The world of hysteroscopy. In an hour you can sleep with the head for a hysteroscopy procedure

The world of hysteroscopy. In an hour you can sleep with the head for a hysteroscopy procedure

The operating period is to be repaired from the end of the operation and three times in a few minutes, until the next update is done. And throughout the whole period, it is necessary to follow these recommendations by the doctor and to maintain an all-round way of life. Singers obmezhennya stosuyutsya state of the sphere.

Yak is ready to go to hysteroscopy

In preparation for the operation, there is a need for low laboratory and clinical conditions, consultations of other problems in the development of problems with the health of other organs and systems. And also, a singing change in the way of life for a few days before the operation. Most often women provide information about those who can have sex in front of a hysteroscope. Here it is necessary to take an hour-long period of time, for which period a statutory act is planned before the operation. For a long time you can have sex in front of a hysteroscope. Ale for three days before the Maybut operative, the next step was taken from the state of their contacts. In addition, it is possible to provoke the development of infectious diseases.

It is also necessary to implement the mode of harvesting in advance of the operation. Slide to turn on the "important", that turn on at the supper the easily consumed food products, as soon as you live no more than six years in the evening, as hysteroscopy is planned to be done. Likewise, on the day of the operation, the day of the operation, as well as the life of the family, will come back to life. And the priyom of ridini is meaningful to enclose.

Operation of hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy should be carried out on the ninth - ninth day of the menstrual cycle with the method of preventing bleeding, through the appearance of the thin mucous membrane of the uterus and the appearance of the hardened blood flow. Let the woman lay her down on a very special gynecological crystal, and start to the operation itself. With the help of a special instrumentation, for cleaning the uterus with a disinfectant opening, the canal of the cervix of the uterus is widened and a hysteroscope is inserted through the empty uterus into the empty uterus. For something, for a quick visualization and widening of the emptying of the uterus, the gas should be stagnated or the middle stage should be started before diagnostics, and then, if there are pathological indications, it will be seen. Through the effort of the operation, the grip of the gas is reliably monitored, which is introduced, or the number of days, as well as the living parameters of the patient.

Before the hour, there is a clichéd picture of how to see, to see the image on the screen, like the operating license. After the end of the operation, a separate diagnosis is carried out to diagnose the mucous emptying of the uterus and the cervical canal, from the submitted histological preliminaries of the discarded material.

If it is possible for us to live our lives by hysteroscopy

Vrahoyuchi in the description of the moments of the operation, in order to improve the life, there is a need for a recommendation for the renewal of the organism. For hysteroscopy, antibacterial therapy is indicated, for the prevention of infectious diseases, the development of endometritis. At this point, it is recommended to use the article about the peace of mind of hysteroscopy. Thus, a state partner can help carriers find the most banal zabudniki, as in the norm "live" with a woman's wife. Ale oskilki muscular immunity for provocations carried out by the operation, sex for hysteroresectoscopy can lead to the development of non-essential inheritance - fixing the banal "milkmaid"

So, through a few days of hysteroscopy, can you have sex? We have received recommendations that have been received for a long time. In three days, it’s possible to get a hysteroscopy from the side of the patient. If it is possible to start before the intima, after the memory about the methods of contraception, the body is not yet ready for the vaginosity, it takes an hour for it. The first axis, if it is possible to study the intimate lives of hysteroscopy, especially not to forget about the banal rules of special hygiene.

How can you see sex?

Neridko, women, who have undergone the operation of hysteroscopy, have to go through three courses of treatment before and when she is a little ill, because they are struggling with poor people. And on the whole background, you can give recommendations for a trivial hour, so that you can get rid of the life of the article. Here we are gathering the dignity of social nourishment about the cunning of family life. Boo, you can't make friends with a child for a trivial period because of intimacy, after some initiative you can steal a family of idylls. Going out of the world to save the middle of suspension, women to feed: And who is not called traditional sex? Hysteroscopy of the uterus is a vaginal operation; Oral sex for hysteroscopy is not harmed. Vidguki, scho passed through the chain of patients, save, how can you try anal sex. Tse tverdzhennya is not so. In the case of the first choice on the pelvic organ, it turns out to be successful, the splinters of the intracranial grip can be a provocative factor in the development of the fast.


Pidvedemo pidbags. The hysteroscope is a walk through the introduction of the hysteroscope. For what it is necessary to include, whether it is imposed on the abdominal area, as well as contact with the potential nose of pathogenic or intellectually pathogenic microflora, if you may be able to see all the rules of a particular health status

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive method of operative involvement to the organs of the reproductive system. Prior to this, it is used for diagnostic purposes and in the process of therapy for gynecological pathologies. In some cases the hysteroscopy is determined by the acceleration. However, such inheritance did not appear, it is necessary to follow up on the best licenses' recommendations.

It’s always possible to carry out hysteroscopy, and use the following examples:

  • diagnostic. At the turn of the day, it is possible to see the number of steps of the uterus, to see the endometrium and to see the development of pathology;
  • surgical. In the process of looking around the body, the visceral tissue is carried out. Such manipulations can be carried out in case of malignant polyp, endometriosis, miomy and other uterine ailments;
  • control. Applied through the period after the ear of therapy. This rank is given in the number of steps of efficiency of treatment and for the need to carry out its correction;
  • office.

Independently from the list of updates, it takes an hour for the body to be updated.


Pre-treatment is carried out with the method of detecting myomatous universities, polyp and other pathologies of the sechostatic system. At the same time, a hysteroscope of minimum diameter is introduced.

The following methods are used to interpret the varto vidіlity method:

  • it is practically impossible to get sluggish;
  • zagalny anesthesia is not required, for the rakhunok of which there is a decrease in the development of anesthesia;
  • hospitalization is not required;
  • the triviality of the procedure does not change pivgodini;
  • to postpone the operation to finish the good.


The procedure is indicated for endometriosis. In the development of the cycle of ailments, the growth of endometries is abnormal. Zupiniti is a pathological process that goes through the path of the uterine ball. It is also up to the operation to be carried out in case of miomi, adhesions and partitions in the matrix.

It is not often during the period of rehabilitation that women live in pain, but there is a step-by-step pain syndrome. There is also the blood of the vision, which through the author appears to become familiar.


A hysteroscope is in the process of being victorious. For this reason, there are significant changes that have appeared at the cervical canal and during the operation and therapy. The managers of the control over the body of the body will be able to quickly evolve the accelerated writing of hysteroscopy and usunuti їkh.

Office of hysteroscopy

Get into the simplest. It is carried out on an outpatient basis. It is not often that endometrial biopsies are present in your visitor.

Rizik should be brought up to a minimum. There are no more insignificant pains from hysteroscopy and bloody vision that gradually change in society.

Shown before the show

Low indication before hysteroscopy. Among them are the following:

  • the cycle of menstruation;
  • the appearance of bloody visions during the onset of menopause;
  • adenomyosis;
  • myoma;
  • endometrial cancer;
  • synechia of the middle of the uterus;
  • anomalies in the development of the body;
  • non-guilt vaginosti;
  • bezpliddya;
  • acceleration of the period of time;
  • preparation before extracorporeal preparation;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of drug therapy;
  • surplus of fruit eggs in the organ for abortive visits.


For obvious reasons, do not carry out any operations due to the obviousness of such operations:

  • іnfektsіynі zhvoryuvannya, іtіtіyuya іtrіy formі;
  • ignition process in body organs;
  • bazhana matkova vagіtnіst;
  • shyke cancer;
  • heart-damned sickness;
  • pathology of nirok and liver;
  • atresia of the cervical canal;
  • pozamatkova vagіtnіst;
  • profuse bleeding in the donor organ

Due to the obviousness of such problems, no follow-up is carried out. It was zoomed in, that at the time of the presentation of the manipulation of the suttas, the development of the rapid development is accelerated.

Pislyaoperating period

Rehabilitation of hysteroscopy is cleverly divided into two stages. The first is to introduce the functionality of mucous and normalize their functions. The mucous membrane of the uterus for a whole hour will rise up, see the regeneration of tissue in the cervical canal. It is not often at the cob stage of renewal to the body of a woman to suffer from pain in the abdomen. Finding the stench of twisting at the first few years of the operation.

After 2-3 years, the fabrics will be updated again, this is another stage of rehabilitation. Now we have already started to formulate a new endometrium, which has a normal structure and characteristic functional features.

Bolovі vіdchuttya

Insignificant pains, pulling, do not interfere with the norms. As a rule, pain syndrome is localized in the lower abdomen, as well as across. Through a small number of dibs, there is no perception. Hnya povova was informed about the results of the visualization of the myomatous university, the polyp of any kind of manipulation.

The woman's pain is very low, and the discomfort becomes more pronounced. When tsomu vdaayutsya to the vicoriannya of antibiotic medicines.

The drive for unbearable unbearable beat and the temperature of the hysteroscopy is adjusted. Alert is also a sign of intoxication. For many people, it’s necessary to turn around for help to the medical mortgage at once.

Vidіlennya z pіkhvi

Blood-borne vision is promoted over a period of several days during the operation. Stink vinyayut through pooled mucus organs and tools. Already after 2-3, add the vid_lennya insignificant, succulent. The whole stink of knowledge is through the p_vtora tizhn_. Such a triviality of the ichor was explained to the extended emptying of the organ in the course of carrying out the lasting and penetration of the child in the court. Severe bleeding when not guilty of spostering. Їkhnya povava є a drive for non-removable furrowing to a gynecologist.

Menstrual cycle

The term for the arrival of the regulation governing hysteroscopy is abundant in what to deposit as a result of the visit. If the diagnostic procedure was carried out, then the menstrual blood appeared later on in the day. This cycle is insignificant. Thousands of people can get lost for a few days. Explained to tsyomu to finish is simple. The emptying of the uterus is practically not usable, it is renewed against nagato shvidshe.

Likuvalna hysteroscopy with vyshkrіbannyam nadaє more serious infusion on the body. The coverage of the millennials can be trivial. The first day of the cycle at the time of the date of the operation. Apparently, the regulator came to clean up in 30 days.

In the region it is important to trace the nature of the first menstrual visions. As soon as the consistency of the color changed, then it will be necessary for the likar to get a good viscosity.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics for hysteroscopy are recognized by means of delayed acceleration. The mucous membranes during the whole period of time and not stolen from the penetration of the infection, but as a result of the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, the ignition process is started.

Before antibiotic therapy, one should be given an additional dose before the procedure. Most often it is necessary to recognize a three-day course for admission if it is a case of hysteroscopy. We'll fix the hormonal pollution. For many wines, the drug Duphaston is indicated.

May be accelerated

As a result of the preliminaries, one is encouraged to accelerate. In the middle of the early inheritance of the operations, the following are seen:

  • inflamed uterus, as well as queuing. Pelvioperitonitis and endometritis are most common;
  • hemolysis of middle sudin;
  • bleeding. The yogo poem is pummeled by the fact that in the course of the operation the tissues of the uterus will be injured, more so than the great blood-bearing vessels.

Among the inherited inheritances you see:

  • hematometer. Tse pathologic stan, with any kind of blood accumulate in the donor organ through the spasm of the cervical canal;
  • deformation of the empty body;
  • zagostrennya chronic zapalennya;
  • re-growth of new products.

It is necessary to produce the growth of uterine mucous membranes before the development of bacterial infections is developed. When there is a wide variety of symptoms, there is an uncharacteristic vision in the lower part of the abdomen.

Viability of hysteroscopy

Find the singing recommendations of the day, seeing which processes of renewal will be contrary to the sutta. With a stretch of the first month of life, a piece of peace is consumed. The price has been zoomed in front of us, so that the organ at the moment of not being stolen from the negative in the flow is zoomed. The status of infection can penetrate into the empty space of the uterus, and it’s significant to lose it.

In addition, by stretching the first letters of vision, blood visions from the past are prevented. Tse also hates the intimacy. Self-esteem of women at the whole period will go down.

The reason for the suspicion of pathology in the empty uterus is moss. Likars recommend thinking about conception not earlier than in three months of operation.

The normal lead-time period is close to the month. It takes a long hour to get the next recommendations:

  • don't have sex. Besides, at the same time, there is a soreness, so is the insanity of penetration of ailing microorganisms in an empty organ;
  • do not swim near critical waters, pools and do not take a bath. Permissions are deprived of souls;
  • seen from the view of saunas and lazen;
  • do not lack the rules of intimate hygiene and do not adapt more than two times a day;
  • accept antibiotic zasobi, suvoro adaptable schemes;
  • check the temperature for two hours throughout the day;
  • unique overworldly physical navantazhen, as well as gravity;
  • do not vikoristovuvati tamponi. The rewagon needs to be given pads and skin for 3-4 years. Shelter is a friendly middle ground for the development and propagation of bacteria;
  • it is correct to organize the ratsion of food. Most importantly, the menu has an abundance of vegetables, dairy products and fruits;
  • systematically pass and look at the gynecologist;
  • quilts behind the free-spirited vyporozhnennyam of the chaff mikhur.

Unimportant to those who are involved in hysteroscopy with a minimally invasive operation, the risk of diagnosis is quicker. The woman is guilty of correctly preparing herself for the whole procedure and taking into account all the recommendations made by her. Having shown unremarkable inheritances, the zavdyaky spontaneously grow up.

One of the current diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in gynecology and hysteroscopy. The given operation allows to look around the uterus, to detect pathology, if necessary, to promptly see the pathology, and in case of problems, there are reasons for no reason. Chi robiti hysteroscopy, virishuє lykar, runtuyuchis on the shows and prototypes before the given manipulation, albeit the last word, it’s crazy, to get lost for the patient.

Briefly about hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy is called such a diagnostic-diagnostic manipulation, which allows visually assessing the uterus in the middle, revealing a pathological decision, or anomalies in the future, and for the need to quickly see it without The Danish method is applied to endoscopic ones and is carried out using a special optical attachment - a hysteroscope by a fachivite.

In the case of walnut hysteroscopy, it means "look at the uterus." Manipulation is diagnostic and diagnostic. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is carried out not to inspect the internal uterine surface, or to take material (endometrium) for histological information (biopsies). It takes an hour for clinical hysteroscopy to be available promptly, for example, a new solution is visible or a third party.

Preparation before the procedure

So, as hysteroscopy is carried out before invasive procedures, and it is similar to being promptly involved, before a patient is carried out, it is necessary to ensure that there is a condition (including extreme conditions):

The instrumental methods are:

  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • Ultrasonic inspection of a cross-cut empty (for obviousness of indication);
  • fluorography;
  • analysis of blood loss;
  • EKG (for obviousness).

As a patient, she is a chronic extragenital malady, it is shown by the consultation of a doctor with a specific profile about the ongoing therapy. When colpitis occurs, sanation of pichvi is indicated (up to 1-2 steps of purity).

Debilitation is carried out on an outpatient basis. I will start before the hospitalization of the patient before the procedure, there is a cleanliness (preparation of the intestines), and before the hysteroscopy, it is necessary to check the mucosa. Take it on the day of manipulation to be protected through an internal anesthesia before an hour of hysteroscopy. Carrying out hysteroscopy is planned on the 5th - 7th day of the cycle, so that in the first (proliferative) phase, if a functional ball is endometrial only after the growths, and the inner surface of the uterus is available for inspection.

It is also necessary for 3 days before the procedure to fix the type of contact, and for a period of time to fix the syringe. It is not recommended to take sperm and vaginal test 7 days before hysteroscopy.

See hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy, fallen as a sign, can be:

  • diagnostics - if it is necessary to identify the causes of "inadequacies" according to life lines (diagnostics of polyposis endometrium, pidlizovy myomatous higher education institution or pathology);
  • lykuvalny - when looking around the inner surface of the uterus is carried out promptly (hanging polyp, resection of the myomatous node, rosten adhesions of the septum in the uterus);
  • control - to be carried out in the first hour (call through the pivot) for the internal examination of the patient for additional hysteroscopy.

For a successful operation, it is necessary to straighten the uterus, stretch and expand the uterus. For the whole, dovkilla is introduced into the empty uterus. Fall from the middle of the hysteroscopy extends to:

  • rіdinnu (introduced fiz. Rozchin or 5% glucose);
  • gas (introduced into carbon dioxide gas).

Office of hysteroscopy

Office of hysteroscopy є One of the options for diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed on an outpatient basis. The name of the procedure was needed from Europe, de hysteroscopy with a diagnostic method can be used not only by a gynecologist, but by a doctor for a medical professional and carried out on an outpatient basis, in medical offices (for out-of-date appointments).

Office hysteroscopy is called simple hysteroscopy, mini-hysteroscopy, diagnostic video hysteroscopy. The last term is to transfer the demonstration of the patient for the hour of the manipulation of the picture of the inner surface of the uterus. Perevagi minіgіsteroskії:

  • low trauma of the procedure (a hysteroscope with the smallest diameter, without enlargement of the cervical canal);
  • It is not necessary to use local anesthesia to reduce the rate of hysteroscopy and risk treatment of anesthesia for anesthesia;
  • the possibility of outpatient treatment, not requiring hospitalization and not pouring into the office;
  • short period of the procedure (no more than one year);
  • easy portability of manipulation;
  • You can carry out a biopsy endometrium.

The decision about the need for a hysteroscopy is taken by a doctor for the presentation of such indications:

  • diseases in the menstrual cycle in females, females of premenopausal and premenopausal women;
  • bleeding and blood vision in postmenopausal women;
  • for approval:
    • pidlizovy myomatous university;
    • adenomyosis;
    • endometrial cancer;
    • wad the development of the uterus;
    • internal synechias;
    • perforation of the uterus;
    • surplus of fruit egg and shell;
    • cervical cancer;
    • polyposis and hyperplasia of endometrium;
    • side body in the womb emptying;
  • clarification of the localization of the internal spirales of the parts;
  • bezpliddya;
  • yak preparatory stage before the EKZ;
  • non-guilt;
  • assess the effect and control the result of hormonal therapy;
  • acceleration of the period.

As it is very early, hysteroscopy is the most effective and effective method for diagnosing and diagnosing gynecological pathologies, which is not well understood from the procedure.


As if it were an internal procedure, hysteroscopy should not be performed in such situations:

  • state of the art for infection (cold, angina, thrombophlebitis or polyonephritis and іnshi);
  • zagostrennya chronic illnesses;
  • state heating of articles of organs (colpity, endometritis, adnexity);
  • uterine vagina (bazhana);
  • pozamatkova vagіtnіst chi pіdozra on her;
  • enlargement of shyke cancer;
  • extragenital incapacitation at the stage of decompensation (heart-vascular pathology, fever incapacitation, nirok);
  • profuse bleeding from the uterus;
  • atresia of the cervical canal

Introductory period

The renewal period after the transferred manipulation is cleverly added to 2 stages. The first stage of the field is in the primary innovation and normalization of the budov and the function of the uterine tissues (mucous membrane and meat ball). At the first stage, the microscope and surgical development will increase, as well as the regeneration of the cervical canal. Daniy step is very close to 2 - 3 times and will end with a general regeneration of operational processes and the adoption of scarless fabrics.

Another stage of the renewal of the straightening on the formation of new fabrics, which was once again established, is the new endometriosis of the hysteroscopy. The new mucous membrane of the uterus is responsible for the normal structure and all the powers and functions of the uterus (the growth and development of the endometrium during the period of the menstrual cycle). Another stage of renewal will require a longer hour and up to 6 months.

Seeing a procedure

The blood and the bloodthirsty visions of the nightmare in the first place 2 - 3 days during the period of manipulation. Tse explain the traumatic ears of the mucous membrane of the uterus with tools. Nadal visions become sacred people, as they can be trivial to two. The triviality of the sacrificial vision is ampled with the enlargement of the uterine emptying every hour of hysteroscopy, the day penetrates into the court, the ears of the wall, so that it can be brought up to the vision of the "sukrovitsi". If the sight of blood clots appears and blood clots appear, then it is necessary to turn to a lykar at once.

Menstruation for hysteroscopy

When a month comes for hysteroscopy? All lay down from the fact that the procedure was carried out. At different diagnostic, especially official hysteroscopy, menstruation occurs at once from the graph of the cyclic cycle, but there may be little attention (2 - 3 days). It’s worth explaining that it’s practical not to injure endometries during diagnostic procedures, so a trivial hour is not required for the update. Ale at the time of clinical hysteroscopy, especially after the completion of the procedure for the emptying of the uterus, the opportunity and triviality of menstruation. On the first day of the menstrual cycle in the first day of the menstrual cycle, it will take approximately one month for the day of the operation and for the month. It is important to lay down the character of the first menstrual period during the procedure. When the color changes and the consistency and the increase in the number of blood is changed, the vision of the next one should be consulted with a gynecologist.

For hysteroscopy, it is an absolutely normal phenomenon, if it is insignificant or not, it is localized in the lower part of the abdomen, or in the middle / crooked and trivially few days. Sickness can be explained, in a persistent way, by stretching the empty uterus for an hour with a gas treatment or, in other words, traumatizing the tissue of the shyki and uterus with tools. Women with a low threshold to skare on bends, in such cases, a licar can be recommended with a refinery with a garnishing sun-damaging effect (ketorol, endomethacin, nise). If he lives unbearably, the nature of the pain is spasmodic, dagger or violent, the temperature rises and symptoms of intoxication increase, pain can be seen at the perineum or the leg, it may be necessary to speed up medically.

In the early period, it is necessary to clearly follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist:

  • seen from the article's life by about 3 - 4 years (in ideals, up to the first months);
  • take a bath, take a bath, take a bath and a sauna, and also swim in a swimming pool, or with water that is too cold for 3 times;
  • dontrimuvatsya special hygienia (take your soul every day, take two for a day with a weekly meeting with a pH-neutral reaction (іntimnі gels, cute child);
  • as a rule, the drug is a sign of anti-apical treatment for hysteroscopy (prophylactically) with antibiotics (ciprofloxacin) and metronidazole for 5 - 7 days;
  • daily control of temperature (vrantzit before bedtime);
  • it is considered to be taken from aspirin as an anti-morbid one (the drug is used for blood supply, so that it can improve blood vision and may prevent bleeding);
  • in the area of ​​intensive physical development, it is important to physical work and when the weight is more than 3 kg for 1 - 1.5 months (healthier sports are allowed in 2 - 3 days);
  • visualization of tampons for the period of bloody vision; more beautifully zastosovuvati gaskets;
  • a fence for intravaginal introduction of tablets, a sachet, gel and cream, as well as for douching;
  • for hysteroscopy it is not possible to speed up with spermicides stretching a month;
  • after the rationalization of rational eating, so as not to provoke constipation (from gostrich, salty, pickled products, greased and fatty food).
  • casually empty the sečovy mіkhur.

Viability of hysteroscopy

Most women who go through the hysteroscopy procedure are taken over by the food, if the visit comes from her. As soon as the procedure was carried out with a diagnostic method, and in the empty uterus, it was not performed operatively, for example, hanging polyp, then conception is possible even in the offensive cycle. The price will be explained by the quick updates of the mucous uterus and the hormonal background. Aleksandr tries to get ahead of the child, so that it’s not going to go to sleep, but if it’s possible to stay, to lay down some of the other factors:

  • the nature of the menstrual cycle (regular chi nі);
  • the appearance of some of the gynecological illnesses (burning of the appendages, background processes, the development of endometriosis and of the disease);
  • the manifestation of extragenital pathology (it is necessary to quickly pass the test);
  • preparation for vaginosti (healthy way of living, taking folic acid, taking care of physical growth for 3 months);
  • Regularity on the status of infection and treatment of both partners in case of their occurrence (chlamydiasis, cytomegalovirus, papiloma virus and others).

For friendly minds, it is allowed to plan a visit not earlier than after 3 months after the procedure.

ECO for hysteroscopy

If the patient is getting ready to the YBC, she can go through the folding procedure, before entering and hysteroscopy. Alle not in our EKO clientele, a general procedure is given. ECO for hysteroscopy may end up not far (during the week) in cases of unrevealed and unpolluted internal pathology, therefore, most reproductive specialists use the most complex undergoing procedures. You can also see a license (if necessary) on hysteroscopy before the EKZ:

  • viscti polyp;
  • visualization of endometrial hyperplasia;
  • development of internal adhesions;
  • viscous internal partition;
  • vidalyti midi endometriosis;
  • scoriguvati the shape of the uterus in case of abnormal development;
  • vidalyty pidlizovy myomatous vuzol;
  • to reconsider the passage of the tubes (the introduction of the catheter at the tube).

For the operative hysteroscopy of the plan, the duration of the visit is allowed not earlier than now through the appointment. At the time of successful completion and implantation of egg cells, the woman should be placed in the dispensary at the moment of establishment of the vagineness and retardation. The excess of vaginosti is not only due to an internal surgical procedure performed, but due to the following factors:

  • hormonal dysfunctions to vaginosti;
  • vik;
  • number of abortions and abortions;
  • uterus shyka stand (ICN);
  • extragenetic pathology

Hysteroscopy participation

The part of hysteroscopy is to be carried out in any way. Diagnostic or office hysteroscopy, apparently, is cheap, the results are not including promptly involved. Prices for the operation of hysteroscopy are determined according to the level of the operability of the operation, the quality and the quality of the possession. The part of the procedure and the need (for some people) to move to the hospital. Ale, madly, the price of the service is to lay down from the region and the level of the clinic.

For example, for Moscow diagnostics hysteroscopy will cost 15,000 - 35,000 rubles, and the cost of the operation will be up to 60,000 - 65,000 rubles. The provincial government hysteroscopy costs no more than 2500 - 9000 rubles, and the procedure for operative treatment of internal pathology costs 3500 to 25000 rubles. The average rate of transfer from a stationary is 1500 - 4000 rubles.

May be accelerated

Hysteroscopy, as if it were an invasive procedure, I will block it with a quicker cable.

Early acceleration

From the early days of operational acceleration, it means:

  • firing of the uterus and pelvis (endometritis, pelvioperitonitis) - to become 90% faster;
  • internal vascular hemolysis, accumulation of trivial operations and distilled water and non-electrolytic centers or adjustments to the internal vise;
  • bleeding - not more than 5% of the acceleration (it is prevented by resection of myomy, resection or ablation of endometrium).

Piznі accelerated

Until the end of the day, it is necessary to carry out:

  • formulation of measurements in postmenopausal patients (in case of rough management);
  • formulation of hydrosalpines, especially with chronic adnexitis;
  • deformation of the uterine emptying (for resection of endometrium or seeing great myomatous universities);
  • zagostrennya chronic ignition processes;
  • not entirely visible vnutr_shnyomatkovyh apparatuses.


Power supply: I got a polyp endometrium through the test of hysteroscopy. Whose tse is that yak yogo likuvati tied?

Suggestion: Relapse of endometrial polyp, which is better for everything, dressing with incomplete information about an hour before the procedure (there was no need for it). Likuvannya polyagulation with repeated hysteroscopy, with hanging polyp and coagulation of the th bed (with an electric strum or frozen) with any signs of hormonal drugs.

Pitannya: Yaka maє butti was the temperature of the hysteroscopy?

Suggestion: In the ideal, the temperature was just as high, and in the evening it is not guilty of changing the mark of 37 degrees. Ale docks are bloody and succulent (7 - 10 days), the evening temperature can increase (up to 37.2 degrees). At once higher temperatures, as well as advising the doctor, you will not be able to ignite the process of internal organs.

Nutrition: Is it possible for hysteroscopy to take blood-sparing drugs and what?

Suggestion: As a rule, blood vision after the transferred procedure is insignificant and non-trivial and does not affect the reception of hemostatics. You can take vitamin C, calcium gluconate and vicasol for blood-spinal preparations. In case of anemia, a drug is recommended to take the drug in a zaliza.

Power supply: Why should hormonal tablets be used for hysteroscopy?

Suggestion: Some of the procedure is very well carried out with the help of visualization of internal uterine neoplasms, as a result of hormonal imbalance (polypy, myoma, hyperplastic processes and endometry), a drug for the normalization of hormonal therapy. Namely, oral contraceptives are recognized in terms of 3 - 6 months.

Nutrition: Do you need to check with a gynecologist for hysteroscopy?

Vidpovid: So, obov'yazkovo. The first step is to update the doctor after the procedure is done in 10 - 14 days. Control SPL is carried out in 3, and later in 6 months. In case of friendly results, the situation and the daily wear of the woman's skarg should be taken care of by the gynecologist.

Power supply: On any day, do you go to the hospital for hysteroscopy?

Suggestion: If the procedure is planned as a stationary one, then in the middle child it will be accepted until the next day. If in some cases, it is possible to overlap a stationary already through a circle of years (a backbone, bloody vision, how to smear). Put the woman on for a few days (2-3) at the carnival may have a significant operative engagement (visualization of the myomatous university or multiple endometrial polyps), for example, if there is a delay.

Lykar obstetrician-gynecologist Ganna Sozinova

Hysteroscopy and heritage

Endoscopic methods of preliminaries є in one of the direct diagnostic medicine, are developed, so that it is not only possible to visually assess the state of the surrounding organ, but also to the development of surgical medical procedures for

Hysteroscopy as one of the types of minimally invasive involvement significantly expanded the possibilities of diagnostics of internal pathologies; At the same time, whether any endoscopic maneuvers have been carried out in order to keep up with minor tissue problems, because of hysteroscopy, it is possible to lie down during the period of time spent on


Hysteroscopy is a method of visual clearing the emptying of the uterus, so that you can go through the natural state of the path behind an additional hysteroscope. A hysteroscope is a highly functional optical attachment, in the design of a transmission there is a channel for the introduction of surgical instruments, in which case it is possible not only to detect pathologies, but to diagnose surgery

  • vyshkrіbannya empty uterus;
  • the vision of small good-natured new products (polyp endometrium, submucous myomas);
  • podil formulas (blue);
  • renewal of uterine tube passage;
  • visualization of ingrown fragments in an internal contraceptive (spiral);
  • attaching to endometriosis;
  • Victory of biopsies.

Diagnostic and operational hysteroscopy is carried out by the working part

Carrying out

Regardless of the purpose of the procedure, one of the stages of hysteroscopy, the improvement of the passage of the uterus behind the additional step-by-step introduction into the cervical canal of Gegara expansion. At the same time, the diagnostic manipulation can be carried out without the frontal extension of the neck with a hysteroscope, but the size of the trocha is more than 3 mm. Vikoristannya hysteroscope, which has a structure operating channel for the introduction of surgical instruments, the required dilatation of the cervical canal (up to 9-10 mm).

Falling into the type of vicarious installation, it is possible to promptly get involved in the following ways:

  • resection - in a wide variety of ways, a new vision of the so-called "knives" or of the internal instruments of the form;
  • Electroresection - transferring to complete a great set of tools (loops, rollers, bags), for those who need to use the electrically heated fabrics, which allows them to directly see pathological statements;
  • laser resection with coagulation - the sutta of such instruments is the coagulation of tissues for a healthy resection, which reduces the risk of the development of bleeding.

Carrying out diagnostic hysteroscopy


At the same time, hysteroscopy, unaffected by uncomfortable safety, є surgical entanglements, if carried out, may be found in singular inheritance, in order to create a discomfort for the patient. However, as a result of the development of the inheritance, such as a normal reaction of the organism to the lykarskii diy (a piece of enlargement of the uterus, vyshkrivannya toshko) and acceleration, due to inadequate recommendations of the organisms, maladies


Most of the evidence for the procedure є natural reaction to surgical manipulation. As a rule, it was spasmodic in nature and a lot of stimulation of the rapid activity of the uterine ball of the uterus and the violent expansion of the cervical canal. Neridki also skargi for a small bill at a distance across.

Intensity and triviality of the manifestation of painful symptoms to lie at the pain threshold of a particular patient and the purpose of hysteroscopy. If the hysteroscopy was carried out entirely on the basis of diagnostics, then the renewal of the loan was not more than 4-6 years old, but it was not possible to see minor surgical procedures.

Important! Regardless of the nature of the hysteroscopy, painful ones were not guilty for more than 7 days (optimally 2-3 days).
Internally, it’s possible to help you with the pain of seeing.


Insignificant smearing vision є the norm to find a diagnostic hysteroscopy. It is not guilty that they saw a clear vision of the resection of polypous devices. The appearance of blood vessels due to hysteroscopy, and because of the mucous vision, can be indicative of an insignificant ear of the mucous surface of the uterus, as well as a legacy of operative procedures, as well as the sampling of tissue samples for biopsies.

As for medical indications, the diagnosis was carried out, the amount of blood for the procedure, as well as the triviality of bleeding not guilty of the mother, of the majority of symptoms due to menstruation, and to complete at some time in 4-7 terms.


The temperature of the hysteroscopy can change the threshold of 37º- 37.2º. As a rule, it is similar to the reaction of the body to the challenge of being able to develop at the end of a great number of women and to see the temperature associated with the slowing down, but the fault of the same day and repeated mutilations for 2-3 days. The temperature, caused by ignition processes, or some accelerated ones, is characterized by a change in the threshold of 37.2 º, during the day the connection is finished up to an hour, as a rule, after 2-3 days after hysteroscopy.


The procedures are unimportant to the utmost security, the development process cannot be accelerated, the classification of such subdivisions into two types is clever:

  • hirurgic;
  • physiological.
Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy - what's more beautiful?

Until the surgical steps are taken, all the acceleration, related to incorrect procedures, due to the lack of professionalism of the patient and the particularities of the patient's body. A change in pathology, which was diagnosed as a result of hysteroscopy, including:

  • perforation of the wall of the uterus and the cervical canal. As a rule, there is no need to speed up the resection of the uterus at the resection of the uterus behind an auxiliary electroresectoscope, or a laser, for example, for visualization of the glibrostasis of the uterus. The treatment of hysteroscopy includes updating of the hysteroscopy for the addition of a one-hour laparoscopy and hysteroscopy;
  • bowel ear due to perforation of the oocyte ball of the uterus;
  • bleeding. Vinikak during the last hour of the operation, the great bloody judge;
  • I will turn into embolism, I will cause the penetration of the bulbs to the gas in the bloodstream. As a rule, it penetrates the empty uterus through the tubes through the tubes, so that it will be fed every second of the hour of the operation;
  • anesthetic acceleration. Є a common allergic reaction to anesthesia.
Important! Stagnation of electro- or laser resection with coagulation to produce a risk of development of bleeding to a minimum, the establishment of a building “spayuvati” the path through the flow of hanging tissue.
Efforts to accelerate the surgical character to outrun the retailers' compliance with the rules and regulations of the operation

The process of accelerating the physiological character is adapted to such a view. Early - ignition processes (endometritis, parametritis, adnexitis). Pizni - deformity of the uterine wall after seeing a great miomy, as well as recurrent growth in the past, neoplasm and endometriosis. Additional endometrics for the operation can be consumed in the empty space if the uterus is perforated through the fallopian tubes.

As soon as the polyp has seen the visibility of the virus, there may be some evidence about the incompletely seen last hour of the operation, or about the hormonal breakdown in the organisms of the woman. Yak lіkuvannya at once priznachayut hormonal drugs. A characteristic feature of the endometrium is its ability to take root on the nearest organs, establishing itself in the process of growing the endometrial bone.


The period of renewal will increase due to the severity of the work carried out and will end at the period of the growth of a new endometrium, which will indicate the ear of a new menstrual cycle. Naybіlsh more nutrition, how to ask for hysteroscopy - "Through the days of checking on menstruation?" Even though the procedure is not very diagnostic in nature, the regeneration of tissue tissues does not take an hour, the ear of the offensive cycle can be seen at the first hour.

As well as hysteroscopy, the functional health of the uterus was updated and the procedure was carried out at the earliest term (on the 5-11th day of the cob cycle), then maybe the mother is at the start of menstruation. While in the course of hysteroscopy, the cleaning of the emptying of the uterus was carried out, then on the first day the cycle followed the day that followed the day of the operation.

An innumerable part of the drug treatment for hysteroscopy є taking antibiotics and antibacterial drugs in a wide range of children

It is of great importance for the renewal of the organism to the recognition of recommendations in the period of operation during the hysteroscopy. The list of recommendations includes those that are both possible and not possible to write for the procedure:

  • to get information out of the way of the life of the article, stretching out a month;
  • do not go for a swim, I get bored at the bathtub, soar at the hot tub of the saunas, if you overheat, you can provoke bleeding and the ignition process;
  • Really ditrimuvatis rules of special hygieni, vikoristovuchi in case of a whole mission with a neutral PH;
  • viklyuchiti by taking the drug, which is poured into the throat of blood (aspirin, which is painful, aspirin);
  • For hysteroscopy, it is not possible to go in for sports, but it also includes intensive power supply and heavy lifting. Aerobic physical configuration is allowed after 2-3 days of operation;
  • Really stitches for the intestinal work, in advance of the additional correction of the races, you may get constipated, some of the attempts at defecation of the damaged uterus;
  • it is necessary that the act of secularization (do not tolerate) is necessary, so that the uterus is too fast, and the blood flow is too fast;
  • it is not possible to swim near the swimming pool, because of the insanity of the penetration of the infection;
  • zasmagati slid, suvoro dozuyuchi hour spent on sleep to get overheated.
Important! It is also possible to put on the clogging of internal tampons, since it is not only possible to change the normal flow of blood and slime, or it is not possible to assess the quality of the vision (type, smell), but you may not be able to speed up the time.
Antibacterial suppositories Terzhinan bazhano zastosovuvati 1-2 days before the procedure with a decrease in the risk of information.

Vagitness planning

In an hour after hysteroscopy, can I have a visit? As soon as the procedure was carried out with the help of diagnostics, then it is possible to start with a great experience even in the offensive month. However, although little surgical maneuvers were carried out, the body needs more than an hour to update.

In case of planned vaginosity, the following facts are:

  • regularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • visibility of ignited ailments;
  • the rate of recurrent development of pathological statements, the last hour of the operation

With positive results, the vaginosity can be fixed within 3 months. However, the optimal term, which allows an increase in the reproductive function of the body through hysteroscopy, is 6 months.


The need for a hysteroscopy in front of a team, as a work of the EKZ, is a spyrnoy. Exciting for those who have the EKZ procedure є to finish the material that is foldable at the plan and the preparation of the patient, the risk of changing the vaginosity in case of any possible injuries due to the preliminary diagnostic procedure to complete the high one. However, it’s a fact that women who have been unsuccessfully wired to reach a trivial hour, passing hysteroscopy, allow women to see a structural deformity of the uterus (adhesions, septa), which unsuccessfully underwent a growth of the uterus.

According to the statistics, there have been more women who have not undergone hysteroscopy (12%), at that time women who have learned about surgical treatment of internal lymphocytes for additional hospitalization.

Carrying out a hysteroscopy in front of the YBC in addition to help establish the ideal mind for the birth of life

In all cases of singing the end of the singing period, it is necessary to complete the ultrasound scan for an hour, and to go beyond the circumstantial procedure for the preparation of the rizik of the hour to the minimum.

It’s not a matter of 100% to ensure that I guarantee a positive result of the EKZ procedure, but if I give hysteroscopy the chances of a woman’s people, the child will move significantly, so there’s a chance I have the right to be found out.

Gistroscopy of the year is the most informative method for detecting internal pathologies, the average rate of which can be found in the price range from 3,000 to 60,000 rubles is largely due to the possession, the course of the procedure and prestige. Following the recommendations for hysteroscopy, it is also possible to unify the development of an accelerated rate, to minimize the inheritance in a short term of health improvement.

Recommendations for hysteroscopy will help you to become more familiar with the transition to a familiar way of life. The updating of the diagnostic procedure is cleverly divided into two stages. A selection of the first update of fabrics, such as bullets, is added to the list, to the end, the tissues of the uterus, mucous membranes, the entire meat ball are introduced. At the first stage of the meeting, the start of the microscopic and the development will take place. Lykuvannya pislya hysteroscopy signifies a lykar.

For the procedure to update the cervical canal. The first stage of renewal is about 20 days. After a while, we’ll take a little less attention; fix the scarf-free fabric on. Another stage of the improvement of the hysteroscopy of the uterus is more convenient: the formation of a new endometrium is observed (the mucous membrane of the uterus has its own structure and its own biological functions). Another single stage is up to 5 months.

Reasons for seeing the procedure

For this kind of diagnostics, there can be no more vision in the bloodstream: the stench is spontaneous on the 3rd day. Seeing to go through those who are mucous membranes of the uterus can be seen as a result of drug manipulations and for hysteroscopy to develop uterine growths. A collection of bloody visions, then - to fill up the same barn; їхnya is close to triviality - two types. The vision of the amalgamation is that, after an hour, the procedure for emptying the uterus expands. Ridin, who is victorious during manipulation, is good enough to penetrate the court, such a rank of їkh stinks to become a woman, sposterіgє in her vision.

The value of the menstrual cycle: where do you get it?

Yakshko vyavite bloody clots, obov'yazkovo beaten by help! To be afraid of the menstrual cycle, here everything is laid down as a hysteroscope. Yakshcho vona was carried out with a diagnostic method, menstruation nastane without clogging. Mozhlivі zatrimki kіlka dnіv: tse norm. Since hysteroscopy is carried out with the help of diagnostics, endometries do not need to be performed, in such a rank it is not necessary for an hour to update. In the case of personal hysteroscopy, everything is the same. As soon as the womb was empty, it’s shy for everything, it’s overwhelmed. Once the menstrual cycle will come back every other day, after the operation: it’s worth keeping the menstruation going for a month.

Slid to brutalize respect to the character of the first menstrual period due to the disability hysteroscopy. Beastly respect for the color and consistency of the millennials. As soon as you have remembered that the blood is growing, you should consult a gynecologist. Hysteroscopy often leads to a diagnosis. The price is normal, it’s a bit intense, it’s better to go to the gynecologist. In a normal woman's stomach, the lower abdomen hurts at once from across. The triviality of such pains is 3 days. Smell explain that, when the uterus emptying is carried out, it will stretch out (it is infused with gas).

More noise is not deprived of a common reason: it’s because the tissue of the uterus is injured by drugs. Even though the woman has a low threshold, she will have to pay for a strong price. In general, the drug is recommended for a strong effect of zenoluvannya. If the woman is unbearable, she may have a fever, she may develop symptoms of intoxication. If the woman sees it, if it comes to the area of ​​the crotch of the leg, it’s necessary to get it right, if it’s not fast. Please follow the doctor's recommendations.

  1. From the article's life slid back on 3 months.
  2. It is barred to walk to the spa, sauna.
  3. It is not possible to enter the pool, swim at the river, in the water.
  4. After the rules of hygiene are obov'yazkovim: take a shower, wait 2 times a day (bazhano vikoristovuvati special gel with neutral PH).

With the help of prophylaxis, the drug can be associated with anti-pyrexia, antibiotics. The course lіkuvannya becomes less than 7-8 days. Antibiotics are recognized for the health of the patient. It is necessary to control the heating temperature. You can’t take aspirin: win є sane. Looks of a building built up a shelter, seemingly near a vigilante of blood. It is important for the nobility, that banal aspirin can cause bleeding. During the period of reabilitation, it is not possible to change it, and moreover it is morally and physically. Wake up instantly without being nervous. If you talk about health and fitness right, you can work in 3 days.

Isn't it possible to use hysteroscopy? It is recommended to replace it with gaskets. It is forbidden to introduce tablets intravaginally. Prototype shows all sorts of candles, creams for syringes. It is necessary to eat rationally, do not drink alcohol, but more alcohol. You can quickly empty the intestines, remove them from all the shitty products: salt, food, pickled, greased, and fat are brought to them. It is necessary to take liquids with the permission of a gynecologist: uncontrolled reception will overload with inheritance.

About vagіtnіst

Women are interested in: if there is a need for a diagnosis procedure. As soon as the diagnostic hysteroscopy was diagnosed, and the car was not intimidated by the operative engagement, for example, seeing the polyp, it is possible to start it in the offensive cycle. Deyakіlіkіvnіnі, wоuld get up from the vagіtnіstu not vart. It is necessary to respect the particularity of the menstrual cycle, as well as the periodicity and regularity. Slіd vrahuvati іnshі gynecological ailments. Your stay was successful, you should lead a healthy way of life.

It is recommended to visonuvati around the physical to the right with a stretch of three months. It is necessary to keep an eye on the manifestation of statutory infections. Obov'yazkove treatment in case of chlamydiasis, papilomovirus and other unacceptable infections. The journey can be planned not earlier than in 4 months after the medical procedure. As a woman climbs to the EKZ, it is necessary to go through the trivial, which is even more collapsible. It is important for the nobility, that the ECO can end up badly with hysteroscopy: a woman can have a weekend.

Hysteroscopy. Operational period and possible acceleration

Whether a woman undergoes hysteroscopy. However, it is not dermal to undergo resectoscopy. Who can understand the cich?

  1. At viznennі. Hysteroscopy - the process of advancing the emptying of the uterus to reveal a new one. And resectoscopy is a process of surgical engagement, which is carried out at the connection with the manifestations of the ciches.
  2. Have a way of carrying out. At the first option, only a gyroscope is used, and at the other - additional tools: a scalpel, forceps and a lot of them.

In such a rank, the two procedures may conceal their similarities and differences. Protest, the reasons for this are approximately the same:

  1. Safety.
  2. Availability of polyp.
  3. Soreness per hour of the menstrual cycle.
  4. Failure to comply with the norms of elementary hygiene

So if there is a diagnostic hysteroscopy, it is often necessary to carry out resectoscopy.

Pislyaoperating period. What is possible and not possible? Folding

After the operation was carried out, which is 6 years old, the child at the normal station will be typed before the house. For destructiveness zalishayut pіd medical visibility.

For the hour of whiskey, the skin woman will start talking about those who can be robbed, but who cannot. So, using hysteroscopy is not possible:

  1. Have sex. Tse can provokuvati manifestation of a lot of bleeding or accelerated when fired. Not allowed for 7-21 days.
  2. Vikoristovuvati douche chi tamponi. The stench can cause erosion or destruction in the mother.
  3. Pidnimati grave. Tse can lead to the diversion of the sewing machines.

In one day, as soon as the operation is performed, the woman may have the following acceleration:

  1. Bleeding due to hysteroscopy. At such a time, the child will be left with visual cues for the establishment of the reasons.

Endoscopic methods of preliminaries є in one of the direct diagnostic medicine, are developed, so that it is not only possible to visually assess the state of the surrounding organ, but also to the development of surgical medical procedures for

Hysteroscopy as one of the types of minimally invasive involvement significantly expanded the possibilities of diagnostics of internal pathologies; At the same time, whether any endoscopic maneuvers have been carried out in order to keep up with minor tissue problems, because of hysteroscopy, it is possible to lie down during the period of time spent on

Hysteroscopy is a method of visual clearing the emptying of the uterus, so that you can go through the natural state of the path behind an additional hysteroscope. A hysteroscope is a highly functional optical attachment, in the design of a transmission there is a channel for the introduction of surgical instruments, in which case it is possible not only to detect pathologies, but to diagnose surgery

  • vyshkrіbannya empty uterus;
  • the vision of small good-natured new products (polyp endometrium, submucous myomas);
  • podil formulas (blue);
  • renewal of uterine tube passage;
  • visualization of ingrown fragments in an internal contraceptive (spiral);
  • attaching to endometriosis;
  • Victory of biopsies.

Diagnostic and operational hysteroscopy is carried out by the working part

Carrying out

Regardless of the purpose of the procedure, one of the stages of hysteroscopy, the improvement of the passage of the uterus behind the additional step-by-step introduction into the cervical canal of Gegara expansion. At the same time, the diagnostic manipulation can be carried out without the frontal extension of the neck with a hysteroscope, but the size of the trocha is more than 3 mm. Vikoristannya hysteroscope, which has a structure operating channel for the introduction of surgical instruments, the required dilatation of the cervical canal (up to 9-10 mm).

Falling into the type of vicarious installation, it is possible to promptly get involved in the following ways:

  • resection - in a wide variety of ways, a new vision of the so-called "knives" or of the internal instruments of the form;
  • Electroresection - transferring to complete a great set of tools (loops, rollers, bags), for those who need to use the electrically heated fabrics, which allows them to directly see pathological statements;
  • laser resection with coagulation - the sutta of such instruments is the coagulation of tissues for a healthy resection, which reduces the risk of the development of bleeding.

Carrying out diagnostic hysteroscopy


At the same time, hysteroscopy, unaffected by uncomfortable safety, є surgical entanglements, if carried out, may be found in singular inheritance, in order to create a discomfort for the patient. However, as a result of the development of the inheritance, such as a normal reaction of the organism to the lykarskii diy (a piece of enlargement of the uterus, vyshkrivannya toshko) and acceleration, due to inadequate recommendations of the organisms, maladies


Most of the evidence for the procedure є natural reaction to surgical manipulation. As a rule, it was spasmodic in nature and a lot of stimulation of the rapid activity of the uterine ball of the uterus and the violent expansion of the cervical canal. Neridki also skargi for a small bill at a distance across.

Intensity and triviality of the manifestation of painful symptoms to lie at the pain threshold of a particular patient and the purpose of hysteroscopy. If the hysteroscopy was carried out entirely on the basis of diagnostics, then the renewal of the loan was not more than 4-6 years old, but it was not possible to see minor surgical procedures.

Important! Regardless of the nature of the hysteroscopy, painful ones were not guilty for more than 7 days (optimally 2-3 days).

Internally, it’s possible to help you with the pain of seeing.


Insignificant smearing vision є the norm to find a diagnostic hysteroscopy. It is not guilty that they saw a clear vision of the resection of polypous devices. The appearance of blood vessels due to hysteroscopy, and because of the mucous vision, can be indicative of an insignificant ear of the mucous surface of the uterus, as well as a legacy of operative procedures, as well as the sampling of tissue samples for biopsies.

As for medical indications, the diagnosis was carried out, the amount of blood for the procedure, as well as the triviality of bleeding not guilty of the mother, of the majority of symptoms due to menstruation, and to complete at some time in 4-7 terms.


The temperature of the hysteroscopy can change the threshold of 37º- 37.2º. As a rule, it is similar to the reaction of the body to the challenge of being able to develop at the end of a great number of women and to see the temperature associated with the slowing down, but the fault of the same day and repeated mutilations for 2-3 days. The temperature, caused by ignition processes, or some accelerated ones, is characterized by a change in the threshold of 37.2 º, during the day the connection is finished up to an hour, as a rule, after 2-3 days after hysteroscopy.


The procedures are unimportant to the utmost security, the development process cannot be accelerated, the classification of such subdivisions into two types is clever:

  • hirurgic;
  • physiological.

Until the surgical steps are taken, all the acceleration, related to incorrect procedures, due to the lack of professionalism of the patient and the particularities of the patient's body. A change in pathology, which was diagnosed as a result of hysteroscopy, including:

  • perforation of the wall of the uterus and the cervical canal. As a rule, there is no need to speed up the resection of the uterus at the resection of the uterus behind an auxiliary electroresectoscope, or a laser, for example, for visualization of the glibrostasis of the uterus. The treatment of hysteroscopy includes updating of the hysteroscopy for the addition of a one-hour laparoscopy and hysteroscopy;
  • bowel ear due to perforation of the oocyte ball of the uterus;
  • bleeding. Vinikak during the last hour of the operation, the great bloody judge;
  • I will turn into embolism, I will cause the penetration of the bulbs to the gas in the bloodstream. As a rule, it penetrates the empty uterus through the tubes through the tubes, so that it will be fed every second of the hour of the operation;
  • anesthetic acceleration. Є a common allergic reaction to anesthesia.

Important! Stagnation of electro- or laser resection with coagulation to produce a risk of development of bleeding to a minimum, the establishment of a building “spayuvati” the path through the flow of hanging tissue.

Efforts to accelerate the surgical character to outrun the retailers' compliance with the rules and regulations of the operation

The process of accelerating the physiological character is adapted to such a view. Early - ignition processes (endometritis, parametritis, adnexitis). Pizni - deformity of the uterine wall after seeing a great miomy, as well as recurrent growth in the past, neoplasm and endometriosis. Additional endometrics for the operation can be consumed in the empty space if the uterus is perforated through the fallopian tubes.

As soon as the polyp has seen the visibility of the virus, there may be some evidence about the incompletely seen last hour of the operation, or about the hormonal breakdown in the organisms of the woman. Yak lіkuvannya at once priznachayut hormonal drugs. A characteristic feature of the endometrium is its ability to take root on the nearest organs, establishing itself in the process of growing the endometrial bone.


The period of renewal will increase due to the severity of the work carried out and will end at the period of the growth of a new endometrium, which will indicate the ear of a new menstrual cycle. Naybіlsh more nutrition, how to ask for hysteroscopy - "Through the days of checking on menstruation?" Even though the procedure is not very diagnostic in nature, the regeneration of tissue tissues does not take an hour, the ear of the offensive cycle can be seen at the first hour.

As well as hysteroscopy, the functional health of the uterus was updated and the procedure was carried out at the earliest term (on the 5-11th day of the cob cycle), then maybe the mother is at the start of menstruation. While in the course of hysteroscopy, the cleaning of the emptying of the uterus was carried out, then on the first day the cycle followed the day that followed the day of the operation.

An innumerable part of the drug treatment for hysteroscopy є taking antibiotics and antibacterial drugs in a wide range of children

It is of great importance for the renewal of the organism to the recognition of recommendations in the period of operation during the hysteroscopy. The list of recommendations includes those that are both possible and not possible to write for the procedure:

  • to get information out of the way of the life of the article, stretching out a month;
  • do not go for a swim, I get bored at the bathtub, soar at the hot tub of the saunas, if you overheat, you can provoke bleeding and the ignition process;
  • Really ditrimuvatis rules of special hygieni, vikoristovuchi in case of a whole mission with a neutral PH;
  • viklyuchiti by taking the drug, which is poured into the throat of blood (aspirin, which is painful, aspirin);
  • For hysteroscopy, it is not possible to go in for sports, but it also includes intensive power supply and heavy lifting. Aerobic physical configuration is allowed after 2-3 days of operation;
  • Really stitches for the intestinal work, in advance of the additional correction of the races, you may get constipated, some of the attempts at defecation of the damaged uterus;
  • it is necessary that the act of secularization (do not tolerate) is necessary, so that the uterus is too fast, and the blood flow is too fast;
  • it is not possible to swim near the swimming pool, because of the insanity of the penetration of the infection;
  • zasmagati slid, suvoro dozuyuchi hour spent on sleep to get overheated.

Important! It is also possible to put on the clogging of internal tampons, since it is not only possible to change the normal flow of blood and slime, or it is not possible to assess the quality of the vision (type, smell), but you may not be able to speed up the time.

Antibacterial suppositories Terzhinan bazhano zastosovuvati 1-2 days before the procedure with a decrease in the risk of information.

Vagitness planning

In an hour after hysteroscopy, can I have a visit? As soon as the procedure was carried out with the help of diagnostics, then it is possible to start with a great experience even in the offensive month. However, although little surgical maneuvers were carried out, the body needs more than an hour to update.

In case of planned vaginosity, the following facts are:

  • regularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • visibility of ignited ailments;
  • the rate of recurrent development of pathological statements, the last hour of the operation

With positive results, the vaginosity can be fixed within 3 months. However, the optimal term, which allows an increase in the reproductive function of the body through hysteroscopy, is 6 months.


The need for a hysteroscopy in front of a team, as a work of the EKZ, is a spyrnoy. Exciting for those who have the EKZ procedure є to finish the material that is foldable at the plan and the preparation of the patient, the risk of changing the vaginosity in case of any possible injuries due to the preliminary diagnostic procedure to complete the high one. However, it’s a fact that women who have been unsuccessfully wired to reach a trivial hour, passing hysteroscopy, allow women to see a structural deformity of the uterus (adhesions, septa), which unsuccessfully underwent a growth of the uterus.

According to the statistics, there have been more women who have not undergone hysteroscopy (12%), at that time women who have learned about surgical treatment of internal lymphocytes for additional hospitalization.

Carrying out a hysteroscopy in front of the YBC in addition to help establish the ideal mind for the birth of life

In all cases of singing the end of the singing period, it is necessary to complete the ultrasound scan for an hour, and to go beyond the circumstantial procedure for the preparation of the rizik of the hour to the minimum.

It’s not a matter of 100% to ensure that I guarantee a positive result of the EKZ procedure, but if I give hysteroscopy the chances of a woman’s people, the child will move significantly, so there’s a chance I have the right to be found out.

Gistroscopy of the year is the most informative method for detecting internal pathologies, the average rate of which can be found in the price range from 3,000 to 60,000 rubles is largely due to the possession, the course of the procedure and prestige. Following the recommendations for hysteroscopy, it is also possible to unify the development of an accelerated rate, to minimize the inheritance in a short term of health improvement.

I am getting ready to the EKZ - it’s already gone, but I lost my vaginosity without a single pipe, and my friend lost my way through adhesions. Ale will not talk about the sum ☺

ECO, I plan to work on the ground of the ZMS and I may go through the majestic block of conditions, including hysteroscopy, and biopsies of endometrium. The same pipe was needed for a friend to see - there I have lived a hydrosalpinx, which can be plunged into the embryo when vaginosity is set (ridina, which is toxic to the fetus).

I virishil, so I grow up all at once, and I will be yak new.

Virishila-zrobila. 🙌

First, I took away the direction from my Zhinochiy consultation - they saw me without any problems, I know my rich and compassionate advices.

The operation of me was robbed behind the Oms policy. Tobto, absolutely bezkoshtovno.

Then I went to a gentle booth (Oblasny by birth of Kalinіngrad) and signed up for an operation. Approximately for a month ago.

I have seen the transition of the necessary analyzes.

I wrote a report about the tse in the same vidguk about laparoscopy , yaku robbed at once from the hysteroscope.

Before the operation, I spent time with the surgeon and showed the list of things in front of the EKZ and asked to change everything at a time (she went to the laparoscopy).

In the list, I had a blistering ultrasound scan of the small pelvis; Tobto. There was no such thing before the operation - it was planned to be deprived of diagnostics. They robbed on the 26th day m.ts. (I have 28-29 days).

At the turn of the operation z'yasuvalosya, scho in the matt at me there was a polyp, great - 2 x 1.5 cm, which was not bached in the uzi rank. So my hysteroscopy became a reference for diagnostics. They scraped me all clean and sent to the histology. Polip confirmed on histology.

Likuvannya pislya identified in viglyadі antibiotics and a testicle Longіdazu.

Massive vision of boules 9-10 days, the first 2 days are weak, in the days before the millennials are strong, red colora knew - chi tse is normal).

Mayzhe live not sick. Only after a few days I was sipping, but I couldn’t go for less than the next generation. It’s nasty bulo only from antibiotics (zhakh yakis suvorі).

Article spokiy... The vipists wrote in the standard way - misyats. Ale, I did not quarrel with sleep, but I myself rely on respect for the state of affairs. So from, girl, you cannot only have classic vaginal sex, you don’t injure the uterus, you can’t worry. All the best (heart smiley 😊) - it is possible, it is possible .

Інші obmezhennya... Mysyats are also fun and physical. If you are not happy with it, you walk more and go for a walk with a strolling croc. Do not wear jeans / trousers, and go to cloth, but it’s okay (I’m so angry and it’s really lighter). I don’t go for 2 kilograms I want to stretch out. Do not take that bathtub 2.

Likarnyany... Signal for hysteroscopy is the only way to enter anesthesia before home. But in my mind, there was a new operation - that I got a new operation period - reanimation, 2 days in a car and 14 days in a car. I wanted to go to the robot earlier, but the gynecologist at the LCD did not allow it.

Trouble on the background of politics.

So as for the operation, they prescribed antibiotics for as much as 2 months, then until 10 days, without affecting preventive meoi (take fluconazole), I had a thrush, which would cause discomfort.

I had a chance to go through the same anti-fungus lykuvannya.

I’ll say that hysteroscopy is an operation that is necessary and important for diagnostics, as well as for treatment. That said, there is no ultrasound and even more glance at the cruiser, there is no hope of quiet problems.


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