Topaz 11 space ship istoria. Avars and emergency situations on Russian space ships "Soyuz"

Topaz 11 space ship istoria. Avars and emergency situations on Russian space ships "Soyuz"

1971, 30 worms - at the upper spheres of the atmosphere, the device "Soyuz-11" was depressurized, and it went down. The members of the ekipage - Georgiy Dobrovolskiy, Vladislav Volkov, Viktor Patsaev - got lost.

1971, 19 April - in the Radianskiy Soyuz, a bullet was launched into space by the Persha near the light of the orbital station "Salyut-1". The history of the station is based on drama. Since then, since the bullet has been brought into orbit, without seeing the science apparatus, a sleepy telescope and astrophysical attachment have been installed. Vidsik so and they couldn’t be released.

Further demands were made to introduce the technology of sticking of the station of the transport ship "Soyuz". The first such policy is completed on April 23, 1971. V.Shatalov, A.Ulisev and M.Rukavishnikov on the ships "Soyuz-10" moored to the station, but after five and a half years, the utility of the equipment was brought up: through malfunctions in the university. go on board Salute to the cosmonauts without reaching, the stench turned to Earth.

It was the beginning of the offensive operation - O. Leonov, V. Kubasov and P. Kolodin. Їх understudy bully G. Dobrovolskiy, V. Volkov and V. Patsaєv. U travі 1971 р. preparation of ekipazhiv to the point of being the triviality of turning over the celebrities, 18-dobovy, A. Mikolaev and V. Sevastyanova - added the end. Everything went into the distance: the cosmonauts went to Baikonur, settled down in a transport ship and a real ship.

Replacement of ekіpazhu

Three times before the start, the crews needed to go through a lot of medical care. The first axis here became unsuccessful: at Kubasov's liquors, there was a slight fiery flame in the fire of the Legends. The cosmonaut felt normal, the sting did not hurt, so the verdict of the physicians of the devices in the bagneti was also in the main case and also "saw" the start, but now, by the day, they have put in the good news.

The head of the State Comission Kerim Kerimov was added to the physicians' head, it seems, it seems, without drowning: the desertion of one cosmonaut for goodness meant, for the unwritten rules, I would replace all the experience, and the whole set of robes was already heavy for the ship. Rosserdzheniy bouv і A. Leonov; vin vimagav, schob deputy flight engineer Kubasov years flight engineer Volkov. Aleksandr Mishin, the head architect, did not wait. The decision was taken at a reasonable level, and the doubles were flying - Dobrovolskiy, Volkov, Patsayev.

Behind the words of Virya Oleksandrivnya Patsaevoi, and the cholovik are still healthier, knowing they should fly to the station. “Vin is terribly wanting to go to the space. Alekhniy ekіpazh buv will focus on another policy to the station "Salute", and on the whole runtі z Volkovy boulevards of development. Adzhe Vladislav has already written a book about him and didn’t want to sleep ”.

Approximately a couple of weeks before the tragedy, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsayev at once from the squads and children were seen at the same time at the boarding house on the Іstr. Vira Oleksandrivna zgaduvala, as once the stench lingered until late evening, the door was answered, and Vladislav was aware: "I am radium, I will not fly to the first station." - "What?" - Zdivuvalasya Patsayva. "It’s been transferred to me;

1971 rik, 5 worms - in advance, a favor, on the traditional construction from the launch command of the cosmodrome (a lot of tradition, as it was, laid down by S.P. Korolyov from the first uses from space), appearing as the commander of the ship Dobrovolskiy. Alexei Leonov's ekipazh took the position of understudies.

It’s good enough for bikonurіvtsyam: three add before the start of the stench, we could carry out the whole complex of robots for new ekіpazh.

Start "Soyuz-11"

"Soyuz-11" at the starting Maidan

6 worm: a short report from the commander - and the axis of the cosmonauts has already appeared at the upper maidan of the farms of the servants. Say goodbye to the waves of your hands, but just look at the Earth before the start. Soyuz-11 has started exactly at the scheduled hour - about 7.55.

For doba Dobrovolsky, Volkov and Patsaev, already on the "Salute", have received a visit to the program. And she was groaning: for the first time, she opened up the orbital laboratory of the trivial action. Tim is bigger, but the smarter mind is automatically closer to the station "Salyut-1", sticking and transferring the flight to the orbital station - even Viconano.


The experience was not judged by the decision about his policy. We took care of documenting, giving the opportunity to create day after day, and the very atmosphere of a starlight flight. Behind the zvichnykh "Everything is wonderful", "There is a new order on board", which soundlessly sounded in radio and television reports from orbit, there was a great time, an hour on the edge of the moon.

The cosmonauts have shown a program of scientific, military, medical and technical experiments. The water hour, as I wrote the song, did not fold in the past. Dobrovolsky's notebook, zokrem, bulo know the record: "How crazy is it - is that how crazy is it?" Indeed, the commander killed in the first and most recent days of moving to the station: the extremal mind of the uncomfortable, annoying odors on board the station, which is not yet inhabited, is written literally according to the program. The cosmonauts were guided by robots in a tsіlodobovo, "for the serpent". I overstrain quiet days, mabut, signs were given.

Not without reason. At the orbital station, fire became hot - the power cables fell off, knocking down a dim dim. Astronauts led the way they could get up to go to the apartment, and they also hoped to get ready for the term evacuation.

“Dobrovolskiy has a monstrous character: it’s all about translating the jartome, - even V. Patsaev. - It’s melodious, I don’t know everything, but there was an NP on board the Salute station - the wiring caught fire. Todi Volkov has conveyed a visit to the Earth: they have a fire, and a stench will go down. George, without becoming confused, wants at once from Vitey, without ceasing to shukati, cause a fire. Nareshty stinks її knew that they stuck. The policy has progressed. "

Turning to Earth

Until the end of the 29th worm, everything is ready before turning to the Earth; ekіpazh grafted from the successful visitor programs. After the control changes of the sealing of the device, before going down, before the roztikovka "Soyuz-11", having received the good to "show" from the station. About 21.28 after the Moscow hour "Soyuz" was shown all the way to "Salute".

Fragments of deyakyh sessions on the ground (positive "Zorya") with ekіpazh (positive "Yantar") were first published on the sides of "Uryadovy visnik":

"30 worms." Zorya ":" Amber "- we must;

"Burshtin-2" (V. Volkov): Zrozumіli, zrozuіli ... Bachu boards, boards bachu! Miraculously bachiv. Shine.

"Zorya": Write down the hour - 01.47.27.
"Yantar-2": The rest of the Earth is not visible, while it is not visible.
"Zorya": Yak іde orієntatsіya?
"Yantar-2": We beat the Earth, we beat it!
Zorya: Good, don't sleep.
"Yantar-2": "Zorya", I am "Yantar-2". Happy birthday. Hang boards on the right.
Yantar-2: Great to fly, garneau!
"Burshtin-3" (V. Patsaev): "Zorya", I am the third. I can see the horizon of the lower view of the luminaire.

"Zorya": "Yantar", again I'll guess the orinntation - zero - 180 degrees.

"Yantar-2": Zero - 180 degrees.
"Zorya": Correctly sounded.
"Yantar-2": The "Descent" banner is on.
Zorya: Stop burning. Everything is clear. Burn correctly. The link will end. Happy!


It flies more trivially. 30 worms, about 1.35, the message of the message to the "Union" included a galvanized rukhovo installation. Having spent a great deal of time and having lost the speed, the ship gradually descends from orbit. For an aerodynamic galmuvannya in the atmosphere, the parachute opened normally, sprang a soft landing, the apparatus went down, smoothly landed in the steppe of Central Kazakhstan, the western mountains of Munli.

Add a vimiruvalny complex to the disproportionate triviality of the expedition - 23 days, 18 years, 21 mins, 43 sec. New record.

Speak to Likar Anatoly Lebedov, who did the work at the Cosmonaut Training Center:

“30 worms, about 1.35,“ Soyuz-11 ”, hiding a galvanized rocket installation and then descending to the Earth. We on our helicopter respectfully listened to the radio conversations of some of the noise groups - who should we beat the ship with the first?

I am laconic: “Bachu! Supervise! " - I vibukh voices in the efir. More voices, crim ... So, for sure: one thing was amazing - none of them had ever been involved in cosmonauts. Most of them thought: melodiously, the sling antenna is not good, and it’s hard for that one to ring the bell from the signal to “Soyuz”.

With an eye, the medics, through the helicopter's luminators, kicked the hot-air canopy of the ship's parachute, three of them came out of the blue, so to go. We flew until the moment of landing.

Silently (for us!) The pills of the soft landing of the Soyuz were pounded into the gloom; We watched the ship, meters for 50 - 100. Yak buvak in such vipad? Open the hatch of the device, go down, go - the voices of the trip. And here - the crunching of the scale, the sound of the metal, the sound of the helicopters and ... the silence of the ship.

I was brought to the battle of the ship by the first commander - Georgiy Dobrovolskiy. I knew that I was sitting on the middle cruise. I don’t get it, I didn’t know it: the cosmonauts grew beards in an hour (they had a good deal of shirts), and they didn’t want to descend, as it can be seen, they were slung into the ichny calling viglyad. Patsayva and Volkov were followed by Dobrovolskiy mi.

The wolves vzagali buv duzhe garniy, who in Zoryanoy friends were named Marcello, in honor of Mastroianna, the current film-maker. In the same time, I’m talking to the more mystical people who know about my home “archivi” a note, - we were playing before the play, the party was not completed, and I wrote to the archives of the paper: “I’ll turn around - I’ll finish it.” "I'll turn around" ... Ale everything is still in the picture.

Eksipazh landed without a sign of life

Georgiy Dobrovolskiy, Viktor Patsaev and Vladislav Volkov

In the first place, there is nothing to be seen; A quick glance may not have given the opportunity to immediately give a message about the start of an e-mail: how did the radio communication become in seconds, leaving the cooler apparatus, how to go down, flashing the atmosphere ?! In the best of astronauts, the temperature is practically normal.

That one, honestly it seems, is not the same misunderstanding, - a thought about the tragedy, to whom didn’t come close in that second. Our entire medical team burst into flames. The presence of an approved reanimatologist from the Institute of the Name of Sklifosovsky immediately determined the nature of that help. A number of licenses were impressed by the performance of a piece treatment, an indirect massage of the heart.

Khvilina, shi ... General Goreglyad, Kerіvnik groupy, after sleeping with me, I remember, briefly: "Well ?!"

However, there is no need to decipher it: you, Goreglyad, you need to look at the head of the State Committee ... This has not happened yet: the ship on the Earth, all the lines call right up to the Kremlin, but we move.

We prodovzhuvali pratsyuvati, vikoristovuchi everything they could.
One by one the ship landed helicopters, people died in a big sound from the medical doctors. It was divine silence. She is not merciful, absolutely not merciful for such a moment with a normal landing!

I know the General Sorrowful suvorish and voicesnish, squeezing from the physicians to the visnovka about the camp: "It is necessary for an additional order!"

Now repeat the demand!
At once I can’t forget the chilin, if my mouths have booted the phrase, yaka poured me out: “Tell me, what an ekipazh ... so an ekipazh landed without a sign of life!” Tse sounded wide to my dear friends astronauts! Well, knowing that the very tragic formula will disappear in the presence of TARS. Even more, once again, let me chuli talk to the e-mail; everything went well before landing!

Causes of the death of astronauts

How could it be? Even back to the start, the Fakhivtsi-doctors let it go, but for the benefit of such a triviality before an hour of descent, they could be “foldable, transferred overwhelming”. Ale is not such a final favor. Effortless medical workers prodovzhuvali vikonuvati their obov'yazy until the appearance of absolute signs of death to the history ... "

For a few days, we have seen the results and decryption of the "black screen" records. An analysis of the recordings of the autonomous recorder of the on-board system and onboard measurements showing that at the moment of the appearance of the side-by-side view - at a height of more than 150 km - there is a grip at the apparatus, which will go down after falling down in 30-40 seconds. became practically nullable. After 42 sec. after the pressurization, the hearts of the cosmonauts zupinilsya.

To speak cosmonaut Oleksiy Leonov: “The bulwark was laid at the construction site. The cabin is being depressurized before an hour is added to the orbital display. When assembling bag valves, installers replaced 90 kg of zusill and twisted 60-65 kg from zusillas. When the orbital drive was launched, a great pressure was added, as the valve sputtered, and the stench rose. A dirka with a diameter of 20 mm was found. After 22 sec. the cosmonauts were hospitable ".

The valve is in the grip of the cockpit on the way up to the new atmosphere, transferring on the same way as the ship would land on the water or land with the hatch to the bottom. The stock of resources of the system and the safety of enclosing, and the cosmonauts did not see the unsettled sourness, the valve "closed" the ship into the atmosphere. Win maw spratsyuvati when landing in a normal mode is deprived at a height of 4 km, and spratsyuvav at a vacuum.

Why does the valve appear? For trivial viprobuvan and the model of young situations, the comic hung a version of the mimicry, as it became one. At the end of the day, the day is over.

The grip of the cosmonaut's cabin fell down to zero in seconds. After the tragedy of the head, the chief was in a dummy: moving, opening, settling into the obolontsi of the apparatus, then descending, you can close it ... with your finger. Ale zrobiti tse is not so easy as to be built. Efforts were made in crystals, fastened with belts - so follow the instructions for the hour of landing. Together with Rukavishnikov, Leonov took on the fate of the landing. All minds are modeled in the pressure chamber.

When the cosmonauts knew about 30 seconds later, the cosmonauts knew that the stench had been lost earlier and they couldn’t break anything. Dobrovolskiy, mabut, well, mamagavsya zrobiti - vіn got a zіrvati with a belt; unfortunately, it didn’t blow up for more than an hour.

Ekipazh descended to the ground without spacesuits. Take the decision to grasp especially the King before the launch of the "Downfall". That kind of space for "Soyuz" three people in spacesuits is not possible. However, there were no problems due to airtightness before in the railroad shops "Shodivs", "Shodivs", and unsuitable and floaty "Soyuzivs".

Pislya Zagibeli Dobrovolskiy, Volkov and Patsayev cosmonauts sat around in special suits. Thermal breakdown of recommendations, which guarantee the safety of people on the way of depressurization of the apparatus, how to descend.

Georgiy Timofiyovich Dobrovolskiy, Vladislav Mikolayovich Volkov and Viktor Ivanovich Patsayev went to the history of cosmonautics as the first history of the first orbital station "Salute".

Hero-cosmonauts praised the Kremlin's style.

30 worm 1971 first in the history of cosmonautics history of the orbital space station "Firework" in the warehouse George Dobrovolskogo, Vladislava Volkovaі Viktor Patsaev zaginuv hour of turning to the Earth. This tragic event has become the greatest in the history of modern cosmonautics - having lost its weight in history.

Radianska that American space programs were doing in the minds of the edge of hard competition. The skin from the side prugged whether to override the competitor and become the first. A handful of palm trees belonged to the SRCP: the first launch of a piece companion of the Earth, the first launch of a human in space, the first flight of a human in space, the first flight of a female cosmonaut went beyond the Radiansky Union.

The Americans were overwhelmed by the month's messenger. If you want the CPSR, you can get a theoretical opportunity to catch the first, but the program was not so unreasonable and rather high, but the seriousness of the catastrophe did not dare to risky lives of their cosmonauts. Radianskogo a thousandth corral of cosmonauts was transferred to training for the program "Stikuvannya" for the first flight to the orbital station.

Safely hanging on Misyatsi, the Americans brought themselves to them, but they could also, for whom the overworld was buried by the companion of the Earth. At that hour, the SRSR also developed the project of the pilot orbital station and took over Chergov from the spheres, having launched its orbital station two rockets earlier, but the United States didn’t.

The Salyut station was planned to be brought into orbit on the ear of the 24th CPSU, the protestors were remembered. The station was brought into orbit only on April 19, 1971, ten days later it was sent to the end.


The first flight was sent directly to the orbital station. On April 24, five days before the station entered orbit, the Soyuz-10 spacecraft was launched from Baikonur. The commander of the ship Volodymyr Shatalov, flight engineer Oleksiy Alisev and engineer-viprobuvach Mikola Rukavishnikov were on board.

Tse buv douzhe additional reports of ekіpazh. Shatalov and Alisev have already traveled two times on the Soyuz spacecraft, a newcomer in space, but only Rukavishnikov. Planning, so "Soyuz-10" will successfully go to the orbital station, so that the cosmonauts will wake up on these three days.

Ale everything went wrong, as it was planned. The ship has safely arrived at the station and after a few days, a little bitch has been rescued here. The scrubbing of the stikuvalny vuzol was done through the station, the automation was installed, and the coriguval motors were shut off, through the "Union" the stuck and stikuvalny vuzol was wicked.

About stikuvannya more could not be booty and movi. Moreover, the entire program of the Salyut station was under the threat of a threat, the cosmonauts did not know how to fiddle with the school stick. Yo it could be "vidstrility", ale tse numbed stikuvannya with the "Salute" of any ship and meant the collapse of all programs. At the right, engineers and constructors were involved, as they were on Earth, and they were pleased to install the switch and to see the lock and vityagti stir "Soyuz". For the last few years, the time has gone into the distance - and the astronauts have gone viral.

Zmіna ekіpazhu

I respected the preparation for the "Soyuz-11". Tsei ekіpazh buv mensh will be available, below the front. Nichto cosmonauts have not been in space more than once. Natomist commander of the mission became Oleksiy Leonov - the Persha of Lyudin, as he went to see the space. The flight engineer Valeriy Kubasov and the engineer Petro Kolodin were included in the flight to the warehouse.

The decal of the miscellaneous stinks were changed into sticks in the manual or in automatic mode, even if you couldn’t suddenly hit the brunt of accusations and turn around for good and do not stick.

On the ear of the worm the date of the villotte is marked. On the last date of the Politburo, the date was picked up, as a warehouse, which all were unambiguously certified as a new one. Ale trapilosya neymovirne. Two days before the start, a sensational sound came from Baikonur: before the hour of the standard medical glance, they sent an X-ray sign to Kubasov, and in one of them there was little darkening. Everything contributed to the tuberculous process. However, the truth is, having become unreasonable, as it is possible to take a glance, even such a process does not develop in one day, and the cosmonauts went through retreats and regular medical glances. So chi inakshe, ale fly into space Kubasov is not possible bulo.

The Adjunct State Committee and the Political Bureau also grabbed the warehouse of the e-mail. Well robiti? Even in the Radiansk program, the cosmonauts got ready to use triplets and as soon as they were alone, then it was necessary to change the whole trio, which was important, but the three were already applied, and the replacement of one member was added to the apprenticeship.

Ale, on the other hand, not earlier in the history of cosmonautics, did not change the flight mensh yak a couple of minutes before reaching the Villotte. Yak vibrati the correct decision for such a situation? With the curators of space programs, the hot superperechka was seen. Mykola Kamanin, the deputy to the head of the Air Force from space, was inspired by the fact that Leonov’s description of the announcement and the replacement of Kubasov by Volkov, who is also a maverick of space benefits, then there will not be any terrible inviolability and the narrowness of life.

Protest designer Mishin, one of the "Salut" and "Soyuz" brands, having played the role of a new trio. Winning that a duplicate warehouse will be more beautiful in preparation, and such that it is spratsyuvavsya, lower than the basic, a little arrogant about the warehouse in advance. Mishin's thought outperformed the result. Ekipazh Leonov was put down, replaced by a duplicate one, at the warehouse of the commander Georgy Dobrovolskiy, flight engineer Vladislav Volkov and engineer-assistant Viktor Patsaev. Nichto of them is not in space, with the blame of Volkov, which is already flying on one of the "Soyuziv".

Ekipazh Leonov is even more likely to take away from side to side. Boris Chortok piznishe zgaduvav the words of the designer Mishin:

"Oh, what a big boolean in me rosmov with Leonov and Kolodin!- Having told us. - Leonov called me less in the fact that I didn’t seem to have volunteered to replace Kubasov with Volinov, and more than once I could stretch Volkov into space. Kolodin said that he was so and he saw until the last day that he should not be allowed into space before the drive. Kolodin like: "I was a crow with them. The stench of all the donors, and I am a rocket launcher."

Nichto of the promoted cosmonauts and it didn’t happen, but a gracious X-ray sign (Kubasov didn’t have tuberculosis due to the fact that he didn’t experience tuberculosis and didn’t find it successfully in space). Ale todі the situation sharpened to the brim. Chortok especially sported the picture:

"On the State Committee, I leaned in order with Kolodin. Win sid with a low head down, nervously clenched his fists and pressed his fingers, on the face of the beast's grasp. glimpses of heroes. There was no ale of joy on their faces. "


The ship "Soyuz-11" launched from Baikonur on the 6th worm in 1971. The cosmonauts were not deprived of the fact that two of them had not been shot in space before, but led them through the writing: the day before the whole day, they held a fair meeting, in which they played promotions.

Protect the launch of the ship in normal mode and without any troubles. The cosmonauts successfully performed at the orbital station without any problems. Tse buv a sickly moment, and even the stench of becoming the first earthlings on board the space station.

The cosmonauts were safely placed on the orbital station, as they wanted it to be small, and it turned out to be a majestic message from the unmistakable "Union". The first generation of stinks rang out before the new situation. The environment of the one, the cosmonaut on the "Salute" Mali television call from the Earth.

16 worms at the station became an NP. The cosmonauts saw a strong smell of garbage. The wolves are calling from the Earth, and I'll tell you about it. You've heard about the term evacuation from the station, but the Dobrovolsky virgin is not able to go to sleep and turn on the deyaky attach, for which the smell of the garbage has passed.

The cosmonauts carried out 23 dobi in orbit. The smell was mali to complete the program of doslіdzhen and experiments. Besides, the stench was too small to conserve the station for the onset of the emergency.

Mortals of 29 worms ekіpazh threw a successful test from "Salyut" and a virus to home.


Zagalom flight passing normally - there are no checks in the current NP. Eksipazh viyshov on calls and provinces. Yak appeared, the last session was connected with a call. Yak і ochіkuvalosya, about 1:35, the galmіvna Rukhov's installation escaped. About 1:47 a.m. there was a podil apparatus, scho to go down, with an attachment and a beat-up. About 1:49 am the trip is guilty of going to the call and about the success of the device, so that it goes down. The device should go down without a telemetry system and on Earth without knowing how to meet with the cosmonauts. Planuvalosya, scho once sent Dobrovolskiy go to the call. Moving in the radio was even more awesome for the fakhivts, as well as the experience of the great balacuch and for an hour growing out of the Earth, more, but the situation was lower than that.

Turning the Earth back to the planned regime, without any extractions, the same time it got to be respected, which began to turn out to be. Nayimovirnishoyu version of the problem of radio control incompatibility.

About 1:54, the PPO system started the device, which was going down. At a height of 7 thousand meters, the main parachute is opened to the device, which is to descend, as if it had an antenna. The cosmonauts called either on the HF or on the UKH-channels and add information about the situation. They smelled ale, they didn’t appear on the water from the Earth. Tse was already alarmed, the “Soyuziv” were all right, they turned around safely, without any problems due to the sound at the stage.

Close at 2:05 am helicopter, when the apparatus is being set down, they have seen it and brought it to the Polot Management Center. For ten khvili, the device landed safely. The name of the apparat is not a mav zhodnyh poshkojen, ale ekipazh, like and earlier, without going to the call and without giving a sign of life. Already it was clear that the NP had become, it was still more hopeful, that the cosmonaut, mighty, noble, but still alive.

Immediately after landing, a helicopter landed in order with the device, scho zustrichaє, and after two chilin the men still opened the hatch of the device. Chortok zgaduvav:

"To descend the apparatus lying on the boats. The call was not for the old girls. They knocked on the stage - they did not see the hatch. They opened the hatch. All three were sitting by the crystals at the quiet poses. The volunteer boutique is warm.

Try the drugs in reanimation with the help of a piece of work, and the massage of the heart did not fail. Roztin showed that he had turned down the decompression sickness, and the vicious drops in the apparatus, had gone down.


Fasten the bend down unambiguously in order to unseal the ship. Already on the coming day, the appliance was rescued until it went down, but all the attempts to find the vitic failed. Kamanin zgaduvav:

"We closed the hatch and all the other regular openings in the hull of the ship, opened a vice in the cabin, so that the atmospheric pressure was changed by 100 millimeters, and ... we didn’t see any signs of leakage. , residual overheating at the base of the cabin ".

If the appliance would be sealed, how could it have been depressurized? Losing only one option. Vitik instant status through one of the ventilation valves. If the valve is open only when the parachute opens up for opening the grip, how can I see it when the device is seen, how to go down?

A single theoretical option: shock and release of the valve when the device is removed, before going down, it was forced to immediately release the valve to open the valve. Ale on "Soyuz" there were never such problems (the same problem didn’t occur, either on pilots or on unmanned ships). Moreover, in the event of a catastrophe, experiments were carried out to simulate the situation, even if the postal opening of the valve was never seen through the shock of the valve, but rather by firing the pilots. It’s just the experiment that didn’t create the whole situation. Ale, oskіlki іnshih explained not bulo, the official version accepted the same version. It was negotiated that the idea was to be introduced before the discharge in the regions of the small-sized ones, the fragments in the experimental minds were not able to be made. The comic in the distance was about to see the story of how it was seen in the middle of the apartment, so it went down. For the regular inspection of the cosmonaut's apparatus, they showed a depressurization, the splinters fell quickly. On those who should know that stick it її, they have a lot less khvilini. Commanding officer Dobrovolskiy rewire hatch, ale vin is sealed. As soon as the sound appears, astronauts switch on radio transmissions and equipment. Nayimovirnishe im into the distance to see the vitik, but I still didn’t exhaust my strength, just close the valve. The grip of the grip was strong, and the cosmonauts were not too proud for the slack, and nearly two slack the stench was dead.

All bulo binakshe, yakbi at the ekipazhu spacesuits. Ale Radyansky cosmonauts turned in the apparatus without them. Kings and Mishin played against each other. The space suits were bulky, as they needed equipment for safety, and the ships were so bulky. It happened to him to vibrate: either an additional member of the crew, or a spacesuit, or before the ship was overhauled and the apparatus, how to descend.

Pid bags

The bends of the cosmonauts will be taken away from the Kremlin wall. At that moment, there was the greatest disaster in space for a number of victims. Forward zaginuv tsіliy ekіpazh. The tragedy of "Soyuz-11" called for the fact that the blast froze more than two rockies for the whole program.

For a whole hour, the program itself was readily glanced at. At that hour, the cosmonaut would be bound to turn back in their old spacesuits. To trim more space in the apartment, to go down, it was displayed as the third member of the e-mail. There was a change in the composition of the control bodies, the cosmonaut, without getting up from the mission, at the same time all the important buttons and important ones.

After the introduction of the additional implementation of the Soyuz program, it was recommended to itself as one of the best and the best for success.

Suddenly the stikuvannya passed into the distance, and even before the hour the cosmonauts at the station of the stink of the snake bully were constantly struggling with unacceptable incidents. Yakos navit became tanned. Volkov proponuvav immediately go to the module, then go down, just ahead of Moscow, ale Dobrovolskiy and Patsaevim showed some fancy and successfully missed out on the inequality. The cosmonauts spent 23 days at the station, setting Chergov's record for triviality. Problems with technology have progressed to the hour of preparation for the Earth. Before roztikuvannya "Soyuz-11" and "Salyut-1" unsupportedly knocked off the sensor, as if the hatch was leaking. With a hand of a few young cosmonauts, they felt the inequality, they re-closed the hatch. Nareshty sensor, which will indicate about the inequality, deactivated, and the module has been destroyed to the ground. However, the hour before the descent of the flight to the call from the center of the control of the users is not connected. After landing the module in automatic mode. Transmitting unkindness, the ryatuvalniki rushed to the destination from the cosmonaut's landing module. It's a pity, the stench of the booze is dead.


(Behind the spogads of N.P. Kamanin, B. Chertok, V. Siromyatnikov, Y. Ladizhensky, the author's special births with the daughter of Dobrovolsky, blue Kamanin Lev, fakhivtsy of colish NDIERAT, called the institute.)

A meeting at the Salute station, little leti Oleksiy Leonov, Valeriy Kubasov and Petro Kolodin. Against the backdrop of Baikonur, literally before the start at Kubasov, they viyavili ... chubby at the right legend. Fakhivtsi were susceptible to tuberculosis on the cob stage. As it grows, it’s more and more an allergic reaction to the growth of the growing line in the steppe. But beforehand, the entire history was rendered aside and replaced with backup ones. On the coming day, 6 worms in 1971, Dobrovolsky, Volkov and Patsaev started. The stench burst into our first orbital station with the first slugs.
The offense was perceived poorly by the people. The first buv of hostilities in the direction of the land, the other - the rapacious snake of the valley. For the benefit of the other emperors, they saw the marmur gatherings of the Kremlin Palace for fanfare, the music of Glinka, otrimuvati Zirki Heroiv. Ale radoschiv wasn’t bored on their guises.
A share of many people changed the X-ray sign, which was not frightened before the great pleasures!
The State Committee for the Lightning of the Young People and the Sleepers passed for 20 hours. A volunteer singing, so the presentation is ready and the director of the vicon. Leonov zapevnen waving his hand - Skoda, how it happened.
As soon as they started to go out, Kamanin appeared order from Valeriym Kubasov. Wine with a smile of wine, asking for vibration:
- And I just got cold. Over the course of a day, everything will be gone and nothing will be done on x-rays.
Yogo nichto is not involved. Ale mav ratsiyu vin, not lykari. Until the first day Kubasov is alive and well. There was no such a thorny tuberculous process in the new one.
If the Cherga went to the Dobrovolskiy vistup, it was blooming, so it was very bad. In truth, there have never been such massive darts in space. The meetings were interconnected by a warehouse without any middle participants in the preparation of a launch vehicle and a space ship. And then there were three thousand people in the eye.
“If I’ve got here, I’ll prepare a promo,” Dobrovolskiy said. - Ale now, having smacked your smiles and warm eyes, I will simply tell you: dear comrades and friends, thank you very much for your self-help. We are not poshkoduєmo forces, everything is destructible, but the viconati is zavdannya.
About 6 years old, a small hall has become very popular.
About 7 years 26 khvilin ulysєєv pohav wikliki:
- I am Zorya. "Yantar", yak chuєte? To the call! The message is not safe.
- like "Amber". Everything is in order. Pratsyuєmo for the program. Radio storage has passed. Ide is not automatically close. For 7 years 27 hilin range 4, swiftness 14.
- You were sounded. All garazd, prodovzhuyte additional information.
- about 7 years and 31 years of SKD performance in 10 seconds, range 2 or 3; speed 8.
Dopovidi is not the commander of the ship Dobrovolsky, but Volkov. You cannot drown out the bagatoraz retransmission and strength, as long as the words reach the dynamics in the hall. The stress is passed on to all of us.
- The speed is changing. At TSK, I will bachimo a point to light up. Range 1400, speed 4 ...
- 7 years 37 khilin, range 700, speed 2.5. They came back - bachimo deprive the Earth. I know the flood!
- For the telemetry data NIP-13, - the voice appears, - the mooring mode is passed - the distance of 300 is fixed, the speed is 2.
The hall is not just quiet, but spongy, with a build-up. A pause, scho came through a greasy sound, lyakaє. It is possible, all garazd, ale information from space at once received only Ussurysk and terrestrial channels, seemingly without calls to KIK, retransmitting to the MCC. Who is it for someone who is not home to create, how can an excavator tear off a thin thread of 8000 kilometers ?!
- "Yantar", I - "Zorya", I do not smell you.
For a second, I shave off Volkov's low-key voice:
- Distance 300, speed 2. Visually, I support the station at TSK. Yde virivnyuvannya on the roll. The cone of that pasta is even better visible. Virivnyuvannya on roll ended - range 105, speed 0.7. Includes manual mooring.
- "Yantars", respectfully look at the sticky high school in small town, - yes, give the instructions.
- You were sounded. Range 50. Speed ​​0.28. Filtration of DPO nozzles. The visual cone is clean. Even better, you can see ... Distance 20, speed 0.2. The ship is steered. Іdemo to stick!
The first hour the call zone ends.
- The call to the offensive turn about 8 years 56 khvili.
Between the sessions, you need to call me, do not burn, go from waking up for a meal, for a smoke break, which will know your nerves. To pull the spaceship from the orbital station, why should it be too close to the gap? The hall had already filled up to hundreds of participants, who were very worried.
Kozhen є not looking like a ballroom, but a participant in the story, which is not a part of the vision. A small part of the zagalny lantsyuzi can turn out to be fatal. Kozhen from hundreds is quiet, who check at a time, irresistible. Nichto can not help anybody. Lishe ochіkuvannya.
Silence porushuє characteristic tlo "Zori". Do not check the entrance to the call from space, Єlisєєv wiklikє:
- "Yantars", I - "Zorya", to the call!
Nemа відповіді. Viklik repeat itself kilka raziv.
- Є TV shop! - the moon viguk Bratslavtsya. - Stikuvannya passed! A picture of a miracle.
- "Yantars", I wiklikayu. What are you talking about?
- "Zorya", additional evidence: the stikuvannya passed without vagan, the constriction ended. Viconano Mode! Reversing the tightness of the stick. Virivnyuumo vise. Dalі pratsyuєmo for the program. There is a hatch from the device, which can be descended into a by-side view. We pass to the by-beat view. We are all good.
The hall was noisy. Well, having thought of gryuknuty in the valley, they didn't strangle him a little.
“Don’t sleep, don’t cross the DOS, otherwise it’s too fast.”
- Dopovidє group for analysis of stikuvannya. Everything went after the program. The hooks of the ship were fastened. Haki DOS did not work in general. The mode is over. The 796th orbit of the DOS, or the 19th orbit of the ship, is the third additional one. For the program, it’s finished the virivnyuvannya vise, which allows you to see the cross hatch. Go to DOS without the permission of the Earth.
- Uwaga! Quiet! Fix the session! - shout Agadzhanov. First and foremost, do not check Wiklik Alisova, moon Volkov's cheerful voice:
- "Zorya"! We are all good. We are sitting in the apartment to go down. Fasten a vice in the norm. Take a look at the table. Respect with us is dumb. Allow the access hatch to open from the descent into the bypass door.
- Opening the hatch is permissible!
- "Zorya"! About 10:32:30 we saw the command to open the crossover hatch. The Zakrito banner went off. I can't see it, a crowbar is possible.
- "Yantars", everything is wonderful. You are great. Do not boast. Quietly cool.
- "Zorya"! Visonano display mode. Ale the banner does not burn. Singers, did not reach the kіntsevik. We will not check out. "Yantar-3" waving his hand to "pishov" tudi!
I know a pause. Tisha. Try to see that there, in the cosmos, the infection of a person is in flux at the first DGZ. Wine at Salute!
Wolves, not missing Nodi to make a show:
- Prolitaymo 5th on top, all garazd!
- "Yantars", respect! You’ll matimete rozmova z "pershiyu" all at once, - Moscow has already got into it. There they may have checked and violated, they didn’t mind the folding of the situation, at the very moment of the transition they would turn on for a call to the trip from Brezhnevim.
- "Zorya", check it out. "Third" - at "Salute". Do not put the rest of the way ... "Zorya", "third" turning. Salute has a strong smell. Odyaga mask, before I know.
With a hold of the first flight of pilots, the first DOS in space, the trip took up the knowledge of the station.
- Judge from the negotiations from the “land”, the lads are leaving to sort out the problem “where did they eat?”
Euphoria of the first days, if everything is new, everything is "wonderfully", it was hard to forget about subordination, "ranking" in ekipazh. Not formal on the right. Smell you might think of a good fortune for your success, you stink of a program, ale є і "table of ranks": commander, flight engineer, cosmonaut-presenter. It’s a pity, the lads weren’t able to "lighten the power." Vladislav Volkov, who had already walked around the cosmos, embossed with his authority, was diagnosed with a new commander. Zhora Dobrovolskiy, a good-natured person, is good-natured, disciplined in an army, she is up to the statutory order, she did not want to move.
Dreary conflicts grew overwhelming, the Earth was aware that the situation on board was not normal, it was delicately corrected. (Inodi Korolov said to Volkov: “I’m not just for you into space, I won’t let you let go of the crows!”)
16 worms at the station appeared the smell of a throat isolation and a dimok, which came from the control panel of the scientific apparatus (PUNA).
- We have a "zavis" on board, - transferring Volkov to Earth.
For the "dependence" code, start chi dim, chi pozhezha. On Earth, they forgot about the code, and they thought it was overpriced, it’s like “zavis”. Negotiate from the Earth, not the commander of the mission, but Volkov. Win not showing, panicuvav i, wagging, with an open text saying:
- Pozhezha with us! Infected іdemo in the ship.
Then he said that the stench could not know the instructions for the term evacuation and the descent that asked, for the Earth to dictate, that, in the end, the need for work. (Good training from the whole "engineer", which was the year of life for all the history of MA: sports activities for paddling and tennis, playing athletics, basketball, volleyball, "theater dance" for a mazurka, but I didn’t do the sciences in MAI! good-for-nothing. ")
In Pidlipkakh, there was a long way to improve the duplication of conversations between DOS and NIP-16.
- Look at the data for the term rostikuvannya, - still grasped by Vimagav Volkov.
Think of the Earth as a buzzing noise like this:
- The order of going on the definition of a term read on the sides 110-120, there is a description of how to go to the apartment, how to go down. For the passage of the shipbuilding service for the instructions on 7K-T, sides 98a and 98b. Staff rostikovka. Prepare sides 133-136. Landing a leash for a vkaz_vkoy Earth. Don't oversleep. The remote control is turned on - and the dim is guilty. As soon as you have a station, then we will turn on some awesome houses. Take pills for headache. For telemetry data, CO2 and O2 are in the norm. Decision about the transition and the approval of the commander.
Volunteer zrozum_v, now brother's hour of calls from the Earth:
- "Zorya", I - "Burshtin". You didn't see it. PUNA is imprinted. Leave the cherguvatimo in two, one will come. Don’t be too complacent, we have the right settings.
- "Burshtin-1", I- "Zorya". We analyzed the mill of the on-board systems and it was important to get in to guarantee a normal robot. Spodіvaєmosya, shho vi prodovite the robot for the regular program. Smells pass. At 17 worms, it is recommended that you pick up a day, then go to the mode. Steal, when you go out of the zone NIP in you good chuє ship "Akademik Sergiy Korolov".
Volunteer and Patsaev “muffled” Volkov’s emoticons and corrected this “engineer” to accept. After a couple of turns, "Academician Sergiy Korolov," transferring all the garazd to the "board". "Yantar-1 and -3" were worshiped, and "Yantar-2" was received. Tregub added to the State Committee, which ekipazh, having run 23 in space, setting a record.
Experiments were carried out with the optical optical viewer-distant OD-4, the ultraviolet warning system “Orion” and the secret radar “Svinets”. Photographing of the Earth, spectrographing the horizon, experimenting with the intensity of the flux of gamma quanta and methods of manual operation of the station has been developed.
Two days left, the trip was busy with the preservation of the orbital station, packing materials, preserving and preparing the spacecraft.
The team for the sale of small buti has seen 29 worms about 21 years and 25 worms. Two turns are introduced for preparation before the descent. Eksipage carried out a manual adjustment of the pose with our zone of visibility that will transfer the control to the hydroponics. The command to start the descent cycle will be given from the NIP-16, at the reserve circuit NIP-15. The inclusion of SKTDU on galmuvannya pass about 1 year 47 chilins in the same 30 hearts.
Vorobyov confirmed that the astronauts' camp was behind Visnovk by the last good days. At the traditional NIP-16 control room, there were no sensations. Effort of the commanders on board passed without incidents. Experiences about the visit of all the operations at once, without failing to annoy the Earth. Everything went quietly for the distribution. Marine ship stations received information from the spacecraft, spilled over them, and promptly added it to the galvanized hour and opened it from the integrator. The command-vimiruvalny complex and the LOCT have accumulated good information about the control over the object on the landing loop.
The space ship flew from the zone and the connection with the ships, which was in the Atlantic. Above Africa there was a podil - a side-by-side і fit-and-aggregate view of the apparatus, as it descends. SA at the outside of the radio telemetry system. About those who see the message for a while, everyone seemed to be able to see the cosmonauts before entering the atmosphere, as long as the hot plasma did not overlap the long antenna of the Zorya system. For the reconstruction of the processes at the apparatus, as they descend, a large-channel recorder “Mir” was installed.
Two Olegs went to the bend of Komarov: Sulimov and Komisarov - and those comrades from the Institute of Vimiryuvan deserved an autonomous administrator who made it possible for the heat supplier and mechanic.
- We asked Dobrovolskiy to conduct a report for the whole hour, as only SA will go to our zone and call, and win to move, - Alisєєv asked.
- It's wonderful to move Volkov. In the rest of the sessions, the winners are even more generous.
Bortinzhener mav zakrit the luke-manhole. Volkov, turning the wheel, zakrita krishki. Before roztikovuvannyam at the not lit up the transporter about the closing of the hatch between the apparatus, how to go down, and we will start to see. Volkov is clearly nervous, a little more brightly, and gluing leukoplastyr on top of a kintseviy vimikach, which fixes the hatch.
“Todi stinks didn’t shit on the reportage,” Tregub said.
Volkov's inadequate, conflict-nerve behavior at all stages was clearly explained by the new high-ranking patrons from the part-nomenclature middle class and curly nationality. After an hour of preparation, until the first time, after trying the swing of the law, Ale Gagarin put on the ice a curly little quasi-engineer.
The MAI didn’t get it, because they shook the signal about the closing of the hatch, the tightness of the stick didn’t reach. It’s easy to reach the correct zakritty and until the hatch is searched, it’s just easy to bring the driver of the signaling officer to the dispatch. (If, at the first cosmic benefit of Gagarin, the signal about the closing of the hatch did not slip off, the hatch was closed again.)
When the grip on the side of the side-by-side window was pressed, it naturally fell, and through the laying of the under-pressed hatch, the seal was relieved. Vona bula mittєvoyu, laying vіdzhalo trocha. The grip system is magalized to compensate for the supply of power in the cylinders. On the whole stage of the trip, the opportunity to vryatuvatisya, for draining the vise in the cabin of 0.5 atm, is possible. If the gasket was not pressed, it wouldn’t be so strong, and even with the reserve balloons, it could be used for the entire hour of descent. Ale "Engineer" has taken a vise to the norm. The sign of the release of the gasket is displayed, it is sealing, and the quick release of all the backup turns.
The sound of the sound passed through:
- The space control service is responsible for the device to go down for the forecast.
Nareshty hopes for the next few years:
- The service of General Kutasin povidomlyaє: the Lithuanians have locked the device, so they go down. Parachute descent. According to the forecast, a flight of about ten kilometers, no more, to the rosary point. Until the moment of landing, wait for the helicopter.
Khwilin after twenty we felt nervuvati. There were no more additional reasons for the landing area.
The officer, who had been on a call from the sound-and-fest service, felt himself guilty. A flurry of resupply collapsed on a new one, but not a moment to see it.
The head of the State Committee of the Kerims of Zobovyazaniy, who was the first to explain to Moscow - to Smirnov and Ustinov about the successful completion of the expedition. Ale vіn vіyavivya vіdrіzanim from the area of ​​landing.
Khviliin after thirty minutes of the rosary hour of landing Kerimov resists the behavior of the head of the UPU Kutakhov Ustinov. More than ten khilin went to the day with Ustinov. In the hall, everyone was quiet.
Nareshti Kerimov giving a sign: "Quiet!" Ale skarga on Kutakhov doesn’t feel anything. Kerimov Movchav. Having poklavshis the phone, changing in the individual Kerimov, after rekazuvaty in the opinion of Ustinov.
- Through two chilini, when landing to the device, how to descend, the pilots fled from the helicopter. CA lying on the boat. The name is not bulo zhkodzheni. They knocked on the wall - they didn't see it. Shvidko opened the hatch. Try to sit by the crystals in calm poses. On the guise of blue beaches. Blood rushes from the nose and vuh. Vityagli їх із SA. The volunteer buv is warm. Lіkarі prodovzhuyut piece dichannya. For some additional reasons from the moment of landing, death came from the spirit. The SA does not have any third-party odors. Immediately entering the evacuation tel to Moscow for a follow-up. Before the moment of landing, there is a need for covering the CA fakhivtsi from Pidlipok and CPK.
At the tsilkovity silence hto said:
- Tse depressurization.
A terrible sound struck everyone. It was not quieted by the clear sky, but they gave a mirror-smooth sea, which in the wake of a glimpse of the rank freshness.
Volkov's guilt in the tragedy of the bully is obvious, otherwise it was publicly voiced by the fact that it wondered about the opposition of the representatives of the interests of one people, for that Mishin was at the election for the benefit of Viklav so the version of the fact that it became, because of the fussing of the posters
- Apparatus for planting perversions, when it is not revealed. The sealing could be for two reasons. Persha - spratsyuvannya dichny valve before the chasne. Have a vipadku vise padatime along the upper curves. Another reason is the fragility of the hatch. The curve of the rakhunkovy drop in the grip when the valve is open is precisely set in the record of the actual recession in the grip of the grip. Surrounding the zbig rorakhunkovoy and the factual decline curves by the power of the control of the descent control system. The reconstruction of the SUS behavior shows the manifestation of abnormal drilling. For the magnitude of that sign of the price of the hole, it is built up with a rosary for vypadku vikhodu povitra z the opening.
The records and telemetry of the autonomous recorder were glanced over. There is no sign of the passage of the pre-channeled command on the valve rosette. For the analysis of the records of the "Light" viplivay, but the airtightness is broken at the moment of the device's submission, when it descends, that by-the-clock output (BO). The curve will drop in the grip due to the size of the dirka, which is due to the transitory overrun of one valve. There are two valves for good: one - pressure-operated and one - high-pressure. Yakbi Bula Pomilkov's team, then we saw the offense of the valve at once: an electric stench in one lance. The command to open the two valves passed normally, as it should be at a safe height.
For the updates of the staff of the NDIERATU -Scientific-before-the-past the institute for the operation and repair of the aviation technology
Ale, according to the version, that one will see out as Volkov's patrons, one valve will be open until the end of an hour without an electric command.
- How could an evil force be able to see it at a height of 150 kilometers on your thought? - By feeding Kozakov.
- Let's not get overwhelmed with one version earlier, - Keldish got involved, - you need to discuss everything in the first place. I propound Shabarov’s sluhati and medicine.
Shabarov added the results of the analysis of the recordings of the autonomous on-board recorder "Mir", which is the same as the "black screen".
- The process was done in less than 0.06 seconds, - Shabarov added. - For 1 year, 47 quills of 26.5 seconds, the grip of the CA was fixed at 915 millimeters of mercury. After 115 seconds, it fell to 50 millimeters and decreased. At the entrance to the atmosphere balls, the SUS is fixed to the robot. Re-engaging syagaє 3,3 single units and decrease in time. A small grip at the SA was repairing more and more: the pressure from the outer atmosphere through the open air valve. The axis to the graph is the command to open the valve. Mi, the intensity of the traffic has increased. Tse will display the criterion for the command of another valve. The analysis of the records of the "World" is deprived, bit by bit, of the version about the opening of one of the two valves at the moment of the arrival of the ship. The temperature on the CA frames near the edge of the hatch reached 122.5 degrees. Ale tse for the rakhunok zagralnogo heating before entering the atmosphere for an hour.
- Earlier, now, no more collapsed, a rumor about the results of medical doslidzhen, - proponuvav Keldish.
Done zrobiv Burnazyan.
- In the last few days, the physical camp of cosmonauts will be good. The stench took a tonic zest. Today, physical training was held for three years. Dobrovolskiy has a pulse at a spok_ynuyu camp 78-85. The arterial vise is normal. Volkov is more emotional. At the new pulse, the pulse was high, until the bottom of the ship reached 120, at Patsaev - at the boundaries 92-106. After the admission, in the first cosmonauts, the pulse reached 120 for the first time, and for Tereshkova it reached 160. In the first second, Dobrovolsky's pulse went up to 114, for Volkov - up to 180. After 50 seconds, the frequency went up to 42 , scho lured by a hostile sour hunger. Dobrovolskiy's pulse is falling rapidly, the dikhannya will fall back at that hour. The whole cob period of death. For 110 seconds, all three have no heart rate, no dichotomy. Vvazhaymo, death came in 120 seconds after coming. At the stencil, the stench took more than 50-60 seconds to drink. For a whole hour, Dobrovolskiy, mabut, who wants to grow up, judging by the fact that he has lost his belt.
17 of the best specials have been received until the end of the day. All three cosmonauts have established children with blood. Bulbashki povitrya, like a drugged sack, went to the court. In all, there are bloodsheds in the middle of the ears that riveting of drum crossings. The shlunka and intestines are bloody. Gazi: nitrogen, kissen and CO2 - razchineni in the blood, with a sharp diminished grip boiled. Razchineni in the blood of the gazi, turning into bulbs, clogged the judges. With a rosin of the heart shell, there is a gas: at the heart of the heart there are plugs. They were looking at the yak beiser for the brain. The stench is also corked with twisted plugs. About the majestic emotion of napruzi and gostre kisneve hunger to reduce the same instead of lactic acid in the blood - that's 10 times the norm.
For the chiliiny of the earth, they rested, try reanimation. The stench has been trivial for over a year. Obviously, with such a severe organism, the same methods of reanimation cannot be vryatuvati. In the history of medicine, and not just medicine, not like analogous butts and nowhere, to hover over creatures, there has been no experiment with the reaction of an organism to such a mode of reducing the vice - from a normal atmospheric pressure practically to zero in tens of seconds. The bullets of the unsealing of the aviation spacesuits at the altitude of 10 km. In cich vipadkah, the little bit is not typical of unstable sourness, even if the rate is low, the testimony was changed. In a multitude of vipadku in tens of seconds, the processes were not gated.
Spokiyna extravid Burnazyan celebrated the gruesome feud. Thoughts transferred to the apparatus, how to descend, it’s hard to see the first seconds of seeing the cosmonauts. Terrible pains in our minds invaded intelligence and intelligence. The whistle of a whistle sang melodiously, how to go, the drums burst a little more quickly and there was silence. Actively collapsing і it’s work, judging by the speed of decline, the stench, the stench could, perhaps, last 15-20 seconds. The reason for the loss of airtightness of the SA lay on the surface, albeit baked superbranches were trivial, used by Volkov's patrons. VONI and caught the version, as it took away the priesthood and the priority with all the recent advances, which were carried out for the decisions of the comic. (Vikoristov carried out the rolling of the paths of the study of the rest of Gagarina.)
Two types: SA and BO - mentally contracted one by one. The upper sticky frames of the SA and BO are pulled one to one with eight bolts. When selected, installers pull together with special torque wrenches. The operation is controlled not by eye, but by a special pressure chamber. The stick is hermetic. At the bottom of the board, the staff was guilty of being guilty before landing.
Yak tse zrobiti, don’t unscrew bolts, why tighten? Even simpler. The bolts are required to rozіrvati vibuhom. The leather bolt has a charge of gunpowder, which is fed by the power cartridges by an electric command from the software-hour attachment. The vibrations of the firing pits will be sent out one hour. Vibukhov's power in a vacuum can be wider than metal. The impact of the floor is strong, the valve, the mounting on the same frame, the vibration of the bolts, and the moment it crashes. The axis is such a simple version.
We were honored to experiment at the plant in NDIERATi. Valves were given to viprobovannya on the strength of great percussion navantazhenie. The passage of the Politburo's rulings is a two-step term of robotic comic, but dozens of experiments did not provide such proof. Valves from vibuchovic impacts were not detected.
At the suggestion of Mishuk, a number of valves were selected at the plant due to admitted technological defects. I will look VTK - a clear shlyub. Ale and the stench didn’t want to see the vibukhovy blows. From the out-of-bounds Keldish, which may even be the case when it happened, it’s going to tell Ustinov and it’s about Brezhnev, prompting the process for the CA and BO to simulate in the great pressure chamber. It was transmitted, that shock is hitting at one hour of all firebolts in vacuum, widening only for metal, if it is pulled, below the normal atmospheric grip. “It’s overtaken for a long time, but our conscience will be pure: we have destroyed everything that we could,” Vin said.
One of the organizers of the night experiment was Buv Reshetin: “A whole folding experiment was carried out at the great pressure chamber of the Central Exhibition Complex at the Zoryaniy Mystechku. Models of CA and BO boules are pulled together with standard bolts. The dichny valves were installed due to the technological breakdowns, as they could hardly be done at a moment's notice. Pіrobolti fiddled immediately for the scheme, as vikoristovuyasya at the poloti. The experiment was carried out two. The valves did not open.
Just the reason for the opening of the dichotomous valve before the hour came to the CA and BO "Soyuz-11" was so overwhelmed. Yak, however, and furnish the rest of Gagarin's favor, grabbed by Mishuk and Shust themselves. The stench was explained by those who became like this: “Two pistol bolts were located not far from the quiet ventilation valve. The first shock navantazhennya, which was done during the vibuhu, did not lead to the collapse of the quiescent stem, but they replaced the aluminum gasket with the valve and frame. Through it and a depressurization was added. The gasket, zim'yatu vibuhom, naturally presented not bulo.
Let us consider Dobrovolsky's investigations as a single blame for the tragedy, and in "kola" - just vbivce, ala ... death spares everyone, but not loving the scandals of Brezhnevskiy TARS.

It didn't take eight seconds.
45 rocky in that land was hit by a cosmic tragedy

Valeriy Burt

Evidence of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft VN Volkov, V.I. Dobrovolskiy and V.I.Patsayev on the ladder of the litaka in front of the drive to Baikonur, 08 chervnya 1971 roku (Photo: V. Tereshkova and L. Putyatina / TASS)

30 worm 1971 tragically shutting down the history of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft. Georgiy Dobrovolskiy, Vladislav Volkov, Viktor Patsaev... Death overtook the tsikh of all important people, if the stench was already showing a foldable day.

"Mi kicked Earth!

There was a breast in the throat, if you were amazed at the photograph, you knew three cosmonauts. Stink in a wonderful mood. Have a laugh, maybe turn hot. Mozhlvo, on their faces, there was joy and for a drop of hilin to the ground. The stench smelled the sight of the children and those close to them, turning to their native house ...
Evening of the 29th worm. Everything is ready before turning to Earth. "Soyuz-11" after dialing "show" from the station. Earth - positive "Zorya" - conducting a session of radio communication with ekipage - positive "Yantar":
"Zorya": Yak іde orієntatsіya?
"Yantar-2" (Vovkov): We beat the Earth, we beat it!
Zorya: Good, don't sleep.
"Burshtin-2": We welcomed the invitation. Hang boards on the right.
Yantar-2: Great to fly, garneau!
"Yantar-3" (Patsaev): "Zorya", I am the third. I can see the horizon of the lower view of the luminaire.
"Zorya": "Yantar", again I will guess the idea - zero-one hundred and fifty degrees.
"Burshtin-2": Zero one hundred and fifty degrees.
"Zorya": Correctly sounded.
"Yantar-2": The "Descent" banner is on.
Zorya: Stop burning. Everything is clear. Burn correctly. The link will end. Happy!
Remain, as soon as the cosmonauts came from the earth, to the fiery desires of Volkov: "Tomorrow, we'll start, get some cognac."
At the bottom for 30 worms, a galm_vna rukhovo installation is turned on. The ship descends from orbit. An aerodynamic galvanizing action in the atmosphere, the bright-hot canopy of the parachute opened up. The device, scho descending, smoothly landed in the Kazakh steppe, on the west side of the Munli mountains.
The triviality of cosmic beauty was regained: 23 days, 18 years, 21 years, 43 seconds. New record! Zustrichayuchi died in ochikuvanni. All of them are straining to show themselves, as they are ready to make fun of them.
Efir vibrating in chorus of voices. In spite of this, from the history of the sound service, I didn’t ever get involved with the cosmonauts. Ale of anxiety is still dumb. Perhaps, it was just the technology that was "burned in"?
The first time of landing is the medics. Call me, if the smell comes from the door of the device, you can smell the voices and members of the economy. And then - silence. The silence is penetrating, terrible.

Vіsіmteen dib in space

Malyunok showing the image of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft and the Salyut orbital station, 1971 (Photo: Photo chronicle TASS)

On April 19, 1971, the first orbital station "Salyut-1" was launched into space. Requirement for the implementation of the sticking technique of the station of the transport ship "Soyuz". The first such policy was issued on April 23, 1971. Trio - Volodymyr Shatalov, Oleksiy Alisevі Mykola Rukavishnikov on the ships "Soyuz-10" we moored to the "Salyut", but we didn’t go on board. We got some problems at the stikuvalny university of the station.
1971 until the end of the day. Oleksiy Leonov, Valeriy Kubasovі Petro Kolodin... Ukhny polit mav break the record Andriyana Nikolaevі Vitalia Sevastyanova, as at the worm of 1970, the rock was drilled at the cosmos for about fifteen dib.
Three times before the start, the cosmonauts underwent medical procedures. Everyone felt a miracle for themselves, prote ... Kubasov has a little blaze. І, unaffected on the protest, yogo bulo is seen from the side.
According to the rules, if one cosmonaut didn’t fly, they changed the whole flight. “Leonov is ready to strangle Kubasov and he’s ready to strangle Kubasov,” says the journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravdy Yaroslav Golovanov... - Vin proponuv having replaced him with Vladislav Volkov, but I thought categorically to get away to the main situation. " In the result, the decision was taken to direct to space understudies. Krim Volkova, tse buli Dobrovolskiy and Patsayev. Yak after z'yasuvalosya, Kubasov is not terrible - a light allergy.
Widow Patsaєva, Vira Oleksandrivna, Zgaduvala, scho the cholovik zradiv, having known, scho virus into space. And Volkov, just an hour later, was rebuilt as an understudy, saying: “I am pleased, I won’t fly to the first station. І explaining: "They sent me, I'm going to screw it up."
Leonov and Kubasov fostered all the events and tragedy. Kolodin was not so lucky to become an astronaut. Win, having served Zoryany's place for twenty years, lost his double.
On that occasion, one of the magazines proposes a toast: "Let us vip'amo for those who are you, Petra Ivanovich, with us, and do not lie in the Kremlin wall." Ale Kolodin quickly responded to the lack of tact: "I would be more beautiful if I were lying at the Kremlin wall!" Winning even more worries, but didn’t fly. I felt myself guilty.
Before the speech, Kolodin is even more friendly from Volkov. І naming him in honor of his yogo sin.

"Tse bulo shocked"

"Soyuz-11" launched 6 worms in 1971 rock. The head of the department is automatically close to the station "Salyut-1"; The first flight was made without acceleration. The cosmonauts showed a program of children - science, military, medical and technical - experiments.
However, it wasn’t done without a go. At the orbital station, the power cables fell off, knocking down a bad dim. The cosmonauts got up to go to the apartment and hoped to get ready for the term evacuation. However, Dobrovolskiy and Patsayev all the same knew the reason for this. With a spilny zusilli, half a dozen go to extinguish.
Turning to the fatal day - worm 30 1971 fate.

Kazakhstan. Baikonur. Launch of a carrier rocket from the Soyuz-11 spacecraft, 6 worm 1971 roku (Photo: Mikola Akimov / TARS photo chronicle)

Sered is quiet, hto starred cosmonauts, buv Shatalov... Volodymyr Oleksandrovich, who has already spent three hours by the cosmos, was entrusted with the fate of the television program about the performance of Dobrovolsky, Volkov and Patsaev.
If the ship had landed, the squad of one of the cosmonauts and Shatalov called off the phone, welcoming them to their successful accomplishments. Ale zhinka already saw famously. "Why doesn’t it smell like that ?!" Shatalov wins, so at once to go out of the car, help out. And then the patron saw him, but everything is still rotten.
“If they fiddled, the stink would be warm,” Zgaduvav Golovanov. - They put them on the load. I remember, Dobrovolsky's hand was hanging from the tsikh burden. Likars dmukhali їm at the mouth, magalized robiti piece dikhannya ... The cosmonauts bully rum'yani, and there were no grimaces on their faces. The stench looked calm. Tse bulo shocked ".
Having smitten the blame, the lykaris started innocently before carrying out a piece treatment, an indirect massage of the heart. The stench prodovzhuvali vikonuvati their obovations until the appearance of absolute signs of the death of astronauts.

A choking-specular day

In the midst of the latest newspaper stories, the author of these rows has an obituary from Pravdy. There was a phrase that would sound like a rumor: "... the flight landed without a sign of life." Immediately there was a sense of the cosmonaut's breathlessness. Їх Bulo Shaleno Skoda. Until then, the zhakhliv bend hasn’t stalled yet Volodymyr Komarova 1967 rock. Win also zaginuv the letter of completion.

I remember the day of the funeral of Dobrovolsky, Volkov and Patsaev. The wine seemed suffocatingly hot. It was quiet on the streets, the window was filled with plaintive music - the TV show was broadcasting farewell to the cosmonauts on Chervoniy Square.

Moscow. 30 worms. The tragic sound about the collapse of the crash of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft from the cosmonauts Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsaev winked a great pity at all the people of Radiansk. On the sign: on the street of the 25th Zhovtnya, 30 chervnya 1971 (Photo: Valentin Kuzmin / Photo chronicle TARS)

The funeral of the cosmonaut members of the CPRS, the commander of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft Hero of the Radiansk Union, Colonel Georgy Timofiyovich Dobrovolskiy, flight engineer, two of the Hero of the Radiansk Union Vladislav Mykolayovych Volkov, the deputy engineer Soyuz On the sign: the funeral cortege on Chervoniy Ploscha, 2 limes 1971 rock (Photo: Photo chronicle TARS)

Moscow. The funeral of the crew of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft D. Dobrovolsky, V. Volkov and V. Patsaev on Chervoniy Square, 1971 (Photo: Photo chronicle TARS)

Moscow. The funeral of Georgiy Dobrovolskiy, Volodymyr Volkov and Viktor Patsaev, members of the Soyuz-11 spaceship's crew members who died tragically. First woman-cosmonaut Valentina Nikolaeva-Tereshkova with the daughter of cosmonaut Georgy Dobrovolskiy Mary bilya of the Kremlin style, 1971 (Photo: Valentin Sobolov / Photo chronicle TARS)

Remain miti

Uryadova committee for the heads of the academy Mstislav Keldish it stopped, but the reason for the bending of the cosmonauts was the depressurization before the hour in the orbital drive. The slug valve was opened, and by and by the mitto rushed through the opening, making a statement. Already after 22 seconds, the cosmonauts were uncomfortable. It is a pity that the flight descended to the ground without spacesuits, the cosmonauts didn’t have a seat near the cabin to get down. So it was started in the hours of the general designer Sergia Korolova.
Tuesday, before the hour of the investigation of the vinicle version of the sabotage. Also, until the right, we have connected the officials to the Committee of State Security. Ale has become nezabarom izmіlo, but some terrorists are not too close.
Pislya tragedy has now been supplied with power: "But you can't just shut up the appliance in the obolontsi ... with your finger ?!" The idea of ​​landing at the pressure chamber gave the impression, Leonov and Rukavishnikov took part from them. The stench smelled, so as to find out the belts, go out of the wheels and close the dirk with a size from a five-copy coin, it takes no less than thirty seconds. The cosmonauts were noisy for seconds earlier. The volunteer only took the belt and tried to tighten the valve.
P.S. Pislya Zagibeli Dobrovolskiy, Volkov and Patsayev cosmonauts sat around in special suits. Bullets have broken the recommendation, which will guarantee the safety at the time of the device's unsealing, which will go down. And in front of the eyes, there is still a photograph, which was awe-inspiring, the greatest strength of the people. The stench paid their lives for the trouble quietly, having violated the bezel-less far away behind them.

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