Yak to expand the breast tissue? A povny practical guide. Aspen talia Wide breast tissue at women scho robiti

Yak to expand the breast tissue? A povny practical guide. Aspen talia Wide breast tissue at women scho robiti

Good day, honest people, pick up peaks from borid, tea, we do not have a panakhida, but call us navpaki! It’s not wonderful, I’d like to respect the auditorium project, because the ladies we already have are all beautiful, and we’re going to see our brother :). The theme of the notatka is how to expand the breast of the clitina. First of all, you can understand the anatomy of the dichotomous system, and more precisely, the anatomy of the dyshal system is clear, as it’s right, the security forces are right, and I’ll pick up a specific program of trenuvan, I’ll straighten it out on my chest.

Otzhe, lads, marry all for the best 10 khvilyn, more chekaє seryozna cholovicha rozmova.

Yak to expand the breast tissue? FAQ nutrition and news

If you follow the novelties of the project and the circulation of new articles, then you know that you have successfully completed the life cycle of high school musicians, who are directed to the Korets of figuri. How many parts of the audience you can build up, as if you have a lot of respect, you can become strong, you can do it like that, if you are all guilty, lack of initiative is on your side. The ladies simply bombarded the mail with those sickly feeds and those who wanted them - a cycle of materials with specific programs trenuvan for correcting problem areas.

But our brother is embarrassed to be so hostile, but the stench (of us) is all tip-top, and it’s globally and sickly, then there’s a lot of myazovoy masi, or “creature’s nourishment”, tobto. how can you clean it up. Well, if so, then we are not particularly turbulent with articles on the topic. As on the right, so far and far, then we will become a feminine project called the ABC of Fitness or Fitolyazhka :). Well, we will not talk about the sum, but torknemia, in singing, is relevant for the bagatokh athletes-novachkiv (especially ectomorphs) I will name the topic, how to expand the breast tissue?

Do you know that a flat buva is better than a priest, but a breast? If "meat" can grow on the side of the house, then there are three folds from the chest wall. First, when the area is translated into volume - the whole hour, for the senses - hourly. Most often the hour is missed as a young man, having crossed the singing youthful vіk and having grown up to mature, so that it will be lost with an unrepentant and burnt breastbone. All the small ones try to "blow up" the breast cancer will give results to the edge. Tom, who's V is a newcomer (Worselessly came to the gym) viku to 25 (more beautiful 20 ) rock and in the Danish moment you have a priority press or a great biceps, then throw yourself around :) and take care of the development of the volume / plate of the breast. Cubic press and іnshі hotіlki can spokatio, and from the chest - nі.

Well, did they throw it right? Todi goes to the theoretical and practical side of nutrition. Let's go!

For a shorter mastery of the material, all the submissions will be split into the head-heads.

Dichny system of people: nutrition of anatomy

The respiratory system will provide the cells with acidic organisms, which are visible in carbon dioxide gas and come out of life, which will accumulate in the organisms of people. DS will help the body in the exchange of gases between the witnesses and blood, between the blood and millions of cells. In addition to the power supply and gas exchange, the system of dichromatic filters is used to change the situation.

Accepted vid_lyati 3 main parts / warehouses of DS:

  1. Dikhalny shlyakhi. Include - nis, mouth, coffin, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. The stench bears the essence of the world between the legends and the call of the middle (call of tila);
  2. Lungs. Dіyu yak functional universities of the dichotomous system and by way of passing acidity in tilo and vivedennya doubly acid in the body;
  3. M'yazi dikhannya (including diaphragm and interconnection)- start at once, start the pump, turn on the air in / out legends for an hour.

The key notes of us are the best to play with the music, which will come to me and respect.

The main meaning of the spirit in the body of people є the diaphragm is a thin ball of kistyak muses, which set the “pidlog” at the breast. If the diaphragm is speeding up / clenching, it will collapse (kilka centimeters) down to the bottom of the black empty, expanding space in the middle of the chest empty and pumping / blowing out of the leg. In the process of relaxation of diaphragms (vidih), the lining of the breast tissue changes, the legends squeeze, the grip they move. (Hundreds of atmospheric), and on the turn-by-turn routes, you will be right to be called.

In fact, everything is so.

Between the ribs of the richly drilled mid-ribbed joints, which add to the diaphragms with the enlargements and the grip of the leg. Tsi communications are available for 2 groupie:

  1. vnutriishnі mіzhrebernі m'yazi (m'yazi-vidikhu) - a great set of m'yazіv, which takes care of the fate in the act of forced vidikhu;
  2. zovnіshni mіzhrebernі m'yazi (m'yazi-vidihu) - glibokі m'yazy of the breasts, as they grow the ribs and expand the chest wall.

So is the process of dihannya?

If you play a deep breath, the diaphragm changes and falls down. Tsya diya opens more space at the chest emptying, so allowing the lungs to expand. Repeatedly pass the trachea down and down into the bronchi, drinking it in the little beetles, calling the alveoli.

Kisen then pass through the adjoining capillaries to the alveoli, de hemoglobin, and the red blood cell, transferring it to the roof. The sour shelter is forced to be carried through the legene vein on the left side of the heart, and then pumped to the inner part of the tissue to the body. How to see, repair the collapse in carbon dioxide through the capillaries in the alveoli, and “rise in price” from the side of the heart through the Legenev's artery.

When I see it, then in this process the diaphragm relaxes and collapses uphill into the chest empty. Intermediate ribs in the middle of the ribs are relaxed, so it can also be produced until the breast emptying shrinks. For an hour, the vikonannya is right (for example,) the abdominal muscles speed up more often, the diaphragm against the legs is shorted more often. If it is used, the carbon dioxide gas will burn more quickly, the frequency of your inhalation will increase.

Yak athlete dihati pid hour vikonannya silovikh right

Technics No. 1.

Correct / prompt delivery of sourness to the "hungry" from the Volga region before the hour of the visit of important basic ones is entitled to allow the improvement of the athlete's productivity and the triviality of training.

When you go to the skelts, some serious vagi (for example, at the station) often the athlete has a dilemma, and through the price, he will end up right earlier for a moody term. The result of such a situation is the quickness of the trenuvalny liabilities and the lack of longevity of the whole meat groups.

To that end, in the world of penetrating to important vaginas, the technique of dichanna Valsalva (Valsalva maneuver, VM) is victorious. Tse process of maximum inhalation іf tightening grip. Most demonstration butt of such a "maneuver" (walk along the path, spruce up that proshtovhuvannya) your intestines in well-known products of your life.

This is the technique of dichannia to give a stiffness to the ridge and to the ridge and to the neck.

In the wake of a deep breath and wrinkle in the face of an increase in the internal vise, the result of the opening is more "stiff frame" and allowing the elimination of injuries. Another one of Valsalva's technology advancement is the advancement of arterial grip, which theoretically can reduce the delivery of living words from the client.


Yaksho an athlete has problems in a vice (for example, hypertonic), then it is more beautiful not to vikoristovuvati the technique of maximizing the energy from the grip. Likewise, such an athlete doesn’t want to be victorious for trenuvannya. 1-2 important basic ones have the right from the “golden triyka”. People who don’t hanker for the grip can be victorious about the VM technology and some of the right to go 2 to 3 for training (ale not more 1 once for a day).

The technique of Valsalva has one subtlety, more precisely, a side effect - the triviality of the response from the hour to the right can lead to the loss of quality. This is the rule for robots with VMs є catching the dichotomy only as long as you do not go past the deadlift / bench press / crouch, then robiti vidih.

Technics No. 2.

I will show you the technique of dichannya, you can fix an athlete of the average level of training, for a beginner, the optimal scheme will be seen with the code name "teapot" :). There is a glimpse in the fact that in the process of vikonannya to the right (for example,) the athlete viroblyaє inhaled the middle glibin і more often і through the clenched lips (lips with a tube) vidikhaє on the new phase (zusilla / vishtovhuvannya projectile)... Such a kind, similar to a couple, which comes from a heated teapot, and allows you to vikoristovuvati deyaki from stabilizuyushchie power vyhlyu, not fluttering at the great splash of a vice.

Correctly dichanna yak one from the "tools" enlargement of the breast and a set of meat mass

We looked at me 2 development of technology of dichannya. Yaku from them is more beautiful to use for a set of meat masi, and why can you dichotomously be inserted into the meat objects?

Vcheni and fahivtsi sports medicine z'yasuvali (Dani MUSCLE & FITNESS No. 7-8 2005 ) , It is correct to dichannya before the hour of vikonannya silovikh the right to help viroshuvati masu. Rhythmic action is one of the main minds to anabolism. Yogo zamikannya to produce until weakened blood flow in the bloodstream. Until then, with the confusion (Lying in the breath) the athlete's body is obd_lyaєtsya sour - an important agent of meat growth. Chim more sour in the blood, wash more beautifully for the growth of m'yaz_v.

To that, the strategies for training on training can be as follows:

  • rhythmically (Classic-bodybuilding)- for the hour of the robot with the main right (cleverly basic, for example, army press from breasts, breeding / press of dumbbells);
  • dichnya behind the Valsalva technology - with robots with important basic rights (Bench press lying down, deadlift, attendance).

As far as sports medicine is concerned, the rhythmic scheme of the exercise is correct, on the butt of the army press from the breasts, 6 step і viglyadaє like this:

  1. know the barbell for the style;
  2. saturate її on straight hands, to inhale more zvychany;
  3. tweak the action and lower the barbell on the chest (Up to light dots);
  4. to win the barbell after burning, like and earlier, to catch the energy;
  5. If you go through the point, see.
  6. if the bar is in the IP, I know to sniff it.

Take advantage of the development techniques of dichotomy in the fallowness of the trend, as soon as you start to get started, and to the right, you can be victorious in them.

Vlasne, the deyak awakened and “dykhalnu” theories were slain, now they are busy with feeding the transfer of breasts from the area near the expanses.

Yak to expand the breast to the clitina: the practical side of nutrition

If you take a look around your gym, then beat the steps for the trainers, but the girls want to build and be young, the guys need all the fun to help them :). І since The breast is one of the largest meat groups, then it’s more and more to make the suttuvies of the additions in the shortened composition of the people.

Pid viraz "expand breasts" (In the context of the given remarks) my reason is now:

  • increase in the width of the breasts (Horizontal line size);
  • addition of "glibini" (Zbіlshennya vertical size);
  • additional delivery (Zbіlshennya size in girth);
  • zbilshennya of myazovoi masi.

All the way to reach for the rakhunok special programs trenuvan, straightened on the breasts for the rakhunok injected into the anatomical features (including) of the pectorals. In chomu polyagaє, mi y z'yasuєmo gave behind the text.

"Tools" breast enlargement

We take a crowbar in front of it and expand it…

To expand the breast cancer, the athlete can do it 3 component:

  1. kistki;
  2. m'yazi;
  3. I'll get the fabric.

Walking on the skin instrument okremo and for some reason ...

I. Expansion of the kit

Do you know Vi, how is the brush going to reconstruct my skin for three months? Tse talk about those who do not spend an hour (young athlete, before 25 rock_v, і in the new zone of growth), you can "build up" your brush, tobto. cleverly s 15 see wrist zrobiti 17,5-18 ... Kistki react to wagu, tobto. їх professionalism grows due to the growing fit, victorious by the athlete. Such a rank, the strategy of training a novice, who is virulent "kistkovo", is guilty of the step-by-step transition to the base of the arms, the change of the ligaments / tendon and the improvement of the tension to the tightness, and not the amount of pressure to the press on

To give a stimulus to the growth of your cyst system, pick these "tricks" / right:

# 1. Zatrimka dikhannya

Vicon the step to the right for a deyakiy trivial hour ( 3 misyatsya) puppy:

  • grab your hands in front of your talin and grow as deeply as possible;
  • grasp the dichannya, with all the warmth of your hands, to the position in front of you;
  • saturate the dikhannya, wrap your rukhati with your ubik hands, add the support of your writhing hands;
  • tread in such a "expanded" position as long as you can;
  • repeat 15 development

# 2. Dichally present

On the right, there is a pole in the offensive: the classic presence with a barbell on the shoulders behind the offensive pattern:

  • be afraid to be on the cob 3 great vidih;
  • after the 3rd vidbuvaє
  • when you are straight, you can see the strong ones;
  • the scheme is repeated;
  • all 3 on the way 15-20 repeat.

II. Robot with a free cloth

Here we / you can help a pullover with a dumbbell / barbell lying across the avalanche. Tse is a miracle right for the changing and stretching of the resulting fabrics of the pectorals.

ІІІ. Robot over the usіma 3 wedges of the chest plugs

The total development of pectorals will give the necessary growth of "meat" on all areas, tobto. allow me to collect the necessary myazov masu. Tse amuse you from "thin" breasts. The main right is є - vіdzhimannya on the uneven bars, bench press lying (riznі kuti) and army press from the breasts.

Tse bulo everything 3 -X components, poured onto yaks, the athlete can "expand". Now let's talk about ...

How to expand the breast cancer: technical moments for training

Isnu takі 2 "Technical keys", which are used for training for enlargement of breasts, are:

# 1. Outer range of rohu

In the area of ​​the ooze, the mass of the pectoral ointments can be seen as the outer (O-outer) and the inner (I-inner) parts. If you train the lower part of the breast, if you are in the upper range of the lower part of the ruch, - only outside the extension to the maximum development of the width of the breast. In other words, if you want to increase the width of the breasts, then blame it on the size of the breasts, allowing the pants to go down the pads, as much as possible (right up to busting breasts)... Robot with the inner part of the chest (bіlya in the middle of the breasts) zbilshu її tovshchinu.

Fishkoyu training breasts for a width є victoriannya dumbbell presses replace the barbells. The shells themselves allow to lift the shoulder blades and stretch the pectoralis in the lower point of the trajectory.

Visnovok: at the training of breasts to the width of the more beautifully take the mensha vagu, ale pratsyuvati on the new amplitude.

# 2. Training of antagonists

M'yazi-antagonism - tse such m'yazy, as there are one against one and the other way against one corner. Biceps and triceps are the antagonism of oneself, the first one is a little bit of a corner, the other is a straight arm. If the athlete is training only with the muscles of the breasts without any antagonisms, then you will be recognized on the set (zokrema, giving the shoulders ahead of that zgorbuvanny) that change in the width of the breast plate. As a result, such a tandem - the admission of great nurses to the university breast, can lead to an unacceptable aesthetic embarrassment.

Antagonists of the joints of the breasts є the upper junction of the back, the middle of the most important, the most important, trapezias, rhomboids, large / small round, strong and perky. So, if the chest pulls more than your shoulders forward, your upper back muscles (Including rear deltoid) pull your shoulders back.

Vysnovok: I am guilty of coming, however, I respect both the treading of the pectorals, and the upper back, more so by the locking of the shoulders from the neutral position and the possession of the wide thorax.

We finished the theory (that is not so :)) and now we will engage in a specific practice, but ...

Yak to expand the breast tissue? Trenuvan program

Well, on licorice, we have one color program :), special PT, yak poklikana to transfer your breasts from the vimiryuvannya area, to the space (obsyag).

Training parameters for the gym:

  • number per day - 2 ;
  • Intensity - modest / specific;
  • superset / triset - maє na uvazі vikonannya right one after one locomotive without a change;
  • hour by way of every step - 40-45 seconds;
  • number of moves / repeat - set;
  • stretching of the breast muscles from the skin to the right.

The program itself and the atlas are right є an offensive picture.

Get hold of the meanings of the schemes with a minimum stretch 2,5 mіsyatsіv і You will have a chance to go big in a woman's bra store, more from a zero breast size you will become a solid double :).

We finished the main part, we can go to ...


With a note, as a way to expand the breast, we have completed the cycle of high school Korean articles. In fact, it’s skinny, but it’s obvious from the beginning to the process, we can see more and less good results, and in between, there are fewer flat-chested heads and unsuccessful women.

That's all, check for a new cycle of materials. Upevenniy, win you will be pleased with the edge, right up to smart!

PS: As soon as you have it, say it behind the article and in a loop, kindly ask for a comment.

In the wake of that vyachnistyu, Protasov Dmitro.

I have a hard time on the road to the ideal body.

I may even have a silvery statue, low spr_st, an important bottom ... Whim, zhakh-zhakh, I was not spared with the cobdata, but I can win. The axis of the rest of the rock of the author is succeedingly thin, overflowing with more nonaggregating, or the result will be less painful. See a photo of that nittya, do not wonder at a hostile

I can see the axis like that at once. Obshchaya 87-62-90. Zrist 164. Vaga from 58 to 59.

But in all my fear I will not vlashtov:

1. Who can I wash my breast tissue like that? fat a lot and wash the ribs. I was amazed at the photo in the Internet, the girls may look like this:

and as soon as I lift my hands up the hill and draw in life, the species of the species will not be in Buchenwald ...: ((((

For the axis is so viglyadayut more pumped girls:

And only the axis of one girl, I poked a little like my clitine, how to wash the breast, and even more vitality, and the fat in her is obviously less, that angle is such ...

Food on the ribs: how robiti? Goydati pres, is it overgrown with meat? So there, yak m'yaz_v is not an outgrowth ... Well, I don’t know how robiti is. Already a dumka will creep in, maybe in me like a sickle ...

2. About the legs. Wichitala from smart people, for the important bottom of the indication of getting on your feet. So it’s not possible to stay, to vipadi is not possible ... But how can you be right at home? I know the same press, tse zrozumіlo. Vidzhimannya practice. Will you please me? I don’t go to the gym.

I used to do home exercises like this: vipadi (3x30), sit down (3x15), press (3x20), vidzhimannya (3x10). Now I am summing up the axis ...

These changes can be promoted among older friends. For example, in cats, which suck on chotir paws, the breast cage appears permanently vertically nesting internal organs. It is flattened across the sides. And the direct mavericks are encouraged to see the message: the building is wider and wider than the others.

What matters is the greater width of the body above the front-to-back width, which is absolutely normal for men and women. Moreover, high-school and lumpy breasts are often indicative of ill-health or a ridge.

Breast card index

You can visually define the shape of your breast plate with the help of a special index. It’s necessary to have breasts in centimeters multiplied by 100 and size by height in centimeters. In the norm, the indicator varies from 50 to 55. So, as the index is 55, the lyudin has a wide chest. And if less than 50 - vuzka.

About the breasts of women and choloviks to indicate a hypersthene. At the same time, beckon you to go to the massive shoulders, to finish with short cuts and good cheeks. Moreover, women who are hypertensives often get sick to the dark. The university building is attributed to the asthenic type of constitution, the representatives of which are famous for artistic and visceral.

To assess the development of the breast cage in older adults and children over 10 years old, you can also use the Yerisman index. For a large measure of the size of the stake of the breasts in centimeters with the size of the growth of the staple, increased by 2. At the norm, there are two vimir of the breasts, approximately equal. For choloviks, it is allowed to change the girth of the breasts by 5.8 divs, and women - by 3.8 divs.

Norm and pathology

A wide body is in the norm to talk about good health and a great, dizzy volume. The very same type is developed in the majority of athletes.

Choloviks and women with a large volume of breasts, on the basis of asthenics, are not sick to tuberculosis. However, they have є changes in hypertension and heart disease. The shape of the breasts develops in early childhood and is not strong to change with the stretching of life. With a whole bunch of mid-ribs to finish small, and the mid-chest kut, of the last twelve pair of ribs, is more than 90 degrees (stupid).

As the great body is not formulated in the dynasty, but in the last fate of life, it is possible to let the emphizem be a legend.

In a large body, it is disgusting to cope with the other parts of the body, tobto. vidpovidaє їm on kshtalt constitutions. Mіzhrebernі promіzhki with emfіzemі become great, and the edged kut can be gosstry.

Emphysematozoa Budova breast cells are characteristic of ailments on chronic bronchitis, zokrema kurtsiv. With a whole lot of vidikh from the legends, not all of them go out, the Legend's fabrics are squeezed out. Emfіzema supravodzhutsya zadishkoy and cyanosis shkіri.

Wide breast tissue in women

Even in the old days, the deyake boiled down, as it testified about those people with the singing rice budovi tila (gabitus abo constitutional) may change the rizik “podbannya” of the deyakhey ill.

Such a straight line at the navchanni piznishe bouv of accusations by Galen and Hippocrates. Through the capital, Vernadsky has added a troch of support to the succession and the light of the announcement "About the constitution". Our hour is not just a blame, a lot of people are brutalizing respect for the Budova of their own body, and it is there that they can see about their grasping until they become ill.

Xto takі gіperstenіki

I would like to report a report about a wide chest cell in women. Vzagali correctly say not "wide breast cage", but hypersthenic. And the axis of the understanding "hyperstenic form of the breast cell" also includes signs that are characteristic of the given constitutional particularity. Up to the cich is a sign of lying: low or middle height, important bristles, wide shoulders, short and upper biceps (arms), short chest cage і, very well, wide chest cage. Interventions between the ribs of such girls do not turn. Such women, most often, showcase and are strong. In addition, there is a sign of such women, by the same hope of exchange of words and, like inheritance, strength to the point. In the back of the eye, the hyperstenic form of the breast cage is carried up to the standard medical terms of the order, with all of them "arterial vise", "insult" just.

Riziku factories

If you take a look at the problem from the point of view of clinical medicine, you can say that women with a wide chest wedge are more mentally ill before children get sick of hearts and minds, a high grip (hypertension), overwhelmed women with a wide chest 'yanoi ailment. If it’s a little more than a hundred percent singular, say it’s not going to happen, є deprive the rizik development.


Varto say, that є group, as you can see a normal breast cancer for hypertension. The main symptom of such a disease is a wide chest wall. Among such ailments, there is often an emphіzema legen (characteristic rice її there will be great internections) and chronic sickness legends. Besides sickness, the cause of widespread breast cancer can be a trivial cough (it can be a common allergic disease). In our hour, it’s not a problem to drive inaccurate diagnoses, even if it’s without any problems, since we can add one to one and make the diagnostics accurate. As soon as the capital was taken, the diagnosis was based on the principles of specific features of the human body.


Do not keep up with the pressure of the great significance of your individuality. Isnu such a thought is popular among medical practitioners: “You have remembered the freedom of your body, but you don’t have any problems, you don’t want to ruin the balance of the evolved mechanism of life.”

Yak prikhovati inadequacies of figuri for help

People with an ideal figure trapeze even more rarely. For the sake of it, to find the middle of the famous celebrities all alone is quiet, who can boast of such a gidnist. In some of them they were wide stegna, they were trying to get warm, they live, which is far from being perfect. If you don’t mind, it’s a celebrity to know, how to pick up the inadequacies of the figurines for the help of the right choice of clothes.

You can hurry up with the joy of the models, so that you can take advantage of your little figures of figurines for an additional selection of wardrobe. Todi you will not feel any good in the number of your friends and know you, and you can enjoy yourself with your calling viglyad.

Because you have broad shoulders and a low height

Carry simple and monotonous speech. Give the ride to the draped tops and cloths, but not to dress the figurine. Also try wearing raglan sleeves to round your shoulders and visually not so wide. Unique sleeves without sleeves, as well as sewn-on sleeves with a line of shoulders, a bit of a stink of shrinking shoulders more wide.

Wear trousers with a cut "pіd chereviki" with high pіdborami or on the platform. Dovgі fall off NATO also kindly take care of your shortcomings. Another way - cloths in the pidlog with high food, if you can wear yak during the day and in the evenings. Unique short sleeves, horizontal smogs that swell on flat feet. Do not pick on the richness.

As soon as you have a short shia

Unique comіrіv and high necks, the best way to reduce the virіzam. So your shia will be visually good. Follow the position and sit with your back straight, and then greet you. Wear marsh with wide or V-podobny virizami. The stench also flashes the illusion of the strings and the old ones. Do not wear short or massive jewelry near your neck. To solve the problem even more. Do not also wear a swamp with a high or small round neck. Unique shirts as well.

You have a wide chest

Wear one from graphic virizami or V-like shape. Unique styles in the style of the Empire for any details near the breasts. Render the pass to monotonous speeches, the most beautiful dark vidtinkiv. If you love the lights, then put on a scarf over the top. A scarf is a birthmark of a woman’s wardrobe, but visually change a little faguri and watch a string nearby. Look at it just that awesome. Don't be overwhelmed with contrasting colors. The stench is bigger than that of the figurine on the dalyanki, which you will see as square. Do not wear clothes with horizontal lines, folding prints and massive jewelry embellishments.

Yaksho you have a wide talia

Grow the talia, adding a belt to the wardrobe, to complete the illusion of the fact that you still have a talia є. Pragnit to Roman lines, quilted scarves, piercing prints, drapery, universities and siluets because of understated money, or, in the least, not to high prices. This will give your torso a boost.

Wear swamps with a straight cut. Podovzheni swamps and swamps in a general style are ideal for women from a wide range. Do not pinch the belt. I will not trust the region of talia. І unique tight and short tops.

You have wide stegna

Wear dovgі swamps, scho attach your stegna. Pragnit to scarves on stigmas and unique trousers from understated tights. It is best to wear trousers in the style of "pid chereviki". Dovgі topi and wіlnі cloths, it is ideal to go to you with wide quilts. Visoki pidbori This platform can also be found in your wardrobe. Wear jeans and pants with a large dark color. Unique skinny jeans for any price. Those are very short of short tops. Tse is just a taboo for you. Do not wear it on flat feet.

Do not wear leggings. Straight to the shortened trousers, to balance the balance between the sides and ankles. You can go for a pair of maxi pants, palazzo pants, as well as maxi fabrics. Everything can be great if your sides are not far away.

Wear only straight cut pants. Dovgі cloth is also ideal to go. Do not wear short cloths, tight jeans, shorts at any time. Fashion for shorts and any kind of tight speeches.

You have a great playing life

Wear a pair of olives or pants with folds. Before them, it's wonderful to go to the lights. So you take in the vivid life and visually beat the talia sinking.

Yaksho vi want to cut the lines of figuri

If you don’t need to wedge those breasts, then let the girdle shirts fit your figure, the ringing pidzhaks, V-shaped virgins and cloths with belts.

You have too big breasts

Skin woman mri about ideal size of breasts. If you have big breasts, then you may feel uncomfortable, overwhelming the middle people. If you want to change the problem, wear shirts, or swamps, as it is possible to sit on your figure, cloth with a ready-to-wear shirt, jackets and lights. Do not wear tops and shirts, do not fit, as well as belts, which will screw up your respect to your writing bust.

Dovha shia was honored to be honored. If you have a lot of fun, and even if you are not too young, it is wonderful. It is visually shorter to wear shirts with high collars or collars in the style of "collar".

Yaksho you don't have much growth

You can wear it on high pids, ale robustness of the day is even more important for nig. I would like to give the feet a favor. Short spіdnitsі: a stylish base for a summer wardrobe, cloth with a Roman coat, bogs with V-like virgins, which visually podovzhuyut a torso. Those can be built for the help of additional and tight-fitting lights.

Yak skinny in the chest room

Usogo is one of the main principles of life in the world. A lot of women wanted a bust of mothers, ale deyaki think, like thin in the breasts, like the right work and which is necessary for a whole child. Ob'mni form a cause of additional pressure on the back, which will cause scoliosis, stoop, and problems arise when wearing clothes.

Chi can get thinner breasts

Tsia partina tila, like і all іnshi, you can get a lot of money and fat balls in whole, you can get a trenuvan, a child, a healthy way of life. If there is a great deal of dressings with anatomical (wide chest wall, milky zloza is rosy), then the options are thinner a lot less. Have children of the class to carry out operations for the change of breasts, ale the stink is not cheap and do not do business.

Yak zrobiti, schob emaciated breasts

It’s also a problem of growing up to become fat, then going in for sports and getting ready for children. Bagato dіvchat sturdzhuyut, but with the correct selection of the rationing of food, immediately become small breasts, but don’t expect to see the delivery. The easiest way, as you grow thin in the breast, is the change in the number of calories you live. Changing the volume at the tsy part of the body is simpler, less at the be-yakiy іnshіy.

Successful history of the decline of celebrities

Zirka KVK Olga Kortunkova - Nevigadana history is thinner by 32 kg!

Vіktorіya Romanets іz Budinoks 2 reports about the decrease in thinning by 19kg for one month!

Polina Gagarina - You can go 40 kilograms for a nasty drop. I know it!

Olena Malisheva - are you shy?

Perevіrenі zasobi for thinning

OneTwoSlim is an ideal complex system for thinning, broken down to the heart rate of people!

Dietonus - DIETONUS CAPSULES To melt up to 10 kg of fat in 2 hours!


It’s just one straight line, like thinning in the breasts. When struggling with obesity, it is important not to deprive yourself of the big kilograms, the scarlet growth of your age, the figure is small, the shkira is a little addictive, callous viglyad, not to get rid of the stretches. Physical culture is active exchange of speech, speeding up the process of burning calories, increasing blood flow to the tissues, tissues, which are actively used for the hour of training.

It is necessary to be smart, so that it’s necessary not to deprive the breast, but to speed up the metabolism. It is a healthy complex, which is more helpful in home minds, to change the amount of fatty deposits, to thin out the girls at the breasts. Do not follow the great carriage of pratsyuvati, but do not add the meat mass to the already obvious obscenity of the breast tape. You can see it right.

Robot with espander

You will have to know the option of the whole projectile with a spring or gum base and two handles. An additional aid is the view of the simulator for engaging the breast tissue, trochii shoulders. It is necessary to work for 2-3 days at a time. The technique is right like this:

  1. Stand up straight, your legs are at the same level as your shoulders.
  2. Grip the handles with your hands and push the espander to the level of your breasts.
  3. Fix the burdens at once on the wrong side.
  4. At maximum speed, lock your hands for 2-3 seconds

Vidzhimannya vid pidlogi

This is a simple option for training at home, which will help you to build your arms and shoulders. breast tissue. Fallen from the width of the arms will be stagnant, as the part of the breast plate will be stronger. If you put your hands wide, then you will see the sign of the chest muzzles, close - the inner part. The technique of vikonannya vidzhiman is standard:

  1. Take the stop, trim just right.
  2. It’s not necessary to go downstairs in time, it’s not necessary to roll around with a chest pad.
  3. Start growing up, but don’t straighten your hands in the leggings, but don’t know about the options.
  4. Repeat 5-15 days.

On the right with football

You can vikoristovuvati ball for training breasts. For the whole of him to see him up to his hands, to straighten them in front of him. Squeeze it from two sides for 2-3 seconds, and squeeze it. Also, the position of the hands can be used to strain the sternum. If you are stronger, you will squeeze the ball, you will be more active in training the ball, so you can control it independently.


Correctly choosing the products of food - constipation of success on the way of thinning. The female breasts are guilty of thinning out by one of the first, the fatty deposits there are burned as actively as possible. You can also help if you want to get pregnant, if you still don't want to go on the curtains of the wag. The food of the right food, if you want to get thin, you need to come with a lot of respect, for that there is 80% success.

  1. Yakute for yak, yak vi yiste. Skudnuti to give in to the leash. as in the races there will be a lot of bіlkіv that is significantly less than in carbohydrates, fat. For a whole bunch of white meat, ribs, dairy and seafood. If you buy yogurt, sir, then the stench is obov'yazkovo but low fat.
  2. Schob thin at the breasts, quilting for a bit of їzhі. The right products from the great number will not help you to throw off the vagu. To burn fat, it is necessary to dissolve the calorie deficit, to reduce the body's energy to burn fat from the ideas of an alternative energy source. You can't get more calories for doing it, but you can't get it. Protect additional vitrati and take away 500 of them - it will be the ideal number for you for a day.
  3. If you are. Not necessarily until 18:00, smut, but not right before bedtime, I would like it in 2-3 years. To accelerate the metabolism, it is recommended to use 4-5 times, albeit with other (other) portions.

Yak skinny in the chest

Tsya problem is not deprived of zh_noch, but th cholovicha. For example, a boy's hormonal surges can lead to an abnormal set of breast growth. Vishche bouli described options for other sports (gymnastics, training at the gym or at home), children, or in addition to hormones, need to go to an endocrinologist and find out the cause of the disease. Zagalom, when you get thinner, you need to see the same children.


Budova female figuri does not transfer a wide breast tissue, which is most often tied to a set of wavy vagi. I take it as a novelty, the fact that you can shake one’s centimeters at the tsiy galuzi on a simpler basis, not on the stegna chi sdnitsyah. Slim in your breasts to help you with the basic principle of a healthy way of living:

  1. Ї
  2. Collapse more, go in for big, swim, sign up for fitness at the gym. Cardioavantage can help you get thinner.
  3. More sleep, more tips to help you showcase additional options.


The problem is that, as the lads' breasts are thinning at the breasts, the lads are very old, so the stench doesn’t seem to smell until the set of vagi at the tsіy dіlyantsі breasts. As a rule, the problem is the result of frequent recruiting and recruiting of vagi. Before the inheritance of a hormonal slaughter, it turns out to be a drug. In order to get thinner, you need to follow the same rules as for women:

Video: right for thinning breasts


I had a bullet or small or large breasts, and less vigorously. Pislya curtains gained a lot of money, and the breast cage was getting much bigger. Just after the transition to the day, I could change the volume and turn to my parameters. Sport is required obov'yazkovo, to turn the springiness of the breasts, to improve visibility.

When I went to the institute, soon enough the wag came, the odyag (bra) became small, and I was too smart, it’s an hour to get thinner. They also helped the cardio exercise at the gymnasium. On those breasts, the breasts have already become small, I have vitrized in Mayzhe 3 months. Trenuvannya is not only to change quietly, but the spirit, to the more awesome I didn’t turn around and my vaga was to touch.

The breasts are great boules of childhood, I can't boast about the tall ones. Through the chain, there was a stoop to appear, it was brought about to go to massage, but the main reason for putting it on my back did not come to light. I tried it and didn’t get it, and it’s trenuvannya, ale less won’t. I went to the reception to the lykar, saying that the only one at my side would be deprived of an operation.

Statue type of chi constitution in women

I visit you, dear readers!

After a long lull, I revived the robot over the blog. I am going to show you the new season for the commentator competition. Try to understand the participation and prizes to become invisible. Tі, hto having come to us not long ago, I ask you to read the rules on the tsіy side. After an hour of summer months, I got up to write only three articles and all the stink of carbohydrates. You can still see it in the comments.

To your respect, I present three articles, like є continued one of one, to the one who reads it from the first. On the way to a series of articles about bolsters and fats, so subscribe to the news and be the first to know.

Today, I want to tinker with those physical budovi people, and tell you about the type of statues of people myself. Ymovirno, you have already read my article about typing figurines in women, and a little bit of the article about іnshe. Knowing this type of statue, it will be easier for you to accept such a one, as if the nature set you up and give you the correct physical appearance and harchuvannya.

It was not me who saw the statues; For the first time, he proves the Russian licar V.M. Chornorutsky. At the same time, I try to likari, too, I have a lot of respect for the people of Budova, I appreciate the somatic camp of the patient at the reception. In this rank, it is possible to uncover the nervousness and vimagati of people who cannot be destroyed in the physical plane. That’s why all the world’s development and the type of statue are not only for our name, but for a particular person, I see one of these types, for the robot of hormones, and that means we’re guilty of being recommended by the same age group.

Traditionally, women and children are divided into three groups according to the type of statue:

  • ectomorph (asthenic statue abo asthenik)
  • mesomorph (normostenic statura or normostenic)
  • endomorph (hyperstenic statura abo hyperstenik)

Ale clean types are developed even more rarely, more often they are created with two types of qualities. For example, since the first one to another type is tectomesomorph.

Singingly, do you have people who do not go in for any kind of sports and get thin for the whole hour? I also have such a knowledge. One of the reasons for such happiness is the particular stature of the robot of the endocrine system. Forgetting ahead, I will say, that there are people with an asthenic type of chi ectomorphi. And at the same time I will give a characteristic of the skin type, ale oskіlki zhіnochy blog, then he says just about zhіnoche tіlo.

Ectomorph, asthenik, woman with asthenic statue

There are a lot of thin and stringy figurines that are the most popular, as we will not be able to grow up. Altogether only a look at the first glance. Young rockers and women have good strings, but sometimes the fat may not be even more beautiful, but on the back, when a disproportionate figure is formed. For women of the ectomorphic type, it is simpler to stitch behind their wagons, to accumulate fat as much as possible.

Ale, unimportant to the wide variety of vagi and lightness in children, women may have their own problems. Call us women who are thin, lively and eat up the energy of individuals, but the non-renowned ectomorphs have a low level of strength and vitality. Oscillations of fat accumulate in them more and more, then the meat mass will also grow more and more. We have a problem with a lot of people - it’s even more important to push the sports viglyad tilu and quickly develop my muscles. The stench is often diminished by the usual roundness and relief of the forms, not stolen and similar to the food. Huda model with a podium - a typical butt for an ectomorph.

Physical parameters of an ectomorph woman:

  • The short upper part of the body and the edges of the edges creates the illusion of "legs out to wuh".
  • Fatty tissue is rotten, as a rule, it can be seen on the size of the breasts, and in some cases on the day.
  • Vuzki shoulders and breast cells, vuzki brushes and feet, і, like happiness, vuzka talіya!
  • Solovyov index, which type of wrist cola, less than 15

But do not marvel at the foldability of a set of meat, such women may have one great pass - in a large number of vipadks, they do not need thinness. At that hour, yak endomorph and mesomorph are needed for fat burning. The woman-ectomorph can immediately train and train the robot with the help of the communication.

Schodo trenuvan people with a cim type of statues are required to be unique in aerobny trenuvan. Trenuvannya guilty to be strong and include the base to the right with the great wagons. Trenuvannya buuvati more beautifully yak splitu, that is, trenuvannya mayut buti okremi group m'yaziv. In order for the myazi to grow more intensively, it is due to the fact that it is more caloric and a place of more foldable carbohydrates and bins.

It is possible for such women to practically not think of anything, so that their fat is directed at all times. Naturally, when there is a hypertrophy of muses, there is a lot of fat, unfortunately, the physiology of people is normal. However, if you reach the bazhani obsyagiv, you can go through the so-called "drying", when you see the fatty stuff, and the ointment gets stuck. "Drying" includes special training with special food.

If you are astenik, having changed, if you want to get thin, then it may be a problem for a new one, for that it’s not fat, but ointment. To that, it is simple to interfere with calories, not for an asthenik, a garnoy idea for thinning. Here it is necessary to attend to the power training and the correct preparation of the day.

Mesomorph, normostenik, female with a normostenic statue

Yak bi did not take into account the vitality and tendency of asthenic women, I use the protector of a mesomorph woman as a reference ideal of beauty and health. Such women are not overwhelmingly thin and not robbed. Mesomorphs from nature are given a proportionate amount of good meat tissue and a minimal amount of fat tissue. Such women look athletic from nature, the stench of life and relaxation.

The normostenik to finish quickly is distributed with fat reserves and quickly gains meat mass, equal to the metabolism of the middle. As a woman does not go in for sports, it is natural to reduce her metabolism in order to work her right, and the woman is likely to quickly gain from a vase.

Physical parameters of a mesomorph woman:

Women with a normal type of statues can achieve miraculous and fast results in sports. Ale and the women of inodi have problems. For example, it is important to aspire in the right way "osinoi taliya" through the schilna statue. For the whole it is necessary to practice fatty tissue, as well as to correct the proportions of body, to formulate a thinner taliyu in an illusory way.

Endomorph, hypersthenic, female with hypersthenic type of statue

Endomorphs are the same type of women who were trained to sing in their robots, artists and sculptors have passed away. "Dana" Titian and Rembrandt, "People's Veneri" Botticelli, "Venus Miloka", as well as popular films of business shows of the past and technical: Merilin Monroe, Sophia Loren, Jenifer Lopez, Kim Kardashians, Beyns uosoblyuyut that life and sensitivity.

As soon as you are aware of the hypersthenia, then the price is correct, so that everything is thrown and brought back. Those who endomorphs quickly accumulate fat and, even from the people, may have more fatty tissue, sometimes from the mesomorph and more from the ectomorph, but this does not mean that women are admitted to life. It's just that this type of woman needs more than an hour and more to report, to change the fat deposits. Both women can use springy strings.

Physical parameters of an endomorph woman:

  • Reconsideration of lateral dimensions over the later ones (short legs and arms).
  • Wide chest clump, wide thallium, great stigna, great slopes, brushes and feet.
  • Index of Solovyov more than 17
  • Fat mass is re-boiled over myazovoy.

Divovyzhne common rounded forms and good meat tone, given to women-endomorphs, a sexual, flimsy and spooky image. If such a woman wants to nabuti forms an ectomorph, then it will be even more neatly, if it is necessary to report neymovirnyh zusil, sob tsogo reach. And if you are still in good shape, then in such a view, the artistic pressure is more pressing than a sore eye. At that hour at the happy ectomorphs, it is also natural and beautiful.

It’s easy to grow to grow, but it’s a pity, all the good things are done with a ball of fat, which is necessary to burn it off. As I have already said, a woman with a hyper-wall type of statue is very good at gaining fat quickly, there is a lot of exchange of talkers, but not among the two previous types.

Putting on fat somewhere forcibly. Three trenuvan for such women are of the most intensive cardio with other options. Harchuvannya go more low-carbohydrate. For endomorphs, an important regimen is both in the plan of food and in the plan of regular trenuvans. See that weakenedness does not say goodbye, and fat doesn’t make you feel good.

Otzhe, you know about the main types of statues of women, and in what way there are shortcomings and changes in the skin of them. Yak vi was remembered, there is no absolutely filthy type of statue, the skin figure has its own birthmark. However, all these types have one power - the figure of a woman will tend to stay at the stage of the trend, because often and regularly visit the gym. If a woman does not actively engage in physical culture, then as it would not be an ideal figure, she will lose her addiction.

I am especially close to endomesomorphs, closer to mesomorphs. I am gaining fat every now and then; To that, for less, there is only one option - the price of steadily stealing for your hankering and regular training, as well as the correct vibration of the odd that swelled, so that it is not enough.

Obviously, a change from a pure viewer to a real life before, not a change. And here it is necessary to be aware and accept those with whom nature has piled you up and to maximize the development of its strengths. The woman is beautiful in every way, as long as she talks about a new one. If you don’t love yourself and your soul, why should you love you?

The first video is about those like the type of statues infused into the character of the people.

This is all for May. With the warmth that turbo, Ravilo.

Comments before recording "Type of statues or constitutions in women"

Well, I want thin legs. Ale genetics is not allowed. Zhurbinka (((

Evita, demand is not deprived of the desire, but the pot. And the result will be all the same, I wish it was not so fast. And if you really don't have an astonishing fold, maybe you don't need to be so visually appealing. They have very few substances from nature, and they also need some substances to burn. Are you looking for something?

Evita, why is genetics here?

Everything is hidden from you.

Well, it’s awkward, for me, if you’re not wearing thin legs. M'yaziv bagato, ale and fat rich. I'm not asthenik ..., undersized, siliceous. Yak saying the great M. Gorky "People povzati, lіtati can not" Singing, demand pratsyuvati z samootsenkoyu.

So, here you need to know the power of the perevagi and their development. And we marry a team that is dumb in us and cannot be right. Well, nature didn’t give a nig vid vuh, even a dumb, deyakі are ready for an operation from a podvizhennaya nіg drink. The price to call it against your nature, we are not good, as a rule, does not end.

I do not seem to be quiet, but it’s okay to ruin my own operations with a polish.

It’s already called, they’re eating fat)))

That ni Evita. You just cheer yourself up to yourself.

You don't need to criticize yourself too much.

Self-assessment is even more important! A woman can love herself, love her soul, love her soul, she is a nem sculptor. For bazhannya zyviy fat you can tidy it up, and you can add it to your wardrobe and heels.

It’s so, It’s good, it’s more important to see the inner life to oneself. And the right wardrobe can work wonders.

Fit, wardrobe works wonders.

Ale is not required to spiral, in front of the wind in itself.

It’s not free to seem: I’m talking about my clothes, but I’m going to see them.

All the same, povnot can be transmitted to the genetic level. Surely, it is possible for help trenuvan to covet a lot, if all one is laid down, if your legs are up, then the stench, if you do not get swollen, you will not become thin clubs. On vlachnoy dosvіdі inverted. Don'ka wear a size dress, and legs are for її figuri povnenki, I want to go to the gym and work out with a trainer.

Aunt, the genetic level might be transferred to a wider cell, but not a bit.

Also, do not try to try to eat food, tse in Pershe.

And in a different way, wonder how complex it is to be right in the simulator. May be less emphasis on the legs.

Just put it on є, ale on more beautiful.

The peculiarities of the figuri can be passed on to the genetic level, and all the bullets are the same. Ale in the kogos of the chest is great, and in the kogos of the priest.

Well, it’s okay, it’s so

Auntie, I don’t need to tell you if your vagi could be a hormonal slaughter.

The chain is heavily infusedє.

And all the same for me to be built, in general, it is not genetics that are smut, but the family of traditions of getting used to it. Mom and granny were cooking calories, and their little girl changed their recipes)) If I missed a few oduzhuvati on the 30th, I analyzed my race and I thought they got a few calories. The result became the worst, not earlier. And in family I have all the trash.

Most often people use genetics to justify actions of wadi postati to blame for their family race and way of life. Aje not for nothing with the rock of making friends one on one.

Fewer choloviks have 25 years of age, while those of new and now have 75 kg between them. In less than an hour, the vaga diminished in size 20. So, the family race has become, in a snazzy, singing role, albeit not a sutta.

Cholovik will be fired with greased pies and buns. For 33 rockets of our social life, they smoothed the view by 5-7 kilograms, and I ... I want no pies, no buns.

Є such a breed of people "hound-hort")))

Good, є і such a breed)))

It seems that if you smoke, you’ll be thrown into the wide latitude for a minute.

That nі, if I threw a fire, stroking a maximum of two pounds. And then it stink balancing now and then.

I know, well, my dad's are not big behind the car, well, they are not small in terms of maturity.

I may have used genetics to play with our genetics with the difference in vases, and then I thought about analyzing our decision to eat. I saw that I often “shmatochu”, їm all along (whether it’s kavun or bacon with tsibulei and fragrant tomato, we’ll only bring it from the garden, not important), we can get it from all the gastronomic satisfaction. And if I like to go vrahuvati, I like to go out and go around - vzagali vartu. If I’m sick of a chimos, I chew unequivocally, “get in” the troubles, but the cholovik, as a rule, is only if hungry, if the new one is feeling the mood - I’m thinking of seeing it. The axis terezi to us the figures and show ...

Well, the axis and the reason were taken into account. I’m even bigger than a cholovik im before the speech, because everything is fucked up

The axis of the tsikava is the specialness of the people.

It is good, for an hour, people who are without wickedness justify themselves with genetics, children are wired as if to fool themselves. Tse talk is a human lin. I don’t want to portray anyone. I myself am so :))

I can say about thin nizhki! I have such ... with good meat stegna :)) I wouldn’t ask myself a friend, more or less, as if it’s more ... but I always want it to be even worse, less than є.

Good day! Absolutely useful for the author, if a woman's skin is garnished, if she talks about her style and internal beauty. I know women who look even more appetizing with their rounded shapes, but go to the gymnasium. As a result, we just want to lose our minds, but all the same is changing, filling up more spring forms. And є znayomі dіvchatka, yakі hudі, ale nі tsitsok nі dupi (please vibachennya). I will not call you in to see. so artistry - it does not mean the soundness of the physical culture and the correct harchuvannya. Everyone is welcome!

It is not just the call of the beauty that befits us, but the interior.

Ale all the same, behind the door to look for the treasure

The axis is 100% good. We are thin, and we’re physically right, it’s just necessary. It’s not easy to forget about health. Without physical activity, you can still lead to a young person.

You have a string of figura. Is it melodiously rich in years at the vitrachaute hall?

Tse more merit kharchuvannya, melodiously.

I am mindful of a child, a robot. You have more prices on the price for cholovikiv.

And I’m busy trying to get started, if the weather is nasty, then I’m downgrading the route.

I don’t want big, I don’t. Tim is bigger in the street, it’s harder for me. Tim is more on low-carbohydrate days of nibi legends of vipliovuєsh naprikіntsі probіzh. The axis zalizata chi dance tse moє, I love yoga. And big tilki yak rosim.

Well, be amazed at how good you are and how you know how

I have my own complex right.

Barbells, dumbbells. The program is constantly changing.

All the same, melodiously, the skin can vibrate with that kind of sport, which is befitting. Through the strength of the busyness, one cannot push forward.

It is good, a little bit of a ringtone. Earlier it was not befitting, I cannot live at the same time.

Well, maybe it’s like that. Ale nikoli didn’t hit the mark.

I’m not a cross, but happy. All stay at the pace.

It’s too late to know the hour when you’ll start working on it. Often we can’t know the hour; Is it true girls?

TzOV. For me, one cannot describe a figure (All my life did not start 6 cm in height ... A woman, all a rajah-water aerobic-swimming!

All my life has not gone 6 cm from the psychological point of view?

All one vi is put to the same type, but not an alien))) I will just often help you with a combination of types

Zrozumіlo, how the skin figure is carried to the same type.

It’s just that women don’t think they can’t make a difference, well, take a short look at yourself.

Needed a glance from the side.

So, Babinki is not self-conscious. Mi w beztinni. I’m not smart? 🙂

Tse men may try to cinuvati you.

I will skin for my own.

You will need to love some of them, and then you will be able to. If you don't like yourself, no one needs it in a fair way.

Well, the whole word is fair ice.

Dyakuyu, Igor. I play over myself :)

I love to swim! By the water, I can katuvati myself with years of distant floods and all right, catching all the buzz. Vlіtku waving to the beach yaknaychastіshe - figura reagu mittєvo: where the flesh is fat, transforming on the muffs, the shkіra podtyaguetsya. Skoda, it’s going to end.

A pool of great rock for me, mabut, to lose my heart: 11th grade daughter ends up - we must go to tutors.

Ex Natalya, know the situation with tutors.

My little darling is starting in the 9th grade, and my daddy is already a different ric of trauma for tutors, gotuєmo for early. It’s good, penniless rychkoy.

Igora, my brothers became early tutors. I hired my children from the 11th class. Offended by prestigious specials for the budget. Tutors for early classes are learning to attend school. Children spratsovuyut: I have a tutor - it must be explained, at the lesson you can not hear. And for a penny, if you go to a tutor, you can buy more products, you drink a healthy food and lead children to a group of food.

Auntie, mi on a chain of beasts of honor steel. Ale on the right in that, where the little girl was richly sick of the past fate and came up to the present.

And my father Nicoli did not hire tutors. They just said that if I don’t blame it on bezkoshtovne viddіlennya, then I won’t have a penny, as I’ll have a normal dress. I don’t know the right stink bully chi ni, ale I went out of fear out of fear and entered into an absentee viddilennia, I’ve got a quick message about every problem)) The axis is such an axis of motivation))

In our hour, the tutor didn’t bother with the extensions, that and it’s expensive, that one could read it)))

I often swim a lot and often go to the pool, but at the last hour I started to think so that I can go to the pool to find some oujuvati. On the right, in the fact that I’ve just lost my control, I can’t be thrown around. I think you are doing more land sports at once)

So, if you want to drive, you still want to

When you go to Trenuvan on land, everyone can get away with it. Ymovіrno, the organism is actively vitriol in carbohydrates and infusion of hypoglycemia. Some are fighting hunger for the extra help of high-alcohol cocktails and kefir, when they need to drink it in a carbohydrate. I would like here to develop fitness for skinny and bodybuilding.

Well, as a short-hour world you can sit on a ducan, or not more than 1-2 months. Vzagal sushinnya tezh is more powerful than carbohydrates. Smell there is practical to live on salads and salads.

Hello, Dilyara! Dyakuєmo for the article and take my compliments about your figuru. Bravo, lykaryu. Vi duzhe string that is beautiful devchina 🙂

My figure is considered to be the same type. The first formula "growth minus one hundred", to be found in the most beautiful rock, did not work. And at the same time, if you buy a sore, the vagina is much more relieved. It’s a pity, I’m going to the gym through the snow, which made a squeeze. Bassein vlada is still rocky 5-7 thought de pobuduvati. Walking too much. I'm going to get 6000 crocs of robotics. Do not expect to give in. Tied up to the booth through onukiv, nachayut at the child of the serpent, I learn from them lessons to grow and nagoduvati. If you dare to go through more, I'm glad, like a child. Abi's foot did not let him down. Hoju with a mace.

All good luck and health!

Auntie, dyakuyu. Likari stinks like that ... Oh, give me a fence))) And I navpaki shylyayus before that ruh - life for any sores. I can recommend you to give me credit for kineziotherapy, like nadayut shanovna Bubnovsky and Dikul. As soon as it is pratsyuvati in їхніх centers for visual instructors, then, you can, you can navigate more beautifully with slopes. Walking can be good, that and onukam sent to school and karynoy znatyu naprugu that actively collapse. Tozh onuk_v pid groin and ahead.

It’s a pity, we don’t have such a center. The closest to the great world., 7-9 years old. Do not poizdish (((((

Skoda, well, just joke about the video tutorials and information about the books from the authors. First, enjoy the joy.

I have ectomorphs in the family of cholovik, and I am an endomorph. I have to be constantly brought in to interconnect food, I am engaged in aquaerobics, and I don’t go down, I’m in one size. I wonder if I had a style, if I’m my little girl, then I wouldn’t climb at the door.

The aunt, melodiously, is not correct only to intervene the food, it is necessary to look at the quality. Wait a minute, if there’s a kilogram of zukerok and a kilogram of meat, the same in terms of calorie intake, the effect will be great. I'm figuratively speaking. That song, until the aquaerobics, even sounded, if you have been doing it for a long time, more than 2 months. Organizm divuvati is required)))

On the aquaerobiku hoju is already 5 years old, more I like to swim. Mabut, instructing the hour to be minted.

So, for a whole hour, the sound went up. Vzagalі recommend changing the skin for 2 months. It can be strength, intensity, hardness, or even the most important type of activity. Ale know, what do you want a result? Bootie just thin chi bootie with a string garnished with a corset? Another vipadku - tse unambiguously zalizo)

Dyakuyu for the recommendation. Dilyara, You are mincing my style of rock in the conservation of the understanding about physical navantazhennya, about їzhu. For a lesser glance at the problem. I will try to minty. If it’s going to be good, then why is it more beautiful to use it?

It’s more beautiful to spend time with a trainer if you haven’t done it before. You will need to install the technique, so that there are no injuries due to the wrong statement. In 3-4 months you can start studying the Split-Trenuvan program, if only 1-2 groups of muzyaz are seen in a day.

For your comments, I don’t say a little about training. And even like a lyudin with dosvid.

I've been doing fitness for 10 years already. Dosvid is not rich.

The principle, the mother of the garny viglyad, requires all life to go in for sports. You can't get that healthy.

It’s good, that’s more, that all the rocky in that time were more overshadowed by our feet, but now it’s namagam їzditi; Life is all shvid, that shvid, and it is necessary to skip it.

I ride my bike.

Ale know, well, be amazed kudi treba їhati, and then go to the car їdesh.

Accept your affection for your health. Design your custom-made and custom-made designs. Women will not want to gush, because they will be able to cope with the children, the profession, I will be right!

Rino, dyakuyu. I can be thirsty for such people і I am going to reach the ryvnya, ale tse yak to reach the horizon, I’m very happy and smart, I’m going to grow up, looking for tsikavi and strong specialties.

And you will give us such an orientation. Your statistics will start thinking about ways of living and starting your day.

Auntie, I’m okay. Years later, I come to perekonannya, well, so melodiously praise that message in my life, I wish it sounded pathetic)). I smarter, I’m not happy about it, if people go out of their own zone of comfort and make their life more beautiful. Tse melodiously those same happiness, if ty robish to the robot, how to bring you satisfaction.

I'm going! Do NOT see me, be a weasel, from the outlet. I kick it until I can’t ring for an hour. I will be able to sign on to all my deeds. ale ... Dovgo will not be ... The box will be remembered all one ...

Auntie, don't worry. I do not plan to clean the plug, maybe in the next 6 months. Into the hospital!

I will leave with you. At the likarnie there is no mist. I don’t drink sugar. We have our priorities and priorities. Therapeutic treatment, endocrine nemaє.

Auntie, it’s not a regular frog at the hospital. You need to know a good polyclinic endocrinologist who is doing everything on an outpatient basis. The axis for whom you will lie at the stationary? Jmovіrno for diagnostics, even not drip kapati. We have a good deal in Russia, so all the problems can be seen at the stationary. Outside the cordon at the stationary, you will have to go to the heavy camp, if you cannot use your feet. Rashta on an outpatient basis. It is not economical for an hour and a penny of a state, for that is not a penny in medicine.

Absolutely good and I put it in, but in the lykarnya it is necessary to play a leash in an extreme vipadku. Booths that st_ni add help. As it is recognized as a professional treatment, it is possible to get along without a stationary. Well, it’s not easy to know a good doctor, but it’s not easy for a little place. You can go for a consultation before the first place. Narazі dіznatisya, de good fakhіvtsі is not a problem. I am especially smart about the remaining hour before the paid consultations and details.

It’s good for you to help me, I’ll help you.

For the entire hour of his life, he was lying at the likarna three times.

If it was born, for my rubella and appendicitis, then everything was up to 8 years. To get to the doctor's office, go to the medical committee.

I am ready to play only for the day stationary.

I want to dig in. I dripped at the licarna at 11 o'clock 12 o'clock. For me to be built. scho instructed an hour to poke around. They were surprised that it’s not realistic to drink up to the oculist. They once again took us to the hospital, but they won't accept us in another clinic. We have two polyclinics and two doctors-endocrinologists. so vibir is not great.

Well, if there’s the head of our people, we’ll see a pomilka))) What is more color for the pills? Bo sore th not handy? I cannot guess the essence of the Russian phenomenon. Well, nowhere is it so dumb, only in Russia. I still use the skilches at the honey. spheres, and me all the less and less want to be in the license like a patient, that yak like a friend))) God forbid, go around the side.

And when you need it, you can take advantage of the folk zasob.

Riznymi vidvara and herbs.

And it is more beautiful not to be ill.

so, it is more beautiful not to be ill. It's a pity that people don't want to be adequate))

I kicked around the lykarnya. Well, with the insulins, there is a lot of value. They dripped, p_dtrimal nirkas, from good. She didn’t lie practically, she went to the procedures and the routine. They were lykarnyans who were zaboroniv, vrantzi with themselves carried a dream from home.

A penny from the state is not the same, but I once dug up to the likarna for 4 rocky. At a new one, they are like me, like I’m not a penny. I don’t eat pigulki in the pharmacy in pilgovo. I bathe myself, now it’s insulin demand in the pharmacies of shukati, it’s not in polgoviy, and in those who aren’t, it’s necessary to get it to the last place.

The axis of such movement is with us))))) on the m_sci it is not sitting. At poshukah, Insulinu passed all the places not in one day. okay. ale 1.5-2 years passed for a day.

Auntie, please try to do it, but mailing is not a problem.

Pislya likarnі all razgrebet

If it’s nadovgo in the lykarnya, then you can add a trijik і todі і on the ring you will be overwhelmed, and in an hour you will pass the cycle.

Good, you can take care of yourself.

And Tetyana's mind is busy knowing herself.

Dyakuyu for the joy, I will look at the store, so the same price.

Dyakuyu, Igor! You are healthy.

All good evening. I read the article with pleasure. Know your type of statue. At 54, I became an ectomorph. І rіk already. Zvikla. m'yazova masa to perish, as її does not undergo physical rights. M'yazi want pratsyuvati. And oh gentleman? who will be iz m'yazy? Well done! Know the hour for everything. I still want to be good and sound (not thin) and healthy! Thank you very much, you have cleared up the trenuvan ectomorph.

Valya, come often at the guest's place.

And for me to be built, well, you are a normostenic in a pure viglyad. Your child, with the relief musculature of the figurine is a sight for the inheritance!

So, de pidsushena? I just trim myself in tonus (I get it), I just pick it up from the vase, especially the talia and the sides. Then it’s even more important to clean up everything. It’s so awesome for me, it’s a bit dumb between perfectness)))

Ha, but for me this year I'll look around honey. Likars said that I had a surplus of 8 kg of vagi.

For my growth of 178 and 82 kg of wagy, what is the surplus?

It's all nizenitnytsya. What stench come from?

From 20 rock_v at a mine of a wag from 80 to 85 kg. Stretching 18 rock_v.

For the whole hour, I go in for sports

Yaksho cloth, then tse misha. masa ta zhyvogo nichogo dumb

Well, to mean behind the words of the lykar. Tsya myazova masa, nadmirna vaga)))

For the upholstery, the formula is primitive for the growth of an ideal vagi: growth minus 100, with an increase of more, it is necessary to take 165 kg, more. Tsi pidrakhunki bolsh-mensh go to the middle population, as they will not fit themselves with physical rights. The main thing for them is fat loss, and for athletes that centimeter and normal weight is an understanding of the individual.

Well, in principle, how to go to the number of formulas.

Wonder at what you see.

So, yakby everyone was so fed up in gyms))))

The axis of the tse Bula b is perfect.

And then sit with a sandwich in your hands to think out, yak bi me thin)))

And like bootie, like they fenced off the gym, the pool is dumb, it's even shorter (Siberian), that sandwich is not so often I allow it, like bread, but thin - just get lost?

Auntie, why motivate lіkari, why bother?

Auntie, I don’t have a lot of rosumitim))) Well, why only the gym and the pool.

I don’t go to the gym, I have my own complex right.

Well, and you want to go in for sport walking.

Well, on the rakhunok kupannya, I don’t know if you live in Siberia, if I’m the whole Siberian market and bathed in the Siberian rychkas until the next day, that same day is included. Everything is hidden for now.

Especially on Obі very good bulo)))

For Ігорявідповід.

I live with a wonderful little place of the middle of the world. We have two small rivulets, which can be seen around the place. Richki girski. so it is cold to quiet feasts, as long as the top does not warm up. The swimming season is even short. Rooku vіn rozpochavsya at the lindens. on the cob the heather is already over, the wind at the crescent ends. I will not swim in the cold water. in a chilly still more-mensh, all the same, I am a woman and studzhuvati lower abdomen and nirki - no bazhannya.

At the simulator, they fenced it through the slopes (at me, the arms of the shoulder slopes), except for that. I robbed the laser coagulation of the stench on the offense of the eyes (pidshila), bigati - I go with the palice. I have gone through the operation at me on the quilted ointment.

That smut. through the fence went - gryzhi. Not between the backbones (such as in general), but in the middle of the ridge to the brain. Operuvati lykar saying is not possible. navantazhennya is not possible. you can purhati and miluvaty in quotations. More important than a spoon that cooking is not possible, because it grows sooner and everything is paralysis.

Tanya, do you know about calanetics? Її author Kellan Pinknі broke the right to the right, tk. there were problems with the ridge and the columns. Read and consult a good doctor, as he has the right to suit you especially. And you will need the advice of a good exercise therapy instructor to specialize on problem backs. You can know this at the good clinic of vertebrology.

Vibachte Tetyan, not knowing.

My mother underwent two operations on my eyes, that many sore sores and operations, I don’t want to go back. Ale I її zmushuyu walk around the bagato.

Natalia vie maєte ratsіyu. Consultation with specialist specialists is required.

Ale kozhen to judge and report on more from finances. For all the same, you need a penny to pay.

Nataliya k, good lykari and kliniki, melodiously є. but not for our misti. Є in the region. until new 6-9 years go by bus. Having walked earlier. Bulo is twisted in hand at 23 zchimos vijizhzhash. about 7-30 near Kemerovo. Having beaten by likars, and on obidі bus godesh to home. They sipped a lot of sips. demand by bus. shukati, de sleep. then we can pay off the drug. Krim that. I will stay for an hour on the shoulders of the diabetics to eat everything: I bathe the pills all by myself. I give it to you. they didn’t get help, but they didn’t give a whole month and insulin, they didn’t need to go to the suspicions, they didn’t give them a cup. As long as I live, I know it (I’m not a child of insulin, but I’m doing it). Until then, the pension is not so great for the disabled. Do not take it on the robot. Innocent think, for buying instant-buy meat more or buy a new thing sob. So, є children, ale mayut credit-іpoteka. How about asking for help? Skoda, I can't vlashtuvatisya on a robot. We have in the main mine і razrіzi, kudi me nі for yakі gingerbread not to be lost. There are no number of virobnists. To the guard? There lads work. Such realities of other mischiefs.

Igor. I am happy with the food. Plus p'yats on top of the booth without a lift. Єdine. not much to walk for an hour. Come onuki, I'm good for it, I'm trying to learn lessons from them. Smell awake at the little wintry. the i-axis in the store and in the store. In the evening I see them off to the hut. I would like to live in order, it became restless in the place, the children were not allowed to go in the evenings. Hodzhu is rich at vikhidnі, I can go around pіvmіsta, I go one street. Then I turn around. If your leg hurts.

Aaa Tetyana, so you live with us, in Kuzbass.

Well, in Kemerovo there are no buvavs, only on the border of the region for a look of naphtha.

I practically live all my life on 1 versatility - for me nina, to rise by 5 on top of a pishka - a feat of its own kind, a goal of cardiotrenuvannya 🙂

Forget about the lift - with nothing for 5 on top.

Wee miracles! Just kindly praise that watch!

All good evening. Aunt, I read your comments. Read Bubnovsky Sergiy. I've seen a lot of books. I can write to you, but I will tell you. doctors: Auntie, the axis of the ci is right to see you.

I have to, fiz. kerm activity It seems as if you are collapsing when you need a baiduzhe, you can navigate through the bile. And it’s so, the spatula is even more painful, a little bit more beautiful. Overwhelmed by a thousand times on sob.

Having said to me neurosurgeon, it’s not possible to twist, to twist. dubiously "not possible" having voiced. If she was asleep: Is it possible? Dihati and drink are not just a bottle. She laughed, ale ... the grain was thrown away ...

I walk, and at once I am brought to sit, until the winter needs to impose a small cupboard on onuks (їkh 4) and cholovikovs on children. At the head, I blow my lungs, I knead my shoulders, I stretch.

Auntie, collapse orintyuyuchis on your vision. Likari even zaboronyayut about all kinds of vipadoks, I don’t know about you. You may or may not know and know how you can and cannot. If you want, you need it, it is necessary for the nobility, but you have a lot of problems for the problem.

I am a mesomorph, so it’s definitely not an endomorph and an ectomorph. I easily throw off the wagu, and I easily recruit. Varto me to take all the trash - welcome, kilograms :) And if I grudge right - I’ll get thin instantly.)

The most common type of statue. Spared you

I have read the copies of new terms and phrases this year. Ale so until the end, I did not mind to what type I fit))), but certainly not to the ectomorphic type

Nina, clean tip and trapyayutsya pretty. If you do not have a sign of an ectomorph, then singingly you are closer to the wicked type between a normostenic and a hypersthenic. As soon as it’s shyly vidu and a schilny kistiak, then a pass in bik gipersthenika.

Seogodnі marveled at one of the rozvazhalnye programs for women, yakіy village woman that darling lady will be exchanged for 3 days in roles. At the same time, it turned out that successful people miraculously viglyadayut the titanic pratsi and the serious intercourse in kharchuvanna. Ymovіrno, the whole rule is practical and straightforward: lyudin is neohain and obstruction is unlikely to wicklice doviru and interest to his person. The first visnovok about new buda: "That vin is just ice!"

Any type of statue for proper pratsovitosti can be brought to the ideal.

Natalia, did you cut off my last leaf?

Natalya, I'm happy with you. Pislyalit, like a woman, is a wonderful sight, here sooner on the right is not in the genes, but in the very robotic ones above herself.

P.S. Infected I'll look before the screen fo. @ dex.ru - can you write there? I don’t scold him, I’m just tied to the avatar, I’ll say yogo in the comments. Corresponded to us from ku..@mail.ru

I am the middle of a mesomorph and an endomorph. And my breasts snapped to myself in a piggy way)) Varto, me three, pick up a vagu, as I become a volodarka of the third or fourth size. Ale at once threw off 4 kg and grafted a different size of breasts)

Well, the chest stinks like that. Won’t get thinner)))

I’m an axis that can do nothing but I don’t mind. If I once again lost weight to 58 kg, I became similar to a woman, but I became hated by her and lost weight to 49 kg. Now she looks like a child. , Visoka and the growth of the line of talia, and the axis of the thighs - the plutan: tazostegnovy loam behind the size of the child, ale in such fat, that the most of their vases became 92-93cm, which is more for my growth. If I get thin, all the fat is proportional and I become practically a student of the middle school. It’s not okay to start the type on the wrist. I have such a smart old legs, and the arms are short. On robots, they called me a little girl. I call me an infection thin, ale me, and earlier, so do not be forgiven. Zrozumіlo, I will not reach my ideal, but I can not accept my tilo and figuru like the stench є, I can’t do that (I’m 32, what the woman gave me). I still just drive in a motor oil sludge from me. not to be brought, the fat itself hangs everywhere, if I sit or turn around. Through the chain, it is possible to obtain a selection of odyag. And so at least it all came together, I’m already ready for anything, abi shake off the hated fat. і a housekeeper, і a working horse. Possibilities go to the gymnasium of any possibilities: no effort, no hour, no strength. From now on, I just go for it. got sick, didn’t go down a little. For an hour, the ailment lost 3 kg. Therefore, I continued to grow thin. It became a hair loss, teeth crunching and nigtі. It’s starting before death. Infections I’m going to turn around before I’m on the subway (I want to start working for a couple of times.) , that the bus ride is to blame), That vzagalі want trohi active buti, I want everything to try, but the robot is simply not allowed. One solution in kharchuvanny: є even a little, not high-calorie products, drink a lot, do not vzhivat tsukor, sil, hlib; obov'yazkovo є wish trochi for snidanok, obid, you can wind up to 19.00-diєtichnu cutlet. I should be built, if I’m at such a hygiene, I’ve been re-working on the skeleton for a long time, but I cannot go lower than 49 years. Mabut, in 32 rocky - the price of my border and lower than the vag will not be. for the 4th year at the university I was important 54kg, then we can let it go, but the little car is just not powerful for me. But I’m just going to be out of tune soon. Ale for my growth is not so small. I didn’t have a bully anyway. However, they didn’t kill me, and in their 21st virishil they simply starve themselves to death. She was skinny to 43 and did not die a little. I knew about zhodni children, About the rules of correct eating and navi about those who are typical and constitutional in all children. thin. One of the most frightening periods of my life. to beat less than a little bit. All the prices are not visible on me like on the models. I am losing more and more to a little girl, and not to a model. I now napivlis. Naturally, I stopped working for myself, but at that moment I was important 47, and the taxicosis increased to 44 kg. important 58kg. Ale qiu wagu, I know not my own. who is put up to himself. In our family, because of my summer season, there has not been a regular meal, a dinner, or a supper. Nicoli's mother did not sew for the correct food. do not go overboard, but you need to add 72kg with a height of 150cm and a tip-to-toe (size 50). For 10 years of children in the family, we will be on our own. cartopli and greased hammers. I could have naphati more in myself, less is needed for me (as a result of greed). The vuzka k_stka was trying to get rid of it. I grew up to 44, but I was especially special about fat. On robots, it seems, worse still nikudi, zupinis, but I still don’t bach pictures. Especially not thin, Ale Bula would be glad to throw off a couple of kg. Namagayu just pidtrimuvati form. Yak Škoda, how nature didn’t blow me away from the artistic process of mesamorphism. Nachebto, і was thin, but the whole thing is not happy. And the depression of toluene did its best. I have already lost my life to life.

Anna, do not “hover” over your call, all your problems are in your head! Take yourself a taku, yak є! Love yourself! You have everything!

All life is high, thinner. The head of the viklikala ohy-zithannya will feel sick. principally, nicoli did not get magalized, but rather hitatisya. I feel like people in our hour are more vibrant with their call.

And I am not good for the call, in the midst of the reasonable, the need to come to respect to the callous viglyad, do not forget about the soul.

Yak it seems - according to the style of sound ...

Asthenic type of statue ... The woman of the central constitution characterizes the artistry of the country, thin and thin, high shoulders, flat and high chest, podovzhny thin pictures, vyagnuyu denominations of that thin nis. Growth is part of the average. The language of such women is weak. That їm marriage was forced that showroom. The nature of the representatives of the group of energy, light and vitality, may be small. From the obvious pluses of the asthenic statue of varto, name the minimum strength to the point of overwhelming. With the choice of sports disciplines, it is more beautiful to win a team, since it is aimed at development of a switch, but to reject: strength and vitality. Up to such you can bring floating, aerobic, dancing. To correctly bring your body to the thin-wrist type, simulate the tip of your wrist. The group is guilty of becoming less than 16 cm.

Normal type of statue ... In women of the constitution, the basic definition of proportions. Such women are often waving with stringy feet, a thin talin and, in general, a harmonious figure. Growth is more often than average. Such people from nature are kindly coordinated, rizki and shvidki. In sports disciplines it is most beautiful to go and play games (volleyball, basketball too), as well as tennis, aquaerobics. Dovzhina kola wrist maє buti mіzh 16 і 18.5 div.

Hyper wall type of statue ... Women with a strong constitution may have a lot of important and wide, wide shoulders, a wide and short chest, three short cuts (as a rule). Growth is more often than average. From nature, such women conceal strength and vitality, a little more dullness and vitality. The following sports disciplines are recommended: yoga, callanetics, single combat, etc. In addition, before the shortage of the hyper-wall type of statues, there is an inadequate swiftness to the exchange of speech, so that it is transferred to the degree of strength to the utmost. Dovzhin's stake of the wrist with wide-bodied statues, become 18.5 cm wide.

Growth rate ta dovzhina nig

The specific type of statues can also be varied from the size of the growth and dovzhini nig. For normo-bone and wide-bodied folding, the range between 166 and 170 cm fits into normal growths, while for the asthenic type - in the boundaries of 168 - 172 cm. Legs vvazhautsya short, like їхnya dovzhina less than half the size.

Dovzhina nig wander through the mound of the stegnovoy kistka, where you can find yourself right next to the sludge slope, until the fall.

Ideal dovzhina nig is guilty of being in such boundaries:

  • asthenic type: 2-4 cm half-grown legs
  • normal type: legs up to 4-6 cm half the height
  • hyperstenic type: legs up to 6-9 cm half height

Do not worry, as your indicators do not fall apart from ideal ones. It is possible to create the visibility of the required additional information for additional support. Before the speech, there is one of the ways to make a heel of ideal height. Just give a fuck, you don’t contribute to the standards for the divas, and wear a pidbori of this kind.

Whites and Index Pinє

Whites(From English vitels life is important organi) - size of female figuri - growth, dovzhina nig, volume of breasts, talia, stegon

Normal indicators of "white" for young women:

Statue typeAsthenichneNormostenicGiperstenichneBreast cell circumference84 - 86 cm1/2 height + 2-5 cm1/2 height + 8-10 cmAbout breastsChest circumference + 4-6 cmChest circumference + 8-10 cmColo talia60 - 64 cmZrist - 105 cm70 - 76 cmThe circumference of the stegonColo talia + 30 cmColo talia + 30 cmColo talia + 28 cm

For a more detailed assessment, it is possible to use the indexes of the index.

Index Pinє = standing height (cm) - (weight (kg) + number of breast tissue (cm))

With indicators less than 10 - mitsna (shchilna) statura; 10-25 is normal; 26-35 - weak; over 35 - even weaker.

Wagi rate

Zvychayno, loving a vag does not embellish a woman's life. Beauty is good for health, stringiness, tension. The very same tribute to the cholovik vvazhayut for the ideal on the go-to house. In addition, it is necessary to bring all organisms to a very early age. It is even more important for the nobility of their own normal vagi. Why don't you have a stench? Why are you growing up and growing? Not only. For the correct setting of the norms of the vagi, it is necessary to provide the special features of one's body: the back structure of the body (type of constitution), the width of the shoulders, and the particularity of the breast plate.

However, you can’t forget it, but you don’t get hung up on the fat in the body. Fat tissue is a part of a living organism. I won yomu life is needed. For wicked minds, the amount of fat in the choloviks is 1/20, and in women it is 1/16 in the vagi tila. I close to 75% of all fat is found without the need for the middle. There is not a lot of fat for a shkіroy oberіgaє as a result of being overcooled. The singing minimum of fat in the internal organs will be consumed in a healthy meal, due to the loss of decay, injuries and scabs. In addition, fat is a price of energy, which can be found in vicoristan for a single consumer.

On our site there are a number of methods for calculating the norms of the vagi, which are different from the features of the type of statue.

For the formula below Vee, you can know your vagu 1 centimeter in height:

Vaga per 1 cm of growth = masa tila (grami) / sp_st (centimeters)

Know the type of your statue, multiply the performance for your sprint, and take away your normal vagu.

The marginally permissible wage of women before the singing cycle can be calculated from the tables below:

Well, let’s, pani, distance a centimeter and change your wrist from brush to brush ... I’m just 18, but you have your words?

You can hurry up with the joy of the models, so that you can take advantage of your little figures of figurines for an additional selection of wardrobe. Todi you will not feel any good in the number of your friends and know you, and you can enjoy yourself with your calling viglyad.

Because you have broad shoulders and a low height

Carry simple and monotonous speech. Give the ride to the draped tops and cloths, but not to dress the figurine. Also try wearing raglan sleeves to round your shoulders and visually not so wide. Unique sleeves without sleeves, as well as sewn-on sleeves with a line of shoulders, a bit of a stink of shrinking shoulders more wide.

Wear trousers with a cut "pіd chereviki" with high pіdborami or on the platform. Dovgі fall off NATO also kindly take care of your shortcomings. Another way - cloths in the pidlog with high food, if you can wear yak during the day and in the evenings. Unique short sleeves, horizontal smogs that swell on flat feet. Do not pick on the richness.

As soon as you have a short shia

Unique comіrіv and high necks, the best way to reduce the virіzam. So your shia will be visually good. Follow the position and sit with your back straight, and then greet you. Wear marsh with wide or V-podobny virizami. The stench also flashes the illusion of the strings and the old ones. Do not wear short or massive jewelry near your neck. To solve the problem even more. Do not also wear a swamp with a high or small round neck. Unique shirts as well.

You have a wide chest

Wear one from graphic virizami or V-like shape. Unique styles in the style of the Empire for any details near the breasts. Render the pass to monotonous speeches, the most beautiful dark vidtinkiv. If you love your lights, then put on a scarf over the top just visually change a little bit of figurie and see the string and vishche. Look at it just that awesome. Don't be overwhelmed with contrasting colors. The stench is bigger than that of the figurine on the dalyanki, which you will see as square. Do not wear clothes with horizontal lines, folding prints and massive jewelry embellishments.

Yaksho you have a wide talia

Grow the talia, adding a belt to the wardrobe, to complete the illusion of the fact that you still have a talia є. Pragnit to Roman lines, quilted scarves, piercing prints, drapery, universities and siluets because of understated money, or, in the least, not to high prices. This will give your torso a boost.

Wear swamps with a straight cut. Podovzheni swamps and swamps in a general style are ideal for women from a wide range. Do not pinch the belt. I will not trust the region of talia. І unique tight and short tops.

You have wide stegna

Wear dovgі swamps, scho attach your stegna. Pragnit to scarves on stigmas and unique trousers from understated tights. It is best to wear trousers in the style of "pid chereviki". Dovgі topi and wіlnі cloths, it is ideal to go to you with wide quilts. Visoki pidbori This platform can also be found in your wardrobe. Wear jeans and pants with a large dark color. Unique skinny jeans for any price. Those are very short of short tops. Tse is just a taboo for you. Do not wear it on flat feet.

You have great sides

Do not wear leggings. Straight to the shortened trousers, to balance the balance between the sides and ankles. You can go for a pair of maxi pants, palazzo pants, as well as maxi fabrics. Everything can be great if your sides are not far away.

Wear only straight cut pants. Dovgі cloth is also ideal to go. Do not wear short cloths, tight jeans, shorts. and be-like tight speeches.

You have a great playing life

Wear a pair of olives or pants with folds. Before them, it's wonderful to go to the lights. So you take in the vivid life and visually beat the talia sinking.

Yaksho vi want to cut the lines of figuri

If you don’t need to wedge those breasts, then let the girdle shirts fit your figure, the ringing pidzhaks, V-shaped virgins and cloths with belts.

You have too big breasts

Skin woman mri about ideal size of breasts. If you have big breasts, then you may feel uncomfortable, overwhelming the middle people. If you want to change the problem, wear shirts, or swamps, as it is possible to sit on your figure, cloth with a ready-to-wear shirt, jackets and lights. Do not wear tops and shirts, do not fit, as well as belts, which will screw up your respect to your writing bust.

How are you feeling?

Dovha shia was honored to be honored. If you have a lot of fun, and even if you are not too young, it is wonderful. It is visually shorter to wear shirts with high collars or collars in the style of "collar".


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