Hormonal ring Novaring is a way of storing that mechanism of action. More beautifully Novaring chi Yarina: more beautiful and more beautiful Yarina chi novaring

Hormonal ring Novaring is a way of storing that mechanism of action. More beautifully Novaring chi Yarina: more beautiful and more beautiful Yarina chi novaring

Medicine proposes a great number of anti-winter labor for women. Kozhen will go to school for health problems, I will become a hormonal system and other features. Oral contraceptives Yarina chi protisaplіdne kіlce Novaring - principle of action is it more effective?

Novaring is a contraceptive device, which is a hole in the circle, which is to take revenge etonogestrel 11.7 mg. і etinylestradiol 2.7 mg... Behind the help of the ring, hormones are vivoded in the past, the liver and organs of the SCT do not stick out, and we ourselves are nourishing the whole body. Protisaplidna diya is amazed with a combination of several factors, the main one is stifling ovulation.

The concentration of hormones in the mother before the hour is similar to that of oral contraceptives with a low dose of hormones. Stribkiv їkhnyogo ryvnya is not recognized, as long as the establishment of a normal hormonal background and fewer negative effects.

Novaring cannot be victorious for explicitness:

  • Early thrombosis and thromboembolism, infarctions, insults.
  • If there is a small diabetic condition due to abdominal slowdowns, obesity and strength is up to weight gain.
  • Migraine and headaches of a regular nature.
  • Courtesy of children from 35 years of age.
  • High arterial vise.
  • Puddles of liver, statues of organs.
  • Vagіtnіst that sternum vigoduvannya.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • pancreatitis.

Novoring can be secured with protection at vipadki:

  1. Fatigue before thrombosis and damage to cerebral blood loss.
  2. Zahvoryuvannya zhovchnyi Mikhura and ShKT.
  3. Hypertension was regulated.
  4. When kurnnі.

With the vicious method of contraception, negative effects are prevented:

  • Decrease in sexual cravings, strokes, gratitude.
  • Zbilshennya masi tila, razladi viporozhnen.
  • Menstrual bleeding, cystitis, infections of the state of affairs.
  • Head b_l, p_dvischennya vise, spasms at the muscles, b_le at the legs.
  • Rіzni shkіrni reactions, vugri, prischі.
  • Swelling of the breasts, b_l across.
  • In some cases, there was a slight decrease in zoru.

Kіlce zruchne at Vikoristanna, I’ll stand up as a child independently once every 21 days... Then there is a 7-day break for a long stretch of menstruation, and then you will get up again. Termіn dії Novaring three tizhnі.

The contraceptive is not responsible for the lack of hands during the statutory act and does not appear as a woman.

Yarin's oral hormonal contraceptive

A monophasic oral combination of a contraceptive drug from low doses. Let it go from Nimechchin in the eyes of pills, in the skin of those etinylestradiol 30 mcg., drospirenone 3 mg.

The drug does not only block ovulation, it is thick to thin the mucus in the cervical canal, but it does not allow spermatozoa to penetrate in the middle. The women of Pislya Yarini have spared a regular cycle of menstruation, reducing the amount of bleeding. Drospirenone improves the growth of masi tila, has an antiandrogenic effect with seborrhea and vugra.
Pigulki schodnya take internally, washed down with ridinoy.

The reception is carried out in order, we will indicate on the packaging lasting 21 days... Approximately 48 years later, when I take the last pill, menstrual bleeding will occur, and the package will be repaired in 7 days after the end of the first. It is important not to miss the pills and take the paint overnight. If the tablet is missed, the efficiency of Yarini falls and the required methods of recovery.

Prototype shown by OK Yarin:

  • Headaches and migraines, boring.
  • Thromboembolism, seriozno-heart-sore throat.
  • Women who can scorch a song of 35 rocks.
  • Endocrine disruption, obesity.
  • Puffy and serious deterioration of the function of the stove.
  • Viability, year of birth.

In the midst of side effects, often painful sensations in the breasts and pain in the abdomen, before the headache and giving rise to the arterial clutch.

The drug consumes its power with a one-hour reception with antibiotics, which is followed by the use of other methods of contraception.

Spіlnogo mіzh OK Yarina and Novaring

The offense of the drug is hormonal contraceptives, it will be safe to end up with a high risk of being uncomfortable with vaginosity. The skin has a low dose of hormones and the stench is easily tolerated by the body of a woman. With this help, you can adjust the menstrual cycle, in quiet people, if there are no more serious ones.


Іstotnoyu vіdmіnnіstyu Je method of drug intake... Novaring is effective and does not require control over the intake of pills, as in case of Yarinoy. In new men, the dose of hormones and vitamins is easier to tolerate.

Yarina's water hour is low for her perevag:

  • Over the course of the unscheduled vaginosity of the plant, I pour it onto the mucus in the cervical canal.
  • It has an antiandrogenic effect and can be found in a complex for the treatment of seborrhea and acne.
  • Before the cause of menstrual bleeding.
  • Do not become a cause of nagryak_v.

Who and what drug is more beautiful?

Novaring is more beautiful for women who have a menstrual cycle and do not want to constantly stay behind taking pills. For those who are hungry for ailments of the stove, it is also more on Novaring, some of the wine is not poured into the stove, but accumulates without preference in the body organs.

Yarina will also help you if you want to adjust the cycle, as well as to get rid of your hormones. This drug is often used to identify those who have a testosterone concentration in the blood and problems with their children in vugri and seborrhea.

Pidbirati the drug is guilty of deprivation of drugs, vrahoyuchi and a lot of factors.

thank you

The site has been provided with information for general information. Diagnostics and diagnostics of illnesses needs to be carried out before visualization. Usi preparations may be contraindicated. Consultation fahivtsya є obov'yazkovoyu!

Yarina - home

Yarina- happy anti-cold, as a claim to great popularity, this is often recognized by doctors and gynecologists. At women, yakim likar prescribing hormonal contraception often vinykє bagato pitan about those, yak correctly їkh zastosovuvati.

What is the problem when two tablets are mixed?

I have missed two tablets, but the protozaplidna number of tablets is reduced. If two or more tablets are missed, it is recommended that the drug is consumed by the doctor and discussed the situation with him. If you miss the pill closer to the 7th day, break it off, Tim is bigger than it’s vaginosity, that’s why the victoria’s pre-adolescent anti-fall prey (for example, bar’s condoms) is needed. If the tablets are missed in the third period, you can interrupt them by taking a 7-day break earlier for the term values. Menstruation will grow earlier in the first place.

How can you use the drug?

Most often it is recommended to take the drug Yarina Stylka, but it is necessary to take the drug contraception... One drug can take more than five rocks. If you are so robotic, interrupt the protizaplidnogo in the morning, please the car for an hour to look around. Take a break for one to three months, and take the tablets once per week.

How robiti, how many months of the 7th day, interrupt?

Some bleeding (menstruation) is not due to a 7-day interruption. At this time, there is a test for vagina. Yaksho vin is negative - you can start to step on Yarini's packaging. It is not possible to turn on the diagnosis of vaginosity, since the tablets were taken irregularly, before the hour was taken, the blues were detected, or even if the drinks were taken, they were inserted into the prototype. Bleeding is not to blame but every day two cycles of sleep. Even menstruation before the hour of the 7-day break does not occur in two sleep cycles, it is necessary to turn up to the lykar, to stop the vagina, otherwise I will find out the reason for this.

Covering the month of the end of the appointment

In the norm, the end of the trivial intake of hormonal anti-fall during the menstrual cycle will be renewed for 1-3 months. For the purpose of the reason for the daily life of the month, it is necessary to turn to the doctor, and then you can get away with the wickedness of the sick and the camp. Likar denote the rigidity, including the ultrasound scan, analysis of the level of hormonal hormones. In some cases, people who use combined oral contraceptives are known to be called hypertension syndrome. Such a turn is a werewolf - you start your menstruation in 3-4 months after you finish taking the pills.

Possibility of being sent to the reception of Yarini

It takes about 3 to 12 months to take oral contraceptives to the body for the renewal of the function of the children and the appearance of ovulation. Uninvolved at the price of non-alcoholic vapors, if the vagina is already infused in the first month after the end of the hormonal contraceptive use. Even more often people use the names of "rebound-effect" for the use of contraceptive drugs. It is characterized by the fact that when the hormones change, so that it is necessary, the ovaries will repair the hormones stronger. The staff is able to become more responsive when administering the preparation significantly increasing. Such a camp is energetic, like contraceptives were not stashed, but by a stretch of several months (most often from three to six). As soon as the visit didn’t come, it didn’t come to the end of the day for the adoption of oral contraceptives, it was necessary to carry out a thoroughness to find out the reasons for the failure.

Taking pills for polycystosis

Polycystic ovaries (syndrome of polycystic ovaries) - hormonal discomfort, when in the ovaries, bristles become established, and the processes of oocyte maturation break down. The cause of the sickness can be a problem. Symptoms of polycystosis are disruption of the menstrual cycle, bristles in the ovaries and an increase in the level of androgens (human hormones). In the treatment of polycystic lesions of ovaries, hormonal preparations are used.

Yarina є in one of the ways, which is recognized with such a disease, the order of the other drugs. Lіkuvannya polіkіstozu yєchnikіv - trivial, to take leads need not less than a few months. Before an hour of treatment, it is necessary to carry out the preparation, to see if it is necessary to supplement the preparation. Survivor Yarini with polycystosis, those who drink low doses of hormones do not pour into the vagu, do not waggle.

Yarina and endometriosis

Endometriosis (adenomyosis) is a congestion, when there is a growth of tissue, similar to endometrium (mucous membrane of the uterus) in other organs or tissues. Such growth is the cause of smearing visions before and after menstruation, uterine bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen. Yarina is one of the hormonal impairments, which is recognized in the case of a lot of illnesses. Stagnation of Yarini in case of endometriosis grows up because it is necessary to drink without a 7-day interruption. The staff will increase the menstrual function, which will increase the growth of the endometriosis. The course of love is trivial, and not less than six months.

Yarina ta vipadannya hair

Scargi for hair loss є one of the most frequent women who stopped taking Yarin's drug. Tied tse z tim, scho pislya skasuvannya prototypic tablets change the level of hormones in the body, which can be inserted into the cycle of growth and growth of hair. Fakhivtsi before taking the drug, consult a drug, how to determine the course of an adaptable drug (for example, vitaminoterapiya) in order to change the inheritance of the drug.

Yak dopomagaє Yarina vіd prischіv?

Yak vidomo, Yarina has an antiandrogenic effect - that is, there is a huge change in the number of human hormones in the body. The power of the drug is vicious in the form of acne (acne or acne), the cause of which is hyperandrogenism (an increase in the number of hormones). Androgens in the norm are violated by the animal organism, depriving even a small amount. As the cause of these viral infections is growing, there are symptoms of hirsutism (there is no growth of hair on the face and til), acne, irregular menstruation. This is often dermatologists priznachayut drug Yarin s lіkuvalnoy metoyu with prischis, provoked by hyperandrogenism.

In some people, they fall on the cob and hold out the first 3-6 months, the visibility is more powerful, they are tied to adapt the body to the liking. Most often, when the end of the period is completed, the shkiri will rotate. As soon as it did not become, it is necessary to turn to the drug to replace Yarini with this preparation.

How can you improve your breasts when you take Yarini?

One of the side-by-side tablets of Yarin є one of the milk frogs. Most of the side effects are caused by roughness or the soreness of milky vines, and hypertrophy (increased in size) is faster. Still later, there may be no more visions from the breasts. All events pass through the view of the prototype. If such side effects are ineffective, then they will turn into a drug, and then they will turn to a drug.

How do you feel about Yarini?

The increase in the amount of money is seen through different reasons. One of them is the adjustment of the birth to the body (embryos). So, before Yarini's warehouse, the hormone drospirenone should be included, so I can get an anti-neralocorticoid diet (I lower hormones, so I can get a change in the body), when I take Yarini’s, it can change every day for problems. The reason for the increase in vaginal intake of oral contraceptives is an increase in appetite. You will be able to unify the unattractive inheritance in the reception of the anti-footholds, and then I will be respected for the rivnovag of the intruder with the young and the calories. Even with rational health, ample physical capacity, and every day, the masa til all one grows, it turns to an endocrinologist, some of the reason for the set of vaginities is possible.

Nudota taking pills

One of the side appearances for Yarini is nudota. Vona winykє in approximately one out of a hundred vipadkiv, or more often. The blues begin to grow on the edge. It’s just boring not to go through the period of adaptation to the drug, it’s more reddened to the drug, and the preparation of the tablets. To change the phenomenon of boredom, I recommend that Yarina take it in the evening (before bedtime), not for a day, but for a day (for example, an easy evening).

Zmіna libido

Change of libido is also one of the side effects of Yarin's preparation. Previously, they showed that the decline is more often than not, and the troughs are more advanced than the libido. In addition, you can see the difference in mood, your lowering, but you can also sink into the state of affairs.

Yarina and antibiotics

As soon as Yarini receives an appointment, you need antibiotics, then you will need to take some antibiotics if you take Yarin. Deyakі antibiotics zdatnі vlivati ​​on diyu protizaplіdnogo zasoba, reducing yogo. You can also use a variety of hormonal medications to help you with the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs. For example, antibiotics to a number of penicilin and tetracycline reduce the effectiveness of Yarini, that is, for an hour or so, and it took 7 days to develop antibiotics after using barriers to contraception. Antibiotics, which can become stagnant for tuberculosis treatment (rifampicin, rifabutin) - navpaki, can be able to cope with the hormones, that is, before the hour they are consumed at once, because Yarina often diagnoses bleeding episodes.

What is more beautiful - Yarina Chi Jess?

Preparations of Yarin and Jess are podibnі behind the warehouse - offensive preparations are stored in Drospirenon and etinylestradiol. On the account of Yarini, 20 mg of etinyletradiol is to be claimed in Jess, which can change the frequency of side reactions in three ways. There are drugs and a number of tablets - the package of Yarini should be replaced with 21 tablets, all tablets are active and when you take it, you need to interrupt the triviality of 7 days. Packing Jess revenge 28 tablets, including 24 active tablets and 4 inactive (placebo). Tom accept Jess Treb without interrupting.

Yarina chi Logest

Protisaplіdniy zіb Logest seeks behind the warehouse from Yarini - to take the hormone gestodene at a dose of 0.075 mg, etinilestradiol at a dose of 0.02 mg. In such a rank, the dose of hormones in Logesty mensha, lower in Yarin and other similar drugs, should be taken to microdose drugs.

The packaging also contains 21 active pills, for a seven-day break.

Is it more beautiful to accept - Yarin chi Novinet?

The drug Novinet is delivered from Yarini's warehouse, delivered to microdose combined oral contraceptives. The news is also effective in treating acne (prischiv), but on the other hand, Yarini doesn’t have an anti-neralocorticoid effect (so that it doesn’t pour on the redness in the body, and doesn’t change the bulge). Protizaplіdniy zіb Novinet vypuskatsya іnshy virobnik, yogo pass before Yarina є lower price.

What vibrati - Yarin chi Diani-35?

In power, one drug by Yarin and Diane-35 is antiandrogenic and contraceptive. This means, that offending anti-fever, you will become stagnant for the elimination of symptoms of hyperandrogenism (an increased amount of head hormones), manifestations of such as vugri, seborrhea, hypersutism for growth In addition, in Diani-35 hormones cyproterone acetate and ethinylestradiol at a dose (35 mcg), an antiandrogenic effect of these larger surges, due to Yarinoyu, are to be found in Diani-35. In addition, Diane-35 is most often used to treat polycystic lymphoma syndrome.

What is more beautiful - Zhanin chi Yarina?

Zhanin is one of the most recent anti-foraging feats, similar to Yarina's hormones instead of hormones. From Yarini Zhanin to lose thyme, to avenge the hormone donogest at a dose of 2 mg. So it is, like Yarina, I win an antiandrogenic dyu.

Yarina Chi Mіdiana?

The drug Mіdiana is derived from the drug Yarina Tim, which is the first to release the company. Warehouse of prototypes of the same kind, Yarina is the original drug, and Midiana is issued for a license, and an analogue. The winner of Mіdiani is the lower part of the relationship with Yarinoy.

Yarina chi Marvelon - what vibrati?

Marvelon takes the form of Yarini instead of that kind of gestagen - Marvelon has desogestrel at a dose of 150 mcg. Instead of estrogen etinylestradiol in drugs of the same type, offending is low-dose. In the opinion of Yarini, Marvelon does not have a cosmetic antiandrogenic effect.

In case of vibration of a protizaplіda zasob, it is necessary to show a trait of individual specialties of a skin woman, which is not very suitable for a preparation, which is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Moving from Yarini to Zhanin

It’s necessary to go from Yarini to Zhanin, and I’m fixing to take the coming day, in order to get the rest of Yarini’s pill. It is possible to break the interruption with the pills taken by Yarini and Zhanin, who is not guilty of overhauling for 7 days.

Yak to go from Yarini to Lindinet 20?

On Lindinet 20 you can go from Yarini to the end of the Yarini package (take 21 tablets), or on the 8th day, after a 7-day break.

Transfer from NovaRing to Yarina

If there is a need to take care of Yarina for a contraceptive drug New Ring, I take a tablet next to the drink a day, if the clock is visible. It is also allowed to break a trivial break for more than 7 days. Yarina will be repaired not later than the day, if he has transferred to the next day.
Before zasosuvannyam slіd consult with a Fakhіvtsem.

There is a great number of prototypes of wintertime in pharmacies. A skin woman, a man of a family, a couple, can be as comfortable as possible for themselves. Efficiency is guaranteed by us, but some may not be safe, it is necessary to regularly live the day. Tsi rules do not shy away from the anti-cold weather of Novaring.

Yak yogo zastosovuvati? What kind of mechanism is there? To whom is it shown, and for whom є shall we harbor the fruit? - Check out the statistics.

Pharmacological diya

Roztashuvannya kіltsya Novaring u pіkhvu

Prottizapl_dniy zіb Novaring is used to hormonal contraceptives.

Efekt will give birth to etonogestrel and etinylestradil.

The staff of the vaginal cycle is starting to start the cycle of menstruation. More than one hour of the month becomes less visible, and more vision changes.

Likewise, a decrease in the quality of anemia appears.

The head of the protozaplidnyy ring Novaring on the basis of hormones in the one who is storing it:

  • Cancer ostrich.
  • Oncology endometrial.
  • Kisti yachnikiv.
  • Pozamatkovu vagіtnіst.
  • Zapalny zhvoryuvannya statuvyh organs.
  • Dobriyakisnі new products in milk vines.

Warehouse that form vipusku

The proto-winter start-up Novaring is ready to watch the vaginal ring.

The concentration of etinylestradiol in the new one becomes 2.7 mg, and for etenogestrel - 11.7 mg.

Before the warehouse, enter і additional speeches at the viglyadі:

  1. Copolymeri ethylene.
  2. Copolymeri vinyl acetate.
  3. Magnesium stearate.

Shown to sucking

Prottizapodny contraceptive Novaring in the main designation for the protection of vaginosity.

Contraceptive hormonal cycle

Vaginal ring Novaring is often indicated as a drug for endometriosis. Likuyu to that my uterus, if the size is small and it is possible to do without surgical involvement.


Vaginalne kolce Novaring is not a matter of stasis, if є:

  • Thrombosis / thromboembolism.
  • Heart of wadi.
  • Mіgrenі.
  • Sukroviy diabet, which has affected the Sudin system.
  • Pechinkovy ailments of a serious nature.
  • New solution at the pechintsi good / bad.
  • New conditions are located at the reproductive systems, which are located in the form of hormones.
  • Period of admission to the fetus.
  • Intolerance of prototypical speech.

Photogallery prototype:



Malicious new solutions at the peppers

Ridko that with the great protection of the vaginal ring Novaring is recommended for the obviousness:

  • Thrombosis in relatives.
  • Serious operations on the legs and on the legs.
  • Obesity.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • The course of the year 40 years.
  • Damage from the side of fat metabolism in the body.
  • Zhovchnokam'yanoi ailments.
  • Hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
  • Chorea.
  • Otosclerosis with damage to the auditory system.
  • Chervoniy systemic vovchak.
  • Angioneurotic bulge.
  • Crohn's Syndrome.
  • Virazkovy colitis.
  • Sickle-cell anemia.
  • Porphyry.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Sechowk's Gryff.
  • Griff of the rectum.
  • Vipadania of the uterus.

Pobichna diya

Novaring will not help to find the recommendations of gynecologists, as the body of a woman is not immune.

P / p No.Organ systemSide reactions from the hormonal cycle.
1 Reproductive systemThrush and vaginal infections
Іnshi іnfektsії sechovodіv
Genital sverbіzh
The roughness and soreness of milky vines
Rasnі menstruation
Uterine bleeding
Seeing a cookie at pikhvu
Soreness and discomfort in the injection
2 ImmunityAllergy
3 Obmin RechovinAppetite support
Nabir masi tila
4 Rozladi psychoZm_na statistic pull
Minlivist attitude
Depressive stun
5 Nervous systemHeadache
6 Zorovi organiDestroyed zoru
7 CCCAdjustment of arterial vise


8 Etching organ systemNudota
More feelings in the stomach
9 Shkirny ballAcne
10 M'yazi and kistkova fabricMore visibility in the legs and back
Spastic pain
11 ІnsheShvidka stomatomy

Likewise, the girls will see them before the hour of the birth of the vaginal ring of the newaring. The hour of intimacy may have a bloody character.

An individual organism can react against the temperature of 37 ° C, as well as an individual reaction of a female organism.

Corisne video:

Likarska vzaєmodiya

Varto vikoristovuvati additional contraceptive methods at once from the vaginal ring Novaring in the period of the beginning of the beginning of the contraception after 30 days after taking them:

  • Barbіturatіv.
  • Oxcarbazepin.
  • Felbamat.
  • Let's go through the beast.

Photographs of likarsky zasobiv:

If it is necessary to suck up non-vaginal suppositories against candidiasis, it is possible pooshkojennya chi rozriv vaginalnogo ring Novaring.

Consistency due to alcohol

alcohol do not pull it down. Cessriaє reduction of the contraceptive effect.

Dose overdose

Vaginal disease Novaring does not suffer from severe symptoms of overdose. In some cases, it’s boring or bleeding.

Instructions for sucking

Plus that minusi of the protizaplіdnyy Kiltsya Novaring is kindly seen behind the rules of victorian.

P / p No.CategoryWays of storing the vaginal ring
1 Insert yak?Intravaginally, gripping with fingers, sitting on the back, lying on the back or standing with a raised leg.

Correctly insert the ring to help the diagram in the pictures. Cheat this procedure 1 time per month, but on the first day of the month. After 21 days, you will need to get a contraceptive for 7 days. On the 8th add, put a new ring.

2 Transfer from KOKInsert on day 7 break the pills.
3 Move from mini-drinkBehind the rules of the day ahead.
4 Early abortionImmediately after the procedure.
5 Пізній wikiden / canopyAfter 3 days to the process.
6 What vipadaє?Most often it is tied with contraceptive earbuds. At such a time, it is necessary to store a new ring.
7 Qi can you put in the middle of the cycle?You can, ale the first tidzhnya treba vikoristovuvati condoms.
8 Qi can you pick up the wrist before the hour?It is not recommended, because it can provoke hormonal activity in the body.

Photo instruction:

Term of attachment and preservation of the drug

Zberigannya vaginalnogo kiltsya Novaring can see in minds 8 degree broach temperature 3-term term.

special requests

Yakshcho the woman is slender before the pigmentation of the epidermis, more beautifully unique to the inflow of direct sleepy-ness.

How can you go with the ring? It is absolutely impossible to acquire new contraceptives from the current contraceptives.

The price of the vaginal ring of Novaring is not the same. Have singing vipadkah talk about a child.

Treatment of endometriosis against the backdrop of the disease Novaring is guilty of recognizing the drug and regularly monitoring the process.

When the vaginal ring is vicious, the Novaring takes a bath without a fence.


The part of one prototype for a new process will be close to 1200 rubles.

Umovi vidpustki from pharmacies

Vaginalnye Kiltse Novaring is available at any pharmacy for a prescription. Would you like a hot line, be it a pharmacy hedge.

Analogs substitutes

It is possible to replace the anti-inflammatory with Novaring with the following drugs:

  • store for ethinylestradiol and donogest in viglyadi tablets. Virobnik: "Bayur Pharma" (Nimechchina).
  • prepared on the basis of drospirenone and etinylestradiol in tablet form. Virobnik: "Gedeon Richter" (Ugorshchina).
  • dispensed in viglyadі tablets with drospirenone and etinylestradiol. Virobnik: "Bayur Vaymar" (Nimechchina).
  • It occurs in the form of internal spirales with levonorgestrel. Virobnik: "Bayur Shering Pharma" (Nimechchina / Finland).
  • prepare for tablet form with estradiol and dydrogesterone. Virobnik: Abbott Laboratories S.A. (USA), Solvay Pharmaceuticals (Netherlands).
  • dispensed in viglyadі tablets with gestodene and etinylestradіol. Virobnik: "Bayur Pharma" (Nimechchina).

Photo analogs:

Jes, Mirena, Yarina and Novaring

Jess and Yarina must be considered before combined oral contraceptives. Mirena is an internal spiral.

All prototypes should be stagnant in the same way, or for a skin woman's stench to go in a reasonable way, and comfort / discomfort from them is also childish.

Chi zastosovuvali Wee contraceptive Novaring is there an effective win buv?


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