Do not use the screen on the phone. Why should the phone be used by itself? Can you cause that way?

Do not use the screen on the phone. Why should the phone be used by itself? Can you cause that way?

How robiti, how can the phone be used by itself? For a cob, use a panicuvati, or rather an Android smartphone. Yakshcho vin ceases to be correct, it means digging for software or hardware storage.

Steal, old equipment 5-7 years ago, fix the problems through the term of service that is meaningful for the device. Remember that the gadget does not have insurance for operation more than 2-3 years, it’s morally and physically old, it stops responding adequately to those that are being used. PZ know the fold, the OS does not change, and the characteristics do not allow the correct launch of more programs.

No top, no budget gadget, no insurance for the moral conscience of accessories. The lucky device of that Chinese virobnik will give a head start to the flagships of 2011-2012, for which they wiped a tidy bag.

Cause why Android himself vimikāє

Why should the phone be displayed on its own? Win was discharged, and we put yogo on charge. Theoretically, after 15-20 minutes, the device is guilty to start up, it won't be redirected, for it will be in the loop again. They are not the same, if the smartphone is specially turned on only once a day, being in the mode of cleaning, or in the process of robots / dvinkiv / igor. There are enough reasons for choosing the keys:

  • disabled live button;
  • the accumulator has served its own;
  • contacts are oxidized;
  • becoming a zb_y PZ;
  • Conflict Dodatkiv;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • trivale vikorystannya;
  • freezing.

Not pratsyu clavisha included

The reason for the missed contacts. As the device is on the guarantee, if the launch of the process is unstable, and it is necessary to press hard, or repeat the pressure of bagatoraz, change the smartphone to a new one, or use it for a fixed-line service. The reason is the factory shlyub. Older telephones have a problem with a "kidnapped" vika. The skin button is a great resource for editing. Yours, obviously, has gone to its border. The contacts came out, oxydized, drank after drinking.

Renovation is not cheap, so it’s most likely that you will need to remember not only the membrane, but the controller, having expanded the procedure with mounting soldering. Most often the amount of renewal is no less likely to be seen as a price tag for a new state employee.

Read about the latest problems on Android phones at - best materials and good news.


How robust, if the phone can be used by itself, is it possible to charge it again? Melodiously, the battery served the right term. First try the next step: fill it up with a charge. As there is nothing to be seen, there is a shortcut to development options:

  • zgor_v charging prist_y;
  • problem with the memory connection slot;
  • the accumulator has served its own;

The first and third options are even more simple to change: change the components to a new one. The truth is, on some smartphones, the battery may be unimportant. At such a time it goes to the SC for security. The same check is on you, as the charging socket is either discharged, or hammered with a saw, or oxidized. The residual verdict will be shown without a diagnosis.

Oxidation of contacts

If you are marginally safe and carefully used the gadget, then all one is not insured from the oxidized contact base of the mother's payment and other elements. Vologue can take a drink through the middle of the day, as the temperature changes, such as condensation and often use the phone in his hands in the last hour. Dolony potiyut, pit penetrate at the seamstress mіzh kryshkoyu and open the speaker / microphone. Concentration is minimal, but the oxidation process is a trivial process.

First, clean the contact maidan on the battery. I’m sure it’s perfect for the viewer - I don’t want to walk over these objects, but even more carefully. Instead of drying it with a hairdryer at a minimum of exertion, so that it doesn’t get lost in the internal details. Putting the gadget on the battery is categorically not recommended - the device is simply not suitable for a robot for such a temperature.

Critical vipadkah have varto go to maystr.

Secure program

The phone is displayed by itself. Android is an open-source platform, so it is possible to enroll on it, be it a program from Google Play, as well as a new resource. Deyakі will want to overwhelm and not reason, but the programs just started conflating with the file system, wiping out permanently re-zapping. Here, only a little more outside the knowledge of the tribute, a revision of the memory and a flashing of the gadget. Skidding to the factory's nalashtuvan dopomagaє vkray ridko.

You don’t know how to re-proshuvati the device - and don’t think about it. In unimportant hands, it is easy to change into "tsegla" without the possibility of renewal.

Nadal not varto download a number of editors, players, galleries for viewing photographs and especially GPS-navigators. Not more than 1 representative of the type of skin straightening. Vinyatki - іgri.

Mechanical engineering

The most common reason for rapid overloading is a fall, hit and "flatter" your gadget. Є One way to change the device for such a pour - try this Trochi Vignuti. If you connect, then you can judge about internal problems, which can lead to a visit to the SC. Another moment is the stronger the back load, as there has never been such a thing before. You can, the thermal pad came in between the chip and the cry. Details can be learned from the selection.

For any kind of vipadc, turn all the dull modules into parity and shake the gadget. It’s easy to rattle - to carry repairs.


The smartphone is a good grade of 3 to 5 rockets without cosmetic and capital repairs, as they have been repaired by it. Technology on Android has been around since 2008, which means that the oldest one at a time is close to 9 rockets. It is also to be amazed respectfully at the OS version: it’s guilty but I want 4.4.4, some of the previous versions cannot be seen by either the PZ vendors or firmware firmwares. Tse is a morally stale product, which is just an expensive memory. By the way, such a spare part is a serious problem to find in great places. Repair will cost dearly for the availability of modern gadgets.

Robot in the cold

Most of the smartphones are even shitty in cold weather, especially the display of the smart type is very bad. Vin reacts to heat, which is often not sprinkled with fingers - hands are systematically gritted in the intestines and mittens. Carefully read the instructions of the koristuvach. Bagato devices automatically turn on at -20 degrees, which is absolutely normal. It is more beautiful to wear clothes near the inner lining, not to wear clothes and pants and jeans.

3.7 (74.29%) 7 votes.

Bagato hto ts_kavitsya, why the phone is displayed by itself. Adoption of food is not so easy as it is to be built. There are even more reasons for this behavior. Don't panicuvati right there, if you are given a problem. Try to self-help yourself who has a reason for the cause. Children should be recommended by the way of the weekend. What are some points of interest? Why should the phone be used by itself?


Even more often, our current problem is diagnosed through the battery supplied to the annex. Viyaviti tse the appearance of buvaє is not so simple. It’s not enough to change the battery on its own, and the battery fits to the mobile phone. Especially not before there were any problems of the day.

If you want to switch on the option, know the back panel of your mobile phone and then press the battery down to the phone. It’s too late to get overwhelmed if it’s pristitized. So? Todi the reason is clearly in the mind of others. Ні? Axis vi i knew there was a problem.


Why should the phone be used by itself? The offensive reason for this behavior is not as good as a battery malfunction. It’s an inequality to make a lot of money before a mobile device starts an initiative on its own. Do not be amazed at this.

What kind of robots do such people have? Think I've been using my phone for a long time. Chi didn’t take a look at the attachment for the battery? Have you ever recharged the charge for a new discharge of the "problem" warehouse? Yaksho ni, then the reason is shvidshe for everything to shout in the battery.

To put it in a tsiu bida, to finish just replace the wrong warehouse. Call the song when you add a new battery, the phone stops automatically using it.

Battery charge

The reasons do not end there. Why should the phone be used by itself? Reverse the battery charge. Not the most popular, ale maє mice is practically vipadok. The lowest battery charge in the phone becomes the reason for the attachment.

Qia situation shvidko see. All you need is to charge your phone and then turn it off. See, remember that the problem doesn’t know itself. Just follow the battery charge. You won't be able to use the same phone numbers. Accept and will be prepared until the annex is opened.


Hiba why such behavior does not scold me in a serious way. Why does the phone itself vimikatsya that vmiktsya? For more details, do not worry about problems є I will add the battery to that її malfunction. Everything is serious.

On the right, in that, as soon as you have remembered, as the phone can be switched on independently, and then you can enter, in the very hour to reconfigure the settings for the appearance of viruses. The stench causes a lot of illnesses in the robot's gadget. As soon as the phone is connected to the same virus, it’s hard to transfer.

To stop the infection, it is recommended to use special anti-virus programs for mobile attachments as soon as possible. Or bring the gadget to the service center. There, you will not be helped by changing the phone, but by "vilіkuvati" yogo for the consumer.


For a whole series of possible reasons, the debate on our current problem will not end. Why should a Nokia phone look like it is? As far as all the available options are not suitable for you, you can think about installing programs and programs. It is not easy to dispose of problems with the phone.

Here є kіlka options. First - you have little room for mobile. In such a case, it is simply necessary to sound the place. I see a few unnecessary programs or ігор - and the problem itself is not known.

The third is the presence of great programs. In order to correct the situation, if you happen to know that, you have to put down the problematic utilities. The message will not happen to overlook why the phone itself is displayed and connected ("Samsung", "Nokia" or something like that). Aje is not aware of the problem. Repeated appearances її can be done, if the gadget is known to be overwhelmed by programs.

Збій systems

Why should the phone be used for an hour of charging and not only? The rest of the extensions of the options for such behavior - the disease in the operating system of the attachment. The stench is smelled just every hour, every virus, and every time the program is set up. More often than not, there are problems in the operating system є a lot of incorrect firmware.

You don't need to get rid of the corrected situation, you just need to reflash the gadget. It is not recommended on its own. It is better to bring the phone to the service center.

Please call for a flashing problem and get used to it. I didn’t help to find a message, but the phone was changed in an hour. There is also one reason to cry about the inequality of possession. In some situations, the replacement of the gadget will be more helpful. Now there is a light, why the phone is displayed by itself. Fixing the problem is not so important as giving up. Golovne - the nobility, for whom to fix it. Before the speech, only thought about the firmware after all the reasons.

You can't have a life of a people without a telephone. Tsey little pomichnik can make a skin for a man. Vin allows you to easily call from a required subscriber. Ale to realize that you don't have an Android phone. How can you rob a person? Sv_sno, without a smartphone, you will be able to finish it smoothly. If you have a lot of spare gadgets, you need to quickly install your device. The statistics are easy to understand, which does not fit the Android phone.

The rewiring of the mobile

As soon as the phone stops plugging in, it’s not easy to pick it up and wonder how it could get there. Surely, as long as you have a lot of knowledge, all of your projects can be grim for your smartphone. Zgoda repairs can be more collapsible and expensive. Why can't the Android phone fit in? How can you rob a person?

Before we start to work out the cardinal events, it is necessary to reconsider - maybe, I’m calling and not angry. Sphatku varto z'yasuvati, the battery is charged, why, perhaps, is the reason for the software device.

Reconstruction of the battery of the mobile annex

Yak mi vzhe z'yasuvali, the phone may not fit through the low charge of the battery. We put the smartphone on charge and it’s close to 30 khvili. The message is tried and tested. As soon as the phone goes to "revive", then the problem is with the high charge. How can you fix it? Sufficient vimikati Bluetooth and Wi-Fi pislya vikoristannya. Quite a few elements are constantly creeping into the mockery of the mockery to tell the story of her. As soon as you learn the elements, then you can save the charge for a greater term. Likewise, there is a trace of change on the smart phone, some of the screen of vitrachak bogato energy.

As long as you have a function on your mobile phone that allows you to change the brightness automatically, you go to the lighting, then turn it on. Let's turn to the problem. As soon as the phone goes off into the distance, if it’s on the charger, then don’t let it stay close for 4 years. Varto reconsider the term of the accumulator's attachment - it is possible, by teaching the components an hour. As soon as the phone doesn’t fit in, if it’s charging "Android", you need to look at all the situations you can.

Smartphone button

The phone can be blimati, or not fit. Tse, perhaps, tied due to the incompatibility of the buttons. The reasons, through which you may not be successful, may be useful:

  • If you hit the mobile phone, if it doesn't turn on, it’s possible, the on button is invalid, and there’s a reason to shout at the factory’s shylyubi. How can you rob a person? It is necessary to turn to the store, they hitched a smartphone, and asked to turn a penny, replace the phone or suppose it was found. The seller of gobies' knitting is going to be done at times.

  • There is also a reason, as it is already tied to your inaccuracy. If you shed some money on your mobile phone, or if you missed it, then maybe you can't get through the phone. I don't want to pick up the device yourself. Surely, if you have a guarantee, you can try to return to the service center. In the first place, you can also have to go to the help of a professional. It’s a pity, it’s not a good idea to use a phone.

Memory card

Otzhe, you do not have an Android phone. How robiti? The reason may be from SD cards. Your phone may not be able to accept a memory card; Vibrate the memory card next to the specialty stores, having found out beforehand that your smartphone is coming. As soon as there is a problem in the memory, the problem is in the telephone. For all users, it is necessary to re-propose a mobile attachment. Zrobiti can be done by yourself, let us protect it, so we can deprive you of naughty.

When Android is updated, the phone does not touch

In some cases with smartphones, the situation is normal, if it is not in the process of updating. As a rule, new gadgets are good. On the mobile prist_y come new updates, which, unfortunately, are not unhealthy. Call also smartphones, as you can have continuous access to the Internet. For such updates, the phone can be unlocked and in a ten hour it can be unlocked.

The same situation is possible: you just want to turn on your phone, and then it’s written Android and there’s nothing more to be seen. Override to turn the phone back to such a problem. Otzhe, you know not to fit in the Android phone. How robiti? At the end of the day, we tried to use the device and the battery for a sprinkle of hilin, so that the visitor could get rid of it. If the problem is not serious, then you will see everything, and in a dozen hour the phone will turn around until it’s too big.

It’s just as well that it’s possible to adapt it adequately, so it’s faster for the equipment to get started. So, clean your phone all the way to all information. Ale, shvidshe for everything, I’ll turn to a working camp. Surely, you don't know all the special information, even if you turn the phone to a colossal life, singingly, you will be important. The price of skidding is good for a skin smartphone in a smart way. You need to know the appropriate method for your model. Is it possible to adjust the phone to the phone? "Androide", it's a pity, we might not go through the same solution. Anyone who has a problem will need to re-propose their attitudes.

For the firmware, the phone does not fit in ("Android")

As soon as possible, they re-asked their attachments, but you might not turn on or hang on the Android logo. How can you rob a person? Zychayno, happen to know again pereproshuvati.

You can go to the site of the virobnik and you will need a firmware, as your model is sent. It is not possible to shukati firmware through the firmware system, there are a lot of free programs, like, better for everything, do not go. So you can deprive yourself of the problem and bring your smartphone to the "tsegli" camp.

For the firmware, the phone does not fit. "Android" can still be turned to life. You will need to correctly install the new firmware. If you don’t know, as if it’s going to be, it’s necessary to go to the service center. So you can get it right, everything will be fine with the phone.

Mechanical engineering

The most common reason for the breakdown of smartphones is mechanical problems. As soon as the phone has fallen into a hole or spilled on a new line, there is still a serious problem, it is not so easy to fit in with it.

It’s not serious, it’s possible to use a battery, SIM card, SD card. In a day, everything is turned on the place. As soon as the phone was locked, then you were spared, and the contacts were simply lost. In the first place, the problem of seriousness. If you do not have a lot of necessary knowledge, it’s not easy to pick up and repair that mobile attachment independently. Call at the service center.

Everyone is welcome. Today, I would like to accept all the most common reasons, you may not be able to connect to Android through your smartphone. I don’t feel the quiet of the situation, if I need to pick up the phone and connect to the electronic stuffing, there’s a lot of the robot’s name.

As soon as your smartphone or tablet is not supported by a rapt, it has not been able to get in, it is not necessary to go to the service center for repairs. Shvidshe for everything, є a chance, you can get by with self-indulgence and spare the deyak sum (in the economy, you can also help with programs for conducting home accounting on Android, shukay їkh on blozі). Below we can see the main ones come in, as you can live, if you don't use a smartphone or a tablet on Android. And so, start.

Do not touch the Android phone. 5 ways to solve the problem.

Sposib No. 1

For my own admission, I will say that in 80% of all vipadkiv, as before me come from a problem, but the phone does not turn on, everything is on the right side of the discharged battery. And I wonderfully mind, if it seems to me that they have been charging the smartphone all day, but it’s all one thing that doesn’t fit in. If you attach it, there is one disagreeable feature - if the battery is discharged even more strongly, then it will not be charged, if you start charging it for a whole day.

In general, we can use a charging device for the type of toad, which will allow you to charge practically any battery without a front, having wiped it out on the phone. It is enough to recharge the battery with such a rank, stretching 15 quills. When you insert it, insert it backwards and put the phone on charge and everything is OK.

By the way, the toad is problematic for you, you can quickly be like an old charge from a mobile phone. The old plug is seen and the dart is lost.

Sit back, the charger is not plugged in to the outlet.

Open the darts of the battery on the batteries with scotch tape on the dart of the hilin.

Important. Don't reverse polarity.

Sposib No. 2

Charging is wrong. Zrozumіlo, friend, so on to reconsider - the value of the charger attachment. Everything is simple here - I take charge in advance and recharge my smartphone. Whenever there is a process of writing, then it’s a new one and a radio. If I want to sound banal, I don’t need to help my skin.

Sposib No. 3

If the phone does not fit in, then, perhaps, it just hangs. If you want to use your device, it’s already been seen for a long time, but it’s an actual way - you can remove the battery and insert it again.

It’s a pity that it’s not working well on modern phones with an unknown battery. For such a vypadku, in order to rewrite, you need to know the button to skip and press on it, for example, skrypkoyu. There may be de facto, or, as a rule, there is a rose for this picture either on the back of a smartphone or a tablet. Bіlya buttons skidannya hour buvaє write reset or off. In the photo below, the butt of rostashuvannya such buttons on the smartphone.

Sposib No. 4

Tsey is able to get stuck, if your phone is not the right one, you can't get in, ale, it’s not up to the end. For example, it’s hanging on your Android logo and there’s nothing more to be seen. Also trap through the pardon in the software secured smartphone. Todi can help us with a hard reset. For skin models, I will be able to use wine in a reasonable way. Schob diznatisya yak, enter the name of your phone and the words hard reset, for example LG G3 hard reset, in Google or Yandex and see the instructions. Maybutnym encouraged to open on blooze okremiy on a tsyu topic.

It's a pity that not all smartphones can accept a hard reset, so that they can be stored in the recovery mode. As soon as you read the lecture, just make a joke on the Internet.

For example, such functions are not in favor of the support of sony phones, albeit virobnik having transferred the ability to update the software for additional special utilities from the Sony pc companion.

Sposib No. 5

Not often, ale all the same, trawl, scho smartphone does not fit do not reach the battery through those contacts. To fix the problem, it is necessary for an additional tweezers or a small wiggle to get the contacts to be removed from the battery. There is a smut without fanaticism, more just make it smarter.

If it’s just because of the ways not to get it and your phone still doesn’t fit in, then the problem, better for everything, is to shout in the very room and help you to be deprived of the service center.

The leader is Ivan Derbenєv.

The smartphone may not turn on for several reasons. It is possible to find the solution to the problem on its own, but at the same time it is not necessary to rewire the body of the outbuilding itself. This procedure is carried out in extreme cases, so it is more beautiful for the robot to trust the professionals. The reason for the breakdown of the phone is from a list of different names.

Perche, de varto shukati, the cause of the breakdown is the accumulator. With intensive renewal, there is a great amount of battery power. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules, which are located in a permanently switched on station, quickly discharge the battery of the device. The Vlasnik of the smartphone can detect a breakdown without disturbing the battery discharge. If there is not enough energy in the battery, the smartphone will be turned on immediately. Once the phone is zapratsyuvav, you just need to charge it. As soon as the problem was not solved, the problem was not solved by plugging in to the electrical weldment with a stretch of 30 gallons, then it was quite possible, but the zero order was removed. The battery may not charge through the battery, so you need to put the phone on a low-ampere charge for 2 years, and then switch on the high-ampere charge and automatically charge up to 100% charge. Zero discharge is more colorful than 3-5 cycles of battery charging - charging up to 100% discharge up to 10%, so 3-5 cycles. It’s still quite possible, just after the term of the accessory of the accumulator battery (the resource of insurance coverage is approximately 2 - 2.5 times), and it is necessary to replace it.

Another reason is not included - charging attachment. You will need to respectfully look around the charging pristy here. Tse allow viklyuchiti pozhkozhennya tied with a break dart chi contacts. Disparity can be found for additional charging. As soon as the smartphone is visible, it is locked, then the cause of the problem is known. The decision here is more obvious - it is necessary to add a new charging prism.

Varto guessed another moment, for which varto I will be brutalized. Just as the indicator of charging a smartphone is blinking, when connected to the electrical device, and when the gadget does not fit in, you need to respect the temperature of the charger with the add-on. Visoka temperature to speak about those, how the accumulator will not remove the life through overloading. It is not necessary to use unnecessary charging attachments, fragments of cheap, unclear analogs can be caused by a short delay. Also, if you are charging with less power, then you may have problems with the battery.

The third reason for not turning on the smartphone can be an add-on button. If the button is not valid, then the phone will not be connected, but if you do not connect with it, it will not be connected. A new smartphone from a wide range of vipadku can be exchanged in a store, so as to return it to a warranty repair. If the phone is not new, then the problem with the on button can be caused by a blow, drinking water or wearing out contacts. Here, I’ll give you the exact reason why you can name the additional information maister.

The fourth key included can be a Flash card. Call the memory card to bathe okremo from your smartphone. So, in an hour, the internal memory of the apparatus will start a marriage. The card will allow the virishity to fail to commit a memory for the collection of the dues. Ale deyaki Flash-pictures can be incredible smart models of smartphones. To that, when a flash drive is installed in a crazy model, there can be problems with the robot's device. Boo, the phone hangs and hangs. To fix such a problem, they have already recommended themselves to flash pictures of superb virobniks.

P'yate that you can viklicati nebazhannya vmikatisya - the establishment of an upgrade. Updating the deyakogo software can be secured by the phone. In addition, if the new memory of the smartphone has been rebuilt, then it will not allow the device to be built normally until it is turned on. Buvah, scho on the screen there is no sound writing. Shcheb stick such a zb_y it is necessary to visonati a number of d_y:

  • vityagti accumulator battery;
  • insert the battery and turn on the smartphone;
  • viconati skidannya nalashtuvan.

True, such an algorithm can’t fit in because of the serious hassles of the robotic software security. In case of serious PZ poshkozhennyah, you will be quicker to hardware skidding (hard reset). Price reduction to update all factory adjustments of a smartphone, even if you see all special data (phone numbers, SMS, programs). Dany were known to be on the whole - cards and flashes to be lost on the miscellaneous.

The very reason is mechanical engineering. Most of the time, such a call is seen from a telephone connection, for example, because of a strong vice. At the cich vipadkah pristіy it will be brought to the service center for a vikonannya repair. Boo, it’s on the body of the smartphone when it’s falling, or the blow of the visible shit is dumb, ale, it’s not going to touch it. Here it is necessary to check out the contacts and details. For the whole, it is necessary to use a battery, a small flash card, and re-install it. As long as the manipulation didn’t show the problem, you can safely carry your smartphone for repair.

Soma reason is an old SIM card. In the case of inserting an old seven picture into a new smartphone, it doesn’t turn on, everything here is smashed and destroyed, or it’s tidied up.

The eighth reason is water. As soon as you wet your smartphone from the way you wet your smartphone, immediately remove the battery from the battery and dry the smart one, it’s safe to dry it normally for 2 dB, until you dry it again. In the first place, your smartphone will become more oxidized and will quickly appear from standing without the possibility of repair.

I am encouraged to pick up all the prompts, for which your smartphone may not turn on. As long as you have і інші ideas, write them in the comments or use your own ways to fix your smartphone.


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