Working out of the foreign history 7. Korish workshops from the vital history for the seventh-graders and those who had solved before them

Working out of the foreign history 7. Korish workshops from the vital history for the seventh-graders and those who had solved before them

  • The worker is busy with the history of the New Hour teacher A. Ya. Yudovska has broken up the spirit with L. M. Vanyushkinoyu. Before the student (part 1 and 2) before the assistant of the Federal State Educational Standard of the 7th class, enter the new management - the seventh-graders should keep the empty graphs of the tables, select the tables from the transcript, complete the propositions, store contour pictures.
  • The methodology that the reader has in mind is the value of the zoshita for the present - the repetition, the loss of knowledge, the refinement of the robots with cards. However, the seventh-graders, who are busy with their decisions, give up, get tired of being ridiculed of filthy assessments.
  • Posibnik GDZ to serve for such schoolchildren as a reference charming baton - it is easy to change the visitor's name, the online mode is transferred. The text of the zoshita is prompted again, with the help of additional help, it can be done with the electronic version. As long as it’s very flexible, it’s possible to be quick and smart, because of the reason it’s difficult. Golovne, the decision to go uncontrollable, for an hour on discipline, are too overwhelmed, vistachaє, and lessons from the seven-graders are chimalo.
  • Batkіv nerіdko ryatuє GDZ- additional help, the correct adjustment of the DZ is safe. If you allow uchnevi vikoristovuvati Oratnik, virіshuyut daddy samі. In case of a sensible corystuvanny, bring an obvious cinnamon.
  • Nova history - korisny workshops for seventh-grade students with students

  • The great period of history - from 1500 to 1800 rik, which I am looking for three centuries, I call Fakhivtsi New Hour. By extending the whole term, they accepted that the countries began to actively develop, as they play their role in the arena of the world. Respectfully that thoughtfully vivivshie New hour at the social history, it is possible to intelligence and analyze the root of current international problems and conflicts, the possibility of coming from them, stabilization in the sphere of political development. Same period to be taught for an hour of lessons in the history of seven-grade students. Oskilki, for statistics, a lot of 7th grade scholars take part in subject historical Olympiads and contests, for good training and effective initial materials and decision-makers before them.
  • Planning and goodbye to the robot GDZ, next:
    - Objectively assessment of sv_y cob ryven knowledge;
    - Visnachitsya with goals, priority and other rows;
    - Formulate a plan, go to the set of individual buildings;
    - In some, regularly, take self-control, assess the results achieved, dynamism, promptly identify and assimilate problems, correct plans;
    - select a set of UMK that is optimal for a specific skin type.
  • Vyrishity will be helped by the rest of the staff from a specialist - tutor, history teacher, subject teacher. The main emphasis of slid development is on practical work-books, which allow more gliboko and comprehension of the intelligence of complex theoretical material. It’s not necessary, but a collection of practical workers with a part of the teaching and learning method, how to become victorious in schools, is a smut, it’s roughly scattered with those, but they themselves have the right to grow up for the level of folding that format.
  • In the midst of effective examiners, experts call a workmanship from the history of the New Hour for the 7th grade, folds by A. Ya. Yudovskoy and L. M. Vanyushkina.
    - Historical testimonials;
    - logical staff and crosswords;
    - analytical material;
    - Test, the format is analogous to the one taught in discipline at ODE.
  • The manager, presented to the reader, for the equal amount of folding. That is, you should be admitted to an advanced level and go to prepare for the Olympics, indicated by the sign "star".

5th kind. - К .: 2017. - Part 1 - 80s., Part 2 - 80s. M .: 2010. - Part 1 - 80s., Part 2 - 80s.

A working process is used to sew є a warehouse UMK to a reprocessing, according to FGZS, the main overseas education of the employee O. Ya. Yudovskoy and in. “Home history. History of the New Hour. 1500-1800. 7th grade ". It is important for self-dependent robots in the home and in the classroom. Prior to the skin paragraph of the handler, the knowledge is taught, organized in the universities of universal primary processes. zoshit included developmental tests in the format of the ODE to the skin of the handler.

Part 1.

Format: pdf(2017, 80s.)

Rosemir: 10 Mb


Part 2.

Format: pdf(2017, 80s.)

Rosemir: 10 Mb


Format: pdf / zip(Offense to zoshiti) (2010; 80 + 80s.)

Rosemir: 19.7 MB

Zavantazhiti: RGhost

Shanovna seventh graders!
Vykonuyuchi rіznomanіtnі zoshitі, switched on before working zoshita, and you can systematize, revіtіtіt and zakrіpiti znannya, as described in the process of inculcating the history of the New hour.
Zavdannya, marked by a star (*), is an advanced level of folding.
Most of the proponents of the plant are insured for short, accurate and mnidpovids. As soon as the mission introduced into the plant is to be seen, it will not appear inadequate, it is easy to move the robot on an adjacent sheet of paper and then carefully add it to the field of the visible side of the work plant.

Tsey check out the revision of the federal sovereign sanctuary standard (another generation).
The working person is responsible for the change in the structure of the employee A.Ya. Yudovskaya, P.A. Before it was included in the form of versatility, and in the same foldability of the plant, the knowledge of the science is repeated, the change is taken into account at the level of knowledge, the fix is ​​made and the necessary information and the navički are adjusted. The contour pictures and the staff before them help the scientists to formulate the robots' tips with the historical atlas and the cards of the handler. Zosit can be done at home and at home.
A working person makes signs for scholars of 7 classes, teachers and methodologists.

put it on.
Give the sign of the offensive analyst and give it to the power supply.
Theory of the community agreement -
1. Who has solved the theory and if?
2. Why is the theory of victory in England?
3. What's new in the theory of T. Hobbes?

Vikoristovuchi material of the paragraph, viclade main position of Adam Smit.
1. What is the information about the ideas of the leading educators?
2. Yak vvazhaєte, to whom did these ideas originate in England?
3. The novel "Evgeniy Ongin" by A.S. Pushkin write, scho Ongin "... after reading Adam Smita and a big economy ..."
4. Didn't Adam Smit's ideas lose their relevance in our days?

§18-19. International Vidnosini at the XVI-XVIII centuries.
§twenty. Great educators of Europe
§21. Svit Artistic Culture Education
§22. On the way to the industrial era
§23. English colonies near Pivnichniy America
§24. Viyna for independence. Developed by the New States of America
§25. France at the XVIII century. Cause that ear of the French Revolution
§26. French revolution. From the monarchy to the republic
§27. French revolution. From the Jacobin dictatorship until the 18th Brumaire of Napoleon Bonaparte
§28. Derzhavi Shodu: traditional suspension in the early New Hour
§29-30. Keep Going. Ear of European colonization
Basic dates.

Bezkoshtovno zavantazhit e-book in the manual format, amazed at that reading:
Bookmark the book Robochiy zoshit from the history of the New Hour, 7th grade, Part 2, Rumyantsev V.Ya., 2017 -

  • The resolver from history to include in the examination of the subject and in addition to helping to achieve significant success in the discipline. Pick yogo right!
  • GDZ- the miracle of the possibility of quickly overlooking material omissions, effectively closing and reconverting knowledge, as well as expanding the knowledgeable world. Prepare reports online may be roztsinuvatisya yak shlyakh to self-completion, and not a quick cheat sheet.
  • The vivchenna historical realities of Russia 16-18 Art. before the seventh-graders fasting is low. The course is explained with dates, facts and events that are important for understanding and memory. Vikladach and scientists will learn an easy way to organize information. A. A. Danilov, having broken a number of structured home establishments, in order to stage the hearing in the course to the point:
    test for self-revision;
    relevant tables;
    trenuvalny to the right;
    developing staff.
  • It's easy to go through the thorny path of becoming at once with Russia! The solver, who was sent by the professionals at his own right, will become a clean traveler for hours of Troubles, new economic manifestations, church schooling, Peter's reforms and Katerininsky prrivivs.
  • Korishny workshops from the vital history for the seventh-graders and the students before them

  • The end of the 17th and 18th centuries - from the hours of Petrovsky to the reign and rule of Pavel Pershoi - is one of the simplest and most intriguing epochs in the Russian history. The number of palace coups, two epochs of the "female" rule - immediately 4 empresses on the throne - two Katerinis, Hanna Ioanivna, Alizaveta Petrivna. I - great changes and achievements, expansion of cordons of empire, improvement of power. All the time for the seventh-grade students for an hour of lessons in the history of the day. Help them in the whole world to master the course of school programs to allow those who are in the know and who are kratniks before them.
  • Plus - bazhannya retelno and scrupulously take care of GDZ, remembering and analyzing the essence, and the technology of recording the correct messages. It remains especially important for quiet seventh-graders who plan to participate in historical subject Olympiads and competitions. It is not easy to produce the result even if it is not possible to make the result before losing the score, or perhaps overcoming the prize. Anyone who is busy with the workers of ready-made households will be guilty on the principles:
    - systematic, in order to encourage the implementation of a competent training plan, so that the basic level of knowledge is learned, for the duration of the hour, which is planned to take vitality for training;
    - the complexity, storing of effective teaching materials, selection of all kinds of books and additional information;
    - the regularity of self-control, self-revision with the method of promptly revealing and correcting all glazed holes, shortcomings, shortcomings in the robot.
  • The education of basic materials can be trusted to the faculty - subject teachers, tutors, teachers of students and courses in order to be independent. Yak the base of a richly vikorystovuyu UMK, a program that will be stuck in school history lessons. It is possible to complement the basic theoretical handler with the help of tsikavim and korishnymi practicums. Among such experts, they name the workmanship of the history of Russia for the 7th grade, the folds of A. A. Danilov and L. G. Zbirnyk, to avenge the standard of a reasonable level of folding in that format. For example:
    - crosswords and analytical work;
    - analysis and assessment of information from historical references and documents, documents;
    - Test materials;
    - Comparative tables;
    - cartographic department.

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