Why is it important to tackle the policy of those brothers in their fate. Why not clash about politics Fate in the life of the community organization

Why is it important to tackle the policy of those brothers in their fate. Why not clash about politics Fate in the life of the community organization

Inline side: 17 (the book has 26 sides in total)


100% +

Lesson 38 (5)
Topic: "Shkіdlivі calls, їх pouring on the organism of people".

Lesson type. Lesson-rozmova.

Power up the lesson. 1. Shkіdlivі calls - an understanding and classification. 2. Social inheritance of shkidlivyh calls.

The whole lesson. Vivchiti shkidlivі calls as a social phenomenon.


Lesson plan.

On doshtsi:

Number, month

Topic: Shkіdlivі calls, їх incessantly get the organism of people.

Go to lesson

Organizational moment

Reversal of homework.

1. To memorize the scheme "Gartuvannya".

2. Save the table "Etapi zagartovuvannya water".

3. Pererahayte come in bezpekami during procedures, how to wear:

- fix the procedures, depriving yourself of the pleasure of the liquor;

- Suvoro dotrimuvatisya after and triviality of procedures (more beautifully with a doctor graph of procedures);

- go to a new stage if you do not want to, if the current procedures do not wick your discomfort;

- When the procedure is finished, it’s hard to wipe yourself dry with a hard towel until you feel a good warmth, pulling and creeping, doesn’t know how to hold out. Remember, that the most risik chill give a wet head that cold feet;

- when self-esteem is paused, and more so when self-esteem is not, procedures, how to get ready, inaccurately admit and renew only when you have good self-esteem.

4. Give feedback on power supply:

- How can you get started?

- Yaki, see the charts you see?

- Who has a role to play for organisms?

- Do you know how to work with procedures?

- Who has the day to start charting with water?

- Would you like to know how to paint with water?

- Who has a polyagaє injecting povitra during procedures, how to use it?

- What are the main ways to start charting?

- How can I fix the procedure?

- Who can use sleeping baths?

- Who and how will I start the start-up mode?

The historical development of the people is progressive, the prosthetic cream is ready for the deadly threat of civilization. Tse is not tied away from vines, stems of zbroї masovoy strikes and ruinuvannya of natural middle ground. One of such threats is the diagnosis, and the smut - the globally widening of the shkidlivy calls. The children of them are even more ancient - piyatstvo, for example, on the thought of their pupils, old for the Egyptian civilization (and the school is from a new age, not from the past war, which was recently called), the historical hour. Before we are brought to the global drug addiction, as the very social phenomenon was formulated in the other half of the XX century.

Everybody is smart, but the shitty little calls are crazy for a healthy way of living. Infectiousness in Russia is one of the threats to a safe country. Shkіdlivі calls as a social phenomenon and will be the topic of this year's lesson.

Power supply for frontal mess.

- Give us a viznachennya shkіdlivim calls.

What kind of tips should be placed before the whole category?

- Describe the tyutyunopalinnya yak shkidlivu zvichku.

- Give a characterization of alcoholism yak shkidlivu zvichka.

Why alcoholism turns out to be a drink?

- Give a characterization of drug addiction as a shkidlivu zvichka.

- Name the social reasons for the shkidlivy calls and heritages.

What are the inheritances of the haunted life?

- Yak you yourself wrestle with shkidlivy calls?

The teacher will advise you to discuss the problem of such awkward calls, such as alcoholism, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Shkіdliva svichka- Consolidation in the specialty of ways of anti-community behavior, how to manifest itself in the systematic implantation of schoolyears, and to lead to self-regulation of the individual, the recognition of this suspicious activity, the establishment of an unjustifiable

Scientists give viznachennya shkіdlivim zvich (you can vikoristovuvati material of the handler. Div. Side.). Let's go to the discussion of social reasons and the inheritance of shkidlivy calls.

- What are the reasons for such an expansion of alcoholic beverages?

One of them is the power of alcohol itself; The very fact that alcoholic drinks are an indispensable attribute of the holy rituals of the children.

Insha is the power to loosen up, open up the illusion to goodness.

- What are the reasons for such an expanded tyutyunopalinnya?

You can, podlіtki back at home, sign of independence, stature. The courtyard in the company is old with a free dressing, ritual, going to the stage.

- Who specifically has a social security problem, a drug addict Skoda?

Drug addicts, degrading physically and morally, become unsafe for the suspension: to suck in the vice of those people, in front of young people, to enter the group until the group is widened by SNID.

Pidbittya pidsumk_in the lesson.

- Give the name of the understanding "shkidliva zvichka", name it and give a short description of the skin.


Before the hour of the visit to the home staff, obov'yazkovo vikoristovyte the handler (div. St. 175–182).

1. Save the table "Shkіdlivі svichki people":

2. Zavdannya. Respectfully read the synopsis and the first time: two shooters, playing on the zmagannya, from the first to the right they vibrated the same number of points - 92 each, before the others, the first shooter was victorious 5 cigar, and the other - the same number of points. As a result of the increase in results, the arrows are sent to the right of the other, how do you think of the other as they are, how are they?

Lesson 39 (6)
Topic: “Shkidlivi calls, infusion on the organism of people. Nikotin's deposit ".

Lesson type. Lesson-rozmova.

Power up the lesson. 1. Infusion of kurinnya on the organism of the podlitka. 2. Mechanism of nikotine deposition. 3. Yak podolati shkіdlivu zvichku.

The whole lesson. Investigation of the cause of the diagnosis of nikotin deposition and the infusion of tyutyunopalinnya on the organism of the podlitka; methods of fighting from a shkidlivoy zvichkoy.

Ustatkuvannya. Pidruchnik, posters chi slides, film (on teacher's vibration).

Lesson plan.

On doshtsi:

Number, month

Topic: Shkіdlivі calls, їх incessantly get the organism of people. Nikotin deposit.

Go to lesson

Organizational moment

Reversal of homework.

1. To memorize the table "Shkіdlivі svichki people":

2. Zavdannya. Two shooters, playing on zmagannykh, for the first one to the right, vibrated the same number of points - 92 each, before the other one, the first shooter vikuriv 5 cigarettes to the right, and the other one - one. As a result of the increase in results, the arrows are sent to the right of the other, how do you think of the other as they are, how are they?

View: As soon as the rifle butt was aimed, the accuracy of the sniper decreased by 58%, so the accuracy of the shot is right for another shooter to lose approximately the same. The result becomes 37 points.

3. Give feedback on power supply:

- Give me a viznachennya priest "shkidliva zvichka".

- Name the short names and give a short description of the skin from them.

- Who has a social problem with a shkidlivy phone number?

- Who has social reasons for the inheritance of alcoholism?

- Who has social reasons for the inheritance of tyutyunopalinnya?

- What are the social reasons for the inheritance of drug addiction?

- On each side of the life and the power of the people, do they add awesome little calls?

- How do you know about the policy of the state and the prevention of shkidlivy calls?

- Why do you want to eat, drink and implant drugs, especially not safe for a child's life?

Vivchennya new material. Introduce the word of the reader.

In the middle of the shkidlivy ringtone of tyutyunopalinnya - naiposhirenish. Even more often to not be put tolerantly and happier, not until they are. On the thought of experts, the reason is that the antisocial heritage of the whole school is the most obvious. At the same hour, the city is magnificent. The people are choric in consuming a great number of material and financial resources because of the blame of people who are sick to the point of awesome little calls and more styles of vitrachas to fight against women. The most important thing is the fact that the house of the tyutyun takes away people's life, and the losses are counted in millions. Tyutyunopalіnnya i will be the theme of our lesson.

- Who has the day for tyutyunopalinnya?

- Who has manifested itself in the infusion of kurinnya tyutyunu on the organism of people?

- Who has the specialness of inflowing chicken on the body of the podlitka?

- What is the mechanism of nikotin deposition?

- Why should you rush to do it?

- Is it possible to podolat the nikotin deposit?

Lecture-rozmova. Why did you think about those who in Russia have such a low triviality of life, and why in the outlying rock of Russia is dying much more, not to be people?

A low life of life, a rotten ecology, a lack of food, a high level of aggravated stress, naturally, does not take our hunger. But all the same, the main Skoda is made by itself and voluntarily.

Approximately five of the deaths were poured over to tyutyunopalinnyam. For winter gifts, Tyutyunovy dim takes away a shoroku from 100 to 300 thousand of our spivgromadyans.

In the middle of the big chickens, it doesn't get a great school of organism.

Tyutyunovy dim to take revenge on three thousand shkidlivy speeches. Effortlessly remember. There are three main groups of toxins in the treba nobility:

1. Tar. Revenge the strong carcinogens and speech, tease the tissues of the bronchial tubes and the leg. Cancer is legendary in 85% of all cases. Cancer is empty company and larynx is also in the main boom at curts. Resins є the cause of coughing of chickens and chronic bronchitis.

2. Nikotin. Nikotin is a narcotic stimulant speech. Like a drug like a drug wikikє zvikannya, addiction that staleness. I increase the frequency of the heart rate and the arterial vise. After stimulating the brain, there was a significant drop before depression, which resulted in a decrease in the dose of nikotine. A similar two-phase mechanism of attracting us to narcotic stimulants: to get it up, then to hang out. On the basis of a patient's illness, it is possible to develop a syndrome of being trivial, often up to 2-3 years. The most frequent symptoms of nikotin are dysfunction, sleep disturbance, tremors, restlessness, decreased tone.

3. Toxic gases (carbon oxide, cyanide water, nitrogen oxide, etc.)). Oxide in carbon, or abrasive gas, is the main exhaust component of Tyutyunovy dim gas. Win ushkozhuh hemoglobin, for which hemoglobin takes intolerance to tolerate kisin. That curtsy is suffering at the chronically sour hunger, so it clearly manifests itself with physical navanazhennya. Try to remember one number: tyutyunovy dim to revenge 384,000 GDK toxic words, which is four times more than in a car.

Courtesy of atherosclerosis Sudin. The inheritance of atherosclerosis є myocardial infarction, insult, early age. Guard immunity and endocrine system.

If you are living in a courtyard, you can do without medical assistance. Syndrome of nikotinovy ​​skasuvannya zhodnoy zhodnoy zhodnoy zhid'yu not carry. Naygirshe, it can be 2-3 serious discomfort. And the distance will inevitably come. The ailment in the transition period is often more common in the quiet, who have been subordinate to the house. And that, having broken the residual vibration for oneself, it is, by the way, easy to think of as a bad name, to find dozens of rockies to yourself.

And through the rik you will not only become big teeth, but the color of your exposure will be healthy, and your internal organization will be wiped out. Lungs, heart, judgment, brain to re-energize. Before you turn to the praisezdatnist, about yaku you have long been forgotten.

Tyutyunopalinnya is formally admitted to toxicomania. However, there is a single kind of toxicomania, which is not subject to the law. For whatever reason, I see two reasons for addiction to tyutyun: psycho and physical depletion.

Physical deposit- Tse stan, at any deyakі physiologic function, we are connected with the necessary in the organism of speech, how to take revenge in tyutyunі, drugs, etc. So, in case of drug addiction, a particular camp of satisfaction can be reached, including hallucinations, connected with the drug receptor to the brain. Alle the drug is dyn yak on the receptor, in a singular (chemically) way, injecting into and into the system and the body. In the result of drug abuse, the organism starts to behave in a different way, as it would be caused by a particular situation. The painful sensitivity becomes stiff, dull by the drug, this is the name of withdrawal. Similarly, show a little nikotinov abstinence (tobto stun nikotin). Rapidly change the mood of the bik depression, the fall of praezdatnist, "junk" of the heart-Sudin system, which sounded to the end of the day, too.

However, the symptoms must pass through quickly, at the same time, when you throw a firing squad. Why should we, once thrown a fire, repair the knowledge? In addition, it will grow more likely because of the mental debris.

Psychic depletion it is stored in the usual way: for example, smoke over kerm, by obed, drink a cup of kawi, a glass of cognac, etc. It’s a good idea to smoke only cigarettes in cig situations and to do without cigars in the last hour. Theoretically, the stench may not be smoked. If one accumulates even more such vicious situations, if a cigarette is needed, go out, when people smoke practically all hour. Take a smoke break in a legal way to cope with a robot at a working hour. In such a rank, the mental staleness is not so cheeky words, as it is in tyutyuns, as the roots of the internal stereotype of behavior.

Oskilki nikotinova deposition is similar to the narcotic, the type of organism is much more important. If you are guilty, you are ready to conceive of inappropriate suspicions - fatigue, cough, throat throat, headache, slurry puffiness. You can get overwhelmed, you can become dramatic, and you can see signs of depression and triviality. Oskilki women are stronger to stress, less than a man, then throw firing is more important. So you can just get a wagu.

The first symptoms of withdrawal are seen for several years after the last cigarette. At the first day, the stench builds up, and then step by step passes. It is important to showcase and not break the pershі two tizhnі. For the first time, I don't think I’m aware of it, I want to send you an hour, every hour, to smoke. Then, in two years, even if you quit smoking, nikotin is released from the body, the next day your heart-and-heart system will get better, after two years your blood circulation system will start to circulate and you will be able to walk easier and more easily. Stretching out to fate, your body will self-cleanse, quickly turn self-respect that callous viglyad, as life will change meaningfully.

Zvikannya to kurinnya go through nikotin, to take revenge in tyutyun. Tsya speech calms down and relaxes, that people are drawn to the house, why should they accept the message of the stressed robots, soothe the nerves, if the stench seeks the troubles and the stress, take more pleasure, just be happy. After a dozen hour, the brain of the people, the programming to reject contentedness and struggle with pain, start assotiyuvati to accept the cure and permanently vimagati nikotin. To the one who successfully throws the fire, it is necessary not to deprive oneself of seeing one's body from a certainty, but to change one's behavior and style of life. Dіyuchi deprived in the first straight, it is practically uncomfortable to succeed in reaching it.

Well, it’s necessary to work, how can you reach your bastard? Try to color the image of your loved ones. To blame for the behavior of behavior tactics for the cob period of time in and out of the house. Shchepravda, deyakі psychologists please don’t talk about our thoughts.

If the day comes, you will not be guilty of being important for the nominated moment for the moment. Now your zavdannya - overwhelm the gostre bazannya to smoke, if you won’t winy (call it out, no more than 5-10 minutes). If you are bazhannya nastane, you are guilty of confirming for yourself your decision to throw a fire and try to give respect to yourself.

Pidbittya pidsumk_in the lesson.

Nutrition of knowledge.

- What kind of kurinnya?

- Describe the mental depletion for the hour of tyutyunokurinnya.

- Describe the physical fallowness in tyutyunokurіnnі.


1. To memorize the scheme "Vidi nikotinovaya depletion" »:

2. Save the table "Tyutyunopalinnya" (div. Pidruchnik 177-179):

Lesson 40 (7)
Topic: “Shkidlivi calls, infusion on the organism of people. Piyatstvo and alcoholism ".

Lesson type. Lesson-rozmova.

Power up the lesson. 1. Injection of alcohol on the body of the podlitka. 2. From drinking to alcoholism - the mechanism of establishing alcoholic depletion. 3. Alcoholism is social suicide.

The whole lesson. Learn about the physiological and social heritage of alcohol.

Ustatkuvannya. Pidruchnik, posters chi slide, fragments of the film "Friend".

Lesson plan.

On doshtsi:

Number, month

Topic: Shkіdlivі calls, їх incessantly get the organism of people. Piyatstvo and alcoholism.

Go to lesson

Organizational moment

Reversal of homework.

1. Scheme "Vidi nikotinovaya olezhnosti":

2. Save the table "Tyutyunopalinnya":

3. Give feedback on power supply:

- What kind of kurinnya?

- Would you please treat your body with Tyutyunov dim to your body?

- What ailments do you have to deal with the organisms of Viklik Kurennya?

- What are the inheritances of a home for the sick?

- On the skіlka at the middle speed of the life of the city?

- What about nikotin deposit?

- Describe the mental fallowness of the tyutyunopalinnya.

- Describe the physical fallowness of the tyutyunopalinnya.

- Is there a lot of problems and a lot of video from the house?

- Describe the main ways of working with people.

- Who is smarter for people, as if they were vidmovitsya from a tricky little nickname?

Vivchennya new material. Introduce the word of the reader.

Finding a shkidliv ringtone - piyatstvo. It's a pity that alcohol implantation has long become an element of human culture, and for a long time, the leading representatives of the people talked about the teeth of the song. Finish the words of Aristotle's wenched walnut: "Piyatstvo є voluntarily God." The protest of that kindred is alcoholism, one of the most terrible scourges of our civilization. It is also a drink that alcoholism, which smell is not safe for people and suspensions - and problems will become the topic of our today's lesson.

Power supply for active knowledge.

- What is alcoholism and what is the reason for living as a drink?

- Who has this unfavorable infusion on the podlitka's body?

- What kind of ailments do you have to deal with organism?

- How does the mechanism of alcoholic deposits form?

- How many alcoholic deposits are there?

- Chi is easy to get confused by the piyatstva?

- Why alcoholism?

Lecture . Piyatstvo- the price of alcoholic beverages is not plentiful, but negatively poured into pratsyu, beaten, the health of people and the whole suspension will be good. One by one, the appearance of a spy is displayed as an episodic splendor. Systematic piquancy can be manifested both in the form of frequent (2-4 times per month and often) rotational stages of spirits, as well as continuous (2-3 times per week and more often) using lower doses of alcoholic drinks, but not in ...

Alcoholism- Pissed on drug addiction, addiction to the implantation of alcoholic beverages, avenging ethanol is ailing.

Alcohol is toxic before it becomes known to the nervous system. If alcohol in blood is taken for 1 (one), then in the liver it is 1.45, and in the brain - 1.75. Navit small doses of alcohol inject exchange in nerve tissue, transmission of nerve impulses. Suddenly, the robot will ruin the brain: it will see its expansion, increase its penetration, and hemorrhage the tissue in the brain. In the midst of the brain tissue, for the phosphorus, rich in water, is in the stage of structural and functional, for that alcohol is especially not safe for her. Avoid disposing of alcoholic beverages from the mother of the most important inheritance.

Repeatedly or often, implantation of alcohol is literally a waste of time on the psyche of the child. At the same time, it is not only the development of the target, the development of ethical and moral categories that is natural to understand, and the health that has already developed. Pidlitok, as it seems, "stupid" and intellectually, and emotionally, and morally.

Mechanism of alcohols on organism. Alcohol from the slunk was consumed at the roofs through two chilines when they were implanted. To distribute his shelter to all cells of the body. We are in front of the people of great cerebral infusions. To fiddle with the intellectually reflexive activity of people, rely on the formation of folding rucks, change the process of stimulating and galvanizing in the central nervous systems. Before the pouring of alcohol, a lot of ruins will collapse, people will consume the health of the cheruvati by themselves.

The destruction of the robotic nervous system and internal organs is spared in any implanted alcohol: disposable, episodic and systematic.

Social aspect to alcoholism.

The official indicator of alcohol consumption in Russia is taken to respect the average spirit of alcoholic drinks, which are the same as the rest of the rock, which, in the United States, tends to grow. The living of all kinds of alcoholic beverages, including beer, the soul of the population of the Russian Federation at the dynamism of the remains of 10 years to become: in 1491 p. - 5.6; 1993 p. - 6.0; 1995 p. - 9.45; 1996 p. - 7.28; 1997 p. - 7.65; 1998 p -7.6; 1999 p. - 7, 87; 2000 p. - 8.07.

So the most significant indicator, which characterizes the widening of alcohol malignancy in the middle of the population, є indicators of alcoholism and alcoholic psychoses. So, at 2000 r. at narcological dispensaries 2,190,854 ailments for alcoholism were registered (1,513.1 per 100 thousand people), which is 1.5% of the population of the country. Forward, 188740 ailments were turned on by alcoholism driven by alcoholism. The number of previously established diagnoses of "alcoholism" increased from 1991 to 2000 from 7 to 8.6%. Sered is quiet, hto beating 2000 r. before narcological dispensaries, alcoholic psychosis suffered 103477 ailments, which became 71.5 / 100 thousand. us (against 18.8 - 1991 p.).

In our land, in the mid-90s, the absolute non-nourishing middle of the mature population became 4-5%, while the nourishing - 80-85%.

It is necessary to be aware of the fact that children are ill with alcoholism of fathers є a group of high riskers and the development of an analogous ailment. According to the NDI narcology, 65–80% of daughters are sick with alcoholism of their fathers in order to reach their adulthood to become sick with alcoholism.

It is especially important to recognize the alcoholism of women in children.

Alcohol- one of the main factors, which will help you to work with them. Alcoholism of one of the members of the family will inevitably ruin the internal relationships, because If all the members of the ailment suffer, then alcoholism in this hour will be seen as a family ailment, and if you need the whole family. The members of the family who are sick with alcoholism are affected by the deterioration, which is called the term "spirovalezhnist". Signs of sp_valyzhnosti є: low self-esteem, bazhannya kontrol'yuvati and ryatuvati lives of the people, concentration of respect for the sick, the exclusion of vlast problems, the loss of control over the behavior of the ill, over the vigorous sentiments and lives. Sp_valezhnost є a ground for the diagnosis of psychosomatic illnesses. Call the squads (mothers, daughters) of a sick person suffering from depression, hypertensive ailments, feverish ailments, headaches and pains.

Piyatstvo and alcoholism provoke a part of conflict, welding, beating. One to one, one to one, is the main reason for opening a boat. Statistical data indicate that the development of the boat will become 25–40% of all ships' fair share.

Talking about the negative social role of alcoholism, followed by the meaning of the economical bitch, tied both with the health of the nourishment, and with the behavior.

If there is a misconception, alcohol is causing the problem. It has been established that the lowest dose of alcohol can be found to reduce the rate of delivery by 5–10%. Seemingly, it’s quiet, who’s living alcohol in the house, and especially on Christmas Day, the rate of return is 15–30%. Particularly, the decrease in proprietary status is especially pronounced among the workers of the rosy pratsi, for the hour of the presentation of subtle and precise operations.

Prior to the social inheritance of alcoholism, the frequency of road transport is useful. The problem is becoming more and more hostile to the growing number of nonprofessionals who take care of them.

For the tribute of the All-Union NDI safety of road traffic, 75.2% of the best road transport is suitable for the land from the blame of the water, which passed from the non-transportable station. As a result of this, nearly 40% of the number of victims is out of touch.

One of the important social heritage of alcoholism is the strong connection from malignancy. Evidence of the reasons and inheritance, how to zoom the right-hand thief, carried out by the former and foreign precursors, to show that the counterproductive actions of those who are not visible are seen. Right-handed in the country of alcoholic sp'yaninnya accounted for 96% of individuals.

The number of people who are responsible for the right-handedness in the camp are growing up.

Pidbittya pidsumk_in the lesson.

Nutrition of knowledge.

- Give me the name of the piyatstva.

- What is it about alcoholism?

- How alcohol is poured into the body of the podlitka?

- Yakim є the mechanism of pouring alcohol into the organism of people?

- Who has the social side of drinking and alcoholism?

- Name the main social problems and specialties that cause alcoholism.

- Do you have ailments and problems with organism є a taste for alcoholism?

- Who has a specialty injected with piyatstva on the body and specialty of a woman?

- Who, on your thought, has a smart way to fight with piyatstvom?

- Chi є alcoholism sickness? Yaksho є, then in what sense, for example, from infectious diseases?

- How can the zaprovadzhennya "dry law" be brought to the brink of toughness?


1. To keep the table "Social inheritance of alcoholism" (div. Pidruchnik 179-181):

2. Be overwhelmed, at whom the infusion of alcohol on the offspring of alcoholics and p'yut is manifested.

The power supply and power supply is brought into the Twitter mode: no more than 140 characters at the site.

1. If not Putin, then who?
The one who will type the most voices on the honest vibors of the wake of the power.

2. What is your economic and social program?
Our zavdannya change the power to carry out reforms, incl. garlic vibori. On them, you will select candidates from the most beautiful programs.

3. Revolution - the whole community of war.
Ні. Nichto from the woeful 86% of the power will not go to the street. There is no information about political or physical struggle.

4. Putin to Kadirov and Ramzan Akhmatovich with his thugs nakostilyaє.
It's time for a hot man to take Kadirov for himself (in the Caucasus, there are many opposing clans). That Russian vіyskovі to produce from him his rakhunki.

5. You should get hot.
As soon as there are few of us - so, get horny. Yakshcho viide milyon rishuche nastovannyh people - do not get horny.

6. You have a shot.
You can. It is impossible to live in slavery.

7. Without zbroї the power of change will not surrender.
Wiide. The Great Sickle In 1991, Russia lost its fate. It went to the Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, Georgia and in Ukraine.

8. Guilty of guilty for the quiet of the people whom you lead over.
Vidpovidality in all ryvna and in the leader, and in the transit operator. The world of versatility is one 143 million.

9. How do you reform your mind?
Lustration, garnish vibori, independent court and vilny ZMI.

10. The land of the revolution will fall into pieces.
As long as the regions don’t get hold of a penny - the land will not fall apart. Decentralization of power is one of the potential reforms.

11. If you wanna come, the people themselves come to rule at the same time, they have only a penny and a stench to buy everything.
In the first place, there will be lustration, but in a different way, in the wake of the power and control of the officials, we will find the democratic ones.

12. Chiy Krim?
Cream - tse Ukraine. So yak and Donbass itself is also Ukraine.

13. What is the robustness of the cream with the snake of power?
Cream and Donbas will be transferred to Ukraine. For knocking people in Ukraine, compensation will be paid, and the winners will go to the tribunal in the annexation.

14. They have already been screwed up, it’s not much needed, but the axis is new, it’s hungry to come and steal more.
If you put everything on self-fuel, then you will steal the truth. The same is not enough to change the power, it is necessary to see officials in control.

15. I will rally to youє US State Department.
For 17 years of the administration of Putin (Colonel of the KDB), his house didn’t see any significant loss of money from the Derzhdepu.

16. Have you tried the vi-axis, opozitsioneri, pratsyuvati?
There are a lot of people who are opposed to the situation, and the protest is done in a robot pose. Dekhto, before the speech, for the lack of performance, sound.

17. To replace the protest, if they were busy with the right, for example, would they help the child's booth?
Additional help for children’s booths, for children, and for pubs. Ale beat with tails marno, it is necessary to reduce the entire system of power.

18. Why can't we miss a mistake?
The bagatechs have a lot of ambition and I don't care much for the country. Do not marvel at them, go for yourself, joke with one thought and get along.

19. Yak minyati own?
Vlada needs to be minted on the streets of the peaceful democratic revolution, so that the path of the majestic number of people, which is richer, is set up.

20. The majority of the population does not want to take over the power, why would you, the minority, want to impose your thought?
So, we are the minority, but the minority itself and to rob the snakes. For the revolution, 1-2% of the population is required and 10-15% of the population.

21. Vi, democracies, you have already had a blast under the rule of the 90s and you didn't get anything, go and take revenge?
We want to drive away the villains and international terrorists. We want to transfer the power of the peoples. It's not crap. Tse - the struggle for their land.

22. All the winners of the USA, Zahid, Anglo-Saxons, Freemasons, Jews, have a svytoviy uryad, and the smell of Russia is bad.
Zahid to be afraid of authoritarian regimes, and I don’t want to be afraid of Russia like that. Zahid is not a thief, I want to get us to the count of civilized lands.

23. Vikhoditi on piketi, strolls and meetings, nemag senseu. Axis, if it seems like a buch, then I will go.
The revolution will not break out on the click of a finger. Vona obey because of the pre-revolutionary situation and the demand for a protest on a large scale.

24. What work with ninishnіmi officials write power?
Most odd postaties to stand before the court and tribunal and sit at the vyaznitsa, right up to the pre-term term, and on the other side of the check, the luster.

25. What is the demand for food from the government of the nationalization of enterprises?
Nationalities need to be stolen from the state of the enterprise. The power of the garrison people to seize.

26. Would it be necessary to introduce a visa regime from other regions?
Visible regime is imperative to introduce countries with a low level of democracy - before them, it is necessary to establish a new regime in vidpovid.

27. You, opposed people, dumb fakhivtsiv, you cannot cheruvati the land of the serpent of power.
Mi maєmo fakhіvtsі at all galuzyah of the people's statehood. To reach the tales that all the people of the population have received to the social protest.

28. Can I play alone? I’m here at the Mysti Opozitsioner. Near the "swamp".
You are not alone! Organize a protest rally around you, people call out. Pobachish, scho є one-thinker.

29. Vlada vada herself, the economics of the economy run out, the inevitable snakes. Do you want to get involved?
Zmini inevitably, if only just check, then perhaps drowned in the possession of authoritarian structures. Zmini demand gotuvati and robiti ourselves.

30. Whom do I come to? Why can I be crimson for being late?
Know a protest midway near your own place. It’s not like that - to open the door. Noise and on the street, and in the net. Call people up to you!

Realize that you love tea. And your friend still loves tea, ale іnshy, not like that, as you love. Win p'є puer, and vic chorny and liche without tsukru. That’s all, hto drink black tea iz tsukrom, wink at your razdratuvannya. And puer for your gusto is given to you by a guide. Well yak can you drink it ?! Chi that rіch black tea: aroma, vіdtіnki, mіtsnіst, badorі notes savor ... Yak beauty! Ale ni: the axis to come to you at a guest is your friend, and once again you will be brought to brew a non-glazed pseudo-tea.

You know very well, that tea is black and black and without zukru, rash is just a shabby compromise for weak and liberal; fair Russian men drink black tea, and not every liberal drink, for a drink, latte, or even frappuchino asking for a drink! Thu! I wonder, for now, a friend, who doesn’t taste black tea ?! That kind of wine - our ancestors drank black tea for centuries! The stench fought and drank black tea! The stench, you can say, life has been poured, sob kozhen mav the power of drinking black tea. And then, rozumієsh, they banned the fashion for be-yaku gidota, for kshtalt puer, oolong, cappuccino-frappuchino. All the teeth are injected into the Entry, the Europeans stupidly impose their pseudo-quality on us, and buy cheap propaganda of the deputies of our yak, mint, black tea for cheap. The yak is not ours? Yak in China's growth ?! All the steps are coming! Tea grow up in Georgia, and speck! Does it mean "Georgia is no longer a part of our land"? So why don't we drink tea anymore ?! And I started to see that a sprinkle of stench would stir us up and replace normal tea I would like to drink, and then to prohibit juvenile justice and hear about our children! First of all ...

Stop, check out! Place a cup for a couple of wines and think about the time you have just become. Instead, at the same time with a friend over a cup of tea, discuss what kind of special interests you have with those who have seen welding only if you like one kind of tea, but you are the one.

Political parties and large-scale acts (behind a rare vinyat, on Stalin's, Hitler's, leaders of the KKK and neo-Nazis) are similar to sorts of tea. Someone befitting one, someone else. There is an active political platform, but there is simply a political situation.

But there’s no reason (and I hope you have more than half of these friends that you know) don’t get caught up in politics. Nav'yazuvati їm singing relish of tea is wrong і rude. So it is inappropriate to impose a political look, sympathy and antipathy, to see if you yourself will receive the power of your program.

Once, if you want to talk about the "correctness" of some suspenseful-political glances and the "thoroughly incorrect" solution - just guess the history of one tea.

Politics(In Greek πολιτική "great power", in Greek πόλις "misto, power"):

  • Dіyalnіst bodies of sovereign power and sovereign management, which depicts a suspicious device and economic structure of the country.
  • Nutrition that podії suspіlny, sovereign life.
  • The singing rank has brought the power of power to social groups in different spheres: economics, social and national societies, demography, safety and security.

Politics viznacha vіdnosini s іnіh sub'єkts of political interests (powers, corporations in all spheres of interest). The basis of visualization policy constitution for the general plan of great organizations with a foldable architecture and a diversified professional structure. The policy of external and internal communication of interconnection and representation of the basis of self-organization and management.

Otzhe, apparently simpler, politics are those that are alive in all the sensations of the word.

Our head thief - apathy and baiduzhist

Vchora all Russia passed vibori. The stench passed in a razor-sharp way, but there was only one tendency - a low turnout. What does it mean? And tse means that viborts do not change in those who smell can change. The same was put before the new democratic procedure - the vibors were formulated so diligently, over-inflating people's hopes for a good vibori. Vikoristovuvaly important artillery -. And falsification on vibors, inaccessible access to cich ZMI, black pir and іnshі attachment to the Russian policy is not new for anyone. Spravzhnoi disagreement is dumb, the parliamentary parties vote the same way, dumb. What is it about a dry surplus?

  • koruptsii razgul
  • economic stagnation at $ 120 per barrel
  • increase in capital and decline in economic activity
  • monopolization of everything is possible
  • discriminatory laws
  • I am invincible to the politician
  • censorship at ZMI is too thin.

Who is to blame for the fact that at once to see? We are with you. So, mi. We were overtaken, that there wasn’t nothing, but there’s no vibor, but we had a good time, like a rabbi. And just in one hour, I take 30% of our share, rob us of people who regulate the aspects of our life. Hiba tse right? It's awesome, ni! Yak iz tsim wrestling - go to the vibori, seize your voices, record yourself as posters, randomly set up to vibors, and even the share of the country / region of the world is shown on them.

Ignore vibori - ignore your maybut

Why can we and maєmo make claims to power?

And everything is even simpler - we will be satisfied with our tributes. Aje mi f visuvaєmo claims in stores for trash goods, what is the service? Here too.

How many taxes are we willing to pay?

It is also possible with a singing part of the deception, as a great-hearted whopper in that chi іnshу viglyadі vіddaє power 50-60% of the earned pennies.

Is there a round bag for you? And they didn’t roar, but they made normal roads, We’re guilty of politics, Vy itself, and don’t check out the hero. You make yourself a statistic hero for yourself.

Besides, take the fate of the politician, you can know your one-thinkers and even cool. Quote from one of the girls about the Moscow vibori:

For the first time, we got used to it through politics. Nicholas didn’t think that she could be me! You know, in that hour, after the preparatory work has gone to vibrations, I have made great the number of intelligent, tsikavih, creative people. From the burning eyes, from the inner shearing, from the backs to go forward, robity and vitality. Beat us in front of you. Rik to this, I remember me when I was well, but in the whole country there is no such thing as I am. I sensed for myself one middle of a sleepy, sleepy mass. Now I know that I am far from alone. Well є people, with whom I will sound. For me tsi vibori is tse peremoga, mine is special. I know that divine people live in my place, I know that it’s rich. I want to live in the middle of people. Tse can be especially clear, my cut! Dyakuєmo tsim viboram!

At the bag

Having scored on the vibori - you have already played, vvvatayte, how your voice was stolen, We yourself have presented their relatives and know them.
To take the fate of the Vibors - take your own maybut yourself, it’s awkward. And for quiet, hto especially to think, I will end with an anecdote:

One even more viruchiy cholovik stretching out 20 rocky days blessed the Lord, then letting him play the lottery. Ale yogo prayers have lost their marnimis. The first axis once lifted the head to heaven and fed the Lord with tears in the eyes:
- Oh Lord, why am I not blessing you, why am I not serving you, who I am not living in a righteous life, then why am I not giving me those, why am I asking you so much ???
Here the heavens appear and the Lord seems to
- Buy, vrestoya, I would like one lottery ticket!


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