Robot with electric jigsaw. Yak koristuvatisya with an electric jigsaw: please the master

Robot with electric jigsaw. Yak koristuvatisya with an electric jigsaw: please the master

Choose a suitable jigsaw for your project. Since not all jigsaws are designed in the same way, it is necessary to sort out in their technical characteristics and features.

  • Jerelo electricians. Jigsaws, which work on batteries, are more mobile, less conductive, stink significantly more important for the battery life and can be compromised by their analogs in tightness and moment, to twist, which is unlikely to allow you to saw, for example, the metal of the great comrade.
  • The openwork saws have a raised head, which allows the cutting blade to wrap around without turning the entire body of the jigsaw, so that such a saw can be cut even more easily in small working areas.
  • Files with an orbital move can give for example on a cutting cloth for an hour of great movement uphill and down, which in turn increases the speed of the swipe.
  • The control of the speed can be important for your work, different jigsaws can vary the number of speeds: some have ten modes of speed, some have only one. Jigsaws with a low speed of the blade are most suitable for cutting various types of materials, metal cutting, when sawing a low blade speed, reduce the term yoga work, and plastic, which melts, and does not cut into a high blade blade.
  • The web fastening system can be equipped with the function of a screw-type change of the cutting web without a twisting tool, or a system of screw fixation of the web - either for this change you need a hexagonal screw driver or a screwdriver. For obvious reasons, canvases, which change quickly, are especially brown, if you rob a sprat of a different kind at once.
  • Vbudovanie lamps and saw blowers even help, if it is necessary to make an accurate cut and drink, as far as possible, exactly go along the designated line.
  • On the amperage of the jigsaw, take care of it, if you choose to cut a thicker or thicker material, like, for example, a tovst doshka from a solid tree. A jigsaw with a small strum force (4 and less Amperes) cannot cope with an “important robot”, feasible jigsaws with a strum force of 8 or 9 amperes.
  • Jigsaws with an axial base allow you to robiti drank under different cuts up to 45 degrees fallow in the depth of the canvas and the material, which you saw.

Choose the right canvas for the material that you want to cut. A jigsaw can be twisted for sawing any material from veneer to a stainless steel sheet, as if the right blade was chosen. Axis of the characteristics of the canvases for understanding:

  • Canvas material. Cutting blades for jigsaws are made of stainless steel, hardened steel and "bimetal" composite materials for cutting metal.
  • Number of teeth per inch. The whole parameter of the canvas is chosen depending on the type of sawn timber. From three to five prongs you can stick, so that you can pick up any material, but, for example, if you saw material with a quarter of an inch, you will get a canvas with 12-16 teeth per inch, at that hour, when sawing material with a torso eighth part of an inch, or rather vicorist a blade with 24 teeth per inch for more soft and light sawing.
  • The width of the canvas is also important. For the best cuts of your cut, use the wedges to “spin” the canvas, and for straight, even cuts, it is better to use wide cutting cloths.
  • Change, which canvas is suitable for fixing a jigsaw. Even though the jigsaw has the function of changing blades without tools, there are no blades for it, which are fixed with a screw and navpak.
  • Prepare material for sawing. After that, like a jigsaw and a canvas, think about the preparation of the material, in which it will be cut down.

    Try and draw the line of the future cut. For figures on a kshtalt virizu in a style under a sink, the best option would be to mark a line of cut on the material itself. For making other shapes and special shapes, you can make a stencil from paper or cardboard, which will simplify the whole process.

    Put the material, which you saw, on a special sawmill or a workbench, or else squeeze yoga in the bream - lie down for your purposes. Most often, the fixation of the material is not easy to work with a jigsaw. Mothers of offending hands are free to cut the saws with their hands even more importantly, especially in times of thin “jewelry” work.

    Change over, you have enough light, so that you can easily stitch behind the cut. You will marvel at the beast below the body of the jigsaw, so that you can walk the climb, and also, the sawing area can opine in the shade.

    Place the canvas on the edge of the material, for which you will drink it. For a deep cut and internal viziv, go once to the vіdpovіdny krokіv. Repair your drink after pressing the start button and reaching the bagged speed of the canvas.

    Lead the canvas along the required line, turning the body of the jigsaw at the opposite side, you want to direct the canvas. Lead the canvas along the marked line. As if she started to get stuck, or she saw wondrous sounds, change the speed of the canvas. It’s like sawing at a too high speed, the canvas is overheated, like a jigsaw motor, but you can still bring the material to a sharpening, which you saw.

    After electric drills and grinders, the electric jigsaw sits in the third place in the arsenal of homemade leather craftsmen. This universal tool is capable of changing the work to satisfaction. Zastosuvannya jigsaw increases the quality of sawing and the sharpness of the details. When you’re used to being a tool, you become a superb helper at your everyday life and at the dacha, it doesn’t mean that it’s too early for you to not need repairs. Fortunately, you can fix a lot of problems with your own hands.

    Attachment of an electric jigsaw, zastosuvannya, additional capacity

    The electric jigsaw is a tool used for sawing materials for the help of a special canvas, as if it is collapsing with a rotary-translational mechanism.

    Attachment of electric jigsaw
    1. The electronic unit that controls the functions of soft start and the frequency control of wraps.
    2. The electric motor is of the collector type. To be brought into action by a changeable strum, or by a permanent battery strum.
    3. Start button with work position lock.
    4. The reducer, which converts the wrapping of the rotor of the electric motor to the forward movement of the rod. At the end of the rod, there is a socket for fixing a file.
    5. Ventilation pipe for the introduction of thirsi and shavings for an hour of work. The diameter of the branch pipe is chosen from the dimensions of the pilosos hose.
    6. Support platform. Regulates the cut of the sickly at the vertical axis, the winds of which can be robiti drank away, be it a necessary cut.
    7. Vlashtuvannya pendulum move. Victory for the accelerated sawing of materials. Structurally, it is based on the fact that the saw blade is crimped at the vertical axis, the horizontal plane is added. As a result, the sharpness of the cut increases, although the quality may change.
    8. Support roller. Serve to compensate for the vibration of the saw blade, vikonu stabilizatsiinu function.
    9. Cartridge, which has a rіzhuche cloth. A lot of current models vikoristovuetsya system shvidkoї zameni files, with the help of which zdіysnyuєtsya zamenі without vykoristannya dodatkovyh іinstrumentіv.
    10. Working stock. We use a metal shear, which transmits the power of the reducer to the file.

    Previously, the prototype of the electric jigsaw was designed by the Swiss engineer A. Kaufman, who in 1946 had the idea to replace the needle in the sewing machine with a saw blade. The company Scintilla AG took the original wine for development, and already in 1947 Lesto jigsaw appeared on the market. After 7 years, the firm was lost by the Bosch company, and the name of the tool was changed to Bosch jigsaw.

    Electric jigsaws are divided into two types:

    • stationary;
    • manual

    The first ones are installed on the bed, tandem with the manual ones, they have great dimensions and productivity.

    Stationary electric jigsaw "Corvette"

    Others are light and portable, they are widely occupied with everyday life and home government. Hands buvayut merezhnymi chi accumulators, fallow in the form of life.

    Portable manual jigsaw

    Manual electric jigsaws have a number of advantages;

    1. Great range of zastosuvannya. Promislovіstyu let out impersonal different saw blades of different shapes, dozhini and the shape of the tooth. For some reason, the jigsaw has become a practical universal tool, which can be used for processing any materials - starting with wood and finishing with plastic.
    2. Modern electric jigsaws for buildings cut wood into depths up to 160 mm, color cast up to 30 mm, steel - up to 10 mm. These are more good showings, especially as a vrakhovuvaty, that the seam is filled evenly and in accordance with the given dimensions.
    3. Possibility of curvilinear cuts with an internal radius of 12 mm.
    4. Zavdyaki constructions, in a kind of canvas fixed with only one kince, you can saw. The thickness of the canvas allows you to work with whatever materials, without cutting the saw. As a result of the need to cut the saw, without sticking to the edge of the workpiece, it is sufficient to open the opening for the introduction of the file. And deyakі m'yakі varieties of wood sawing can vr_zatisya navit without sverdlіvannya.

    Pererahuyemo so nedolіki, yakі pritamanni tsomu іstrumentu.

    1. The presence of idling. Pratsyuє sawing only in Russia uphill, in that bik, where the teeth are aimed. Zvorotny head - non-friendship. It is necessary to bring to a change in productivity (paired with such tools as circular, string or lance saws).
    2. Risk of injury under an hour of work. The canvas cannot be attached, it must always be in the open position. It is necessary for that very thing to be careful and not to trust the drink to incompetent children.
    3. The length of the blade is short, due to which it is difficult to see the chips, especially when sawing thick workpieces. For an ordinary jigsaw, such a head should be set to 16 to 24 mm. When processing details from the village, the speed of sawing drops.
    4. A jigsaw cannot achieve the same results as a hand tool. Why is it tied to this, that the file is fastened at one end and cannot be so thin. As a reminder, the turning radius of a manual jigsaw is significantly smaller.

    Equipment: different types of saw blades, their marking

    In order to get to know the great raznomanitt piloks, to be stalked by the pickers, to get to know them closer to the markings. Fortunately, it is based on international standards, depending on the skin letter and number on the shank of the file, confirming the same information.

    Letters T and U speak about the shape of the saw blade. Persha means that the attachment is T-like, another, that it is U-like

    Variety of saw blade attachment: right-handed T-shank, left-handed -U-shank
    • 1-dozhina canvas up to 75mm;
    • 2-dowzhina up to 90mm.;
    • 3-dozhina up to 150 mm;
    • 7-dowzhina over 150 mm.

    The next letters mean the expansion of the tooth:

    • A - the tooth is dribniy, the power of the usm nail files for metal;
    • B - larger, sound yourself with such a size sawing plywood, chipboard chi fiberboard;
    • C and D - nail files with large teeth, suitable for front sawing, the quality of the cut is low.

    Dodatkova іnformatsija mіstіtsya at the letters, prescribed for example marking:

    • F - bimetal files;
    • R - they drank, they have a back tooth, straightening down;
    • X - designation of a universal saw, recognized for sawing on metal, wood and plastic;
    • O - files for curvilinear cutting, for example, stake, oval, etc.;
    • P - the strength of the canvas, the thickness of which is larger than the standard, it is important for an accurate cut.

    Okrim tsієї іnformatsії, on the canvas appearing inscriptions, as if they indicate the appearance of the material, for which the file is recognized.

    And also - steel marking, for which the canvas is made:

    • HM/TC - carbide saw blades;
    • HSS - the designation of tool steel or stainless steel;
    • BiM - the basis of the material is bimetal;
    • HCS - marking of high carbon steel.

    Select saw blades to fall into the material of the finished part. Do not follow the canvas for recognition. Tse negatively appear both on the blanks, and on the saws.

    Color marking of Bosch canvases

    In addition, in the case of successful modifications, it is possible to designate a saw blade, which is recognized for cutting kahel and ceramic tiles. Replacement of traditional teeth on the її working edge of the milled sawing of carbide-tungsten flint. Such a file does not "heal" wood, but metal. Ale miraculously fits into the function of the tile.

    Cloth, recognized for cutting ceramics

    The installation of that replacement of the saw blades is carried out with the electric device switched on, so that the pushing buttons do not hit your hands. Fallow in the form of a jigsaw model, can be screwed and screwed cartridges. As a rule, most modern tools can be used with a hard cartridge and a T-shaped saw shank. The canvas is inserted into the new one with a slight pressure until the lock clicks. U-similar models are equipped with a special screw clamp, which transfers manual tightening. Deyakі fahіvtsі vvazhayut taki krіplennya naіynishim. However, it is possible to understand them all right.

    Fastening of the canvas with a screw clamp

    How to change and adjust the electric jigsaw before the robot, different modes, shifting the speed, pendulum function

    Before the cob of work, it is necessary to reverse the jigsaw’s workflow, insert a file that is suitable for the given material, and set the mode that is optimal for completing the set task. The best guide for these people will be a helper for exploitation, which comes to the jigsaw. There may be different nuances depending on the model. However, the hot process of preparing a jigsaw to work is as follows:

    1. Nalashtuvannya files in the stem lock.
    2. Restoring the swedishness of the rush was drunk with a switch on the handle.
    3. Uvіmknennya/vimknennya regime of the pendulum.
    4. Live connection via plug cord.
    5. Pressing the start button, starting the engine and the cob of sawing.

    If you need to switch the speed or change / increase the frequency of the pendulum move, you need to remove your finger from the start button and reconnect the motor teeth. Less than once, the emergency mode is set.

    Switching revolutions and pendulum movement without turning the engine will soon bring the gearbox to breakage and the instrument out of tune.

    For those who are already familiar with the robot of the electric jigsaw, it will be difficult to find out whether high speeds can be fixed for soft villages, or not suitable for plastic (which can melt when rubbing cloth) and for metal. It’s best to start cutting from the average regime, and then adjust according to specific needs - speed, accuracy of cutting is too thin. For especially accurate sawing, the pendulum attachment is turned on again.

    You can make a perfect tool for a jigsaw with your own hands

    Of the widest home appliances for electric jigsaws, two clumsy additions have proven themselves well. You can work it out, be a kind of coristuvach independently.

    The only nedolіk such pristosuvannya - pіd an hour the pile of saws uphill, there's picking up the detail and that the workpiece needs to be carefully trimmed in the hands. It is possible to finish the construction and add it to the cutting knot, I will press the bar.

    The design of a self-made table for a jigsaw has been improved

    In this design, manually attach a sawmill for the introduction of chips.

    The connection of the pilosos is transmitted through the opening at the wall of the table

    Video: how to modernize a jigsaw

    Sob a jigsaw pratsyuvav dovgo and on the new head you can swear, respectfully dotrimuvatis simple rules.

    How to show up: operating rules and safety equipment

    1. It is necessary to increase the speed of the cut, it is not necessary to press on the handle of the jigsaw and “push” yoga. It is better to adjust the mode of wrapping the engine and the pendulum. Important value may be correct sawing.
    2. I need to fix the detail on the verstat. I don’t need sawing, I’ll prepare it by hand. Good fastening will give a good result - the accuracy of the cut, the sharpness and the sharpness of the edges that are cut.
    3. Rectilinear cuts are tied to the line cutters, as they are included before the jigsaw kit (linear fixator).
    4. Round open those curvilinear lines on thin plywood, otherwise the plastic is more likely to vibrate, if the jigsaw of the fixings climbs uphill, and the part is fed to the cutting tool. Rivnі kola can work for the help of circles.
    5. Robiti rozrіz on a thin metal surface is richly sturdier, like a sheet to lay plywood. Tse zabigatime deformation of the edges of the metal.
    6. With a slight decrease in the speed of sawing, it is recommended to replace the file negligently. Trivale vikoristannya canvas, scho blunt, vikliche overheating dviguna z usima naslіdkami.
    7. As soon as it is necessary to work under the hood, it is necessary to use the support foot for the required number of degrees.
    8. Pratsyyuchi in the cold, bazhano for 1-2 hvilin run the engine at idle. If so, you can practice at the mode of advancement.
    9. Interrupt the work of the world of possibility at the robot. Shchopіvgodini zupinyatisya for 5-10 quills.

    Pererakhuyemo also the basic rules of safety technology.

    1. Under the hour of work, it is recommended to wear a work robe, in which the underlays or hanging sleeves are developed during the day. Hair can be tidied up under head cleaning. The position of the body is stable.
    2. It is not possible to galmuvat ruh saws with the hands of chi zatiskach.
    3. It is unacceptable to deprive of recognition and a practical tool without respect.
    4. Vikoristovuvaty instrument is less for recognition. Do not varto hammer flowers with blows with a saw.
    5. Having shown damage to the body or other functional failures, it is necessary to put the robot in trouble.
    6. The winding up of that wiring of the cord of life is only activated when the engine is switched on.
    7. Do not allow disabled children to play with a tool. It's unsafe.

    How to correctly saw different materials with an electric jigsaw

    With practice that dosvidom come knowledge. Ale pochatkіvtsyu koristuvachevі need information about those who saw different details.

    1. Wood, plywood and laminate are the main materials for cutting such applications as a jigsaw. Yakshcho rozrіz black - you can beat the high turns and the pendulum. Why increase the speed, or change the quality and accuracy. Precise cuts, fallow in the thickness of the material, cut at medium speeds, with a swinging pendulum. Laminate is especially important, as it should be more precisely fitted. Beyond the six-point scale - 5.6.
    2. Metal parts, including pipes, are painted on small wrappers without the pendulum being turned on (otherwise, the pendulum is turned at low speed). 1.2 speed. The corrugated board and the sheets are sawn on 1 stitch, stitching behind it, so that the edges do not flare. For aluminum and other color metals, the speed can be increased up to 3-4 rubles.
    3. Plastic and orgsklo can be cut at high speeds, but it is necessary to follow it, so that the material does not melt. 4-6 on a six-point scale.
    4. Ceramic tile, as if it were hard like stone cladding, is cut to 4–5 shvidkost. The pendulum is installed on the cob positions.
    5. Gypsum board can be cut at high speed and with the maximum swing of the pendulum. Natural obmezhennya - rіven saw. As if I drank it in a closed place, the sawnness in the opening can be even higher. Therefore, the turnover will be reduced.

    The laminate is cut on high swidden with the swing of the pendulum mechanism

    Technical maintenance and prevention of a jigsaw

    Like any technical attachment, a jigsaw will require preventive maintenance. After the end of the warranty term, it is necessary to carry out a number of clumsy operations and the term of applicability of the tool to a new trivatime on river two, depending on the intensity of operation.

    1. Replace the graphite shields on the electric motor collector.
    2. Carry out a revision of the streak-conducting conductors, zokrem of the lace cord. In case of revealed poshkodzhen that znoshuvannya - replace.
    3. Clean the empty tool inside the saw, removing those chips.
    4. Replace butter in mechanical units - bearings and reducers.

    Self-sharpening saw blades today is rarely done. Especially, as the canvas may have trihedral teeth, which may increase the passage and cutting of the chips. In domestic minds, such a tooth cannot be screwed up. Moreover, such a try can lead to the fact that the jigsaw is beaten more often, the vibration of vibration moves up. After the opening of the nest of the saw holder, which will be made before the play of the driving rod appears. The saw, which is dull, is simply replaced. Good, what prices are available for them.

    How to pick a jigsaw to marvel at the video below.

    Video: Picking up that electric jigsaw

    If you don’t feel guilty in your own strength, it’s better to go to the aid of fahivtsiv.

    Do-it-yourself electric jigsaw repair: faults and failures

    For self-repair, it is recommended to clean the working glass from third-party objects, improve lighting and prepare a camera or a notepad for painting. Details of the jigsaw are cleaned with a clean ganchir and washed with alcohol.

    Faults with the electric motor, repair or replacement of the motor

    The engine of the collector type can last longer in operation and can serve many years without failure. However, the faults are afraid of overheating and sudden voltage drops. And it so happened that the engine is in good condition, it is necessary to conduct a correct diagnosis. For which we speed with a multimeter - an electrically controlled vimiruvalnym device for determining the strength of the stream, straining that support in the lance.

    Attachment for defining the characteristics of the strum in the measure

    As you can see, the engine is made up of two main parts - the rotor and the stator. Leather okremo vuzol є coils that induce an electromagnetic field. When the insulation is damaged, the coil is short-circuited (short circuit), as it is called inter-turn. Shchob viyaviti, de same it became a short circuit, pereviryaetsya opir windings. The contacts of the multimeter are installed on the side lamellas of the collector and the reading of the ohmmeter is recorded. Like in a be-yakіy pair of opіr it is signifi- cantly lower - now, in itself, in this winding it became zamikannya.

    Last winding support anchored

    Replacing the armature or the stator can be understood, for sale there are similar details. You need to buy the details of the company itself, like a jigsaw picker.

    To replace the necessary set of twists, you may need nut wrenches, small screws, pliers. To replace the rotor, you will need to remove the bearing from the working shaft. Ale, you can come to replace the shafts at the collection. As there is no such possibility, for the bearing of the bearing, a special sign should be put in place.

    Before picking up an electric jigsaw, it is necessary to switch over to the fact that the tool of inclusions in the mesh.

    As a conductor probe is found in the stator, it is necessary to see it through the body of the jigsaw. Kriplennya zdіysnyuєtsya for help guintіv. Installing new windings, it is important to correctly connect them to the electric lance.

    Checking the coil with a multimeter, ringing the stator windings

    Video: Prevention and repair of electric jigsaw

    Self-prevention of the instrument does not take a lot of time. However, without it, the term for the service of a jigsaw is reduced.

    Mechanical failures, improper fixing of the saw blade, cartridge repair

    Two main mechanical knots, yakі skhilnі to malfunctions - reducer and pilkotrimach. Moreover, breakdowns are mutual. The nest of fastening of the canvas, which has broken, dragging behind itself the shvidka of wear and tear of the gearbox. For this, it is respectful to stitch behind the camp of the patron. Different models have different locks for files. There are no universal recipes either. One thing needs to be remembered forever - as the file began to filthy trim in the nest, for a new hour of work - the cartridge of the pilkotrimach needs to be replaced. How tse robiti? Tell me the video.

    Video: replacement of pilkotrimach in electric jigsaw

    Other possible malfunctions, their repair

    Let's take a look at the typical breakdowns of an electric jigsaw.

    Table of possible malfunctions of an electric jigsaw

    Breakage signs Imovirnі causes breakdowns Usunennya breakdown
    The jigsaw does not sip1. Poshkodzhennya zovnіshnyoї posting.
    2. Poshkodzhennya vnutrishnyoї wiring.
    3. Zipsovana start button.
    1. Rewiring the cord. If necessary - repair or replacement.
    2. Rechecking the wires in the middle of the instrument. In the event of a shaving or an inconsistent contact, the wire is repaired, and the adhesives are cleaned.
    3. Life is supplied directly to the electronic block, bypassing the button. If the engine works, then the button must be replaced.
    The jigsaw is sawing crookedlyZipsovano cartridge fastening fabric.The cartridge of the pilcotrimach is taken out, cleaned. If the problem is impossible to fix, the cartridge is replaced.
    The jigsaw was used for an hour of workChange or wear of the rod or pendulum mechanismRoztin of the casing is carried out, inspection of the pendulum and the rod. Mechanisms are cleared behind the manifestation of the supermundane confusion. If the damage is mechanical in nature, the replacement of worn parts is carried out.
    The jigsaw does not sip on vanityPoshkodzheno electric motor. Does not develop nominal tension after a short circuitThe case is picked up, the stator and mouth of the electric motor are called in sequence. When a short circuit is detected, the replacement of the damaged coil is carried out by the replacement of the motor assembly.
    High rіven vibratsiї pіd hour of work, third-party metal noise1. Revised ed.
    2. Poshkodzhennya gear wheels reducer.
    1. The body of the jigsaw is selected. Otrimavshi access to the gearbox, zdіysnyuєtsya revision and cleaning. Before choosing, all the details are taken care of.
    2. In case of damage, breakage, or how many gears, it is necessary to pull them out of the gearbox and replace them with new ones. Clean the empty gearbox from smіttya and shavings, grease.
    Under the hour of work, there is a smell of burning wiring, the speed of the engine is not stable, “floating”Poshkodennya wiring abo dvigunaA revision of the entire electric tool tool is being carried out. The motor windings are called with a multimeter. When a defect is detected in the wires and contacts, the terminals are cleaned and the conductors are changed.
    Nadmirne іskrinnya shield on the collector pіd hour of workRemoving the shield of the engineThe shields are pulled out of the shield trim, their replacement is carried out.

    With the help of the Start button, you can quickly leave the camp by starting the jigsaw “without a middle”. For whoever enters into the dart, go to those who go out. The tool can be connected and disconnected with a plug. It’s not easy, it’s easier to replace the start button.

    If the tool is under warranty service, do not hurry up and repair it yourself.

    Roztin of the casing causes the loss of all warranty goiters and the harvester.

    Video: Self-supporting repair of a jigsaw

    Taking care of the tool

    In order for the instrument to serve for a long time and properly, it is important not only to comply with the rules of its operation, but to take care of it correctly. The best option is to use a jigsaw in a case with a picker. Such a val_za is useful both for storing spare parts and for transportation. But do not start the instrument is sold with a case. For such a time, it is necessary to know that a jigsaw, like a power tool, is afraid of driving that transcendental moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to save yoga in a dry, well-ventilated place. Cardboard or wooden box will become a defense against mechanical poshkodzhen. As the warehouse is non-fouling, then in the cold season of rock, in front of the cob of work, the tool is guilty of “letting go” in a warm place of 20–25 quills. Over the course of an hour, the oil of the gearbox will become elastic again.

    Standard case for storage and transportation of the Makita jigsaw

    Vikoristovuyuchi electric jigsaw in the home state, not varto unimportantly put up to the rules of special security. Under the hour of work, you can’t answer, use your phone to work and do it otherwise. For the protection of the eyes and organs of the respiratory system, it is recommended to wear a respirator and close the eyepieces. The zastosuvannya of self-contained nozzles is true even if the stench does not become unsafe for health, it has successfully gone through the previous testing.

    Whether the master is guilty of the nobility, like a pratsyuvati with a jigsaw. This is one of the most requested tools for a home workshop: they can cut wood, plywood, wood chipboard or wood fiber board, metal sheet, plastic of various types. With a jigsaw, you can see the detail in a practical way, whether it is in a form, or how to get to work correctly.

    The electric jigsaw is an indispensable tool for daily repairs and repairs. For the help of the new one, you can open up everyday materials, or open them up.

    As if it were a pobutovy power tool, a jigsaw does not work automatically, it will require a skill, proof, rightness, a well-thought-out approach. Everything is based on the choice of tools and window materials. It’s not trivial to look at those that are sold close to hundreds of models only from a few manufacturers.

    See electric jigsaws and the basic rules for choosing

    The classification of electric jigsaws needs to be analyzed from the global recognition. Ce professional, nap_vprofessional chi butt tool. The stench is significantly improved by technical characteristics, as well as by a set of functions and capabilities. If a jigsaw can be cut often, it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics:

    1. The tightness of the electric motor. It shows the ability of the robot's tool with the materials of various comrades and folding. The thicker the motor, the greater the speed of the robot.
    2. The manifestation of the pendulum mechanism. The pendulum mechanism is to blame for the mother's ability to regulate the parameters of the movement. Vin allows you to practice shvidko evenly, if there is no need for great accuracy and purity of sight. The pendulum allows you to efficiently work with a variety of materials, especially with soft woods, foam plastic and plywood.
    3. Speed ​​regulator. Їm nalashtovuєtsya shvidkіst, z kakoi saw ruhatimetsya uphill and down.
    4. Possibility of adjustment of the support plate. This function is necessary to see the details under a different cut. Ring out the sprat of fixing the position of the sickly, for example, 15 °, 30 °, 45 °.
    5. Laser direct. Promin on the way they drank to help trim the line of sawing, which would lead to the end of the equal rose. Also, electric jigsaws are equipped with metal direct ones, which can be exchanged.
    6. The presence of a swedkozatisk cartridge. Such an attachment will help you replace the file in a few seconds (without squeezing the additional tool).
    7. Dzherelo electroanimation. The tool, which works like a battery, is more mobile, but for long-term work it is not used.
    8. They drank a lot. The vin is sold sounding good, but important to the point of work with singing material. Sound the picker, show that a saw is recognized for sawing some material, it is made of steel made of steel, and teeth are cut straight ahead.

    Only part of the main characteristics. As a language, Ide about a professional tool, richly foldable, shards of maє posibility for fine adjustment and a great set of functions.

    Turn to hell

    Preparing the electric jigsaw to the taper

    Under the hour of preparation of the electric jigsaw until the end of the next time, the rules of work with electric tools are completed. It is necessary to take a look at the attachment, as soon as possible, to change the camp of the power cable and the connection to the electricity supply line. Pratsyuvati without zahisnyh eyepieces and the mitten is fenced by the rules of safety technology.

    For work with different materials, it is necessary to choose specially designed canvases for them and correctly adjust the weather conditions. For example, for soft woods, you can use the pendulum mechanism and the high speed of the saw blade. For sawing laminated wood chipboard, to avoid chips, the pendulum mechanism needs to be turned on, and the saw blade should be left with a high saw.

    Yakіsna rozmіtka material, tovsta, good commemoration of the line - a pledge of what will be virіzan itself that figure, as it is necessary. Good, as the tool can be laser directly. She will help you to show the right line. However, you can follow the marks applied to the base plate.

    Leather from the view of plastic may have its own special sawing, but the general rules for all are clear. These are small teeth on the saw, incorporating or lashing on a minimum pendulum mechanism and minimum swidkost.

    Turn to hell

    In order to learn how to practice with a jigsaw on a high level, it is necessary to get some kind of knowledge that a beginner. Priyomіv work with a cim tool is too rich, all the stinks lie in the form of a specific factory, I will add the possibilities to the material that is being processed. Ale z deakim universal porad sled to know:

    1. The most frequently performed operation is the tse dovge straight sawing. Sob to saw evenly, it is necessary to choose a file with a wide blade, to help trim the line. In addition, there are a lot of tools to enable the "Soft Start" function. As a straight line is especially important, its function requires obov'yazkovo zadiya. The engine at this time picks up wrappers step by step, then, the cob will be cut evenly. It is not necessary to report great zusils for the morning of the instrument for the hour of recognition. With an electric jigsaw, you can cut a figure practically, be it folding. But it’s worth it to use only a professional tool, which, for example, can be turned around 360 °. A butt jigsaw does not take sharp turns.
    2. An electric drill is a necessary tool when it comes to working with a jigsaw. For example, in order to see a ring or another figure in the middle of the material, it is necessary to drill a hole in the back, in which a file can be placed.
    3. When working with an electric jigsaw, a strong vice is not the same as not crooked, but navit skіdlivy. You can’t even speed up the process, even if you brought it to a swedish wear and tear, that tool breakage. The speed of the robot and the attachment is regulated by the described methods. The jigsaw should be simply driven by hand, dbayuchi about the necessary configuration of the saw cut. So that you do not always touch the start button with your finger, you can block it with a specially recognized button. The power tool of creations is to make it easier, but not to make the work of people easier.
    4. Electric jigsaws can be used to remove the saw. In order to implement this function, it is necessary to connect it to the pipe of the pilosos. Ale varto remembrance, scho tse at any time is not a simple butt pilosos, but a special budіvelniy. On the right, in the fact that there is not enough filtration in the by-button aggregate, in order to reduce the finely dispersed saw. You can get into the electric motor, which will bring you to yoga.
    5. To avoid vibrations when sawing a thin sheet of metal, you can take plywood and beat it like a lining. In addition, the derenchannya will be smaller, so it’s right to choose the speed of the file. Keep in mind that when cutting metal, it is necessary to interrupt part of the work, so as not to cut the saw and not to overheat the engine. With a low-powered jigsaw, metal is better than sawing.
    6. In order to glimpse a figure like a figure, it is necessary to harden the material. Here stand at the god's clamps, shvidkozatisknі or zvichaynі. It is better to work on a carpenter's bench, and not on stools. On the unstable object of furniture, it is good to fix the material. Shvidshe for all tse zrobiti without third-party help does not go into it.

    In order to hide the chip from the lower or upper side, for example, laminated chipboard, it is necessary to choose the file correctly or turn the material with the correct side. Ale, as it is necessary to cut it without chips from both sides, you can beat a small piece of wood-fiber board. Її it is required to put the animal on the chipboard, and it is almost like sawing. The skil is left on the fiberboard, the plate will be cleaned with a cut.

    Koristuvatisya with a blunt file is not recommended for a number of reasons. First, the yakіst zrіzu will be low. In another way, the saw is blunted, it’s less likely to increase the tension on the dvigun of the jigsaw, which will lead to the first line of wear. It’s better to immediately replace the file after the fact that she began to saw harder.

    In our days, it’s easy to find your own work on wood without using an electric jigsaw - a special tool, for the help of which you can make a shape from sheet materials (wood, metal, plastic). Rich newcomers at the budіvelnіy сpravі independently do it foldedly rozіbratisya, as it is right, even if it’s the same way to lay down the yakіst of vikonuvanih robіt. To that, it will be looked at, as if it were necessary to brush with an electric jigsaw.

    Powering an electric jigsaw.

    Selection of files and modes of robotic electric jigsaw

    Yakisna is rich in why to lie in the choice of a saw blade and the mode of a robot and a tool for vykonannya that chi іnshoy zavdannya. Files can change the shape, cut the tooth, breed that material. For rough and sharp work, nail files with large teeth that are separated, and for a clean cut, cut saw blades with loose teeth without separation. On the market of budіvelnih іnstrumentіv, nail files with a changeable cut of teeth are also sharpened. Above, the stink stinks of a crack, and below - a little more. Tse allows you to reach the yakіsny propyl at the great speed.

    Robotic posture and grip of the jigsaw when sawing: a - sitting; b - standing.

    Most of the cutting cloths are made from the same material, but sometimes they are sharpened and bi-metal saws, in some teeth they are made from hard metal, and the linen mesh is made from soft. Such a file should be beaten at times, as it is planned to process solid material. For cutting kahelnoy tiles, special tiles without teeth are used. The surface is coated with an abrasive mixture (diamond or carbide sawing).

    Different materials vary depending on the singing modes of the robotic jigsaw. The main reason is the frequency of the move and the inclusion of the pendulum mechanism. Sound wood can be sawn for the maximum speed of the power tool. Vinyatkom - processing of hard varieties (for example, oak). The selection of the speed of the work of the jigsaw should be carried out according to the following rule: the harder the material, the less the speed of the file is less.

    Vipiluval tables: a - for sitting robots; b - for standing robots: 1 - base; 2 - stand.

    The pendulum mechanism is victorious when cutting wooden blanks. With a workpiece thickness of 30-40 mm, the pendulum regulator is placed in the first position, with a thickness of 40-50 mm - at a friend, and with a thickness of at least 50 mm - in the third. With smaller sizes of preparations, the pendulum mechanism can be stagnant, the shards will not give an obvious positive effect, and the quality of work can be less improved. For this reason, such a mechanism does not stop working with parquet, laminate and other facing materials with a decorative outdoor ball.

    The rіzannya plasticity of that organic sklad the best zdіysnyuvati on swidkosti close to 35% vіd maximum. Processing of metal blanks is carried out without a pendulum mechanism on a tightness below the middle. When cutting steel sheets, the dryness changes even more (up to 30% to the maximum).

    Robots with a jigsaw on a low speed are used to finish a three-hour hour, for this it is necessary to work more teeth, otherwise it can lead to overheating of the tool and the release of yoga from the fret.

    Turn to hell

    Preparatory work

    Regardless of the simplicity of using an electric jigsaw, it is necessary to follow the rules for cutting yoke sawing. It is also important to prepare additional materials, for the help of which you can significantly lighten the work that is being done.

    First, it is necessary to mother under the hand of a spear of types of nail files, so that they are brought together by the material prepared, the shape of that number of teeth. In another way, prepare a worker, which can be a special steel for fixing a jigsaw. It is not the tool itself that breaks down in the process, but the harvesting, for such an outbuilding. The place for the table is richly corrugated by other supporting structures. For example, you can insert 2 bars for stable fastening to the material and the tool.


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