Zam'yatin mi green wall. Evgeniy Ivanovich zam'yatin mi roman, povisti, announcement

Zam'yatin mi green wall. Evgeniy Ivanovich zam'yatin mi roman, povisti, announcement

Illustration by S. Dergachov

Maybut is far away. D-503, talented engineer, wake-up officer of the space ship "Integral", keeping notes for the sites, telling about "finding heights in the human history" - the life of the United State and the head of the Benefactor. The title of the manuscript is “Mi”. D-503 will be thwarted by the time, who are the giants of one Power, number, lead the insured behind the Taylor system, suvoro regulated by Godinnikov's Tablet of life: get up at once, fix and finish the robot, go to the auditorium, go to the auditorium. For the numbers on the visa, start the list of sexual days and see a coupon book. Д-503 of exhilaration: "Mi is from God, and 'I' is from the devil."

Like a spring day with my cute, roundly chiselled friend, recorded in 0-90, D-503 at the same time with the same numbers, the same way, the march of the pipes to the Musical Plant. Behind him, don’t know, with even more bile and gusty teeth, with a dashing ix in the eyes and eyebrows. I-330, tonka, rizka, stubborn-nnuchka, yak batig, read dumki D-503.

After a few days of I-330, I ask for D-503 to the Old House (the stench will come to the airplane). The apartment-museum has a grand piano, chaos of farb and forms, a statue of Pushkin. D-503 of burials at the wild whiff of old life. Ale if I-330 ask him to destroy the order of the day that will be over there, D-503 will send the virus to the Bureau of Okhoronts and tell her about it. On the other hand, the coming day is in the Medical Bureau: it’s for you to be built, in the new time, it’s № 1, and it’s obviously ill. Yogo zvіlnyayut from robots.

D-503 at the same time with the same numbers are present on the square of Cuba for an hour of the strati of one poet, who wrote about the Benefactor of Bluesnirski Virshi. You can read poetry of virok with blue lips, you tremble, buddy D-503, Sovereign Sings R-13. Zlochintsya is a blagodinik himself, heavy, kam'yaniy, yak share. Vibliyskogo gosdré went to change the car, and to replace the number - the quality of the chemically clean water.

Nezabarom budіvelnik "Integrala" will take away the occasion that I signed up for the new I-330. D-503 є to her, I have a year. I-330 taunt yogo: burn ancient "cigarettes", n'є liker, snake and D-503 zrobiti kovtok at the potsilunku. The implantation of cichs will be wiped out from the United State, it is hardened, and D-503 is guilty of something, but it can’t be done. Now it is vin. In the tenth entry, it’s won’t know that the guinea and і can’t be more liable to one State, and in the eleventh — that now there are two "I" jealous, Yak in idyot ancient books. Yakbi of the nobility, yake z tsikh "I" is right!

D-503 is unsuitable without I-330, that її nowhere is mute. At the Medical Bureau, where you can help you to go to double-sign Zberigach S-4711, buddy I, you’ll find out that the “Integral's” wake-up call has no illnesses: at a new one, as in some of the number of souls, I have done it.

D-503 to come at the Old Dim, at the "kykhnyu" apartment, see the door of the shafi, and the rapt ... go down in the new z-pid nig, go down into the pidzemlya, reach the door, behind the yachs - hum. It’s yogi zvidti likar. "I thought, I-330 ..." - "Go here!" - Doctor znikє. I dare! Nareshty won’t be right. D and I go - two-one ... Vona ida, yak i vin, iz flattened eyes, throwing their head up, biting their lips ... The "Integral" buzzword is now in the new light: now it’s clumsy, kudlate, irratsional.

0-90 reason: D-503 to love іnshu, that is, you know your record on a new one. When you come to say goodbye to another, ask: "I want - I am guilty from you children - I am going, I am going!" - What? Did you want the Benefactor's Machine? Aje vi is ten centimeters lower than the Mother's Norm! " - “Come on! But I see yogo in my own. I want a few days ... "How can I see it? .. I D-503 vikonuє її prokhannya - start throwing yourself down from the battery.

I-330 nareshty be at his own cohan. "Did you torment me now, did you not come again?" - "And maybe I need you to viprobuvati, you need the nobility, what a zrobish mustache, what do I want, what is it mine?" - "So, call!" Solodki, GOSTrі teeth; smile, won in fіlіzhantsі krіsla - yak bjola: in nіy sting and honey. And then - bjoli - ruin, liquorish blister of flowers, blush ... "I can't do that, I. You don't mind all the time", - "Aren't you afraid to follow me everywhere?" - "Hi, I'm not afraid!" - "Todi pislya of the Day is one-voiced understanding everything, if not ..."

It is now a great Day of one voice, it was on the eye of the old Great Day, yak write D-503; The scrupulous vibori of the Benefactor, the cleanliness of the will of one “Mi”. Chavunniy, povilny voice: "Whoa 'for' - I ask you to raise your hands." Rustle of millions of hands, from the Zusillians, their і D-503. "Who is" against "?" Thousands of hands flew up the hill, and in the middle - the I-330. I dal - the whirlwind of the big shat, the decay of the post of Okhoronts, R-13, which is taken away in the hands of I-330. Yak battering ram D-503 steamed NATO, vikhopyu I, all in the blood, at R-13, mintly clung to itself and taken away. Abi axle so carry її, carry, carry ...

And the next day in the Ediniy Derzhavniy Gazeta: "The 48th time, the same Blagodiynik is addressed in one voice." And everywhere there are sheets of paper with the words "Mephi" printed on them.

D-503 from I-330 by corridors under the Old-Time House, walk from the place behind Zelena Stin, at the lower svit. Sluggishly strings din, whistle, light. D-503's head is spinning. D-503 bach wild people, scho overgrown with life, cheerful, life-long. I-330 know them from the buzzer of "Integral" and even if you can help get the ship, and to give in to the wall between the place and the wild light. And on the stone are the majestic letters Mephi. D-503 is clear: wild people - half, the town dwellers have lost, one H2, іnshі O, and then H2O got out, it’s necessary, but half were lost.

I signify a favor to the Old Budinka and show me the plan of “Mephi”: grab “Integral” for an hour of trial use, and, having broken this shot against the One State, finish everything at once, quickly, without pain. “Yaka lack of gullibility, I! Adzhe our revolution will be the last! - “Ostannoi - ni, revolutions are not endless, and inakshe - entropia, blessed calm, rivnovaga. Alle the need to destroy the heaps of the uninterrupted ruin. " D-503 can't see the snakes, even among them ...

On the market at the State Gazette there is a decree about the Great Operation. Meta is the humiliation of fantasy. Operations are guilty of all the numbers, they are thorough, machine tools. You can, turn the operation D and vilikuvatisya from souls, from I? Ale can't be without her. I don’t want a little mess ...

At the rose, in the auditorium, doors are widely seen, and there is a large column of operations. Now they are not people, but like people like tractors. The stench is unobtrusive to rip through NATO and rapt to hunt him. Chiyis piercing cry:

"Zaganyut, bіzhіt!" І all tіkayut. D-503 vbigak read it to yakis pіd'їzd, and the way to appear there і 0-90. Vona may not want to be operative and ask for a child. D-503 yes a note to I-330: get some help.

The first axis of the finalization of the "Integral" flight. Sered numbers on the ships are the members of "Mephi". "I'm up - 45!" - Command D-503. Deaf vibuh - shit, then mittєva curtain hmar - ship krіz neї. First sun, blue sky. At the radiotelephone D-503, I-330 is known - at the auditory krylata sholomi, scho vibisku, taphole, yak ancient valkirii. “In the evening, come before me with your note, - even if D. - I’ve changed the rules - right there, beyond the Wall. Won’t live ... ”Every day. Effort - to the farther. In the first turn, it was declared: “From the name of the Okhoronts ... We know everything. To you - to whom I speak, you feel ... Viprobuvannya will be brought to the end, if you don’t dare zirvati. And then ... ”I - say, blue iskri. Na vuho D: “A, then tse vi? Vee - "vikonali obov'yazok"? " I win raptom with zhakh rozumіє: tse chergova Yu, as I have more than once been in your room, tse vona read yo notes. Budivelnik "Integral" - at the command scar. Win firmly punishes: “Down! Zupiniti dviguni. Kinets of everything. " Khmari - and since it is far off the green of the beach, rush to the ship in a whirlwind. The personage of Another Budivelnik has been downgraded. Vin shtovkhaє D-503 with a fist swing, and that is already falling, foggy chuє: "Feed - another go!" Risky stribok in the mountain.

D-503 wicked up to itself the Benefactor and even if you ask me a long time about paradise - a misce, de blessed with a fantasized opera, and D-503 will be used by the wicked as a wake-up call "Integral". "The world is not aware of the names of all, ale of singing, see you for a reason."

The coming day will appear, how the Wall vibrated and in the place of lithuania of birds. On the streets there were. Kovtayuchi rozkrytymi mouths of the storm, the stench collapses on zad. The edge of the wall can be seen: the women and the number of the rooms are angry, they could not lower the curtains, without the necessary coupons.

D-503 go to the Bureau of Protection and report S-4711 everything you know about Mephi. Win, like the ancient Abraham, to sacrifice Isak - to himself. At first, it becomes clear to the "Integral" buddy: S - one from quiet ...

To smash the D-503 - from the Bureau of Okhorontsi - into one of the huge collection. There, yogo susid, who borrowed the side of evil, share his messages with him: “Bezkinechnosti dumb! Everything is vicious, everything is simple, everything is numbered; and sometimes it is possible to be philosophical ... "-" And there, de end, your kintsevy allsvit? What are the distances there? " The suspicion does not rise. D-503 і all, hto buv there, grab і in the auditorium 112 to send the Great Operation. The head D-503 is now empty, easy ...

The next day, it’s until the Blagodiynik that everything that I see about the fortunes of Happiness will be raised. The first axis of wine at the same table iz the Blagodiynik at the famous Gazoviy room. Guide that woman. Vona maє dati her svіdchennya, if you do not want to move that laugh. Then enter pid dvin. If the s-pid dzon vykachuyut vіtrya, vіdkіdє head, eyes napіvzaplushenі, lips clenched - tse nagadu D-503 well. Wonder at the new one, winked at the handle of the crystal, wonder, so long as your eyes do not fall apart. Todi її vityaguyuyut, for the help of the electric rods, it is easy to bring them to you and again to plant them. So it’s repeated three times - I won’t say a word. Tomorrow, that іnshі, pointed at once with her, will go down the paths of the Machine of the Benefactor.

D-503 will end my notes like this: “At the place, a team has been constructed with high-voltage power supplies. I sing - we can do it. Tom can be overwhelmed by rosum. "


Anti-utopia is a special genre of literature. On one side, to describe the light, which cannot be imagined: the light of the harsh, intolerant to the manifestation of human individuality. From the іnshogo f - zvychane life without any fantastic elements, only on the porch. In the first instance of such a similarity to our experience with you, one hour old is scary.

So є a novel, like having written the Russian writer Eugen Zamyatin, "Mi". Win became the first, hto dissolve some vitvir. The great Aldous Huxley at once from George Orwell became his ambassadors.

Zamyatin, "Mi" A short message to the creator

Novel of spellings in the form of a schodennik, as we know a huge man of the One State. Іm'ya yogo - D-503. Exactly, the whole number. I’m here is dumb, and you can sink the stench into it, so you condemn the Blagodinik - the omnipotent and all-knowing ruler.

The first schoolchildren's records of my knowledge about life in the United State. Effort here to wear the same odeag - yunifi, or if you don't want to become. Your number is written on the skin. As a matter of fact, people who live here are not big people: everything is like that and it sounds like one of the same - by numbers.

Varto signify by writing Zamyatin "Mi", a short snake at a glance, 1920 rock. Oskilki in the novel, there is a clear parallel to the radiance's work, the book, naturally, for the life of the writer in our land has not been seen.

Dal mi diznaєmosya, scho D-503 - one of the talented students, a great mathematician, like, as well as many inhabitants of the United State, work over the roots of INTEGRALU - a space ship, like an unforgettable little time to the virus of the future. Having written Zam'yatin "Mi", a short snake as you read at once, so, it’s hard not to believe in a zhakhlivy One State, fenced off by the Green Wall, for which to live so called savages - people who have lost all the time of the Great Two.

Effort here may be the possibility of article stosunіv іf be-like the number of the prototypical article - it is necessary to deny taking a special mug coupon. Most of the D-503 is built from the O-90 - not a high-pitched piece of writing. The main hero is so and alive - for the distribution, how to be regulated by Vartov's Tablet, while I-330 is not created - a revolutionary, as at once from the deacons of the inhabitants of the United States, to go to see Zelena Stin to volunteer. The spatka D-503 is very expensive, and the woman is uncomfortable. However, in a step-by-step, unsuitable for the new one, it appears almost up to I-330, as it was not seen before - kohannya.

Yak, having finished Zam'yatin "Mi", a short zm_st what have you already read? D-503 at the same time I-330 and the other revolutionaries coveted what they wanted. The wall of the visadzhen's bullet, the numbers in the first hour, beat the wilds, chaos in the United State. Deyakі got up vtekti - tudi, free. Protest all those who have been overtaken (in the middle - and the main hero), get caught up in the Great Operation, as they let their fantasy go. Quietly, hto buv the head organizers of the vibuhu, including the I-330, run for the help of the Gas Ring.

We read the short film "Mi" Zamyatin put his whole soul into the whole tvir, and that one just needs to get to know him all at once.


Diya to the novel is seen from the distant maybutny. The protagonist - D-503 - is an engineer who created the space ship "Integral". I am writing a manuscript, like for the free messengers on the sites. The manuscript tells about those who happily live for the great people of the Great Power, on the number of which the Blagodiynik stands. The manuscript is called "Mi", and the name is not a vipadkova - the State has a clear understanding of "I", but the great people of the State lead the rooted people behind Taylor's special system of life, all the shrieks at the same hour. The stench of coming to the robot at once and walking with it at once, walking and walking at once. The Gromadians of the State do not mind the name of that sense, in which case it was last - all of them have been assigned a number. And in order to learn more about the number of the antiquated article, you need to sign up for a new and special coupon booklet with a graph of sexual activities. Porushnik_in the laws of the state, the Benevolent himself shall strait behind an additional special machine.

Once, walking around the O-90, I signed up for a new, D-503, I did not know I-330, as a substitute for it, and after a few days I asked him to go to Old Dim. The whole apartment is a museum, in the presence of speeches from ancient times - a grand piano, a statue of Pushkin and a lot of things that have not been built in this world for a long time. I-330 go to engineer because of the proposition to ruin the order of the day and get lost with it. Win zhakhom, mind you, now I’ll go to the Bureau of Okhorts and see there about a woman who will violate the rules adopted in the State. The nature is in the name of the Medical Bureau, de jogo is in the form of robots.

After a short hour, you see, I-330 signed up for a new one. It smells like it’s not like it’s because it’s accepted in the State - you’ll smoke cigarettes, p'є liker, shy so, і D-503 vipivє kovtok likeru. The first ones, and those who get involved in the State with hardened rods, and D-503 are simply guilty of the Bureau of Protection about the destruction. Alevin tsyogo can not kill. More than that, I’m quick to understand that they are becoming more and more aware of their obligations to the State, about which I write in my manuscript. When they arrived at the Medical Bureau, they knew that they had no illnesses - they had a soul.

Win shukak zustrichі z I-330, come to the Ancient Dim and, having looked into the shafu, fall into the land, consumed in a new for a new absolutely іrratsіonalny light, de win і zustrіchaє I.

Yogo kolishnya friend of O-90, rozumiyuchi, oh, you can't be more careful with her, come to new words, you want to see the child. Win zhakhom - it still did not go to the Mother's Norm, and for the destruction of the Cheka, the Machine of the Benefactor. Ale vona is at ease, і D vikonuє її proshannya.

It is insistently holy of the One Power - the Day of the One Voice, before the hour when the vibration of the Beneficiary is heard. D-503 at once from millions of giants voted for the great Benefactor. Thousands of huge people of the State voted against, among them I-330. D-503 ryatuє її її to direct, do not know about it. On the coming day, the Derzhavna newspaper will tell about those who, for the 48th time, had the same person in one voice with the Benefactor, and on the streets there are leaflets, signed "Mephi". Before the hour of Chergov's work I-330 is shown to the engineer, that "Mephi" is the organization, as it is against the laws of the United State, and she herself is a member of the organization. Won’t propon і D-503 come to them that vіdkrivaє plan - I want to smell the stench for an hour viprobuvan "Integral" and start on the Power of the blow, which is all viral. I can’t go to the Bureau of Guardians and I’m not able to, because the middle of the wicked I, I’ll not be able to dare to see them, fight, but you won’t be able to work with him only through those who did the work itself, as if ".

On the coming day at the Gazeta, the Decree on the Great Operation is published. This operation is guilty of all the numbers of the state, and it’s possible to help them shake off fantasies, souls, and become thorough and more accurate. In connection with the auditorium, they took all the hulks to carry out the Operation, D-503 device O-90, to ask for a child. Wien write a note over the force until I-330. I additional aid O-90, move over the wall to drain the Power.

Viprobuvannya "Integral" was honored. Ale in the course of viprobuvan, the snifters know that the plan is open. I thought, well, that D saw it, and that mind, that was the record, in which Viklada's mustache, which was sick, read Chergov Yu - won and reported on everything.

D-503 wiklikє to yourself the Benefactor and even to the one who will be used by the wicked ones only as the creator of "Integral". The coming day in the streets of the place will start to rise. Huge dwellers of the state forget about all the rules, in the world there is chaos and bezladdya. Ale Derzhava is not asleep - so, including the D-503, grab on the streets, bring to the auditorium and raise the Great Operation. Pislya operatsiya D vidchuvak, how it became.

Win to come to the Benefactor and tell you everything that you know about the snake. At the same time, from the Benefactor, he was spostering behind him, as he could reach the sight of one woman in front of the Gas Chamber. You don't have to smile, wonder at D and move. It’s just a mess, ale vin can’t be intelligent, but it’s the same. On the coming day, go to the Machine of the Benefactor at once with the іnshikh serpents. The novel will end with the recording of D-503: “I am singing - we can. Tom can be overwhelmed by rosum. "

Maybut is far away. D-503, talented engineer, wake-up officer of the space ship "Integral", keeping notes for the sites, telling him about "finding heights in the human history" - the life of the United State and the head of the Benefactor. The title of the manuscript is “ Mi". D-503 will be thwarted by the time, who are the huge people of one State, number, lead the insured behind the Taylor system, suvoro regulated by Godinnikov's Tablet of life: get up at once, fix and finish the robot, go to the auditorium, go to the auditorium. For the numbers on the visa, start the list of sexual days and see a coupon book. Д-503 of exhilaration: "Mi is from God, and 'I' is from the devil."

Like a spring day with my cute, roundly chiselled friend, recorded in 0-90, D-503 at the same time with the same numbers, the same way, the march of the pipes to the Musical Plant. Behind him, don’t know, with even more bile and gusty teeth, with a dashing ix in the eyes and eyebrows. I-330, tonka, rizka, stubborn-nnuchka, yak batig, read dumki D-503.

For a few days I-330 I will ask for D-503 from Old Dim (the smell will come to the airplane). The apartment-museum has a grand piano, chaos of farb and forms, a statue of Pushkin. D-503 of burials at the wild whiff of old life. Ale if I-330 ask him to destroy the order of the day that will be over there, D-503 will send the virus to the Bureau of Okhoronts and tell her about it. However, the onset of the coming day is in the Medical Bureau: it’s for you to be built, in a new time, the international number 1, and it’s obviously ill. It sounds like a robot.

D-503 at the same time with the same numbers are present on the square of Cuba for an hour of the strati of one poet, who wrote about the Benefactor of Bluesnirski Virshi. You can read poetry of virok with blue lips, you tremble, buddy D-503, Sovereign Sings R-13. Zlochintsya is a blagodinik himself, heavy, kam'yaniy, yak share. Vibliyskogo gosdré went to change the car, and to replace the number - the quality of the chemically clean water.

Nezabarom budіvelnik "Integrala" will take away the occasion that I signed up for the new I-330. D-503 є to her, I have a year. I-330 taunt yogo: burn ancient "cigarettes", n'є liker, snake and D-503 zrobiti kovtok at the potsilunku. The implantation of cichs will be wiped out from the United State, it is hardened, and D-503 is guilty of something, but it can’t be done. Now it is vin. In the tenth entry, it’s won’t know that the guinea and і can’t be more liable to one State, and in the eleventh — that now there are two "I" jealous, Yak in idyot ancient books. Yakbi of the nobility, yake z tsikh "I" is right!

D-503 is unsuitable without I-330, that її nowhere is mute. At the Medical Bureau, where you can help you to go to double-sign Zberigach S-4711, buddy I, you’ll find out that the “Integral's” wake-up call has no illnesses: at a new one, as in some of the number of souls, I have done it.

D-503 to come at the Old Dim, at the "kykhnyu" apartment, see the shafi's doors, and raptom ... go to the new z-pid nig, go down into the pidzemlya, reach the door, behind the yachs - hum. It’s yogi zvidti likar. "I thought, I-330 ..." - "Go here!" - Doctor znikє. I dare! Nareshty won’t be right. D і I go - two-one ... Vona id, yak i vin, iz flattened eyes, throwing up his head, biting his lips ... The Budivelnik "Integral" is now with the new light: now it’s clumsy, kudlate, irratsional.

0-90 reason: D-503 to love іnshu, that is, you know your record on a new one. When you come to say goodbye to another, ask: "I want - I will see you child - I am going, I am going!" - What? Did you want the Benefactor's Machine? Aje vi is ten centimeters lower than the Mother's Norm! " - “Come on! But I see yogo in my own. I want a few days ... "How can I see it? .. I D-503 vikonuє її prokhannya - start throwing yourself down from the battery.

I-330 nareshty be at his own cohan. "Did you torment me now, did you not come again?" - "And maybe I need you to viprobuvati, you need the nobility, what a zrobish mustache, what I want, what is my call?" - "So, call!" Solodki, GOSTrі teeth; smile, won in fіlіzhantsі krіsla - yak bjola: in nіy sting and honey. And then - bjoli - ruin, liquorish bile of flowers, bil kohannya ... "I can't do that, I. You don't mind all the time", - "Aren't you afraid to follow me everywhere?" - "Hi, I'm not afraid!" - "Todi pislya of the Day of One Voice, everyone knows everything, if not ..."

It is now a great Day of one voice, it was on the eye of the old Great Day, yak write D-503; The scrupulous vibori of the Benefactor, the cleanliness of the will of one “Mi”. Chavunniy, povilny voice: "Whoa 'for' - I ask you to raise your hands." Rustle of millions of hands, from the Zusillians, their і D-503. "Who is" against "?" Thousands of hands flew up the hill, and in the middle - the I-330. I dal - the whirlwind of the big shat, the decay of the post of Okhoronts, R-13, which is taken away in the hands of I-330. Yak battering ram D-503 steamed NATO, vikhopyu I, all in the blood, at R-13, mintly clung to itself and taken away. Abi axle so carry її, carry, carry ...

And the next day in the Ediniy Derzhavniy Gazeta: "The 48th time, the same Blagodiynik is addressed in one voice." And everywhere there are sheets of paper with the words "Mephi" printed on them.

D-503 from I-330 by corridors under the Old-Time House, walk from the place behind Zelena Stin, at the lower svit. Sluggishly strings din, whistle, light. D-503's head is spinning. D-503 bach wild people, scho overgrown with life, cheerful, life-long. I-330 know them from the buzzer of "Integral" and even if you can help get the ship, and to give in to the wall between the place and the wild light. And on the stone are the majestic letters Mephi. D-503 is clear: wild people - half, the town dwellers have lost, one H2, іnshі O, and then H2O got out, it’s necessary, but half were lost.

I signify a favor to the Old Budinka and show me the plan of “Mephi”: grab “Integral” for an hour of trial use, and, having broken this shot against the One State, finish everything at once, quickly, without pain. “Yaka lack of gullibility, I! Adzhe our revolution will be the last! - “Ostannoi - ni, revolutions are not endless, and inakshe - entropia, blessed calm, rivnovaga. Alle the need to destroy the heaps of the uninterrupted ruin. " D-503 can't see the snakes, even in the middle of them ...

On the market at the State Gazette there is a decree about the Great Operation. Meta is the humiliation of fantasy. Operations are guilty of all the numbers, they are thorough, machine tools. You can, turn the operation D and vilikuvatisya from souls, from I? Ale can't be without her. I don’t want a little mess.

At the rose, in the auditorium, doors are widely seen, and there is a large column of operations. Now they are not people, but like people like tractors. The stench is unobtrusive to rip through NATO and rapt to hunt him. Chiyis piercing cry:

"Zaganyut, bіzhіt!" І all tіkayut. D-503 vbigak read it to yakis pіd'їzd, and the way to appear there і 0-90. Vona may not want to be operative and ask for a child. D-503 yes a note to I-330: get some help.

The first axis of the finalization of the "Integral" flight. Sered numbers on the ships are the members of "Mephi". "I'm up - 45!" - Command D-503. Deaf vibuh - shit, then mittєva curtain hmar - ship krіz neї. First sun, blue sky. At the radiotelephone D-503, I-330 is known - at the auditory krylata sholomi, scho vibisku, taphole, yak ancient valkirii. “In the evening, come before me with your note, - even if D. - I’ve changed the rules - right there, beyond the Wall. Won’t live ... ”Every day. Effort - to the farther. First, it was declared: “From the name of the Okhoronts ... We know everything. To you - to whom I speak, you feel ... The viprobuvannya will be brought to the end, if you don’t dare zirvati. And then ... ”I - say, blue iskri. Na vuho D: “A, then tse vi? Vee - "vikonali obov'yazok"? " I win raptom with zhakh rozumіє: tse chergova Yu, as I have more than once been in your room, tse vona read yo notes. Budivelnik "Integral" - at the command scar. Win firmly punishes: “Down! Zupiniti dviguni. Kinets of everything. " Khmari - and since it is far off the green of the beach, rush to the ship in a whirlwind. The personage of Another Budivelnik has been downgraded. Vin shtovkhaє D-503 with a fist swing, and that is already falling, foggy chuє: "Feed - another go!" Risky stribok in the mountain.

D-503 wicked up to itself the Benefactor and even if you ask me a long time about paradise - a misce, de blessed with a fantasized opera, and D-503 will be used by the wicked as a wake-up call "Integral". "The world is not aware of the names of all, ale of singing, see you for a reason."

The coming day will appear, how the Wall vibrated and in the place of lithuania of birds. On the streets there were. Kovtayuchi rozkrytymi mouths of the storm, the stench collapses on zad. The edge of the wall can be seen: the women and the number of the rooms are angry, they could not lower the curtains, without the necessary coupons.

D-503 go to the Bureau of Protection and report S-4711 everything you know about Mephi. Win, like the ancient Abraham, to sacrifice Isak - to himself. With the first rapt, it becomes clear to the "Integral" buddy: S - one from quiet ...

To smash the D-503 - from the Bureau of Okhorontsi - into one of the huge collection. There, yogo susid, who borrowed the side of evil, share his messages with him: “Bezkinechnosti dumb! Everything is vicious, everything is simple, everything is numbered; and sometimes it is possible to philosophize ... "-" And there, de end your kintsevy allsvit? What are the distances there? " The suspicion does not rise. D-503 і all, hto buv there, grab і in the auditorium 112 to send the Great Operation. The head D-503 is now empty, easy ...

The next day, it’s until the Blagodiynik that everything that I see about the fortunes of Happiness will be raised. The first axis of wine at the same table iz the Blagodiynik at the famous Gazoviy room. Guide that woman. Vona maє dati her svіdchennya, if you do not want to move that laugh. Then enter pid dvin. If the s-pid dzon vykachuyut vіtrya, vіdkіdє head, eyes napіvzaplushenі, lips clenched - tse nagadu D-503 well. Wonder at the new one, winked at the handle of the crystal, wonder, so long as your eyes do not fall apart. Todi її vityaguyuyut, for the help of the electric rods, it is easy to bring them to you and again to plant them. So it’s repeated three times - I won’t say a word. Tomorrow, that іnshі, pointed at once with her, will go down the paths of the Machine of the Benefactor.

D-503 will end my notes like this: “At the place, a team has been constructed with high-voltage power supplies. I sing - we can do it. Tom can be overwhelmed by rosum. "

Even a short zm_st (in a nutshell)

The distant Maybut engineer D-503 lives in the United State and works above the stems of the "Integral" spacecraft. Try to live behind one graph, wear the same uniform and learn to use coupons if you don't belong to those to whom you are assigned. D-503 can be seen from O-90, but once known from I-330, as it is possible to see its own independence. I wonder if I’ll break the laws of the State and I’m scared, but if I don’t inform about it, then I will get stuck. The Benefactor himself will spend one of the villagers behind an additional special machine. O-90 is seen from D-503, bachachi, when you fall in love with it, just ask for goodbye to kill your child, unaffected by those who are fenced off. Win іde їy nazustrіch. It’s unimportant to pick up the good vibes of the Benefactor, for which there are not enough people to vote against the opposite, Zokrem I-330. The Pole Power intends to conduct a Great Operation to relieve the fantasies and souls of the huge people. Before the start of the O-90 operation, ask the D-503 to vryatuvati їkhnyu child, and in the direction of the direction of the State to I-330. Go to the term viprobuvannya cosmic "Integral", for which the snifters plan to start the strike of the United State. The plan is to come out, all the witch-hunters come to the rescue. D-503 to undergo an operation to relieve the soul, for which all the Blagodiynikovs are told. At the same time, he wondered at the cake I-330, or else it could not be done.

Short zm_st (more details)

Diya to the novel is seen from the distant maybutny. The main character is a talented engineer and mathematician D-503. Winner of the "Integral" spacecraft, designated for the deployment of other planets. D-503 lives in the United State of Maybut, at the number of which the Blagodiynik stands. In the course of the novel, I write notes for the young lands, telling them about "finding heights in human history". The manuscript is called "Mi" and is stored in 40 notes.

The efforts of the colossal men of one Power, yak і D-503, are dumb names, deprived of the number, protected by the Taylor system and the regulation of the Hourly Tablet of life. The stench of shivering at that very hour: getting up at once, walking to the robot at once, taking a walk at once, walking at once, going to the auditorium at once, going to sleep at once. They have a song card for romantic performances from horny talons. The efforts of the inhabitants of the single State to produce the same uniform. I will break the laws, and the Benefactor himself will be straining for the help of a special machine.

Like a canopy, if the D-503 went to the march of the pipes of the Musical Plant, strolling with his own judgment on the O-90, until the new one went as a dunce. Vona Bula is for the first time-nasty, thin, yak batig і with gostry, even with white teeth. They were called I-330, and I won’t have read D-503 dumkies. Win trokhi zn_yakov_v. Between them, a short rozmova was seen, before the hour I-330 was asked to ask for the next day. I went out with an S-like cholovik.

At the signings, the day of wines appeared in the Old Budinka, de everything went wrong: the piano, the statue of Pushkin. I-330 propelled you to destroy the special order of the devices and were lost from her, ale, I saw. Until then, let me tell you about it to the Bureau of Okhoronts, as the lawyer. However, natom_st, the onset of the day is wіn pіshov at the Medical Bureau, to take the sound out of the robot through the ailment.

Prior to O-90, the D-503 buv of attributions sings R-13, as everyone knew, “for kokhannyam” won the D-503. A denunciation for some reason not to come down and so it is 48 years ago, but now it is the villain himself before the State. At the same time with інshih numbers on a tract day vіn yde on the square Cuba will be present for an hour of the strati of one poet, as if he wrote a guide about the Blagodіynik. Virok, reading his friend with three lips, sings R-13. I don’t want to talk about it and ask me not to get it over with. Zlochintsya was tormented by the Benefactor himself. Yogo tilo bulo rasschinenno in every turn, but NATO triumfuvav.

D-503 does not know that I-330 was registered with her. Having come to her for a year, I have come to see it, but it’s not a good-looking way of life. Vaughn fire, n'є a liquor and navit yogo snake vipiti kovtok through a kiss, and not everything is superfluous to the laws of the state of affairs. I am guilty of guilty for the idea, but I cannot. Win is now the best. Yak vin himself having written in his own manuscript, he has no illnesses, so that he has a soul.

At the jokes of the stars from the I-330 wines, they came to the Old Dim. There, he fell into the ground, de-opinuyutsya in a new, irrational light. There are vin її znayshov. O-90, zzumіvshi, wow "Integral" fell in love with іnshu, knew the record. Єdine, I asked for goodbye - tse ditina. D-503 guessing, she didn’t reach the Mother’s Norm, and for the same ruin, you can eat the Car of the Benefactor, Aleva napolyagala, and I didn’t mind the idea. Viconuyuchi prohannya O-90, win nibi throwing down from the battery.

I-330 never showed up. For the food, why would you torture him so, wondered if you wanted to be able to. Sit in the fіlіzhantsі krіsla and laugh with their beloa, with a grumpy smile, won’t nagaduvala bjola. They have a sting and a honey. Vin saw that there is a housewife. Vona said that the Day of the One Voice must be heard.

The axis and guidance of the great day - the good vibori of the Benefactor and the cleanliness of one “Mi”. Millions of hands met for the great Benefactor and a thousand against. In the middle of a thousand bull and won, I-330 is beloved. First, the right was resigned: a whirlwind of pidv_yanih shat, ruined posts Okhoronts_v. D-503 led vryatuvati I-330 vіd distributed natovpu. On the coming day, the newspapers wrote that as many as 48 years afterward, the same candidate was rewarded by Blagodiynika.

On the streets, leaflets appeared with the words "Mephi". From I-330 to the knowledge, as well as the organization, as it stands against the ninth power. Vaughn herself had entered before she proponuval D-503 to come to them. The participants of “Mephi” plan to buy “Integral” before the hour of viprobuvan, so that they can give a serious blow to the United State. There is a real problem before D-503. On one side, I would like to go to the Bureau of Okhronts, but I just want to go to the Bureau of Okhronts, or maybe not, to the other cohan with a part of the serpent. From my side, I can't come to them, I’m afraid that I’m not going to see him through those who I’m guilty of viprobuvach “Integral”.

There was a novelty in the newspaper about those who, all the inhabitants of the State, would give the Great Operation to relieve their fantasies and souls. The stench of the operatic stench may well be well understood and thorough. D-503 to be taken into account in the auditorium, deselected all for the whole operation. On the way, win vipadkovo to go to the O-90, as to ask vryatuvati її that child. Todi Vin write a note and send a message for the State to I-330. If "Integral" vyprobuvannya starts to work, the plan of the wanderers appears to be populated.

I-330 thinks that D-503 has been built, and for the best of it, Yu Chergov read the record. The benefactor wiklikє D-503 and even if the wicked wicked buv need it, he’s yak viprobuvach “Integrala”. The offensive wound of the place was built by the inhabitants of the village. Nichto didn’t understand the rules and laws of the State, through it, panuvav chaos. Todi all were forced, including D-503, and led to the audit 112 for the Great Operation.

The operation became easy and good for the operator, in the head of an empty one. Another day, he came to the Benefactor and rozpov in the mustache, knowing about the "thiefs of happiness", tobto snatchers. They brought a woman to Gazov’s room, as she was magalized to reach the svidchen. D-503 at once from the Benefactor for the cim sposterіgav. There you have it, it’s been far away, but it’s not sound, but it’s the same. Vona just smiled and marveled at the D-503. They rolled on their eyes, but they didn’t see anything. Vona could have seen a bagatooh, ale did not hurt anyone. On the coming day, she is guilty of being frightened by the Machine of the Benefactor, both deyaki and servant. At the place there is a clock wall from the high-voltage wall. Notes D-503 end with the words: “I am in the song - we can be done. Tom can be overwhelmed by rosum. "


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