Suri translation 87. Archives of the heading: Surah Al-A'lya

Suri translation 87. Archives of the heading: Surah Al-A'lya

1. Sheikh Saduk nav, shho Imam Sadik (A) saying:

Who reads sura "Visokiy" in obovazkovy chi bazhany namazi - that will be said on the Day of Judgment: "Go to Paradise through be-yak doors, yak zabazhash."

("Sawabu l-amal", p. 152).

2. Tabarsi inoculations, when transferring Ayashi from Abu Hayes:

I prayed for Ali (A) twenty nights, and I read only Surah "Nayvishchy". I said: “Yakbi vi knew that in tsiy suri, kozhen iz you reading bi її twenty times today. And the one who reads її, - nibi reads suvіy Musi and Ibrahima, what kind of buv verniy (obitsyannyu) ".

("Majmu Bayan", volume 10, p. 326).

3. At "Havasu l-quran" it is pointed, so the Messenger of Allah (S) said:

Who reads tsyu sura - Allah will give the city for a number of letters sent to Ibrahim (A), Musi (A) and Muhammad (C). If you read її on sickness vukho, you will become healthy. You can read it on crap, you know it and try.

Ayati 1-15

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِِ

سَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الْأَعْلَى .1

الَّذِي خَلَقَ فَسَوَّى .2

وَالَّذِي قَدَّرَ فَهَدَى .3

وَالَّذِي أَخْرَجَ الْمَرْعَى .4

فَجَعَلَهُ غُثَاء أَحْوَى .5

سَنُقْرِؤُكَ فَلَا تَنسَى .6

إِلَّا مَا شَاء اللَّهُ إِنَّهُ يَعْلَمُ الْجَهْرَ وَمَا يَخْفَى

وَنُيَسِّرُكَ لِلْيُسْرَى .8

فَذَكِّرْ إِن نَّفَعَتِ الذِّكْرَى .9

سَيَذَّكَّرُ مَن يَخْشَى .10

وَيَتَجَنَّبُهَا الْأَشْقَى .11

الَّذِي يَصْلَى النَّارَ الْكُبْرَى .12

ثُمَّ لَا يَمُوتُ فِيهَا وَلَا يَحْيَى .13

قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن تَزَكَّى .14

وَذَكَرَ اسْمَ رَبِّهِ فَصَلَّى .15

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful!

1. Glory to the name of your Lord who seeks,

2. Yaky opening і spіvrozmіriv,

3. Yaky rozp_liv and directing

4.I Yakiy viviv passivisch,

5. і killing him with brown shame!

6. Mi damo to read it, and you will not forget,

7. As far as Allah doesn’t please, he knows, in truth, Win, and those who are accustomed!

8. І Mi polegshimo tobi for the smallest.

9. Remember, when you remember it.

10. Guess the one who is fearful.

11.I come back from the merciless,

12.What's the best for the best.

13. I will not die there, I will not be alive.

14. Having trimmed the influx of that one who was cleansed,

15. remembering the name of his Lord and praying.

1. Sheikh Tusi giving the name of Ukbi ibn Amira Juhni, saying:

If buv messages ayah: " Glory to the im'ya of thy great Lord"(56: 74), the Messenger of Allah (C) telling us:" Read the whole hour of your explanatory bows. " And if he buv the messages ayah: "", he said: "Read yogo in saji".

(Takhzib, volume 2, p. 313).

Note shifting: Indulge in respect of the word “subhana rabbiya l-azi va bikhamdi” in the waist bow and the word “subhana rabbiya l-aalya va bikhamdi” in the earthly bow.

2. Ibn Farsi naviv, scho Imam Sadik (A) passing as Imam Sadjad (A):

At the Throne є is similar to everything that Allah has created on land and water, and also the glory of Allah: “ Silent speech without that, we don’t have a bully"(15:21). Mіzh one support Throne and іnshoyu - the way of a shvidny bird for a thousand rockіv. The throne will dress up today in seventy thousand squares of light, and you cannot look at any new creation from the creation of Allah. And all speeches in the Throne are like a wink at the heistle. Allah is an angel, іm'ya yaku is Hazkail, man weighs fifteen thousand krill, mіzh krill і krill - five hundred rockets. Yakos vin thinking: "What is it for the Throne?" І Allah gave yomu krill, so it became the number thirty six thousand, і between krill and krill - five hundred rockies. І Allah will tell you from your heart: "O angel, fly!" I flew in wines, and in years spanning twenty thousand rockets, and in a whole hour it was not enough to reach one support of the Throne. May Allah help him to give him krill and strength and instruct him to fly. In the first years of my life I was able to support thirty thousand rockets, and I also did not support the Throne. I Allah saying to you: “O angel! Yakbi ty with your krilas and with all your strength, flying so until the Day of Judgment, then all one does not reach the throne. " Glory to the name of your Lord who seeks". I prophet (C) saying: “Read the whole hour of your earthly worship”.

("Rosatu l-vaizin", p. 56).

3.Alі ibn Іbrahim Kummі grafts:

« Yaky opening і porіvnyuvav, Yaky rose"- spіvrozmіv speeches for their viznachennya, and then talk to them, whom he favored. " I Yakiy viviv passivischu- tobto roslini - і killing yogo- pislya yogo vivedennya - brown shame»- Wine grows dry and dark. " Mi damo to read it, you won't forget- tobto Mi navchimo you, and you will not forget - I don’t forget Allah"- Bo Toi, Hto do not forget - Allah.

4. Win also grafts:

« І Mi polegsimo tobi for the smallest. Remember- about Muhammad - Iaksho korisno remembrance. Zgadaє toy, hto fearful- Mi nagadaєmo yogo tobi. " I come back from- in order to see what you guess - merciless, for the best"- At the head of the doomsday. " Don't die there i won't be alive"- Wow. I will be there like this, as Allah said: І to come to new death from each other, ale vin is not dead"(14:17). " Having trimmed the influx of that one, who cleared up"- tobto giving zakat the fitra before the holy day prayer (at the day of celebration).

(Tafsir Qummi, volume 2, p. 413).

5. Sheikh Tusi Naviv, who Imam Sadik (A) said:

Completion of fasting - vidach zakat, yak and completion of namaz - salavat to the Prophet (C). The one who fasted and did not give zakat navmisno - the one doesn’t have fasting, so the one who doesn’t read salavat to the Prophet (C) is namazo, - the one doesn’t have namaz. Allah guessed zakat fithra before prayer, saying: “ Having taken away the influx of that one, he was purified (by giving zakat), remembering the name of his Lord and praying. "

(Takhzib, volume 2, p. 159).

6. Sheikh Kulaini grafted from Ubeidullah ibn Abdullah Dikhkan:

I went to Imam Reze (A) and said to me: “For the meaning of the words of Allah:“ Commemorating the name of His Lord and prayingˮ? " I said: "Skinny time, if a man guesses the name of his Lord, it’s guilty to get up and pray."

Imam (A) saying: "Todi Allah poklav bi ny important obovyazok!" I said: "Hai, I will be your sacrifice, what kind of wicked serpent?" Vin said: "On the skin once, if a man is guilty of the name of his Lord, he is guilty of vimoviti salavat Muhammad that family."

("Kafi", volume 2, 359).

7.A Chi ibn Іbrahim Kummі naviv, so in Imam Alі (A) they energized about the meaning of the words of Allah: " Glory to the name of your Lord who seeks»:

The Bulo is written on the floor of the Throne two thousand years before, as Allah opened the heavens and the earth: “God is not God, Christ of Allah, One, without comrades, and Muhammad is Yogo servant and messenger, and Ali is an offender.

(Tafsir Qummi, volume 2, p. 413).

Ayati 16-19

بَلْ تُؤْثِرُونَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا .16

وَالْآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَى .17

إِنَّ هَذَا لَفِي الصُّحُفِ الْأُولَى .18

صُحُفِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَمُوسَى .19

16. So, see the best way to live,

17.And the rest is trivial and trivial.

18. Truly, tse - in the first scrolls,

19. Suvoyakh Ibrahima and Musi!

1. Sheikh Kulein Naviv, who Imam Sadik (A) said:

« So, see the best way to live"- Tobto їkh vilayat (Kerіvnіstvo vorogіv Ahl ul-Beit) -" but the rest is beautiful and trivial"- Bilayat of the lord of the all-inclusive (A).

("Kafi", volume 1, p. 345).

2. Win also nav, shho Imam Kazim (A) saying:

The lord of all (A) records is in force on all the scrolls of the prophets. Allah is not guiding the good prophet, surrounded by the prophecy of Muhammad (to the sound of the prophecy of Muhammad, or through the middle of the prophecy of Muhammad) and with the decline of Ali.

("Kafi", volume 1, p. 345).

3. Humeid ibn Ziyad Naviv from Abu Basir, who Imam Bakir (A) said about the words of Allah: “First, after giving you a messenger, then take it, but after you have taken it to you, you must restrain yourself. "(59: 7):

“About Abu Muhammad! We have є suvoy, about who Allah said: “ scrolls of Ibrahim and Musiˮ».

Vin slept: "How will I be your sacrifice, the scrolls - the tables?"

Vin said: So.

("Tavilu l-ayat", volume 2, p. 785).

4. Sheikh Saduk grafted from Abu Zarr:

I went to the Messenger of Allah (C), if I was alone at the mosque. I said to me: “O Abu Zarr! Mosques lichit vitannya ". I energized: "Yake tse privitannya?". Vin said: "Two rak'yats of namaz." I said: “O Messenger of Allah! Ti told me about namaz. What is namaz? " Vin said: “Namaz is the most beautiful thing for what is punished. If you want it, you change it, and if you want it, it will change it. "

I was asleep: “O Messenger of Allah! Who are you the most beloved by Allah? " Win saying: "Vera in Allah and jealousy on Yogo way." I energized: "Yaka is nich nicest?". Vin said: "The middle of the dark night." I energized: "What is the nicest namaz?" Vin said: "Namaz, in yaku є dovgy kunut." I energized: "Yaka mercy (sadaqa) is more beautiful?" Vin said: "Tu, yaku give in the world of their possibilities to the little ones in the taunnitsa." I energized: Scho є pist ?. Vin said: "Obov'yazok, for whom Allah sleeps, and the city of Ny Bagatorazov." I energized: "Whose jihad is good?" Vin said: "The jihad of the one whose wounds and shelter have been shed." I energized: "Yakiy from the verses, sent to you, the greatest?". Vin saying: Ayat to the See (Course). Then he said: “O Abu Zarr! The seven heavens, according to the date to the Throne, is like a ring, according to the date to the empty, and the Throne (arsh), according to the date to the Throne, is like an empty one, according to the date to the whole ring. "

I said: “O Messenger of Allah! What are the words of all the prophets? " Vin said: "One hundred and twenty chotiri thousand." I slept: "And the words of the messengers?" Vin said: "Three hundred and thirty." I energized: Who was the first prophet? Vin said: Adam. I energized: "Chi vin buv a messenger?" Vin said: So. Allah has opened Yogo as His ruler and inhaled His spirit from all of them. " And then he said: “O Abu Zarr! Four prophets bully Assyrians: Adam, Sheis, Ahnukh - і tse Іdrіs, і vin buv first, who wrote with a club, - і Nuh (A). Four bully Arabs: Hood, Salikh, Shueyb and your prophet Muhammad. The first of the prophets of the people of Israel is Buv Musa (A), and the rest is Isa (A), and of all of them there are six hundred prophets. " I was asleep: “O Messenger of Allah! Did Allah send the copies of books? " Vin said: “One hundred chotiri books. Allah sent Sheisu fifty suvos, Idrisu thirty suvos, Ibrahim twenty suvos, and Vin sent the Torah, Evangelin, Psalms and Furkan. "

I was asleep: “O Messenger of Allah! Chim buli suvoi Іbrahima? " Vin said: The stench boiled down with parables. In the middle of them - tsya: “O proud king! I have not corrected you, but have brought down one part of the earth on the insha. I have sent you, but you have opened me with a click of the driven one, more I will not leave him, I will be able to see you, but I will be unstable. And for the sensible, the docks have not lost their minds: do not have a year in you - a year, if you are the will of your Lord, and if you think about yourself, and if you think about yourself, if you think about those who have given you your Lord. , for an hour, if you are victorious, those who vip to a fraction of what is permitted. Bo tsya year - additional help for quiet years and supplies for hearts. I for the sensible: let us be penetrated every hour, so we take our share, take our mova. Bo kozhin, hto safeguard my words up to my own deeds, to say a little or it is not necessary there, it is necessary. And for the smart one: sound three speeches - prosperity in life, luggage for the maybutt’s svitu and contentedness because we don’t fence ”.

I said: “O Messenger of Allah! Chim buli suvoy Musi? " Vin said: Usi stench boi people. On the first day of the day: “I am amazed at the fact that I crossed over at death: why is the radio? I am amazed at the fact that I have crossed over to Vogni: why should I be confused? I am amazed at the fact that one should bash one's neighbor light and one's ministry: who is it for? I am amazed at the fact that I have crossed over at the riverside: why is it pragne? I am amazed at the fact that I became a raptur of the rozrakhunka: why shouldn't I be afraid of a good deed? " I said: “O Messenger of Allah! Chi є in that, which Allah has sent toby, is it because of the fact that Ibrahim and Musi were in the suvoys? " Vin said: “O Abu Zarr! Hiba ti without reading the ayati: “ Truly, tse - at the perche scrolls, the Ibrahim and Musya scrolls!ˮ».

I was asleep: “O Messenger of Allah! Zrobi me povchannya! ". Vin said: “I’m shy about fearing God, you’re good at all.” I said: "Give me." Vin said: "Read the Koran and remember Allah richly, and you will become the reason for remembering you in heaven that your light on earth." I said: "Give me." Vin said: "Bagato movchi, more and more vidganyaє shaitanіv and additional help from the spravіlіgіya". I said: "Give me." Vin said: "Be careful not to be ridiculed, but to drive in your heart and see the light of revealing." I said: "Give me." Vin said: "Love your little ones and sit in your fellowship." I said: "Give me." Vin said: "Speak to the truth, as if there was no bully". I said: "Give me." Vin said: "Do not fight on the way of Allah, I will condemn the one who haunted." I said: "Give me." Vin said: "Let me fix you all the people who know about yourself, and do not blame him for the one who is robish himself." And then he said: "To deliver people for the vice of three speeches: know about people about those who don't know about themselves, haniv them for those who hate themselves, and tormented them from the one who doesn’t feel bad about it." Then he said: “O Abu Zarr! The most beautiful rose is peace, the most beautiful is righteousness - peace and the most beautiful family - good character. "

("Khisal", p. 523).

Prophet Muhammad, give him the mercy and blessings of Allah, loving the Qiu Surah of the Qur'an. We know about the lance of the message, like a friend, two-brother and son-in-law Ali ibn Abi Talibu. The Prophet Muhammad often recited Surah al-A'lya і before the front of the surah at-Tariq before the hour of prayer on Friday, or in the Islamic holy. yomu in yogo mіsії razpovsyudzhuvati the word іslamu and especially quest for tim, but the prophet Muhammad not forgetting nothing of what is written in the Koran. messengers.

Ayati 1-3 Vihvalyannya God

Surah obey for the glory of God. The first verse says: "Vyhvalyuy im'ya of your Lord Nayvischiy". Sura al-A "I will take my name from the first ayat. To wiggle means to magnify God and make Him omnipotent. In this rank, we will indicate on the two characteristic figures of God - Yogi master and greatness. Itself Win splendor and Spirit, God." , I have the necessary proportions and amassed in order to play a role in life on the whole earth. God, having set his own size, his value, his own quality, characteristics of that term.

Ayati 4 and 5 Zmіna picture to light

Pislya vyhvalyannya God viviv from the earth all those who are on their growth. God is the One, Who viviv to the pasture, and then to kill the brown smitty. The skin is green and beautiful is the dewdrop, in the background, according to the laws of the Lord, visikhaє, darkness, to be creatures and again to be transformed into soil, fertilizing it. Everyone has a meta of their own. It is clear, for example, the regeneration of the runt. That runt, which is biologically dead, picks up minerals, which is probably a regeneration process.

Ayati 6 and 7 Prophet Muhammad will not forget

God turns to the Prophet Muhammad, they say, that Win let you read the Koran, and Win (Prophet Muhammad) will not forget. Forgetfulness є the characteristic rice of the people, ale to the Prophet Muhammad not worry about those who will forget their intimacy, if the stench will be sent to the new one. God has announced that there is a certainty on oneself and for those who have not ruined their warmth and will not be forgotten. Tse radіsnі vіstі for the prophet and for the Muslims zagalom. Preserving the Koran є God's generosity and mercy for being brought to the people. God’s decision is runtuyutsya on the other side of information and knowledge.

Ayati 8 and 9 "I will bless you on the best way"

Then more good sounds came quickly. God obitsyaє lay down the path of the Prophet Muhammad. God seems to be: "I will bless you on the most convenient and most reliable way." Tse shlyakh abo to islam, which is invincibly light and true, abo the way to Paradise. God dissolving Allwith with lightness, wine with lightness following the designated path and it is easy to get close to the end of the day. Good see, that by stretching out his life, the Prophet Muhammad will choose the right alternative solution in whatever situation he appears.

Religion to islam dbaє about those who travel to Paradise, which are easy for skin people, as they live in harmony with Vsesvit. The Prophet Muhammad was told to nagaduvati people through the Writing, how to bach, how to hear and listen to the stench. In the skin muscle, in the skin generation, you will be sure to know who will be reddened.

Ayati 10 - 13 Great Vogl

Otrima cinnamon vid nagaduvannya one who is godly. And unikati, tsuratisya tsikh nagaduvan, will not be happy. In the one who left in the Hell and will dbati at the fire, having eaten all the "belonging" of the uninterrupted baking heat, as if the Persh had not been re-created beforehand, the soul had left quietly. Having settled there, you can never die, you can never die. It is unbearable to appear in Hell. The one who knows and does not hear until the next day, which is more pragmatic than the worldly blessings and ignorance of those who will become distant, inevitably life because of the constant distress. The great fire of the fire of the Pekla, і countrymen in a new endless.

Ayati 14 - 17 Memory that prayer

The worldly and vital dwellers have lived up to the success of that one, who cannot ignore the overcoming and be cleansed spiritually. God asks us to listen to the message and to call to cleanse ourselves from the sinful. For a whole memory of God and prayer is needed. God will show the difference between us, so listen to the message that is hidden and ignore the message that is not happy. It seems that people see a little more than a worldly one, if they want it to be short and not to be done.

Ayati 18 and 19 One walk

On the other hand, there is nothing new about being sent to Islam. About those who seem to be successful in both svit, and about those who are always insensibly from the earthly, it was said even earlier, before the Holy Qur'an was sent, in the first scrolls, including in the scrolls of the prophets of Abraham and Moses.


(18) Truly, tse is written in the first suvos -

(19) Scrolls of Ibrahim [Abraham] and Musi [Moses].

The wisdom in the blessed surrender of the beautiful precepts and information, recorded in the suvoys of Ibrahim and Musi - the suvoys of the two most famous messengers of Muhammad's message. The precepts were sent in the laws of the prophets, for the stench of success in both lives and to bring reproach in any era in any moment. Praise be to Allah alone for the price!

(16) Ta ni! See the perevagu svitsky life,

(17) I want the rest of life - more beautiful and better.

You put your life on your own life as a last life, and by yourself, change your life away from it, restlessly and last on your life. Vaughn will overturn the worldly life for all the qualities and trifles of the whole life, so that the whole world does not change and grows differently. Svidoma and vryucha lyudin nikoli do not give a pass to the filthy beautiful and not wait forever for suffering for satisfaction, as it is possible to viprobate for a short year. This is the reason for all the lack of love itself until the whole world and the overwhelm of the whole world.

(14) Reaching for the one who was cleansed,

(15) remembering the name of his Lord and by robbing namaz.

Such a person purified her soul from the richness of the burning, injustice and vicious deeds, and embellished her heart with parts of the remembrance of Allah. Win robbing those who gave Win a favor, and in the first place he made a brutal prayer, yak є miril viri. At the ts'omu polyagaє spravzhn_y zm_st ts'ogo ayat.

Well, you’re quiet until you think about it, you’re great, you’re looking for a clean mercy, I’m giving a Muslim to a holy prayer, and a holy prayer, until a Muslim is guilty, I’m willing to give out a text, I don’t want a text add to the senses in the whole world.

(13) Do not die there and not live.

Yogo sporting bolisna car, and not to beat me in peace, no reason. In the future, you will not kill your own death, or you will not kill it, as he said to the All-Seed: “You cannot end up with them like that, the stench could die, and the torment didn’t linger” (35:36).

(10) Try to be afraid

(11) і to get away from the most important,

(12) go away to Vogon the most.

People dіditsya on quiet, hto rymuє reproach for nagaduvannya, і quiet, hto do not hear yogo. First to be afraid of Allah, fear of Him and the knowledge of maybut in return, the slave will be sent away from us, who will hate Vin, and go to goodness. And others dwell in the burning Crescent, as we devour the human heart.

(9) Instruct the people, if you can bring the crimson.

Give people the shariat of Allah and Yogo writing, so that the stench to take your vchenya and listen to your sermons, right away from that, until you reach your mark all the time. For the third ayah, it’s okay if you don’t need to bring corista, but if you don’t have a bad code, you don’t want to see people. Nawpaki, Allah zaboronyaє chiniti so.

(6) It is permissible for you to read the Qur'an, and you will not forget anything,

(7) except for what Allah wants. Winning knowledge is evident and those that are accustomed to.

O Muhammad! Rejoice at the great sound! We save all the bedrock, sent to you in Writing, take care of your heart, and you will not forget anything about it. Ale as thy Wise Lord resurrect, so that when you forget a part of the blood of the zealous blessing of that majestic corista, then it will not begin. Truly, Yomu sees everything to bring Yogo's reproach to slaves. Win to command a mustache, scho zabazhaє, and judge, yak zabazha.


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