Your drains have a lot of problems, as you understand from the proverb.

Close people, mutual warmth, acceptance of each other, mutual affection, burying a partner, enjoying the skin moment with him, mutual and long-term centuries - the axis of the visual characteristics of your hundred years. You have found your soul mate and live in complete harmony. Partners love one another, they feel like one and the same.

If you are in quarrel or in quarrel and think about reconciliation, then you will be there. Partners will understand the reasons for differences and smoothly emerge from the conflict. Since the inevitable renaissance, then everything will go smoothly, for mutual benefit. The partners decide for themselves that they cannot live like this and calmly separate for the sake of happiness in their future lives.

If you are only looking for your soul mate, then the Sun predicts that you will get closer to her, and your soul mate will be the best. Novi vydnosiny, great khannya, close people, mitsny bundle is counting on you. Dolenosnye sustrichi, fun, children's people, friends with a happy life, zaruchini, successful lover.

In an inverted position, the Sun indicates welding problems. Don’t shout, maybe, this is just a stage of rubbing partners together one by one. Since such a card was dealt to you at the hour of preparation for the fun, you will have to think about whether you made the right choice.

To the state of health

Let’s talk about excellent physical and moral health, a sparkling mood. Renewal of strength, activity, activity are inevitable companions of your health. You charge others with energy and positivity.

If you are sick, it is inevitable that you will suffer from the most complex and severe illnesses. The same can be said about spiritual health, about spiritual jealousy. You will find a calm, calm light, harmony, and happiness in life.

In an inverted position of the Son, it can mean stress at work, sleepiness, weather conditions due to sleepiness, depression due to changes in the sleepiness of the sleepy day. Yes, it’s a serious problem with chronic illnesses.

Accept life as it is. Don’t embellish and don’t fall into negativity. You must learn to perceive the world in the same way that children perceive it. Let us forgive our friends and enjoy the skin moments of life.

Start being happy with the fact that you take and take out more than you wanted. Accept yourself, love yourself, appreciate your uniqueness, value your time. Your life will be bright and lucid, guided by these documents. Let your sleepy nature reveal itself, recognize your “dark self” and bring it into the light.

Meanings of an inverted card

The sun is due to anyone. The sun, don’t twist anything. To realize that you came to have fun on the beach, and gloom appeared in the sky and covered the Sun. All your plans will come true, but perhaps not soon, and for their implementation you will have to spend a lot of strength and energy. It is possible that only part of the plans will be realized.

The Tarot Sun reversed symbolizes difficulties in drinking water, annoying bugs, incorrect messages about success, separation from family, and a lot of fun. In the field of love, love happens more often.

Sometimes an inverted card can be interpreted as a fear of happiness. The fear of quickly acquiring the blessings of life, feeling that one is unworthy of these blessings, is impossible to give oneself joy and satisfaction for these very reasons. A rarely reversed Son means a waste of the sense of life

Combined with other cards

How the Son is interpreted simultaneously with other cards:

  • With the Jester - tranquility, non-turbulence and spontaneity;
  • With the Magician - success in all plans, financial success;
  • With the Empress - seize the moment, miracles of opportunity, luck on your side;
  • With the Emperor there is a supernatural pressure on people, both the priest and the people from his extremity;
  • With the Ierophant - your share of good will, you clearly and clearly understand your purpose and sense of your actions;
  • At the Samitnik - an hour to complete the period of Samitnitsa and go out to the people. Share your knowledge with others.
  • For Death – the completion of transformation and the purification of space. Fill your life with positivity.
  • With the Devil - stop chasing after material wealth, otherwise cunning financial goodness is waiting for you;
  • With Bashtoya - they can cause temporary problems for pennies and health. Do not invest money in suspicious transactions, otherwise you will become depressed.
  • Zi Zirkoy - one more word, and you will report the rest of the zusilla;
  • During the month of the month you are on a hiba way, your goals are peaceful, you don’t know what you want;
  • With the Light - you will be favored by greater strength, go and complete the letter;
  • With the Ace of Wands - rejoice, a Swedish wife or friend is looking for you;
  • With the Two of Wands - resilience, vitality, strength;
  • With Six of Wands - praise, achievement of the camp;
  • With the Ace of Swords - a nation of children, successful canopies;
  • With the Sixth Sword - depression, loss of strength;
  • From the Great Cup - second;
  • Behind the Five Pentacle – second, out-of-the-way;
  • With the Sixth Pentacle - recognition of your talents;
  • With the appearance of the inverted Sun with hostile cards, such as Bashta, it is possible to literally destroy: burn, gornya, vibukh.
Straight waist

A good map that tells about the light and dark darkness of life. People are going through a period when they feel happy and happy. This may be connected with the children's population or with another situation, which seems to be new and more positive. The people who fall in this lasso have a life-loving streak, following their future. Any problems or differences are easy for me, as long as I can describe the situation specifically.

The Arcanum of the Sun sees people as having bright, pure and high ideals. It goes directly to the light, adding to the dark side of its peculiarity. And this, in fact, is expecting great success in many areas of activity.

In addition, he is miraculously good at work. It represents incredible success and triumph in the career, and in particular on the right. And with this lasso you can make friends in the distance, in any kind of darkness: love, respect, prosperity, joy, success.

Turn the camp over

Find yourselves when you cross the path of people who will resist their happiness and success. It is possible that you have reached your goal, but this path cannot be called gloomy. Everything that is within reach is a difficult road with the result of great efforts and difficulties. If in the direct view the Sun simply bestows people with happiness and great success, then in the inverted view there is a lot to be achieved through diligence and diligence.

The Arcanum has the same meaning as it does in its direct form, but the joy of what happens is that people accept it in a lesser world. Victory, if we fail, will take away a lot of strength from us. Your success in your career is insignificant, and your material wealth cannot be called great. And it turns out that when he achieves his success, it is far from easy for him, and he takes away his joy with a slight hint of pretence.

The sun, although it is wonderful, cannot bear negative feelings. It’s just that everything that happens in a person’s life does not have such bright farbs, successes, achievements.

Sontse: Significance of kohanni and hundredths

Straight waist

The arcan speaks of absolute happiness, the union of two strong and warm-hearted people, mutual stability. The sun symbolizes the beginning of love's seeds, which will be promising and fruitful. Vіdnosini obov'yazkovo ends with a distant gateway.

Moreover, everyone will want to mother older children and start a new life. With the influx of Arcanum, all sorts of daily problems will arise in the family, and such harmonious relationships may be overdue. The whore signifies: the generosity of feelings, the trust and the burying of a kohanoy people.

Turn the camp over

The tires show time-related problems associated with the period of rubbing. Since people have been preparing for such an important and climactic moment for a long time, then the inverted Son will tell about those who receive the news will soon come to fruition. Since this is somehow connected with love or with a cheerful approach, then people need an hour to develop their doubts about the poor people. Only after this, you will be ready to earn the crucial and remaining money.

Everything that is possible can be destroyed by two people under the influx of this lasso. This includes: bad ideas, partiality, dirty habits that can ruin life.

Sontse: Significance of the situation and nutrition

Straight waist

In this situation, the Tarot card helps people move forward, achieve success and career growth. Whether your undertakings are even more promising. And these are not wasted words, because it is necessary to reach the meaning of the difficulty and the authenticity of how people, as it turns out, can be overcome. Vin knows how to work his right hand, without croaking, without looking back in the past.

Due to his directness, he has a lot of things to do to bring joy, security, peace and tranquility to his life. We are here not only to rejoice at some great successes and accomplishments, but to be happy with the friends we give.

Turn the camp over

The meaning of this lasso is no more important. The people are looking forward to great success, but as a result, they may be able to obtain insurance only in the middle of their achievements. The situation is such that people who go wrong will not allow it to easily crumble to its destination. This can be a boost to success. If they succeed, people will have to report as much as they can.

It is not excluded that an inverted card can speak of poor health, temporary separation from a loved one, or family problems. Beware of weakening success, which means that the supermundane worlds will not be active again.

People will have the opportunity to taste the fruits of their ancestry. It is important for you to understand that people do not live in order to work, but work in order to live.

Sontse: Meaning of the card of the day

The day will be forgotten, let's brighten it up and be happy. Otherwise, you will be tied to the overcoming, but perhaps you can just pass the day without problems and the turbo. Just take on something new and you will become successful. Don’t forget that there will be people who might want to take your fate. Do not encourage them in such a way.

Since this day we got into a squabble and if you want to look at you, then it’s best to make the most of your meal. It is necessary to make peace and get out. On the very day everything was clear.

The greatest joy is the need to believe in yourself and your success. Only with such rank can you achieve a lot in life. People are sure to be helped by charisma and luck, life goals and inner light.

A person needs the strength, knowledge and wisdom that is in her in order to consistently follow her goals. And happiness is the joy of becoming his companions in life. You just need to trust your lot and live under the changes of sun, fame, goodness, love and wealth.

Sontse: Connection with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

The effort, the search for truth, the goal of realizing it for yourself

Ace of Wands

Happiness, luck, optimism

Ace of Cups

Rig to prosperity. happy

Ace of Swords

You can break the yoke

Ace of Pentacles

Otrimannya raptovogo profit, garne material stanovische

If you have a brilliant idea and implement it, you can make a lot of money

King of Wands

Reach of the set mark

King of Cups

Bagata, infused with a human being

King of Swords


King of Pentacles

Ideal man

Get a newbie, knowledge, advanced qualifications

Queen of Wands


Queen of Cups

Ideal squad

Queen of Swords

Take away the profit

Queen of Pentacles

Wealth, luxury, material goods


Conception chi people ditini

Face of Wands


Face of Cups

Ruh to the brink

Face of Swords

Egoism, winning the lottery, superechka with a narrow-minded person

Face of Pentacles

A young and promising practitioner


Happy love, new relatives

Page of Wands

The beginning of a new project

Page of Cups

The appearance of a young rogue

Page of Swords


Page of Pentacles

Neat, waving lad

Shvidka is having fun with her kohana person

Two of Wands

The importance of tomorrow

Two of Cups

Jealous, negativity, important relationships with a man

Two of swords

Happiness with two people we know

Two of Pentacles

Warmth in the family, leaving the battlefield of the enemy


A very close union, foundations on kohanni

Three of Wands

It doesn’t matter what right you take, fortune will be on your side

Three of Cups

You have mercy

Three of Swords

Happiness will be illusory

Three of Pentacles

Vaginism, birth of a daughter


The trip is long, problems arise on their own

Four of Wands

Happy Mayday

Four of Cups

The blackness of life will end

Four of Swords

Disease due to illness

Four of Pentacles

Welding through the recession

You can overcome the negative signals that have ruined your life

Five of Wands

It is necessary to look at the situation from different sides

Five of Cups

You simply reject the magnificent decline

Five of Swords

Fight, fight, cry

Five of Pentacles

Heavy material expenses


Joke to yourself

Six of Wands

Your services will be highly appreciated

Six of cups

Expensive price

Six of swords

You can reach your mark, otherwise you have to sacrifice

Six of pentacles

Spilliness, recklessness

You can make drastic changes, but don’t worry, the smells will be less positive.
