Why is the harmony at the head beginning. How to make things right at the head and in life: features, recommendations and ways

Why is the harmony at the head beginning. How to make things right at the head and in life: features, recommendations and ways

All speeches are in their own places, there is no saw on the police, clothes are not lying around everywhere - an idyllic picture, unfortunately, is beyond the reach of rich people. Really, it’s not so easy to fix the order of the booth. It is necessary for us to thinklessly sing and fold inappropriate speeches, swearing Joshua Becker, author of the popular blog Becoming Minimalist.

Minimalism as a lifestyle is becoming popular. Yogo prihiliki vvazhayut what is required to direct energy on the spiritual, and not on the material. Cleansing the space helps to increase awareness and change it with restless thoughts. Order at the head begins with the establishment of harmony at the apartment. Pіdtremuvati yogo will help with these simple rules.

1. Do not accumulate waste paper

Old documents, checks, rahunki, warranty cards and instructions for electrical appliances, glossy magazines and paperless newspapers - paper moth often accumulates in bedside tables, chests of drawers and on tables. Take it as a rule to sort out mail-order screens and avoid advertising prospectuses and newspapers. Behind the barns for them, you can get a cardboard screen at the front and regularly bring it in instead of at the distribution point of collection of smittya.

Checks, warranty cards and other documents should be placed at a specially seen screen table. It is also necessary to regularly sort out and wikidata those that have lost relevance.

2. Wash the dishes after you go

Most people can't stand the dishes, or they should put yoga in the dishwasher. The first axis of a pair of plates after a meal is transformed into a cup of dishes in a sink, as if with one glance, they pierce moods. Before that, the leftovers dried up, richly richer and stronger.

Mitya utensils in a row - the arch of a zvichka. Look at the whole final chord, be it a meal. It’s better to spend three times for five khvilin, nіzh once a day, miti the dishes for a quarter of the year and remember for a long time. And to make it so tediously busy, turn on your favorite music.

3. Refuel lightly

Bezlad attracts bezlad, and the bedroom clearly demonstrates the principle. I borrow lightly in a new central place, and if it is left unclaimed, everything starts to look unattractive. So buy a garne and do not hesitate to fill it lightly. Or to know a partner, who will do it for you.

4. Keep your kitchen table clean

Most families spend the left part of the hour in the kitchen. Work documents, books, faces, vitamins and other speeches are accumulated on the kitchen table, which should not be left to cook. For whom it is necessary to know another place. Then you will be accepted.

5. Turn the speech on the mist

The fathers, singly, taught you what to do: take the toys in the boxes, put the books on the police, and tidy up the clothes in the closet. Alas, having become mature and independent, we forget the rules of order in gold. It is better to turn the speech on the spot in the night before him, like to go to sleep.

Tse borrow a good amount of time, ale schoranka you start in a tidy apartment and spend less expensive clothes on the search for necessary speeches.

6. Don't Expect Tomorrow

Most of the trouble starts with procrastination. We understand that the deacons can manage to borrow less than a sprat of khvilin, but we add them again and again, more and more zaharaschuchi space for themselves. Blame it, throw speeches at the cleaning machine, pick up the dishwasher, wipe the steel - it’s so simple that swidko. While chasing one such task, you rob one more crochet to the order in the booth.

7. Reorder drawers and wardrobes

Likewise, the doors of the wardrobe are no longer being fixed, and there is no time for a new cream at the police station at the bathroom, the whole signal. As soon as speeches cease to be placed at the sights of space for them, the time has come to conduct a revision: to repent uncommonly, to take away from the eyes of those who are rarely corrupted. Shvidshe for everything, take away 10-15 khvilin, but only one dzherelo bezlad will be stuck.

I, nareshti, smut: if you want order, don’t buy a bunny.

about the author

Joshua Becker- Creator of the Becoming Minimalist blog, author of the books “Ask: 7 principles that will help you cleanse the house and life from inappropriate speeches” and “How to get inappropriate speeches, like you have children.”

Budinku order - head order: 7 rules

All speeches are in their own places, there is no saw on the police, clothes are not lying around everywhere - an idyllic picture, unfortunately, beyond the reach of the rich. Really, it’s not so easy to fix the order of the booth. It is necessary for us to thinklessly sing and fold inappropriate speeches, swearing Joshua Becker, author of the popular blog Becoming Minimalist.

Minimalism as a lifestyle is becoming popular. Yogo prihiliki vvazhayut what is required to direct energy on the spiritual, and not on the material. Cleansing the space helps to increase awareness and change it with restless thoughts. Order at the head begins with the establishment of harmony at the apartment. Pіdtremuvati yogo will help with these simple rules.

1. Do not accumulate waste paper

2. Wash the dishes after you go

Most people can't stand the dishes, or they should put yoga in the dishwasher. The first axis of a pair of plates after a meal is transformed into a cup of dishes in a sink, as if with one glance, they pierce moods. Before that, the leftovers dried up, richly richer and stronger.

Mitya utensils odrazu - the back of a zvichka. Look at the whole final chord, be it a meal. It’s better to spend three times for five khvilin, nіzh once a day, miti the dishes for a quarter of the year and remember for a long time. And to make it so tediously busy, turn on your favorite music.

3. Refuel lightly

Bezlad attracts bezlad, and the bedroom clearly demonstrates the principle. I borrow lightly in a new central place, and if it is left unclaimed, everything starts to look unattractive. So buy a garne and do not hesitate to fill it lightly. Or to know a partner, who will do it for you.

4. Keep your kitchen table clean

Most families spend the left part of the hour in the kitchen. Work documents, books, faces, vitamins and other speeches are accumulated on the kitchen table, which should not be left to cook. For whom it is necessary to know another place. Then you will be accepted.

5. Turn the speech on the mist

The fathers, singly, taught you what to do: take the toys in the boxes, put the books on the police, and tidy up the clothes in the closet. Alas, having become mature and independent, we forget the rules of order in gold. It is better to turn the speech on the spot in the night before him, like to go to sleep.

Tse borrow a good amount of time, ale schoranka you start in a tidy apartment and spend less expensive clothes on the search for necessary speeches.

6. Don't Expect Tomorrow

Most of the trouble starts with procrastination. We understand that the deacons can manage to borrow less than a sprat of khvilin, but we add them again and again, more and more zaharaschuchi space for themselves. Blame it, throw speeches at the cleaning machine, pick up the dishwasher, wipe the steel - it’s so simple that swidko. While chasing one such task, you rob one more crochet to the order in the booth.

7. Reorder drawers and wardrobes

Likewise, the doors of the wardrobe are no longer being fixed, and there is no time for a new cream at the police station at the bathroom, the whole signal. As soon as speeches cease to be placed at the sights of space for them, the time has come to conduct a revision: to repent uncommonly, to take away from the eyes of those who are rarely corrupted. Shvidshe for everything, take away 10-15 khvilin, but only one dzherelo bezlad will be stuck.

I, nareshti, smut: if you want order, don’t buy a bunny.

Order at home and in the head

In one Bulgarian story, it is told about the old one, who, having conceived to make friends with his son, is not always with a neat and practical girl. One time, having brought the fruits of your garden to the cart, destroying the village near the land, and taking it to everyone shouting: - I change the fresh fruit to death! Someone who hastened to hurry up to the miracle and ponies the old one for the exchange of a bear of a rich man. Only one girl brought a small wuzlik, saying that there was no bigger smittya in the booth. Before her, the old one, having sent the matchmakers, did not seem to have mercy: the master appeared miraculous, and the young family lived in joy and prosperity.

Today, going to another house, I will once again make an old fairy tale. After churning out speeches, nemit utensils, a rich-day saw, it is important to strangle a smile: it is clear that this sim'ya was created for other principles of wooing. And here you know the order between sterility, and it’s scary to put it in your head and just put it in. It’s important to pay attention to the compliment of the lord, and she won’t be happy for the well-being at the booth. If it’s not surprising, it’s good, but here we’re not obov’yazkovim. Buvay, scho tidy booth panuє atmosphere of tension and discontent. And buvaє and navpaki: people live soul to soul near the charred apartment, they are satisfied with themselves alone. Why so vіdbuvaetsya?

The American philosopher William James, having taken into account that in the structure of human specialties, the crime of quirks and interests, reconciliation and similarity, should include all those that a person cares about his own: and favorite books on the home police, and everyday clothes that are copies of our clothes , and dear to the heart of dribnitsa, and richly different. Tse is our own physical self, in which it is not less obvious, lower in words and inflections, our inner light is vibrating. The improvement of the booth is an invisible element of the physical I, and, looking respectfully at the dwelling, one can say a lot about the yogo meshkantsiv. It’s clear, first, what you fall into the vіch, - the order of the chi is lazy. What can yoga mean from a psychological point of view?

See, it would have been better to ask for it by itself. Bezladdya is a sign of indiscipline and inaccuracy, and also, obviously, of a wildly unruly and neobov'azkovost. First of all, the ideal order is a combination of spiritual harmony and firm principles. However, such an explanation should be simple, so that we are absolutely correct. For the life of a shokroku suggests otherwise, less unambiguously vysnovki.

May all the fathers of pidlitkiv denounce the sloppiness of their children, those who cannot be bothered to keep order in their room. On the right, in the fact that the interests of the people, that they are tall, rather wide, straightened by the head rank in the outer world, and little attached to other material details, I will. Tilki vydchuvshi on themselves all unhandedness, like carrying trouble, step by step becoming neat. If you need phone numbers and write down on the vipadkovy klaptik, if you don’t know where to put the necessary word; if the place, which is meant to occupy one's fellowship with friends, seems to be poisonously poisoned, - involuntarily you begin to order. Obviously, to encourage the smallest children to start picking up toys and putting speeches on the table. Ale, I’ll manage the neatness of a person, growing significantly worse - having become a mature individuality. Until what need to order youmu simply nevіdoma. Aje growth is alien to stability.

Chi means that it’s troubleless to tell home: the lords (or the lords) didn’t get far enough to grow up in a right way? You can be like this, and people live "without kerma and winds", with everything they are sluggish, like a small child. Ale, the problem may lie deeper. Zreshtoy, all of us are reasonable: be unkind to spread speeches. If a person seems to be chronically desperate to put things in order in the booth, then you can tell about a serious internal conflict. Throwing clothes, smіtya, what has accumulated, and so on. it’s dumb to repeat the house for the master: I don’t have the power over myself, nor over the world that’s too much, I’m not built to put speech on my own mission. Sink, full of unwashed dishes; perepovnene winder for smittya; To add to the accumulated rubbish with tizhny: I can’t divide my strength, set tasks before me and systematically overcome them. It is obvious: if a person is not able to organize the details of his own business, then the manager is more serious than he is unlikely to be forceful.

Why don’t you get it, what do you do that doesn’t work, everything went wrong, as you would like, and all the serious life situations started out of control? Surely, I would like to overcome the unacceptable mind. Start small. Take a look at your donkey - a direct continuation of your I - and respect, de need to put things right. Laying out your speeches in the fields, you really work more richly: learn and put all your problems in order, "lay them out in the fields." Bring clarity to your "physical self", and even better results do not bother.

Here, prote, another extreme is possible. Psychologists have brought back respect, that supra-worldliness to the point of purity often acts as a symptom of internal weakness, innocence in oneself. Pedantically arranging the accessible physical world of your booth, a person cannot be protected from the chaos of the great cosmic world, which must be folded and scary. Alezim gives birth to a closed ring of tension: be it rich, the kimono from home is not placed in its place, fight and bring a touch. The work around the house starts to take away a lot of time and effort, not depriving the place for more important tasks. The result inevitably has a distinct selfishness in its scale.

Such a pasta can be given to us by a life scenario, acquired from the father's family: if order, for whatever price, becomes the most important life method. You can no longer blow the people, whose smut zavdannya - white towels and gleaming parquet. The order at the booth is not the price of the meta, but the necessary mind, zasіb for the completion of the serious life tasks in a right way. Having grasped the simple truth, we know that golden mean, as we see the right harmony - material and spiritual.

At first glance - marvelous and naїvnі, but in fact - dієві and effektivnі for the sake of reworking the big tidying up at the reception for an hour that smoothly flows into the sacred.

Having bought one new river - having forgotten one old one. And even better - take 27 inappropriate speeches, put them in a bag and bring them out of the apartment. Marla Silli propagates such a variant of the fight against the homeless in his book “A Little Home Helper. Think about the kitchen sink.” I know, I’m sick of why 27 speeches are sent to Wikipedia, and I read this book out of crowedness. I can say that the literature appeared more like a river. A friend of a child was born, it became catastrophic not to hang on for an hour, that one of her own, and I felt myself an eternal Hercules, who cleans the Avgiev’s mysteries. For the sake of Marley, they overtook Silli at once and helped him to get back into the permanent, unbearable disorder. Then, we imagine to your respect the system of work by bringing yourself and your house into a smart look, as well as the system of calling the hour at other receptions.

I'll put down the sink.

First, what you need to grow, - tse vіdmiti її to shine. І trimuvat zavzhd clean and empty. This is such an island of purity, marveling at some blame for bringing such a cleanliness and repairing a booth.

Shoes like a uniform.

Need shoes for us at home? The shoes themselves seem to make the woman in good shape. Walking around the house in pajamas, you fall down by yourself, blame the bazhannya to put on the garniy robes and wind up a zachistka. Choose a dressing gown and go to a new home, you can get ready to cook in a new house. And how about spitting? An apron will come to help! You can also throw an old robe on the beast. Zha is ready, the cleaning is completed, we know the upper zakhist in the air, an old dressing gown or an apron and voila - garni. Doesn't that sound like self-deception? Anitrochs. You know what is on you, the mood is different, the move, and the quality of life is changing.

Pokrokov system.

We fight against the laziness step by step. Like the author of the book, “your hut turned into a barn for more than one night, and you won’t become a clean one.” We divide the alarm clocks into zones and put things in order in the skin zone with a timer. Usyogo 15 khvilin. Upper back. First, look at what you fall. The hour of viishov - you need to go: or go to another zone, or change the type of activity. It is not guilty to take more than three pilgrims for 15 khvilin. After the end of the obov'yazkovo break for recovery. For a year, the skin zone will look like a perfect, ordered look.

Clearance at 27

Naigolnishe when you look at the motloch - do not even look at it. Therefore, we take a package that will be recognized there 27 uncommon speeches, bound to yogo i - on Wikid. I know the same for the timer for 15 whilin. And from there I knew why I myself had 27 speeches. It appears that the whole number is charming. So, so, it is tied to the rhythms of the cosmos. Stop by the feng shui system to get wealth. And in Hebrew, the numbers may mean the meaning of pure, transparent, miraculous. Tsikavo, the number 27 є i in Russian kazka. Charіvne distant kingdom - tse 3 times nine, behind the multiplication table - 27. What is required for obov'yazkovo wikidating? Obviously, no. You can sort out everything that is prepared for the weekend at two boxes: "discard" and "discard". For example, the old bulbs are exactly on the wiki, and the axis of the child's play can still know his hairdresser, just like a speech in a good state, from such grown children. Vikonuvat tsyu procedure is required once a month. Adepts of Feng Shui proponuyut zvіlnyat budinok vіd 27 speeches on the 27th.

We extinguish hot spots.

Tse taki mіstsya, yakі attract motloh, like magneti. Pereviryaemo tsі specks 2 times a day and assign it to tsomu to take 5 quills. It is possible to put a decorative object or a vase with flowers on the rosebrand in the middle of the place. Even though it is still necessary to tidy up the general, it is necessary to rule the election marathon. This is such an emergency option, as if the houses had not yet filled their clean, radiant look, and the guests hurriedly climbed up to you to come.

Otzhe, beautifully dressed and forward. The kitchen is first in line. A clean kitchen is a clean booth. Turn on the timer and after 15 whilins, order those that you look at. The next 15 minutes are added vital. Then we turn to the kitchen, and I wake up again - 15 minutes. After 45 strands of vlashtovuemo rebars in 15 strands: I’ll savory kava, but it will relax. Now 15 quills at the bathrooms, then 15 quills at the kitchen, and 15 more - at the vitals. 45 quills have passed, I will rob 15 quills.

Early that evening after order.

Tse tі however, do it, yakі it is necessary to work the shoranka chi shovechor. For example, a wound - pidyom, covered with a light garniture. At the bathroom, we have our own well-stocked toilet, miemo the sink and the toilet bowl. Robimo make-up, zachіsuєmosya, dressed in garnier clothes, shoes with laces. Curve on steel, sip food for creatures. I'll take care of the car. We extinguish hot spots. Usyi passed 20-30 hvilin. Marla Sili proponuє life with a permanently educated guests and grati with a realtor. Let me know you are a realtor and you need to sell your booths. Think about how to reveal yoga to the visible light. Write down a warning. It's good to put one's side on the right. Here it is necessary to change the curtains, rearrange the furniture and other things. You can follow these joys with all your homeland. What to rob the skin - the foal dies. On vykonannya written 15 khvilin are given. Whoever is the best fit for his zavdannyam, that is in the city. There are a lot of brownish joys and recommendations. You can share your priceless information on the forums. For example, at the winder for a smittya, put a sprat of smіtєvih packets in a bucket. So the wind will not get lost, and such a trick will save the hour when you sigh. Vіdminny kitchen gadget - aerogrill and multicooker. It’s not only scary, but there’s a smut there - a timer: don’t burn the hedgehog. For watering kvіtіv vikoristovuvat enema. Much easier for little mountaineers. And as soon as the water is refilled with a raptom, then you can quickly clean up for additional enemas - and the water is cleaner. Live according to the system of flying household gifts - do not forget to love yourself, praise, pamper. Buy sobіkіti, if you go shopping. Go to sleep at once. And for the smut - do not rework the cleaning up on the non-working busy, as if taking all the holidays and dying for the whole hour.

1 Monday. Tidying up all the apartments: change the bedding, wipe the doors and mirrors, clean the kilim and remember the log. For everything… 15 quills. Why on Monday? We live in purity all day long.

2 Tuesday. Watching for tickets and creatures.

3 Wednesday. Retelne tidying up one of the zones and inspecting the refrigerator for zipped products.

4 Thursday. Going for groceries today.

5 Friday. Glancing at the clothes, taking up that woman's bag.

A lot of professional psychologists upevnenі, scho іsnuіє direct zv'yazok mizh tim, naskolki people zdatna pіdtrimuvati order at home, і tim, ії often її її vydvіduyut destructive thoughts. It remains to be done to bring to light that the life of the harassed occupant should be brought to the point of being buried with a cassock and brown urchin. It's marvelous, even if the harmony is put in order, tidying up the space in the booth helps to put thoughts in order, and become more energized. Try to grow up, as if you didn’t show the order at the house, and the order at the head can be thrown into the life.

Pragnennya minimalism

Buvay, that our life is expanse of perepovneniya objects, yakі have long lost their relevance, but a hand is not parted from them. Stacks of magazines and newspapers of past fates, clothes that have long since been fashionable, various dishes in kitchen closets, gadgets that were angry, those other uncommon speeches harass the space and do not give a rush of fresh air. The great master of minimalism, the author of popular books, Joshua Becker, encourages the cleansing of the house to help and bring out unnecessarily restless thoughts.

Don’t varto overwhelm your budinok with speeches that you haven’t made a fuss for a long time. Obviously, it is important to look at the richness of primary objects. Invented by the hoarders of the theory "order at the booth - order at the head" 7 rules will help make the process of choosing and growing yoga as comfortable as possible.

Rubbish can't be sorted

It is impossible to put in order those that thoughtlessly accumulated fates - in the form of inappropriate speeches, one should simply have fun. Trust that we can easily start by sorting out family photographs or gifts from close people - sentimentally, you can think of picking up the tidying up, so you don’t tell.

Better start with the analysis of old speeches. When looking around, the rules for putting things in order in the booth, that head are one without help: if you didn’t fawn about the river, don’t fawn over it in any way. To that it is bold to take from the coupe all the speeches that came out of fashion, and marn gifts. Think, maybe, qі objects can become better than others. There are a lot of charitable funds and organizations, so that they can accept coexistence speeches.

Make it a rule to buy a new river only once, if the old one is gone. Step by step, in the world of the relief of the "creative laziness", it is more negative than the reception of a fluffy booth, it appears almost like a feeling of calmness.

Order on the kitchen table

At rich booths, the kitchen is a place where all the members of the family often gather for savory smells. Therefore, on the kitchen surfaces you can find documents, books, toys, and a lot of everything that is simply not to blame there.

To start putting things in order in the booth and in order in the head is better from the kitchen area: throw out all the unusable or chipped dishes, sort out the table utensils. We do not need a mother in the kitchen, a set of small knives, five corkscrews or a lot of cups. That and pobutovykh priladіv, yakі not pratsyut kіlka rokіv, tezh better pozbutis.

Okremo varto zupinitsya on products and spices: in all є svіy terms of applicability and mind saving. Groats and free-flowing products are better saved in jars, which are swirling, and spicy herbs, which are saved no more than pivroku, are better than boiled.

Really, it’s not easy to keep cleanliness in the kitchen: call the kitchen utensils as soon as possible, do not bring foreign objects, and often wipe the stove and sink. Possibly, tsі korisnі zvichki become the cob of a greater povnotsіnnogo, harmonious life.

Concentration of respect

More than half of their life people devote to robots, they want that chi. And because of that, in which one finds a working place, often lay productivity and the result of work. Let's do some small things: sort out the documents and sort out the unneeded ones. Give special folders for saving documents and think over the system of saving (by date, by clients, or be some kind of handy guides). It is necessary to clean up the e-mail from spam and unwanted mails.

Decorate a clean working steel with speeches, you can marvel at it: with photographs from a vіdpochinku, with a live bush and a comedy gift from colleagues. I will not forget to come, knowing that the robot starts to bring satisfaction, apathy and frustration arise.

Navіvshi way with material objects, think about those destructive thoughts that appear in the head. Adzhe, accustoming himself to laying clothes on the shelves and that kitchen stuffing, a person also learns to "sort" his emotions and whims. Try to reveal that chaotic thoughts are stacked on the floor at the head, and unseen negative programs at once zі smіttyam vykadayutsya from distant kutіv. Adzhe, according to the theses of psychology, the order at the house and the order at the head are inextricably tied.

Rule 15 hwilin

Since the booth has been put in perfect order, I want it to be like this forever. Take it as a rule - add 15 minutes to a small tidying up: hang your speeches in your wardrobe, put a pair of shirts on, wipe saws from horizontal surfaces. For sure, there is a sprinkling of rubbish, which can be corrected for a small interval of an hour. The deputy of the general tidying up the giblets clean up the day.

If you want to follow this clumsy rule, you will become calm at the booth, you will want to turn around. In addition, a good hour will appear to comfort yourself and those close to you. You can go for a walk to the park, sign up for yoga and learn how to cook deliciously.

Don't Expect Tomorrow

Often the reason for the blame for chaos is the work of labor, it is necessary to think a little, think about the coming day. Believe me, tomorrow you will want to put it all back for a day. Call to improve the order at the house, and the order at the head is not so smooth. Try to turn the taken speeches on the floor in a bowl, fill the bed of the schoran and do not spread the necessary documents on all surfaces. Skin such a vikonan mini-zavdannya can become one step before putting things in order in the booth and order in the head.

You can still hang out until your own days - don’t varto pay for later important Rozmovu’s unacceptable visit to relatives. The more you see all the possible options for the development of pods, the more chaos will be in your thoughts. Once varto zupinitis, nalashtuvatsya that almost robiti osvіdomlenі vchinki without trivial thoughts. This is one of the numerous joys, how to put things right at the head of that life.


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