Tvarina, yak to be on the market. Creatures: those who are not

Tvarina, yak to be on the market. Creatures: those who are not

All-holy Day to the capture of the creatures, the nod to the zosill of the people from the safeguarding of the creatures of our planet and the rights of the domestic creatures, 4 zhovtnya is meant. The Earth is home to dozens of flora and fauna representatives. One of the ways to fight for the protection of biodiversity on our planet is to protect the wild and familiar species of roslin and creatures.

Snow leopard (irbis)- Ridkisny, unnumbered species. In Chervonii knizi of the Russian Federation, it is assigned to the first category - "a species that is threatened by a threat to its area." The number of snow leopards in Russia, according to the assessments of experts from WWF (All-Union Wildlife Fund), has three more than 80-100 individuals.

Amur tiger- one of the most popular huts of the planet, the greatest tiger in the world, the only representative of the species, who lives in the CIS. The Amur tiger was recorded before the International Chervona Book, in Russia, it was lagging behind in Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. According to the last census, the population of the wild beast is close to 450 individuals.

Distant Leopard- Pidvid leopards in the class of ssavts, a pen of huts, a family of kittens. There is one of the most popular representatives of the family of kittens in the world. Bagato fakhivtsiv vvazayut a distant leopard with the most beautiful species of leopards and often breed with a snow leopard. Pivden Primorskiy krai is the only habitat of a distant leopard in Russia. As a result of the last census, in the Ussurian taizi bag, there are close to 50 individuals of the leopard. In the early days of the region and WWF, the food was stunned for the sake of preserving the mind.

Manuv- Ridkіsny hizhak stepіv and napіvstepіv Eurasia - entries to the international and Russian Chervony books. Tsey wild kit has a status that is close to threatening. For tribute to the winners, the number of creatures will speed up. In addition, you will not be able to encumber poachers, there is a threat to the knowledge of all living conditions. Russia has the most recent habitat for a community of creatures, here the Pallas' cat grows up as a head rank among the mountain-steppe and empty-steppe landscapes of the Altai republic, in the republics of Tuva, Buryat, and so on.

Komodskiy monitor lizard- a species of lizards from the family of lizards, the most lizard of light fauna. By one hypothesis, the lizards of the Indonesian island of Komodo served as the prototype for the Chinese dragon: the growth of Varanus Komodoensis can change three metric meters and the importance of the author centneri. The greatest lizard on Earth, which with one blow of the tail knocks in a deer, is found only in Indonesia and bears witness to the species of creatures, so to know.

For the last 20 years the number Sumatran rhinoceroses has passed by about 50% - through poaching and virubuvannya of tropical forests. In a given hour in Pivdenno-Skhidniy Asia there are nearly 200 species of sacks. There are five species of rhinoceroses in the world: three in Pivdenniy and Pivdenno-Shidniy Asia and two in Africa. Try to see the rhinoceroses listed before the Chervona Book of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. WWF has a chance to see that one of the species of rhinoceros is Javanese - it will be found in V'utnamia.

Loggerhead- A species of sea turtles, the only representative of the genus Logheads, or loghead sea turtles. The wider view at the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, at the Seredzemny sea, logheads can be seen on the Far Outlet (inflow of Peter the Great) and at the Barents Sea (in the Murmansk region). The meat of the turtle was far from being the most popular, among them they live deprived of tribes, and the axis of the egg bully with delikates. Хній neobmezhenija zbіr called up to a very serious speed of the number of species of turtles for the past 50-100 years. The whole species of turtle was registered up to the list of the Convention on the International Trade in Species of Wild Flores and Fauna up to the Red Book, protected by the laws of Cyprus, Greece, USA, Italy.

Kalan, abo morska vidra, - Hizhne morske ssavets family of mustelids, species close to vidr. The sea otter has a low unique features of being attached to the marine center of living, and also one of the nebagatokh tvarin-unimportant ones, like the vicoristovuyut harmati. Kalani lurk on the private shores of the Pacific Ocean in Russia, Japan, USA and Canada. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the sea otters, through their prices, have become aware of the hijacking vinification, for a reason, having leaned on the ground. In the twentieth century, Kalani buli were entered before the Chervona Book of the USSR, as well as before the security documents of the other regions. Mill for 2009 rіk poluvannya on kalanіv practically zaboronena in all regions of the world. On sea otters it is allowed to fall in love with the indigenous population of Alaska - Aleuts and Escimos, moreover, for the purpose of educating the folk industries and the grub race, which were historically settled in this region.

Bisonє the most popular and the largest land-based man on the European continent and the remainder of the European representative of the wild bugs. Yogi dozhina become 330 cm, the height at the nape of up to two meters, and the vaga syaga one tonny. Ruynuvannya lisiv, growing the power of human settlements and intensive love in the 17th and 18th centuries, blamed the bison on Mayzhe in the more lands of Europe. On the ear of the 19th century, wild bison were evidently deprived of two regions: in the Caucasus, and near Bilovezkiy Pushcha. The number of animals became close to 500, and in the course of a century it was reduced, unaffected by the protection of the Russian dominion. At 1921 p. in the afternoon of anarchy, the hour and the hour of the First Holy Day, the bison were still poached. As a result of the straightforward performance of the bagatokh fakhivts for 31 breast, 1997 p. in the minds of captivity (zoos, breeding grounds and other reserves) there were 1,096 bison, in the wild populations there were 1,829 individuals. Chervona book of the IUCN brings the species to the category of aggressive, for Russia The book of Chervona (1998) put bison in category 1 - they are overwhelmed by the threat of knowledge.

African wild dog, abo, how to call it, gionopodibna, the bole was widened everywhere in the African steppes and savanas for every day from the Sahari - from Algeria and Sudan to the extreme edge of the continent. A ginovidny dog ​​of inclusions before the Chervona Book of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature is an innumerable species, which can be found under the threat of knowledge.

Floridska cougar, order with інshih representatives of their own pіdvidu, entered before the International Chervona Book. Polyuvannya on it is fenced, besides, the creature is included until the addition of the II CITES convention, which regulates the trade in rare species of creatures. Previously, the cougar inhabited the territories of the Great Patriotic America, as well as Central and Eastern America up to Chile. In the midst of the population of the island of Floridi. In the 60s, the rock of the last century, through the development and development of natural territories, the number of Florida cougars has passed to 20-30 individuals. The Zusillians are responsible for the protection of small wild cats with the characteristic, large paws of the population of Nini to become 100-160 individuals.

Californian condor- even a rare species of birds from the family of American vultures. The Californian condor flew the buv of extensions throughout the entire Indian American continent. In 1987, when the condor was built, it was alive in the wild, and the number of them became 27 individuals. However, since 1992, the zavdyaky of harboring breeding in captivity have let the vipuskati go free since 1992. On a leaf fall in 2010, 381 condors were found, including 192 birds in the wild.

Orangutani- Representatives of the village people-like mavs, one of the close relatives of the people. It's a pity that the Orangutans are found under the threat of living in the wild, as a boss through the continued life of living. Uninvolved at the end of the national parks, the virbuvannya of the lisiv will continue to grow. The Іnshoyu serious threat є poaching.

Remain wild horses of Przhevalsky They got to know nature in the 1960s, at that hour the stench was lost in the empty areas of the Dzungaria - on the cordons of China and Mongolia. A few thousand and more rocky in the same time, the creatures were broadened in the steppe zone of Eurasia. There are almost two thousand individuals near the lights, like in the zoos. Near the steppes of Mongolia and China, there are close to 300-400 horses, which lead their hikes also from the zoos.

As a matter of fact, there are many kinds of roslin, tvarin, birds and coma, they know from exposing our planet 1000 times more than for the natural rhyvn. Tse means 10 to 130 species of the day.

Yearly 40% of all living species of the Earth survive the threat of weather. As soon as tempi fail to take care of speeding up, then the number of species that will fade away will be counted in millions at the beginning of ten years. Crazy, it seems like a skinny inhabitant of the planet, fearing of some kind of inevitably leading to global environmental problems, cluttering the stability of the entire ecosystem of the Earth.

Today, you will be amazed at 15 species of creatures, over which there is a threat of renewed knowledge of the people.

2. Orangutan Sumatran and Bornei

The loss of dovkilya through the overwhelming direction of the lisiv and the re-implementation for the conduct of the Silskoy statehood and the development of the road are the main problems, which are critical for both types of orangutans. At the same time, unaffected by the national parks, the foxes are selling virubuwati illegally. In addition, I am serious about becoming a poacher of a ditinchat for sale.

Over the last 75 years, the number of orangutans inhabiting Sumatra has decreased by more than 80%, and the number of orangutans inhabiting Sumatra has declined by 80%. In Borneo, over the last 60 years, the population has decreased by more than 50%.

2.Iberіyska (іspanska) rice

Iberiyska Ris secured to the category of twins, scho "get over at the critical camp." The ci dan is taken from the Red list of creatures that will block the knowledge (deposited by the International Union for the Protection of the Middle East).

For deyakim tribute, on the planet, more than 200 Iberian rice has been deprived of trochas. Unimportant to those who have been seen close to 35 million dollars in the United States for some reason, a group of people recently called this camp critical. In the words of Nikolas Gusman, the curriculum for the National Plan of the Iberian Rice, there are more than 200 individuals that linger in the wild, depriving 22-32 females are ready before breeding. On the thought of Guzman, it is most likely to lay down a piece of Iberian rice from them. However, I want it all, the history of the iberian rice is deprived of one of the numerous black sides from the life of the brothers of our little ones.

3. Nosorig Biliy

Nosorig - close to being polluted, Sumatran, black that Javanese rhinoceroses - known as a critical threat of knowledge.

In the wild, the big rhinoceros are practically not rich, except for humans. Poaching is a head threat for all species of rhinoceros. Rig of a rhinoceros is a very valuable product on the Black market, which can be used for decorative purposes, as well as for sale.
In Chinese medical rhinoceros, they are used as a kind against fever and as an effective aphrodisiac. On the black market, the price of a rhino horns syagaє is $ 30,000. If you have to build, but you have nothing to do with it, think about all the Chinese food that you can eat at our pharmacy.

4. Whale shark

In Danish hour, there are no exact tributes for the number of whale sharks lingering in the wild. Deyak's pre-ages will see that on the planet, deprived of a deprivation is close
1000 individuals.

The main threat is whale sharks, madly, їхній industry fishing. Uninvolved on the chinny fence on the pitchfork, the videotapes of sharks near the provinces of the Great Eastern Asia and the Indies are on sale. Particularly the development of whale sharks. The number of whale sharks in the world is decreasing by 5% - 6%.

5. Sifaka

Sifaki is a group of lemurs, representatives of the family of Indrievich. There are a few types of sifak: sifak Verro, Gorichovy sifak, Crowning sifak, Golden crowning sifak, sifak Silki and Per'є. All the stench lingers on the islands of Madagascar.

The loss of dovkіll at the connection with the active viruby and vipaluvannya of the leaves in the region and the fondness for lemurs, it’s trivial, is the main contamination of the society of divine creatures.

6. Woolly wombat

The most mid-sized wombats. Before the speech, big with shvidkistu 40 km / year. Ale tse yogo not ryatuє. The number of such people has lost nearly a hundred, and in one Australian reserve.

7. Wild Bactrian Camel Whoever won’t believe it, but it’s less than a thousand in the world. Allow for about 10-20 rockets and not get too hungry. They fall in love with them, they get angry when they are awake, they stink just to clash with domestic camels, and the offspring in such vapadas is safe.

8. Amur tiger

Poaching was the main threat to the emergence of great cats. A tiger's hand on the Chinese black market is worth a wha of gold, a tiger's skin is a trophy.

For example, in the 1980s, the rocky drink on the tassel of the tiger is very young, the well-organized gangs of poachers at the same hour greatly increased the number of tigers. Until 1993, the rock was renewed by the programs for the protection of the Amur tiger, and already in 1996, the number of animals reached 430. The season is quiet, living in the wild, to become 431 - 529 individuals.

Large-scale illegal logging and logging, too, have become a serious threat to tigers, which will relieve their animal life.

9. Rudiy Vovk

Nearly 30 years ago, 17 remnants of ore were taken at once in order to update the population. With the increase in number, the number of mayzhe up to a hundred, ale American fools, they let the girls go free, they rattle, and the badolakhs are more and more cluttered in their lives.

10. Shkiryana turtle

Ts turtles gnaw on jellyfish and welcome to follow them on neymovirnu glybin. Alas, it's a pity, they often get lost and wicked plastic bags by people, every time they go. A dozen years ago, there were 115 thousand females of such turtles. Nini їkhnya the number has passed here up to 30 thousand.

11. Galapagoska turtle or elephant turtle

I think that on the ear of the XX century 200,000 elephant turtles have been brought down. Tse called before that on the islands of Charles and Barington the turtles grew up in the world, on those they got there.

In addition, there was a boom of degrading natural life for the implementation of the Silskoy government, the importation of that expanded alien creatures, such as shchuri, pigs and goats, which became competitors for turtles in the dobuvannaya їzhі.

On the ear of the 20th century, the bulo reported the most recent update to the population of Galapagos turtles. Vyroshcheni in captivity ditinchata buli vypuscheni on the islands, in the midst of the natural life. On the current day, the number of elephant turtles is 19,000 individuals.

12. Sakharska gazelle

Kick in the African hedgerows flew in front of the cich red. Ale vognepalnaya zbroi shattered her right, now they have lost sight of a hundred.

13. African elephant

In the XX century, the number of African elephants was speeding up at the geometric progress. Poppy vid of an elephant's brush with a stubborn rose. So, in a stretch of 10 rockets, they overwhelmed the international fence for trading in the elephant bunch (1990 rik), the number of African elephants fell into the air. Kenia has become one of the countries, de African elephants have become practically beleaguered. In the period between 1973 and 1989, the number of elephants here decreased by 85%. In Burundi, Gambia, Mauritania and Swaziland, elephants became known.

In Danish hour, the African elephant is formally a monstrous zakist, and in the other regions the growth of the number in the middle by 4% will stop by an hour. However, poaching, yak and earlier, proc.

14. Zakhidna burned

Still in 2007, there were burnt boules that were added to the Chervona Book of Known Species.

Poaching, commercial marketing and change to the climate - all will destroy the ecological balance of food and drink until the progressive development of the population of ancient gorillas.

Ale, perhaps, with the greatest threat, the Ebola virus was burning with the greatest threat, which is a vicious species of individuals, including on territories, which are protected. From 1992 to 2011, over 20 years, the number of ancient burners decreased by 45%. In the Danish hour, the virus Ebola can bring the population of the old ones burned to a critical point, if the renewal becomes ill.

15. Great panda

The Great Panda Nini can be built only from some mountain ridges in central China, but more importantly in the Sichuan province and in the minority in the Shensy and Gansu provinces. As a result of the state's dignity, the people and the virbuvannya of the people of the great pandey bully vitisneni from the lower lands, they lived devilishly.

For a long time, the great panda Bula about poaching was not only for the inhabitants of the world, who love them for the heart of the people, and for the people of the earth.

The population of the Great Pandy quickly and inexpensively speeds up, which is bound with a lot of people in the low region of the people, like in the wild, as well as in captivity. According to the estimates of the winners, about 1,600 individuals have been surpassed by the Earth.

On the planet, changes are constantly being seen, from small to global ones. The change to the climate and the process of living of people - the virbuvannya of the foxes, the love for the creatures, the reflection of nature by the entrance, all the same deeply infused into the creature's light. Creatures do not just suffer from everything, but vimiraut right in our eyes. Chervona book faint creatures to popovnyutsya with a skin day, and the list of creatures that have grown up from the earth has even hundreds of species. For tribute to the World Conservation Union for 2008, for the rest of 500 rock, there will be 844 species of animals. At the end of the day, we imagine a number of species of warriors from blame people. You can, having guessed some additional photographs of species of creatures, as soon as you see them, you will once see the start of your journey to the forest.

Vimerli vidi tvarin, as the chi inakshe accepted the lyudin.

Tilacin- The Tasmanian tiger.

Tilacin duzhe nagaduvav dog with a long tail and swarms on the back. Tilatsin or the Tasmanian tiger is a wimer, since the area was invaded by immigrants. Є It’s a fact that Tilatsin is not ready to start with people, but he won’t lose all of his wounds, but out of shock.

Zebra Quagga.

Zaradi mіtsnoi, garnoi shkіri tsієї creatures people blamed all the livestock zebra Kvaggi. The meat of the Vimerloi creature is simply wikidalos, so it wasn’t buoyed by the love. At the Dutch Zoo in Amsterdam, the last specimen of the creature died on the 12th sickle in 1883.

Baytszі- Chinese little richkovy dolphin.

People didn’t fall in love with the Chinatown rychkovy dolphin, like a sack at the Yangtze rivulets, a little ahead of time boules were honored until the last day. Driving the brooks was re-equipping with commercial and vantage vessels, which simply made it difficult for the river. In 2006, a special expedition confirmed the fact that Baytszi is no longer a sight on earth.

Gold toad.

The very appearance of the Golden Toad was known to the 1966 rock. Lost at Monteverde on the Costa Rican. For a long time there, the temperature was ideal for the life of the whole life, but the people did not destroy the parameters of the midst of the world, which called to the death of a certain kind of toad. I will leave the Gold toad for the 1989 rock.

Mandrovny blue.

Collect Mandarin pigeons bulo douzhe rich. People, too, did not appreciate the fact that they were mali. They were blinded thoughtlessly. Tsi pigeons bully are even more affordable and bully cheap for the little ones. Usyogo for one century Mandreous blue vimer for American Raptovo. The stinks were whispering about the reasons for such an impertinent bird for them, and they made up all kinds of incredible stories, but only one thought - Mandryvny pigeon was simply blamed. The rest of the blue turned on the 1st spring of 1914 rock in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Dront - ptah, which has lost the state of affairs of literature, sacking on the island of Mauritius. The European colonies fell in love with the bird through the savory meat, before the nests were fried by the cats and pigs that were brought from the great land. The rest of the bird's bullet was worn down at 1680 rotsi.

Karolinsky parrot

Myslivtsi steadily fell in love with the Karolinsky papuga and were mercilessly blamed for those who gave the Shkodi stench to fruit trees. As a result, one couple was deprived of it in the Cincinnati zoo, but in 1917-1918 the individuals died.

Steller's cow abo sea cow- ssavets, scho be brought to the siren corral. Nagaduvala Lamantina, only big. If the stench swam in great herds of water and seaweed, it also floated on the surface. They welcomed Steller's cow to life, and the meat was appreciated with even more gusto. For thirty years of love for a sea cow, they have been blamed for it. For the small weddings of the remains of the sea corps, they bach in the 1970s.

Steller's cormorant

Nagaduvaw pingvina. The sailors fell in love with them, for that the meat was savory, and the look of this bird was not difficult. In the results in 1912, there were more recent reports about Baklan Steller.

Bezkryla auk... Blamed in 1844 on the island of Eldey, near Iceland.

Turan tiger... One more vimerli viglyad. The left tiger was driven into a rock near Tbilis in 1922.

For example, for example, we will see a video of Tilatsin, who is a wimer, or a Tasmanian tiger:

Veterinary Clinic Biocontrol is more helpful for your vikhovanets, if you were seen by a bida - dysplasia in cats. Only professionals who can help your homemade creatures.

Vymyrannya is a whole natural process: typical vimiryut in a stretch of 10 million rocks when you appear on Earth. Alas, if the planet is facing a number of serious problems, such as overpopulation, overcrowding in the midst of the midst, the change to the climes, the waste of species seen in thousands of times in the world, but not in nature.

It is easy to know exactly, if you see it from the wild nature, you can also say that thousands of species of creatures are withering away.

In the case of the statistics, it is easy to take a look at some timelessly vimerlich creatures, which we do not see the best. From the Javanese tiger and the Caribbean monk seal to the Mauritian dodo (abo dodo), in front of you are 25 wimerlichs, which are no bigger than me.

25. Madagascar pygmy hippopotamus

Stick widely on the islands of Madagascar, the Madagascar pygmy hippopotamus is a close relative of the bitter hippopotamus, I want it to be the smallest.

As a result of cob assessments, it was shown that it looked like it was close to a thousand rockets;

24. Chinese little richer dolphin

With names like "baitsi", "dolphin of the Yangtze river", "bilapin dolphin" or "dolphin Yangzi"

The population of Chinese baby dolphins quickly waned until the 1970s, and China soon became an intensive resource for ribalism, transport and hydroelectric power. Ostannіy vіdomy Chinese rіchkovy dolphin, having lost our lives, died in 2002 rotsі on the note "Tsіtsі" (Qiqi).

23. Dovogovuhy kangaroo

Appeared in 1841, a dovovuhiy kangaroo is a common species of the kangaroo family, which is a sack in the northern part of Australia.

The whole thing is a small creature, three more and more strings for its ninth living relative - the ore hare kangaroo. Remaining as a separate species of a female bull, she was taken by the sickle in 1889 to the rock near New Pivdenny Uels.

22. Javansky Tiger

Javansky tiger, which kolis is often seen on the Indonesian island of Java, being also a small tiger species. Throughout the 20th century, the population of the island of Bagatorazovo has grown, grafting to the mass clearing of leaves, which have transformed on the orn land and rice fields.

The obstruction of poaching and poaching also became known. Javansky tiger vvazhaєtsya like that, wimer from 1993 rock.

21. Steller's cow

Steller's cow (abo sea cow, abo kapustyanka) is a tsimerlium herbaceous sea svets, like a colony of weeds near the private part of the Pacific Ocean.

Tse buv is the most representative of the siren corral, which includes one of its closest relatives - dugong and manatee. Glaze on stelerovikh barks through meat, skins and fat called up to the main blame stretching all 27 times from the moment of sight.

20. Taiwanese dimchasty leopard

If a Taiwanese leopard is part of an endemic to Taiwan and a species of leopard, a small Asian cat, which has been respected by the European lanka between the great and the little ones.

The overwhelming fossilization of the natural environment of the tsikh twarins, and in 2004, the appearance of nakedness was barely possible, since 13,000 camera-pastes did not show any signs of the presence of Taiwanese dimple leopards.

19. Gazelle ore

Gazelle ore is a whole species of gazelle, yak, yak vvazhayut, lingering in the rich in the fall of the mountain regions of Pivnichnoy Africa.

A whole view of the views of all three individuals, attached to the markets in Algeria and Oman, in the past from Algeria, for example, the 19th century. Some copies are collected in museums near Paris and London.

18. Chinese paddle

Also of the title "psefur", the Chinese paddlefish will be one of the largest freshwater ribs. Lack of control overworldly ribal promiscuity and destruction of natural conditions put a whole view of the threat of development in the 1980s.

Remaining visually cautious of the riba's movement was seen in the current 2003 rock in Yangtze, China, and as a result of the vyglyad's immersion in the world.

17. Labrador Eider

The Labrador eider, yak vvazhayut deyakі vchenі, was the first endemic species of birds of Pivnіchno America, which is a sign of Columbus obminu.

It was already a wild bird before the arrival of the European immigrants and weimerle was not a bargain. Females are Mali Syriy kolіr, todіy are feathered males Bulo Chorno-Bіlim. The Labrador eider is small with a head with small ones, like a namista, ochima and a strong dziob.

16. Pireneyskiy kozerіg

Collect the endemic of the Iberian pyvostrov, the Pyrenean ibex with one of the chotirokh subdivisions of the Spanish ibex.

In the middle of the century, the wild goat has grown in Pirenei, the protest population quickly faded in the 19th and 20th centuries through uncontrolled populations. In the other half of the 20th century, in the whole region, a small population was spared, and the 2000 rocky remaining representative of this species was known to be dead.

15. Maurice dodo, or dodo

- a tsevimerly non-melting bird, like a buv endemic of the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. One of the sub-fossil remains, the Mauritian dronti boules are close to a meter long and, perhaps, weighed up to 21 kg.

You can only judge the little ones, the images and the letter dodos about the famous viglyad of the Mauritian dodo; Dodo among popular cultures is victorious as a symbol of vimirannya that step-by-step knowledge of the mind.

14. Orange Toad

Orange toads boules are small, up to 5 cm in size, toads, which were previously developed in a small, high-city region at the beginning of Monteverde, Costa Rica.

The person of the whole creature remains alive, but it was revealed at the same time 1989 to the rock. From that hour on, no signs were recorded of how to stand up to nature. The rapid development of the community of garnished toads, mozhlivo, bulo the fungus to the class of chytridiomyceti and the great second dovkilla.

13. Shuazel blue

Inodі also zagaduvaniy yak chubaty tovstoklyuviy blue, Choisely blue є in the form of a blue, like a buv endemic of the Choiseul island in the Solomon Islands, I would like to know about some of them, perhaps, the representatives of the baggage.

The remaining documentary podtverdzhena with the caution of the Choisellian blue bulo 1904 to the rock. Vvazhaєtsya, scho tsі ptahs wimerli inherited from hijack wines by cats and dogs.

12. Cameroon Black Rhino

Being a species of the black rhinoceros - a species of rhinoceros, which is located on the borderline - the Cameroon black rhinoceros has been widely distributed in the territory of Bagatyokh African countries, including Angola, Kenya, Proteonia, Ethiopia, Botany have passed the population of the community of divine creatures up to 2000, from the fate of the few remaining individuals. In 2011, a rotsi tsei of rhinoceroses has been barely bared wimerlim.

11. Japanese Vovk

Likewise, the vidomy yak vovk Edzo, the japanese vovk is a whole variety of the animal vovka, which is the number inhabiting the Uzbeks of Pivnichno-Shidnoi Asia. Yogo the closest relatives of Buli, sooner, Pivnіchno-American Vovki, Anіzh Azіatski.

The Japanese war of blame on the Japanese island of Hokkaido during the Meiji Restoration, if the reforms were carried out by the Silskoy government in the American style.

10. Caribbean Chenets seal

Nicknames "Morskiy Vovok", the Caribbean monk seal with a great species of seals, inhabited the Caribbean Basin. Above all, love for seals for fat and hanging and dying for fat are the main reasons for the appearance.

Remaining pidtverdzhena from the caution of the Caribbean seal-Chentsya dates back to 1952 rock. Tsikh creatures were not bailed out anymore until 2008, if they saw the official announcements of the p'yatyric joke of individuals, which were lost in the living, which ended in nothing.

9. Skhidna puma

Skhidna puma is a common species of pumi, which is pricked in sacks near the pivne-skidny part of Pivnichnaya America. The puma was once one of the varieties of the American Pumi - the great cat, which inhabited most of the United States and Canada.

Skhidnі pumi boules viznanі vimerlimi, for the assessment of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, at 2011 rotsі.

8. Bezkryla auk

The auk was a great, non-glacial bird from the family of auks, which witnessed in the middle of the 19th century. The kolis has been widely expanded throughout the entire Spanish Atlantic, repaired from Spain, Iceland, Norway and Great Britain to Canada and Greenland, a whole lot of garnishes being blamed on people for the sake of fluff, as they were victorious for pillows.

7. Tarpan

It is also seen as a Eurasian wild horse, a tarpan, which is a species of a wild horse, like a sack on a large part of Europe and in some regions of Asia.

Oskilki tarpani bully grassy creatures, the area of ​​their habitation without interruption changes through the growing civilization of the Eurasian continent. At the end of the neymovirnym vinification of the tsikh tvarin through the meat, the whole summoned up to the main knowledge on the cob of the XX century.

6. Cap's lion

Being a vimerlim pidvid leva, the captain lion sacks the bridle of the capsky p_vostrov on the pivdenny edge of the African continent.

The size of the kitchen has become much shorter and shorter than once it has appeared on the continents of Europe. The Dutch and English colonies and mischief-makers simply blinded the kind of creature for the 19th century.

5. Falklandska fox

Also vіdoma yak varra abo Falklandsky Vovk, Falklandska fox Bula is one aboriginal land owner of the Falkland Islands.

Tsei endemic of the family of canines in 1876 rotsi, having become the first seen representative of the canines, as a vimer in the historical hour. Tsia is a creature, like a vvazhayut, lived in holes, and a race of food evolved from birds, larvae and coma.

4. Reunion gigantska turtle

Endemic of the Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, Reunin's giant turtle is a great bulwark, up to 1.1 meters, a tortoise.

The creatures bully were even more common, tsikavimi and were not afraid of people, but it was easy for the first inhabitants of the island, as they blamed turtles at the majestic numbers - as for people, as well as pigs. Reunion gigantska turtle wimerla in the 1840s rock.

3. Kioea

Kioea Bula great, up to 33 cm long, Hawaiian bird, which was approximately 1859 rotsi.

Kioea was a small bird until the arrival of the Hawaiian Islands by Europeans. Find the native Hawaiians, it seems, did not know about the new bird.

There are 4 specimens of this beautifully harvested bird that have been preserved in the museums of the small ones. The reason for the wickedness is to become unhealthy.

2. Megaladapis

It is unofficially like koal lemurs, megaladapis - the whole family of giant lemurs, who are sacking on the islands of Madagascar.

In order to clear the place, the first settlers of the island sprinkled the people of the thick leaves, which are the natural center of the habitation of the cich lemurs, which, at the other side of the overworldly industry of the zombie, the symbolic world, the more visible.

1. Quagga

Quagga є is a species of savano zebra, which sacked near Pivdenny Afritsa until the 19th century.

Oskilki cich tvarin bulo to finish easy to see and beat, they started to love the Dutch colonies (and at the end of the storm) for the flesh and skins.

Only one Edin quagga Bula was photographed for life (div. In the photo), and a total of 23 shkiri tsikh creatures have been preserved to our days.

The natural swiftness of the life (or the background swiftness) will show, like the swiftness of the roslini, ssavtsi, ptahs and komakhi, as there weren't too many people. In fact, it’s obvious that today you can see more of the natural conditions for 1000 times more, so that 150-200 views of the day will be very close. Nearly 15% of bird species and 11% of bird species are included in the list of species, which will survive the threat of danger.

Bengal tiger

Threat: poaching for the seizure of children and other parts of the land by a serious threat. The loss of growth through the development of people and the potential for climate change through the growth of the sea level can also be dangerous factors.

Information about the species: the number of the population is becoming less than 2,500 tigers with a tendency to fast.

Natural center of living: mangroves in Bangladesh, rural national parks and forests in India and Nepal and subtropical in front of Gimala in Bhutan.


Status: under threat of danger (Borneo), near critical state (Sumatra)

Threat: the main problems for both types are the loss of food through the overworld of trees, and the change of food from the government, as well as fragmentation through the road. They also played a great role in the rapid number of orangutans in Borneo. Polyuvannya and trade in creatures is also a threat to the sight.

Information about the species: over the last 75 years, the population of orangutans in Sumatri, according to estimates, has decreased by 80% more and more quickly. Most of the creatures live outside the boundaries of the territory to be protected. For 60 years, the population of orangutans in Borneo has decreased by more than 50%, and it is getting better, so the indicator will continue to grow.

The center of residence: Sumatri Orangutans settled in the private part of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, more bags in the province of Aceh. Orangutani Borneo are deployed throughout the entire territory of the island of Borneo, but also in Sarawak, Malaysia and Kalimantani, Indonesia.

Biliy Vedmid

Status: in the zone not safe

Threat: at the link with the global wintry climate, the sea ice will change quickly. Tse means the waste of food for big men, who see it as a result of ice. For 45 years (three generations) the number of the population has decreased by more than 30%. For deyakim assessments, bіlі vedmedі to know the upgrade of 100 rockіv. In addition to the sea ice, the є y іnshі factories, which pour into the population, such as the "overpopulation" in Canada and Greenland, poaching in Russia and the hardening of the middle dіє that on them). A bottle of naphtha in the Arctic is also a serious problem, splinters from the threat of a spill of naphtha and the increased number of contacts between people and people.

Seredovishche: Circumpolar Arctic (so far away for the day, as the sea ice can stand), the Spitsbergen archipelago near Norway and Churchill, Manitoba, in Canada.

Zakhidna burned

Status: in critical zone

Threat: a high level of poaching, as well as sickness like a feisty Ebola.

Information about the species: the population of the ancient gorillas, the yak, including the wilderness gorillas (in the photo, vishche), after the estimates, speed up 80% for three generations (close to 66 rocks) until 2046 gorids.

The center of living: it was burning (girsk), it was known in Rwanda, Uganda and Congo, it was found under the threat of development. You can find a gorilla in Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), mainland Equatorial Guinea (Rio-Muni), Gabon, Nigeria, Republic of Congo and Cabindi (Angola).

Humpback whale

Status: under the threat of knowledge

Threat: a number of humpback whales have been driven away by the introduction of a moratorium on fishing, or there has been a post-threat through the noise of obstruction, lost in the Ribal gear and the essence of the ships. At the established quotas, the stink is prodovzhuyut buti about the whale industry.

Information about the species: in 1966 rotsi bulo introduced a moratorium on the fall on humpback whales, because, as the stench was known to be such that it was found under the threat of knowledge, close to 90% of the population was overwhelmed.

The center of habitation: the beaches of Canada, the USA, Indian America, Australia and New Zealand, keeping an eye on whales є the popular rostrum. In summer it is time for humpback whales to be found in the polar regions, to grudge devilishly, and then to turn around in the warm water and circulate their offspring. Stink zzvychay to migrate 25,000 km.


Status: critical threat of detection

Threat: the loss of food through the virus (illegal actions of them), which is the main threat.

Information about the species: Sifaka is a species of the family of lemurs. Shovkovista sifak perebuvaє under the threat of fire; pitched for 2008 p. nalichuvalosya close to 250 mature individuals of the species. Sifaka Per'є is also under the threat of war.

The center of living: sifaka, yak and all lemuri, іsnu tilki in Madagascar.

African lion

Status: near the area

Threat: one of the main threats for the Levs on this day is the murder at the sight / in the face of the slaughter of human lives and thinness (a wicked practice of luring Levs with weaned carcasses). The loss of food, trophies, and ailments are also є by threats.

Information about the species: to prevent a decrease in the population by 30% over the last 20 years (three generations).
The center of living: the majority of African countries for a day from the Sahari.

Grizzly bear

Status: Threat of United States; especially not safe from Canada; Weimerli from Mexico.

Threat: the rise of the people and the conflict with the people. This year's news is going through the threat of a threat in the Jumbo Valley near British Columbia through a plan to develop a great ski resort. The whole region is one of the most important corridors of wild nature in the Great America, where the grizzlies come and go from the Purcell reserve - the zone, which is from the human inflow.

Information about the species: because of the fact that the Yellowstone grizzlies were seen in 2007, it was due to the “more effective way of seeing the owner of the known species of grizzlies in the area of ​​the Yellowstone National Park” - the federal district has repeatedly announced Grіzlі buli added to the list at 2009 rotsі.

The center of living: grizzlies in Pivnichniy America live mainly in Alaska, in Western Canada and when visiting the United States.

Gigantska galapagoska turtle

Status: near the area

Threat: Until recently, the main threat has been built on the merits of museum collections. This is the greatest threat of the year є hijackas, such as “wild pigs, dogs, cats and black shuri”. Donkeys, goats and great horned thinness compete with turtles in the area of ​​herds.

Information about the species: in the 19th century, the number of species has significantly changed, at the link with the tim, where the vessel passed through, the turtles were swallowed. Between 1811 and 1824, 15,000 turtles were caught by 105 whale vessels. One of the species, the giant tortoise of the Pinta Island, is caught up in vimerloi because the last representative of the species "Self-assured George" died in captivity on the cob of a rock.

The center of living: ten out of 15 appearances on the seven Galapagos Islands.


Status: under the threat of knowledge

Threat: the decrease in the number of chimpanzees is tied to the ruins of food and agriculture (farming and forestry), poaching (for meat, trading in food and for the purchase of crops), people who are ill there are fewer contacts between humans and chimpanzees).

Information about the species: the reason for the status of the contamination of chimpanzees є the speed of the speed of the number of the last 20-30 years, as trivially stretching the coming 30-40 years.

The center of living: chimpanzees live "from the ancient Senegal through the wilderness of the Congo to the western Uganda and the western Tanzania, from the sea to the height of 2800 m."

Rothschild giraffe

Status: under the threat of knowledge

Threat: the development of the Silskoy government became the main reason for the rapid number of species.

Information about the species: Rothschild's giraffe - Chi Baringo, Chi Giraffe Ugandi - є other of the species, which will be overwhelmed by the greatest threat of death, the order of the Western African giraffe. The country for 2010 rik in the wild has lost less than 670 individuals.

The center of living: the population lives in the regions of Uganda and Kenya, where they are protected. With breeding programs in captivity, for example, the Giraffe Center in Nairobi, you will be able to get a lot of numbers.


Status: near the area

Threat: the main reasons for the decrease in the number є exploitation and waste of the supply; There is no proof of the fact that you will be new to the most powerful person.

Information about the species: the last ten years of the population of hippos, according to estimates, has changed by 7-20%, and the beginning of 30 years (three generations) is predicted to decrease by 30%.

The pygmy hippopotamus, the knowledge of Zakhidny Afritsa (S'orra Leone, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire and Liberei) є before the threat of knowledge.

Seredovische habitation: rivers, lakes and swamps for a week from the Sahari.

African elephant

Status: near the area

Threat: the poaching of the elephants at the chase after the elephant's bristle, unfortunately, is not a new problem. The New York Times published an article in which the Congolese vlada took over Ugandans from victorious helicopters for slaughtering animals. Historically, it went on, that the revolting groups drive elephants into the market for the sale of an elephant's basket, then buy it and prepare your own order.

Information about the species: unaffected by poaching, the status of the African elephant will be moved from quietly, hto "under the threat of knowledge", to the status "in the zone of infestation." At that hour, when the figures of the regional populations are falling, they show an increase of 4% on the market. Vvazhaєya, scho zalalnye effect will grow populations. Elephants rode on the regional level in Burundi, Gambia, Mauritania and Swaziland, if they want the smell to be brought back to Swaziland in the 1980s and 1990s.

The center of living: you can know it in 37 African regions for a day from the Sahari.

Zebra Grevi

Status: under the threat of knowledge
Threat: the main threats to the zebra are Grevi є the change in the available water dzherel; the change of the dovkill and the waste of їkh in connection with the increase of the pastoral; competition for resources; ailments.

Information about the species: to get involved, the population of Grevi's zebras has decreased by 50% in the last two decades. This is the kind of "conceiving one of the most rapid range among the middle of the African countries".

Living in the middle: Grevi's zebra can be found in the Episode and Kenya.


Status: near the area

Threat: waste and fragmentation of the drug; zitknennya with farmers (cheetahs, scho fall in love for thinness, vvazhayutsya "shkidniki"); poaching.

Information about the species: in-line number from 7,500 to 10,000 individuals. Grounded on the 1970 rock scores, they showed 15,000 individuals, the population passed, at the extreme approach, by 30% after two ten years.

The center of living: overwhelming the majority of the population, which has become overwhelmed, is located in Pivdenniy and Shidniy Afritsi. The Asian cheetah is located in Іrani.

African wild dog

Status: under the threat of knowledge

Threat: a decrease in the number of people becomes a head rank through the growth of the people, a loss of pressure and control over the hijacking.

Information about the species: African wild dogs, who love games, are even more effective misers with a kill rate of close to 80%, approximately from 30% for levs and, as it is not wonderful, less than 2% for big witches. From the number of 500,000 in the 39 regions, the population swelled to a number of 3000 and 5500 individuals in 14 regions.

The middle of living is: common and ancient Africa: two great groups in Tanzania (reserve Selous) and new Botswana / social Namibia.


Status: from "wiklikak battle" to "critical threat of the number"

Threat: Riznі vidіlіvtsіv grievayut from vіdvіdvіllya through virbuvannya lіsіv, poaching / poaching and illegal trade in creatures.

Information about the species: tripals of the lineage, which may cause the status of a critical hazard, - the least of them, it stinks to live on a deserted island on the shores of Panami. Tripaly linivets with a mane is estimated as the one who wicked the fight and showing the decrease in the number of the population.

The center of living: lіnivtsі live on trees in the jungles of Central and Pivdennoi America.


Status: from "under threat" to "critical load"

Threat: Poaching is the main threat for all individuals. Rig of a rhinoceros is on sale on the black market for decorative and likarsky purposes. The waste of food through the rocket to the soil for silky-diversified needs is also a threat for the species.

Information about the species: in Africa there are two species: Biliy nosorig and Black nosorig. Black rhinoceroses have been given the status of being overwhelmed by a critical threat of detection, and their population has passed by 98% since 1960. Aziatski vidi - the price of rhinos of Yavi, Sumatri and Indii. The rhinoceroses of Yavi and Sumatri are among them, perebuvayut under a critical threat. For the tribute of 2008 to the rock, less than 50 mature males of the Javanese species were surpassed; The population of Sumatri shows a speed of about 80% for three generations (about 60 times)

The center of residence: Bili rhinos live near Pivdenny Afritsa, and Chorni - in Angola, Kenya, Mozambicu, Namibia, Pivdenniy Afritsa, Tanzania and the United Republic of Zimbabwe. The offense was seen and the bullets were brought back to the other African lands. In Asia, the Indian rhino grows in India and Nepal, the Javanese rhino grows in Indonesia and Vietnam, and the Sumatri rhino grows in Indonesia and Malaysia.


Status: under threat

Threat: widening of people, such as eucalyptus trees, dzherela koalas. In addition, the "lively value of the Evkalipts" has become too much to change through the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, and to bring the koalis up to the list of 10 species that have made the climate change in the light.

Information about the species: the population of koalas is being developed in Australia. The people of the population speed up, so that they grow faster.

The center of living: the region in Queensland, Victoria, New Pivdenny Uels and Pivdenna Australia

Magellan_v pingvin

Status: under threat

Threat: Threat by the head of the rank resembled the obstruction of naphtha (since 1994, it will cause up to 40,000 deaths per day). Besides, the Ribal industry also plays a great role in the underdog population.

The center of residence: Penguin Magellans nest on the Pacific and Atlantic Uzbek coasts of the Indian America in Chile, Argentina and the Falkland Islands.


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