Is Captain Nemo really? What kind of underwater atmosphere is Juulvern's "Nautilus" inspired by? Captain's underwater ship Nemo Nautilus.

Is Captain Nemo really? What kind of underwater atmosphere is Juulvern's "Nautilus" inspired by? Captain's underwater ship Nemo Nautilus.

1. Captain Nichto's ship

“1866 was marked by an astonishing achievement, which is undoubtedly still rich in memory. Without seeming to talk about those who were sensitive, who walked around the connection with an unintelligent phenomenon, about how they were walking, they praised the bastards of the seaside places and continents, the stinks still shone on the lights and among the sailors. Merchants, shipowners, ship captains, skippers, both in Europe and in America, sailors of the military fleets of all countries, in the ranks of various powers of the Old and New Worlds were affected by the spirit, which is not explained.

On the right, from now on, many ships began to collide in the sea with a long, phosphorescent, spindle-like object that far surpassed the whale, both in size and in the speed of transfer.

The entries compiled in the logbooks of various ships are remarkably similar in the description from the outside looking in the mysterious nature of an object, the unfelt fluidity and strength of its hands, as well as the peculiarities of its behavior. Since it was whale-like, then, judging from the descriptions, it exceeded the size of all those previously known to scientific representatives of its enclosure. Neither Cuvey, nor Lacépède, nor Dumeril, nor Quatrefage would have believed such a phenomenon if they had not seen it in their eyes, or rather the eyes of scientists...”

Thus begins a book that was destined to immediately become a classic of literature and the genre of science fiction that had come into being. In 1869, Jules Verne’s novel “Twenty Thousand Lies Under the Sea” brought light to the world. It is possible that not all readers remember well the plot twists and turns of this novel, then I will allow myself to briefly recap them. To hunt down the mysterious sea creature, the United States is using the frigate Abraham Lincoln. The greatest scientist in marine biology, Pierre Aronnax, professor at the Paris Museum, took part in this expedition. After a long chase, the "Abraham Lincoln" comes to the conclusion that it turned out to be a marvelous submarine vessel.An obvious beast will emerge victorious from battle. Aronnax, who fell overboard, his servant Conseil and the Canadian harpooner Ned Land sink a submarine called the Nautilus ("Ship" in Latin) and become the guards of his captain, called "Nemo" ("Nobody" , I call you Latina). Thus begins the rumbling journey of heroes through the depths of the Light Ocean. Professor Aronnax, who knows what kind of author he is, tells readers from the depths of the sea, talks about the treasures that have sunk to the bottom of the ocean, describes the ongoing development of the water expanse of our planet - in a word, the new functions a guide that was essential for science fiction of that period. All these facts, obviously, the insightful reader can be gleaned from the current scientific literature, or learn about the world and at the same time, having obscured them, follow the vicissitudes of a richly fitting plot Yes!And, moreover, it would not be so easy for a buried reader to find out about the peculiarities of the design of a submarine vessel - even if in reality such ships have never existed. I want the Nautilus's front runners. We cannot see the long-standing attempts of people to subdue the depths of the sea, ideas that are unlivable; We can only guess a few of the most vital and healthy projects that the author of “Twenty Thousand Leagues” miraculously knew about. This “Turtle” was inspired by the American David Bushnell in 1775. Vaughn was assigned to conduct combat operations, but didn’t end up fighting in earnest. Shortly after this, in 1806, the American winemaker R. Fulton (creator of one of the first steamboats) developed a project for a military submarine. However, one should not think that only a few people in the New World tried such things. Anya didn’t happen! The center-less successors of the "Nautilus" - combat submarines with metal hulls - were disassembled, produced and tested in Europe. A follower of Jules Verne, the French winemaker O. Rioux installed a steam engine on one of his wineries in 1861; on the other I tried the electric vicor. It didn't work.

In 1863, Jules Verne witnessed the launch of the French submarine "Pornalnik" (designed by Charles Brun), the largest of its kind - its water capacity was already 426 tons, and its crew - 12 people!

The French novelist was already very close to the fact that the world would have a water capacity almost three times greater than that of the “Niryalnik” (1500 tons, to say, perhaps a hundred times more than Schilder’s submarine). I provide the engine with an electric motor. After all, the Nautilus has practically no reserve, and it doesn’t need any fuel. That's why the electrician on board the submarine, invented by a French science fiction writer, is a marvel to create.

The trace, however, means that both the design of the “Nautilus” and the description of the underwater light provided by its passengers evoke a skeptical chuckle from today’s fakists. Meanwhile, we were skeptical about the fantasies of Jules Verne and the actions of his eternal companions. You can find many benefits both in the information about the scum of the sea depths and in the information about the fantastic properties of the ship. It can be said that Jules Verne’s “Nautilus” is easily entrenched in any kind of depth - despite the fact that even in the depths, which exceed hundreds of meters, the pressure is simply weakened by the pressure. What a marvel on the right! We all know about the concessions made by Jules Verne while working on this novel. Tim no less, “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” continues to be read, re-watched, and screened until today, for 140 years! We can proudly say that as things stand, our children will continue to read this enchanting book. Why?

Because the novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” is still not about the underwater world and not about whales and octopuses. This novel is about a marvelous person who she called herself Captain Nemo - Captain “Nichto”.

2. Nobody, Captain of the Ship

“...The stranger deserves the report's description. I, without worrying, recognized the main characteristics of this person’s character: his moodiness, as evidenced by the gentry’s head position, the look of his black eyes, a hint of cold resolve, calmness, because the shine of his skin spoke of his cold-bloodedness There is, innocence of will, that the Swede saw the shortening of her eyebrows 'yaziv. , - Come on, courage, because this deep death has drained a great reserve of vital forces.

Let me add that the people were proud, her gaze, firm and calm, seemed to turn at the height of her thoughts; And in his entire image, in his posture, his arms, and the expression of his appearance, signs were given, as if to believe the caution of physiognomists, the directness of his nature.

...How many fatalities have these people had? You could have been dated thirty-five or fifty! He was at a high age; a sharply decorated mouth, wonderful teeth, a hand, thin in the pencil, with curled fingers, even “psychic”, positively significant from the dictionary of palmists, characteristic of a tender and passionate nature, everything in the new gentry Yu. In a word, this person was a thorough reflection of human beauty, the likes of which I have never seen...” This is how the main character of the novel stands before Professor Aronnax (and the reader) - a brilliant wine-maker and captain of a perfect submarine vessel, an important mandarin, a tireless fighter against injustice and a defender of the oppressed. For now, Professor Aronnax can no longer guess who was his host before, why the tragedy left a mark of confusion on his man. Step by step we become aware of a lot - but not everything. Some people perceive him as a scientist obsessed with science, thoroughly influenced by the research of the deep sea. Sometimes it’s like a dirty and cruel messenger (though it’s unknown to whom and why). The decals give the impression of a misanthrope who would go to the sea to forget about humanity. The novel ends with Aronnax, Conseil and Land turning back to the end of their lives, and the mystery of Captain Nemo remains unsolved. The novel ends with these words:

“What happened to Nautilus? Who stood against the mighty volumes of the Maelstrom? Is Captain Nemo alive? Who will continue to swim in the depths of the ocean and make their greedy payments, where will they go on the remaining hecatomb? Would you like to bring to us that manuscript that describes the history of your life? Why do I know if I can help you? Why can’t you see the ship that was born, the nationality of Captain Nemo himself?

I give up. I also hope that this mighty spore was able to sweep the sea near the most terrible abyss and the Nautilus found its way there, where so many ships perished. As it is, and as Captain Nemo is still alive in the vastness of the ocean, as in his homeland, let hatred arouse in his baked heart! Let the sight of such a great number of wonders of nature extinguish the fire of revenge! Let no one, who is grim, sacrifice his place to a peaceful scientist who will continue his exploration of the depths of the sea.

If your share is chimeric, then yours is high. Why am I not sane? Why am I not alive for ten months of this supernatural life? Already six thousand years ago, Ecclesiastes put the following question: “Who will ever die in the depths of the abyss?” But to give you a testimony from all these people, there are only two people right: Captain Nemo and me.”

About those who were truly the captain of the “Ship”, which caused him to become confused by the sea water; find out how to put yourself at risk and who was your enemy - we already learned about everything from another novel about the benefits of Captain Nemo (and the final one - all the trilogies, which includes, in addition to the names, another wonderful novel "The Children of Captain Grant") - from the novel “The Hidden Island”, which first appeared in the world in 1874, five years after the first appearance of Captain “Nobody”:

“Captain Nemo was a Hindu, Prince of Dakkar, son of the Rajah, ruler of Bandelkhand - at that time an independent territory from the English - and nephew of the Indian hero Tippo-Sahib. When the boy turned ten years old, his father sent him to Europe, hoping to finish his enlightenment. With this, the Raja was confident that his sons were losing the ability to fight fiercely with those whowill suppress his father’sism.

This Indian has concentrated all the hatred of the overcomer. The oppressed person does not win over the oppressed one. The son of one of the three princes whose Received Kingdom managed to regulate itself legally, a nobleman from the family of Tippo-Saiba, from his childhood with a thirst for revenge, protest and love to his poetic fatherhood, fettered by the Lancsugs of the English, without stopping to step foot on the damned one. who condemned India to slavery...

In 1857, a great sepoy uprising broke out. Yogo soul buv Prince Dakkar. He organized this great protest. He gave away all his talents, all his own. We did not harm ourselves: we fought at the first fronts of fighters, we risked our lives, like some of the unforgettable heroes who rose up to abolish Fatherlandism. In twenty battles, he suffered a dozen wounds, but still did not die when the remaining fighters for independence fell, killed by the British.

The warrior turned into an old man. On one deserted island in the Pacific Ocean, they had their masters. There, behind those chairs, was a submarine ship. In ways that will become clear to everyone, Prince Dakkar has harnessed the great mechanical power of electricity. Seeing from the unsupported jets, having stagnated the electrics for all the needs of his floating projectile, it was collapsing, sparkling and brightening the underwater ship. The sea with its majestic treasures, myriads of fish, endless fields of algae, majestic sea salts - not only those that nature found in the sea, but those that people spent in its abyss went to satisfy the needs of the prince and his crew . In this manner, Prince Dakkar’s most beloved duty was fulfilled - even though his mother did not want to leave the land. Having named his ship “Nautilus”, he called himself Captain Nemo and the Known in the Deep Sea…”

So, the axis there, the secret place of a wondrous hero. Dedicating your life to the pursuit of the Light Ocean, helping the fighters against strangulation in all corners of the earthly culture - and, of course, taking revenge. Revenge on those who were held responsible for the death of their family, on those who oppressed and belittled his father’sism. To the English too. So many fates have been troubling. During this hour, his comrades died, and he himself grew older and older. The remaining six rocks of Nemo-Dakkar were spent at home, with his child “Nautilus”, in the bay of a deserted island. A group of “Robinsons” did not show up here by chance - participants in the Great War in the USA, soldiers of the army of the Northerners, who were completely destroyed by the inhabitants of the day and ran for help from the wind-swept sack. Captain silently tells them, reveals to them the secrets of his life. The novel “The Hidden Island” ends with a pathetic scene: the eruption of a volcano to destroy the island, which, having become the remaining part of the “Nautilus”, destroys the submarine ship and its old captain.

It would have been a good idea to put specks over the i. Captain Nemo's dungeon has been opened. The reader can calmly take a breath and listen to the kohan hero, who, in close resemblance to the romantic canon, is deeply unhappy, pursued by soulless enemies (in this case, the English colonialists).

It is clear that Prince Dakkar is exposing the vigadan. It is possible to assume that Jules Verne respected a real person, who became the prototype of an important captain and a follower. Most of all, in his discussion of the difficult life of his hero, the writer recalls the Rajah of Tippo-Sahib (today the accepted spelling is “Tippo-Sahib”), who was still alive in India at the beginning of the 19th century. Tippo Sahib was an implacable fighter against the English colonialists. It’s important for nephews to speak - at the Gathering of the Motherland, the bonds are very great. Singingly, Tippo Sahib had nephews. It is unlikely that the French writer would have made any particular relative of the Mysore Rajah the hero of the novel. Seemingly powerful, Tippo Sahib himself was able to tell Captain Nemo a fortune. Vin is already competent technical types ozbroєnnya. The famous Congreve missiles of their time could truly be called Tippo-Sahib missiles. He himself successfully fought against the English this type of evil. And Congreve refined the evidence of Indian missiles buried in the Indian forces.

Among the possible prototypes of the Jules-Vernovsky hero, one of the leaders of the Sepai rebel Nana Sahib is often called. Tim more, that his life’s finale has not been determined. His army was defeated by the English, but it itself did not perish in battle and was not buried completely - it died. In a moment, melodiously, after every hour, we will disembark on the captain’s seat of the Nautilus.

For a long time, the version that Nana Sahib’s biography itself inspired Jules Verne to create a biography of his hero was extremely popular. Complete the Radian three-part film “Captain Nemo”. Its creators may have been completely identical to the real Nana Sahib and the fictional Captain Nemo. Nastilki, that the script was based on two novels, but the others were not “The Hidden Island”, but… “The Steam House”! Tim, most importantly, reads Jules Verne’s work in the same way that Nana Sahib and Prince Dakkar (aka Captain Nemo) were different people in the eyes of the writer himself.

3. Jungle, jungle

“On the evening of the 6th Birth of 1867, the residents of Aurangabad could read such a stupefaction:

“Two thousand pounds are on the line for anyone who can deliver, alive or dead, one of the large squadrons of rebel sepoys, whose presence in the Bombay district has been removed from view. The name of the evil one is Nabob Dandu-Pan, otherwise known under the name...”

The remaining rows of the nabob, hated, eternally cursed by some and secretly betrayed by others, were rejected by that stunned, firmly pasted on the wall of the building that had collapsed on the Dudmi birch. The lower part of the poster, where the name was overlaid by great writers, having taken one fakir.

The shore was completely deserted, and no one noticed his turn. At the same time, from these names the name of the Governor-General of the Bombay District emerged, which bore the signature of the Viceroy of India.”.

This is how the novel “The Steam House” begins. Literally through several pages the reader recognizes the correct name of the unidentified one, as it appeared in the tattered note:

“— Misfortune for those who would be slain at the hand of Dandu-Pan! Englishmen, you are not done with Nana Sahib yet.

The name of Nana Sahib instilled the greatest fear of the deeds with which the revolution of 1857 created its crooked popularity... "

The plot of “The Steam House” unfolds around the death of Nana Sahib’s deadly warlock and the English Colonel Munro. The reason for this is from the first sides:

“On the fifteenth birthday of a friend of Rizanin in Kanpur. And once again, there was a massacre that spread across hundreds of children and wives, and among the rest, Lady Munro died; victims' lives were spared after jahlivih tortur, which is subject to the special orders of Nana Sahib, who called upon himself as assistants to the butchers of Muslim slaughter. After the end of this crooked fun, the bodies of the tortured victims were thrown into the well, which became extremely popular in India.”

It is clear that Jules Verne was not Jules Verne, as if he had not given faithfully to the other side - the English colonialist. Having overestimated the cruelty of the slaughterers, this very same outrage is presented to the English.

The rebellion was suppressed, Nana Sahib died and reappeared in India:

“Nana Sahib’s hatred for the conquerors of India was of such a kind that people’s lives would die out at once. He was the descendant of Bayi-Rao, and after the death of the Pope in 1851, the East India Company was able to pay a pension of just thousands of rupees, as he was entitled to do. There was one reason, the fortuneteller, that gave birth to such terrible inheritances.”

Well, they came here, sacrificing their lives, to take revenge on the deadly enemy:

“The living Colonel Munro, who killed my friend with a strong hand, wounded me!”

Besides, it’s worth it:

“Dandu-Pan,” said Sahib, “will be, no less, crowned at the fortified castle of Bilgur, and will be the sovereign over all the sacred territory of India.

Having said this, Nana Sahib closed his arms, clasped his hands, and his gaze took on that unruly and insignificant look with which the eyes of people are amazed, not to marvel at the last minute of today, but to marvel at the next.”

Well, Colonel Munro, who, having spent the sepoy of his squad during the hour of the uprising, took over from the headquarters. Friends, in order to encourage him, beg him to travel on the road to India, vikorista and exotic purchase of the transfer: a piece elephant with steam engine, prompted by engineer Banks for the Raja of Bhutan, the Raja died, and the people did not want to pay. Munro is flying along the roads, and a deadly enemy is following at his heels.

As is expected in the novels of the French writer, the intrigue is interspersed with various descriptions of the vegetable and animal world of India, historical information - and, especially, technical information about the wonders of technology, in this episode - a steam booth, like a giant machine with the appearance of an elephant pulled by slats. It all ends with Munro’s miraculous order, the appearance of his squad (unfortunately, it appears, did not perish, but died as a result of the misfortune they endured) and the payment of the evil spirit - Nana Sahiba. At the time of death, a giant elephant swelled.

In a word, Nana Sahib is unlikely to become the prototype of Prince Dakkar. One cannot really relate to the wild Indian rajah, as Jules Verne described him, with a noble intellectual that can be traced to the depths of the sea. Nana Sahib at the “Steam House”, before speaking, is still an opponent of technological progress, which would give birth to the hated Sunset. No, he was not the prototype of Nemo and could not be.

It is clear that one single people, whose lives were taken as a basis by the writer, did not exist in nature. At the same time, Captain Nemo is surrounded by a wealth of real people, with whom the French science fiction writer met: ancients, sailors, writers, revolutionaries...

Among the rest, one can guess Giuseppe Garibaldi, not only a revolutionary, but a sailor who spoke about the “maritime republic of revolutionaries.” This floating republic could float freely and bring freedom to those who require it. Wait, this world is very close to the world of Captain Nemo.

And yet...

And in the biography of the character there are a lot of wonders. And it is important to say - what is the result of the author’s lack of integrity, what are other reasons?

For example: in the novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” by Captain, there are thirty-five fates - although at times he looks rather older. This is also confirmed by what is clarified in “The Hidden Island”: the rebels took part in thirty fates, a few fates before their acquaintance with Professor Aronnax. But in the same “Hidden Island” he stands before us as an old man (at that time), well over sixty. It can be said that almost three decades passed between the first and other novels. The remnants of the heroes of the “Hidden Island” flow out of full force in 1865 (as has already been said, at the hour of the war between Pivnichchu and Pivdne), then Professor Aronnax was lost to the “Nautilus” in 1836. And the rebels shares were issued in 1857! I ended in 1858! What the hell is this?! It is acceptable that the author forgot about the hour of action of “Twenty Thousand Leagues” (Jules Verne gave it as 1866), and tied the action of “The Hidden Island” to the outbreak of the Great War in the USA, giving up on the confusion in dates. Buvaje. It’s rare that this happens.

And those who have mixed up historical events and decided to take the fate of Captain Nemo have those who could not take part, as if not to believe it.

4. A Tale of Two Stabs

In 1997, an article appeared in the American scientific journal “Scientific American” for the last month of an article by philologists Arthur B. Evans and Ron Miller, who had not seen each other for a long time and were inspired by the novel by J. Verne, who, having lost money, “The Bet” "in the XXI century." The authors have been studying the work of the great French science fiction writer for a long time. One of them, Arthur Evans, is a co-editor of the journal Science Fiction Studies, and also the author of a new translation of English language the novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under Water” itself.

The article, as it turns out, is dedicated, with the highest rank, to Jules Verne and his stationary leader Pierre-Jules Hetzel. In addition to Hetzel’s role in the unprecedented “Paris...” (seemingly considering the new book to be overly pessimistic; however, the novel today would be called a dystopia - a quirk uncharacteristic of the creativity of a French writer), Evans and Miller are fussing about the presentation of the work to Verna other books. Zokrema, over “Twenty thousand lies under the water”:

“It’s clear that the creation of the novel appeared to be turbulent. Vern and Hetzel disagreed about the biography of the main character, Captain Nemo. Hetzel considered him an uncompromising fighter against slavery. This would allow us to explain and ideologically justify the merciless attacks on sea vessels. Prote Verne wanted to make the main character a Pole who fought against Tsarist Russia (with the pressure on the crook of the strangulation of the Polish uprising five years ago). Ale Hetzel was afraid that diplomatic complicity would be at fault here. Moreover, the Russian book market, so promising, would have closed for Verne’s book.

So the author and apparently came to a compromise. They decided not to reveal the true motives of Captain Nemo and make him an abstract fighter for freedom and against oppression. In order to give the primary idea more specific figures, the creators of the 1954 film “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” decided to attack Captain Nemo’s armor dealers.”.

I think that for Hetzel, what was most important was the possible waste of great profits, and not the diplomatic complexity: you see, the man is neither a president nor a minister. When A. Dumas’s novel “Notes of a Fencing Reader” appeared in due time, which sensitively depicted the Decembrists, it called for the protection of book sales in Russia, but other political and diplomatic arrangements did not appeal. As for the compromise that Evans and Miller write about, Jules Verne faced great difficulties. What he wrote to his friends at the breakup of their super-cheeks:

“Since I cannot explain my hatred, I will mention the reasons for it, as well as about the past hero, about his nationality and, if necessary, I will change the outcome of the novel. I don’t dare to give this book of greedy political barbarism. If you want to assume that Nemo knows that the hatred of slavery leads to slavery and clears the seas of slave-trading ships, of which there are no longer any anywhere, it means, in my opinion, to go the wrong way. You say: it’s okay to give up vileness! And I say: No! Don’t forget what the primary idea of ​​the book was: a Polish aristocrat, whose daughters were confiscated, his squad was slain, his father died under the baton, a Pole, whose friends perished near Siberia, so the foundation of the Polish nation the threat of Russian tyranny! Since such a person has no right to sink Russian frigates here, so they can get away with it, it means that payment is just an empty word. I would drown such a camp without any qualms of conscience...”

Vlasna, it’s all good, apparently. And the thought, published in the cited statistics, is completely popular: from the beginning Nemo was a Pole, a Polish rebel, an implacable enemy of Russia. Participant in the Polish uprising of 1863, several years earlier oppressed by the Russian armies. As a result of a compromise between a writer and a writer, the captain of the Nautilus became an abstract rebel, a rebel. Only in “The Hidden Island” Jules Verne turned him into an Indian and one of the leaders of the sepoy insurrection. Apparently, and then (in “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Water”) went into the background, transforming the mysterious character into a meticulous investigator and a brilliant winemaker - and then into a defender of the oppressed and a champion of some kind of justice . And to say that it’s wonderful to speak in European languages, to like to insert the Latin Vistula into your language (to name your ship and yourself by giving Latin names, and taking a Latin motto) - all this, of course, is much more characteristic of Polish aristocrat, anij for the Indian Raja . How can this “pre-biography” of a literary hero lead to the mystery of his thirty years of life? Just as in 1865 the people could not have passed thirty years since the Sepai uprising of 1857, then more than thirty years have not passed since the close hours of 1863!

The wealth of descendants and amateurs of the creativity of the great French science fiction writer, for example, among those who, having seen the “Polish line” in the approach of “Captain Nobody”, and lost this problem with a monument to the author’s flashy nonsense, is not connected and with the controversy surrounding the drive of the national government of the captain Nemo.

Tim, as for me, there is no problem. Well, maybe not. And this very term – three decades (or close to that) – indicates once again in Polish the “approach” of Captain Nemo to his “fate” with the Polish rebel. How can that be? — the reader is sleeping. - Even the Polish uprising took place in 1863, two years ago, and not thirty years before the time described in “The Hidden Island”! Isn't that right?

Yes and no. Moreover, nowhere in the leaflet of Jules Verne and Pierre-Jules Hetzel is it said that the writer owes respect to the Polish uprising of 1863. These literary scholars are so respected “for their wisdom.” Just because a thought becomes the thought of the majority, it does not mean that it is true. Of course, events in Poland in 1863-1864 are still fresh in memory. This is a single argument. And he’s not at all crazy when it comes to literary creativity. Because, I repeat, you are already thirty years old.

In the illustrations of the first edition of the novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea,” Captain Nemo is given a picture of Colonel Charras, a participant in the revolution of 1830, who died in exile. I return your respect to the fact that the “graphic prototype” of Captain Nemo appears to be a participant in the revolution thirty years ago, and not at all a participant in the author’s life. So what - did Nemo take part in the Lipneva revolution (as they call the revolution of 1830 in France)? No, of course. Є listuvannya, which has already been quoted. Well, Captain Nemo was a Pole (and having lost that - take it from the novel “Twenty Thousand Lies Under the Water” - he is clearly not an Indian, but a European).

Are we turning to the exit point? Anya didn’t happen!

Let’s just guess that there were TWO Polish uprisings against Russia in the 19th century. On the one hand, as we have already said, in 1863-1864 the fates were practical, at the same time in the spirit of the novel.

Another (virnishe, first) - in 1830-1831 rocks. Thirty years before, Cyrus Smith's comrades entered the windy cool from the full inhabitants of the day and landed on a secret island, which he called Abraham Lincoln Island!

The axis there is thirty-three years old, over which critics, including Jules Verne’s mischief-makers, have scratched their heads. So, Nemo could take the part of the Polish insurgent - and this is due to the internal chronology of the novels (except for the official date given to the beginning of the first one - 1866). Before the speech, France knew very well about those uprisings; I think, perhaps, it will be more beautiful, but about some other historical ideas. Therefore, I would like that all (I support - all) commanders of the Polish rebels - generals Khlopitsky, Radziwill, Skrzynetsky, Debinsky, Malakhovsky - were in the past generals and officers of Napoleon’s army, as in the selection , knights of the Order of the Honorable Legion! It was supported by singer Adam Mickiewicz and composer Frederic Chopin, who have little European popularity (the rest, until now, is still alive in Paris). Among the leaders - political, military, ideological - in the uprising of 1863 there was no such peer.

However, I don’t want to say at all that the uprising of 1863 was a little less exciting in the hearts of the French, first and foremost. Alas, the uprising of 1830... the other half of the 60s looked LITERATURE. I was despised by the generals whom France respected as French heroes.

Well, I appreciate it, Jules Verne had the idea of ​​making his hero a participant in the legendary one who was already stabbed to death. The first act “Twenty thousand leagues under the water” obviously did not flare up enough over 1866, and 1836 did not. And then, I repeat, the entire internal chronology of the novel converges. And I don’t blame the story of the dark old Nemo in “The Hidden Island”, and also at the turning point (from 1866 to 1865).

“What about,” you ask, “how about from a submarine ship? The appearance of such a ship thirty years earlier was simply inconceivable!”

At this point you can say: is the projectile for weeding for the month possible? Why was the ship of Robur the Conqueror sunk? Was it invented thirty years ago (though not by Jules Verne, but by Edgar Allan Poe) and was it invented for pouring on the Month?

The fantasy novel (or science fiction) “Nautilus” dates back to 1834.

That way, before the speech, and the impulses. In 1834, Schilder's underwater chauvin was tested near St. Petersburg. The first underwater ship with a metal hull on the outside! I could carry mine to destroy enemy ships. It was clear that it was far from the brainchild of Captain Nemo - Schilder's ship had a low water capacity of 16 tons - 100 times less than the Nautilus. And there was no engine on the new one - it was crashing with the propellers like the sailors.

Well, I repeat, we are on the right side of a science fiction novel.

Jules Verne. "Twenty thousand leagues under the water." Prov. N.G. Yakovleva ta E. F. Korsha. “Twenty thousand leagues under the water” and “The Secret Island” are quoted as saying: Jules Verne. A collection of works in 12 volumes. 1956 r. T. 4th.Note here and there. author.

Jules Verne. Steam booth. Prov. V. Torpakova. Here and there the novel is quoted as saying: “Jules Verne. Speak about childhood and youth. Uncle Robinson. Steam booth." 2001.

Arthur B. Evans and Ron Miller. "Jules Verne, Misunerstood Visionary", Scientific American, No. 4, 1997.

The card index of the writer contains a card with an intriguing inscription “Biliy Raja, son of the English Lord N. One of the creators of the “Monitor”. The investigators were able to decipher the mysterious record. According to this card, “Pan I” appeared as a military topographer from England. During his service, he covered half of the Indian lands, and tied his share with the daughter of the rajah of the princely state of Bundelkhand. The family had two children - a boy and a girl. The topographer sent his son to England. Having received an engineering education, the young man turned to his father’s work. At that time, my father had already submitted his resignation, knowing that a popular uprising was brewing, and he did not want to act against the Indian people.
Unwilling to share the fate of the people’s mischief, “Pan “I” decided to go with his family to his father’s homeland, to England. Ale family prepared the move and went alone. When the Sepoy Mutiny broke out in India, the son of the detached military topographer took an immediate share in the devastation in one of the regions of the country. Yogo was known under the pseudonym Biliy Raja. Realizing that the people's uprising would be suppressed, the boy turned to the native place of Bundelkhand, took his squad and their mother, and they went to England.
The English government took up the task of dealing with the White Raja. Trying to escape arrest, he went to America, where the Gromadian War broke out. The young man stood on the side of the inhabitants of this fight at night.
Residents of the United States at that time were working from the daily life of the military ship "Merrimac", which had a pair of engines and an armored hull made of steel. Where else could the northerners fight such a “monster”?
Having analyzed the situation, Bily Raja decided to seek help from the Swedish naval officer D. Erikson. Having rewarded the scientist for a great price, he will get a ship that will include a battleship and an underwater ship. Behind the project of the White Raja, on the deck of this ship there were only a pipe and two harmonics.
Having considered this proposal, Ericson made necessary changes to the draft, and submitted it to US President Lincoln for consideration. The project was praised. The ship's daily life began.
Tim an hour the battleship of the inhabitants of the day, robbing his black on the right. It has already sunk three sailing ships of the northerners. Just before the construction of the new ship, designed by Bilim Raja, reached its end. The ship was named "Monitor". Like only a few of them, the “Merrimac”, having encountered an uncontested enemy no less than a strong opponent, rushed to roll away.
This way the people, who guessed the ancestor of today's submarines, have lost their place in history. Skoda, that I don’t know anything about him, just like I don’t know anything about my life further away. Jules Verne, when writing a novel about Captain Nemo, highlighted many of the facts from the biography of the White Raja that I was able to gather. However, Nana Sahib was not forgotten by him.
Jules Verne underestimated technological progress
It is not known whether Jules Verne’s novel contributed to the progress of the ship’s construction, but rather the release of the letter from this drive, which was put into the mouth of Captain Nemo, was pardoned. As the legendary captain said in the novel, “... in the sphere of shipping, our sailors have gone near the ancients. It took a few hundred years to unlock the mechanical power of the steam! Who knows, another “Nautilus!” will show up for 100 rocks!
Ale technical progress is ahead of Jules Verne's innovation. It was not 16 years since the novel “20,000 Leagues Under the Water” (1870) appeared, when an underwater chawl with an electric engine was launched in England. They were named after the Julierne submarine - Nautilus. From now on, shipbuilding began at an accelerated pace, and at the beginning of the 30s of the 20th century, submarines were created that did not compromise on the size of their ancestor “Nautilus”, but in terms of technical parameters there were plenty of things to change. And in 1954, American ships visited the world's first submarine vessel with a nuclear reactor - SSN-571. The engine, which uses the most powerful atomic energy, allows submarine vessels to be completely autonomous. 1966 was marked by the departure of the first Radian nuclear submarines from the sea, which began circumnavigating the world without landing on the surface.

The oldest underwater choven was recovered from the sea depths near the island of San Telmo in Panama. Chauvin "Explorer" dates back to 1864: he is the eldest for the novel "Captain Nemo".

The oldest underwater choven was recovered from the sea depths near the island of San Telmo in Panama. Chauvin "Explorer" dates back to 1864: he is the eldest for the novel "Captain Nemo". The marvelous similarity of its design with the legendary Nautilus cannot be mistaken: Jules Verne, no doubt, was on board the Explorer.

A team of underwater archaeologists led by George Blashford-Snell, who explored the seabed off the coast of Panami, were not immediately aware of the significance of their discovery. The verdict was given by the experts who followed up the discovery: it was discovered in the 1860s. The world's oldest underwater choven has been raised from the bottom!

The origins of a huge war in the United States, without taking part in military affairs: the underwater channel lay with the Panamanian pearl fishers. The investigators immediately revealed the similarity between the Explorer and the Nautilus, the real and actual submarines. On the Explorer, it was revealed that Jules Verne described the airlock chamber through which divers could crawl onto the seabed. The novel “Captain Nemo” was written in 1866; The “Explorer” had its origins in 1864 – they are the same age, and the birthright belongs to the real, and not to literature, to the people.

The appearance of “Nautilus” in the fantasy of a writer

The idea of ​​​​creating a majestic submarine ship was not immediately mentioned by J. Verne. The writer's fantasy "Nautilus" appears before its captain - Nemo. In 1866, Jules Verne wrote to his friend Hetzel:

It is necessary that my unknown does not need to be shut out of the gates of humanity, in any case without any strengthening. We live on the earth, we can do without the earth. The sea is enough for you, but you need the sea to give you everything, right down to your clothes. No one sets foot on any continent.

The writer wanted to place his hero in the depths of the ocean, and for which he would need a submarine ship. Thus, the image of the future “Nautilus” began to take shape. In the 1860s, underwater towns were already visible, they were in the lower regions, and the writer was well aware of them. So, back in 1862, the family turned back in 1867, turning to Paris after traveling to the USA. Vern presented the All-World Exhibition on the Champs de Mars, where “Electric Fairy”, a project of the upcoming Suez Canal, was presented. as well as the technologies of the first underwater vehicles and spacesuits. There are a lot of people who later sent off the writer on his fantastic underwater ship.

It is important to determine exactly which underwater chauvin became the residual prototype of the “Nautilus”. Thus, the name is very similar to the American submarine Alligator, launched in 1862.

It is widely believed that “Nautilus” was named in honor of the same name Robert Fulton, who demonstrated it to the Parisians on the Seine in 1801. However, Vern’s creations were born in 1828. Every time you never guess its name, especially since Fulton, having demonstrated his submarines not only in France, but also in his potential enemy - England. In this manner, Vern is not in the habit of naming a submarine ship after the real thing. Moreover, the novel “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” describes the episode when the passengers of the Nautilus watch out for the nautilus’s shellfish and their shells hatching with Captain Nemo wow ship. This same episode reveals the sensual motto of “Nautilus” - “She who collapses in the ruddy.”


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Jules Verne writes to his friend Hetzel:

It is necessary that my unknown does not need to be shut out of the gates of humanity, in any case without any strengthening. We live on the earth, we can do without the earth. The sea is enough for you, but you need the sea to give you everything, right down to your clothes. No one sets foot on any continent.

The writer wanted to place his hero in the depths of the ocean, and for which he would need a submarine ship. Thus, the image of the future “Nautilus” began to take shape. In the 1860s, underwater towns were already visible, they were in the lower regions, and the writer was well aware of them. So, back in 1862, Vern said, “In 1867, having turned to Paris after traveling to the USA, Vern saw the World Exhibition on the Champs de Mars, where the “Electric Fairy” was presented, the project of the upcoming Suez Canal, as well as the technologies of the first From submarines and spacesuits , many of whom the writer later sent off on his fantastic underwater ship.

It is important to determine exactly which underwater chauvin became the residual prototype of the “Nautilus”. Thus, the name is very similar to the American submarine Alligator (English), launched in 1862. However, from internal knowledge, “Nautilus” is closest to the French “

Model "Paris"

It is widely believed that “Nautilus” was named in honor of the same name Robert Fulton, who demonstrated it to the Parisians on the Seine in 1801. However, in his creations, Verne, who was born in 1828, never knows his name, especially since Fulton, having demonstrated his submarines not only in France, but also in his potential enemy - England. In this manner, Vern is not in the habit of naming a submarine ship after the real thing. Moreover, the novel “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” describes an episode in which the passengers of the “Nautilus” watch over the nautilus mollusks (in the novel they are called Argonauts) and the mollusks hni shells with captain Nemo and his ship. This same episode reveals the sensual motto of “Nautilus” - “She who collapses in the ruddy” (“Mobilis in mobile”).

"Nautilus" in the literary works of Jules Verne



Internal planning

The interior is reinforced with a waterproof bulkhead. This is a spacious hall with 10 meters of ceiling, 6 curtains and 5 curtains. Behind the ancient ornament of the stele, painted on a set of Moorish crypt covers, there are strong lighting lamps. Captain Nemo was in charge here of the famous museum of the mysteries and gifts of nature. The walls are covered with fabric trellises of a gnarly little one. Nearly 30 paintings in new frames, framed one by one with shields with a face covering, decorate the walls. Masters represented: Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Correggio, Titian, Veronese, Murillo, Holbein, Diego Velazquez, Ribeira, Rubens, Teniers, Gerard Dou, Metsu, Paul Potter, Géri, Ger, De Camp, Mesonie, Dobinie, With this, the work of the new-fangled mayors at that time on the image of the impressionists during the day. The entire wall between the doors is occupied by a majestic harmonium, with scattered scores by Weber, Rossina, Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Meyerbeer, Herold, Wagner, Auber, Gounod and many others. Near the kutkas, on high pedestals, there are a number of marmur and bronze copies of ancient sculptures. I entrust you with the help of mysticism to sit through the creations of nature, represented by algae, shells and other gifts of ocean fauna and flora. In the middle of the salon with a giant three-deck there is a fountain, illuminated by electricity from below. The edges of the shell are finely jagged, and its diameter is approximately 2 meters. Near the shells in the fine display cases, framed in copper, decorated with grades and labeled with rare exhibits of ocean waters.

Next to the salon and another waterproof partition, there is a library area (there is a smoking room) about five meters wide. Along the walls of the living room there is a bookcase made of black rosewood with bronze inlays, which occupies the entire space from the base to the wall. Next to the wardrobe there are comfortable wide sofas, upholstered in brown leather, along with the sofas there are light, removable stands for books. A great table was installed in the middle of the library. The stele has 4 lamps made of matte glass, and the stele itself is decorated with stucco. The Nautilus library contains 20 thousand. volumes

Behind the third waterproof crossing there are small spaces, in which a ladder is installed that leads to the boat. Next is another cabin 2 meters long (friends of the professor lived there - his servant Conseil and harpooner Ned Land), and behind it a galley 3 meters long, located between two small rooms. The galley houses a comfortable bath room with hot water taps cold water. After this, the sailor's quarters leave for 5 meters.

The fourth, waterproof, sifted structure reinforces the cockpit from the engine room, which occupies almost twenty meters and is brightly lit. The space consists of two halves: the first contains batteries that vibrate electrical energy, the other has machines that wrap the ship's screw.

If we take into account the property of the body, the “Nautilus” at the time of its creation was worth almost two million francs, and with the collections of artistic works that are preserved in the new, no less than Oh or five million francs.

"Nautilus" at "20 thousand leagues under water"

“Nautilus” appears in the first pages of the novel and may immediately show its powerful running gears, outrunning all other steamboats. From the very beginning, everyone respects what the creature is: it is mistaken for a giant whale-like creature (narwhal), or for a giant squid. Nezabar willingly boards three passengers - Professor Aronnax, his servant Conseil and harpooner Ned Land. They are still wondering about the name of the ship, and the Nautilus soon shows them its capabilities.

Also, our heroes were able to enjoy the life of the sea depths.

The sea depths were miraculously brightened within a radius of one mile from the Nautilus. Wonderful sight! How can a pen be described? What a perfect pensel to depict all the tenderness of the velvety gum, the group of light exchanges in the clear sea waters, beginning to appear as the largest balls reach the surface of the ocean!

Over the years, the author repeatedly describes his burial of sandbags in that natural middle ground. In the Sargasso Sea, the “Nautilus” is currently anchored to a depth of 16 kilometers, without deepening.

"Nautilus" wandered around the bottomless depths, uncaring of the majestic pressure of Dovkill. I felt the creaking of the ship’s slimy hull, how the struts were bending, how the fumbling was going on, how the windows in the salon seemed to be sagging in the middle under the pressure of the water. If our ship had a lot of support, as the commander said, it would have been crushed!

After the heroes board the Nautilus, they begin a hike under the ice to the sunken pole, where there is a small island, and it is impossible to place your ensign at the pole.

"Nautilus" helped its captain to develop a lot of secrets, and Nemo himself opened the tunnel under the Isthmus of Suez, revealing the secret of the death of La Perouse, and was able to trace a number of underwater stoves and signs ishov Atlantis.

At the same time, the Nautilus shows itself as a battle ship. Already on the beginning of the novel, you will be able to guess what happened to a passenger ship, when a ram pierced five-centimeter steel with such lightness that on the ship it was only seen as light mail. After this fall, newspapers began to call the “giant narwhal” (for which the Nautilus was taken) at the death of the skin vessel that had arisen. Ale people from the other half of the novel Aronnax and their companions were able to skirmish in the battle capabilities of the ship. First of all, from the descriptions in the novel, the combat stagnation of “Nautilus” is even unheard of: Nemo vikoristovaya yogo impoverishment of the game of sperm whales.

"Nautilus" in atasi

Well, there was a battle! Navigt Ned Land was at the capture and splashing at the valley. The “Nautilus” in the captain’s hands transformed into a nasty harpoon. He dug into this meaty carcass and cut it all apart, leaving behind two crooked pieces of meat. The terrible blows of the tail on the sheathing were insensitive to you. Lots of pushing carcasses - yomu baduge! Having caught one sperm whale, it steered straight ahead to the other, turning from tack to tack, so as not to miss the victim, moving either forward or backward, entrenched, obedient to the will of the navigator, at the depths, when the creature went under the water, it followed her on the surface of the ocean . , let’s launch a frontal attack or lead the attack from the flank, attacking from the front, from the rear, slashing, cutting with your terrible tusk!

How the rizanina has arrived! What a noise standing over the ocean waters! What a piercing whistle, what a death rattle swirling through the hordes of divine creatures! Tormented by the blows of the mighty tails, the calm ocean waters were swirling like a Kazan!

For a whole year there was such a grotesque slaughter, but the big-headed people were spared. Several times, having gathered at a pen of ten to twelve individuals, the sperm whales went on the offensive, trying to destroy the ship with their carcasses. The wide-toothed plows, the terrible eyes of the creatures that rushed along that side of the window, separated Ned Land. Vin covered his big-headed proclions, threatening them with his fist. Sperm whales dug their teeth into the slimy hull of a submarine ship, like dogs dug into the throat of a roped boar. Ale "Nautilus", by the will of the Kermanich, either squashed them behind him in the depths, or pulled them to the surface of the waters, regardless of the majestic tractor and the mighty breams of the creatures.

Also, “Nautilus” shows itself as a “failure to pay”, and since in one of the chapters it comes across a battle with a frigate (in which one of the sailors is mortally wounded), then towards the end of the novel it is clearly described how to sink Viyskovy, scho attacks Yogo. ship.

Over time, the fluidity of the Nautilus roc has grown exponentially. So we started rozbig. The whole body trembled. And I immediately shouted: “Nautilus” after hitting the blow, but not as strong as it was possible to check. I felt the piercing crash of a steel tusk. I feel a rattle and a squeak. “Nautilus”, due to the powerful strength of its forward movement, walked forward through the hull of the ship as easily as the head of a sailing master through canvas.

According to the novel, during the passage of passengers, the “Nautilus” loses the great world - the malstrom, and, as is later explained in the novel “The Hidden Island”, plans to get out of it.

Ostannaya harbor

Later, all of Nemo’s companions died and the captain, who suffered 60 deaths, lost his ship overnight. We took the Nautilus to one of the harbors that sometimes served as its anchorage. This harbor was under Lincoln Island. Six rocks later, when the aerostat from the mandrels in the United States broke up on the island, I tried to float, but it turned out that under the influence of volcanic forces the basalt rock had risen, and the ship could not leave the underwater furnace. "Nautilus" appeared near the castle. Through several fates, Nemo, having seen his death, called out by telegraph to the “Nautilus” of the colonists. After singing with them, I add my rest of the line:

... I want Nautilus to be my grave. This will be my truna. All my friends sleep at the bottom of the sea, and I also want to lie there.

The colonists departed from their death and after death, they carefully repaired all the doors and hatches on the Nautilus, after which the vent valves were opened at the stern. 16 zhovtnya 1868 r. in the Dakkar furnace "Nautilus" sank into the water again, and on 9 February 1869, after the terrible eruption of Mount Franklin, the walls of the furnace collapsed and from the mountains, water poured into the mouth of the volcano, and a significant part of the island was devastated. "Nautilus" appeared as a remnant of lamentations under the tricks of the ranks.

Inaccuracies and stupidity in the ship's description

Julievern's description of the Nautilus contains a number of inaccuracies. For example, it is impossible to accurately determine the river of the ship, and the dates are mixed up in both novels. So, in “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” (published in 1868), Professor Aronnax knows from the ship’s library the book by Joseph Bertrand “Principles of Astronomy”, published in 1865, from which to consult, “Nauti” lus" was born no earlier than 1865 . In the novel “The Secret Island” the story of the story of the leaks breaks up in 1865, and at that time there have been no people on the island for 6 years. It turns out that the Nautilus was laid up in 1859, and in 1865 it was locked up at the stove. Also in the novel “The Dark Island” it is indicated that “Nautilus” was launched after the end of the Sepoy Mutiny, not earlier than 1859. This means that the ship sailed in the ocean for less than 10 years, and Nemo himself spent more than 9 years on the new ocean, which is more than 30 years, as engineer Cyrus Smith called it.

The following can be identified from technical inaccuracies and obvious errors:

"Nautilus" in the works of other authors

In 1993-2002 pp. V. Hohlbein has published a series of books under the covert title “The Children of Captain Nemo” (another name is “Operation Nautilus”). The story of the novels is set in 1916, during the First World War, and the main character is the young son of Prince Dakkar named Michael. The main action takes place on board the Nautilus, about the ship itself, judging by the rare mysteries of its design, which is widely seen as a ship from the novels of J. Verne. Thus, Holbein’s “Nautilus” has a periscope, which had not yet existed in 1869, a searchlight located on the bow of the ship, and how the engines control the internal combustion engines (in the novel, pumps for supplying fuel are mentioned more than once). In total, the series includes 12 books, the first of which (“Abandoned Island”, “The Girl from Atlantis”) has already been translated by the Russian language.

Other underwater chapels in the works of Jules Verne

After “20,000 Leagues Under the Water” and “The Secret Island” (1875) by J. Verne, it took a long time to reach the underwater scenes. In 1896, his novel “The Ensign of Fatherland” depicts an underwater chauvin. As in "Nautilus", its head structure is a ram, but its dimensions are much smaller, it has a periscope, and a source of electricity and batteries. More report description submarines at the novel's day. It is commanded not by a noble captain like Nemo, but by Ker Carraje, a dashing captain who runs a vikorist submarine for pirate attacks on ships. Later in the novel, another submarine, the Sword, appears for another hour, and then follows a description of the battle of two underwater ships, which ends with the defeat of the Sword. For example, in the novel by Ker Carrage, that submarine (which is not called a “tugboat”) will perish.

Both novels were seen in large numbers and translated into the world, but they never achieved the popularity of “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and “The Secret Island,” and “Grozny” and lost only one of the writer’s prizes.

"Nautilus" on the screen

It is necessary to say that among the lower class of overreacted films “Nautilus” there is practically nothing to do with the description of Jules Verne. For example, in 2007. The greatest film “30,000 leagues under water”, de “Nautilus” is a fantastic underwater chawl of great dimensions, more similar to the Radyansky underwater chauvin project 941. Approximately this is how you look at the famous film “The League of Distinguished Gentlemen” (2003), where “Nautilus” is called a colossal nuclear submarine, designed to develop great speed and is equipped with ballistic missiles.

Also, a ship called “Nautilus” appears in the series “Zoryany Shliakh: Voyager” in the episode “Year to hell” (episodes 8 and 9 of the 4th season).

  • "Brandy's Family on the Secret Island" (1972)
  • “20,000 leagues under water” (1972, 1975, 2002)
  • “Temnichiy Island” (1975, 2001)
  • “The Underwater Uses of Captain Nemo” (1975)
  • “The Great Battle of the Sea: 20,000 miles of battle” (1981)
  • "Damu Toraburu Tondekeman" (1990)
  • "Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water" (1990-1991)
  • "Villie Fog 2" (1993)
  • “Space strikers” (1995)
  • "Johnny Bravo" (2000)

"Nautilus" in computer and video games

This is a new modification of the game “Far Cry” under the name “The Secret Island” after the novel of the same name by Jules Verne.

It is noteworthy that the 2006 video game “Mechanoids 2: War of Clans” features a mechanoid named Nautilus. However, Nautilus himself can’t be helped.

"Nautilus" and reality

Initially, the novel “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” was called “Captain Nemo”, since the main emphasis was on the image of the captain, but after J. Verne changed the title, and this played on the core of “Nautilus”. So the name itself paints, within the reader's awareness, images of the depths of the sea, the ship itself, and then - the captain. Due to this, as well as the high popularity of the novel, “Nautilus” became one of the most popular underwater adventures in the world.

"Nautilus" and real submarine ships

The length of the “Nautilus” was 70 meters, the maximum width was 8 meters, and the water capacity was again thousands of tons. The head of this armor is a steel ram of great hardness, capable of piercing the hull of any ship. Once built, you will descend to a depth of 16 thousand meters and dive under water up to 50 knots. And not at that time, when real underwater boats could move under water with a fluidity of no more than 5 knots and bury themselves in a depth of no more than 25 meters. In addition, there is a lot of hard work, practically unbearable “burning”, which was provided to the “Nautilus” - the electrician. Electricity supplies the ship with everything: it powers the propeller and drives the compressors, illuminates the depths of the ocean and internal spaces, allows for the preparation of water and the removal of distilled water. The design of the ship includes all the main elements of underwater cores, which are based on the current, at that time, development ideas, and the method of anchoring using horizontal kerms is widely used by all modern submarines. “Nautilus” is expected to escape from the great world, and it is worth mentioning the fact that throughout this novel one will never be able to figure out any technical problems. For its time, the Nautilus was an ideal submarine ship. We cannot allow ourselves to note: the field of shipbuilding, our modernists have gone far behind the ancients. It took a few hundred years to unlock the mechanical power of the steam! Who knows when another Nautilus will show up a hundred years away! Progress is completely crumbling, Mr. Aronnax!

What does Aronnax need to know:

It’s absolutely true, your ship has been ahead of its era for a century, if not for centuries!

However, almost immediately after the publication of the novel, progress in the development of the submarine fleet began to gain momentum. The production of underwater vessels has increased as the design has begun to undergo further development. Already in 1886, a submarine with an electric engine was launched in England, named after Captain Nemo's ship - Nautilus. In early 1904, the magazine “Popular Mechanics” published Verne’s article “The Future of the Submarine,” confirming that the future of submarines will require more power And the everyday life of a great ship, built to vitrify pressure at a significant depth , according to the writer’s thought, uninhabited treasures.

In the future, the towns will be smaller, lower than today, and they will be managed by one or two people.

The impossibility of underwater bodies to sink to the bottom of the ocean unnecessarily covers the bathyscaphe. So, on 23 September 1960, 92 years after the sinking of the Nautilus, Swiss captain Jacques Piccard and US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh on the bathyscaphe Trieste reached a record sinking depth of 11 kilometers near Mariun . .

The current submarine water supply exceeds the Nautilus dozens of times, they have overtaken the speed of the submarine (the speed record for submarines is 44.7 knots, installed by Radyanskiy nuclear submarines of project 661), and their warehouse crew There are more than a hundred people. Also, they may be possessed and built, as Vern could not die (or he saw other reasons for possessing them “Nautilus”): periscope, sonar, wind regeneration installations, satellite communications, torpedoes, Our missiles and a lot more . Yakshcho in - mm. The design of the “Nautilus” was considered fantastic, but after a little more than a century it turned out to be obsolete.

This design is still popular and is known to be stagnant in the tourism business. Thus, at the exhibition in Dubai in 2006, the company Exomos presented the project of the underwater vessel “Nautilus”. The external appearance of the submarine is as close as possible to the literary prototype. Its passenger capacity is set to 10 os, and the maximum anchorage depth is 30 meters. Variety of the submarine – $3 million.

"Nautilus" in culture

"Nautilus" could appear as the ultimate fantastic machine in the novel, if not Captain Nemo. From the very beginning I began to imagine myself as a Polish revolutionary who would sink Russian ships in cold blood, and the Nautilus would be a killing machine. However, Hetzel was against such a character and decided to rework the writer completely. As a result, Nemo changed from a Pole to an Indian, from a murderer-mesnik to a rebel, a fighter against aggression, and also a naval scientist. Over the years, Captain Nemo’s many viciousnesses began to be inadvertently attracted to his ship. “Nautilus” has ceased to be a driving machine and has become interested not only in the speedy underwater force that owns all the depths, but also in the payment of the last laboratory and underwater habitat and Samitnik. I will help Nemo by sinking the ships of the aggressors, and by helping those who are down, and by surviving underwater life. The famous naval explorer Jacques Cousteau often compared himself with the heroes of the novel:

"Nautilus" was for its time a thorough design, a technical breakthrough, an ideal underwater vessel, and it became the most popular among submarines. Over the years, not only submarines, but also other equipment and mechanisms began to be named after him, “Nautilus” becoming little more than a brand. So in 1970, the Nautilus company launched a series of mechanical sports equipment, which radically changed the method of training bodybuilders. At home, the rock group “Nautilus Pompilius” was named after the mollusk Nautilus (Nautilus Pompilius), and their name was often associated with the literary “Nautilus”, whose lead singer is Vyacheslav Butusov, often Call me captain Nemo. In 2003, the company Rover Computers named its new series of laptops, the RoverBook Nautilus, in honor of the fantastic submarine. The president of the company commented on the name as follows:

At the time, the ideas expressed in Jules Verne’s novel “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” were truly revolutionary. And there is a lot of reason to be deprived of such things today.

Also, Nautilus is designed by NASA to carry the habitable space module BA 330 (its first launch into space is scheduled for 2012).




  1. Illustration before the first edition of the novel “20,000 Leagues Under Water”, 1869. (artists Newville and Rue)
  2. Jules Verne. 20,000 leagues under water.
  3. E.L. Brandis Instruction from Jules Verne. - ISBN 5-08-000087-2
  4. Inductive fluid flow generator Nautilus C 2000. Revised 20 February 2009.
  5. Podmoskov. Podpochinok near Moscow region. Revised 20 February 2009.
  6. HOTEL NAUTILUS - INN BUSINESS CLASS HOTEL. Revised 20 February 2009.
  7. Diving Center Nautilus. Revised 20 February 2009.
  8. Diving club "Nautilus". Revised 20 February 2009.
  9. Nautilus Restaurant (Dinopark). Revised 20 February 2009.
  10. Vl. Gakiv. Captain of the Nautilus.
  11. Edouard Launay. In the footsteps of Captain Nemo. French writers. Revised 25 June 2009.
  12. Shapiro L. S. Nautilus and others. Russian submarine fleet. Revised May 3, 2009.
  13. Varto points out that in the novel “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” the “Nautilus” attacks the English ship itself (this is not indicated, but it is clear that it is a stretch).
  14. Jules Verne. Indian Ocean // 20,000 liters of water.
  15. Jules Verne. Mobilis in mobile // 20,000 leagues under water.
  16. Jules Verne. Part three. Chapter XVI // Taemnichy Island.
  17. Jules Verne. Days of numbers // 20,000 leagues under water.
  18. Jules Verne. Floating reef // 20,000 leagues under water.
  19. Jules Verne. Everything is powered by electricity // 20,000 leagues under water.
  20. Jules Verne. Black River // 20,000 leagues under water.
  21. Jules Verne. Hecatomb // 20,000 leagues under water.

What kind of underwater atmosphere is Juulvern's "Nautilus" inspired by?

Let's try to move forward for an hour to understand what real materials the writer used when writing his famous novel.

Do you know that when grandfather Jules Verne envisioned the fantastic submarine ship “Nautilus”, successfully writing the legendary “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”, how many submarines have already been produced and tested? The writer, among others, was aware of this. So what kind of underwater liquid did you inhale?

Perhaps, from the Kazkova Icteneo (“New fish” in Latin), found by Narcis Monturiol and launched in 1864. Like the Nautilus, this submarine was created primarily for underwater surveillance; She had a pair of large illuminators on the sides - for guarding. This underwater vessel does not look similar to the description of the “Nautilus”, it is also small - only 13.5 m.

Diagram of the full-size model of Ictineo, which is exhibited in Barcelona (Spain)
The next candidate for the development of the master of writing is Le Plongeur (“Pornalnik”). Chauvin vinaisov captain Simon Bourgeois; It was launched in 1863. The main submarine was powered by additional mechanical features: a pneumatic system that acts as a piston engine. Before that, this was the greatest number of events at that time: 41 meters, which is only a third less than the Nautilus. The “Pornalnik” was armed with torpedoes, which were located at the end of a long hull, attached to the bow of the underwater tank. One of the unique features of Le Plongeur, like the Nautilus, was the boat, installed in a special place on the deck.

Diagram of the small submarine Le Plongeur
Obviously, the idea for the novel came to Verne amid the influx of numerous underwater explorations that were being discovered at that time. And the image of “Nautilus” is of a mixed nature and is formed from the impersonality of submarines, in which the writer is not necessarily functional, but, smut, vitriol, which antagonizes the reader. And yet: what is the device that became Verne’s point of reference? You're surprised, but the most promising candidate is not the real deal.

American winemaker Ross Winans was the first to launch his marvelous “round ships” off Ferry Bay (Baltimore, USA) in 1858. The newspapers of that time were loudly proclaiming: “This is the birth of a new era in the military-naval administration!” I didn’t learn anything like that. The ship had no keel, no sails, no tackle... There was no deck at all. It looked like a cigar, and the team was in the middle of the “cigar.” Perhaps the most striking feature was the screw in the shape of the hoop, which encircled the “waist” of the device exactly in the middle. Then you can see a few little ones and a photo of the “round ship” at waking hours:

Winens confirmed that his child would cross the Atlantic in just a few days (previous, last week, today) - either through optimization of the ship's shape and the daily availability of the war. The Winemaker believed that his “round ships” would revolutionize transatlantic travel and would be not only the most advanced, but also the most sustainable watercraft. The secret of the vessel's speed lies in the new rukhovo system. It consisted of turbines and shovels installed empty next to the ship. The smooth contours were destroyed by more than two smoke pipes, a small curved deck and an observation platform. The one-meter steering wheels were located on both sides of the deck, so that it was possible to sail from any side without turning around. As you can imagine, the sailors and feed on such a vessel are even smarter. The original ship is 54 meters long with a maximum diameter of 4.8 meters at the widest part and can take on board 20 people. There will be damage from climbing and dividing into waterproof containers. Ross Winens boasted that for these people his ship is the safest in the world and has insurance against flooding.

This is how Winens' ship looked at the open sea
Then why don’t we sail across the Atlantic on these monstrous cigar-like ships? After testing the first ship, more were created, including one for the Russian order. But all of them suffered from the same problems: the ship had a rotten kerma, it might capsize, and it was constantly sinking into the water. The low freeboard allowed small hulls to fall onto the deck, and for people susceptible to seasickness, the high cost of the middle of the ship was a living nightmare.

After the courtyard struggle, Winens still managed to get rid of the operational engine. Ship for Russian Empire once again in 1861: the creator was pleased to be equipped with a larger traditional stern propeller. And this meant: two more ships with stern propellers were launched; one of them was tested on the Thames in 1864. This star, modestly named Ross Winans, has clearly risen above its predecessors. The height is 77 meters at the top and the flat deck is 39 meters (presumably, the Nautilus’s top is 69 m). In addition, Ross Winans is at the helm at the stern and bow. The axle was how they were described by the participants: “Great screws, which are half driven into the water and beat them into foam.” You will immediately recognize the gwenty of “Nautilus” in Verne’s novel - the stench was also great and churned the water when it was on the surface. Obviously, Vern himself drew ideas from the roc system of the fantastic captain Nemo.

Two of Winens' ships survived into the 20th century, moored at the pier in Southampton (England). The axis of the phrase from the 1936 note about “round ships” in one British ZMI: “...immediately falls on the thought of Jules Verne’s Nautilus...” The authors of the illustrated history of the US Navy (Picture History of the US Navy) point to Winens’s ship s "Nautilus". And it's not that simple. The testing of Winens's judgments took place in Europe in 1864, the same time that Verne began collecting material for “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.” The fragments were all hanging widely in the air, and it was unlikely that the respect of the writer could be lost. Jules Verne directly writes in the novel: “Nautilus”, in its shape, resembles a cigar, and this shape is respected in London as the best for this kind of design (magnificent cob of the 13th section). The underwater vessel of the novel is of the same size and proportion as Winens's ship, of the same cigar-like shape and equipped with a great propeller screw. There are a lot of similarities. The only global idea is that the Nautilus is an underwater ship, and not a surface ship.

Vern always worked closely with the illustrators of his books. Sometimes you need to write out sketches and diagrams of mechanisms for them. Thus, there is a sketch for the flying apparatus “Albatross”, which was created as a piece of writing for the artist Leon Bennett. Most of all, the paintings were done by Alphonse de Neuville and Edouard Riou, illustrators of “Twenty Thousand Under the Sea.” One of de Neuville’s pictures sticks out at this: it depicts Captain Nemo, who explains the principle of the Nautilus to Professor Arronax, for whom he drew up a diagram of the ship. Why would an artist paint a chair like this without the author's prompting? It is unlikely that the book graphics of the 19th century were well known on the armchairs of underwater chapels. This is an illustration of Alphonse de Neuville with a diagram of the underwater vessel:

It’s amazing that after the turn of the century, Jules Verne’s novel does not become stale, but produces more and more mischief-makers! So, now it is perceived as useful, and not fantasy, but because of the author’s living spirit and visionaryism, the book inspires readers to be creative. Below we draw one of these diagrams of “Nautilus”, very close to the “original”, so that we create an accurate copy of the text of the novel (larger images appear when pressed on the picture).

The 18th century was a period of constant wars, sea and land battles, political unrest and changes in the regime during the Great French Revolution. The axis of only winemakers and relatives could not cope with everything that opposed the calm kings, queens and orders, the stench was completely buried by the idea of ​​​​a thoroughly created underwater basin, which could completely replace the surface ny fleet. This idea was inspired by a young, promising scholar, a winemaker, who came from the middle class of Irish emigrants who arrived to America in search of a lucky break - Robert Fulton.

Since childhood, the boy has been inveterately engaged in painting and painting, planning to become a famous artist and glorify his famous father. But life turned out completely differently. One wonderful day, having saved some surplus from the family budget, Robert Fulton bought a ticket for a ship that would take him to England, and the boy planned to devote himself to the craft of an artist.

American opinion, winemaker Robert Fulton

The long voyage showed Robert that the flowers are not little ones, but the control of the ships, the boarding of the ships, which changed the initial plans, extending the journey right up to the shores of France, where they began to sail on the right, so that we can construct a model of the ship.

France's beginnings did not pass away in obscurity. Volodinya's new knowledge and skills made Fulton one of the most advanced people of his time, an innovator in shipbuilding. You can make your way to a special reception all the way to Napoleon Bonaparte in order to collect pennies for the life of a submarine ship called Nautilus. First Consul, who was no stranger to everything new and everyday, without realizing it from the prokhanna.

In 1797 Fulton, having withdrawn the necessary funds from the Treasury, immediately began wake-up robots. The underwater vessel was awakened in the short term, and in 1800 it was launched into the water, diving more than 7 meters. But the first success did not stop Fulton, but continued its life until the end of the Nautilus, with a length of 6.5 meters and a width of 2.2 meters, which were presented to the public.

Underwater chaven Nautilus

The shape of the underwater vessel resembled a sharpened cigar, and on the bow of the ship there was a small deckhouse with a number of portholes. The ship operated with the help of two separate engines, which allowed it to move under the water and on the surface. Nautilus became the first in the world to be equipped with similar equipment, with the help of which it was possible to sail at a speed of at least 1.5 knots per year under water and about 3-5 knots on the surface. After floating on the surface above the chevny, the wind opened, becoming lighter and absorbing greater fluidity of the vessel. The windshield was attached to a special hinge, which had to be removed immediately before fastening to the depths, and secured to a special section located on the body.

More precisely, the expedition is called unknown, but it is incredible that the name of the underwater ship is after the name of the sea mollusk - nautilus, the shell of which Chauven guessed, which is under the glass. Maneuvering under water in the Nautilus took place with the help of a horizontal kerma, and entrenching and draining only after filling or emptying a special ballast tank. The fragments of the Nautilus were used for combat operations, but there is little room left for regeneration, in which case the original gunpowder mine was recovered. However, they did not place the mine on the vessel itself, for the sake of the safety of the crew, the vessel was pulled behind it on the mine rope, which also served to bring the enemy ship to the bottom. The detonation was caused by an additional electric current.

Sea mollusk - nautilus

Regardless of the level of equipment and success of the first tests at that time, Robert Fulton was never able to test the action in the military minds. The French military minister recognized the military ranks from the Nautilus crew assigned to them, which were necessary for the status of army troops, and because Choven had completely lost himself, Fulton decided to reveal his secret the wreck of the ship. They formed and lived in England. In response to the proposal of his servants, the English minister began to promise the winemaker a sum of pennies, as if he would forget about his wine.
