Expertise for extremism.

Expertise for extremism.

I mend with the name of Allah. All praise be to Allah, let there be blessings and gratitude over the Messenger of Allah, whose homeland is that Companions! Let Allah guide us to those who will love and who will be pleased!

Our Messenger of Allah, Muhammad-Mustafa (peace be upon you, blessings be upon you) will be garnim, and all vchinki will be garnimi. Yogo etika I will odyagu miraculous.

Love colors at the Messenger (peace be upon you, that blessing) buv beliy, as well as greenery. The Prophet (peace be upon you and blessed be upon him) wearing odyag iz with elements of red and green, also wearing black ogyag. The Prophet (peace be upon you) wearing a turban, hat, skullcap, and also wearing a dovga shirt.

The most beloved dress of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon you) Bula dovga shirt, still wearing "al-Khlunnatu" two shmats of the mother: the lower part and the upper. Companions said: "We did not bash Volodar's black curls with a scarlet cape, beautiful, not the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon you)."

The Prophet (peace be upon you) is also wearing a "jubba" - a top dress with wide sleeves; odyag with a hood - bowing her head. So dressing up the prophet (peace youmu that blessing).

A messenger (peace be upon you and blessed) after catching etiki odyagu. Having started to pull, remembering Allah, from the right side, and tightening trousers, repairing from the right leg. The Prophet (peace be upon you)

الحمد الله الذي كساني هذا ورزقنيه من غير حول مني ولا قوة

« Praise be to Allah, for having pulled me in a coat of clothes and given me this, that I myself did not by force, not by force. ».

And if the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) donned a new odeag, then he asked Allah for the good of the evil.

If the prophet (peace be upon you and blessed be upon him) bachyou, having pulled on a new one, then saying to him: "Wear it for another, live well and die as a shahid." So, having repaired the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon you), following the will of Allah, that people should dress up, take their Avrat, dress for beauty, as the Creator has punished us. Allah Allah having said (sense): “ About the blue of Adam! Take advantage of your embellishment (for those who are crooked) at the skin mosque (at the salat of prayer, that bypassing the Kaabi) (Surah al-Araf, ayah 31).

Dress garnishing garnishing odyag without pride and show. Once the Prophet (peace be upon you, blessed be upon you) beat a man in a badly worn dress and energized him: "Do you have enough wealth?" "So" - said that. Todi Messenger of Allah (peace be upon you) saying: “ Oskilki Allah, having given you wealth, let me give you the fruits of Yogo mercy and generosity "(An-Nasaï).

І tell about the mercy of his Lord, Allah to love bachiti, fruit of His mercy from a slave.

By the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon you) those who, when a new odeagu is expected, will be given to the people in need. Vin, not fixing it like that, as people of the current year are shy: picking up a lot of clothes from the compartment in the house. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) will be deprived of a small amount of odeag, inncoli, having noticed odeag and in a new vikhodiv from some companions.

Yogo ethics are often used to dress up those who know, without thinking about clothes. Deyakі people of the current year overwhelmed in the whole, not because of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon you). The Prophet (peace be upon you, blessed be upon you) will let us be dead and not loving pride. Winning the wear and tear for the sake of it, why should we see: “ Yaksho htos odyagne odyag, sob to be popular with the worldly life, Allah is yogo to belittle the Day of Judgment "(Ibn Madzhah).

Do not wear clothes for pride, do not be like, women, men, and men - women in colorahs, nor at form clothes. People need to unicatize that, which is right for women, and women need to unify that, which is right for women.

The Prophet (peace be upon you and blessed be upon you), having barbed the people to wear a shawl: what is the only thing for the worldly life, that in ahirati Allah is to fence off his wear.

Into the ethics of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon you) there should be a short odeagu: vin korotshuvav odyag, vyavlyayuchi obirnist that adab. The woman podovzhu odyag, and the cholovik in short is the sunna of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon you).

The Prophet (peace be upon you, blessed) Ludin slid, persh nizh nadit odyag, on which є the image is that write, think about it, it’s written there as if it’s namalovanno, but don’t super-read the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon you).

The Prophet (peace be upon you, blessed be upon you) loving different colors, but the deyaki kolori did not befit you. Not befitting to put on a chervone that chews on the head. It is necessary to brutalize respect for the speech, as the prophet (peace be upon you, that blessing) did not befit.

All day long to bring colori into the character of that mood of the people. Which is nicer? Tse love those who love the prophet (peace be upon you, that blessing).

Allah is to the Prophet (peace be upon you) saying (sense): “ Clean your clothes! "(Surah al-Mudasir, ayat 4). The Prophet (peace be upon you, blessed) loving pure odyag, and skinny, loving the Messenger (peace be upon you), love pure odyag.

Mi encouraging, moreover, hto vikonaє the ethics of the Prophet (peace be upon you) odyagu, Allah will magnify the inner shaky, in the name of the Creator, saying in the Koran (senses): “ Protecting God-fearing is the most beautiful (Surah al-Araf, ayah 26).

We encourage us to exalt the ethics of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon you) and deserve that Allah will exalt us with our inner ethics, as well as the city and the mystery of the Creator's words: “ Say (about Muhammad): "If you love Allah, then follow me, and that Allah will love you" (Surah "Alu Imran", ayat 31). Everybody on the right has life, inshaallah, inherited the wicked verse.

The stenogram of the message Muhammad al-Sakafa

Fortets of church bearers of mali velmi unnumbered garnizons - for the sake of those who are known to be in the minority and permanently known to the mills, - in order to compensate for the number of unavailable changes in the amount of baggage

From the third urivka, the essence of the fortuneteller is clearly visible. People are afraid, because they are on the way of intellectual and spiritual awareness - they are constantly getting over them in the minority and trying to trim the defense in front of the numerically safeguards. If it’s bad, if you’re led to fight for the hedgehog, if the bagacy is in the lines, if the weak - to endure humiliation, if the strong - to fight with the focus to squeeze the others. The first million of the first focus ...

A slave, like a master hand, entrusting himself to the Devil, the addictions of that dark half of his soul, darlingly cried out for help.

It is said: “Fight for the enemy, vicorist tsi vіyska, yak zabazhaєsh, fight, trim the defense in one z tsikh fortress! Stay to death! True, close friend! Defend the hour is even short! "

Let the Great King send his messengers to you. Stink to carry you to Yogo in unison. The first axis of you is seen from the center of war, and from the far side of the gate; you are nasolodzhєshsya in the habitation of Generosity, yak zabazhaєsh.

The gateway to boggling is at the best of you, there is a bunch of yogo there, where you want to help you. Win thumbs there, all go to the conceptions and accidents on the eternally perebuvannya there ... And those in the people for their patience, in a short period, for those who have trimmed out the years, as they flew so well, but the viprobuvan first didn’t bully. It's a pity, the soul is backed up, so that it’s worthwhile for the whole hour, that it’s high quality.

Think about the words of the All-Vishny: "That day, if the stench is smelled by those, it’s obvious, nachebto stench smelled less than an hour of the day" (surah "Pisky", 35 ayah).

Prophet, let Allah bless you, saying:

“... I also command you to remember Allah! Remembrance, similar to a ludin, as the gates passed through, and they clashed to them at an impregnable castle, in such a rite they secured themselves to see them. The servant of the good will seize himself from the devil alone for the help of the remembrance of Allah Almighty. "

Who are all the middle "extremist" books?

"The fortune of a Muslim because of the remembrance of Allah, that is being heard in the Koran and Sunnah", which made a lot of noise, after the size of a little bit like a middle little Kishenka notebook, and for a price it was about the same. Take revenge on the prayers of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.), grouped behind the themes of everyday life situations that are taken from the Most Pure Sunni (for a skin phrase go to the collection of hadis). Її zmist is approximately the following:

"The words of the remembrance of Allah when awakened from sleep, when you are awakened from sleep, when you walk from the house, you beat the first fruits; ... then say the young people to the first time, the words of prayer when the child is born; prayer ... .., then go tell if you put the dead at the grave. "

It’s a small book, the result of the author’s great work, which has broken through the numerical volumes, showing people who are not fully informed in theology, are rather universally related to Islam. Through the qiu book, we can marvel at the life of the ochim of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. Assess those who have become, not out of their shvidkoplinnykh feuds: eiforia chi dipresia, but out of the wise reception of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.s.).

Yaksho ti, having shaken off a greedy dream, demand to say "I surrender to Allah from the accursed Satan"і turn over to the іnshiy bіk, and because of this, no one is asked to go to sleep. That we shouldn't be bothered with anything. And it’s a lot of negligence to dispel all the filthy things from below, as they then infect people with negativity. I can really bring evil by means of a solution.

Yaksho praised you, say mash:

O Allah, do not know me for those who talk about the stench, and those who are trying to stink me, I don’t know about the stench, and who will make me less bloody, do not think about the stench!

The one who wants to say a prayer, he knows about his shortcomings, which may not be the nobility, and by themselves, hesitate to try to get into the mind. Ale and vodno-hour prayer will not belittle the people, but navpaki cried out to self-comprehension.

Trapez and actions of "political" moments. For example, at the prayer for the posture when turning the Borg:

May Allah bless your family and your blessing! Truly, in the city for the posture to serve the praise that turned the Borg!

Quite a word can’t be faked, but there’s no way you can’t pay for a loan. Aje Allah has protected the recklessness.

Finding out what prayers are universes in an hour. Sitting in the transport of people bazhano vimoviti tsi ayati from the Koran:

"Glory to the One who has given us tse, we also do not receive strength! Truly, we will turn to our Lord!" (Embellish: 13-14). People's thoughts are even weak for distant highways, Ala Allah, after ordering us with a collection of creatures, that will be the energy of moving the internal energy and those of the people. Naskіlka clearly picked out the words of the ayah, from the same stench to take revenge on the whole essence of the phenomenon, not to be brutalized to specifics.

Comprehensiveness is one sign of the success of Islam. A wide range of products is the basis for business success. As a competitor, having widened the assortment of a wider range, now you have a priceless program. As far as Lyudin is not in the religion, it’s going to turn up to the last dzherel. First of all, they stopped turning up to the relegation, because The "assortment" is meager, and there are a lot of competitors, as it is so and it is torn to be a dzherel of ideas and natchnennya. For Islam, it is wine that overcrows all of the ideology with its "assortment".

Truly, that is, I read the Scriptures of Allah, to curb namaz and to look for something that we have poured on, and also because I see it, to be encouraged to please, as not to appear unsuccessful. (Quran 35:29).

Remembrance of Allah from the Koran and Sunni, tied to all life situations - our fortune, how to pass right away with us, nagaduyuchi us, but what in the whole life, but we didn’t see it and didn’t get lost.

Expertise for extrimizmu

Representatives of the "traditional" Islam have long since racked up a whole book to the rank of "Wahhabite" ones. For what? - definitely not smart. Ale, I say good luck.

Among the Dagestani representatives of the "traditional" Islam (among the "supporters"), I remembered such a little animal, and from all the drives of the life I shouted: "FAaaaaatіkha". And then I’m feeling, I’m feeling it - I’m going down to it and reading the surah of the Koran "Al-Fatiha". Come in to buy "supistiv" at the mosque, sometimes from them say "faaaaatikha" and let your hands and inshi also go. Passing through the tsvintar, - history is repeated. Going in at a chiy's dim to read a prayer - history is repeated. Muazzin finished the call to prayer - and history is repeated.

Well, from me and thinking, maybe the radicality of "Fortets of a Muslim" is for them, it is in the very essence of it: "prayer at the entrance to the mosque, at the entrance of the tsvintar, at the entrance to the house, at the completion of the azan, ...". The supists have a melodious mind to start cracking because of the fact that there is a lot of prayers, it’s fallen asleep in the situation: “Well, for brehlivy hardening on our ustaz !!!

One brother also hung up like this: "You can often read the book at the hammered mujahidivs, and I think that it’s extremistska."

And zhurnalisti not quite a long time ago, they threw their love to the point of "sensations". For the first time, the title looks like this: "At the entrance of Moscow, they knew the vantage, it is packed with extremist literature for the maybutnyh shahidiv".

For the sake of it, there was an extravagant vantage, which straight into one of the regions of Russia, and in its body there were also vantages of boxes with books. (So, Muscovites, people from provinces sometimes read books, and also they have to bring them, including on vantages from Moscow!)

In the midst of impotent books there was a bullet and "Fortetsya of a Muslim", yak "calling to become shahid". The yak axis is a viglyad tsei epizod at the bottom:

Thank you for putting on a new dress:

"Ilbis jadidan va" sh khamidan va mut shahidan. "

اِلبَـس جَديـداً وَعِـشْ حَمـيداً وَمُـتْ شهيداً

Wear it new, live well and die the death of a martyr for faith.

I think I would like to comment on the good news. I don't want to wear rags, life is not worth it to die like a dog. And all the people who are smart, mindlessly, would die for their faith in a founding rank ...


Praise be to Allah, as I see it, the books have been tweaked to the masters of the writing of expertise. And the Dagestani "supisti" will make everything more enlightened, they will fix their beards, and they will dress up the squads, wonder, and read the "Muslim's Fortune". Not all at once, very wisely, it’s all reasonable, but it takes an hour ...
Before the speech, the whole site, all the prayers from the "Fortets" with the audio-guide were selected.
you can also add the book on the website

With the mercy of Allah, we will be glad to see you with the translation of the commentary from the book "Fortets of a Muslim from the remembrance of Allah, who are taught in the Koran and Sunnah". The translation is based on a short commentary by Sheikh Majdi bin 'Abd al-Wahhab Ahmad ("Sharh hisn al-muslim"), as well as the fundamental commentary of the author of the book, Sheikh Sa'ida bin' Ali bin Wahf al-Kakhtanif (al- muslim "). Yak write to the front-runner of Sheikh Majdah Ahmad: “This book, unaffected by its small debate, echoed a wide message among Muslims. Chi wee you know I want one little house, for which one does not have a book. Moreover, it’s unlikely that you want one Muslim, which is not a mav bi її specimen. About the majestic interest of people to the whole gathering can also be witnessed to the fact that it was transferred to us (Russian my book, re-reading by Abdullah Nirsha (ed.))... Truly, similar to the nature of the book, to merit for those who have given respect to them and for the service they have accumulated in science treatises. "
This year's proponate your favor, the translation of the message about the odyag (the words of the remembrance of Allah when you are drawn; the words of the remembrance of Allah when you are taken into the new one; the words of goodness for the one who is the same for the new one). For the lodging of memorization of the memory of Allah, you will find out the audio files.

2. Words of remembrance of Allah when drawn

  1. Praise be to Allah, Yakiy odyag me in tsei (odyag) і thirsty for me, but I myself do not[live bi zhodnykh] diy i don't[volodiv bi] by force,[Do not be on those wills of Allah].

الْحَمْدُ للهِ الَّذِي كَسَانِي هَذَا (الثَّوْبَ) وَ رَزَقَنِيهِ مِنْ غَيْرِ حَوْلٍ مِنِّي وَلاَ قُوَّةٍ

Al-hamdu li-Llyakhi allazi kasa-ni haza- (s-sauba) wa razaka-ni-xi min gairi haulin min-ni va la kuvvatin.
Hadisu text

I say to Mu'az bin Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless him, saying: “If you accept me, and then say:“ Praise be to Allah, that I will blow me less and more. , and I myself did not [live bi zhodnyh] diy I do not [volodya bi] by force [do not be on those will of Allah] ", so that may have passed that maybutny grihi." Vin said: “I who’d like to wear my clothes and say:“ Praise be to Allah, Yakiy having pulled me up in my clothes and hoping for me, but I myself didn’t [live my life] because I didn’t [volodya bi] force, [do not be the will of Allah] ", to that to say goodbye, that maybutni sin".

Transmission to hadis: Mu'az bin Anas, let Allah please him


"Praise be to Allah"- A story about the exalted one, who will be supervised by the viraz of love to the new one. Tse word can buti vikoristan leishe to describe That, Hto є Praiseworthy ( Hamid), Glorious ( Majid) .

« tsey (odyag)- so that here I’ll call vimoviti odyagu, like odyagaє lyudin. Yaksho tse shirt ( comis), then wimoviti “in a qiu shirt ( hyazya-l-kamis) "etc.

« but I myself am not[live bi zhodnykh] diy i don't[volodiv bi] by force,[do not be on those wills of Allah] » - The message of the following phrase: I didn’t want to destroy it from the moment, and I didn’t want to go to the right, I didn’t want to do it, I didn’t want Allah to do it.

3. The words of the commemoration of Allah in the case of novy odyag

  1. O Allah, praise to You! Ti pulling me in qiu[odyag]. I ask You about the good and the good of the one for whom the bullet is crushed, and I give myself up to Your thief from the evil and the evil of the one for whom the bullet is broken!

اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ أَنْتَ كَسَوْتَنِيهِ، أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَهُ وَ خَيْرَ مَا صُنِعَ لَهُ، وَ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهِ وَ شَرِّ مَا صُنِعَ لَهُ

Allahumma, la-kya-l-hamd, Anta kyasauta-ni-hi! As'yalu-kya haira-hu va haira ma sunia la-hu, and a'uzu bi-kya min sharri-xi va sharri ma sunia la-hu.

Hadisu text

I say to Abu Sa'ida al-Khudri, do not let Allah be pleased with him, do not let Allah bless him, Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless him, I will name him, [for example] "turban", or "shirt" [, a “Cape”], and then saying: “O Allah, praise to You! By tying me up in tsei [odyag, i] I ask you about his good and the good of that, for whom there is a burst of destruction, and I go to Thy to destroy from this evil and the evil of that, for whom there is a burst of destruction! " Abu Nadra said: “If you are from the companions of the Prophet, do not bless him and Allah, don’t put on a new odyag, they told him:“ Hey know [tsey odyag] and don’t replace you [Allah] Almighty Allah [is] like him! ” ".

Transmission to hadis: Abu Sa'id al-Khudri Sa'd bin Malik, do not hey Allah will grant him and his father


« I will name it "- tobto the name of the object odyagu. Bazhano zgaduvati I will name that odyagu, like odyagaє lyudin.

“I ask you for the good» - The message of this phrase: I ask You to grant me blessings in a whole dress. Fortunately, the Polyagu's dress is that she didn’t care about it, didn’t bother and was worn if necessary.

« and goodness of that, now the bull is ready "- here to be frustrated with respect to the environment, through how to get rid of the odeag: get out of the cold, and also get used to it awrata.

In these words, to take revenge on the prospect of Allah, grant the blessing of all the speeches, to reach the Kintsevo meth, for which to get ready for odyag: help from the worshipers and obedience to our Patron.

Well, to the evil I will love and the evil of the one for whom there is a blast of destruction, then the whole evil is polarized in directly opposite speeches. There is a lot about fences, rotations, and a good deal of odyag, for about such odyag, which is a cause of sin, hypocrisy, obnoxiousness, self-love, focus and vibration.

Korisnі visnovki, as vityaguyut from tsih hadith

4. Words of charity for the one who is the same novy odyag

  1. That znosish ty[tsey odyag] do not let me replace you[її] Allah Allah[inshim odyag] !

تُبْلِي وَ يُخْلِفُ اللهُ تَعَالَى

Tuble va yuhlifu-Llahu ta'ala. Hadisu text

Abu Nadra said: “If you are from the companions of the Prophet, do not bless him and Allah, don’t put on a new odyag, they told him:“ Hey know [tsey odyag] and don’t replace you [Allah] Almighty Allah [is] like him! ” ".

To see that Umm Khaled bint Khaled, let Allah be pleased with her, said: “[Once] the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless you, they brought odyag, middle bullets and little chorna khamisa, i win saying: “Yak vi vvazhaєte, whom we hope for khamisu? " People did not say anything, but they said: "Bring Umm Khaled to me." If they brought me to the new one, carrying in my arms, khamisu with your own hands and pulling it on me, saying: "Znos and vitrepi!" ... On tiy hamese bully green chi zhovty v_zerunky. Vin said: “About Umm Khaled, tse sanah", a sanah my efiopiv means 'beautiful'. "

Transmission to hadis: (1) - Abu Nadra, have mercy on Allah; (2) - Umm Khaled, let Allah be pleased with her and dad.


"That know[tsey odyag] » - a sense of the pope of a polyag in the fact that Lyudin lived a long time and wore a whole lot of clothes until quiet times, as long as it was not too late and did not change into a ganchir.

« do not let me replace you[її] Allah Allah[inshim odyag] » - so do not let Allah give you to replace the old one.

Qia blagannya є to the allegorical hopes of the old life.

Korisnі visnovki, as vityaguyut from tsih hadith

اِلْبَسْ جَدِيداً وَ عِشْ حَمِيداً وَ مُتْ شَهِيداً

Ilbas jadidan, va 'ish khamidan va mut shahidan. Hadisu text

Say, behind the words of Ibn 'Umar, do not let Allah be pleased with that yogo dad, but [once], having spoken on' Umari, do not let Allah be pleased, bily odyag, prophet, do not bless yo Allah and vita, sleeping: is your odyag new chi vipranium? " [Umar] edpoviv: "Viprana". Todi [prophet, do not wish to bless yo Allah and vita] saying: “Wear new, live and die shahidom!» .

Transmission to hadis: 'Abdullah bin' Umar bin al-Khattab, let Allah be pleased with him and his dad.


"Wear nove"- in an imperative way, here we rely on respect for goodness, so that Allah don’t give you a new one!

« live well "- we will tell you to be naughty here, so we can rely on respect for goodness, so do not let your life in submission to Allah be done, if you will praise your Lord [for God’s goodness], God praise you [for your fear of God], and [people become kindly put before them].

« i dieshahidom » - And here we are instructed to rely on respect for the good, so that Allah grant you death for the good. Naykrashoyu death є martyrdom on the way of Allah.

Korisnі visnovki, as vityaguyut from tsih hadith

5. Now go tell the one who knows about yourself

  1. Zto the name of Allah!

بِسْمِ اللهِ


Hadisu text

Say, behind the words of Anas bin Malik, do not let Allah please him, the Messenger of Allah, do not let Allah bless him, saying: “I depend on awrath on the squares of Adam and jinami, if people know odyag, serve the words: “In the name of Allah! ””.

Transmission to hadis: Anas bin Malik, let Allah please him


The word ‘ dependence’ (citrus) here rely on uvazi 'pereshkoda, cursed' ( hijab).

« Serve the words: “In the name of Allah! ”» - The message of the following phrases: the name of Allah Allah for the lands of Adam is not druk, yaku gini nezdatnі zlamati.

The deyakі іslamskі vchenі said that it’s impossible to add the words "All-merciful, dear!" , oskіlki slіd obmezhitsya deprived of that, it is clearly conveyed in the text of the hadith.

"In the name of Allah!"- e That phrase means: I am mending from the skinny name of Allah, the fragments from the lexical analysis of the words of the word are clear, how I am in love with all the beautiful names of the All-Supreme Lord.

Korisnі visnovki, as vityaguyut from tsih hadith

1 "Al-hamdu lі-Llyahі allazі at'ama-nі khaza va rozzaka-nі-hі min gairі haulіn min-nі va la kuvvatin".

2 "Al-hamdu li-Llyakhi allazi kasa-ni khaza- (s-sauba) wa razaka-ni-xi min gairi haulin min-ni la kuvvatin."

3 "Sunan" Abu Daud (4023). Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith is good, ala without words "i maybutnі grіhi". Div "Sakhikh Sunan Abi Daud" (2/502).

4 Mu az bin Anas al-Juhani (assistant in the administration of 'Abd al-Malika bin Marwan) is an associate of the Ansars. Having settled in Egypt. Having transmitted the Hadithi from the Prophet, let Allah bless him and Abu ad-Dardi and Ka'ba al-Akhbar. After passing on the hadithi lishe sin, whose name was Sahl. At the abducted vice, at once from the blue, take on the fate of the military campaigns under the command of the commander and chieftain of Egypt Abdullah bin Abd al-Malika bin Marwan (born close to 677 rubles). hadith. - Approx. shifting.

5 Sa'id al-Kakhtani. Ithaf al-muslim. - Approx. shifting.

6 At-Tibi saying: “Yaksho tse turban ( Іmama), shirt ( comis) or the cape ( rida '), go to say: “at tsyu turban ( khazikhi-l-'imama) "[etc.]". [Sa'id al-Kakhtani. Ithaf al-muslim]. - Approx. shifting.

7 'Abdullah bin' Umar, do not let Allah be pleased with him and his dad, saying that the prophet, do not let Allah bless him, saying: “Whoever I wear clothes on myself, I want to be glorified [among people], on that Allah is so the same day came at the Day of Judgment, and at the same time the wine was fired into the new one in Vogni ”[“ Sunan ”by Abu Daud (4029). Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith is good]. In the іnshom hadith from Ibn 'Umar, it is narrated that the prophet, let Allah bless him, saying: "Whoever is yaky odyag on himself, so be glorified [among the people], on that day Allah will demean odyag on the Day of Judgment" ["Sunan" Ibn Madzha (3606). Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith is good]. The commentary before the given hadith says: “It’s not important to wear a tse odyag: it’s a road, it’s like a man to wear, it’s hizuyuchi with good things and beauty, or low-grade, it’s like a man to wear, it’s showing off its asceticism” [As-Sindi. Hashiyya 'ala Sunan ibn Majah]. - Approx. shifting.

8 Tse of the supplement was transmitted from the version of the hadis to "Sunan" at-Tirmizi (1767). - Approx. shifting.

9 Abu Nadra al-Munzir bin Malik al-'Awaki - transmission of hadis from Abu Sa'id al-Khudri. It’s a short biography. - Approx. shifting.


11 "Sunan" by Abu Daud (4020), "Sunan" at-Tirmizi (1767) and in Hadis of guidance at the Viklad of Abu Daud. Sheikh al-Albani, calling the hadith authentic in "Sahikh Sunan Abi Daud" (2/501) and "Sahikh al-Jami" (4664).

12 Sa'd bin Malik bin Sinan al-Khazraj al-Ansari, Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (612-693) - an associate of the order of his father, who was one of the first who accepted Islam and became a martyr for the battle at Ukhud. Having taken part in the battles of Ukhud, Khaybar and Hunay, in the campaign against Tabuk and at the conquered Mecca. For khalifa 'Ali fought against the Kharijites. Imam, mujahid, mufіy Medina. Buv one of the most important associates. Under the halfs of 'Umar and' Usman, he took up the advances in the field of physics and the idea of ​​a religious and legal nature. Having transmitted the hadithi yak from the prophet, do not wish to bless him and allah, so from Abu Bakr, Umar and the whole group of companions. 1170 hadiths have been transmitted. - Approx. shifting.

13 Sheikh Ibn 'Usaymin, saying: “Allah has killed you mercy, giving a new dress, for example, a shirt ( comis), shareware ( sirval), cholovicha head hustka ( gutra), cloak ( mashlah) і etc., і nadіv її, then say: “O Allah, praise to You! Ty pulling on me in tsei [odyag] ( "Allahumma, la-kya-l-hamd, Anta kyasauta-ni-hi!")! ”. Name the [new] object odyagu, saying: “O Allah, praise to You! Ty putting on me in a qiu shirt ( "Allahumma, la-kya-l-hamd, Anta kyasauta-ni hyazya-l-kamis!")! ”, Or“ O Allah, praise to You! Ty pulling on me in the center of the sharovari ( "Allahumma, la-kya-l-hamd, Anta kyasauta-ni hyazya-s-sirval!")! ”, Or“ O Allah, praise to You! Ti tying me in qiu head hustka ( "Allahumma, la-kya-l-hamd, Anta kyasauta-ni khyazhi-l-gutra!")! ”, Or“ O Allah, praise to You! Ty putting on me in qiu skullcap ( "Allahumma, la-kya-l-hamd, Anta kyasauta-ni khyazhi-t-takiyya!")! ”, Or“ O Allah, praise to You! Ty putting on me in a cloak ( "Allahumma, la-kya-l-hamd, Anta kyasauta-ni hyazya-l-mashlah!")! ” I want to tell you when you hope for a new speech! " [Ibn 'Usaymin. Sharh riyad al-salikhin]. - Sa'id al-Kakhtani. Ithaf al-muslim.

14 'Aurat- is the name of the quiet part of the house, as it goes to prikhovuvati from all people. For the choloviks, as well as for the females, as there are not many choloviks in the middle of them, everything is located below the navel and in the middle of them. The presence of an outside man has all the warmth of a woman є Aurat It is not possible for the third-party people to wonder at a new one (it’s obvious from my own thought, denouncing them with a blame). Behavior norms Aurat, there is one kind of one left-over statistic, for example, for the manifestation of a dispute, for social status and for a number of other factors and for different interpretations of the facts of different schools of thought, as understood by the people themselves. - Approx. shifting.

15 Dreadfully, that Allah will not quieten them, saying that they will be pleased with them, but that Yogo word, brutalized before them, will be vicious against them [Uram. Caucab]. - Approx. shifting.

16 Zrozumilo, so Allah is not a savage beast on them, but a hideous look. Caucab]. - Approx. shifting.

17 Reckon on respect, as Allah, or not to accept їхніх діл, or not to cleanse such people from their families. - Approx. shifting.

18 Izar- a kind of clothes from a viglyad_ a shmatka of fabric, which is wrapped around a stegon. In our hour of what the prophet said, let Allah bless him, about Izare expand on all kinds of cholovichy, which can replace isar... - Approx. shifting.

19 "Sakhikh" Muslima (293).

20 "Tuble va yuhlifu-Llahu ta'ala!"

21 "Sunan" Abu Daud (4020). Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic in the Sahikh Sunan Abi Daud (2/501).

22 Khamisa- Odyag iz vovnyanoy abo sevkova fabrics in chorny kolor with v_zerunki. - Approx. shifting.

23 At that hour Umm Chalid, let Allah be pleased with her, she was a little girl. - Approx. shifting.

24 "Abli va ahliki!" In the last versions of Khadis it is conveyed that the prophet, do not wish to bless him and Allah and vita, two or three vimoviv qiu good fortune. ["Sakhikh" al-Bukhari (5845, 5993)]. In one of the copies of "Sahikh" al-Bukhari (Khadis 3071), instead of the word "ahlik" ("wistrepi"), it is written "ahlifi" ("take out natomist"). Such a difference would be like this: “Take the knowledge and take it away instead of [inshu hamis] (“ Ably va ahlifi! ”)!”. To see how the good fortune has been booted up three. - Approx. shifting.

25 In the іnshomu hadith, Umm Khaled, let Allah grant her, she said: “If I arrived [at Medina] from Ephesus, I was a little girl. Messenger of Allah, do not wish to bless yo Allah and vita, put on me khamisu, On the yak buli vizerunky, and having become stroked with the hand of the vizerunky, applying: “ Sanakh, sanah! ””. Al-Khumaidi saying: "Tobto:" Miraculous, miraculous! "" [Sakhikh al-Bukhari (3874)]. - Approx. shifting.

26 "Sakhikh" al-Bukhari (5823).

27 Abu Nadra al-Munzir bin Malik al-'Awaki (office in 726 or 727) - vidomiy the companion, he lives at Basri. Feeling redish. For example, breaking the parallich's life. Having made these friendly calls from al-Hasan al-Basri. Commanding him to hold a new funeral prayer. He died not too well before al-Hasan al-Basri. Having conveyed the hadisi vid 'Ali bin Abu Talib, Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, Abu Musi al-Ashari, Abu Zarra al-Gifari, Abu Khurayri, Ibn' Abbas, Ibn 'Umar and other companions. The muhaddis characterized the yak of the superior transmission of the hadis. - Approx. shifting.

28 Amat bint Khaled bin Sa'id bin al-'As, Umm Khaled is an associate who was born in the Ethiopia at once with her brother Sa'id bin Khaled bin Sa'id bin al-'As. Turned from the beginning of the Episode to 629 p. after the conquest of Khaybar. Years later, she was elected for a glorious companion and commander, one in ten zradilikh Raєm for life, az-Zubayr bin al-'Avvam. She had two blue (Amr and Khaled) and three daughters (Habiba, Sauda and Khind). Such a rank, kunya, yaku was given in an early child, she confirmed the name, calling her son Chalid. Al-Bukhari, saying: "Zhodna woman did not live her style, she lived out of her style," May Allah bless him for her. Unimportant on a small day from her, send a little hadis from the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless him.

29 Sa'id al-Kakhtani. Ithaf al-muslim.

30 "Sunan" at-Tirmizi (2819), "Mustadrak" al-Hakim (4/135). Sheikh al-Albani, having called tsey hadith dobrim in "Sakhikh al-jami" (1887).

31 Cunya- scratch and prisvisko, before the warehouse where you can enter the elements abu(Batko), umm('mater'), Oh('Brother'), khal("Uncle on the side of mother") thin. For example, Abu Ahmad (Batko Ahmad) chi Umm Khaled (mother Khaled). Most often lyudin wear kunyu, Which means I’m in blue, ale in one and in daughter, especially since Lyudin’s seeming like this kunyeu... Also inodі marten vikoristovuyutsya for the name of the people, because it is a special kind of pride, which means the specialness of the quality of this nose: 'Volodar Chogos'. For example, Abu Khurayra - 'the master of the koshenya': vin buv vidomiy pid tsiyu kunyeu That is why you are hoping for wearing a cochinea with you, as you love and love him, people called him Abu Hurayroy, tobto 'cat lover'. - Approx. shifting.

32 "Sunan" Ibn Majah (3558), "Sharh as-Sunna" al-Baghavi (12/41). Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic in the "Sahikh ibn Maji" (2/275).

33 "Abdullah bin" Umar bin al-Khattab, Abu "Abd ar-Rahman (613-692) - one of the most successful and most educated companions, sin" Umar bin al-Khattab. Having turned to Islam in Mezzi, being a child, and then resettled to Medini with his father. Through little life, he did not take part in the battle of Ukhud. In the first battle, in yak_y vіn, taking on the fate, the battle was fought b_lya Moat (627 r). I swore an oath of satisfaction in birch 628 r. (The oath of resignation until death, yak were given close to 1400 companions of the Prophet, let Allah bless him and go by the tree at Khudaibiya, if they heard a bit about those who were the pagans-Qurayshites hammered Usman 'Uthman' Affan). Having taken part in the battle of Muty, in the campaign against Tabuk and at the conquered Mecca. For the year, he took part in the forest of Constantinople, in the expeditions of the Great Patriotic War, Iraku and Persia. Zberigav Suvoriy neutrality in the midst of trouble. The sign of the Qur'an and Hadis. Feeling the special knowledge of the Sunnah of the Prophet, let Allah bless him. 2630 hadiths have been transmitted from every day. - Approx. shifting.

34 Explanation at the square bows is taken from the commentary "Ithaf al-muslim". - Approx. shifting.

35 Word shahid approved by the word shahida('svidchiti, bey present'). At its core shahid- the price of the war, having turned the way of Allah at the battle for war. Isnu kilka dumok, for which such a lyudin is named shahidom: 1 - the angels have signaled that they will go to Paradise; 2 - the wine is alive, not dead, so that the wine is dumb in the presence; 3 - the angels of mercy will bring them to the corny; 4 - Winning the blessing of truth at the command of Allah even for his death. [Ibn Manzur. "Lisan al-" Arab "]. Until the date shahidiv Not be deprived of the war, but they went to Allah's way. So, for example, I tell you that the prophet, do not wish to bless him and Allah, saying: “ Shahidamiє five: the one who died from the plague, the one who died from the ailment of the stomach, the one who drowned, the one who drowned it down, and the one who killed the martyr on the way of Allah. " ... Four of the people who have been told a hadith from the tsomu, so that the martyr will not accept death on the way of Allah, bulo is named shahidam at the figurative meaning. Reckon on uvaz, how through those who have to eat with them, all sorts of things will be forgiven, and if there is a lot of money, whoever stinks to reach the steps shahidivі to become like this in a vichny light, albeit not in an earthly light, de shahidiv you won't widen on them. In addition, the stench does not necessarily take off the same heights, the odds will come out one from the same heights. shahidiv like such. Slid mean, what a prophet, let Allah bless him and say shahidamі people who have gone behind other circumstances, and because there are a number of categories of people who are called shahidam, do not be surrounded by chotirma [Mubarakfuri. Minnat al-mun'im fi sharkh Sakhikh Muslim]. - Approx. shifting.

36 "Sunan" at-Tirmizi (2810), "Sunan" an-Nasa'i (5322). Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic in "Sakhikh at-targib va ​​at-tarhib" (2027).

37 "Al-Mu'jam al-Awsat" at-Tabarani (3/67, No. 2504 and 7/128, No. 7066) ta in. ).

38 Anas bin Malik, Abu Hamza al-Khazraj al-Ansari (612-712) - the servant of the prophet, do not wish Allah bless him from the moment he moved to Medina, right before his death. Yogo mater'yu bula is a glorious companion of Umm Sulaim, and Abu Talha al-Ansari is a vicim. Through malolittya not taking the fate of the battle of Badri (624 rubles), altogether helping the Muslim warriors. Having reached the point, taking part in the forest of Khaybar, the battle of Hunayn, the conquered Mecca and the province of Taif. For the khalifa Abu Bakr, it was sent to take zakat from the inhabitants of Bahrain, before the hour of the rule of Umar bin al-Khattab settled in Basri, having devoured the basics of Islamic war and fiqh until his death. Suddenly taking part in the campaigns against the Persians. Wait an hour of confusion without coming to the right side. If mother Anasa led him onward to the prophet, let Allah bless him, she asked him to turn around for good things. Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless you, saying: O Allah! Multiply that yo offspring and make them blessed for them! " ( "Allahumma, aksir malia-hu, valyada-hu, va barik la-hu fi-hi!"). Allah prompted a good fortune: the palm trees of Anas bin Malik bore fruit two to the rik, the new people had one hundred children, and the one who was the last companion, who died in Basra, in the age of a hundred rock. From the middle of the yogi scholars buli such tabies, yak al-Hasan al-Basri, Qatada bin Di'ama, Muhammad bin Sirin, Sa'id bin Jubair ta in. 2286 messages are transmitted. - Approx. shifting.

39 You cannot say: “ Bi-smi-Llyakhi r-Rakhmani r-Rakhim". - Approx. shifting.

40 Vimovlyayuchi "Bi-smi-Llyakh" in front of me, I’m maєmo on respect, I’ll start this way I’m right with the names of Allah in the hope of rejecting His grace ( barakat). For example, vimovlyayuchi "Bi-smi-Llyakh" before the ritual deceit, mi maєmo on uvazi: “I am mending the deception of the name of Allah, pranguchi goodbye through the grace of God”. They themselves are embarrassed to receive a well-deserved one, and one who knows what is right. - Approx. shifting.

41 Sa'id al-Kakhtani. Ithaf al-muslim.
42 Come on in the offensive. - Approx. shifting.

Rozdil:, Mitki:,

1233 (صحيح)

ألْبانُ البَقَرِ شِفاءٌ وسَمْنُها دَوَاءٌ ولُحُومُها دَاءٌ

(طب) عن مليكة بنت عمرو .

12 33 —

Cow's milk is liquor, fat is liquor, and meat is ailment! Tsey hadith passing at-Tabarani to "Mujam al-Kabir" from the slіv of Muleiki bint 'Amr.

1233, "Silsilya as-Sahikha" 1533.


In tsomu hadith it is said that in yalovichi there is ailment. Protest, on the permissibility of the implantation of the Yalovichini, the Koran, the Sunnah and the one-sided thought in all!
Allah Allah having said: “Eat for that which Allah hopes for you, and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan, aje vin is a clear thief for you. There is a lot of young men: two for a sheep and two for a child ... Two for a camel and two for a child ”(al-An'am 6: 142-144).
"Aisha said:" Messenger of Allah, do not wish to bless yo Allah and vita, go to Udhiya (Svyatkovo Sacrifice) for his squads a cow. " al-Bukhari 294, Muslim 1211.
See from Jabir, the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless him, saying: "A cow is sacrificed for a family, and a camel for a family." Abu Dawud 2808, an-Nasai 4121. Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic.
So also see, the Messenger of Allah, do not bless him and Allah, saying: “You should live cow's milk and fat, so it’s good for you. І unique її myasa, more in tsomu є ailments. Tsey hadith narrated Ibn al-Ja'd in al-Musnad 1/393, at-Tabarani in Mu'jam al-Kabir 25/42, Abu Daud in al-Marasil 316 after the words of Muleiki bint 'Amr ...
However, in the middle of the imam and the distribution of the reliability of the hadith through the Muleiku, the spirits and the distribution of the fact that she was an associate, she found the prophet to bless him and Allah and vita, why ni? Imam Abu Daud was respected so much that she was not a companion and did not find the prophet, let Allah bless him. For the reason of the fault of the new hadith from his own interrupted hadith "al-Marasil". Likewise, Hafiz Ibn Hajar, who guessed the economic growth of her, whose companion is from the number of tabi'iniv, did not see the pass of the same dumok. "Tak'rib at-takhzib" 753, "al-Isaba" 8/122.
Three of the reasons for the hadith were called weak such imami, yak hafiz al-Sahavi, imam al-Ajluni i al-Munawi. "Al-Ajviba al-murdiya" 1/21, "Faydul-Q'adir" 2/196, "Kashf al-Khafa" 2/182.
Ale Sheikh al-Albani respecting the hadith is kind, and having made it through with a certain hadith from Ibn Mas'ud. Div "as-Silsilya as-sakhikha" 1533.
As soon as the version of the khadis is transmitted, it is transmitted from Ibn Mas'ud, then to direct al-Khakim 4/448, as well as Abu Nu'aym and Ibn al-Sunni in his friends about the medicine "at-Tibb".
At this hadith, there are present broadcasts on the name of the Sayf ibn Miskin, about which to the Ibn Khibban he said: “I have conveyed the messed up that good speech, he is not allowed to go on a spiral, I want to convey to the supervisor.” Al-Majrukhin 1/347.
Likewise, in the drug hadis, the transmissions of 'Abdu-r-Rahman ibn' Utba al-Mas'udi, about which bulo it is said, that when he becomes a stray, she pardons. Div. "Takhzib at-takhzib" 6/211.
For a reason, the group respected that the hadith cannot serve the strength of the guessed hadith from Muleika.
Imam al-Zarkashi saying: “Tsei hadith of interruptions, and in your confidence, be sure that you have a good chance to see that the Prophet, let Allah and Vita bless you, having killed the sacrifice for your retinues a cow. And without becoming bi, get close to Allah for the help of the one who has ailment! "At-Tazkira file-ahadis al-mushtahira" 148.
I hafiz al-Sahavi calling him weak in “al-Ajvibi al-murdia” 1/23.
And Hafiz Ibn Hajar said about the hadith tsієї those: "The stench is transmitted through weak snadi." Div "Asilya va ajviba" 61.
Ale Sheikh al-Albani, having submitted the hadith in one version, would be transmitted from the words of Suhayb ar-Rumi, so that Ibn al-Sunni ta Abu Nu'aym would be directed. Div. "Sakhikh al-jami 'as-sag'ir" 4061.
And the sheikh ibn al-K'ayyim Kazav, who is a gift of incompleteness, is a very short version of Suhaiba. Div "Zadul-ma'ad" 4/325.
However, all of the deyakі vchenі was aware of the fact that they often live in the cold regions, as, for example, they say imam al-Halimi. Also about those who do not call Yalovychina Korisna and it is important to retrace the words of Sheikh Ibn al-Q'ayim in "Zadul-ma'ad" 4/374.
Sheikh al-Albani was fed: “Yak ob'adnati hadith:“ You should live cows with milk and fat, that’s why there’s a lot of food. І Unique її Meat, more in tsyomu є ailment for Tim, is it allowed to sacrifice a cow, and Shariat does not take the sacrifice for the help of the wicked one? "
Sheikh replied: “So, it is reliably conveyed that the Prophet, do not wish to bless him and Allah and Vita, killing the Sacrifice for his retinues a cow before the hour of the farewell pilgrimage. And it is also reliably conveyed, that the prophet, do not wish to bless him and Allah, having spoken to cow's milk and picking up meat. All the same, they ob'ednuyed the time, that sense of the fence in that, it is not often yalovichin, but if it is innocent, then it is not in the whole zhodnoi shkodi. I don’t think that yalovichin is allowed, and the sense of the fence is that you don’t live її often and don’t go overboard in front of a ram, a goat, and a camel. Tse vіdpovіd vchenykh ". Sl. "Silsilyatul-huda va-n-nur" №389.
Ale tse told the quiet disciples, as they respected the hadith readings to be reliable and obeyed the daniyah of the hadith from this stand, so yalovychina is allowed without any additional sums.
Nasamkіnets slіd to say, but the version of the tsiy hadith, as not viklikє sumnіvіv and є trustworthy, sound like this:
From Ibn Mas'ud, see, the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless you, saying: "You should live cow's milk, because you want to eat from this growing line, and in the young and good!" al-Hakim 4/446. Div. "Sahih al-jami as-sag'ir" 4059.
In the first hadith there are no additions about Skoda Yalovichini. Allah knows about everything so beautiful!

1232 (صحيح)

أكْمَلُ المُؤْمِنينَ إيماناً أحْسَنُهُمْ خُلُقاً وَخِيارُكُمْ خِيارُكمْ لِنِسائِهِمْ

(ت حب) عن أبي هريرة .

12 32 — I say to Abu Hurairi, let Allah please him, about those who are the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless him, saying:

"There is a congregation of the volodya of that from the others, who see themselves as the most beautiful delivery, and who are the best for you, who are most beautifully placed before their squads." Tsey hadis was narrated by Ahmad 2/250, Abu Daud 4682, Ibn Khibban 4176 and at-Tirmizi 1162, which said: "Garniy reliable hadith."

Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic. Div "Sakhikh al-jami 'as-sag'ir" 1232, "Sakhikh at-targ'ib va-t-targib" 1923, "as-Silsilya as-sakhikha" 284.


Imam al-Munawi having said very tsih hadis: “Tobto. I’m talking about those who are patient to their women, who are not very good at thinking, and who are not very good at thinking, to turn to them with cheerful accusations and kindness. Whoever doesn’t start a shkodi, the generosity and generosity of them are seen before them. To that, the prophet says, do not wish to bless yo Allah and vita, bouv the most beautiful people in the family. What is it about a hadith of a man about a woman of a people, like a squad and a concubine, who is about a close relative, who is quiet, who is perebu on yogo utrimanny? If you take a hadith, it will be correct. ” Div "Faydul-K'adir" 2/317.

1231 (حسن)

أكْمَلُ المؤْمِنينَ إِيمَاناً أحْسَنُهُمْ خُلُقاً المُوَطّؤُونَ أكْنافاً الّذِينَ يَأْلَفُونَ ويُؤْلَفُونَ ولا خَيْرَ فِيمَنْ لا يَأْلَفُ ولا يُؤْلَفُ

(طس) عن أبي سعيد .

12 31 — See, the prophet, let Allah bless him, saying:

“I have found a great deal of volodya that from all those who are, who see it as the most beautiful gift, me in spilkuvanna (with other people), like to love and repent with the love of those people who are not good to love 'Yu". Tsey hadith transmitted at-Tabarani in "Mujam al-Awsat" 4422 from the words of Abu Sa'id.

Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith good. Div. "Sakhikh al-jami 'as-sag'ir" 1231, "Silsilya as-sakhikha" 751.

1230 (صحيح)

أكْمَلُ المُؤْمِنينَ إيمَاناً أحْسَنُهُمْ خُلُقاً

(حم د حب ك) عن أبي هريرة .

1230 — I say to Abu Hurairi, let Allah please him, about those who are the Messenger of Allah, let Allah bless him, saying:

"I have found a life of the mighty of those who are, who will receive the best gift." Tsey hadith transmitted Ahmad 2/250, 472, Ibn Abu Sheiba in "al-Musannaf" 8/515, Abu Daud 4682, at-Tirmizi 1172, Ibn Khibban 1311, al-Hakim 1/3, Abu Nu'yul-auliya " 9/248, al-Khatib al-Bag'dadi at his Tarihu 7/13.

Al-Khakim, calling the hadith authentic, and with it later, al-Zahab.

Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic. Div. "Sakhikh al-jami 'as-sag'ir" 1230, "Silsilya as-sakhikha" 284.

1229 (صحيح)

اكْلَفُوا مِنَ العَمَلِ ما تُطِيقونَ فإنّ خَيْرَ العَمَلِ أدْوَمُهُ وإنْ قَلَّ

(ه) عن أبي هريرة .

12 29 — See, the prophet, let Allah bless him, saying:

"Rob the style, how to appear to you for the power, for the truth, the best (relіgіynі) right, as (lyudin,) how to rob them, to rob constantly, to wind up as if they are not good." Tsey hadith was narrated by Ahmad 2/350 ta Ibn Madjah 4240 from the words of Abu Hurairi.

Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic. Div "Sakhikh al-jami 'as-sag'ir" 1229, "Sakhikh Abi Daud" 1238.

1228 (صحيح)

اكْلَفُوا مِنَ العَمَلِ ما تُطِيقونَ فإنّ اللَّهَ لا يَمَلُّ حَتّى تَمَلُّوا وإنّ أحَبَّ العَمَلِ إلى اللَّهِ تعالى أدْوَمُهُ وإن قَلَّ

(حم د ن) عن عائشة .

12 28 — See, the prophet, let Allah bless him, saying:

“To rob the styles, to appear to you for strength, for in truth, Allah will not be tired, as long as you are not tired. And truly, the greatest Allah Allah to love is (relіgіynі) please, how (people, how) to rob them, to rob permanently, to navigate how they are not rich. " Tsey hadith was narrated by Ahmad 6/40, 61, 176, 241, Abu Daud 1368 ta an-Nasaï 2/68 from sliv 'Aishi.

Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic. Div "Sakhikh al-jami 'as-sag'ir" 1228, "Sakhikh Abi Daud" 1238.

1227 (صحيح)

أكْلُ كلِّ ذِي نابٍ مِنَ السِّباعِ حَرَامٌ

(ه) عن أبي هريرة .

12 27 — I tell Abu Hurairi about those who are a prophet, do not wish to bless yo Allah and Vita, saying:

"Є (meat) be-like wild beast, scho maє іkla - hardened / haram /!" Tsey Hadith was transmitted by Ahmad 1/244, 289, 302, 373, Muslim 1933, ad-Darim 2/85, Ibn Madjah 3233, Ibn al-Jarud 892, al-Bayhaq 9/315.

Sheikh al-Albani calling the hadith authentic. Div "Sakhikh al-jami as-sag'ir" 1227, "Irvaul-g'alil" 2488.

Lyudin can worship Allah in the Power of Nicholas and do not lay down the banner of the zgori, but can not worship and lay the banner. Ale that, who has worshiped, beckoning for another: also the essence of the field is with a straight path, and not in the bachelor of non-vicious appearances, as you can be like God’s mercy, so I will focus.

I will tell you that the Prophet (ssallalahu alayhi wasals) viyshov at the Ramadan before the last, will tell you about the date of the Night of Power, if you feel like two Muslims have met one and the same thing, and having said that Allah wishes to know

So it is more beautiful for those who are in power, for the mercy of the All-Lord is boundless and does not lie there. I reject not the one who knows the exact date of the Night of Might, but the one who will not stand by the widespread worship of that piety.

Rozmov about assassins for example Ramadan

Near the Great Mosque of the City of Moscow, one of the last days of Ramadan, when the taraweeh prayed at the codend, young lads got into the gurtok, as if they wanted to talk and talk about the world and about life. Until the early age of the cholovik of the middle rock, the sheikh, the chanovny wikladach of the Islamic college, with a light blue in the beard, at the skullcap.

- Ustaz3, can you supply food? - Having fed a young cholovik, a Chechen on im'ya Umar. - We wanted to learn about Alim4's thought about assassins. Before your arrival, we were confronted with each other and didn’t go away from one of the thoughts, who stink? - One seems to be that the war of Allah, the Islamic persons, and the others are drug addicts on death row 5.

One of those present on im'ya Zelimkhan, a young Chechen with a traditional hat with a penzlik, who also raised his hand:

- Would you like me to be supplied with power? My susid, uncle Aslan, having told us, since there were children, was in Afghanistan, dey that he had been fighting, it was a miracle, as one soldier in a whole company from otcht and vryatuv in his death comrades. For the first time, having kicked you in 1995, at the place of Argun, and my susid uncle Aslan, Buv with you. They were beset with him, yak brothers got used to them, they were smashed, they were laughing, they were laughing, and they could not be separated. And then they forgiven themselves uncompromisingly, more kindly, without malice. If Vi went away, Uncle Aslan said, “Vi і that very soldier, like having blown a" soldier's miracle ". And having said, “We are a happy war, there’s a stench and a day, and take the butt at once, and Uncle Aslan in our Batkivshchyna in Chechnya will be like a shannovy people!” If he was speaking, he didn’t bother interrupting either Dudaev, or Maskhadov, tim bolshe Basaev and Khattab. Uncle Aslan having lost his heart in 1998 and becoming a shahid. To the teacher, be a weasel about the "soldier's miracle"!

Ale then got involved with Umar:

- We have already started to discuss the food about the assassins, I would like to finish it.

“I want to hear a little bit of your thoughts, but then I’ll catch my own,” said the teacher, having given him a hand - and then, insha Allah (as Allah has forgotten), let’s talk about those who are going to Afghanistan. Fix it.

- Can I read? - Yunak voted on іm'ya Іsmaїl. - Assassin - tse name, yaku saw the Europeans, to discredit Muslims. Stink of the assassin - there is a great bulk of Shiite Muslims, more precisely: ismaylitiv-nizaritiv. In Europe, a message about the assassins was brought to the church by the Venetian mandarin monk Marco Polo at the 12th century, and they were poured by all of them: they seemed to be afraid to visit the "Templar" faces.

The assassins barefaced virok be-yaku, hto mischievous іnakhe, scho zavazhiv іkh plans, sang yo, and often just drove in. Vіdkritiy virok і entrance mark the sword - the axis of the letter of the assassins. Їхн ім'я for a long time wicked fear, bo meant shvidka, death inevitably from behind the horn. One clue about the "elder gir" directed zhah on all svitsk rulers: virok vikonuv a suicide bomber, as if he didn’t care to save his life, he made sure to see it in the edge.

- That zagalі is unhappy! Vryatuvatisya in the face of the assassins' blow was unhappy, - with a fuse, pushing the lad to іm'ya Akhmad, a college student, - the swing was perfect. Vbivtsi penetrated the honor of the sacrifice, they won the victory and victory in months. On the basis of the knowledge of the “old men” and the readiness to go viral in the new region, they don’t go out and see their life, helped the assassins know if they were an adversary.

Effort of the rulers of Europe and they immediately gazed at the assassins and caught up with their rooting, so as not to become a sacrifice. So, the king of France sent his ambassador to Amir the Assassin Hasan, who voiced that about the friendship of the king with the "elder gir". Hasan asked the ambassador to take a walk in the castle, and after an hour of the walk, the ambassador roared in amusements and singing, like Hasan love and respect everyone as his friend.

Hanging on the ground, Khasan pishov to the balcony, from where the wonderful landscape on the mountains and bulo can be seen all the castle. Movies, having given a gesture to the guards at the tower, and that in a second stripped and flew at the break without a sound. Hasan turned to the іnshiy bik and waving his hand, and also the first war іn the prototype vezhі striking the flywheels at the first - first chasing the invisible thief. Through Mit Hasan, having made a gesture of war for the first time, and that same crazy striker at the first, followed by another one.

Then, having turned to the ambassador, Hasan slept: how many of such advances and wars does your king have? The ambassador has moved, we shall give a shock to the shock. “There are tens of thousands of fiddlers like that, but your king doesn’t know the styles, the skins of Lyudin’s fingers. Todi may be energized - hto vin? And what should I be friends with?

- Axis of tse buli war! - viguknuv one of the students on the name of Guzman.

- War? - Umar slept in the room. - Tse jackals, they drive in from behind the horn. Ty, Guzmane, you will be happy, because you live in Tatarstan, and you don't have a problem. I’ll tell you, for such a fair war, maybe, if you want. Vchitel! - Umar turned back. - і іnsha thought, who can I її visloviti?

- Speak.

- The Hassan sect, and the sect itself, was created in a way that could be done in two ways. The first way to tackle the fact that the messengers did not get around are not those who are in Islam, but they did not know the elementary norms of shariatu, which are guilty of being seen by Muslims. Shorter, Buli Muslims, Jahili 6. To the unaccustomed people, who were not a bit of an inverted ustaz guru, they themselves did not go to the theological mistresses, they smelled before the eyes of a less practical life, and the blessedness of the people who bought it was active.

People who use the first principles of Islam, Hasan ibn Sabbakh have propounded even the original texts of the Koran, who have benefited from the good news, and the heroes of romance by the good, the long-awaited With this method, proclaim it importantly: it’s not easy to understand the rules of proof, but it’s worthwhile to say that it’s true, and it’s true, you can’t change your voice. Hasan buv is just a fanatic and not appreciating life - not our own, not foreign. To the one who has entered on this path, it was not bulo, surrounded by death.

The Assassins did not adore the authorities of the world, nor the laws of the shariat, but in any land, they were deceived, they were magical to take the war and knowledge. Ale, unaware of them, the stench has gone to its mark for the first time: they retired their faith, they didn’t know how to live among the Muslims, the docks didn’t obey the order of the “elder gir,” for what the buli would be ready to strip into be-yak, they would break through with them, letting them live.

Stink is shaitani. In Batkivshchyna, in Chechnya, it’s like this, they don’t stink of the laws of Allah, or the laws of our ancestors, and most of all - they don’t smell the stench of elders. With us, as Lyudin doesn’t care about the elders, it’s more beautiful to do it with her!

I other way. In order for the assassins to be completely addicted and ready to die at the behest of a second, they were stuffed with drugs, hashish, and were put into a trance, as if hypnotized, or zombified for the day. They were taken to the wonderful garden: there were growing beautiful fruits, water was flowing from the dzherels, honey and wine. Beautiful girls and noble young people slept, danced and played on musical instruments. Anyone who could have posed maybutnі vbivtsі, mittyu zbuvalosya.

For a few days, after an hour of narcotic sleep, they were carried through the garden. If the stench was permeated, it seemed as if the stench had been in Paradise, and you could immediately turn around to kill the enemy. The axis is so і appeared tі "fіdaї" 7.

Well, our brother from Kazan Rustam is more beautiful in vivchav the tsikh “shaitan” and, if you don’t oppose it, the teacher, it’s the chronology of the development of the sect, ”finished Umar.

- Zvychayno, do not contradict, prodovzhuy, Rustam ...

- Out of satisfaction, my brothers, that shanovny ustaz.

Trochi of history, - pochavin. - Yak vi all, melodiously, you know, in the middle of the 7th century among the Muslims, "shiity" appeared - this is how they thought they nazivati ​​the cadres of the fourth righteous khalif Ali (hai will God please him), the two-headed brother and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (ssalah). When Allah was pleased with him, all the people who were not pleased with the possession were squeezed around the Shiites. Now the Arabs from the Umayyads became khalifs, a monarchy arose. Їхnya is illegal vlada, they respected shiity, bully the main reason for neglect of the land. However, it was not the monarchy itself that did not rule by itself, as the pre-Islamic way of ruling in the tribal households, but because of the stench: the stench was respected, as only the direct lands of the Prophet (ssallalahu aleikhi to the Vasalyam) may be monastic The leaders of the Shiites - imami - bully on the squares of Ali (do not let Allah grant him) in a straight line, and from the same, bully the closest for an argument to the Prophet (ssallalahu alayhi wasals), and that they did not have the right to power.

At 765 rotsi shiitsky rok check for roskol. If the imam died, who changed Ali, we will not take the elder son Ismail, but the young one, and the dekhto revolted. The stench was respected, that the tradition of direct decline of the bullet was ruined, and lost to the truth. The Їх і were called іsmailes.

Then, at the 10th century, the ismails fell asleep with their halifat, names in honor of Fatimi (let Allah grant her), the Prophet's daughter (ssallalahu alayhi wasals). Years later, vlada nastilka zmitsnila, in 969 the army of the Fatimid khalifat, which was known in Tunisia, flooded Egypt and fell asleep in the city of Kaire, the new capital. At the time of development, the halifat hunted over Pivnichnu Africa, Egypt, Syria, Sicily, Emen and sacred for Muslims Mecca and Medina.

And here we go to the Duma, so there is only one meta - be-be-be-be zruynuvati Іslam. From the cim, it is possible to navigate Guzman. (Guzman movchannyam confirmed the words of the message.)

Now, the son of Hasan ibn Sabbakh, behind the deyakie dzherels, was born close to 1050 in the Persian city of Kum. Having become a henchman of the ismaylites, knowing that they were robbing the dovg, merciless struggle. A great share of a small student from an ismayilite preacher of even higher rank, Abdul-Malik ibn Attash, is a great share. Winning his defender with his advocates and saying: "You go viral to the greatness of the halif." Hasan is viral to the half, but he doesn’t see it. Hasan in his notes meaning: "Ale vin knows about me and kilka developed about me pitav".

Hasan's active activity wicked strong hatred on the side of the Seljuk power, and visir Nizam al-Mulk punished Hasan's viloviti. Ale dekhto, kazhe, nizam al Mulk, navpaki, having helped Hasan ... and Khasan ibn Sabbakh, having conceived to destroy Persia itself as a stronghold of the Viri Ismaileta, to come, the henchmen led the fight against the Muslims, the anti-Muslims:

They called them "nizarites", which is one of the three ismas, was approved in 1094 by the henchmen of Abu Mansur Nizar, the senior son of the Fatimid khalif al-Mustansir. Yogo henchmen on choli with Hasan ibn Sabbakh voted Nizar the ancestor of the maybut "priestly imamu" and called out to the fall of the Sunit dynasty of Seljuk.

Khasan Vibrav fortets "Alamut" near the Elbrus mountains on the ancient Uzbek coast of the Caspian Sea. At the moment when the fort was buried, it was roasted on the tops of the mountains, the bullet was relieved of water and was deprived of a lot of zruynovannyh budinks. Hassan ordered to lead the water, zbuduvati bud_vlі mlyn, shtovhanini for rice, rozbit the garden. Before the end of the life of Khasan ibn Sabbakh, the ismayles controlled a few dozen fortresses near Damgan, Vari, Khuzistan and Mazandaran.

Khasan Buv Suvoriy and Suvoriy on the right of the management, Alevin himself and his family lived even more simply: the whole hour Khasan spent his weekends, fasting, prayer, reading books, opening it up with the permission of the sovereign righteous. It’s holy at the end of the day. For the remainder of 35 years of his life, he has never gone down from the Alamutskiy striker and if he has lost two days on the doorstep of his booth. They enjoyed the butt of their sheikh, the ascetic way of life was reconciled, the music and the razvazhalny came in, the implantation of wine was taken into account.

- So, win the holy! - viguknuv Guzman. - To the teacher, vibast, I have interrupted, but wait a bit with me, teacher! He has all the signs of a saint: he is a prayer-man, an ascetic, modestly gnawing, drinking only water, calming down his silence, not fearing a blow to the body for an hour holy - hiba am I not right?

The teacher smiled and replied:

- Kin tezh, like an ascetic: you live in a paddock, modestly grunt, drink only water, calm down and shake off the baton from the ruler, protevin - no more, no more. Saints are not buvaє lyudin, yak want to be a saint.

Rustam prodovzhuvav:

- The principle has everything, wanting to give about Hasan's "holiness". For the breakdown of their laws, the strativ of one of his blues, the one who is the only sin of fears for the fate of the serpent. For the fate of Hassan's life on the "doshtsi poshani" of the afflicted 50 names: sultani (visir), princes, tsars (emiri), governors, priests, mayors, vcheni, writers. Theologians, who were overwhelmed by criticism of the situation, became victims: five muftiyev and five kadiyev were driven in. So, the righteousness of the holy! - Rustam said politely.

- The head of the Ismayilian state bearing the title: Sheikh Aldzhebel ("old man gir"). Hasan ibn Sabbakh died in Alamut at 1124 years in 90 years. The third "elder gir" Hasan II skasuvav richly fundamental provisions of the shariat, including the five-time prayer that was taken to the post, having taken the fence of implanting wine, allowing music and dancing. Yogo onuk Hassan III renewed the Shariat norms and renders the supreme authority of the Sunni khalif from the Abbasid dynasty. Ale yogo, the offender Muhammad called the foe at the adversary.

The Mongols arrived at the XII century. If the stench invaded Persia, the leaders of the Assassins, who did not vitrim the clouds of Alamut, stayed away. The Mongols harshly dispatched to the former assassins by mail. In 1256 Hulagu, onuk of Chingis Khan, defeated їkh. Remaining fortets in Syria, having seized 1273 Mamlutsky ruler of Egypt Beibars.

Sultan Beibars, who in 1273 was victorious to the Assassins, I will remain a fortress, allowing him, protest, іnuvati yak sects and he himself killing them as henchmen of vivi against Prince Bartholomew of the Merakian and the warrior Prince of the English Such policies were trimmed and attacked by the Egyptian Sultani. So, the assassins gradually descended to the role of extravagant vbivts, recruiting clerks, who are ready for a penny to make life happy.

Pislya bend down to the last imam having lost yoi syn. Win and becoming a downtrodden. Happy іmam іsmаіlіtіv Aga-Khan - right on the site of the tsy little baby. Ale and pokirnі yomu assassins for a long time already didn’t tell the foolish fanatics that vbivts, but they nishporized in the whole Muslim world a thousand rockets. Now people are peaceful.

The teacher marveled at about and brutalized respect, but in the chaos it is not deprived of the student’s fate, until the old number of Muslims.

- Maybe you want to dodati?

- I want, - a middle-aged man of 45 rockies voiced, wearing a Pakistani ogyag (hoodie, short pants) with a beard, and after hearing it, as in a sermon, voice and clearly posed. - The Assassins have gone on to believe that a man will appear, as to correct the inappropriateness of his light and become a "fighter of the people and the forerunner of justice." The stinks called the tsim the rival of Hasan ibn Sabakh, they called the new type of power. The great powers occupied the singular territory. They were built around castles and fortresses, and they were built around the walls and nowhere. Stink "shahidi" that ...

- Vibachte, what is your name? - having interrupted one of the paraphies.

- It’s not respectful, I’m from the organization of "Khizbut-takhrir", about ...

- Yak is not a shame for you? - zupiniv yogo parafіyanin, who vvazhaya at the old mosque. - You have come to our guest, do not name your name, you want, but have you heard, have you got this from your organization?

- Mosques are the same as the house of Allah, but also, the stench cannot be cleaned and from now on ...

- The axes of such "shaitani" brought the fire of war to my fatherland, - to the old parafian Zelimkhan from Chechnya. - We ask you kindly: the prayer is over, you can go, come pray and hear the sermons, but don’t preach, we have our own images, which we know, we know, those who are close to them, the most important. It’s a well-known way of living, and it’s a well-known way of living. And how can we help the unfortunate people? Navigate as soon as we change our voice and do not name our name!

- So, I fence the crowd of people here and talk nonsense, - said one of the young imams of the Great Mosque, who were young, in a dark gray dressing gown and in a turban. - Ustaz, - having turned up to the sheikh, having turned the imam behind the wind, - let me see myself about the assassins?

- It’s great, khazrat.

- Dogma that principle of tsiy vchennya can be deprived of describing, ale it is ill-formulated, but the main principle of this is bullshit! In the community of sects, like in those iretikivs from Islam, there is the principle of "taki", so that it is permissible to accustom the truth. As in traditional Islam, there are three spilny vipadki, if you can take the truth or tell a lie: vimusheno, before the threat of death; on vіynі for the victory over the road and for the sake of the protection of the family (as well as about the discourse of previous crimes), then in the sects of this outright nonsense is allowed to all and the family, surrounded by their superiors.

To that, the skin of a sinful life is a lie, you cannot the nobility, if the stench speaks the truth and how much to speak! In the souls of the soul, the stench will be blocked, be it laws, surrounded by their own power. Tse of the slap is given to the curriculum of the transformed into the last and the most new "prophet", as it is not on the "companion of Allah"!

I was overwhelmed by the fact that for people, more precisely - non-people, who showed their "assassination" at Beslan, Nalchik, Grozny, deyaki vikoristovuyut sacred for us the word "shahid". Shahid - the one who wants to live, wants to see, wants to be able to, ale zaginu, and the one who drives himself into, that is just a sucker. And if he drove in a kogos, he did not hesitate to drive in, then he killed him. Allah, praise be to You, the All-Lord, in the Koran, in the Qur'an, the driving of one people to the driving of all people. Hiba can be called vryuchy and God-fearing people, who drive innocent people: children, old people, imam?

- Ustaz, can I have another word? - I know my hand Umar.

The silence in the mosque was overwhelming. Then we turn to the reader.

- However, we are still very rich, instructing me for an hour, for our students, and for the paraphians of the message of our channeled ustaz.

Death row

People have forgotten, it was given to him zgori -

Ochі zatmarila retica kalamutnya.

Adzhe tilki of the Gods see the soul:

Allah viznachaє life shlyah.

The stars were taken by the people who vvazhayut

Go for the grains of someone else's share? -

On the gift of Allah, the hand pіднімають,

At the curve, the mirror has mercy on itself.

Aje sense life - viprobuvannya vir,

Schob from the whole life, reading, progress,

To be patient, to love without peace,

Worthy to live, die well.

And the one, hto himself vvazhaє "volodar",

We are preparing the skin for the life of the term,

Kidag wiklik Panu svitu,

And if Yogo's judgment is deservedly severe!

And those who have burned their own

They resigned themselves to the holy name, -

For those in Peklo, in bagattya, you are full of

Your fair Lord is Satan.

Hasan, Nazim ta Omar Khayyam

- Brothers! Not long ago I got to visit Uzbekistan, near the city of Tashkent. For Friday prayer, I went to the square of Imam Khast. I woke up, I'm in the heart of Muslim Tashkent. Zliva - Madrasah of Barak Khan, prompted by the XVI century by the offensive of Timur. Booths embellish with quotes from the Koran, and also a beautiful blue kachelna mosaic. Directly against the madrassah, the Tilla-Sheikh Mosque was inspired by the same capital.

The letter of the Friday prayer was shown to me by those who I was trying to do, as only I knew about it: I didn’t know what I’ve dreamed about. I found myself in a small room, not far from the library of the mosque, in which the best belongings were collected. lie next to the glass box, throwing out the sides, like a krill blizzard, the Koran of Osman. The most ancient Koran in the light, one of the first copies, crushed for the righteous Halif Osman (hai will God please him), the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (ssallalahu alayhi wasals). KNIZI already as much as 1400 rockets, її parties from the gazelle of shkіri took an hour.

Even before our history, the history of the manuscript of the Koran may be better known. Yak seemingly, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (ssallalahu alayhi wasals) in 632 ayati ayati the Koran was taken from the written records, or from the memory of the companions of the Prophet and the thousands of corans. Osman himself (do not let Allah grant him) organizing the robot from the folding of the entries into one book from the critical Koranhaphs, as chuli the entire Koran without the middle from the Prophet's mouth (ssallalahu), all the sacred texts check the correctness.

The number of folds in one book and records in 646 rotsi the text began to be named after the "Koran of Osman" on the name of the righteous khalif (whoever Allah pleases him) To the Prophet (Ssallalahu alayhi wasals) - the only and true word of the Lord of Saints. Go about recording.

The first half of the twenty-year rule of Osman (let Allah be pleased with him) was designated by the world and the shrewd adults of the ummi. Saints to Islam prostrating from Morocco at the entrance to Afghanistan at the descent, and at the evening a call to the chuli prayer at the Warmenia and Azerbaijan. Ale, in the other half of the yogh rule, there was a lot of stabbing. Not bazhayuchi shed shelter of Muslims, Osman (let Allah be pleased with him) did not drive hvilyuvannya, he wants so much power.

17 worm 656 the rioters escaped to the booth in Medina, and they drove the halifa, which was 82 rocky. Win reading the sura at the moment: “If you reject the stench of those who have reassured you, then go straight ahead. As soon as the stench comes back, then it sinks in the hole with the truth. Allah will grant you to see them, bo Vin - Toi, Hto chuє, Hto know ”(Koran, 2: 137).

When Osman was thrown in (let Allah be pleased with him), the Muslim suspension splintered in two, which summoned to the supernatural shiites and suns, and the ayahs would accurately describe those who were thrown. On the sides of the Koran, one can see with dark plums, the bibliotekar posepis explains: "Tse Osman shelter (whoever Allah pleases him), they cut his throat if he had read the Holy Book." Axis, brothers, to visit those parts, if the helpless people remembered the prophet (ssallalahu alayhi to the wasals), pride hunted the bagatokh nastilki, how people thought to respect themselves the right to let the life of the people of the people, to see the righteous prophet, the companion! (Ssallalahu alayhi wasal) Tse і buli pershi "assassin".

The offender of Osman (let Allah grant him permission) took the Koran from Kufu, in Irak, de Kniga probula kilka stolit. Timur took away from the XIV century, as many of those creatures, if he had seized the whole area, and took him to the Nur madrasah in Samarkand. More than 500 years lay there, while in the 19th century the "Great Gra" - a deadly confrontation between Britain and Tsarist Russia for panuvannya in Central Asia did not survive. In 1868, Osman's Koran was delivered to Tsar Oleksandr II by General Kaufman, the governor of Turkestan. The book was handed over to the Imperial Library in St. Petersburg.

The hour of the revolution in the XX century of Muslim Turkestan turned out to be a petition to Lenin, and without a visit, the Koran of Osman arrived in Tashkent, and had all the XX century in the Museum of History. In 1989, there were a number of transmissions to the Tilla-Sheikh mosque, dey dozhaєatsya. "Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton, Volodymyr Putin, the leaders of Iran, Turechchini, Egypt and Emirativ came here to see what the Koran was saying," - stated my guide.

Ale bibliotekar showed me one more wonder, about how I would like to tell you. In the іnshіy room, he showed the manuscript in farsi, and rediscovered it, which Timur had brought here, who loved him to re-read and save him. Tse "History about three comrades" by Omar Khayyam. There is about the great Persian poet and astronomer Omar Khayyam, visir of the Seljukids Nizame al Mulke and Hasan Sabbakh - the patron of the Order of the Assassins. All three of them were accomplices, they were friends and, moreover, they came to Nishapur in one of the same teacher.

In the distant XI century in the place of Nishapur (at the same time Іran), a teacher named Imam Movafakka, who still loved his profession and dearly appreciated, is the most important profession on earth. It’s the first time for scholars to start something from the list of three angels: “Lyudin lives three lives, and in their skin the angels supervise them. The first life is in the womb of the mother, the other is the life of the earth, well, and the third is the same as those that they deserve in front of the previous lives.

So the axis, one day, the day before his people, ditina fed the Vsevishny:

“I don’t know, but I’m going to see him.” Who are I going to be doing there?

All-important message to you:

- I will give you an angel who will keep order with you. Win to explain everything.

- And as I do the mind of yogo, aje I don’t know yogo move?

- An angel will help you with your movi, we will protect you from usih bid.

- Yak and if I may turn to you?

- Thy angel tell you everything.

- And yak call my angel?

- Ti nazivatimesh yogo mama.

In such a rank, having nailed Mowafakk, mother is the first angel of the earthly life of the people, bo von is the first teacher, and to that the teacher is the most important profession on earth.

A good teacher is able to wiggle such a skill, which is to turn the axis of Mowafakk's mind off, but in the middle of all of them there were three very promising ones. The stench already in his youth can be seen how the stench can be found in history: Omar, Hasan and Nizam. All three of us are diligent, ambitious, and have a fierce sense of justice. The stinks were friends and they helped one to one.

The teacher Movafakka from Nishapur punished him:

- Everything about life in youth, carry all life from itself. Come in one to one, remember one to one, help one to one, let your faith bring good not only to you! Know that you must become a human being, you need to vitrate all your life, but you must become an advocate - mittєvo. And I firmly know that you, one of you for sure, glorify not only your neighbors, but that hour, if you can live.

When they were out, the friends swore an oath, but the one who was earlier for their success in life, in addition to helping friends.

First, to whom you have succeeded, having appeared

Nizam al-Mulk. Win became the visir of the Seljutsk Sultanate. Having paid a decent scholarship to Omar and having reached a high seat for Hasan, Nizam, in his own way, took the oath.

We will report to you about Nizam. Nizam ul-Mulk buv visirom8 at the Sultan of the Alps Arslan and Sultan Malik Shah (sina and onuk of the Tatar Torgul-bega, who virvav Persia from the hands of the weak decaying Omts Mahmud the Great and falling asleep to the Seljuk dynasty). Nizam al-Mulk u Zapoviti, which is written and overlaid as a historical chronicle for the maybut of the great powers, write 9:

“One of the most wise choloviks of Khorasan, buv imam Movafakka from Nishapur, a man of great importance and shanovan, his great rock has turned over the past ten times, ... For the very reason, my daddy sent me from Tus to Nishapur, so I could take care of the wedding and the knowledge of the critical teacher. Until me, see the beasts of my own glance, to improve the cunningness and kindness, and, as a scholar, I saw to the new vinyatkov love and evidence, as well as proving the fate of a new one in Navchany.

If I came here for the first time, I know there are two other scholars of the same kind as I, who arrived there: Khakima Omar Khayyam and Hasan bin Sabbakh, which is a foul glory. Offended by the state of the art and the best natural quality; and the axes were tripled together at once, the partnership. If the imam got up for the lesson, the stench came to me, and they repeated one lesson to one, like pochuli.

Omar buv is an ugly person of Nishapur, who is the father of Hasan bin Sabbakh buv Ali, a lyudin is suvorogo way of living and profession, and is a heretic for his way. One time Hasan said to me and Khayyam: “It’s a dream come true, it’s possible for the scientists of Movafakki to reach the riches. Otzhe, if everyone is not able to navigate, then, without hesitation, I want one of us to break the price. Yakimi todi may be ours in the community and crop? ". We said: "Hail, you are welcome." - “Good,” he said, “let’s lady to the village, well, whoever would not be rich, is guilty of dividing it up and down, and don’t forget about it.” "Let it be so," - the insult told me, and our words were tied together on the minds of my minds.

Fate passed, and I went from Khorasan to Transoxiani, having risen in price to Gazn and Kabul. And if I turn around, then I will have the signs for the posad i viris to the cherubic on the right for the rule of the Sultan of the Alps Arslan. "

Farther away from the next stage, rock has passed, and the offense of this old school friends knew him, arrived and craved a piece of great wealth, all the way to everyday school days. Vizir buv generous and catching his own word. Hassan, having pinched my own, I will put him in the district, on the yak, the sultan of the yogo, naming his visir to prokhannya. However, we will not be satisfied with our loyal ones up the hill, having got entangled in the labyrinth of intrigue of the common courtyard, moreover, since we have lost our benefactor, in the name of who has been accused of dishonor.

After the failure of the bad luck and the reluctance of Khasan, - said al-Mulk, - became the head of the Persian sect of the ismayility - a group of fanatics, who had previously spent some time at homelessness. However, now, straightened by the strong and evil will of Hassan, the stench has made their glory, and even worse. 1090 to the fate of our eri Hasan, having seized the castle of Alamut near the province of Rudbar, as he lay on the mountainous dilyantsi for the day off the Caspian Sea. It’s just an hour before moving to a booth in the mountains of wine, having gained its popularity among the chrest-bearers as "old man gir", which has become a symbol of evil in the Muslim world.

- Well, about the new ones, we thought it was already rich, so let's talk more beautifully about the third friend - Khakim Omar Khayyam, - the teacher continued the answer.

Tsia Lyudina became proud of the minds: robots in mathematics have outstripped European science by 500 rubles. For the last hour, Europe did not know to find the numbers 0! Omar Khayyam's high authority as an astrologer. Even more famous as "the king of philosophers to Come and Descend." The elements of the new philosophical systems were easy to get used to in this concept. You cannot forget about the knowledge of the Aristotel and all the ancient philosophy and the logic of the Arabic light. Omar Khayyam sings to a wide range of readers.

So the axis, Omar Khayyam, also came up to the visir of Nizamu, sob vimagati his part; Ale not in order to ask for a schhob mayo chi put. "Greatest blessing, as you can grant me," he said, "not allow me to live in a short distance under the cover of your wealth, widen the range of sciences and pray for your life and prosperity." First, if he has seen, Omar will be right at his witness, Nizam no longer fixes a vice, but put his penny on the other, 1200 calicoes of gold from Nishapur’s scrapbook.

From the order of Khayyam, one of the largest observators in the middle society is transferred - isfahan. Here, with a group of beautiful astronomers, a new calendar will be created, the basis of which is a thirty-three period, including all the leap years, which were straight through seven times through the rock and once through five rock times. The whole calendar was drawn up, somewhat from the Gregorian, the accuracy.

If Hasan is intriguing against Nizam, and Nizam has thought of the knowledge of a great friend, who has become a vigilante, Vidbulasya rozmova Nizam and Omar. Omar: You want to kill Hasan, but what about our friendship, an oath? Aje toi, who broke the oath, to have a meal at the heat, and on his site, do not stimulate the family of the damned kryz generation. " - Nizam: "Tse are all Kazki". - Omar: "Vtrash Kazkovism, vratish life." - "Ty zahischaєsh Hasan?" - Omar: “Hi, I'm for justice, my friends! And friends will see from your otochennya, why should you tell them yourself, you think, and I said to Hasan bi ones.

Do not follow people for someone else's rivets,

Be smart, і kind, і tolerant among people.

Say: "I did not do evil with the power of the will."

Do not trust any of your truths!

Guess how they walked, clung to each other, muttered, our friendship was fucked up by everyone, they were raving about us, and it wasn’t that, but we didn’t reach, we added one to one. Just think about it - just at a glance, mind you, it’s like a "little shmotochok" to Paradise. " - So, - raptom roztanuv Nizam, - we continued everything, but there was no such speech in us, but we did not see one for one. Ale tse - youth, - a raptom priyishov to tyami Nizam, and in life everything is in the same way. We need small houses, pennies, vlada, how to bring our world into life. The axis of tee is a doctrine, an astronomer-clerk, ale to help you, to bring the world into life, you need a penny. " - Omar: “Not so rich, yak you think.

Nizam: "Yakbi people repaired according to the Qur'an: Allah gave a penny not to brave them, but to help them live ...".

How did you show us ustaz? - Allah does not marvel at yours, denouncing your wealth, but marvel at your hearts and yours.

“Omara, be honest, - food Nizam, - just toby, just start the car for an hour, about yak mriєsh, need a penny?”. - "Ні, Нізаме, I have already opened it." - ??? - “I’ll need to eat until the last, I’m gagging at the back, but if I need to eat until the last, I’m dead! Ale in the maybutny є one specialty - varto in the new look, as there is everything. To the uninitiated, there is no intelligence. I mav ratsiyu teacher, if he said: As a ruler to rule for more than 7 years, I am impressed by that clarity and live in the same light - the light of hypocrisy and nonsense. "

“Power, a penny that vlada, is the axis of growing prosperity,” says Nizam. And Khasan can grow up to be aware of it; - Omar: "Everyone, you think, should overtake our oath, and the one who will break the oath ... With that kind of sin intercepts the truth for himself." - Nizam: “If I’m young, I can tell the truth - a miraculous hour. And now ... please, turbotiers, courtiers intrigues and interest before they joke. "

Omar: "Look, visir of the Sultan, yak, the wonderful mountain!" - "So, truly so." - “And the bachish of that boulder of the road? Let's go for a new one and let us go out with a mountain! ".

Nizam: “Do you have your own tea, Omara ?! As soon as we go, there’s no way to burn, we’ll cover up the boulder. ” - “Axis so ti, Nizam, and chinish, you will break the oath: zaishov tudi, de facto it’s not just visible, ale to see bazhannya shukati її dumb. Know, Nizam, to the left to fall in love only with the new ones, and that, having only shown himself to the left, cross to see the hares. First, as long as you are on the road of the left, know this end: the old German king is ripped apart by jackals.

All powers are close and far away,

Pidkoren, roll in pills -

Ty will not become, great Vladiko, immortal.

Your share is not great: three arshins of earth.

Tim by himself, enchant the truth and the truth of the word, Omar has captured Hasan, who is in good fortune. However, at the turn of the prototype Hassan re-created for Nizam on the spine of an unbearable supernick, and visir brought a great friend to the front in the eyes of the Sultan. Khasan, knowing about it, swears hard to avenge himself and to Egypt, deceiving the truth of the matter.

Possibly, even in Egypt, Hasan developed the idea of ​​the establishment of a special order, and, having turned to Persia, Hasan began to regularly visit the village of Seljukids.

Nizam al-Mulk himself became the first victim of the assassins. Khayyam didn’t lose anything, as he turned to his native Nishapur, de vin and in the sieve of his days. Remaining rocky to the glory of a prominent vcheny, that wise man is singing to give the glory of a seditious philosopher - an unfailing wicked thinker, which is vices, corruption and hypocrisy.

Being in the zenith of his evil glory, Khasan learned about the sideless work of Omar and Nizam and thought that Omar would accept this and that order, and send his servants after him. Once in the booth until Omar came a sprinkle of warriors - it’s just clear that it’s asasini, more of the stench booted up at the bili shati with red belts. Such shati in the Islamic society of the Middle Ages were esteemed as a symbol of death (the Church-bearers of the Templars were also worn with red chines), they were afraid of all of them: from the children to the tsars.

The stench came in the flywheels and energized, as I know the "baster" 10. Omar Khayyam introduced himself, the stench said that they had come to nothing and say urances.

“Give the guests the same simple way, like for us,” said Omar. The warrior went out of his way, the stench of stench rang out to the utterly mischievous protest, and one of them viralized to Omar and said: “Yak you think, who are you? We are the war of Allah, as we sacrifice lives for our land. Why are you not swarming with us, how good are you? "

Khayyam suvoro vidpov: And what do you think, who are you? Mi is the Rabbi of Allah, our meta is the salvation of all that exists. " The war boomers of hostilities suggested and rattled off about the new parish: “Elder Gir Hasan asked him to come to Alamut, and some of them didn’t flood the castle itself, then asking you to come before him. If you see it, then you can vibrate and drink. Mi vpershe otrimuєmo also zavdannya that gadaєmo, hto Vi? Why is it so awkward for you to put “hobbies to the imam”, - even win the best ones from us? ”, - having completed his war. I Omar is viral on the road.

“Praise to the All-Lord, Omar, I will embrace and wrap you, my heartfelt friend! - with these words Hasan explained Omar. - Khasan is one of my good friends, only to you since my youth, I have done well, and you have justified my faith in an hour. And even friendship - tse if you think, you think, and not those who want to see you feel, and still lack of strength ... - Power it up, - said Omar.

“Is it true that you live only on those who will not be able to live from the present, from the past, so that, by the way, you sell your wisdom and live on those? Hiba to make such a sage take care of such a promise? " - "Why should I? Tse a single, in me є, - said Omar Khayyam - a penny is needed. Ozirnisya dovkola: people cheat pennies out of wickedness and deception, and I - from my heart."

Thinking, Hasan energized the dal: "Can you buy wisdom for a penny?" - "It is possible, as the word will fall back to the moment and the hour, as it is not said to help people solve the problem." - "І rich zaroblyaєsh?". - "Wise man yak siyach - wait for this sow of wisdom, only you can’t forget it, but you can grow out of many natural manifestations," - said Omar.

Hasan said: “I wanted to help Omar for your power and to give me a shot, as I pressed me at the rose with Nizam. I’m talking about the reception of the courtiers. After your turn from a walk Nizam nine days did not go to anyone, moving. Then we click on the radniks and messages about your love and sleep for the good, naturally, without taking care of it. We were forced to punish you for the call with me. I only know that I have lost my vow and I will be honest until the end of the day. I am not convinced of my strength to the spirit, and I wonder why I think so - it’s obvious at once that you’re not living for yourself ”.

Omar: The one who lives for oneself, dead for the others. It’s not true, Hasane, I didn’t kidnap you and didn’t take your side in your conflict.

I have stolen our youth, our friendship, that oath. Our teacher wanted to bachiti us like that, if only one of us two are to glorify our hour, I will pass over, but do the best for the occasion. "

- Khasan: - "Ale vin first wanted to beat me in, I got snatched." - "Hi, Hasane, you can talk to your servants, but I bach everything."

"I didn't have a vibor", - Hasan said from a serious viglyad. - Vibir є the head, - said Omar. - Try to guide the whole world to roam with such a person. With a little bit of Nizam, after that blue, and then after drinking and drinking, people thought you were afraid. Ale know, dad can vimagati hearing, the sultan can vimagati conquer, mufti can vimagati pidporodkuvannya. Ale tilki ty one vidpovidash for his soul. For Allah you will not say, but just suvoro vikonuvav the order - tse accept people, ale not All-Seeing Allah. "

Ty, Omara, having already lived the styles of rock, and rozmovlyaєsh, yak at the youth. What is it that you are not wobbly butted with a sense of protection? It’s so sharp, it’s not just me, but if you’re the one who can not show off your onslaught ”. - “Інші are not my friends. I’m not with them on the sidelines, ale, if I’m talking to them the wrong ones, I think I’m spurring our friendship. And then, I allow myself to speak, more or less at once, in the first place, with hypocrisy, Omar said. - To tell the truth, as soon as you can threaten death and the All-Lord will wait for you - then they have come to us! ”.

“Be lazy, yak blue,” Hasan interrupted him, “and cheat you; be wise, like a serpent, and you will amuse your life. - Only fear of keru people, or deprivation of fear of the need to trim people from "vuzdi", fear of death - the axis of the vibra. Omara, death itself is not so painful, as it is my zombie!

I have a lot of warriors who are ready to die for me, and I have reached the one who wants to reach Nizam is penniless. Fear itself and death is the axis of evil, and I myself will glorify our hour. If I want a lot of vorogiv in me, I will go through the tse. I know, Omare, that you will tell the truth, for what I will honor you. Tell me: I have reached what I want? It’s less turbulent: I, having established the state in the state, the whole world is not afraid of me, but all one thing is wrong! Aja I always obey Allah. "

Omar: “Your good fortune is the price of your peace. Your eyes are awake, but you can't beat a dream. We have more power for you, we have more power for your soul. Guess our ustaz: “Do not think well and do not think, go out, mind the purity of the mind - but if you think you can be good. God does not marvel at our denunciations of that hamanzi, Win marvel at how in our souls, and at our vchinki. "

What do you want to see your enemies? Skilka b їkh not bulo, kill you as much as one. Okrema Lyudin is mortal, the scarlet people are gone forever. Death spawns all, albeit one won the gift of zabuttya, those who glory in the eyes of the land, and lay in the purity of thought. The very power and kindness of all, and the stench redeem evil - I speak with my lips and firmly believe in my soul!

The skin people are fighting two vovki. One vvk represents all evil, like in people: zeal, jealousy, hisism, ambition, nonsense. The Іnshy Vovk represents goodness, love, hope, help to others, kindness, vitality, wisdom. "

Hasan energized: "First, on your dummy, rewrite?" Omar at іdpovіd laughing: "That, what kind of god."

“Khayyam,” said Suvoriy Khasan, “you glorify our hour, and I appreciate it. See me only honestly, how do you think, reading the "signs of life", what is it for me and my offspring? "

Omar became even more serious: “It is just that death is guilty of being quiet, who has seen the death of viroki, when the age has passed, that wine has passed quietly, who has spread it among people. The evil of the evil is those who destroyed the evil. Your skela, Hasane, will become a month of hatred and wives. Fathers are amazed at the blues because of the awesome fear, and those who are impatient to check their fathers to death. Relatives will be unique, but if the snarls will be designed, one will wear chain mail, and protect the same number. Father's murder is punished by father's violence, and the share is not blissful as it is, and until the end of your lands, Hasan. The bowl is in bad revenge for the dagger. "

Hasan hung his mustache in the cold sweat, and the stench of the little birds parted with Omar. Hasan pislya for a lot of success from kim didn’t change the pivrok.

The soul-killer and me, having venerated the soul-killer.

Yak pereynyavsya vіn tsієyu pardon essence?

Winning the wrong things, screwing up in your spirit

I beat it to myself! - at a tsyomu dzerkali rude.

First, it’s true, buv period, since there is Chergovy Vladyka in Alamut, there are no less promises that are horrible, not one of those who are in front of them, trying to bring the truth to the world and cleanse Alamut from abominations, which did not desecrate anyone. Yogo offenders have become very fierce. Ale world was re-posed: in 1256, the Mongols attacked the assassins and podkorili.

The first light rang out all the way, like a wikipedia at the new depiction of some kind of sect.

“Who, tenacious earth, is not sinful? Bidpoviday!

Well, who is not grishiv - is he alive? Bidpoviday!

Chim ti krashsya for me, as me in punishment

Did you commit evil? Bidpoviday! "

On the way to life, Omar traveled through the entire Blizky Shid pilgrimage to Mecca. Having rescued a prayer, wishing to glorify the earthly deviation, stood nakolishki, promising: “O Allah! In the world of my powers, I have become aware of You. Forgive me! How much I have known to You, how I have come close to You. " With three words on the lips of Omar Khayyam died.

There was an old withered tree on the road. Once in the night, the villains and the angry were gone: you are good, well, there is a watchman. The Yunak passed through the gasps, and began to beat in his heart: he took the tree for his kohan. Dytina, nalyakana with terrible cossacks, knocked a tree, burst into tears: there is a virishila, she is a ghost. The ale tree was like a tree.

Mi bachimo svit so, like yourself. Axis, zagalom, and everything I wanted to tell you about the assassins. You will be virishuvati and vibrate from the sentient, who from three comrades glorifying your hour. It will be easy to generate the correct vibration, as if you were to supply your own power: who else would I send my children to the next day?


Ustaz, having finished his speech, all moved, fiddling around with their thoughts. Hello, the rozmova is over, ale ustaz without saying the final "amin", because he knew that there was a need to develop another divine history from the Afghan past.

- And now I want to tell you that divine history, which became me on a trip to Afghanistan. I served with the Radianskiy Army, and 1984 rock, on the cob of paper, we were transferred to Afghanistan. They were raised in Kabul, the place was called "Tepliy Stan" military unit 36663. Since we were serving in military service, we did not have any ethnic spirits, but close friends with me.

Todi was a great special operation, the 7th "Pandsher's operation", the name of Ahmad Shah Masud's culture - "Pandsher's left" - the tse of a legendary specialty. We didn’t bully the politicians and didn’t get around to that, but we didn’t want to go to the country: we were told that the Afghan people and the legal order of the rioters were not invited to go through the ocean. Stop, before the speech, revealed the truth. We vikonuvali the order of our Batkivshchyna, as they swore the oath of allegiance, and the destruction of this word is a great sin according to shariat.

At that hour, I had a lot of hostility and divuvalo - Ahmad Shah buv was not the eldest of me, and even more legendary and invisible. Poloneni, which they took, the bullets were proud and did not ask for mercy, the stiffness was hostile, if only they were not afraid of a dozen. It was clear that it wasn’t a bandit: they had a strong idea that gave it such stiffness.

We were given a job, and we hung up to a given area. We passed "Aminivka", collapsing along the road to the Salang pass, take Mali to the 45th engineer regiment of the combatants, but our commander did not become a checker, but they demolished, passing the turn to Bagram through the Charikarska valley to the Pandesher valley. Tsei spih mіg is dear to us koshtuvati, oskіlki kіntseva point of Bula not far from the village of Ruhu. Hto bouw, that know, scho death is inevitable there without sappers.

Zagalom, arrived, quapilis and hung up. On a friend I will add a natikamosya to a shepherd - a garny lad of rock_v 5-6 with a look at us. Everything has become very much, and God is blessed with goodness, but it didn’t come to you ... Aja behind all the secret laws of development, on the way to follow, you can’t leave anybody alive, as much as you can cross the virginity that was set by me. vb'єsh, then you. Tim is bigger, our child was born with one of those who were added to the SRCP, with a track record from Cuba and to the Far Descent.

If the senior group gave me to go, everything in the middle of me broke off, immediately it became zerous. They were crushing everyone forward, leaving me behind the boy, whom I tried to kill. I’m just going to the All-Lord's blessings, so that I’ll go out of the situation, and I didn’t know how to do it, but I realized that I had put him in a speech tweeter behind my back and heard the sound of the words quietly.

For a few kilometers at a halt, the commander shrewdly less "virahuvav" and responded to the ubik, de-vidbulasya was still unacceptable. Win mav ratsiyu - even if I have risen to the lives of my comrades and to the well-being of their families, if I have overtaken him, then I will leave no one, just my burden is important. As it happened, those voices passed into my eyes, and those voices made me feel, having overpowered the renewal of food for my investigation.

The commander marveled at me right in the eyes and said quietly: "Don't let me go", turning around and going to the group. And then the shooter resigned ... We were drunk in the ambush, it was too hard to go forward, to go back with the same route - those same. You can go uncomfortable only through a small field, but the sappers haven’t lost their lives! From ourselves, from the sapper right, I was the most beautiful, - they sent me shukati shlyakh across the field. Visuvayuchis on the vikonannya zavdannya, commemorating my teacher's priest, how to pass the Great Vitchiznyan: "Until the elder, the sapper who saw me here is not, but the one who saw it, deyh is dumb." The first axis here has played the role of a lad.

I came, that the lad I concealed, knowing here mustache stitches, including walking through the minne field, and behind him I viviv ours through the whole field, just as quickly and without losing it. Tse bulo the first diva. Distant at the entrance, even in the evening, we spent a lot of time for one group. It is possible to break through, bulo, ale with chimalikh vratt. And here is another miracle: the relatives of the hidden lad have appeared, as they were joking! Knowing the boy, we live and are not smart, the stench came to us in a kind way and five people were let through. We also went without a break. The 317th regiment of the Airborne Forces drove out to the place where they were roasted.

- And how did you get caught up in the boy? - By feeding Rustam.

- Vin buv is an ethnic Uzbek, and I am also a Turk, plus tin. Ale naipershoyu Bula smiles. Win an odd eye, I don’t take ill with you. I write my life and live by the orders of Allah. Remember, since I know about history, as a teacher from Nishapur, talking about the "three lives" of people and about angels, which Allah has given me, I am intelligent, that the Angel of the Ohoron's boy has seized us. It seems to be the truth: the one who has the power is not the one who has the power - the one who has the truth is the one who has the power!

Axis, brothers, bach: it is possible just to get a mandate, іnіkhto z people without condemning bi me for the price, more vіdpovіdalnіst for a mandate to the commander. But the word "jihad" means the endeavor of Allah's sake, so that you do not break the order, but try to resign from your commander's righteousness, and the Merciful giving us such power. Well, and those, uh, hedge the trouble of an innocent child, who brought him to his hump in the night at once with important orders along the Ganbit mountains - well, so the mercy of Allah, for such an easy price to earn Yogi prosperity! Aje Allah zberig us life, I would like - for the natural surroundings - we can take everything into the whole operation.

To that, when the teacher spoke from Nishapur to his scholars, then I show you: remember all your life and instill in all your children and loved ones, that good will revert evil, and not rewrite asasin, but God-fearing Oh, hayam, ... This year, in our bachimo light, the symbolic continuation of the super-streams of Omar, Hasan and Nizam, and from where we lay down, where we go umma, who is there for us is the hero of our hour. Bo "verily, Allah does not snort the encampments of people, do not sniff the stench" (Koran, 13:11). Amin.

2 Imam al Bukhari.

3 Vchitel (Arabic).

4 Arab. "Alim" - Volodar knowledge, as a knowledge.

5 In the original Arabic the name “assassin” sounds like “hashashini”, it’s adopted in the form of the word “hashish”, so that it’s known to be injected with hashish. The French used the word "assassin" for the meaning of the offensive murderers, and the italians - "assasino".

6 Jakhilia - the era of pre-Islamic non-government in Arabia. "Jakhilami" at the rozmovny movi call people who have not been sanctified by the Divine Gods.

7 "Sacrifice yourself in the name of the virgin".

Report from the book "Taumnitsi of Maybutnyogo from the Past"

Spiritual and educational journal "Islam"


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