The fourth quarter of the cash reform: an explanation of the FNP on the webinar. The fourth quarter of the cash reform: an explanation of the Federal Tax Service at the webinar

The fourth quarter of the cash reform: an explanation of the FNP on the webinar. The fourth quarter of the cash reform: an explanation of the Federal Tax Service at the webinar

Under the new 54-FZ "On the zastosuvannya of cash registers" having consumed the entire distribution: u 2018 roci online cashier put more businessmen. And until the 1st day of 2019, the CCP will be put in place already practically everything - navit pіdpriєmtsі on UTII and PSN.

It is not enough for newcomers to simply buy equipment for performance. Now checks need to specify the name of the goods, tse means - you need a cash program, yak tse vmіє. Our cost-free addendum Casa MiySklad pіdtremuє tse that reshta vimog 54-FZ. Be sure to try it right now.

Online Kasi. Rest news

  • Until 2021, more than 1st line was taken away, as they sell goods of high-quality manufacturing, work for robots, give services and not be able to work with labor contracts.
  • Kur'єrіv zvіlnili vіd vikoristannya kas. Now it is enough to show the purchase a QR code, by which an electronic check is downloaded. You don’t have to take Kasa with you: you are allowed to stop it far away. Read the reports on the supply of new changes.
  • The applicant may collect a cashier's check, if the payment is due in the form of a physical person on the organization's account.
  • From the 1st of September 2019, new opportunities will be introduced to online cash registers. Changed the format of fiscal data: new version of the FFD - 1.05. If the case was registered with FFD 1.0, it was necessary to re-register. The VAT rate has also been changed: from 1 September 2019 - 20%. It is easy for online cashiers to steal checks from such a bet. Report about those, how to change CCP >>
  • After completing an online payment, it is necessary to issue a check no later than the next working day.
  • In case of unprepared payment, such as an e-mail address, mail or telephone, the purchase is not at home, it is necessary to send a check and pay it all at once with the goods.
  • On the 1st day of 2019, it is necessary for the rock to break through the check after payment by a physical person through a bank.
  • Starting from the 1st day of 2019, it is necessary to break through checks upon payment of overpayment: two cash documents are required - in case of withdrawal of overpayment when transferring goods.
  • Yakshcho pіdpriєmets pripinyaє dіyalnіst i tse fixed in ЄDRYuL and ЄDRІP, concerning znіmaєtsya z oblіku automatically.
  • The understanding of rozrakhunkivs has been expanded: now it’s not only possible for them to get a penny in a prepared form and without preparation, but also a deposit of prepayment (for example, sales for gift cards).
  • The procedure for the breakdown of the fiscal accumulator has been approved. Now it is required to give the evils of the FN of the virobnik for examination. If the breakdown happened through the factory hatch, it won't be damaged. For a period of five working days from the day of the breakdown, it is required to file an application for registration (re-registration) of the cash register with a new accumulative or snyattya її z appearance. As a result of the evil FN, the data is taken into account, and it is required to transfer it to the taxpayer for 60 days.
  • IP for patent and UTII payers of the goiter will put an online cash register up to 1 lipnya 2019.
  • In the first line until the 1st day of 2021, the IP was taken away, for some of them there are no workers hired and labor contracts, and that they win jobs / give services / sell goods of high-quality manufacturing. If you want to hire practitioners, you can register a new cash register for 30 days.
  • Podatkova can be fined up to 50% of the sum taken for the period of trading without an online cashier, but not less than 10,000 rubles. Companies are threatened with a fine of up to 100%, but not less than 30,000 rubles. From 1 linden, sanctions will also be introduced for using CCT in fictitious rosrahuns: organizations can penalize the amount up to 40,000 rubles, IP - up to 10,000 rubles. There will be fines and for incorrect indications in the receipt of goods that are marked: from companies they can pull up to 100,000 rubles, from purchases - up to 50,000 rubles. You will be fined for tsi sumi, as if you do not immediately transfer it to the taxable fiscal tax.

Online cashiers began to be phased in in 2016, but since that time the situation has repeatedly changed. Below - in the main supply of new CCPs in 2020 roci.

Look at the record of our seminar, on which ker_vnik led the sale of MogoSklad Ivan Kirilin rozpov_v about the rest of the changes to 54-FZ: how to choose the cash register for the improvement of new wimogs, how to switch to FFD 1.05 ta MPE 20%.

Who cares about the new edition of 54-FZ

Who can win online cash in 2020?

What do you need online cash for UTII and patents in 2020?

Online cash registers for UTII and patents will be needed from 1st day of 2019. And the public eating and distribution from hired spivrobitniks already vikoristovuyut їх - from the 1st day of 2018.

Chi vikoristovuyutsya online kasi under the simplified tax system in 2020 roci?

So. Those who trade in commercial goods, or employment in the sphere of public eating and may hire spivrobitnikiv, since 2018, it may be possible to win online casinos. You don’t work your way up - T, who can’t work, took away

Law on online cash: how to zastosovuvat BSO (forms of suvoro zvіtnostі)?

Until April 1, 2019, the organization and IP, as if they were giving services to the population, could see the BSO at the paper look. Vinyatok is less than crushed for the bulk of eating. After the next date, the next step was to switch to the electronic format. Follow BSO on a special cash register - an automated system for the forms of the total number. Vymogi to checks and forms have changed - new details have been received, for example, it is required to indicate the factory number of the fiscal accumulator and the name of the OFD. all

Do trades (vendings) have automatic cash registers installed?

Starting from the 1st day of 2018, the fate of the trading automatics may be owned by the CCP. You can win one cash register for all outbuildings. Yakshcho vy - ІП without spіvrobіtnikіv and trade with vikoristannym avtomatіv, vzobov'yazanі vykoristovuvat KKM z 1 lin 2019 roku.

Why would it be necessary to zastosovuvat online kasi in the public tavern in 2020 rotation?

About the new cash register equipment

How much is the cost of the online cash desk?

The price of a new CCP to become, for the tribute of the Ministry of Finance, is close to 25,000 rubles. We can charge you 16,500 rubles. All prices -

Chi otrimayutkove vodrakhuvannya t, hto nabuvay new ї CCP?

Why is it necessary to go to the technical service center (TSC) to register a new cash register? Who serves the online cashier?

How to set up My warehouse for robots with a new CCP?

We nadaemo nalashtuvannya roboti Mogo Warehouse with a new cash register. It’s all the same to be deprived of food - our technical aid is good for a link, and it will help you to get it.

What is the point of sale in my warehouse when the Internet is connected?

So. You can check checks, all sales are fixed in the system and fiscal accumulator. After confirmation, the data link will be automatically canceled until the OFD.

Can you send a buyer's check directly from My Warehouse? Does that number have SMS?

So. For whom in the interface of the seller in My warehouse there are fields for entering the contact details of the purchase.

How to return goods to My warehouse for a new scheme?

My Warehouse transfers the return to the fiscal registrar. The FR automatically increases the data to the OFD, and the stink stench goes up to the tax.

How do I store goods without a barcode, for example, with goods for a bag?

Barcodes do not comply with the laws of 54-FZ, the stench is used for manual work with goods. MіySklad pіdtrimuє search for naming and working with your goods.

Rozpochavsya chergovy stage of the transition to a new CCP. On the 1st day of 2019, online casinos began to stagnate close to one million organizations and IP. It is possible that anyone can switch to a new CCP, as if they had the right to work in some order to work with them.

The final stage of the transition to CCP will be released on 1 April 2019 (Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 290-FZ dated 03.07.16). Companies that are guilty of zastosovuvat online cash from a linden, rather buy from a purchase. Yakshcho engage in tsim at the last moment є. Prote є y ti, to whom you can pay the purchase.

Online cash registers 2019: changes in the law and new opportunities for business

The two main laws that need to be taken care of when switching to online cash registers are Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003 on the stoppage of cash register equipment and No. 290-FZ of July 3, 2016 - Article 7 on the line regarding the transition to online cash registers . According to these documents, on June 1, 2019, the third stage of the CCP reform was born: on the online cash register, go to new categories of payers in taxes, and recently adopted new amendments to the tune.

On March 6, 2019, the President of the Russian Federation signed the law amending the Law 54-FZ. Document (please order below) of publications of the 7th bulletin on the Official Internet portal of legal information ( You can take advantage of the help:

Opportunity for business as a result of adopted changes:

  • You can choose to purchase an online cashier two more years (up to 1 day 2021);
  • Save the money for buying cash and winning them for other business;
  • Try to practice like self-employment.
  • You can protest against the new special regime and then choose yoga, or else it’s a question of forgiveness, UTII and zastosovuvat CCP.

Let's say, who now needs that CCP is not needed.

Who doesn’t need an online cash desk from the 1st day of 2019

Organizations that trade remotely through courier can win one remote cash machine. Tobto not happen to contact the skin courier KKT.

As the organization works with the remote apparatus, there is no obligation to file a paper check now. The buyer can ask for an electronic document, or at the time of opening, send a check to the phone for an additional QR code. The distribution of such a check is equal to a paper or electronic check.

Who can switch to the new CCP from the 1st day of 2019

  1. ІП on the patent system and UTII, if you sell goods of non-wet production and do not hire workers;
  2. ІП on the patent system and UTII, yakі give services or hire robots and may hire recruits;
  3. Companies and IP, as before, have seen the forms of suvorov zvіtnostі, including the transport organization for the hour, the sale of tickets in the water or by the conductor at the transport
  4. IP without practitioners, if they trade through automatic machines (provided vending business);
  5. IP on patent without hiring practitioners with the type of activity:
  • perforation and cosmetic services;
  • repair and technical maintenance of button radioelectronic equipment, butt machines and butt fittings, years, repair and preparation of metalware;
  • technical maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motor transport facilities, machines and equipment;
  • the provision of motor transport services from the transportation of vantage by motor vehicles;
  • the provision of motor transport services from the transportation of passengers by motor vehicles;
  • veterinary services;
  • carrying out to take s physical culture and sports;
  • surcharge of services from the transportation of passengers by water transport;
  • nadannya services from transportation vantage by water transport;
  • vedennya myslivskogo gospodarstvo that zdіysnennya poluvannya;
  • engage in medical activities or special pharmaceutical activities, as I have a license for the appointment of activities;
  • services for hire;
  • the production of dairy products;
  • goods and sports fishing and fishing;
  • repair of computers and communications equipment.

Pre-stroke transition to online cash desk (until 07/01/2019)

For some companies, online casinos will become obligatory in less than 1 day of 2019. And if you want to zastosovuvati online CCP stench can be already contagious and goiter when you dorimuvatsya rules. Inspectors may have the right to fine the company for pardons for an hour of work with online cash registers. In addition, for example, KKT zastosovuyut dostrokovo. As soon as the company registered and began to win online cash register dostrokovo, it can carry out skin surgery correctly. Tobto it is required to win the vimogi to work from the CCP.

Penalties for online kasi from 1 line 2019 roku

For non-delivery of cash register equipment, transferring fines for leather not being issued to the FNP check:

  • For organizations - from 3/4 to 1 rozmіru sumi rozrahunka without zastosuvannya CCP, but not less than 30 yew. rubles;
  • For a planting individual - from 1/4 to 1/2 the size of the sumi rozrahunka, but less than 10 yew. ruble

If the FNP reveals that the retailer breaks the rule again, and the amount of repayment in the warehouse is more than 1 million rubles, then you will have to add your term to the term up to 90 days. Posadova's person removes disqualification by the term 1-2 years.

Fees are charged for an additional bank card, electronic money for mobile supplements of banks when carrying out a cash withdrawal through an ATM. For any payment, the fiscal document must specify the required type of payment.

When connected to an online cash register, when paying with a bank card, "electronic" was automatically registered in this column. At the beginning of 2018, the Federal Tax Service is due to make changes to the formation of cash documents and change the form of filing to "unprepared".

54-FZ (as amended by 192-FZ dated 07/03/2018) to avenge the obligatory registration of rozrakhunkiv without making a private preparation for the cob of lime 2019. Podatkova allows you to re-register the correct form of documents to the final term. Electronic deposit payment є variation of rozrakhunkiv. Before them, add the following fees to the payment:

  • bank cards;
  • electronic gamants;
  • internet banking.
  • systems of payment supplements.

According to the new law, enterprises, organizations and individual enterprises at the time of unprepared payment for goiter make payment according to the cash register and issue a check.

The FD operator gives the possibility of sending a check to the indicated address of the purchase via the Internet, or by handing over a check to the cash line. Obidva options dokumentіv vіdpovіdat legislature.

The firmware of the cash register is installed at service centers, which serve the company. Deyakі virobnik tehnіkі proponuyut mozhlivіst remote novlennya.

The transition to a new form is carried out in one day and is not responsible for the demands of folding for the work. All transactions with payments are transmitted at once to the Federal Tax Service via the Internet.

For the shortest recognition of checks, the program will make changes to the format of fiscal data. The format is approved by a special standard of legislation. Obov'yazkove dotrimannya zapovnennya all zatverzhenih requisites.

The sovereign information system for monitoring the transfer of goods, as a result of vindication of labeling, was approved by the new Federal Law No. 488. The introduction of such a system in the monitoring of goods circulation in the forecasts of a lot of changes:

  • To ensure the possibility of supplying goods.
  • Organize a seamless exchange of information with EAEC systems.
  • International bodies and control organizations can seamlessly interact.
  • Check-in will take less than an hour.
  • It is easier to carry out illegally imported goods, it is easier to check and get involved.

For the possibility of transferring goods, it is necessary to improve the process of marking. Such a process can be completed again for the upcoming five years. Federal Law No. 488 begins to be effective from 1 September 2019 (the text of the Federal Law can be viewed by clicking here

The increase in the rate of the tax on the addition of the wares from the beginning of the year to the increase in tariffs for a number of goods. Vinyatok is worth the basic goods, food products, likiv. Entrepreneurs and businesses are already sticking with low difficulties and joking about the ability to improve their security.

A sharp haircut of prices is not transferred, the rate was raised non-radically. The entrepreneurs were faced with a dilemma: to reduce the increase in prices to drink, but to deprive the prices on a colossal level means to overestimate the cost of income. Qi problems are torn and post-employees. Business of confusion, find out solutions and expand your individual pidkhid. You can often change the estimates for the increase in MPE for the optimization of work processes.

It is necessary to expand earlier non-standard propositions, promotions, loyalty programs and bonuses. The situation can be improved by looking at the window glass part and automating the work processes. I will decide to switch to a simplified system of subsidies. You can claim the right of a new business, the income of which for nine months during the period is less than 112.5 million rubles.

Online cashiers can display the new VAT as early as 01/01/19. For the purpose of providing correct data on the maximum allowable air intake, there is little need to improve the equipment in service centers or remotely. Not all companies managed to switch overnight. At the present time, the business has been given a line until the end of the first quarter of the year.

What to change?

After flashing the casi diatime, the MPE rate has been updated. Don't waste your time after the improvement of software security, but quickly after an hour - about the 12th night of September 1, 2019. Right up to the last period of the day, the rate is 18%. Those people, for whom they will be nothing new, may close the change in the rest.

What is the work with online cash desks and fiscal registrars?

It is best to carry out an update of the internal software of the online cash register, as well as to update the control and cash registers, as well as to work on the core of the programs installed on mobile devices or a computer.

It is necessary to pay attention to the quiet, who will carry out the cash register equipment. Many of them have already issued an update, but the characteristics of the installation differ from all retailers.

Butt flashing company ATOL

The ATOL company proposes two options for flashing without physical analysis of the body of the device. Updates are carried out remotely (through a cloudy service) and a way of the utility. The procedure calls for a loan of no more than 30 credits. Updating through the darkness of the team, who created a formal record of admission in the darkness of the ATOL Service and garne of the Internet connection. In other cases, it is necessary to use another method, for example, if the koristuvach does not open access to the Internet-cashi.

What to change?

After flashing the casi diatime, the MPE rate has been updated. Don't waste your time after the improvement of software security, but quickly after an hour - about the 12th night of September 1, 2019. Right up to the last period of the day, the rate is 18%. Those people, for those who are new, will be nothing, may close the change on the last day of the streaming rock and open the new one on the 1st day. Carry out the molding of the check of the bag, just close it until 2019.

To subscribers on the future!

The cob of work on FFD 1.1 for business needs in an hour. Ale clients of ATOL 11F, ATOL 20F and ATOL FPrint-22PTK can change version 1.05 to 1.1 anyway. Golovne - be sure to clarify: what kind of updates are accepted for the format of specific software security, like a victorious. the day of streaming rock and vіdkriti new 1 sіchnya. Carry out the molding of the check of the bag, just close it until 2019.

Before updating the software, it is necessary to obtain a license for an online cash register, you can see two things: on a single update and a bagatorase. At the time of the latest update, all versions of the firmware will be available, as they are supposed to be for the future.

Problematic applications: correction, return and advance payment in a check

In Chergov, the increase in the MAP rate gave new incentives to purchasers to apply to the regulator: if the goods were bought before the new year, how should I fill in and issue a sales receipt? And what about the correction check for the operation performed in 2018? How to pay advance payments for 2018? The FNP explained in the statement SD-4-3/20667@ on 10/23/2018.

For example, when the goods are sold before the new date, the seller must submit a invoice for the price of the goods, turning the buyer back, and therefore the due date cannot be reached until 01/01/2019, or the date has been appointed. Slid vrakhovuvati, if column 7 has an 18% tax rate, then in the same column of invoices, which are corrected, the same rate is indicated.

If you go about the cash desk, it is allowed to work and 20% of the return for the rate of VAT, and 18% (which is technically possible to change). In the ATOL devices, it is already technically implemented, which allows you to switch between accounting and cash appearance. More information about the turnaround, corrective documents and other online cash desks - at the FNP No. ЄД-4-20/24234@ dated 13.12.2018.

Self-employed checked into FNP launch site

The FNP of Russia has launched a website for self-employed people, informing about the new tax regime, which is called a tax on professional income.

On the side of the resource, there is information about the subsistence regime, yogo transfer and obezhennya, like zastosovuvat yogo zgіdno with the rules on the basis of the law. New editions of normative documents were also selected here.

For koristuvachіv, yakі registruyutsya behind the help of the computer, є okremiya distributed from the messages to the web office. Advocates of mobile technologies can take advantage of the My Gift program. On the third-party publication of the message, as well as instructions for registration and selection of programs. The site is constantly being updated. Soon, recommendations will be published on how to impose a tax regime for various areas of activity.

On the site there is also a distribution of “Food and benefits”, for the help of which individual applicants can be recognized, what is their ability to change the self-employed subsistence regime and the simplified system of subsistence, permanently free work and food .

To subscribers on the future!

ATOL online cash registers for support of FFD 1.1 were taken to the list of register of KKT. Updates of the format of fiscal documents are updated at the same time by three programs - ATOL 11F, ATOL 20F and ATOL FPrint-22PTK. The vin includes a lot more legal requisites for the check, lower FFD 1.05. And tse means that clients can get more information about the operation. Among the main features of the FFD 1.1 is the presence of lichniks in the fiscal accumulator. Tse allows you to analyze data on the amount of money, different types of payment, sums of VAT at different rates of tax.

The cob of work on FFD 1.1 for business needs in an hour. Ale clients of ATOL 11F, ATOL 20F and ATOL FPrint-22PTK can change version 1.05 to 1.1 anyway. Golovne - be sure to clarify: what kind of updates are accepted for the format of specific software security, like a victorious.

Run out of food?

Write to our fahivtsy directly at once and they will give you a reply in the next hour!

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The third “wind” of the transition to online cashier will be completed in a few days. Who can zastosovuvati kasi s 1 lipnya 2019 rock? What will you do if you don’t stop the kasi of the new generation? Let's figure it out together.

Wicked transition to the dark Kasi

In 2016, the legislators explained to the bazhans the reduction of the administrative burden on the business, the increase in the ease of payments and the increase in taxes. For business, online cash registers are fast paper robots and automation of trade. For buyers - the defender is right. If a paper check is ruined, you can redeem an electronic one in difficult situations.

Since 2017, it has been decided that organizations in Russia will switch to online cash in stages - “whims”. The term for the transfer to deposit depends on the system of subsidies, the type of activity, the visibility of practitioners and the method of payment.

The transition to online cash register is regulated by the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 290-FZ, the establishment of online cash registers - Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ.

Starting from the 1st day of 2019, it’s time to start online cash registers with purchases with purchases, you can use it to save money and sell goods in retail stores. Kasa need to be called to them by businessmen, as they work through vending machines.

In the sphere of services, an online cash desk will need to install IP from spivrobitniks and lawyers, as if they see the “old” forms of suvoro zvіtnostі (BSO).

The casa is necessary for the water and the conductors of the public transport, like the stink of selling tickets at the saloon. Ale stink hour adaptuvatisya to the new rules. On December 19, the Derzhdum praised bill No. 567405-7 about a moratorium on fines and re-verification of transport, HOA and ZhKK in three readings. As soon as the bill is in the future, until April 1, 2020, the Federal Tax Service will not penalize the business for disrupting the CCP order.

Who does not need to switch to online cashier

Vіd online cash desk zvіlneno unprepared rozrahunki mіzh IP and yurosіbami, banks, shkіlnі їdalnі, kiosks with newspapers and magazines (for example, there are more than 50% of the average assortment). The latest translation is in Article 2 of Law No. 54-FZ.

You can not stop the cash register at the distant and important places, but obov'yazkovo to help the purchase see the document that confirms the rozrahunok.

Respect:Familiarize yourself with the rules for issuing such documents from the serviceContour.Standards .

List of territories, where it is possible not to zastosovuvat kasu, establish regional orders for the skin for the subject by decrees of regional orders. As for the population, the item has been consumed to the list, and in the point of trade, excisable goods are sold, if necessary.

Law 54-FZ has changed again on the cob of wormwood (edited by Federal Law dated 06.06.2019 No. 129-FZ). For the new edition of IP without spіvrobіtnikіv, if you sell goods of high quality, give services or win robots, you can switch to online banking until April 1, 2021.

I won’t break the stagnant cash register, then ...

The Federal Tax Service can fine the applicant or the legal entity for not stopping the cash register or stopping the CCP from being damaged. Rozmіri fines and all vidi damage assigned to Art. 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Re-checking the tax service should be carried out frequently. For example, in Moscow in the first quarter of 2019, 2,088 rechecks were carried out (1,308 - ІП, 780 - jurosib). As a result, the FNP found that 1,108 of them did not stop the CCP, wanting to think, and 522 stop the damages. The total amount of fines issued for violating the legislation on kasa in the I quarter in Moscow is 15.2 million rubles (for the I quarter on the FNP website).

Dovіdka: See the damage, that vіdpovidalnіst

Damage: Robot without online cash.

What I threaten: Preperedzhennya or a fine - part of the money won without zastosuvannya kasi. For IP price 25 to 50%, but not less than 10,000 rubles. For the European Union - from 75 to 100%, but not less than 30,000 rubles.

Damage: FNP re-fixed the work without cash, the amount of sales without CCP - 1 million rubles

What I threaten: Properedzhennya chi administrative duty. Kerivnik cannot be practiced in the settlement of 1-2 rocks. The work of an IP or an organization shall be suspended for a maximum of 90 days.

Damage: Kasa does not comply with 54-FZ, incorrectly registered or re-registered, incorrectly registered

What I threaten: Preperedzhennya chi fine. for IP - from 1500 rubles to 3000 rubles. For organization - from 5000 rubles to 10000 rubles.

Damage: Did not see the purchase receipt

What I threaten: Preperedzhennya chi fine for skin missing check. For an individual entrepreneur - 2,000 rubles, for an organization - 10,000 rubles.

Hurry up, we are preparing solutions for SKB Kontur for the transition to kasi according to 54-FZ:

Casa with a smart program ➕ registration in taxes ➕ OFD for the enforcement of checks.

Set for the price of cash - 20 500 ₽. Possibly razstrochenya. Delivery throughout Ukraine.

SKB Kontur is one of the first software distributors in Russia. Since 1988, the company has been helping clerks and accountants to more easily interact with the state and counterparties, to clarify internal processes and better cope with difficult tasks. Over 30 products for business | 1970000 clients all over the country

Which one is the number of calls to the online cash register before 07/01/2021 and which one is line-free. Vidpovіdalnіst violating laws about CCP. Exchange of services until 07/01/2020.

The rules for the stagnation of cash register equipment in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Federal Law dated May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the stagnation of cash register equipment under the hour of zdiyasnennya razrakhunkiv in the Russian Federation”.

Valid for online cash until 07/01/2021

Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law dated 06.06.2019 No. 129-FZ “On the introduction of changes to the Federal Law “On the stoppage of cash register equipment for the hour of the settlement of rozrakhunkiv in the Russian Federation”:

Install, scho іndivіdualnі pіdpriієmtsі, yаkі nіt mаt pracіvnіkіv, zіkіm stowed labor contracts, when selling commodities vlasnoy vyrobnitstvа, vykonanny robіt, nadanny zlug mayut the right not to zastosovuvat control-cash tehnіku at razrah unkakh for such goods, robots, services until 1st day of 2021.

Called in the event of a CCP blocking without a line

Up to article 2 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ (as amended on June 06, 2019) amended due to the stoppage of cash register equipment without intermediation of the onset of the subject:

  1. Credit organizations.
  2. Organizations and individual subprinciples under the hour of the development of offensive activities:
    • sales of newspapers and magazines on a paper nose;
    • sales of valuable papers;
    • provision of meals for students and practitioners of lighting organizations for the first hour to take;
    • trading at retail markets, fairs, at exhibition complexes for deaky vines;
    • retail trade in foodstuffs and non-food goods for deaky vinyatki;
    • trade at kiosks with freezers, as well as trade at bottling with non-alcoholic drinks, milk and drinking water;
    • trade in tankers with kvass, milk, olives, live fish, gas, seasonal trade in vegetables;
    • acceptance of the population of scum and scrap, for a vignette of metal brut, expensive metals and expensive stone;
    • repair that farbuvannya vzuttya;
    • preparation and repair of metal haberdashery and keys;
    • watch that watch for children, ailments, years and invalids;
    • realization of the virobiv of folk mystical crafts by the maker;
    • oranka of cities and sawing of firewood;
    • the servants of the wearers at the stations and in the ports;
    • building by an individual contractor for rent (hiring) of their own living quarters, including sleeping quarters with machinery;
    • retail sale of shoe covers.
  3. Individual admissions, like zastosovuyt patent filing system, for some vinnyatku.
  4. Individual benefits, like zastosovuyet special tax regime "Professional income tax".
  5. Organizations and individual enterprises, like zdiyasnyuyut rozrahunki in distant places of important access for deaky vines.
  6. Pharmacy organizations located at feldsher and feldsher-obstetric points, sold at rural settlements.
  7. The cash register technique can be zastosovuvatisya at the first hour of service due to the conduct of religious rites and ceremonies, and at the first hour of the sale of objects of religious worship and religious literature.
  8. The cash register equipment does not stop at the time of zdіisnnnі rozrahunkіv in the unprepared order between organizations and (or) individual enterprises, for the blame of rozrakhunkіv, scho zdіysnyuyuschisya them, with the help of electronic payment of th th presentation. *
  9. Cash register equipment may not be blocked in case of unprepared rozrahunkiv:
    • comrades of Vlasnikіv nerukhomostі, zhitlovi, zhitlovo-budіvelniy cooperatives for the provision of services to their members, and in case of acceptance of them, pay for housing and communal services;
    • illuminating organizations for the hour of service of the population in the sphere of illuminating;
    • physical culture and sports organizations with the provision of services to the population in the field of physical culture and sports;
    • houses and palaces of culture, clubs and other similar undertakings with the provision of services to the population in the halls of culture.
  10. Cash register equipment may not be zastosovuvatsya іndivіdualnymi pіdpriєmtsy when realіzatsії out of the hands or from the tray of entrance tickets and subscriptions to the state and municipal theaters.

* An electronic request for payment, which can be presented, is a corporate bank card, tied to the rozrachunk card. Sob didn’t have a chance to turn off the online cash register, rozrahunki from the presentation of such business cards happened to turn off.

The information is more presented at a short glance, for more information you can find it in Article 2 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ.

Obov'yazok kuptsіv pierce the check

Why do you need to organize a CCP when paying for goods and services with a corporate card tied to a rozrachunk card?

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 1 of article 1.2. Federal Law No. 54-FZ "Checkout and cash register equipment... to be stationed on the territory of the Russian Federation in a general manner by all organizations and individual businesses for an hour rozrakhunkiv, Crimean Vipadkiv, established by the Federal Law.”

Rozrakhunki for article 1.1. Federal Law No. 54-FZ - tse “... reception (otrimannya) that free payment penny kosht_vkoshtіvkoy that (or) at the unprepared order for goods, work, services ... "

Vіdpovіdno until the appointment of the concept of “rozrahunka”, paragraph 1 of Article 1.2. and paragraph 9 of Article 2 of the Federal Law No. 54-FZ, all organizations and individual enterprises of goiter zastosovuvat CCP when free of charge penny koshtіv for goods, work, services, and (or) in a non-preparation order with the presentation of electronic payment.

However, paragraph 2 of article 1.2. Federal Law No. 54-FZ states that “When you send a rozrahunka koristuvach goiter, see a cashier’s check ... for a purchase (client) ...” There are no riddles about the receipt of the check by the seller.

In addition, Article 4.7 of the Federal Law No. 54-FZ provides for the obligatory requisites of a cash receipt, among them “a sign of a rozrahunku (otrimannya koshtіv vіd purchase (client) - arrival, return to the purchase (client) koshіv, otrimanih vіd new, - return to the parish, giving the koshtіv purchase (client) - vitrata, otrimannya koshіv vіd purchase (client) єnta), having seen youmu, - turnaround witrati) ". There are no riddles about the seller of the money.

In practice, there will be two arguments insured by subsidies to the merit of organizations and IP - it’s unbelievable. Ale ¾ option, confirmed by paragraph 2 of the FNP sheet dated 10.08.2018 No. AS-4-20 / 15566@, if the buyer and the seller can issue a resale with one check, we will break through the seller of goods, work, services. It is possible for the hour of the establishment of the rozrakhunkiv to support a special organization of an individual enterprise.

The cashier's check, seen by a known person, from 07/01/2019 may have an IPN of the purchase. For more details, see the FNP List dated 10.08.2018 No. AS-4-20/15566@.

Vidpovidalnist for violating laws on CCP

Vidpovidalnist for violating the legislation on the blocking of online cash registers is regulated by the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative law violations dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (as amended on May 29, 2019).

Article 14.5. Sales of goods, vikonannya robіt chi nadannya services for vіdsutnostі installed ї іnformatsiії chi nezastosuvannya vvladki established by federal laws in the registers of cash register equipment:

2. Non-stopping of cash register equipment in case of violations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the stoppage of cash register equipment -

burden of an administrative fine imposed on the settlements at the rozmiri from one fourth to one another not less than ten thousand carbovantsiv; on legal osіb - from three quarters to one rozmіru sumi rozrahunka, zdіysneno z vykoristannya koshtіvkovyh koshtіv and (or) electronic payments without zastosuvannya cash register equipment, ale not less than thirty thousand carbovantsiv.

3. The re-imposition of an administrative offense, transferred in part 2 points of the article, in the case of a sum of razrakhunkiv, zdiyasnenih without stopping the cash register equipment, folded, including in total, one million rubles and more, -

pull up to landing osіb disqualification for lines from one to two years; schodo іndivіdualnyh pіdpriєmtsіv i juridical osіb - administrativne increments of activity on lines up to ninety deb.

4. Stagnation of cash register equipment, as it does not appear to have been installed, or stagnation of cash register equipment with damage installed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the stagnation of cash register equipment in the order of registration of cash register technology іki, order, lines and minds її re-registration, order and minds її zastosuvannya -


5. Failure to organize either an individual recipient of information and documents on the request of tax authorities, or the submission of such information and documents with broken lines established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the registration of cash registers ї technics, –

pull behind you in front of you, or impose an administrative fine on the landing fees at the rosemary for two thousand to three thousand rubles; on legal osіb - ahead of the imposition of an administrative fine on the rozmіrі from five thousand to ten thousand carbovantsiv.

6. Indirect organization either by an individual customer in the event of a stoppage of cash register equipment for the purchase (to the client) of a cash receipt or a form of credit card in electronic form, or non-transfer of relevant documents on a paper nose of the purchase qiu (to the client) for yoga, we can help you with vipadki, passed by the legislation of Ukraine about the cash register technology, -

pull behind you in front of you or impose an administrative fine on the land tax rozmiri two thousand carbovantsiv; on legal grounds - ahead of the delivery of an administrative fine rozmiri ten thousand carbovantsiv.

Exchange of services until 07/01/2020

Article 2 of the Federal Law dated 03.07.2019 N 171-FZ imposes fines for public transport and housing and communal services until April 1, 2020:

“Supinity until 1st March 2020 to the date of part 2 - 4 and 6 of article 14.5 to the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative law enforcement ... how to stop the control and cash equipment when building water or conductors in the cabin transport security for the implementation of transit documents (receipts) and coupons for public transportation, as well as rozrakhunkiv for services in the sphere of housing and communal government (including the services of resource-supplied organizations).

Representatives of the public transport and the sphere of housing and communal services will not be fined until 1 April 2020 for the following damage:

  • Nezastosuvannya cash register equipment.
  • Re-registration of unsettled CCP.
  • Zastosuvannya online kasi, yak not povіdaє vstanovim vymogami.
  • Zastosuvannya online kasi, scho vіdpovіdaє vstanovym vymogami, іz porushennymi.
  • Non-transfer to the client of a paper or electronic check for yoga.