It is required for the opening of the customer's company. I will need documents for the company from scratch

It is required for the opening of the customer's company. I will need documents for the company from scratch

Cleansing is a professional servant of the cleaning of children and of cleanliness.

To navigate Europe and the USA with the market of customer services (close to 80% of all commercial failures are serviced by customer service companies), the sphere was given to develop at a fast pace of development. The top 500 franchises for the version of the American business venture Entrepreneur include 17 client companies - you must show the store’s stink.

In Russia, it’s deprived of a small part of all commercial non-hassle service to be serviced by professional cleaners. But if the market for tidying up non-living primitives in Russia is a great grave, such as great shopping centers, business centers, state institutions, then the market for clearing living entities is not consolidated. Wines performances by other local companies, which work at the boundaries of one place, as well as those of the local tidiers, who are constantly working at some customers. That is why the time of entering the market is not so high.

Methods for this project is the establishment of the customer's company, which specializes in tidying up living areas (apartments, houses, cottages) near the town-mate.

The main factors for the success of the given business:

  • Low competition. There are a lot of great gravites who can go to the great places on the whole market; In places and out of populations less than 500 thousand. very, very moody, the market will be awesome.
  • Demand. In any place, auditorium is very promising, as it doesn’t bother, for it doesn’t be possible to get into the house on its own. Navigate, hto climb into the house independently, replace additional servants, such as cleaning mattresses and kilims.
  • High value MRR(monthly recurring revenue). Tidying up the needs of people gradually, every 1-2 times. As soon as it is clear to pay the servants, the customer will be able to get back to me, I know, and I know, right at the same time, with a high middle check, until the MRR grows up. And a high MRR does not deprive you of a stable income, but the ability to predict and predict the future arrival of the enterprise.

Sum of cob investments warehouseє 325,000 rubles *

The point of beatlessness reach for 4 months of robots

Term of payback warehouse 9 months

Mid-thousandth arrival first rock implementation of the project to become 96 800 rubles.

* without urahuvannya somіyanynyh vitrates You can find out at the "Financial plan" distribution.

2. Description of business, product and service

Changed the service, how can I hope:

  • Regularly tidying up is dry and dry. It is necessary once for 1-2 days and includes the cleaning and cleaning of all surfaces near the apartment.
  • General tidying - the whole complex of tidying up the apartment, including the windows and balconies and kitchen appliances in the middle. General tidying is required 1 time per month.
  • Pislyabudivelne tidying up is a one-time service, it is necessary to repair an apartment or a booth. Vona is straightened on the spot from the slides of wake-up summaries, glue, vapnyany nalot from the surface of the apartment.
  • Dry cleaning of soft furnishings. Servant from professional cleaning of furniture (mattress, stiles, sofas, crystals) from special pilosos. Viroblyaєtsya 1-2 times per pik.
  • Ironing of the deceased - carried out at the house of the deputy in the vicarious of the possession of that board for the company. Payment is payable.
  • Delivery of keys to the assistant. As long as the deputy is not at home at the moment of arrival, the tidier and the end of the tidying up, you can substitute the delivery of the keys from one to another for an additional fee.
  • Okremi servants who come in before the general tidying up. For example, mittya vіkon. You can get a replacement ok or from a sum with regular tidying up.

Robot schedule - from 7:00 to 22:00. Effort of the servants are nadayutsya at the primitive client.

3. A description of the rink of a zbut

In 2014-15, the market for the marketing of commercial insecurity, which borrowed up to 90% of the market for the customer, crossed the stage of stagnation, linked with the dumping of prices to the center of the business of vitrates of great companies At their own house, the housewife's servants have grown up, for the reason that the servants of the housewife have become less accessible to the middle class. At this point, the price is going to be promoted.

Nearly 10% of the prosperous population, ready to replace the tidying up of their booth, has close to 10% of the townspeople who live there. The average person has 2.5 inhabitants for life in Russia. An estimated potential and factual exchange of money for a month for small towns, for a call, for a customer for a month, for a month, for a price of 2,000 rubles:

* Rozrakhunok is broken down from the urahuvannya of the smallest part of the plateau-prosperous population in the places with the populations of less than 1 million individuals.

4. Sales and Marketing

The penetration of a customer service enterprise is not an easy job. You will instantly get a chance to see some of the segments of potential clients, see the list of food keys.

Vidіlimo ci segments:

  • I don't know about random cleaning. Їхнє pitannya - "Well, can you take over tidying up your booth?" I just need a report on the company. There are a lot of such people. For example, 70% of our permanent clients are more stubbornly substituted for tidying up from us.
  • Tі, hto sound climb independently. "Immediately, replace me, how can I do it myself?" Even though it’s a principled position, don’t make a mistake, even those categories need to convey the qualifications of professional tidying up, tell about the new skills and standards of robotics.
  • Ti, who would like to substitute, ale to fear / hesitate. Їхнє pitannya - "Is a raptom tse not safe / expensive / not handy?" Your zavdannya is simply a simplicity. And it’s not just a word, but a dilemma. Today, in the Internet, whether a history is published about those who your tidier stole, or the statements of the check that appeared below the actual one, killed the reputation of your enterprise.
  • Tі, hto іnovlyaє at the "privatnikіv" of the number of companies. Give the robot cich categories. Substitute tidying up so think about how you can grow more beautifully. You can see it clearly, and in order to form the basis of the position of your company.

In any case, continuous active marketing will make the income of your business zero. Yakisne vikonannya servants, at the site of the turn of the clientele - the axis of which it is necessary to reach the front.

Roztsіnki for tidying up apartments (krb):

Retail for tidying up budinks (krb):

Prices for additional services:

Price (one)

UAH 500 per month

UAH 500 per piece

1000 bunks per month

UAH 100 per piece

Mittya standard wіkna

250 bunks per piece

Mittya vіtrazhny vіkna

UAH 500 per piece

Mitcha Standard Balcony

1500 bunks behind the balcony

Mittya vіtrazhny balcony

2500 bbl. behind the balcony

UAH 500 for a year

Mitcha ovens in the middle

RUB 600 per piece

Mitcha fridge in the middle

RUB 600 per piece

Mittya mikrokhvilovoy stove from the middle

RUB 600 per piece

The average check should be 3,000 rubles.

5. The plan for the production

Stage 1. Restraint

Before you need to register your business.

Re-register the IP. Viber_t UTVD yak opodatkuvannya system.

At the classification of ZKVED-2, select item 81.21.1 "The efficiency of cleaning up apartments and private rooms". Win to enter the class "by the servants" and eat the ENVD.

You will also need to be able to get started and build your bank account. In total, spend about 4000 rubles for the restoration.

Stage 2. Application

Your activity will be tied to the selection of chemistry, inventory, late arrival and departure of sportsmen. Tom's apartment yak will be a nasty option. The knowledge is not much cheaper than the primacy of the vital sign. Have nyomu maє buti sanvuzol, two rooms, garna ventilation. Oskilki arrivals of clients are not transferred, repairs are not required. Plus, there will be a clear parking lot order from the office and the availability of community transport. Such an office can be rented for 25 thousand rubles. rubles per month.

Stage 3. Purchase of inventory, formation of chemical assets

For a cob of robots you need to know:

  1. 20 sets of cleaning tools (mop, mop, tsebro, bag) - 40,000 rubles.
  2. 20 sets of form - 30,000 rubles.
  3. Professional pilosos, which you can pick up for a free cleaning-23000 rubles
  4. Pyosos for dry cleaning of soft furniture - 47,000 rubles.

Shomyansky vitrati:

  • Vitratniks (sponges, ganchirki, mittens, bonnets too). All the prices will be close to 500 rubles for a cleaner
  • Chemistry zasobi - close to 1200 rubles per month for a cleaner

All at once: 140,000 rubles on cob vitrates + shomyachny.

Stage 4. Nymannya spіvrobіtnikіv

Beforehand, it is necessary to take an office manager. I don’t need people for special competences, I’m just supervising the cleaners, accepting and directing them for replacement. Oskіlki hour of the robotic company is more than 8 years old, better for everything, there will be brothers of two sportsmen in the 2/2 mode. The salary of a sportsman is 25 thousand rubles.

Your head problem will be recruiting cleaners. Tidying up the living standards of transferring high strengths to sportsmen - from discipline, calling to the eyes, willingness to practice and to improve quality. Ale є a statement about tidying up a lot of low-quality personnel, or people who whine about children. On our admission, deprived of 1 lyudin out of 75, who were seen, go.

It is not enough to find people - you need to find them. You can independently study DSTU, materials on the Internet, practice with the inventory, and with the help of the new spirits. You can, on a general basis, find a technologist who will be engaged in cleaning the books. For a wide range of skin tidying ups, it will cost you a minimum of 2,000 rubles. So, hi nakshe, get the set up to the state from 5 to pick up the loan from you in 2-3 months.

6. Organizational structure

The structure of the company is simple:

  • Kerivnik - 1
  • Office managers - 2
  • Gauges - 20

Apparently, 20 tidiers you will hire far from at once, with a handful of 5 people. And even if you have 20 teachers, you will see ideally the day - a high turnover with the simplicity of the structure of the team, so it’s safe. Increase the state of affairs before the need for a supplementary hierarchy, but give us the fold for you.

The salary of the cleaners is 60% from the replacement. Graph: 2/2. Obov'yazkovyu є the appearance of a medical book with analyzes for pratsivniks by-by-word services (for example, to a beauty salon).

7. Financial plan

The financial plan is insured from an average check for tidying up 3000 rubles and at the rate of 18 tidying up for tidying up for a month.

Vitrati / mіsyats roboti


Purchase of pilos


Cleaning kit


FZP cleaners

FZP office

Furniture, office equipment

Office lease


Інші vitrati

At once vitrat

Get in

Build Cash Flow

Vitrati / mіsyats roboti


Purchase of pilos


Cleaning kit


FZP cleaners

  • Coverage plan for the development of a client company
  • Yakiy KVED to order the hour of restoration of the activity
  • Documents required for starting a business
  • Chi required call for business
  • Critical company display technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for the establishment of a client company in a place with a population of 1,200,000 people.

Customer market prospects

Clearing is one of the most promising business areas in Russia. So, in the roving lands of Europe and the USA, practically 80% of the commercial non-hassle is serviced by the customer service companies. Todi yak in Russia - it’s less than 20% of the commercially impaired to reproach the services of “professional tidiers”. Yak rozumite, rinku є kudi zrostati. Yogo obsyag, mіzh tim, to become 250 million dollars and continue to grow. Having organized a business in a great place, you can spend money on the return on investment.

Pennies are needed to start a business

As a matter of fact, with regard to the business plan, the investment of about 1.3 million rubles is required for the establishment of a client company. Before cob vitrats are placed:

  • Additional possession - 486,000 rubles, including:
  • Promislovi pilosos - 15,000 rubles.
  • Extractor kilimiina machine - 47,000 rubles.
  • Pidlogomiyna car - 150,000 rubles.
  • Steam generator - 144,000 rubles.
  • Pidmіtalnaya car - 35,000 rubles.
  • Drying machine - 45,000 rubles
  • Zbiralny inventory (mops, flounders, bugs, scoops, etc.) - 15,000 rubles.
  • Warehouse inventory - 20,000 rubles.
  • Chemistry zasobi - 15,000 rubles.
  • Office area (tables, styling, other repairs) - 150,000 rubles.
  • Prydbannya car type "van", b. at. - 400,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.
  • Business reconstruction and vitrati - 50,000 rubles.

At once - 1,336,000 rubles.

Description of promoted products and services

Our company plans to provide a complex of services for the cob, general and general cleaning. Pochatyna tidying up for maintenance repairs, tse: tidying up all around the room and equipment, seeing the saw from pidlogi, stele, plinths, stin, mittya vikon and plumbing, cleaning of radios. Schodenly tidying up the transmission, wiping the saw, cleaning the mirrors, tidying up the door blocks and gathering spills, wines smittya, tidying up the pidlog thinly. tsegli, cleaning of aluminum palіturok and іn. The previous price list for the services of the company is in the following rank:

  • Pochatkovo tidying up (for repairs or buys) - 50 rubles / sq. m.
  • Schodenne complex tidying up - 5 rubles. per day per sq. m.
  • General tidying up office or trade area - 40 rubles / sq. m.
  • Keeping an eye on the pokritty for a pidloga - 40 rubles / sq. m.
  • Mittya plastic wicker - 300 rubles / one
  • Mittya chandeliers and svitilnikiv - 100 rubles / piece.

According to the business plan, at the first meeting of the complex tidying up of a warehouse of 2000 sq. m. Taku area can protect 2 - 3 great clients (for example, a shopping center chi enterprise). It is also possible to sort out all kinds of private households (mansions, cottages). We can also work out on arrival from the cob to tidy up for repairs or to tidy up the call. The plans for the robbery are close to 2500 sq. m. per month. In such a rank, the potential for sale in the warehouse:

  • Schodenne tidying up - 300,000 rubles.
  • Tidying up to Pochatkovo - 125,000 rubles.
  • Mittya vikon and facades, tidying up the call await and tidying up the adjacent territory - 50,000 rubles.

At once - 475,000 rubles.

Customer service plan

Yake primischennya, please contact the office

For the distribution of the office of the company (as well as all possession), it is planned to rent a property with an area of ​​50 sq. m, rostasovanye on the basement surface of the apartment building. Visoka prodnosti that persha line of business does not seem to be of great importance, smut - the economy on rent is great. Thousands of lease payments become 25,000 krb. (500 rubles per sq. M.).

Special respect will be given to the purchase of professional customer service. To clean up both other and great things, we need to know: a saw for dry cleaning, a kilimine machine, a kilim drying machine, a floor polisher, an on-board machine, a steam generator, a machine for a stand-alone machine, a screen generator, as well as chemistry items. Well, before the name of the virobnik, then the change will be given to the possession of the Cleanfix company. Home vitrati for the purchase of possessions becomes 486,000 rubles.

It is also necessary to add a small van type car for transporting the property to the client's territory. You can buy a Gazelle car at b. at. options. On the whole, vitratity is planned to be close to 400,000 rubles. To ensure the normal functioning of the company, it will be necessary to establish a staff of various workers. Among them there will be: an administrator (reception and control of the visitor's replacement), the operator, the operator of the possession (3 chol.) And the key. The services of an accountant will be outsourced. The fund for payment of work becomes 120,000 rubles. at the month.

Yaku turn the system of opodatkuvannya for a customer service company

As an organizational-legal form, it is planned to register a partnership with an interconnected view. Opodatkuvannya system - USN, 15% of the arrival of the organization.

Marketing and service delivery

It is even more important to conduct a competent advertising company at the first message of the message. Moreover, it is necessary to know the front of the clients before the possession of those serious investments. In the first place, the purchase of a property can be simple, and the company is more entertaining than a business (especially, when it comes to credit). In addition, by preparing a client base on the cob stage, plan:

  • Carry out a survey and a search beforehand on the subject of relations with great companies and shopping centers of the place.
  • Proceed with the distribution of leaflets in the private sector, in the areas of elite houses and cottages.
  • Rosmіstiti publicity in the Internet, open a site - visit and launch contextual advertising.
  • Install a sprinkle of bright advertising banners (on special boards) in traffic driven vehicles.

Financial plan of the banking company

The final stage of business planning is the development of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of a customer service company. Permanent vitrati:

  • Office lease - RUB 25,000
  • Salary - 120,000 rubles.
  • Vidrahuvannya from a non-budgetary fund - 36,000 rubles.
  • PMM, vitrate materials - 20,000 rubles.
  • Depreciation of possession - 10,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 30,000 rubles.
  • Інші vitrati (communal payments, telephone, Internet, security) - 20,000 rubles.

At once - 261,000 rubles.

You can earn money on the whole business

The company’s net income from the warehouse is 181,900 rubles. The profitability of the business is 69%. For such indicators, for the period for the opening of the company, the return on the cob investment will be in 11 - 12 months.

Recommended download the business plan of the client company All for (banner_bi-plan) from our partners with a guarantee of quality. Pricey ready-made project, which you don’t know at a free access. Zm_st business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Implementation stages of the project 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of ownership 7. Financial plan 8. Rizik assessment 9. Financial and economic development 10. Investment investment

Clearing is the value of tidying up applications on a contractual basis. There are three main directions: one-time tidying up (for example, apartments for repairs), regular servicing of enterprises (office centers, hypermarkets too), special services for specific services (cleaning of kilims, such

Schwid on the right paid off and brought more arrival, especially in a small place, varto zupinitya on a universal option. So, you will get a client base and take away the popularity of the deputies.

On the market of cleaning, at once the most demanding for a store, general tidying, bringing cleanliness for repairs and maintenance, cleaning kilims and soft furniture.


Schob rozpochati on cleanliness, it is necessary to check TOV chi ІP. Displayed codes KVED: 74.70.1 - "Tidying up and cleaning the zhitlovy and wicked pretensions", 90.00.3 - "Tidying up the territory and the presentation of the analogous to the point of action."

The quality of services is guilty of adhering to GOST R 51870-2002 about tidying up the service.


The office of the company from cleaning up the apartments and those who are located in the bedroom area, or closer to the outskirts of the city, the development in the center is not obov'yazkovo. The client rіdko priyzhdzhaє to the office, ask for an assessment of the answer to the agreement, which will be submitted to the territory of the deputy. Vlasny space is necessary for carrying out a spіvbessіd іf pratsіvniki and sberіgannya inventory.

Sufficient space with an area of ​​20-25 square meters, which can be stored in two rooms. Persha is more robust than a cheruyuchy, a friend is an inventory and a washing machine. Monthly rent in stock 300-350 $.

Establishment for a customer service company

For servicing apartments and small offices, there is a minimum set, which can be stored from a manual inventory. Ale for the cleaning of the premises of the commercial designation, of the virobniches and of the trade areas, there are special picking machines.

Zbiralne possession

I will add to the equipment you need to know:

  • Pidlogomiynі cars (3 pieces) - $ 3000. Good virobniks - Cleanfix, Karcher, Columbus, Lavor, Fiorentini;
  • Promislovі pilososi (4 pcs.) - 400 $. Metabo, Karcher, Einhell, Bosh, Enkor;
  • Paloteri (2 pcs.) - $ 370. Mint, Karcher;
  • Steam cleaners (2 pcs.) - $ 200. Sinbo, Rolsen, Endever;
  • Machine for drying kilimiv - 450 $. Cleanfix, Numatic, Tennant, Truvox, ChaoBao;
  • Special vizki on wheels (6 items) - $ 400. Vermop, Cleanfix, TTS;
  • Pick-up bucket on wheels with vidzhim (5 pieces) - $ 280. Bol Equipment, Baiyun Cleaning, TTS;
  • Zvichaynі vіdra (10 pcs.), Flat mops (4 pcs.), Scrapers, servetki and ganchіrochki for wiping the saw, brushes for mittya vіkon, mіs for smіttya - 250 $;
  • Washing machine - $ 250. Beko, Bosh, Ariston;
  • Miyuchi zasobi that pobutova chemistry (cleaners, zasobi for a peek behind the small surfaces, cleaning kilims and upholstery too) - $ 800. Price stock for a few months. Popular firms-virobniks: Econom, Anticid, "Khimitek", "Tanu".

The skin doctor needs a set of special clothes: overalls, T-shirt, headwear, mittens (mater'yanі and gumovі). It costs about $ 180-200 for a lot of cleaners.

Furniture and technology

Not everything, which is required, is needed to be seen by the client company. The office needs racks for the acquisition of tools and vitratic materials, shafi, two tables with style for the director and administrator, a computer, phone, printer, style and sofa for drives. At the price of about $ 800.

Money is needed for pennies for the equipment of the customer's company? With the urahuvannyam of the athletes picking up the bag for the athletes, the starting amount of $ 7300-7400 will be accepted.


On the cob stage, there are enough eight workers. Tse director (win is the owner of the company), administrator on the telephone and 6 tellers. One customer service provider in the middle of 500-900 sq. m. of area for a working day, as well as about office or trade center. Close to 100-200 sq. m. - at once living facilities.

Important to please: with the clientele of the warto arrange the agreements about material value (if the payment is made for the office) and for the arrangement for the replacement of the payment, it is not the salary, but a hundred percent of the fee (25-30%).

Accounting can be carried out by an outsourcer. The salary fund (excluding the salary of the director-vlasnik) is $ 2,000.

Poshuk deputy

Nykrashchі channels a joke of clients: the link and submission of their Internet site, paid publicity, direct contact of potential clients. Vlasniki in private apartments, slyly, do not call, but you can proponate your servants to small companies and mortgages. The price of office and business centers, trade and development centers, warehouses, commercial enterprises, restaurants, shops, services for the end of the weekday work.

Vitrati Ta Pributok

How do you open your own customer form and need to contribute? Capital vitrati:

  1. Restratsiya - 70 $;
  2. Ownership - $ 7400
  3. Renting an office for three months in advance - $ 1000;
  4. Web site ad that is $ 200.

At once- 8700 dollars. Post-vitrati (rent, salary, vitratic materials, advertising) - $ 3000.

Clearing housekeeping service $ 0.7-0.9 per square meter of area. In the middle, general tidying up of an apartment is estimated at 100-200 dollars, for an office - at 150-250 dollars, for a virobny shop - at 300 dollars. Price for developing robots. Establish agreements on a permanent basis, if you take out a stable replacement, and alter the garniture of the book.

Regularly service staff 2-3 companies and pay 15-20 one-time payments per month, you can work close to 4000-4500 $, net income - in the region 1000-1500 $ per month.

Pobuduvati is a promising idea for any place with active daily life, because people do not waste an hour on self-restoring order. This kind of business is a good team, which is easy to scale, increased staff and expanded customer base.

Our life comes with new events, and at the same time, from them, new opportunities for the development of business.

The clearinghouse companies began to arrive recently, and when they left, they were not at an even faster pace, they were uninvolved at a remarkably inexpensive start. Signs of unreasonable perevag are given to the services of tsikh companies before the tidbits of the tidying up, in which the spirits of the office will take over.

Crossings of the chain of the company

The office workers are tidied up in a centralized way with a regular tidier, because they have a mop and a bunch of mops, don't know how to put them in. Ale їy to bring the style to clean up the primitiveness in a day, but about the retreat and you can’t be moving.

The result is a superficial tidying up, yak in an hour to bring up spirits to children. First way out of the whole situation є - the servants of the client company.

The axis is so close, but it’s more beautiful, the representative of the company will be guilty of growing up potential clients, if you happen to be able to serve the service. And the main points of the customer service company are obvious:

  1. Inexpensive input from the whole business.
  2. Nisha has not been refurbished on the market.

You can start in your whole business with a small investment. Basic vitrati If you take it on credit or lease, rent, you can fix it practically from scratch. As soon as it is not refilled, then it will sooner through the weakness of the informality of the hulks. Among the Masach, there is no learning curve;

How to set up a company from scratch, what is it necessary for?

To set up a customer service company from scratch, it is necessary to issue all the necessary documents, to purchase any rent and to find quality specials. Requirements for the same qualifications of the fahivtsi, as they can pay for them.

So you don't sell servants for tidying up, but make your customers healthy. Behind such a side, the power of the client's company is viglyadakinakshe.

Necessary permissions and documents

No special permissions are required for the company to open. Reestablish yourself in the capacity of an individual enterprise, for a partnership with an interconnected view of the future, as I will call it that day.

It is possible to write a re-establishment, to lay down a lease agreement, to take ownership of a loan, to create an advertising campaign.

Ownership, specialties

Immediately followed by the development of the standard property for apartments. It’s not meant for tidying up with a commercial meta, it’s really hard to go out of the way.

Moreover, your clients, as they sposter on the tidying process, will not be at the seizure, as they shake, but the client's company is also weaker than they have at home. And it’s the first thing for them to formulate a priest, as if in the hands of the patriarchs to stench the stench of a miracle device. About іnsі important aspects of business fakhіvets rozpovіdaє in the upcoming video:

A special company is not deprived of the patrons, but the possession, with the stench to come. Fuck the tse. To that, immediately get started on the side of the professional pilots and outbuildings. You know:

  • pilosos, which is very close to 35–40 thousand rubles;
  • machine for prannya spetsojagu and wiping materials, at the same time, scho y pilosos;
  • a machine at the disk shape, for the additional purpose of intensively cleaning the kilims; її Vartіst can be syagati 120-150 yew. rubles;
  • a special vizok, in which є vidzhim and a sieve for tar, kudi there are razchin with a mouse for smitty; її parties not more than 10 - 12 thousand. rubles;
  • dial for wiping office equipment and mittya vikon, vartistu 8-10 yew. rubles;
  • flat mop substitute vіnik and mop, vartіstu 2 yew. rubles

The existence of such a set of possessions allows them to carry out retreats to tidy up in office buildings, as well as in apartments of residential buildings, private booths.

Ale, screw it up A spate of influx of money for advertising and for the purchase of a new, more forced possession The part of each in the development of the sight of the target. It is not only the range of services that the company can provide, or allow the company to distance itself from its competitors.

Whenever a set of fakhivts is set, it’s going to be even more serious. Required clerks, as they are not afraid of the whole robot. When there is a whole stench, be sure to be as tactful as possible.

As soon as the woman comes to the office because of the habits of a tidier from the housing office, as soon as she is in command, tell whoever it is, then she will go to the deputy. And at once, from her, the deputy said goodbye to the company. It is possible to recruit such sportsmen through agencies, as there is no reason for the material recognition of their candidates.

Competition and profitability assessment

For any arrival from the company, can you rozrahovuvati? When it comes to retailing, it is necessary to be informed about the prices for services in the banking business. Furious not to the capital's retail stores, but to such places like Kazan and Rostov. The winners are welcomed there:

When you put a wash, there is a minimum of space, and to tidy up, no less than 40-60 square meters. And as far as the area is tidying up, I am 150 square meters, transport services for the company’s housekeeping. In the least, the deputy will have to pay and vitrati for delivery.

Fakhivtsi and the owners of the banking companies estimate the profitability of the price of activity even higher - from 25 to 40%, even if the brothers are still seeing robots from tidying up the primitives.

Riziki cans

Riziks in all forms of business are also chimals. Perche, the vlarsniki of the companies stumbled upon a very twisted seasons to drink to the service. The result of the current situation is that it’s less than the kind of business that is growing in parallel with others.

In a different way, It is important to reduce the amount of money you drink after you tidy up the hour of the crisis. If the children are brought to emboss, the stink will fix the economy for everything possible. Increase the bonuses for their sportsmen, optimize the staff, switch from expensive services to cheap ones. And from such services, such as tidying up the primacy, they are asked to adapt themselves to the process on their own athletes.

Why do I have a right for you?

After re-establishment of the enterprise, purchase of possessions and hiring personnel, fix your information, acquire invincible clients, which would pay off the current vitra of the new company. Do not open up, do not open up, brothers on themselves will have a low function.

Ale obov'yazkovo it is necessary to find the cleaner and the water If there is a car, you will have to transport the personnel to the request for replacement. For a victorian car, you will have to pay up to the same price, but it’s even cheaper, but you can buy a car for a service car.

It is possible to know permanent clients only in the office centers. Create a competent commercial proposition and go to the offices of lawyers, notaries, dentists. They, as a rule, have a regular tidier of no transfers, so the stench will be due to the speed of the services of the professionals.

In a crowded scene, shake the banners that your budget allows. Check the address and telephone numbers of the enterprises of your place, choose the names of the categories of potential deputies and fix them by calling. It is possible to send a specially prepared SMS message.

Especially beast of respect on advertising materials. Do not make a penny for professionals, as they prepare you a good advertising text, add a picture and put the correct commercial proposition for all the rules of the text, which is for sale.

Rozrakhunok zrazkovyh vitrates at the start of business

For the restoration of the enterprise from 1800 to 5000 rubles. For the possession of up to 200 thousand rubles. rubles, ale ci vitrati can be a lot of speed, like taking a property on credit or in leasing. Vimog to the primacy of special people, the splinters are not clientele to you, but to them, to start on the mission of robots. To that, the lease may be 15–20 yew. rubles Salaries for staff from the warehouse:

  • water - 25 yew. rubles;
  • tidiers - 4 individuals, 18 yew each. rubles

Launching a company, emphasize respect for the lasting clients, so that the seasonality of your performance will not be possible. Pay your respects to private individuals, as it is necessary to clean up the apartments and booths. Zreshtoyu, їkhnya asthma, scho vinikє through a brude in the villages, costly, not regularly tidying up.

The cleansing business has grown in its simplicity, drunkenness, growth, for the service given to business, promising and high profitability. Form can be successfully organized in metropolitan areas, as well as in a small place. If you don’t know how to report a client company from scratch, the business plan is the first similarity in the planning strategy of the Maybut enterprise.


Business description

Clearing business is carried out to the sphere of services, and the provision of services is one of the most common types of business in the whole world. Success in the field of activity is abundant in what to stay in for a drink and in the whole sphere of activity, you can not be scared for its visibility. Itself an idea for business, vision and intelligence "for teapots". For organizing a client company, a great deal of investment is not required at that hour.

Commercial activity due to the provision of services to the customer is linked to the high competition among the localities. However, the price is practically viable in small settlements and towns. For a competent organization of a client company from scratch, the business plan is guilty of writing simply and astonishingly. You can find a good business plan with detailed information on the Internet.

Give servants

The whole range of customer services can be provided to two groups:

  • servants, who should be nadayutsya to legal persons;
  • servants, who are nadayutsya to physical persons.

Poshuk clientele in the first category of beauty, some of them here can immediately lay down a great deal of robots. It’s not a matter of course to write off the rakhunks and robots for services to private persons. It also means that, in the first place from you, you need to make more contributions than others. Robots in the B2B sector transfer to purchase a great number of possessions, add special and professional possessions.

Effortless customer service can be distributed as follows:

  1. General tidying up, zazvychay, carried out once. Most often they replace apartments for renovation, at industrial facilities, in offices, warehouses, etc.
  2. Regularly tidying up private and commercial non-hassle.
  3. Special services. Before them can be brought: mittya vіkon, chemically cleaned kilimіv, etc.

It is recommended to tidy up a selection of one straight line. It’s a flexible option, if the company is able to get to the robot with a specific client. Yak client vistupatime is one great company with a great deal of robots. As a result of the customer service, the company has rendered irrelevant information about robots, and for the organization of the company it is necessary for less than a penny. In addition, as the company stands on its feet, it is possible to develop and expand the range of services.

A set of services slid to start with the urahuvannya of a potential drink. For the whole, it is necessary to make sure that you are able to read your target auditorium.

Standard services:

  • vologue tidying up;
  • General tidying up;
  • cleaning of soft furniture;
  • cleaning textiles;
  • miika vіkon;
  • tidying up for repairs;
  • tidying up pid'yzdiv;
  • mittya facades;
  • tidying up the territory of the day.

Tidying up for repairs Vologo tidying up apartments Tidying up on the road

Additional services:

  • disposal of smittya;
  • mittya vіkon apartments and offices in the sky;
  • cleaning dishes and objects in the interior;
  • disinfection of infestation;
  • ryatuvannya vіd pіsnyavi;
  • prannya clothing and textiles;
  • cleaning ventilation;
  • Mittya kitchen stove and one-by-one technology.

Mittya vіkon at the height Disinfection Cleaning ventilation


In the developed countries, the industry of purity is represented by hundreds of thousands of brands with a structure with billions of turns. The cleaning business is a price and promising direct commercial performance for Russian enterprises, only 20 years ago in the Russian Federation they do not know anything about such companies. At the given moment, the market's service from tidying up is overwhelming. To navigate the great places, because there is a great number of customer companies to eat, the stench is not enough to drink for a hundred thousand rubles.

Important moments of the robot

It is important to think that it’s important for the minds to transfer the functions of companies, to lay down the strategy of development. Clearing yak biznes maє svoy pidvodne stone, about yak the master of the nobility is guilty of firmi. In order to achieve success in business banking, it’s not just a matter of seeing a robot, but conquering the lead of your customers. Tse reach for the rakhunok of the highest level of professionalism of robots, perceptive service staff, nasty prices.

In the minds of high competition

The greatest representatives of the cleanliness industry are located in the great places of the year, with a population of more than one million people. Explain the price, that there is a lack of potential helpers here. Finding the proficiency of client companies is encouraged to be held near the capital of Russia and St. Petersburg. With a lot of "purity" in the tsikh mistakh not satisfied with the drink from the general community.

It is especially important to see young clinics companies on the competitive market. It is tied together, so that it will be more important to know the clients. On such a market, as a rule, already all kinds of companies have recommended themselves from a positive side. With high ymovіrnіstyu you can let go, how great clients receive speed by the very services. In a situation of high competition, it is important to immediately consider a good substitution or to correctly organize an advertising campaign.

At the little place

Small townspeople try to compete with minimal competition, but they will struggle for vision. It is important that you respectfully vivchil the market and were assigned to the central auditorium. If you know the clients, then you can not think over the form.

Potential deputies can be trade centers, offices, enterprises, large apartment booths, etc. In order to get familiar with advertising, the policy is loyal and good news about you from the first customers. Maybutnі clients are guilty of knowledge, as servants to your company. For the whole period of time, advertising is displayed on other people’s views, on the Internet TV channel.

Robot franchise

The franchise of a customer service company will help you from the very cob to organize your business correctly. The franchisor will provide you with the necessary information for a successful business. In the first days of robots, you will be able to receive applications from clients. The reputation of the franchisor, as well as competent marketing delivery, can help everyone.

To infuriate respect for such franchising propositions:

  • "Brother Chistovi";
  • City Shine;
  • "Expert Cleaning";
  • "The empire of service";
  • "Clean house";
  • "Mister Blisk";
  • Cleaning alliance;
  • Primex.

The presented franchises pay off close to one fate. The size of the required deposit is from 300 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. For businessmen it is recommended to take the right from the franchise, the business is less profitable.

With the "Clean Dim" franchise, you can learn from the presentation. Acquired by the channel: Franchise Clean Dim Klinіng.

Description of the analysis of rink zbut

The first clients are bazhano to know at the stage of the business plan. Due to the fact that you have a reputation for making money, we will lay down those that will develop business tomorrow. At the first stage of the func- tion of the company, you will be able to practice on your own image, and then you will be on the image. Those who know positively about your robot will know new customers without any problems.

Potential clients can be found in different ways:

  • through the familiar;
  • telephoning in the organization and promoting your services;
  • development of commercial propositions.

In ideals, we are guilty of knowing the old clientele, not the one-time ones. Oscillations of instability in rejected income can be caused to the point where you cannot cover the current vitrati.

To your customer base you can eat:

  • private apartments, cottages, booths;
  • from the large apartment buildings that lay down the territory;
  • office of companies;
  • parkuvannya;
  • trade and development center;
  • warehouses;
  • mісця of the huge food;
  • professional kitchen;
  • virobnichi prim_shennya;
  • territory of promislovyh virobnistv;
  • Riznі primіshennya to repair chi budіvnitstva.

Tsilova audit

The main supporters of the services of the customer service companies are legal entities. The criticality of the modern enterprises and the development of the organization to ensure the cleanliness of the primitives may be lost by the professionals. First and foremost of these year-round companies. A literate kerіvnik, having analyzed the situation, robs the visnovok about those who tidy up the winnings for outsourcing.

Vigoda for outsourcing:

  • economy on salaries, purchases of property, inventory and in;
  • visoka the quality of the meeting;
  • the efficiency of the cleaning;
  • vicarystannya of a bitter ustatkuvannya;
  • Ideally tidied up the primacy positively infuses the deputy's company image.

The order with the legal persons of the company can be arranged on the physical basis. Slide means that such clients know better. Bo not a skinny ludin is ready to let an unknown robber in her house for a zbirannya. It’s just as hard to know such clients, especially people with high incomes.

Besides them, you can see:

  • self-dependent persons;
  • old people;
  • busy people;
  • people with an abundance of opportunities are scanty.

Competitive perevagi

As soon as you have seen the form of the great world, the competition is great, you must respectfully win the local market. Be guilty of a clear sense, you will be smuggled to us. It is important for all the nobility, what exactly are your competitors doing, they are strong and weak. On the basis of those given to you, you should correctly formulate the strategy for the development of companies, visually the assortment of services, price policies, advertising campaigns. Because of that, find out how to do it and think over a business strategy, if you have a lot of money to spend.

It is necessary to know about competitors:

  • range of services;
  • рівень цін;
  • tsilovikh clients;
  • viewers of clients;
  • imid;
  • dosvid robots;
  • the quality of services.

A high level of competition for gobies'yazuє you will be pressed to deprive you of yakisny services. In addition, you can only get new clientele and utrimate the old people in the first place.

To improve competitiveness, you need to use the following factors, such as:

  • vikoristovuvati suchasne highly technological possession and inventory;
  • qualified, cultured and honest robots;
  • ecology of vicarists;
  • a wide range of services;
  • the manifestation of a unique service, which your competitors do not have.

Functioning on the competitive market does not allow you to become weak. You need to control everything to go to the market and respectfully follow the needs of customers, get as much satisfaction as possible.

Advertising campaign

The ideal advertising campaign is organized in such a rank that the results with the clients fell on the yaknaybilshe pre-construction contracts. For tsyo nedostvenno proponuvati their servants by telephone or electronic mail. You need to organize a set of available entries from the conquest of clients.

For the drying of the customer service company it is necessary:

  1. Actively vikoristovuvati available advertising tools: open a company site; widen the brochures and leaflets; publ_kuvati denudation in muscovy ZMI.
  2. Self-critically analyze your own activity and add new ones directly to the robot.
  3. Show key clients.
  4. It is necessary to be seen for a spilkuvannya.
  5. Conduct non-staff consultations.
  6. Zshiti uniform for robots and rosmistiti on the new firm logo.
  7. Provide qualifications to personnel, conduct trainings, instructings and others.
  8. Especially staged before the last clientele. For example, see the saints.
  9. Develop a loyalty program.

The current customer service company is simply guilty of the mother of its website. On a new level of performances, you can easily describe services, contact information, loyalty program, and describe the strengths of the company. Visibly to see you from your competitors can function of online service replacement through the site.

What is required for the screen?

To see your customer service company, you need to vrahuvati without any nuances. It is easy to understand the instructions and rules, organizing business is awkward. Pidpryєmtsyu slid razpochati forma package of documents and reєstratsії fіrmi.


For everything, you stand in front of you for the design of the organizational and legal form for business. Traditionally, vibrate cost mіzh TOV and IP. If you plan to organize the large-scale activity of the great clients (organizations, enterprises, shopping malls too), then it’s more expensive to issue a TOV. The quality of the organization form is also the transmission of the possibility of storing the simplified system and of the support.

As soon as you plan to practice it, it’s important with physical persons that you’re not a big deal of robots, then you’ll go to the organization of the IP. In the whole vipadku yak form of opodatkuvannya, take UTII.

Kodi KVED, for this business:

  • 74.70.1 - "Tidying up lively and wicked primishness, possession";
  • 74.70.2 - "Tidying up transport means";
  • 74.70.3 - "Determination of performance for the implementation of disinsection, disinfection and deratization robots";
  • 90.00.3 - "Tidying up the territory and presentation of the analogous to the price of performance".

On the offensive stage, you will need to register with funds (pension, medical insurance, social insurance, non-payment vipadkiv), tax inspectorate and in.

Poshuk prim_shennya

At the stage of the establishment of a company, you can spare a rent and organize an office at your home. It is necessary to have the inventory in the garage. But it’s just Timchasovo, in an ideal for the company it’s necessary for the community. Yogo slide to the office and warehouse.


Until the end of the day, there are no jorstki vimogas, the client's scraps are rarely seen in the office. It’s important that the company’s fail to get to the deputy at the meeting place.

Type of application is required:

  • low parity;
  • the appearance of communes: scorching, water, light, canalization;
  • protection is too thin.

Purchase of possessions and inventory

The quality of the services provided and the range of services to be found in the equipment of the enterprise. Price is the main stattya vitrat for starting a business. Before purchasing a possession, it is necessary to go individually, some of the set to lay down in the specifics and scale of business.

A universal set of necessary possession, inventory and by-run chemistry (in rubles):

  • professional pilosos: 35000;
  • machine for mittya pidlogi: 150,000;
  • machines for cleaning kilims, furniture, pokritiv for food and in .: 100 000;
  • Ownership for mittya vіkon: 50,000;
  • professional washing machine: 50,000;
  • car: 400,000;
  • set of shchitok, ganchirok, servetka and іn .: 30 000;
  • hairdryer for drying: 25,000;
  • special form: 30,000;
  • byutova chemistry and missions: 50,000;
  • computer, printer, office furniture: 100,000;
  • Inventory of possession, inventory and pobutova chemistry: 30,000.

Machine for cleaning kilims, piedlogs Professional Pilosos Inventory for mittya vikon

Having created a podrakhunok, for an average customer company, it is necessary to obtain possession, an inventory and a mission for a sum of 1,050,000 rubles. You can spare the purchase of a car and find a car with special transport. The quality of the chemistry by the end, how to buy it, I’ll be very good-looking. You can also be familiar with higher education institutions. In addition, there is a large arsenal of companies on the versatile possession, it is impossible to lay down a large number of clients.


You will need to pick up a number of groups of robots to get a special set of operations. To tidy up the offices, travel agencies, kitchens and other primitives, form a brigade of three chotiry women in 20-40 years. And yak is the foreman to take the cholovik. Through the process of picking up, you can organize food and help you to bring important items.

Yak kerіvnik fіrmi can vistupati himself pіdpіdіnіts chi hiring fakhіvets. Sales manager will accept replacement from clients. Also, one water is required for a microbus. The accounting department is the best choice for outsourcing.

In the process of recruiting personnel, you, better for everything, will solve the problem of the accuracy of frames. In a big world, it’s worth explaining to them that the cleaning robot is not presentable, and that young women will be tempted to know the nicest place of robotics. Even more importantly, the robots did not steal clients. You should especially be brutally respectful for the evidence of their previous convictions, the level of awareness, and the name of the person.

Pokrokova instruction

Summarized, the last of your diy is clearly visible:

  1. Poshuk kliєntіv.
  2. Vivchennya rivals.
  3. Business concept designation.
  4. Formulate a ready-made business plan with rosrakhunks.
  5. Restructuring of the company.
  6. Advertising campaign.
  7. Pidbir to the staff.
  8. Vibir prim_shennya.
  9. Purchase of possession and inventory.
  10. Open the form and start the robot.

Financial plan

For the development of the financial plan, it is necessary to provide a back-end vitrate for organizing business. I need a penny to start a business.

The size of the cob deposit at the business warehouse is stored in (in rubles):

  • company re-establishment: 30,000;
  • purchase of possessions, inventory, by-run chemistry: 1,050,000;
  • marketing vitrati: 50,000;
  • rental fee: 40,000;
  • іnshі vitrati: 30,000.

For the results to go, 1,200,000 rubles are required for organizing business.

Regular vitrati

Stream vitrati (rubles / month):

  • lease of attachment: 20,000;
  • Salaries of the main robots with narahuvannya (from five employees): 130,000;
  • salaries for administrative staff with narahuvannya (for two persons): 70,000;
  • purchase of by-run chemistry and missions: 10,000;
  • marketing vitrati: 20,000;
  • communal vitrati: 10,000;
  • іnshі vitrati: 20,000.

The result is that regular vitrati become 280,000 rubles per month.

Terms of display

The calendar plan is robust for individual skin problems. Yogo slid fold up respectfully, not missing the important moment. In the middle, at the time of the development of the business plan, until the ear of the robotic company, three or three months.

Risics and payback

Basic business risks:

  • visibility of permanent clients;
  • strong competition;
  • the seasonal nature of the service is low;
  • plinth of frames;
  • low level of education and robustness;
  • Rizik of the fact that robots steal from the company's clients.

The translation of the risky has not been transformed into minus, the required literate curriculum vitae. Business can be lost, some of its payback can be stagnant without the help of obvious pressures and fewer clients. The average term of the company’s payback, which is effective in the field of customer service, is 8-12 months.


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