Efforts to distribute suspension knowledge. Gdz іf suspension knowledge

Efforts to distribute suspension knowledge. Gdz іf suspension knowledge

The bezposrednіm subject of a part of scientific doslіdzhen became lyudin and that society, which is a form of wine. Suspicion is one of the sciences, the center of education and becoming a society. In our statistics, we are tucked away from the food with the help of guesses, so that the suspicion of knowledge and that of the tsikavi dan is possible.

Sphere of vivchennya suspilstvoznavstva

It’s more than that, because she’s a lady tlumachennya understand, but step by step, delve into the topic. Otzhe, suspension knowledge is a science, as well as the life of suspension that is meaningful for people.

Yak discipline, inevitably, the creation of human suspension in every effort has been brought into focus. The links with the other sciences are even wider, as is the versatility of the analyzed aspects of social life.

Link with the other sciences

As a science, which independently develops, suspension knowledge includes the basis of the humanities. In addition, philosophy, psychology, social welfare, ethics, sociology, history, law, politics. Moreover, the suspension knowledge is the basis of economics.

Styles of wide interdisciplinary links to educate them, skin science is operative for the vigilantes of human support. Susp_lstvoznavstvo gives a complete picture of this understanding, vrahoyuchi uyavleniya skin s disciplines.

The efforts of the suspicious science in the bitter pre-past world are tied into a single mass of knowledge and methods, shared by the suspicious science. On the basis of such a wide range of problems of the social life of the people, there is a great deal of evidence of current food supply and suspension. Penetrating suspicious knowledge with the goals and results of their scientific achievements in the sphere of human activity: from social to economic, political and spiritual.

In such a rank, it is summed up in the same words: suspension knowledge is the life of the people in society, most of all, in the minds of the bagatokh of the world's human disciplines.

Scholarship as a school subject

At the leather school of Russia, the suspicion of education is included in the list of subjects to be considered. Earlier, during the hours of the SRCP, a discipline was called suspension knowledge.

The annual education of support at school walls will end with EDI. Practically significant polyaga, peredusim, adaptations of scholars to dynamism of social life. For us, it’s obvious that they are going through the tribute, which is the discipline of suspicion.

To learn more about the different sides of the process, to expand and additional help in a wide variety of activities, by the vibration of the other side of the right way.

Significantly, the role of the curious suspicion of knowledge in the side of the huge position is also formal. The political, economical side of human activity is seen and formed into an integral picture.

Who needs a discipline?

We have already spent time on the whole stage, but suspension knowledge is all aspects of the life of human society. The school has a discipline є obov'yazkovuyu part of the program. And to whom is it possible to vivchit її glibshe with the help of special education?

Yak mi pam'yataєmo, the spectrum of support of the suspension of knowledge of the current year is to be found in all social and deyakikh sciences. To that vivchaty it is lost to students of such specialties as sociology, scho, mabut, most obvious, psychology, politics, jurisprudence, jurisprudence, culturology, management, pedagogy.

In other words, for all specialties, as it is necessary to transfer to the robot with people, urgent views and changes in the discipline. There are a lot of different things to consider from the fact that we have already been taught: what is the subject of "suspense".

And what is the science of suspension knowledge?

The development of discipline, as it has become the topic of our statistics, is actively promoted throughout the year. In science stakes, there is a discussion about the fact that the suspicious knowledge of science is like that. On the corny of a positive verdict, there are more signs. It is also known that suspension knowledge is a science, and that all the life of suspension is manifested.

So, the discipline is given to pragmatic facts and regularities as objectively as possible, so powerfully true science. The problematic moment is in the fact that the subject of suspension knowledge, the human suspension and all manifestation of this power is also wide and dynamic. It is enough for him to know him by his own methods.

The rationality of the suspension of knowledge is also close to science. Accurate disciplines, such as mathematics, cannot be over-emphasized, if only there are not so many powerful, clear visions.

I, nareshty, ostn - suspilstvo knowledge, so it itself doesn’t take a bite, as if it’s a science. Taking care of the most important aspects of the social sciences, this is how one accepts the principle of grounded facts.


At our statistics, nutrition has stuck, as well as suspicion. Vono, according to the essence, a complex of sciences, where all the possible manifestations of the life of the suspension are tied up. Sounds can be built up: the subject of suspicion knowledge is widespread, and there can be no reason for science to give the exact tributes about it.

Human suspension with its own laws, specific facts є a special subject that constantly changes. Apparently, the development of suspension knowledge is gradually being introduced. There is a clear link between Ukraine and the Ukraine and the economy and jurisprudence.

Suspicion is a science, which is a suspicion in all manifestations. Yak school subject won є obov'yazkovim until vivchennya. The practical value is also high.

4 species., Rev. that dod. - К .: 2018 .-- 544 p.

At the assistant, addressed to the graduates of the middle school and students, the general community has given material to the course "Suspilstvoznavstvo", which is to be converted to one sovereign sleep. The structure of the book prompts the current codifier of elements to change on the subject, on the basis of which the assessment is made - control and visual materials ЄDI (KIM). The presenter has the blocks-modules "Lyudin and Suspension", "Economics", "Social Vidnosini", "Politics", "Pravo", which form the basis of the school course "Suspilstvoznavstvo". It is short and pointed - at the viglyadі diagrams and the table - the form for the wikklad will ensure the maximum efficiency of the preparation before the sleep. Zrazki zavdan and іdpovіdі to them, as to complete the skin theme, to help to objectively assess the level of knowledge, minus that navichok.

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Peredmova 6
Topic 1.1. It is natural that it is suspicious in people. (Lyudina yak is the result of biological and socio-cultural evolution) 12
Topic 1.2. Svitoglyad, yogo vid that formy 17
Topic 1.3. See Knowledge 20
Topic 1.4. Understanding of truth, її criteria 26
Topic 1.5. Missing and doing 30
Topic 1.6. Consume and Interest 41
Topic 1.7. Freedom and the need for human action. Freedom and flexibility 45
Topic 1.8. Systematic Budova Suspension: Elements and Pidsystems 50
Topic 1.9. Basic Suspension Institutions 55
Topic 1.10. Culture concept. Form and type of culture 58
Topic 1.11. The science. The main features of the scientific mission. Natural and social and humanitarian sciences 65
Topic 1.12. Osvita, its importance for the specialty and support 78
Topic 1.13. Religiya 81
Topic 1.14. Mystery 89
Topic 1.15. Moral 95
Topic 1.16. Understanding Suspension Progress 101
Topic 1.17. Bagatability in suspension development (types of suspensions) 106
Topic 1.18. Throw in the XXI century (global problems) 109
Topic 2.1. Economics and Economics Science 116
Topic 2.2. Factor vyrobnitstva and factorial income 122
Topic 2.3. Economic systems 126
Topic 2.4. Rinok and rinkovy mechanism. Drink that proposition 134
Topic 2.5. Permanent and winter vitrati 145
Topic 2.6. Financial Institutions. Banking system 147
Topic 2.7. Main business finance finance 154
Topic 2.8. Central paper 160
Topic 2.9. Rinok pratsі. Bezrobittya 163
Topic 2.10. See, the cause of the inheritance of inflation 173
Topic 2.11. Economic development and development. Ponyatya GDP 177
Topic 2.12. The role of the state in the economy 184
Topic 2.13. Kits 191
Topic 2.14. State budget 195
Topic 2.15. Svitova ekonomika 202
Topic 2.16. Rational economical behavior of the master, the foreman, the co-worker, the family man, the hulk 210
Topic 3.1. Social stratification and mobility 216
Topic 3.2. Social groups 227
Topic 3.3. Juvenile yak social group 232
Topic 3.4. Ethnic dormitories 235
Topic 3.5. International events, ethnosocial conflicts, highways and events 240
Topic 3.6. Constitutional ambushes (fundamentals) of national policy in the Russian Federation 249
Topic 3.7. Social Conflict 252
Topic 3.8. See social norms 260
Topic 3.9. Social control 264
Topic 3.10. Sіm'ya ta shlyub 267
Topic 3.11. Happening, how to see, і yogo tipi 272
Topic 3.12. Social role 276
Topic 3.13. Socialization of an individual 280
Topic 4.1. Vlady 283
Topic 4.2. State, її functions 291
Topic 4.3. Political system 304
Topic 4.4. Typology of political regimes 307
Topic 4.5. Democracy, її Basic Values ​​and Signs 310
Topic 4.6. Hromadyanske suspension and state 314
Topic 4.7. Political Issue 323
Topic 4.8. Political parties and rukhs 327
Topic 4.9. Collect mass information from political systems 336
Topic 4.10. Vibrating campaign in the Russian Federation 342
Topic 4.11. Political process 351
Topic 4.12. Political fate 355
Topic 4.13. Political leadership 360
Topic 4.14. Organisation of sovereign power of the Russian Federation 364
Topic 4.15. Federal device of Russia 374
Topic 5.1. Law in the system of social norms 381
Topic 5.2. The system of Russian law. Legislative process in the RF 395
Topic 5.3. Understanding and legal performance 401
Topic 5.4. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Fundamentals of constitutional arrangement RF 409
Topic 5.5. RF legislation about vibori 417
Topic 5.6. Sub'єkti of civil law 421
Topic 5.7. Organizational-legal form and legal regime of administrative activity 428
Topic 5.8. Main and non-main rights 433
Topic 5.9. The order of priyomu pratsyuvati. The procedure for arranging and arranging an employment contract 440
Topic 5.10. The right to regulate your friends. The order and the laying and the arrangement of the boat 448
Topic 5.11. Features of administrative jurisdiction 453
Topic 5.12. The right to be friendly to people and ways to kill 460
Topic 5.13. International law (international zahist of the rights of the people in the minds of a peaceful and war hour) 468
Topic 5.14. Argue the Order of the Look 473
Topic 5.15. Basic rules and principles of civil process 476
Topic 5.16. Features of the criminal process 484
Topic 5.17. Huge dignity of the Russian Federation 495
Topic 5.18. Vіyskovy obovyazok, alternative civil service 501
Topic 5.19. The rights and obligations of the payer of taxes 509
Topic 5.20. Law enforcement organizations. Ship system 513
System of assessment of examination of robots from suspicion of knowledge 536
Literature 540

The donor includes material for the school course "Suspilstvoznavstvo", which can be converted to a single sovereign examination (ЄDI). The structure of the book is in accordance with the Federal State Standard for the average (general) study of the subject, on the basis of a breakdown of the examination of the factory - control material (KIM), and for the development of an examination of the suspension robot.
To the presenter presented the offensive development blocks-modules: "People and support", "Economics", "Social services", "Politics", "Pravo" to be revised within the ADI.

The image of the covers of the handpieces pointed at the sides of the given site is as an illustrative material (Art. 1274, clause 1 of the fourth part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Robochі zoshiti


The donor includes material for the school course "Suspilstvoznavstvo", which can be converted to a single sovereign examination. The structure of the book is in accordance with the Standard of the average (general) education of the subject, on the basis of which the examination is based on control and verification materials (KIMi) ADI.

The presenter was presented with advances to the course: "Suspicion", "Spiritual life of support", "Lyudin", "Piznannya", "Politics", "Economics", "Social Vidnosini", "Right" , scho to be overturned at the boundaries of ЄDI. I will try to keep the book straight.

The form is compact and pointed, there is a great number of diagrams and tables for short reasons and memories of theoretical material.

The preparatory process for the asylum and the student's education is even more important as a fast paced course, and it is more important for the types of workers, the basis of which will be robot letters, which is carried out in the form of an EDI. To that, for the skin ones presented the options of the factory from the reasons and comments. The date of the patronage of the message about the form of control and visual materials from the support of knowledge, the level of folding, particularity of the visibility and focus on the development of thinking: to be reconsidered

- Rozp_znavati means to understand, the characteristic features of the social ob'єkta, the elements of the description;

- Porіvnyuvati social ob'kti;

- Spіvvіdnosti suspіstvoznavchі knowledge with social realities, how they are brought;

- Assessing the judgment about social institutions from a glance of the suspicious sciences;

- Analyze and classify social information presented in other sign systems (diagram, table, diagrams);

- to develop an understanding of this kind of warehouse: the ability to identify species of an understanding from birth and victory;

- Establish the types of suttas with rice and signs of social phenomena and suspicious terms, understanding;

- storing knowledge about the characteristic rice, signs to understand that phenomenon, social aspects of the singing class, here are the necessary positions from the proponent list;

- the dissemination of facts and ideas, arguments and visnovka in social information;

- naming the terms and the understanding, social phenomena, so that the proponated context is attributed, that the establishment of the proponated context, the suspicious terms and the understanding;

- pererakhovuvati signs of be-like manifestation, ob'єkti one class too;

- Razkrivati ​​on the butts on the butts of the theoretical position and understanding of the social and humanitarian sciences; direct the butt of the singing suspicious appearances, diy, situations;

- the establishment of social and humanitarian knowledge in the process of the transformation of the knowledgeable and practical workers, showing the actual problems of the life of the people and the support;

- there is a complex message, systematization and interpretation of social information from the original non-adapted texts (philosophical, scientific, legal, political, public);

- the formulation on the basis of the current social and humanitarian knowledge of the power of judgment and the arguments of common problems.

It’s not possible to allow some kind of psychological bar before going to sleep, tied up with a large number of examiners who do not know, as a result of a victorious appointment.

Rozdil 1. Suspension

Topic 1. Sotsium yak special part of the world. Systemic budova suspension

The foldability of the meaning of the understanding "suspension" is tied to the front of the borderline, besides, from the majestic richness. The tse zoomed the obviousness of a lot of the value of this understanding.

Concept "Suspension" in a wide meaning of the word, it is possible to signify that it is seen from nature, but a part of the material light is tied with it, which includes: ways of interaction between people; form ob'dnannya people.

The success of the university has the meaning of the word - tse:

a number of people who share the spirit of meti, interest, promenade(for example, the suspension of the numismatics, the nobility's zbori);

okreme concrete suspension, land, state, region(For example, such a Russian suspension, French suspension);

historical stage in the development of people(For example, feudal suspension, capital suspension);

people zagalom.

Suspense is a product of the generous power of people. Human activity є the way to get the money out of the suspension. The success is virost from the most vital process, from the extraordinary and widespread activity of people. Not vipadkovo Latin, the word socio means nuvati, ob'єdnuvati, fix spilna pratsyu. The pose without the middle and the middle with the interaction of people, the suspension is not sleepy.

Yak sposibnuvannya people support maє viconuvati nabir singers function :

- virobnstvo of material benefits and services;

- Rozpodіl productsіv pratsі (dіyalnosti);

- regulation and management of performance and behavior;

- Development and socialization of people;

- spiritually viable that regulation of the activity of people.

The essence of the suspension is screaming over the people with itself, but quietly in the way that they enter each other with one in the process of their life. Otzhe suspension є the supremacy of suspension wines.

Suspension is characterized by a yak dynamical system that self-destructs , tobto. such a system, which is good, seriously changes, takes its day at the same hour and how important it is.

With a tsom system start yak complex of interconnecting elements... Into my own house, element be called a great distance non-folding component of the system, so that it will take care of the fate of the beginning.

Basic ambush systems : not to be raised to the sum of the elements; for the purpose of generating rice, power, as it goes between okremikh elements; the structure of the system and the establishment of interconnections between the elements and the subsystems; elementi, at my own house, can I fold my mother with budov and vistupati systems; іsnu interconnection of systems and that middle.

Apparently, the suspension is the system is foldably organized to self-repair , Which includes okremikh іndivіdіv and social spіlnosti, by'United by cooperative, narrow-minded links and processes of self-regulation, self-structure and self-creation.

For the analysis of folding-organized systems, up to suspension, the concept of "pidsystem" is played. Pidsystems name industrial complexes, folding, lower elements, ale mensh folding, lower the system itself.

Singing groups of suspended singers set up the subsystems. The main subsystems of the suspension are taken up in the sphere of suspension life spheres of suspension life .

For the separation of the spheres of suspension life є basic consumer people.

Rozpodil chotirma spheres of life cleverly. You can name the following spheres: science, artistic creativity, race, ethnicity, nationality. However, the most of the spheres are traditionally seen as the most significant ones.

Suspension yak is a folding system that self-destructs, is characterized by offensive specific rice :

1. Become great developmental social structures and subsystems... The price is not a mechanical bag of individs, but an integral system, which has a super-folding and archival character: versatile pid systems are linked with flexible adapters.

2. Prosperity is not raised to the people, their warehouses, the price system of postage of overindividual forms, sounds and vidnosyn, as people open their active activity at once with other people. Tsi "invisible" social links and ideas are given to people at the age of old, children, programs of creativity, too much, without which people cannot at once be able to understand. The success of integrating for their own sutta and can be seen as a whole, in the totality of the surrounding components, which they accept.

3. The success of the authorities self-sufficiency, so that the building has its own active spіyalnіstuyu sovoryuvati and іtvorіuvati the necessary thinking. Suspension is characterized in a single organism, in a solid intertwining of social groups, in high-minded views of virtue, since they do not need to think about life.

4. Suspension of vidriznyak vinyatkov dynamism, incompleteness and alternative development... The head personage in the choice of options for the development of є lyudin.

5. The success of the video special status of sub'єktіv This is the beginning of Lyudin's development as a universal component of social systems, inclusions in the skin of them. For the prototypes of ideas, the support is always looking for the integration of specific needs, interests, goals, injecting such social officials, such as a community thought, official ideology, political traditions. It is inevitable for the suspension development of the competition of interests and aspirations, in connection with what the suspension often seeks to introduce alternative ideas, the state of the art controversy and struggle.

6. The success of the authorities lack of transmission, lack of development... The presence of a great number of subsystems in the suspension, the continuous development of interests and the goals of young people, opens up a change of mind for the implementation of new options and models of the future development of the suspension. However, this does not mean that the development of the suspension is absolutely satisfactory and non-rooted. Navpaks, including the models of social forecasting: options for the development of the social system in the new galuzy, computer models of the society and in.

Zrazok zavdannya

A1. Viber correctly view. Yak z sign characterize the suspension of the yak system?

1.permanent development

2.part of material light

3.wind from nature

4. Methods of interaction of people

View: 4.

Topic 2. Success and nature

Nature (from the Greek physis і lat. natura - viniknuti, buti populzhenim) - one of the most remote categories of science and philosophy, which is still on the cob in an antique glimpse.

The understanding of "nature" is vikorized for the meaning of the natural, and for the human minds of the human being, of the "other nature", this is the world of transformed and molded by people.

Suspense as a result of the process of living of people, a part of nature is unreasonably tied to it.

The vision of the people in the light of nature signified the people of the apparently new material identity, the image of the people attached to the natural power, and the social.

The supremacy has entered into a supernumerary because of nature in two people: 1) as a social action out of it, not just as nature itself; 2) it’s right there, right with the help of others, to pour in the nature, zmyuyuchi її.

A group of people who were rubbed with suspicion and nature came as a kind of vision, a few examples in the people of the world, primitive people, behind the addition of some wines, have seen their life. However, in those distant parts of the abundance of people, people from nature did not grow. Taking into account the thorough knowledge, the pratsі suspension celebrated the inflow into the nature. Lyudin cannot do without nature, that is, how technical is necessary, how to lay down his life, which goes beyond the analogy to natural processes.

Having shown up to the light, the suspension became even more literally injected into nature, here it is turning, and here it is pogirshuychi. But nature, at its own heart, began to "pogirshuvati" characteristics of the suspension, for example, for the help of lowering the health of great masses of people, etc. Suspense is like a part of nature, which has come to mind, and nature itself gives one on one meaningful infusion. At the same time, the stench takes on specific features, which allow it to spice up as a twofold manifestation of earthly action. In general, the interconnection of the nature and suspension of the polyaga is the basis of the unity of light.

Zrazok zavdannya

C6. Crack on two butts of the ties of nature that suspension.

View: Yak butt, how to open the interconnections of nature and suspension, you can be guided: Lyudina is not only social, but she is biological, but also a part of living nature. From the natural middle ground, the suspension scooped up the necessary speech and energy resources for its development. The degradation of the natural middle ground (obstruction to water, water, virbuvannya lisu too) leads to the destruction of the health of people, a decrease in the quality of life and in.

Topic 3. Success and culture

All the life of the suspension is based on the professional and cultural activity of people, the product of such material benefits and cultural values, that is, culture. It is not unusual for these types of suspensions to be called cultures. Protecting the understanding of "suspension" and "culture" are not synonyms.

The system of interconnection is quite a lot to be stored in an efficient manner, according to the flow of regularities in the suspension of development. To that, the stench is not a bezposrednim product of culture, while the power of people has been assimilated into the character and form of chicks with a very good rank.

Zrazok zavdannya

B5. Read the guidance below the text, the skin position is numbered.

(1) In the history of suspicious thoughts, they have taken on the development, most often the opposite point of view on culture. (2) Part of the philosophers called culture a way of enslaving people. (3) The other points of view were taken into account, as they respected the culture by ennobling the people, reimagining it to a civilized member of the suspension. (4) Tse talk about the breadth, the richness of the understanding of "culture".

Note, as the text is supposed to be:

a) factual character

B) the nature of the estimated judgments

Write down the number of the letter, as the signifying character. The last letter, which came, should be transferred from the report form.

View: ABBA.

Topic 4. Interconnection of economic, social, political and spiritual spheres of suspension

The skin spheres of the life of the suspension are of power and independence, the stench functions and develops according to the laws of the whole, that is, the suspension. All at once about those chotiri main spheres yak interconnect, and zumovlyuyut one by one. For example, the infusion of the political sphere on the culture is manifested in the fact that, in Perche, the power of the skin is to carry out singing policy in the culture of culture, in another way, the people of the culture represent in their creativity the singing political look and position.

Between the spheres of the suspension, the spheres of the suspension are easily transitional, clear-cut. The skin sphere is, however, the presence of all of them, but at the same time it does not come across, does not involve its provincial function. Nutrition about the management of the main spheres of suspicious life and the vision of one priority and discussion. Find out about the initial role of the economic sphere. The smell comes from the fact that it is materially viable, as it becomes the core of economical goods, happy with the best, the first to consume the people, without which it would be unhappy to be in the mind. Little vision is the priority of the spiritual sphere of the life of the suspension. Those who are interested in this approach suggest such an argument: the thoughts of the people, the ideas, the manifestation of this practical action. Great suspicious wines should be able to overcome the wins of the people, moving to the highest spiritual values. Most compromising from the guidance of the coming and going, the clerks of what they think, but the skin from some spheres of life can be initially in the period of historical development.

Zrazok zavdannya

B3. Establish a view between the main spheres of life of the suspension and its settings (organization): up to the skin position given in the first century, consider the position of another one.

Write down the selected digits in the table, and then the last of the digits, which came, transfer them to the form of indications (without any punctuation or any symbols).

View: 21221.

Topic 5. Social Institutions

Social Institute- There is a historical sense, a style form of organizing the social activity of people, realizing singing functions in a suspension, for those of others - satisfying social needs.

The Leather Social Institute is characterized by tsіlі dіyalnosti that specific functions, to get it done

There are dozens of social institutions in the suspensions, among which you can name the keys: seduction, vlada, power, family.

In the middle of the fundamental social institutions, there are even more different ways to go to other institutions. For example, the Economic Institute, mandated by the Basic Institute of Power, include the security-free systems of financial, financial, marketing, organizational and management institutes. The systems of political institutes of the current suspension, the order of the key institute of power, see the institute of political representation, the presidency, the subordinate of power, miscellaneous self-regulation, and parliamentarism.

Social Institutions:

Organize the human intelligence in the singing system of roles and statuses, establishing the images of the behavior of people in the other spheres of suspicious life. For example, such a social institute, like a school, including the roles of a teacher and a teacher, and seven - the roles of fathers and children. Between them, there are singular roles of different types, which are regulated by specific norms and orders. Deyakі najvazhlіvіshі norms zrіplyuyuyutsya legislation, іnshі adopted by traditions, zvichi, huge thought;

Include a system of sanctions - from legal to moral and ethical;

to order, coordinate the impossibility of individual people, create an organized and transferred character;

To get rid of the standard behavior of people in socially typical situations.

Functions of social institutions: explicit (official statements, announced and controlled by the suspension); prihovani (vikonuyutsya prihovano chi is hateful).

If the diversity of functions is great, the subordinate standard of social benefits will hinder the stability of the suspension. The situation is still not safe, if the order with the official institutes is formed so called tinovi institutes, which take on the function of regulating the most suspicious suspects (for example, criminal structures).

Social Institutions Visa start suspension. Be it a suspension re-implementation, come through the change at the social institutes.

The Leather Social Institute is characterized by the explicitness of its activity and specific functions, which will ensure that it is not reached.

Zrazok zavdannya

C5. What is the sense of the suspilstvoznavtsi in the understanding of the "institute of suspilstva"? If you want to know the suspicion of the course, put two propositions, and revenge information about the institute of the suspicion.

View: The Institute of Suspension is historically shaped, it is a form of organizing the social applied activity of people, realizing the singing functions of the suspension, and the main thing among them is the satisfaction of social needs. Apply propositions: Viriznyayut economics, political, social institutes, institutes, and go to spiritual galusies. The Leather Institute of Suspension is characterized by the explicitness of its activity and specific functions. The Institutions of the Suspension - a foldable and widespread education: all the fundamental institutes are even more widespread on the other. At a glance, the organization of the suspension by key institutes є: seduction, vlada, power, family and in.

Topic 6. Bagatovarity in suspension development. Typology of partnerships

Suspense development can be reformist and revolutionary in nature.

Reform can be carried out in all spheres of life:

- economic reforms - the re-implementation of the state machinery: forms, methods, importance and organization of government administration of the country (privatization, bankruptcy law, anti-monopoly laws);

- social reforms - re-implementation, snakes, wake up any aspects of the suspicious life, but do not undermine the foundations of the social system (and reform without interconnection with people);

- Political reforms - changes in the political sphere of suspicious life (changes in the constitution, vibrational systems, expansion of civil rights, etc.).

The stage of reformist re-making can be even more suttuvim, and I will arrange it to the same type of economic system up to a change of suspension: reform of Peter I, reform in Russia on the ear of the 90s. XX Art.

The lucky minds have two paths of sustainable development - reform and revolution - to protist to the practice of permanent reform in the suspension, to self-regulate. With a glance, it’s a reform, and a revolution “to catch up” the ailment has already been launched, so that it needs to be done and, perhaps, early prevention. Similarly, the emphasis of the suspension is shifted from the dilemma "reform - revolution" to "reform - innovation". Під інnovatsієyu (from English innovation - innovation, innovation, innovation) A special, one-time polyphenia, tied to the adaptations of the adaptations of the possibilities of the social organism in the given minds.

In modern sociology, a suspension development is linked through the process of modernization.

Modernization (from FR.Moderniser - modern) - the whole process of transition from a traditional, agrarian suspension to a modern, industrial... The classical theories of modernization described the so-called "first" modernization, which historically took the process of developing foreign capitalism. The ideas of the theory of modernization are characterized by the understanding of "vtorinna", or "nazdoganyayucha" modernization. Look at the minds of the "zrazka", for example, in the view of the Western European liberal model, often such modernization is thought of as Westernization, so that the process of direct suspicion of the idea of ​​implantation. By the way, modernization is given by the all-round process of vitality of local, muscular types of cultures and social organization of "universal" (backward) forms of happiness.

You can see a little classification (typology) partnerships:

1) additional letters;

2) simpleі folding(In yakostі kriterіyu in danіy tipologії vistupaє Quantity rіvnіv upravlіnnya suspіlstvom and takozh stupіn Yogo diferentsіatsії: u just suspіlstvah vіdsutnі kerіvniki that pіdleglі, bagatі that bіdnі have folding suspіlstvah іsnuє dekіlka rіvnіv upravlіnnya that kіlka sotsіalnih verstv population roztashovanih zverhu down in mіru decay income);

3) primary suspension, slave suspension, feudal suspension, capitalist suspension, communal suspension (as a criterion in this typology of the form of a sign);

4) development, development, distribution (as a criterion for the typology of the development);

Formation and civilization before the suspension

Naybіlsh extensions in Russian historical and philosophical science approaches to the analysis of suspension development є formational and civilization.

The first to trace the Marxist schools of suspicion of knowledge, the founders of such a bullet of economics, sociologists and philosophers K. Marx (1818-1883) and F. Engels (1820-1895).

Key understanders of the Central School of Suspension Knowledge є category "suspension-economic formations".

For obvious independence, the type of nurturance is based on the nature of the basis. Wine is the basis of the formulation, the amalgamation of the presence of this suspension.

Productive force is a dynamic element of the method of virobnitting, which is constantly developing, so that as a dynamic element it is static and indirect, not to change the tables. At the singing stage of the winery, the conflict between the productive forces and the wicked ones, which is allowed in the course of the social revolution, is the evil of the old basis and the transition to a new slab of suspension development, to a new suspension-economic form. The old ones are replaced by the new ones, as they open up the space for the development of productive forces. In such a rank, Marxism is rooted in suspicious development, which is naturally, objectively summarized, natural-historical change in suspicious-historical formations:

We are key to the understanding of the civilization approach to the analysis of the suspicious development є the understanding of "civilization", which can be without language.

The term "civilization" (derived from the Latin.

- Yak pevna stage in the development of local cultures (for example, O. Spengler);

- Yak steps of historical development (for example, L. Morgan, F. Engels, O. Toffler);

- Yak synonim of culture (for example, A. Toynbi);

- how is the development of the same region of the surrounding ethnos.

Whether civilization is characterized by a not so loose basis, somewhat specific for it by the way of life, by the system of values, by means of communication and by means of interconnection with the navkolishnim light.

The modern theory of civilization has two approaches.

Rіznimi doslіdnikami vidіlyaєtsya bezlіch locally tsivіlіzatsіy (napriklad, anglіysky іstorik, sotsіolog, diplomat Gromadsky dіyach A. Toynbі (1889-1975) in nalіchuvav іstorії lyudstva tsivіlіzatsіyu 21) SSMSC mozhut zbіgatisya mezhami of powers (kitayska tsivіlіzatsіya) abo ohoplyuvati kіlka kraїn, Zahіdna ). Call all the local civilizations to play on great groups - I will go that I will go.

In such a rank, the format is concentrated on the universal, zagalny, repetitive, and civilization - on the local-regional, unique, free.

The analytical analysis allows the creation of new patterns so that you can go to science without looking at each other as one. Prior to them, it is necessary to look at the principle of supplementation, zazhayuyu on the value of the skin transition.

Zrazok zavdannya

B1. Write down a word that is missing from the diagram.

View: Revolution.


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