Virishuvati testi zi suspilstvoznavstva online. Test from suspension of knowledge test from suspension of knowledge on the topic

Virishuvati testi zi suspilstvoznavstva online. Test from suspension of knowledge test from suspension of knowledge on the topic

  1. Post-day practice is required.
    • Especially respect came demonstration optionЄDI from Suspension Research 2020. Demo version of FID in addition to the visual structure of a ticket, please contact Vimogs. send you what you need to vivchati.
    • For solution we prepared 10 trench options with indications. The stench of razroblenі by the readers from the urahuvannya of the demonstration option.
    • More tests will be made, the more cooked will be, the spracial memory mechanism will be remembered. Do not go to the robot over the pardons. You will be online test-taker, as long as you do not have a pardon. Registered test results can be used to display the statistics of test tests.
  2. Get the hour right for the latest trenuvalny tests, you must correct the maximum number of points.
    • Zavdannya 1-3 and 10 virіshuyut for 1–4 qhilini;
    • Zavdannya 4-9 and 11-28 are introduced from 2 to 8 quills;
    • Zavdannya 29 - 45 hilin.
  3. Robot with text
    • For the visitor of typical buildings 21-24, it is important to use robotic tools with text information. Trenchant virіshuvati testi DI from the suspension of knowledge online, pay respect to the staff, how to learn not just the learning and presentation of the day from the information canvas, but the interpretation of the story, the state of the mind
    • Workshop number 29 (ese) includes 5 alternative workshops, based on 5 themes. Those є vislovyuvannymi vіdomіh hіsіachіv, as well as representatives of politics, science and culture. Zavdannya traditionally vvazhayut best at KIMax.
    • Korisna pidkazka: to write something like that, it is necessary to open up a sense of judgment (readiness, quotations), to learn the position of suspicion sciences, to work out the power of attitudes and to concretize your butts.

Transfer of balances to assessments

  • 0-41 points - "not satisfactory";
  • 42-54 bali - "triyki";
  • 55-66 points - "good";
  • 67 points and vishche - "vidminno".

The minimum is 42, and the maximum is 100.

Test SDI from the suspension of the warehouse from:

  • Part 1- from 20 plants, with a short explanation of the words, some words of numbers. Half of the buildings are brought up to the basic level, and the part is up to the advanced level. The first part will be evaluated at 35 first balls.
  • Part 2- Z 9 zavdan, with a flared door. Zavdannya 21 and 22 - basic, and from 23 to 29 - with advanced folding and estimate at 30 points. Marvel at the open-minded view of the suspicion of education.


  • At 2019 rotsi on іpit і from the suspicion of education to be introduced 235 khilin (3 years 55 min.).
  • Buried from my brother third-party items (cribs, smartphones, earphones, "smart" yearbooks).
  • On the last day before the sleep, repeat the passage of the material, look again at the list of options.

Virishuєmo test of suspicion of knowledge online!

Good day, dear friends. Unimportant on summer days, it’s a lot of things to get ready for the other or the third sickness. Bagato hto give documents to universities. It is also fair to say that the last few days are not the same in the same days. Є such is the truth of life: "Robi for the present, but I don’t want to - tomorrow you will live like that, as you cannot!"... I’m waiting to see the axis ... well, that’s what it’s like, do not miss it subscribe to new materials !

This year I will proponate you virishuvati online suspicion test! A test of the folds by me from the factory and from the new dzherels, according to the information provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and by making small remarks until the correct answer. The whole test will find a great part of the course of suspension knowledge. The preservation of the storage deprivation in part A, it is thought for the training of a quick start to the course of the material.

Surely, if you have a hard time figuring out suspension test online, I recommend that you visit my articles on the topic "Power and Law": there you will know the material on, structures of state authorities of the Russian Federation , materials on ... You can find out the statistics from the suspicion of knowledge on the Zmist side. Also, don't forget about my schoolless course. Plus you can see best statistics site site.

You can't know the type of online test for suspicion, joke about the information in the other dzherels. However, do not broadcast the test directly over the Internet: you don’t forget anything. Remember the main principle of training before EDI: a selection of material and less time for a test!

Do not miss the test, as I publish it, I recommend issue an advance payment on the new statty site !

Description: the testimony was put up to the editors for the editorial board of Bogolyubov, Gorodetskoy. Appropriate for readers and scholars of 8-11 grades. Testimony Mayut zvdannya іznіy іvnіv foldability, rozrahovanі for the average scholarship. Author: Zhdanova Olena Borisivna, teacher of the history and education of the Biysk zagalno-educational school - boarding school №3.
Economics yak science, economical development, rinkovі vіdnosini
Overriding test, grade 11

1. Give the sign of the symbol "economics"
(the state's system, which will make sure that people are satisfied with the way they need to live; the science of government, the ways of its management and control)
2. Which of the options will sound the main food of the economy?
A) occupation, trade, rinkov statehood
B) scho, yak and for whom is it
C) interconnection of resources and economical vibration
3. How do you understand how to pay attention to viznachennyam: "The whole part of economics science, how do you think about economics of all kinds of people around me?"
A) microeconomics B) macroeconomics C) svitova economics
4. Problems of security, vitality and economic growth є the subject of advancement
A) microeconomics B) macroeconomics C) light economics
5. Yake, the word is missing from the schema of the process of reconfiguring the objects of nature for the subject of living
Resources → virobnstvo → ……………………. (Rose) → living
6. What is the word for the exchange of goods and services for one vitrat?
A) exchange B) proposition Y) productivity
7. Is it a gross national product?
a) a sum of rink prices for all dairy products, which are opened by a stretch of rock in the middle of the country, and beyond the cordon
B) a sum of rinkovyh prices of all dintsevich products
C) economical growth of the country from urahuvannya rivnya inflation and rivnya life of the nation
8. Increase of GDP for the scale of expansion of the scale
A) intensive growth
b) extensive training
c) accelerated economic development
9.There should be the first one, which is the most important factor of intensive growth.
A) qualifications of pratsivniks
B) rational development of resources
C) scientific and technical progress
D) economy on scale
10. Is the Yaka phase skipped in the economical cycle?
Economy drive → recession → …………………. (Depression) → recession
11. Hto є by the author: "Naybidnіshy is tse that, who can’t be fooled by him, he’s in his own order"
A) P. Bouast, French lexicographer
B) L. Peter, American writer
B) L. Erhard, German sovereign dyach
12. Recover at least three changes that were introduced in Russia as a result of reforms before the transition to the current market economy
(commercial banks, commodity banks, market of priceless porches, private sector of the economy have appeared, privatization has been carried out, the shortage of existing goods has been liquidated, competition is developing, economic efficiency is growing)
Key: 2-b, 3-a, 4-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-b, 9-c, 11-a

Revision of the robot from the suspicion of knowledge. 11 class Economics (§ 1-5)
1. As a part of economics science is called, how much more economics is available among government-sponsored sub'ects (thanks, pratsivniki, firmi), what is the power of and flowing into the national economy?
A) economic theory B) macroeconomics C) microeconomics
2. Isn't it a subject of recent (international) economy?
A) international trade in goods and services
B) the function of the surroundings and the galuzei
C) exchange with science and technology
3. Economic operation, in the process of which one person transfers the іnshіy rіch, the goods, obsessed with a penny, or іnshu rіch be called
A) trade B) exchange D) virobnitstvo
4. How can we call ourselves a sum of market prices for all kinds of goods that have been opened by virobniks of the country’s community, holding out to their fate?
A) gross national product
B) gross domestic product
C) the budget of the state
5. The economic cycle includes the following stages: economic decline → economic decline (recession) → recovery. Is the circuit missing a phase?

6. What about the overinsured is not a virobital factor?
A) capital B) children’s health C) salary of workers
7. What is the name of the form of the market of goods, which are sold in great parties, as a rule, for a show?
a) currency exchange b) commodity exchange c) exchange market
8. Cinny papyr, which secured the right of the yogh master to reject the item (scho vipuska) from the transfer of the lines of the yogh nominal parity or the other main equivalent.
A) share B) agreement C) region
9. In the last few years, international organizations have known Russia as a country with a certain type of economy?
A) command B) rink C) traditional
10. What will be called a dohid, who will gain a profit by leasing land?
A) dividends B) payments C) rent
11. Is the vitratic education on materials, energy, labor of service put up to the vitrat category?
A) calls B) internal C) not transferred
12. How can we call ourselves a difference between a foreign virgin form and economical vitrates?
A) vitrati virobnistva; B) factors of income; C) economical arrival.
13. Yak to be called a straight tribute from a company?
A) the tribute to the donation
B) income tax
c) near-end tax
14. What is the rate of the tribute added to the partiy, established by Russia in 2004?
A) 10% B) 15% C) 18%
15. The statutory capital of such a form of organizing a legal individual should not be less than 100 times of payment for the payment, the capital is divided into parts, and the participants carry a risk in between the amount of contributions made, a number of participants are 1 contributions per share.
a) partnership
B) a partnership with an interconnection
B) shareholder partnership
Key: 1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-depression, 6-c, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c, 11-a, 12-c, 13-b, 14-c, 15-b
9 class, suspension knowledge
Re-test on the topic: "Politics", grade 9

1. What is the name of the state, in which the rights of the people are taken care of, is the sovereign vlada surrounded by law?
A) democratic; B) liberal; C) right.
2. Who are the French misters, having formulated the principle of the power to legislate, to judge that court?
A) S. Montesque B) Voltaire C) D. Dіdro
3. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the viconavcha vlada krainy should have:
A) Federal taxes
B) To the order of the Russian Federation
c) the President of the Russian Federation
4. Yakim slovospoluchennyam viznachate skeptical, baiduzh, hour negatively put to the right?
A) right to the list
B) legal nіgіlіzm
C) lack of information
5. What does the word "association" mean in Latin?
A) suspension B) party C) registration
6. What do you think, what do you think about the power supply "What, on your dummy, it is necessary, what kind of democracy was established in Russia that was forming a huge suspension?" buv most popular?
A) it is necessary, vlada was very fond of the interests of the big people
B) it is necessary that people have amused materially
C) it is necessary that people perceived their honor before being in the country, that
7. Russia by the form of government є republic. What type?
A) presidential B) change C) parliamentary
8. What kind of political regime should there be a change of sign? Visoka centralization of power, not having to deal with private life, does not need to know the regime, interconnection and control of pluralism, the role of parliament is insignificant, the role of parliament is insignificant;
A) authoritarian; B) totalitarian; C) democratic.
9. In the community of the community there is a recognition of the community organization. It’s possible to lay down to the social sphere.
A) spilki of industrial enterprises, farmers, rural cooperatives, associations of banks
B) family, partnerships for the rights of survivors, youth organizations, insurance funds, sports partnerships
C) spіlki dіyachіv culture, pedagogical partnerships, spіlnoty vchenyh, relіgіynі ob'dnannya
10. Wait for a while, see the following statements: the organisms of self-priming should not enter the systems of organs of sovereign power. Organize the populations of the samovryadvannya individuals to collect the local populations, depriving them of control and development.
A) correct B) incorrect
11. What kind of census has been established for Russia to participate in elections from the Duma?
A) 18 rock B) 21 rock C) 35 rock
12. Corruption by freedom of speech impose on itself a special visibility. How many times for the said it is possible to attract to the ship's visibility?
A) if the information is not true
B) how to sound hardened
c) how much is the propaganda of guilt
D) correct A, B, C
13. At the breast of 2011, the elections went up to the State Duma, representatives of 4 parties: “Adina Russia”, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Name the fourth party, the members of which are represented in the Duma.
(Fair Russia)
Key: 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c, 6-b, 7-b, 8-a, 9-b, 10-a, 11-b, 12-d, 13- Russia is fair,

11 class, line control
A re-test on the topic "Religious organization and current progress to the reasonableness of law"

1. The Federal Law "On freedom of conscience and religious obedience"
A) 1995 B) 1997 Y) 1999
2. How many of the many from the backbone of the old Russian become Orthodox Christians?
A) 50%; B) 65%; B) 75%.
3. Is there a state restructuring of the religious organizations of Russia?
a) in the bodies of justice
B) at the muscular organs of self-priming
C) at the tax service
4. At the present time, why should the state take more importance on the role of religious organizations?
a) as well as the aim of organizing the supervising of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
b) how the statute is approved by the vimogam of the legislation of the Russian Federation
C) how will the organization of the community be safe and secure that the community’s order
5. What are the specific rights of the religious organization?
A) the relevance of the organization can be effective
B) Religious organization You can start and get the cult events, make that message for the divine service, prayer and religious meetings
C) Religious organization may be right on the right of government outside the cordon, as well as the right to establish international calls
6. Yake the right to call lawyers positive?
A) more positively, as well as documentary reality
B) natural law
C) the revision of the ship's super-stream for the positive
7. If the General Declaration of Human Rights was adopted?
A) 1915 B) 1948 C) 1975
8. What is the best value of law?
A) freedom B) justice C) lyudin
9. Legislative initiative of transferring further to the proposed bill to which body?
A) Rada of the Federation B) State Duma U) Uryad of the Russian Federation
10. At what time will the bill be approved by the Radio Federation?
A) 14 days B) 1 month C) 21 days
Key: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-a
8 class, suspension
Stream control. Overriding test (§ 4-6)

1. The 6th paragraph introduces a cliche fact from the biography of Janusz Korczak. And why is a Pole busy with celebrities?
A) vіn buv ministrom zakordonnykh sprav Polishchі
B) vіn buv teacher and childish lykar
C) he was the organizer of the anti-fascist movement in Poland
2. What is the meaning of the internal self-control of people?
A) honor B) will D) conscience
3. What are the names of all the operating conditions that people need to see?
A) a huge obovation
B) moral obligation
c) specialty
4. Who should have a lot of fun: "People are given not only life once, but their conscience"?
A) M. Gorky B) D. Likhachov C) A. Solzhenitsin
5. Who, on the thought of the authors of the pedagogue, has the uniqueness of the Russian culture?
A) at the great number of acting museums
B) culture є bagatonational
C) Russian culture is very good at svitovy culture
6. Moral value, in how to turn around with love until the end of the day
A) community B) patriotism C) fearlessness
7. Morality - how can it be?
A) values, knowledge of people as important and significant
B) special spiritual rules that regulate the behavior of people
C) the recognition of the worth and self-esteem of the specialty
8. What does the word "culture" mean in the literal translation from Latin?
A) "obrobіtok, obrobіtok ґruntu"
B) "knowledge and motivation"
C) "person, yak open masterpiece"
9. Why should the head manifestation of the cohann appear on the suspicions' thoughts?
A) at the unquestioning servant
B) in the mind of a person
C) donate to all the donations of the bazhanna
10. Chi zgodnі vі z dumkoyu: "Bagato fakhivtsіv іf modern culture s talk about the dominance of greed, violence, criminal romance, sex on TV screens, cinema and book - magazine products All the "create" does not even accept the development of spirituality. Is the rate of censorship dekhto accepted as a signal before all "gateways" are displayed before vulgarity and low tastes "?
A) so B) nі
11. Overextend the yakosti in an intelligent way. Yakim vin maє buti?
Key: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-b, 7-b, 8-a, 9-a, 10-a

Suspіlstvoznavstvo, grade 8 Reversal of the robot
1. Introduce a group of butts that will be used by people
A) pratsyu, illumination, protection of health
B) reading books, introducing the theater, increasing the price
C) hedgehog, odyag, zhitlo
D) kohannya, povaga, leadership, samopovaga
2. Finish the thought with a logically correct option: "Consume people ..."
A) enclosed B) enclosed
C) to lay in the amount of income; D) it is uncomfortable to please
3. What is one of the main economic problems of the current suspension?
A) the interconnection of resources B) the lack of availability
C) introduction of bagatyokh lands at the development; D) the visibility of the economy in life
4. Make sure the satisfaction of human needs, such as from the ordered suspension in the interconnection of the number, is taken on the basis of:
A) items of living B) items of living
c) penny accumulated d) economic benefits
5. Wait for a while in the words: "The economy is showing, like the support of the healthy rational vibration in the minds of the interconnection of resources for satisfying the needs of the people"
A) correct B) incorrect
6. What is the phrase "from proponents" inaccurate?
A) all religions of our country are equal
B) the state is the guarantor of everybody's ability to guide their cult
C) at the church of the Holy Russia є part of the sovereign structures
D) Russian legislation transferring real-time access to representatives in the most recent religions before the release of information
7. What about the names of the religions not to be found until the holy days?
A) Buddhism B) Confucianism C) Christianity D) Islam
8. Albert Einstein will see you at Galusia:
A) physics B) chemistry C) biology D) mathematics
9. What is the emperor by his decree from the 8th cruel 1724 falling asleep in the Russian Academy of Sciences?
A) Oleksiy Mikhailovich B) Katerina II U) Peter I P) Mikola I
10. A student who has finished 9 classes by trimming:
A) pochatkova coverage B) home coverage
C) middle (povna) zagalna coverage
D) pochatkova professional education
11. In a word, to start the process of finding knowledge about light, learning to culture, to the values ​​of Vitality, light civilization?
A) science B) vikhovannya C) education D) dosvid
12. How to get involved in the “golden rule of morality”?
A) "for be-yaky malignant obov'yazkovo pіde punishment"
B) "Love your neighbor yak yourself"
C) "your shirt is closer to the floor"
D) "do not be afraid of the one who is not bazhash"
Key: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d, 5-a, 6-d, 7-b, 8-a, 9-c, 10-b, 11-c, 12-d

Topic 1. Success

Test 1. Also suspension

Part 1

    It is glimpsed from nature, but a part of the light is tied to it, which includes the ways of interaction between people and the formation of their unity, to be called

    1. power




    When people are introduced to people who get up in the process of spiritual practical and spiritual activity, they are called

    1. huge




    Yakiy stan from the names not put up to suspіlnye vіdnosin?

    interaction of two people

    staged by the countries

    interchange with the citizen of the Russian Federation and the district court

    embellishment of the new yalinka

    Yake from the name of the hardness to be attributed to nature, and not to suspension?

    center of tsiogo podnistya є lyudin

    іsnu і develop behind your own power, do not lie under the will of people, laws

    Runt on the singing way virobnitstva

    includes ways of people interacting

    What is the namednot to be reported to the "social institute"

Part 2

    The consistency of material and spiritual values, as well as the methods of establishing, storing and transferring that people have made during the process of suspension development, are called .

    Karl Marx wrote: "The understanding of the support of the senses, obviously, does not matter to that, since it is so simple for the people." Yak obovyazkovu warehouses part of the understanding of the suspension of cim vin pidkreslyu?

View: .

    Bezlich tied between oneself elements, which is a singing whole-hearted illumination, to be called .

    Designate the signs that the understanding of the "social group" is worth. Write down the numbers for the stench indicated.

    style of people

    viconu specific suspension functions

    will be on the basis of the ideal norms and rules of behavior

    not good behavior standards

View: .

    Respect the signs characteristic of all types of social norms. Write down the numbers for the stench indicated.

    are the rules of behavior for the extravagant character

    maє to chi іnshy step of viscosity

    їkh vikonannya take care of that to be guarded by the power

    straightened for the ordering of suspicious messages

View: .

Part 1

    The building of the social system includes new parts, new suspicious education, phenomena and processes in a single whole - the building is up to

    1. socialization




    The process of attaching an organism to a dose is called

    1. adapt




    Elements of social and cultural decline, which are transmitted from generation to generation and are taken from singers, classes and social groups for a trivial hour, are called

    1. civilization



    The process of ordering, formalization and standardization is called

    1. institute




    The main element of the suspension є


    social group

    political system

Part 2

    The lower term is set to the lower one. The stench, except for one, characterize the witness "social norms".

Doze, morality, social, fence, tradition, law.

Know that term to be applied to the understanding.

View: .

    Insert the missed understanding: “Historically, the stylistic forms of organizing social performance are historically formed, which are governed by norms, traditions, which are directly related to the satisfaction of the fundamental needs of the suspension, to be called .

    Know at the bottom of the list of witnesses to characterize the main types of people’s performance. Write down the numbers for the stench indicated.



  1. misleading

View: .

    Know in the list of the educators, shown below, that the political institutes of the suspension can be found. Write down the numbers for the stench indicated.



    professional spilki

View: .

Test 9. Science. Osvita

Part 1

    To someone who understands the names of these words was given the following meaning: "Caution, classification, description, experimental dosage and theoretical explanation of natural manifestations"?

    1. practical


    Yake z value not follow up to the value of science

    the sphere of human activity, which viroblyaє is actively aware of

    caution, classification, description, experimental and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena

    system of glances, to understand that phenomenon about the new light

    the form of suspicious properties, which is a system of ordered knowledge, which has been historically shaped, the truth of which will be revised and continually refined in the course of suspicious practice.

    Rivn of knowledge, which can help us in front of the facts, how to form the basis of any science, as well as the laws that arise as a result of the publication and systematization of the results of the warning, to be called

    theoretical knowledge

    empirical knowledge

    intellectual experiences

    experimental knowledge

    Experimental natural science viciklo

    1. at the X Art.

      at the XV century.

      at the XVII century.

      at the nineteenth century.

    Empirical knowledge cannot be rejected by the way



    mathematical model

Part 2

    Insert the missing words: "The care of the pure, component is simply not іsnu. Efforts to be careful, especially experimental, viconious at the light of the day » ( K. Popper)

    Insert the missing word: "Pid I wish on respect to the knowledge of all the science achievements, which, for an hour or so, give a model for the production of such a solution to the science of sportsmanship "( T. Kuhn).

    Establish the viewpoint between the scientific paradigms and the authors: before the skin position given in the first century, consider the viewpoint from another one.

a) geocenric model of light

1) A. Einstein

B) mechanics

2) K. Linney

v) Roslin classification

3) C. Darwin

G) Evolution theory

4) І. Newton

D) theory of validity

5) Claudia Ptolemy

    Insert the word: "Development of science є the last transition from one paradigm to the last through "(T. Kuhn).

    Yake is the word missing? “The power of science is in її zagalny, for the one who is behind the vipadkovim, chaotic won’t know that it is , without the knowledge of which it is unhelpful to be learned, practical skill is straightforward. "

Test 10. Morality. Religiya

Part 1

    What is the level of morality?

A. Moral, yak і right, є social regulator.

B. For the violation of moral norms, the sanctions of the state are transferred.

1) vіrno deprived A

2) vіrno lishe B

3) vіrni insult judgment

4) offending judgment is not true

    Morality not viconuє taku social function, yak

    1. regulatory

      law enforcement



    Dzherelami what type of sight є Bibliya, Talmud and Koran?

    scientific svitoglyad

    relіgіyny svіtoglyad

    extravagant svitoglyad

    official doctrine

    Awareness of the need for specialness of the day is based on the name of

    1. reconsideration


    Viber is correct.

    reassignment of power to people from being a type with a glance

    overconfidence of power to deprive people of a scientific type with a glance

    re-attracting people to deprive them of an extraordinary type of glance

    overconflicting power over people with a relative type of sight

Part 2

    Insert the missing word: " - Practical philosophy, applied science. Vivchayut not for the purpose of being good-hearted (moral), but for being good-natured (moral).

    Insert the missing word: “The spiritually-practical situation of self-designation of specialness is, for any principles, the decision is to be called moral ».

    Establish the view between the understandings and their values: up to the skin position given in the first century, take the view of the other one.



a) axiology

1) point of view, there is a moral criterion for being able to lie down through the surroundings, for an hour, for people who are stuck

B) eudemonism

2) vchenya about values

v) nigilizm

3) one of the straightforward in ethics, which was found in the ancient philosophy and representations of the names of Democritus, Socrates and Aristotle. The main motive for the behavior of the people is vvazhaє pragnennya to happiness

G) relativism

4) the list of all positive ideals and be-like moral punishments

Write down the vibranium digits in the tables from the letters.

    The ethical theory of Epikur, de goodness, should be called those who bring people badly, or that they should be called .

    Insert the missing word: "Фрідріх Ніцше, having - energetic, straightforward, aristocratic, good, decently deprived of weakness through life. "

Topic 1. Success

Test 1. Also suspension

Part 1



Part 2



Culture< или>the culture

Hromadske Vidnosini

System< или>system

Test 2. Suspension yak folding dynamical system

Part 1



Part 2



Social Institutes

Test 9. Science. Osvita

Part 1



Part 2



Theoretical / theory


Science revolution

Test 10. Morality. Religiya

Part 1



Part 2



Ethics / Ethics

Test on the topic "Suspense" with indications (options 1, 2) of insurance for schools 10-11 grades. Wines are stored in part A (25 food) and part B (7 buildings). Test of the type of SDI structures. Yogo you can vikoristovuvati yak for converting knowledge of studies, as well as for training to EDI.


Front view:

Topic: "Suspense" U 1

A1 ... Characteristic rice of industrial suspension є

1) wider range of economical primus to pratsi

2) the weakness and lack of guilt of democratic institutions

3) revaluation of collective information over individual

4) revaluation of the private form of authority

A2 ... What is the level of peace with the traditional suspension?

A.Povaga before the succession, with the capitals, the norms were formed, perevazhannya collective soils over the private to develop the traditional suspension. B. The traditional suspension is highly valued for the individual health of the people, for the desire for innovation and acceptance.

A3. The process of obtaining the values ​​of the human suspension, knowledge about the light accumulated by the front generations, is called

1) science 2) mystery 3) education 4) creativity

A4. ... What kind of peace about the way and the shape of the suspension development?

A. In the traditional suspension, the right as the regulator of the suspension did not fall apart, but the unwritten tradition and success were taken over.

B. In the postindustrial suspension, the promiscuous revolution will come to an end, and a mass revolution will take shape.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A5. ... What are the reasons for the globalization process?

A. Effort of global processes є the inheritance of international contacts.

B. Development of the mass commune to rob the current light of the community.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A6. ... Chi virni takі mіrkuvannya about sustainable progress?

A. The current announcement of the solid progress is confirmed by its superlativeness.

B. Understand the "progress" and "regress" of the mind.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A7. What is the level of global human problems?

Christmas is a real threat to the vision of people as a biological species.

B. With a vision of vision, the people are great at taking care of the savings of the midst of the colony.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A8 .


Communist ".

B. "Capitalism is everlasting and non-ruinous, for that, people have not come up with anything thoroughly, but they are inspired by human nature."

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A9 ... From a glance to Marxism-Leninism, history was accomplished in full:

  1. other unrecognized forces 2) economic processes
  1. prominent specialties - leaders, dictators too. 4) a change from the cultural life of partnerships

A10. Interaction of social groups, verses, classes, strata,

Nats_y, relіgіynykh spіlnot zdіysnyutsya:

  1. in the economic sphere 2) in the political sphere 3) in the spiritual sphere 4) in the social sphere

A11. Ecology vivchau injecting human performance:

  1. for the development of all-inclusive religiy
  2. for a thorough home government, I’ll beat people that long ago
  3. on navkolishnyu nature, in the middle of the nature and suspension
  4. on the cultural center

A12. ... Chi virnі takі mіrkuvannya?

A. "The natural development of the middle step steps in front of the piece middle ground, but the endless rakhunka needs people more than the rest."

B. "The lucky people of the piece of food can substitute for the middle of nature".

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A13. At a glance from nature, suspension

1) є system 2) re-insertion

3) vistupaє yak a creator of culture 4) develop beyond the vlast laws

A14 ... The current postindustrial suspension is characterized by a provincial role

1) footwear industry 2) general industry

3) the Silskoy government 4) information and information technologies

A15. What are the reasons for the globalization process?

A. Development of the mass commune to rob the current society.

B. Efforts to global problems and heritage economic integration.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A16 ... The diversification of individuals who share their needs and interests, which may be the most pleasing to the deprivation of spilnye zusilli, spіyalnіstyu, are called:

  1. conglomerate 2) suspension 3) system 4) charcoal

A17. A. Toynbі having formulated the law:

1) One and the other 2) The changes of the suspension-economical formations

  1. class struggle 4) "wiklik - vidpovid"

1) A. Camus 2) D. Bell 3) O. Spengler 4) G. Plekhanov

A19 ... What is the sign of the power of the nation like ethnic spirits?

1) national self-confidence 2) federal state device

3) the appearance of the national army 4) the power

A20 ... Is it a sign of being recognized as a traditional suspension?

1) overhaul of routine technologies 2) quick development of industry

3) the development of scientific achievements 4) intensive development of information technologies

A21. The essence of the problem "Pivnich" and "Pivden"

1) the growth of natural resources 2) the development of the economical regions of the planet

3) the formulation of the measure of international terrorist organizations 4) the development of cultural development

A22 ... Chi virni taki mirkuvannya to interconnection of spheres of life?

A. Processes that are seen in one sphere of suspicious life, as a rule, do not flow into the processes that occur in other spheres.

Some kind of mystery of art can develop in the period of economic crises and political upheavals.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A23 ... The main elements of the suspension are visible, the interconnections and the interconnection, which characterize the suspension

1) system 2) part of nature 3) material light 4) civilization

A24 ... To the global problems of a bitter light

1) the determination of the new intergovernmental organizations 2) the completion of the promislovous coup

3) the development of regions of the planet 4) intensive development of science

A25. What kind of peace of mind about different types of suspensions?

A. In the industrial suspension, the individuality of the people is highly valued, the desire for innovation and acceptance.

B. Povaga, before the succession, with the capitals, the norms were formed, perevazhannya collective ear over the private form of postindustrial suspension from the industrial.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

Chastina St.


IN 1. Write down the word, missing from the diagram




IN 2 ... Below is a change of terms. Effort the stench, except for one tied with the understands "progress". Know that the term is not tied to the understanding of "progress".

social reform; stagnation; social revolution; suspension development; modernization.

Відповід ________________

U 3 ... Establish a viewpoint between the forms of social progress and characteristic rice: up to the skin position given in the first century, take a similar position from another

View __________

AT 4. rice of a general civilization

  1. View of the inner spiritual life
  2. The priority of economy in the first suspicious problems
  3. Closely placed before nature
  4. Accelerating the pace of life
  5. Suvority of behavior regulators
  6. The versatility and style of artistic styles

View ____________

AT 5. Read the instructions below the text, the skin is numbered. But, what are the suggestions? 1) factual character; 2 ) the nature of the estimated judgments

(A) The change in the new light is not safe from the lucky minds. (B) For the official tribute, the Earth will have close to 70 thousand units of nuclear waste. (C) Carrying out the rosary show how the arsenal is built to increase the life of the planet. (D) Vazhaєmo, so the beating up to the light spirit iz a call to the spreading in the region is necessary.

View __________

“______ (1) luckily name the process of forming one people. The active development of the light economy and the light system _______ (2), the announcement about the optimal social and political device, expand ______ (3). Globalization - _______ (4) processes, which are positive, negative and incessant to get the development of modern people. On one side, the formation of ______ (5) suspension is seen, and from the other side, the economy of the regions is becoming more sophisticated. Entering the regions of the “third world”, the problem of ______ (6) becomes more acute. "

View ____________

About 7. Know the hovered listsuspensory appearances... Write down the numbers in the order of growth.

  1. State Winning
  2. Genetic intelligence of people until they become ill
  3. Development of new drugs
  4. Formation of the nation
  5. Goodness of people to the sentiment of the light

View _______________

Subject Success


Option 1






Front view:

Test "Suspense" U 2

A1. The senses call the words `` Suspense '':

1) collecting people for interests

2) residents of this country

3) the spirits of people who are thinking on the singing historical stage

4) sukupn_st of forms of communication of people

A2 ... Lyudina is pouring into nature:

  1. 2) yogo infusion is not enough

3) і disagreeable, і unwelcoming 4) unwelcoming

A3. Do not lay down to suspicious vidnosin:

1) let us see you in the family 2) let us see you as a teacher and a robot teacher

3) communication between nature and suspension 4) communication between social groups and all of them

A4 ... The social sphere of the suspension is without predominance in the region:

1) economical development of the country 2) political development of the country

3) the spirituality of the support 4) the development of international relations

A. "Historically, the suspension is first, and the state is second."

B. "Power of the Root Suspension".

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A6 ... Organization, regulation, management of the life of the suspension to stay in:

1) economic sphere 2) spiritual sphere 3) political sphere 4) social sphere

A7 ... Typical rice of the ancient civilization є:

  1. low social mobility
  2. trivial preservation of traditional legal norms
  3. actively implementing new technologies
  4. weakness and lack of blame for democratic values

A8 ... The characteristic rice of the yak form in the suspension development є:

  1. revolutionary character of change
  2. streak-like
  3. rapist methods
  4. behavior

A9 ... Do not build up to global problems:

  1. nuclear threat
  2. increased drug addiction
  3. shortage of natural resources
  4. atheism as opposed to religious ideology

A10. Demographic problems of breeding:

  1. race
  2. supernatural of the USSR and the USA
  3. swift and uncontrollable growth of the population on the planet
  4. obrudnennye dovkilla

A11 ... What about the suspension?

A. Suspense, like nature, є a dynamic system, around the elements of which interchange one with one.

B. Suspense at once from nature to create a material light for people.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A12 ... The only criterion for the historical progress of the field in:

  1. Evolution of people as harmoniously rosy specialties
  2. polishhennya vdach
  3. the development of science and rosumu
  4. Growing ideals of truth and justice

A13 ... As for the bottom of the pererakhovanih value of history as reality, who are the most accurate?

  1. be-like the last thing
  2. the memory of the suspension, the people, the social group is alive
  3. gone, long gone
  4. day to day dynamism in suspension development

A14 ... What about the coming judgments about the "civilization - culture" vіrnі?

A. Civilization - preoccupation with the minds of the natural environment; culture is the creativity of putting people up to their own svit that to themselves.

B. Tsivilizatsiya - being; culture in a big world - nalezhne (borg but people).

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A15. Chi virnі takі mіrkuvannya?

Uniformity (reduced to the sameness) civilization is unacceptable, oskilki (say the most important explanation):

A. Tsomu to win over the social and political barriers, state sovereignty.

B. Civilization of versatility is so necessary for the stability and development of human suspension, as well as genetic versatility for nature.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A16 ... Power of power, power to visit:

1) economic sphere 2) spiritual sphere 3) social sphere 4) political sphere

A17. The understanding of "development", "interaction of elements" characterizes the suspension of yak:

1) dynamic system

2) a piece of nature

3) all navkolishn_y material light

4) the interaction of people with social groups

A18 ... By adding natural factors to the development of the suspension є:

  1. winnings of the first cities of civilization near the river valleys
  2. the state of affairs in Egypt
  3. breakdown of the empire of Charlemagne
  4. registration of lands near Moscow

A19. Natural mind of Russia:

  1. bully friendly for farming
  2. allowed to re-cull the earth
  3. vimagali extreme forces
  4. weakly infused the life of people

A20. Chi virni judgment?

Geopolitical encampment of Russia Bulo

A. We are friendly at the development of the country.

B. Unfriendly, having galvanized the development of the economy, socialthat of political institutes.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A21. The emergence of private power was called upon by the expansion of the suspension to be empowered. The tie of what sides of the life of the suspension has appeared in the eyes of the whole thing?

1) vyrobnitstva, rozpodilu, living together with the spiritual sphere 2) economics and policies

3) economy and social services 4) economy and culture

A22. Yaka from the name of the sign characterizing the traditional suspension?

1) pragnennya to progress 2) "uninterrupted", smoothness of the historical process

3) social mobility; 4) maximize the vicariousness of nature for its own purposes

A23. During the transition from a traditional suspension to an industrial one:

1) the person took a liking to the suspension 2) the role of the animals in the regulation of the suspension has grown

3) having made the most of the economical stove 4) social mobility has grown

A24. What is the level of interconnection between the spheres of the suspension?

A. Recession of the population due to the decline in life of the population.

B. Political vlada can take a successful economic development of the country.

1) vіrno tіlki А 2) vіrno tіlki B 3) wіrnі insult to judgment 4) insult to judgment nevіrni

A 25 ... Winning of transnational corporations at suspensions, development of international trade in manifestation of tendencies

  1. modernization 2) globalization 3) democratization 4) informatization

Chastina St.

In 1. Insert the missing word in the offensive phrase:

"... the middle is nature, I will let people go away, and because there is plenty of room for people to lie down for."

View: _____________________________________________

IN 2 ... Below is a change of terms. The stench, except for one tied with the witnesses "traditional suspension". Know that the term is not tied to the understanding of "traditional suspension".

Handcrafted; Stan; individual pratsya; automation; monarchy.

View ___________

U 3 ... Establish a specificity between the types of suspension and the main rice: before the skin position given in the first century, consider the position of another one.

View ___________

AT 4 ... Know the hovered listcharacteristic rice of traditional suspension... Write down the numbers in the order of growth.

  1. Re-development of important promises
  2. General tempo of social development
  3. Zhorstka, the architectural structure of the suspension
  4. Development of the suspension system
  5. Visoka social mobility of the population
  6. Rewarding the economy of the agricultural sector

View ____________

AT 5 ... Read the instructions below the text, the skin is numbered. But, what are the suggestions? 1) factual character; 2) the nature of the estimated judgments

(A) Globalization, on the thought of a number of authors, for the purpose of building up their goals, we must develop traditional traditions, traditional socialism, traditional culture. (B) Vazhaєmo, it’s a kind of post-social communication of people and it’s important to talk about how globalization is connected with culture like that. (B) Globalization replaces the power of culture with a civilization simulator - an industrialized mass culture. (D) Surely, well, globalization does not transfer any interest to the problems of culture and spirituality of people.

View __________

About 6 ... Read the hoverings below the text, at which the low words are missing. Vibrate from the word in the list below that you need to insert on the list of releases. More on the list, below you need.

“Characteristics of the suspension yak ______ (1) transmission of the internal structure. Її basic elements of є _______ (2) a supportive life of the social institute. Virіznyayut economical, social, political and spiritual spheres. The stench will overwhelm a tight connection, and some fragments will need ______ (3) suspension. _______ (4) in the skin and from the spheres, the importance of social welfare is highlighted. The stench will make you feel free to grow up to ________ (5), as well as to manage the sleeping area of ​​________ (6) people.

Відповід ________________

About 7 .Find a hover listrice of the early civilization... Write down the numbers in the order of growth.

  1. More spirited than being placed before nature
  2. Povaga to traditions and laws
  3. Reliance on the life of the word, on the basis of warning and introduction
  4. Social behavior norms
  5. Development of fundamental scientific theories
  6. Conservatism

View ___________________


Natural or navkolishnya






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