Asthenia and how it manifests itself, exultation and symptoms of functional illness. How asthenia manifests itself - symptoms that cause that exaltation of ailment Asthenia is pronounced

Asthenia and how it manifests itself, exultation and symptoms of functional illness. How asthenia manifests itself - symptoms that cause that exaltation of ailment Asthenia is pronounced

(asthenic syndrome) - a psychopathological discord, which develops step by step, which accompanies a rich infection of the body. Asthenia manifests itself in a decrease in mental and physical activity, sleep disturbances, increased dramatization, or, at the same time, malice, emotional instability, vegetative disorders. Revealing asthenia is allowed by the patient's re-experimentation, further investigation of the psycho-emotional and mnestic sphere. It is also necessary to have a further diagnostic obstezhennya manifestation of the main illness, which caused asthenia. Asthenia enjoys the selection of the optimal labor regime and rational diet, the intake of adaptogens, neuroprotectors and psychotropic drugs (neuroleptics, antidepressants).


R53 Illness and anxiety

Zagalni vіdomostі

Asthenia is without a doubt the most widespread syndrome in medicine. Вона супроводжує багато інфекцій (ГРВІ, грип, харчові токсикоінфекції, вірусний гепатит, туберкульоз та ін), соматичні захворювання (гострий і хронічний гастрит, виразкову хворобу 12п. кишки, ентероколіт, пневмонію, аритмію, .), психопатологічні стани, післяпологовий, посттравматичний та postoperative period. Because of the reasons for asthenia, facsimiles of practically any number of galleries are sticking together: gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology. Asthenia can be the first sign of illness that starts, accompanies it, or beware during the period of convalescence.

Following the asthenia due to the savage autonomy, as a result of the supra-world physical and mental stress, changing the time zones and the climate, underestimating the treatment regime. At the end of the physiological period, asthenia develops step by step, a three-time hour (months and years) is saved, without fail, after a full recovery, it will require the appointment of a doctor.

Causes of asthenia

On the thought of many authors in the basis of asthenia lie overvoltage and overexertion of the main nervous activity. The uninterrupted cause of the blame for asthenia may be insufficient supply of living speeches, transcendental consumption of energy, or a breakdown in exchange processes. The development of asthenia can be potentiated by factors that cause the body to become debilitated: sickness and chronic illness, intoxication, bad food, mental illness, rose and physical stress, chronic stress.

Classification of asthenia

Through vindication in clinical practice, organic and functional asthenia is seen. Organic asthenia develops in 45% of cases and is associated with chronic somatic illnesses, as in the patient, or progressive organic pathology. У неврології органічна астенія супроводжує інфекційно-органічні ураження головного мозку (енцефаліт, абсцес, пухлина), тяжкі черепно-мозкові травми, демієлінізуючі захворювання (розсіяний енцефаломієліт, розсіяний склероз), судинні розлади та хронічний ішемічний процеси (хвороба Альцгеймера, хвороба Паркінсона, сенільна хорея ). Functional asthenia to become 55% in the fall and є timchasovym werewolf camp. Functional asthenia is also called reactive, as a matter of fact, it is the reaction of the body to a stressful situation, physical relapse, or suffering a severe illness.

Behind the etiological factor, somatogenic, post-traumatic, post-infectious, post-infectious asthenia are also seen.

Due to the peculiarities of clinical manifestations, asthenia is subdivided into a hyper-hyposthenic form. Hypersthenic asthenia is accompanied by increased sensory alertness, as a result of which the patient is drastically unable to endure loud sounds, noise, and bright light. Hypostenic asthenia, however, is reduced to a decrease in susceptibility to splendid podrazniki, which leads to malaise and drowsiness of the ailing person. Hypersthenic asthenia - mild form and with increasing asthenic syndrome can pass into hyposthenic asthenia.

Fallow in the case of trivality, the basis of asthenic syndrome, asthenia is classified as acute and chronic. Gostra asthenia sound may have a functional character. It develops after severe stress, acute illness (bronchitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, gastritis) or infection (bark, influenza, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, dysentery). Chronic asthenia is troubling and, most of the time, organic. Before chronic functional asthenia, the syndrome of chronic autopsy is included.

Okremo see asthenia, associated with the greater nervous activity, - neurasthenia.

Clinical manifestations of asthenia

The symptom complex typical for asthenia includes three warehouses: upper clinical manifestations of asthenia; damaged, connected with a pathological state, which lies in the foundation; discord, mind the psychological reaction of the sick patient. Manifest in the asthenic syndrome most often during the day, or weakly manifested by the early anniversary, they appear and grow during the day. At the evening hour, asthenia reaches its maximum manifestation, which stuns the patients to work in front of them, how to continue the work or go to home help.

Wtoma. The main scar with asthenia is vtom. Patients decide that they wake up sooner, lower earlier, but apparently they don’t know how to follow a trivial recovery. If you go about physical practice, then you will be afraid of a blatant weakness, that negligence will defeat your natural work. In times of intellectual practice, the situation is richly folded. Patients suffer from difficulties in case of anxiety, memory loss, decreased respect and humility. The stench seems to be colloquial when formulating high-handed thoughts to that verbal expression. Patients with asthenia often cannot focus on one specific problem, they forcefully pick up words to express whether they have an idea, they are irritated by rozsіyanistyu and deakoy galmovanіstyu when they make a decision. In order to defeat the robot as far as possible, stop the stench of madness and interrupt it, for the accomplishment of the task set, they try to dim it not as a whole, but by breaking it into parts. However, not to bring bad results, if possible, to the extent that it makes you feel more uneasy, that calls out to the power of intellectual impossibility.

Psycho-emotional disorder. Decreased productivity in professional activities leads to the vindication of negative psycho-emotional states, which are connected with the patient's attitudes to the problem that vinicla. In case of any ailment with asthenia, they become ardent, strained, wheezy and drastic, quickly expend self-control. They have sharp mood swings, I become humiliated and anxious, extreme in the assessment of what they see (non-priming pessimism and optimism). Strengthening of psychoemotional disorders characteristic of asthenia can lead to the development of neurasthenia, depressive or hypochondriacal neurosis.

Vegetative discord. In most cases, asthenia is accompanied by damage to the side of the autonomic nervous system. They include tachycardia, lability of the pulse, drops in arterial pressure, coldness or feel the heat in the body, generalizations or local (dolon, inguinal pits or feet) hyperhidrosis, decreased appetite, constipation, pain along the intestines. With asthenia, you can have headaches and that "vag" head. In humans, a decrease in potency is most often observed.

sleep disorder. Fallow in the form of asthenia can be accompanied by various sleep disturbances due to its nature. Hypersthenic asthenia is characterized by difficulty in falling asleep, restless and abundant dreams, nocturnal awakenings, early awakenings and almost grogginess after sleep. In some patients, it seems that it is practically impossible for them to sleep at night, although it is not true. Hypostenic asthenia is disturbed by the appearance of daytime drowsiness. When tsimu zberіgayutsya problems іz zasinannymi that filthy akіst nіchnogo sleep.

Diagnosis of asthenia

By itself, asthenia does not sound like diagnostic difficulties in a doctor, no matter what profile. In depressions, if asthenia is caused by stress, trauma, illness, or it appears, as a cause of pathological changes that begin in the body, the symptoms are clearly pronounced. If asthenia is blamed on the aphids of the underlying illness, then it may manifest itself on another plane and not be so remembered for the symptoms of the main illness. In such cases, the signs of asthenia can be seen through the patient's examination and details of his scarg. I will give special respect to the care given to the patient’s mood, I will become sleepy, I will put myself up to work and other shoes, and I will also become wet. A patient with asthenia is far from being able to tell doctors about his problems in the field of intellectual activity. The deyakі patsienti skhilnі overbіlshuvati nayavnі damage. In order to take an objective picture, the neurologist, in order with a neurological glance, needs to carry out an investigation of the patient's mnestic sphere, evaluate his emotional state and the reaction of the patient to various external signals. In some cases, it is necessary to differentiate asthenia into hypochondriacal neurosis, hypersomnia, and depressive neurosis.

Diagnosis of the asthenic syndrome depends on the patient's lingering obstruction due to the main illness, which caused the development of asthenia. In this way, additional consultations of a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, pulmonologist, ultrasound scan, MRI of the brain, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and other organs can be carried out.

Exaltation of asthenia

General recommendations for asthenia lead to the selection of the optimal treatment regimen; vіdmovu vіd vіd kontakt z vіznimi shkіdlіvіm vlivami, including vіd vіd vіvannya alcohol; introduction to the regime of the day of physical advancement, which will improve; dotrimannya vitaminizovanoy and vіdpovіdnoї main ill diet. The best option is triplets and change of situation: admission, sanatorium-resort treatment, tourist trip.

For patients who may suffer from asthenia, korisna hedgehog bagat for tryptophan (bananas, turkey meat, sir, coarse pomelo bread), vitamin B (liver, eggs) and other vitamins (shipshina, black currant, sea buckthorn, kiwi, midnight, citrus fruits, apples, salads with orchard vegetables) and fresh fruit juices). An important value for patients with asthenia may be a calm working situation and psychological comfort of the booth.

Medicinal use of asthenia in medical practice can lead to the recognition of adaptogens: ginseng, rhodiola erysipelas, Schisandra chinensis, eleutherococcus, pantocrine. In the United States, the practice of treating asthenia with large doses of vitamins of group B has been adopted. A number of authors point out that the optimal is complex vitamin therapy, which includes not only vitamins of groups B, ale and C, PP, but also microelements that take part in their metabolism (zinc, magnesium, calcium). Nootropics and neuroprotectors (ginkgo biloba, piracetam, gamma-aminobutyric acid, cinnarizine + piracetam, picamelon, hopantenic acid) are most often found in asthenia. However, its effectiveness in asthenia has not been sufficiently improved due to the recent great achievements in this galus.

In various cases of asthenia, there is a symptomatic psychotropic exaltation, so you can choose a more narrow fahivets: a neurologist, a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist. So, in an individual order for asthenia, antidepressants are prescribed - inhibitors of intoxication of serotonin and dopamine, neuroleptics (antipsychotics), drugs of procholinergic disease (salbutiamin).

Successful exaltation of asthenia, which was blamed afterward for being ill, it is rich in what to lie in the efficiency of the remaining exultation. As soon as the main ailment is vilified, the symptoms of asthenia begin to pass or change. With truncated remіsії of chronic illness, show asthenia, which accompanies yoga, it is also reduced to a minimum.

Exhaustion is the widest scarga, with such patients they turn to doctors, and at one time it is the main symptom of asthenic disorders. The breadth of asthenia in the upper population, following the data of other older ones, ranges from 10 to 45%. Хоча хворі і описують астенію як підвищену стомлюваність, наукове визначення цього стану вимагає відмежування його від простої стомлюваності, що позначається іноді як донозологічна астенія (фізіологічний стан, що йде за інтенсивною і тривалою мобілізацією організму, що виникає, як правило, швидко і проходить після відпочинку medical assistance). Astenichne began to develop step by step, the posture at the link with the necessary mobilization of the body, three months of fate, does not change after the order and the need to provide the patient with medical assistance.
Донозологічна астенія (втома) часто виникає після надмірних фізичних, психічних чи розумових навантажень, при неправильному чергуванні роботи та відпочинку, систематичному недосипанні, адаптації до нових кліматичних умов та описується в літературі як інформаційний невроз, синдром менеджера, «білих комірців», керівних кадрів астенія when changing time zones, in athletes, iatrogenic.
The appearance of asthenic disorders is caused by different causes, often associated with another overt pathology. The symptom complex of the asthenic state itself, as a “pathological exacerbation after normal activity, a decrease in energy during the peak of the day, which will require a significant increase in respect, or a generalized decrease in the building capacity to diy” includes three warehouses:
. having manifested the weakness of asthenia;
. discord, mind the pathological state, which lies at the basis of asthenia;
. discord, zoom in on the reaction of an individual to a disease.
Another warehouse of asthenic discord, and the very pathological become, which lies in the basis, and є this sign, as it lies in the basis of the current classification of asthenic states. Organizational asthenia, which is often 45% in all asthenic countries, develops on aphids of chronic, often progressing organic (neurological), mental and somatic illnesses. These include infectious, endocrine, hematological, neoplastic, hepatological, neurological, mental (usually schizophrenia, psychoactive speech attacks) and other ailments.
On the surface of organic, functional (reactive) asthenia, which makes up 55% of the total asthenia, is characterized by the principle of turnover, which is due either to the structure of the environment in the hour or to curable pathological conditions. To them, the Gostra Astenia, the vinica owing reacts on Gostria states is the value of the Navantazhnia on the robot - psychic submarine (Astenia reconfalls), Khronychnaya Astenia, and the sinkhovs (Pslyapologov), INDISHIPS (postin -Great) . and others. Psychiatric asthenia is clearly seen, for which the structure of functional near-cordon mental disorders (anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.) shows an asthenic symptom complex.
Clinical typology of asthenic disorders includes two options:
. hypersthenic asthenia, which is characterized by over-arousal of sensory spontaneity with increased spontaneity of normally neutral irritants (sound intolerance, light skinny), irritability, increased drativity, disturbed sleep;
. hyposthenic asthenia, the main element of which is a lowering of the threshold of alertness and spontaneity to sensible stimuli from laxity, advanced weakness, daytime drowsiness.
Post-influenza asthenia. Sound may be hypersthenic character at early stages with unimportant forms of influenza. They take into account internal nervousness, increased drastically, as if provoking the manifestation of maladaptation in behavior. I take care of the internal discomfort. Decrease in the productivity of practice, manifests restlessness. In important forms of influenza, asthenia has a hyposthenic character and on aphids, decreased activity, drowsiness, short-hour sleeps of drativity with swedish exhaustion are manifested. Weakness of mind, decrease in motivation, libido are manifested. Post-influenza asthenia can last for a long time, then up to a month and more, passing into an erased form, when it is on the first day, there is a violation of work performance, discomfort, an absence of internal readiness to overcome physical and rozumu activity. Most of the patients do not show their status with previously transferred influenza. A possible variant of a protracted, stable leak, which can go into an organic disorder with vestibular disorders, decreased memory, and intellectual productivity. Often, GRH in the hostile period is manifested by discords of an asthenic character, which may have a hyposthenic character and, although not in a sharply pronounced form, reduce the building capacity of a person to realize their potential, life activity.
Post-traumatic disorders can be organic - traumatic encephalopathy - and functional in nature - traumatic cerebral. Vіdpovіdno to tsgogo i asthenіchny syndrome in razі may mother yak organic, і functional character. In case of traumatic encephalopathy, the discord may have a rough and deep character, maladjust the person. In the clinical picture, there is a post-clinical weakness, a decrease in memory, a ringing of a stake of interests, vibrancy, or, on the contrary, an hour of bullshit. It is important to master new skills, manifestations of a different kind of vegetative dysfunction. Post-traumatic asthenia or cerebral palsy lasts for a long time, for months. It begins to dominate the clinical picture after the reduction of acute symptoms. To be compensated during the period of glee, for friendly, sparing minds and to be hospitalized with insignificant pressures, GRZ, influenza. Possible post-traumatic asthenia due to post-influenza or other kind. Also, there is an increase in the number of neuron discharges, damage to the latter diencephalic functions, circulation of the spinal cord (hypertension), blood circulation, hypoxia of the tissues of the brain. Discord often has a hypersthenic character, and drativity often dominates over weakness. Unstrimanity, strife, conflict spashes are often reduced by an hour through the central nervous system. Intolerance, encouraged by the process of vikonnannya, whether it be work at home and work to make it to you. A little bit, brokenness, head bіl vіmagayut vіdpochinku after a working day. The sleep disturbance is in the nature of a difficult dream with an influx of fleeting figurative manifestations, nightmares, lies when awakened during the day, it is thoughtful, fresh. The manifestations of various vegetative dysfunctions, especially drunkenness, which are caused by wailing, pink and physical tension. Headaches of a bursting character are often manifested (with neurasthenia like a hoop, which is squeezed), they get stronger when the weather changes, in a speck.
Especially insolent, that asthenic discord, being insured to the mildest syndromes, often leads to a significant decrease in the number of patients, disrupting their primary life, and sometimes they act like ashes, they are afraid of severe mental illness, Significant moments are of particular importance, if I talk about the occurrences at this hour of the possibility of therapy for asthenic states.
Pathogenesis of asthenic states
Asthenia is the pathological state of the body, which is characterized by some changes in the functional state, causing superficial vitrachanny of energy speech and mediators of the central nervous system.
In the development of asthenic syndrome, it is important to have a damaged function of the reticular activating system, more like a reticular formation, like an "energy center" of the brain, which is responsible for active sleeplessness.
The appearance of a sympenic of the gospel is a signal about the transphytnicity of the reticular asset systems, autointoxicat products of metabolism, about the destroying vicoristan is a vicoristan resource, and the regulatory systems of organism is pestilently.
Therapy of asthenic states
Therapy of asthenic states is an uneasy task. At the present time, due to the essential approaches to healing, it does not give a sufficiently stable therapeutic effect. Traditionally, drugs from different pharmacotherapeutic groups are used: vitamin-mineral complexes, antidepressants, nootropic drugs, tranquilizers and neuroleptics.
In this way, in most cases of depression, asthenia rejoices not as an independent disease, but as a symptomatic complex, de symptomatic therapy can change the severity of some symptoms and, therefore, do not succumb to others.
In times of development of asthenic syndrome on aphids, whether somatic or mental illness, with the correct diagnosis of the main illness, as a rule, lead to the appearance of a general easing of the symptoms of asthenia.
In the asthenic camps, whether there is any genesis, the rejoicing is dotally rozpochinati from psychohygienic approaches.
General recommendations for morbid patients include:
. optimization of the treatment regimen and recovery;
. zaprovadzhennya tonіzuyuchih physical navantagen;
. attached to contact with possible toxic chemicals; vіdmova vіd alcohol;
. optimizing the diet of eating: increasing the proportion of products - dzherel proteins (meat, soy, legumes); products rich in carbohydrates, vitamins of group B (eggs, liver) and tryptophan (coarse bread, syrah, bananas, turkey meat); the introduction of foodstuffs with pronounced vitamin power (black currants, herbs, sea buckthorn, black gorobini, citrus fruits, apples, kiwi, cranberries, various vegetable salads, fruit juices and vitamin teas).
Медикаментозна терапія астенічного синдрому допускає призначення адаптогенів (женьшеня, аралії маньчжурської, золотого кореня (одіоли рожевої), левзеї сафлороподібної, китайського лимонника, стеркулії платанолистної, елеутерокока колючого, заманихи високої, пантоків високої, пантоків високої; антидепресантів – селективних ігібіторів зворотного нейрального захоплення серотоніну ( сертраліну, циталопраму); антидепресантів – ігібіторів зворотного нейронального захоплення серотоніну та норадреналіну (мілнаципрану); антидепресантів з центральною антисеротонінергічною дією (тіанептину); психостимуляторів (інгібіторів зворотного нейронального захоплення дофаміну); препаратів з прохолінергічною дією (енеріону).
In the United States, large doses of vitamins of group B are widely used to treat asthenia. In 1912 Kazimir Funk saw the factor that changed the blame for take-take ailments, from the extract of rice whiskers and called it a vitamin - amine, important for life.
One -time of the gesture at the parties of the head of the head of the obstetrician is the fraud of the fraud of the therapy, in the number of alergic reaction, to that is the Rati -venal of the Organization, and the Kilka Vitaminvim, Ala in the doses, Ala in the Hero Hero. One of the preparations, which allow to relieve the symptoms of vitamin therapy, is Berocca vitamin complex. Include 9 vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, H, PP, C), magnesium, calcium and zinc, so that all neurotropic vitamins and vitamin C are potent. Magnesium, calcium and zinc take part in the metabolism of group B vitamins, which contributes to the effectiveness of the drug.
Vitamin B1 is necessary for the oxidative decarboxylation of keto acids (pyruvic and lactic acids), the synthesis of acetylcholine, taking part in carbohydrate metabolism and related energy, fat, protein, water-salt metabolism, and regulating trophic metabolism.
Vitamin B2 intensifies the processes of speech metabolism in the body, taking part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. One of the most important properties of riboflavin and its vitality is the conversion of pyridoxine - vitamin B6 - into its active form in the body.
Vitamin B5 in the cells of the body takes part in the creation of hundreds of enzymes for accelerated exchange reactions. One of these reactions, which are associated with the help of pantothenic acid, is the transformation into the brain - choline - into the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. By stretching dobi, pantothenic acid stimulates the brain's work, increasing confusion, confusion, forgetfulness and mild depression.
Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the exchange of speech, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, taking part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters. In the phosphorylated form, the processes of decarboxylation, reamination, deamination of amino acids take part in the synthesis of protein, enzymes, hemoglobin, prostaglandins, serotonin exchange, catecholamines.
Vitamin B9 takes an active part in boosting our mood for the sake of ensuring the effective exchange of methionine protein. In this case, nerve stimulants serotonin and norepinephrine are synthesized, which take part in the processes of awakening and galvanization of the nervous system.
Vitamin B12 takes part in the life of protein and fatty structures of the immune myelin ball. One of the main tasks is vitamin B12, like B9, it is a potent methionine, which contributes to Rozum's activity, forming positive emotions.
In a subvariant blind randomized placebo-controlled trial of the Berocca complex, demonstrating the ability to change emotional stress, turbulence and stress. It is necessary to reinvigorate, that practical healthy volunteers have gone to work, so that people, like before, did not turn to fakhivtsya to drive their emotional state. Until then, the volunteers were asked to fill out questionnaires that included nutrition for their mental and somatic state. Groups, like placebo chi Berocca, included 80 cases each. p align="justify"> Mean results of trials to be carried out before and after the start of therapy are presented in Table 1.
Statistical analysis of the induction results made it possible to reveal the significant effectiveness of Berocca.
Have 2002 r. German studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of Berocca in the treatment of nervous stress. For a long time 42 individuals took the vitamin complex once for doba for an hour of snidanka. Following the results of follow-up, 40.7% of the patients were diagnosed with a change in stress, a 29% decrease in the frequency of infectious diseases, a 91% decrease in the frequency of scarring due to discomfort, and involvement from the mucosal-intestinal tract. Bula also demonstrated the safety of vitamin therapy, and good tolerance.
In such a way, from the visceral deposit, it is possible to grow visnovi, that vitamin therapy is an obov'yazkovy component of the treatment of stomlyuvanosti and asthenia, moreover, that proper vitamin therapy is adequate, allowing to eliminate symptoms at the prenosological stage.

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On this day, there are impersonal remedies that are victorious for the exaltation of vegetative pathologies. Various approaches allow you to dry and effectively cure the ailment. Shards of illness caused by vitality and mental strength, sickness needs rehab, change of situation and kind of activity. Tse to allow the body to accumulate energy. Ale іnоdі tі і recommendationsії z quiet chi іnshih іnshih reasons nezdіysnіnі. That is why they go to drug therapy.

  • Nootropic and neurometabolic effects are considered to be safe and affordable medications for the treatment of psychopathological disorders. However, clinical effectiveness remains unexplored, but not all symptoms of the disease can be controlled. Through the whole category of preparations victorious with different intensity in different countries. In Ukraine, they are widely vicorous, but rarely in America and Western Europe.
  • Antidepressants are inhibitors of intoxication of serotonin, they are used for the treatment of asthenic symptom complex and a sign of depression.
  • Atypical antipsychotics and neuroleptics are effective in vital-asthenic states.
  • Psychostimulants - this category of medications is prescribed by a psychiatrist for specific indications before zastosuvannya. Before them, one can also carry out procholinergic activities.
  • Blockers of NMDA receptors - help with cognitive impairment through cerebral atherosclerosis and other pathologies that lead to impaired cognitive functions.
  • Adaptogens - all the bones on a growing basis. Most patients are prescribed ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, pantocrine, Rhodiola rozheva and Eleutherococcus.
  • Group B vitamins are a popular method of therapy in the United States, but in the case of high risk of allergic reactions. Therefore, vitamin therapy is optimal, as vitamins of groups B, C and PP are included.

All pereahovanі vshe zasobi vіdpovіdnyh vіdpovidnyh indications to zastosuvannya. At the same time, the medical practice of theirs has become obmezhene.

Stimol in asthenia

Stimol is a drug for oral administration with the active ingredient citrulline malate. Swallowing speech activates energy on the equal clitin. Mechanism for the establishment of an increase in the level of ATP, an increase in the level of lactate in the blood plasma and tissue and in the prevention of metabolic acidosis. Stimulates the release of metabolic products from the body, develops emotional lability and almost automatically, promotes practicality.

  • Vykoristovuetsya for the exaltation of asthenia of various genesis, old age, sexual, post-infectious, physical. Helps with weakness, drowsiness, emotional lability, increased drowsiness. It can be treated by patients with vegetative-sudinal dystonia for hypotonic type and with withdrawal syndrome.
  • Taken orally, well absorbed in the intestines. The maximum plasma concentration reaches 45 minutes after administration. To be seen with a stretch of 5-6 years. Before zastosuvannyam powder must be mixed in ½ bottle of water. Dosing and trivality of likuvannya are determined by the doctor. Ale, as a rule, for older patients and older patients, prescribe 1 sachet (10 ml) 3 times a day. For patients up to 15 years of age, 10 ml 2 times per doba.
  • Of the side effects, it is less likely to cause discomfort in the expansion of the sluice. It is not recommended to vicorate in case of intolerance to fluffy speech and other components. Do not prescribe to patients with a virazous tube and duodenal intestines, to women and patients younger than 6 years of age.

Phenibut from asthenia

Phenibut is a price nootropic agent, gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid and hydrochloride. May tranquilize, psychostimulate and antioxidant action, facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. Improves cerebral blood circulation, reduces anxiety, fear, anxiety. Helps to normalize sleep and may prevent sudomoma.

  • When taken internally, it is rapidly absorbed, penetrating all tissues of the body. Progressively rozpodіlyaєtsya in nirkah and liver, metabolized in the liver by 80-90%. Chi is not cumulative, the metabolites are pharmacologically inactive. Seen with nirkami in 3-4 years after receiving, but the high concentration in the tissues of the brain lasts for 6 years. 5% of the speech is seen in the unmistakable sight of nirkami and part of the zhovchyu.
  • It is prescribed for the treatment of anxiety-neurotic states, asthenia, anxiety, fear, obsessive states, psychopathy. Helps in the treatment of enuresis and sleeplessness in children and insomnia in patients of a frail age. Faces are effective for dysfunctions of the vestibular analyzer, as well as for colic. You can win as a complex therapy for alcoholism.
  • Tablets are taken internally, independently from the inside. Dosage of that term lies due to indications, individual characteristics of the patient's body and age. A single dose for adults should be 20-750 mg, and for children 20-250 mg.
  • It is contraindicated to vicorist in case of hypersensitivity to fluffy speeches. With special care, we are assigned to ailments from liver failure, erosive-virazkovy lesions of the intestinal tract. Trivale zastosuvannya vimagaє control kazniki in the function of the liver and peripheral blood. In the period of vagity and lactation, it is victorious in case of general medical indications.
  • Side effects call for increased dramatization, anxiety, headache and confusion, drowsiness. You can attack nudoty and allergic reactions to the shkir. With one-hour zastosuvanni zі snodіymi, analgesics, antipsychotic and protiepileptičnymi zabov posilyuє їх dia.

Grandaxin for asthenia

Grandaxin is a tranquilizer with fluent speech tofizopam. The drug enters up to the group of similar benzodiazepines. May be anxiolytic, but not accompanied by a sedative, anti-sumoral effect. The psycho-vegetative regulator tends to cause vegetative damage, and may die stimulating activity.

  • If I receive the internal fluid and it is practical to get wet from the intestinal tract. The maximum plasma concentration is reached for two years after taking it and decreases monoexponentially. The active component does not accumulate in the body, metabolites do not cause pharmacological activity. Vyvoditsya nirkami 60-80% from the section and close to 30% from the feces.
  • Zastosovuєtsya for the treatment of neuroses, apathy, depression, obsessive experiences, post-traumatic stress disorders, menopausal syndrome, myopathy, premenstrual stress syndrome and alcohol withdrawal.
  • Dosage is individual for the skin patient and is used in the clinical form of vegetative disease. Doroslim prescribe 50-100 mg 1-3 times a day, the maximum additional dose is not guilty of overdosing 300 mg. For patients with nirk deficiency, the dose will soon be doubled.
  • An overdose causing impairment of the functions of the central nervous system, vomit, coma, epileptic attacks, confusion of speech and depression of the breath. Likuvannya is more symptomatic. Side effects provoke insomnia, sudomnі attack, head pain, problems with HCT, different allergic reactions, pain in m'yazakh and swamps.
  • It is contraindicated in case of dychal insufficiency and dysphagia, with increased sleep, with pronounced psychomotor agitation and with severe depression. Do not stop during the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation, with intolerance to galactose, increased sensitivity to benzodiazepines. With special care to stop at organic lesions of the brain, glaucoma, epilepsy.

Teraligen for asthenia

Teraligen - antipsychotic, neuroleptic zasib. May die spasmolytic, antihistamine diarrhoea. The inactive component is alimemazine, which may be antipsychotic. For blockade of adrenoreceptors, there is a sedative effect.

  • After oral administration, the active component is readily absorbed and absorbed from the herbal tract. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is maintained for 1-2 years. Soundness from proteins on the level of 30%. It is administered as a metabolite, the period of drinking is 3-4 years, about 70% is administered for 48 years.
  • Used for therapy of neuroses, asthenia, advanced anxiety, apathy, psychopathy, phobic, senestopathic and hypochondriacal ailments. Helps with sleep disturbances, may be symptomatic treatment of allergic reactions.
  • Tablets are taken in full, not rozzhovuchi, washed down with a sufficient amount of water. We grow up for the treatment of psychotic states, prescribe 50-100 mg, for children 15 mg 2-4 times a day. The maximum additional dose for adults is 400 mg, for children 60 mg.
  • Side effects are due to the side of the nervous system, leading to increased drowsiness and confusion. It is possible to reduce the severity of the morning, noise in the lungs, dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth, constipation, disruption of the heart rhythm, stuttering of the sich mihur and allergic reactions.
  • It is contraindicated for patients with individual sensitivity to fluffy speech and additive ingredients. Do not prescribe ailments with malabsorption syndrome of glucose-galactose and lactase deficiency. It is reserved for patients who take monoamine oxidase inhibitors. With special care, they are prescribed ailments from chronic alcoholism, epilepsy, zhovtyanitsa, arterial hypotension, and with reduced function of the cystic brain. Do not wink during pregnancy and lactation.

Cytoflavin for asthenia

Cytoflavin is a medicinal product, which contributes to the process of tissue exchange. To lie up to metabolic diseases with cytoprotective powers. Activates the energy of the digestion and breath in clitins, restores antioxidant protection to the body, stimulates protein synthesis in clitins, takes part in the rapid utilization of fatty acids. These effects improve the intellectual-mnestic power of the brain, improve coronary and cerebral blood flow.

  • The medication is available in tablet form and infusion sizes. Faces of a sprinkling of active components: succinic acid, nicotinamide, riboflavin mononucleotide and inosine. After the stagnation, it spreads rapidly in all tissues, penetrates through the placenta and breast milk. Metabolized in the myocardium, liver and liver.
  • It is prescribed in the warehouse of complex therapy for the development of acute disorders of the cerebral hemorrhage, chronic ischemia of the cerebral tissue, vascular encephalopathy, advanced stoma in asthenic disease.
  • The solution is only administered intravenously, dripping, diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution or glucose solution. Tablets are taken early in the evening, 30 minutes before departure, 2 times a day, 2 pieces. The course of healing is 25-30 days.
  • Sideways call out to the heat, hyperemia of the skin, pershinnya in the throat, hot water and dryness in the mouth. Possibly acute gout. In lonely depressions, there is discomfort in the epigastric space, short-term pain in the chest cavity, nausea, headache, allergic reactions. It is contraindicated before congestion in case of breast vigo, reduced partial pressure. If there is a need for stasis during the hour of vagity, if the woman has daily allergic reactions to the components of the disease, then it can be stagnant.

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Vitamins for asthenia

Vitamin therapy for asthenic syndrome is carried out independently in the form of ailment and clinical features. With the jubilant method of vicarious, vitamins of group B, shards of stench invigorate life resources and energy reserves of the body.

Let's take a closer look at the skin from vitamins in this group:

  • B1 - thiamine synthesizes bioactive amines, contributes to the exchange process, taking part in the breakdown of glucose, which helps to convert food into energy. Necessary for the normal functioning of the body, this deficiency occurs in the work of all organs and systems, and especially the central nervous system. It is not synthesized in the body, so it may be necessary for that.
  • B6 - pyridoxine hydrochloride, taking part in the exchange process. Synthesize mediators of the nervous system, which are necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses and the synthesis of hemoglobin. This speech stimulates the work of the cystic brain, antibodies and blood cells, pouring into the camp of the shkir. Yogo regular zastosuvannya ahead of the development of paresthesia and court. In a small number, it is synthesized by the intestinal microflora.
  • B12 - cyanocobalamin, taking part in the exchange of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Regulates the nerves and the grass of the system.

Lack of vitamins can be the cause of the development of a psychopathological syndrome. With a deficiency of brown speech, there is an increase in nervousness, sleep disturbance, a decrease in work efficiency, including damage to the herbal system and asthenia. Zastosuvannya vіtaminіv to enter the complex lіkuvannya and zakhodіv for the restoration of the normal work of the body.

People's concerns against asthenia

A number of traditional methods of asthenia exuberance are made and folk remedies. Similar therapy is based on the planting of growing components to restore the normal functioning of all organ systems.

Effective and simple treatment for vegetative ailments, nervous disorders and neuroses:

  • Add 300 g of hairy peas, two heads of a teaspoon (boiled) and 50 g of a crop. Mix well all the ingredients, pour 1 liter of honey and let it brew in a dark cold place. Zasіb take 1 spoon 1-2 times a day until noon.
  • Trim hairs and cedar peas until I become boar, mix with honey (linden, Greek) 1:4. Take 1 spoon 2-3 times a day.
  • Mix a spoonful of fresh lyon with 20 g of medicinal chamomile, pour 500 ml of okrop and let it brew for 2-3 years. After that, having insisted in a new one, it is necessary to add a spoonful of honey and take 100 ml 3 times a day before it.
  • Detail dates, almonds and pistachios in proportion 1:1:1. Take Otriman sumish 2 times a day for 20 g.
  • Warm baths with essential oils inspire power. Add a couple of drops of cloves, olive oil of lemon, cinnamon, ginger or rosemary by the water. Tse help to relax and fall asleep quickly.
  • Add 250 g of herbs, 20 g of St. John's wort and calendula. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add 500 ml of honey. Zasіb is guilty for 24 years, take one spoon 3-5 times a day.
  • Herbal selection from dog's blood, mint, motherboard and hunger will help you to fight back with drativity and attacks of anger. All the ingredients are taken in equal proportions, poured into 250 ml of okrop and infused. Take 1/3 bottle 3-4 times a day.
  • Prepare 100-150 ml of fresh carrot juice and add a spoonful of honey. Drink to help with the fall of forces and then automatically.
  • Grass thyme, rhodiola rozheva and levzei root should be taken in equal proportions, mix and pour 250 ml of okrop. Apply for 1-2 years, pass, add a spoonful of honey and 5 g of ginger powder. Take 1/4 vial 3-4 times a day.

If I accept the above-described benefits, spend more than an hour on the fresh air, hang out, drink and do not forget about eating healthy.

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Herbs for asthenia

Herbs in the treatment of neurological and asthenic ailments are included in the category of folk remedies. The advantage of using the herbal ingredients is naturalness, minimum side effects and contraindications.

Effective herbs for psychopathology:

  • Aralia Manchurian

From the root of the growth, prepare alcohol fortification, as if stimulating the work of the heart meat. To prepare the roots, the roots are poured with 70% alcohol in a proportion of 1: 6 and poured two tizhn in a warm place. Faces need to be treated and taken 30 drops 2-3 times a day, the course of treatment is a month.

  • Eleutherococcus prickly

Effectively stimulates the central nervous system, improves the rozumov and physical practice, speeds up the exchange of speech, increases the severity of the dawn. Roslin increases appetite, lowers the blood pressure. Helps in the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system, with depression and hypochondriacal states. To prepare the tincture, take 200 g of root growth per 1 liter of burner. Sumish napolagayut in the dark, warm mist 2 tyzhn, constantly zbovtuyuchi. The tincture needs to be treated and taken 30 drops a day in the evening.

  • Schisandra chinensis

Tonic and stimulating the nervous system zasib. Vidmіnno promotes physical and Rozumov praceszdatnіst, protecting the body from the unfriendly infusion of dovkil. Helps with psychosthenia, reactive depression. Faces are preparing from the present day the fruits of growing. Take 10 g of dry fruits of lemongrass and pour 200 ml of dill. Nastiy take 1 spoon 1-2 times a day.

  • Rhodiola Rozheva

Preparations for the growth of the line improve the practice, restore strength, help with neuroses and neurotic pathologies. Sometimes zastosuvannya lowers drativity, improves respect and memory. The tincture is prepared from the root of rhodiola. Pour 20 g of dried root into 200 ml of the burner, pour 2 drops on a dry, warm place. Therapeutic dose is 25 drops 2-3 times a day.

  • Leuzea safflower-like

Stimulates the central nervous system, helps with hypochondria, vegetative diseases, impotence. May I zagalnozmіtsnyuyuchu, tonіzuyuyu diyu, znіmaє vtomu and weakness. Nastiy take 40 drops, diluted with 30 ml of water 1-2 times per doba.

The natural stimulant of the central nervous system makes you feel sleepy and drowsy, improves the work of the heart, promotes practice, and makes me feel that way. Coffee abuse can lead to hypertension and induce myocardial infarction. It is contraindicated in patients with heart failure, hypertensive patients, with angina pectoris and heart failure.

Homeopathy for asthenia

Homeopathic therapy can be caused by low doses of rechovins, while high doses cause pathological symptoms. The exaltation of this method is based on the adoption of a primary illness, which caused signs of a nervous disorder. The disease is characterized by an increase in stolidity, a decrease in practice, a swedish arrogance, both physical and logical.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of ailments vicorists psychostimulants and sedatives. Homeopathy transmits a variety of medications that do not call for those side effects. Such factors do not regulate, but do not detract from the functions of the brain and the central nervous system. The drug is to blame for the selection of the drug, indicating the dosing and valority of therapy. The most common vicory plants are: ignatia, nux vomica, thuja, gelsemium, actea racemosa, platinum, cocculus and others. Dobre recommending the drug Ginseng ginseng. Vіn znіmaє vtomu, tonіzuє, zarajuє forces that energy. Dopomogaє with stupefaction of a traumatic nature, development of weakness in patients of a frail age. Usuvaє tremtinnya hands that overstress m'yazіv.

Homeopathy develops with other methods, for example, with acupuncture, hirudotherapy and color therapy. A comprehensive approach is effective, and the stones help to reduce the symptoms of the syndrome. But the main problem of the method is the ability to lead the primary way of life.

Psychostimulants for asthenia

Psychostimulants are the only medical aids that help to improve the physical and Rozum’s practice. A positive effect is achieved by the mobilization of reserve capacities of the body, and even more by taking the pills. On the vіdmіnu vіd medicaments, yakі prinіchuyut tsns, psychostimulants pozavlenі vіbrkovostі diї, oskolki after stimulivannja nastaє prinіchennya nervoї sistemy.

This group of facilitators eliminates this weakness, helping to fight drativity and emotional lability. You can use your own doping for the nervous system, which causes temporary asthenic symptoms.

Classification of psychostimulants:

  1. Koshti, what to pour into the central nervous system:
  • Stimulating the cerebral cortex - Meridol, Fenamin, Methylphenamin, Xanthine alkaloids.
  • Stimulating spinal cord - Strikhnin.
  • Stimulating dovgasty moment - carbon dioxide, Bemegrid, Camphor, Cordiamin.
  1. What to develop the nervous system reflexively - Lobelin, Nicotine, Veratrum.

The above-described classification is considered to be intellectual, but the oscalls are used as drugs in high doses, stimulating the central nervous system to a greater extent. Liki prescribes a drug, which is similar to the preparation and requires a prescription for a bath.

Psychotherapy for asthenia

Psychotherapy in the treatment of asthenic conditions is considered to be supplementary methods, but the main voice is to fight for drug therapy. Vaughn є system of psychological on the body of the sick. It eliminates the symptoms and traumatic conditions that called them out to minimize the negative impact of psychotraumatic factors. You can win as a method of rehabilitation and psychoprophylaxis.

To fold the program, the doctor conducts psychological diagnostics and develops a plan. Therapy can be group or individual. Successful stosuvannya polygaє in close contact of the patient with a psychotherapist or a psychologist. Ale, for a full meal, you need to take care of your daily regimen, take vitamins, and eat a full meal. Regular consultations with a psychologist to allow understanding and correcting the correct causes of illnesses.

Celebration of asthenia following the flu

In order to improve the development of weakness and causelessness after the flu, it is necessary to restore the metabolically equal organism. In the light of the good, Stimol has recommended itself. Vіn pokrashuє self-perceived in a short term. Crimean patients are prescribed vitamin therapy (vitamins of groups B, C, PP), complete eating and eating, part of a walk in the open air, minimum stress and more positive emotions.

Asthenic syndrome, or asthenia (in translation from Greek it means “strength of strength”, “lack of strength”) - this is a symptom complex, which is about those who reserve the body for exhaustion, and work on the remaining forces. This pathology is also frequent: according to the data of various authors, the frequency of illness on it becomes from 3 to 45% in the population. About those for which asthenia is blamed, like symptoms, principles of diagnostics and understanding of this will become and be mentioned in our article.

What is asthenia

Asthenia is a psychopathological discord that develops on aphids and illnesses, in addition to that, the organism is damaged. Deyakі vchenі vvazhayut, scho asthenic syndrome є provіsnik іnshih, even more serious ailments of the nervous system and mental sphere.

Chomus rich people vvazhayut, scho asthenia and zvichayna vtom - tse one and the same camp, names in a different way. Von have mercy. Natural vtom - ce physiological camp, which develops in the aftermath of the injection of physical and mental stress on the body, it is short-lived, more often after a permanent recovery. Asthenia w - ce pathological vtom. The organism in case of any hostile overdose is not sensitive, but it is chronic under the influence of other pathologies.

Asthenia does not develop in one day. The Danish term is limited to people who have symptoms of asthenic syndrome for a three-hour period. Symptoms step by step increase, the quality of life of an ailing person decreases with time. Only a general treatment for the treatment of asthenia symptoms is not enough: it is necessary to have a comprehensive examination by a neuropathologist.

Causes of asthenia

Asthenia develops only if under the influence of low factors, the mechanisms of energy absorption in the body are used. Overstressing, overexertion of structures, which are due to the presence of nervous activity, in cases of deficiency of vitamins, microelements and other important life-giving speeches in even damaged speech systems, form the basis of asthenic syndrome.

It’s easy to catch the disease, on aphids, as a rule, asthenia develops:

  • infectious diseases (influenza and other GRVI, tuberculosis, hepatitis, toxic infections, brucellosis);
  • disease of the herbal tract (viraz's disease, severe dyspepsia, acute and chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, enteritis, colitis and others);
  • disease of the heart and vessels (essential hypertension, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease, zocrema, myocardial infarction);
  • ailments of the dichal system (chronic obstructive ailment of the leg, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • illness of nirok (chronic pelota glomerulonephritis);
  • ailments of the endocrine system (circulatory diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism);
  • blood poisoning (especially anemia);
  • neoplastic processes (different swellings, especially evil ones);
  • pathology of the nervous system (, and others);
  • mental illness (depression, schizophrenia);
  • sleepy period;
  • postoperative period;
  • vaginess, especially rich;
  • lactation period;
  • psychoemotional stress;
  • taking certain medical remedies (most importantly psychotropic), drugs;
  • children have an unacceptable situation in their families, folded in the cohabitation of one-year-olds, supernatural vigor of teachers and fathers.

Varto indicates that the development of asthenic syndrome may have a monotonous effect on the robot, especially for piece-wise lighting in a closed space (for example, water pipes), parts of the night change, a robot, as it will require the processing of a large number of new thermal information. Some people are blamed for the transition of a person to a new job.

Development mechanism, or pathogenesis, asthenia

Asthenia is the reaction of the human body to the camp, which threatens the use of energy resources. In case of this disease, we change the activity of the reticular formation: structures, rotting in the region of the stovbur of the brain, which are responsible for motivation, spriynyattya, equal respect, which ensures the sleep regimen and sleeplessness, vegetative regulation of the brain, the functioning of the brain

There are changes in the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, which play a role in the implementation of stress.

Numerical studies have shown that immunological mechanisms play a role in the development of asthenia: in individuals, if they suffer from pathology, these other immunological disorders were detected. However, in today's day, viruses do not seem to have a direct effect on the development of this syndrome.

Classification of asthenic syndrome

Fallow, according to the reasons that called asthenia, the ailment was divided into functional and organic. Offensive forms are recorded with approximately the same frequency - 55 and 45% appreciably.

Functional asthenia - tse timchasovy, werewolf camp. Vaughn is the result of psycho-emotional post-traumatic stresses, acute infectious diseases and advances in physical adventures. It is a peculiar reaction of the body to the guesswork factor, which is another name for functional asthenia - reactive.

Organic asthenia is associated with some of the other chronic illnesses that may be present in a particular sick person. Ailments, in the aftermath of which asthenia can be blamed, are assigned more to the “causes”.

Zgidno with another classification, for the etiological factor of asthenia buvae:

  • somatogenic;
  • post-infection;
  • pislyapologiy;
  • post-traumatic.

In addition, since the asthenic syndrome has been known for a long time, it can be divided into host and chronic. Gostra asthenia is caused by acute infectious disease or severe stress and, in fact, functional. Chronic may at its core be a chronic organic pathology and run for a long time. Okremo see neurasthenia: asthenia, which is due to the presence of structures that are responsible for the nervous activity.

Fallow in clinical manifestations, 3 forms of asthenic syndrome are seen, which are also three of the last stages:

  • hypersthenic (pochatkova stage of illness; symptoms of її є intolerance, drativity, emotionless emotion, increased reaction to light, sound and tactile stimuli);
  • a form of drama and weakness (maє mіsce podvischena zbudlivіst, pro ailments when you feel weak, vysnazhenim; the mood of a person sharply changes from good to nasty and bad, physical activity also kolivaєtsya during the transition to the new battle);
  • hyposthenic (these remain, the most important form of asthenia, which is characterized by a practical decrease in practicality to a minimum, weakness, second, constant drowsiness, the most unimportant work and the absence of any emotions; interes until the end of the day).

Symptoms of asthenia

Illnesses, as if they suffer from this pathology, present the impersonal most addictive scars. Weakness ahead of them is turbulent, the stench is constantly felt tired, daily motivation to be-like activity, memory and cunning are broken. They can’t raise their respect for something specific, rozsiya, constantly repent, cry. For a long time they cannot guess a known nickname, a word, I will need a date. Reading mechanically, not rozumіyuchi and not remembering the readings of the material.

Also, the ailments have symptoms from the side of the vegetative system: increased sweating, hyperhidrosis of the palms (stench of cold water and cold on the dotik), noticing insufficiency at the same time, buttocks, lability of the pulse, streaks of the arterial pressure.

Deyakі ailments mean and different pains: pain in the heart, in the back, abdomen, and m'yazakh.

On the side of the emotional sphere, varto shows a little anxiety, internal tension, parts of a change in mood, fears.

Too much ailing turbuє decrease in appetite right up to full body weight, weight loss, decrease in static cravings, disruption of the menstrual cycle, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, increased sensitivity to light, sound, dotik.

From sleep disruption, it means an important dream, parts of waking up at night, a dreamy dream. After sleep, you don’t feel ill, but, on the contrary, you wake up again because of that brokenness. In the wake of this self-esteem, people are getting worse, and also, the practice is decreasing.

The person becomes awake, drastic, impatient, emotionally unstable

In patients with asthenia, there is an increase in temperature to subfebrile values, pain in the throat, an increase in the group of peripheral lymph nodes, zocrema, shin, potilichni, groin, ailment on palpation, and swollen. Therefore, there may be an infectious process and a lack of immunity functions.

The camp of the ailing will significantly deteriorate until the evening, which manifests itself as an increase in the severity of all or some of the symptoms described above.

Crim all these symptoms, as if they are suffering from asthenia without intermediary, people are clinically manifesting the main illness, that, and the anatomy of which the asthenic syndrome has developed.

Fallen due to the reasons that called out asthenia, її overflowing of some of the features.

  • Accompanying neurosis asthenic syndrome is manifested by an elastic transverse swarthy mucus and increased mucosal tone. Sickness sting for fasting because: in times of trouble, and in peace.
  • In case of chronic insufficiency of blood circulation in the brain, the activity of the ailing person, however, decreases. M'yazovy tone of declines, human being, bazhannya can't collapse. An ailment is going through so called “non-manly emotions” - it would have been used, so crying. In addition, there is difficulty in the world, that uplifting thought.
  • With swelling of the brain and intoxications of ailments, weakness, weakness, lack of strength, collapse and take care of it, be it, bring on the previously loved right. The tone of m'yazіv yogo is reduced. A symptom complex may develop, which predicts myasthenia. Typical mental weakness, drastically, hypochondriacal and anxious-fearful moods, as well as disturbing sleep. Qi broken, ring out, stalk.
  • Asthenia, which vindicated after injuries, may also be functional - traumatic cerebrospinal cord, so the mother's organic nature - traumatic encephalopathy. Symptoms of encephalopathy, as a rule, are clearly manifested: ailments, constant weakness, deteriorating memory; number of interests of yoga gradually change, may be the lability of emotions - a person can be drastic, "vibrate" through the drіbnitsa, but raptly becomes mlyava, baiduzh until you get drunk. New beginners will get the hang of it. There are signs of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The symptoms of cerebral palsy are not very pronounced, but it can last for a long time. Like a person leading a correct, sparing way of life, rationally eating, taking care of yourself in stress, the symptoms of cerebrovascular disease become practically unremembered, prote on aphids physical or psychoemotional shifts, the hour of the GDV or other hosts become ill.
  • Post-influenza asthenia and asthenia after other GRVI on the back to be hypersthenic in nature. Illness of nervousness, drativlivy, visibly aware of internal discomfort. In some important infections, a hypothenic form of asthenia develops: the activity of the sick person is reduced, the patient is constantly drowsy, and fights through drіbnitsy. The strength of m'yazіv, the state of pulling, motivation is decreasing. Qi symptoms are saved for more than 1 month and after an hour they become less pronounced, and the decrease in practicality, neglect of physical and rozumov's work comes to the fore. Over the years, the pathological process takes on a protracted transition, with which symptoms of vestibular disorder, memory loss, impossibility to become alert and receive new information appear.

Diagnosis of asthenia

Often ailments are taken into account, that the symptoms, like the stench, are not terrible, and everything will be fine on its own, just get better. But after sleep, the symptoms do not go away, but in the course of time they get worse and can provoke the development of serious neurological and psychiatric illnesses. If nothing happened, don’t underestimate asthenia, but if you have symptoms of your illness, turn to a doctor, to make an accurate diagnosis and suggest that you come to live for your next appointment.

Diagnosis of asthenic syndrome is based most importantly on scars and a given history of illness and life. Doctor to clarify with you, how long ago those other symptoms appeared; you are engaged in heavy physical and rozum work, you didn’t watch the rest of the hour when you were tied up with her; do not cause symptoms of psychoemotional stress; you don’t suffer from chronic illness (you’ll wonder more about them, you’ll find “reasons”).

Then the doctor conducted an ob'ektivne obstezhennaya patient, schob to reveal changes in the life of the functions of his organs.

On the basis of otrimanih data, to confirm or ask those who are more ill, the doctor recognizes patients with low laboratory and instrumental results:

  • global blood test;
  • wild analysis of the section;
  • biochemical blood analysis (glucose, cholesterol, electrolytes, nirk, liver tests and other indications, necessary for the doctor's opinion);
  • blood test for hormones;
  • PLR diagnostics;
  • coprogram;
  • ECG (electrocardiography);
  • Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography);
  • Ultrasound of the organs of the empty cervix, beyond the space of the small pelvis;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS);
  • chest x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of vessels of the brain;
  • computer for magnetic resonance imaging;
  • consultations of other medical professionals (gastroenterologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist and others).

Exaltation of asthenia

Golovnym directly likuvannya є therapy of the main ailment, moreover, on aphids, which is the culprit of asthenic syndrome.

way of life

Important modification of the way of life:

  • the optimal regimen of prac and vіdpochinku;
  • night sleep trivality 7-8 years;
  • supervision of the night changes on the robots;
  • calm environment on the robot and at home;
  • minimization of stress;
  • good physical skill.

We often get sick when we change the situation at the sight of a tourist trip, or in a sanatorium.

The diet of individuals who suffer from asthenia is due to rich protein (low-fat meat, legumes, eggs), group B vitamins (eggs, green vegetables), C (sorrel, citrus fruits), tryptophan amino acid (coarse pomelo bread, bananas , firm sir) and other lively speeches. Alcohol from the diet should be turned off.


Medical treatment of asthenia can include preparations of the following groups:

  • adaptogenic (eleutherococcus extract, ginseng, magnolia vine, rhodiola erysipelas);
  • nootropics (aminalon, pantogam, ginkgo biloba, nootropil, cavinton);
  • sedative preparations (new-pasit, sedasen and others);
  • preparations of procholinergic drugs (enerion);
  • (azaphen, imipramine, clomipramine, fluoxetine);
  • tranquilizers (phenibut, clonazepam, atarax and others);
  • (Eglonil, teralen);
  • group B vitamins (neurobion, milgamma, magne-B6);
  • complex, which should be stored in its warehouse for vitamins and microelements (multitabs, duovit, berocca).

As it became clear from the list, induced by more, preparations, yak it is possible to zastosovuvat for exaltation of asthenia, dosit richly. However, this does not mean that the entire list will be assigned to one sick person. The asthenia exaltation is more important than symptomatic, so the preparations, which are prescribed, lie down in the presence of a particular sick person with other symptoms. Therapy is initiated from the lowest possible doses, which may be promoted for normal tolerance.

Non-drug treatment methods

In the order of pharmacotherapy, a person who suffers from asthenia can take this kind of treatment:

  1. Vzhivannya infusions and infusions of calm herbs (Valerian root, dog nettle).
  2. Psychotherapy. You can contact three people directly:
    • having poured into the burning camp sickness and okremі, diagnosing in new, neurotic syndromes (group or individual auto-training, self-navigation, navigation, hypnosis); methods allow to increase motivation to wear, change anxiety, increase emotional mood;
    • therapy that contributes to the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of asthenia (mental-reflex techniques, neurolinguistic programming, cognitive-behavioral therapy);
    • methods that should be added to the factor: gestalt therapy, psychodynamic therapy, family psychotherapy; by the method of stosuvannya tsikh methods є svіdomlennya ill vyazku viniknennya syndrome asthenia z special problems; under an hour of sessions, children of conflicts are revealed, and the power of the specialty of mature age, to develop the development of asthenic syndrome.
  3. Physiotherapy:
    • exercise therapy;
    • massage;
    • water treatment (Charcot shower, contrast shower, swimming and others);
    • holcoreflexotherapy;
    • phototherapy;
    • perebuvannya at the special capsule under the influx of thermal, light, aromatic and musical infusions.

At the end of the article, I would like to repeat that you can’t help but notice asthenia, you can’t help but “go on your own, I’ll just sleep”. Tsya pathology can develop into other, more serious psycho-neurological illnesses. With proper diagnostics, it is easy to fight with her. It is also unacceptable to engage in self-admiration: unwritten recognition of preparations can not only give a bad effect, but also make a sick man healthy. To that, as you have shown symptoms in yourself, similar to those described above, be kind, turn for help to fahivtsya, in such a way you will signify the day of your dressing.

Asthenia is a special psychopathological discord, which progressively progresses and is indicated by self-conscious people. Looking at the supra-world attitude of respect and brilliance to swedish stubbornness in people, practicality is significantly reduced.

Insanely, the asthenic camp is the widest syndrome complex in medicine, the traces of the veins accompany the majority of infections - in the form of a banal cold to food poisoning and tuberculosis. It shows up also in pathologies of the mucosal-intestinal tract, and in the postnatal period in women.

Traumatologists, psychotherapists, and neurologists got stuck with the asthenia of the fahivtsy of various labor activities. Differential diagnosis can be tricky. Adzhe for the cob it is necessary to set it up, as the reason has caused asthenia to winkle, and even then you can proceed to exaltation. In a number of ways, one cannot do without competent pharmacotherapy.

Main reasons

Shards of asthenia fahіvtsі razzinyuyut as an early stage of mental or neurological illnesses, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo differentiation from the auto, which has accumulated, pathological weakness after an important illness.

Relative selection of anamnesis allows revealing different causes of asthenia:

  • overvoltage of the structures of the greater nervous system, which vinicle due to low objective reasons;
  • minimal nutritional intake of living components and microelements - healthy diet;
  • severe disorder of metabolic processes in the body.

Such factors are periodically blamed in the life of a human being, but far from being a constant stench, it leads to asthenic discord. Of course, negative symptoms can be provoked by acute somatic pathologies - viral disease and pancreatitis, GRVI and tuberculosis, myocardial infarction and pneumonia.

The drive can be and transcendental suffocation of people with their robots. Chi is not hanging, not adjusting the diet, the need for a complete recovery - all the same, accumulating, produce until the appearance of asthenia, and in deyaky depressions bring up.

You can get in and change the place of residence, and important stressful situations, conflicts with colleagues.

It is necessary to understand that asthenia can be blamed for various reasons that are neo-linguistically related to the manifestation of mental disorder. The reasons for this can be both chronic somatic diseases, infectious pathologies, and instill an overworld ambition in the hands of a robot. The most widespread cause of the development of asthenia is the image of a baby.

Development mechanism

Shards of asthenia characterize the use of reserves of energy resources in humans, in their negative state, we are afraid, we are afraid of the failure of the reticular formation. Localized in the region of Stovbur the brain, it was responsible for the parameters of insomnia and sleep, for vegetative regulation, and also for the activity of m'yazovyh groups.

The asthenic variant of the exercise leads to a breakdown in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, which is the main role in the formation of stress. In the mechanism of development of the immunological structure - due to their insufficiency, the scaling up to asthenia significantly rises.

Asthenia can develop due to the adaptive abilities of a person. If the body of a person has been living in the minds of such a stressful factor for a long time, then after a certain hour, the building will improve its jealousy, achieve balance, become stronger. At this time, talk about reactive asthenia. It is most characteristic of the other terms of pregnancy (which especially affects problems), breastfeeding, and can develop during the period of pregnancy due to severe illnesses.


Fahіvtsami accepted to rebuild asthenia stalely because of the first cause, which provoked it, into an organic and functional one. Offending variants are diagnosed on this day with approximately the same frequency.

Timchasovy, wholly inverted negative camp is called functional asthenia. It is a direct result of the superworldly psycho-emotional post-traumatic stresses that a person has suffered from important infectious illnesses, and instills physical challenges. Functional asthenia is a negative reaction of the human body to aggressive call factors. Another form is accepted to be called reactive.

So, organic asthenia is mutually associated with various chronic illnesses that have already formed in the patient. For example, rosen sclerosis, encephalomyelitis or abscess, newly formed brain. With an organic variant of the pathology, it is possible to detect structural changes in the brain.

It is necessary to understand that asthenia is not an independent camp, but a legacy of another illness. And for that, it can be both functional (reversible), so organic, fallow, depending on the kind of illness, functionally more organic, brought to the її appearance.

Zgidno with another classification, which is based on the etiological factor, the asthenic become subdivided:

  • post-infection;
  • somatogenic;
  • pislyapologov;
  • post-traumatic.

For the main clinical manifestations of the asthenic syndrome complex, the following was adopted:

  1. Pochatkova stage of pathology - hypersthenic asthenia. The person is clearly intolerant, over-the-top dramatization, significant mood swings, hyperreaction to sub-sounds of calls - hearing, sound, and tactile.
  2. A form of dramatization in combination with weakness - a person is supernaturally awake, but one feels weakened and exiled at the same time. Mood can fluctuate from good to negative, and when it comes to physical activity, it turns into complete apathy.
  3. Hypostenic asthenia is the most important form of pathology. It is characterized by the maximum decrease in practicality, right up to the moment you get up from bed, so that you don’t pass out, don’t pass drowsiness, see if there are any emotions, interest to the point.

Neurasthenia is also seen as fahivtsy, mutually related to the supra-mundane manifestations of the higher nervous system, more reported about the mental disorder you are aware of.

Asthenia can be severe, as a causal factor, it appears rapt (for example, severe bleeding) and chronic (with chronic illnesses).


To show up in the body of these other people, which are directly related to the lack of energy resources of the nerve structures, there will be symptoms of asthenia.

Manifest asthenic syndrome complex without middle, minimal manifestation after waking up, but step by step increase during the working day, reaching its maximum until the evening.

Zagalnoy skarga with asthenia є vіdchuttya vtomi. The person rozpovidaє fahivtsevі pіd hour konsultatsії scho vomlyuєєє more richly and stronger than it was earlier. Navit trivaliy yakіsny vіdpovchinok do not improve self-feeling. Wrap your shoes around the work, or there is no housework around the house. It is very difficult and intellectual activity - it is important to become angry, suffer for memory, respect.

For patients, the following signs of asthenia are characteristic, such as:

  • impossibility to focus on obscured obvious problems;
  • difficulty with the selection of words, the use of high-handed thoughts;
  • promoted disrespect;
  • singing galvanism;
  • the need to work part of the interruption at the end of the simplest work.

Psychic asthenia is manifested by a decrease in productivity in professional activities - blamed for various negative psychoemotional states. For example, tension, squeamishness, drativity, vtrata self-control.

In patients, there is a fluctuating mood - from euphoric to oppressiveness and anxiety, categorical in the assessment of the moods that are being observed. The presence of an adequate lure can be brought before it appears.

Neurocirculatory asthenia is accompanied by various lesions on the side of autonomic structures. Symptoms of nervous excitation in the form of - sluggishness to tachycardia, stabbing of dominance to the vice, feeling coldness or speka in kіntsіvkah, supra-world thirstiness, change in appetite, pain impulses in the abdomen, head.

Cerebral asthenia is accompanied by pronounced disturbances in sleep. People become very sleepy, sleep is full of dreams (often unacceptable for money), restless, urivchasty. The vranci are becoming visibly savagely broken.

Tactics of jubilation

The author is a practicing psychiatrist with 11 years of experience. Master of Medicine and Chuyny Likar.
Details about the author.
All information on the website is provided with the knowledge. You can't replace a qualified medical helper! For consumption, consult a doctor in particular!
