Novinet understood the instruction. Antizaplide pills Novinet: instructions for taking

Novinet understood the instruction. Antizaplide pills Novinet: instructions for taking


Novinet is a monophasic oral contraceptive.

Release form and warehouse

Pharmaceutical form - tablets, covered with plaited shell: round biconvex shape, light yellow color, marked "RG" on one side, "P9" - on the other side (21 pcs. in blisters, in cardboard packs 1 or 3 blisters).

  • Etinilestradiol - 20 mcg;
  • Desogestrel - 150 mcg.

Additional components: alpha-tocopherol, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, potato starch, povidone, lactose monohydrate, barvnik quinolinic yellow (E104).

Warehouse of the husk: hypromelose, macrogol 6000, propylene glycol.

Pharmacological authorities


Novinet is considered for combinations of oral antiparasitic drugs. It is the main contraceptive that has the effect of changing the levels of gonadotropins and suffocated ovulation. Also, in case of stasis, the viscosity of the cervical mucus moves, which compresses the spermatozoa in the cervical canal, and the endometrium changes, due to which the implantation of the ovary in the uterine ovary does not occur.

Etinilestradiol is a synthetic analog of endogenous estradiol. Desogestrel is characterized by pronounced gestagenic and anti-estrogen action, which suggests that in endogenous progesterone, as well as insignificant anabolic and androgenic activity. Novinet pleasantly blends in with lipid metabolism: it increases lipoprotein levels in the high blood plasma, while not changing the concentration of lipoprotein in the low layer. When the drug is taken, it is possible to notice a change in the blood count, as it happens during the first hour of menstruation (with a visual diagnosis of "menorrhagia"), normalization of the menstrual cycle, reduction in the height of the vulgaris (especially for the presence of vulgaris).


When implanted, desogestrel is practically more and more likely to be wetted out of the intestinal tract. The biologically active metabolite of the half-life is 3-ketodesogestrel. The average maximum rate of desogestrel in syrovattsi becomes 2 ng/ml and is registered 1.5 years after taking the pill. Bioavailability of speech to become 62-81%.

3-keto-desogestrel binds to blood plasma proteins, most importantly to globulin, which binds to hormone hormones and albumins. Volume rose 1.5 l/kg.

Cream 3-keto-desogestrel, which is formed in the intestines and liver, in the form of desogestrel metabolites: 3β-OH-desogestrel, 3α-OH-desogestrel and 3α-OH-5α-H-desogestrel, which are first-phase metabolites. The stinks are not characterized by pharmacological activity and often, after additional conjugation (another stage of metabolism), pass into the form of polar metabolites (glucuronates and sulfates). Plasma clearance should be approximately 2 ml/min per 1 kg of body weight.

The average period of 3-keto-desogestrel administration is 30 years old. Metabolism is excreted through the intestines and at a ratio of 6:4. A stable concentration of desogestrel in the body is observed in the other half of the cycle. In this period, the rіven tsієї of the speech moves 2-3 times.

Etinilestradiol is absorbed from the SHKT and dosed regularly. In the average, the maximum concentration in serum is 80 pg / ml and reaches 1-2 years after taking the pill. Due to the effect of "first pass" and presystemic conjugation, the bioavailability of speech reaches 60%.

Etinilestradiol is 100% bound to plasma proteins, most importantly to albumin. Volume rozpodіlu dorivnyuє 5 l/kg.

The presystemic conjugation of the semin is already significant. After the passage of the intestinal wall (the first phase of metabolism), etinilestradiol takes part in the conjugation process in the liver (another phase of metabolism). Speech and conjugates that were formed in the first phase of metabolism (glucuronide and sulfate) are excreted in the liver and become elements of the enterohepatic circulation. Plasma clearance of ethinilestradiol should be approximately 5 ml/min per 1 kg of body weight. The average period of drinking is about 24 years old. Approximately 60% of the speech is excreted through the intestines and approximately 40% through the nibbles.

Stable etinilestradiol rye in the body is restored on the 3rd-4th day after taking Novinet on the cob. With the same amount of speech, the blood syracism is 30-40% higher, lower after taking a single dose.

Indication before zastosuvannya

Novineta is shown to women for oral contraception.


  • Angina pectoris, transient ischemic attack and other causes of thrombosis (including those with a history of indications);
  • Arterial hypertension of moderate or severe stage (arterial pressure (AT) 160/100 mm Hg and more) and other multiple and/or manifestations of arterial or venous thrombosis;
  • Migraine with moderate neurological symptoms, including history;
  • Venous thromboembolism in history;
  • Myocardial infarction, thrombosis of the deep veins of the hominus, stroke, embolism of the legenous artery and other forms of venous or arterial thrombosis or thromboembolism in Denmark are often in the anamnesis;
  • Dyslipidemia;
  • Blood diabetes (with angiopathies);
  • Zhovchnokam'yana ailment, including anamnesis;
  • New liver, including anamnesis;
  • Severe liver disease, cholestatic zhovtyanitsya (including the period of pregnancy), hepatitis, including in history (before normalization of laboratory and functional indicators and for a period of 3 months after it);
  • Pancreatitis (including history), which occurs with severe hypertriglyceridemia;
  • Zhovtyanitsya on the background of glucocorticosteroids (GCS);
  • Dubina-Johnson syndrome, Gilbert's syndrome, Rotor's syndrome;
  • Severe shkiri, otosclerosis and yogo progression against the background of taking corticosteroids or with anterior vaginess;
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • Hormone-depleted evil swells of milk follicles and state organs or suspect them;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • the period of vaginess, including the p_dozra on it;
  • Chicken over 15 cigarettes per day for people older than 35 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components.

Slip Bethi Custrian Zіnkam Zi Masnami, Scho Sick up to the Rizika Sprinkle of an arterial ABO venous thrombosis that thrombamball: Veryznnya (Іndeks Vagi Tіl Plotikіn, 30 kg / m 2), Klinnya, Vіk older than 35 Rockіv, Сімейниезнееееееееееееесь иніпопортона имина именина фібрирляція sericite, virazkovy kolіt, hvoroba Crohn's disease, sickle klіtinna anemіya, hronіchnі that gostrі patologії pechіnki, gіpertriglіtseridemіya (vklyuchayuchi sіmeyny anamnesis) under study is іmmobіlіzatsіya, wider hіrurgіchne vtruchannya, severe trauma, pіslyapologovy perіod, severe depresіya (vklyuchayuchi history), systemic Chervoniy vovchak ( BCV), cerebrovascular diabetes (without suicidal complications), changes in biochemical indications, including hyperhomocysteinemia, activated protein C resistance, antithrombin III and protein deficiency, antiphospholipid antibodies a, including antibodies to cardiocoagulant anticoagulation.

Instructions for calling up Novinet: how to call up

Novinet is taken for 21 days, starting from the first day of menstrual bleeding, internally 1 tablet at the same time. Having taken all the pills from the blister, break for 7 days, break for a long time to pass menstrual bleeding. Taking tablets from the offensive blister is necessary at the beginning of the coming day, after interrupting, in case of bleeding, if necessary. A scheme is given for the drug to be taken to ensure the effect of contraception and dota, but it is not necessary to provide evidence.

If a woman starts by taking the first pill on the first day of the menstrual cycle, additional contraceptives are not needed. On the cob zastosuvannya from another until the fifth day of menstruation in the first cycle, it is necessary to overcome the bar'ern method and contraception for the first 7 days. It has been more than 5 days since the onset of menstruation to start taking pills in this cycle of the year.

If you take the drug slowly, you can start it no earlier than after 21 days without additional contraceptives for the first consultation of the doctor and the presence of breastfeeding. As for the appointments of a period in a woman having sexual contact, the cob of therapy should be transferred to the cob of the first menstruation. At times on the cob zastosuvannya in the period that overtakes 21 days after the fall, the first 7 days of the next one-hour zastosovuvat bar'ernі protizaplіdnі zasobi.

In case of contraindications, taking pills after abortion should be taken on the day of surgery without stopping additional entry of contraceptives.

When switching from an oral hormonal contraceptive with ethinilestradiol 30 mcg taken as a 21-day regimen, Novinet should be started the next day after taking the remaining pill of the anterior contraceptive without a seven-day interruption of supplementary contraception.

When passing from the order, to take 28 tablets, the zastosuvannya Novinet starts the next day after taking the remaining pill from the package of the front contraceptive.

After the previous change of oral hormonal preparations in mini-pill, in order to avoid progestogen, it is recommended to switch to Novinet on the 1st day of the cycle without stopping additional methods of contraception.

At times of menstruation, when taking a mini-drink, it is necessary to turn off the presence of pregnancy and less than once, switch to Novinet on any day of the menstrual cycle with any additional methods of contraception for the first 7 days. As an additional antiseptic method in this period, it is recommended to use a condom, a cervical cap with a spermicidal gel, or sexual pacification. It is not recommended to spend the first 7 days for the first 7 days using the calendar method.

If a woman wants to transfer the cob of menstruation, then taking pills from an offensive blister is necessary to start immediately, according to a sizable scheme, without delaying a 7-day break. During this period, there may be the appearance of severe or spotty bleeding, which does not reduce the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug. After a 7-day interruption, regular administration of the drug is resumed.

In case of a sudden pass, I took an hour at the time of insertion and took a tablet in a second, as they guessed. Even if the period of delay is less than 12 years, the contraceptive is not affected by the drug, further use can be continued in the normal regimen. A delay of more than 12 years is considered by skipping one tablet and destroying the supremacy of contraception in this cycle (the need for additional methods of contraception).

Since the transfer of one tablet was taken during the first two cycles, the next day it is necessary to take 2 tablets and continue with the use of additional contraceptive methods until the end of the cycle.

As if a tablet was missed to the third cycle, the next one was taken, continuing to take Novinet without a 7-day interruption in this cycle. Oskilki instead of estrogen is minimal when passing a black dose of increased risk of bloody visions and / or ovulation, to which there are additional methods of contraception - obov'yazkovim.

At times, vomit or diarrhea appears immediately after taking a black pill. Like a slunk disorder, having stuck for 12 years, after taking a supplementary pill and continuing the normal contraceptive regimen. As if the occurrence of vomiting or diarrhea is over 12 years old, women need to stop the contraceptive methods during the period of illness and the coming 7 days.

Pobichna diya

  • State system: amenorrhea against the background of the drug, vaginal bleeding or acyclic bleeding, changes in the mucosal mucus, candidiasis, development of inflammation processes, galactorrhea, baldness, tension, increase in milk diseases;
  • Nervous system: headache, lack of mood, depression, migraine;
  • Herbal system: tedium, vomit, virazkovy colitis, Crohn's ailment, aggravation or development of zhovtyanitsa and / or vermin, caused by cholestasis, cholelithiasis;
  • Speech exchange: increase in the volume of the body, decrease in the body's radiance, decrease in tolerance to carbohydrates;
  • Organ zoru: in patients with contact lenses - increased sensitivity of the horn;
  • Dermatological reactions: hanging, vuzluvat erythema, chloasma, exudative erythema;
  • Other: development of allergic reactions.

The use of the drug may cause side effects, if it may cause a negative effect of the drug:

  • Cardiovascular system: arterial hypertension; rarely - venous and arterial thromboembolism (including legenous artery thromboembolism, stroke, myocardial infarction, deep vein thrombosis of the lower leg); more rarely - venous or arterial thromboembolism of the nirk, hepatic, mesenteric, retinal veins and arteries;
  • Perceptible organs: loss of hearing, caused by otosclerosis;
  • Others: porphyria, hemolytic-uremic syndrome; rіdko - aggravation of the reactive systemic red dog; more rarely - past Sidenham's chorea.


According to the instructions, Novinet in high doses can cause such symptoms, such as nausea and vomitting, as well as bloody vision in girls. The drug has no specific antidote, which is prescribed symptomatically. As signs of overdose are seen in the first 2-3 years after taking the pills, it may be effective to wash the tube.

especially vkazіvki

Novinet є over the use of hormonal contraception.

The application of the drug should be started after a complete halomedical and gynecological obstruction, which includes reports of special features and family history, laboratory follow-up, control of arterial pressure, obstruction of the pelvic organs, mammary ulcers, cytological analysis of cervical smear. Visnovok gynecologist schodo feasibility vikoristannya drug be carried out on the basis of otrimanih data. After informing the patient about the possible negative effects of hormonal contraception, the doctor gives the right to praise the residual solution.

The use of the drug may be subject to regular (1 time for 6 months) examination by a gynecologist and I will become healthy. The woman is guilty of the nobility, that the basis for the negative opinion of the drug is the appearance of one of the offensive symptoms:

  • Illness or become, to shove the development of nirkovo, cardiac and vascular insufficiency;
  • Vidhilennya in laboratory tests to assess the function of the liver;
  • pathology of the hemostasis system;
  • migraine;
  • epilepsy;
  • Threat to the development of estrogen-deposited gynecological diseases and estrogen-deposited neoplasms;
  • Severe depression (recommended to take vitamin B6 for the correction of the state associated with the pathology of tryptophan metabolism);
  • Blood diabetes without judgment complications;
  • Sickle cell anemia.

On aphids taking oral hormonal contraceptives, there is a risk of development of venous and arterial thromboembolic pathologies, especially in women in women or with thromboembolic disease in a family history (father, sister, brother). Rizik zrostaє at іntensivnomu kurіnnі, dislіpoproteїnemіyah, ozhirіnnі, tsukrovomu dіabetі of sudinnimi urazhennyami, zahvoryuvannyah klapanіv sericite of gemodinamіchnimi torn down, arterіalnіy gіpertenzії, fіbrilyatsії peredserd, y perіod trivaloї іmmobіlіzatsії, broad s pov'yazanoї operatively vtruchannyam (vklyuchayuchi operatsії on nizhnіy).

The contraceptive should be taken 4 days before the planned operation and should be taken 2 days after the remobilization.

After a gradual improvement in the appearance of venous thromboembolic disease, the disease progresses.

Blood diabetes, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, systemic worm-weed, Crohn's disease, sickle-cell anemia, non-specific viral colitis lead to an advanced risk of developing venous thromboembolic disease.

In case of protein C and S deficiency, resistance to activated protein C, hyperhomocysteinemia, presence of antiphospholipid antibodies, lack of antithrombin III, the development of venous and arterial thromboembolic pathologies is likely to develop.

Ts_Lesopsovanovanian Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Trichemes Trichemes Symbols Written in the Visigands Raptovogo Sick In Breasts, Rapotovo Gold, Unknown Strong Head, Scho Trivaє Dovgiy Hour (Ply , chastkovy or a new vtratoyu dawn, diplopia, aphasia, focal epilepsy, collapse, rukhovy lesions, names of half of the body, severe unilateral pain in the lytic area).

Taking a contraceptive can be considered as one of the risk factors for the development of breast cancer.

On the aphids of a trivial zastosuvanya of the drug, a possible development of benign or evil neoplasms of the liver. It should be treated with differential and diagnostic assessment of pain in the abdomen, as it may be due to intracerebral bleeding or to an increase in the size of the liver.

Risk of development of chloasma in a healthy woman, if there is a pathology in the anamnesis in the period of pregnancy, it is recommended to use direct sleepy changes or ultraviolet therapy.

The effectiveness of oral contraception can be impacted by an hourly overdose of other medicinal products, which may require the use of additional barrier anticonvulsant methods.

The effect of the drug is reduced by aphids of irregular, spotting or bleeding, which appeared after a few months of contraception. In this case, it is necessary to continue taking pills until the end of the offensive cycle and for the duration of menstrual-like bleeding in the 7-day interruption or continued acyclic bloody visions, continue taking pills until the moment of pregnancy is turned off.

Krym tsyogo, disrupting the drug, you can skip the pills, vomit and diarrhea.

Diagnosis of tablets may cause changes in laboratory indications of the function of the nidus, epidermal cavities, liver, thyroid cavities, levels of transport proteins and lipoproteins, indications of hemostasis.

In the event of acute viral hepatitis, the drug may be started after the restoration of liver function (6 months or more).

Novinet does not protect against illnesses that are transmitted by the state way, the VIL-infection (SNID) infection.

Injecting the drug into the building before curing by means of transport means and mechanisms of not grafting.

In case of damage to the function of the nirok

In case of a lack of nicotine (there are a history of this), Novinet is prescribed with care and only after a serious assessment of the spontaneity of shkod and cory.

With impaired liver function

The drug has been indicated for hepatitis (including history, before normalization of laboratory and functional indications and for a period of 3 months after normalization), cholestatic zhovtyanitsy (including accompanying blood pressure) and severe liver dysfunctions. To protect the contraceptive zastosovuyut in gostrih and chronic diseases of the liver.

Zastosuvannya at the summer residence

Oskilki Novinet is a contraceptive drug, in patients with a frail age, it does not stagnate.

Medical interaction

Overnight treatment of Novineta with drugs that induce liver enzymes (barbiturates, hydantoin, primidone, rifampicin, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, felbamate, St. Care should be taken that the maximum induction rate, whether of any of the designated benefits, is reached after 2-3 days of zastosuvannya, or it can be up to 4 days after the administration of the drug.

The drops of tetracycline and ampicillin reduce the effectiveness of the drug, it is necessary to overcome the adjunctive barriers of contraceptive methods in case of new prolongation of the last period of therapy 7 (for rifampicin - 28) days after the second.

Possible decrease in tolerance to carbohydrates, increased consumption in oral antidiabetic patients or insulin.


Analogues of Novіnet є: Marvelon, Regulon, Mercilon, Tri-Merci.

Terms and mind saving

Trimati at a temperature of 15-30 °C. Take care of children.

The term of appurtenance is 3 years.

Contraindications before "News" are the same illness and damage:

Migraine accompanied by neurological symptoms;

Blood diabetes with angiopathies;

Cardiovascular disease and venous thromboembolism;

Hepatitis, severe disease of the swelling of the liver;

Cholestatic zhovtyanitsya, including caused by the use of glucocorticosteroid drugs;



Zhovchnokam'yana twig;

Otosclerosis is either a strong stinging disease, which was feared in case of anterior vaginess or when taking glucocorticosteroid diseases;

Malicious neoplasms of milk diseases and organs that are accompanied by hormonal disorders;

Syndrome of Rotor, Dubina-Johnson and Gilbert;

Vaginal bleeding of unclear movement.

In addition, "Novelty" of contraindications in the period of vagity, or in case of suspicion of it, under the hour of breastfeeding, and in case of increased sensitivity to components. Also, this hormonal contraceptive is not prescribed to women over 35 years of age, as they may be nicotine-laden.

Side effects of "Novinet"

The side effects of "News" are divided into two main groups. In Persian, there are side reactions, in some cases it is necessary to take a negative dose of the drug, while in others - less serious negative effects.

To side effects, through yaks, to pin the stosuvanya to “News”, one can see:

Arterial hypertension, arterial and venous thromboembolism;

Acute otosclerosis, which caused hearing loss;

Hemolytic-uremic syndrome;


Less serious side effects of "News" can be seen in the following:

Nudoti, vomit, virazkovy colitis, zhovtyanitsі, overthrow, cholelithiasis;

Headache and migraine;

depression, sharp changes in mood;

Pіhvovih bleeding;

development of ignition processes of pikhvi;


Improvement of milk diseases;



development of erythema, chloasma, or the appearance of whiskers;

Improvement of the mass of the body and the stutter of the body in the body.

In women, who wear contact lenses, "News" may increase the sensitivity of the horn. In patients with hypersensitivity to piecewise synthesizing of estrogen and gestagen, the drug is designed to provoke the development of allergic reactions.

You should be given analyses, to determine whether you can take hormones or not. 4. Sound in 2-3 months the menstrual cycle is renewed and the vagity becomes possible again. In most depressions, such spontaneous interruptions lead to a breakdown in the menstrual cycle, a filthy self-feeling, a menstrual stutter, and sometimes hair loss. Likar recognize you protizaplіdny, depending on your individual features. Rules for taking Persh a tablet can be taken on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle (on the first day of menstruation). If you need to change a contraceptive, or if you plan not to enter the vagina, use condoms or vaginal tablets. It is also important to protect the mutual contraceptives from other faces. Pdvergena hyperlipidemia. that there is an uncle with dark eyepieces, maybe a noble s. a maniac, having told the whole truth) but I think your legs are swollen from something else. Supplementation of several factors in the development of arterial cardiovascular disease (over 35 years of age, smoking, diabetes, hypertension). І go to the doctor, pick up other protizaplіdnі zabi.

Can you take anti-inflammatory pills without consulting a gynecologist? Hі, tse vkrai nebazhano i can bring to the fold. Zagalom zhodnyh problems, schob zlіzti z them. Bleeding from static paths with unclear etiology. It is not safe, as it is accepted once, after that, as For example, POSTINOR. As in the package of anterior oral contraceptives, there are 21 tablets, take the first Novinet tablet on the 8th day after the break for the next day. Dodatkovo beware is not required. Todі vyhodish z operatsionnoi і RESTORE. If you start drinking pills on the 5th day, then win the supplements for contraception the first two days, so the risk is still important.

You can throw chi and drink new: more details

Don't drink them in awe, just beware. Your pills may be perfect for you, but there are no side effects in your woman. That sharp hormonal difference will not bring corrosiveness to your health. How to switch to Novinet from the intrauterine spiral (IUD)? You can drink the first tablet of Novinet a day, if you have seen the intrauterine spiral. Drink a pill for a friend like a yakomog earlier: as soon as the nudota and vomiting pass, and not later than 12 years after I take the first pill. If you want here, you can have a butt, a condom, go out. Do not need to check the cob or the end of the month in order to start receiving a new blister. Possibly, scho becoming a hormonal zbіy.

So, why didn’t menstruation come on the 7-day break? For the past month, you regularly took pills, didn’t break the overflow, and didn’t sleep in taking more pills, lower for 12 years, then there’s nothing to worry about. What will you do if you throw a drink OK, without finishing the package until the end? Throw OK, without finishing the packaging, it’s not necessary. In this case, the doctor is alive with additional approaches to reduce the risk of thrombosis. In this case, it is not necessary to drink the entire standard to the end, so that you can have severe injuries, especially if you have received the drug without recognition by a gynecologist. How many pills can you take anti-inflammatory pills and how to use them correctly? Published: Sich 30, 2016, 13:48 “How to take anti-inflammatory pills correctly” - food is more folded, but it is wider to make it wider, which means it’s fluffy.

Taking OK in the middle of the package can lead to a failure of the menstrual cycle, the absence of ovulation (the release of eggs) and the impossibility of being pregnant for a few decades, until the hormones return to normal. In order to prevent conception, hurry up with the barrier method of contraception. WHAT IS ROBITY? "If your cycle is restored between 21-36 days and if it is regular, then you have no reason to worry," Dr. Boldireva explains. On which day of the cycle after the cob I receive OK, can I not be protected dodatkovo? When does the anti-impact effect occur?

Chi can be thrown piti novelty: those that you did not know

As soon as I take a pill I took it for 1 day of the menstrual cycle, then the contraceptive effect is immediate. Chi obov'yazkovo fold a blood test for hormones before the cob I'll take OK?

Hi, tse obov'yazkovo. Rejoice with the doctor. For such problems, choose COCs with the so-called antiandrogenic diet. “Acne, acne, greasiness, and other skin problems associated with chronic hormonal imbalance, as a result of taking COCs, I will pass and after I turn around I am not guilty,” explains gynecologist Natalia Boldireva. “But if you cause some problems with endocrine disorders, then in a few hours after the KPC talks, problems can turn around.” So rank You miss the weekly break between packages. In the first 7 days, the condoms were victorious. In other words, more likely to move closer to the herbal system, lower to the state system.

You can start taking antibiotics on any given day, just be respectful, because there is no vacancy, plus beware of the day. Why is the effect of anti-inflammatory pills reduced when taking other drugs? So, the reception of certain words can reduce the effectiveness of OK. If a woman decides to take oral contraceptives, she should do the following: 1. Take care of the need, just the first few months especially relatively. If the passage is not accepted, for the next 7 days, try to get additional contraceptives. 3. 4. WHAT IS RABITY? Think about it, maybe you are stressed, having separated from a kohanoy people?

Stress is more likely to be thrown off in the gym, word of honor! Pain in the lower abdomen The same way after taking pills, as if the ovaries, having joined the work, begin to function too actively, the stench can cause trochs to swell up. The only exact effect after seeing the opposite ones is to make one-two-three. That is why it is important not to be afraid to see a gynecologist and to shy away from the cob of stately life. Who let you drink hormones without a doctor. Gіnecologists already just at the same time take another pack. and after 2 days, complete the test. 2. What will you do if you throw a drink OK without finishing the package to the end?

Throw OK, having finished the packaging to the end, it’s not too bad. When the moon comes. What if I have diarrhea? In cases of diarrhea (carrying), the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory tablets may also be reduced. Before using the cob, I will take that other preparation, but it is necessary to read the instructions until it is put on the cob, or consult a doctor. As if against the background of taking anti-inflammatory pills, you have a strong pain in your stomach, brighter menstruation, or menstruation is three more days - it’s more than enough to go to the gynecologist.

For the next day after the completion of one blister of the coming day, start a new package. Ale, you need to work properly, following the instructions for the sake of the fahivtsiv, so that the problems of your health can go away. Likewise, antiseptic tablets were prescribed for the correction of the hormonal background, as a general rule, a blood test for the concentration of state hormones will be required. 3. As soon as the vomiting came later, lower after 4 years after taking the pill, nothing is needed. 4. Varto indicate that the hormonal effect can be saved by stretching the day. Vіn pіdbere protizaplіdnі pіgulki. yakі pіd_go to you yaknejsche. She has only one daughter - I!))))) Seeing a gynecologist 1 time per day, taking TRIEGOL. І 3 months obov'yazkovo burried girls, maybe someone knows, with myoma inflamed it is not possible to put a spiral? I don’t know how you have a fibroid?

I started the spiral - a third-party body in the mat, in case of malfunctions it is not required b. I myself respect the best, and I would put it, they didn’t suspect yakbi hyperplasia. It’s necessary, to build a hellish camp of health. 2. Do you need to work hard to take a break from taking anti-inflammatory pills? How can you watch the months, because I didn’t drink anti-drug pills before? Ni. Some doctors agree that a healthy woman can use hormonal contraception up to 35 years of age.

So, why didn’t menstruation come on the 7-day break? For the past month, you regularly took pills, didn’t break the overflow, and didn’t sleep in taking more pills, lower for 12 years, then there’s nothing to worry about. If there is a sudden interruption of menstruation, it is recommended to see a gynecologist. But doctors recommend not hurrying up and budding at least three months. In this case, it is not necessary to drink the entire standard to the end, so that you can have severe injuries, especially if you have received the drug without recognition by a gynecologist. Instruction1. If you took the pills according to the rules (without overshoots) at the beginning of the month, then when you take inactive pills (placebo pills), you do not need to take additional contraceptives. With raptovіy vіdminіnі protizapіlіdіnі pills rіzvіlіvі hormonal zlozhіvі: іrregular menstruаії, іdsutnії ovulyatії і impossiblії zagіtnіti. In this case, it will not be necessary to win the supplements for contraception, the shards of the antiseptic effect are here at once.

Before the onset of bleeding, part of the cycle, which is lost, is covered with condoms. Therefore, it is necessary to win additional contraceptives for the entire hour of treatment and even 7 days after the completion of the course of treatment with these drugs. My mother did not want an abortion for her life. If you are not happy with breasts, then it is necessary to take the first drink of Novinet on the 21-28th day after the fall.

Irina Areva - Thu, 2014-12-11 09:42 Good afternoon! Help, be kind, I can’t know the answer to my request. After a short period of time, the doctor acknowledged me drinking lactinet (they didn’t change for months). Fool is stupid and stupid. What work, how did I get sick after taking the pills? At times, vomit will appear for the first 3-4 years, after taking the pills, the effectiveness will be greatly reduced. And after the adaptation, the woman begins to drink again, calling out to the circulatory system of the endocrine system.

To that, after the end of the passage, it is necessary to take the same tablet with the number of the other packaging, or at the time of taking monophasic OK (Jess, Lindinet-20, Novinet, Mercilon, Logest, Yarina and In) take the next tablet after the number. This is especially important for those who are planning a pregnancy. 3. For whom it is better to consult with a gynecologist. For women, as if to burn, there is also a risk when taking anti-inflammatory pills. As if against the background of taking anti-inflammatory pills, you developed severe pain in your abdomen, your period is brighter, or your period is three more days - it’s more than enough to go to the gynecologist. The decision about the application to the recipient is praised stalely in view of the achieved effect. As if in the middle of your cycle, uterine bleeding began, a high pressure rose, otherwise it became bad for you, it was bad to take pills and surrender to the doctor. When you finish taking a pack, just don’t start a new one, don’t throw a brand in the middle of the cycle

Nutrition: tell me how to throw it right to drink anti-ablative drinks, you need to drink the standard to the end, or you can throw it. You need to drink the monthly package to the end! Otherwise, you may have a hormonal imbalance. One blister contains 21 tablets (covered for 3 days). This is not unsafe and is due to the overflow of Novinet. Do not need to check the cob or the end of the month in order to start receiving a new blister. What is the effect of OK when taking alcohol? Large doses of alcohol may reduce the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory tablets. It is explained that alcohol irritates our liver more intensively (so that toxic products are released), along with alcohol, the liver is irritated and estrogen is taken from anti-inflammatory pills. Ale, the problem lies in the fact that you should drink large doses of alcohol. Acne, black spots, oily hair

The most common reason for this is an imbalance of hormones in the body. Orthodox! I just finished the pack and threw it away.

And maybe, the stench is not fooled by the same way as contraceptives; wesilla. You can change your mind by taking OK in 14 days after you can change your mind on your own. Women may have the unique ability of the mother of their children to have an hour, it is marvelous that there are so many abortions. Experiences of a successful hormonal intake

A rich woman tsіkavlyatsya sіlki roki can drink protizaplіdnі, so as not to damage your reproductive system. The axis is really trash is not safe. If you didn’t take the first drink at once, then you can save for the 5th day, or not later, otherwise the efficiency will decrease. Once every 3-4 months, take a break from taking hormonal pills. My friend is 30 kg. got dressed. Talking about anti-drug pills Cosmopolitan magazine The cycle is fluctuating, with a wide range of problems, a stressful skin day, like on the peak of PMS ... But I stopped taking anti-drug pills for the most part.

WHAT IS ROBITY? You can add vitamins with calcium or herbal selection with the great prutnyak (vitex agnus-castus, Abraham's tree). Like such a reaction, pin it. Antifungal agents: Griseofulvin

Anti-judgmental drugs: Carbamazepine, Phenytoin and others. I threw the anti-drug pills without drinking the blister to the end. Go to another type of contraceptives. For this, take one Novinet tablet a day, if you have seen the vaginal ring or the hormonal patch. or on the day, if you need to insert a new ring for the schedule, or glue a new plaster. Lactation over 6 months after the fall. Likar to recognize you obstezhennya, z'yasuє the reason for the aggravation and to appoint the tactics of likuvannya. I went to the doctor, everything seems to be right - ovulation has begun, monthly periods are coming. Drink the mother-of-pearl for a stretch of a month. You can no longer win supplements to get contraceptives.

As the vomit came later, lower after 4 years after taking the pills, nothing is needed. What do you need to do a lot of work to interrupt in the reception of anti-fungal pistes? A lot of girls and women, like taking anti-fungal pills, are already experiencing the drive of a possible unsweetened influx of hormones on their body. After taking the drug, everything became worse. Chi obov'yazkovo zdavati blood test for hormones before the cob to receive OK? Hi, not obov'yazkovo. That is why, when there is a chance, someone takes a lot of pills for 1-2 months, to give the body some relief.

To such likіv include: Antibiotics: Ampicillin, Rifampicin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and others. One or three blisters with tablets are included in one cardboard box of Novinet. God, you can’t buy them in pharmacies at once without prescriptions! The minimum of nasledkiv is bleeding. ppc. 5. As partners, it is safe to use condoms. Do not start drinking Novinet doti, the docks do not change at the daily rate. Are there any real alternatives?

Drink the rest of the package, consult a gynecologist. I, for example, left myself, and made a cyst, after changing the hormonal warehouse in the body. Most of the pain is obviously blamed on the result of hypothermia or static infection. How to switch to Novinet from a hormonal patch (Evra) or a vaginal ring? You can switch to Novinet for other hormonal anti-inflammatory benefits. Because you don’t have the need for contraception (that’s why you live a healthy life, but you don’t plan to have a pregnancy yet), then you can take antiseptic pills in style, as much as you need (up to 5 years of sleep, without interruption). Safety profile of oral contraceptives Navіt yakscho right tomorrow ty zustrіnesh new kohannya, rather than a bunch of condoms: the stinks protect against state infections. WHAT IS ROBITY? In order to turn off other causes of the obstruction (there are also vaginess, which has come fast), you should immediately turn to the doctor. As long as the skin has not returned to normal, the stitch for your eating and drink more than the motherland.

What work, how can I receive no New Monthly Newsletter for an hour? As in the previous month, you made passes in the reception of Novinet, and you had no sex, then take the pills. What day do you start your cycle by taking anti-abdominal pills (OK)? As soon as you start taking OK, then you need to drink the first drink on the first day of menstruation (this day is considered the first day of the menstrual cycle). Buy condoms. If no more than 24 years have passed, then you can not complain, the hormonal effect will not decrease, just drink the missed pill. Do not stop drug use without first consulting your doctor. The maximum effectiveness of taking anti-inflammatory tablets is achieved when they are administered at the same time.

Drink a pill for a friend like a yakomog earlier: as soon as the nudota and vomiting pass, and not later than 12 years after I take the first pill. If you want more money, you need to win supplements for contraception every day after drinking alcohol. New recommendations for girls who may have an irregular menstrual cycle. Perevagi Novinet - the same protizaplidni pills of the rest of the generation.

I have had two months. For which cycle after the first cob I can not take care of OK? When does the antiseptic effect of the tablets persist? If I pershu pіgulku vipili on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, then the contraceptive effect is immediate. As partners of the kilka, you will be safer with condoms. You don’t need to throw a zastosuvannya OK, how to be tempted, for that it’s nasty to appear on the hormonal background (vin zib’etsya), but on the renewal of your voice work, you need a lot of time.

In this case, it will not be necessary for you to win additional contraceptives, the shards of the antiseptic effect are here at once. At once, if everything is ready, then take it far. How to throw a drink of protizaplidnі pіgulki More and more women are choosing protizapіdnі pіgulki z metoy zapobіg nebazhanі vagіtnostі.

Before using the cob, I will take that other preparation, but it is necessary to read the instructions until it is put on the cob, or consult a doctor. Instruction1. Therefore, in order to save the contraceptive effect, it is necessary to take the same pill with the number of the other packaging, or if you take monophasic OK (Jess, Lindinet-20, Novinet, Midiana, Yarina and In) take the next pill after the number. 6. I'm talking about quiet, which are taken in cycles, every day. Don't be turbulent. The cycles reduce the absorption of anti-inflammatory tablets in the intestines, otherwise they will speed up the decay in the liver, which will lead to a decrease in the anti-inflammatory effect. If the course of healing is over, or if pregnancy is planned, it is necessary to take anti-parasitic drugs and sign yourself further away. All Novinet pills should take the same dose of hormones, so if you mix up the pills, nothing terrible will happen.

It’s fair that the mood is less, so after the end of the day, stop drinking the pills again. Breast cancer in history. What is the effect OK for drinking alcohol?

Large doses of alcohol may reduce the effectiveness of anti-fungal pills. Vykoristovyte bar'ernі sob zakhista. It is necessary to throw.

Contraceptives are available in packs of 21 or 28 pcs. (For the whole cycle). During the first month, the body's adaptation to new hormones and the ability to function are still not good for zero. The cycles reduce the absorption of anti-inflammatory tablets in the intestines, otherwise they will speed up the decay in the liver, which will lead to a decrease in the anti-inflammatory effect. Let's remember that COC is not prescribed for everyone. “If there are problems with the liver, varicose veins, diabetes, impaired fat metabolism, hypertension, then in some cases it is sensible to replace the pills with hormonal vaginal ring or plastyr, and in others, switch to other methods of contraception, for example bar'ernі", - for the sake of Dr. Boldirev. Nutrition: how can you caress if you stop taking hormonal anti-inflammatory pills? You can lose weight.

In order to choose the most appropriate contraceptive benefit, consult a gynecologist. Start working on the price on the 8th day after finishing the front packaging. It didn’t dawn on you, how many fates for you, who said that you have endometriosis and that there is a real need to be treated. A blood test for hormones may be necessary in this case, as you have є chi іnshi hormonal disorders and symptoms of disruption of the menstrual cycle. Become, scho require special control on the background of taking COC: Increased arterial pressure under the hour of vagity.

Porada 2: How to drink hormonal pills Antizaplide pills are not less likely to protect against the current negligible vaginess, but in times of consumption they can be used to correct the hormonal background in women. Obov'yazkovoy umovoy at tsomu vipadku є far away taking pills for the distribution. How to switch to Novinet from the other OK? You can switch to Novinet for another oral contraceptive. You will know the report instructions for a one-time carry, and for the reduction of diarrhea, which are repeated, as well as information about those who are antidiarrheal symptoms can reduce the effectiveness of OK.

But, unfortunately, sometimes we understand the situation, in which case you should take anti-abdominal pills, you need a term: In case of vagism, before preparing for a term operation In case of any important side effects

І vagіtnіst is better to plan in the morning after seeing OK, to that there will be a high imovіrnіst її nastannya vіdrazu. At that hour, the pill was already soaked in the blood and the effect was high, without regard for vomiting. All people are different and should not tolerate alcohol (drinking in the smell), but some can drink liters and feel normal. : no more than 50 ml of burner, 200 ml of wine or 400 ml of beer. But, unfortunately, sometimes we understand the situation, in which case you should take anti-abdominal pills, you need a term: In case of vagism, before preparing for a term operation In case of any important side effects Read the report about it here:

How to give menstruation for help Novіnet? If you need a month long, then after the completion of one blister, Novinet of the coming day, repair a new blister, do not hesitate to break the day. Fool is stupid and stupid. How to start accepting Novinet after the fall? After a gentle reception of Novinet, it is possible in the first month (as if you are not happy with breasts), or else, if you take breastfeeding. The only exact effect after seeing the opposite ones is to make one-two-three. “But if you don’t have any daily pills, after prescribing a drug, interrupt your work in taking COCs, not varto,” says Professor Tikhomirov. - From the moment of the rest of the season and before menopause, you can take your own contraceptives. Migraine without inflammatory neurological symptoms in women up to 35 years of age, headache, which started against the background of taking COCs. As if the legs were very swollen - even a great risk of thrombosis of the vessels of the lower limbs, not safe for life. All people are different and should not tolerate alcohol (drinking in the smell), but some can drink liters and feel normal. : no more than 50 ml of burner, 200 ml of wine or 400 ml of beer.

It is recommended to take Novinet tablets every day at the same hour (it doesn't matter, at what hour doby). In addition, as you drink the first blister, make a seven-day break, at this hour you may have your menstruation. Throw a drink if you finish drinking the rest of the pill from the pack, I didn’t have an appetite, but I instantly got no stars, threw it off slowly to a colossal state, not sitting on diets, but vzagali at all in a different way. As a rule, taking Novinet does not affect the development of the fetus, so there is no need for an abortion. If you can throw it. So the effect of the tablets will be the best. As if in the middle of your cycle, uterine bleeding began, a high pressure rose, otherwise it became bad for you, it was bad to take pills and surrender to the doctor. If you have seen badly, for example, if you have a strong pain in your stomach, migraine or otherwise, you should take hormonal pills for the next day. Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins.

If you took a friend a drink later, lower in 12 years, then they gave you the need to fix it yourself, like when you miss a pill (deposit in your number). At the link with different options for taking OK, it is necessary to take - how many anti-inflammatory tablets are required. Before taking it, take antiseptic tablets. check with a gynecologist. Didn't wear a single gram.

As if you were overdoing it, then follow the instructions (be sure to put it in the same way you take the pills). If you take Novinet in 2-5 days of the month, then the antiseptic effect will come only after 7 days of the given reception. Zatrimka for no apparent reason. If the cycle is recognized by the Civil Code as a regular one, then after the failure it is not to blame. The best and most sparing way to take the drug is to drink the entire package of tablets. The pills are supposed to be taken every day at the same hour. In the majority of cases, the decision was made to cause children to give birth to a child, or to switch to another type of contraceptives. Barbiturates: Thiopental, Phenobarbital and others.

3 rechecks have been taken for a month to get rid of all sorts of non-essential problems. It is explained that alcohol irritates our liver more intensively (so that toxic products are released), but at the same time, alcohol irritates the liver and estrogen from anti-inflammatory drugs. After a few days after you see OK, you may have a blood smear or bleeding of the eye. As the vomit came later, lower after 4 years after taking the pills, nothing is needed. Become more comfortable with taking pills (mental illness, po'yazanі z broken memory, too). To whom should it be better to take anti-parasitic pills?

Zzvichay, OK buy women, like a good partner. If you missed one or a squirt of pills for the rest of the 7 days before the break, then it is necessary to miss the 7-day break (because after the completion of the first package of the next day, I will almost come). Fuck. They learned it, but they can’t read the instructions. Thank God, everything is approx. If you took the pills according to the rules (without overshoots) at the beginning of the month, then when you take inactive pills (placebo pills), you do not need to take additional contraceptives. Can it be that I just haven't revisited the cycle yet?

Can I receive Newsletter? The antiparasitic changes in the biochemical blood warehouse, which is negatively signified during the operation and the rehabilitation process. If you are more late for 12 years, then the effectiveness of the tablets decreases. The cycles reduce the absorption of anti-inflammatory tablets in the intestines, otherwise they will speed up the decay in the liver, which will lead to a decrease in the anti-inflammatory effect. Watch out for more than 7 days.

You can change your mind by taking OK in 14 days after you can change your mind on your own. After a visit to the doctor, that passage is obstezhennya, it is possible, that by taking care you can be sure. If the course of healing is over, or if pregnancy is planned, it is necessary to take anti-parasitic drugs and sign yourself further away. How to throw hormonal pills? Then for 7 days you do not take pills, and on the 8th day you take the first tablet of the offensive blister. After 5 years of taking the pills, you need to consult a doctor and if you don’t know the driver for taking the pills, you can continue taking the OK if you need more. In this mood, do not attach likiv to your own judgment, the shards can lead to an aggravation, for example, є imovirnіst, which is bleeding again. It is necessary to start drinking OK from the first day of menstruation; 2. When the month comes.

After 1-2 days after missing the pills, you may see a vision that you are smearing, or bleeding is prolific, similar to monthly. Because you don’t have the need for contraception (that’s why you live a healthy life, but you don’t plan to have a pregnancy yet), then you can take antiseptic pills in style, as much as you need (up to 5 years of sleep, without interruption). and they prescribed me for the hour of the lure of the brush. I started drinking anti-inflammatory drugs from the first day of menstruation. But already on the 18th day, I don’t stop. The drug prescribed etamzilat on the spot (supinya bleeding), and then they went even stronger. yesterday they made three injections, all the zupiniti was not enough for a year, but it didn’t zupinity. the result is hysterical. bіl іnodi in the lower abdomen. headache. I don't know what to do. I want to throw these piggies! the doctor said that she didn’t know how to work, the cream prescribed Dufaston for me, it’s frustrating in them. I don't want to drink them. Please be kind to me like me! Hope, what happened to you? I just have a similar situation at once and I’m even scared! What a f***** we have people. just don't drink. tse pleasure. you can’t just throw anti-drug drinks. read on the internet. For whom it is necessary to drink at least a pack of water and go to the doctor for a review, you have everything.

The decision about the application to the recipient is praised stalely in view of the achieved effect. Such a protizaplide does not add to the appetite completely. If you miss two or more pills, you will have a better time to dodatkovo (for additional condoms) for a minimum of 7 days. Choose a suitable year for yourself and do everything so that you don’t forget to take the pills yourself at the same time.

You can change your mind by taking OK in 14 days after you can change your mind on your own. How to allow COC in pharmacies - IN RUSSIA COC IS ALLOWED TILKI ACCORDING TO THE RECIPE OF LIKAR. Watch out for more than 7 days. I threw it once /inadvertently - went to the door, and the pills at home zabula/, viyshov zbіy /monthly buli 1 time for 2 months/ I had a chance to drink the pills, so that the hormones returned to normal / standard to the end. otherwise the cycle will break. Fatty for body mass index (IMT) is more than 30 kg/m2. Antifungal drugs: Griseofulvin

It is important to follow the scheme for taking anti-inflammatory drugs, if you want to have a baby in the future. If you missed two sleeping tablets for the 3rd day of taking (from 15 to 21), then there are two options: 1. continue taking Novinet, one tablet per day, until the package is over and then, without delaying the 7-day break, start a new package. My mother did not want an abortion for her life. Once every 3-4 months, take a break from taking hormonal pills. not suitable for Xenia's opinion. when I came to the doctor for these meals, she gave me a whole list of pills, and said: take your pick. don't go, buy some more. (went to the pay office, embarrassed that she spent a penny for nothing.) Jess drank, wanting to not be on the list. drank 6 months. everything's Alright. and you raju-yakscho nasty-throw. On this coming month, the current vacancy rate will be even higher. As you have decided to have offspring, you should start drinking contraceptives and in three months you can start before conception. There are over 50 types of anti-inflammatory tablets presented on the pharmaceutical market, and such a variety is not rare, but different types of tablets are suitable for different women.

For the next day after the completion of one blister of the coming day, start a new package. Choose a suitable year for yourself and do everything so that you don’t forget to take the pills yourself at the same time. I threw the anti-drug pills without drinking the blister to the end. If you took the pills according to the rules (without overshoots) at the beginning of the month, then when you take inactive pills (placebo pills), you do not need to take additional contraceptives.

Therefore, in order to save the contraceptive effect, it is necessary to take the same pill with the number of the other packaging, or if you take monophasic OK (Jess, Lindinet-20, Novinet, Midiana, Yarina and In) take the next pill after the number. I threw the anti-drug pills without drinking the blister to the end. Mi damo sprat of simple joys.

For 8 to 14 tablets: take the missed tablet earlier, if you need to take two tablets at the same time. After looking around that swab, you will be pleased with other methods of contraception, and also recommend how best to take care of the patient. Headache of the vessel character or migraine, which appeared on the background of taking CPC, as well as migraine without secondary neurological symptoms in women older than 35 years of age. Can you take anti-inflammatory pills without consulting a gynecologist? Hі, tse vkrai nebazhano i can bring to the fold. In a month, I’ve got it.)))) I’ll take the antizaplide again after more than 6 years))) So Valery himself is stupid! Antizaplіdnі rejoice and do not produce to bezpіddya.

If you take a pill from the pack, you will have your period in a few days. Varto signify that the hormonal effect can be saved by stretching the day. What do you need to dodatkovo take care of at the 7-day break? This point is worth less than those anti-inflammatory tablets, in the package of which there are 21 tablets. If you violated the rules for taking OK and when you led a state of life, you should take pills until you die, until you change into something that is not vaccinated.

In this case, the doctor is alive with additional approaches to reduce the risk of thrombosis. What do you need to dodatkovo take care of when taking placebo pills? This item is worth less than anti-inflammatory tablets, in a package of which there are 28 tablets. If the term is an operation, then tell the doctor about those who take anti-inflammatory pills. First of all, take a drink against the disease, see a gynecologist. do not drink that year. but it is not possible to be fruitful in them there are more crusty ones. suddenly you think about sex less about reception. and not like a bi do not fly in. Just a good person. It is written on them. You can not win additional contraceptives, as in the previous 7 days you took all the pills at the same time. Barbiturates: Thiopental, Phenobarbital and others. Likewise, the preparations were prescribed for the treatment of endocrine disorders, for example, in case of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, the duration of the course of treatment was determined by the drug.

What work, how did I get sick after taking the pills? At times, vomit will appear for the first 3-4 years, after taking the pills, the effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Olenka Mama Levka sometimes miss one without saying anything, and the body is to blame for the chemistry.

What if I have diarrhea? In cases of diarrhea (carrying), the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory tablets may also be reduced. Possibly, scho becoming a hormonal zbіy.

Do not accept any more pets. REASON 3: I'm sorry to say that it's OK for healthy people and they don't need to be taken for more than 3-4 months. You can renew the receipt of news after 14 days after the fact that you can change your mind after the operation on your own. I accept JES.

Get to the gynecologist. Tim is not less, so interrupt not to give and they cannot give your body a repair - this is a stressful thing for your ovaries and endocrine diseases. But now the joy is being respected even more strongly, after the investigations it became clear that the interruption causes stress for the body. She has only one daughter - I!))))) Seeing a gynecologist 1 time per day, taking TRIEGOL. Therefore, it is necessary to win additional contraceptives for the entire hour of treatment and even 7 days after the completion of the course of treatment with these drugs. If you choose to add additional contraceptives, get contraceptives after 7 days after the pass. 2. discard the current (unfinished) package and start taking a new package of the first tablet (one tablet per day, as usual). In lonely periods, menstruation lasts for 2-3 cycles, but after taking COC, the body may not immediately “turn on”, you need to call to change. To such likіv include: Antibiotics: Ampicillin, Rifampicin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and others.

Give credit to the number of the missed pill - show that you have worked: For 1 to 7 pills: take the missed pill earlier, remember that you should drink 2 pills at the same time. It helps to reduce the risk of thrombosis (blood clots) in vessels. It is not unsafe for your body. If you feel bad, for example, if you start vomiting or diarrhea, then the cold effect is weaker.

But mostly with pills or without them, everything will be laid up in your health, your body is ready to go. As if you were victorious, the antiseptics appeared to be aggravated on these backgrounds, such as a rapt bleeding or a sharp under the arterial pressure, a term to apply the drug, not checking for the end of the package, and also negligently going to the gynecologist. Do not accept any more pets. When you finish taking a pack, just don’t start a new one, don’t throw a smut in the middle of the Nutrition cycle: for how much do you need to throw anti-inflammatory pills to drink, to get excited? Physicians recommend three months before the transfer of conception. It doesn’t seem like it’s about those who, during the hour of great breaks, the anti-fall effect is equal to zero and you can easily get excited. Chi can you not robiti 7-day break? If the current menstruation is not for you, then you can not work for a 7-day break, so you can spend a month for one month.

If you stop taking anti-drug pills in the middle of the cycle, then a slight hormonal drop through the use of synthetic hormones can lead to uterine bleeding and other negative consequences. They gave the doctor a chance to develop the optimal regimen for the administration of oral contraceptives. Ale first, proceed to the next reception, it is necessary to turn back to the clinic. I drank yoga without interruption, and the whole hour of the month did not come. How did you get oral contraception with the method of correcting the hormonal background, it is possible to take pills only after the task of blood analysis for the level of the state hormones.

If you are not convinced, how to fix it in your situation, if you have any doubts, try to get additional contraceptives for now, until you consult your doctor. It is unreasonable to succumb to the stagnation of anti-fungal benefits, as if you began to drink them after a seven-day break. To the point of speech, the very transcendental activity of the ovaries, as if they turned to work, creating side effects, as if they were turbulent to you. It is not unsafe for your body.

Taking OK in the middle of the package can lead to a failure of the menstrual cycle, the absence of ovulation (the release of eggs) and the impossibility of being pregnant for a few decades, until the hormones return to normal. And then we'd better go to the doctor. That sharp hormonal difference will not bring corrosiveness to your health.

І 3 months obov'yazkovo be protected like 3 months? and what else is not needed?12. In case of another, after 7 days after the pass, it is necessary to win additional contraceptives. Porada 1: If it is necessary to take antiseptic tablets Antiseptic tablets should be chosen by a gynecologist, but for most of them, they themselves have indications and contraindications.

2. How to take hormonal pills Hormonal preparations are a miracle method of contraception. Just before the month before, you took the pills according to the rules, didn’t break the overflow, otherwise you didn’t live a stately life, then start by taking a new blister on the 8th day, but you still didn’t come. What day do you start your cycle by taking anti-abdominal pills (OK)? As soon as you start taking OK, then you need to drink the first drink on the first day of menstruation (this day is considered the first day of the menstrual cycle). If you took the pills according to the rules (without overshoots) at the beginning of the month, then when you take inactive pills (placebo pills), you do not need to take additional contraceptives. That is why, when there is a chance, someone takes a lot of pills for 1-2 months, to give the body some relief. The amount of hormones in Novinet tablets is small, so when taking the drug, there are practically no side effects. And if you don’t plan to become a mother, fight for the sake of vagity in the obligatory order. Turbine about your health is the essence of the skin woman and the future mother.

If you missed 3 tablets of Novinet Pospil, discard the current package of tablets and start a new package with the first tablet. I’ll finish the pack until the end and that’s it. Just the first day of the week, win the supplements to get contraceptives (condoms). In case of an abortion on a term greater than 12 days, the first Novinet tablet can be taken 21-28 days after the abortion. It is not possible to take the drug on your own, without consulting with a doctor - you can hurt your health. What reduces the anti-inflammatory effect of Newet? Such a protizaplide does not add to the appetite completely.

During the first month, the body's adaptation to new hormones and the ability to function are still not good for zero. Chicken more than 15 cigarettes per day for people older than 35 years. For the skin face, the instructions indicate the rules of conduct in such situations. Chi can you not robiti 7-day break? If the current menstruation is not a problem for you, then you can not work a 7-day break, so you can spend a month for one month. Gynecologist 5. Why is the effect of anti-inflammatory pills reduced when taking other medications? So, the reception of certain words can reduce the effectiveness of OK.

In order to choose the most appropriate contraceptive benefit, consult a gynecologist. To such likіv include: Antibiotics: Ampicillin, Rifampicin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and others. Start working on the price on the 8th day after finishing the front packaging. ale problem polygaє in tsyumu, scho vvazhat large doses of alcohol. Yakshcho you have shown vaginess, negainally take pills and go to the doctor. How to allow COC in pharmacies - IN RUSSIA COC IS ALLOWED TILKI ACCORDING TO THE RECIPE OF LIKAR.

What do you need to dodatkovo take care of at the 7-day break? This point is worth less than those anti-inflammatory tablets, in the package of which there are 21 tablets. Golovna - complete the cycle of taking oral contraceptives, so that you can finish drinking a package of pigulets. If you have seen the boredom after I take the cob, then try to take a walk from the wound in front of it, or at night. Even though the moment has been spent, it’s okay to start taking them for the first five days of the cycle.

For the obviousness of the new creation in the breasts, mats and ovaries, it is not possible to drink antiseptics, shards of estrogen-depleted swelling begin to progress. If more than 48 years have passed, it is not necessary to take the missed pills, but to drink up those that are missing. next, otherwise uterine bleeding will break out. just don't start drinking a new pack. Just because your gynecologist recognized the antiseptic pills without conducting daily tests, does not mean that the doctor is incompetent.

You can no longer win supplements to get contraceptives. What do you need to dodatkovo take care of when taking placebo pills? This item is worth less than anti-inflammatory tablets, in a package of which there are 28 tablets. Ekaterinburg mother drank a lot of rocks, then she drank. the breasts were periodically ill, the cycle was broken, but not much. Do not boast, for a couple of cycles everything will be better. the body is right to be rehabilitated.

Just drink one tablet a day, and after the end of one blister, start by taking an offensive one. It doesn’t seem like it’s about those who, during the hour of great breaks, the anti-fall effect is equal to zero and you can easily get excited. Chim vy older, tim lower efficiency in their acceptance. Іsnuyut protizaplіdnі pіgulki. yaki can be taken for 72 years after an unprotected statutory act, but it is also a serious hormonal stress for the body. Povnotsinny zakhist vіd nebazhany vagіtnostі reach only from the other package of the drug. I want to say it myself, I sleep on pills, but I’m restless and my breasts. If menstruation didn’t start, or it started with great delay, it means that it’s necessary to go through a defecation from a doctor. Ale tse shvidko mina. Todі vyhodish z operatsionnoi і RESTORE. want at the next cycle sound like throwing a swede vagіtnіyut) one day before sex with protіkannyam. Shchodo tizhnya I will not tell you: gy. and breasts are the same as mastalgia and mastopathy. The reaction to the government will be all the same. If you drank a small amount of pills from the first day of menstruation, and then threw away the intake of OK, you can wonder.

Shchodo tizhnya I will not tell you: gy. and breasts are the same as mastalgia and mastopathy. The reaction to the government will be all the same. 3. Dehto so virishus himself, with other hormones he prescribes a drug. You can stop taking the drug by finishing the package. in another situation, bleeding is probable, but you can’t always take medicines, bring you to the uterus, which is very unbearable. For the next 7 days, it is recommended to use the method of dodatkovy zahistu (condoms). For example, such sightings do not call for a fight, as if only they started taking pills (on the first or other packaging), in the middle of the package, in the first few days after the cob of the black pack of Novinet. For the next day after the completion of one blister of the coming day, start a new package. If you didn’t receive OK for the past month, then it’s impossible to read the future months for them. So, in order not to create your own problems, it’s better to know a lot of money and drink the package to the end. If you want to go sideways, you need to throw it right away, without checking the end of the package

Up to the doctor with such food! Go to the doctor, so don't send them to the pills, let's say they replace them. Rizka vіdmova in the form of the drug can cause severe uterine bleeding, but in the other case, the camp is simply not. Taking Novinet before surgery If you need an operation, then taking Novinet will need to take at least 4 days before surgery. If in the past month you took the pills according to the rules, and you plan to continue taking the pills next month, then it’s not necessary to take care of the 7-day break. They wanted children - they stopped accepting them. After taking the drug, everything became worse.

What will you do? If you had unprotected state contacts in the previous 7 days, then the early use of anti-inflammatory pills can lead to the current pregnancy. Trivaliy with Novinetu reduces the risk of hormonal disorders (mastopathy), endometriosis. oncological diseases (ovarian cancer, uterine cancer). Just like the past month, you took the pigs according to the rules, and the next month you plan to continue accepting the pigs, then it is not necessary to take care of the 7-day break. And you can accept them for over 20 years. Chicken for up to 35 years. Sob not to be bored, take a pill after a while, drinking down a small amount of motherland.

If you want more money, you need to win supplements for contraception every day after drinking alcohol. You will find more detailed information in the instructions for the drug. Regular intake of Novinet for at least 3 months reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), improves the breasts shortly before menstruation, and reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in the abdomen. But the use of a contraceptive does not in any way give such an effect. There were monthly pains. So, in order not to create your own problems, it’s better to know a lot of money and drink the package to the end. Why is the effect of anti-inflammatory pills reduced when taking other drugs? So, the reception of certain words can reduce the effectiveness of OK. Rizka vіdmova vіd priyomu hormonal pills is more true in depressions, if side effects are suspected: high vice, bіl head, bleeding, congestion thin.

As if you were overdoing it, then follow the instructions (be sure to put it in the same way you take the pills). If you need a term operation, then be sure to tell the surgeon about those who are taking anti-inflammatory pills. Vagity. Do you know what your problems are? The 5 most important components of an active way of life

REASON 1: Modern hormonal contraceptives are often prescribed as a contraceptive in case of unsatisfactory pregnancy, and, finally, to speed up conception. Ale, early on, feed that dose of the injection of that other drug. Do not forget that after taking hormonal zabіv vagіtnіst may come the first month. Although there is no special way to take the antiseptics, it does not viroblyayetsya staleness of this drug. If you start taking 6 days before the start of your month, then the effect of anti-inflammatory pills for that month will be even lower and you may be surprised.

Then she stopped and immediately started to look. 6. I went to the doctor, everything seems to be right - ovulation has begun, monthly periods are coming. 4. Do not forget to kindly read the instructions before the drug, there is a report describing all the side effects, about how to follow the memory. Migraine with moderate neurological symptoms. As soon as I start accepting the Newsletter for this term, then for another 7 days it will be necessary to win additional contraceptives. If you had diarrhea, and if you don’t know how to fix it, read the article dedicated to these topics: Nutrition and health of the month: Anti-drug pills and problems with poisoning. І stitch for your food. You can stop taking the drug by finishing the package. in another situation, bleeding is probable, but you can’t always take medicines, bring you to the uterus, which is very unbearable. From these statistics, you know how to properly use hormonal pills without shkoda for health. Tse nutrition can only be ruled by your doctor.

Sound that the bleeding is not clear and three or three more than 5-7 days. As a doctor, we know about taking anti-inflammatory pills, we can tell you the faces that heal the blood. Golovna. you can’t throw it away without finishing the monthly package left. Continue to drink the pills according to the instructions for seeing it. Be a caress, vote, as the article was worthy: (without re-advantage of the party) Code for inserting into the forum: About the rules for taking anti-drug pills Stopped taking anti-drug pills / Forum / U-MAMA.RU

Bleeding - reaction to taking pills. Instruction1. It is also important to discuss with the nutritionist “how to take the opposites correctly”. Tim is not less, so interrupt not to give and they cannot give your body a repair - this is a stressful thing for your ovaries and endocrine diseases. Instruction1. As soon as the coming months break up at the same time, you can restore the healing of bones. Although there is no special way to take the antiseptics, it does not viroblyayetsya staleness of this drug.

Arterial hypertension from systolic AT 160 mm Hg. Art. and more and/or diastolic AT 100 mm Hg. Art. and more so/or due to the presence of angiopathies. However, even after three months after seeing KOK, the pregnancy did not come, it was necessary to turn to the doctor. If you drank a lot of alcohol for the rest of September, I would take OK, then in the next day I would miss a 7-day break and take an offensive pack immediately after the end of the front. 2. As soon as you understand the nutrition “how to stop taking anti-proteases” become sensible, you understand all the “reasonable” ideas and types of pills. What do you need to take OK before the operation? So, 4 days before the operation, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory pills. That woman deserves great respect and honor, like her own, and partners, that she pays for simple satisfaction with risks, fear of dawns, witrats and turbots. Instruction1. What will you do, how sharply throw OK?

and before taking OK, it is necessary to conduct an analysis, because. they have a huge number of contraindicationsAbsolute contraindications: deep vein thrombosis, thromboembolism of the legenous artery (including in history), a high risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism (with a wide surgical intervention, associated with a trival mixer). If you missed one or a squirt of pills for the rest of the 7 days before the break, then it is necessary to miss the 7-day break (because after the completion of the first package of the next day, I will almost come). problems can be vindicated if you have health problems. The antiparasitic changes in the biochemical blood warehouse, which is negatively signified during the operation and the rehabilitation process. And if you don’t plan to become a mother, fight for the sake of vagity in the obligatory order. Drink the rest of the pill from the blister, do not take the drug after menstruation. 5. Nutrition: Should I stop taking anti-inflammatory pills? Abo mozhut viniknuti problems? Before the first pregnancy, I drank piguki, though not for a long time, a few months.

If you can throw it. If there are no hormonal disorders and other health problems, then sound the vagity of the patient in the first 3 months. after saying. Ekaterinburg mother drank a lot of rocks, then she drank. the breasts were periodically ill, the cycle was broken, but not much. Do not boast, for a couple of cycles everything will be better. the body is right to be rehabilitated.

To that, after the end of the passage, it is necessary to take the same tablet with the number of the other packaging, or at the time of taking monophasic OK (Jess, Lindinet-20, Novinet, Mercilon, Logest, Yarina and In) take the next tablet after the number. Independently in the number of positives per day. In case of planned operations, take a hormonal drug less than 2 days before the operation. Start working on the price on the 8th day after finishing the front packaging. you can get rid of it, but the problem may still be in another way. maybe not narodzhuvala? Drink it all the way to the end of the pack, otherwise there will be hormonal fluctuations, and even hotter, lower swollen. Ale, early on, feed that dose of the injection of that other drug. All in order to escape the resurrection of vaginess. In certain situations, bloody visions that they smear, with the use of Novinet, they can talk about illness.

ALE: it is possible to see bloody visions of what they are smearing in the middle of the offensive package. On this coming month, the current vacancy rate will be even higher. But, unfortunately, sometimes we understand the situation, in which case you should take anti-drug pills, you need a term: In the case of a revealed vaccinity Before preparing for a term operation In case of severe side effects (after consulting a gynecologist)

As always, you should take anti-inflammatory pills, to that which you have taken care of, you can only take away the reversal effect. 4. If you decide to take COC, then you get the title of rebound effect - the ovaries that you have learned are actively taken to work, and the efficiency of your work is growing. After all, I encourage you to recognize the song preparation. On the right, in the fact that after 3-4 months after the recognition of OK, it is required that the doctor evaluate the effect of the drug. Most of the wines are seen by the quiet, who earlier scribbled on the like. The pills are supposed to be taken every day at the same hour. Prominent contraindications: Arterial hypertension from systolic AT below 160 mm Hg. and / or diastolic AT below 100 mm Hg. (one-time AT advancement is not necessary for establishing the diagnosis of arterial hypertension, the first diagnosis can be made with AT advancement up to 159/99 mm Hg with 3 visits to the doctor). Chicken less than 15 cigarettes per day for 35 years. In this way, on the background of taking large doses of alcohol, estrogen is more inactivated in the liver and cannot be injected into the ovaries, and therefore, ignoring ovulation.

In any case, when taking them, it is necessary to check your health with a mammologist and a gynecologist. If you drank a lot of alcohol for the rest of September, I would take OK, then in the next day I would miss a 7-day break and take an offensive pack immediately after the end of the front. Alas, unfortunately, sometimes there are situations in which you should take anti-abdominal pills with a term: In the case of the presence of vagity Before preparing for a term operation

If you raptly take it with the use of anti-inflammatory pills, to that which you have taken care of, then you can only take away the reversal effect. In order to get rid of the problems, my dvіchі on the river next went through obstezhennya at the gynecologist and once at the mammologist. It will be later than the last red days of the calendar and the month of the menstrual cycle. And htos once zavagіtnіє.

If the blister has 28 feathers, then there is no need to work every day. In case of planned operations, take a hormonal drug less than 2 days before the operation. What will you do?

How to throw a drink to the news (video on the topic)

If you had unprotected state contacts in the previous 7 days, then the early use of anti-inflammatory pills can lead to the current pregnancy. If you missed one or a squirt of pills for the rest of the 7 days before the break, then it is necessary to miss the 7-day break (because after the completion of the first package of the next day, I will almost come). What do you need to take OK before the operation? So, 4 days before the operation, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory pills. With a 7-day stretch, interrupt at the reception of Novinet, there is no need for additional protection. yakscho є pobіchni, you can throw a drink. nothing terrible, just after a few days, months will start. Take care of the doctor, maybe you don’t like the stench, let’s take it later.

And you are wondering why did you start in the air? is it possible to do some sports with a non-handed vzutt? I just drink OK myself, and I don’t blame any problems. nutrition: nutrition about protizaplіdnі pills Zhanin, chi varto їх drink given or throw? Shvidshe for all qi OK you don't fit.

To that, after the end of the passage, it is necessary to take the same tablet with the number of the other packaging, or at the time of taking monophasic OK (Jess, Lindinet-20, Novinet, Mercilon, Logest, Yarina and In) take the next tablet after the number. It’s been almost 3 months since the last month, your body needs to return to normal. Read about other possible causes of stuttering in the article 10 reasons for stuttering of menstruation. I stopped drinking everything. Don't live anymore! Not cigarettes or alcohol, just don't drink alcohol. pack.

If I stopped breastfeeding the child, I decided to switch to Novinet. Do not varto tsogo lyakatisya. They still reigned a lot, for an hour of death in the body, changes could appear. If you didn’t receive OK for the past month, then it’s impossible to read the future months for them. It is unreasonable to succumb to the stagnation of anti-fungal benefits, as if you began to drink them after a seven-day break. Instruction1. Watch out for more than 7 days. Tse with injection of the progestogen component to the drug.

Even 7 days before the pass, you took all the Novinet pills at once, then there is no need for additional supplementation. Perebudov naturally. Taking rifampicin or griseofulvin (for example, in case of tuberculosis) through injection on microsomal liver enzymes. What will you do if you throw a drink OK without finishing the package to the end?

Throw OK, having finished the packaging to the end, it’s not too bad. If you need a term operation, then be sure to tell the surgeon about those who are taking anti-inflammatory pills. Zastosuvannya OK can be stretched for a few years. Marveling at how antizaplidni accept.

Sound that the bleeding is not clear and three or three more than 5-7 days. In most depressions, such spontaneous interruptions lead to a breakdown in the menstrual cycle, a filthy self-feeling, a menstrual stutter, and sometimes hair loss. Everything is individual! But earlier, lower in 3 months after administration of drugs - not recommended! I don’t remember how it’s called correctly, but in gynecologists, the term “special” is used, which means the same effect of administration - after the administration of antiseptic tablets, the vagity can be quite fast, it’s a stimulus. 2. Go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Installed, at times you need to be hospitalized.

What do you need to dodatkovo take care of at the 7-day break? This point is worth less than those anti-inflammatory tablets, in the package of which there are 21 tablets. I drank two rocks, and my vaga was the same for the whole hour, after that, as I threw the drink, nothing changed. Then for 7 days you do not take pills, and on the 8th day you take the first tablet of the offensive blister. Like such a reaction, pin it. So the doctor look at the milk vines. If the passage is not accepted, for the next 7 days, try to get additional contraceptives. If the need for contraception disappears, it is necessary to take the pills. Articles on the topic

If you can throw a drink antizaplidnі pіgulki Hormonal contraceptives vikoristovuyut for zabіgannya negligence vaginostі or z methodu likuvannya raznyh endocrine disorders. What do you need to take OK before the operation? So, 4 days before the operation, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory pills.

If you start taking 6 days before the start of your month, then the effect of anti-inflammatory pills for that month will be even lower and you may be surprised. You will know the report instructions for a one-time carry, and for the reduction of diarrhea, which are repeated, as well as information about those who are antidiarrheal symptoms can reduce the effectiveness of OK. Tobto. monthly days

A novelty is a monophasic drug, so that all the tablets in the blister can take one and the same dose of hormones. Skin tablet Novinet etinilestradiol at a dose of 20 mcg (0.02 mg) and 150 mg desogestrel.

One or three blisters with tablets are included in one cardboard box of Novinet. One blister contains 21 tablets (covered for 3 days).

UVAGA: The drug may be contraindicated. Do not stop drug use without first consulting your doctor.

Perevagi Novinet

Novinet - all the antizaplinny pіguly of the rest of the generation. The amount of hormones in Novinet tablets is small, so when taking the drug, there are practically no side effects.

Regular intake of Novinet for at least 3 months reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), reduces breast pain shortly before menstruation. New recommendations for girls who may have an irregular menstrual cycle.

Trivaliy with Novinetu reduces the risk of hormonal disorders (mastopathy), oncological diseases (ovarian cancer, uterine cancer).

Acceptance rules

  • The first tablet can be taken on day 1 of the menstrual cycle (on the first day of menstruation). In every case, the pills are broken for a second, and you won’t be able to win additional contraceptives.
  • If you take Novinet in 2-5 days of the month, then the antiseptic effect will come only after 7 days of the given reception. In the first 7 days, the condoms were victorious.
  • It is recommended to take Novinet tablets every day at the same hour (it doesn't matter, at what hour doby). So the effect of the tablets will be the best.
  • All Novinet pills should take the same dose of hormones, so if you mix up the pills, nothing terrible will happen. Golovna - drink one tablet once per day.
  • After that, as you drink, I will leave 21 tablets at the blister, to make a break for the day. For an hour for seven days, take a break from taking the pills, you may experience menstrual-like bleeding (monthly).
  • With a 7-day stretch, interrupt at the reception of Novinet, there is no need for additional protection. It’s fair that the mood is less, so after the end of the day, stop drinking the pills again.
  • Regardless of the fact that you had a menstruation for an hour, interrupt it, I need to take a pill from a new blister on the 8th day.

How to switch to Novinet from the other OK?

You can switch to Novinet for another oral contraceptive. As in the package of anterior oral contraceptives, there are 21 tablets, take the first Novinet tablet on the 8th day after the break for the next day.

As in one blister of the anterior oral contraceptives, there were 28 tablets, start by taking New Day after the end of all the tablets in the anterior blister.

How to switch to Novinet from a hormonal patch (Evra) of the vaginal ring?

You can switch to Novinet for other hormonal anti-inflammatory benefits. For this, take the first tablet Novinet a day, if you see the vaginal ring either, or the day, if you need to insert a new ring for the schedule, or stick a new plaster.

How to switch to Novinet from the intrauterine spiral (IUD)?

You can drink the first tablet of Novinet a day, if you have seen the intrauterine spiral. During the coming season, after I receive the Novinet on the cob, in order to get rid of the pregnancy, it is recommended to stop the supplementary methods of contraception.

How can I receive Newsletter after an abortion?

In case of abortion on lines up to 12 days of pregnancy, the first tablet Novinet should be taken on the day of the abortion. If you plan to start taking Novinet later (not on the day of the abortion), and you already have no sex, then you can start taking pills only if you will be convinced that you won’t be born again.

In case of an abortion on a term greater than 12 days, the first Novinet tablet can be taken 21-28 days after the abortion. As soon as I start accepting the Newsletter for this term, then for another 7 days it will be necessary to win additional contraceptives. As the day after the abortion you do not have sex, then you can start taking Novinet only if you are convinced that you are not pregnant.

How can I receive the Newsletter after the fall?

After half a year, you can take Novinet in the first month (as if you are not happy with breasts), otherwise, if you take breastfeeding. If you are not happy with breasts, then it is necessary to take the first drink of Novinet on the 21-28th day after the fall. As soon as I take Novinet to the cob you have sex, then you can start drinking Novinet if you change your mind that the pregnancy has not come.

What are the benefits of missing Novinet tablets?

Since the delay in taking Novinet was less than 12 years old (and after taking the previous pill, it was less than 36 years old), then the effect of the type of tablets is taken. Take the missed yakomoga tablet earlier. Dodatkovo beware is not required.

If you are more late for 12 years, then the effectiveness of the tablets decreases. Return respect for the number of the missed pill - you can tell that the work was done:

  • For 1 to 7 tablets: take the missed tablet earlier, if you happen to take 2 tablets at once. For the next 7 days, it is recommended to use the method of dodatkovy zahistu (condoms).
  • For 8 to 14 tablets: take the missed tablet earlier, if you need to take two tablets at the same time. You can not win additional contraceptives, as in the previous 7 days you took all the pills at the same time. In a different situation, the next day, the next day, after the permission of the Newsletter, so that the vagity disappears.
  • For 15 to 21 tablets: take the missed Novinet tablet immediately, as only a few guessed about it, so for whom you happen to drink two tablets at the same time. Continue taking the pills as usual, and after the end of one blister, you should start taking the next one. In this manner, you miss the weekly break between packages. Even 7 days before the pass, you took all the Novinet pills at once, then there is no need for additional supplementation. In the other case, it is recommended to win additional contraceptives for the day after the pass.

What the hell, why did I miss a sprat of Novinet birds?

If you missed 2 pills of Novinet Pospil, respect, if you missed pills. If I take tablets of the first or another day (type 1 to 14), then take 2 tablets in a day, as they guessed about the transfer and 2 more tablets of the coming day. Continue to take one tablet per day, as always, until the end of the package. For 7 more days after the renewal of taking the pills, take additional contraceptives.

If you missed two sleeping tablets for the 3rd day of taking (from 15 to 21), then there are two options: 1. continue taking Novinet, one tablet per day, until the package is over and then, without delaying the 7-day break, start a new package. If you choose to add additional contraceptives, get contraceptives after 7 days after the pass.
2. discard the current (unfinished) package and start taking a new package of the first tablet (one tablet per day, as usual). In case of another, after 7 days after the pass, it is necessary to win additional contraceptives.

If you missed 3 tablets of Novinet Pospil, discard the current package of tablets and start a new package with the first tablet. For the next few days, win additional contraceptives. You will have an increase in the risk of pregnancy, so if you don’t come in the black month break, go to the gynecologist.

If you are not convinced, how to fix it in your situation, if you have any doubts, try to get additional contraceptives for now, until you consult your doctor. If you miss two or more pills, you will have a better time to dodatkovo (for additional condoms) for a minimum of 7 days.

After 1-2 days after missing the pills, you may see a vision that you are smearing, or bleeding is prolific, similar to monthly. This is not unsafe and is due to the overflow of Novinet. Continue to drink the pills according to the instructions for seeing it.

What reduces the anti-inflammatory effect of Newet?

The antiseptic effect of Novinet can be reduced in case of vomiting, diarrhea, taking large doses of alcohol, and other drugs. Read the report about it here:

How to give menstruation for help to Novinet?

If you need a month long, then after the completion of one blister, Novinet of the coming day, repair a new blister, do not hesitate to break the day. Menstruation starts on 2-4 days. ALE: it is possible to see bloody visions of what they are smearing in the middle of the offensive package. It's not scary.

To restore respect: it is possible to last a month, only you drank Novinet at least one month before menstruation, which will last.

What work, how did brown visions appear at the reception of the Newsletter?

They smear with bloody vision when taking Novinet, sometimes they are normal. For example, such sightings do not call for a fight, as if only they started taking pills (on the first or other packaging), in the middle of the package, in the first few days after the cob of the black pack of Novinet.

Just before the appearance of brown visions, you had delays or overdose in taking pills, then the anti-inflammatory effect of Novinet may be reduced, which means that you should beat condoms at different contacts.

What work, how can I receive no New Monthly Newsletter for an hour?

    Just before the month before, you had more transfers in the reception of Novinet, and you had no sex, then you should take the pills. Do not start drinking Novinet doti, the docks do not change at the daily rate.

    Just before the month before, you took the pills according to the rules, didn’t break the overflow, otherwise you didn’t live a stately life, then start by taking a new blister on the 8th day, but you still didn’t come. If there is a sudden interruption of menstruation, it is recommended to see a gynecologist.

What work, how did I make it on the background to receive the News?

It's not safe for the future child. Yakshcho you have shown vaginess, negainally take pills and go to the doctor. As a rule, taking Novinet does not affect the development of the fetus, so there is no need for an abortion. If you are planning to save your vaginess, then you should probably fix it by taking it.

Taking Novinet before surgery

If you are due for an operation, then, with the help of the Newsletter, you need to pay at least 4 days before the surgery. If the term is an operation, then tell the doctor about those who take anti-inflammatory pills.

Novinet thickens the blood, spryayayu utavlennu krov'yanikh zgustkіv (thrombi). As a doctor, we know about taking anti-inflammatory pills, we can tell you the faces that heal the blood.

You can renew the receipt of news after 14 days after the fact that you can change your mind after the operation on your own.

How often do you need to see a gynecologist when taking Novinet?

To tell you that nothing bothers you, see a gynecologist at least once on the river.

Speech, what to speak:

Etinilestradiol 0.02 mg

Desogestrel 0.15 mg in skin tablets, coated with velvet membrane.

Additional speeches:

Tablet core D + Z zhovty 10, E 104; α-tocopherol; magnesium stearate; silicon dioxide coloid; stearic acid; povidone K-30; potato starch; lactose monohydrate.

Obolonka propylene glycol; macrogol 6000; hypromellose.

Pharmacological activity

Novinet є protizaplіdnim zabom, kakiy mitigate synthetic follicular and luteal hormones. Diya Novineta polygaє at galmuvannі ovarian maturation.

Before the cob of the drug is taken, it is necessary to go through a thorough and gynecological examination, in order to exclude illness, to establish a risk for the ingestion of hormonal contraception.

Under the hour of taking the drug, it is necessary to regularly - skin cleansing - go through a medical examination.

The use of contraceptives may have a number of advantages in comparison with other antiseptic methods:

The best method of contraception, after the birth of a child is born;

The volume of bleeding during menstruation decreases, and the bleeding is short;

Pain during menstruation decreases or may arise;

The use of antiparasitic drugs reduces the possibility of anemia, infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, the improvement of post-uterine vaginess, as well as the disease of the uterus, ovaries and milk diseases.


The drug does not mozhna priymati at vagіtnostі, pid hour goduvannya gruddyu at nayavnostі zloyakіsnoї puhlini lactic zaloz uterine abo at ranіshe migrated tromboembolіchnomu zahvoryuvannі (utvorennya zgustku krovі vseredinі sudini, vnaslіdok yakogo utvoryuєtsya thrombosis glibokih veins nizhnіh kіntsіvok, tromboembolіya legen) іnfarkt at skhilnostі to thrombosis, with hypertension of the middle or severe stage, with impaired lipid metabolism, with severe circulatory diabetes with aggravation, with severe disease of the liver, swelling of the liver, with serious disorders of the exchange of speech, with malignant-stone disease with autoimmune illnesses, with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with obvious zhovtyanitsa, overthrow, visipu on the shkir, with impaired hearing under an hour of anterior vaginess.

Vagity and lactation period

Shards of fluffy speech pass through mother's milk and can reduce the amount of milk, as it is seen, it is not recommended to take the drug for an hour of breastfeeding.

Method of stosuvannya that dose

The intake of tablets should be started from the first day of the menstrual cycle and take 1 tablet per day for 21 days, you can take the dose at the same time.

After taking the rest of the pill, there will be a 7-day break, at which time menstrual-like bleeding begins. Taking an offensive 21 tablets should be taken on the eighth day after a 7-day interruption, so that the bleeding did not stop.

First pill intake

Dock on the cob of the monthly cycle, and at that hour, start other non-hormonal methods of contraception (condom, pessary, spermicidal gels). Taking pills after the first day of the menstrual cycle.

If the menstrual cycle has already begun, then taking pills can start 2-5 days of menstruation, regardless of those who started bleeding, but at this time in the first 7 days of the first cycle, it is necessary to stop additional methods of contraception.

More than 5 days have passed since the onset of menstruation, followed by budding to the onset of the onset of the menstrual cycle. And here you need to stop other methods of contraception. Taking pills can be started from the first day of the onset of menstruation.

Stuck menstrual cycle

If you want to stop your menstruation (during the holidays, I will sleep or for other reasons), continue taking the tablets from the offensive package without interruption. Menstruation can be trimmed for any hour, but it is not recommended to trim it for more than three cycles, the shards may bleed or burst bleeding.

Switching from another oral contraceptive to Novinetu

It is necessary to take the same tablets from the packaging of the previous preparation. The first tablet of Novineta should be taken next day, without interruption and without stopping the cob of menstruation. There is no need for additional contraceptive methods.

At the time of the transition to Novineta with min-drank, the first tablet of Novineta should be taken on the first day of menstruation. Even if menstrual-like bleeding is not caused by taking mini-drinks, it is possible to consider taking Novinet on any day of the cycle, but on the next day in the first 7 days, it is necessary to stop additional methods of contraception.

Taking the drug after a half-life

Taking pills can be started in 2-3 days after the fall, as the woman is not breastfeeding. Before taking the pills on the cob, it is necessary to stop other methods of contraception in case of a sexual act, and taking the drug can be taken during the first menstruation. If you take pills, you need to start more and more in three consecutive years, then in the first 7 days it is necessary to stop and supplement contraceptive methods.

Taking the drug after an abortion or every other day

After a week or an abortion, the drug is stopped immediately, depending on the advice of the doctor.

The effectiveness of the drug may be reduced:

If you missed a pill more, lower than 12 years;

When you vomit, or you carry it, it lasted more than 12 years;

With an one-hour zastosuvanni deyakyh іnshih drugs.

If a woman forgot to take a pill every hour, and after the pass, no more than 12 years have passed, you just need to take a pill, and then continue taking it at the usual hour. If more than 12 years have passed between the intake of pimples - it is important to transfer the pacifier, the validity of contraception in this cycle is not guaranteed and it is recommended that additional methods of contraception be used.

If one tablet is missed on the first or other tizhnі cycle, it is necessary to take 2 tablets of the next day and then continue regular intake, vicarious supplementary methods of contraception until the end of the cycle. If you miss a pill on the third cycle, you need to take a forgotten pill, continue regular intake and do not break the 7-day break. It is important to remember that through the minimum dose of estrogen, there is a risk of ovulation and/or bloody sightings when the pill is missed and it is recommended that additional methods of contraception be used.

If you have vomit or carry over, then the drug may be inaccurate. For example, the symptoms persisted for 12 years, requiring one additional tablet to be taken. After that, continue taking the pills with a great order. Even if the symptoms are more than 12 years old, it is necessary to continue taking the drug and to stop the supplementary methods of contraception for the next 7 days.

Pobichna diya

Like all preparations, Novinet may have side effects.

Nausea, vomit, head pain, tightness of milk ulcers, change in the vagina of the body, vaginal infections, intermenstrual bleeding, hanging on the skin, scars when wearing contact lenses, change in mood can be common. In the first month of taking the drug, intermenstrual bleeding may appear, which may cause the nature of bright, piercing, or weak, to be friendly. May the mother see the bleeding at the singing hour. Qi signs do not indicate that the drug is unacceptable for you. If you need it, go to the doctor. Rarely, such severe maladies can occur, such as thrombosis, breast cancer, cervical cancer, liver disease (nervous system disease), stone ailment.

Inform the doctor about the appearance of these or other non-primary symptoms.

If you burn, inform about the goal of the doctor, who is at risk of thromboembolism, especially after the 35th century.

Taking pills should be taken negligently and turned to the doctor

coming ups and downs:

If signs of thromboembolism appear (pain in the chest clitoris, as if in the left hand, an unbearably strong ache in the legs, weakness, namesake parts of the body, buttocks, an invariable cough, especially with crooked vision, confusion, loss of vision, impaired hearing, , movi, sho ahead of Vinyl or migraine worsens);

When the Zhovtyanitsa appears;

With the appearance of an insufficiency in the milk follicle;

With the appearance of rapt, severe pain in the abdomen;

With the appearance of unusually severe bleeding from psychitis or the presence of menstrual-like bleeding for two cycles after;

Trivaly bed regime; for chotiri tizhnі before the planned operational delivery;

For suspicion of pregnancy.


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