When can you give black tea to your child? What kind of tea can be given to children Black tea for how many months

When can you give black tea to your child? What kind of tea can be given to children Black tea for how many months

The young mother should have a very rich diet for the health of her child. One of the most widespread is food. Mom is upset, no matter how little the baby doesn’t want to drink, for how many months can you give tea to the baby. Fahivtsi respect that it is impossible to completely remove the milk from breast milk. There is no need to introduce dietary supplements early before childhood, for which there are no special indications. Before that, as soon as the time comes for complementary feeding, it is necessary to consider how tea is safe for coughing, which is why they arise and what kind of power it is.

There are special ones, which for their purposes fall into:

  1. Medical and preventive.
  2. Preventive.

Before preventive teas, add vitaminized drinks, which include ingredients that boost immunity: vitamin C, rosemary extract, forest berries, anise.

Before drinking preventive teas, you can add drinks that will have a calming effect on the central nervous system and thyroid gland. This tea is made with fennel, chamomile, anise, and mint. It is recommended for children with frequent colic, diarrhea, poor appetite. The stench helps with excessive restlessness and poor sleep.

In pharmacies and children's stores you can find a large assortment of children's tea from leading manufacturers of children's products. The drinks are made from natural herbs, more like herbal infusions. Their main task is to give a positive effect to the child’s body, and not to induce stress.

The “Babushkino Lukoshko” brand of Russian distillery produces tea with popsicle, mint, fennel, and chamomile. The assortment includes herbal and berry mixtures. Their stock includes: raspberries, lemon balm, thyme, black currant. Just before the instructions on the package, tea with fennel can be given to a child for 1 month, with mint for three months, and herbal teas for 4 months. Regardless of this, introducing tea without the permission of a pediatrician is not recommended.

Granulated Hipp teas in their warehouse also contain no natural ingredients. All linden flowers, lemon balm, chamomile, rosemary, assorted fruits. Teas are recommended for 4-5-6 months. Singing can help cope with diarrhea and constipation, and promote calm. For babies, such teas will bring bark, as there is no individual intolerance to the components or allergies to berries or herbs.

Green tea for children

The only idea that you can give your child green tea has never come to fruition. We know that we constantly sip on green tea, but the authorities are still not affected by it. Most doctors recommend that it is best to avoid adding green tea to your child’s diet until the child is older (up to 3 years).

This tea produces a strong tonic effect on the child’s body, which may adversely affect the child’s psyche, which is not noticeable. Instead of essential oils and other active elements in the tea leaf, it has a negative effect on the child, as it has not yet been fully formed.

Black tea for children

Black tea is considered to be the most beneficial for a child's body. It’s crazy to talk about weak brew without flavorings, additives and sugar. This drink can be introduced before the baby’s diet after 2-3 months.

This is not necessary, unless the introduction is necessary, because of breastfeeding, the child removes madness and the required supplementary intake of food. For the first two to three months, introduce clean water, then you can drink tea.

Calm teas

Herbal teas that fall into this category provide a calming effect not only on the central nervous system, but also cause problems with the stomach, nighttime anxiety, and pain. The stench calms the newborn at the hour of teething, helps relieve pain and soreness during colds.

The herbs can be brewed on your own, but remember that the active use of herbal infusions is possible in just 3 minutes, as was permitted earlier, unless a doctor is required to take it. There are a lot of herbs and berries that have the strongest allergens.

When it gets cold, tea with lingonberry, craneberry, cumin, and mint helps. Calendula, chamomile, and fennel flow pleasantly onto your tummy. Tea made from mint, chamomile and chamomile will calm you down and help you fall asleep.

This kind of tea is unacceptable, contraindicated

The introduction of any third-party plant into the baby’s diet can cause an ambiguous reaction in the body.

  • You cannot give your child tea made from citrus fruits, raspberries, and blackberries, as these have strong allergens.
  • Contained forms of tea such as mate, hibiscus, pu-erh, as well as all kinds of tea with barnberries and flavorings.
  • Herbal teas require consultation with a pediatrician.
  • Moms who are in the next year should take comfort in the presence of pepper tea and frequent drinking of teas of all kinds. The stench smells like breast milk.
  • It is not advisable to misuse the permitted tea and give it to children in minimal quantities.

Infusion of tea components onto the child's body

The tea warehouse has a lot of different elements, all the stench permeates the baby’s body.

  • Tein is an alkaloid that has an awakening character. Make a positive influx on the exchange of speech and the work of the intestines. Before the singing world, this speech galvanizes the process of creating vitamin D, which allows people to develop rickets.
  • The tannin reaches the tannins, which react with the liquid. May cause anemia.
  • Purine compounds do not work well for the robot, the baby has a weak stench, so there is no need for attention.
  • Oxalic acid replaces calcium in the body. This element is negatively affected by the formation of the first milk teeth.
  • Microelements: magnesium, zinc, potassium, fluorine, manganese.
  • Vitamins B and C.
  • Flavonoids. Do not allow wasteful substances that are lost in the body to settle there.

As for an adult, all these other elements that are contained in tea and biscuits, then the stench of the child’s body is very strong and can cause harm. You can make sure that the original tea does not contain any bark to prevent you from speaking. In some cases, you can have bad luck. It’s best to avoid distributing the tea product until it reaches 1.5-2 years.

Tea with milk and other additives

Many fathers drink honey and lemon, and teach the same drink to the little ones. In how many months is this kind of tea allowed? It’s a good idea to get used to such songs before fate. The eldest (after 2 years) has brown tea with milk for children. Many nutritionists and pediatricians recommend adding 50% milk to tea. We note that milk is a component of tea, adding:

  • connection with tannins;
  • neutralization of oxalic acid;
  • enhanced relish;
  • neutralization of pigments.

The best additions for children's tea can be dried rosemary fruits, apples, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, and those after treatment with a doctor.

Already in early childhood, and sometimes even earlier, the baby begins to cough, which is what they eat when they grow up, looking at the same table. Then he begins to ask for the same. For example, reach for the tea cup when you finish your meal. The problem is nutrition: how can you give a child tea that he drinks when he grows up, and how can he start earlier, because he wants it so much?

Pediatricians respect that children are not old enough to drink the most mature tea. Then today's fathers have a wide selection of vegetable ingredients from which to brew a savory and brown drink. Police stores also have a wide range of special herbal products for children. Let’s take a look at how and why you need to brew it before introducing tea into your diet.

Zvichay tea: for that and against

Believing that you know how to eat your child, you melodiously listened to the recommendations of relatives who knew them and read materials on this topic. And they noted that their thoughts are good to differ.

There are facts that call for fear of the child’s health.

  • Tanning Rechovyny- Tannins are contraindicated for babies, because they accumulate in the body and reduce hemoglobin, putting a different effect on the mucous membrane of the pouch. To that extent, the stench reduces your appetite.
  • Oxalic acid Possible to weak tooth enamel.
  • The caffeine in tea is harmful for the cardiovascular system, which is developing.

The legacy of uncontrolled living – allergies, hyperactivity, nightmares, rotten memory and inability to concentrate – do not appear immediately, but in the future, because speech “unconscious” for a child’s body accumulates step by step.

But still, there is no reason why you can give children the best tea - especially for the sake of the children’s health.

Ale is a tasty and even brown alternative to basic home brewing.

Special tea for children

There are special herbal infusions that not only provide a pleasant aroma and relish, but also have beneficial effects on health. It stinks the heart and bones, brushes and teeth, and contains vitamin C and group B vitamins. Such products are sold in specialized stores or in pharmacies. The cream contains natural ingredients, they may have fruit and berry extracts. And, of course, you can prepare homemade soup.

For a newborn baby

Infants should not suffer from extreme tea. And yet, there are special songs for them. The doctor can recommend them in the first part of life, especially for painting the bowel, inserting intestinal pegs, swelling.

Such warehouses do not contain GMOs, flavorings, preservatives, or additives. The stench cannot be removed from the corn and gluten. You can buy, for example, Hipp tea for newlyweds. Yogo is easy to prepare by mixing a teaspoon of sumisha with 100 ml of warm boiled water. It’s best to give fresh, fresh infusions right away, without leaving any unsatisfied drinks for later. Store in dry storage for 2-3 months, store it in a dark place at room temperature.

Who can give tea to a child is a controversial topic. During the neonatal period (the first 28 days), you do not need anything other than breast milk. Then water is added, and other supplementary drinks are added when complementary foods are introduced.

Of course, it’s not easy to buy tea for newlyweds; it doesn’t matter if you prepare it yourself. Mix the following dry ingredients: 100 g chamomile, 150 g fragrant dill herb, 50 g currant leaf. Pour a teaspoon of this mixture into a bottle of dill and leave for an hour in a thermos. This infusion is brown when gassed, which will ease up after an hour of intestinal rings. You can give it one teaspoon at a time and no more than 6 times per serving.

For children before fate

The axis of the restoration of fakhivtsіv from children's food with the drive of the one in which they will instill the child with a new drink.

Sometimes children develop an allergy to seemingly unnecessary products. Those little ones, especially older ones, need to consult a pediatrician.

Calming children's teas: available at the pharmacy

If the child is overawakened, I believe that it is bad to sleep - this is a real problem not only for herself, but for the entire homeland. Walking in the open air and eating regularly do not help. The doctor determines what is the cause of the baby’s nervousness. Often, instead of taking medications, it is enough to make a calming tea for children.

You can take a special supplement that may have a sedative effect. No one has any chemicals, no moisture, no tea leaves - only brown medicinal herbs. The stench will help the child relax, she will behave calmly and sleep peacefully.

In pharmacies you will find children's calming tea, in stock:

  • Shipshini fruit;
  • licorice;
  • birch leaves;
  • lavender;
  • motherwort;
  • mint.

Among the producers of children's drinks is the German HiPP. This tea is not cheap, you can drink it from the next month of your baby’s life. In your warehouse:

  • lemon balm;
  • chamomile;
  • linden color;
  • dextrose (glucose, grape zukor).

Give the child a drink in the evening for a better sleep, drink it as a mild antipyretic. 100 ml is allowed per dose. To please the doctor, give the child a drink from the first days of life.

Teas are sold in bags, from any location in individual packaging. One serving of granules is mixed with 100 ml of boiled water (no need to add zucchini).

Tea for peace: prepare it yourself

Wonderfully calm infusions can also be found in the home. We will look at a number of brewing methods using natural ingredients.

Z shipshini

Rosehip tea is rich in vitamin C and calcium, which is essential during teething. It improves the immune system and reduces blood circulation. You can drink Yogo 2-3 times per meal, before meals.

Brew yak:

  1. detail the stud;
  2. Pour two tablespoons of berries into a jar and pour 2 bottles of water;
  3. For 15 minutes, warm the container in a water bath (place it in a saucepan with dill);
  4. Cool overnight at room temperature;
  5. strain through cheesecloth, folded into two balls.

After cooking, it is permissible to store the water for two or three minutes in a cool, dark place.

Z daisies

Chamomile tea relaxes, preserves the baby’s high spirits, and helps with problems with illnesses and colds. Give the child 1 teaspoon each in front of the hedgehog.

Brew yak:

  • Pour one teaspoon of chamomile into a bottle of water;
  • check 15-20 hvilins;
  • strain through cheesecloth.

Z m'yati

Tea made from mint is not only calming, but also easy to relieve irritation, and helps with bloating. Let us recommend this drink for three reasons.

Brew yak:

  • Pour a pinch of chopped mint leaf into a bottle of hot water;
  • check 5-10 hvilins;
  • strain;
  • dilute with water so that the infusions do not become too wasteful.

Calming tea for children, like any other, depends on its ingredients and has its own nuances. Give the child the best of the guts, watching out for her self-consciousness. The pediatrician will help you objectively assess the health of your baby and determine what kind of tea you can drink.


Black tea- Drink, the one who knows everything from childhood. I want to give it to my dad at home, but I try it first at the kindergarten or at the school. Regardless of those who value cinnamon, the rich have a problem with nutrition: from what age can a child have black tea?

The description of the food is in the description: protects, reduces appetite, stimulates the functioning of all systems of the body. For an adult, such a set of meats looks richly satisfying, but for a baby, it may not be at all bad for you.

For example, babies don’t need additional nutrition at all, because they often have problems with sleep: their tummy is turbulent, their teeth are being cut. It’s not too much to reduce your appetite; most young children are even more likely to be indignant. And while stimulating the metabolism of speech, it may be completely contraindicated for the child, since the child’s body is still being formed, and additional activation of its systems may result in full-blown pathology.

All that has been said is that children under three years of age should not be given black tea at all. And if the child asks, then give one or two teaspoons of weakly brewed water.

How to properly give black tea to a child

As Malyukov should be black tea, then start introducing it into your diet step by step. Let's start giving a few teaspoons to drink. Naturally, the tea leaves may be much weaker. Also, starting from the beginning, you should drink tea not every day, but two or three times a week. Next, children can drink black tea every other day, and then every day.

If the baby is ready to drink, you can give him a cup of tea. This portion will be completely sufficient so that it does not harm the child’s body.

When you first introduce black tea into your baby’s menu, be sure to follow the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to buy only bright, loose-leaf black tea, without any added flavorings, to avoid possible allergies to the additional components of the brew. It is not good to buy tea bags, because the wine is not always hot;
  • It is necessary to brew black tea correctly: with fresh water, just after boiling, in a clay teapot. pour about 10 hvilins;
  • The brew must be weak (a pinch of tea leaf per 300 ml of water);
  • For prepared drinks, you can add just a little bit of zucchini;
  • add a little milk to the tea;
  • You don't need to give your child tea while it's hot.

When teaching children, it is imperative to monitor their reaction. You feel drunk like a baby feels after drinking tea. Since the child is naturally active, and also often has problems with sleep, she needs to sleep away with black tea. Children who have other health problems also suffer.

The child has no allergies For berries and citrus zest, you can add a slice of lemon or a splinter of raspberry, black or red currant to the teapot. Especially this kind of blackberry tea, the shards will be an additional supply of vitamins. You cannot add milk to this berry tea, otherwise it will burn. And the honey will be even more natural, since the child has no allergies to it.

Black tea for children, how to drink something every hour before kindergarten or school, if you need to get inspired and get used to games and learning. Every time there is no need to give your child black tea. Before tea, you need to give a sandwich, a pie or a bakery.

Drink black tea Two days a day is possible for school-age children up to ten years. It is important that the next tea is not later than the sixth anniversary of the evening.

Calming tea for children

Little children - little babies - sleep badly or throw up at the slightest charudin, believe in nothing for no reason, teeth are cut. This is just the tip of the iceberg, which means you have to roll with your dad. To overcome such problems, pediatric pediatricians recommend introducing calming tea for children before meals.
Start giving calming tea to children before bedtime, preferably with a one-ingredient product, to reduce the risk of allergies. A drink is given to the child a few years before going to bed. The tea must be freshly brewed and not stored for more than two years.
Popular one-component drinks:

  • From chamomile - prescribed for newborn children. Tea relaxes and normalizes sleep.
  • with calendula – helps to normalize the intestinal flora of babies and has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system.
  • from linden - vikorista as an antipyretic remedy and a decrease in anxiety.

Calming tea for children You can prepare it yourself or buy it from a specialized store. In pharmacies, tea is sold in the form of retail granules or bags.

Making calming chamomile tea at home

Dry syrup is available in the pharmacy. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile with water (0.5 liters) and bring to a boil in a water bath. The war is ongoing. Babies are given two teaspoons before the end of the day; For older children, give 3-4 tablespoons of tea once a day. If the baby is not allergic, you can add a drop of linden honey.
Children of both ages can be given richly-component drinks.
Remember! The effect of calm drinks does not manifest itself in mittevo! To maintain positive dynamics, it is necessary to infuse the tea with a stretch of 2-3 stretches. If the desired effect does not occur, consult a child psychologist.

As a child grows older, it is important to be separated from each other by milk and water. They also have a variety of juices and pulp, and sometimes even tea. In what age and what kind of tea can a child be given?

What is special about the infusion of different varieties of tea on a child’s body? About this - given in statistics.

Until one roku

According to WHO recommendations, captives up to six months should not be given anything other than milk. For four months (as long as the child is not breastfed), it is already possible to give special teas for children, in which you will not find caffeine or tannic acids, which reduce appetite.

Such teas are absolutely safe for children, have a pleasant taste and a richness of power: calm, normalizes the functioning of the bowel, and so on. You can buy them from specialized stores, first of all, remember, for what purpose this tea is used, and also consult a pediatrician.

Starting from six months, it is recommended to give the baby special herbal baby teas. Obviously, the concentration may be similar to the century. Herbs that are most beneficial for a child’s health: chamomile and fennel (their smells have an antiseptic, antispasmodic effect, enhance the activity of food worms and normalize intestinal motility); mint and lemon balm (mint for a calm action). It is recommended to give this tea to children up to 1 time per day at least one year before bedtime.

Up to three rocks

After one hour, you can start preparing vitamin-rich fruit and berry teas. They improve the immune system and the body, as well as vitamins, and reduce appetite.

An alternative option is the following fruits and berries: sourdough, green apple, currant, pear, raspberry, apricot, linden. You can replace the fruits with vikory leaves - the stench is less allergenic.

After three rocks

If it is important to give your child “mature” tea, for example, black, green or white, then it should be done strictly after 3 drinks.

It is also important to brew these types of tea that are infused with caffeine and tannins, so brew them once a day. If you give such tea to a child in the evening, there is a high level of confidence, so that the child suffers from sleeplessness and nervousness.

Doctors recommend starting your acquaintance with this drink after 3 drinks of black leaf tea without additives. The wine is lightly brewed and without turmeric, if you want to “sweeten your life,” you can add honey.

You can also brew baby hibiscus, as it does not have a clear expression of tonic powers, but in this case you will need vitamins.

Tea is a popular drink among wealthy families, which provides a tonic effect and relieves sprague. As adults, you can drink it in reasonable quantities, practically without restriction. Pediatricians recommend giving infants and young children boiled water and diluted fruit and vegetable juices for drinking. In order not to harm the child’s body, it is necessary to know how to give tea to children and how to brew it correctly.

Black, green or herbal teas nourish the body and give older people a boost of energy for a difficult time. Vіn good vgamova sprague. In view of other positive powers of aromatic drink:

  • the presence of tanning agents reduces appetite;
  • normalizes speech metabolism;
  • improves the immune system;
  • contain minerals (zinc, fluorine, magnesium and potassium), vitamin C, group B vitamins, antioxidants;
  • helps relieve the legacy of diarrhea and restore water balance;
  • relieves swelling;
  • crosses over the making of stones at the bottom.

Just a note. When added to honey, lemon, berries and herbs, tea infuses medicinal powers and helps fight sleeplessness, colds, fatigue and stress.

Disappointing authorities

Nutrition, for how many months can you give a child tea, it’s not for nothing that rich mothers and grandmothers praise. In the early stages of childhood, this easily causes hyperactivity, insomnia, restlessness and rapid heart rate in children. This can be the cause of allergies, nightmares and fleeting sepsis.

Another of the minuses is the importance of brewing the preparation of tooth enamel. Any tea often causes anemia in children, loss of memory and the accumulation of waste salts in the body. Pediatricians themselves are not pleased to give drinks to unborn children until they die, and for obvious illness – even to children of the older age.

When can you give tea to Malyukov?

It is not recommended to give freshly brewed black tea to children under 1.5-2 years of age, greens due to high caffeine and tannin levels until they reach decimal age. And special children's mixtures that contain vitamins, herbal extracts and berries. This tea is suitable for children from 1 month. You can use mint, cinnamon, fennel, vitamins C and B. Such collections are called “sluts”, they cause problems with the pickling system: constipation, bloating, colic.

If you have allergies or colds, you can brew tea for your pets within 1 month and place chamomile in the storehouse. Roslina has anti-inflammatory action. For 4 months, it is allowed to give the cubs a mixture based on lemon balm and linden to calm their brews.

Just a note. For herbal tea for children 6 months old, you can add a mixture of several herbs, starting with 1-2 teaspoons to combat allergies.

Brewing rules

You can brew the baby with black tea to remove the least amount of tannin and tein. With red and green ones it’s better to check. The axis of the sprat rules, binding until the end.

  • It is forbidden to brew baby tea bags due to the presence of additives and cheap houses. Stinks can cause allergies, diarrhea, and vaginal disorder.
  • You need to pour half a teaspoon of tea leaves into a bottle of hot dill so that you don’t drink too much. Press the mixture for 2-3 minutes, then it is recommended to strain through a sieve.
  • I really need to get some fresh brew, because in the country that has been standing for a while, the preparations seem to be poor. Bazhano, so that the drink is weak, warm, light brown.
  • It is permissible to give small brews to the stomach, and herbal teas before bedtime, for a calming effect.

See the child's tea

All children are divided into two groups.

Medical and preventive. Promotes a calm mind, helps with mood disorders, restlessness and restless sleep. Mist anise, chamomile, fennel, mint.
Preventive. Boost immunity, add vitamins, rose extracts, herbs and berries – rosemary, black currant, lingonberry, raspberry.
Just a note. Popular among mothers are the collections “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Bayushki-Bayu”, granulated warehouses of the Hipp brand. They include thyme, raspberries, linden flowers, fruits and herbs that do harm to a child’s body.


Leafy herbal infusions are used for teething, abdominal pain, bad sleep and restless behavior. The stench gives a calm feeling and helps fight colds. You can give such drinks to children on a regular basis for up to 3 years.

You can independently pick and brew with dill the leaves of currant, cranberry, mint, lingonberry, chamomile flowers, and calendula. All parts of the roslin should be dried, trimmed, and stored in a dry, dark place. For free, it’s easier to buy ready-made products at the pharmacy.


The power of green tea has not been fully explored, so pediatricians should not give it to children under 3-5 years of age. This drink will have a strong tonic effect on the child’s psyche, leading to shlank discord through the great storage of essential oils.


Respected for the shortest possible time, it is allowed to be taken within 4 months with the addition of a small amount of tea leaves, the presence of zucchini, and flavorings. Newborns on a supplementary diet are given after birth, while newborns on a supplementary diet are given a teaspoon every 2-3 months due to contraindications.

Acceptable norm for children

Having grown up, for how many months you can give tea incessantly, and do not forget about the allowance of dosing.

  • Until the 3rd birthday, it is recommended to drink it not every day, but at least 3 times a week. It is not his fault to put a third of the bottle on top.
  • Children 3-6 years old are allowed to drink 100 ml every day.
  • After the seventh century, you can increase the value by pouring a teaspoon of tea leaves with 200 ml of water per serving.


Contraindications for use in children are:

  • increased sensitivity to caffeine;
  • food allergy;
  • individual intolerance of brewing components;
  • hyperactivity;
  • disease of the intestinal tract (gastritis, infection);
  • trivale insomnia;
  • temperature increased;
  • illness nirok;
  • century to 3 years.

Popular recipes for tea with additives

Adding some additives to a child's diet can bring bark, but just follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not add cinnamon or citrus fruits, which contain strong allergens, when brewed;
  2. turn on varieties with flavorings, barnberries, such as mate, puerh, hibiscus;
  3. Obviously, before purchasing supplements, consult a pediatrician;
  4. In case of allergic reactions, it is important to take this medicine.


It is allowed to be administered to preschool and school age children from 2-3 years of age. Mix the mixture with 1 part milk and 1 part lightly brewed tea, after it has risen you can pour more liquid. Boiling milk neutralizes tannins and oxalates and prevents teeth from turning dark.


Ginger drink normalizes the healing process, helps with tiredness, fatigue, colds and rhinitis. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system and is more effective against coughing. To prepare, trim a piece of ginger root to 2-3 cm, pour in 0.5 liters of dill. Infuse for an hour, if contraindicated, add a dash of honey and a dash of lemon juice.


This licorice berry improves appetite, has a beneficial effect on the child’s herbal system, and helps fight fever and colds. To prepare the tea, mix a sufficient amount of dried or fresh raspberries, pour in dill and infuse for about 10 quilins.


Drinking thyme improves immunity, contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids and other root compounds. When you reach the courtyard age, you can treat it with HRV, rhinitis, and flu in children. When brewing dill until black, add a teaspoon of the selected leaf.


Fragrant lemon juice with lemon acts as a preventative against any colds. For initial weakly brewed tea, after cooling by half, add a squeeze of lemon or add a teaspoon of juice, add sugar or honey. Lemon can only be added to the diet if a child is allergic to citrus fruits.

  • It is better to buy black tea for children from a specialized store, depending on the preparation technology and the terms on the package.
  • No flavorings, additional ingredients or flavoring agents are stored in the warehouse.
  • Immediately place the packages back on the tray to remove the leaves and granulations.
  • Introduce the vegetable into the diet carefully, one teaspoon at a time, gradually increasing the volume of the cup.
  • When brewing herbs, berries, pieces of fruit, let the baby have an allergic reaction for several days.
  • Since you can’t feel feverish, you can’t give tea to drink - the temperature will rise even more.
  • It is necessary to drink the collection warm: hot ones damage tooth enamel, cold ones are rotten to soak in.

If you follow all the rules of brewing and recommended dosing, you can promote the resistance of the child’s body to various infections, relieve abdominal pain, and promote healthy sleep without disturbance.
