In my dreams, the child was dying. “Dream Interpretation of Rotating Ditina, having dreamed of why you dream of Rotating Ditina

In my dreams, the child was dying. “Dream Interpretation of Rotating Ditina, having dreamed of why you dream of Rotating Ditina

In Freud's opinion, the dreamer's phrase of an adult is an interpretation of a sexy woman's desire. A similar story is about the intimate fasting of an individual, in which he does not recognize himself, respecting both the indecipherable and the wicked.

The meaning of sleep for a woman

The moments of the dream will show that I am going to sleep in reality. As he tells a known young man - he wants intimate intimacy with her, but through Vidmova he is afraid of intimacy. Dream Interpretation for the sake of: it’s better to succumb, then to mischief about wasting the moment.

Why would you dream of beating up a child, even if it were some other dry-hearted person? Vanga also valued the bachenya as a symbol of the darling girl’s self-assertion for someone’s love. But there is no way to get rid of someone you love in this way: people will immediately understand that the merits of the individual are someone else’s.

Positive options for change

There are a great number of dream scenarios that symbolize happy moments for girls:

  • Why do you dream about the trampling of a close friend - in reality, a person can extend a helping hand to you. It’s not good to convince others that the winery will soon be taken away from the city.
  • Chatting an unknown person together with his creature is a positive plot: in reality, the woman will awaken her worries and begin to respect the achievement of her plans. An important opportunity will come to change her thoughts about life. Well, give the individual a chance to marvel in the future.
  • Release someone you know from the burning situation - the dark haze of life will soon end. Problems that are very likely to cause sleep in reality are destined to end. A calm, friendly period is coming. Ale Varto report to Chimalo Zusil in order to continue the hour-long period of peace.
  • If the dreamer had a chance to cry out the moisture of the mother in the night, the dream symbolizes the great war and the inexplicable feeling of a long time before the fathers. The gentleman of the dream cannot detect these emotions and does not know how to reward his mother for the revealed love and love. Snotlumach seems: it’s not a good idea to get embarrassed, soon the problem will resolve itself, the girl will find the opportunity to show her father how she’s doing all her business.
  • I had a chance to completely spoil the people - a dream brings luck to all undertakings. In professional activity you can achieve career growth, and in your own right you can insure yourself a good financial income.
  • The most positive thing is considered to be the dimness of the night world, where sleepiness protects itself from a difficult situation. This is a symbol: sleeping has enough strength to know how to deal with all mental problems on your own. Overcoming all complexes, lack of self-esteem, the person will regain harmony. It is possible that positive changes will begin due to the importance of what is happening to the other half of the spouse or household.

The Swiss founder of psychological psychology, Jung, said: like a dream, it is a substitution for reality. Obviously, sleepers do not know a way to help a needy loved one, a real person, who, in a very similar plot, allows the dreamer to survive the dreamer’s situation and overcome moral contentment. This kind of discussion can be interpreted as a motivational one - be decisive, learn to solve not only your own problems, but also those of your loved ones.

Negative interpretation

  • Viruchati of a person is a negative sign. In reality, the hero of the dream also needs help from a friend. You are facing a terrible threat to your health. Women should take care of their character and try to extend a helping hand in all important moments.
  • Give your friend your soul mate - until the difficult period of hundred years. Difficulties can come to their senses through ignorance or through damage to the health of one of them. Only patience, unconditional trust and open conversations will help you save almost everything.
  • Please excuse the people who died long ago, and still see them in the hut. Internal knowledge does not allow a woman to live in peace, it constantly reminds her of spiritual burdens. You need to pray, light a candle for peace, and ask for help for your family - only then will you be able to protect yourself from negative emotions.
  • Unfortunately, the person herself was caught in a difficult situation, and an unknown guy helped her - in reality, she was tormented by self-esteem. You just need to recognize your needs and remove the boost and turbo. In order not to become a problem of prolonged depression, dream books will please you as soon as possible in your new life.
  • As in the dream, the girl turned out to be a professional swordsman - now the marriage indicates dissatisfaction with her career ambitions in reality. You want to reach the highest heights, but don’t try hard to practice. Dreamers recommend not to fall for the fall: advances in planting and increased wages do not fall out of the sky. Change your settings before the work process, call again and sign in with your superiors.
  • It turned out to save the stranger from self-destruction - in reality, the sleepy person’s close people often shift their responsibilities to her. The girl is very tired, but it’s difficult to check with the help. Dream Interpretation: you politely say “no” to the damn thing, but it can’t change the good attitude of your loved ones.
  • I had a chance to fight the enemy - symbolizes the weak character of the mistress of the dream. The presence of the haircut makes it necessary for the sleeper to achieve what is planned, since it interferes with whose interests. Varto learn to stand up to his own point of view, stop compromising those who are a little stronger.

Return respect to the accusations that are being made. If you have managed to remember, recognize, in reality, watch out for his behavior. It’s okay to do everything, it’s just a shame to ask you for help. And the woman’s intuition strengthens the signal through a similar dream.

Sleep deprivation for a man

People often try to get someone out of harm's way. If such a situation has recently arisen, then the experienced moments may be repeatedly dreamed of. Such a plot of a night bath does not require any tampering.

Like Freud, the phrase of a young, attractive wife in the plot of the dream symbolizes his intimate dissatisfaction. Moreover, the darkness is lost to the true, as if in reality the sleeper has a other half. After all, the guard began to show little respect, and this screams of concern. Don’t try to figure out different options for the current problem – just think about it to your heart’s content.

Positive light

Let's take a look at the positive consequences for people:

  • I had a chance to tell my brother - there will be friendly changes in life, as they appear to be fruitful. As soon as difficulties arise, the sleepy militia will overcome them, cutting off the support of family and friends.
  • Ryatuvati someone for help with a piece of dikhannya - you’ll come to the city immediately for the important work. If you have to expend all your efforts to achieve your goals, then you will be able to get rid of the fruits. The fruit will not only give a young person spiritual satisfaction, but also add spirituality to oneself.
  • Miller tells us that we have a similar dream of spring on the right. The dreamer can also recognize people from a nearby stake.
  • I had a chance to betray the unknown woman from the actions of a sexual maniac, and the girl from the witness rewarded him with the words of the gods - the dream prophesies to the Swede the acquaintance of the girl, which will lead the people who have died to serious groans. Moreover, no matter how much the stench persists, we stay away from the sleepy.
  • It is unacceptable for the ruler of the dreaming people to talk about their strong-willed character, kindness, humanity. For all your life and reality, you will never deprive a bad life of its enemy.

Negative values

Dreams with these plots are more negatively charged, often ahead of the dreamer about now:

Why do you dream about the little ditini?

Meanings that are more important than other clouds can be sent by mothers of the night, whether a woman or a man tells a child:

  • The dreamer helps the girl - the plot tells about the lack of self-esteem, which brings suffering. Varto opens up for psychotherapy sessions.
  • The woman, who does not have children, is begging for 2-3 years from the boy - so it is obvious that she is becoming a mother. Only the appearance of a child in her life (it does not matter whether she is adopted or adopted) will help to overcome severe depression. It was time to take a moment to think about the replacement.
  • It was a positive sign that someone else’s unknown child had a chance to talk to someone else. It’s easy to paint the financial system, a powerful lottery win, or to avoid the great recession. And telling his little one to talk about something completely different - in reality the father gives the little one little respect, rather than tormenting his conscience.
  • Why do you dream about drowning a drowning child in clear, clear water - the last day I feel the utmost spring and good luck. Share will give you a number of options to make your life better. Just as a child is crying at the beginning, and the water appears to be rough, the sleeper also enjoys good luck, but for whom he is guilty of getting into trouble due to such mistakes. It’s even darker, so much so that you dream about the scene of a drowning child - the dreamer’s awareness signals the need to pay attention to the respect and anxiety of family and friends. It’s a shame to talk about your problems, otherwise you won’t be able to find happiness again.
  • When a man rescues his son from death, he anticipates a future threat. Dream Interpretations recommend showing kindness and respect in all spheres of life, at the same time when working with little-known, unknown people.
  • The long, important word of the newly born dumbass is a friendly sign. The sleeping woman and man, through their zealousness, ensured their family's financial well-being.

Wikilist list:

  • Bolshakov I. B. The origin and decay of dreams in Ancient Egypt (historical and philosophical aspect). St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2007.
  • Zhivitsya E. Yu. Russian tradition of darkening dreams // Knowledge. Rozuminnya. Remember. - 2005r.
  • Nechaenko D. A. History of literary dreams of the 19th-20th centuries. Dreaming as a form of culture. – K.: University Book, 2011.

Through sleep, a person's skin removes the anticipation and sensation of any kind of influence. To say this in your dreams means that in reality you will gain strength, chance, victory (I’m worried about you), fame, and sometimes bring light to the world. The same can be said about those who have the ability to declare themselves.

What, why do you dream about the order of a child?

A routine like this means showing encouragement to the weak. Sometimes, through a dream, you come across those who will be able to help in reality. Also, rants can be put down to the people themselves, so that in real life we ​​will reveal our weaknesses in relation to what, and there may be a situation where we need to analyze our needs and ambitions. The child is already a symbol of powerful ideas, plans, as well as apparent secrecy. What is the point, what is the point of talking about those that in the near future may reveal important moments in the right to say.

To lift a child in a dream means to give real help to people who are young and weak. If in reality there are some projects, then in all dreams there will be a smell in the eyes of a child, who will know the need for help in them. It is important to keep respect forever, so you can determine at what stage the projects are located.

Significantly, when a child is raised throughout life, it always has a special character. So, there is a lot of happiness, excitement and anxiety. Yogo can also be characterized as the soulful state of a person. More often than not, if you dream about the order of a child, then this means that everything means that you need psychological help or a change in the situation in order to improve and organize your thoughts. Varto show respect for the child’s mood in your dreams. So, if there is no fun/smiles, then there is harmony and non-turbulence. The child dreams of problems, such vicissitudes still do not flow into her.

What do you see?

The dark significance of the child’s dream, especially when he is in his own family, is ahead of possible real dangers. Since people have children, then saying that they are in a dream means, obviously, that they have a lack of respect in the family. For those who do not have children of their own, such a dream can indicate your potential or think about adoption. When people dream that they are fighting a child, they will notice a restless, nervous state. With such minds we need to be even more careful.

It is important to remember that whenever you have to deal with a sick child, in real life it gives you the opportunity to get out of an important situation with honor and dignity. And if you see yourself as helping, then it’s better to have respect for your partner’s behavior. Possibly, he has thoughts about health, or he already has connections on the side.

So anyway, your ideas and plans are definitely shared with your child. All actions with it must be considered as a hint or as a sub-result. The child’s order means a good victory for one’s right, but the help and support of a close person is necessary.

In real life, not everything is dedicated to heroic endeavors, but in many dreams it was necessary to extricate someone from harm, in the face of inevitable death. Do you ever dream about such a plot? There are many dream books that agree on one thing - if you helped, it means that in reality you will need additional help.

But not everything is so simple, to be precise, but a more truthful interpretation can only be given by looking at the dream in detail. Guess who you have lied to in your dreams - a stranger, a close person, or maybe a creature? Those who are important are the ones who need the order.

Why dream of pretending to live the life of an unknown person?

According to Freud's dream book, swearing at people in their dreams is an emphasis on the sexual overtones of sexuality. If you know the person you have chosen, and what’s more, you know her by nature, then in real life you will have sexual contact with her.

Rotating a person before death in a dream is a great sign in the dream book, for those who are immediately tempted to reach some kind of mark. If you work tirelessly, then literally after a few days you will eat bananas, which will bring you moral satisfaction and instill faith in yourself.

If you happen to be kidding a girl in your dreams, then the dream book will tell you why you dream of such a plot, as if you were trying to assert yourself for the sake of other people. It’s unlikely that you would have such an idea - you’ll soon realize that your merits are in someone else’s hands.

For wives who do not care for children, in a dream, turning around a boy means, obviously, the desire to give birth to a baby, or become a good mother. As soon as a child appears in the family, it exposes you to the need and disharmony, and if there is a possibility, then the best time has come for a renewal.

Do you ever dream about robbing a child? Since the child is an outsider, the dream book interprets this situation as a forecast for the expansion of the financial situation. And the good-haired little one’s croak is a symbol of the fact that in reality you spend even a little time with him, and reward yourself for it.

You may have the opportunity to really help a good friend, since you had the opportunity to fight a person like you in your dreams. Don’t be fooled by the supporter, the future will be able to help you generously.

Why is Ryatuvati a child dreaming, why? If you marvel from a psychoanalytic point of view, then you will obviously need to show your affection and love. You need to encourage whoever you want and then you will feel happy.

For other interpretations, if you were able to capture a baby from the water, and in which case it was clear, clear, then the dream book promises unprecedented luck - literally the skin is printed on the right to go “with a bang”, fortune follows you everywhere.

Do you ever dream about being silent? If you have already spent a lot of money to ensure the health of the newborn, and after the fight against death the little one smiles at you, then you will certainly ensure your safety.

Since the girl has already realized that the man is lying to her, then in reality she is catastrophically lacking in human respect and turbotity. These new products will be of great help against anxiety and depression.

According to the dimness of the dream book, as if you were lying in your dreams, then in reality, check the order of all fears for the next day. It will be helpful for you to turn the facts about the world around and allow you to marvel at the future with success.

The routine of relatives and friends in your dreams

Ryating your brother in your dreams is a good symbol. The dream book interprets why such a plot is dreamed of as the saturation of life with positive ideas. This can also be a forecast of real help for the dreamer from the side of his closest relatives.

For a boy, lying in his dreams about his girlfriend is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction. Perhaps the partner has become colder than ever, and she no longer knows what steps to take to curb emotional reactions in her partner.

For the darkening of the new dream book, the death of the god in the dream is a rotten sign. The married couple will have difficult hours, and difficulties will be associated with the ill health of one of them. Only love and trust can help you overcome illness. Every time you can’t give up and fight until the end.

Ragging your mother in your dreams is a symbol of the fact that you owe her a lot, and don’t know how to repay her for it. It’s time for you to let your mother know how important it is for you that she worked for your kindness.

If the dreamer had a dream about the drowning tide of the very same thing, then the dream book interprets this as a selfless desire to prove oneself as a hero. There is no need to search for drives to highlight your achievements, the thoughts of those who are absent will become less important.

The dream book is important for the dream where you happened to roar in a person’s dream – in all things. The human truth is seriously threatened by serious insecurity, and this may be due both to natural hardships and to one’s health. Take care of the person and support him in important moments

Do you ever dream about fighting your son? The dream book is ahead of the curve: be careful, you are seriously insecure, you will be between life and death if you do not show proper care.

To twist a dead person in a dream - to feel the burden in front of him in reality. Knowing doesn't give you peace of mind - you realize that you haven't done everything you can to prevent yourself from getting sick. Pray for his departed soul, help his family, otherwise you won’t be able to make amends for it.

If at the moment life is in a dark cloud, then do not doubt that in the near future you will come to the end that you have had to fight with a friend in your sleep. It is especially correct to make such a transfer, as it happened to rip a friend out of a panicky booth.

For those who have unmercifully given up their fortunes to the power of business, turning the heater in your dreams is a symbol of trying it out. As soon as one after another appears on your path, all the strength of spirit will be required to overcome them.

Why do you dream about slaughtering creatures in your dreams?

Do you ever dream about pulling a dog? The dream book predicts that your friends will definitely need help, which only you can give. It’s better not to advertise your good taste to a friend and it’s not licorice, but if you ever have a problem with someone, then this will lead to significant stress.

The bird is a symbol of the world and moral norms, and the bird’s rotation in a dream means that one is eager to bring one’s point of view to reality. Dream Interpretation: remember that your idea essentially cannot be entirely correct - come to terms with this so as not to interfere with your point of view.

Do you ever dream about Cochinath being killed? If at the moment you are experiencing financial problems, the dream book conveys that they will soon end, and new, surprising prospects will appear before you for their accessibility and profitability.

Another darkening is given by a dream book about those who dream about turning a mow. The dreamer is on the lookout for signs that will help him get back to the current situation in life and take the financial sphere of life under greater control.

Rotating the gut, like repairing the operation, becomes shabby, heals the wounds on the dreamer’s body - a symbol of the dream book about those that the encouragement of others can turn against you. The friends you respect as a friend will be pressed to the other side. Of course, everything will change over time, otherwise you will have to experience a number of even unpleasant moments.

If you have forgotten the color of the creature, then the dream book can be interpreted in a different way by those who dream of dragging a cat. Barred ore will be a symbol of joy and purity, white will be a sign of spirituality and humility, and black will be a sign of serious problems in the financial sector related to the attacks of competitors.

For pregnant wives, rotating fish in a dream means a threat of losing their child in reality. At the first signs of illness, rush to the doctor, and then you will easily be able to admit your miracle that was not born.

For a person, in his dreams, rotating the fish from the golden lard is a positive interpretation of the dream book. You can bravely go to your destination, without losing your respect at the waist - you will be favored, all your plans and plans will work with greater results, but you have not been insured. But the darkness is completely turning over, as if the fish did not survive.

Do you ever dream about a dolphin roaring? The dream book interprets this plot as a disappointment in children. All the hopes that you live in honor of the certificate that was recently issued were not destined to come true. Come to terms with this, or radically change your tactics - then the bitter disappointments in your life will go away.

If you know for sure that some of your loved ones are facing difficulties, then don’t doubt what it’s like to dream about cuddling a puppy. The dream book predicts that you will have to take the ultimate fate of a person who was lost in a difficult situation.

For a married woman to swear in a dream is a bad sign. The dream book conveys that soon a different woman will appear in the man’s life, and she can easily lure her beloved to her “on the side”, as you will not completely change the tired pattern of behavior in hundred-year-olds with a man.

Turning a horse in a dream means keeping your priorities in reality. The dream book prophesies that within ten hours the culprit will not need to prove that he is right, relying on his principles. In view of the success of the superstar, we have a lot of things that will happen in the future.

Why did Ryatuvati dream about someone?

Dream Interpretation: Ryat someone or anything symbolizes how I will overcome the future and find out from behind the scenes.

Such dreams, it is understood, are impossible to deprive others of theirs. If you can get out of the euphoria of what happened in the dream, guess the details and look firmly at the picture of the dream, then you can glean much more value from what you learn.

Of course, for the sake of debacle, who were they calling out: a man or a woman, a child or perhaps a creature? What kind of settings are involved in the plot of the dream? There was a fire again, or the collapse of an emergency situation. What kind of lieutenants did you have who handled the ritual operation on their own? Did you start lying? Did everything happen without casualties? What did you happen to vikorystuvat how to get rid of?

These and a lot of other subtle, varied details will help to more accurately interpret the episodes. Golovne, don’t get caught up in emotions and hostility. Analysis of the dream will help the criminologist work: the more details and traces are collected, the more accurate the picture of future events will be.

Rhythm of people

1. Do you ever dream of burying someone who is drowning? The water element is synonymous with material benefits. Apparently, helping someone who is drowning in their dreams actually seems like material help. If you are talking to an unknown person as if you were drowning, then the interpretation of the dream requires further clarification.

  • If you trust a person, you get help from a robot.
  • If you grab a woman, you get free help.
  • Give the child money - give money to the Borg.

In all cases, your help will be taken from the buried areas and from the waste.

2. As the dream book explains, swear off someone when they burn? The fire element is significant for the manifestation of power. Rotating people into the fire in a dream, you really feel that you can help the powerful manifestation of will. Whoever you know for a significant task is not tired of the spirit, you will take part of the risk on yourself, which will earn you respect for a long time.

3. I finally dreamed that you are dragging people under the deviousness of the earthtruder or an emergency collapse. The element of earth infuses the stability of the bottle. As all the dreams have begun to surge in the earthly elements, this dream is about the rapid global changes.

Since in the plot the dream is in the role of the trooper, and not the trooper, then in the upcoming changes, you can always see this or bring completely unknown people out of their stupor and help them start life in new minds.

4. It’s like watching people in a hurricane. The damaged element gives people the Idea of ​​Butya. For some, the Idea appears in religion, for some, for faith, social and material penny benefits, for some, for the sacred brotherhood and jealousy, and for whom, on the contrary, they extol privileges and achievements.

The stormy, windy element is dreamed of as the harbinger of chaos and theft. If you have decided to steal someone in your dreams, it means that you will save your loved ones from the chaos that has fallen on you at work, in family rot, or in marriage.

Dreams associated with the ruinous manifestations of the elements require caution in interpretation, in which case it is necessary to take into account the details first, and then the plot line of the dream.

Little critters

The order of the creatures, which you have studied in your sleep, is in your connection with the vibrations of various totems. The creation before creation as a totem is genetically laid down in our knowledge, so monotheism has thousands of roots, paganism has tens of thousands of times, and faith in spirits and totems has hundreds of thousands of times.

1. Do you always dream about how you handle a dog? The dog symbolizes friendship and loyalty. Apparently, when you wrangle a dog, you are cultivating friendship and trust. In addition, by pulling the dog from the belly, you can actually take the part of a criminal of robbery and theft.

2. Do you ever dream that you are hiding a gut? The gut is a symbol of independence. Pull the gut out of the water - get out of the borgs. Removing a mow from a tree is an aid to a dry life: you can rescue a child, a disabled person, or a dry grandfather.

3. Dream about what a bird or a bird is hiding. Ptah is a symbol of high aspirations. Roaring birds, you roar people in the face of everyday life and the sadness of everyday life.

4. How can you dream about a ribi? Fish is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. Yakshcho Dreaming, they are knighted to ribs ae -to -be, you will visited the water, then, you can, you are possible for the non -conference of Chekati on the appearance of Ditini Abo Dovgochikuvan, the stable budget is stable.

How would you like to help you?

If you dream that they are scolding you, then the dream predicts a life transition, which you can overcome without any help.

  • Dreaming about the tone. Have you ever tried to get help from an unknown person? Sleep until unsatisfied material help.
  • I realized that they were dragging you out of a burning situation. The dream predicts that your superiors will stand up for you, or if your work is about to flare up, then law enforcement agencies will help you.
  • I had a dream that you were being defended from behind the intricacies of the ruined booth. The dream is to talk about future uncontrollable changes, to figure out what kind of help you can get from the unknown.
  • They help you fight independently in the face of storms and hurricanes. I hope, as soon as possible, I can help you navigate the chaos that is uncontrollably falling.
  • The creature is stalking you. Additional help from the power of one of the totems. Remember the creature that helped you in your dream, be sure to find out the details about the nature of this totem. It is possible that these very viciousnesses will help you to overcome those that you still find insurmountable.


The order of objects is considered to be a symbol of a special meaning, so the object may have a direct clue to the action. As you always say in your dreams:

  • Book. There is a real need for information security.
  • Odyag. The symbol of sleep is to think about saving your image and say a kind word to yourself.
  • Buzz The dream is about those who are planning to hit the road or go to a long-distance destination, then think about road safety.
  • Jewelry products. It is really important for the dream to represent the savings of becoming a spouse in unpleasant situations.
  • Gamanets. The dream has a direct meaning: you need to beware of theft and robbery.

As soon as the transport arrangements have been announced, the real sense of the dream is that your plans five to ten years in advance may be in jeopardy. If you can immediately recognize trouble and get out of trouble.

Why do you dream about Ryatuvati?

Imperial dream book

In such a manner, robbing someone in your dreams is a quest to help yourself. Buzhanna lie to yourself and the evil of your strength. Active, as a result of sleep, is contrasted with passive, non-fearful behavior in situations that convey activity.

To speak in a dream without an emphasis on specialness - the dream is to talk about the arrival and unfulfilled ambitions being greater, stronger than others, which cannot do without such help. In truth, as they said, everything is in vain: under the power of sleep there is no power in truth. Cultivation in the soul of a powerful indispensability and generosity has led to an unacceptable feeling of sleepiness in the dreams of absentees, to a mistrust and tightness in the veins, which is accepted in reality completely inverted: as if dullness (for an unrealistic order) and nonsense in relation to the dreamer (stan)). The result of an inverted glance will be the light falling apart at the right and bottom.

To dream of someone near and dear means in most cases an unpleasant situation that develops around them, the evidence of an evil will or a nearby illness. The option of sleep is overpowered as it is ahead of time.

New dream book

Why do you dream about Ryatuvati?

Ryatuvati - your help is needed.

Today's dream book

Find out what it means when you dream about Ryatuvati?

Be sure to dream that you are suffering from some kind of pain - a bad sign, which means that you are in the state of nervousness or illness, and anticipate the need to be normal.

Whenever you dream about someone, you imagine that your merits will be recognized by the city; How to tell you is not about the danger that threatens you, especially about a possible unfortunate fall.

Dream Interpretation for Medium Ms. Hasse

What does it mean to dream about Save in your dreams?

Ryatuvate someone - success for those on the right.

Freud's Dream Book

The order in dreams is related to the desire for sex, the mother's desire for children and vagrancy.

Get the woman out of the way - get her into formal contact with her.

To get the man out of the water - you want the new child out.

If you treat a child or a creature, for example, a cat, you obviously realize that you give your child little respect; For childless people, such a dream means thinking about the possibility of adoption.

As you raise creatures in the world - do not talk about your love and tenderness to children. Ale beware! It seems easy to move from the desire to female wives or to pedophilia.

If the victim performs an operation and does not want to be cursed, this is a possible threat to your sexual partner.

If you yourself have been involved and overcome all sorts of insecurities, this symbolizes a breakup from an unwanted or unacceptable sexual partner.

If it hides you or relieves you of any insecurities, it symbolizes the appearance of people who would like to have sexual contact with you.

Tsigansky dream book

If you are put on a boat, you will be surrounded by a very important huge landing.

Esoteric dream book

If you fight someone, victory and glory are expected of you.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Ryatuvati behind the dream book?

The story in which you told the people is to talk about those in which your efforts will be appreciated even more kindly.

They lied to you - this is a risk of what you will lose in an unacceptable situation.

Why do you dream about Ryatuvati life?

As the dream book interprets, telling a person is a very positive sign. This means that the dreamer will have glory ahead of him, and success in marriage. Wherever you are reaching this point, please come back to the report, all the details are important here.

If the dreamer sees a person in his dream as a woman in the fire, then the dreamer will have great success in his life in work and business. It is possible that it will take away good planting or create profitable land.

Such a dream can carry even more meaning, for example, in real life, the dreamer may actually have to fight his friend or relative against a vicious hunter.

Why ryatuvati? Because such outbursts occur when the farm is bringing real death and a person needs to be effectively removed from his camp, so that he does not harm himself and his health. For example, it’s an undivided bunch.

If you marvel at the dream book, the story of the child’s life in the dream may have a different meaning. In this case, the dreamer has a chance to print a new one or move to a new place of work, more profitable.

So this dream can mean that you will have to send your child to school and solve their problems. If the baby’s dream was hidden, then all problems will appear unreasonable and turn into a positive outcome.

If you dream that it is necessary to fight a person because of a broken creature, then in this situation the dreamer has some kind of anxiety and fear in his normal life. There may be anxiety about the time it takes to work, or there may be suspicion of the infidelity of your other half.

The fear will arise, as in the dream the beast has bitten a person who has suffered injuries in the past. If in a dream the warrior kills the unleashed beast, then in reality the anxieties will be dirty, unimaginable.

Continue reading the dream book - telling all your dreams about the important situation of the cut and the cut, which means for the dreamer that his mother has achieved little success over his rotten sounds. For example, such as grizzly nails or bruises in the nose.

If in a dream the dreamer chooses his life, then in reality he will have to face difficulties. You may want to maintain your position at the family table, or you may work at work, but it is important to tell your partner or colleague at your own point of view. In the future, the sequence in the dream gives the dreamer great chances to overcome the situation that has developed in real life.

If a person has ever had to get away from the water, the dream book interprets this phenomenon as saying that the dreamer will now have the miraculous gift of getting along with a person, as their life will turn upside down. These people are discovering new things in the spiritual sphere.

Perhaps, there will be a priest or an elder who will show you a pure and bright path. After such a meeting, the dreamer will feel at ease in his soul, and all worldly affairs will go smoothly without trouble.

If the dreamer is a man and is in love with a girl, then, despite everything, a normal life suffers from sexual dissatisfaction. It’s possible that the family has already lived on its own, and maybe they’re secretly dying to try unconventional, brutal, disturbing sex.

If a woman is dreaming about drowning, then in the future she will have a rich rogue. It is possible for people to strive for this kindness for a long time. In connection with his age, because he is not a strong man, the woman does not dare to trust him. If the confirmation is positive, you need to check the offensive sign of the share, and then the dream book will tell you about it.

As the dream book conveys, they are fighting a drowning person, as in other words, people suffer an accident on a ship and they are rescued by the guards, then in this situation the dreamer has a great confidence in real life to deny well-deserved respect in the team.

He can be promoted to a high position in the political sphere, recognized as a special person of the great approach, or he will become a legal representative in huge ambushes.

To dream of someone close or dear to you means that the dreamer is worried about their share. It is possible that in real life there is a fear for the health of some of those close to them, or the presence of news among relatives for a long time makes the dreamer suffer from the unknown.

Ringing a dog in a dream can mean that in another dream you need real help, which will be obtained. For which the dreamer has to sacrifice his time and even the smallest pennies, but in reality he loses incredible recognition of both his friend and his relatives.

If a dreamer dreams of being cursed, then in real life there is no specific problem. Perhaps, friends or close people can help you extend your hand, otherwise it may be difficult for someone to fly past them and the battles will be marred.

This dream can also be interpreted as follows: the dreamer has a problem in life that takes up all his knowledge. This is not so important as it is important to make a choice between two equally valid options.

If people always dream of lying and they don’t recognize the harm of life, then in real life the right choice will be made.

The dream is about saying that people are not at peace in their souls at the moment. You can experience your inability to help your loved ones in real life. Reality is transferred to the public and here people become heroes.

It’s good to let go of the lies and consider yourself a warrior, let them rest in your dreams. A great mood and pride in one’s work will accompany the entire day. And this is no small feat in real life.

xn -


Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadia Zimi

Vryatuvatsya and be vryatovanym all your dreams- A good sign. The dream suggests that any situation that in reality appears to you as inconclusive or even important is not so in reality. Good luck will definitely smile at you, as long as you don’t get angry and don’t give up.

Vyativat yourself whether you dream of anyone- I see you successfully solving any important nutrition or problem.

D. Loff's Dream Book

In dreams about the order, do you play the role of a warrior or a person who will require the order? If you blame others, you may find yourself in the role of a hero, father or mentor. Who are they, and why do you blame them for helping? The nutritional information will give you the opportunity to understand the role you play in your pelvic system.

How can I reproach you?- You may feel oppressed and incompetent in the singing sphere of real life. It seems to you that the inheritance of any idiot can lead to a fatal death.

As your warrior is a person you know from real life- Varto energize him for the sake of the strategy of struggle that you must lead. How can we come to our senses without raising the alarm? Chi vydbuvavsya poryatunok, unimportant on the move; What was a success and what was a failure?

New dream book of New Yeriya

Poryatunok- need for additional assistance. The need to get help.

Dream Interpretation of Birthday Grass, Cherry, Linden, Sickle

Improve your routine at a critical moment- believe in God.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays: Spring, Summer, Breasts

Learn your routine- Before the disaster on the road.

Dream interpretation of birthdays, fierce, birch, winter

Bachiti, how they lied to you- Until death.

Dream Interpretation Deniz Lin

Routine ve sni- Do you realize that unpaid cherubs harm rich lives and that you will demand a correction? Do you realize that your security is in the hands of others?

If you are constantly engaged in the business of others- be aware that sometimes this behavioral stereotype can lead to dysfunction.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Let's have a little order- associated with the desire to reach the designated individual, who are in charge of him (her) in connection with this, so that the borg is lying on the one who is lying, which may otherwise cause ties.

The girl's routine before the monster's dragon- symbolizes how the mother (sister) was abandoned due to the father’s abuse, and actually committed incest. Rhythm of the soul.

Dream Interpretation of Mandrivnik

Ryatuesh himself- the city and lack of privacy; bark at you- Rozrakhunok; recovery from the crisis; help you- Inconsistencies, violations, claims; spiritual development, mentoring.

Esoteric dream book

Ryatuvatisya- It’s a dream to talk about those who you are afraid for, including for your own life.

Like in your dreams you lied- And in reality everything will be fine. Marvel at who helps you: people, creatures, Kazkov’s realities.

I didn’t dare to pretend- And in reality you have poor prospects.

Collection of dream books

Poryatunok- You need to be punished. You realize that it is not possible to polish the furnishings of your life. It seems to you that your careless fate is in the hands of others. This thought is characteristic of a victim. Remember, there are no victims. And no more volunteers. Take responsibility for your life and everything that happens in it.

Who do you blame?- it means you think that someone needs help.

Dream Interpretation: Varying a drowning child

Why do you dream about drowning Ditin in a dream book?

It seems that the child is in a tone, and you are trying to grab the drowning child - but you may be imagining what in reality you are dreaming about the new family, and you are thinking about adoption, as a biological You will have problems with their children.

Ditini's Rant

Dream Interpretation Rant ditini I dreamed, why do you dream about the Saving Child? To select a sleep dream, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or press it on the letter that characterizes the dream image (if you want to select online dream letters for the letter without any problems).

Now you can find out what it means to study the child’s order, having read below the catless dim dream from the most recent online dream books of Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

Check to what extent your emotional needs are satisfied.

If you feel dissatisfied, choose a different course of action.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Dream Interpretation - Ditina, child

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

Practice your routine at a critical moment - believe in God.

The dance of the drowning child

Dream Interpretation Rant of a drowning child I dreamed, why do you dream about the sound of a drowning child? To select a sleep dream, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or press it on the letter that characterizes the dream image (if you want to select online dream letters for the letter without any problems).

Now you can find out what it means to be in your dreams The routine of the drowning child, having read below the catless dim dreams from the online dream books of Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

In dreams about the order, do you play the role of a warrior or a person who will require the order? If you support others, you may find yourself in the role of a HERO, father or mentor. Who are they, and why do you blame them for helping? The nutritional information will give you the opportunity to understand the role you play in your pelvic system.

It is possible that you will feel oppressed and incompetent in the full sphere of real life. It seems to you that the inheritance of any idiot can lead to a fatal death. If your warrior is known to you from the real life of the denunciation, then you must feed him for the sake of the strategy of struggle that you must lead.

How can we come to our senses without raising the same alarm?

Chi vydbuvavsya poryatunok, unimportant on the move; What was a success and what was a failure?

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

“Range on the waters”, “Rat for the soul”.

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

The order of any associations with a pull to the designated individual, we will be in charge of him (her) in connection with this, so that the borg is lying on the one who is lying, which is how there may be rallies.

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

Do you realize that the cherubs are not given to rich lives and that you will require a correction? Do you realize that your security is in the hands of others? If you are constantly engaged in the behavior of others: be aware that sometimes this behavior pattern can lead to dysfunction.

Check to what extent your emotional needs are satisfied.

If you feel dissatisfied, choose a different course of action.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Ditina is a symbol of hope, the future.

If you dreamed that a child was eaten by an animal, then this dream is about those who will soon appear on Earth on Earth, which will cause serious problems for children. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a sustrich from the Antichrist, who wants to become his disciple.

To see a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future it will happen that the man will be ready to give birth to a child. It is possible, not without the help of dark forces, but this fact will make this man and his child famous throughout the world.

Since in your dream you have cared for a disabled child, such a dream precedes all humanity about the insecurity that our contaminated atmosphere has become. This dream prophesies to the dreamer that he will need help from people.

In your dream, you will see a brute baby in the arms of a sunken woman - a dream to talk about the fact that the Earth is in great trouble. At the upcoming SP I Budynok, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will fall into extinction. If you realize that the situation has become so grave that it can no longer be changed, a person will appear who will find a way out of this terrible illness.

If you dreamed of a child who has no endings, then such a dream is about those that the Earth is in a real threat. Because the middle part is even more congested, many children with various physical problems, as well as mental problems, are being born into the world.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in your dreams is a lucky sign. A happy hour will come on Earth, if love rules the world. People will stop being afraid of war, evil and hunger, and then bring into the world healthy, beautiful children.

Remember that a child running on the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes a snake or kills it, prophesies that humanity will find a way to avoid the threat of nuclear war.

If you have spoiled yourself with a child in your dreams, this is a sign that you have reached that life’s boundary, if you need to look at and change your life.

Cheer up the child for crying - to point out the misfortune of your future.

If you dream about your child, you will know that your hope has been lost.

When you dream about a child whose blood ripples, it means spiritual enlightenment.

Try to sleep on your hands without speaking - try to find a way out of a twisted situation.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Ditina - dream about: ditina is born - wealth. How to dream about a child - this is turboti for good; thin, whiny turbot on trash. A small child is always dreaming of a great bug. Ditina is a super girl, a bijka. Whenever a woman dreams that she is pregnant or has been unemployed for a year, there will be a profit. That same dream for an old woman predicts serious illness and death. If you dream that a child buys more juice, then there will be poverty, and you won’t get over it. Child - attack, welding, bugs. The child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Too many children - anxiety. A child on the shoulders (on the shoulders) of a man means a boy will be born on a woman’s shoulders, and a girl will be born on a woman’s shoulders.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

A cheerful, pretty child is dreamed of before mutual love and meaningful friendship.

The child who is crying is disgusted with self-esteem and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

The woman, who already dreams of nursing a child, expects deception from the person she trusts the most.

Nostradamus noted that the child is dreamed of as a symbol of the hope of the future. Vin interpreted dreams about a child in this way.

If you have already cared for a disabled child in your dream, then the dreamer prophesies this dream from a person who will require his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in your dreams is a lucky sign. A dream in which a child runs on earth means renewal.

If you have already spoiled yourself with a child, then you have come to this life’s boundary, if you need to look at and change your life.

Having told the child that you are crying, know that you are pointing out the insecurity of your future.

If you joked about your child in your dreams, you will find that your hope has been lost.

A dream about a child who is ripening her blood means spiritual enlightenment.

You’ve tried to sleep on your hands and try to find a way out of the twisted situation.

And the axis of interpretation by D. Loff: “As the object of your dreams, the child is something that evokes turbotia and respect. Here it is important to consider whether you are consistent with yourself or not.

Women of their child-bearing age may dream about the participation of a child as a reflection of their instinct to give birth to children. For people, such dreams signal a significant period of restlessness, especially for sexually active people, who are often associated with the fear of the father’s duties.”

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Ditina is a symbol of prolongation of life, but also trouble and restlessness. If you dreamed of a child, then you can proudly say that in reality you are very worried about what is happening to you, which does not give you peace. Child in dreams means that no matter your troubles, you do not deny the desired result. Trim the baby in your arms, roll it around, you will need a lot, and the path to success will not be easy. The dream in which you grow up as a child promises you a lot on the right, otherwise it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punish a child in your dreams, which means that in reality you perceive great incompetence, and you have to fight a robot that is not like you.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina, child

If they want to worry about someone, then they will say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Chantly, one of the most widespread expressions is this: “No matter how the child calmed down or cried.”

The child is a symbol of trouble, restlessness, sloppiness, instability, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can confidently say that you are already experiencing those who are about to come, which does not give you peace, and this is your signal In my spiritual state, a child appears in the dream .

If you dreamed of a child crying, then this is a sign that, regardless of all your troubles, you do not take away what you need.

Trim the baby in your arms, pin it, crouch it - in reality you will need a lot of dedication, so the path to success will not be easy.

The dream that you have a child promises you a good deal that will end with a benefit for you, bringing you moral and material satisfaction.

Punish the child in your dreams - in reality you will notice incompetence, discomfort, and the fact that you will end up with a robot that is not like you.

Dream Interpretation - Poryatunok

Practice your routine in every dream - before a disaster on the road.

Do you ever dream about dragging a child out of water? And the child was my friend.


Avlaak'x Mage

From Saturday to a week to take empty dreams

Oleg Pikalov

children how many rocks? child, it’s a wonder I think you’ll be amazed

Olena Elshina

I dream about water until it rises (about you), about a child until it suffers (boy), or about a meal (about you).



I dreamed of a motor train crash, in which my mother and I were riding among the passengers. However, I managed to get her out of the carriage even before the disaster. I ran with her, taking her hand, her shield, trying to pull her away from the carriage that was rolling behind us. We drained with all our remaining strength, after which I turned around and cried that all this fear had flown and we would no longer be threatened by insecurity. With relief, I led them with me and we left the place of collapse whole and unharmed. Holy crap! Good, everything worked out, help me get married! Yuck!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The priest, who helped you in this dream, who was the leader of everything, expects you to know the height of your urgent problems.


I dreamed that I was walking in the park and saw a child hanging over the crossbars over the river, then falls and lies on the bottom, turning her lips like “mother.” I throw myself into the water and do yoga. He is even thinner and meaner.
What am I really afraid of?


I always dreamed that I was holding two little baby dolphins, carrying them around a closed body of water. What does this mean?


After twisting a great ball of sand around the living room, I pull the girl by the leg. Vaughn is alive, but has exposed the Kamyans. The black color of her hair was strongly etched in her memory. Why is the dream interrupted?


It occurred to me that a group of my acquaintances (not my close friends) needed to be deprived of the place in which they were. It's time for winter to rock, it's frosty, the Girsky landscape. And I make a decision that I need to go back to the little house where we lived for some hedgehog, and we can decide to go on the road and we can get together in some winter and go on our way together. I respect that, besides us, there is absolutely no one in these snows, it is impossible to get in touch with other people.
I went to the booth, picked up my food, and put the backpack on my shoulder. As soon as I left the house, the sun was already behind the mountains, and the already intoxicated locality became dark gray and ominous. I became scared when I looked around all the time. I realized that I would no longer be able to catch up with my comrades, because now it was dark, I needed to go much further, through deep snow, severe frost, I realized that I had spent too many hours.
The picture comes - I’m flying on a small aircraft. I run my company on the same page because I am a hut. It stinks for my appearance. I land before them and realize that a lot of things have happened since we parted (maybe up to 10). Far away, we are already flying over the water and I think it would be better to land the flyer. On the birch there is no longer a hidden place, but a place. The grass has been chewed (maybe it’s spring already), I’m choosing a place to plant, now everything will be fine, we’ve gotten out of the snow full. I'm throwing away

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Those who in your dream had such a routine, more than anything, talk about those who you will definitely be able to find out the way out of their difficult situation.


I dreamed that I, my mother, my friends and another guy I didn’t know went to the emergency room, everything was fine, but my friends started to step on the extended threads as they swelled, I couldn’t turn them in, then the guy I didn’t know our white threads, and I said, without stepping on, I tried to give my hand, something like this, but it turned out that I had already swelled, I was in a stronger shock because of this... and when I finally helped my mother go through the threads, I told her how to go a result, the dream ended with me and my mother on the beach at the same time... and I fell asleep.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Those who have such a plot in a dream, it is best to talk about those that you may need from your loved ones.


Having fallen into a motor sleep, my partner and I find ourselves in an unknown place, dark, evening, winter. An unknown woman came up to me and it seemed that in the basement, in the hut where I was supposed to stand, the homeless yard dogs had hunted down some guy to bite. I realize that I’m going to talk about my son and I’m running to hell. I’m leaving my baby, she’s 1.5 years old, although she’s actually 6 years old, she’s standing there, unable to speak or call for help, playing dogs has left her and bites her in various parts. oh, people are passing by, oh No one has any respect here. I buried my son, snatched him up and ran over, the dogs disappeared. It became clear on the street and I saw 3 bites on the child, the stench was similar to a snake, 2 holes in three places. One bite right on the forehead. The man and I ran to ask the Swede if I could help him, but they told us that the car was arriving and said that we could have come ourselves. So we quickly started to check for the bus to go to the doctor’s office. We boarded the bus in the Radian hours, there were even more people in the new one, no one gave up my place, and I stood with my son in my arms. The bus crashed from the place and went at a speed of 20 km/year. I started to get overwhelmed - why are we going so crazy? But everyone was amazed at everything and no one lost their respect for me. He just said that the bus is too old and we can’t travel anymore. Having arrived at the doctor's office, we ran up to the registry, and the woman who was sitting there closed it in front of our noses at the end, saying that it was a shame and that she would never talk to us. I ran through the corridors and looked for doctors, but there were a lot of people around, everyone was amazed at me. Please, I realized that I’m not in the doctor’s office, but in the Pension Fund and no one can help me here. . A young woman in a white robe was praising her, and she turned towards me and said that she would help her son. Vona took Yogo in her arms and smoked in front of her. Chekati said. I sat down in the hallway, checking, and looked around the office - there were old people, pensioners, sitting, checking for drawings for their pensions. Then this woman came out of the pharmacy and said that she had had the opportunity to operate on my son, who had recently caught him lying, although he had had the opportunity to open his eye because of a dog bite. And she handed me a bowl behind my son’s eye. I screamed, and she laughed loudly and obscenely and said that she was burning about the eye. I marvel at the bowl, and in it is not an eye, but a raspberry, a berry. The woman explained to me that she was looking at this juice from her stomach. She's been dead for a long time, and she's wasted her little boat, so she's still alive, and she's respected you. This is how I ran and fought for my son.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, most likely, is ahead of what you happen to have, brothers and sisters.


I had a dream about how I was casting a spell on my friend... I got into a fight with her a long time ago... and she died in a violent way... she lay there for 1 day and was already dead... and the next day I began to work on her piecework... As a result, she came to life! I’ve been quarreling with this class for a long time now, why bother... I really want to make peace! Maybe this dream, so that I can make peace with them???


I dreamed that I was at my grandmother’s in the village, standing white in a child’s robe (with a white football shirt and a horny eye, and in my hand a erysipelas with a sparkle on the end) of a small boy, (1 rik.) little fox boy. close to the road. And then a car comes around the corner, it’s too big. And I’m going straight to the baby. I walk out of the yard and grab the guy, right in front of the car. at the zustrich, at which all the yards look in and scream. Having greeted us, she cheered us up, ran up, took the little one and began to yack. She said there was a computer with her. I finally walked to my door.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, which has such a plot, is most likely to talk about those who have a long-standing result in dealing with you, which is not directly related to you.


In my dreams, I was in an unknown place with a man and a group of people unknown to me. (In reality, a person wants to separate from someone else) We were on the street. I immediately noticed that in the distance on the birch of the sea there was a tree rising. I think: everything, the end of the world, needs to be fought. I shout to everyone to flow, we flow through the water. Then I realize that a lot of water hasn’t arrived, only up to the knee. And then my man drowns me, as I was lost in the swamp and tone. I cut without worrying about ryatuvati yogo. And I feel that I’m not in a swamp, but by the water, with the ease of my hand, I can find myself. And I understand again that there is a need to fight. I'm running again. In my dreams, I also know that the person has another, then I’ll call you and it seems that now everything is over with all the military people and between them. If we talk about the price, I understand that everything will be right with us now.
I woke up happy.
I had a dream from 23 to 24 breasts from Friday to Saturday.
Please help me please. I tried to decipher it myself, but I had a lot of dreams. . .
Behind the scenes. By car, Peligrosa.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

This story, which covers everything, is about those that you will no longer need from your close circle of contacts to the nearest future.


I dreamed that I was raising people (I didn’t know, but I don’t remember them! I remember calling them by their names) and horses from the water. The water is bula blakitna, the ale trochi is kalamutna. It's time to rock, it's winter. What could this mean?


I dreamed of two children and a girl, the boy and two wives wanted to kill the children and the girl and die themselves. I pulled the girl out of her sores. Ale my wife told me I’m going to die nervously. I knew the reason. Vaughn raised her children as different people. The woman told us to go down by the sewer hatch and die unevenly.


I dreamed that we were on the deck of a great liner of a ship and there was a storm in front of the ship just off the shore, with my civilian man, and the axis of the ship was sinking and we were being pulled behind it, I was losing it and I already realized that everything was over, I was lost, i axis I'm shaking my hand as if the fireplace is being pulled so that I'll grab for it, but I'm not sure yet and I don't understand who this hand is. And when I started to worry about her, I realized and realized that this is my man. And I started to pull us together quickly, and I also helped you. Then we stumbled on some tall wooden beams, a terrible angry wind. We were mulling one by one.


I dreamed that I was fighting a group of people and one of them was a lad, and they were screaming and it’s good that they didn’t beat him, after about an hour I turned on and I happened to break the head of the one who beat him, there was a lot of blood in the snow, I was angry, irila The pulse of the one I beat was still alive, then I took the beaten lad in my arms and carried him to where, what does this mean?


I dreamed that I was robbing 8 small children from a burning cabin. Budinok will be great and I will conquer all the mountains named. Before I left, my mother tried to complain to me, but nothing came of it. And when I entered the new one, it was long before I had to run to the remaining room. When I reached her, I picked up 8 babies, and in such a manner I took them all in my arms, and ran to the exit, and at which I threw myself:(


Yesterday night (06/27/2012) I dreamed that I was standing on a birch of some sea or river, and some angry boy with small white cats in his hands splashed into the water, walked into the water up to his waist and began to drown the cat. A wide wooden club appears in my hand, I run to the boy and try to beat him, taking the knife. Suddenly I turned the mow, the boy ran to the shore and started calling for help from his relatives, they came to the river trying to pick up the mow, and then I continued to beat them with my club, holding the mow in my hand. I was in terrible fear, I was really afraid to spend the coin, but I lost it alive, all wet, shaking in the valley. Please show me what this dream means.


I dreamed that I was walking along the road to the winter....nearby there is a river flowing near the ice! water….the stinks are shaking in the cold…..Ale vreshti-resht I’m screwing them up…..Suggest what’s the point? Dyakuyu...


I dreamed that we were flying in a helicopter from the battlefield! They descended lower and 2 of our soldiers were cut off before us, but only the motorcycles that were hanging around at the bottom of the helicopter were grabbed! with my foot and I began to pull him into the helicopter with a net! then another


I dreamed that we were flying in a helicopter from the battlefield! They descended lower and 2 of our soldiers were cut off before us, but only the motorcycles that were hanging around at the bottom of the helicopter were grabbed! with my foot and I began to tighten it around the helicopter with a net! Then the other pulled in the other


I had a dream that some kind of maniac wanted to attack my friend, but I suddenly swung and pushed him down, falling, or I hit him, I don’t know. Now my sleep is even more turbulent. It turned out that I had already betrayed my friend in a dream.


I am dreaming like a very young newlywed girl. Viklikav shvidku. Ale shvidka was driving at full speed. I myself went for the Swedish help and went, masterfully maneuvering and getting around. The dead girl was stolen.


Hello, I had a dream that I was holding a little baby crocodile, I placed him near the bathtub and put him in his place, so we can lie down and talk about him. Then it turned out that I wanted to drain all the water and the baby didn’t die a little, I took him in my arms and cried a lot, having changed completely and starting to cry with my finger, I poured water into a small reservoir and blew him like a fly as I caught him with my hands .... but in The end is over, but you still see it and have changed. (I just love creatures so much and I worry through them so much)


I had a dream from Friday on Saturday, part of the dream was like this:
I cooked with the girl and we went to different sides, getting over the edge and I started to run after the kohana, rather than get it. As one of the budkas ran past, I felt her cry, ran away to what was once the basement, and she was sitting on the table with her arms and legs tied, I untied her and hugged her. This is where I slipped up. Tell me, until what time?


I’m swinging with my friend on a majestic ride, like on an amusement ride, and I’m drowning in spirit, but we’re not pinned down. She seems to have enough time to get upset, but I won’t get upset, she’ll get upset herself. And the axle was upside down on the mountain. At first it was scary, my arms and legs were tired of rubbing my body, and then I walked around the hut and we went down to it, but then not a friend appeared, but a friend, an unknown girl. I understand that Dmitro Medvedev is already going to fly us, and I tell the girls to sit back so as not to harm him. We sat down and lied to us. Then we marveled at him alone in the room.


Hello, I had a dream that I was going to work carrying a white cat under my T-shirt... then I get to the singing place... I realize that there is nothing! .., and he starts to scratch me.. bite me..., I try to throw him out of my hands, and he gets his nails on my ankle... as a result, I threw him away... I won... and finally I found my fluffy white cat) Help Rose brothers, what is this! ??


I had a dream: an apartment on the fifth floor. She has me, a man who still wants it. On the balcony there are a lot of potters' flowers, one of them is colored (beautiful orange flowers). I tell the people that when I water the flowers, I’ll pick them up from the booths, that’s why I. the weather is crazy. I go out to the balcony of the apartment and take it from him. Rapidly it falls down. Surprised, I looked for screws and bolts. A guy is running downstairs, I ask him to lift him up and bring me some screws, so I can do it. Go to the balcony before me, and then you’ll be ready. The balcony begins to get dirty, hoping to melt less, then completely disappear. I suddenly feel like I’m leaving the balcony and asking the boy to help me out. Vin is afraid of collapsing. I take Yogo by the hand and literally drag him to the booth. As a result, no one was harmed: not me, not the boy, not the couple. And nothing was leaking from the balcony. P.S. Even though I’m already afraid of heights, I’ve never been afraid to look down. I was even afraid for the boy and for everything. What bad things could happen to them?


I turned back at the rocks when I went to the pioneer camp. Only with a great young man I didn’t have a room, but my (nine) dacha. "To which I say, "Well, I'll go in front, and you'll follow me." And at any moment I feel bad, I lose my pride. I shout to my friend to help him, and I run to the bathtub and begin to bring him to you. V'yacheslav knew the ammonia and the cold water was used to come to you and already walked behind me.


An unknown man is beating his gut to death, I sneak out of him and go to the creature lying on the ground, there is no crumb, I think that she is dead. I pick her up and carry her to the hut, where I mark her hand. What could all this mean, what does it mean - the mast rose.


They floated with their big man along the river on a raft and rescued the children who were drowning with it. After that, as they were lying, they began to talk to him, and then a large, golden and green birch tree grew between us. Can you tell me what this dream is about?


I dreamed that a dog had fallen into a field and I was dragging it. Bachila dipped her hands into the Križana water, but I was not cold. If the hero picked up a dog, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction.


I'm constantly learning that my man is watching from the snares in the car and in the water. I yogo wreath water The water is pure ale tsey times buv brud. Tse dream I bach 5 times


I had a dream that I was walking with my beloved niece, while saving the sea, I took her bathing by the water for a long time, through a child soaked in the clear water, when I reached the bottom, I rushed ivchinka) at the moment of confusion I realized What is required is very fast. she could have disappeared into the gloomy darkness and I wouldn’t know anymore, and here the drownings of a man without a sign of life begin to grow, here I’m pestering the girl and I don’t think about the man anymore, I’m climbing the mountain Everything worked out happily and it was a miracle that the child was able to return to life. And only after whom I again lie to a friend, and then a little girl meets me, I take her from the water, it became more important to turn to life, after handing over the girls to their mothers, I pleased take them to the doctor, they didn’t deserve the wondrous look. Then I guessed that I deprived my niece of white water and immediately ruined the jokes of the whole and untrainedly boasted to her that I caught up with two girls while she was swimming and I became even more disgraceful so I didn’t fall for the jokes of that man who Having drowned, I might have given in to the rescue, but I didn’t wash myself with soap and didn’t call anyone for help, believing that except for me there was no one to do anything for. Now my conscience no longer torments me.


Previously, it was like a gut ore throwing itself at me, trying to taste it, and then I put it in a cage. From Thursday to Friday there will be a white cat, who wants to be caught near the window. I'm pretty sure my gut is a typical mess. It's been pinched by the flat. ryat і її. everyone is alive


I dreamed of a falling flyer that crashed and I ran away to kill people, and there were only children from 1 to 5 years old, there were about 9 children. and then people began to wander around the hamlets and share the pennies and I then knew a little and took... and then all sorts of people came and began to call and joke about the pennies they had stolen


I dreamed that there were two “I”s, one for the help, and the other, a kind of guardian angel for the help.. What was going on with “me” for the help. was with the body of an angel.. “I” rightly said so that the angel let her go...
I hope you have made me understand.. I really want to understand what this dream means..


Explain, kindly, what the coming dream could mean.
I see I’m trimming a kochen in my hands. I marvel at him and see how his head hangs through his broken wrist. The brush is similar to a human pipe. I think about how to twist it, how to grow a brush, I sing to the fact that the brush is intact. I come up with the idea of ​​gluing the brush together, but I throw out this thought, just like a ball of glue will cause the brushes to grow. I’m thinking about how to fix it, going through a variety of options. That's all.


I dreamed of me and a friend, we were here. Then we went for a swim, there were strong convulsions, I shook my head and came out and my huge man didn’t listen to me to swim. close it and I can’t see anything, I walked I was wondering then when I got home that this is the last time I was swimming there, where I was swimming, I went there, I made my way there, I went there, and there my civilian man had already left and two more people were with him, don’t bother me, I kicked him the person to pull him out I snapped. please tell me what a dream this is.


I dreamed of me and a friend, we were here. Then we went for a swim, there were strong convulsions, I shook my head and came out and my huge man didn’t listen to me to swim. close it and I can’t see anything, I walked I was wondering then when I got home that this is the last time I was swimming there, where I was swimming, I went there, I made my way there, I went there, and there my civilian man had already left and two more people were with him, don’t bother me, I kicked him the person to pull him out I snapped. tell me, dear caress, why can you tell me this dream?


I dreamed of me and a friend. Then we went swimming, there were strong pains, I was shaking, I came out of the water, and my friend, without listening to me, asked me to swim. wow, I can’t see it, I’m looking for Hodja, then I guessed it de vin the last time I swam there myself where I swam, I ran in that bek de vin used to make my way there, I went there, and there my civilian man had already spilled and with him two more people unknown to me, I kicked until the end I wanted to pull him out and threw myself over. Please tell me, kindly, why is this dream happening?


I dreamed that I was walking through a field of bushes, even a green field, where there was a path. And all the feathers begin to fly in rapid succession, and my dear grandfather screams for me to tick. I ran and turned around, it was like a train was swaying and a stop that was worth a handrail fell on my grandfather, and knocked him in. In general, they have settled my life and dreams.
Tell me, kindly, why such a dream is so dreamy


I ran to the edge of gloom, sat down. Hanging on the edge was my friend, any human being, clutching at the pipes. I grabbed my hand and tried to pull it out, only to squeeze it and fly down. I screamed and cried.
The dream was black and white, soundless, from Saturday to a week.
Help me get married, please! I couldn’t guess this dream all day, but when I guessed it, I immediately started crying.



I was hit (slightly run over) by a car. And I wondered that the girl was behind the kerma, so she could sleep. I started to wake her up, she didn’t lose sleep, I checked her pulse. The girl was still alive, but not sad. I turned off the car and pulled out the girl. She came to you at about an hour, but then turned off. I brought it home, the Swedish phone didn’t come out for various reasons, they didn’t drive, they couldn’t get through. The girl lay unattractive even if I took care of the little child (I wanted her to be a plush witch right away. But I clearly knew that she was a child). The child’s eyes were so flattened, but when I took him in my arms, they flattened her eyes, not crying, but only splashing her eyes and marveling at all her sides. then they woke me up


I dreamed that I was hit by a car, but not too much, and I didn’t feel the pain. There was a girl at the car. I thought that she had fallen asleep behind the kerm, I started to wake her up, but she didn’t wake up. I realized that the girl was getting tired. I took her home, where I tried to bring her home and steadily monitored her pulse, but there was no sign of calling. Either they didn’t go, they didn’t take the hearing aid, then they asked to check. Then I walked with this girl under the hand of a child (at first she was a plush witch, but I clearly knew that she was a child). I took the word in my arms, flattening my eyes and cheeks and looking at my different sides. I slipped up


In a dream, a friend fell through the ice and began to drown, it turned out that the flowing little bits were carried into his back and forth, trying to break through the ice to the top, at that time I took a club and broke through the ice while lying on the ground, trying to make a go to the top and give your hand or schopiti. yogo th vityagniti.


I dreamed that I was riding a bike with my mother and at the turn I threw some baby into the lake, like a bosin of marmur deposits, my mother went far away and couldn’t help me and the white lake was full of people but no one could help me And then there was one guy passing by and I was hooked on I pulled my hand out like that. My name is Sveta, I am ten rocks, soon I will be eleven


I dreamed that I was in a crazy pool. My cousin's gang fell into a pool of ice and began to swim vigorously, wrestling into my body. She sat on the edge of the pool with her hand outstretched and pulled her from the water.


It happened, I stole 2 light-gray cochens from the storm, rolled them, brought them home - I was amazed, and the stench of the dachshunds was ruddy.
What does this mean?


Hello. I dreamed that it was winter and a very high snowy mountain, I fell from it, but then I climbed up to the mountain itself and was completely lost - a small trampoline, but I didn’t have the strength to get out on my own, a ba passed by But my children, I asked for help from no one although when I was completely unsure, a girl came up and pulled me, then I found her and kissed me!


I had a dream from Thursday to Friday:
Having visited such a great quarter of the rich on the surface, I had a view from my homeland of the quarters of the rich on the surface, turning out of the window, feeling the vibrating booth, turning around, smelling the black smoke that rises into the sky. I made the decision to leave this booth, and after a singing interval, two more booths recognized the vibuha with the black smoke. Then, having buried the documents of Krosivka and all the lives above, only one appeared. standing in the air of the Boeing 747, looking out into the dark smog, I was respected by the booths and trees, making a run along the highway and lifting it from the wind. then everything started to burn. Axis, everything was so smoothly, I practically don’t dream - that’s 2 dreams of this fate.


I dreamed that I was on the beach with my son. The wine is in my hands, unlovable, my friend, go out, my son, although I didn’t chew it anymore. Then he lets the baby out of the water, and I prop myself up and pull the baby out of the water. What can this mean, please show me. I'm really worried about this.


After I left the church, I was attacked by unknown people. Before me, a lot of people had met with us and were fighting against people who were harassing us. When we shared, I ran away from someone I knew straight away and onto the road, I got tired of riding the bus, and the big bus spilled over. I rushed to help. Having checked everything and pulled out a few passengers from the full of slimy monster, I went further. I ran into territory unknown to me and ended up in a remote corner. I noticed someone’s cats, which showed with all their looks that I was an unwelcome guest here. I'm pishov. Appearing again at the church. I remember the beginning of the battle. I went to the middle of the temple. And with spells unknown to me, I became deprived of fireplaces. Everything in me was starting to bother me. Then I came to my senses, finally.


I dreamed that I was in America, on a great holy day. We see a lot of American people. It got dark, everyone went home and it was necessary to cross the hall, I walked around this mass so that they wouldn’t bother me and went out onto the highway. Soon, a little girl is standing on the road 3 with a soft toy in her hands, and on her Here is the car, and Don't bother. I ran up, grabbed the girl in my arms and walked along the road.


The boy 2-3 years ago fell in a hole with a gap in the water, I grabbed him with my hand and grabbed him by the belly and didn’t know how to turn him back to my father


I died when my friend was drowning and my sister and I were pulled by the hands from the water…..then they kissed me on the lips….their teeth were grinding against each other…


I and another person were trapped in a hangar made of planks, with a lot of knives lying in the crevices and on the underside. And then children run in and start throwing knives, they get hit in the shoulder and in the chest, I pull them out and throw them back, then everything is allowed. We live among marriages and not only that. And here we understand that we live on an island, on which 80-100 years of life are experienced. The island is completely submerged under water. And that man who was with me. It is advisable to bury these people, because the island near the shield will sink into the water for days. at the results. We are surrounded by a group of men, women and children. just like that, the dream will end)) the dream will end until the end. What's the matter, behind my plank hangar - there was an attempt for these people to awaken the ark of the ark, but for many years without getting any... well, the axis is barvisto.


Good afternoon. I had 2 dreams, please help them out.
1. I dreamed that I found a girl at the Kalamut lake and found a girl who went under the water. The bottom was washed out with broken cans in a new place, but my hands were not hurt. I saw the girl together with her father, and I don’t know him.
2. I was swimming in a river with very strong and restless currents, but the stink of less atoms did not escape, I felt like a fish, swimming both with the current and against it. Buv at the swimming trunks in both dreams.
If you can with the mast be a caress from afar


Hello. I had a dream on Friday: I, my brother and our aunt are running as far as the banks of the river, wanting to save my nephew. There was a very strong wind in the air, so strong that it seemed like we would fly at once. , Just wash your feet on the surface, we were angry, but I throw a stone to check whether they are alive or not. , 3 months ago, having died in a very great fire, I did not dare to lie down. Why did I have such a dream??? Yuck!


Hello, I had a dream today, I, my brother and aunt are running above the bank of the river, we want to grab our nephew, even though there is a strong wind, we still reach I give you a stone, check the living chi We won’t break, we’ll pull it out, we’ll give it a warm black jacket and we’ll bark something for playing like this, even if we might drown, we have to admit, we laugh, and it seems like it’s National Day today. In fact, his nephew died almost 3 months ago in a great fire. Why did you have a dream?


Hello, I just want to point out that after this dream I lost some sense of disappointment and dissatisfaction.

In my dreams, I got drunk with a little girl I didn’t know, in another place I knew. We walked, drank, laughed, everything was good, went home to her, and we had oral sex.

After that we went for a walk again, and she began to say that her legs hurt, I suggested taking her in my arms and taking her to the nearest doctor, she was fine, and after several attempts to take her hands, frantic towards her, I don’t Feeling the confirmation, a few more times I turned to her, and the answer was a murmur. All the negative feelings, fear, pain, disappointment, pity fell upon me. I quickly grab them on my shoulder and run to the doctor’s office, meeting my acquaintances according to the dose, and one of them is suitable to show up at the doctor’s office. We begin to flow, and I realize that we are no longer in a place, but in the intersection of locality. At first it was just grass, then we ran through all sorts of mountains, serpentines, drops, waterfalls, rivers, etc. So, on the way, I am dear to my grandfather. As a result, this dream ended with the fact that I simply lost this girl in my hands, while walking to the doctor’s office, I disappeared. I’ve been wondering about this for a long time, but I still don’t know.

Thank you, I hope you will reveal what this dream could mean.


I had a dream... as if in reality it happened... in the village of the mountains there were little houses of culture and I gave birth to two children. Not our own... and we stood and marveled at how it burned. I threw myself into a terrible state. Help us understand what's up! Behind the scenes!


The burning booth for the liberation of the burners had been in the sky for a long time, but they were not there for a long time, having started to collapse, I myself went into the booth, I found a child there in the sitting room, I calmly disappeared and I am sitting at the unknown table, a lad in the eyepieces of me And they decided to turn them away! What does this mean?


Robiv piece-death to the dead friend. There was another man in the room with me (the brother of the dead man), to whom I tried to work a piece of work, but he got angry and had a chance to work for me. The body felt colder by a dozen. There was barely a pulse, but all of a sudden there was a pulse, and I fell over. Come out, I didn’t lie to my friend.


We dreamed of pensioners who were our place. It really stinks, proud to have been a 60-year-old Komsomol activist. So the stench was on Saturday, it’s true that we pass at Kvitna, until the Day of the World. They dug up and planted trees. And then they set up fireworks and lit it up. Everyone left, and my little nephew, 5 rocks, rushed to the fireworks, which had not yet burned. And I, in fear for him, rushed to attack him. I buried him before the rocket burst into flames and scattered sparks into the sky, I carried him in my arms, and then they took him away from me and only told me that he had died in custody. Although I didn’t hurt my wounds, I didn’t feel like I was crying. Alya became so scared because of this little one. I called home and everything was in vain, but the dream was even worse. I hope you can help me in any way I can. All the best.


I go into the room of a friend of mine who has a very successful business - reasonable, and there a cat attacks 2 adult hedgehogs, on a gun, and grinds them to the point of bleeding. I pick these hedgehogs from the cat and keep them in my bosom, there’s no stink, then I see that the cat has grown onto a bunch of leaves covered with square doors, and there’s a hedgehog under it!!! I drove the cat away and collected all the little hedgehogs and put them in my bosom. There were a lot of them, maybe 7 – 8. I stand there and wonder why I should work with them? You can’t leave it in the room - it’s already lost, you can’t take it out into the street, you can’t die, they stink in the little room…..I threw up

Katerina S:

Hello. Meni 17 meni sleep dream I was in a desert on an expedition or something like that, I instructed 5 people of the last century to mark the place near the mountain of the sun and on the mountain 10 types of marks stood old in front and on the left side there was broken, a z right i z the rear was completely intact. I walked around the booth, looking at it, it was right-handed, it was a little dark there, and looking down, I became scared as if there was a mountain on which I stood; Then, all the time, I raised my eyes to the mountain and noticed that the three-node cord was torn and was liable to fall into them on the people. I ran through the mime, stabbed the people with their head down, and behind us this healthy piece of clothing scattered into pieces, I threw myself over like I was in a terrible dream. Now my soul just wants to cry and not leave the house because it’s so empty.


I dreamed that I was a beautiful girl from the river, and a girl was lying, the daughter of a different man from my former lover.


It was winter, in a ravine with ice and mixed with pure water! A girl was drowning in the water, until her sister rushed (as I realized in my dreams), but she could not pull her out, and I walked by and rushed in a fur coat to grab this girl, and I did.


Hello, Tetyano. In my dream there was a war with the Germans. At first we were traveling by train, then I don’t remember what happened! I already clearly remember one moment, I didn’t want to kill one of the Germans, I boasted about it, the Russian man stood and simply marveled, and the girl of the same nationality ran for help, and then I felt I shot, the man this girl called, Having fought with the German, he himself killed me. I ran away, hugged him with tears in my eyes and exhaustion. Here I slipped up. I knew this girl, but I don’t remember who she was. And the man, who knows, is still alive despite his injuries.


In whose dream everything was confused, it was calm as if out of fear and anxiety. I realized that my wonderful best friend was collapsing at my side, (like enemies) and I ran away from her. I didn’t want them to touch us, but my mother came after me, she went out completely, I tried to get some water, and we finally found ourselves on fire in that part of the area, through which my crazy friend definitely would not have gone. it was scary, I was afraid. girlfriend. What do we need to know?
in this part of the area they brutalized us, it was quiet and a little motor-driven. The booths were bright, barvy, with a red target, it was cramped. And with a rapture I see in front of me the girl who was lying on the road, she was dark, covered in blood, she was still so wonderfully swaying. I remember those three hands. I studied everything in detail.
Then I, angry, sharply turned back and shouted “let's get out of here, maybe you're committing suicide.” And everything and as if nothing had happened, I went back.
Then everything changed dramatically, my great friend, as I was afraid, was no longer there. It was me and this girl who committed suicide. she came to life. As soon as it appeared, I pretended to be so. Then the plot turned out in such a way that she lied to me. So we were screwed alone. first I am, then there is me. everything happened in the old cafe, like everything happened in the past. old narrow streets, carriages with horses, gray wet asphalt.


I was screaming at the death of the child, trying to strangle him with a motuzka and dragging him across the field, taking the boy and his young brother with her, trying to get in with them so that they could turn across the water, it was even more important, but they still got out


The child plays in the pool and with us (she didn’t show any signs) we sit and watch after her, then she is reluctant to swim in the water, I jump and throw myself at the very bottom after her, the pool is deep, I pull it out, swim under the water I can’t remember it myself . The first time I had this dream, I don’t remember which dress I was in, and the second time I was in the red evening cloth.


Hello, I realized that I was lying near the bathtub in a blue-colored basin under the water, the water was turned on, I pulled in the bathtub and began to pump out the water, press on my heart and start breathing. As a result, all the water came out of it and came up to you and surrounded me, on which I threw all the sir.


Walking along the lake, she touched the child as she cut off the water. I ran, snatched some water, trying to squeeze it out. It was very dark and cold. I came up with water and wanted to ask the lekhtarik to take a better look. And this little girl is standing on the birch tree, crying “Mommy, let’s go,” and in her hands is a towel.


a great storm and in new water and a lot of people I climb and I want to steal everyone and I find all sorts of objects. Get off the motorcycles and get them out! near the forest and the tabir that I lead everyone there so that they can smell themselves! in a nutshell


I was in the sea, it was colder and blue and I was respected about two meters away, but I wasn’t afraid and I was rotating the helicopter. I found a cable near the water, wrapped it around my neck and the helicopter lifted me and, as if they were not surprisingly delighted, threw me into the train, where people were traveling and just as I stumbled at the vestibule, I got lost through those who had forgotten the cigarettes here)


I had a dream that I was trying to put the girl in the fire. She slept, but didn’t want to fight. When I started to extinguish the fire on it, I didn’t fix the supports. She lied to the girl.


I dreamed that in the college where I would start learning a lot, a lot. And I, along with those who were in charge of me, had the opportunity to recruit people who were in college. Don’t be surprised at the fact that I was going to get a lot of money, I felt good. And so I went to the office, in which there was a small wallet, where in reality I had a good hundred hundred. I open the doors and watch as she tries to get out. I take them by the hands and we walk out to the exit, after which the administration of the college thinks that there will be a concert dedicated to the college and the people at which I can dance together with my friend. But for obvious reasons, it turns out that I won’t dance. I turn around and walk, the cash register is right behind me (as I was telling) and they begin to calm me down.
What would you dream about? in advance for your testimony.


I dreamed that I was trying to steal the girl for 7 years... and the screw had changed in the past. I led her by the hand and walked through the corridors of the school, and I started to learn.. Wrapping up the black bag, I could have wasted in the past, then today, I was looking for a person with whom Rosmova could get stuck on the next day of the girl... and sometimes I wasted in my past , there weren’t any, just awareness of what my life was about, not my life, and at such moments I felt an inner voice saying: “stop thinking about yourself and your past, otherwise you won’t get to it, and you need help.” you girls"…
When I was a child, I had a similar...even vivid dream, which I remember to this day...I feel tired in my sleep, I fall on my knees, an old woman comes up to me, puts her fingers to her forehead, raising her to her feet... a few times. in a stern commanding voice: “Wonder at the mountain!” “How do you love people when you spend the whole hour wondering in the distance”

Yertsi 20 rocks:

Hello Tetyana. I am a student. I had a really wonderful dream. Recently I was sitting in the audience, and my classmate began to choke (she’s sick, and in reality she often gets caught), I run out at the same time with another girl, whom I don’t like, grab the one who’s choking, and take her to the toilet. I'm yelling at you to beat me up. I stand at the sink and begin to grab the girl. sprinkle with water, give it water so that it drips, at the end, drink it and lead it back to the office. She fell asleep in my arms, I ask everyone to make her a bed at some point. I put her to bed. I’m sitting there and those girls are annoying me, starting to get at me, teasing me, etc. I put on a hijab and sit and show off. in the end it proves to me, and I will beat it. They’re separating us, and I realize that my hijab is torn, and I’m even angrier... at this point I lost my mind. (I never wore a hijab)


I dreamed of me dragging a girl around the house. There they did not understand and kept under lock and key, wanting to punish them. They flowed in with her.


Hello, Tetyano! I dreamed that we were standing on the road across the road, right at the camp, we knew a lot of people…. My colleague sat in his old BMW and when he started the engine, the car burst into flames, due to the inertia it drove across the road and stopped on another side, burned out... we all ran away, I ran ahead and it was important for me to get away first, opened the car doors and began to pull I saw my old colleague there, who was untidy and very burnt, at which she said: “Darling, don’t just die, just live!” She flattened her eyes, squealed... and then threw up...


I had a dream - it’s winter, I’m walking along the path with my comrades, I wake up, I don’t even notice that my comrade, walking ahead, falls into a deep pothole 2-3 meters deep, I approach and begin to laugh because my friend is swimming, ale I sharply notice that it’s a girl, I immediately shave and pull it out of the water with one hand, the carpet appears, I take the wet clothes from it, except for the underwear, I wrap it up I carry her in my arms all the way home . Without any vulgar thoughts and when I convey it to her little room, treat us like a sister or a friend, but say nothing and she herself begins to say that everyone let me go, a few days later it appears that I love her in the same dream and in the bar and With this group of people I know, friends will sing to us all at once at the club, but she is convinced that I am sure that our relationship with her will end.
I will be very grateful for your testimony.


I dreamed that I was beaten by unknown boys, and then a majestic young lion comes in and curses me, and then I follow him, and we leave. What can this dream mean?


Bachiv, as the girl sank to the bottom of the sea. I farted and twisted it. If you turn around, you won’t be able to water the shore for a long time, but you will still finish filling up. If you want to start working on the craft, she came to you and said that she was waiting for me


We rode with the farmer on the bus, stuck on the steps, but not just, but how to go along a long road for a few hills, and then the action was decided at the locality. After this, everyone began to run into the bus, as anxiety began and an attack began. The bus left and I realized that my boyfriend had lost his life there. I began to turn around gracefully. We turned around and there was no more anxiety and fear of people, and my fear was gone, I ran after him from the distance and found him there in the unsteady camp. We got on the bus, and I calmed down. (At this point, we’ve had enough of it and it’s not alive at all, although the phone can pick up normally, I’m a civilian).


I dreamed that I went with my brother, bachimo, the girl in Laguna Ton, he ran away to fight, but then his legs were washed out at the entrance and he began to drown. I begin to run towards the water, and in front of me stands the food of someone to kill. I’m telling my brother, and then a woman comes out from the water to make sure that I have to lie and find this girl near the water and then my brother will come to you and live. I tear up the erysipelas, which smell like lemon, and scatter them in the water, and shave off the water, and I start calling them “drowned people,” and I start to leave one by one, but it’s not the same people, and I’ve lost my mind.


It dawned on me that they were going to shoot me... I freaked out and felt the voice of BIGI, I can’t open the doors and I’m looking for a place to fight, but then I got a little help from the housekeeper..... they don’t want to sleep with me I'm sorry, I missed it yomu lie to me... . I turned to the door and my hands opened under the mail... and in my dreams I clearly understood that the house-elf was robbing me. Dyakuyu


Hello, I had a greedy dream, what if it happens)
We walk with friends on the beach, swim, have fun and hang out in the garage, and go to some market or booth, I don’t remember exactly
And there the horror begins, we run around and beat up the hollering monsters, and every time my dream ends at the moment when I hit the guy in the head with a poker, who was also chasing us...


Hello! I realized that my classmate, whom I like, is drowning (and just a little bit about the same thing). I poured water for help and tried to get some water from it. Then I started to give first medical help, when all my classmates laughed and took it on video. I’m desperately calling the Swedish phone and I’ll help you, so you can’t tell me anything. In just a few minutes it came to you but not long ago. The Swede comes to help and takes him away, and I go with him. They pumped him up at the doctor’s office and settled him in his ward. I’m sitting in the room next to him, crying and praying for him, then they come to you, and I take his hand and kiss him with joy. I say to say out loud the phrase “God sensed me, my prayers answered.” I'm getting closer and kissing him. Then he finds out that I lied to you and he says to me: I’m guilty of you, what do you want? , and I say, “What would you instruct me to do?”


Hello! I had a dream that my classmate, who is like me, is drowning (for a little bit about the class, I also like him). I watered my ryatuvati. I pulled him out of the water and began to give him first medical help, and at this hour my classmates were standing next to me, filming it on video and laughing, I tell them, “What are you laughing at!” People are dying, but you find it funny! And I’m all in tears, I’m calling the Swedish phone and I’ll help you. The helper takes him away, and I go with them. When the doctor pumped him up, he was placed in a ward. Well, I’m sitting in the white man’s room and crying and praying, and then they came to you and I’m already crying with joy, I take his hand and kiss “God sensed my prayers,” then I approach him and kiss him. Then he finds out that I lied to you and told me “I’m guilty of you.” What do you want? “I said, “I want you to stay in order with me.”
Why do you think?

Lina (14 years):

There was a sea, and there was such a great and great little building, similar to an old castle. , Just like everything was dark orange, well, like the effect of Photoshop “sepia” ... I don’t remember how I stumbled at the water, But if I tripped there, I realized that there was the whole sea in the middle, well, maybe everything, in the ice, so tane. I saw how a man grows up from the same krizhin, a man grows up and becomes a girl, who points to... Matyusha! in tone! (and this Matyusha is befitting of me._.) the stench is trying to draw you out of this horror. I fell over...


I’m walking down the road (steep downhill, twisting) a car overtakes me and can’t cope with the obstacles, I fly near the ditches, followed by another car. I shout for help, but at the same time the first one climbed up to the car and helped the boys get out of it, and then I help another guy get out of the other car (with which there were no difficulties). I then get out of the car myself, and I throw myself away. Everything happened in the winter season


Hello! I had such a wonderful dream:
that my sister killed my mother (I didn’t know what she killed, but I doubt that my sister knew that she killed her) and supposedly packed her in a small box, I opened it and my mother was dead, just purple... I started crying, screaming, I wanted her to come to life and she came to life, I began to fight and she became alive... after about an hour, she wanted to kill me, ran after me with a knife, tried to kill me (I couldn’t remember the wound, but there was no blood) I was with her at home, collecting speeches to sing from the house, she was in the kitchen, and I was only thinking about how I wish she wouldn’t go to the room and kill me. I was in a hurry, collecting everything, throwing my speeches through the window (so that it would be cooler). And then... I don’t really remember, except for why I didn’t go and why everything was fine)) I guess it’s so?
It’s amazing what such a wonderful dream means))
I'm impatiently waiting for confirmation. :)


Yuck! I got tired of the ruddy cat (grown up), I started to get tired of having tasted the cat, after I tried to make a piece of food for the cat, but it was already too late, I didn’t die. Everything is as in reality, natural colors.


I had a dream in Azerbaijan to slaughter little tsutsen, my friend decided to take one tsutsen and breed it, I carried it home, so I was lying
Still in my dreams during that period, when I turned the tsutsen, having run through this Azerbaijani and not having received the tsutsen in my hands


Place dii: apartment. The printer on the work table caught fire, I extinguished the fire... and the little hedgehog came out... which I gave milk to drink


I had a dream on the lake, on the banks of the water a girl appeared, she didn’t collapse, I was still there, she had a pulse, but she didn’t breathe, I started to do some breathing, but nothing happened, she turned around again and that’s it, I started calling the Swedish phone, got through, but I didn’t feel anything, the stinks were talking, there was some kind of noise... then I woke up...


Good afternoon. I dreamed that I sensed cries for help in the basement area. When I opened the doors, there was a white liquid similar to thick sour and there were people there, I pulled them out. And I dreamed of great birds and owls.


I dreamed that my father and sister were in trouble, and in my dream I conveyed this and lied to them: when they walked into some bright white corridor, I asked them to turn around and then my heavens fell to the ground and upon impact I threw Xia


Picking mushrooms in the forest. Grandma spent an hour or so in BBB. I knew it for about 5 seconds. I shouted and we ran at the shelter. There was a cow tied there... She flew into little pieces... We were not ordered to do it at any time.


Hello! I have had that same dream many times. Nich. I’m crossing the road, I stumble in the middle, there’s a car ahead of me, I can’t eat anything in the car. (I suspect that no one was there). And I dreamed that my “paws” were shaking, lifting and carrying the mountain by the shoulders, and today I didn’t twist anyone, until the moment when I wasn’t beaten, I would fall over. First I dreamed of a lot of fates, then this day, and the next day, and the car became much closer. What is this and what can you get?


I realized that I first drove my lad’s car, then on a motorcycle. Then I went and talked about how my husband tries to steal the girl and then the guy himself gets into trouble and then I start to rip him off, I went about immediately for help and a gypsy woman came across the street, Ikhny Tabr buv, but one of them, the elder one, wanted to leave me, I still don’t understand, I just remember that when I went there, I went with my hair and trimmed, but so much I still went, so from when I arrived to the help vin sitting and boiling and staring at that girl, yelling, and I cried and burst into tears and my heart began to squeezing miserably, as if it were all for her ((((




my daughter (2.8 years old) fell through the ice, I rushed to grab her and also fell, we climbed out, she was simply frozen. I squeezed her close to my body so that she would play.


Hello! The dream I had was long overdue. I was wondering at first that I was getting ready to go somewhere, and then I stumbled at the graduation ceremony, where my father and grandmother were, there I was wondering that a person wanted to kill two girls who were standing next to me, and they started shooting at them you from the gun, I I bent them down, pushed them around, so that the stinks flowed in, one flowed in, but the other still didn’t want and didn’t want, this people started shooting at me, but I somehow managed to get away, I took the girl’s hand and made her stand up and then flow in. We ran to our dads, who could sit quietly on the tables, I don’t know where the girl went, but when I got to my dad and grandma, they began to bark less for those that I was hiding them, and I yelled at them and said: “As you can so they say, How could you sit so calmly and marvel at everything! You are inhuman! I wouldn’t have been surprised at how they were being killed, but you... you...,” after which I left terribly angry and don’t remember anything else. This is not the first dream, from whom I swear. In one dream I cursed my mother, in another my cousin’s little brother as a ghost who wanted to wipe out my life (my brother was in poor health and in that hour, as I wasted this dream, feeling bad), my friend seemed like such a wonder and a terrible person (I still remember the accusations of this person, although I have never seen her in my life). And in all my dreams I try to cheat them, but this time I cheated completely unknown girls.


Once you get out of the window and start cutting, you’ll be fine. Then I screamed and took him by the hand and pulled him back. without pouring and getting in. and the radium that I lost with it. and so in whose dream we simultaneously saw different places and dark places, without a sense of fear. we had a good time together.


Between us and the last 4 rocks rose in gatherings and she fell and I along with her, but I began to seal her and myself and we were allowed to lie. I was overcome with great fear



Tanya Matasova:

I dreamed of mermaids, they were thrown into the water and drowned. I got drunk in the middle of the crowd of mermaids. And they threw me into the water, and I couldn’t swim. I began to drown in the sea foam and by rapture I finally got out. Please, please explain what this means.


From the 30th to the 31st I had such a wondrous dream, I was sailing across the sea or across the great lake with a comrade (I don’t remember him) to save the other comrade. We hardly know from afar that he is descending from the sky on a parachute. It was evening and the sun was setting behind us, the water was clean, warm and blue. a shock wave came and the fire of the yellow-red color came, we poured in the input, then turned off and poured the ryatuvat, added the shvidko, two of them appeared, I add up to one, feed you alive, they say so. The stench was burnt and wounded, and the reference point was the hill and the sun, which gave off a white color, so that it was poured on the way out. They pulled them ashore, took them in their arms and went to the hut, the woman came up and understood everything without saying a word. They brought the wounded into the hut and when they put him in the bed, he turned into a child. and a red color.


I was standing on a river birch, on a high level, and there were people standing in a row that I didn’t know, among them there was a young woman who had fallen in love just a few years later.
(I deserved it), one person was dressed in a military peacoat, for which I needed to be cut off from the water, and then cut off from the edges, so as not to open the peacoat until it got wet and pulled it to the bottom, once again getting wet oh no I managed to get out, and through the vine, already under the water and not having recovered, I hastily began to unwind, those who, having lost themselves on the birch, were rushing and fighting this people, and 20 seconds had already passed since then d water, and I stripped the water was kalamut, and I suddenly started joking with him under the water, literally after a few seconds, I grabbed his leg with my hand, wincing, I was afraid that I wouldn’t get tired of the water again, otherwise I would still pull him up the hill, and I was on the surface i vishtovhav from the shore, having lost his life, everyone was happy about it, and that young girl was still there, then I got drunk at that girl’s house, near the bathroom, I bumped into her and she was not against anyone, as a result I fell over)


Hello! I realized that I had tripped myself up in this reality, that I had been forced to work, and that I had tripped myself up in this reality due to unreasonable circumstances. Just as I was getting ready to leave a lot of people who were the president of our republic, there was another car parked there, and in the middle there was a bandit with a machine gun directly aiming at our president, and I started shouting, “fight!!!” “Lie for the lie!”, as a result, nothing was done with anyone, the president accused me of lying to him. Not only that, but they looked at me and showered me with various gifts, but they began to burn beautifully. How far can you bring such a dream that you would like to know? Behind the scenes!!


I dreamed that my friends wanted to take the baby into her... the baby was healthy and happy when I took the baby from a friend, I was driving in a car, I didn’t think there were people I knew, there were two healthy men driving after us stood in front of them. My sister stammered and reported again, but everything ended well...


Hello! Last night I had a dream: I’m walking with a man (we don’t have the best hours in real life, on the right we can get to the point of separation) in the field. And right in front of us is a small swamp. We came in for a little while, got our feet wet, and just left. Then we went out to the shore of the lake, and the water in the lake was very turbulent. Mi fell into the water. I thought I dreamed that a person had health problems and helped the first one to get to the shore, and then I was killed. And the dream ended with us sitting on the birch tree and we were completely calm. Roztlumachte, be a caress, this is a dream. Vіn is even unheard of for me. Dyakuyu.


I walked along the road with friends and ended up crossing the river, then under the bridge on the birch tree I saw how the children of the rocks were playing. One of the boys drank from the water and I realized that he had spilled far and had not been out of the water for a long time. ryatuvat like in the minds of swimming. Then I walked across the bridge, and the place appeared inviting and the train was passing and no one was breathing a sigh from the train (but I didn’t understand). I myself could not cross the place and turned around. He came for me and the sky took me through the place and I flew over him.


I was with a friend at the old cottage, where I let the stranger’s dog out. We happened to run through it, and the dog’s owners were chasing us. We separated. I ran through vineyards, walked through a brood, ran into one of the budinkis, ended up in a remote corner, went down the ramp and fed the road. I felt like I was trying to get out of the closed room, but they told me that they wanted a divine maiden there. I climbed the mountain again, and when I left these gatherings, I noted the speeches of the Kohana people. I went downstairs again, started screaming, ran to the door of the closed room, called for him, and the gentlemen of the house tried to let me into the room. I broke down the doors and shook my kokhan of a man, tied up, stripped down to his panties and shanks. I untied him and led him


I dreamed that I was lost in a wonderful place and I was lost in a part of the military where even wonderful speeches were made. And I screamed at the ears who were there among the Spider mutants.


Having learned how the cat gave birth to cochinets, even beautiful white and fluffy ones, the gray ones of the cat were born, the other cat was going to get him, but I didn’t allow it and lied to him.


We went with a high school student for work on the road, the well stands up on the cut and falls into it. I want to know how to strip after them, I threw myself over.


I fell in love with my cousin’s sister and her sweet lad, who gives her a black fluffy cat and throws it in a box from the 2nd one on top and beats it in, my sister cries in hysteria, and I go down from the 2nd one on top and I find him beaten in the box, but still alive I tell her about it. And why did I fall asleep, why?


She recited koshenya and tsutsenya of her known people. The creature was here by the ditch under the bridge. She herself didn’t fall a little, if she climbed back


Hello Tetyano! My name is Regina, I dreamed that I was hiding a man. , and I will pick it up from the sea and wash it with cold water. And I seem to believe myself. I turned around to see him and he was falling to the ground, I ran to there and started to dig him up, as a boy passed by, I asked him for the oar and I started to dig him up, the guy was lying at the bottom, I got up and started crying a lot. This is such a dream. Dyakuyu.


Having had a dream in which the flight took off swiftly and fell just as quickly. I was with a group of friends nearby. And everyone in the meeting reacted - they ran to grab people... they grabbed a total of 3 children, one girl fell asleep in my arms. Vaughn laughed, which was surprising to me... and she hugged me even more.


I dreamed that my neighbor had died in our house, wearing a beige jacket in the warmth, and said that her son-in-law was dying. I run to the next room, there the man is sitting at the table, and the son-in-law is lying on the table with his left cheek. I shake him and he spills. Hapannya, dyakuyu.


She spoke to her relatives (my mother, my father, and my 2 nieces, and I gave an accent to my nieces). I screamed at all sorts of people, we ran from apartment to apartment, boasted, were in fear, but I took them by the hand and ran away.


I dream that I am cutting into a river and it quickly takes me away from the bank. I can’t earn anything and then an unknown lad is already holding out his hand to me and I’m swimming with him to the shore. I turn my head, and there is a black-and-white cow, who can hardly be carried by the current. I grab it and we all get out of the water at once


Closer to the morning of the second day, I dreamed that a group of boys were about to beat a young lad to death, and I, having dragged him to my apartment, and never dying, I called out to the Swede, while checking for the Swede, I came to you, becoming hug me. Having said thank you for lying, having slept like me, I called my name, I also called my namesake, and then I spilled the beans, what does a dream mean, and what did you dream about?


Having been knocked out, everything was in the fire and in the dark, people were screaming, there was panic and in the rubble there was a man, or rather a girl of fate 18, like me, there were people who wanted to kill her so that she wouldn’t suffer, but lol I shouted : “Stop, what? This person is alive” and ran to her. She was sitting on her back in a hole with a small hole, all heavy, I tried for a long time to lift the concrete slab that covered the hole, and after an hour I twisted it, twisted it, when I came out, it swayed, it collapsed and the girl hugged me and said : "Dyakuyu"


I go to some administrative office where I go, because my mother may be working here. I’m walking along a narrow corridor, to the other part, meaning to myself that there are 4-5 people on top here. We are going to earn money, but we are sick, we are turbulent, we are going to quit. I look around and realize that the corridor will be filled with water from under the baseboards. I’ll hurry up and say my words. Or by itself. The water is rising quickly, and people are already wading in and fighting. I understand that my mother is in trouble. then shout that there are crocodiles there. Just put them in another bin for now. Then, having already gotten out of bed, I was instructed to stand, in the mud, just a little bit by the water, before I and many others stood on the ground. Thoughts come to mind - climb onto the booth, you can see part of the gatherings on the wall, too high. .I evaluate my chances, stand in thought and throw away


I was dreaming how I watched from the side for the behavior of the little boy: he became dubious and jumped to the water. from the boards of the place and standing at the same time with the place, go under the water, becoming choked. I became scared, I ran up, snatched the boy from the water, carried him to the shore, and began to calm him down. There was no other clothing besides the diaper.


It seemed like I walked along the river and four little children were walking there, about two or three rocks and three climbed into the water, began to drown and I ran to save them, they all lost their lives.


my daughter went through the fence there, she cut it through the fence and sank it into the hole, and the water there was red, but the autumn dawn, I ran up and drank it


ya vıdela mamu i papu. then ya videla cto mamı net radom ona sidela v kakom to kafe a za ney urogan ona etogo ne vıdela ya vıbejala iz mawını pobejala k ney ı spasla


I dreamed that I was shaking my little daughter. And they went swimming with her, but the current began to sink and she began to choke, and then began to sink to the bottom, but I had to grab her hand and pull her to the shore. The water was fresh, dark blue, cold, and just like the sea. And then I took her to my mother’s place and somehow tripped on my sister in a restaurant in Vologda, and I thought that my wonderful friend Natasha was here. My sister is leaving, and we are sitting at the table with her, looking one on one, and I don’t understand what she wants from me, even though it’s been so long since she’s been able to sleep. It’s dark outside the restaurant, but the curtains are important, there’s music, but I don’t hear it, just the hubbub that always happens in great restaurants. And we were sitting in the next office and now they began to rearrange the table, creating several tables. Tobto. To make it easier to sit down.


I dreamed of a person who died about a month ago after falling from the window 9 above. In my dreams, I tried to twist him so that he wouldn’t die, but only in my own home.


I’ll definitely guess for myself and my two little brothers in the first grade (I don’t know either of them well) well, I was on the ice and the stinks were the same and I, having filled the area with 3 cm of ice, I didn’t drink naturally and the stinks stood there under them, starting to crack ice and one of them fell through abruptly and I immediately rushed after him into that column as if I was in fear, but I grabbed onto another one and wanted to spill and started to think quickly so as I was thinking about those same columns. I failed and I feel like I can’t spill, I can’t explain the weakness that I’m lazy, that’s all


Two people are running. I run to cross them. I hit the other with my shoulder, and I fall with him. This is not a human, but a zombie. I start to fight him and I throw up in great fear


I was in some basement on some excursion and when everyone wanted to come in, I walked when my classmate stood on a small table and tied our skein, she began to hang and then I ran up to her when she raised her legs from and the stilts and I myself went to the stilts We stood there by the legs so that she wouldn’t strangle herself and we stood like that for a long time and it was even more important for me and there a mirror appeared in front of us and I marveled at myself in the mirror, saying how beautiful she looked
and then everything disappeared


I dreamed that I was dragging the girl from the child's cabin before the great velet, I hugged her and protected her, I could fly in my dreams... I took this velet to distant lands, I flew, and Vine ran after me. I was a little elf... I lured him, brought him to safety and killed him.


I had a dream that I was walking along the road and there was a car upside down and a woman was running, I came up and there was a man sleeping in the middle, I climbed onto the top of the car, I knocked and woke the man up and I showed him what was in the car! And somehow I help turn the car over, and everything is fine and I fall on the grass, and there I hand over the swamp and the rope, I pull the rope for myself and we go with this man and that’s it!


The army saw how I was leading my boy, then when I went through some swamps, 2 cats were running after me, I caught one and the other fell into the water of the river and I pulled it out of there, then I turned back to the army, there was a post where the soldiers were sleeping I'm cochinetted the stinks warmed them up...... the stinks put them under the carpet and hugged them


Hello, I dreamed today that I was fighting my cat as some kind of miracle, killing all the people and creatures in the booth, there were cats’ cheeks, and there was a stink of infection and nothing. the booth was replaced, I took the cat and ran with him into the street and the booth swelled and collapsed!! in the budinka I don’t even remember


I dreamed that I was carrying an egg in my hands, large, warm, white, tender, and I felt like there was no softness in the sky. (The event lasted until nightfall) Having pressed me close to myself, I ran away from the fiery spheres. there were some girlish friends. the stench flowed behind me. But there was nothing in their hands. And in order to overcome the need to move to the other shore. And I ran along it, throwing eggs out of the spheres, I was afraid to fall into the water. Having crossed over, I noticed that the fire spheres began to wear out, and began to shift across the fabric. I rushed to spit out the fabric, as a result I clearly shook as if I had unscrewed the nuts, the fabric fell into the water and thus the spheres of fire began to rise. I sighed relieved that we had been stolen.


I immediately drank from the water in front of someone, then I spilled on that dacha from her, I started again until the water was there for each other, I didn’t get around to getting the bulbs out of the water. the boob itself is dry in the wet I went somewhere I knew a hairdryer, dried it, pumped it out, turned it


I dreamed that my mother went and lost animals in the hills (or in the barn). There is a lot of variety of animals and different things. And I understand that for many days there is a stench without water and water. I live and live and sleep for them so that they don’t die.


My friend and I died, we were hit by a car, two classmates of the boy Timur and Dima came to us, they put their hands on our graves and we were resurrected


It seemed like a dead creature from a cold river, and a dozen hours later a friend came out there. If the nuances are important, then I only remember those that each other was in the blue stretched out knitted light.


I walked across the drawbridge, and in front of the man I was walking, I tapped the cold water. Another person. As I began to drown, I leaned over the railing and pulled him by the hand.


My friends and I went to the tabir. After a walk in the forest, we went to choose rooms in which we would live. Take my classmate by the hand, and we begin to go. Get up from 2 on top to 1 was even greater, and if my friend had fallen, she would have broken. boys and dear friend. At this point I give up.


I don’t mind the fact that I was twisting a boy who fell through the ice, I was able to swim under the water and on the day there was a lot of slope and I cut my legs!


I was very strong, and my friend re-stripped through the yar and didn’t get it, and I helped her get out.


I dreamed that I came out all in tears and that my dad was touching my cat by the paws and wanted to slam my cat against the wall. The cat is not flimsy with tied paws


I dreamed that I and two friends were walking somewhere before us, an unknown girl came and gave me compliments, I got into a fight with my friends and the stinks, when I walked, I marveled that behind the garage they hovered behind me and I unbearable stinks went for lost 3 friends and all of them were mine twisting


at first I dreamed of a river that was very big and deep, but I had a hand, then I stumbled at the booth where there was water, there were two little babies, they couldn’t get out of there, I wanted to help them take it with them, the man said that we couldn’t help them putting me Before the selection, I lost track of them. in about an hour the secret doors will open. and I threw up, I was still playing with them


I fell into the water at the same time as the girl, We were on a small depth and a cloud fell on us from above. And at this moment I quickly realized everything that needed to be done. I realized that the girl needed to trim herself over the edge of the icebox as the first one went to the water, (I realized that we would soon be trimmed) after we spilled and stumbled on the mountain, as it was covered in dry grass. and began to descend and we built a tunnel, next to it there were a couple of beds and
They watched as two people were reaping the harvest from them. I sat down and said that the girl that I was, took a red T-shirt from me so that the stench would not bother us. So I froze, looking at the beds and, as if on a camera, I began to zoom in closer. I hesitated to add after that, as I realized that I was standing next to the garden bed and marveling at it, after which I woke up. As I stretched out to sleep, I felt myself singing.


Hello! My children were playing in the street. I called them home, the stench came. I went to the other room. I found a cistern at the end where the water rises into the water supply. I opened the doors of the room to go out before the children, and then the water rushed at me. I got angry and threw the water into the other room to find out. Itey. kalamutna, and floating ice. And there were great horrors. I found a young son near the water. I took him. I brought him to the elder son, but I couldn’t catch him. Because they respected him. with our hands, and touching the walls, we moved into another room. And fish swam there. And then the water sank. And we stood up lightly. And I began to poke the carpet for the children to cover them. .


Hello. I got tired of the sky, I cut into the gray river and shouted at my sister, then they dragged me down to the depths, otherwise I could fall out.


I cried out to my grandfather, who died of the past. I was afraid that it would fall from the heights of the fourth from the top.


I had a dream on Wednesday that I was dragging a guy like me out of the muddy, brooding water, I was sick there, I couldn’t die, I was dead, there was a yak bandage on my head, if I pulled him, I knew that the bandage, gasping for breath, I twisted it! Nowadays, he has a girl, I’ve always wondered how I’ve been drinking water, kalamutnaya, madness. What can this mean?


I had a dream on Wednesday that I was dragging a guy like me out of the muddy, brooding water, I was sick there, I couldn’t die, I was dead, there was a yak bandage on my head, if I pulled him, I knew that the bandage, gasping for breath, I twisted it! Nowadays, he has a girl, I’ve always wondered how I’ve been drinking water, kalamutnaya, madness. What can you mean?


a lot of people in the military uniform attacked the village of the inhabitants, they were imprisoned behind a barbed wire, they were buried by one of the victims, I feel like they were being stolen from me they began to shoot, having seized the castle, having jumped over a thorn, having fixed the doors on the same castle with On the other side, two firecrackers tried to open it, but in one of them, exposing him, I was afraid that they would open the door, building a crawling bolt on his chest, then on his right knee, and then breaking another lock on the other door. and having knocked down the doors, people began to run away for the thorn, I escaped with them into the forest at this hour from dawn, I warned them that they were shooting at us, then threw myself


I got tired of going to Portugal, and it seemed like I was getting on the plane, I arrived and having gathered a bunch of my friends and people I knew and many people I didn’t know, they waited for a long time before the plane took off. Then I’m not allowed to fly over Moscow anymore and it’s not pleasant to fly as much as I’m teething, in the flight I’ve taught a lot of children to a whole class, only children who are still in kindergarten, the stench went away after the beginning of the summer ka, there are a lot of beautiful girls ,Then we landed and began to check for something else, then I asked the wrestler to show me the way, well, I showed him (turning my hand and put it on the ground) and then said that I was going to fight and around someone, striking a thought asked about me, then we boarded the plane again and from afar I was afraid of my too much girl, I just didn’t want to go up to her, and then it seemed to us that we couldn’t fly away and there were problems with the captain, it was all the same for me, It was fun for me and So it’s not enough for this company to fly with me (and I’m still dreaming that I’m already in Portugal and I’m already swimming in the sea) and I fell asleep. Let's turn back to the flight, who for this reason immediately left the flight (there were few people) and the flight quickly gained altitude and began to fall down, I did not feel the fear, it began to click for a second, when the flight approached the ground Did you ever feel like shouting to us? not to survive, and immediately I just take this flight and the one with one kick, lying on the ground and singing, that my powers helped them so that the stinks (passengers) marveled at me as if I were a soldier, and I told them - NOT TO ANYONE U PRO CE DON'T TALK! Well, what did I tell them in such a manner, and everything was fine, but the dream didn’t end, we got drunk in the winter forest, there were a lot of trees, and everything was in such gloomy farbs, and it ended with this, I’m going to laugh at the people’s stink bto the same I’m not even frowning, and I immediately notice that I’m standing without pants in my underpants and the jacket is heavy, I didn’t get angry, they all say that I’m without pants and no one cares, I shouted, give me my pants, they threw me into the army yski, yak As soon as I got close to them to take them, I gave up.


Hello! I always dreamed of a good horse (not old and not young), even from rumors and reports from me, I was at the top. Bachila handed over the riding of another horse. There was a large territory with shoals (I’m constantly learning about this shoal), but at the same time I re-striped the channel with clean water (the water was the color of green-blakite) and when we turned around again, we didn’t even cut it off and fell into the water. shi leg (before I didn’t bruise the wound and it was bleeding) and we began to drown, go to the bottom, and like a raptor, I start rowing with my arms and legs to get out of the water, and put my head on my shoulder (it was cold, we were just shaking) but when I finally I hugged her, felt the warmth as I walked past her and sank.


sea..clean sun beach...I'm lying on the sand and I'm relatives are sitting at the altan...and the raptom of the sky I'm talking about this girl and she's waving her hand like that and what can I say and in the sea GREAT things began to appear...and the water is clear And the’s sister comes running and it seems that Vdadika (his sons....3 rocks) is in a tone and demands to bury him...I ran to bury him.... there were a lot of people who were already trying to get out of the water... and I was looking for my nephew... there was a net in front of me, and like a pool there were ropes... and he was trying to get something done..... other people were also trying to get caught up... I took him in my arms and carried him... and began to kiss him... and cried with joy that I had found him and held him... then I went ashore and gave the baby to my sister... she also began to cry with joy.. .kissing him...and not even kissing him...that he was lying to him...and that's all


Hello, I had a dream that I was sitting with a group of people on a train, that, having directed the cars from the top on the other side, we were getting angry and entering turns, and even at the turns I was skidding strongly, as soon as we got onto the straight line we took off, here we are stuck in There is a black-colored jeep in the vicinity, which does not catch fire and we crash into it. in another girl, holding her in her arms,


I dreamed that I was meeting a lot of people, so as not to lurk, but rather to stand in groups, then tigers and panthers would rush in. Creatures cry, be afraid of the witch. I'm still ticking, I'm ticking. There are two girls who are stinking after me, they are my friends, but I don’t know who really stinks. It’s common in some rooms and I see that there are two men in the same room, they are wearing dark panties, the men are lying hand in hand, it seems, the stinks are twins, the stinks are smelly, the figures are similar, the stinks lie one after another, And he touched his foot. on something else. Then, I stumble into the fox. Lps is not thick, no. I try to catch up with some people who are walking from my sleepy bed to the room. I don’t buy too many rooms. I can’t hear the stench, I’m trying to tell this girl not to go to the room. My friends are with me. The girl is still coming. Then at whose place I find this girl dead. She has thick blond hair, it is raised up and her lips are filled with varnish. I’m crying, my friends say that there’s no need to worry about evil in the first place. I see a man with fair hair and understand that he is evil. It seems that I can’t afford to take them away. And here I am looking at the room where these people went. I believe that all of them sat down at a very great table. A witch began to dance in front of them, then the light began to shine and flicker. I didn’t use this room anymore. Then I stopped myself at the great hall. People were dressed in evening clothes and suits, drinking cocktails. I raised my head up and talked to a familiar man, with whom I had previously lived, who wore a black suit, a black bed and a white shirt. The dream had become so clear, the man sat on the balcony, marveling at me, and I saw him in his own way. I got angry and started to get in the middle of people. Then I realized that the white columns had forgotten the shoes, the smell was even more beautiful, in rhinestones. I ran to the shoes, bought them, and then noticed that my friend was going downstairs, wrapped up the shoes and hid between the columns. They passed by, and next to him there was a girl in red cloth, the stinks went by, lest I hurt the girl’s thirsty face, the red cloth flashed in my eyes. I snapped.


I dreamed that I was near the water and drowning as pigeons drowned. The stinks had already gone under the water. I immediately take them out of the water and put them in police custody. Have a shafi, so that the stinks dry up, and then they can fly away.


Vityag from the pasture of the tsutsenya papa, as he wanted to die. A parrot with a long tail. Chi without shouting.


Having stolen a couple of swans... The swan found some missing sticks and cellophane, and the swan stole them from the dogs. I cleaned the work of the winch and the swans in a warm place (like snow).


It seemed like we were sitting in the house with a girl I knew, and she came close to the edge and leaned down, and I tried and couldn’t reach her hand.


From the blue and white sea. Great limbs rise sharply, I wash my son as much as I can near the water. It is dark, great and terrible, but the water brightens as it approaches us. As if my sins are not washed away, they begin to drown. I throw myself into the water with the thought that I will never lose my baby (in life, the first baby in us has died). I’m stretching out my little son, I’m alive, I can sleep peacefully and get my finger wet.


Winter is approaching, two sisters are lying in boxes, I find them and open them. The man will run after me. I want to hit me. Alas, I'm afraid. Vine transforms into a moose and steadily cuts through me.


I dreamed that my squad and I were walking on the ice!


I dreamed that a company of guys I knew wanted to beat up a huge guy, from whom they separated very recently, but then continued to fall apart, the result was that everything worked out without beating anyone


Three cars hit, and one of them overturned and fell into the swamp. the car began to quickly sink with people in the cabin. At this point I was in a booth on another page, I suddenly came running and started rounding up people. I rolled the woman’s head, her clothes were torn due to the accident, I picked her up in my arms and laid her on the asphalt, then thinking that lying on the asphalt would be more painful and I transferred her to soft soil. And then he pulled a child and a man out of the swamp. It was important for the man to pull a little, because he would be bigger than me. after all, he is a hero. Then I rushed to the other cars, and the stench was so loud. I've been a joke for a long time, I don't know.


She brought two unmovables from the burning hut, stayed with one for a long hour at once, overexerted him, my dear, squeezing in to me.


It happened today, I was talking to a girl who knew me, and we were walking around the market. I’m getting to know my friend, she’s starting to be jealous of this girl. As a result, the well is scraped. I went down after her to the lance, which trims the wind. She was under the water, her fingertips were just visible from the water, I took her by the hand, she was even warmer, telling her to grab the lance and the other hand behind me, I pulled her closer and they began to lift us to the top. I fell over. What does this mean?


No, I’m walking along a frozen river with a man, the ice cracks and the ice starts to fall, I try to help him, but in the tone, and the ice cracks near me. And they asked for help, but no one responded, and we went with all the people at night, but I didn’t denounce him, only I know that he’s a hockey player.


I dreamed of how great rockets flew over me, and the stinks began to fall in a thunderstorm, and it was only 8-9, and when the stinks hit the ground, they didn’t swell, and one rocket fell opposite me on the car that was passing by, and with me My best friend showed up and said that we needed to help people, and then we were already 13-14 years old, so we were dragged out of the car and a friend told us to take the documents from the car, when a rocket fell on the car, it was one brand, and if we they have already dragged the people insha


It seemed that my baby appeared from the street side of the balcony and was staring, I grabbed her by the hands, but her hands licked and she fell from above on to the asphalt with her back down, at that moment I ran up to the mirror and began to choose what color to wear for a T-shirt la green and ran away down, but there was no one below, only a trace on the asphalt, and the people were standing, saying that they were going to die. Then I, along with all my relatives, get up at the gatherings and everything is condemned to me. then the wake


When I was at a disco in my village, I stood on the threshold just to smoke. And then I see that the car is speeding at the front of the road, not just as quickly as it should, but in reverse. And there’s a sharp turn at the factory. But the car does not enter the turn and when it comes out of the road it goes up to a small height on the road, it turns over and falls down. I immediately fell asleep!! I quickly ran to the car for help. When the car arrived and was all at the fire, I opened the front passenger doors and left no one behind the kerm. And then I felt a voice on my back. I rushed there and beat up a guy I knew, a fellow villager. It appeared, he was thrown out of the car. If I asked, and there were other people in the car, I guess so. I immediately rushed to the back doors. The car was on fire. Having opened the doors, I treated one more untiring young man to fellow villagers. I started working on the car. It was hard for the drivers of the car to come to help. We pulled him out of the car and stood up safely. We are all alive and healthy.


I dreamed that I was watching the hatch of the evil sewer of a great black cat. Bring it out, put it in, and take out the cat. He appeared even greater. Mayzhe is like a leopard. Ale lagidniy i murkotiv. We took him to the veterinarian, then settled him at home.


ocean, people in the ocean, it’s calm, it’s not cold, I’m in the ocean and a red helicopter is approaching, and it’s calling for all of us


I dreamed that my mother was kidnapped by some people. And I didn’t know how to lie. I knew that there was a small cabin there, but all the rooms were empty. I’m just a little bit of a victor, so they’d be allowed out. I wanted to give the money to the people who had stolen it in order to get rid of it, but I screwed up. It hurt my soul even more that I couldn’t tell it. Mom looked old and tired in her sleep. Sleep from Monday to Tuesday. On May 4, 2016.


my heart felt bad, my heart was blue, my lips were blue, I tried with my hands, I pushed her on my heart, like a piece of shit, the Swede arrived, they didn’t even bother me yet, but I can’t sleep with my baby, that dream was even more vivid than it really was.


Hello! I dreamed that my yard daughter fell into the sewer hatch with her head down, and I ran and screamed, but everything was happening at an accelerated pace, I didn’t catch it and threw myself there, the water was turbulent.


In my dream, my sister was turning away from the train, we went where she was calling, and then the train drove off sharply and I got up and pulled her


I may have a dream where I am killing my girl, but in which I have a permanent injury (let’s say I had a dream in which she put her foot in a burning box and I was carrying her in my arms, but in which, when I came out, a burning beam fell on me and hurt my shoulder) , today I had a dream about how I was fighting another girl (my girlfriend and I are now divorced, she stopped loving me.. but I still love her) I was not even happy with the fact that I’m not fighting my daughter ivchina, and insha ,But still, the dream was such that it was necessary to move from the island to the mainland, but the only way to get over was by swimming, but this girl couldn’t swim and I had to carry it myself, the water was not far away and at that moment When I was already lifting it to the ledge of the harbor, I was bitten by a large fish and was unable to finish the deep wound on my right nose, but I still managed to get to the shore and have a similar dream.

Have you ever had a chance to kill someone or someone to kill you? Tlumachennya will sleep right away. Who really needs your help, or you yourself will need support. Dream Interpretations tell us why we dream about this dream plot?

Doctor Freud's Thought

Freud's dream book says that sleeping in your dreams literally means that you want to have sex. Moreover, you may dream that you are describing a specific person or even an essence that will remind you of any particularity with its particularities.

Do people often dream that they had to steal a woman? You clearly intend to have an affair with her and would like to spend one night. Women swear at their husbands - until the mother is desperately afraid of their children.

Did you remember that they were killing a child, a koshenya or a tsutsen? The dream book respects that you will understand that you give your child little respect. For childless people, a dream like this means the desire to give birth to a child.

Why do you dream that you had to bark like an animal? In all my dreams, there is a reflection of love for children. Did you realize that the victim is doing the work and clearly doesn’t want to be cursed? Your sexual partner can change you.

Have you dreamed about any kind of daring on your own? Obviously, separate from the sample from the powerful initiative. If I dreamed that I wanted to lie to you, then the order is the people who want to get closer.

Interpretation of the daily eaten dream book

Have you ever dreamed that you were running out of trouble? The dream book respects this bad sign, which leads to illness or extreme nervous tension.

Did you have a dream that someone was being raped? Your merits will be recognized by the community and, perhaps, well-known for winemaking. Do you dream about lying to you? Beware: this is a sign of real trouble, for example, an unfortunate accident.

Darkening the dream from the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream that you had to kill someone? This is a symbolic representation of what you especially need encouragement. You clearly don’t know what you’re afraid of.

Did you find out that you were casting a certain character without special concentration on his particularity? The dream book suspects that you are overly ambitious in your endeavors.

However, be careful, most often the law of inversion arises, which represents both weakness and less strength. Moreover, you inadequately assess the situation and shine the light on the child in an illusory light, which leads to immediate damage to everyone.

Have you ever had a chance to betray a real friend or close person? The dream foretells the danger that really hangs over them. This may result in an unpleasant change of situation, serious illness and the obliquity of someone else’s will. More precisely, the darkness of sleep should lie in the additional details.

Follow D. Loff's dream book

Do you ever dream that you had to kill a dream victim? The dream book suspects that you are ready to take on the role of a hero, a warrior and a mentor in the real world. For a better understanding of the plot, it is recommended to guess what happened and how you killed it.

Did you have a dream that they lied to you? The dream book respects that you perceive your incompetence and incompetence. If you are afraid that you may be merciful, you will force yourself not to do anything.

Have you been lied to by a real person in your dreams? To return again for help, perhaps, you will need a good time, or simply heartbreaking. The shouting of an unknown person symbolizes the gift of one's greatest strength.

Collection of dream books - roar in all your dreams

Did you have a dream that you were taken away? Most often, this dream plot is interpreted literally. So, you really need to be punished for what. Indeed, you feel like a victim, as if you were unfairly punished by your share.

Remember, there are no victims in the world, everything is voluntary, let us not be aware of the power of life and the troubles associated with it. Pull the threads and shake them, take them in your hands and work with what you want.

Why do you dream that you happened to kill someone? You feel that it’s time for someone who literally needs encouragement. In your dream, wearing a ritual sign means that you want fame and recognition. Bachiti uvi sni ryatuvalnik – good. This is your special guardian in the dream world and an invisible assistant in the real world.

Why does a child, a human being, dream about Ryatuvati?

In a dream, the sequence reflects a desire to reach the hidden character, intending to enter into an intimate or friendly relationship with him. We will mark this day in your dreams in reality. Bachiti, as if you had a chance to slay a garna maiden from a greedy dragon, means that you are thinking about the order of a powerful and someone else’s soul.

Did you dream that you were robbing the child, especially after the fire? Don’t boast, all suspicions of harm are unfounded and the stench will soon arise. It’s disgusting to keep children away from evil dogs and wild animals. Your well-being is seriously threatened. Enemies are no longer aware of the moment if you relax.

Have you ever dreamed that a man had to fight? An honorable and sensitive friend, I can forever rely on you in folding furniture. The path you choose is the right one, don’t hesitate and follow the call of your heart.

Did you have a dream that, regardless of the situation, you lied to a nearby person? Unkind people will get angry, even though incredible prospects open before you, and success is your faithful ally.

What does it mean to have a cat or a dog in the world?

Why do you dream that you were lying about a kochin without dryness? You realize that they are trying to draw you into an ongoing intrigue. That same image symbolizes good care for children.

What does the dog and cat order mean? Try to show more respect to your child, she is clearly moving away from you, and you will understand. For childless dreamers, the dream sequence stresses the possibility and necessity of adopting a child.

Have you ever had a chance to breed newborn cochinets or puppies? It is conceived on the right under the threat, and its further exposure emphasizes all the reliability and maximum self-sufficiency. Sometimes the image of a creature indicates a real person. Think carefully about whom you can associate with tsutsenya or koshenya.

There was a dream about the rescue of a drowning man, the routing of a drowning man

Why do you dream that you had to grab a drowning man near the water? With your imperious behavior you deserve incredible happiness. Knowing what tone you want and trying to steal it means that you will help other people at the cost of great well-being.

Did you realize that you are trying to pump out a flood? The family's hundreds will be with the tractors, the love has passed, only a little money and a little money have been lost. Add a new twist and a bit of intrigue to the table, otherwise everything will end in further separations. To retaliate against people under global pressure - to the point of serious illness, which will ruin all plans.

From the fire, from the fire

Why dream that you had to kill someone after a fire? As if the hope, which has already saved you the rest of your strength, is to approach your tragic outcome. And change it and it’s not in your mind.

Did you realize that you are saving people from the fire? Surprisingly, you have changed so much that you will have a different look at familiar speeches. I dream of extinguishing the fire and getting rid of people - it's a great experience and turbo. Just remember, your power of nervousness and vehemence can overcome the situation.

What does it mean - to barrage against attack, mania, cavalry

Did you realize that it was time to steal someone from the attack of bandits? You will achieve success from super power and competition. The attack pattern symbolizes the peculiarities of battle and unfounded fears.

Why do you dream that you cheated a girl out of a maniac or a valet? Share in the face of a serious blow, but you will keep it right and tell it cold-bloodedly. Have you been especially lost in trouble, but how could you get out of it without spending any money? Listen to your intuition, it will lead you out of life’s clutter.

Ryatuvati uvi sni – a few specific applications

Did you remember that you had to fight a victim in the face of great danger? Be prepared for real people to go berserk to you for help. Don’t be tempted to do everything that is within your power. Besides:

  • to fight oneself - the lack of privacy of the city
  • they tell you - a way out of the crisis, payment for mercy
  • additional help from the savior - spiritual guidance
  • the victim fights back - wrongdoing, unacceptable
  • nonsense for the sake of a curse - mercy, as the storm shouts
  • ryatuvat for speck - bring bad luck to your loved one
  • type of sprague - make the right decision
  • before the flood - the reduction of living standards
  • in the spring season - wild sensibilities
  • in the face of insecurity - make sure
  • in the cold, frost - you will find a friend
  • through the board - joy after tears
  • in the face of a thunderstorm - avoid someone else's wrath
  • in the face of an avalanche - failure to pass by
  • view of a volcano – necessary control of the situation, emotions
  • from shibenitsa – purchase, price addition
  • ryatuvat during re-examination - drying out at the quarry
  • from a valtivnik - the joy of a friend
  • from a group of bandits - work on robots
  • from self-destruction - to accept responsibility
  • from the court - gentry and somehow pardon
  • fight like a shark - breaking up with a dishonest partner, a model
  • like a hut, a wild animal - the successful completion of a troublesome task
  • like a snake - reveal intrigue
  • like a dog - you recognize the enemy
  • to avoid a car accident - rely only on yourself
  • plane crashes - seriously untested
  • accidents at the salvage yard - change
  • natural disaster - get out of dysfunctional minds
  • barter at sea - wastage of earnings, savings from pennies

You dream of fighting for someone else - before you fight for someone else and have the power of life. Did you realize that you managed to steal someone from the virus security? In reality, everything will go well. Regain the respect of someone who helped you. If you are going to lie to someone else, but you don’t want to lie to yourself, then get ready for rotten changes and unimportant prospects.

Why do you dream about a child in all your dreams?

There is a saying in a child’s dreams that you should talk about your inner desire to talk about someone, to show yourself and convey to others your importance.

The hidden significance of the dream can be understood from the fact that the water has been revealed to the child. If everything ended well, then in real life the people who had such a dream will experience success.

Sometimes a dream, in some tone of a child, means that someone really needs help and pleasure. And since the child began to lie in her sleep, the people refuse her help.

Like a boy in the water, his routine always transfers financial income. The girl’s routine in her dreams prophesies that there is an unexpected new or present.

Since the child has not been able to lie yet, this can mean that those who occupy all their thoughts in reality, stammer, do not end in success, but simply lose sight of life.

Dream Interpretation: Rotating a baby in your dreams

What a dream - to lie to the child. Darkness of dreams

Since you have learned from your dreams that you are fighting against a child, then suddenly the city will check on you for your merits. A helpless child in the face of danger can also be a symbol of the prison, and the order is significant that you will be decided to reveal the secret that you have been stealing at such a troubling hour.

The order is in the child’s dreams, so what should I say about your need to talk about someone or the host of a suspenseful confession. If you dreamed that you are betraying your child, then be respectful, perhaps your child will actually be threatened by insecurity in reality.

Do you ever dream about what a child is?

A dream in which a child is dreamed of, which may be even more significant. How can a sleeping person dream that he is a child, and then gain respect for whose child he is. As if in the blue of a little sleeper, you should be wary of the baby’s sickness and be afraid of it.

The child who was drowning suddenly appeared as the child of a well-known person - who had known difficulties in life for everything. Tonya, a child who is completely unknown to a person who had such a dream - such a dream does not have any special significance, perhaps it means other misfortunes that will not cause any harm. You can figure out the hidden meaning of the dream by understanding two main points - how you helped the child and how the water appeared. As soon as the little ones turned, and the water appeared crystal clear, the people who had such a dream expect success and for a long time everyone on the right will be accompanied by success. And if the dream ended tragically and the water became rocky, then prepare for the least possible difficulties and failures.

Every human being is ready to lose respect for sleep, in every tone of the child. Sometimes this dream also calls for help. Since the child is already known, then more than anything, any of her relatives will need help. Since the sleeping person doesn’t know the child who died in her sleep, a small person who might know her will need help.

Please note that the tone of a child is most often a bad sign that portends difficulties and problems. As soon as a person sleeps, the child begins to sleep, so the meaning of the dream changes radically. This kind of dream is about those in which the dreamer really wants to move on and keep an eye on his clothes. He is ready to take responsibility for everything in life. It is possible that a home-made Vikhovanets may turn up inadvertently, which is of utmost respect to me. The dream in which a person, in his sleep, drowns his or her own child, talks about those who are done with this person, is great and, perhaps, boredom and depression will soon appear. After such a dream, you can take a few moments away from your primary affairs, relax, and you can go visit your friends.

The young child symbolizes any idea, plan. If a person dreams of drowning his child, we can talk about those who voluntarily submit to some of their undertakings and plans. This is a dream to talk about those who are good to think about, about those whose right choice is to kill the people. If you hear the tone of a child, you will gain respect, which is in the state. Like a child, who is a boy, who is going to scream - this can become a symbol of a large increase in financial income. Rotating a girl in her dreams is a sign of squeezing out both unsatisfactory and accepted new things. As soon as the sleeping person realized that she has been dreaming for a long time and is painfully trying to steal her child, and not let anyone in, they expect great problems from the right, a possible crisis and bankruptcy in business. Because they don’t care about all the difficulties, the child begins to lie, which means that after being rich and difficult, people are able to cope well at work.

Like a woman who can’t give birth for a long time, she’ll become more and more like a child, and she screams – this is a very happy sign. After such a dream, you can check for a long time to conceive a child. Nezabar їїрія will be Vikonana. May I be born healthy and healthy.

Please note that the tone of a child is a symbol of the guilt of troubles and difficulties in life. Such a dream never precedes a person’s sleep about those who are respectful and respectable not only among those on the right, but also among those who are away from them.

xn -

Rise a person all the time - until success and popularity. However, it matters who was cheated and because of any insecurity. Those who are hostile value the dream from which you lied to a person from the fire. It’s time to talk about those things that you’ve been trying to do, that you’ve been trying to extract great efforts from you, that have reached the end. However, the situation is unfolding in a tragic way.

To kill a man from the water means you will spend money, but you will not harm him. For entrepreneurs, a dream about someone’s order denotes great success among those on the right. If you consider anyone to be a great creature, you will soon establish a new and significant position.

Why do you dream about Ryatuvati life?

As the dream book interprets, telling a person is a very positive sign. This means that the dreamer will have glory ahead of him, and success in marriage. Wherever you are reaching this point, please come back to the report, all the details are important here.

If the dreamer sees a person in his dream as a woman in the fire, then the dreamer will have great success in his life in work and business. It is possible that it will take away good planting or create profitable land.

Such a dream can carry even more meaning, for example, in real life, the dreamer may actually have to fight his friend or relative against a vicious hunter.

Why ryatuvati? Because such outbursts occur when the farm is bringing real death and a person needs to be effectively removed from his camp, so that he does not harm himself and his health. For example, it’s an undivided bunch.

If you marvel at the dream book, the story of the child’s life in the dream may have a different meaning. In this case, the dreamer has a chance to print a new one or move to a new place of work, more profitable.

So this dream can mean that you will have to send your child to school and solve their problems. If the baby’s dream was hidden, then all problems will appear unreasonable and turn into a positive outcome.

If you dream that it is necessary to fight a person because of a broken creature, then in this situation the dreamer has some kind of anxiety and fear in his normal life. There may be anxiety about the time it takes to work, or there may be suspicion of the infidelity of your other half.

The fear will arise, as in the dream the beast has bitten a person who has suffered injuries in the past. If in a dream the warrior kills the unleashed beast, then in reality the anxieties will be dirty, unimaginable.

Continue reading the dream book - telling all your dreams about the important situation of the cut and the cut, which means for the dreamer that his mother has achieved little success over his rotten sounds. For example, such as grizzly nails or bruises in the nose.

If in a dream the dreamer chooses his life, then in reality he will have to face difficulties. You may want to maintain your position at the family table, or you may work at work, but it is important to tell your partner or colleague at your own point of view. In the future, the sequence in the dream gives the dreamer great chances to overcome the situation that has developed in real life.

If a person has ever had to get away from the water, the dream book interprets this phenomenon as saying that the dreamer will now have the miraculous gift of getting along with a person, as their life will turn upside down. These people are discovering new things in the spiritual sphere.

Perhaps, there will be a priest or an elder who will show you a pure and bright path. After such a meeting, the dreamer will feel at ease in his soul, and all worldly affairs will go smoothly without trouble.

If the dreamer is a man and is in love with a girl, then, despite everything, a normal life suffers from sexual dissatisfaction. It’s possible that the family has already lived on its own, and maybe they’re secretly dying to try unconventional, brutal, disturbing sex.

If a woman is dreaming about drowning, then in the future she will have a rich rogue. It is possible for people to strive for this kindness for a long time. In connection with his age, because he is not a strong man, the woman does not dare to trust him. If the confirmation is positive, you need to check the offensive sign of the share, and then the dream book will tell you about it.

As the dream book conveys, they are fighting a drowning person, as in other words, people suffer an accident on a ship and they are rescued by the guards, then in this situation the dreamer has a great confidence in real life to deny well-deserved respect in the team.

He can be promoted to a high position in the political sphere, recognized as a special person of the great approach, or he will become a legal representative in huge ambushes.

To dream of someone close or dear to you means that the dreamer is worried about their share. It is possible that in real life there is a fear for the health of some of those close to them, or the presence of news among relatives for a long time makes the dreamer suffer from the unknown.

Ringing a dog in a dream can mean that in another dream you need real help, which will be obtained. For which the dreamer has to sacrifice his time and even the smallest pennies, but in reality he loses incredible recognition of both his friend and his relatives.

If a dreamer dreams of being cursed, then in real life there is no specific problem. Perhaps, friends or close people can help you extend your hand, otherwise it may be difficult for someone to fly past them and the battles will be marred.

This dream can also be interpreted as follows: the dreamer has a problem in life that takes up all his knowledge. This is not so important as it is important to make a choice between two equally valid options.

If people always dream of lying and they don’t recognize the harm of life, then in real life the right choice will be made.

The dream is about saying that people are not at peace in their souls at the moment. You can experience your inability to help your loved ones in real life. Reality is transferred to the public and here people become heroes.

It’s good to let go of the lies and consider yourself a warrior, let them rest in your dreams. A great mood and pride in one’s work will accompany the entire day. And this is no small feat in real life.

xn -

Dream interpretation of a child by the water

Why do you dream about the child near Voda in your dreams according to the dream book?

A child is playing by the water - you dream about the child’s lack of disturbance. Try to organize yourself for repairs.

Dream Interpretation: Why dream about it?

Tlumachennya (meaning) sleep

It's a good sign to lie to people and tell them to lie to themselves. This dream is about those situations in life that seemed incoherent or complicated to you, but in reality they are not. There is no need to fall into confusion and success will surely be on your side.

If you know your warrior in real life, then the dream is for you to listen to the sake of this people for your planned struggle.

About the success of the most important problems and nutrition, you need to get a dream from whom you believe as a person.

Serious testing, which you experience throughout your day, gives you a dream in which you were faced with some insecurities.

In our dream book you can find out not only about the meaning of dreams about salvation, but also about the dark meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about those that mean learning the order in your dreams in Miller’s online dream book.

dream about the Savior? Tell me your dream!

Rotating the child from the water

Dream Interpretation Saved Ditini from the Water I dreamed, why do I dream about Saving a child from water? To select a sleep dream, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or press it on the letter that characterizes the dream image (if you want to select online dream letters for the letter without any problems).

Now you can find out what it means to be in a dream Save the child from the water, having read below the catless dim dreams from the best online dream books Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvati

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvati

Ryatuvati - If you defeat anyone, victory and glory are expected of you. Practice your ritual - your ambition is coming to fruition. You have the opportunity to express yourself with a loud voice in the mass media.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvatisya

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvatisya

Ryatuvatisya Dream of talking about those who you are afraid for, including for your own life. If you dreamed about everything, then in reality everything will be fine. Marvel at who helps you: people, creatures, Kazkov’s realities. If you didn’t manage to turn around, then in reality you have bad prospects.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Dream Interpretation - Ditina, child

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvati

Ryatuvati ditinu water

Dream Interpretation of Ryatuvati Drive a Child I dreamed, why do you dream about Ryatuvat the child water? To select a sleep dream, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or press it on the letter that characterizes the dream image (if you want to select online dream letters for the letter without any problems).

Now you can find out what it means to be in the dream of Ryatuvat the child of the water, having read below the catless dim dreams from the most recent online dream books Budinka Sontsya!

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvati

Ryatuvati - If you defeat anyone, victory and glory are expected of you. Practice your ritual - your ambition is coming to fruition. You have the opportunity to express yourself with a loud voice in the mass media.

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvati

Ryatuvati - If you defeat anyone, victory and glory are expected of you. Practice your ritual - your ambition is coming to fruition. You have the opportunity to express yourself with a loud voice in the mass media.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Ditina is a symbol of hope, the future.

If you dreamed that a child was eaten by an animal, then this dream is about those who will soon appear on Earth on Earth, which will cause serious problems for children. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a sustrich from the Antichrist, who wants to become his disciple.

To see a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future it will happen that the man will be ready to give birth to a child. It is possible, not without the help of dark forces, but this fact will make this man and his child famous throughout the world.

Since in your dream you have cared for a disabled child, such a dream precedes all humanity about the insecurity that our contaminated atmosphere has become. This dream prophesies to the dreamer that he will need help from people.

In your dream, you will see a brute baby in the arms of a sunken woman - a dream to talk about the fact that the Earth is in great trouble. At the upcoming SP I Budynok, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will fall into extinction. If you realize that the situation has become so grave that it can no longer be changed, a person will appear who will find a way out of this terrible illness.

If you dreamed of a child who has no endings, then such a dream is about those that the Earth is in a real threat. Because the middle part is even more congested, many children with various physical problems, as well as mental problems, are being born into the world.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in your dreams is a lucky sign. A happy hour will come on Earth, if love rules the world. People will stop being afraid of war, evil and hunger, and then bring into the world healthy, beautiful children.

Remember that a child running on the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes a snake or kills it, prophesies that humanity will find a way to avoid the threat of nuclear war.

If you have spoiled yourself with a child in your dreams, this is a sign that you have reached that life’s boundary, if you need to look at and change your life.

Cheer up the child for crying - to point out the misfortune of your future.

If you dream about your child, you will know that your hope has been lost.

When you dream about a child whose blood ripples, it means spiritual enlightenment.

Try to sleep on your hands without speaking - try to find a way out of a twisted situation.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Ditina - dream about: ditina is born - wealth. How to dream about a child - this is turboti for good; thin, whiny turbot on trash. A small child is always dreaming of a great bug. Ditina is a super girl, a bijka. Whenever a woman dreams that she is pregnant or has been unemployed for a year, there will be a profit. That same dream for an old woman predicts serious illness and death. If you dream that a child buys more juice, then there will be poverty, and you won’t get over it. Child - attack, welding, bugs. The child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Too many children - anxiety. A child on the shoulders (on the shoulders) of a man means a boy will be born on a woman’s shoulders, and a girl will be born on a woman’s shoulders.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

A cheerful, pretty child is dreamed of before mutual love and meaningful friendship.

The child who is crying is disgusted with self-esteem and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

The woman, who already dreams of nursing a child, expects deception from the person she trusts the most.

Nostradamus noted that the child is dreamed of as a symbol of the hope of the future. Vin interpreted dreams about a child in this way.

If you have already cared for a disabled child in your dream, then the dreamer prophesies this dream from a person who will require his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in your dreams is a lucky sign. A dream in which a child runs on earth means renewal.

If you have already spoiled yourself with a child, then you have come to this life’s boundary, if you need to look at and change your life.

Having told the child that you are crying, know that you are pointing out the insecurity of your future.

If you joked about your child in your dreams, you will find that your hope has been lost.

A dream about a child who is ripening her blood means spiritual enlightenment.

You’ve tried to sleep on your hands and try to find a way out of the twisted situation.

And the axis of interpretation by D. Loff: “As the object of your dreams, the child is something that evokes turbotia and respect. Here it is important to consider whether you are consistent with yourself or not.

Women of their child-bearing age may dream about the participation of a child as a reflection of their instinct to give birth to children. For people, such dreams signal a significant period of restlessness, especially for sexually active people, who are often associated with the fear of the father’s duties.”

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvatisya

Ryatuvatisya Dream of talking about those who you are afraid for, including for your own life. If you dreamed about everything, then in reality everything will be fine. Marvel at who helps you: people, creatures, Kazkov’s realities. If you didn’t manage to turn around, then in reality you have bad prospects.

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvatisya

Ryatuvatisya Dream of talking about those who you are afraid for, including for your own life. If you dreamed about everything, then in reality everything will be fine. Marvel at who helps you: people, creatures, Kazkov’s realities. If you didn’t manage to turn around, then in reality you have bad prospects.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina

Ditina is a symbol of prolongation of life, but also trouble and restlessness. If you dreamed of a child, then you can proudly say that in reality you are very worried about what is happening to you, which does not give you peace. Child in dreams means that no matter your troubles, you do not deny the desired result. Trim the baby in your arms, roll it around, you will need a lot, and the path to success will not be easy. The dream in which you grow up as a child promises you a lot on the right, otherwise it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punish a child in your dreams, which means that in reality you perceive great incompetence, and you have to fight a robot that is not like you.

Dream Interpretation - Ditina, child

If they want to worry about someone, then they will say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Chantly, one of the most widespread expressions is this: “No matter how the child calmed down or cried.”

The child is a symbol of trouble, restlessness, sloppiness, instability, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can confidently say that you are already experiencing those who are about to come, which does not give you peace, and this is your signal In my spiritual state, a child appears in the dream .

If you dreamed of a child crying, then this is a sign that, regardless of all your troubles, you do not take away what you need.

Trim the baby in your arms, pin it, crouch it - in reality you will need a lot of dedication, so the path to success will not be easy.

The dream that you have a child promises you a good deal that will end with a benefit for you, bringing you moral and material satisfaction.

Punish the child in your dreams - in reality you will notice incompetence, discomfort, and the fact that you will end up with a robot that is not like you.

Dream Interpretation - Ryatuvati

If you are put on a boat, you will be surrounded by a very important huge landing.



I’m walking in a transport and see that a woman and a child in a stroller are crossing the road. And Rapto lets go of the stroller from his hands and there is an expensive fake car. And here I rise to extend my hand and
I grab the stroller and scream at it


I dreamed that I was holding my son from the left and the left, without fighting with them, I found the child and was able to bring her to the corners. What is this dream about?


Good afternoon, help decipher the dream by having a good conversation with the girl beforehand and going to bed at night. The dream is like this: when I crossed the road and only walked along the side of the road, there were other people behind me and about a few boys standing in front of me were 10-12 years old. Having driven the car at speed and not bothering me and going straight to the guy, I managed to squeeze him and twist him! But I don’t remember the axis... What can this mean?


We saw the bottom of the rocks during the day. Stones began to fall from the top in a rush. I was able to lie to my daughter and myself.


If you want to deprive a mother’s child of her very crippling baby on the street, winter, cold, wind, I will not deprive her of using it, but I won’t be able to wonder what’s going on with her, but I’m still amazed at the little one, he’s not breathing anymore, and I took it in my hand and started to shine. I threw my arms around a little bit, I cried even harder It’s impossible to describe, the Swede immediately called out, the Swede arrived and then I jumped


I dreamed of stealing the baby and brought it home, telling my mother that the neighbors had a lot of their children without looking, she said that it was so calm and there was no need to bother with them, bring the baby back.


In my dreams, I was drinking from a wondrous body of water, similar to a great pool, only without the bright glassy walls, the water was enough to see through and flowed through the child’s body, turned upside down. I stripped into the pool, the girl showed up like a living lad. I’m standing all wet on the edge of the reservoir and rubbing it in my hands


Good afternoon. I had a dream about a child’s story.
I went from work, having paid 2 boys, who played white kalyuzh after the end. They were about 10-12 years old. One lad immediately cut off the kalyuzha and fell into it headlong. After about an hour, the boy still hadn’t cried and I was shaking. Escape to this pot and stick your hand in there. From the very beginning, I was wondering about this thing, pulling out this object - this is a bottom (similar to a kitchen bottom with a thin blade and a wooden handle). Throwing up my lower back, I suddenly stuck my hand in the pot. I realized why the child didn’t drink, there was little water in this ravine, there was slush from the pond, in which the child simply got stuck and would not have gotten out without outside help.
Having wrapped the baby there, I pulled her, placing her back to the top. He was all blue, as the hrobak's eyes showed in his mouth. I felt disgusted for a good hour, but I came to my senses, because a child can’t earn a piece of shit, there’s no way around it. Having collected my spirit, I gave the little thing a mouthful of breath and the child came up to you, cleared her throat and rose to her feet. Having finished talking about what happened, I told you that we need to be careful. The child asked me for her knife and I turned it around on mine, after which we went our separate ways and I threw myself over.


I’m sitting on a birch tree, watching out for a mother with 3 small children to bathe.... I can’t help but feel the stench begin to drown through (the children)... the mother is getting sick, I don’t know who to kill. I got 2 of them, my mother tried to turn the third one. The water was calm, not rough


It turned out that when the elevator doors were repaired, he was pinched, and he was not pinched, having climbed onto the top of the building and giving him away to his fathers. having been convinced and not knowing anyone.


I've had a lot of problems now. Cob to sleep: My friend and I were walking across the bridge and talking. We called a friend, but she was late. And the axle over there has already run out. She got wet and fell under the snow. And I also saw a little girl in the distance, she was sitting in the park and almost fell from the height of the nine-top. I ran and grabbed the girl and we chatted. Then we fell into the snow. The snow was even softer. We met a friend and she got to know us as her friend. Then I lost my phone. My friend showed me everyone here and we went to the barnyard. We stroked the cows and the stench grew wild. It was really scary. I trimmed the doors, looking for the keys. Ale mi ykh closed. Then a miracle happened. The heavenly garden has appeared! We kept an eye on him. I have a question for you: why did I dream about this? Well, I don’t know if you can tell me that I have 9 rocks at once.


good afternoon!
Three of us are driving in a BMW 520 car on an asphalt road, I am a passenger behind the kerma and my son is in the back seat. And in one car, the speed of the car changes, marveling at each other and falling asleep behind the kerm. the racks of the fittings and they collapsed right on top of her, at which point I take the kermo and turn it to the right to remove the impact. After which I turned onto the asphalt area. The speed was already approximately 10 km/h (automatic transmission on the car). From the car between us, we opened the water doors, stopped the car and woke up a friend, then opened the left rear door and removed the son (I am 1 year old). Marveling at the damage done to the car, the front left fenders and rear left fenders were damaged.
With respect to Oleksiy Oleksiy


Hello Tetyana. I dreamed that I was walking into the bathtub and there was my younger brother sitting on the toilet table (currently under my care), and in his face he was writhing in pain, and he was drinking, and he seemed to have just hungered. wow 9 rocks, and I’m surprised that I’m so hung up on my stomach that there’s a one-cm ball with a circle right on my stomach and there are cracks going on, there’s no blood, there’s nothing, clean skin and meat is visible, I’m in tears, I guess you need a goal itisya , and my little brother says I don’t understand anything, so I tell people and we’re going to the boat, it’s already dark, it’s winter outside, there’s no one there, there’s no one screaming, I climbed over the parking lot with my brother, there’s no one in the yard, and next to the gate on the territory there was a new brightly colored child's vise and a new baby crying, well, I decided that we needed to go, otherwise we would go out and scold that we woke up and climbed back, I was surprised that my brother was still there trims the baby in the black conbinson I have stiffness in my arms and it’s starting to put him on his legs, and the baby is about 5-6 months old, I then scream out loud, taking him, putting him in the stroller, and his brother throws him down and the baby is crying again, and then I jumped. I will be glad to see you, my dear.


In my dream, I dug up a little guy who was hit by a car and fell into a pile, I dug him up and asked people to call the Swede for help!

Marina Viktorivna:

I often dream of other people's small (infant) children, and if the dreams are not good, then I'm flowing through the ford, or I'm fighting uphill to grab the child, then I'm flowing like a crooked river, but sometimes I have someone else's child in my arms.


Hello! I dreamed that a little child, the river of the republic, was leaning very low on the side of the forest.


I pretended the girl was a bear. She screamed in fear, stood at the door, but didn’t understand that she needed to close it. Everything was learned at school. The bears walked along the corridor. I ran up to the teacher’s desk and pulled the girl into my arms from behind. She was rubbing the door handle so hard that the doors were locked and I felt a paw hit the door.


Having had a dream about a funeral and a small, newly born baby who was still alive, they wanted to seize him, but I took him home.


Autumn, I’m behind the scenes, heading somewhere on the bus. meringue and in me, having flogged my dear child, otherwise I don’t drink for myself in the water, it turned out to be easy for me to earn it. The woman lost her life, and it seems like a dream that it’s her fault in the accident and I’ll take the child with me.


I dreamed of low, sharp rocks from which I take my child, two rocks, where there is a strong wind, and I carry him to a different house, like my house, I live in a new one, I want to know that it is not at all similar to my life, and some kind of dream series


The war began, when the people with whom I tried to escape from the military operations were shot, they pardoned me and a young officer (enemy) gave me his child and asked me to protect him, if I protect him, then I have a check and happily, all my sleep I walked with the child and I was trying to get along with him during combat operations... until the end of sleep I don’t remember


Hello! I had a dream that a girl I knew was taken away by two men and carried somewhere under the ground, and the stench was not aggressively cleared, but I wanted to take him away from them, and all the way I screamed at him with a towel. ін not frozen, the towel was In short, I tried to carefully close my legs. I don’t remember yet.


Great wake-up call. I'm in the middle with a filthy man. At the first time, I grab the hand of my little boy, my son, and we run with him as soon as we get together. Dogs bark whenever they go out, but we neither care nor fear them. -Freedom.We are wondering along the street, covered with snow, two girls went to the prom ball in carnival light cloth.


the dream was like this, there was a shootout in the circus, two children were covered with cartridges, I panicked, when it was all over, I climbed out and took these two children by hand, and carried them to the doctor's office, I wanted to know the car, two passed by, one jeep standing, I idbig , there they walked to the car, and I said: help was crying, take the children to the hospital, after a while they put us in the car, I was surprised at the blood on my right forefinger, then I don’t remember.


I'm looking forward to the garniy booth on the birch of the sea, garniy and the great monument will be destroyed by the VVV. On the birch and the sea, the valley shimmers with clear water. Then I’ll take the children out of the water so that they don’t drown;


I remember that when I dreamed of a little boy standing on the window, I took him as my son, but he was not like anyone else. I brought it to the reception, where my colleagues were sitting, but they did not show respect to me. I just found a place to sit with him. Sila sat at the remaining table and made him sit on his knees.


Hello. I dreamed that I was on a bus with other girls. It was not Russian but mature people who came in. I was angry because I needed to take courage. I told one man about his son and turned him home safe and unharmed. We were immediately released as a boy to some rural area. We walked into the middle of Budinki looking for a taxi. There were 4 cars there. We got to the first one, a Matiz type - small and fully equipped - there were a lot of Uzbeks sitting in it, it was clear that there was no place for us there. There were also homosexuals kissing, one of them. The other two had men and women kissing. Moreover, when we reached one of the remaining ones, they grabbed the lad and tried to drag him into the car, but as if bloodthirsty, I remember how one leg was tightly pressed against the door. A very emotional scene, but I didn’t believe it. Then my man suddenly appeared. And, perhaps, we were taken home by train. I never could have guessed this moment. I remembered everything before the train, and then I had amnesia. The man told me that there was a girl traveling with us, as I also know. But I was in control of the scandal, I began to sing about the fact that I don’t remember any girl and, having seen everything, I was so desperate to bring his respect to myself... (In fact, I have a son, but I have a son unknown me boy rocks 10)


In real life I am what I am supposed to be. It dawned on me that I was on a skating rink, but kids have been skating since they were in school. In the stands there are activities of mothers and wigglers and I note that the white stands are unmovable in envelopes, sleeping in the snow. Just like minks don’t have any openings for their noses. In a panic, I escaped the skin wound, my neck became not under the snow, but under the ice! I broke the ice. valleys, crying, giving young children into the arms of women! Everyone was just amazed. Right in the middle, I picked up the little one, as I saw from the boy’s envelope, and squeezed him to my chest, I saw the warmth in my dreams, I marveled at his fur, all the little ones began to cry, but only the little ones didn’t cry remove the handle from the envelope, and A woman came up to me and said that he had been abandoned and I could take him back, and I remember how I would help with the papers. I decided to take it, took the envelope from him, marveled at him, I remember clearly, unmasking him, unzipped my sweater, pressed it to my body, shook it, and left. in a quick way to the house, through the Raptova Khurtovina.


I allegedly yelled at the boys and took them to the doctor’s office, but there was an evil doctor there and said that the operating room would be busy. to another medicine.


It was all over the sea. I stood on the birch tree, and there were strong pine trees. And the child, who stood in order, suffered from sickness, and I ran up to her without breaking in. I took him by the legs and lifted him up, and again began to run wild and tumble


I remember that I protected other people’s children from their father. I don’t remember very well that I scared my father, but he became a terrible person. It was in a place unknown to me. There were three children.


I fell into confusion from the pier, I rushed to the water, grabbed the baby, and her mother was no longer there and there was no one else around, I walked with the baby to my daughter for fun, and the baby was quiet, saddened. Having arrived before her to sleep and having laid down the child next to her, she hugged him without hesitation, wanting to lie down with them in order, then the dream ended


In front of my eyes, I'm looking down at the water. I farted and pulled the baby. The girl began to fade in appearance and it seems that the girl came to life and laughed.


Hello! I dreamed that my man was killed (the names were not similar) and I feel like I was guilty of stealing this girl, she was grown up, in a blue-colored jacket, she didn’t cry, she was 6 months old, she willingly went into my arms, she laughed, in my arms її I didn’t let you go.


I fell asleep early in the morning. I am a stranger to Malaya Batkivshchyna (even a dear place for me), the street is the same. I’m coming, I noticed my sister and called out. I just wanted to say, I lowered my eyes, and there was still snow lying on the street, and my two little legs were falling under the snow, I managed to roll over, until the doll and the stinks began to crumble, but my body itself was buried under the snow, I scream asked my sister for the police to call and I run for the shovel, since I’m in charge of the booths. more people came. Having arrived with a shovel, she carefully dug up the white tender and then opened it with her hands, and there was a baby boy, naked and alive, I wrapped him in my jacket and then there was nothing and I went to sleep again, otherwise I’m walking with him, I’m already here.


I dreamed of a little stretched-out blanket (about the size of a small doll). In my dreams, I protected him in every possible way and ran in the unknown direction in search of hiding and hiding from any kind of villainy. She bred her relatives, who gave the child toys. Then I swam in a very clean lake. As a result of the daring of our acquaintances, I recognized my man with a machine gun in his hands.

Today I had a dream that I never conceived and gave birth to, but the child was with a pathology and it was important for me to die, I had a panic, I tried to twist him and took him to the doctor…. and then I slipped up


I dream that I am sitting late in the evening on a bench with a rich top. I feel the voice of a person (an unknown human voice, I feel it in my head), I want to throw the guy off the balcony. An unknown man is standing nearby and smoking. I marvel at the balconies and see that on the sixth version of the boy’s heels (otherwise I know the numbers) they would otherwise throw them over the balcony by their legs. A woman stood guard on the balcony, but she had never tried to get rid of him. The boy falls, hits the crossbar below with his feet and hits his face, then falls face-first onto the asphalt (like a happy husband). I and the man who smokes nearby rush to the boy. Every person is afraid to look at someone. I don’t hesitate to take the stars, don’t take the blanket, I take it, tan the lad and drink wine, so I know for sure that I will immediately wake up. The boy's cheeks are shabby and his face is slightly damaged. Then I carry him around the courtyards and talk to him, I remember exactly what I say: “You are surprised that the angels set their wings for you.” The child laughs, she confirms. Then my mother comes and we carry the boy back to the terrible wake-up call. There are police and no father, I still feel like I’m lying to him. And the dream is interrupted.


I dreamed that the child died of asphyxia, and the doctors could not do anything, but I took it and rotated it. Once again I began to die.


Roztlumachte, be kind, my dream
We were riding on a bus, my sister was behind the seat, my mother and niece were sitting in charge, I was with the passengers in the cabin... I saw this picture, my sister was driving and she didn’t notice the ledge, she thought she had passed.... It’s a pity, the bus started to turn over, I ran out of the bus, I was even worried about the children... The bus, I shook my hands and didn’t let it fall into the air, not far from the edge... One child, stuck out of the window, I she said, and after stribing, I caught him... Luckily, everyone was alive, even though they were already crying, my sister was already crying....


I was in the room and every child I knew walked into the other room, climbed onto the windowsill, somehow walked along the narrow pedestal to the open balcony, but I couldn’t go back when I noticed I was angry before the balcony came out all the time, I opened it, I buried it, and I disappeared, and I turned it in And I also dreamed that I met the relatives of the betrothed and kissed them, but they were all wives


Hello! I had a dream today: I’m standing on a sandy beach and I can see a majestic tsunami coming from the sea, the water is blue and clear. I grab my baby and run out to the sea, but I realize that the tree is collapsing behind me. I press the child up to the tree (there are birch trees with a strong, smooth stovbur), and I hug the stovbur myself, pressing the child up to it. Khvilya covers us with his head, but it’s easy to pass through us. There seems to be no shortage of things to come. The tree loses its place. We were not harmed. We climb out of the tree and look around the beach, the ruins and find out who needs our help.


In the dream of the boy, Roku 4 beats him with a blow to the head with a hammer and buries him in an old barn, which man, like me, then recognizes him by hammering his material. Later, I see how I take this healthy boy in my arms and carry him across the river, but the river was not deep to his ankles, and the water was narrower than his eyesight. There were a lot of toads and toads of varying sizes near the water. I held the boy in my arms and explained that it’s not good for toads to be afraid and they don’t bite at all. I walked straight along the river, the leaves of the trees were rustling, it was very warm, the warm wind was blowing, it was sleepy and the leaves were falling. And behind us was our godly man (he was the boy’s father), who had been reciting for the whole hour, glad for the warm day, cutting and picking up the toads that sometimes cut my legs, and in me there was a prayer I think it's my fault keep the boy out of water so he doesn't get cold


I realized that we were riding on a bus and we were a little tired, all the people got off the bus and I was here, and here I am with a woman and two small children, they walked up to the bus and with a rush one child jumped up and started I was about to fall, run up and climb for I couldn’t help him, but I couldn’t help him, but when I looked down, I realized that the baby was alive and had only been injured for a little while.


I cross the road, and in front of me there is a woman and a child, and the bus starts moving quickly, the woman gets up to cross, and I pull the child back to me by the hood and then the girl and I cross at the same time. And then this woman seems, since we have already crossed over, that the girl sounds the same as me.


We were not standing in a wooden place, my 6-year-old daughter, I, my late father. As it happened, the little girl fell into the water and sank to the bottom without resisting, the water was turbulent, I realized that I needed to steal, and at the same time I knew that I was trying to get us not to steal after her, I called for help, my dad, I want I shook my head, shook my head, and with the words help me, I woke up


The child stops at this hour, I cover my eyes with my hands, and when I open my eyes, she is important and tries to grab the handrails, I pull the child by the hand and lift her face to me. And everything is available at my doorstep


Hello. Having had a dream, I’m throwing my daughter in front of the bear, there were three of them, and I won’t have mercy. The daughter did not cry, she was calm. It’s amazing how all the witches still lived out their lives calm and not aggressive. One witch tried to take the child, but I kidnapped her and began to run away. The witches followed us, but it seemed as if they would see us off rather than marry. And finally, the stench of the sky turned into cats similar to the Siamese breed.


I don't know the apartment. I will live in it. nich. One small cauldron crawled through the great gap near the window and fell asleep. I wanted to kick her out, but I decided to finish the wound and left the room. I stood above Vrantz. There were furrows on the ground like tank tracks. Here a tank arrived, and I began to beat up the ground, picking up the pill. A girl stood behind me. I went out and left until I woke up. I was afraid that I knew that the little one would kill him and not destroy me, but I helped him to fight. I lost my mind


My boyfriend and I were traveling by bus home. The bus stopped at our stop and I asked: “Are we leaving?” We lost it, after noticing that we had passed the booth, and the next step was far away, and we were about to get off the fast-moving bus, so the woman in front of us just stopped us. We left and went to each of the cities, then, to cut them off, we decided to go through the cities. And when they passed, the man sat on the table in the living room, I don’t know how, we emptied a lady’s bag with cigarettes and took one from it and lit a cigarette, then we felt screams and shouts from some room, no one was talking , we wanted to pass unmarked, And then in the next room we saw a little girl on the windowsill, and there was my daughter sitting, I definitely saw her face, and then I wasn’t her mother. I took the baby in my arms and the man and I hurried over. After that, he left us on the street with some kind of man and told him that he would not let us in the image, but he himself hurried after the car so that we and the child could get to the booth, because. I was already tired of carrying it, and it was only a matter of time until the booth was where the car was parked and it was quicker to turn back. A short time later, a policeman approached us and asked us to walk with him (to find out why we are walking so painfully). I waited for an hour, wondering what his name was, because I was looking for the man in his place. When we got to the car and sat down to fill out the report, I realized that it was a bit of a mess, and I asked to open the doors, let them go, they threw up a stink, I knocked out, after one of them started to take me out of the way to pass the man . We stopped not far from the road, I spotted the man’s car and ran to the next village, immediately closing the doors, they began to beat the car, then they took it out of the place, like a living girl, she was beaten, very hard, chantingly, work hard, what are you doing We tried to turn them, but they didn’t, I let them go to the girls’ mothers and turned them out of the window. The dream is over.


I kept children in various clinics so that they were not exposed to the drug and were not infected with mutants. there were 5 children, and one I washed in my arms, we ran, and people helped us


I dreamed that I was a brave child in the face of murder, beating, blood, it seems I’m covered in blood. every time we meet in the entrance, the railings are slimy with blood.


In the area, my boyfriend and I met a child of the same name, he was hypotic and not crying, even serious. It seems like he was abandoned even by his rich family, and it seems that his father and mother completely forgot about him as if they were even poor. So I take him in my arms and gladly don’t want to give him away to anyone, but his ear was in his chest and for a little while he was out of sight of me, but I guessed that I had a vologa server and erased his ear


Insatiability falls into the moon and the evidence of the burning of it attracts death. Exposed under the ice. I break the ice, grab the baby, take my terry robe, wrap it up and smile


I had a dream that I was walking along the road, a car was driving me and a guy from Garniy Russian Rocks appeared in a rush 5 and I was turning his car away


rip children out of the burning great world and fall into the lava yourself

Yulia Askabutdinivna Pugachova:

dreaming about killing children, burning high, burning, falling into the lava myself


I dreamed that they were touching me, I began to cry and I had a child thinking about what would happen to her. then we sat with a friend before Varta and there was a woman with us, awkwardly, and on her breasts, on the bright phone, like yakshto vin to lose her call, and she knows where the child was, then we and my friend realized that the child was stolen, at that hour I was trimming him in my hands nka realized that We know she started shooting and wounded her friend, and I ran down the stairs with the child and suddenly showed up on the street, the woman caught up with me and shot me in the back, but I got into trouble with a stranger. then I snapped


I was walking around the shopping center, there were 2 little ones sitting in the parking lot, I was amazed that the dads couldn’t be bothered - even the stinks could fall on the lower surface, and it’s very high there. The first axis falls - one carelessly close to the left side. I was with a friend (as usual), she picked up one little guy from a parking lot, I picked up another one. everything went haywire.


In my dream, I felt like the bus was moving backwards for a few minutes, and I couldn’t lie under the front wheels. and gave it to her.


Hello, I dreamed that I found a little girl from the kuchugury where her fathers buried her. Then I want it from them. Everything is going to be collected, right next to the booth, where my dads hang around, and where I used to live.


I had a dream that I was walking along the side of the road and here a child’s car was pressing against me until the end of the road and I ran up and pulled the car up and lifted it to the back


good afternoon. In my dream, I was crying out. the girl. in the cold. warmed with my body


I had two little ones in my arms, they were about 3-4 months old, and I stole them from dogs that smelled like vampires, spent the whole hour hovering them in the closet and other places, and didn’t let them out of my hands!


Hello. I dreamed that I was fighting a little child in the face of something similar to a coward.
