Hitler all the way to Antarctica, why would you spend quarters of the Reich there? Secret Antarctica. Hitler Kudi's lair was discovered in Antarctica

Hitler all the way to Antarctica, why would you spend quarters of the Reich there? Secret Antarctica. Hitler Kudi's lair was discovered in Antarctica

Dossi seem that 1945 the fate of the Nazi Nimechchina did not grow up. Part of Hitler's attachments went into the tekti to the edge of the world, to Antarctica, de in the system of underground karst tunnels and peaks of the continent, a local base 211 under the name "Nova Shvabiya" was opened. You can spend some time before the new Nimetsian state at the bottom of the water. On the side of the land, developed lithuania and surface ships began to bach and dump the deprived ice carapace and black coastal skeletons ...

About those who are in the most pivdenniy point of the Earth, perhaps, the secret Nazi ob'єct, we are told by the synonyms of the Nizhniy Novgorod-born Arkadiy Nikolaev, who was the first in the world, who didn’t reach the Pole of Inaccessibility in 1958.

Do you think my dad was sent to the Pole, why was Lenin put there? - having voiced his version Andriy Nikolaev. - It’s important to be convinced. Thirteen years later, there was a loss, since the land was still half in ruins, for which a colossal amount of money was put into the expedition of my father. Having led his team to the center of Antarctica on all-terrain cars with a speed of 5 km / year, they quickly fell through the mountains of the head of the glibshki, a few kilometers. The stench was followed by a sled from a diesel carriage of thirty tons. Two people died out of the descriptions of the legends, they went to the cabins of all households without special masks on the maven farm. Two litaki zvezd into the ocean and the shore. Whose sacrifice is there? I don’t viklyuchu, scho expedition to the Pole will be confronted with, but for the sake of the SRSR, as our allies from the Other Holy War, whispering there from the Nazi base.

Yak viyavilosya, tsya version of myself, seryoznі pіdstavi.

Oase by the ice.

The first thing about the Nazi base is the name Hans-Ulrich von Krantz. Youmu got into the rozshukati of the coldest SS officer, Olaf Weizsacker: tsya lyudin, come out, banging the base on your eyes! In 1938, Weizsacker had drunk this day as a prelіdnik teachings, and in 1945 - as a bizhenets, who tried to fight at once with the members of the SS Order.
Von Kranz knows Weizsacker in Argentina. A sensational book by Krantz called "The Swastika at Ice" became the result of a series of creative and independent sensations.
… Nіmtsi disappointed the exploration of Antarctica in 1938, as long as there flew over the continent nіmetskі development lіtaki. Photographs of the midst of the twilight, occasional days, of the middle boulevards and Olaf Weizsäcker, who saw the middle of the oasis with warm lakes, the midst of the snow and the growing weather. There the stench knew the ruins of two ancient places, write on the walls what the runes were like. At the same time, the information about Antarctica was turned upside down because the land of cold weather is dead.
Ale nytsіkavіshe bulo is not a call, but all in the middle.
According to Weizsacker, the water in the sea of ​​Amudsen was warmer by a few degrees, lower in those navkolishnyh waters, moreover, warm springs gushed from the coast. For the vivchennya ts'ogo manifestation, after Hitler's commandment, five new submarines were hung up. Arriving in Antarctica, one of them drove to the skel and settled in a system of caves, tied one to one by one lakes of freshwater, so warm that you can swim in them. Above the subterranean lakes, another tier of caves appeared, aloof dry and adjoining for life. In the bagatokh of them, the boules follow the old-fashioned human activity - the reliefs on the walls, the obelisks and the virubans at the skeletons of the shchable. That is just a great, extraordinary life of the earthly light.
It is necessary to say that Adolf Hitler revived the old theory of empty land, like a pole in that, in the middle of the earth, like a matrioshka in a matrioshka, a piece of land and civilization will take place, like, perhaps, meaningfully inverted. Such an idea brought up the superhear of the orthodox science about those that the earth is built up from the heart of measles, the mantle of the nucleus.
Additional information about the kingdom of Antarctica Hitler took the idea of ​​the future of his theory and the solution about the existence of the system of local places there, called the New Swabian.
To Antarctica - їzhu, to Nіmechchini - ore.

The first axis of the majestic transport submarines took them across the entire Atlantic Ocean, ferrying to the New Swabia stocks of food, clothing, medicines, supplies and ammunition, equipment, tunnels, sleepers, trolleys, milling cutters. Back to Nimechchini, the chavny was covered with cinnamon copalins.
“In 1940, on the territory of the Land of Elsuert, the bully saw the foundations of the genus of rare earth metals. At the very moment, Nova Shvabiya stopped being a boon for Nimechchina as a vicious project and started to bring a lot of cinnamon, - write von Krantz. -Situation with rare earth metals in Nimechchyna dosi divuє bagatokh іstorikіv. Vlasnyh ancestry in the Reich, the reserves accumulated until 1939 for rock, it is not enough to look at a maximum of two rock. For all the pidrakhunks, nimetsk tanks, there is little increase in the period of 1941 rockets. However, he did not bother. Did the stars take the navazhliv syruin? The answer is obvious: from the Ice Continent! "
According to von Krantz, until 1941 the population of the underground place reached ten thousand people. I’ll have already taken care of myself with food - for a hundred kilometers from the Uzbek coast, a majestic oasis with a rocket ball of five thousand kilometers, which was called the "Garden of Eden", was opened. Until the end of 1943, near the karst caves, the construction of the shipyard for the repair of sub-water chambers was completed. "The scale of the enterprise is such that it can easily be done there." New Swabia already has a number of metallurgical and machine-and-food enterprises.
And in 1945 the base became the main attraction for the Nazis.

There were a number of backwaters.

With the capitulation of Nymechchina, it was lost, but the unidentified person was without powerless people. The party, which managed, did not see it anywhere - neither on the ocean day, nor in the ports. Shvidshe for everything, the stench was poured away for a week.
“In total, for a great result, nearly 150 per-water chapters have been prepared,” writes von Krantz. -Third of them were transport vehicles, to reach the great city. Zagalom on board the submarine fleet could accommodate 10 thousand people. In addition, the releases and the central technologies were circulating overseas. "
For his words, the submarines of the empire, the guine, carried with them "brains" - biologists, faculty of rocket technology, nuclear physics and lithuania. For the best, the best technologies have not been available. And beforehand, the smashes in Nimechchin bullets of atomic bombs, reactive aviation, ballistic missiles FAU-1, FAU-2 and FAU-3. The rest of the bullet is good enough to go up to the sky, to get into the cosmic space.
Infectious it seems to be true, “before the end of the war, there were nine pre-old enterprises in Nymechchyna, on which the projects of disks were broken up, so they were lit,” so that the lithium containers were lined with round crystals. Where did you go for the boxes?
Proceedings in the archives, von Krantz found the names of many factories, as they released high-tech products, and if they disappeared into oblivion. “All the stench of the bully evacuated after the imperative mandate of Martin Borman in the Sichni-Quit 1945 Rock at Nimechchin's Pivnich, - write Vin. -Obviously, the long way is lying across the entire Atlantic Ocean near the land of winter ice. "
To go, so valuable trophies did not go to the allies.

Antarctica is inaccessible.

The people of the three namagalos know the base 211. I all three times tried to tragically ended the bend and the knowledge of people. Von Krantz will give a lecture description of the book "Swastika in Ice".
1947 Rock to the shores of Antarctica on the joke of the base of the Nazis, a great American squadron of 14 ships was violated. In addition to the flagship aircraft carrier, there are thirteen emissaries at the їїs warehouse, over twenty years and helicopters and five thousand special warehouses. The operation was called "The Visokiy Stribok", which, for the sake of the truth, appeared to be not so visually appealing.
Spilling over the Uzbeks, one of the first American lots of people, instead of the car for a video box of red copalins. Until the end of the day, the virus is out of five hundred people on important every day, from every day to day from a number of litas. Unnaturally in the sky, the winners appeared with chords on the krill, and the landing force was deed for a spike of khilin: hot litaki that everywhere - the axis and everything that was lost. Then you can take one of the US ships - on the second day you get a stop of the boat. And far away in hіd went ... lіtayuchі tarіlki!
“The stench was madly extinguished among the ships, in fact, as satanic blue-black lusty with crooked-red dzhobes, and spitting incessantly in the fire, - having guessed a lot of rock for that, the participant of the Sayspeditson. - The whole nightmare is about twenty khvili. If the lithuanian tartars had poured the water out of the water, we thought they’d pidrahovuvati. Stink bootie greedy. "
The Rozderta Squadron turned to America.
The offensive victims were the participants of the expedition Jacques-Iva Cousteau. On the ships "Kalipso" in 1973, the virus went to the Land of the Queen of Maud from the informal staff of the French special services - to know next to base 211. Aqualungsti Kusto viyavili the submarine input from the ground today, the pendants snatched their way. Ale all five people disappeared in one of the tunnels. Expedition of the term was brought to gornuti.
The third for their quality paid the Russians. We have already guessed the 1958 expedition to fate - nothing has come of it. Nova was viral at the quirk of the 70s, since the air signs appeared, which showed great things on Antarctica, those who were inhabited by the people of the oasis. A group of monitors was sent to one of them. Ours were smashed into the oasis of tabir, and then we tried to drink to the mine, as we were leading all the way to the middle of the earth. At the moment, they lost a tense vibuch, and three people were lost.
And for a few days, all the participants of the expedition have wandered without a trace.
In that hour, the Holy Powers ceased to turbuvati of the tajmans of the Lodovoy continent. Vinikak zakonіrne food - and what is the basis of the Third Reich at once?
“Unambiguous views are mute and seasonal, or indirect ones - more not enough,” our historian Vadim Telitsin, at his book “Hitler in Antarctica”. -Radiolocation stations of the US Air Force, Argentina and Chile often use "floating discs", "cylindri" and other "geometric figurines", which sail from one edge of Antarctica to the last ".
Otzhe, not vklyucheno, but the Third Reich dozvitaє in the land of Antarctica.

Summer lakes, little rivers - life?

Well, well, you can see riddles and mysteries on the continent, it’s just about 99 years old, it’s covered with a ball of ice from the starter until some kilometers, the middle temperature rises from -50 degrees to -50 degrees, from -50 degrees to -50 degrees. on uzberezhzhі with penguins and seals? Until then, more than a hundred rockets of Antarctica have been overwhelmed by the visual in the choloviks, there are not a dozen science stations, and the bags of Chile and Argentina live in whole families near the villages. Protest Antarctica was filled with charms. It’s not easy to open the axis only, it’s not easy, it takes ten years to go.
In Antarctica, there are low giant middling lakes. For example, at a distance of 480 km from the Pivdenny Pole, Lake Skhid rose. For the area, there is no way to sacrifice such a lake, like Onezke. The ice over the lake is from 3.5 to 4.5 kilometers, the most glib is 1200 meters, and in the area of ​​the Russian Antarctic station "Skhid" - 680 meters. All in all, the last few years are taking into account the latest unique lake in one of the most common and most important scientific problems on the ear of the XXI century.
Before the hour of the companion scanning of the continent, the glimpses of the wondrous wondrous changes of the giant lakes under the ice were seen. So, the vodi in one of them has moved by three meters, and for two іnshі wines it has gone down. It would be easy to finish just to explain the phenomenon, as I did not see 290 kilometers of water trapped in this ice. To solve the riddle of nature, to solve the mystery of nature, to come to Antarctica, there could be a system of old ryochokas, as to create the majesty of the people of the lake. Moreover, it may be possible to reach the big ones, so they can "throw" two cubic kilometers from two waters to the third one, and take two cubic kilometers to reach 290 kilometers in total in 16 months.
For a long time, people have "fallen in love" with microorganisms, which theoretically can live in the old lakes of Antarctica. Water is still called "capsules for an hour", even if life in them is a little safe in isolation from quiet pir, if the surface of the continent is covered with ice. The lid from Lake Shid can turn the rich scientific manifestation of the people around.
After the ice, as well as further away, the waters of Lake Shid play a great role in encouraging the scenario of natural wines to the climate in the closest thousand years and life on the planet.
In the case of ice stoppers, who have taken hundreds of meters from the surface of the water, there are also two types of unidentified natural bacteria. Deyakі biologists vvazayut, that in the lake Shіd you can live hundreds of hours of gigantic ferns and dinosaurs, oskіlka the temperature of the water there can reach +18 degrees.
Tsіkavo, scho otrimanі from the American orbital companions danі showed thаt above the water surface of the lake іsnu wedged in by an empty dome with a height of 800 meters, and added a high magnetic activity there.
Not long ago at the station "Skhid" the biologists of the Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics conducted an analysis of the core taken from the mountains of ice that covered the lake. The new bulo has a bacterium, a good life for a normal temperature of +55 degrees. To go, in the lake there was such a temperature. And maybe є. Otzhe, the hypothesis about those, how the water fills the ice, like the order of going, well, say, geysers, not so fantastic?

Taєmnichiy Skhid.

For the words of the head of the station "Skhid" Valeriy Lukin, for the rest of the rock in the ice, the uppermost part was drilled, and nearly 130 meters were drilled to the water surface of the lake. Ale dal buriti to be afraid: if the drill "zanyuritsya" near the water, then the hole is brought into the gigant "flask", sealed by a little rocky in that, the sinister earthly brute. I don’t know what to say. Maybe, as an earthly bacterium, to know all life in the lake - ribs, molluscs ... And the sterile borax is not gone. At the same time, when there is a lot of "whirling" from the lake to the surface and every time there are traces of it, it is also unacceptable. Also, there is no guarantee that there is no microbiome from Lake Shid, and people on Earth didn’t stick with it!
NASA viprobuvalo at the Pole Pole a special robot for overhead storming ice. Winnings for the advancement of the lodgers on Europe - the companion of Jupiter. Europe can also be covered with a large-sized ball of ice, underneath it - water, and the temperature on the surface of the planet below is 70 degrees. Mayzhe Lake Skhid, deprived of space. Similar to the descent of that crooked caps of Mars. And, maybe, go to the ice and in Europe, and on Mars and life?
The author of the statti "Cryorobot doslіdzhu Antarctica", published in the American magazine "Space", stverdzhu, the robot has already developed a lot of friends from the iceman at the Great Pole and the slopes of the ice 1226 meters.
For a moment, a little bit about Lake Skhid, walk around, navigate the middle of polar explorers. Hook it up, there is a ship of aliens in the new one, and there are water lakes in the lakes, for a long time they wandered from the surface of the Earth as well as an ancient monstrosity.
All the time, they call all the world culture upholstery. But for the rich food and for the rest, there can be no change.
- Lake Shid Tim and Tsikavo, - even El Sutherland, head of the American Expedition at the McMurdo Antarctic Station, - well, be it connected with him, it seems like to put more power, not just to see. Lookin and Sutherland are often tempted to fix the problem of discussing Lake Shid problems, or let us talk a little more sparingly about them. The landmarks of the land are more and more secret robots, tied up with the penetrations of the local community of unique illumination, which "took part" in the ice of Antarctica.
Until 2000, an international team took care of the American side of the lake, and then the US National Security Administration took over. Deborah Schingteller, a NASA spokesman at the ZMI, said that such a replacement was dictated by the peace of mind of the country. At the same time, I went through one of NASA's cores in front of the microphone in front of the microphone, which clarified that "it has been interrupted to preserve the ecological safety of the middle ground." In that hour, call Deborah Shingteller and z'yasuvati, as I’m not safe enough in respect, I didn’t go into any of the magazines ...
Now, under the crusty shell of Antarctica, can you get the US uryadov cola, and so can Russia, which smells like a stench to the Lake Skhid area one by one scientific expeditions, is equipped with expensive and secret possessions?
It is known from the information published in foreign dzherels, in the fierce 2000 rock two groups of people, who have been running a special program for a long time, have financed the United States and the United Kingdom, have been able to use special sensors in the area. Ale rapt's stench took away the order of all robots with pinch programs. Zhodnikh explained for the tsim not bulo.
At the connection with the words of the deyaki, the precursors of the mysterious manifestations of nature and the same history of the history, discuss the possibility of being discovered in Antarctica - on the surface of what is, by a crooked curvature - the secret base of the UFOs of some of the nations!
As soon as there are two left-overs, the idea of ​​a fascist base in Antarctica seems to be more fantastical, as if it is not even absurd. Ale, you can not sleep with such visnovka ...

Uranus on Queen Modi Earth.

In 1961, in the official history of Antarctica, there was a banner podium - in the nadra of the boules, the uranium was officially revealed. And not just lay it down, but the whole of the family, as it is possible to make up for its significance because of the reserves in the United States, moreover, most of the ore is found on the Land of Queen Maud, as the Nazis wanted to colonize. In that hour, most of the rockets have passed, and the distribution of cinnamon copalins in Antarctica has been fenced in by the provisions of the famous 1959 Treaty. It is noteworthy that the amount of uranium in the Antarctic ore is no less than 30 times the amount of uranium, which is one third more, not from those who are most abundant in their ancestors in the Congo, from which the United States, those who used to scoop up "vibrating atoms" for their nuclear In 1938, the problem of uranium storage was not as serious as in the case of war, the development of uranium charges was nevertheless carried out. Europe and America have practically no such dzherel.
Nimtsy, unaffected by the door to Hitler's anger to a new kind of zombie, it became clear earlier in the winter that European uranium dzherela is not very useful for mass virobniting of atomic bombs; For the most part, the great European war rozrahovuvati on the African load was unreasonable, and now it was announced that the "low continent" - Antarctica.
Having poured into the collection of insights brought from Antarctica by the Nimetsian polar explorer Vilhelm Filchner in 1912, the core of the Nazi "atomic project" Dr. Werner Heisenberg might reasonably be able to find the Queen in the Earth's planet. Sp'yaniliy with his permogues in Europe, Hitler easily allowing Gimmler, Gering and Raeder to allow himself the year to send to the distant Antarctica equipped with expeditions from the jokes of mythical "roots". On the holy day, the completion of the future awakening of the new Reich Chancellery ... Gitler self-satisfiedly saying: "Well garazd! (Shtans. "I am Hitler's Chuv". 1989)
The decision about the annexation of the Land of Queen Maud - Norwegian Volodymyr near Antarctica - the team took note of the 1940s rock, unsuccessful due to the capitalization of Norway. At the same time, a special mission was formed under the command of General Alfred Richter. In view of the plans to land on the Land of the Queen of Maud, they have been celebrating since 1938, and they have seen the first time since 1938, I will name it: Nova Shvabiya. Nibito even today Richter flew over her a small litak and threw off a dozen vimpels with a swastika down below, showing anger to the international lands about the suburbs of Antarctica. And in 1941, some people just hung out in Antarctica, in kolishnykh, as they respected the stench, Norwegian volodinnyakh, and they slept there their station "Oasis" at the bridge, seemingly nine years from the name "Oasis of Bangera" u 1946 rotsi. "Oazi" - the price of land for the land, for the ice in the ice.
Німці vlashtovuvalis here runtovno. In 1943, the grand-admiral Karl Deniz missed the even more primitive phrase: "The Nimetsky submarine fleet is written by him, having created an impregnable fortune for the Fuhrer". Shvidshe for all the price means that from 1938 to 1943 the Nazis built a secret base in Antarctica. For the transport of the vantages of the Vikoristov, they had to pass the water supply from the secret secret "Convoy of the Fuehrer".

Expedition "Stribok at the top"

Indirect support of the guessed priest can be found in the "Antarctic action" of Richard Byrd, the American admiral, polar glider, lotchik, clerk of the Antarctic expeditors. The fourth of them, which was seen in the 1946-1947 rock, was a nagrandeznozshoyu that enigmatic.
For its scale, the expedition of code names "Stribok at the Visot" was more than nagaduvala Vyskovo invasion operation. They took part in 13 ships of the US Navy, including an aircraft carrier, krigolam, tanker and submarine choven. Powered transport facilities included 15 large-valet lithuanians, lithuanian distributors of the long-distance period, helicopters and chapels. Tsikaviy personnel warehouse of the scientific expedition center. Before her, there were 25 naukovts and ... 4100 seafaring men, soldiers and officers! The expedition of the bull was taken over by the US Congress and was financed by the region of the country, and the keruvalo was carried out by the Vyskovo-Maritime House.
Official American propaganda did not get tired of repeating, but the expedition is small, but it is not enough for science. Alas, why did the Chilean and Argentinean magazines know that the Americans have "gotten serious problems with the rise on the Uzbek coast of Antarctica"? First of all, did they make 200-kilometer marches across the continent under the command of Admir Byrd? Who (who) did the stench make fun of there? Possibly, at the station-base "Oasis" near Novy Shvabiya, it was just like on the Baltic Uzbek coast of Poland, they fired and tried their super-family with the help of the V-7, Would you like to know the signs of this kind of activity that the American admiral came to see? And, perhaps, not vaguely, the operation was called "Stribok at the Visot" - the V-7 discs were fluttering and sat vertically.
At the link with the cymbals is even more rich in meaning є the statement of Byrd, he was destroyed by the message of turning from the whole wonderful scientific expedition. And having said it literally offensively: "After getting the State to blame, get ready to defend against the enemy, because in his own order, he will be able to blockade us from the poles of our planet."
Turning to the specialness of Richard Byrd, the American Papanin, later, until 1928, he first flew over Antarctica, and the leaves fell in 1929 until it reached the Pole Pole. The zagalom has flown over Antarctica about 180,000 kilometers. The last flight over her The 67th Berd died in 1955, two times before his death. The very last flight has given rise to a lack of mysterious talk and pretense.
Dosi walk a bit about the witty display, which is not broken by it for the most part. At the book, written by Amadeo Giannin and published in 1959, two years later, after the death of the admiral, Berd will find itself in Antarctica, having entered the ... underground light! Having spent time at the whole sights, bachiv there is a lot of roslinness, lakes with warm water і, how to find, creatures, how to wander along its shores, even similar to dinosaurs. All the admiral didn’t know for sure and described in a lecture with his secret friends that he would be sure to be known and published. (What can you say here? Fantastic Jules Verne and Hoops see).

Krizhana vezha and nevidomy virus.

Another mystery of Antarctica: the issue of the American magazine "Weekly World News" published on April 24, 2001 was published about those who are Norwegian today, which are based on the polar-polar station "Amundsen-Scott," kilometers from Mount McClenttock, I watch the mysterious nature of the quiet sign. The tower with a height of 28 meters was prompted from hundreds of blocks and nagadu, behind these words, "I watch the middle castle".
Until the end of the hour, the sporud was caught in all the middle gigantic snow kuchugurs, and it was only because of the recent hurricanes that cleared one of the snow drifts.
- We have a lot of zhodnykh pripuschens about those who have been standing here for a long time. There may be one hundred, or a thousand rockets, - even K'ell Nergaard, one of the participants in the expedition to the whole continent, which has broken the whole vision.
Why does life need to live on this continent? And I would like the axis: 1999 fate has become one of the znamenny podіya, on yaku, shhopravda, mayzhe nіkhto, behind the vinyat hіba scho fakhіvtsіv, without breaking the proper respect. And it became like this: for the data of the Internet, the scientific-to-the-past US expedition appeared in Antarctica with a virus, up to which there is no immunity for people, not for creatures. Ale, greeted, Antarctica is far away, and it’s not so bad for me, it’s more important to be in permafrost. However, on the thought of those who are in charge, if you are concerned about those who will block the Earth globally with warming, then no infection can block people with a terrible catastrophe. Axis and expert from New York University Tom Starmer to predict his colleagues with a frown. "We do not know why people will be stuck at the Pole at the closest hour at the close of global warming," he said, "maybe it’s possible to think that the temperature will rise ...". Did you get the infection? The form of life can be completely prehistoric. And maybe the result of vyprobuvannya bacteriological zbroi Nazis?
Russia will continue to promote our brothers our active fate in the development of the secrets of Antarctica. The state has become known once again as a financial institution for the distant continent. The ship of the polar sea geological exploration expedition "Akademik Oleksandr Karpinskiy" has departed for a new voyage from St. Petersburg. Vono to carry out geophysical vivchennya of Budov and siege rocks of the bottom of the hid part of the Mawson Sea. Transferred to the members of the expedition to take care of the mysteries of Lake Skhid.
Directly delivered to the mysterious continent, our Murmansk sea-going steamer is made, sailors of nearly forty years on ice-class ships repeatedly delivered to Antarctica for our polar explorers.

Lodovic's Reich

Whole fate on the new continent to find out a whole lot of people. To the warehouse of the 54th Russian Antarctic Expedition, who also liked the work, were sent out by the experts of the academic institutes - microbiology, paleontology, geochemistry and analytical chemistry. At the same time with the Russian vicarious prych-o-plych, they will work out eleven NASA factions. Representatives of the Arctic and Antarctic NDI iz the drive seem to be in the region of the so-called Schirmacher oasis - lake, which looks like a miraculous field for the introduction of the technologies of the future. I, the seedling, the technology of a joke of living living organisms on the planets Allsvita for the help of special robots. To a great extent, the storm of Lake Skhid can be seen, de, yak allow for the day, life can be very simple alive. How can one go to such an interest to the ice-covered continent, if the fakhivtsi of the native lands, wandering, are trying to check out the great diva of the continent? It is not enabled, but it is a good thing to do it. Only a glimpse of it can be seen in this plan - it is possible to shed light on one of the most recent mysteries of the recent past - the plan of the Nazis to populate Antarctica. About those who were planning to do so, allow to speak non-private documents, which were listed at the authorized "Pidsumkiv".

Tibetan slid

Antarctica was in the form of a distant 1820 rock. However, the persistent systemic and perished vyvchennya deprived of life through the capital. Moreover, representatives of the Nazi Nimechchina appeared as the most glorious precursors of the ice continent. In 1938-1939, the NIMTs organized two hard-hitting expeditions to the continent. The lithuanians of the Luftwaffe took detailed photographs of the majestic territories and threw on the mainland a number of thousands of metal vimpels with a swastika. The head of the operation, Captain Ritscher, made a special addition to General-Field Marshal Gering, who at that time was the head of the Ministry of Aviation and the first people at the UPU: “Skin 25 kilometers have found the visuals of skids. photographed. ”

The activity of the Nazis on the whole, naturally, did not come together in the form of a radian development, just to identify a unique document with the stamp "Tsilkom taumno", which was listed among the ordered "Pidsumkiv". June 10, 1939 Vsevolod Merkulov, the first defender of the People's Commissar of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs, the head of the Main Directorate of State Security, was woken up to style. A new non-household researcher has informed about his 19-th generation in the Reich: “... Expeditions є the discovery by the name of the so-called place of gods, enthralled by the ice of Antarctica in the region of the Land of Queen Maud ... "

At the contacts of the Nimetsian clergy and Tibetans at the history of the history, there are reports. Good luck with 20 rocky and trivial right up to the fall of the Reich. So, behind the words of the Radianski Vіyskovsky investigators, who first went to Berlin, on the steps to the office of the Fuhrer's residence, a thousand corpses with rice characteristic of the wicked people from the Hіmalaj were revealed. At the bunkers there were more than thirty representatives of the Mongolian race. Who stinks and what has appeared so far from home? On the basis of the power supply, materials are added to the OGPU teacher Yakov Blumkin. 1926 Roku vіn buv as a representative of the OGPU in Ulan Bator. One hour he was victorious at the residence in the sumy territories - in Tibet, Inland Mongolia, and in some regions of China. Blumkin herself was the first to tell the OGPU about the expedition to Tibet. For this information, in 1926 a colony of Tibetans appeared in Berlin and Munich, and a partnership was established for Tibet. Often visit here having made a vidomy of the Nimetsian doctrine-esoteric Karl Haushofer, drowning in ideas of psychotechnics and sacred spiritual practices. It was from the initiative of the community of people that they organized large-scale expeditions in Gimala. It became a matter of fact in 1928 when Blumkin was denounced by the dear people and resigned. On the way of the winners, they actively discussed, as they were whispering to the legendary Shambhala in Himalay, ala, without showing up, they moved the center of their messages to Antarctica. But almost ten rockies have passed, the first few years have changed their presence on the ice continent.

Secret Lots

There is direct documentary evidence of the fact that from 1940 to 1943 the Nazis were brewed in Antarctica in the area of ​​the Land of the Queen Mod of the secret objects. Radiansk_y development bulo is reliably seen as well. Deyakі nіmetskі vchenі shared the theory of "emptied Earth", right from the surface of the planet to see the giant empty ones, as well as the reference oases for the warm weather. On the thought of Nimetsky experts, some empty ones were taken to Antarctica. In the archives of the "Pidsumkami" archival documents, SMERSH is seen in 1938 about those who in 1938 had some nimetsky breeders who had heard the ice continent, but they saw some other ice. As long as the secret documents are true, then there is about "the territory of the earth, ale with such mountains and continents, oceans of clear water, an inner sun, near which the wrapping of the Earth is seen." Passing through the center of mobility as a result of special maneuvers for an hour during the run-up to the bottom of the water. The pilots were saved. Nіmtsі, admitting that they can drink up to the hands of others, they were breaking a few options, including those who are hibs. The maps were supervised in 1500 offices near the Dachau concentration center in the "sonderlaboratory" in 1944, to inform about the oversight of the information. It's no wonder that all the people who took part in the well-being, boiled down.

Any kind of vipadku tse bouli is not just a picture. On the skin they are in numbers and signs, which can be deciphered by the faculty members in the astronomy and navigation halls, signified by the keys. Є At the age of old, the stench in the wilderness starts to grow as soon as it grows and grows Misyatsya. For example, to the People's Commissar of the Vyskovo-Maritime Fleet of the SRCR, Admiral Mykola Kuznetsov, ten copies of useful submarine cards were sent out for organizing planned robotics and viruses.

The history of the SS archival documents revealed concrete records. "My sailors vyyavili spazzhny earthly paradise", - said the commander of the Nimetsky submarine fleet Admiral Denits. The first is another enigmatic phrase, which sounded through the mouth: "The Nimetsky submarine fleet is written by that time, having created an unapproachable fortune for the Fuhrer in the first place." Having spoken on the whole topic, Hitler himself. On the holy day, the completion of the business awakened the new Reich Chancellery, saying: "Well, garazd! As soon as in the second half of Europe, for a few days, you can come to Antarctica before the Reich to have a problem before the Reich."

From the secret documents of the ship, in 1940, in Antarctica, at the request of the Fuehrer, two underground bases began to function. Їхн Zhodny sacral sense in the center of the ob'ykti did not contribute anything.

For the transport of vantages on the distant lands of the Vikorists, 38 submarines were installed from the "Convoy of the Fuhrer". The clues about the prices are also set in the documents of the radio investigation: "... I add, on the 11th day of 1945, by the counter-intelligence officers of the SMERSHU 79 rifle corps to the headquarters of the Naval Forces of Nimechchin at the address: glybin "with a stamp" only for captains of submarine chambers A-class sonder-convoy of the Fuhrer "at a number of 38 pieces with numbers from series" 44 "No. z 0188 to 0199 ... z No. 0446 to 0456".

As a result of deyakі vіyskovі histories, for example, vіynyi in the port of Nimetskiy Kіlya from the number of sub-water chambers were torpedoed by the torpedoes and filled with containers with new vantages. In addition, the submarines took on board passengers - the number of hundreds, which was judged by the inhabitants of the New Swabia.

Required volunteers

Document from the archives of the SMERSH counterintelligence: "... Whiskeys from the secret zoshit with the texts of the legal orders of the supreme head commander of the military forces of the Nimechchina and SS Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler about the police of the mid-life forces of the maritime forces. Colonel of the Wehrmacht Wilhelm Wolff, who organizes the counterintelligence of SMERSH, no one rozshukuyut. It is revealed in the middle of the archival documents of the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht near the city of Pyrna in Dresden ... "

Since 1942, in New Swabia, there has been a transfer of maybutnyh sacks, to the front of those fachivts "Ahnenerbe" - the complex science center of the SS, as well as "purebred Aries" from the number of members of the Nazi Party. Prove first to that. The exploration of the Antarctic territories was built by the fuehrer. I will instruct the Reichsfuehrer SS No. 330 from 05/27/1940: "For parts of the SS, the Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe and the Navy. All in one place. Only for the staff. On 10.01.1940" Forget the Reich, as well as your own relatives and loved ones, so that all the volunteers will go to spend it quietly, but it’s not a bad thing and not tying up with relatives. Spіvbessіd pryniti To guide the robot to the middle, whose relatives have lost their lives or died, send such candidates without explaining the reasons to the component parts for sending them to New Swabia. list in the list of announcements of the Gestapo at 15 primirniks. "

Pіslya rozgromu fashistskih vіysk Head Head upravlіnnya kontrrozvіdki SMERSH Viktor Abakumov otrimav pripis "zorієntuvati operational pratsіvnikіv kontrrozvіdki in Radyans'ka okupatsіynih areas in Єvropі of metoyu Poshuk (otrimannya) whether yakoї operational tehnіchnoї Informácie schodo dіyalnostі nіmetskogo pіdvodnogo fleet is the" spetsіalnogo escort the Fuhrer "that tsіnnostey from the American country to Antarctica. " Immediately, it disappeared in the life of the visit before the trip and the stage of especially important testimonies and eyewitnesses, those who took part in the operations, who read the report and the information from the galuzy. Energy of the poles to the cold

Chim mali namir engaged in provincial nimetskі vchenі in Antarctica, surrounded by robots over the roots of the new generation of crystal clear arіytsіv? Isnu schodo tsyogo yak minimum dvі version. Cleverly razdіlimo їkh for simple that foldable. It’s simple to see the truth simple: Hitler and his analysts did not include the fall of the Third Reich, but since then, it’s necessary to go out of the way for the sake of mischief, where the hands of the holy justice didn’t reach. Before that, in the early days of the territory, the Mala vikristalizuvatisya is a new, truly Aryan race, which laid the foundation of the Fourth Reich.

The foldable version in terms of the essence includes pershu - simple, but only a small part of the majestic "project of immortality". All the same, having obliterated the Tibetan deeds of unique knowledge, technologies and keys for entering the earth, nimtsi, mabut, they were realized by those who were living in the world and for the present day people. All in all, we can do it well, let's look into the distance to set up alternative energy sources. The prelates say that in the scientific archives of the Third Reich є little ones, they explain the principle of "twisting" of thin physical fields, so that they allow the creation of "technomagic aparati". As soon as the witnesses, known by the mercenaries, were smashed by nimetsy electrodynamic machines, how they were victoriously wrapped, they did not just sniff the structure around themselves for an hour, but expanded in turn. The same principle is nibito buv vikoristany at the time of the so-called nazi discs. Let us give the Reich a little bit of anti-gravity effect.

From a glance of science, there is nothing neurological in gravitational dviguns. Fakhivtsyam, as they work at the galuzi of alternative energy dzherel, vidomy so titles are the Hans Kohler converter, which re-transforms the energy of gravitation into electricity. Є In the houses, the Vikorist converters were installed in the electromagnetogravitational engines, which were produced in Nimechchin in 1942-1945 at the "Simens" and "AEG" factories. The converters were fixed as dzherela energy yak on the "float discs", and at some giant sub-water chambers and underground bases. The former colonel of the American Army, Windel Stevens, at his help, wrote: "Our development is now as if it were the same as the great old submarines, and all the stinks were sent down to the water, not complete. The stench is not on the ocean day, but it’s not in the railway port, about which we know.

And the former American military commander, Adm. Richard Byrd, obmovivsya about one end of the tsikava history, which is known until 1946 to rock. Todi the Americans sent a whole expedition to Antarctica, the ale tsya flotilla, in the words of the admiral, knew the strikes of the unidentified sea-going forces, and more precisely - "tarilok, how the ships are lighted,"

The main argument is quiet, hto be aware of the polarity of the base, - the ease of delivery of this colossal amount of food, which is necessary for electrical power supply. The argument is serious, but the price can be rewritten: if the Kohler converters are the doors, then the demand in the palom is minimal.

Ostanniy pritulok

In the rest of the rock, there was a questioning of documents, like the news of Swabia. The decree of the fate of the special depository of the Chilean National Historical Archive in Santiago was filled with documents from the collection of the visiting diplomat Migel Serrano. It has been closed for the year before 2014 some of the documents, in which the materials were written about anything prompted by the Nazi Nimechchina for example, to destroy the land of the land in Antarctica. The Chilean druk was stverdzhuvav, but before the archival it could have been honored by the deceased ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, who created the friendship from Serrano. A colossal Chilean diplomat in 1950-1960s at the bottom of his books hanging the thesis about those that Hitler had not lost, but knew a lane near the majestic underground place here near the New Swabian region - on the Land of Queen Maud.

At the same hour, SMERSH mav in the hands of an unprecedented proof of the death of Adolf Hitler. The head of them was to get a dentocard of a charred corpse found near the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery. Witness the witnesses of the special dentist of the Nazi leader, I’ll look back on the Fuehrer’s dentocard. However, it is not possible to win, but nіmtsі, as volodіli with a tense development apparatus, could easily master the "theatrical production" of the Fuhrer’s death and go ahead and beat the dentocard. It is possible to let it start, but it is by the teeth that the corpse of your head thief can be burned to the point of not being recognized. That is why I will be able to win those who are not possible for Hitler to get evacuations from chilled Berlin. Having found a place in Antarctica, the leader of the Reich interrupted his special contacts due to the great light. Before that, there was no way to tell about those who were close to Adolf Hitler in Argentina, Peru and Chili, who were deceived by the Nazis, having eliminated the Nuremberg process.

Serrano letting in the same way, at the laboratories of the Nazi Nimechchin, a new generation of literary aparati was opened. In his remaining sheets of Pinochet, published by the press, he was told about the manifestation of vague proofs of the fact that the secret base of the Nazi Nimechchin was not only saved from the blame, but rose. I, mabut, nigolovnish: low pre-vvazhayut, but a good base in Antarctica has been preserved to our days. First, moving, the very tsim can be explained by the ninth changes of the interests of the provincial states of the world to the ice mainland. Tsilkom zrozumilo: the one who is the first to evolve the tamnicheskaya settlement, will become a volodar of unique technologies.

Merkuliv folders

How did the ordered "Pidsumkiv" have copies of unique documents? The history of this activity is simple. It’s an hour to break up the SRSR, go through the coup, rogue and chaos before the hands of one of the generals, a part of the archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was consumed. Before buying documents, boules and so-called mercury folders. During the period from 1943 to 1946, Vsevolod Merkulov became the People's Commissar of State for Security of the USSR

Slid means that in an hour the interest of the special services to Antarctica is not lost, but, navpaki, sp. Most of the approval is the recent visit of the director of the FSB, Mikoli Patrushev, to the ice continent. Naskіlki vіdomo, the Russian special services actively retrieve archіvnі documents, so and respectfully inform us all the podії, tied with Antarctica. One of the spy rossiyskiy special services in the distribution of the correspondents of "Pidsumkiv", which is unimportant to the fantastic version about the presence of nymts in Antarctica, she has a lot of obvious facts. For example, by the verdict of the fixes of the change in the movement of people from the general Antarctic ice to reach the vigorous objects of the cylindrical form. Well tse, leave it neatly say. Besides, according to the words of a competent representative of the special services, it is simply unwise to navigate all the technical means for mastering that constant guard over Antarctica. Orbits of space companions roztashovani in such a rank, but do not allow the whole territory of the ice continent to be hunted, and the part of it is meant to be lost in the "dead zone". Try an aggressive penetration into the nadra continent, behind the words of the official "Pidsumkiv", they were afraid. Seemingly, accept, about two vіyskovі expeditions, destruction in the remaining twenty years. The offense was interrupted in an extreme order: all the scientific possession for non-noisy reasons was rapt, and the commanders appeared amazed by an unrecognizable zhakh - people in the eyes of numerous witnesses were striking the water overboard. In the expedited calls there is no evidence. Usya information is classified. Yak admit the old people and the entourage of the people of the land, as long as I want to know the tribute about the New Swabia, the housewife took care of the move. Ignorance as speeches for an hour, we can get rid of it for knowledge.

Stepan Krivosheev
Grigoriy Sanin

Completed in 1 chilin 37 seconds
So, if someone is tsikavo, then you can know tsikave for yourself

Dots on the cards

Queen Maud Land- a great area on the Atlantic Uzbek coast of Antarctica, where lie between 20 ° Western and 44 ° 38 "latent. The area is close to 2,500,000 square kilometers. Mod for a number of science stations, including the Russian station "Novolazarevska" and the famous station "Neymayur".

Інше life

There is a lot of tribute about those in the central area of ​​the ice shield of Antarctica є mice, de lower yogo surface, mabut, water. The scientific researcher of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Zotikov told the correspondents of the "Pidsumkiv" about those who were in 1961, having analyzed the data about the ice skaters of the central part of Antarctica, who rejected the survivors of the first ones. The results of this analysis have shown that the central regions are in the minds, if heat is supplied from the lower surface of the ice-dweller up the mountain through the great yogo region of the Maliy. At the connection with the cym, all the heat from the above ground cannot be increased by the inputs between the “ice - firm bed”, part of which is to blame for the continuous use of the cordon. Such a frost was shattered: the water melted at the viglyadi of an occasionally thin float, it was seen at the place, the children of the lodovik mensha. In the vicinity of the bedside bed, water can accumulate near the viglyadi of thawed water lakes. In 1962, the newspaper Izvestia wrote: “... You can, under the ice of Antarctica, on the area of ​​the ryvny area of ​​Europe, pour a sea of ​​sweet water. gibini. і snіgu. I can be even worse, but in the whole piddlyovic sea є your own, totally free life ... "

In Antarctica, there are some undesirable regions, - even Sergiy Bulat, Senior Scientist in the Study of Molecular and Radiation Biophysics of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics. - Pidlyodovik's structure is even more versatile, the most common continental relief, de є gory, lakes and іnshe. Along the continent and ice, not empty, all the stinks are stored either by water or by ice. However, on my thought, the idea of ​​the surroundings of civilization under the crooked hat is unhappy. Adzhetovshchina ice near Central Antarctica is three kilometers long. Chomus is easy to see there. Do not forget that the average temperature of the surface of the continent is minus 55 degrees. If I want it under the ice, it’s very warm, it’s close to 5-6 degrees below zero, it’s not enough to protect it.

It's fantastic!
Ephraim Zuroff, "myslyvets for the Nazis", director of the Israeli Bureau of the Simon Vizental Center:

I think that the resettlement of the Nazis to Antarctica is an absolutely divine idea; We know that thousands of Nazis flew to Canada, Australia, Pivnichnaya and Pivdennaya America, but not to Antarctica. I didn’t know the correct document and I don’t feel more believable information about those who want one fascist at the Pivdenniy Pole. All subtleties are declared in the hallucinations of fiction.

Sergiy Sorokin, Viskovyi historian, provincial teacher of the Central Museum of the Great Victory Day:

The version about Hitler's flow of that yogh best otochennya to Antarctica is science fiction. Є Ob'ktivnі and not one time reconversion of the data about those, that the leader of the Third Reich was burned and recognized. If we could not navigate without Hitler, the surplus of the Nazis would not go viral to Antarctica - now ?! And they have the opportunity to get along with the Holy America. There is a lot of pseudo-scientific versions about the Antarctic base of the Nazis, protest, at least some of them, so many public authorities have not been found.

Who is responsible ...

A large number of Vіyskovo analysts are guarded, until the end of the Other Holy Day, Nіmechchina vied for his adversaries at some Vіyskovo-technical galuzy. There’s about the war, building a share of the large-scale military campaign, - crylate rockets FAU-1 and FAU-2, lithuanian warriors with jet engines and tactful nuclear fire. In his fortune, one of the great military analysts, Lieutenant-General-Engineer Yerich Schneider stverdzhuv, was sent to the end of the battle, to protect the women, to protect the baggage, 346 thousand

Schneider vvazhaє, scho at the laboratories and pre-old institutes of the warring parties, from the maximum effort of forces were fought by the robots, striking how to neutralize the enemy's gain, and overturning them. And the whole thing gave a new impulse to doslіdzhennya. In such a rank, I’m lucky to see the growth of technical capabilities є I’ll grow up to the pendulum, which with a skin swing increases my amplitude.

However, behind the words of Schneider, in the front and war rock in Nimechchina, there was no single center of culture in science. Vchenykh literally "attributed" to the quiet of the first birth, and then slowly transferred to the other directly. Setting the vinyatok, mabut, deprive the submarine fleet. Admiral Deniz to the volunteer decisions, having seen the lost system of scientific capital, especially to the conference of provincial faculty, informed about the technical crisis of the chief of staff of the marine fleet in recognition of one Having turned over to the industrial institutes, the admiral ordered the new chief especially. Tsikavo, the very same submarine fleet of Nimechchini will be able to master Antarctica with a head force for an hour.

At the advanced history.

Glorious hours have passed, since our ships were boiled by the honorable rulers of the oceans. I myself got to know myself with the naval officer, captain of the first rank of the Vershinin, who told me about the terrifying town of Antarctica.

Queen Maud Land

Having felt this, the most recent sailor from the nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine choven) give 100 points for Cousteau himself for the geography of the road near the ocean. The first sailor was asked to tell the TV studio about clothes, for example, the Sargasov Sea, Viyshov bi-embarrassment. Pidvodniki, surrounded by the commander and also many officers, do not beat anything. Dovgі mіsyatsі life of people on a submarine in order not to a great rhythm - to the rotation of watches. If you want to look at the surface in the periscope, you can see palm trees on exotic shores and see the magic of the wild, the sailor is constantly looking at the plafond, at the time of the instructions, the crews are unintentionally taken from the tables. The service of Vershinin was spent at another command leader. Perhaps, the memory of me and lead, ale forgotten the name of the place, bilya such choven nis boyove cherguvannya: Land of Queen Maud. Tsebula Antarctica is a continent with characteristic ice-covered areas. On the ice surface of the seizure 95% of the territory. Rashta are the tops of the mountains, which can be washed from the ice, and іdkіsnі kam'yanistі oases. The average ice area is 2300 meters, so nominally, a larger part of Antarctica can be brought to the sea.

How can you protect the Krizhan Kestrel? Tse food did not give calm to the young navigator. The commanders were moving and they were constantly calling to the pilots. The reason for the trepidation, when I was getting better, was in the presence of the restless susid - the submarine of the US Navy, the yak literally rubbed against the side of the Radiansky submarine chapel. Putting the coordinates on the map, Vershinin nezabar standing up, but the maneuvers were brought up to one thing: they were in the snake of a torpedo attack on our ship. Well, this is the very same thing against the Americans and the Radianskiy ekіpazh. With a hand of a few months the chaplains overcame one by one. The stench, like the suvor Swiss, guarded the gate to the Land of Queen Maud.

Dovga is a one-man robot that snakes the brain of the shukati so it is for thinking. At the navigator, the head of the department has information, and Vershinin in the township is engaged in analysis and communication. Yakos zvernuv respect for the wonderful behavior of meteopriladiv. The temperature sensor on the surface turns from -40 to -15. The navigator entered the coordinates of the dzherel that pochatkovu temperature. Vihodilo, warm weather from the coastline of Queen Maud Land, and there the heat is no less than +20 degrees!
- Do not beastry uvagi, - having said the commander, - tse Hitler go to the dog.

If buv Hitler is kaput?

The mystery of Hitler's name buv vipadkovim. On the ear of the 70s, the chovens were called from the battlefield of the shores of Antarctica. So, in the middle of the office warehouse, we went to talk about those who "swiss" sailors are not here, but for the return of fascist teams. Itself there, on the Krizhan continent, the stench happily lived out their days. After reading the joke of truth.

A textbook version of Hitler's death at the underground bunkers under the Reich Chancellor's Office of the Official Historians. Until 1948 Ale Stalin was skeptical about the operative materials of the NKVS about the death of the Fuhrer, more information about the latest developments. A group of German tanks broke through from Berlin on the 1st May of 1945 at the 52nd Guards Army Division, which broke through from Berlin, as if for the great performances that fell for the winter. Near the ranks of the colony, a number of taut civilian cars were marked, as they cut through the column, and they went straight to the unattended. In these cars, Hitler and yo nablizheni buvs. Piznіshe became vіdomo, scho a corridor for a glimpse of kimos navmіnіnі organizіzіonіnі in the lavas of our polish vіysk ... Є version: Hitler died in Antarctica in 1971 rock.
Interest in the ice continent of Nazi leaders, including Hitler and Hess, can be explained by the memory of the fact that the Arian race can be wicked in the minds of the isolated colonies in the winter regions. In addition, before the hour of the war, the Nazis demanded great territories, on which there would be secret bases for viprovannya advanced zbroi. At the same time, it is possible to reconsider that Antarctica is the legendary proto-continent, in which case the Nordic race appeared and hesitated.

Doslіdzhennya nіmtsy Antarctica after 1873 r. from the expedition organized by the Nimetsky Association of Polar Doslujens. For example, in 1938, Hitler sent an expedition to the Atlantic coast of Antarctica. They set up a swastika on the wide territory of the western part of the Land of Queen Maud and called the whole territory New Swabia (Swabia in the Early Middle Ages was called one of the tribal duchies of the kingdom of Nimechchina). The discovery of small areas, wilderness through the ice, with small lakes and a large area, became known to the people of the expedition. The geologists of the expedition started up, as well as a legacy of the earth's hot dzherels. Deyaki prelude to watch, but the guides also developed the whole system of one-to-one peppers with warm witnesses.

It is familiar to the Nazi theory of the "Porozhnya Zemli", there are also gigantic empty lands - oasis with warm servants. Nimetskі pіdvodniki, who sang Antarctica, called pіdzemnі pechery raєm. Since 1940, after Hitler's powerful secret order, the future of two underground bases in the area of ​​the Land of Queen Maud has sprung up. And since 1942, in the New Swabia, the transfer of maybutnyh sackcans has begun to emerge: those in charge of the complex science center of the SS, as well as representatives of the Nazi Party of that state.

The business was carried out by the hands of those who were completely lost, as they regularly feared and were replaced by new troubles. The base was guarded by a Vyska SS, equipped with new submarine chambers, reactive warheads and rocket launchers with nuclear warheads. 1945 p. The Nazis set up five FAU-5 ballistic missiles here on the battlefield to bombard the US territory. The Americans, who at one o'clock rose to the trivial monopoly at the end of the nuclear war, posed the threat of national security in New Schwabenland. I wish that earlier it was decided not to have one of the Fuhrer's out-of-town bases, which at some point in the future in the future of the Maybut from the Holy Communism, in 1947, the Americans sent to Antarctica to try to fight back. Uninvolved on the wagon from both sides, the base stood. From that hour, the function of the base became a special state secret of the United States and the CPCP, as the term was used by the whole region of Antarctica with their "scientific" stations.

On the ear of the 80s, the SRCP and the United States dismantled the thread behind the Swabian. Interes to the ice continent timchasovo zgas. Tse bulo z tim, all the old Nazis were dead, and the new ones, for a bit, did not want to live there. For some tribute, Swabia was humiliated by the Nazis themselves, for those, the Americans built the base of atomic subdivisions in the World.

If you know the truth?

Just on the ear of the 80s, our sailors stopped walking along the shores of the Land of Queen Maud, and our stationary Antarctic base was not preserved. Naskіlki tіtіnі tse tied with Hitler and otochennyam, as long as it is possible to allow only allowance. Well, you can see it at 2014 rotsi. To the special depository of the Chilean National Historical Archive in Santiago, the documents of the collection of the famous philosopher, conspiratorial and occultist Migel Serrano have been stolen. It was closed for Serrano's bazhans until 2014, the fate of the chateau, in which the story of the material about anything prompted by the Nazi Nimechchinoy for example, the demise of the underground places in Antarctica, kudi 28 April 1945

The 50-60-th rock of Serrano in the low books has hung up the thesis about those that Hitler has not lost, but organizing the preparation of "The Day of the Gods" by a couple of such a beloved epic about the Nibelungs and Wagner's tetralogy. Having dominated the mystical fun with Eve Brown in the fire of Berlina and prepared a performance out of "self-defeating", who had the fate of two, to win the future teeth of a friend who had been repeating the capital of the city. The stench flew to Antarctica and knew a lane near the majestic underground place.

Documentary support of the tsiy maє buti was published, thanks to the memoir of Migel Serrano, from 2014.

The 50-60-th rock of Serrano in the low books has hung up the thesis about those that Hitler has not lost, but organizing the preparation of "The Day of the Gods" by a couple of such a beloved epic about the Nibelungs and Wagner's tetralogy. Having dominated the mystical fun with Eve Brown in the fire of Berlina and prepared a performance out of "self-defeating", who had the fate of two, to win the future teeth of a friend who had been repeating the capital of the city. The stench flew to Antarctica and knew a lane near the majestic underground place.

Tsikavo, ale yak me to build, maloimovirno.

Є, appear, in Argentina, owe to Yevy Brown and relatives. On the other hand, the operation "dviynik" was carried out by the hitlers. There is a bit of a whole series of operas following Hitler's and Eva Brown's boules in the same Argentina. It’s a fact that the president of the whole country took over all the Nazis, so they boggled (zrazumilo, scho other ranks). In archives, I don’t remember, Chile was built, there were secret archives and there was a photograph of Hesse, before the speech in the kidnapped visit. Zagalom, the theme of the tsikava, the need to dig into them (if there is an hour).

bulo b douzhe tsikavo

Completed in 8 hilin 8 seconds
"Hitler died at ... 1964 rotsi",- sverdzhuє the author of the scandalous bestseller Abel BASTI.
The scribe of exhilaration: the Reich Chancellor at once from the squad of duck from Berlin of that day, if they voiced about him suicide. (Interview with the author of the sensational book "Hitler in Argentina" Abel Basti. For the help of archival documents, the writer intends to bring the head of the Third Reich out of Berlin with a false passport and died ... 1964.)

FEATURES of the 50-year-old documentary writer from Argentina are not the same as those who are visuvans similar versions. Mabut, Abel Basti became the first, hto based on Hitler's theory of knowledge with real documents and photos from the archives of the special services. In 2004, a writer published his first book and brought him international success - "Nazis in Barilochi". However, it was unhealthy to let it go, like a "bomb" was found in another part of its distribution - the bestsellers "Hitler in Argentina". Having spent the last bit of time, taking an interview from dozens of witnesses, published documents, FBI secrets, Basti would like to inform - Hitler might know about the Pivdenniy America and live there to old age. Naskіlki yomu tseviyshlo - do not judge the reader "AIF". The scribe was kind enough to give the interview to the most Russian tyzhnevik.
The Fuhrer's slit was not read on DNA

- SENIOR Basti, at your knizi in vverdzhute, about 30 April 1945, Hitler's rock got into the tekty from Berlin literally. Yak vіn mіg tse zrobiti, how at that hour the aerodrome bully znishchenі, and the sky was controlled by the allies?

- At my book, there was a secret earlier information from the FBI archives, about 30 days about 16 years old, 30 hviliin (so that in a year they went to suicide) Hitler was bachelor of order because of him with a special Ju-52. At night, the rest of the day, the air transport of the Fuehrer's assistants landed on Unter den Linden Avenue, deservingly saved a hundred of the high street illumination. For example, Reichsministr Shpeer surpassed the "Fuehrerbunker" on the 20th, and three days later suddenly turned back like "Fizeller-Storkh". Yak bachite, PPO allies didn’t bother you. On the 25th of April, Hitler's evacuation took place at the "Fuhrerbunker", in which the woman-pilot Hanna Raitsch took the part, the celebrity-winner Hans Ulrich Rudel and the special pilot of Hitler - Hans Baur. The secret plan of the safe transfer of the Fuhrer from the capital of the Third Reich, which is taxed, having rendered the code named "Operation" Seral ".

- And who, on your own thought, was Hitler's evacuation carried out?

- Two days later, five "Shtorkh" litas arrived to Berlin (leather for ten passengers), on April 28 there were arrivals from that Ju-52, which will be flown by the boss Bosser, - the union was officially approved by the union. Through the order of General Adolphe Galland, in the turn over the capital of the Reich, they unauthorizedly left the VPS of Nimechchini - as many as a hundred reactive veins Me-262. The stinks lied to Hanni Raich's litak: їy into the distance, breaking through the fire of the Radianskiye zenitok and viletity from Berlіn - this is an experimental policy, and the fact that it was carried out by anybody from history is not out of the question. On the coming day, for still drinking Frau Reitsch the scriptwriter Berlin was overflowing and Adolph Hitler was straight up to Spain, as soon as it started getting fuel on the waterfront to Argentina. Yogo Super Juvali Єva Brown, Müller and Bormann.

- Good afternoon, how can you find fragments of Hitler's slit, how can you find yourself in Moscow in the archives of the FSB? Before the last one, both of the Radianskih and the independent experts, they confirmed in one voice that she was right up to the Fuehrer. Well, to go - Hitler saw a part of the crack, but all the same?

- Fakhivtsi were deprived of the opportunity to leave a charred slit with X-ray signs of the era, such as boules of stingy quality, and witnesses of a special dentist Hitler - and we are sure to see all of them. As soon as you see it, no DNA expertise has been carried out on the Nicoli: Russia is systematically considering allowing such an analysis. Tim for an hour, in a single way, to learn the truth: after taking a DNA look, it is possible to remove from the remains of Adolf Hitler's own sister Pauli, who died in 1960 and was enthralled on the Bergfriedhof's tsvintara. I am officially beating up to the Russian government because of the passing of the date;

You know, people love the "theory of the serpent." Styles of rock is about the tamnicheskie znichnennya "national number two" - Martina Bormann, which viparuvsya from Berlin 1 May 1945 rock. A lot of people swore that they were bacheloring them in Holy America for the power of their eyes, and they could not have mercy. In 1972, a skeleton was found in Berlin when a ditch was dug, and a subset of DNA showed that it was Bormann's cyst.

It's the best: there is a race here and there. Martin Borman is right, he is alive in Argentina and Paraguay: I know a helpless witness, among the number of documentaries - especially a photo of Bormann, broken in fifty rocks. To that very well, since Bormann died a natural death, his remains were then transported to Berlin, for which they played Vista with the "znakhidkoyu".
"Bilya shores of Argentina knew the floodplains"

Possibly, having made up his face, Hitler zoom into the burning Berlin (a photomontage of the memory of the FBI spy workers in 1945).

Archive of information (mountains) from an FBI agent in Argentina from 13 fall leaves 1945 p. to speak the corny of a sensational version.

- I KNOW-TAKI: from your book you write that Hitler and Eva Brown, at once with great post and protection, arrived to Argentina on three sub-water chavnas, as, instead of conspiracies, flooded in the bay. In fact, in that moment, as you indicated, on a sea level of approximately 30 meters under water, with the help of special command of divers, great objects were revealed, brought in by the sea. Ale de є prove that the very submarines of the Nazis?

- I runtuvavsya at the witnesses of the testimonies, as even when the witnesses spared the arrival of the three underwater chambers with the swastika to the creepy bay of Caleta de los-Loros, roztashovanoi in Argentina You will say: Argentina formally passed from the battle of Nimechchinoy from the 27th birch of 1945 to rock - is it possible, after the sea battles have passed? Protest in the archives of the Ministry of Defense of Argentina there is no big word about the sinking of any German submarines. Todi zvіdki zyyalisya tsі sank ships, what lay on the runt? I put the power on, so that the water supply needs to be taken to the surface and to the back of the water. Nimetsky submarines floated to Argentina for the first time - for example, the submarine U-977 arriving at the land on the 17th of 1945 to the rock: it was transferred, that commander Heinz Scheffer was transporting gold and the third most important.

We published a document from the FBI of the United States, which put forward serious summaries of the official version of the death of Adolf Hitler. Tsei papir from 13 fall leaves 1945 to avenge the report of an American agent in Argentina, who was a great gardener among the rich German colonists - a friend of the Eikhorns. The agent will come, as a friend, you live in the village of La Falda, from the worms of the goths until Hitler arrives, as it will be the closest hour. Tsey document є reference?

It’s still amazingly nourishing, for I legally obtained the document sent to the secretariat from the FBI archives: dossier number 65-53615. And not only one documentary testimony in the course of Hitler. There is a bit of a secret report from the FBI, the CIA and MI-5 about the living Fuhrer - alas, unfortunately, the USA, Britain and Russia have not yet disclosed all materials by those. For example, there are three shorthand recordings of Josip Stalin's speech (one of them is with US Secretary of State Birns) - there is a copy of the SRSR as a sign of what the Fuehrer was getting into. In a stretch of fifteen years I have provided hundreds of intervenes in direct indications of Hitler's presence in Argentina. Most of them began to speak only at once - a lot of Nazis in Argentina died, I am already a little afraid of something, I want far from all to go to contact. There was also a list of the Nazi General Zeidlitz, dating from 1956 by rock, - as soon as possible, go to see Hitler and the Croatian "Fuhrer" Pavelic in Argentina.

You often look at the wedding. And how could such a time be put up to the tears of the witnesses, how did they bach Hitler dead and how did they kill his corpse?

Not a bunch of good people, like Gitler biting an ampoule with a bad one and whistling into his head. The history of the Fuhrer's suicide from the ear to the end of wigadan by people from his close otochennya - there is a special plan to beat everyone with a pantel. Ale to look at the first glance at the witnesses of Hitler's death є kilka rubbed, if you look at the archives documents. It is said from a sprinkle - win is removed. Poti - ni, whistling at the end. Pislya - vibrate, with a chance to break off, and then shoot himself. Cyanism of kaliy viklikak mittєvu death and convulsions: how did the guy push the trigger of the gun?

Completed in 6 hilin 48 seconds
30 April about 16 years 30 hilin (tobto for a year of committing suicide) Hitler was backed by a special Ju-52.

Destroyed the Fuhrer's pokoivka

One woman from Hitler's pre-service attendants, who lost her life, 91-rychna Rosa Mitterer, ruined the pivvikov hometown of the move and asked about those who were working in the Fuhrer’s residence in Bavaria.

Mitterer dosi do not blame, but bos have sent cold-blooded orders to the oppression of all peoples. Behind the words of Rosie, published by the Daily Mail, “Gentlemen, I’m even more charming and lovable people, and even more often wondered about the“ charming facets ”of your nature. And the axis of the special secretary of the Fuhrer Heinrich Bormann was called a "brudy pig", the Chancellor of the Third Reich Paul Joseph Goebbels - bow-legged and sexually sturdy, and the boss of the boss, Eve Braun, was not so garnished as they were talking about.

Mitterer started working with Hitler in 1932 and in 15 years. The elder sister Anna was in charge of the scene at the woman’s place, as she didn’t shoot herself when she had a romance with Hitler. As a pensioner, before the її obligations it was included in the year of the beloved Nimetsian bishops of the ruler. Yak zgadu Rosa, barefoot sleeping at a modestly furnished office on a golden slicker, above the yak hangs a portrait of his mother. Khazyain not vimagav, she won before the Nazi party. At Hitler's request, they were sent to the church through the mines of the fields, and from 1934 the Führer’s residence was deserted. In 1935, Rosie slept a romance from his entrepreneur Josef Amorts, who was fired up.

Mitterer is not alone, who warmly see about his ruler. Remaining Hitler's secretary, Traudl Junge, also guessed about him with the great povaga: "Tse buv cholovik, which was put before us like Batkiv, with love."

The divine riddle of the Third Reich: new sorcerers

The bend of Martin Borman is also known to be in the chambers. Borman vtіkає after close talks about an armistice with representatives of Great Britain and America. Another tragedy of 1945 on the confirmation of eyewitnesses, for an hour later, Bormann was wounded by a shell fragment, and he didn’t eat it to the hands of the enemy, having bitten an ampoule with a sample of calories. Bulo to find the only one who was not home, which was magalized and identified as the name of Bormann, but more than a new bulo, a special friend of Bormann was found. I would like the graphological examination showed that a scribe of writing by Bormann's hand, it is important to believe that such a pragmatist will get more expensive, not being separated from a schooler, like a romantic lady. Tsey schodennik lying on a prominent place, so you can't help but wipe it, they put it on special purpose so that you could know it by hand. Tom Martin Bormann at that moment got involved in anger.

It was a bit lingering, when Martin Borman hid and found himself in Latin America, de and spent his days. Only for the rich rocky, for example, the 1972 rock, before the hour of the road, the robots have known so much. The instructions for the DNA analysis carried out, as soon as Martin Bormann was born, was set up, and the SS Obergruppenfuehrer knew it.

What is the power that Adolf Hitler has seen and seen in the light of the holy justice? It is true, the true version, that the leaders of the Nazi leaders, in the sense of their own suicide, knew the time of those new houses near the edges of Latin America.

Yakby and Bulo is talented, then the most beautiful, de mig bi, Fuehrer, є Argentina. The central idea of ​​the famous Argentinean publicist Abel Basti, who had done a lot of research, it is possible to route the famous Nazis through the Old America (the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bmigrating the houses of "remnants" to represent the conspiracies One woman, Catalina Gomero, was known to visit, as a servant of the Fuehrer, for an hour, she was in Argentina. Vona gave a message with such details, as it was uncomfortably just vigadati.

Zvіsno, for bazhannya, it doesn’t matter to know, prove Adolf Hitler’s position and those of the nazi zelochintsіv. To that it is very important to look at it, and prove the death of your eyes. Aleh history is already written once, and it’s not a good shukati chorny kishok at the dark room.

Bezperechno, the Fuhrer will have a chance to vryatuvatisya, albeit not at the time of the capture of Berlin, but rather earlier, more timidly, they fumbled, but for the rest of the hour the Fuhrer will not be similar to himself. The head Nazi was often reminded of the memory, the mova was unviolent and heartless, and the Fuehrer's handwriting was known to be the name. Zvychayno, nasty self-esteem attributed to the inheritance of a recent swing at Hitler in 1944 rock and zalny znosu organizmu, ahto there yogo know? It is an inescapable fact that those who rulers of the Third Reich were getting ready for the situation, if they needed a term. The route of the local evacuation through Italy was broken up, in yaky boules there were many individuals of the Catholic Church. Buduvalysya ukrіplennya near the Bavarian Alps.

With the same mysterious idea, I can declare the inhabitants of the city of Copenhagen about the famous dance, a message from a nice sailor is sealed in the bulo, in which it was seen, that Gitler was on board of the 10-day boat having stumbled out of the sunk earlier by the ship. The Great Fuhrer is not hiding ... It is possible, just one try to become famous on a hot sensation, but it is possible, there is only one version, I have the right to become famous.

Who could see the blast of the past and the fact of the death of the great Fuehrer, who wondered? On the right, in that, right at the same time in the music of rock, the political situation in the world has changed beforehand. Number of allies: SRCP, they didn’t bully Great Britain. The United States has felt a list of history for itself. At the same time, if you feed from any American: "Who has played against the friend of the world?"

All the fraudulent thoughts about the honor of Argentina before the Nazis are acclaimed by the Kirschners are intimidated by the investigations about the shares of the officers of the Third Reich, as they knew the entourage on the territory of the land of the rulers of the country.

Seemingly, the SS officers started organizing odessa (organization der ehemaligen ss-angehorigen), as she lost her activity in the rock of destruction and took up the ropes of the way until the power came at the time of the destruction of the future. The stench opratsovuvali routes evacuatsii, finances and bybout sides, and also took up the preparation of false documents and podbannya majestic delianoks of the earth. Seemingly, for the help of the organization, all the gold of the party of the Nazis, was taken from the victims of the Holocaust, there was no guilt in the territory of Latin America.

Interest in Latin America from the side of the Third Reich has emerged from the pre-prehistoric rock. On the territory of a bountiful continent, the Nazis decided to establish a new colony of Chiley Prussia.

In close proximity to the Nimetsky uryad began to step-by-step ferry vip-persons to the edges of Latin America, de on the wake of the over-slowed Third Reich, the new quarter - the Fourth Reich. It is most often for the whole victorious submarine fleet of Nimechchini, the truth of which is to inform the fact that the Argentine Uzbek in the region of Caleta de los Loros, on a depth of thirty meters, there were three floods of submarines. About the submarine is not a mystery in the documents of the Ministry of Defense, because the stench could be used for transporting Hitler and his fellow travelers. Naytsіkavіshe, who will also be eyewitnesses of the fact that the Fuehrer, who doesn’t seem to be hiding, not in the way of life, but to see the overwhelming territory of the country.

Obviously, ODESSA was not a single organization, as it helped in the evacuation of the Nazis. The Nazis were sent to the lands of Latin America with the passports of the Red Khrest. Є Another striking fact is that the Catholic Church gave help in the evacuation of the Nazis. ЄBishop, who misled the Soul of Holy Mary Institute, having seen false passports of hundreds of Nazi villains. In 1947, an American diplomat from Rome, Vincent la Vista, had a hangover, published an additional reason, how to bring the fate of the Vatican to the forefront of the Nazis.

Nichto nicholas do not know the truth, and vyrishuvati us - check the myth about the Fourth Reich, which was created by the Nazis' epithets for the most striking. As it seems, it’s history to write the best, so it’s more important to that history, in both our growths and in how our fathers lived. Tse will go to our fathers and children, a lot of their lives were laid in the name of overcoming Nazism.

P.S. And є another version of Antarctica ...

In 1946-47, the rockets of the United States conducted an Antarctic expedition "Highjump" (English "Highjump") under the supervision of a home polar explorer and rear admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd. At the connection with the whole expedition, understand the conspiratorial theories about those that were carried out with the help of the liquidation of the Nazi bases, to fight the aliens - the former allies of the Nazis. Dawn, varto guessed the words of the participants in the expedition, they said that the bully were attacked by disc-like objects, that they were thrown like a promenade, and they just slept through the ships and the Americans.

The operation "Visokiy stribok" was disguised as a scientific expedition, and not all of them were successful, until the shores of Antarctica were violated by the vіyskovo-naval squadron. Avianosets, 13 ships of different types, 25 years and helicopters, for a few thousand people, a temporary supply of products - it's tribute to speak for itself.

Zdavalosya b, everything was behind the plan: 49 thousand photographs were taken in a month. First, it has become a rapt, for the official of Vlad USA to move dosi. On the 3rd birch 1947, the term was broken, and the ships quickly took a course to the house. In 1948, the sides of the European magazine "Brizant" were vividly told about details. As a result of the expedition, the sharp opi of the adversary was created. Bully involved: there is only one ship, dozens of people, chotiri boyovy litaki, more than nine litaks brought the surplus to vikorystannya. About those who have already become, it is possible to deprive them of zdogaduvatis. Yaksho viriti presi, the members of the eksipazhiv, who were overwhelmed by the rain, talked about the "lit disks", about the "wirin out of the way" and attacked them, about the wondrous atmospheric phenomena, like the mental problems. The journals give a hint from the precursors of Richard Byrd, who was bitterly crushed on a secret post of a special committee:

The United States needs to take over acquisitions against the opponents' victories, as they come out of the polar regions. If there is new news, America can conceive of the attack of the enemy, as the power of lithuania from one pole to the best of the name of the world!

Mayzhe for ten years, Admіral Berd has chased a new polar expedition, in which he has zaginuv behind the mysterious surroundings. After his death, the presi appeared as a kind of nibito from the admiral himself. From them viplivay, until the hour of the expedition in 1947, so, on whatever occasion, the wondrous military apparatuses landed, "similar to British soldiers' helmets." Before the admiral, he was a tall, blakitno-eyed blond and with a laman English language transferring the beast to the American order with the help of nuclear viprobuvannya. Deyak s dzherel sturdzhuyut, so that the whole creation of the Nazi colony in Antarctica was written by the American detachment to please about the exchange of German advanced technologies for the American Syrian.

Indirect confirmation of the base is called the multiple warning of UFOs near the Pivdenniy Pole region. Often to bunch "tarilki" and "cigars", as they hang in the twilight. And in 1976, the Japanese preliminaries for additional new equipment sounded nineteen round objects at once, which “spied” from space to Antarctica and went from the screens.

History of the "Bazi-211" takes care of its own ear from the 1938/39 expedition on board the "Schwabenland" ship under the command of the well-guided polar explorer Captain Alfred Ritscher. Arriving to the shores of Queen Maud Land in 1939, stripped to death by the Norwegians by their volodinnym, the expedition dispatched a systematic photograph of the territory for the rest of the two pilots in Dorne, as they were on board. During the month of the month, Mülig-Hoffman's Oasis, as well as other geographic ob'ykti were seen. The territory was enclosed, but not a little, it became 250,000 square meters. km. (as large as half of the area of ​​Nimechchini).

The expedition didn’t set up the expedition to date the new secret base on the Kshtalt of the Vinnytsia “Werwolf” and the Smolensk “Berenhalle” - for the whole won’t it wasn’t small forces, nor the necessary budget materials, nor the staff. Ale tsya ekspeditsiya zapchatkuvala exploration of Antarctica by the Third Reich. It was discovered that it was stuck in the impels with a swastika, the territory of the bull was called the New Swabian, and it was denuded by the Volodinians of the Third Reich.

Swabia News Map (CLICKABLE)

Before Antarctica, they started to have a direct special possession for sailing in the polar latitudes of the ships of the submarine fleet, Gross-Admiral K. Denits. We continue to sell it in the area of ​​Oazis Shirmakher, and they have already developed a system of stoves for warm weather. "My pidvodniki have vyivazhny earthly paradise", - said Todi Denits. With a hand of some rocky nimtsi they carried out the robot, very quickly to get used to it, from the stem of the base under the code name "Base-211". On the polar continent, there was a lot of infrastructure, railroad tracks, trolleys and majestic cutters for tunneling. For the delivery of vantages, no less than 8 "tovstih" vantage submarines of type XIV "Milchkuh" were created. Tse allowed all that grand admiral to throw the phrase: "Die deutsche U-Boot Flotte ist stolz darauf, daß sie fur den Fuhrer in einem anderen tim, which on the other end of the world has opened the unapproachable fortune of La Changre for the Fuhrer).

Naybilsh "tovstimi" in the Nimetsky submarine fleet of the bullet submarine type XIV "Milchkuh" ("Dyyni cows"), which served as chaplains in the Atlantic. The stench got sick of the submarine fights with fire, spare parts, ammunition kits, medicines, food. 10 submarines of the XIV type were sent to Usyo bulo. All the stinks are drowned, with the coordinates of the skin bend. The stench could not be these "great vantage submarines", alley chapels, podbnі to tribute, secret equipment, they could vikoristovuvatyya for flights to "Basi-211".

Principles of the transition of the base of the secondary base of the bov. Bagato of the largest factories in Nimechchini, for example, the Junkers plant near the Nordhausen mountain, bully razmіshchenі on the ground, near salt mines and laid tunnels and adits. Some creeks successfully showcased whether they were bombarded or pinned the robot to the best of the enemy ground forces.

Since 1942, thousands of connections have been transferred to Bazu-211 as a work force, as well as service personnel, including those members of the Hitler Youth - the gene pool of the Maybut “pure” race.

For deyakim tribute, Hitler and his squad Eva Brown did not commit suicide, but lived up to the elder under the ice of the Pivdenniy Pole, and for the іnshih tribute - at a spontaneous lane in Pіvdenniy America.

Not long ago it became apparent that in the rock of the Other Holy War there was a top-secret knowledge of the Nimetsian submarine chambers, as well as the naming of the "Fuehrer's Convoy". Until now, there were 35 submarines, which were engaged in the delivery of secret vantages to Antarctica and other secret places. For example, the submarines at Kilia were anxious about the plant, and they locked up containers with speeches and documents. At the end of 1945, the submarine flights to Bazi-211 were stopped. Kudi the stench has gone away, it’s unattainable. Only two of them, U-977 and U-530, woke up at the lime - crescent of 1945 rock in Argentina. U-530 of Ober-Lieutenant Otto Vermouth appeared in 1945 at the coast of Argentina and in Mar del Plata, Argentinean territory. 17 serpnya in the same place was built by U-977 of Chief Lieutenant Heinz Schaeffer. Piznishe Stefner is writing a book of thoughts about the end of the journey. Albeit a stretch on the mission to Antarctica in the middle of nowhere.

Eksipazhі bulo zareshtovano. The submarine commanders were finished by the Americans. "One of the main reasons for the praise of the decision of the playlist to Argentina was not propaganda," Heinz Schaeffer said at the end. - We were told how to write in American and British newspapers, if all the nimble people need to be driven into slavery and sterilized. The reason for this was the horrendous incidence of the notorious ones, like France's trimals for the end of the First Holy War, the trick of catching up with the dodoma. I, wickedly, we were guided in the best of life in Argentina. "

About Hitler there are no houses. It is possible to add a piece of Hitler's skull, which was saved in the archives of the KDB, and appeared not to be yo, but who could be the one who could be.

The theory is abundant in what I will explain the fact of numerical contacts with some of the teams of the lithuanian tarilok, which were seen from the quiet time and the video. The first contacts with UFOs of such people, such as George Adamski (one of the most famous contactors with UFOs in the United States, in the rocky spasters in the number of UFOs, died in 1965), were described as bright and bright, in nimetski!) people. All in all, it is possible, but the aim is to contact with people, and not with aliens like us. It is just as easy as the Antarctic base isnuy dosi.

More than one ric went about the nimetsky Antarctic base, and more than one group of presenters came to that area, not having lost track of it. Historian and publicist Volodymyr Terzitskiy gave details about the German colony at the Pole:

Nіmtsi rozpchali the last time of the Great Pole for the help of the majestic aircraft cruisers in 1937 rotsі. The ship "Schwabenland" buv messages to the Land of Queen Maud, on the first day of the Holy Africa, where they innocently threw off their warriors with a swastika and declared the rights of the Third Reich to the whole earth, the area of ​​which is possible more often than not. Vony called the qiu land New Schwabenland (Nova Swabia). In 1942, the local operation of transferring people and materials to a secret underground base was carried out for the participation of the famous seafaring. Qia base is small statistic bastion of the Reich. Several hundred thousand ties of concentration camps, as well as those of the “supermen” of the Hitler Youth will be thrown to the Northern Pole (beyond the second water chambers) and on earth, to actively colonize in the Northern America. ... It seems that this year's poles will grow majestically under the earth, where two millions of people are inhabited, which is called - so, you guessed it - Noviy Berlin. The main occupation of our days is the Genna Engineer who will go to space. Admiral Bird, for a moment, at the same time organizing with the leaders of the American Antarctic colonies in 1947, when he signed agreements on peacefully promoting the polarity between the Nazi colonies

More details about the base of the Nazis at the Pole of the Pole and the equipment that are good for space can be found in the book "UFOs, With People: 1944-1994 Rock" by Renato Vesco and Devid Hetcher Childres. They have found some special features of the first rocky before the disc-like lithuanian apparatuses.

Deyakі dzherela save, until the end of the other day of light, they zoomed out of the planetary apartments without crumbling parts, as they could fly to Misha and go to Mars. Deyakі vchenі to direct the video and manipulate the statistics on the confirmation of the fact that it was necessary and fair to say that, for example, for example, for the reason that the end of the anthology was carried out for good reason.

A number of historians, for example, Colonel Howard Bucher, author of the book "The Secrets of the Holy List and the Ashes of Hitler", are inspired by the fact that they have already set the bases on the Land of Queen Maud. Years of the year, the class "U" (for the deyakim tribute, there were no less than 100) were taken on board the prominent students, the students and politicians were taken to the remains of the fortress of the Nazi Nimechchina. Imovirno, boules and іnshi bases of the Nazis near important regions of the Holy America, perhaps, near the mountain jungle and near the regions of fіordіv in Pіvdnі Chili. It is familiar to the book of the famous journalist Karl Bruegger "The Chronicles of Akakor", one of the famous battalions still knows a lane near the metropolitan area in the cordon of Brazil and Peru. Karl lived with Manaos and was killed in Ipanemi, before Rio de Janeiro, 1981.

Expedition of the US Navy

The expedition of the bullet was conceived by the US Navy’s leadership, and it’s better for everything, because of the political and economic situation, which was announced in the country for the end of the Other World War. Before the war, the land could not have read the letter of the great depression. Vіyna zagalmuvala tsei process. Water chas, postachannya lend-lease (boules are not free of charge), the fate of the boyovyh theaters (the other front, the pacific theater of the boyovyh theaters) fostered the economy afloat for the rakhunok of the vіyskovyh statesmanship. Ale vіyna is over. The SRCP is still an ally of the United States, Churchill’s promises at Fulton’s haven’t been sounded yet, and they haven’t been distilled. There is no need to take care of the planting, there are no other buildings in front of the army podrozdilami, zokrem in front of the US Navy. Most of the battle ships are idle. The moral spirit of the seafarers, sailors and officers of the fall. The first axis here, mabut, the command of the Navy came the garna idea - to order the expedition to Antarctica.

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Adm. Chester W. Nimitz (pictured), giving instructions on the development of The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, and his defender Vice-Adm. DeWitt having given an updated directive to the Chief Commanders of the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets. Zd_ysnennya expeditions were sent to the Operational Departments of the Special Operations for the Atlantic Fleet (Task Force 68). The groups saw a number of ships from the Pacific Fleet. The project was given the code name "Operation Highjump". Keruvav Operations Commander "Task Force 68" Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen. And on the part of the expedition itself, the post of rear admiral at the assistant Richard Byrd, an additional polar explorer, the specialty is legendary in the United States and not out of place.

Otzhe, the American Expedition of the US Navy in 1946-47 is just as unwitting in terms of the scale - won’t get the best of us, if they had ever been on the Shostomu continent. The robot expedition took on the fate of 13 US combat ships with a tonnage of 174 thousand tons, 19 years, including guides and chaplains, helicopters, but not even about the dogs. Zagalom took part in the expedition of about 4,700 people. The main scientific method was used to seal the Antarctic Pre-Slavic Station "Little America IV".

The official warehouse of the expeditionary escort was divided into 4 groups, and, as well as from the warehouse, it was seen the dead end of the "Murdoch":

Zahidna group (Operational group 68.1)

Kerivnik: captain of the 1st rank Ch. Bond.

Hydrolysis base "Curritak" - U.S.S Seaplane tender Currituck (AV-7)
Water tonnage is 14,000 tons. Introductions at diyu 26 chervnya 1944 rock. Capitan 1 rank J. Clark (John E. Clark)

Esmin "Henderson" - U.S.S. Henderson (DD-785)
Water tonnage is 3 460 tons. Introductions at day 17 leaf fall 1945 rock. Capitan 1 rank K. Bailey (C.F. Bailey)

Tanker "Kakapon" - U.S.S. Cacapon (AO-52)
Water tonnage 25,500 tons. Introductions at diu 21 spring 1943 rock. Capitan 1 rank R.A. Mitchell

Central Group (Task Force 68.2)

Kerivnik: counter-admiral R. Kruzen.

The flagship "Highjump", the command ship "Mount Olimpus" - U.S.S. Mount Olimpus (AGC-8)
Water tonnage 12 142 tons. Introductions at diyu 3 zhovtnya 1943 rock. Capitan 1 rank R. R. Moore

Transport and landing ship "Yansi" - U.S.S. Yancey (AKA-93)
Water tonnage is 13 910 tons. Introductions at day 11 October 1944 rock. Capitan 1 rank J.E. Cohn

Transport and landing ship "Merrik" - U.S.S. Merrick (AKA-97)
One type iz AKA-93. Capitan 1 rank J. Hourihan (John J. Hourihan)

Pidvodny Choven "Sennet" - U.S.S. Submarine Sennet (SS-408)
Water tonnage 2 391 tons. Introduced in the 22nd serpnya 1944 rock
Capitan 2 rank J. Eisenhower (Joseph B. Icenhower)

Crigolam Barton Island - U.S.S. Burton Island (AG-88)
Water tonnage is 6 515 tons. Introductions at day 30 April 1946 to rock. Capitan 2 rank J. Ketchum (Gerald L. Ketchum)

Krigolam Northwind - USCGC Northwind (WAG-282)
Water tonnage is 6 515 tons. Introductions at diu 28 linen 1945 rock. Capitan 1st rank C. Thomas

Skhidna group (Operational group 68.3)

Kerivnik: captain 1st rank J. Dufek.

Escadreny minon "Brownson" - U.S.S. Brownson (DD-868)
Water tonnage 9,090 tons. Introductions at diu 7 linen 1945 rock. Capitan 2nd rank G. Gimber (H.M.S. Gimber)

Pine Island - U.S.S. Pine Island (AV-12)
One-type USS Currituck (AV-7). Introductions at day 26 April 1945 rock. Capitan 1st Rank G. Caldwell

Tanker "Kanisteo" - U.S.S. Canisteo (AO-99)
Water tonnage 25 440 tons. Introductions at diu 6 linen 1945 rock. Capitan 1 rank E. Walker (Edward K. Walker)

Aviation group (Operational group 68.4)

Kerivnik: Rear Admiral at the Office of the Representative R. Byrd.

Escort aircraft carrier "Філіпин Сі" - U.S.S. Philippine Sea (CV-47)
Water tonnage: 27 100 tons. Dovzhin 271 meters. Introductions at diu 11 May 1946 rock. Capitan 1st Rank D. Cornwell
Acceptance on board up to 100 years, in the expedition of viruses from 6 letters R4D Skytrains

Photo taken aboard the U.S.S. Philippine Sea at the Panama Canal, on the way to Antarctica

Base group (Operational group 68.5)

Kerіvnik: captain 1st rank K. Campbell.

Base "Little America IV".

Kadri building base "Little America IV".

The sleeve patches of the members of the expedition are placed below. The first stripe was worn by members of the Task Force 68. Another stripe was victorious by members of the strike-landing ship Yansi and the mystila wrote "The whole world is our bridgehead" - a show of deviz for the American military.

As a matter of fact to the US Navy's call, by the Expedition Bully:

  • Personnel training is a testament to the Antarctic cold.
  • The proclamation of US sovereignty over the practically pre-existing territories of Antarctica
  • Z'yasuvannya zdіysnennostі bases, edtrimki and vikorstannya Antarctic stations and doslіdzhennya adjuncts for the whole territory.
  • The development of technologies of the basis, the development and distribution of Antarctic stations on a kryzhany shield with special respect for the general storage of these technologies in the inner regions of Greenland.
  • Expansion of knowledge in the field of hydrography, geography, geology, meteorology, expansion of electromagnetics in Antarctica.
  • Continued doslіdzhen, zaphatkovanyyu "Nanook" expedition in Greenland.

Deyaki Matten and Fridrikh 1975 The materials were published for the rock, and the de bulo was assigned to the article of the expedition: “I will stay away from my heart to try the support of Adolf Hitler. As we know yo and supporters at the New Berchenstazi, in the middle of the New Swabia, in the area of ​​the Land of Queen Maud, it is very important. "

Yak bi was not there, on the 12th day of 1946 the rocky group Zakhidna reached the Markizsky islands, de esmin "Henderson" and the tanker "Kakapon" set up meteorological stations. 24 nurses from the base of guides "Curritak" have started waiting for the flight tickets. For example, a breast 1946 A group that reached the island of Peter I. June 1, 1947 Captain of the 3rd rank Tompmon and senior martyr Dickson, vicary masks "Jack Brown" and sour apparatuses burst the ground in the history of the United States.

William Menster, who served as the chaplain of the expedition, became the first priest, who saw Antarctica. The hour of the service, spent in 1947, has consecrated the continent.

The central group on the 15th of September 1947 arrived at the Whale Bay, de staying on the ice-cold Timchasov's zitlitno-planting smog, and fell asleep with the station "Little America IV".

Behind the words of Richard Byrd and the bagatokh members of the Expedition, the American bully were attacked by the apparatus, so they could tell the "lithuanian tarilka". One of the participants in the expedition, John Cyerson, zgaduvav:

The stench was whisked away for the sake of the water and it was burnt and licked literally between the ships of the ship with such a shimmer, which was tearing the radio antennae with streams of drunken food. The decilka of the "corsairs" was overtaken by the illnesses, but in the case of the wondrous lithal apparatus, the stench looked like a thorny woman.

I didn’t wake up and blink with my eye, like two "corsairs", hammered through unprecedented changes, shimmered from the bows of the cichs of "floaty tars", buried near the water of ships ... , і spat uninterruptedly in the fire.

Raptom "Murdoch", which is known from us for ten cables (close to two kilometers), having slept in half and become drowned.

From the іnshikh ships, unaffected by the security, safely sent before the time of the catastrophe of the boat and boat. If our "Mlints" (XF-5U "Skimmer") arrived in the area of ​​the battle, and were not well relocated to the coastal airdrome, then the stench of nothing could be found. The whole zhah prodovzhuvsya nearly twenty khvili. If the "litayuchі tarіlki" knew how to drink water, we thought we were going to drink it. Stink bootie stinking ...

On the thought of Admir Byrd himself, the diving lethal apparatus, melodiously, burst into pieces at the Nazis' aircrafts disguised near the Antarctic ice, the constructors of which are overwhelmed, or as if I am stuck in a state of mind.

Little is known, moreover, at the history of the bullet and the Russian commons. One of the participants became Kostyantin Yalyarashkovsky, and the axis of yak, explaining his transfer in the expedition:

At the rock of the Great Victory Day, I, as well as all the boys, have been drinking to the front. Navit "dodav" sob mayzhe two rocky and on the cob 1945 rocky finished in Kronstadt, accelerated the course of the young naval officers. However, the serious boyovyh actions may have taken their fate - the v_yna ended. The command brutalized respect for the knowledge of mov (the teachers for the father-teachers, I am Volodya English, nimetsky and French) and sent me to the allies - to the coordination group at the headquarters of the US Naval Forces. For example, in 1946, from Colonel Yuriyam Popovich, the Americans were included in the depot of the counter-admiral Richard Byrd.

Report by Kostyantin Yalyarashkovsky about those who began to attack the expedition ships before an hour:

Officially, we were sent to the "scientific-prelude expedition" to Antarctica for the assessment and development of the brown copalins. Ale scho we were reluctant, before the depot the escadry included: an aircraft carrier from combat aircraft (aircraft carriers, bombers, attack aircraft and rangers), esmins, minesweepers, a couple of submarine chaplains, tankers, a seafaring crew. Floating bulo dovgim, і mi from Yurієm simply znemagali in the form of tightness and discomfort. Only in the evenings the officers got into the wardroom of the aircraft carrier and brought their souls into the picture, smoked, drank, drank. Moreover, as they were overturned, none of them could possibly be misunderstood, kudi and most likely.

Yakos captain esmіntsya "Murdoch" Cyrus Lafargue, with whom they talked, for a charm guess, vipadkovo felt the phrase of Admir Richard Byrd about those, that in Argentina, there are allies of the Antarctic, some two Our drink company immediately hung with a smile the version: moving, edemo shukati fascist bases on the Pivdenny Pole. Povna lighthouse. I would like to go a lot of myths. They talked about those who were fascists who had flowed in, inspired their majestic places in the Great America, settled in ... space, and lived here in the Alps.

Not long ago on TV they showed a film about the attack on Byrd's squadron, albeit very inaccurate, and why the directors fantasized. They attacked us, because I don’t mind my memory, 27 sichnya. Mi z Yuriyem stood on the spot - smoked, smoked. Then they heard the cry of a sposterigach: “Good luck! Right-handed! " First and foremost, having heard the signal of a combat triviality. Before us, they were literally approaching literally over the water (and they didn’t virinate from it, like watching TV magazines!), About a dozen non-homeless literal devices. For a few seconds, the stench already overcame the squadron and went on the attack!

Tse bully marvelous disc-like cars with fascist chrests on the boats. First and foremost, two rocky songs were played over Nimechchinoy!

The speed and maneuverability of the boules are simply miraculous! They shot the stench like a worm-name to prominny. Could it be a prototype of a lucky laser zbro? The exchanges easily pierced our ship's armor, with a lot of magic, the "disks" could change their course immensely, hurricanely to fire our anti-aircraft guns, and hover ... hover over us! From the deck of the aircraft carrier, a splinter of F-4 wines appeared, but the stench did not rise to the entrance. The boil was burned right there! The Americans became more magical after taking a couple of flights, but they did not succeed. Bringing it to life with anti-zeniths.

Mi z Yuroy was brought up to the great-caliber kulemetiv cartridges. Before our eyes, a red ruin cut a hand to a visitor, a negro, and lost the deck. The air carrier, having known the significant ears, is altogether more ambitious than "vidstav" from us and transferred the force of the attack to the "Murdoch". Motorshna picture - the stench literally burned him! Fire, vibuhi, shouts, shooter, sailors started to lower the scythe boats.

Before the speech, at the filmy stverdzhuvalos, nibito "disks" vikoristovuyu in that battle such a psychotic zbroy - "sailors in pain grabbed their hands behind their heads." Not boo! Just the roar of the moving "cymbals" over our heads, pushing down on our heads, screaming a strong beat in the wuhah. As a matter of fact, I saw, if the order of the occasional reactive battle litak.

Beat trivav twilin ten. Yak only a sinking, "disks", without thrusting their ships, boats and rowboats, so very briskly rushed low over the water for the sample.

All the bullets are just ready to go! During the loss of the Americans, the sinking of the "Murdoch" was made, close to ten sailors and hundreds of sailors died. The wounded were bigger. "Disks" made ships, especially our aircraft carrier. For a few days, they were repaired at an urgent pace. For an entire hour, a number of spasters were significantly increased, lithuanians, scho vtsilіli, without interruption led the distant development, for the zenitoks of the cylodobovo were known Chergovі. Happily, everything was calm.

On the cob of birch trees, we straightened up to the start of the base of ships in the United States. The aircraft carrier was turned over for a major overhaul. I know a little, I didn’t give any of the American sailors, they didn’t give them any "messages about nonsense." Contradmiral Richard Byrd added more about the congress team that was announced. Mi z Yuriyam turned to Moscow, added more about the American expedition to the special counter-admiral Ivan Papanin and the head commander of the Vyskovo-Marine Forces Mikoly Kuznatsov. The stench listened to us respectfully, talked between themselves, and everything was over. They told Stalin, they sent radio ships to Antarctica - I don't know ...

In the whole shvidkoplinnuyu battle, the US Navy lost one ship, thirteen litakiv (4 fidbit, nine fired, including three Skimmery) and more than forty ones (for the last tribute, the middle of the killed bullocks) up to 68 warehouse. Sailors from the sunken esmіntsya zdebіlshy tse buli. The Іnshі ships fired from the "flying tarіlok", on the great sailors, did not go.

Coming day, as soon as Saierson spoke out, Richard Byrd, on the two-engine "Tigerket" winch, was ready to launch and at once with his pilot and navigator. If a message about Washington reached the end, to Admiral Stark, Byrd's defender, he was punished in good faith by the expedition and, in order to get a clueless radio operator, go back to the States without making any calls to the industrial base of the sea. A dozen hour later, Richard Byrd turned around and once again beckoned the team of the expedition. It’s also with him that I’ve become - that is, we didn’t tell anyone, but we can judge about those who have become deprived of his friend, written by the rock piznishe.

The results of the expedition were inaccurately classified, and the participants were forced to sign non-descriptive documents about the misunderstanding of the local people. I, Tim is not the least, it has leaked to the next day, I can’t judge you for the articles in the Savan newspaper “Adventure” that you see in Chicago.

Expedition turn

Expedition turned to the United States, for example, in the fierce 1947 rock, in connection with the early days of the Antarctic winter and the withering of the weather minds.

Also aboard Mount Olimpus Byrd gave an interview to Lee van Atta from the International News Service, giving information about the lessons of the expedition. Interview published on 5 March 1947 in the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio. In a new way, zokrema, saying that the United States may not be able to report it to the authorities, it will be safe from the attack on the road from the polar regions. Shvidkist, how to speed up in the light, in one of the lessons of the polar expedition.

If the American trooper went, nareshti, to their shores that team added about the share of the expedition, all the participants - and the officers, and the sailors - were insulated. Admiral Byrd has lost his freedom. Youmu, however, was fenced in by the journalists.

The Uryad of the Received Staff categorically prohibits the admiral's confession, and he himself is mentally ill with the denunciations and gives to the primus psychiatric abuse. Byrd was finished at the presence of the doctor, everything said was passed on to the American president. Admiral otrimav the order "to move about everything, who knows, in the name of the people." As soon as the information leaked out from the command, it was publicly said that it was all the result of a nervous vision. Officials told about the misinformation of the prestige of the community. Names of individuals, who take part in the expedition, will change. Information about the human waste and the waste of technology has been spawned. Respect, that the organizers of the expedition have built up a picture of 1 390 000 km² of the Uzbek coast of Antarctica. Still the possession of the bulo booted a spout, declaring about the podії, as they say, that one of the people, who had a meal in an accident, lost their lives. Kozhen, who took the fate of the expedition, under the threat of sanctions mav zberigati tamnitsyu.

Todi Byrd After writing, save the period of your life. Looks like the manuscript did not go into the distance, but after drinking it to the "high spheres". Byrd was rewarded at the post, moreover, they were denuded by the divine. The rest of the rocky admiral is alive practically from his home, but he didn’t get lost, he didn’t go to see him because of his fellow servicemen.

An unprecedented expedition was organized for the end of the operation, under the name "Operation Windmill" (1948), which carried out aerophotosmaking of the quiet territory of Antarctica. Qiu private expedition finansuv in Finn Ronne.

Taymennitsa schodennik Richard Byrd

I want a lot of proof of the friendliness, the information on the side to shock. Richard Byrd wrote: "Tse is hostile in reality, we can go to madmen, yakbi did not become righteous."

The policy, which rode on 19 fierce 1947 to about 6:10 after the month's hour, did not see anything unwitting and the first time, everything went according to the plan. At the same moment, however, the robot got the onboard possession, and in that moment, de little buti of the krizhana kestrel, the little boy drove the valleys, which were overgrown with trees. In the valleys, creatures grazed on the kshtalt of mammoths, not far away was seen, what a mess! It was clear, I wish there was no sun in the sky. Bird tried to connect to the base, but to no avail.

There is no order because of this, there appeared wondrous literal devices in the form of the disc. Lіtak Dakota ceased to react to management, in a probubalnannya possession of the marnim. He sounded a voice over the radio, swung it in English with a nimetsky accent, ice sensitively: “We kindly ask the admiral of our kingdom. Be affectionate, relax, you have good hands. "

Litak Byrd will be delivered to the ground so that before the hour of landing, the pilot will suffer the deprivation of light shaking. A few people came to see you. Stinks bully high and light-haired. Byrd was led to the inner side of one of the buddies, and one of the choloviks, saying: "Do not beat the admiral, if you are listening to the Maystr." At the schoolboy tsei "Meister" he will describe the yak of a lyudin with thin rice, revealing, which was rattled by the plin hour.

Further discussion, before the hour of the Meister, having ruined the main food of our civilization, passed in a friendly atmosphere. The meister said goodbye to Byrd, instructing the youmu to turn around at his own lights, to broaden the occasion, and to transfer it to the youmu. The rest of the words, as Berd felt, if he was in the twilight, bully: “We need you here, admiral, your possession pratsyuє, Auf Wiedersehen”. I know the Admiral flew over the Kryzhany wilderness.

How long has it become an hour of expedition? Doosi to a wide bolster is uncomfortable, but todi has become at the ice. Ale mi know that in 1954 p. The Committee of the Chiefs of Staff of the United States has seen the mandate for the advance expedition to Antarctica. Admiral Byrd was declared mentally healthy by the order of Eisenhower and was appointed the commander of the expedition. The operation is small code named "Deep Freeze" (Glyboka freeze). For the rest of the time, the Americans did not cheat, but the expedition of Vyskov, and they could help the nuclear war.

The operation was completed in 1957. Admiral Richard Byrd died the same fate. The famous polar hero was not guessed enough.

At the statti of vikoristani materials of the blogger pіd nіkom ecolimp and z sitesіv

How did the hiring officials of Nimechchin go so far? What do you know if you are going to have a sub-water supply in advance? Such food and seasonal health benefits of the community.

More expensive for pivden ... Misto gods.

If the distributors of Great Britain have seen the quiet activity on the side of the Nimechchina, straightened at the side of the Pivdenny Pole, the stench is wondering: why do people need permafrost?

Everything came back to rock since 1938, since Nimechchina argued over two large-scale expeditions for the day with the idea of ​​how rocky were known to be the cultivators of the colish SRCR. Stretching out to the rock, the Nimetsky litaki covered the territory with an area of ​​8000 sq. kilometers, they marked the swastika, and they happily finished the command. Before Nimechchiny was on the side of the island, I was only met - the shout of the "place of gods", as behind the deyakie dzherels was known under the ice of Antarctica and was a warm oasis, de spokіyno people could have nudged.

On the thought of the Nimetsian sciences, the planet Earth has so called majestic empty spaces near its depths. The very same empty ones near the lands of Antarctica were buzzing about. Behind the words of the vchenykh, the empty ones were majestic areas with continents, seas, mountains that ... sun. Know the price of nіmtsі chi nі, dosі unavoidably. Alas, since 1940, Hitler started ordering about the future of underground bases - it's a fact. Ale meta zvedennya arkticheskikh bases bulla to finish prosaic at that moment - vivchennya and projecting over new zbroi.

Tsil - Nova Swabia

For the perversions of the data, repairing the fate since 1942, the active transfer of the etiquette of the prominent genii of Nimechchin near the village of Antarctica began to grow. How long will such a sleep be? And who for the sake of knowing Hitler? From the drive of the second version.

Persha- The Third Reich, having passed a possible failure from the winners, and having conveyed a perfect place for themselves, the whole top of the infallible arisians could see the dovgy rock without the rizik become known.

Article on the topic: Stereo systems and sound recording

Friend version includes Persha, but in a larger scale plan. Nimetskі vchenі, embarrassed by the new knowledge, at the usual calm of ice, there were the rumors of alternative energy sources, new boxes at the galuza machines. Yak show the knowledge of the records of the people who worked on the fascist Nimechchina, they achieved success at the current machines.

So the electrodynamic apparatus, when wrapped, opens a gravitational field near itself, for an hour. Just as in the Nimetsian students it went into the other half of the 40s of the last century, how could the stench be lost in absolute tranquility for the last ten years?

Likewise, the deyaki dzherela sturdzhuyut, but Hitler didn’t die at the bunkers for good reason, as I think it’s a lot. And safely on the way to "paradise" by Antarctica and taking the best part from the life of several bases. Really tse chi wigadka?

Deceiving maneuver going into

We are not less wondrous є also with caution. After ten years of writing to the Other Holy War, 1950, the weather station of Antarctica was assigned a divine object. Behind the words of eyewitnesses, I’m in a cigar-like shape, collapsing absolutely noiselessly and in a zigzag-like manner;

Through a series of rockets, more than two such devices have been fixed, with a total radioactive background changing the permissible rate is more than 40 times. Like the signs, the pilots of the helicopters, two great metal objects quickly approached them, then one sharp change directly at the bottom of the earth, at the same time the surface changed the color. For five years, such aparati were remembered by Brazilian prelates.

UFO chi rozrobki Nіmechchini? Kudi went to the Nazis in Antarctica?

So what? UFO chi rozrobny Nіmechchini? For deyakim tribute to the past, for the drowning of the Nimechchin, the Union of the Union lost 250 thousand people. Ale de stinks could have known? One more fact! Ponad 150 Nimetsky sub-water chambers simply viparouvalis at the waters of the all-sacred ocean. At the same time, the maximum number was, the yaka could ride on sub-water mines, not crossing 30 objects. Todi de all inshi?

About the rozrobka of the Third Reich in the halls of "lithuanian tariloks" of the present day. However, eating from rock is not less. How much success have you achieved? Who will help you? Chi bully robots zgornuti pislya vіyni chi continued in the hinterland regions of the earth? How much do you think about the fact that the Nazis were in contact with the earthly civilizations?

(On the forerunner of the News of Swabia, three spines are depicted at once: the swastika, the Norwegian chrest and the Suzir of the Holy Cross, as you can see the deprivation of the eve of the eve of the Holy Part of the Earth.)

... Yak is not marvelous, ala іdpovіdі on tsі power supply next to shukati at the last. Pre-eminents of the local history of the Third Reich for the current year already know very little about the mystical roots and the backward forces that brought Hitler to power and took away Hitler's activity. The foundation of the ideology of fascism was founded by secret partnerships back to the victory of the Nazi state, but an active force of the idea was to smash Nimechchina at the First Holy War. In 1918, there were some people, as there were no more robots in the international local partnerships, in Munich the branch of the Teutonic Order of the Teutonic Order - the partnership “Tule” (for the name of the legendary Arctic land) - was established. The official yogo meta is the vivchennya of old-fashioned culture;

Theorists of fascism knew a candidate for their own purposes - a vladolyubovy, a kind of mystical admonition and before that stale drugs of Fraiter Adolph Hitler, and they prompted the idea of ​​a light panuvannya of nomenclature. For example, in 1918 the rock of the young occultist Hitler was accepted into the partnership “Tula” and shvidko became one of the most active members. And they knew their video beats from the book “My Struggle” as a non-baroque idea of ​​the theorists “Tula”.

Roughly apparently, the suspension of “Tula” has seen the preconception of the nimets race in the apparently - material - light. Ale “the one who knows nothing about national socialism is not a political rush,”. Tsi words lie to Hitler himself. On the right, in the case of the occult dignitaries "Tuli" of the bul and insha, it is not less important to help and in the light of the invisible, metaphysical, so bi-moviti, "toy". At the same time, more closed structures emerged from Nimechchina. So, in 1919 the rotsi bula was based on the tamna "Lodge of Svitla" (with the name "Vril" - for the old Indian name of cosmic energy of life). Piznishe, 1933 rock, - the ancient mystical order “Ahnenerbe” (Ahnenerbe - “Descent of the ancestors”), which from 1939 on the basis of Gimmler’s initiative became the head science-pre-past structure at the fringes of the SS. The success of the "Anenerbe", which is in its own way, in its own way, over the past hundreds of ancient institutes, took up the ancient knowledge, which allows the breaking up of new technologies, kerudoma genetics behind the additional "magical methods"

They practiced unconventional methods of rejecting knowledge - for example, for hallucinogenic drugs, at the point of transcending contact with Vishy Nevidomim, or, as they were called, "Rozums Zovnishnymi". Vikoristovuvalis and knowledge behind the help of "Ahnenerbe" old okultnі "keys" (formulas, conjured meagerly), but allowed to establish contact from "Aliens". For “sessions from the gods,” we found information about media and contacts (Mary Otte and in.). For the sake of purity, the results of the experiments were carried out independently at the partnerships "Tuli" and "Vril". Strictly, the actions of the occult “keys” sprang from the independent “canals”, but they were considered to be more identical to the information of the technogenic character. The dawn, the chair and the inventory of the "floating discs", for their characteristics, significantly overturned the aviation technology of that hour.
The first thing that was put in front of the students and, for the sake of a bit, there was a lot of visibility, - the end of the "machine for an hour", so that it allows you to penetrate into the world of history and remove the knowledge of the ancient high civilizations, the magic of the womb The technical knowledge of the Atlanteans represented a special interest for the Nazi veterans, as, behind the legend, they helped to build the majesty of the sea ships and the fortunate ships, as they collapse by an unprecedented force.

The archives of the Third Reich know little ones, to explain the principle of “twisting” of thin physical fields, to allow the creation of technological devices. Otrimani knowledge was passed on to the provincials for the "shift" to the mind of the designers and engineers.

One of the rozrobniks of techno-magical annexes is dominated by the celebrations of the teachings of Dr. V.O. Shuma. As soon as the witnesses, on the electrodynamic machines, were victoriously wrapped up, as they sniffed the structure around themselves for an hour, and on the other side. (We’ll look at it all the time, we’re looking at it, how it’s well to wrap itself up, change around itself not only the gravitational field, but the spacious clock characteristics. ni. Іnsha on the right, with some kerovan bullets and processes.) Є Dani, the device with such possibilities was sent to Munich, to Augsburg, de yogo continued. As a result, the technical support SS1 has melted a series of "discs" of the "Vril" type.

To the coming generation of "hot tariloks" Bula seria "Haunebu". In cich devices, how to get involved, vicoristano deyaki ideas and technologies of ancient Indians, as well as the movement of Viktor Schauberger - the most important person brought into the hallway of a ridin, which opened up a motor down to “old”. Є Informations about the development of the 4th pre-design center of the SS, which was ordered by the "Chorne Sontse" suspension, a particularly secret "tarilka, litau" "Honebu-2" (Haunebu-II). O. Bergmann should provide technical characteristics in his book "Nimetskі lіtayuchі tarіlki". Diameter 26.3 meters Dvigun: "Tuli" - tachionator 70, diameter 23.1 meters. Control: generator of pulsed magnetic field 4a. Speed: 6000 km / year (rozrakhunkova - 21000 km / year). Triviality of favor: 55 years old. Adherence to space benefits - 100%. Eksipazh nine people, with passengers - twenty people. Seriously planned: the end of 1943 - the ear of 1944 to the rock.

The share of the whole market is not home, the protest American elder Volodymyr Terzijsky (V.Terzicki) has become, as a further development of the chain of series, the device Haunebu-III, a sign for fighting among others with sea scramblers. The diameter of the "tarilka" is 76 meters, the height is 30 meters. A chotiri harmatnі vezhі was installed on the n_y bulo, three harness caliber 27 cm from the cruiser "Meisenau" were mounted in the skin. Terziyskiy sverdzhu: near the birch 1945 rock, the tsia "tarilka" shattered one wrap around the Earth and landed in Japan, de onboard harmata were replaced by nine Japanese harnesses, a 45 cm caliber from the Yamato cruiser (not a super cruiser, but a - ed.). At the rukh "tarilka" bringing "dvigun to vilny energy, which ... the vicorist is practically unacceptable to the energy of gravitation".

For example, in the 50s of the Australian era, among the trophy films, a documentary film-sound about a prelude project of the literary disc "Fau-7", about which at that hour did not seem at all, was seen. By the way, the project was implemented, while it is not clear, but it is not entirely clear that the famous specialist from the "special operations" _ Otto Skorzen_ at the middle of the day was instructed to install the pilots in 250 OSes to control these missiles.

... Nichogo neurotic dumb and in the news about the gravitational movement. For the year, we are working on the alternative energy dzherel, so the title is the Hans Kohler converter, which re-transforms the power of gravitation into electricity. Є vidomosti, as the converters vikoristovuvali in the so-called tachionators (electromagnetogravitational motors) "Tul" and "Andromeda", which were circulated in Nimechchin in 1942-1945 rocks at the plants "Aimens" and " It turns out that the converters were stuck like dzherela energy yak on "floating disks", and at some giant (5000-ton) sub-water chambers and underground bases.

The results of the boolean otrimanii vcheny "Anenerbe" and in the other non-traditional galuzyah knowledge: in psychotronic, parapsychology, in victorian "subtle" energies for the management of individual and mass testimony is thin. To get involved in the trophy documents, in the metaphysical stores of the Third Reich, they gave new mail to analogous robots in the United States and the CPCP, which until that hour had been underestimated until the end of the day or burned out. Through the supervised privacy of information about the results of the activity of the famous local partnerships, it is important to see the facts about the legends. However, that neuropsychic transformation, like, in some rocky ... wandering with those who were protected by those rational nymetsky inhabitants, were reimagined by the rapt to the ears of NATO, fanatically listening to the idea about their blame

... At the jokes of the found magical knowledge of "Anenerbe" organizing the expedition to the most recent cuts of the earth: to Tibet, the Middle Ages, Antarctica ... A special respect remained.

Tsya teritorіya and seogodnі filled with a mystery. Obviously, we will happen to know something of a richly unrequited, sprout, and those who knew the ancients. Officially Antarctica was opened by the Russian expeditionary officer F.F. Bellinshausen and M.P. Lazarova at 1820 rotsi. However, the neuvomny archivist vyyavili old-fashioned pictures, some vypivali, that they knew about Antarctica back to the whole history of history. One of the cards, folded in 1513 by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, was shown in 1929 to the rock. Vipli and іnshі: French geographer Oronzius Phineus from 1532 rock, Philip Buache, dated 1737 rock. falsification? Don't be quick ...
On all the maps, the contours of Antarctica are accurately depicted, ale ... without a crooked curvature. Moreover, on the map of Buache, a channel is miraculously visible, which divides the continent into two parts. And the yogo vyavnіst under the new ice was established in new ways, depriving the remains of ten years. Dodamo, scho international expeditions, who revised the map of Pir Reis, zyasuvali - won the exact picture, stored at the XX century. The seismic investigation confirmed those who didn’t know anything about it: the people who burned the Land of Queen Maud, who were honored by a part of one massif, turned out to be islands, as the price was assigned to the old maps. The same is about falsification movi, shvidshe for everything, not to go. Are there any other types of people who lived for a long time before the advent of Antarctica?

First Flight, і Buache was kept, but when the cards were folded, they used old Greek originals. When the cards were revealed, there were some hypotheses about their activities. Most of them are built before the cob picture is folded like a high civilization, like it took an hour, if the shores of Antarctica had not yet been hit by ice, to the point of a global cataclysm. Vyslovyvalosya thought that Antarctica is Atlantis. One of the arguments: the development of the legendary land (30,000 x 20,000 stages after Plato, 1 stage - 185 meters) approximate the size of Antarctica.

Obviously, in the “Ahnenerbe”, which, in all their light, nishpored in the jokes of the Atlantic civilization, they could not pass the hypothesis. Tim more, how wonderfully she was wondering about her philosophy, how old was it, the spring, at the poles of the planet є enter at the majestic empties in the middle of the Earth. I Antarctica became one of the main targets of the Nazi leaders.

… Interestingly, the Nimechchini's clerks have shown in advance of the other holy war to the distant and inanimate region of the earth, which they do not know in a sensible explanation. And in an hour of respect to Antarctica, there was a vinyatkovoya. In 1938-1939 rockets were organized by the Nimetsy and two Antarctic expeditions, in which the Luftwaffe did not just run around, but with the metal vimpels with the sign of the swastika they stuck behind the third Reich the great (the size of the Zemyentuyuchin) "). The commander of the expedition, Ritscher, who turned to Hamburg, on April 12, 1939, reported to his fate: “I will visit the mission, I will be assigned to me by Marshal Gering. For the first time, Nimetsky litaki flew over the Antarctic continent. Our Lithuanians threw off the wimpels 25 kilometers from the skin. We covered an area of ​​about 600 thousand square kilometers. Of these, 350 thousand bulos were photographed ”.

Povitryanі asi Gering made their right. It was the turn of the day for the "sea voyages" of the "Fuhrer of the Underwater Chambers", Admiral Karl Denits (1891-1981). And submarines were demolished by submarines to the shores of Antarctica. The writer and the historian M. Demidenko appeared to be able to pick up the top-secret archives of the SS; "My pidvodniki have vyivazhny earthly paradise", - omitting Todi Denits. And in 1943, the rooku s yogo vust uttered a ridiculous phrase: "The Nimetsky submarine fleet is written by him, having created an impregnable fortune for the Fuhrer".

Yakim rank?
Appear, with a stretch of five rocky nimtsi carried out the robot, very quickly to get used to, the beginning of the Nazi secret base in Antarctica under the code name "Base 211". In every case, the price declares the aim of the low level of independent preliminaries. Behind the testimonies of eyewitnesses, already from the ear of 1939, both Antarctica and Nimechchinoy were honored with regular (once every three months) voyages of the pre-Slavic ship "Shvabiya". Bergman at the bottom of the “Nimetskі lіtayuchі tarіlki" vverdzhu, which from tsih rock and stretching several rocky to Antarctica, constantly violated the hitherto pro- Obviously, vikoristovuvalis for delivery of vantages and underwater chapel. Moreover, it is not deprived of zvicheyny.

... Former American Colonel Wendelle C. Stevens occasionally: “Our development, dey I started for the first time, it seems like I’m going to be among the other great old men who are not on them. .) and all the stinks of the boules were launched, completed and the distance of impatience. Until the day we are not mamo zhodnogo uyavlennya, kudi stench went. Stink not on the ocean day, but it’s not in the railway port, about which we know. It’s a mystery, a little bit of a mystery can be opened by the author of this Australian documentary film (about a new one - V. Sh.) ... ”.

Before the end of the day, there were nine steps before the start of the day, on which the projects of the “lithium disks” were tested. “Visiting from all the enterprises at once from the given key figures the boules were successfully evacuated from Nimechchiny. Nine sporudes of visadzhen in the morning ... I’ll close the information, that the people from the pre-old enterprises were transported in the city under the name “Nova Shvabiya” ... You can, there are great vantage submarines. Mi vazhaєmo, shona was transported to Antarctica by one (or more) enterprise from the disc distribution. There is no information about those who have been evacuated to the Amazon region, and about those who have been brought to the region of the Amazon, and in the past - on the island of Uzbek Norway, de rich in the Nimetsky population. Smells bully evacuated to the secret underground sporud ... "

From 1942 onwards, from 1942 to the second half of the Antarctic chambers of the Third Reich R. Vesko, V. Terziyski, D. Childres, thousands of people were transferred to the Pole. With seven, those members of the Hitler Youth are the gene pool of the Maybut “pure” race.

Krim of the gigantic submarines for the cikh purposes of the vicorisovas not less than a hundred gray submarines in the class "U", including the top secret "Convoy of the Fuehrer", up to the warehouse which included 35 submarines. For example, the vines in Kili, from the number of elite submarines, caught all vyyskov's order and sealed the containers with a priceless vantage. Pidvodnі chaplains took on board the same number of domestic passengers and a great amount of food. It is quite clear about the share of depriving two people from the convoy. One of them, U-530, under the command of the 25-year-old Otto Wermouth, on April 13, 1945, flew out of Kil and delivered to Antarctica the relics of the Third Reich and the special speeches of Hitler, as well as passengers, the individuals of which smelled surgeries. Insha, U-977, under the command of Heinz Schaeffer, Trocha repeated the entire route, even though she was transporting, unavoidably.

The offense of the submarine during 1945 rock (10 lip and 17 sickle for a while) arrived to the Argentine port of Mar del Plata and Vladi was far away. Obviously, the witness, as the sailors gave on supplementary meals, supervisingly grabbed the Americans, and for example 1946 the American admiral of the Antarctic American admiral Richard E. Byrd, having taken the order of the Nazis' knowledge base in the "

... The operation "High Jump" was disguised as a science-based expedition, and not all of them were successful, but to the shores of Antarctica the virus was forced by the sea-scrambler. Avianosets, 13 ships of different types, 25 years and helicopters, for a few thousand people, a temporary supply of products - it's tribute to speak for itself.

... Well, b, everything was following the plan: in a month 49 thousand photographs were destroyed. First, it has become a rapt, for the official of Vlad USA to move dosi. On the 3rd birch 1947, the term was broken, and the ships quickly took a course to the house. Through the rik, near the 1948 rock, on the sides of the European magazine Brizant, the details were spilled. As a result of the expedition, the sharp opi of the adversary was created. Bulo was absorbed as a minimum of one ship, dozens of people, as many battles as possible, more than nine letters were brought in as unauthorized for the victorian. About those who have already become, it is possible to deprive them of zdogaduvatis. There are not many good documents, protest, as well as virity presi, members of the ekspazhiv, who got stuck on the sidelines, talked about “virinals from-for-drive” and attacked “lit disks”, about wonderful atmospheric phenomena, such as psychosis. The journals are trying to make a hint from the predictions of R. Byrd, who was bitterly crushed on a secret post of the special committee:

“The United States needs to take advantage of its acquisitions against the enemy's victories, since it is necessary to take over from the polar regions. If there is new news, America can conceive of the attack of the enemy, as the power of lithuania from one pole to one of the world's fastest growing! ”

... Mayzhe for ten years, Admіral Byrd chastened a new polar expedition, in which for the mysterious surroundings zaginuv. After his death, the presi appeared as a kind of nibito from the admiral himself. From them viplivay, until the hour of the expedition in 1947, and so, on whatever occasion, the wondrous military apparatuses landed, "similar to British soldiers' helmets." Before the admiral, he was a tall, blakitno-eyed blond, like a laman in English language, passing on the beast to the American order for the purpose of pinning nuclear viprobuvannya. Deyak s dzherel sturdzhuyut, so that the whole creation of the Nazi colony in Antarctica was written by the American detachment to please about the exchange of German advanced technologies for the American Syrian.

... Deyaki prelude to vvazhayut, but a good base in Antarctica has been saved. Moreover, to speak about the discovery of a whole underground place there under the name "Novy Berlin" from the populations of two millions of people. The main occupation of yogo bagkansіv є Genna іngenerіya and the voyage into space. In addition, having directly proved the cinnamon tsієї version, leave no pressure. The main argument is quiet, hto be aware of the polarity of the base, - the ease of delivery of this colossal amount of food, which is necessary for electrical power supply. The argument is serious, ale, traditionally, and even if it is not possible to keep it out: if the Kohler converters are open, then the need for a bed is minimal.

... Indirect confirmation of the base is called the repeated warning of UFOs near the area of ​​the Pole Pole. Often to bunch "tarilki" and "cigars", as they hang in the twilight. And in 1976, the Japanese preliminaries for additional new equipment sounded nineteen round objects in one hour, which sailed from space to Antarctica and went from the screens. I’m going to show you about new UFOs from time to time to see the ufological chronicle. The axis is only of two types.

5 leaf fall 1957 p. USA, Nebraska. In the evenings before the sheriff of the city of Kern, a business man appeared - the grain purchaser Raymond Shmidt and the history of the history, which became with him not far from the place. The car, like a win on the Boston-San Francisco highway, quickly quieted down and stopped. If you are lucky enough to be amazed at how you have trapilated, then, not far from the road to the lesser galavin, the majestic "metal cigar". Right on his eyes, a hatch opened and a man appeared on the platform at the wicked dress. Wonderful nіmetskoyu - native language Shmіdt - not knowing who proponuvav you to go into the ship. The middle businessmen, having bruised two people and two women, had a whole lot of wicked excitement, but they were oversubscribed in an unaccountable way - the stench was nibbled on food. They were buried in the memory of Schmidt and like burning trumpets, reminiscent of the color's birthplace. Approximately after a half a year, they asked for a drink, the "cigar" sounded noiselessly as it passed the line.

6 leaf fall 1957 p. United States, Tennessee, Dante (near Knoxville). On this occasion, the dovgasti object of the "unassigned color" landed in the field a hundred meters away from the booth of the Clark's homeland. The two-year Everett Clark, who for an hour vigulyuvav the dog, rozpov, two men and two women, who went to the apparatus, said among themselves, "Not many nice soldiers from the cinema." Before them, the Clarks' dog rushed with an airy bawkot, and behind him were the second dog. Unbeknownst to them, the wickedness of one of the dogs was unsuccessfully magical, so they jumped up to them, a little later, they drowned out the vitality, went into the facility, and the apparatus flew soundlessly. Reporter Carson Brever from the Knoxville newspaper "News Center" has seen the grass at the end of the day at a distance of 7.5 by 1.5 meters.

Naturally, in the case of pre-glorified people, there are many reasons for attitudes towards such issues. “There is a hostility, which is from ships, like this year's bachimo, is not a big development of the technology of new disks. Otzhe, it may be so, that we are periodically seen by nimtsi ”(W. Stevens).

Did you tie the stink of the aliens? The annual contact information (before which, however, it is necessary to be put with protection), is such a call. To get involved, the contact with the civilization from the suzir'ya Pleiades was established a long time ago - even before the Other Holy Way - and having infiltrated the scientific and technical development of the Third Reich. Until the end of the war, the Nazi leaders were assisted in direct planetary help, but they didn’t deny it.

Contactee Randy Winters (R. Winters) from Miami (USA) about the discovery of ninja in the Amazon jungle of the planetary spaceport of the Pleiades civilization. To speak about those who were sent to the service of the aliens took on the service of any kind of nimts. By that hour, two generations of nimts had already grown up there, who went to school with the children of the planets and interacted with them from an early age. It's the season's stench to float, to live aboard underground space ships. And in them there is no quiet bazhan panuvati over the planet, like the bully of the old fathers and children, the oskilki, who knew the space to the cosmos, the stench of the roar, well, the speeches are meaningful.

Vitaliy SHELEPOV, Colonel, Candidate of Technical Sciences

And now it’s the hour itself, since the history of Antarctica is tied with a number of legends and myths, most of which lie until the hours of the Nimetsian Third Reich. With alternative versions of historical podias, it is easy to see the All-Holy Pavutin as many materials as possible to take the marvelous interest of the Nazi Nimechchini to the whole ice-free continent. The deyak in the version is even more exotic and at first glance relieved the healthy deaf, I want to take revenge on the deyak of the documents of the special services and help the veterans of the Ukrainian Navy and the UPD, who will interrupt the great abducted person. And all the same stinks, to build, to merit to the singing respect, let me see how the mythology of the twentieth century can be seen.

"Fuhrer fuel to Antarctica"

In the Internet you can find out about the secret information of Colonel V.Kh. Heimlikh, the collegiate chief of the American development at Berlin, who vvvazv, that "having proved the theory of the Fuhrer's suicide is not insignificant." Looks like lovers of historical sensations to cheat on the visnovka, so that the Fuhrer was given a well-deserved payment. In the Duma and the Zig-Zag publication of the Chilean magazine from June 16, 1948, from April 30, 1945 Luftwaffe captain Peter Baumgart, having started on board his flight from New York In one of the fіordіv tієї pіvnіchnoi kraіyny, the Fuhrer at the supervisor of the kіlkоh got into one of the underwater chan- Deyakі inhabitants of the island Velikodnya, before the speech, guessed about wondrous nіchnі vіziti pokrіyu submarines in 1945 rock.

The Nazis in Antarctica went through the "base 211" and went to the whole underground place under the name "Novy Berlin" from the populations that could reach as many as two millions of people. The main occupants of the inhabitants of the underground are the genna of engineering and will go to space. At the end of the day, the magazine's hypothesis is to take advantage of the multiple UFO warnings near the Pivdenniy Pole. In 1976, the Japanese pre-gliders for additional new equipment of radar locating nibito vyivili nineteen objects, as from the cosmic space they were sent straight to Antarctica and in the region of the ice continent the locator was unsupported by the screen.

“I am amazed in singing at the maybutn. "Zbroya vidplati", as I may, change the situation for the reproach of the Third Reich. "

Adolf Hitler,
24 cruel 1945 rock.
Efforts to publish with those who see yak myth. It’s a bit of a time when it’s near the front of the Nazis, obsessed with the shake of the ancient civilizations that took place in Antarctica, and during 1938-1939 two expeditions came to the continent. Delivered by ships to Antarctica, the Luftwaffe lithuanians took detailed photographs of the majestic territories and threw off a few thousand metal vimpels with a swastika there. The whole area was covered by the name Nova Shvabiya, and it was stripped of a part of the Maybut thousand-year Reich.

On the occasion of the expedition, Captain Ritscher added to Field Marshal Gering: “25 kilometers of skin were thrown off the wimpels in our litters. We covered an area of ​​approximately 8600 thousand square meters. Of these, 350 thousand square meters were photographed. " Seemingly, in 1943, Admiral Karl Deniz omitted the enigmatic phrase: "The Nimetsian submarine fleet is written by him, which has created an impregnable fortune for the Fuhrer."

There are some indirect indications of hypothesis that from 1938 to 1943 the Nazis were breeding in Antarctica in the area of ​​the Land of Queen Maud and a few secret settlements. For the transport of the vantages of the Vikoristov, there were also two sub-water chapels from the "Fuehrer's Convoy" (35 submarines). As a result of history, for example, warnings in the port of Kilia from a number of sub-water chambers caused a torpedo recovery and was sealed with containers with small vantages. At Kili, the submarine took in passengers, whose bully were attached with surgical bandages.
Nimetsky experts respected that the theory of "empty Earth" is well known in Antarctica as well as gigantic empty lands - an oasis with warm servants. Nimetsky podvodniki, who had been listening to Antarctica, who trusted the solidarity of the old men of the Third Reich, didn’t know if they knew such piedmothers, as they called the stinks. There, since 1940, since 1940, after Hitler’s power order, two underground bases began to be built, and since 1942 in New Swabia, there has been a transfer of maybut’s messengers to New Swabia. party of that state. For an hour they were victorious, they were victorious, who were periodically experienced and replaced with "fresh" labor force.
In 1947, according to the prelude to the US archivists, the American Navy hailed the operation "High Jump", disguised as a science-based expedition. To the shores of Antarctica, there was a flight-marine escadrum: aircraft carrier, 13 of the world's largest ships. Usogo - for a choice of thousands of people with a small supply of food, 25 years. It was not a bad idea to come to the Land of Queen Maud, Adm. Richard Byrd, who was in command of the escort, unsuccessfully taking orders from Washington to interrupt the operation and turn the ships to the base of the stationary base. Pre-adolescents, of course, have risen up to 49 thousand aerozines of the Uzbeks.

Earn of the American Navy expedition from the completion of completions in the number of commanders of the Nimetsian subdivisions "U-530" and "U-977", carried out by the spy workers of the American and British special services. The commander of U-530 showed that the submarine left the base in Kili on April 13, 1945. Having reached the shores of Antarctica, 16 people from the commanders built a stove and put boxes in order to avenge the events of the Third Reich, to document the special features of Hitler's speech. This operation is small and I will name it "Valkiriya-2". After the end of April 10, 1945, the rock "U-530" went down to the Argentine port of Mar del Plata, de vlady. Under the command of Heinz Schaeffer "U-977" also took a walk at the New Swabia.
Through the magazine "Brizant", you can see it in Western Europe, seeing the shocking details of the operation. The Americans knew little about the attack by the end of the day and lost one ship and some of the boys. On the occasion of the visit to the service, they found themselves at the door of Rozmov, the magazine wrote about how "virinals from-to-drive" and attacked the Americans "lute drives", about wondrous atmospheric phenomena, such as reactions to the psyche.
At the magazine bulo, there was a hint from the additional citation of the operation of Adm. R. Byrd, as it was, he didn’t make a mistake on the secret posted of the special committee, as he was investigating those who had become. “The United States needs to honor its acquisitions against the enemy’s victories, as it’s possible to drive from the polar regions,” says the admiral. - If the news is new, America can conceive of the attack of the enemy, which is the power of the lithuania from one pole to the one with the name of the newsworthy! "

In the 1950s, rock, even after the death of Byrd, the presi showed up a favor on the admiral's friend. From the records, not broken by the commander himself, before the hour of the operation in Antarctica, on any occasion on the development of the ice continent, they tried to land the wondrous Lithuanian army, similar to the British soldiers. Before Byrd, shou viliz iz litaka, a tall, blakitno-eyed blond, like a laman in English, passed on the beast to the American order with the help of the nuclear viprobuvannya. A representative of the settlement in Antarctica, established by the Nazis by the Nimets, has appeared with a tamnichi neznayomets. The United States, as a matter of fact, has reached homeliness with the help of the fallen Nimechchina, and it has gotten accustomed to the underground sporiums: it is necessary to know the Americans with their advanced technologies, and to supply the colonies with some examples.
"The Nimetsky submarine fleet is written by the team, which at the last end of the day has set an unapproachable fortress for the Fuhrer."


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