For the prevention of decubitus ulcers, it is necessary to zastosovuvat humic. Bedsores: prevention, treatment and healing in home minds

For the prevention of decubitus ulcers, it is necessary to zastosovuvat humic. Bedsores: prevention, treatment and healing in home minds

Bedsores - tse poshkodzhenі dіlyanka shkіri, yakі vykayut after sdavlіvannja tkanіnі іn trіvalny kontaktі z hard surfіne (lіzhkom, іnvaliіdnim kіslо, tire lean)

Causes of blame for bedsores

As you can see, eating that sour shkir is sour with the veins of the presence in the blood-bearing vessels. The most important of them, under the name capillaries, penetrate a centimeter of shkir and live at the skin. With a tribal squeeze, the judges squeeze, and no shelter can be found. It is necessary to bring it to the point that the songs of the children of the shkir are bleeding and there is tissue necrosis.

Another reason for the establishment of bedsores is the displacement of the upper balls of the shkir. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya, if the patient is forced to pull on the bed, or to pull up under the new vessel or the whiteness is wet. Everything can lead to destruction of hemorrhage, as a result bedsores are established.

Chinniki riziku viniknennya decubituses

The most sick to the vein of bedsores are people who may suffer from a vein, either, navpaki, vysnazhennya, nasty food and drink a little, may have a history of diabetes or heart disease, richly drink, suffer from injuries of the head, not suffering from spinal cord injury, . Also, unfriendly factors include brudna shkir, folds and seams on the leg, the presence of crevices and other objects, as well as an allergy to watching for the shkir.

Mіstsya utvochennya decubitus

Dіlyanki tіla over kіstkovih ledges, like sticking with a hard surface, the most shillnі to utavlenny bedsores. It is practical to repeat the day in these areas of the subcutaneous fat cells, as a way to reduce the pressure on the tissue.

If a person lies on his back for a three-hour hour, then bedsores settle on krizhs, side pagorbs, shoulder blades, potilis, heels and elbows.

When lying on the bots, bedsores settle down on the quilts of the area of ​​the great horn, on knees and tassels.

Trivale camping on the stomach to cause necrosis on the pubis and groin to the end.

Grades of severity of bedsores

The fallow, depending on the degree of severity, bedsores are subdivided into six stages:

I stage - the chervoninnya of the shkir's vineyards, which are being crushed, is being redeemed;

Stage II - the shkira bulges, bulges, begins necrosis (deepening) of the upper ball of the shkir;

III stage - on the shkіrі z'yavlyayutsya virazki;

IV stage - the virazki grow and penetrate the m'yazovy ball;

Stage V - mortification and destruction of m'yaziv;

Stage VI - the most important stage, the brush against the cysts, as it can be infected and become infected.

Prevention of bedsores

Prevention of decubitus ulcers includes low entry in patients, contribution to changes in tissue pressure and preservation of normal blood circulation in the skin.

For recumbent ailments, a great sight is of great importance. To change the pressure on the tissues of the recumbent, it is necessary to add a soft spring mattress. For sale, there is a special mattress for bedsores, which may have an effect on massage, improving blood flow in the singing bedsores. You can also beat a foam mattress, since you don’t have the ability to put a mattress in the form of bedsores. It is necessary to change the position of the body of the ailing one, moreover, it is necessary to do it carefully, so as to avoid rubbing that soft tissue. We can easily clean the patient, without crying and third-party objects. Pіd dіlyanki tіla, dezvichay z'yavlyayutsya decubituses, it's necessary to lay rollers or soft pads from foam rubber. Under krizh, you can put a special gumove kolo. All tsі outbuildings (rollers, mattresses from bedsores) increase the area of ​​the body, as they stick to the surface, on which there are ailments. This will significantly improve blood circulation in tissues and reduce the risk of pressure ulcers.

Prevention of decubitus ulcers also includes correct and better turning over of the patient, with minimal risk of injury and rubbing of soft tissues. If you can’t fit in alone, joke around with your helper. Do not follow and drag the wet whiteness that stretched the patient's stomach, it is necessary to lift the lower part of the hand. All manipulations with a look behind the skin and bedding accessories are carried out dbaily and gently.

To change the teasing of the shkiri, beat the soft whiteness (the more the clothes, the softer the bed) without seams, patches and gudzikiv. For toilet shkіri vikoristovyte soft low-allergenic cosmetic products. Most often, spend the toilet of state organs and troughs, splintering and slashing that feces mayut power to draw shkir. Ensure the optimal temperature regime near the room, keep it warm and dress the ailing person at a fallow temperature, avoiding overheating. Pete teases the skin and raises the rhyme of the viniknennya virazok.

The correct look behind the skin is one of the ways to prevent bedsores. Do not allow the skin to be wet or dry, look after its purity. Vykoristovyte healing and life-giving creams, powders, ointments that dry.

For prevention and treatment of bedsores, apply the cream "ARGOSULFAN®". You can apply the drug not only on wounds, roztashovani on open areas of the body, but also on the bandages. Zasіb may not only heal wounds, but also antimicrobial action, but moreover, heal wounds without a rough scar.

Do not rub the skin when washing and wiping the patient, but lightly blot. Sponges and washcloths are guilty but soft. In case of a non-trimanny cut, use a diaper or a cutter (for people).

Likuvannya bedsores

No damage to bedsores will not help to overcome the problem of dotty, the docks will not be used to press on fabrics. The main treatment of decubitus ulcers can be directed to the restoration of blood flow in the damaged tissues. For whom vikoristovuyut usі come in for the prevention of decubitus ulcers.

For vіdtorgnennya vіdmerlih fabrics vicoryist vіznі vіd vіd decubitus. Garniy effect may ointment "Іruksol". For swedish wound wounds, it is necessary to vicorate gauze bandages, soaked with vaseline. You can apply special hydrocolic bandages, so that you have the ability to wash them (to finish the road). Also, special treatment for decubitus ulcers is used, in the presence of different ointments. You can vicorate sea buckthorn oil. In times of development of a secondary infection, which often happens with vindictive bedsores, it is necessary to treat antibacterial infections.

Likuvannya decubituses, like a great area and it’s important to fight, slacken less with a surgical path (transplantation of tissues).

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Є contraindication. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions or consult with a trader.

The healing of bedsores in bedridden ailments is a complicated task, the accomplishment of which requires great labor and a great amount of time. Defects burn regularly, often fester. There can be established necrotic villages. Deep bedsores form burrows. The main problem, which does not allow poor life to live quickly and easily, is the fact that ailments continue to be left in an indestructible camp. So, what do you need to know if the fabrics were renewed without surgical insertion? Why treat pathology at home?

Like a likuvannya, so is the prevention of bedsores due to buti directing to the usunennia factors that caused the disease. Follow all possible visits, in order to instill blood circulation in the affected plots.

Before preventive visits, bring:

  1. Changing the position of the body of the patient's skin 1.5-2 years - this zahіd allows you to suffer a trivial pressure on one and the same part of the body, which is the main reason for the appearance of bedsores. As for the yakіys dіlyantsі vzhe є signs of the cob stage of virazka (chervona plama, scho not to pass, maceration), put the ailing on the qiu zone is not a trace.
  2. Rich in protein eating - protein is the main edible material of textile creatures. It is not enough to cause damage to many processes, including regenerative and immune ones. Tissue damage is not known, which is why bedsores are blamed.
  3. Dotrimanny hygienic visits - shkir, which constantly rests in the middle of the water, rozmokaє. Blame maceration. In order to get away from him, it is necessary to feed the ailing one after a bowel movement. It is necessary to wipe the body of a patient with a sprat once in the harvest and for your increased thirst.

Vishche Bulo induced three main principles, without the need for some kind of impossibility and exuberance of bedsores in domestic minds, nor their prevention. However, for recovery in case of severe trophic damage, this is not enough. In such situations, for the stimulation of regenerative processes and the fight against infection, which has come, stop medicinal preparations.

How to treat bedsores in bedridden ailments and summer people in home minds

For treatment of bedsores in a bedridden patient, traditional remedies (creams, ointments, preparations for systemic therapy), and folk remedies can be used. The best results are within reach, even if it is reasonable to use all the best methods.

People's zasoba vіd decubitus

The healing of bedsores with folk remedies is only possible at the bud stage of ailment, until the days are viraz. Nadalі podіbnі methods mozhut zastosovuvatisya only as additional. The choice of method and assessment of yoga effectiveness is the responsibility of a long-term therapist, who arrived at the weekend.

The most popular recipes are also popular.

  1. Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent regenerating agent, which is not watery, proteo, antiseptic power. At the cob stages, bedsores can be vicarious as a single zasib of healing. For this, the surface of the middle is coated with a drug for doba. With deep bedsores, tamponade with servettes leaking sea buckthorn oil is possible. Dressing and replacement of servettes is carried out 1 time for 1-2 dobi. Oliya is not suitable for the jubilation of rotten processes.
  2. Nasty measles of oak - zastosovuetsya at the stage with plyami. To prepare zasіb, you need to take a tablespoon of syrovin, pour a bottle (200-250 ml) of sprinkles and leave for 2-3 years. After that, the faces are treated, wiggled on a sponge and wiped for the first time of the decubitus decubitus removal under the hour of the hygienic treatment of the body. The drug can duplicate the action, establish a tannin coating on the surface of the wound, reduce the intensity of inflammation.
  3. Nastіy chamomile poloviy - it gets ready to zastosovuєtsya so itself, as if it were oak measles. May show antizapal and antibacterial action. Vykoristovuetsya for the processing of skins and washing of wound surfaces. It is possible to stagnate unobstructed, but the average frequency of treatment of bedsores to become two on the extraction.

Folk recipes miraculously cope with cob stages of bedsores. However, when those rotten processes are started, the success follows traditional medical procedures.

Obrobka bedsores mazzyu

Until the vikoristannya ointments start to sound in case of deep bedsores. The metaphor of the medicinal form is the stimulation of the body's regenerative capacities and the fight against malignant infections.

We are sick with the following warehouses:

  1. Vishnevsky's ointment is a unique product of Radian surgeons. May have a wide range of antimicrobial activity. Zastosovuetsya for the treatment and prevention of bacterial processes. With the method of treating bedsores, it is applied to the wound surface 1-2 times on the extraction. For fixation of the ointment, vicorist should be covered with a gauze bandage.
  2. Levomykol is a drug based on levomycetin. May dehydrate and antimicrobial action. Apply to bedsores 1 time per doba. After the application is completed, the plate is covered with a gauze servlet.
  3. Solcoseryl is a regenerative drug based on calf blood testicles. Stimulates the process of renewal, improves blood microcirculation, with vitamins and vitality. Apply ointment next day. After applying the face, cover the surface of the bedsore with gauze.

Trivality to the course of treatment with ointments is up to the hour, necessary for the complete destruction of the defect. However, if the drug is not produced until I become ill, it should be combined or combined from another group (solcoseryl + levomikol).

To note, the drug of choice for purulent defects is levomikol. Vishnevsky's liniment, in spite of the infamous thoughts, is not recommended to be applied to festering wounds. Wine is the most suitable for the prevention of infection.

Cream of the kind

Creams of other types (desitin, weleda, bepanthen) are used mainly to prevent bedsores. Don’t feel the stink of a likuvalny, so apply such a warehouse on an already obvious defect without a hint. With the method of prevention, the cream should be stopped for an hour to relieve the sick, applying them to the plots, like a vise, or for a long time they will stay at the watery camp. In this case, the skin dries, macerates, the turgor is curved.


Treatment of serious wounds cannot be done without the use of systemic drugs. Bedsores are not to blame.

For the confession of a doctor in the home minds of ailments, you can accept:

  • make sure to improve microcirculation (trental, 1 tablet per day);
  • antithrombosis drugs (aspirin-cardio 1 tablet at bedtime);
  • antibiotics (Ceftriaxone at a glance for injections of 1 g 2 times for doba internally);
  • antiseptic and analgesic (analgin 1 tablet 3 times a day).

The validity of the course of treatment with skin preparations is determined by the drug. As a rule, antiaggregants and trental patients are taken for a long time, or until the pressure ulcers are completely closed. Antibiotics are prescribed at 7-10 deb. Non-steroidal antiseptics cannot be taken for more than 2 months without interruption.

It is necessary to know: at a glance the difference for injections can be vicariously and solcoseryl. Inject with vicarious ointment. Vіdmova vіd parenteral forms to be carried out after the cob epitelіzаtsії decubituses. Ointment zastosovuyut to povnogo zagoennya.

Peculiarities of healing bedsores

Trophic defects and can be different cases of the body. The localization of the pathological center lies in the first place, in which the camp of ailments is more important to perebuvaє, and in the presence of the obviousness of the vessel lesions (atherosclerosis). The treatment of bedsores in different areas may have its own peculiarities.

Helped by milk diseases

In addition to milk ulcers, it is rare to pass in deep bedsores. That stench will not require medical therapy. Problematic months of the next day and sprat (2-3) of the day to sip with a child's sip. Tse allow the moisture to disappear and the appearance of maceration. It is also possible to stosuvannya creams that dry.

For kuprik

Decubitus ulcers on cuprica sound like the most obvious. Here tissue necrosis is often blamed and intestinal wounds are formed. It is possible to help or note such an advanced stage of pathology, in order to apply a special anti-decubitus ulcer to the patient.

Applied to the empty core of the column with the material of the average thickness. The sick person is laid on the new one so that the problem area appears in the middle of the stake. Periods of lying on a stake without a new trace of cherguvat. Tse allows you to evenly spread the hour of squeezing fabrics between different body parts.

On the heels

Sob bedsores on the heels were successfully healed, they could be protected from contact with the lie. For each patient, wide soft rollers are used. It is necessary to do so in such a way that the five are left on the vase. Like rollers, you can vikoristovuvat gornutі stretched or pіdkovdry.

At the groin

Virazki and infective bedsores in the groin area are extremely unsafe in terms of generalization of infection. There are a lot of blood-bearing vessels here, like a building's wake-up call to expand throughout the whole body. In order to protect this and to reduce the development of trophic lesions, the legs of the bedridden patient should be laid in such a way that the inguinal region is well ventilated. The optimal position is “toad” - the legs of a person are bent in knees and splayed.

Mіzh fingers nіg

In case of bedsores between the fingers, follow the solemn rules of exaltation - vengeance of the feet in cleanliness, dryness, and also do not allow the fingers to snuggle one to one. For which one between them insert a bandage of hanks or small fabric rollers.

On the seats

The treatment of bedsores on the seats at home minds will require a constant resting of the patient on the sides and on the stomach. The investment of such people on the back is fenced, to that it is similar to bring to an increase in the area and depth of the bedsore. As it was said more, it is necessary to change the position of a sick person for two years.

How to save the bed sores

Regardless of the hardships of people who are far from practical medicine, it is impossible to avoid bed sores in non-destructive patients. Early chi pizno trophic lesions appear in the mouth. For this moment, it is necessary to understand all the rules described above and look at the sick person for evidence of maceration, persistent local hyperemia, and other signs of injury.

Obov'yazkovoy umovoy, which allows the appearance of decubitus ulcers, early activation of ailments after injuries and serious operations. As a rule, defects do not develop at the same time, if the patient independently turns over from one to the next bed and tries to work other active movements in the middle of the bed. It's not easy to walk around with whom.

The main rule for formulating a diet for a patient with bedsores is a high amount of protein in the hedgehog. Yogo kіlkіst can become 120-150 grams per doba. Close to 60% of the amount of protein is taken from the creatures of the dzherel (when grated meat, fish, meat broth). In case of insufficient supply of protein molecules from the sig- nificantly, next stop drinking - nutrisonprotison 1000-1500 ml per doba (80 grams of protein / liter), nutrison energy in the same quantity (60 grams of protein / liter), nutirid drink (7).

Likuvannya decubituses - a complex complex task, which helps in the event of illness, like zdiyasnyuyut watch for the sick, the great patience of those professional beginners, close to the level of a qualified nurse. In the format of one article, it is impossible to tell about all the subtle anti-decubitus therapy (stopping of special mattresses, necrectomy, victoria of various faces fallow in the stage of inflammation and others). In order to help a bedridden ailment, it is necessary to constantly improve your qualifications, learn about the specialization of the dzherel, find out about new methods of jubilation and, wisely, draw on the authority’s opinion, base on the results of vikonan work.

Sobi for the prevention of bedsores - all special mattresses, cola and rollers. Also ahead of the world soft fabrics help recipes of folk medicine and dietary therapy.

Other current cases, which reduce the risk of development of bedsores in bedridden ailments, are medicinal preparations. For the treatment of tissue necrosis, vicorist ointments, creams, brilliant greens, iodine or camphor alcohol.

In order to prevent tissue necrosis in bedridden ailments, vicorist should be given special care. Mattresses, pillows and cola are brought up to them.

For the prevention of bedsores, the doctor should take care of the skin for 2 years to turn the patient from side to side, in order to prevent squeezing of the shkir. Ale tse is physically important for a person who sees. To that, for the prevention of bedsores, doctors recommend vikoristovuvaty orthopedic mattresses, yakі do not require special care for regulation.

See anti-decubitus systems:

  • porous;
  • sectional.

The commercial parts of the outbuilding are equipped with cameras, which tell the "bjolin_ stiltniks". Qi komіrki zapovnenі poіtryam, scho zduvaetsya at the check order of the skin 5-10 quills. Zavdyaki zminі support pokraschuєtsya krovobіg and masazhuyutsya soft tissue. Vyrobi zastosovuyut for the presence of decubituses 1 or 2 steps. The commercial parts of the mattress are designated for ailments with a body mass of not more than 120 kg. Tsey raznovid pidide for patients with non-compliance. So, as the material is not virobu, it is easy to wash.

Sectional mattresses are prescribed for the prevention of decubitus ulcers of the 3.4th degree in patients weighing 100-160 kg. Attachments are folded from balloons, rolled transversely. The canvas is made from tubular pillows, which are periodically refilled every time.

The balloon mattress is made from anti-allergic, non-toxic, non-toxic nylon material that does not fade odors. Zavdyaki zminі vise in the sections razminayutsya soft fabrics and stimulates blood circulation.

Orthopedic rollers outstrip necrotic changes in tissues for an additional change in pressure on the skin, a decrease in the intensity of rubbing on a hard surface. Pillows, which are used to keep an eye on bedridden ailments, activate blood circulation and massage into the affected area. Likewise, jubilant virobi know the bil, weaken the m'yazi and the ridge.

Anti-decubitus pillows wash a smooth or relief surface. Behind the shape, the ridges are straight-cut, square, roll-like, and they look like a cone.

Medicinal practices that prevent necrosis of soft tissues are differentiated by appearance:

  1. new;
  2. gel;
  3. repeat;
  4. foam rubber.

Pіnovі rollers create mіtsnu support, correctly rozpodіlyayuchi navantazhennya tіla, scho in a sitting position. The advantages of virobiv are simple in victories, low varity, lightness, saving the sick. Wear out the shvidka to the nedolіkіv, put the filthy pіdtrimka, low rіvіn zahistu fabric vіd zdavlyuvannya.

Pinn_ materials, from which anti-decubitus pillows are made:

  • Foam rubber - reduces the pressure and softens hard surfaces.
  • Latex is a natural elastic material that passes through the air.
  • Pіnopolyurethane is a springy material that repeats and "remembers" the shape of the patient's body.

Gel pillows replace pressure on soft fabrics. Tsі mіdіchnі vіrobі vіrіznyayutsya stіykіstyu, so їsosovuyut іh podtrimki pozitі put.

Lack of gel napovnjuvacha - great masa. Ale silicone gel cools the body quickly, preventing the development of sweat.

Pillows with twisted sections of vicorist for equal rozpodіlu vise. Vyrobi divide on static and pristosuvannya with the effect of repetitive repetition. The construction of the rest is the faceless middle, tied to each other, which are exchanged over and over again. At static rollers, the rebound ball is in the middle, which reduces the pressure and creates a more comfortable position for the sick.

Colo for the prevention of bedsores

Pіdkladne kolo - gumove inflatable kіltse z valve for povnennya vіtryam. Applications for the prevention of bedsores presented in three rosemaries:

  1. Diameter 30 cm.
  2. Diameter 40 centimeters. The universal variant is often used to put on a krizh, quilts or shoulders.
  3. Diameter vіd 50 cm.

Zastosuvannya humic stake - turn the ailing on a beak. Virіb pom_schayut pіd stretched in such a rank, shkіra, scho pіddaєtsya vise, was above the lapel.

Treatment of bedsores is carried out with the help of camphor, ethyl, salicylic alcohol, potassium permanganate. Also, brilliant green, iodine, water peroxide, Furacilin and Chlorhexidine are stagnant.

If there are necrotic processes in the tissues of the fabrics and the integrity of the skin curves is destroyed - vicorist ointments, creams and liquor servettes.

Rozchin for the prevention of bedsores

Potassium permanganate, brilliant green, iodine for bedsores is not modern medicine. Doctors influence the fact that many people are fighting, overdrying the skin and helping the process of death.

In medicinal minds, bedsores are treated with Chlorhexidine, which has an anti-infective, anti-fungal and anti-rus effect. Furacilin is used to reduce pathogenic microflora of vicory. For mild cleansing, stagnate water peroxide (3%), to speed up the regeneration process - physiotherapy.

Wipe the wounds of the fabric with juicy roses 2-3 times on the extraction. After the application of non-infective agents, the skin is ventilated and dried. For this reason, it is recommended to install quartz lamps.

Ointment for the prevention of bedsores

In order to prevent tissue necrotization and wound healing, even more so, to stop on the basis of chloramphenicol and methyluracil. The drug can be antiseptic, antiseptic, reparative, regenerative. Zavdyaki polietilenokidnіy osnovі zasіb podvischuє effektivnіstі іnshih likіv і vbiraє fіynіy vmіst wounds.

Levomekol vicorist in two ways:

  1. Leak a gauze servlet ointment and apply until the wound.
  2. Inject zasib at empty with a syringe through a drainage tube.

Dressings from zastosuvannyam Levomekol vyroblyayut daily. The course of therapy - 4 days.

For the prevention of decubitus ulcers, Steplanin ointment based on diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide is often used. Faces can be antiseptic, protect early from penetration of infection. Also, the ointment may have a hardening zagoyuchiy effect.

Steplanin is applied to the affected skin with a 1 mm ball. A gauze bandage is applied on top, as if changing two to the boot.

Creams for the prevention of bedsores


For prevention and therapy of tissue necrosis, argosulfan is often used. The cream may have antibacterial, wound healing, analgesic effects. The head component of the sobu is sribl sulfate (20 mg per 1 g of cream).

The drug is applied to bedsores with balls of 2-3 cm up to 3 times a day. The allowable dose for doba is 25 mg. Trivality of jubilation - up to 2 months.


For the prevention of bedsores, Actovegin should also be used on the basis of components in the blood of calves (deproteinization hemoderivat). Zasіb activates and speeds up the process of tissue regeneration.

As a method of preventing bedsores, Actovegin is rubbed in the area of ​​the raised risk up to 2 times a day. The cream can be vicorated for 12 days.

Camphor alcohol for the prevention of bedsores

Camphor activates tissue trophism, promotes regeneration, eliminates pathogenic microflora, stimulates blood circulation, and relieves inflammation.

For bedsores, camphorine alcohol is diluted with water at a ratio of 1:1. Take off the roses and rub it into the affected skin, or loosen the base of the compression. For this gauze is soaked in a warm rose, applied to a pressure sore, and everything is fixed with a bavovnyanoy fabric.

Compress trimayut 2:00. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. Likuvannya course - 10 days

For prophylactic and liquor purposes in case of advanced risk of soft tissue necrosis, hygienic and liquor servettes are used. The first to wash the non-woven base, the stench is suitable for wiping wounds with disinfection.

Lіkuvalnі virobi applied to bedsores after the toilet. Servettes are oozing with wound healing, antibacterial tracts and enzymes. Likuvalny servets are laid on the fallen skin for the last hour.


Hydrogel servettes heal the wound, absorb exudate from themselves, know the pouring, cool it down and infect the skins. On a clean skin, apply the gel from a syringe, which should be removed in the package. A bandage is applied on top, they are deprived of reconciliation for 3 days.

Medisorb A

Alginate servettes vicorist for the prevention of that exaltation of weeping wounds with the method of picking up rotten and bloody visions. Zastosuvannya: the dressing is removed from the package, applied to the bedsore, fixed with a secondary servlet. Replacement of viroba is carried out up to 2 times a day.


Whiskers are used for curing wounds, for healing, for quicker regeneration, for preventing and spreading infections, for cleaning up against exudates and dead tissues. Zastosuvannya: after the rosette of the bandage is applied to the collar so that the edges protrude 0.5 cm beyond the surface of the bedsore. Zahisnyy ball znіmayut through 2 hvilini after the overlay. Servetka zalishayut in the early docks won't get hot.

In case of severe and great damage to soft tissues in folk medicine, stop sea ​​buckthorn oliya, honey and aloe. Leaves of the agave are trimmed and mixed with other ingredients (100 g). We must place the glass container and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days. Apply the ointment to the gauze tissue and apply it to the lesions treated with Furacilin. Servetki impose two days on the day for 2 years.

For the most recent regeneration of the shkir in folk medicine, stop vіdvar burkunu ta chamomile. Dry herbs are poured with water (1 l), put on the lazna for 10 whilins. Vіdvar filter and wash the wound.

For disinfection oak bark. Dry sirovina (200 g) is poured with water (2 l), put on fire for 120 quills. Coolings are cooled and cooled from the new lotion. Apply 3 compresses per day to the necrotic area. The course of therapy - 2 days.

For processing virazok vicorist ointment from tsukru, olії and bjolin wax. Components are placed near the enamelled container, and they are added for sizing together. Ready cream is transferred from the dark warehouse and placed in the refrigerator. Smear bedsores up to 3 times per harvest.

Lіkuvalnoe kharchuvannya ailing for the prevention of decubitus ulcers

Physicians recommend to take medical care for the prevention of decubitus ulcers from dietary therapy. So, in the diet of patients, if you spend a lot of time in a one-man position, you can outweigh the protein hedgehog. To that, on the day we are ill, it is recommended to take in 120 g of growing (beans, peas) or natural products (seed, low-fat meat, riba).

For the prevention of bedsores, it is necessary to take products, such as vitamins, ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid. It will activate the immune system, which will prevent the development of infectious diseases.

  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • kiwi;
  • citrus;
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Black currant;
  • shipshina;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

Eating of bedridden patients can be shot. When choosing a doctor, please include in the diet fatty, spicy herbs, and smoked products.

A decubitus ulcer is an open wound on the surface of the skin. In especially neglected conditions, it reaches deep malignant balls, and is characterized by clear necrotic tissue lesions, most often due to bacterial infections. Decubitus ulcers heal through mechanical compression of local networks of small blood-bearing vessels with the patient's triceps in one position. Similar injuries, as a rule, are settled in recumbent or sedentary ailments, although they cannot or for some reason do not want to regularly change the camp of their body.

Stages of decubitus ulcers are the reasons that can take their appearance

The damage to friability is one of the most common reasons for the development of decubitus ulcers as a result of compression action on the blood-bearing vessels of the subcutaneous cellular tissue. Most often, bedsores are indicated in visually impaired patients, who are under anesthesia, suffer from important psychopathological conditions, which may have an important pathology of the musculoskeletal apparatus or the central nervous system in the anamnesis, and are afraid of trauma during surgery. Patients, for low reasons, that it is impossible to change the station of your body often, and having poured in your body mass, repair a serious vice, especially in those villages, shkiri, as if they vibrate over the sunken surface.

Another significant reason for the development of bedsores is the expansion of blood-bearing blood vessels, which heal the entire area of ​​the tissue, after pulling the patient along the lie, pulling the back of the new wet whiteness or stretching, as well as the pressure of the vessel.

Distinguish a sprinkling of factors that make it easier, yak, krіm ugogo іnshoy, priyat the development of bedsores.

  • Immunization of friability of loam (contractures) and increased tone of skeletal muscles (spasticity)

Change the normal movement of the patient's body. Contractures of the joint are most often blamed for tendon aching, arthritis, cicatricial lesions on the surface of the skin curve, or disruption of the nervous regulation of the central genesis. Severe injuries of the cerebral or spinal apparatus often lead to a spastic state of the m'yazovoi mass in the region of the kints and the cerebrospinal apparatus.

  • One of the most important incentives is to change the position of the body and feel pain.

Various neurological disorders or trials of pain medications can be significant lower the threshold of pain sensitivity they themselves do not tell them about the need to reposition the body.

  • Increased pain sensitivity in the aftermath of surgical and traumatic wounds

Can you please the patient gradually occupy a static camp.

  • I mean the role in resisting pathological processes due to the transfer of blood vessel pressure and nerve endings in the physiological state of the skin folds.

Mitsna elastic skin may be sufficient resistance against the development of bedsores. Navpaki, thinning, atrophy of the epithelium through a decrease in the density of regeneration, it is easy to collapse with a shortage of living speech, which grows, which comes from the blood. Such phenomena are often blamed for taking certain medicinal products, which are added to the water-salt metabolism in the body and hormonal preparations.

  • Decreased regenerative functions of the skin epithelium

Thinning of the dermal-epidermal articulation and organic destruction of the capillaries in the subcutaneous cellular tissue is dominant in patients of the old age. Tom The development of bedsores in people with a frail age is constantly leaking and threatening with complications.

  • The skin becomes more responsive to an insignificant influx of traumatic forces in the aftermath of deepithelialization, which, as a rule, is caused by rubbing and dizzying transverse forces when the patient is overtightened.

Loss of the area on the skids may decrease the bar'єr protection against bacterial contamination., and are also characterized by a low volume of transepidermal water, which leads to maceration of the skin curves from their distant openings.

  • Postiyna dіya dіya dіya vіdvishchenої vologostі on shkіrnі pokrivi

Mozhe winicati due to insufficient care for the patient also produce to the point of poshkodzhennya zovnіshnіh pokrivіv skіri. The situation is exacerbated by an aggressive influx of speeches that rush into the feces of that section of the patient.

  • brudna whiteness

Tse is one of the main reasons for the development of pathogenic microflora in virazkovy lesions on the skin slopes. The temperature and moisture content of the virazkovy pit create the most favorable mind in the development of pathogenic microorganism, to bring antibiotics resistant to medical therapy. The zanedbaniste of such processes is often brought before the transition from a localized purulent-infectious process to a generalized form. The weak have ailments bacterium, sepsis, myonecrosis or both often develop.

  • Lack of, insufficient amount of protein in the skin, as well as anemia

Vibrate the patient's flaming camp to resistance against skin lesions of infectious and non-infectious types. Poor eating habits of the ability of the immune system of the body against the influx of pathogenic factors. In addition, anemia causes erythrocytes to filthy vantazhopidyomnosti. The situation is even worse with the development of cardiovascular pathologies and hypovolemia.

  • Reperfusion

Reinstatement of normal blood flow on ischemic dilation, on the thought of rich fahivtsiv, spriya prolongation of necrotic processes. Accumulated in the period of venous congestion, the products of metabolism expand along the distribution line, thereby increasing the toxicity to this branch.

In patients with normal sensitivity, mobility and daily psychopathological infirmities, bed sores are rare. An inward ligament in the subcutaneous receptors, which signal to the brain about ischemic processes, which originate in the area of ​​the compression infusion on the blood-bearing vessels, disturbs the person to change the position of the body on his own or on the other side.

The development of decubitus ulcers proceeds in stages, moreover, the further the stage is, the more therapeutic infusion on the viraz-necrotic ablution.

  • First stage characterized by the integrity of the skin curves in the area of ​​compression air and the presence of persistent hyperemia three times after the clutch is switched off.
  • Other stage - hyperemia of the epithelium of the epithelium at the early stages of the physical shrinkage of the epithelial superficial balls.
  • Third stage - the solution of deep, wet skin with total damage to all the balls of the skin and the transition of pathological processes of necrosis into the subcutaneous cellular tissue and m'yazovu tissue.
  • Fourth stage characterized by a deep expansion of pathological processes, right up to the brushes and m'yazovyh fascia.

Pathophysiological basis for the elimination of bedsores

Previously, the pathological processes of the elimination of bedsores were described in 1873 by D. Paget, who accurately identified the development of necrotic processes as a result of pressure on the local subdivision of small blood-bearing vessels. Rich factors are added to the development of bedsores, prote in the basis of the process of starting to lie ischemic manifestations, which lead to the collapse of the clitin membrane, and further and to death due to tissue trophic insufficiency.

From the point of dawn, bedsores develop with a trivial, constant pressure on the very area that damages the blood circulation of one and the same tissue.

  • For the development of ischemia it is necessary compression injection on arterial capillaries not less than 32 mm of mercury stovp and 12 mm in diameter - for venous capillaries.
  • The pressure of arterioles relieves the insufficiency of a rush of fresh blood, rich in sourness and lifeless speeches, and the pressure of venules improves blood flow, rich in productive tissue metabolism.
  • Vіdpovіdno, krіm іshemіchnyh manifestations, watch out for more stagnant processes in tissues that are crushed. which significantly aggravates the pathological process.

Sound the tissues of a living organism in the norms of the building to show a greater pressure, a lower value is more ostentatious. To this end, the elasticity and strength of the walls are sufficient. However, the compression injection into the lot for over 2 years interrupts the capacity of tissues with a trophic deficiency.

The development of decubitus ulcers most often occurs in the areas of skin curves, as they stick most strongly to the surfaces. Documented indications of the vice on specific anatomical areas of the patient were found to be dependent on the position of the body. So, with the recumbent bed, the development of bedsores is the most stable to the risk:

  • krizh;
  • five;
  • potilice.

A vise of about 40-60 mm of mercury stoup is repaired on them. On the chest, that knee falls about 50 mm, so that the patient lies on his stomach. In a sitting position, the most compressive inflow of the side humps is supported - about 100 mm of a mercury column. It is necessary to indicate that the constitution of a person does not play a significant role in the development of bedsores - the larger the person, the more the clitin stroma is displaced. Vinyatok to become patients with a transcendental vaga, however, they have compensation for the pressure on the judge for the help of additional shock-absorbing capacities of the fat prosharka.

After reaching the third stage, the pathological process accelerates, the wines are already characterized by more important lesions of the malignant tissue, as they are more likely to be sour to the point of sourness, and the excretion of metabolic products. For reasons of reason, the term “point of no return” is introduced about the 2nd year, after which irreversible changes in the m'azovih tissues are repaired. If it is necessary to take care of taking the skinny curves, then the stench can affect the compression effect up to 12 years.

Crim uninterrupted insufficiency of blood supply, in the crushed space, the processes of regulation of tissue activity are disrupted due to the pressure of nerve endings.

Features of localization of bedsores, symptoms and diagnosis

Bedsores, as a rule, describe from the point of view of the growth of the pathological area and the depth of tissue burrowing, which is lower.

  • Nearly 70% of all cases, decubitus ulcers settle down most often the area of ​​the sidewalks, the great forests of the steg's brush.
  • on the five, combs of the clubbing brush, shoulder blades and elbow loam falls close to 15-25%.
  • Vіdsotkova chastka, scho lost, expands on the be-yakі place of the body of the patient, who stick around for a trivial hour with be-like surfaces for example, in case of improper application of plaster casts.

Varto indicates that the elimination of decubitus ulcers in the mouth empty is often irritated in the dentist's room. The regions often blame the pressure points of dental prostheses, as well as the interdental space in the clear, which spices the stuffing of the gaps from the grub masses.

As a rule, making a diagnosis of a bedsore does not become particularly difficult. visually and organoleptically, it is possible, with a sufficient amount of breathiness, to show the development of ischemic processes at the dealership, which is due to the compression injection. However, in cases, if there is no improvement in the correct therapy of pressure ulcers, additional diagnostics may be needed due to the method of manifestation of third-party pathologies, including the oncological plan. Cream of that necessary to exclude osteomyelitis especially in cases of deep bedsores, tissue lesions.

New blood test With differentiation, it can show the developments in the presence of white blood cells, which allows you to judge about the generalization of the pathological process for interbedsores, as well as the development of invasive infection. The number of erythrocyte counts is greater than 120 mm/year and the number of leukocytes is over 15,000 cells/µl.

Yakist kharchuvannya As an indispensable factor of favorable pressure ulcer therapy, it is attributed to the presence of albumin, prealbumin, transferrin and the amount of total protein in the blood serum.

A biopsy of wound tissues should be taken at the time of repair, regardless of the diligent observation of bedsores. It should be carried out with the method of identifying the species diversity of the bacterial flora, which populate the wound surface, as well as to exclude the malicious growth of clitin. Shchoraz, if you are afraid of a sore bedsore, which is at the stage of remission for a few months, a biopsy of the obov'yazkovo may be vikonan. Such an effect is most likely to be observed in the development of malignant processes in old wounds.

Briefly about treatment and prevention of bedsores

Varto signify that there is no panacea for the exaltation of bedsores. Obov'yazykovy series of last visits, which will shove the most obvious zvilnennya in the pathological plant that develops.

  1. The need for maximum renewal of blood circulation that innervation in the mist is pressurized.
  2. Viluchennya necrotic masses that have settled into a pathological center.
  3. Spryannya yaknaishvidshy zagoєnnu the wounds that they did.

Always keep in mind those who have a bedsore - this is a sign of the patient's zanedbanosti in terms of diligent observation of the correctness of therapy, which is victorious. To that, as an untimely patient independently change the position of the body, it is necessary to close the attendants behind him, especially one and a dozen people, so that you will be aware of the development of possible pathological processes in the course of individual features. It's a pity, in the minds of the current Russian hospital, which functions for the pleasure of the sovereign support, it's practically unimportant task.

Supplementary care will be required by absolutely all patients who are surrounded by a wheelchair, bedridden, suffer from paresis or paralysis of several parts of the body, as well as ailments, which reduce the rate of cerebral activity. Special respect is needed for people with such pathologies:

  • non-mania cut and feces;
  • who are at the stage of exile;
  • suffer from obesity;
  • ill with blood diabetes;
  • may have an aggravated stroke in the anamnesis.

What should lie before the main principles of prevention of the development of bedsores?

  • Reduced compressive air, the effect of rubbing or transverse zsuva of the body.


The necrosis of tissue in the wake of a thorny vice, damage to the blood circulation is called bedsores. As a rule, pathology develops in bedridden patients, people of a frail age. For the prevention of the appearance of bedsores, the necessary retelny watch for ailments (zastosuvannya special mattresses, kil, pelushok).

Zagalni vіdomosti pro decubituses

Changes in soft tissues of a necrotic, dystrophic character due to the initial pressure are called bedsores. The stench can appear as a result of neurotrophic disorders in bedridden patients. In such patients, there is a tri-valence of the deuce of the body, through which the blood circulation in the tissues is disturbed. As a rule, tissue necrosis occurs in the area of ​​the pelvic cysts, kuprik, krizhiv, and more - on the pelvis, ribs, and the pelvic area.

Nebezpeka decubituses lie at a high risk of injury to deep tissues, tendons, brushes, as a result emptying and intestines are settled. Often, tissue necrosis worsens with secondary infections and inflammations (osteomyelitis, periostitis). With this water-creaming from the wound, a transparent color, then - rot, thick with a rotten, stinking smell. Likuvannya decubituses for us to lie down at the stage of development of a decubitus:

  1. First stage. At the cob stage, the skins are bent at the singing spots of the red color, and the temperature is moving up. Pathological changes protrude less than the upper balls of the epidermis. The first stage is good for jubilation.
  2. Another stage. During this period, in the area of ​​bedsores, pimples and puffiness are established.
  3. Third stage. A decubitus ulcer is a deep wound (fatty tissue, m'yazi is clearly visible) with necrosis.
  4. Fourth stage. The pathological process is rapidly expanding the tendon, cystic tissue, inflammation develops, the wound is filled with pus.

Imovirnist the development of soft tissue necrosis to lie down, first of all, due to two main factors: the quality of watching over the patient and the severity of the disease. Additive causes of bedsores є:

  • zaiva vaga;
  • anemia;
  • improperly over-eating;
  • nesvidomy camp of the patient;
  • constant contact of shkiri with visions (feces, cut, sweat).

Principles of treatment of bedsores

Therapy of all decubitus ulcers is due to the assistance of a doctor and other medical personnel. Self-delusion can lead to a distant progression of the necrotic process and the development of serious conditions. To the main principles of jubilation are brought:

  • improvement of blood flow;
  • purification of wounds from necrotic masses;
  • carrying out procedures for wound healing.

To restore circulation to the bloodstream in the area of ​​necrosis, stove anti-decubitus ulcers, mattresses, tissue rolls. For the treatment of necrotic tissue vicory, a special ointment for bedsores for bedridden ailments is used. If necessary, carry out the primary surgical treatment of the necrosis chamber. After the cleansing of the wound, dressings with alginates (faces in the form of bedsores in the form of powder or servets, which fill the empty wound), wound healing preparations. In case of bacterial infection, medical antibacterial agents are prescribed.

With the restoration of tissue trophism and spontaneous glee, the prognosis is favorable. After switching off the vice at stages 1, 2, it is possible to reach the full lustre, at stages 3, 4 after the adoption of a purulent-necrotic process, plastic sheeting is required. In some cases, there is a significant world of complications with the main pathology, and the development of a bedsore significantly reduces the likelihood of a favorable result.

Therapy of bedsores 1 stage

At the bud stage of the necrotic process, it is possible to restore the skin covering and avoid the development of a pressure sore for the help of offensive approaches:

  • For 2-3 years, wipe the damaged area of ​​the skin's curve and lay down the skin tissue with a servlet soaked in camphor alcohol.
  • Sprats of time for extraction were treated with blackened areas of the shkir with sea buckthorn oil or with Sophora japonica extract.
  • Keep in mind that the areas of necrosis were always dry.
  • Pereviryat shkirny covering the cob to develop necrosis in other parts of the body.

2 steps

When you look at another stage, the main task is to forget the further development of the necrotic process and the arrival of inflammation, bacterial infection. Use the following methods of therapy:

  • 3-5 times per wound are treated with an antiseptic dressing, for example, chlorhexidine.
  • After the first treatment with an antiseptic, apply Solcoseryl, Actovegin or Levomekol to the wound.
  • 1 time for 2 days apply hydrogel dressings, for example, Hydrosorb Comfort.
  • Regularly zastosovuyut zasіb vіd decubitus ulcers іz early campaigning authorities (Multiferm).

3rd and 4th stage

Under the hour of treatment of bedsores at stage 3, surgical sanitation of the wound and cleaning of the affected area from necrolytic tissues is necessary, after which special wound healing and adsorbing sponge bandages should be applied: Proteox-TM, Biaten. Such help help clean the wound from pus. Then we will zastosovuyt mіstsevі broad-spectrum antibiotics diї.

In addition, it is necessary to seek medical treatment for necrolytic diseases (for example, Colagenasin, Trypsin), antiseptic drugs (Algofin or Hydrocortisone), tissue regeneration stimulants (Vinilin, Methyluracin), drugs for normalizing microcirculation and blood flow (Tribenosphimid). Physiotherapy is being started at once.

Mіstseve likuvannya

As a rule, for treatment of necrotic damage to tissues, preparations and muscle treatment are needed. Familiarize yourself with effective faces for local stoking:

The name of the ointment

Pharmacological activity

Way to zastosuvannya

Approximate rate of rubles


Early talk.

Mіstsevo vіdkritim way or at the sight of bandages.

Early conversation,


Miscevo, 1 r / dobu.


Zovnishno, the ointment leaks sterile servets and fills the wound with them. Can be injected with a syringe at the wound.




Zovnishno, sterile servets ooze out the ointment, filling the wound with them. Can be injected with a syringe at the wound.



Mіstsevo, zovnіshnyo, 3-4 r / doba.




It is necessary to wash the wound with a fizroshchin, remove the zahisnyy cap from the applicator, smoothly introduce the gel into the wound. Put on a bandage.

Surgical intervention

Operative intervention is carried out for obvious indications: for the presence of a positive effect of conservative treatment, or in case of severe non-transient necrosis. Wrapping up the skin of plasticity, hanging from the wounds of the borders. Іsnuє impersonal options for skin plastics - for Reverden, Tirsh - the choice of the technique of the surgeon. Sometimes after the transplantation of skin tissue, it is badly acclimatized and develop complications: accumulation of exudate in the underside of the cell, rupture of the seams, bleeding.

Folk recipes

The treatment of bedsores in household minds includes the selection of folk remedies. Before zastosuvannya it is necessary to take care of the fakhivtsy, because. deyakі zіllya can provoke allergic reactions and tissue necrosis. It is recommended for popular use for treatment at the 1st and 2nd stages of the pathological process. Among the popular folk zasobіv see:

  1. Kharchov soda. In a glass of warm water, add 1-2 tablespoons of grub soda, then soak it in a separate amount of folded gauze 4-5 times and apply until the wound for 30-40 strands.
  2. Cibulya with bjolinim wax. Take 2 small heads of cybules, sharply cut and lightly smear on olives until golden color. Let's sweat the oil, add a bjoline whiskey. Before skin zastosuvannya yogo need rose. Vickory 2-3 times a day.
  3. Oliya sea buckthorn and herbs. Treat areas with bedsores with camphor alcohol, then brush with olive oil or sea buckthorn (you can brush them or brush them).
  4. Cabbage leaves. Take 2-3 fresh cabbage leaves, rinse under running water, attach them to the bottom for an additional bandage.

Prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients

The skins of the sickly sick people become thin and irritable to the ears, so looking after them can be delicate. It is not recommended to zastosovuvat zab іz strong odor, over fat or alcohol, because. stinks can lead to allergic reactions and teasing. It is recommended to vicorate special sparing and neutral hygienic conditions.

It is necessary to keep a watchful eye on him, so that the cloths of the ailing wind will be clean, dry: it is necessary to wipe them with a soft towel, with sweat rising, to quickly remove the blinds, to carry out a proper hygiene of the exit of the skin. It is necessary to change the bedtime and the whiteness from the congestion of special patients, turning the patient over, moving him to a clean stretch.

Slid to stimulate the ailing collapse independently and follow yoga eating: we can balance it and calm down. In addition, pressure ulcer prevention includes:

  • A quick look at the skin's curves for early manifestation of necrosis and early exuberance. Especially respect for the hour of rechecking should be given to the areas of cystic protrusions, it is recommended for prevention to stop the infection in bed sores in bedridden ailments (for example, camphor alcohol).
  • Change the position of a sick person in bed not earlier than 1 time in two years, zastosuvannya special anti-decubitus beds and mattresses, as it is also necessary to miti. All transfers of guilt are carried out with care, in order to save the tension or rub the shkіri.
  • Vykoristannya soft bedding and clothes made of natural materials without gudzikiv, fasteners and sparkles. In addition, it is necessary to carefully quilt for the daytime fabric of the folds.
  • Keep warm in the room at a comfortable temperature again (about 22-25 ° C) and regularly ventilate (not less than 10-15 quills 3-4 times per doba).
  • The change of bedtime whiteness in the world is zabrudnennya. If you need to pick up special hygiene measures (what to pick up pelushki, pads, pads).


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