Dragon age origins: Zbori lands. Passage - denerim Passage of "Zbori lands"

Dragon age origins: Zbori lands. Passage - denerim Passage of "Zbori lands"

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Denerim, the city's capital of Ferelden, get rid of the border guard post at the back of the Empire Tevinter. The magicians were ringing at the shilі burn the dark I am standing - the symbol of the strength of that power of the state. After the collapse of the Empire, the creation of the charists passed to the teirn, ruling the region for a thousand years. Bashta, to be called Fort Drakon, is worth donin. In the same place, on the slopes of the mountains, the place grew, and, before the hour of the Dragon, the population grew far beyond that, although it could have settled at Fort.

Tysnі districts, z'єdnan fringe bridges, will be one on one. The universities of the Lower Docks have become similar to a labyrinth, and Elfinazh, due to the style, overpopulation, but for the rest of the twelve years it was necessary to carry out a series of "cleansing", to preserve order there.

For all svitu Denerim vіdomy yak mіsce people Andrasta. For the sake of justice, the memorial, records for the honor of the prophetess, is not hostile to us: it’s just a majestic shmatok skeleton, forgive the messengers of light. Pilgrims come from far away lands to reach the Stone of the People's Day and pray. The axis so everything is seen in Denerim, and it is unlikely that some people may have a chance to change.

Brother Dzhenitivi,

Vityag із "At Poshukah Knowledge: Higher education of the church"


Zibrannya Lands

In addition, you will see all the young allies (gnomes (maybe with golems), magicians / templars, elfi / inverts), Yerl Eamon, nareshty, cry Zbori Zemel, and all at once with him virus to the capital. There you will see Loghain that yogo adjutant sir Koutren. Let's go with them and go to Eamon's office.

Note: theoretically, the earl handles will be your base in Denerim, ale rosms and comrades-in-arms there will be no more than in other locations. For more and more love roses, you, like and earlier, need to go to the camp.

At the office of Erl in Zustrinet Erlin, the resting place of Queen Anori. Wonder how Anora became a scolding in the palace of Erl Denerim and to catch the fight, how How to get to beat this zvinuvatiti into Eamon's tsomu. Regardless of your reaction, you should entrust Anor with vryatuvati.

The Queen's Pussycat

A new location "Palace of Yerla Denerim" appears on the map.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

It's better not to take Sheila with you - it won't be a pity to disguise the guard. Erlina checkatime on you not far from the entrance to the location. When the doors at the palaces pass through the door of the palaces, pass through the repairs, and without paying for the robot, you also get a shukati entry. Go ahead, drive the patrols of the varti - soldiers and mabars into the road, scho they go back and forth. If you go to the back doors, Erlina is in the door of the guardians and you can enter the palaces. You can penetrate to the room, de-trim Anora, masquerade as the guard, and do not struggle to kill everything that will collapse. Maskuvannya does not appear in the inventory, but draws in at the time of growth with Erlinoyu. In order to know, to talk from her to know how to tie a badge.

The palace can be walked through without the use of a single room behind the queen's room - there is one of the soldiers sitting there. As soon as you go through the middle of the crocodile (go through the invisibility of the 4th ryvnya), you will be worn out and you will be worn out.

On the doors of the queen, a spell is imposed, which will bring the message to the door. To know yo, it is necessary to see the magician, how to open it, and to change his oath - or drive it in. For information, the magician at once perebu in the company from Hou, at the vyaznitsy palace.

Before the descent, you will see a screen with the documents of the Syrih guards, and the Trokhi Dal - Ryordan, the Syroi Sentinel, which Hou trimau (virnishe, trimav) at the camera.

Riordan will ring himself, if the guard comes in to your arrival and confirms, but Howe has a long time to go to the vyaznytsya. As soon as you supply Ryordan about the knowledge of the documents, let me tell you about the secret warehouse of the Syrih Guard at Denerim. It is possible to feed this warehouse and for a while, and at once in a while (then it’s overbuy in Erl Eamon’s office).

If you go down into the pedal, your mask (as if it’s okay) will open and distant any time you will be able to drive all sleep.

At v'yaznitsa Hou krym of Hou wee, you can call some people, but bring you additional voices on the Zborah Zemel: the templar Irminrik, Vona - the saint of the prickly ear of Denerim (you will not be in the dungeon, as you are in the grave) that Osvan sina banna Sigurda. From Vaughn, you can chill a wine town in 40 gold coins (if you call Vaughn, then you can't catch Zevran).

The veteran Reskel (quest of the Church) and elf Soris need to find them at the land of the land. You won't be there only, if you are grateful by Misky Elf and in Prolozi before the hour, and with the guards, they took all the provinces on themselves. As soon as you sound, then take away the grasp of Zevran, albeit in the principle of this sound, but not at the same time.

Hou himself, with a small move (seemingly at the Noble People), attacked you at once with his own protection (be careful, 2 magicians should enter before her). Go back to the top to the queen's room.

Anora and Erlina will come before you, but you will not be able to vibrate with the Palace - bilya the head entrance is on you checkatime sir Koutren with the great enclosure of varti, before which a lot of archers and magicians enter.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Possible behavioral scenarios:

1. Misfortunes at once

2. Try to vmoviti її to let you pass, having opened, but they wanted to vryatuvati Anor, ale the death of tsyogo not surrender, besides, the queen can easily call at the stolen Syrikh of War and in the end, but not in a fight.

Koutrain has the rank of an orange boss, and for the hard-working art-pedigree, she can easily get the job done. Ale if you enter the corridor and into the room, de trimal Anor, there are only one or two guards following you in the company of one or two guards, it is significant to lie down.

As long as in battle (right away because of the one who got sick and even from Koutren chi ni) your group volunteered to take away the information at the main warehouse, then in this kind of you you will not die, ...

3. It is possible to get up without a fight, promising about the presence of the queen, but not to grab the walls and Ogren. The main line to the plot does not lie in the fact that, give up vie, chi ni.

Koutren tsіkavlyat deprived of the Sіrі watchmen, so you will be full of food only in that Alister, if you will be with the group.

From Koutren, the garnier courtier is known, ale, as soon as you were, you might have been able to present yourself again, but at Fort Drakkon you can walk more than three times, suggesting a rustle.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

If you have gone to Fort Drakkon, then the next step on your list is to vibrate to zvidti. You can vtekti yourself, or maybe, docky associates come before you to help you. Companions with a high sympathy shvidshe virus up to you for help

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Є These are the ways to vibrate from the camera: zamati the lock (which is a need for a button), smash the guard's head through the sieve and grab the key from the body, portray a sick person, or help the guard and misfortune. Pislya tsyogo seizure until later. You can go classically - all living on the road, letting in your eyes and getting caught up, or going into deception, so that you can eliminate the victims.

When you enter from the prison room, there is a box, which is the whole inventory. There are guards outside the door from the mabar, and the dal - zbroyova.

They have a delivery for the cloudy, as they will take care of you masks - uniform varti Hou. Writing "rozmovi" with it, the speeches will appear at you, as if you will be able to force your opponents to respect you for theirs.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

The transition is coming - protection of doors. Neutralize with a password: if you steal a father with him from a swarm of guards, go to the warehouse, if you don't have a “steal” button, you don't have to go to the colonel’s office. I will accept you as a newcomer and order two guards to know. Tse ti sami simpletons, like boules in the warehouse. I’ll have swords at my side, as the quartermaster “tightened”. It’s worth being in the office’s office, and it’s possible to buy it, talk about it if you need it, or if you’ve come to her for a change. Zobuvshi zabroy, turn around to look around to the colonel. If I’m asleep, it’s necessary for soldiers, it’s necessary to read “Honor” and “Discipline”.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Then I’ll send you to the streets of Denerim, and you will pass the fort without any problems, and some of the guards know the password.

As soon as you checked out for the order in the cells, then in the pink with the Alister there will be an available option for a quiet choice, but it’s the same to beat (only those partners, with which you have garnets). As soon as Alister was not taken to the opera “The Queen’s Prayer”, then the opt-in to the Duma, otherwise we’re unaware of the Bidolakhoy, we’ll put it down according to the fondness.

The ravaging zagin can also kill everyone along the way, or go into deception. It will be necessary to change two of the wart, as you know who you see for yourself: from the ward beams to the entrance to the fort and the capital with the captain is already in the middle. The third rozmova with sergeant Tannoyu can be brought up before you leave your posad and you will calmly penetrate the inner fortress.

In the case of skin pinks, you can vibrate, but it’s the same from the co-workers in the past in the pasta of the virobi, moreover, the skinny ones from them might want to speak from one of the spy workers.

Zevran and Leliana vporyayutsya at all three vipadkah.

Win also fit in, as only with her there is no mabara.

Morrigan can snake Tannu to drink, ale in the first two roses, as with her in steam go Leliana, Vinn abo Mabar, she will be pierced.

The dog can fool the varta that captain, or he can not go around Tannu.

You cannot successfully finish the walls of the first two rosters, or else in the snake bring Tannu from the post, but if you are with him, then go with a bang and the first apprenticeship.

Ogren can go through the first rozmova, ale yaksho yogo partner є Zevran, Sten chi mabari.

For Sheila, for intelligent reasons, the fort does not appear more beautifully - her masquerade in any way will be at zero.

As soon as you can move Tannu without reaching, you can whistle from the balisti in the hall, and then go to the right, but you can walk the distance.

V'yaznytsya will have to clean up from the varti from the mabara, and if any, it will not be a matter of course.

It is possible to visit the fort, in the corridors and halls, which leads to the exit, as quickly as possible. If you want, if you want, you can go through the classic method.

Pislya walked to the palace of Erl Denerim (and to the Dragon fort, if you fell far away), turn to Eamon's mother and get along with Anora. Tse to complete the quest "The Queen's Prayer" and start the offensive - "Bezlady in Elfinazhy".

Zavorushennya in Elfinazhі

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Anora doesn’t feel like it’s going to happen in the Yelfi ghetto, Alevona is singing, Loghain’s bowing to his hand. As soon as you called Soris out of the house of Hou, then you went to Cicero's booth (as if you were grateful for the little elf - your daddy) and please talk to Shianna.

It is not far from the "Maisky tree" near the center of the quarter. As soon as Soris corrected you to her, there will be a bit of pride, if you are a little elf, if they didn’t accept Vaughn’s propositions from the prolozia, then happy bachiti you, but if they didn’t take it, it’s just cold. In principle, the price is not injected into it.

Vona raspov_st, that tevintertsi were taken away already a lot of elfs before the drive to quarantine - and send the old lady Valendriana

If you are grateful for the elf, then you can pretend to be sick, and take you in the middle. There, deception will be revealed, and you will have to kill all the guards one by one. So it is quite possible for women with tevinters to provoke a biyku (deyak from elf to remember him to help), then - to buy a guard to beat a guard at the entrance. As soon as you pass the teinters, then all the same you will happen to beat them when you go. Ale elfi rozbezhatsya with tsom.

In the middle of the hospital it is necessary to take a note and a key from the table (and I will also take a penny), and talk to the full of elves, the middle ones, who are tsikavo, I know that the leader is a young woman. Well, I’m sure you don’t have to say anything.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

You can show Shіanna’s note, or you can go to the provinces behind the hospital, near the living rooms. On the way to you, you can see the elf, you can buy some smudges, or even a new wine, not to say. After finishing the booths, walk out the name, holding the key to the spitale. Have the provocation at you to drive Tevinter's soldiers. If you interrupt all of them, go until the next day. There, rub at once on another group of guards on the chol with the Elven Devera. You can vikoristovuvati Perekonannya and zmusiti її vtekti, albeit as a prize for overcoming her, and you will take away the tsibulya, as you see the line in the Code. Give you a check of a seriya room, some of them are packed with soldiers. On the cob of the next corridor, check pastka for you - man, send forward a rogue with a high level of screeniness and foreignness.

In the last room, check for your visit by the head Tevinter magician Kaladrius. Win proponuє to please you - in exchange for swag and let me overlap Denerim with scolding win gives you the documents, wicked Loghain. For the obviousness of the rogue perekonannya, it is possible to surplus all the complete elfs, or to give the documents for nothing.

As soon as you are not going to be like it, you will get bitisya. He is a strong blood magician, and the crossbowmen are great nerves. If you are on the balconies, then the magic of Kaladrius will give you a bad rap, and the soldiers can be killed one at a time. If you know about all your life, I will proponate you one more favor - to bring elfs to a sacrifice that will improve your health (statuga). The ritual is to move the parameter of everything to one, and the axis of all the comrades-in-arms (krim Morrigan and Wall) just does not grasp this. Yaksho vi rishite finish off the malefikar, know the documentary corpse. At the end of the day (for when I come in), talk to Valendrian (if you are grabbing a little elf, then with your dad). If Kaladrius did not pick up the slaves or drive them in, then talk to Valendrian (Cicero) at his booth before entering Elfinazu and go to see Yerl Eamon.

Zibrannya Lands - ending

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Eamon will punish you with viruses on the Zbori lands and take Alisther with you.

At this stage, it is important to complete all possible quests (especially knitted from Redclifs). At Holі Zborіv you have a student of Koutren (as you didn’t drive it in earlier, but we managed to do it at Howe’s palace, ale boules were felled with a sieve of the Warts). Every once in a while it’s easier to drive it in, because because of the visibility of a high Perekonannya, you can drive it along the road with light.

Result Zborіv lie in the rozpodіlu voices of the nobles. As much as it is great to hang on to your corny, Logain thinks about it and decision. As soon as you propose virіshiti to your super-list, it’s worthwhile, check on you for singles with them, and you can beat yourself independently, or vibrate whether it’s a group - krim mabari. If you will readily laugh at Logain ("you have done it!"), Then you will be wrong, as if you will, if Zbori will vote against you. In a whole vipadku, just finish the whistle, you need to take a large part of life from Loghain, for which you are all alone to fiddle with him at a meeting.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Declare that the head problem is not Orley, but Mor.

Report on the work of the organization in Elfinages.

Make a cake of the innocent with Yerl Hou (only when they heard Osvin and talked to his father).

Give the hand of the Eamon Eamon and the gift of the malefikar from the hands of the templar (only when they gave the hoop to his sister).

As soon as Vaughn was heard from Vyaznitsa Howe, we can give you a nice voice for your picture.

Yakshcho vikonali the last quest of the Antivansky Ravens, bandages and handcuffs, to give you an additional voice to your child's attention.

At any time when two or three of them said Loghain to ruin the food about Queen Anora, for whom to come out on her own. Pidtrimka Anori means even more and more for one vote. Play the vote without it, it’s unhappy, since you didn’t see all the little quests that were listed in the front paragraph. You have a lot of questions to brush up on the voices, so you can do without this idea.

Anora pidtrima you, as before your referral to Elfinazh, and they took their stepfather in the fight for the throne. So it is itself possible to vmoviti її і Alistair to rule at once, or to rule at the same time with you, since your GG is a nobleman. However, you can be foolishly foolish as a result of the death of King Alistair.

Anora didn’t see you, as long as you didn’t talk to her, if you said that if you received Alister, and if you said that Loghain was guilty of paying for his mischief.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

When you go to a duel with Logoin, you need to break the vibe - to spare him (Alister will leave the group), or strachuvati. If you made Alister for an hour of a personal quest and forced him to go right at once with Anora to Zboriv, ​​then we became the king of Ferelden. As soon as you didn’t do it for you, for you didn’t miss your friendship with Anora, I didn’t know it straight away, and you won’t feel any more about it. Without your involvement, Anor can be afraid of a potential contender for the throne.

As long as you have violated Loghain's strata, you can build up yourselves or sacrifice the right to Alister. If you rozrakhovuvali Alistair's friend to Anori, or make friends with her yourself, then it’s not okay to be in favor of someone who drove the bossy daddy, too, if you saw the Logos for Aliteistei, then you yourself. Alistair can, in his turn, consider making friends with Anori, as if she made you happy and trained Logain in the course of Zboriv.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Yaksho vi drove Loghain, you will have to break the residual vibration, but still tighten the crown. Alistair will be lost from your group at whatever vipadku - like the maybutny king or just like Syriy the Guardian. As soon as you violated the king's death, Eamon would propose to Anora to swear to him at the crown, both for himself and for the young grounds. Anora rishuche to think about who should be planted for the sake of aresht (because of the stench of mischief).

If RR is a noblewoman, then you can become a queen and rule at the same time with Alister, if you eat "Who rules Ferelden?" I would like to say that Alistair will be able to help. The price can be revived as the heroine didn’t fall in love with Alister, but I didn’t know that this friendship was too high. However, if Alister is on the duel with Logoin, then the dialogue, which leads to the hands, may not appear, the more beautifully, as with Logoin, there is one who fights. (It’s not important, it’s the heroine chi Alister herself).

As the heroine fell at the call with Alistair and not as a noblewoman, we could tear off a hundred of them from her because of the one who was able to do it in the last hour of his personal quest, in the wake of the news of the battle. (Report marvel at the post "Companions").

This quest will end and now you will check the last part of the gris - the final battle.


Head of Sergeant Keilone

Perlina and pigs

Sergeant Keilone is right-handed from Lavi Weid. We are happy to receive your help.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

With the help of the sergeant, ask the RR virus to "Perlin" and "Bilikh Sokoliv" to be recruited. If you have pumped over "Perekonannya", then you can splutter or persuade them to climb. If the tsya navichka is weakly rooted, then it will happen that bitisya with them. In addition, if you are a non-abiyak, you will use a cotton, the stench will grow up - you can let it go, or even kill it. Once the sergeant will be even less pleased with you.

If the naimants got out of the brothel alive, then on the map of the place you will see a sergeant

Kilone, what a bazhaє podyakuvati you. For an hour, a group of undelivered recruits will attack you for an hour. It will be possible to take a copy of Sokir "Aod", as a result of which the code will be sent to the Code.

Crimson oars

Another zavdannya - quietly reclaim the bandi "Krivavi oars" in the tavern "Biting the Nobleman". One time you can be killed. If you want to check it out at the tavern, Sergeant Keilone will pay to see if you can. As soon as everything is victorious in accuracy, then it’s wrong to tell everyone, but the watchdogs for the sake of truth are bile and fluffy.

Servants to the people

Kvesti is seen as a shinkarem at the "Bitten Nobleman" for power supply, which is not necessary in the newest as there are no legitimate employees.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Unfinished leafing

For the whole hour, you need to know 12 sheets of frivolous authorship of the bagaty:

At Denerimi at Wade's kramnitsa

At Denerimi, in one of the rooms "Perlini"

Near the village of Pritulok, in one of the rooms

At Redkleffe, at Mlyn

At the front of the Redkleff castle

Bilya of Lake Kalenhad, next to the tavern "The Princess's Rose"

On another version of Bashti Magiv

At the taboria dolіytsіv, at the screen of the order іf Varatorny

On the first verse of the Bresilian ruins, hand at the entrance, behind the secret doors

At ligvi dzharvia

In one of the rooms of the Orzammarsky Palace

Yerl Eamon has a Denerim's wrist

The remainder of the screen is not closed, for all those who need it 3-4 times are necessary for the evil one.

Diplomatic consumer

Bring a shinkar 15 portions of an extract of spice-up (you can buy it from Varathorn in Bresiliani) - for Do.

Virіshennya problems

It’s necessary to have some fun three times, when the people D have appeared in close conversations. The first corpse is to lie behind the well-hall near the Church, the other one is at the back room of the warehouse of the order of “The wonders of Thedas”, the third one is “in one of them.” Tila needs to be thrown into the well of the awakening of the Church that will turn around the city.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Bezel-free signal

Virusit is required to Zakhidny Bresilianskiy Lisu and vipusti to the signal line. Schob tse zrobiti, your GG maє buti tsibulya (a gunner is not necessary). If you will be attacked by the recruits from Denerim - having interrupted them, turn around for more information.

Without a trace

Bring 10 pomegranates to the "Bitten Nobleman" innkeeper. The stench is trapped with a stretch of effort, so it's better not to sell the stone to merchants

Tamna wine of the city

K. to ask them to send them to the wine-city of the "patriarchs". Shkhovanka is located:

1. Not far from the Dvina booth in Redklifs;

2. Near the Frosty Mountains Arena;

3. Near the tavern "The Princess's Party" on the lake Kalenhad;

4. On the central square in the Trade District of Denerim.

Exact marks are shown when Taba attacks

Inodi (as a result of the bug you may not be) you will get the option of using the new code and don’t need to pay in the middle. Let me know you K., and I won’t see you anymore.

False certificates

D. ask them to pick up three evidences, as they do not want to "give" their ownership to competitors. The smell of the lake Kalenhad, near the Frosty Mountains, near the lavi "Curiosities of Thedas" in Denerimі.

Land of Vlada / Vazhke Rishennya

The rest of the quest is to lay down the view of the one who hurt K. at the visit of the headquarters of "Taumna Vinagorod" and those of the director of D. "Brehlisvidki". If you didn’t look at the quest for false alarms and didn’t hurt K, then you will cancel the quest "Lost Vlady", in which K. is stunned, then the paranoid D. winners, having funnled his assistant, I don’t need K. get used to D. persim. You should give a signal (think in a special way) to three allies of K. - the gnome-merchant Gorim, the sister of Teokhildi bilya awakening the Church and the Ustokorenom - the master of the lavi "Curiosities of Thedas". If you want to talk to the guard, who is not far from the city. At the onset of your rise in price with the money of Denerim, you will tell Lieutenant D. with the helpers, as they sent you to punish you for your happiness. In battle, take the form of lieutenant papery because of the designation of finding the secret lane of D., and a new location appears on the Denerim card - go there and find out with D. and his comrades-in-arms.

As soon as you visited the quest "False witnesses" (and just because you finished the quest "Taumna Vinagoroda") If you get more expensive on the Denerim card, you can pay for Lieutenant K with assistants. From the battle to see the lieutenant of the papery from the designation of finding the secret side street K. A new location appears on the Denerim card - go there and get out of the office with your comrades-in-arms.

Hwilya Malice

Seeing to the Prone Kouldri, how to stand against the Church, ale only PP - to the rogue, or if the PP man is able to steal. Schob otrimati kvesti, enough mother hocha b 1 ryven "Cradle" or "Invisibility".

As long as you є want the first rivn of Kradіzhka, you can reject all Koldry's quests, if your PP is not a rogue. Vminnya Skhovatisya without Kradizhok to give you one of two lines of quests - "grabizhnitsku". For guidance you will be able to pay Cooldri more - if the result is higher, you will pay less.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

"Rozbizhnitski" department:

1. Guidance rate - 1 gold. Loot the screen in the room of Sophia's ice near the tavern "Biting the Nobleman". For all you do not need to know about it - it’s not brutal for you to have any respect, and it’s easy to burn your GG into the room and clean the screen. Tse dine Kouldrі’s staff, you can see them before yoogo otrimannya - as you have already plundered the screen of Sophia, say about Pronoz - and you’ll turn a penny to you.

2. Guidance rate - 4 gold. Rob the screens with the belongings of Earl Howe, which are located in the warehouses in the Trade District, not far from the lava "Miracles of Thedas" - for example, a deaf kuta. The whole quest includes a battle, so it is inconceivable to steal the blood from the screen, but the guards Hou in the warehouse will immediately mimic you.

3. Guidance rate - 10 gold. You should grab the belongings of Banna Franderel. Go to a new location, which appeared on your Denerim card. You can sneak up to the mark of the quest, or go through all the corral. It will be quiet around the corner. If you see a screen, if you see a screen, there are guards at the sitting room - it’s a bully pastka.

Now you will need to make your way back to the exit - either from the boom, or the rogue to the "invisibility" - the group's sieve will automatically slither with you. Coldri will be tormented, so that the guidance has appeared like a pasture, and turn a penny to you, bewildered, that the next day you will be happy with it.

4. To be deprived of a letter after completing the quest "Zbori Zemel". Pronoza Kouldrі send you back at the hands of the Bann Franderel - who once did it without koste - sent you out that the sacred religion of the Church has been taken there: Slyzi Andraste. You should go into the corridor in front of the cubbyhole, where you need to eat the last time, and know there is a secret head. There is a skarbnitsa reference there. There was a lot of food in the corridors, besides, there were no pastries on the pods. It’s possible for a day to do so itself, as once - break through from the boom, or creep into a rogue. If you want you can see the Slyzi Andrasti Church (especially through Pronora Cooldri), otherwise you can leave them alone.

Note: as soon as you hear the guards move around at the wrist, you will be re-connected, but the message of Could not be hesitant in the past, that ochikuvala you earlier.

"Villainous" staff:

1. The price of the guidance is 50 average coins. Vitiagnit gamanets with the greenery of the house in green. Vona appear bilya trade rows for a quest.

2. Guidance price - 1 gold. Pull the sword from the sirka Nansin, yak to the shop "Curiosities of Thedas". You can just knock the sword out of her crawl, or, by the way, the navichki - for example, Perekonannya: say, you are a merchant (that’s right in the shop !!!), please help your comrades); for herbal knowledge (perekonati, no sickness and the need for help: you will be stretched out for a medical look around and around the stealing of a sword you can sell їy lines on a gold chain).

3. Guidance price - 3 gold. Coldri will propose you to pull together from the clutch of Tilver the key from the screen, which stands in the middle of the trading rows. Tilver walks behind Wade's bench and Goldanny's booth in the company of protection.

You can vikoristovuvati Kradіzhka at once with "Invisible" and pull off the key inconveniently, you can pay the boy-feasible, but stand not far away, if you wіll see a wart, leave the clutches, or speak the process with the Tіlstiver wіth the keys. ... Well, the last way is to kill them and take the key from the corpse.

4. Guidance price - 6 gold. Every once in a while you need to steal the crown of Loghain from the Yogh Seneschal, as you visit the tavern "Biting the Nobleman". As soon as you wart to mark you at the entrance, you can splash and drive away, and you can safely pull off the crown from the Seneschal. So you can tell the waitresses yourself - if you send the Seneschal more wine (you must have fallen asleep), or if you give him a dance (if you have a good knowledge of it, he will be removed). As soon as your manipulations are tampered with, you can kill all of them.

Viprobuvannya Voronov

The quest should be deprived of a visit from the mayor and the mayor of the Іgnasio of the trading ranks, if you donate your help to him, and then send him to help you from Zevran. As soon as you go to the entrance to Elfinazh, the darling boy will bring you a note about the message from the mayor Ignasio in the tavern "Biting the nobleman". There, I’ll introduce myself as the envoy of the Anti-Vansky Ravens. Another option is to take the messenger yourself from the rosilal boy (stand behind Wade's bench). At the end of the day, it’s about hiring you, but not more.

From your proposition, you can see it (Іnasіo on the loss of your horizon); you can drive in a yogo (Cesar will stop starting your friend); For accepting this "guidance" (we can bring you a voice for an hour to vote on Zbora Zemiel).

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

1. On the wall of the door to Elfinage, hang a poster about the singing of people who see the Syrihs of War. For reading, direct to "Perlini". Mister brothel vkazhe to you in the back room from the closed doors. After knocking, name the password "griffin greetings to know". In the middle, Loghain will be hired to kill you and need to. Yakshcho vi zrobili tse until the rejection of the plant, say Іgnasіo and all one otrymayte the city.

2. A new location appears on the map. There you will need to virus this and kill all the recruits-kunars from the Kadan-Fe bandi.

3. Next step is to beat Ambassador Geynly at the royal palace of Orzammar. If you have taken Belen's bik, then in the room you can go right away, and if Harrowmont will be brought to the first coronation. Chekatimut you from the corral of the varti, so it will be a trifle of success.

4. A new location will appear on the map of the place - there will be a vision of the Ravens and the people of Yerl Hou, as they vikrali sina vysokoposadovtsya, to transfer the wikup and reject the boy back. It’s easy to end with a fight between you and people. Howe, and because of the boy you don’t know the next. Turning to Ignacio, you see that you were victorious as an easy maneuver, and the boy was hidden for an hour and brought to the dad. Then bring your voice to the Zbora of the Lands.

There will be no more writing for the whole building. As soon as you see it, admit Ignasio, at Cesar's place you will see a special comrade, if you want to see a little shop.

Okremі zavdannya

On the right side

At the Torgovy district, not far from the entrance to the "bitten nobleman", before you, go to the sir Landry, who would like to take revenge on the Guardians from your individual for the joy in the battle of Ostagara. You can rekonati yogo, shho Guardians of the innocent, threaten you, if you get out. Yaksho nі - wickedly on the parties, how to see the door of the lavas "The Dikovini Thedas". You can be bitisya v_ch-na-v_ch, or there is a violent misfortune.

Zabuty vіrshi

At the Zanedbanu Temple (Quest "Urn of sacred dust"), at the ancient-ancient part of the first rivnya, you will know old encrypted texts. Meet the sisters of Justice, as it will be worth the wake of the Church, and get them notes about the last days of Maferat - the cholovik Andrast, and for the opportunity of this deciphering to be happy to pay you close to 7 gold pieces.

Clouds of the skins of young dragons

Speak from the farrier Weid, what a world of creation from exotic materials - for example, the skins of young dragons, a cool quest appeared in your magazine. If you don't kill the enemy, the quest will appear when you reject the dragon's first shkiri.

When clearing out other ravine of the abandoned temple, you are guilty to know and overcome the number of dragons. At the dragon's lіgvi, at the іnіchnіchny descent of the locality, the stench comes in order to get close to the distant distance (at the buy smіttya there is a gift for Alister). You can make two sets of frogs for you - a set of different ones, and then a little bit (for others it is more expensive to pay, but more to pay).

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Bonuses per set: -10% up to stomatology

The clouds of the dragon's shkiri

If you vb'єte the Vishny Dragon, chanted by the Ripper sect, then Veid zmaistruє you from the ny cloud on the vibir - the middle, the important part of the massive armor. Even earlier, you paid yoma for the clouds of the young dragon's school, if you want it once, if you want to be able to grow it for you without koshtovno, then you will take away all the painted clouds of the Dragon's school. Weyd vicu ci cloudy tilki iakshcho vin already zrobiv for you I want one set of clouds from the school of young dragons.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

Note: in addition, as Weid will help you with all three sets of obedunks, his assistant Herren will see you trade with you.

Zablukaniy Templar

Tsey quest to appear, if you know in the dungeons the palace of the Earl Hou of the Templar on іm'ya Іrmіnrіk, which is slightly rosy. That needs to be taken in a new circle and given to his sister, Bannu Alfstanna, in the tavern "Biting the Nobleman". Krim voice on Zbora Zemel, you can ask her for the city.

You can drive in irmіnrіk, otherwise, in such a development, do not deny the city from Alfstani. Besides, you can fit into the result of the vote on the Zborah Zemel - I want it and not with a general mind for a long-distance vote.

Nobleman with cakes

Tsey quest to appear, if you call from the cake in the dungeons of Erl Hou Osvin, Sina Banna Sigurd. Speak from the bathhouse Sigurd at the tavern "Biting the Nobleman", then finish the quest.

Yak and the next quest, you can fit into the result of the vote. You can ask the city for a good deal - it’s not quite right for the solution of the Sigurda spa.

Friends of Rudoi Jennie

The quest is to appear, if you have taken Rosmalovaniya Screen from Irving's office in Bashty Magiv. Schob otrimat the city, bring it to the entrance to the lava "The Miracles of Thedas" (a part of the Torgovy Quarter). Knock at the door and give a screen. Give you a singing bag, but don’t take away any roses or nicoli.


In addition, if you know the corpse of Sirk Friden at a zanedbanu promenade, a new location "Zanedbana Budivlya" will appear on the Denerim card. Virus that and kill all the malefics and all the goodies. The quest will be insured after the death of the head malefikar. Oberezhno - budіvlya naphana with pastes.


Some quest came to you at the magazine, take three notes about the riddle "Zvilnene". You can take the first from the corpse of Shukach. Come to another level of the Elfish ruins at the Bresilian Lis, at the dragon's stove with pastas, a friend at the Zlyakanny Shukach. Come to the tavern in Orzammar, the third to lie on the corpse of Shukach.

Write to the collection of tsikh notes and remove the quest. You will need to go to the Brudniy Provulok in Denerim and knock on the door of one of the booths. You need to ask Gaskang and tell me you won't go.

In addition, as you penetrate into the middle, Gaskang will attack you.

As a wine city, you will take away a single-handed Rozsikayuche Lezo, with three slots for runes, and in some vipadkakh - a beautiful shield near the group “Tinova Stina” - call me the one who’s falling for nothing on the ryvnі “Nightmare”.

Evil in Elfinazhі

This quest will give you Syriy Otto, the sleek templar, standing near the Elf's tree. It’s clear that I’ve seen the neighborhood as evil, but you can’t say, de same. Schob help you, go to the loft. The mandarin foal was wondering how wondrous it would be to find itself in the middle, and on the ground you would see the corpse of a dog with the blood and the corpse of a dog, which threw itself at you in a story, if you escaped to Elfinazh. Let me tell you about Otto’s sirka, and if you don’t know, please, ask your help.

Passage - Denerim

Passage - Denerim

At the front door you will find yourself with a primar and mabar, and then you will develop with a demon. If you can overcome it, Sir Otto declare that the presence of evil is still visible. If you want to clean up, wake up in the left room and rub on the same demon, a little stronger. Win turn around again - already for help, and sir Otto will be hammered into him. Writing the third point with the deon, the quest will be completed. Wee fail yogo, as Otto will not go to the rest of the room.

The whole quest bezposednyo dressings іf the quest "Evil in Elfinazhi". In one of the screenshots of the last room you will know the amulet rubbed. To finish the job, give the goddamn foal to the loft.

Yak is hungry - yours shiro ^ _ ^

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Passing quests at Denerimi - Dragon Age: Origins


Otzhe, see Denerimi. Yak tilki you show up, you will be given a chance to get Loghain and sooner to finish Eamon. As soon as you see it, you have a chance to put Alister on the throne of Ferelden. Let it be a great time for you, when you can turn to the side quests, or just go straight to Eamon’s office, de view of Queen Anori’s servant, Loghain’s daughter, you see, don’t queen, don’t know. ask for help. Go to the earl's booths, cheat the queen.

When you come to the place, you will see that you have picked up all the people for the entrance. Talk to Anori, the servant, there’s a message about the chorny interruption. Come with a stitch lіvoruch. Trap on the soldiers, get to kill them. Go ahead, talk to Yerlina, out there guarding the door, and see, pick up the mask, and then go to the booths and check on the way of the guards. Now you can go in the middle.

Do not overshadow them, in other words, you do not know how to mask, just go through the room. Go to the necessary doors, hit it, the doors are sealed with a magic signet, the queen cannot go through the yak. Go to Howe’s office, and then to the door at the front door. Ohoronets will be given a dungeon of goodness, so that the scolding will immediately speed up and strangle him. Syriy Sentinel Riordan appeared as a warrior, and he could put on the uniform of a hammered guard. You need to see the paper, you know at Hou’s office. Similarly, you can read about the encounter on the Denerim market. Let it go and go to the pedal. Then your masquerade will come to the end, and from the moment you will have a chance to have fun with everyone on their way.

At the front door you will know two more fouls, sound ones. Now you can go to Howe. Fuck it, how can you help you at the fight with Logain. For others, go to the tavern "Biting a nobleman". The stench will be there.

In addition, if you have fun with Hoo and Magiv, go through the piedmont to the end. There you will know two more full, sound ones, and reject two more votes for you on the Zbori lands. Now you can see the queen. Follow her to the exit, there you will be patrolled on a chol with a gray Katerin. Here you will have two options, if you want to be with them, or if you will. Clearly offensive options:

if you said, well be there, let you in Fort Drakon.

You can either go to the assault at once with friends, or you can love yourself for the help of the cunning. Having thrown at the vyaznitsa at once with Alister, call out to the guard and beat him. Take away from the new key and go. Immediately instructed to stand the screen - there is your ekipiruvannya. Go away, at the nesting rooms, beat the dogs with the dogs, have fun with them. There is also a mannequin, put the guard on a new one. Now go to the colonel, if I see you for the new recruits and punish you for the patrol. Behind you are the soldiers, as you say, the quartermaster is going to see the swords. Go to the new one yourself, and cheer the orders of all the colonels. Give the swords, give them to the soldiers. If the colonel will supply food "Why can't a soldier live?" guilty verdicts "Without discipline, ser." Now go to the exit. If you make a roll of gut steal, you can steal from one of the soldiers a piece of paper with a password for the passage. Well, go and hear respectfully. One of the recruits, say the password of the okhorontsev - Rabbit. Exit the fort and go to Yerl Eamon.

Then you seem to have come to vryatuvati the queen, alas, wondrous women ... well, say, what you have stolen. Get it bitisya, and the Anor axis is in the slime. For that, as you go with the soldiers of Loghain, go to Eamon's mansion and talk there with him and the queen. It will be more beautiful, if you see it and give you a voice on Zbora.

Eamon, say, that in the Elf's quarter there is no noise, and you need intelligence, but what do you care. Go to the tavern "Biting a nobleman", talk to the audience and shake off your voices on your reproach on Zbora. Now you can go down to the elfinazh.

When you come here, it’s immediately clear that there’s a fierce plague here. Speak from Shianna on the main square, there is a spread about the so-called "hospital", which was inspired by the magicians of the empire Tevinter, and for whom we do not live. I will tell you now. Know the black road and go through the middle through the new one. Be guilty to know the sheet of that penny. Everything here is more robust than nothing. At the entrance to attack you, gentlemen of the spital. Having amused їkh, go to know until Shіanna and realize that the elfi disappear in the office of the landowner, wishing to be behind the hospital. Coming there.

Go through the door and go to the door. There you will set up a group of soldiers, write and beat them. Go to the warehouse, packaging at once. You can beat the little girl Dever, as it is necessary to try to change it in the fact that you aren’t biting for it. But all the same, there is no need for zasosuvanny force, to clean up all the rooms and go to the next high corridor. On a new come to one room, as it is necessary to clean it up. Before you check out the Tevinters - Kaladrius. Win for the sake of pleasing - let him drink at once because of abuse in exchange for incriminating evidence against Loghain. Do not wait, choose the battle and beat the guard. Then go to the middle of the Zusilla on Kaladriusi. Win to give a capitulation test. Now you can pour yogo, take away the pennies, document that slave. Do not forget to look at the screenshots, then go tell and speak from Shianni. Having got rid of її good enough, turn to Eamon and see yomu novini.

Dragon age origins: Zbori Lands walkthrough

Passage of "Zbori lands"

There are a lot of important moments at the wedding with Logoin.

You can't let Loghain fool you. At the rose, get ready to go to the backwoods, as only there will be such a possibility. For example, you can power it up, which is why it’s okay for Ostagar’s s-pid, donate Podzhennya’s drink. For a long-term result, a bigger part of the vote was uploaded for you. Loghain will rebel more and more and you will have a chance to calm down your addicts. If the level of Loghain’s health drops to 10-15%, the Head of the Church will not proponate, but will be true to the honest duel. Here in front of you the vibir will stand - whats going to be bitisya against Loghain? I think you can see your bitisya yourself, do not rely on your companions. I want to get ahead, as Loghain is not an unbeatable adversary, in good faith. Vikoristovyte all necessary spells / strikes, then rest against it. Don't forget about the first aid kit. If you override him, you will give zrobiti vibir - spare Loghain and zmusiti come to your command or beat him.

In that case, if you show mercy to Loghain, and leave Anor on the throne, then Alister shvidshe for all the way from you. In principle, Logain can completely replace him in the role of a tank.

If you did, you won’t be able to beat him, then before you there’s no choice in the base of the throne:

Alistair drives Loghain, how Anor is in vyaznitsa and edit one by one,

If your main hero is a dvchin, then for wits, for Alistera's cunningness to you more than 70%, we will rule with you at the same time,

Yaksho vi have deprived Loghain alive, ale did not become his brothers in their team, Alistair ruled at once with Anora. If they took in the Sire Guardians, then it will not be easy for Alister to wrestle with Anora, for all your navi "Speech" will be at the maximum level,

Yaksho Alistair will not wait to take the power in his hands, Anora will rule herself, and she will not, since you didn’t dedicate Loghain to the Sire of the Guard,

If your character is a man and you have discussed everything with Anora in front of you, then it is a great option that Anora will rule at once with you. And here Alistair can drive Loghain.

Well, from everything, instructing an hour to go to the final battle. Success!

Tsikavi facts


Guard x2 Knight Rank 2
Guard x2 Knight Rank 2 Optional quest battle Minule Leliani.
Podorozhniy (Traveler) x2 Magician Rank 2
Marjolaine x1 Bard Rank 4


Cam of Redside x1 War Rank 3 Beat on a quest False certificates.
Thug Bodyguard x3 War Rank 2


Howe Thug x4 War Rank 2 Beat on a quest Too bad.
Howe Crossbowman x3 War Rank 2
Head of thugs Howe
(Howe Thug Leader)
x2 War Rank 3

Pronose Kouldri in the Denerim Trading Quarter for a fee propony 8 "hover" - 4 for those who want to crush, 4 - for those who open the locks.

1. Steal Gamanese from self-flowers at the servant ice. The servant in green cloth will appear in the center of the location.

2. Steal Embellishments sword Sirka Nensina at Nensin's shop "Curiosities of Thedas". You can steal through dialogue in a very special way, so that you can remove two swords.

3. Steal Master key at the Master Tilver. The meister from the guard will show up at the pivnichi location. You can go either by overturning the guard, or by victorious invisibility, or by going through the booths (beyond the ringing magicians), or by speeding up to the aid of the boy messenger, and standing close. You can steal through dialogue in a very special way, so that you can remove two keys. The key (one is enough) shows two screens in the center of the location.

4. Steal Teirn Loghain's crown bilya seneschal at the tavern "Biting a nobleman". You can speedily be invisible or help the waitress (go to all options - to drink, etc.). It is necessary not to steal the crown, but to try and talk with the seneschal.

5. Take away the valuable speeches from the room of Lady Sophia at the tavern "Biting the nobleman". It is necessary to open the lock on the door and take it, be it ric.

6. Take away Сrіbnі zlivki from three screenshots in warehouses at private locations.

7. Take away the belongings from the Banna Franderel Mate (on the map of the place there will appear a new location of the Mautok Banna Zakhidnykh Pagorbivs). Replace the belongings at the wristband if you get in, and then change the mind of the offensive stage of the quest.

8. Take away Slosi Andraste from Fraderel's Banna Mat. The whole quest is given to the painting of Zboriv lands. It is necessary to penetrate into the hand again and take the bottle from the screen from the bag. Earlier access to the storehouse from the wine warehouse by making a shafu.


Special quest Leliani. For a dobrih hundredsunks of the treasure of the z'yasuvati, for which Leliana left Orlei. We can use the lights on the map (Leliana is in the paddock), you can arrange for the hire, find the Marzholayn (the location of the Lisovy strumka). It is necessary to talk with Leliana about Marzholine, then go to Marzholine at the booth at the entrance of the Denerima Trade Quarter. You can drive in the chi to let it go - there is no inheritance for the grill.

250 XP after completing the quest.

The quest is to obey Drake Scale at the Pechera or on the Tops of the Mountains. Three pieces of Wade at the blacksmith's in the Denerim Trading Quarter to prepare a set of light clouds. To otrimannya the cloud will need to overlap the location that will turn. If you get more than three pieces, another one will be prepared, the kit will be completed and the quest will be completed.

I would like to change the overpayment for one set, the price would be exactly the same as the quiet ones, which will be discarded in the offensive quest. Two overpayments are not obligatory. After completing the quest of trading with Herren at the blacksmith's stun.

two sets of Legend Obladunkiv Veida good quality.

The quest is to obey the lusca of the new dragon (Dragon Scale). Pislya ready for one set of light clouds on the quest Dragon lusts Wade at the blacksmith's in Denerim's Trade Quarter to prepare a set of clouds from a single piece of the nesting dragon. I’m going to be looking, as in the previous quest I would like to have one overpayment.

set of middle, important chi massive Obladunkiv Veida(on vibir).

Quest for the quest for the quests of R. (the quest of the series is given in the tavern of Denerim). Take two love sheets. Leaf growth: Tabir of doliytsiv, Bresilian ruinya (upper rivin), Orzammar (a branch of Khartiya and the royal palace), Lake Kalenkhad (tavern), Bashta magiv (family of senior magicians), Mlyn), Redklif castle (pidval), Pritulok village (budinok).

125 XP and 6 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quarter quest for transformed from to. (Quests of the serii are given in the tavern of Denerim). It is necessary to discredit D. For the sake of it, it is necessary to talk to Gorim and his sister Teokhilda at the Torgovy quarter and to the cheruyuchi at the “Curiosities of Thedas”. Then - set up with a ringing guard at the Trade Quarter (if you enter the map of the city). Distant on the map of the place, there will be a vipadkova with assistant D. (location of the Old Provulok) Shlyakh to the skovishche... On the map of the place there will appear a new miteka - Pritulok D. At the pritulok it is necessary to help D. that guard.

250 XP and 10 gold coins for completing the quest.

The first quest for the creepy view of D. Requires three Bear with a corpse on smittzvalischі in the Trade quarter of Denerim (by the temple). The mice are found in the Trade Quarter (bila to the temple), in the Trade Warehouse (entrance from the Trade Quarter), near Perlin.

125 XP and 2 gold coins for completing the quest.

Quest Sp_vodovarstva magicians (you can take on the lakes Kalenhad). Need three About the sound... Scientists are in Denerim (market and shop "Curiosities of Thedas") and in the Frosty Mountains of Orzammar.

175 XP and 1 gold coin for completing a quest.

The third quest for quest D. Three false witnesses are required: on the Kalenhad lakes, at Denerim ("The Curiosities of Thedas"), at the Frosty Mountains of Orzammar.

6 gold coins for completing the quest.

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Near the shopping district of Denerim near the tavern "Biting a nobleman" you can turn to the bartender with a meal about a special robot. Now you can remove the information from the criminal authorities of Denerim. The main struggle is to flare up among deyakim R., D. and K. To that quest about D.'s poses, it’s more beautiful to pretend to vikonannya all the staff.

Virіshennya problems
Take 3 corpses from significant places (2 near the shopping district and 1 near the "Perlin" brothel) The corpses are easy to get around: in the area of ​​the Denerim church there will be a smitty show (the place will be indicated on the map with a marker), discard that vantage 200 and turn to the bartender behind the city.

Unfinished leafing
You will need to take 12 love sheets and give them to the bartender. You will know the leaves from your mandrels near the world of passing gris.

Diplomatic consumer
The bartender needs to hand over 15 portions of the food. The whole component can be found in the world of passing gris (know about pavuks), and you can buy it from Barathorn at the camp of doliytsiv.

We didn’t see it
Bring the bartender 10 expensive grenade stones. Їх can be found at mandrіvkas.

Zhodnikh tinker
You will need to send a signal to people D. at the singing mice. Іdemo to the lisu Bresilian at the first location, as it is known, it is indicated on the map, it’s nadyagmo tsibuu (tse obov'yazkova umova) and the release of the signal line. Now you can turn around to the bartender.

Ob_id_t 4 trades and put on their provisions with vibuchivka:
- Rinok Denerima
- Redklef near the zhitlovy quarter of the lake
- on the plateau of Frosty Gir, order from the entrance to Orzammaru
- at the tavern "The Princess's Announcement", ferry all the magicians on the Kalenhad Lake.
Efforts will be assigned markers on the mini-map of the location. Go to the bartender behind the city.

False certificates
It is necessary to drive three people:
1. At Denerimi
2. Lake Kalenhad bilya
3. Near the frosty mountains in the area in front of the entrance to Orzamaru.

Suvori come in
It is necessary to drive in the authority of K. .. You can know him in Denerim (according to the map of the districts of the city).

Nova Earth
Note: tse quest, before the hour of what the authority of D. will be hammered in. Yaksho vi didn’t visit D.
You will have a chance to bypass the necessary people and give them a mental sign from K. Consumed people are:
-torgіvets Gorіm
- subduing at lava "The Miracles of Thedas"
- one of the sisters of the church
-sinky z miskoy varti
The stench is found near the shopping district of Denerim and is indicated by markers on the mini-card. For that, as we have given everyone a sign, go as far as any other district of Denerim. The people of D. will attack you. At the vatazhka you will know the key to the lane of D. himself, in order to appear on your map of the place. Go there and drive in D. From the third corpse, take 3 gold, more 10 see the bartender for the Viconana robot.

Otzhe, vіyska zіbranі, now virushimo to Yerl Eamon, schob virushiti all at once from him to the fringes of lands. Passage of dragon age ear added to kintse. For a whole collection of viruses to the Redklefe castle, then we will go to the throne room and talk from the earl himself. Just say, you can sklikat zbori lands already at once, if you are ready. And we, absolutely, are ready! To that one, right at once. Watch a video about Denerim, which will tell you three things about its history. And also you will become the witness of the borderline perceptive splash between Erl and Logeyn. Speak from Loghain himself as you do it for your needs. I do not have winks in my wines. Immediately there is the same Hou, who drove your people on the cob. I will immediately vimagav the rights of blood! It is natural, vrahoyuchi, yakim pereshkodam vіn pіddav pіd hour progression dragon age cob. And to appear, as we are vvazayut zradnikov, to that nothing amid all the rights. Garazd, all you can get to know yourself. Say, rozmovi Earl, say, well, if we are ready, we came to the next door to talk about it, talk at the picks.

Ale, yak zavzhdi, do not go there. Let us share a selection of things. If you finish looking around - go to Yerl Eamon. There you will set up a servant of the queen, yak to ask for our help. The servant tell us that the queen can be in good condition. You can, Loghain will try to beat his daughter and zvynuvatiti us at the death. Tserizik, let this be unacceptable. That and kill the woman is the saint on the right. Especially, vrahoyuchi, as realistic є the passage of dragon age origins. After the end of the dialogue, you will have a new director - vryatuvati queen. Well, good. We are busy. Enter through the head entrance of the maets, dial the zagin. There, go down to the house doors (sign on the map) and create a screen, yaku vi rozdobuly. If you still need from stocks - buy them at a time, as long as you can. Yaksho zh ni - collapses before the exit from the district. Visited on the map and on the map of Erla Denerima. I hit the road on the representative of the Ravens. Zevran will show up here, as long as you haven't been in the paddock. Immediately turn around. And Zevran will attack you. A nice tsіkaviy іgroviy twist in the passage of dragon age origins, why is it wrong? In any case, drive in all and collapse the distance. When you come to Yerl Denerim's shirt - you are not a servant and I ask you to follow her. Go ahead and talk to the servant. Look, how Hou is at the castle, and we are obliged to see the message. First, it’s uncomfortable to go through NATO. Garazd, I'll try it. Go around the booth from the side. I didn’t go so far as the guards didn’t attack. Shvidshe for everything, you can't get it. Poklavshi guards_v, rukhaєmos dalі. In front of the financial direct servant, she will stand in front of you at the uniform and, as it were, cling to the bushes, leave the guards in front of you. We can go to the mark on the card and marvel at the video, like the servant of the police. If there is a stench, go through the doors quickly, as they guarded the stench. In the middle, again, talk to the servant, as if it were better not to see the middle guards and not to grow out of them. Garazd, it's so hard. Collapse on pivnich, do not play the docks show on the map. Wake up there. Pidіyshovshi to the door, mi diznaєmosya, scho є one small pereshkoda. The living room gentleman sealed the doors for additional magic. Yaka prikra pereshkoda y prodzhennya dragon. You can’t say anything with a talker. I need to know a magician, like knowing bi spell. Ale vin, mabut, on boats Hou. Ha, from the opportunity to quietly get even with the whole creature. Collapse on the side all the way, there you know you will go to a small room, yak є a skarbnitsa. We've gone in the distance, right? Well, that garazd, take trophies and fall to the pivnich. Until the moment you already have a sign on the card, you knew, where was it. Having walked to the v'yaznitsa, you will beat me up, like you want to strangle the guard, then I'll take it out ... So, it's wonderful. There is one guardian, Reordan, who has snatched Earl Howe. Then you see the paperwork, as you knew from the screen in the room to the full. It’s still a matter of progress, having taken away a lot of new porches and can carry out a ritual of dedication. Wonderful! Only "Ale". For a repeated dedication of the need for blood splash to the Archdemon. And from the storage rooms they took shelter. You need to know. Also, it’s good news, but Howe can be at the door at a time. Well, here it is and virus. Tim is bigger, who knows us better, if you know how to use such a drug. We couldn't do it with magic poultices. Well, that garazd. Going down and starting in a systematic way, drive the guards into Howe. Opponents of the stench are weak, too, you have everything. Do not worry, on the easy level, the dragon age walkthrough is not on the right. How is seen on your card, here and there and collapse. In principle, it is more beautiful to go to a private day, you can learn from one of the Banners. Tse is a korisna vaga against Loghain, who will fight against Loghain on the fences of the lands. Even in the half-hearted corner of the street you will know Reksel, who you need to know one at a time from the early quests. The key from your cell is located at the prison, who you can see at once. The truth is, it’s wrong, well, that’s the same. Well, garazd, if you finish looking around you - collapse to the sign of Howe on the map. Before the entrance there will be a car safety at the door. Come before them at the guest. They already check on you here - talk to Howe about everything you want to know about, and then drive in. We will not miss out on the input. Raju with a handful of knocking in the magicians, and only when we go, fraternize for them. Іnkshe magicians will give us a powerless turbot. Ale, in any case, it is possible to knock in all. If Hou is in the world, you will curse us, say, not deserving death. Take the key from the door to open the queen's door. Means, nezabarom prodzhennya dragon age let us uryatuvati the queen!

As soon as you go through to pivnich - you will know the decline of the colossal erl of Denerim. Let it go, we know the skinny voice at the zbora of the land. You can immediately let in the templar, who asks you to bring the hoop of his sister. Wait a minute, the templars are not our enemies. Well, the axis, the vyaznitsa has more robustness than anything. The hour is called. As soon as you open the doors of the princess, you will see how you are, as if you were a face. And vi, if you come before the exit, you will have Loghain's guardian. Do not fight with her! Nekhay won you in vidvede. Immediately see the video, like the queen is hidden, it seems like you want to vryatuvati vartov. Tobto us. The axis was not free of charge, they took the Morrigan hoop, it was far from free. Would you like to remember that dilyanka passed dragon age, will de Morrigan give you a hoop? Now we know the stench, de mi we know. And you will go to the vyaznitsa. Speak from Alister, and then tell you, hey, come you ryatuvati. Be respectful to the one you call, and you will be ryatuvati. I vibrate Morrigan and Ogren. Come see Forty the Dragon. You will consider two or three vibrant characters from the holu. Go three steps forward, talk to the guards, if you have a lack of cleverness, then drive them in. Before them, I’ll come when I’m interrupting them without any problems. Take the key from the ground and enter the distance to the cross. The road is closed right for you, I know you need a key. Yogo can be learned from the captain's body. I have done so. Passable distance for every day. There you will have chotiri balisti. Vistrilit from the first two and quickly run forward, while the guards volunteered to build balistivs. Give you a chance to know bitisya. Ale tse is not the same big problem. Dali at the crossroads - to the west. We have our own ryatuvati treba, and not in the bigati barracks. Wake up to the mark on the map. Take the key from the prison and open the cells. Yak for the wave of a charming stick, your characters are once again ready and ready to go! Well, the axis, now it is possible to develop a part of the castle, which has been lost. I want to especially not know there is nothing good for myself. Build a zhodnogo shmatochka to the code. Well, that garazd. Dosvid can be found in nagodі. If you have a vipadku - come and go and collapse to Yerlon Eamon. I am grateful, you remember, yak take it there.

Nareshty, mi in Eamon, can be quietly. In the case of dragon age grasses, there is little change. As soon as you go to the room, you will get a dialogue. Win zradin yak to you vasno synovi. Okay, though. Anora, it’s like, you need to fix it all at once, and Loghain is zbozhevol_v. Maybe at one go, they got Anora drunk. Garazd, need to get there її dad. I need to know the truthful facts about Loghain being compromised. We need to go down to Elfenazu, where we can give in to z'yasuvati. And yet, say, what a demanding pretender to the throne. Tobto won. Anora stverdzhu, scho vona is the best option. I thought, well її thoughts are right to say runt. Then we wondered if we wanted to talk to us in a special way. Earl Eamon, it seems, there may be something that is not safe for us. Tilki є one "ale"! In Anori there is a lot of royal blood. The best option will be to make friends Alistair and Anoru. Garazd. I accepted this policy. Friendship is the most beautiful option, if only ni, then Alistair will be king. Ale at once, go down to Anor and talk to her. Vona would like to enlist our help. Hmm, behind the back in іnshih? Wonderful. Vaughn pulled on those who became a cholovik and a squad, and ruled at the same time. I don’t know how to wait a bit ... Why do you have to wait, why Alister didn’t need the throne? I do not think. My throne is definitely not needed. I didn’t see it. When I was thinking, I went to Alister and talked to him. Ale to viyavlyatsya, who does not want to become a king. HM. Maybe I gave an idea - why I became king to replace Alister. In any case, take care of them, to take care of the residual solution. I have become a king. I will be a great friend, and I will not surrender to the throne of the queen. Then, after I proponuvav the queen to follow me, I won’t wait. Now go to Elfenazu.

I think you can go there on your own. І axis of vi on mісці. Go ahead, to the very place. There you will have a new video, which will show you and talk to one elf. Wonderfulness. But the bagatokh, who gets magicka lіkuvati spells, is gone. The stench just smelled. Hmm tsikavo. Hear it, how can you tell me. Already a few dozen or so aliens were brought to the city, and there were not many of them. Duzhe tsikavo. Wait, please. A little bit of a trip to the Templar Otto, who would have lost sight of the battle with a mighty magician. It is a good idea to play the magicians of blood here in Elfenazh. I don’t know anything about it, but I do not see the wrong with Elfenazh himself. And we need to be aware of the wrong. Know evil. So, now go to the side entrance to the lodge. Pay yom 6 gold, and let you in. Come in the middle. There will happen to beat three opponents. Take trophies and take a note from the table. If you go outside the house, you will be attacked by magicians and guards, who stood in front of the front door. Drive in їх. Go, from the booth on the way to the main entrance to the carnival, and you know the blood and the dead dog. Look around and turn to Otto. Roskazhіt about your sorceresses. Ask to introduce him to the house. At the front door, show a friend to the room and let the elves come. Come and tell us about our knowledge of the elf. Show me the note, yaku you know. Vona raspov_st, you need to marvel at the drug, the wires. Come in there and you will know the doors to the netr. Come in the middle. Cover everything, right up to the broken vase and kalyuzhi blood. From the screenshots in the private room, you can take the sextant, which is required for us on the quest. If you finish, enter through these doors. Here you are sent to the soldiers, who are demanding peace. Take trophies and wake up at the front door. Fortunately, there is only one way. There you will happen to see a lot of tsikava - for example, elfi were sold to workers. I am virishiv and hammered in. Pislya vbivstva - pick up trophies and collapse the distance. On the way to the corridor, three more dead bodies are being checked on you. Before the passage of the distance - be careful that you drive into the great hall. There, you will find the magician from Tevinter, who wants to, just go through without a hitch, without bullying. It is a pity that in the passage of dragon age you cannot spend time before them in Batkivshchyna. Win proponu to us home - we will pay 100 gold and pay off for a whole sheet. HM. Still pay? Vb'єmo yogo for tse. I have taken a zhodniy once without shit, scho honking ugliness. Before my death itself, I should be given up. Well, can you have some skilches ?! Propagate yomu to throw yogo at the end of the day. I will propose for the rakhunok the life of the elves to make our life power. I, obviously, understood. When you die, you know how to document your job. Talk to the old elf and say what a friend was whispering about. Elfi follows him. Now you have lost your trophy and you can go to the street. There it went on the map according to the date, and there, the girls saw the blood and the corpse of the dog. Come in the middle, there is a check for you Otto. I’m saying that the perception of evil is especially strong here. I win lead us ahead. Do not let it be like that. Rukhaєmos ahead. Go to the collection to the school room, then to the back room. You can go from there. If you leave alone, then fall forward. You will be attacked by a splinter of naughty dogs. Ale stinks are not your opponents. At the room, drawn out by the pavutinny, you see the ghost of a woman, which is even more aggressive. Having presented a calm, prohayuch_ collapse the distance. So, obov'yazkovo be careful in front of the room, in which the sign is roasted! Zayshovshi tudi, you whack the devil of the devil, which is nachebto and є occasional evil. Garazd, drive in yogo. It’s not easy, I’m looking around at those who are more weak than their weakest neighbors. So chi inakshe, the demon has rest. Ale Otto sees, well, not everything! You need to go ahead. Wait ahead - and pass the dragon age origins game to meet you!

Corridor of new blood, and in the new room. Drive in the spirit there a couple of tonnes - and fall forward. There is only one straightforward, don't get lost. Until the very room with the mark of a dumb primitive, I will not describe that. In front of the room itself, be careful that you enter the middle. Otto pray a little. Ale on the demon tse not dіє. At once, at once the demon is moaning in front of you. Tse is even a weak opponent. In me, he died in 8 seconds. Now Temryava has opened! Wonderful. Ale well tse? Otto drives in with a pitchfork! Demon of no blame! Tse bully deprive zhyugidnі parody in front of the spiteful adversary. Theoretically. Practically, it took me 30 seconds for a new one. Maximum. Immediately from the screen, see the amulet. You should know if you can see it in Elfenazh and trim your little piece of paper. Now come on in. I proponate the virus at the trading quarter and send out the sextant of the propaganda, having finished the program. Try to go to the tavern and talk from two people. Ask the first for a message from the radio, and give the other one to the ring. Apparently, two more completed quests! Writing a whole virus to Eamon's earl. I am encouraged that they haven’t been too slow.

Yerlu will tell you about those who Loghain missed the job. Apparently, the last turn is completed and we have an hour on the very land picking, until the palace! Well, thudi th virus. The I axis is at the palace. Who was judged here to take the throne? Who gave the governing over the land? All lie away from you. As soon as you go to the palace, the guardian of Loghain is in love with you in front of you. I tried to change it, but Logain changed. Vona has ceased, but I can’t be angry. Well, I’m really crazy. And I went into the distance, so you need to give me Zupiniti Loghain. Wonderful! I do not want to drive in such a proud warrior. Go forward, at the hall of land acquisition. I will not replay everything I said there. I’ll tell you that I’m getting overwhelmed by everything, and not crying. I went to the battle with Loghain. If I have already hammered in yogo, the mother-abbot has pinned the beater, and it will be violated, so that there will be some fights. Let’s stay until that moment, if you have to wait a bit longer. Wonderful. Now the battle with Logoin vich-na-vich. I know we won't let you beat him in! If Loghain may be dead, you will be born! Well, I vvazhayu, what is the life of the war. Zreshtoyu, vin is a miraculous war that commander. But here we will see the calls of Syrius the guardian and I will propose to dedicate them to Logoin. Ale Alister against! That eldest Alister of the death of Loghain! I am vibrav Alister. Win my friend, and I trust you. Hai will be Alistair the King. First of all, Alister Strachu of Logeyna. And Anora took the oath to Alisterov. And put the new king in the air. You will also hear your promiscuous before the land reclaims. I wonder if it’s okay to virus with us, without affecting it. Well, it’s gotumos to vistupati at the sinking! Try to talk to Alister, if you come to your room, and get ready to visit.
Walk through the traders, marvel at the new comrade. Bathe Ingredian for wiping and pasta. Insert new Rooney at Zbroya. Get ready for the final hike! And if you are ready - go to the village of Redklef. Mayte on uvaz, there is the final stage at the passing of dragon age origins, so it is more beautiful to finish all the little quests.

And here you have a surprise check at the overturned van that is dead thin at the entrance. Cross the bridge, and you are a peasant who has seen you from the village. Wien, say, the village was attacked by relatives of drinks. Ale mayzhe, all the villagers stood up to grapple at the castle. In addition, if you finish talking from a peasant, you will have a new experience. Castle Redklef oozing No problem. Descend down to the village, on the way, take a drink. If the village is empty, go to the castle itself and see everything there to fix the oper. Mayte on uvazі, hvil nastaniya rozhen temryavi bude kіlka. If you finish - go to the guard, for a quick response, that part of the breed has penetrated to the castle with a drink, and even the stench of it was interrupted there. Still, it’s like Riordan, our friend Syriy the Guardian, arriving here with important sounds. We may ask you to let in, and see you to the front hall. There you will read the dialogue from Riordan. The main part of the horde is collapsing Denerim. Wonderful situation! That Archdemon appeared. Well, glory to the Creator, daughters! Ale visuvatisya we will be only for the svitanka. Do not mind, please? Mi vchotiroh smacked in with a great horde. It’s just about going to the dwarves, who stand in the first school and the dignity, but one of the dwarfs’s buddies isn’t overpowering. Garazd. At the same time and without them. Now go to the other on top and talk to Riordan, as he asked. And I’ll get new things for us. Yaksho Syriy is the guardian of the Archdemon - you will pass the day at the gray wart. Tobto siriy vartoviy will die. A miraculous situation. Garazd, nachhati. At the right time. Write to Morrgan and talk to her. Vaughn say, who knows the way. Morrigan knows a ritual that is called bi Magic blood. Well, let's hear the lecture. Vona propon to conceive with her a child that to sacrifice її. Well, it’s said roughly, slyly ... Ale all the same. I will wait a little longer, and in principle, I will not obstruct the child. Hit the wounds, yak go to the wines. The species is more majestic. Molimosya, I wasted my strength. I will not rekazuvatim everything, scho you play there. Ale ... The picture rang out on me. For Ferelden!

Cut into the ranks of the genie temryavi, cleanse the Denerim strokes. If you are quiet, if you are stingy in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bMiskoy brahmi, talk to Riordan. Win proponuє take Alistair, two more people, and virus to Fort Dragon, then lure the Archdemon. Gather the zag and collapse to the center of the place. I took my standard set - Alister, Ogren, Morrigan. Go to the Trading Quarter and clean it up. Let the army go there and collapse to Elfenazh. Immediately you will set up your old know-how. І trim the new plant - take Elfenazh. As soon as the sound falls apart, the sounds valley, the sounds of the collapse, how to lamayut. For that, as you visit all the opponents in Elfenazh - turn to the known Elfiyka and create a їy zdannya. Take a trip to the Palace quarter. Then wow, like the Archdemon to burn the place with you. Step back is mute.


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