Steam engines for Thomas Newcomen and James Watt. Watt and steam engine James Watt universal steam engine of propelled action

Steam engines for Thomas Newcomen and James Watt. Watt and steam engine James Watt universal steam engine of propelled action

James Watt (1736-1819) was born on the 19th of today - Scottish engineer, winemaker and mechanic.

Having written that “the steam engine was the first true international winemaker...”. The Frenchman Papin, the German Leibnitz, the Englishmen Severn, Newcomen and Watt took their share of the creation. Russia has a steam engine of the Vinayshov I. I. Povzunov.

Newcomen's machines, which were in use in the early 18th century, had two drawbacks: they could only pump water and were not economical. The burning stench was felt hundreds of times more than today's movements. The original painting of the steam engine was done by James Watt.

In 1763 r. D. Watt, who worked as a mechanic at the University of Glasgow (Scotland), began repairing the original model of Newcomen's steam pumping plant. The model corrected by Watt worked very badly, and Watt struggled with it for more than five years until he found a miraculous solution that would allow the cost of firing great machines to be reduced by half.

Watt first stagnated the condenser: an installation in which condensation occurs - the reconversion of steam in water for additional cooling. Just as in hydraulic installations of a robot there is a difference in water levels, in steam installations there is a difference in temperature. The higher the temperature of the steam on the cob and the lower the temperature, the more economical the steam engine operates. In Watt's hours, the boilers could not produce steam under pressure greater than 1.1 atm. And the temperature is more than 100C, so cooling the steam is of little importance. The pair were then cooled with water, but they were also prevented by sprinkling water into the cylinder of the machine. Alternately heating and further cooling the cylinder caused a great deal of heat. “The cylinder will always be hot!” - Having correctly adjusted the Watt, the steam can be cooled in a nearby vessel - a condenser. The introduction of a lower condenser reduced the waste of fuel in steam engines.

Around the same time, a new task was made: to give the shaft of the steam engine a round turn. Many scholars have worked on this problem, most notably Watt.

U 1784 r. He revoked the patent for a steam engine with a shaft that turns around and a condenser. The economics of Watt's machine completely overshadowed the successes of his followers, who created machines with a shaft that turned around, and there were incorrect statements about those that Watt was the only one who developed the steam engine.

All the fuss about the everyday life and proliferation of steam engines Watt took on his companion Bolton, and Watt devoted all his strength to the improvement of the steam engine. The best device is an indicator that allows you to follow the steam in the middle of the cylinder, following the steam process and knowing how to let the steam into the cylinder only on the 14th stroke of the piston, allowing the steam to then expand. The expansion of the bet resulted in significant savings, but also reduced the weight of the machine. To increase the weight of the machine given its very dimensions, Watt removed another empty cylinder and thus first stopped the machine of the suspended action. This machine snatched away a more evenly distributed oberval ruk. Vaughn was designated as “the universal engine of great industry.”

Having improved his car, Watt gave it some serious paint jobs. The so-called “steam jacket” has already stagnated - the space through which the cylinder flows, through which the steam enters the machine, constantly leaving the cylinder walls hot. In our opinion and in practice, the sub-center regulator is a sensitive device that allows you to automatically, without human intervention, keep a number of machine shaft wraps constant for any changes or increases in importance.

Watt's machines expanded rapidly and for a quarter of a century were the single engine of the industry.

Its main inputs: condenser, secondary cylinder, steam jacket, indicator and sub-centre regulator will remain in place, and Watt’s name will go down in history as the name of one of the creators of new technology. iki.

The rapid development of the main types of industry in England in the first half of the 18th century. The massive expansion of the production of working machines, which marked the beginning of the industrial revolution, gave birth to a necessary revolution in the steam engine. This revolution meant the transition from a private engine to a universal engine - the basis of the energy base of the great factory industry.

The need for an engine to power any kind of working machines, which was especially evident in the years 1760-1780, was clearly expressed in the words of the English entrepreneur Matthew Bolton: “In London, Manchester, Birmingham, people desire steam milk." Such a “mlin” would be required, which would transmit to the robot not only continuously, but also in the form of a general, unidirectional, even-moving arm and would be more economical.

James Watt (1736-1819)

A universal steam engine, suitable for practical operation, was created by the Scottish winemaker James Watt. Watt, who even in his childhood made model cars, chose the profession of a mechanic. Having completed a training course in Glasgow and London, born in 1757. Having become a mechanic at the University of Glasgow, he also opened a workshop for the manufacture and repair of mathematical and physical devices. Watt became intimately acquainted with a wealth of knowledge, including the physicist Joseph Vlek, who learned the heat of evaporation of water vapor, and John Robison, then a student and then a professor of physics. Robison encouraged Watt to study the literature on the mechanics of steam engines: the works of Deza-Guilliers, Leupold and Belidor. Watt conducts research on the power of water vapor, which means the depth of the temperature of the infused steam under the pressure. The curves inspired by him are closely matched by current data. Watt began his work on steam engines in 1763. from the repair of a model of a Newcomman steam pump installation, which works. However, the model was perhaps unconventional, although being geometrically similar to its industrial design, it was exposed to new mechanical and thermal processes that flow in it. The installation generated a lot of unproductive waste of steam, water, and burning. After five years of painstaking work on the model, Watt achieved great progress in modernizing steam engines and increasing their efficiency. First of all, it’s important to note that a good operation of a steam-atmospheric machine is based on the conclusion of two minds: firstly, removing the strong vacuum under the piston for the purpose of the external condensation of steam (for which it was necessary to cool the cylinder); in other words, supporting the cylinder in a hot furnace to eliminate unproductive waste of steam when releasing it from the steam boiler. Condensing these minds simultaneously in one cylinder is technically impossible, and Watt has come up with a new solution: place the cylinder near a steam jacket, support it steadily in a heated station, and allow condensation of the steam to occur in an adjacent condenser. , with a pump for pumping condensate and water. U 1765 r. a model of a new engine was created, just in 1769. It was within reach of the robot from the beginning of the cycle.

D. Watt's steam engine diagram (1775)

In the midst of his experimental work on the model, Watt withdrew the penny support from the ruler of Carronsky to the Rebeck plant and at the same time filed an application for a patent for “methods for changing the rate of betting and, as a result, firing in fire machines.” In addition to the significance of the fundamental innovations in the engine, Watt also patented the installation of a superfluous vise of steam with exhaust into the atmosphere - in the event of a lack of water for condensation of the steam; the installation of “rotary” machines with a unidirectionally wrapped piston; found that the robot has an uneven condensation Yes, then from the remaining point The design of the strengthened piston was also transferred to the patent.

Watt's improvements made it possible to reduce steam consumption and heat more than twice as much - resulting in a great success in the development of an economical thermal engine.

However, the first try is 1769 RUR. The installation of a pumping steam installation with a fixed condenser at the Carron plant was not a small success - it was not possible to ensure sufficient processing accuracy and connection strength. The production of such great machines cost great sums, as Watt did not win, and John Rebeck went bankrupt at that time.

In search of financial possibilities for the daily life of the engines, Watt began to think about the work of England. At the beginning of the 70s, the Russian government promised the English engineer “employment, especially with relish and knowledge” for a fee of 1000 pounds. Art. The trip to Russia was not possible. In 1772 r. Watt entered into an agreement with M. Bolton, the owner of the machinery business in Soho near Birmingham.

The agreement between Watt and Bolton has become even stronger. Bolton appeared to be a reasonable and far-sighted person and did not skimp on spending on the creation of new machines. Until the end of his life, Watt lost his job as a head mechanic at the plant.

The first machine with a hardened capacitor was built in 1774. This is a design of 1777, which took the name “Beelzebub”, in which Watt fixed the valve and expanded the bet to increase economy.

Until 1780, a wider type of Watt machine was removed, which was used for pumping water. The mines of Cornwall became the greatest source of engine production: in 1778. in this county there were over 70 Newcomen installations, and in 1790 p. All but one of the stinks were replaced by Bolton-Watt machines. A large quantity of them was also prepared for the copper mines of Cornwallis.

The success of the new engines is explained by the fact that their stagnation significantly reduced the cost of extracting mechanical energy.

Only at that hour, when the mass production of steam engines for pumps began, a great development appeared in the textile, metalworking and other industries. But Watt's steam engine was still not suitable for driving working machines using a rotary shaft.

In 1778 r. Watt responded to the proposal of his companion Bolton, starting to thoroughly refurbish the steam engine. We followed in detail the process of expansion of steam in the cylinder, designing for this purpose a special indicator - a device that detects the pressure of steam during the expansion process. Having identified a practically important step in the expansion of steam for the transfer of heat to the work. Watt registered in 1782 r. steam engine with expansion and having taken out a new English patent. Having come to the idea of ​​buying a friend half of the cylinder, he created the title of engine of the under-propelled action, in which the fuel consumption of the bet was substantially reduced.

This is how Watt himself described his work in 1782: “My friend, a large number of steam or fire-powered machines rely on a spring or steam force in order to push the piston up, and also press it down alternately, creating a vacuum above or below with a piston and at the same time vikorystyuchi action steam on the piston at the end or part of the cylinder from which there is no steam exhaust; a machine designed in such a way can produce a greater force of the robot or develop a greater force at the same time (with a cylinder of equal dimensions) aligned with the machine in which the force of the force acting on the piston is active one straight way - either uphill or down.”

There was a machine that was constantly working, in which a couple served as the source of power.

Watt also happened to perform the task of re-creating the turn-and-go movement onto the obverse; Having patented five devices, the invention was based on these, among which was the stagnation of the planetary gear.

Immediately, Watt introduced a series of devices designed to compensate for the uneven output of the robot, in response to the expanded bets.

Watt's patent of 1782 covered a lot of details that would have formed the steam engine as a universal engine. Not everything was prote.

Those that the new engine is truly universal, Watt is obviously older, so his patent dates back to 1784 rubles. This patent itself will be enforced. Marx, introducing the concept of “universal engine” in science.

From a technical point of view, we were faced with a satisfactory outcome of the task of converting the turn-and-go direction to the back-and-forth one.

The matter of transforming the colival balancer into a continuous circular balancer occupied many winemakers even before Watt. Papen, for example, pushed the gear through the gear rack and gear wheel. D. Gull in 1736 Having developed a combination of pulleys with rope transmission in one hundred vessels, the results (like many others) of success are not small.

Scheme of a steam engine under-propelled by J. Watt

Nareshti, in 1779 M. Vasbro in 1780 J. Picard patented in England the crank and connecting rod mechanisms of a steam engine. Many mechanics of that time and, among them, the great engineer Smiton, respected such an unacceptable fact: the piston stroke in the cylinders of modern steam engines was subject to change, and the designers realized that direct transmission to the rotor from the other end of the balancer directly onto the shaft behind the connecting rod and crank, it is impossible. Obviously, at full pardons before the singing hour, there was Watt. After the patent was issued to Vasbro and Picard, he had the opportunity to discover other ways to transform the shape of the roc.

Why are you having problems? During the daily operation of the steam engine, problems arose related to kinematics and dynamics. The connections of the piston with the balancer, on one side, and the other end of the balance with the shaft - on the other hand, could only be very harsh. For an hour, it was impossible to completely connect the end of the balancer with the piston rod, as the end of the balancer described an arc, and the piston rod collapsed in a straight line. Starting from the beginning (from the patent dated 1782), Watt allowed the transmission to be completed from the piston to the balancer, securing the rod with gears, and then placing the gear sector in the balancer. However, when changing, the connection at the skin end of the piston stroke directly recognized the impacts, and the teeth did not show dynamic forces. Tom Watt began to joke about other decisions and knowledge of this. The planetary gear is connected to one end of the balancer, and the other end of the balancer is connected to the motor rod behind the other mechanism found by it, which is called the Watt parallelogram - this is a flat hinge mechanism , part of the lankas (vazheliv) that created parallelograms . It would simply seem that the decision would involve the great efforts of the winemaker. Family of parallelograms, becoming the subject of the Pali Doslizhen of the French -to -hand M. R. Proni Tu Rosіyskiy, P. L. Chebishev I served as a mother for the yogo “Theori Mechanism, vidomikh PID for parallelograms” (1854 p.); Watt himself highly valued this wine and wrote to his later sons: “... although I do not particularly talk about my glory, I write with the help of a parallelogram more than any of the things I have earned.” The genius vinahid, as it is rightly called, as a testament to Watt’s extremely clear geometric intuition, appeared as a fleeting, fleeting phenomenon. Over the years, Watt's parallelograms were replaced by an original crank mechanism.

When the machine was built with a constant rotational thrust, Watt faced, in addition to the kinematic operation, very dynamic problems: the introduction of steam on both sides of the piston, the stagnation of the flywheel and the regulator that operates on the steam inlet valve.

To supply steam in different empty cylinders, the spool valve is used to automatically operate the spool; to change the winding fluidity, use the flywheel, and to automatically improve the strength of the engine wrapping fluid, use the sub-center regulator.

All this was confirmed in detail, most of which were sealed by a patent of 1784, allowed Watt to soon develop a type of machine with a continuous rotational motion, which over the course of three hours became unchanged and more frequent additional investigations.

“I need more energy,” Matthew Bolton said frantically. - So that you don’t get tired like horses, and so that you work efficiently. My peace arose after the fight with James Watt. A steam engine was born.
The couple set in motion the machines that created the industrial revolution. The first trains and steamboats appeared. From that hour, people’s lives changed greatly.

Once in 1764, people in the Scottish town of Glasgow brought a model of a steam engine to the workshop for repair. This was a miniature model of the Newcomen engine from the collection of scientific exhibits at the Moscow University. The mastermind belonged to James Watt, a scientific consultant to the university, who was 28 years old at that time.

One-cycle is not a miracle

James Watt (1736-1819) revolutionized technology by constructing the first steam engine with a heat exchanger

The Newcomen engine was found about fifty years earlier and was used for pumping water in oil and gas mines. Repaired with an early steam pump, this engine will be more thorough, but will not work effectively. Vin, having lived richly, burned and was all cowardly.
These are not as important as the vikory engines in a coal mine: there is a lot of cheap coal and no one cares about the shaking. But in other possible companions, who did not have cheap fire and who wanted to ensure that the engine worked smoothly, this design did not arouse interest.

Food vendors

James Watt developed a university model of the engine. He studied Newcomen's engine and studied it with great interest. Why is he so ineffective? Why is the roc accompanied by such shaking? Why do the vugille glasses survive?

The Newcomen engine was single-cylinder. In the middle of the cylinder there is a sleeve piston, connected to a balancer, which is a sleeve pump. The steam from the boiler entered the cylinder from below and caused the piston to rise, and that, in its turn, the balancer. Then cold water was supplied to the cylinders - the steam condensed, squeezed, fell, and the piston dropped. Right now, when there is cold water in the middle, the steam condenses, and when it’s hot, what was wasted to make this steam is wasted for nothing. For the final lift of the piston, a new pair is required - therefore, it is necessary to reheat the boiler again, consuming additional heat.

Zmenshyuchi vitrati on the stove

The decision, put forward by Watt, led to the next step: the need to add another cylinder, called a heat exchanger, and connect it with the first one. The steam will condense in the heat exchanger, and the first cylinder will remain hot for the entire hour - thus preserving the amount of heat that is being burned. In fact, it turned out that Watt's engine consumes only a quarter of the amount of fuel that was previously needed.

James Watt was a winemaker, not a businessman. Jacob is not Matthew Bolton, if Watt had thought that way, he would have lost his chairs. The heat exchanger, which was born with Bolton's financial support, was Watt's first contribution to the design of a steam engine, followed by others. The industrial revolution brought together winemakers with small ideas and business people with small capital to apply these ideas to specific activities that generate income.

His ideas immediately brought him fame and fortune. Like other wealthy winemakers, Watt could not find the pennies to pour his ideas into life. Twelve years have passed, the first of the two engines was sold. In 1776, Watt became a partner of the Birmingham industrialist Matthew Bolton (1728-1809), and Bolton helped him develop the production of steam engines.

I have lost the cob. Watt continued to paint and complete the mechanism and find the best way to convert the forward thrust of the piston into the reverse one.


  • The first steam engine, who was a victor in the industry, was “Girnik’s Friend”. Patented in 1698 by Thomas Severy, a Georgian engineer from Cornwall.
  • If James Watt was a model of the first engine, he was already in a hurry. Not knowing the necessary details, he took a thimble from his friend to close the end of the pipe.
  • Before meeting with Bolton, Watt had invested faith in success, having come up with the idea of ​​​​creating a steam engine and working hard on the everyday canals in Scotland.
  • Watt's merits are not limited to the fact that he improved the steam engine. This is the most popular method of copying documents, the basis of chemical processes, which has been widely used in the past stages.
  • In 1784, Watt installed pipes from the boiler room at his office and released hot steam through them. With this rank, the couple was at the forefront of Vikoristan for the central scorching.
  • The 1789 Watt has a unique regulator-device that allows you to control the fluidity of the steam engine. This made it possible to maintain a constant fluidity, which was dependent on the temperature of the boiler, and made the work easier.
  • In the 19th century, a unit of effort was named in honor of James Watt - wat.

Steam conquers the world

Newcomen's steam engine was first installed in 1712.

That's the right river. The obertalny rukh may know much more widely than zastosuvan. With the help of drive belts, the spindle shaft can be used to transmit the rotor to weaving and other workbenches. Now the wheels of the carriages could spin and self-destruct.

The first attempts to use steam to create new methods of transfer were made in the 70s of the 18th century. These cars were moving along the roads, but after a few hours, people would find a different way of stopping the steam engine - the slide. Having lived until 1819, he was able to grow the beginnings of the industrial revolution, which was inspired by his wine, but he did not live six years before the beginning began to grow.

Hundreds of couples

Until the middle of the 19th century, the entire industry “collapsed.” Now everything from textiles to harmata was prepared with the help of steam engines. Steam locomotives pulled trains; The installation of the alarm system was equipped with steam engines. And on the sea the wind gradually gave its position to the steam engine.

The protean industrial revolution involved a change in production technology, although this was important. The production of new machines and factories cost pennies, since they had to be paid long before the factories began to make profits. Just as Watt needed Bolton to provide financial support for his plans, the success of the industrial revolution needed rich people willing to invest their pennies in the right.
The industrial revolution also became a capitalist revolution. Companies began to collapse, banks rushed to invest pennies in industry, business people appeared who made a living from the fact that they created scientific ideas and capital at the same time.

The French military engineer Joseph Cugnot saw a ship that was collapsing around 1771. It could travel at a speed of 3.6 km/year and at the same time carry four people.

Peremozhtsі and peremozhenі

What happened to ordinary people who were neither wine farmers, nor bankers, nor capitalists? The steam engine changed the lives of many of them. In the 18th century, fabrics, for example, were prepared in small crafts on a machine that was hand-rolled. Already often the master had one homeland. At the new textile factories, they began to work on benches that operated under a steam engine. The work was cumbersome and did not require much attention, so the human workers were replaced by women and children.

A lot of new workers appeared, but work in the factories was boring and monotonous. People began to flock to the great industrial place, where they had to live in squalid darkness and breathe open winds, because the factory chimneys spewed out the smoke and boils. At the same time, the industry needed more and more coal, the miners had to sink deeper and deeper into the ground, and their work became increasingly unsafe.

For a change a couple

The era of steam engines ended in the 50s of the twentieth century. That was over 150 rocks. Today's industry is powered by electricity. There are no more steam melts, and naphtha serves as fuel for cars and trains. All the great changes that have occurred over the past two centuries were revealed by James Watt and his steam engine.

Not all changes were better. The superiority between industrial powers led to two world wars in the 20th century. There is still a gigantic gap between the industrially corrupt regions and the backbone of the world. Millions of people who work in factories would like the opportunity to earn money to live differently. When James Watt perfected Newcomen's engine, he initiated those changes that unexpectedly changed the image of the world.

T. Newcomen's steam engine.

In 1705, mechanic Thomas Newcomen took out a patent for the heat engine he had discovered. Newcomen's steam pump began to be used in England to pump water from mines. The main part of it was a piston, which is identical to the vantage and collapsed on a large vertical cylinder (2). The pressure of the steam supplied to the cylinder from the boiler (1) lifted the piston. The injection of cold water from the reservoir (5) released into a layer of steam and created a vacuum in the cylinder. Atmospheric pressure lowers the piston. Cooling water and condensed steam were discharged from the cylinder through a pipe (6), and steam was supplied from the boiler through a shut-off valve (7).

After this, the engine will once again be ready until the start of the bet. The main shortcoming of Newcomen's machine is that its working cylinder is a water condenser.

Through was reported through the cylinder was then cooled, then heated, and the heat loss was even greater.

Newcomen's machine was cumbersome and worked continuously and intermittently.
Advent winemakers made a lot of improvements to the Newcomen pump. However, the principle of the Newcomen machine scheme was lost by the constant length of 50 years.

James Watt's steam engine.

In 1765, the English mechanic James Watt created steam engine In 1763-1764, he had the opportunity to benefit from the development of Newcomen's machine, which was at the university. Watt prepared a small model and began to work on it. It immediately became clear to Watt that for more economical operation of the engine, the cylinder would be heated steadily. In 1768, on the basis of this model, a large Watt machine was created in the mine of the Rebuka oil plant, for which the first patent was revoked in 1769.

The most important and important output was the bottom of the steam cylinder and the condenser, so no energy was wasted on the constant heating of the cylinder. The car has become more economical. Її KKD has increased.

In 1776, fate began factory production steam engines. The car of 1776 had a lot of important additions made to it compared to the design of 1765. The piston is located in the middle of the cylinder, exhausted by a steam casing. The casing is closed, and the cylinder is open. The steam reached the cylinder from the boiler through a barrel pipe. The cylinder is connected to the condenser by a pipe, with a steam outlet valve. The main valve houses another valve that is equally important.

However, the machine lasted only one working shift, danced with jerks And that could be used only as a pump. In order for the steam engine to power other machines, it was necessary for it to create a smooth flow of the circle. This is the engine of the undergrowth of Watt's divisions in 1782. Great efforts were made by Watt's creation of a mechanism that transmits power from a piston to a shaft, but Watt achieved this by creating a special transmission device, which is called Watt's parallelogram. Now Watt's new engine is suitable for driving other machines. During 1785-1795, 144 such steam engines were produced, and before 1800, 321 Watt steam engines were in operation in England

To reduce the tension of steam engines, Watt once understood "kin power" how the unit of potency has been adopted is still being debated to this day. The brewer bought one of Watt's machines to replace the pump that drives the water pump. When choosing the necessary power of the steam engine, the brewer calculated the working power of the horse as eight years of flawless work until the horse became ill again. Rozrakhunok showed that every second he lifted 75 kg of water to a height of 1 meter, which was taken as one unit of effort of 1 horsepower.

The steam engines stalled at all the production plants. They were widely promoted in industry, and in transport they became the “drivers of technical progress.”

However coeffect of corysiac disease the highest steam engines without exceeding 5%! With 1000 kg of skin, more than 50 kg was lost on the corisna robot!

Until the end of the 19th century, the steam power plant scheme was significantly improved and its basic principles have been preserved to this day.

It is worth noting that in 1735, the first fan in history powered by a steam engine was installed in the former English Parliament.

In 1800, an American, the owner of a mine from a vidobutu of stone vugill, invented the first steam elevator. In 1835, this steam elevator began production in England, and then expanded to the USA.
And in the 1850s, the Otis Steam Engine Company installed its first passenger elevator at a five-top store on Broadway. Lift up to five people and lift them at a speed of 20 cm per second.

The rapid development of the main types of industry in England in the first half of the 18th century. The massive expansion of the production of working machines, which marked the beginning of the industrial revolution, gave birth to a necessary revolution in the steam engine. This revolution meant the transition from a private engine to a universal engine - the basis of the energy base of the great factory industry.

The need for an engine to power any kind of working machines, which was especially evident in the years 1760-1780, was clearly expressed in the words of the English entrepreneur Matthew Bolton: “In London, Manchester, Birmingham, people desire steam milk." Such a “mlin” would be required, which would transmit to the robot not only continuously, but also in the form of a general, unidirectional, even-moving arm and would be more economical.

A universal steam engine, suitable for practical operation, was created by the Scottish winemaker James Watt. Watt, who even in his childhood made model cars, chose the profession of a mechanic. Having completed a training course in Glasgow and London, born in 1757. Having become a mechanic at the University of Glasgow, he also opened a workshop for the manufacture and repair of mathematical and physical devices. Watt became intimately acquainted with a wealth of knowledge, including the physicist Joseph Vlek, who learned the heat of evaporation of water vapor, and John Robison, then a student and then a professor of physics. Robison encouraged Watt to study the literature on the mechanics of steam engines: the works of Deza-Guilliers, Leupold and Belidor. Watt conducts research on the power of water vapor, which means the depth of the temperature of the infused steam under the pressure. The curves inspired by him are closely matched by current data. Watt began his work on steam engines in 1763. from the repair of a model of a Newcomman steam pump installation, which works. However, the model was perhaps unconventional, although being geometrically similar to its industrial design, it was exposed to new mechanical and thermal processes that flow in it. The installation generated a lot of unproductive waste of steam, water, and burning. After five years of painstaking work on the model, Watt achieved great progress in modernizing steam engines and increasing their efficiency. First of all, it’s important to note that a good operation of a steam-atmospheric machine is based on the conclusion of two minds: firstly, removing the strong vacuum under the piston for the purpose of the external condensation of steam (for which it was necessary to cool the cylinder); in other words, supporting the cylinder in a hot furnace to eliminate unproductive waste of steam when releasing it from the steam boiler. Condensing these minds simultaneously in one cylinder is technically impossible, and Watt has come up with a new solution: place the cylinder near a steam jacket, support it steadily in a heated station, and allow condensation of the steam to occur in an adjacent condenser. , with a pump for pumping condensate and water. U 1765 r. a model of a new engine was created, just in 1769. It was within reach of the robot from the beginning of the cycle.

In the midst of his experimental work on the model, Watt withdrew the penny support from the ruler of Carronsky to the Rebeck plant and at the same time filed an application for a patent for “methods for changing the rate of betting and, as a result, firing in fire machines.” In addition to the significance of the fundamental innovations in the engine, Watt also patented the installation of a superfluous vise of steam with exhaust into the atmosphere - in the event of a lack of water for condensation of the steam; the installation of “rotary” machines with a unidirectionally wrapped piston; found that the robot has an uneven condensation Yes, then from the remaining point The design of the strengthened piston was also transferred to the patent.

Watt's improvements made it possible to reduce steam consumption and heat more than twice as much - resulting in a great success in the development of an economical thermal engine.

However, the first try is 1769 RUR. The installation of a pumping steam installation with a fixed condenser at the Carron plant was not a small success - it was not possible to ensure sufficient processing accuracy and connection strength. The production of such great machines cost great sums, as Watt did not win, and John Rebeck went bankrupt at that time.

In search of financial possibilities for the daily life of the engines, Watt began to think about the work of England. At the beginning of the 70s, the Russian government promised the English engineer “employment, especially with relish and knowledge” for a fee of 1000 pounds. Art. The trip to Russia was not possible. In 1772 r. Watt entered into an agreement with M. Bolton, the owner of the machinery business in Soho near Birmingham.

The agreement between Watt and Bolton has become even stronger. Bolton appeared to be a reasonable and far-sighted person and did not skimp on spending on the creation of new machines. Until the end of his life, Watt lost his job as a head mechanic at the plant.

The first machine with a hardened capacitor was built in 1774. This is a design of 1777, which took the name “Beelzebub”, in which Watt fixed the valve and expanded the bet to increase economy.

Until 1780, a wider type of Watt machine was removed, which was used for pumping water. The mines of Cornwall became the greatest source of engine production: in 1778. in this county there were over 70 Newcomen installations, and in 1790 p. All but one of the stinks were replaced by Bolton-Watt machines. A large quantity of them was also prepared for the copper mines of Cornwallis.

The success of the new engines is explained by the fact that their stagnation significantly reduced the cost of extracting mechanical energy.

Only at that hour, when the mass production of steam engines for pumps began, a great development appeared in the textile, metalworking and other industries. But Watt's steam engine was still not suitable for driving working machines using a rotary shaft.

In 1778 r. Watt responded to the proposal of his companion Bolton, starting to thoroughly refurbish the steam engine. We followed in detail the process of expansion of steam in the cylinder, designing for this purpose a special indicator - a device that detects the pressure of steam during the expansion process. Having identified a practically important step in the expansion of steam for the transfer of heat to the work. Watt registered in 1782 r. steam engine with expansion and having taken out a new English patent. Having come to the idea of ​​buying a friend half of the cylinder, he created the title of engine of the under-propelled action, in which the fuel consumption of the bet was substantially reduced.

This is how Watt himself described his work in 1782: “My friend, a large number of steam or fire-powered machines rely on a spring or steam force in order to push the piston up, and also press it down alternately, creating a vacuum above or below with a piston and at the same time vikorystyuchi action steam on the piston at the end or part of the cylinder from which there is no steam exhaust; a machine designed in such a way can produce a greater force of the robot or develop a greater force at the same time (with a cylinder of equal dimensions) aligned with the machine in which the force of the force acting on the piston is active one straight way - either uphill or down.”

There was a machine that was constantly working, in which a couple served as the source of power.

Watt also happened to perform the task of re-creating the turn-and-go movement onto the obverse; Having patented five devices, the invention was based on these, among which was the stagnation of the planetary gear.

Immediately, Watt introduced a series of devices designed to compensate for the uneven output of the robot, in response to the expanded bets.

Watt's patent of 1782 covered a lot of details that would have formed the steam engine as a universal engine. Not everything was prote.

Those that the new engine is truly universal, Watt is obviously older, so his patent dates back to 1784 rubles. This patent itself will be enforced. Marx, introducing the concept of “universal engine” in science.

From a technical point of view, we were faced with a satisfactory outcome of the task of converting the turn-and-go direction to the back-and-forth one.

The matter of transforming the colival balancer into a continuous circular balancer occupied many winemakers even before Watt. Papen, for example, pushed the gear through the gear rack and gear wheel. D. Gull in 1736 Having developed a combination of pulleys with rope transmission in one hundred vessels, the results (like many others) of success are not small.

Nareshti, in 1779 M. Vasbro in 1780 J. Picard patented in England the crank and connecting rod mechanisms of a steam engine. Many mechanics of that time and, among them, the great engineer Smiton, respected such an unacceptable fact: the piston stroke in the cylinders of modern steam engines was subject to change, and the designers realized that direct transmission to the rotor from the other end of the balancer directly onto the shaft behind the connecting rod and crank, it is impossible. Obviously, at full pardons before the singing hour, there was Watt. After the patent was issued to Vasbro and Picard, he had the opportunity to discover other ways to transform the shape of the roc.

Why are you having problems? During the daily operation of the steam engine, problems arose related to kinematics and dynamics. The connections of the piston with the balancer, on one side, and the other end of the balance with the shaft - on the other hand, could only be very harsh. For an hour, it was impossible to completely connect the end of the balancer with the piston rod, as the end of the balancer described an arc, and the piston rod collapsed in a straight line. Starting from the beginning (from the patent dated 1782), Watt allowed the transmission to be completed from the piston to the balancer, securing the rod with gears, and then placing the gear sector in the balancer. However, when changing, the connection at the skin end of the piston stroke directly recognized the impacts, and the teeth did not show dynamic forces. Tom Watt began to joke about other decisions and knowledge of this. The planetary gear is connected to one end of the balancer, and the other end of the balancer is connected to the motor rod behind the other mechanism found by it, which is called the Watt parallelogram - this is a flat hinge mechanism , part of the lankas (vazheliv) that created parallelograms . It would simply seem that the decision would involve the great efforts of the winemaker. Family of parallelograms, becoming the subject of the Pali Doslizhen of the French -to -hand M. R. Proni Tu Rosіyskiy, P. L. Chebishev I served as a mother for the yogo “Theori Mechanism, vidomikh PID for parallelograms” (1854 p.); Watt himself highly valued this wine and wrote to his later sons: “... although I do not particularly talk about my glory, I write with the help of a parallelogram more than any of the things I have earned.” The genius vinahid, as it is rightly called, as a testament to Watt’s extremely clear geometric intuition, appeared as a fleeting, fleeting phenomenon. Over the years, Watt's parallelograms were replaced by an original crank mechanism.

When the machine was built with a constant rotational thrust, Watt faced, in addition to the kinematic operation, very dynamic problems: the introduction of steam on both sides of the piston, the stagnation of the flywheel and the regulator that operates on the steam inlet valve.

To supply steam in different empty cylinders, the spool valve is used to automatically operate the spool; to change the winding fluidity, use the flywheel, and to automatically improve the strength of the engine wrapping fluid, use the sub-center regulator.

All this was confirmed in detail, most of which were sealed by a patent of 1784, allowed Watt to soon develop a type of machine with a continuous rotational motion, which over the course of three hours became unchanged and more frequent additional investigations.
