Selection of homonyms. Types of homonyms

Selection of homonyms. Types of homonyms

Dictionary of homonyms - a type of dictionary in which words are described that, however, sound the same, and which do not have literal semantic signs that make it possible to take into account different meanings with the meanings of one word (for example: braid - "haired" braid - “I’ll cut it for mowing” braid - “milina”)

Dictionaries of homonyms display links between formally identical and semantically different lexical units. These connections follow a long-standing tradition of being described in local dictionaries.

The first evidence of the representation of the entire set of homonyms appeared in German lexicography “Dictionary of Russian homonyms” by O. S. Akhmanova. This article presents a detailed classification of homonyms. In connection with the observed homonyms with a pronounced morphological structure, the regularity of homonymous words in entire lexico-grammatical classes of words is indicated. The dictionary records and describes homonyms that were created as a result of the collapse of polysemy, and an attempt was made to distinguish between processes of polysemy disintegration that are completed and not completed. The dictionary article contains references to the type of homonyms, as well as grammatical, stylistic and other features that echo the indicated homonyms. In order to more clearly demonstrate the semantic absurdity of homonyms, they are translated into English, French and German languages.

A wider range of homonyms is presented in “ Dictionary of homonyms of Russian language » N.P. Kolesnikova. Homonyms are understood as words with different lexical and grammatical meanings, but also with the same (identical) spellings. The dictionary includes two types of homonyms: 1) homonyms, which may have different lexical meanings and the same spelling and language (cibula 1 і tsibulya 2 ", schedule 1 і schedule 2)", 2) words that may have different lexical meanings, but have different grammatical meanings and different spellings (if not the same): organ і organ, bavovna і Bavovna, Vdminok і Vіdminok. The material is given, as the editor of the dictionary M. M. Shansky says, “in a solid mass, without classificatory partitions or classificatory cordons.”

“Tlumachny Dictionary of Russian Homonyms” T.F. The definition of Russian dictionaries of homonyms includes both homonyms themselves and similar units. The lexical structure of the dictionary reflects the standard Russian vocabulary that was formed before the end of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century, including terms from various languages, and words that may have an archaic character.

“The Dictionary of Russian Homonyms” by A. P. Okuneva gives a description of the semantic, accentological, orthophepic, grammatical and stylistic powers of word-homonyms. A special place is given by its etymology. Use synonyms, antonyms, phraseological units, related meanings to adjacent words of homonyms, as well as illustrative material.

“Dictionary of Russian words-homonyms” O.I. Litvinnikova, L.I. Golovina, M.A. Aleksienko includes homonym words derived from the “Great Tlumach Dictionary of Russian Language”, edited

S.A. Kuznetsova and “Dictionary of word homonyms of dialectal language”, compiled by M.A. Aleksienko and O.I. Litvinnikov. As the authors say, “the dictionary provides a systematic identification of homonyms in Russian literary language and dialectical language in their linguistic properties.”

“Dictionary of Russian grammatical homonyms” O.M. Kim and N.Ye. Islands of dedication to one of the most important practical principles - the separation of grammatical homonyms - words that belong to different parts of the language and are avoided both in the spoken and in the written. For example:

  • 1. One- numerator ( I bought one meter of fabric).
  • 2. One- dresser ( I'm the only one on the road).
  • 3.One- borrower ( One guy was so crazy, guessing and becoming a writer).
  • 4. One- name ( One in the field is not a warrior).
  • 5. One- part ( One hell of a lot).

“Dictionary of Russian Homographs,” edited by A. V. Ventsov and V. B. Kasevich, contains word forms classified by grammatical signs. This review provides an analysis of the relationship between the type of homograph and the semantics of homographs.

Homonymy as a word-formation between polysemy is presented in the “Short word-etymological dictionary of Russian polysemy and single-root homonymy” by N.M. Shansky and others. The dictionary is a lexicographical guide, which provides a short explanation of the figurative meanings of the most common words and cognate homonyms in Russian. The facts of polysemy are considered on a par with single-root homonymy as a word-creating boundary first. The dictionary shows the regularity of the appearance of richly meaningful words and synonymous homonyms, models and expressions, behind which stinks are named. In addition to the facts of consistent polysemy and homonymy, the dictionary also contains closely related semantic and verbal calques. Thus, the speaker will try to present in a compact and compact form the main facts of derivation and etymology of figurative meanings and single-root homonyms.

Akhmanova O. S. Dictionary of Russian homonyms [more than 2000 dictionary entries]. 3 views, erased M: Russian language, 1986. 448 p. .

Vvedenska L.A., Kolesnikov N.P. Primary dictionary of Russian homonyms. 2nd view. M.; Rostov n/a. : Berezen: Phoenix, 2010. 256 p. .

Grebenova Yu.M. Dictionary of Russian homographs. Livny: Vidavets G.V. Mukhametov, 2012. 275 p.

Grebenova Yu.M. Dictionary of homonyms and homoforms of Russian language [close to 2500 homonyms and homoforms]. 2nd view, Vipr. ta add. M.: Airis-Press, 2011. 351 p. (View A to Z). .

Efremova T. F. Tlumachny dictionary of homonyms of Russian language. M: World of Encyclopedias Avanta +, 2007. 1406 p.

Kim O.M., Ostrovkina I.I. Dictionary of Russian grammatical homonyms [about 11,000 words, about 5,000 homonym rows]. M.: ACT [ta in], 2004. 842 p.

Kolesnikov N.P. Dictionary of homonyms of Russian language. Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 1995. 670 p. .

Okunova L.P. Dictionary of homonyms of modern Russian [close to 5000 words and words]. M: Russian language, 2002. 412 p.

Dictionary of Russian homographs [more than 4000 word forms] / ukl.

A. V. Vintsov, E. V. Grudiova, V.B. Kasevich, E.I. Koreshkova, E.A. Svedentsova, E.V. Yagunova; per ed. A.V. Vintsova, V.B. Kasevich. SPb.: Filol. fak. St. Petersburg holding Univ., 2004. 160 p.

Dictionary of homonyms and rich words of Russian language / comp. EAT. Rivin. Voronezh: Voronezh, state. technology, academician, 2011. 388 p.

Dictionary of phraseological homonyms of modern Russian / comp. T.V. Varlakova, T.A. Krivosheeva, S.S. Laukhina, N.A. Pavlova, T.M. Shevelova; per ed. ON THE. Pavlovy. M: Flinta: Nauka, 2010. 304 p.

Shanskiy N.M., Romanova N.M., Filippov L.V. A short word-etymological dictionary of Russian polysemy and single-root homonymy // Russian language at school. 1983. No. 4-6; 1984. No. 1-6; 1985. No. 1-6; 1986. No. 1-5.

Hello, fellow readers of the blog site. Homonyms are another confirmation of the “greatness and power” of the Russian language. The very similar “nuances of vocabulary” undermine the Russian language’s complex adoption by foreigners.

  1. TAP - water supply or faucet (taps, faucets, faucets, etc.)
  2. BRIT - styling hair, cutting hair or a traditional tool (kis, scythe, scythe, braid, etc.)

Partial homonyms- These are words that are similar to each other in the first glance (one, the name of the name, the thorough look), but may not be consistent in the same words or plurals.

  1. Weasel is a creature of the mustelidae family or tenderness. If we take the generic word and multiply, then the words no longer sound and are written however - richly LASK (creatures) and richly LASK (showing feelings).
  2. KOKHANNYA – almost like another person’s name. If we take the generic meaning alone, then the words sound in a new way - there is no LOVE (sensibly) and no LOVE (sense).

Grammatic homonyms- Words in Russian language that are subject to frequent partial homonyms. Then the stench is absolutely not identical at first glance, but remains similar in its various forms.

  1. THREE is a number and comes from the word TERETI. It is possible to escape only if the first word is used in the nominative mode, and the other in the predicative mode. In all other cases, the words will cease to be homonyms.
  2. LIKU - similar to two different words: FLYING and LIVING, and the resentment takes root in the first individual.
  3. SKLA - the generic name of the name SKLO (no glass) and the hour of the female gender of the word STEKANNYA (water glass).

You can, before speaking, note that grammatical homonyms can represent different parts of language, for example, nouns and words, and so on. Which has a cardinal significance in relation to general and partial homonyms, where parts of our language are always avoided.

Homographs and homophones

There are two more types of words in Russian language, which are related to different types of homonyms.

Homography- these are words that are written differently, but at the same time sound different (more so because they have a different voice). The term is also Greek and comes from “homos” (same) and “grapho” (I write).

  1. A TLAS (collection of maps or table) and ATL A C (type of fabric)
  2. Z A MOC (mid-novic sporuda) and ZAM About Before (shorting device)
  3. MUK A(grinded cereals) ta M U KA (experience)
  4. About RGAN (human) and ORG A N (musical instrument)
  5. SIL About(settlement) that C E LO (sun)
  6. P A Riti (in lazne) and PAR ІТ (at the surface)

Homofoni- Propagation of homographs. The stench sounds the same, but the axis is written differently. The word is also Greek - “homos” (same) and “phone” (sound).

  3. Stovp - stovp
  4. KID – KIT

Applications of homonyms in literature

Not so often, but writers and singers go to the extent of adding homonyms. For example, to create Rome. For example, a lesson from Pushkin:

Why bother the squad?
Alone, without a man?

In some cases, the word CHOLOVA means in one word a woman (team), and in another word it means a person (person).

Or Bryusov’s axis:

Having closed your tormented eyelids,
I TAKE CARE of what came out.
Oh, yakbi stand like that on wiki
On this quiet Berezi.

In this case, the first word is one of the forms of the word TAKE CARE, and the other is the SHORE of some water reservoir, lived in the famous water.

Homonyms in riddles, anecdotes, puns

A lot of mysteries have been created on the basis of homonyms.

  1. The sky has a zigzag crisscrossing it with a trail of fire. Nothing can replace me. (blink)
  2. The stench comes out of the metal, and the stinks fall from the trees. (LEAVES)
  3. The axle will be in good order. And this device is connected to the edge. (WEDELKA)
  4. I can’t sit idle, I’m in the master’s hands. I spin around like a fidget in a bicycle wheel. (SPICA)
  5. Without it, the doors cannot be built and the leaves cannot be adjusted. (PEN)
  6. As a reason I act and I take the horse. (COVID-19)
  7. We have new patrons to protect and sell products. (SHOP)
  8. There is a jam and a fence around it. (SOCKET)

Sometimes there will be jokes on homonyms.

The doctor told the blonde patient that he would see her soon. And she: “I’ll die sooner, I’ll never live again!”

Here, in the first case, the word PRAVITESYA means improved health, and in the other, stroking.

Doctor: “How are you, sick?” Patient: “Your performance has changed a lot.”

The word STAN can immediately mean self-perceived health, as well as financial growth.

On the subject of literature, the bookmaker asks: “What can you say about heroin?” The student testifies: Heroin is not a powerful drug. What’s the point of literature?”

There is no need to explain anything in particular here. The word HEROINE in the daval administration actually sounds like the name of a drug. This is one of the applications of grammatical homonyms.

When I go to a store with a guy, he often says: “I’m going to cry.” And it seems that I must stream so as not to change my voice.

And here's a real example of homographs. Words Rozplata U S and DISTRIBUTION A FEELING effective and a funny couple.

Well, it is based on the new sound, but differently written words (and this is a homophony in pure appearance):

Or another example of an excellent pun inspired by homophones:

Carrying the witch, krokuyuchi to the market
For sale honey glechik,
Rapt on the witch doctor - the axis of misfortune! -
The Axis are planning troubles.
Medic with an army of aspen
Fighting with a virgin aspen.
You can't fall into the darkness,
As the wasps climbed into the pasture,
They stung the abiyak,
It was completely ruined.

Dictionary of homonyms

Main and most recent homonyms Actually, Russian language is not so rich. Axis list:

  1. BIR – pine wood and dentist’s instrument;
  2. ABUSE - husky and anciently significant battles;
  3. APPEARANCE – external appearance and grammatical category;
  4. comb - a comb and a small wing on the head of birds;
  5. DVIR – a plot in front of the booth and close to the monarch;
  6. borg - bundled and taken to borg;
  7. DISCIPLINE – all the rules and types of science and sports;
  8. DROB - balls for shooting and a number that adds up to parts of one;
  9. PLANT – production and mechanism of the year;
  10. TOOTH is an organ in the mouth and part of the instrument;
  11. BRUSH – part of the artist’s hand and tool;
  12. KIL - the village and the grade at school are blocked;
  13. Kramnitsa - shop and furniture;
  14. MOTIVE is a synonym for drive and melody;
  15. NIRKA - a small animal that is buried in the ground;
  16. POLYUBANNYA – the movement of animals and the common synonym of bajanya;
  17. – part of the language is a constructive idea;
  18. NOVEL – literary work and love story;
  19. LIGHT – a source of brightness and greater prosperity;
  20. INVESTIGATION – investigation and investigation.
  21. UNION - association (krajin) is a service word that connects words.
  22. MOVA - zasіb spіlkuvannya and organ in an empty company.

*when you click on the picture, it will open to its full size in a new window

How homonyms differ from richly meaningful words

I would like to say that you do not confuse homonyms with such titles “”. And so I understand the Russian language.

For example, a woman’s droplet, flower and mushroom mean approximately the same thing, and the headdress itself is similar. And in this case, the word cannot be treated as a homonym, as the main criterion is violated. different lexical meanings(Here it is, in essence, however).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog site

You may be in trouble

What are the antonyms and how the Russian language is rich in them? Richly meaningful words are examples of the varied facets of Russian language What is vocabulary - these are the types of things that lexicology deals with The difference between a “campaign” and a “company” - how to write correctly Phraseologisms - the use of cool phrases in Russian language What is it and what are its main functions? Dialectisms - these words with a artistic flavor What does morphology teach (a branch of grammar) - the subject of learning and basic concepts Linguistics as a science: concepts, divisions, historical background Obstavina is a regular, but respectful member of the river

Homonyms (from the Greek oμoς - however and ονομα - ім'я) - differences in meaning, but also in the spelling of units of language (words, morphemes and in). Aristotle's term of innovation.

More lexical homonyms – however, there are differences in the sounds, but there are differences in the location of the word. For example, cibula(Roslina) that cibula(For the shooter). There is also partial homonymy, which avoids unnecessary forms of words, for example, alive(word live) that alive(namename lived). I am instructed to use homonyms to create homographs - words that may, however, be written differently, or have a different voice ( flour - miika).

The dictionary contains homoforms and homographs, then. forms of different (although often close behind the surface) words, which may, however, be written. The voice does not lie, letter e do not vikorist - as it is called in a written text. For example, I live (run, run), take (brother, take it(head off)). They were called homonymous word forms. The dictionary is organized in such a way that the left hand stands for word forms, and the right hand stands for lexemes (words in the dictionary), which are placed in these word forms. The arms have the following parts of the language indicated.

A complete list of homonymous word forms was extracted by generating all word forms from the computer version of A.A.’s Grammatic Dictionary.

For this publication, the complete list includes the following word forms:

  • - communion - communion
  • - word type virivati ​​- virivatisya
  • - name names type chobit - choboti
  • - variants of writing type obvidny - obvidny, beaver - beaver

and other actions are close behind the words.

Designated parts of the movie:

h- name person

ms- borrower

Union- Union

P- clerk

number- number officer

international- viguk

G- word

ancestor- predicative

partin- piece

n- urchin

proposal- receiver

bb- in other words

  • Homonyms above (absolute) – homonyms in which the entire system of forms is preserved. For example, key (for lock) - key (dzherelo), horn (Kowalsky) - horn (wind instrument).
  • Homonyms of parts are homonyms in which not all forms are heard. For example, weasel (creature)і affection (showing tenderness) diverge in the form of the generic form of multiplicity ( caresses - caress).
  • Graphic homonyms. homography (Graphic homonyms in the Wikipedia project are presented in the category Richly Meaningful Terms)
  • Phonetic homonyms. homophone.
  • Homonymous morphemes. Div omomorphemi.
  • More grammatical homonyms. homoformi.

Apply it


  • The braid is on the girl’s head, the braid is a tool for mowing, the braid has a geographical name (Curonian Spit)
  • The key is a musical sign, the key is the door, the key is the natural source of water.
  • Tsibulya - Roslina, Tsibulya - Zbroya.
  • The pen is a writing pen (gel, kulkova, etc.), the pen is a human hand.

Phrases with homonyms

  • Mowing with a scythe with a scythe (this seems to be a problematic phrase for foreigners):

Div. also

Homonymy in taxonomy


  • Homonym- article from the Great Radian Encyclopedia

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Wonder what “Homonyms” are in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek) Words that come together one after another in their sound with a new meaning. Butt "tsibulya" (zbroya) "tsibulya" (roslina). The reason for the appearance in the movie O. is explained by a sudden escape of the basics that were divided, as a result of a series of ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    - (Greek homonymos, similar to homos, and onoma ima). Words that seem to be different, but have different meanings, or those that are written differently, but are not understood. For example, the trumpet is sweet and the trumpet is musical, it’s good, like suffering, and it’s good… Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

    Homonyms- HOMONYMOUS words that may sound different, but there is a difference behind the meanings. For example, “swords” (from the word “sword”) and “swords” (from the word “metati”); “three” (number) and “three” (as in the word “grate”) etc. Glossary of literary terms

    - (from the Greek homos however and onyma of the name), differences in meanings, but also the sound and written units of language (words, morphemes and in), for example, rice is big and rice is a creature... Suchasna encyclopedia

    - (In Greek. Homos however and onyma ім'я) vary, but how units of language are sounded and written (words, morphemes and so on), for example. rice is big and rice is a creature. Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

    OMONIM- (Greek: Homos - new + onyma - name). Words that belong to the same part of the language and yet sound different, but have different meanings. O. are divided into two forms (in which the entire system of forms is preserved), parts (in which the sounds are preserved. New glossary of methodical terms and understanding (theory and practice of learning)

    OMONIM- (In Greek, Homos however + onyma, onoma names) words with different meanings, however, are written and understood differently. for example, in English My O. is the words pupil (learning and education), as well as iris (iridus of the eye and cheerful); among the Russians. movie... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    homonyms- Identical terms that denote different entities. [GOST 34.320 96] Topics based on data EN homonyms ... Adviser of technical translation

    Homonyms- (from the Greek homos however and onyma ima), differences in meanings, but also sonorous and written units of language (words, morphemes and in), for example, “rys” beg and “rys” creature. ... Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary

    homonyms- (Insh. Greek. ομος homos however + onyma, ονυμά ім'я) Words that may sound the same, but have different meanings: scythe1 (girl's trim), scythe2 (tool), scythe3 (river braid, pivostriv u looks like a narrow mile) . Inter-dimensional homonyms become closer. Glossary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal


  • Homonyms of Russian dialectal language, M. Alekseenko, O. Litvinnikova. This is the first evidence of the dictionary of homonyms of Russian dialectal language. Includes words from various grammatical classes. Apply to the chastkovy-explanatory type of dictionaries. Calls...
  • Turkish-Russian dictionary of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Homography. Inter-universal homonyms. False foreign words. Controversial foreign words. 12500 words. 7 vocabularies of water, E. Genish, A. A. Evsieva. This dictionary contains the greatest number of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and homographs of the Turkish language, including approximately 12,500 words. The glossary consists of 7 parts. The remaining three parts...

Russian language is among the top 10 most popular languages ​​in the world. But many languages ​​have words that sound the same, but are written differently, just like in Russian.

The name for such words is homonyms. To understand what homonyms are and what types of them there are, read this article.

What are the homonyms and what kind of stinks are there?

“Homonymy” in Greek is translated as “the same name.” Homonyms are those words that are similar in literature and language, but are different in language

For example:

  1. The word "abuse". At the same time it can mean both the appearance of the outfit and the soldier’s military service.
  2. “Tsibulya” is also respected as a homonym. In one sense there is growth, in another sense there is decay.
  3. The word "kramnitsa". One meaning of the word “kramnitsa” is a trading border, and the other is a central border, installed near the park where people sit.

Our language is classified by different and different homonyms. Until then, there must be homonyms, which are one part of the language. For example, the word “smooth” is a name with a sub-dimension: it means an even surface and type of embroidery.

In both cases, the “surface” is the name, but the words are still felt and written. You can proceed without any doubt, because, vlasne, the word “smooth” is a homonym.

Types of homonyms - homophones, homographs, homoforms

Let's talk about different homonyms. Translation of the word “homograph” from Greek language sounds like “same spelling”. To your heart Homographs, however, as written, are similar to each other, but differ in their own way.

The most common butt, the word “lock”. When speaking in English, a “lock” is a kind of alarm box, and a “lock” is a device that locks the door.

Or the word "organ". When speaking in the first voice, we remove the word “Organ” - an element of a living organism, for example, heart, liver. When speaking on another voice, we remove the word “organ” - a musical instrument.

The word "homophone" also came to us from the Greeks. In translation, vono means a similar sound. Vihodachi why, robimo visnovok, what Homophones are words that are similar in sound and different in writing. For example, in the words “open the doors” and “boil the dumplings” the words sound absolutely the same, but for the sheet, and, obviously, for the other - different.

I lost my interest, so I have to formalize it. Everything is much simpler here. Omoformi – these are words that are avoided under the hour of the leaf and in certain contexts, the speech.

For example, in the expressions “skla water” the word “skla” is a homoform.

Homonyms - butts

For children, homonyms are clearly indicated in the following pictures.

This concept can be fully explained to children 5-6 years old, which is often dealt with by speech therapists, specialized kindergartens and fathers.

Dictionary of homonyms of Russian language

They wrote their own dictionaries for homonyms. The dictionary of homonyms, written by O. S. Akhmanova, again presents the classification of homonyms and information about them in as much detail as possible.

The dictionary of homonyms, created by M. P. Kolesnikov, includes a translation of homonyms into 3 languages.

What helps to differentiate homonym words

Homonym words constantly intertwine with words that have a lot of meaning, or simply, richly meaningful words. Let's get pregnant, what's wrong?

These are the words that carry the same meaning, interconnected with each other. For example, the word drops.

The droplets are female, white flower or mushroom. In these cases, the sense is not particularly noticeable and means any accessory on the upper part.

Grammatic homonyms

These words are similar in yours, but in the written word they avoid the most common grammatical forms. For example, the word “flying”. It can mean the action of “loving” the first individual, or “flying”.

Another good example of this type of homonym is the word “three”. “Three” can be either a word or a numeric “three” in the long term.

Functional homonyms

These words, which are similar in writing and sound, can be traced to different parts of the language. Stinks are eliminated through the passage from one part of the wash to the other.

The most obvious example of this type of homonym is the word “exactly.” It could be either an equal part or an appendage.

“Make sure to mark it” - the proverb. “Like a hurricane flying by” - this is the part of the world. “Viznachennya for sure” is a prime mover.

Lexical homonyms

Words that have different meanings, but come together at the same time, are written in almost all forms. Stinks are part of the language.

Front butt, the word “flog.” This is a word that can mean cutting a sewing seam or beating.

Morphological homonyms

These words are written identically, but depending on the context, in different parts of the language.

The word “bake” is both a name and a word. You can understand how this word is lived in form only in context.


  • “I lit the stove so that grandma could make pies,” here the word “bake” is the name;
  • “Grandma baked pies with meat and fish,” in this proposition the word “bake” is a verb.

Homonymous endings

To understand this concept, you first need to figure out what it is. Addition is a form of a name that indicates the reciprocity of words in the river.

The Russian language has 6 divisions: naming (I.p.), generic (R.p.), distant (D.p.), known (V.p.), instrument (T.p.), applicative (P. . .P.). The middle endings are sharpened and the endings are homonyms.

Homonymous endings are not endings that sound the same, like all homonyms, but may have different grammatical meanings.

For example, the words “sisters” and “vodits”. In the first case, the word “sisters” is plural. h., I. n, and the word “voditsi” is od. h., R. p.

I would like to emphasize that the topic of homonyms is complex not so much because of the meaning of this concept, but because of the diversity of types. To fully understand the topic, it is necessary to thoroughly understand and understand all types of homonyms and their meanings.
