A sense of creativity. Rational creativity by mykola berdyaevim Berdyaev zmist creativity analysis

A sense of creativity. Rational creativity by mykola berdyaevim Berdyaev zmist creativity analysis

Іm'ya Mykoly Oleksandrovich Berdyayev (1874-1948) - a prominent Christian and political misler, a proponent of the philosophical specialty and freedom in religious existentialism and personalism - is not written in the history of society "Sense of Creativity" is one of the most famous early robots of Berdyav, in which it is presented by the author's thoughts about freedom and individuality, about geniality and holiness, as well as the religious-philosophical concept of creativity. Written in a simple, ale-figurative way, the book is going to be of great importance to a wide range of readers.

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Misce folk:
Date of death:
Mysce of death:

Mikola Oleksandrovich Berdyaev(6 () birch, - abo, Klamar pid) - religious Russian. In, z lived with France.



N. A. Berdyayev was born among the noble family. Yogo Batko Oleksandr Mikhailovich Berdyayev became an officer-cavalier guard, along with the Kiev povitovy vatazhkom nobility, piznishe head of the governing body of the Kiev land bank; mother, Alina Sergiyivna, urodzhena prince Kudasheva, by her mother was French.


Berdiaєwith a small number of wicked in the house, then joining the 2nd class of the Kiev cadet corps. In the 6th class, having overflowed the building and trying to get a certificate of maturity to enter the university. Todi I have declared my status as professor of philosophy. " U 1894 p. Berdyaev having joined the Kyiv University - a link to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, or even to the Law Faculty.

Life in Russia

Berdyaev, as a more Russian philosopher at the turn of the XIX-XX century, walked the path from Marxism to idealism. U 1898 p. for their social-democratic look at the decision (at once from 150 social democrats) and at the university (until the last time they were asked for a few days as a student) Misyats Berdyaev proviv at the vyaznitsa, for whom there are no sounds; On the right, it tripped two rockets and ended up hanging to the Vologda province for three rockets, two of the provinces at Vologda, and one at Zhytomyr.

U 1898 p. Berdyaєv pozav drukuvatis. Proceedingly, it became a part of Marxism, in 1901 the first article "Struggle for Idealism" was published, which started the transition from positivism to metaphysical idealism. The mandate iz, Berdyaev became one of the leading articles of the Russian ruch, as if for the first time declared itself a zbirkoy "Problems of Idealism" (), instead of a zbirkoy "", which sharply negatively characterized the Russian revolution of 1905 to the rock.

For the onset of rock to hang from SRCP 1922 p. Berdyayev having written melee articles and a number of books, including in one year, after that, in a fair way, he’d just assessed “Sense of Creativity” and “Sense of History”; I took part in the history of the cultural life of Sribny Vik, some of them were wrapped up in the literary stakes of St. Petersburg, instead of the lot in the activity of the Religious and Philosophical Suspension in Moscow. Pislya revolution of 1917 Berdyayev fell asleep in the "Vilna Academy of Spiritual Culture", but she had three fate (1919-1922).

Life in emigration

Two for Radianskoy power Berdyaev having spent to v'yaznitsa. “For the first time, I will make an appointment at 20 rotsi at the call from the right of the so-called Tactical center, to which direct communication is not possible. Ale bulo zareshtovano a lot of my good znayomikh. As a result, I have a great process, but I haven’t ever learned anything ”. Suddenly Berdyaev was harassed 1922 rock. “I've been sitting close. I was asked before the next and was told that I was hanging from the Russian Federation for the cordon. They took a letter from me, so when I appear on the cordon of the CPCP, I will be shooting. Writing a whole bunch of songs. Ala, two months passed very close, and the last one went beyond the cordon. "

Pislya vіd'їzdu (in the so-called) Berdyaev is alive with a small group in Berlin, having taken part in the work of the "Russian Science Institute". At Berlіnі Berdyaev, having learned from a number of nіmetsky philosophers - from Kaiserling,. At 1924 p. after having traveled to Paris. There, but the rest of the rock in Clamart before Paris, Berdyaev is alive to death. Vin wrote and wrote and handled, born in 1925 to 1940. being the editor of the magazine "Shlyakh", taking an active part in the European philosophical process, I see such philosophers as E. Munє and in.

“In the rest of the rock, there is little change in our material camp, I have rejected the decline, I want it modest, and I have become the master of the pavilion with the garden near Clamart. Farther in life, even at the Vignanna, I am power and alive at the vlasny booth, I wanted to demand, it never started. " At Klamara once, for a long time, there were "nedіlі" with chayuvannyas, friends and chauvinists of Berdyaev got in, they talked about and talked about good food and de "you can talk about everything, catching thoughts" against.

In the middle of the books published on the emigres by M. A. Berdyayev, name it “New middle” (1924), “About the sign of people. Dosvid of paradoxical ethics "(1931)," About slavery and freedom of people. Dosvid of Personnel Philosophy "(1939)," Russian Idea "(1946), Dosvid of Eschatological Metaphysics. Creativity and activation "(1947). The book “Self-knowledge. Dosvid of a Philosophical Autobiography "(1949)," The Kingdom of the Spirit and the Kingdom of Caesar "(1951) and in.

“I was brought to life in the era of catastrophe both for my father's land, and for the whole world. In my eyes, the whole of the light and the new appeared. I instantly spontaneously supervise the minority of the people. I bachiv transformation, attachment to the health of people, and tse, mozhlvo, bulo nayvazhchim in life. From viprobuvan, as I had to experience, I blame vira, but Vishcha Power took care of me and did not allow me to lose it. Epochs, nasіlki reminiscent of podіy and changes, taken in respect of tsіkavim and significant, even epochs unhappy and miserable for the people around, for the whole generation. The story is not to spare the specialness of the people, and it does not help. I have survived three victories, from which two may be called saints, two revolutions in Russia, small and great, having experienced a spiritual renaissance on the ear of the 20th century, at the same time Russian communism, a crisis of holy culture, a coup d'état in France, a country The exile, and the exile is not over. I am terribly worried about the fear against Russia. I still don’t know how to end the shock. For a philosopher, it’s a lot of podiatry: I’ve sat in the old regime and two times in the new one, I’ve got three messages for the first time, I’m a process that’s like zagrozhuvav my old settlements in Siberia, my father’s father, mabut, I’ll end my life at the Vignanna ”.

Berdyaev died in 1948 p. at my booth in Klamar, I see a heart. Two years before his death, he finished the book "The Kingdom of the Spirit and the Kingdom of Caesar", and he had already matured the plan of the new book, and he did not want to write it.

Basic principles of philosophy

The book "Dosvid eskhatologicheskoy metaphiziki" (Dosvid eskhatologicheskoy metaphiziki) turns my metaphysics the most. My philosophy is in my philosophical spirit. Spirit for me is freedom, creative act, specialness, love. I will consolidate the primacy of freedom over buttyam. Buttya is suddenly, already є determination, necessity, є also ob'єkt. You can, deyakі thoughts of Duns Scotus, the best, chastkovo Men de Biran, and, obviously, as a metaphysics I put in front of my thoughts, my philosophy of freedom. - Self-knowledge, ch. eleven.

Berdyaev had the key role of freedom and creativity ("Philosophy of Freedom" and "Sense of Creativity"): the only mechanism of creativity is freedom. Nadal Berdyaev in viv and promulgated an important witness:

  • the kingdom of the spirit,
  • the kingdom of nature,
  • ob'activation - the unhappiness of the slave labor of the kingdom of nature,
  • transcenduvannya is a creative insight, the podolannya of slave kaidans of the natural-historical buttha.

Ale at any time, the inner basis of Berdya's philosophy is freedom and creativity. Freedom is the kingdom of the spirit. Dualism in yo metaphysics is God and freedom. Freedom is pleasing to God, but at the same hour it is not from God. Isnu "primordial", "unsolved" freedom, over which God has no control. Qia freedom, destroying the “divine buttya hierarchy,” creates evil. The theme of freedom, for Berdyaevim, is found in Christianity - "the religion of freedom." The irrational, “dark” freedom is transformed into Divine love, the sacrifice of Christ “in the middle”, “without violence against her,” “not in sight of the light of freedom.” Bogolyudski stosunki are indiscriminately tied with the problem of freedom: human freedom is absolutely meaningful, the share of freedom in history is not without human being, but the tragedy is divine. The share of "vilnoy people" in the hour and history is tragic.


  • "Philosophy of Freedom" (1911) ISBN 5-17-021919-9
  • "The sense of creativity (Dosvid vypravdannya people)" (1916) ISBN 5-17-038156-5
  • "The share of Russia (Preceding from the psychology of war and nationality)" (1918) ISBN 5-17-022084-7
  • "Philosophy of unreasonableness. Leaves to the road from social philosophy "(1923) ISBN 5-17-038078-X
  • “Kostyantin Leontyev. Drawing from the History of the Russian Religious Thought "(1926) ISBN 5-17-039060-2
  • "Philosophy for the Spirit" (1928) ISBN 5-17-038077-1
  • "The share of the people in the day-to-day world (Before the rise of our era)" (1934)
  • "I and svit ob'oktiv (Dosvid of the philosophy of self-reliance and spilkuvannya)" (1934)
  • Spirit and Reality (1937) ISBN 5-17-019075-1 ISBN 966-03-1447-7
  • "Vitoki and sense of Russian communism" http://www.philosophy.ru/library/berd/comm.html (1938 in Russian; 1955 in Russian)
  • “About slavery, that freedom of the people. Dosvid of Personnel Philosophy "(1939)
  • “Dosvid of eschatological metaphysics. Creativity and activation "(1947)
  • “Truth is that intimate. Prolegomena to criticism of Odkrovennya "(1996 Russian language)
  • "Existential dialectic of the divine and the human" (1952) ISBN 5-17-017990-1 ISBN 966-03-1710-7

Berdyaev Mikola Oleksandrovich

Philosophy of Freedom. Sense of creativity

M .: Pravda, 1989 .-- 608 p.
Seria “From the History of the Vital Philosophical Thought”. Dodatok to the magazine "Nutrition of Philosophy"

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Mova rosіyska

"Philosophy of Freedom" Berdyayev has unified the low published earlier articles, but it is impossible not to back up in its integrity and logical consensus in the implementation of the idea. The Persha part is warlike polemic and is straightened against the bitterly old philosophy, on the thought of Berdyayev, as it absorbed “buttya” as the life of the persistent reality, in which all knowledge is perceived.
Another part of the "Philosophy of Freedom" is called to grow up like history, like a message to sense of history. However, for Berdyaev, the reference to the Christian ontology, which prompts the building of the cultural foundation of the "church epistemology", should be built. A true knowledge is more likely to be lost in a true boot, and the docks of the same boot can be missed by his "fallen", but criticism of the bitter philosophy cannot be corrected. MAY BUTY corrected the same buttya: specialty (to that one is called “philosophy of vilnykh” - “concrete personalism”) and universal. The special way of living up to the conciliarity of “church svidomosty” from Berdyaev to the foresight of the mesian sign of Russia.
At the "Philosophy of Freedom" Berdyaev is vistupa yak prodovjuvach bagatokh those and traditions of Russian philosophy of the 19th century. At the sound of L.M. Lopatina and A.A.

In the creation of "Sense of Creativity", which means Berdyaev, this "religious philosophy" was first fully understood and revolved. Along the way, the principle of encouraging philosophy in the minds of the vision of a special way of understanding the unique way to the universal, "cosmic" universalism. Prior to the traditional Russian philosophy of wine, it includes the middle mysticism of Kabbalah, Meister Eckhart, Jacob Boehme, Christian anthropology Fr. Baader, nigilism Fr. Nietzsche, suchasny occultism (zokrema anthroposophy of R. Steiner).
Lyudin is placed at the center of the boot - this is how the outward contour of this new metaphysics begins as the concept of “monopluralism”. The central haircut "Sensu of creativity" is the old idea of ​​creativity as a close-minded people, as a spirit of creativity with God, which is trivial.


L. V. Polyakov. Philosophy of creativity N. Berdyav 3

Philosophy of Freedom
Peredmova 12
Chapter I. Philosophy and Religion 14
Rozdil II. Vira ta knowledge 38
Rozdil III. Gnoseological problem 68
Chapter IV About ontological epistemology 96
Rozdil V Walk of evil and sense of history 123
Rozdil VI. About christianska freedom 192
Rozdil VII. Mysticism and Church 205
Dodatok. Vitonchena Fivaida 229

Entry 254
Chapter I. Philosophy as a creative act 262
Rozdil II. Lyudin. Microcosm and Macrocosm 293
Rozdil III. Creativity and sale 325
Rozdil IV Creativity and epistemology 341
Rozdil V Creativity and Buttya 354
Rozdil VI. Creativity is freedom. Individualism and universalism 368
Rozdil VII. Creativity and asceticism. Geniality and holiness 382
Rozdil VIII. Creativity is to become. Choloviche and zh_noche. Rid and specialty 399
Rozdil IX. Creativity and love. Shlyub that sіm'ya 420
Chapter X. Creativity and beauty. Mystery and Theurgy 437
Rozdil XI. Creativity and morality. New ethics of creativity 460
Rozdil XII. Creativity and community 479
Rozdil XIII. Creativity and mysticism. Ocultism and magic 498
Rozdil XIV Three epochs. Creativity that culture. The creativity of that church. Creativity and christianske vidrodzhennya 518

Notes and excursions 535
Notes 581
Vazivnik imen 601

Berdyaev's "Sense of Creativity" is one of the most important philosophical workers, who is the author himself who appreciated all the others. The book of Bula was written by the great political and religious philosopher in the 1912-1914 rock. For the first time, it was published in the deprivation of 1916. Varto mean that you won’t be able to, if the author of the book actually seeks from the capital's Orthodox community at the glance of Marx, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky and the other misters of the day. The philosopher himself, having respected the tsir of ninatkhnennishim, must formulate an original philosophical thought in the future.

Philosopher's biography

Before "Sensu creativity" Berdyaevim bulo was written in one more meaningful way. The philosopher was born in 1874 in the Kiev province. Zdobuv pochatkovu home coverage, quiet navchavu at the cadet corps. I will learn about the education after visiting the Faculty of Nature of the Kiev University, and then joining the legal one.

In 1897, he was asked for the fate of the student zavorushennya, and sent to Vologda. Since 1899, he started working in the Marxist press. In 1901, the first article "Struggle for Idealism" was published, with the publication of those wines becoming one of the provincial figures of the Revolutionary Intelligence. Having taken part in the establishment of the Union of vizvolennya that yogo dіyalnosti.

In 1913, there were a number of convictions until they were sent to Siberia for the article "Quenching the Spirit", in which they seized the Athonite Chents. However, they did not go through the vicinities through the Persha Svitovu vіyna, who respected the revolution for her. Substitute Siberia due to the knowledge of provinces received from the Vologda Governorate.

Until 1922, since he was in the bosom of the Russian Federation, the philosopher wrote a lot of articles and books, and a little bit of them N. A. Berdyayev "Sense of creativity" and "Sense of history". Buv a symbolic figure for the hour of Sribny Vika, falling asleep to the "Vilnius Academy of Spiritual Culture".

Life in emigration

The creativity of Mikoli Berdiav was not appreciated by the bolsheviks. Yogo two zaareshtovyvali. In 1922, if the philosopher had changed over to areshtom, they said that they would hang from the country, and if they did, they would turn around.

Visiting the "philosophical steam", Mykola Oleksandrovich settled down with Berlina. In 1924, he traveled to Paris, having lived until his death.

For a whole hour, one of the ideologists of the Russian student Christian ruch, edited the magazine of the Russian religious thought "Shlyakh", took part in the philosophical process.

Among the most significant yogo robits, written in emigratsia, varto mean "New Serednyovichya", "About slavery and freedom of people", "Russian Idea". From 1942 to 1948 rіk іn development of nominations for the Nobel Prize from the literature, albeit to the city so and not getting rid of.

1946 the rock yomu bulo is turned to the Radyanske community, ale turn to the CPCP without becoming. In 1948, at 74 years old, he died at his own office in front of Paris with a heartbreak.

Freedom to see

Freedom from light - golovna vimoga, yaku visuva Berdyaev at "Sensi creativity". At the top of the bottom, the philosopher is pragmatic to see the real aspect of creativity.

Mysticism, buttya, beauty, kohannya, vira, morality emerge from the saw with respect. Varto, it means that as if it wouldn’t be a great one, the theme of creativity would be lost in the head. The main title of the book by N. A. Berdyayev is "The Zmist of Creativity. Dosvid Vypravdannya People". Preslidniks vvazhayut, so the price of napotaєmnisha for yogo rob. We have a message about the transition to the new religious dobi, as they call it the Third Commandment. At them, on the thought of a philosopher, a lyudin nareshty blame himself as a creator.

Tsya theory, Vikladena at "Zmist Creativity" Berdyaev, was primed on the Old and New Zavits, for which there is no one about creativity. The philosopher has respected the great people who have a sense of what they should and should develop.

The power of the boottea

At the very knizi Mikoli Berdyaev "Zmist creativity" about nudga is not a good word, I want it out, madly, know the skin creator. Obviously, in this context, it’s not about thinking about reading the middle book, but about forgetting to hear and hear about it.

In philosophy, almost practically nothing has been written about it. 1999 to the rock a small treatise "Philosophy of the Nudgi" by Viishov from the Norwegian Lars Svendsen. In a new way, I do not know how to understand the power of our butt, because we are in shape for an hour, and not just become soul or mood. I don’t have a chance to see the whole sphere, the Norwegian philosopher knows, but if a nudga can’t see all the philosophy in philosophy, then I’m thinking about the share.

For Berdyaev, the nudga became the very people, who didn’t know about yake in their hands. Tsіkavo, scho the misler himself often does not respect himself as an academic philosopher, they are skeptical about the people who called themselves so. Win tse bulo is a special mystery, so called mystery of knowledge.

The mystery and the theme of nudgy are well known, especially when we speak about romanticism, which has given rise to a lot of things. Until all the readers and writers, they were more aware of the apathy, the tightness of life. Berdyaєv became an insane romantic, altogether with nothing about nudga without becoming one thing.

Seemingly, I’ve written to my aristocratic proclamations, alemoving about nudga, to look at those who are even more aristocratic, not ruling the plebeians. Mykola Berdyaev has given my book "The Sense of Creativity" to the truth of everything in order to frighten people, to creativity, through her own wine and vivid light.

The snake of glances

Varto means that the little girl herself is too small to reach the great value of the art of the misler. At the book "The Zmist of Creativity. Dosvid of the Truth of the People" Berdyaev pidbivy the singing bag of his earlier shukans, showing the perspective of the authoritative original and self-styled philosophy.

Tsikavo, the book was about to go into conflict with the Russian Orthodox Church, for which the mistress was naming protistoyannya. Vodnochas vіn entered into a controversy with the propagandists of Orthodox modernism, in front of the group of Merezhkovsky, who was ordered to the ideal of religious communities, as well as from the philosophers Florensky and Bulgakov.

The book "Zmіst of creativity. Dosvіd vypravdannya people" Berdyaev went even more extraordinary. They were taken from the Church of St. Rozanov, who was already active on her mind, was already bold, but in the case of the author's robots in front of the author, you can play the singing bag, the philosopher can direct his ideas and propositions to the singing single banner.

Philosophical synthesis

Pay attention є think, in which "Sense of Creativity" by Mikoli Oleksandrovich Berdyayev is included. To spend the winter of 1912-1913 in Italy at once with my own squad - the poet Lydina Yudifivna Trusheva. The very idea of ​​bringing the first sides and the very idea of ​​a new book, like the bullet, was left behind in the fierce 1914 rock.

The philosophy of Berdyaev in "Sensory creativity" was evaluated by the suspension immediately after the publication of the book in 1916. At them, the author means that the religion of philosophy is first and foremost vikladena all over the place. Vvazhaєtsya, well, only to the fact that the very principle of motivating philosophy for the development of a special sense of the world will be unambiguously assimilated as one mighty way to a cosmic universalism, which is called a glimpse of universalism.

The creativity of the philosophy of Berdyaev has a great role to play in the work of the robot, which is why, in this misler, he takes on the smilivy and velmy original experiment. Winners of the classical traditions of the modern philosophy of the middle myths of Meister Eckhart, Jacob Boehme, as well as Nietzsche's nigilism, Baader's anthropology, a bit of an anthropology, I will apply to this anthropology.

With a good deal of goodwill, Berdyayev's philosophy of freedom in "Sense of Creativity" to expand as much as possible the philosophical synthesis, creating for the author additional, quickly, not overwhelmingly difficult. However, the winners are all svidomo. At that hour, we are already volodying the key to the harmonization of significant historical-cultural and philosophical-religious material, which was the basis of "Sensu of creativity". Berdyaev's philosophy of freedom, primed in a whole creature, has become the principle of the so-called anthropodicy. This is how the mistress himself calls the truth of people through creativity and creativity.

For a new purpose, the idea is of traditionalism, as well as of the theodicy, which was respected at the right time to the key works of Christianity, the view of the spirit of blood and the completion of the work. In the result, Lyudin herself found herself in the center of the boot, and thus the backward contour of her fundamentally new metaphysics, presented as a concept to monopluralism. The problem of freedom in Berdyaev's creativity is to be looked at as much as possible in a report. We cut the central idea of ​​creativity as a close-minded people, as creativity, which is triple at once from God.

The concept itself formed the basis of Berdyaev's "Sensu Creativity". The analysis of the creation can spiral itself on the ciu tezu. At the result, the author is given as clear as possible and clarifies the basis of his philosophical and religious concept, the visibility and the best is adequate and intelligent.

Creative freedom

The problem of creativity in Berdyaev has become the main one in all creation. Speak about her, miser is rich in what he repeats the ideas of Hegel and Kant about the interaction of creativity and freedom.

As a philosopher, creativity is born unwittingly from the will. Only a vilna lyudin could create for the best. As a human being, it’s out of necessity, which can lead to deprivation of the eulogy, but creativity will be born out of more freedom. If people start talking about their incomplete my own, mindful creativity from nothing, then we must rely on respect for creativity, which was born out of freedom. Tse one of the head pieces of Berdyaev, laid down in the whole creation.

This is how human creativity is called, which was born from "nothing", which does not mean, with all the material, to rely on. Vono pidtverdzhu only the absolute nondetermination of the influx. And the axis is determined only by the Evolution, in any case, creativity is not vapid, not just in advance. Speak about freedom of creativity, specialness, M. Berdyaev meaning, “one of the brains and nezumilikh tamnits of people”. Yogo the mistress of the mistress ottozhnyuє with the chamber of freedom. And at his own devil, the chamber of freedom is impertinent and bottomless, there is no day.

With such an impervious mind, that bottomless є and the very mystery of creativity. People who try to feel the power of creativity from the "nothing", inevitably goiters will be brought into play in a number of determinations. Tim himself sees his freedom. Speak about freedom in creativity, Berdyaev is able to do something from "nothing", indefinitely, giving the energy of the individual to the light circuit of energy.

The act of creative freedom, for Berdyaevim, is transcendental in terms of the date to the light of day, to the closed stake of light energy. Winning the definitions of lancers of light energy. About freedom write Berdyav at "Sensi creativity". The philosophy of the author is to look through the glance of light. With a great fear of the retention of creativity from the "nothing", it is imperative to obey the determinism, and the hearing is necessary. Creativity, on the thought of the miser, pragmatic in the middle of the people. It’s because of this invisible that bottomless mountain, and not because of the light need to be called.

And here the very bazhannya zrobiti creative act is intelligent, and it’s safe to know you when you are not smart. The intelligence of a creative act is becoming more capable of being deprived of its recognition of its groundlessness and inviolability. Be-like try to rationalize creativity to create to try to rationalize freedom itself. Tse namagayutsya zrobiti ty, hto її viznaє, obscuring at the same determinism itself. With the whole rationalization of freedom, in essence, є determi- nism, there is a reflection of the barrenness of the bottomless secret of freedom. Freedom, for a philosopher, is borderline, and it’s not a matter of what to do or what to build. Freedom є the baseless basis of the boottea, flocking all over the bootty itself. It is unwise to walk rationally at the bottom of freedom. There is a bottomless gliboka krynitsya, and at the bottom of the day there is a resting tamnitsa.

At the same time, it is not possible to respect freedom to negative borderline understandings, as soon as I put it on the border, as it is uncomfortable to overstep the rational. Freedom itself is positive. It is not a list of determinations and requirements. Freedom of Berdians not to be involved in the kingdom of vipadku and svavil against the kingdom of need and regularity. The philosopher of the exorbitations, that one cannot grasp the secret of freedom, that one is deprived of a singular form of spiritual determination, inner, but not called. Such a rank, vilnyy vvazhaєa everything, spawned by reasons, but to lie in the basis of the human spirit, in the middle. The price is better and more rational. At that hour, the freedom to feel unacceptable and unreasonable. Through those who the human spirit enters into the natural order, everything is determined in the same way, as in all natural manifestations. The result will spiritually appear not to be deteriorated, not to be material. Zokrem, here Berdyaєv yak butt to direct іnduske іnduske about Karma, as it is also correlated with the form of spiritual determinism. Karmichne vіtennya don’t know freedom. We will let the result become deprived of the human spirit, moreover, the surfaces, as much as possible, become supernatural.

As a result of determinism, Berdyaev takes on a form of natural butty, which becomes inevitable. In that very hour, the form of human butt is like a natural essence, if the causality of people is old physical, but spiritual. In a deterministic order of nature, creativity is uncomfortable. I can become deprived of the Evolution.

Above natural isstota

Razmіrkovuyuchi about creativity and freedom, the philosopher to come before the time of day, as a man above-nature іstoya. Tse means that it’s not just a physical and mental sense in a natural mind to understand. Lyudin, behind Berdyaevim, is a supernatural spirit, a vilny microcosm.

The result of materialism and spiritualism is to give people a lack of natural vitality, if I do not want to lose their spirituality. For the sake of being ordered to spiritual determinism, as materialism to be ordered to material. Freedom has not been deprived of the spouses of spiritual manifestations, from quietly, but overwhelmed in this very thing. Vona є with a creative positive force, as she is not pummeled and not primed, lies like a bottomless dzherel. The philosopher comes before the time of day, since the basis of freedom is the majesty of creating from nothing, from oneself, and not from a natural light.

Creative act

There is a great respect for a creative act, like an old friend and a song for the creator. New people see the experience of strength. Viyaviti vlastny creative act - tse does not mean to demonstrate lyrical viliv chi passive country. Bil, zhakh, bend and weakenedness may be able to program creativity, but it will be overridden. Creativity is the main result, the final result, the lead to the overcoming. The sacrifice of creativity cannot be sacrificed to the beggar. The sacrifice itself is not passive, but active. Kriza, a lyrical tragedy, the share is experienced by people like a tragedy, in a lot of ways.

Fear of a special bend that turbot about a special order of his history for his sutta. Lewdness in the crisis of special creativity and fear of the powerless selflessness. Self-loving that hisistic zanurennya means a sickly development of the society of that people.

The Creator has created the geniality of a human being, and the geniality of a person is very creative in his creativity, having overcome his self-esteemed and hisistic. At its own pershobase, human nature is to understand through the Absolute Ludina Christ. At the same time, she has already become the nature of the New Adam, having received from the Divine nature. The writing cannot be felt by the self-flowing one. The inevitability of engaging in sin against the Divine worship, against God consuming in people, and against God.

Vvazhaєtsya, scho, talking about freedom, Berdyaev bachiv at nіy vikhіd from slavery and vorozhnechі at cosmic kohannya. On the thought of a miser, it’s depriving people of their own will to bring him to themselves. Freedom to see the light of day from outer space, to be a reference light. With a lot of vikhіd іz itself obumovatsii zobuttyam vlasny core. It gives you the ability to perceive yourself as good people, specialties from true, and not by primary will.

In creativity, the philosopher is to bach vilna lyudin, for which there is a form of development, penetrating into all spheres of the boot. Look at the old days of the news. Be it an act of creativity є creativity from nothing, so that the roots of the new force, and not a revival of that old snake. Any creative act can have an absolute gain.

Show up at your understanding "the triviality of the buttya". It’s a priest to see, to talk about creativity and to create itself. Moreover, in the subjective sense, as about the Creator, the creator of the created butt, and the very creativity of the new one. Philosopher stverdzhu, we will not deprive the light of the folds, but rather creative. What to bring? Without a creative act, the light of nothing is not knowing bi about creativity and not even bi before. Penetration into the creativity of the butty is wrapped up in the knowledge of the opposite and the creativity of that creativity. As soon as the light of God's creation, then we will vvazhaetsya і the creative act, і all creativity. And from the light of God only, it is possible to respect the unjustified and creativity itself, and the creative act.

Behind Berdyaevim, nothing will change in the creative work of God, all only arrive, as in God's creativity the divine mitz does not change through its transition to the earthly light. Navpaki, arriving new mits. As a result, as having respected the philosopher, creativity did not go over to the singing force in the first camp, but I respect the animal in the position that I see, such as creativity and creativity. In general, you can let the fall go, but the very positions of the Berdians and look like fenonyms. The result can go unimportantly, both creation and creativity. Through vіynu creativity є svіt. And here it is possible to manifest itself through, to navigate the culture of every day.

In this hour, one can learn about the whole world with a whole problem at the two-room pratsi Berdyaev "Philosophy of creativity, culture and mystery". In that one, this is the "Sense of Creativity", and the other - create, attributed to literature and mystery. Tse "Nova Fivaida", "Svitoglyad Dostoevskogo", "About" vichno-babin "in the Russian soul", "Tragedy and everyday life", "Kriza mystetva", "Podolannya decadentvia", "Russian spokusykh" and the rich.

Significant robots

Talking about the great philosopher, it is necessary to see more of his significant robots, as to help the intelligence of his thoughts and ideas in the general public. In 1946, Berdyaev's creative work showed a programmatic TV-show, which represents the singing result of his numerous thoughts about the historical portions of his land, the Russian soul, and the religion of the people.

The head is nourished, as it is pragne to see the misler, at the one who, the Creator himself has conceived, fires Russia. To characterize the Russian idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bvin the vicarist understanding, "communitarianism" is the main one. At the new age, the worldly and religious spirit is eager to understand conciliarity and communality. Everything is summed up in the idea of ​​godliness.

Berdyaev means that the Russian idea grows unmoved and indivisible, some of them are communal, so that all become promising of all. The idea of ​​a brotherhood of peoples that people is built to be the most realistic. The philosopher also means, that the Russian idea of ​​relevance, in this way the particularity of the national spirit, permeated with atheism, godless attitudes, materialism, nigilism, is perceived. Skillful to a paradoxical misery, Berdyaev was completely absent from the confrontation of the Russian idea with the history of the past, the great number of rubbers, as they appeared for the entire hour of being depicted to the people. With a lot of children, with all the pragmatism and integrity, regularly come to the pluralism and forgiveness.

In 1947, there was another sign for the mind of the philosopher pratsya "Dosvid of unchalotic metaphysics. Creativity and activation". Berdyaev has a lot of problems, which are important for the main. In addition, there is the problem of bootstrapping and understanding, the problem of activization and knowledge, the problem of eschatology and history. Also, write about the so-called chamber of novelty, creativity that buttya.

M. Berdyaev

Sense of creativity

(Dosvid vypravdannya people)

Їх weiss, dass ohne mich Gott nicht ein Nu kann leben. Werd ich zu nicht, er muss von Not den Geist aufgeben.

Angelus silesius


The human spirit is at Polonia. I call full of light "light", light data, necessary. "Light" is not space, wine є a non-cosmic camp of roses and vorozhnosti, atomization and loss of living monads of cosmic architecture. The First Way of the Spiritual Way of the Spiritual Visvolence to the "light", the visibility of the human spirit is full of needs. Spraved path is not right-handedly handed over to the area of ​​"light", altogether upward through the path along the line of postures, through haunted people, and not in "light". Freedom from reactions to "light" and from those of oporious attitudes to "light" is a great conquest of the spirit. Tse shlyakh of great spiritual glances, spiritual zibranosti and zoserezhenosti. The cosmos is for the truly existent, spoken buttyam, ale "light" - primarny, primary gift and need. Tsey "Primarny Svit" to the mothers of our family. Church rectors ottozhnyuvali "light" because of evil preferences. Filling the human spirit with "light" є yogo wines, yogo wines, yogo wines. Sounding towards the "world" and sounding towards the world, the sound of guilt, the connection of the sick spirit. We don’t see “light” and I don’t really love “light” and that which is with “light”. Ale the same vchennya about the death of virodilos into slavery by the primary consumer. Seems like: you are sinful, lost its sense, and do not dare to enter on the path of favoring the spirit out to the "world", on the paths of a creative life to the spirit, bear the hassle of the heir to the inheritance of sin. I have lost the spirit of the human skutim at the helpless one. Greater sin and slavery, lack of freedom of the spirit, rooted in the diabolical need, without the strength to make oneself a real creator, having injected himself through the assertion of the need for “light”, and not the freedom of God. Go to the "light" for the creativity of a new life and є go out of the way of evil, podolannya evil, gathering forces of the spirit for the life of the divine. Slavery in the "society", the need and tribute is not deprived of lack of freedom, but the legalization and consolidation of the unloving, torn apart, non-cosmic camp of the world. Freedom is kohannya. Slavery is a spell. The escape from slavery to freedom, from vorozhnechi "light" from cosmic love є the paths are overwhelmed by sin, over the lower nature. It is impossible not to allow the road to go to this stage, since the evil human nature is buried in the lower sphere. Great nonsense and terrible pardon for the religious and moral thoughts - to leave the people in the lowlands of this "light" in the name of the herald of the inheritance of sin. On the runti of the church of witness, growth is ganebna's blessing to good and evil, in the form of a husband’s definition of evil. Driven by vanity in vlasnu is the nature of the birth of subordinate thoughts - in the battle of God against the devil, Christ against the antichrist. It’s not bad for souls, for good and evil, it’s impossible for me to come to the mystical drowning in passiveness and protection, to the gray in my thoughts. The soul is obnoxious to love coquettish with Lucifer, to love not to the nobility, who will serve the Gods, to love to see fear, to see everywhere. Tsia zapadnist, weakness, divisiveness of spirit є to indirect spouses of Christianity about humility and hearing - the virginity of the whole day. The extravagant couple of thoughts and relaxation of baidujosti to good and evil needs more opposition to the spirit of the spirit that creative initiative. Ale tse vimagaє zooseredzhenoi ryshuchostі zvіlnitisya from hibnykh, primarnyh nashruvan culture and її scale - tsih vitonished full of “svitu”.

The creative act depends on the freedom of the day. Wu nyomu є experience strength. The manifestation of his creative act is dumb cry to pain, passive countrymen, dumb lyric vily. Zhakh, b_l, weakness, bending may be a loss of creativity. Creativity day-to-day є wins, result, override. The sacrifice of creativity is not the end of the same. The sacrifice itself is active, and chi is not passive. A special tragedy, crisis, share is experienced as tragedy, crisis, share of light. Wu tsomu - shlyakh. Vinyatkova turbot about a special situation and the fear of a special bend - conniving to him. Vinyatkova's nerve in the crisis of special creativity and the fear of powerless powerlessness is indulgent to self-esteem. Hisistic and self-loving zeal means the sickly rosiness of the people and society. Lyudin was created by the Creator as a genial (not necessarily genim) and the geniality of a person's creativity in his creative activity, to overcome everything that was especially his, that he was especially proud, any fear of the power was lost, if you look back at those who are. Human nature in its first basis through the Absolute Lyudina - Christ has already become the nature of the New Adam and has perceived the Divine nature - you can’t see it as yet, seemingly divine. The impulse is driven by itself є even more against the Divine worship of the people, against the call of God, of God, consume it in the people. Only the one who is experiencing in himself all the light and all the bright, only changing his personality to self-control and self-loving reflection on his forces, only feeling the strong self-conscious and strong self-awareness. Only zvіlnennya people see themselves to bring people to themselves. The creative slave is sacrificial and passive, albeit dependent and energetic in any way. For the sacrifice of the country’s creativity, I don’t drive it. Whether the attitudes and perceptions of people from the righteous world, the loss of microcosm, are full of the “light”, slavery is a given and necessary. The nature of every pesimism and skepticism - it is selfish and proud. In the minds of the creative power of the people, they are proud of the reflexion and the sickly egg. Humility and modesty, to be aware of it, there is a need for a smile and daredevil, because it is disguised as metaphysical vanity, a reflective glance and its own sense of fear and fear. I insist for a few hours in the life of people, if you can help yourself, having learned that you will not see the transcendental help without worry, but I will never help you to know God in your own self, as I create from the "light" of the primary. Now it is more widespread and not very weak self-extinguishing - the zorotny bik of so self-inferior and weak self-aggrandizement. We are not fair people, they love to say, - for the old people there will be a fair amount for hours. Numerous people were talking about religion. We do not hesitate to speak. Tse is the primary self-confidence of people who have been reddened by "light", who have consumed the core of their specialness. Їхн slavery in "svitu" є zanurenіst in itself. Ї Freedom to see "light" by day and by reference light - by space. Get out of yourself є welcome yourself, your core. I can and blame myself as good people, with the core of specialness, because of the sutta, and not by the primary religious will.

“Creativity does not require truth, won’t be true for a person, won’t be an anthropodic. The whole topic is about putting people to God, about bringing people to God. The topic of bringing human culture, cultural values ​​and products to the attention of the people is still second-hand and obsolete. I was less worried about the presentation of creativity and sin, creativity and spokuti. " (N.A. Berdyaev)

The most important problem of his epoch, Berdyaev calls the problem “... interchange between the ways of the people’s order and those of the people’s creativity”. It’s worth talking about the split between the Church and the light, the spiritual and the worldly, about the dualism in the life of the new Christian: “the Christian of the new hour lives at two rhythms, so he is interrupted, - in the Church and in the light, at the gates.” The problem before us is raised the hour, if the theocratic-ideocratic culture of the middle is thrown off, in which “all the creativity of life was self-ordered by the relevance of the cob, but the religin, the true symbol of the people is clever ... Berdyaev spontaneously is similar to the wisdom of Christianity, rooting on the fact that Christ himself is not only the Sin of God, but Vin, who was born in a whole world of people, becoming the Intermediate between God and people: “I Christ the God-man was born of a new spiritual life. The Divine Angels. Church of Christ є Godliness ". Shlyakh virіshennya tsієї problems Berdyaev vіdkrivaє yak vypravdannya creative life of the people of the Church. I’m going to be built, then it’s next to say about those who have passed all the life of the people from the possession of God. It’s hard to see a lot of days from now on, the stench of intercourse. It is impossible not to wait with the author: "... all life can be zerous like the life of the church, before the Church enter the sides of life."

The food of the field lies in the fact that you put a man in your life on the first place of God, and for the new one As God is sitting in the central place in the life of a people, then there is no way to live up to it, because he has confided in the Lord the dermal mortification of his life. At the same time, it is necessary to know that Lyuda is sinister for her nature and it can be deprived of her heart's serpent pragmatism in order for God to sit at the central place.

Well, guilty of robiti is lyudin, who is guilty of sin in her, who can be pragmatic? How to overcome the sinfulness of the people to respect the center of their life for themselves, and who is not God? How can you improve your pride? The author tells us, persh for everything, for those that are the basis of all Christianity, the basis of all the spiritual way of the people, the way of salvation for the life of the life, humility has been laid down. Berdyaev is submissive to humility and callousness, obedience: ".. sense of humility in a real serpent and reincarnated human nature, in a panuvanna spiritual people over a spiritual and carnal people." Ale humility, according to the author's thought, є depriving one of the nobles of spiritual life, humility is not guilty of conquering human will, but depriving the truth of the truth: "... In the great humility, Berdyaev is on the road to the road. Win nagadu about those who "... our kohannya, our knowledge, our creativity is spoken by sin, ale and humble ways are so spoken by sin, bearing the seal of incompleteness on them." The very fact is the winners of the mentality of vile humility among the kohanna for the Western, slavish humility, for whoever is not a man, because Lyudin vvazhaє himself innocent love. No more sense of Christianity can be given to the ruin for the creative self-awareness of the people.

I have a lack of intelligence to tell you about my humility and love to God and my neighbor, it is necessary to raise a thought about those who need to reach out for love by stretching out their life. Aja would like Lyudin, they loved him, but Natomist was not ready to give those same. You can't talk about the humility of the Persh for the kohan, because Itself "to endure love, to be merciful, love not to crank, love not to magnify, not to write ..." (1 Corinthians 13). Reaching out to love, my reach and longevity, and humility, change my self and pride.

In his own creation, protest, Berdyaev protistavlyaє abstract-spiritual love (baiduzhism in the self-propeller) and spiritually-soul love, in which soul is transformed into kshtalt (please, love to enter at the paths of my salvation). Zvychano, if people are afraid of God's judgment, pragmatic truth, then about yak love can there be? Lyudin poklikana to a thorough kohannya, yake peremagaє any fear. God is not a cruel Lord and Pan of hearing slaves! Calling not such a life God has prepared for us! For God, by the love of children, for the sake of salvation of those Wines, having seen the death of His Sin. Win, hob mi, Yogo children, grew up in love, reached the Kingdom of God, “boomed as creators and associates in the right of God’s creation,” as they correctly mean Berdyaev.
Who is the author on uvazi with words? Win stverdzhu, how the creativity of the people is needed "not for a special salvation, but for the health of God, I will think about the world and people." To be a creator and an associate is to mean development, vikoristovuvati and give, like the Lord over the skin.

Berdyaev stverdzhu, which is "humility є inner spiritual deed, for someone who takes his soul, self-sufficiency, self-admiration." And creativity is called “spiritual deeds, in which a person is forgotten about himself, to see himself in a creative act”. In such a rank, win hiba protistavlyaє їkh one to one. On the thought of the author, їх walk along, there will be a rise in creativity, tobto. self-admiration is also є creativity. In order to reach the full love, it is necessary to innocently try to overtake oneself, to make up one's own self: “Creativity is the manifestation of love to God and the divine, and not to the light. First, the path of creativity є the path of the podolannya "svitu". In such a rank, the order and creativity are unreasonably tied one to one, interpenetrating. Creativity is helping, and not making a mess.
Role of visnovok from the author's world, it is necessary to talk, but for the achievement of the Kingdom of God, human specialness can be transformed into a permanent creative joke. The life of the people is a permanent ruin ahead of time, the realization of their talents, the pock of the new nobles of self-improvement.

Alle the people are hungry for good news, among the others, which will make people fall forward. The creativity of people can be evil, "in the name of the devil", like stverdzhu Berdyaev. Win vkazuє, that "Christian revival of transferring to a new spiritual-suspilny creativity, the creation of a real Christian suspension, and not an intellectually symbolic Christian state."

Reading the tsi rows, mi bachimo, by the way, nothing has changed, in Russia there is also a problem at the present moment, our state also needs a spiritual revival, as it is. Lyudina perebuva on the way, I don’t know the correct way until the next day.
Berdyaev opened up to us the revision of the problem of Christian creativity: “in society, in culture, there is a real-ontological basis, inner-spiritual and ontological-ecclesiastical”. I write about the need for more religious dualism behind the addition of Christianity, as if you are creative: "We are true, that in Christianity, unprecedented creative power is brought about, and the manifestation of the power of the world is going to take

Tobto. creative shukannya people, її spiritual admittance may become churches, consecrated. The people are not guilty of living a life in the church and the world, for a new one there is only one whole way of love and creative concordance with God’s plan.

At the end, I want to say that the pratsya N.A. Berdyaev has become quiet thoughts and perekonan for me, since she has long been sick for me. The problems that Berdyaev will destroy from his creation are also relevant for all of us on this day. It’s for me to be built, so the book is a prophecy of the present Russia. The resolution of these problems, proponated by Berdyaevim, seems to me to be one and only true and correct, albeit insensibly important for the people of the current generation. We have lost faith in God and have lost our ideals, the era of communism has erased from the witness of the people of praise until reaching love. We hardened our souls, it’s not crazy, but it’s more frightening, not just a little bit alone. It is important for us to accept one of these, such as є, so that we can be scrutinized for the great cohan in Gods. I think, well, the first for everything, Russia needs to revive Christianity as a religion, and deprive it of a special creative way, a way of love to neighbors, God.

It’s not hard to see my fellow authors because of their faith in Russia, in the case of Maybut Christian creativity. The robot hit me less than gliboco, zmusivshis more times to make up for it, at what I believe, whom I will pry and how I choose.


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