Right for the back in the gym: how to beat the cobwebs. Right on the back and shoulders, otherwise I’ll put the right training on the top of the shoulders of the back

Right for the back in the gym: how to beat the cobwebs. Right on the back and shoulders, otherwise I’ll put the right training on the top of the shoulders of the back

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    Back training is the main factor in the further development of the athlete's muscles. The back corset practically takes part in all basic rights, and for its own expansion, this group of people borrows another place, doing less for the legs. How to exercise correctly and how to vibrate for the back? Let's look farther.

    Zagalna anatomy

    First of all, choose the right one to see the m'yaziv of the back, we will analyze in the anatomy of the body part. Like in the case of the chest, the back is not one m'yaz, but a group of different m'yaziv, which is different for the different drifts. A large part of them is the mud of the back, which is used for the fine motor skills of the torso. Swing them okremo there is no sense, so like a stench and so take the fate of practically everyone has the right to hurt your back.

    If you don’t damage the glybin muscles, then all the back pain can be divided into sprat groups:

  1. Naishirshi m'yazi back - vіdpovіdat for zvedennya hands. They are made up of two bundles: the middle one (providing for the comrade of the back) and the bichny one, which has a handguard with jagged m'yazami (providing for the appearance, so called, the athlete's krill).
  2. Rhomboid m'yazi back - located at the top of the ball and stretch the bridle of the entire back. V_dpov_dat for v_dvedennya scapula back. They are made up of three different bundles, leather from some kind of practice in any kind of Russia.
  3. Trapeze-like m'yazi back. Valid for a wrap in a shoulder bag. Three bundles are formed: middle, upper and lower.
  4. Cross the m'yazi. Regardless of those that cannot be called the largest, they are used to stabilize the body and rely on a deep opration, to which they form a m'azovy corset, which will make the body of a person in a straight position. It is practical to take the fate of everyone in the right as a fixing stabilizer to the body.
  5. M'yazi razginachi corps - thin m'yazi, scho run along the bridle of the entire ridge. Correct the position and trim the body in a straight position. Take part in all types of traction with a frail body.

Schob opratsyuvati all cі m'yazovі grupi, need complex pіdhіd. With this skin m'yazovu group, it is necessary to test under different cuts, to ensure the local growth of the m'yazovy group.

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Zagalnі principle of pumping the back may have an even more specific character and vimahayut strictly and unsatisfactory violation of the rules.

  1. Do not beat the basic right in the first month of training. The reason is that under the great m'yazovymi groups lie a majestic number of small m'yaziv, as it is easy to injure, like a m'yazovy corset is not enough to wear. The very same coach to please in the first month in the hall vikoristovuvat right on the back with dumbbells or right on the block simulator. Izolyuє navantazhennya allows you to work less small m'yazovyh groups and volume with a fixed amplitude, as if it is safe when working with small vags. Only if you prepare your m'yazovy corset to serious vanity, you can proceed to the classics in a look-and-bearing manner.
  2. If you want to improve the result of the standings - do not beat the standings. No matter how marvelous it sounded, the most difficult right for my back pain - deadlift - does not allow for a safe progression of advancement. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho across and additional m'yazi vtomlyuyuyutsya svidshe, nizh rhomboid. Otzhe, as you stared at, varto opratsyuvat all dopomіzhnі right on your back in the gym and only then turn to the station.
  3. Suvora technique. On vіdminu vіd roztyaguvannya m'yazіv hands or nіg, roztyaguvannya and mikrovivіhі backs threaten the fall of hernia or problems with the ridge in the distance. Rather, do not chase after the vagami and do not win the right to the cordon technique: it is not safe for health.
  4. Great m'yazi react kindly to great vag. Navit as a post-yne growth is not your meta, remember that a lot of repetition with a small vag is not enough to train your back.
  5. Do not twist the safety belt. Irrespective of those who are important in the warehouse of safety in training, the belt is surrounded by traffic in the region across, through which the crosses are m'yazi and m'yazi rozginachi backs cease to take the fate of the right. It’s better to win smaller vagi and choose a bigger smooth progression of advancement.
  6. Base + isolation. Like and be-like another big m'yazova group, the back is trained in 2 stages. On the back, the basic pre-fatigue is borderline important, then the goal is to finish the meat group in the simulator. Tse secure great interest, and also, more.
  7. Don't beat two bases on the same day. Try not to stop deadlifts and deadlifts in the heel, as well as deadlifts and sumo deadlifts.


The right complex for the back is traditionally composed of basic rights, although a large part of the trainers do not recommend starting to the base for the reasons described above. Let's take a look at the latest assortment right for the hall and home.

right The main group of m'yazіv Additional group of m'yaziv right type Home / for the hall
broadestBottom of the trapezium + back surface of the quiltbasicFor home
diamond-shapedSuper widebasicfor the hall
diamond-shapedNajshirshі + trapezії + back surface of the quiltbasicfor the hall
widestRhomboid + trapezium + back surface of the quiltbasicfor the hall
diamond-shapedBottom of the trapezium + widestbasicfor the hall
Straight backbasicfor the hall
Neck pull with narrow hand positionSuper wideA-line + straight back + back quiltingbasicfor the hall
Middle bunch of rhomboidNaishirshi + bottom of the trapezium + back surface of the quiltbasicfor the hall
Straight backTrapezoids + rhomboids + widestbasic importanceFor home and hall
diamond-shapedA-line + diamond-shaped + widest + back surface of the quiltbasic importanceFor home and hall
rozginachi ridgeinsulatingfor the hall
rozginachi ridgeDelti + triceps + back of the stegnainsulatingfor the hall
Biceps pumping with cheatingSuper wideinsulatingfor the hall
bottom of the trapeziumUpper trapezium + upper deltiinsulatingfor the hall
Vertical block thrustSuper widediamond-shapedinsulatingfor the hall
Super wideTraps + bicepsinsulatingfor the hall
Thrust horizontal blockdiamond-shapedSuper wideinsulatingfor the hall
Straight backRhomboid + widest + back surface of the quiltinsulatingfor the hall
the top of the trapeziuminsulatingfor the hall
Shrag with a barbell behindbottom of the trapeziumthe top of the trapeziuminsulatingfor the hall
Trapeze top with accentthe middle of the trapeziuminsulatingfor the hall
spine stabilizersAll bodycomprehensiveFor home
spine stabilizersAll bodycomprehensiveFor home
Breeding dumbbells in nahilbottom of the trapeziumRear bundle of deltascomprehensivefor the hall
Super wideA-line + diamond-shaped + back surface of the quiltcomprehensivefor the hall


For the operation of the back, it is traditionally complex to beat the chotiri of the main right.

  • Standing traction. Golovne right in CrossFit. There are all the main m'azovі groups with a serious accent on the diamond-shaped m'yazi of the back. In the first line, on the right, develop the comrade of the back.

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  • Lifting. Home version of the barbell pull in nahil. It has a low injury risk and a fixed arm of the body, which allows you to work your back in multi-repetition sets. For the advancement of the navantage, the vikorists are venerated. The main accent tsієї have the right to be brought to the widest m'yazi of the back.

  • Pulling the bar in the nahil. The bigger version is lifted up, as it is resurrected by the suvor technics of vikonnanny and great vags. The main focus falls on the largest; in staleness in the form of a kuta nachila and the width of the grip, it is possible to propagate like a torso, so the width of the back. Look at the bottom!
  • Rod pull to the top of the board. One basic right with an emphasis on trapezium-like right.


    And the axis of the kіlkіst is right for the isolated operation of the back is much larger. These include a robot with simulators (block pull), and see scars, and find a reading option for pumping biceps, a kind of victorist Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    The main task of insulating rights is not only to give a greater focus on the whole group of m'yazyv, but also to opt for other glybinny m'yazi, which do not work with the basic rights to the higher amplitude.

    Traditionally, 3 main insulations are seen in the halls for the back.

    • Vertical block pull with a wide grip. Preparing the right for pulling the rod in the nahil.

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    • Thrust horizontal block to the waist. Bad alternative to standing tyazi.

      © tankist276 - stock.adobe.com

    • To the right, as if the top of the trapezium is opratsovu.

      Right in the home minds

      Pumping the back of the booth is not easy. This is tied to the anatomy of the hands. Repeat їх without obvazhnennya or special vantage does not seem possible. And you are right, as they allow you to take advantage of your back behind the help of a wet body without special equipment - it is not very effective, as if you are talking about serious ambitions. Let's take a look at the main right for the back in home minds.

      • Lifting. Seriously complex right, as it is possible to navitate without a horizontal bar. To finish your mother's mitzna door, so that you can see your vaga. It is also possible to vicariate whether or not other similar ones are attached.

      • Chovnik. It is good on the right, as it develops rhomboid and widest m'yazi of the back. The technique is extremely simple: lie down on the bed, lightly lift up your arms and legs.

      • Mistok. It is static to the right with a vlasnoy vaga, as if it were developing the back extension without injury. Suitable for introductory training or training. It is recommended to victorious to everyone who would not develop not only strength, but also the flexibility of the spinal cords.

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      • Farmer's walk. Tsya has the right to be in the category of home, shards of yoga can be conquered with any kind of home tightness. To finish, take 2 large packages, evenly stuff them with books and proceed. It develops all groups of m'yaziv with emphasis on respect for trapezium-like m'yazakh. Іsnuyut varianty at viglyadі vipadіv, yakі dodatkovo loaded m'yazi nіg.

        Get in the gym

        For the development of the back in the hall of transmission, a magnificent complex of different rights, like in a free vase, and with a special tool or simulators. Let's take a look at the main exercises to the right, developing the back:

        • Bezpechny analogue povnotsіnnyh pіdtyaguvan. Volodya is more insulated due to the inclusion of the work of the media and the press.

          © Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

        • Thrust of the upper block with a back grip.

          © Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

        • . Vіdmіnne basic right, like zadіyuє all m'yazovі groups with a serious emphasis on rhomboid. There are no analogues for a booth or a vilniy vase. It is respected by the very natural right for back surgery with the least trauma.

        • Crossover pull. Vikonuetsya similarly to tyazi in the block simulator. Key vіdminnіst polygaє in more vilnoї amplitude. Zavdyaki regulation is carried out by the widest and rhombopod_bn_ under a large folding hood. It is ideal for those who do not have the basic rights for other reasons.

        • Lower crossover link.

        • Hyperextension. The only isolating serious right in the room, as to allow you to move across and reduce the risk of injury when standing.

          © Makatserchyk - stock.adobe.com

          Complexes for the development of the back

          Let's take a look at the main training complexes for developing the back in the gym and at home.

          Note: in the table there are daily circular trainings, to that the most important thing is not to hurt the back, but to give a straining hormonal anabolic post for a distant body molding.

          complex right manager
          Split on the widest

          Cheating pidyom on biceps - small vaga.

          The main task is to accentuate respect for the most prominent ones. Even better, it helps to increase the number of stretches and the width of the back with a path of krill.

          Rise on the biceps of vikoristany for zbіlshennya forces zginach hands to take the fouling in the vags.

          Split on rhomboidsWarm-up deadlift - 20 times empty bar.

          Thrust to the block to the waist 5 * 20

          Pure bicep pimple on Scott's lava 3 * 8

          A good complex for working on the back, more important, but it also gives a serious base for further training in any kind of sport.

          Biceps training allows you to increase your working vagi.

          profiled trainingWarm-up deadlift - 20 times empty bar.

          Deadlift 5 * 8 (70% rep max).

          Thrust to the block to the waist 5 * 20

          Deadlift barbell in the heaviest 5 * 8 (70% rep max).

          T-Bar Row 5 * 5 (60% max)

          Thrust of the upper block behind the head 5 * 20.

          Broach of a rod to a pіdborіddy 5 * 5

          Shrug with dumbbells 3 * 3 (max power waga)

          Hyperextension max * max

          Appropriate for athletes, as they can allow you to see the next day for back training. The best option for professionals.
          preparatoryThrust of the upper block or podtyaguvannya 3 * 12

          Rod horizontal block 3 * 12

          Hyperextension max * max

          Vikoristovuetsya in the first month of training, shards of m'yazovy corset are not yet ready for profile circular training. Optimize the tone of other meat groups.
          inspirationalMistok 5 - for an hour

          Farmer's walk 100 krokiv with a small car

          Hyperextension max * max

          Negative boost on simulators with a counterweight 5 * 3

          Nahili corps in different sides

          Vіs on the horizontal bar for an hour

          Appropriate for restoring the m'yazovogo tone after a trivalo interrupt or after an injury. All points and the number of repetitions are individually. After the completion of the renewal course, it is recommended to take another month to take care of the front complex.

          Raising hands with a chest expander

          The pull of the vlasnoy vaga for the help of the gum jug.

          Horizontal lifting with a harness

          farmer's walk


          Shrag z be-yakim accessible vaga

          Thrust of whatever available vaga

          Everything that can be done for the back in the minds of the home, if you want to be serious about it.

          Right with non-standard inventory

          If you have a chest expander under your arm, a fitball or a gum jug (), choose the right one from the representations. The stench is pomitno ur_znoman_tnyuyut your vantazhennia and allow opratsyuvati m'yazi under greater natural kutom. Suitable for a booth, so for a hall.

          1. Linkage of the shoulder blades with the chest expander. It is uniquely right, probing at once the rhomboid and widest m'yazi of the back. Be respected by one of the best. Volodya with the maximum natural amplitude for a person.


            I finally wanted to decipher one popular woman's myth about those who are not right for losing weight. The back can become thinner, so it can atrophy in case of specific pressures on dryness and in case of weight loss. For example, as a way of victorious training in multi-repetition modes. Ale, the back itself is not thinner, it’s just that the m’yazi gains tone and looks lifted. If there is a need for local fat burning, then there is no need for it. Therefore, instead of tormenting yourself with ineffective rights, it is better to delve into dietology and try some serious basic complexes with a calorie deficit in eating.

How do you guys do it? Jeff Cavalier and today I'll show you the ideal program for training on the back in the gym. And let's open up all the pardons. The back is not the only big m'yazova group. It's made up of impersonal m'yaziv, so you can use them all on the same training fold.

Remember, we are not only timidly focusing on the broadest, є th іnshі m'yazi, yakі mi often can't inspire thought, but the stench will also require training. I’ll look at everything and we’ll store up training.

plan of attack

For the cob, we need to perekonatisya, scho mi zadієmo absolutely all areas of the back.

  • Let's start with the biggest ones. It is necessary for us to include tsі m'yazi, and we can zrobiti tse for the help of specific rights.
  • Also, do not forget about the shoulder blades, which occupy most of our back.
  • We also have the upper and lower parts of the trapezium. I think that this is one of the most important parts of the back for the position and proper functioning of your shoulders, so they also need to be treated.

  • And the lower part of the back, the lads are no less important. This part is more important for our self-confidence and functioning as a whole, so that the whole kinetic lance worked well.

  • Also, we also have a rotator cuff and all of these mucus are located near the upper part of the back. Tse means - that you choose to develop your entire back as a whole, so that we need to be angry with them.
  • And we have more round m'yazi covered with wide ones, so we need to pump it if we want a little more, changing it is popular right.

And, obviously, we need to fit everything in one training session in a reasonable time frame. To this we start with an important basic movement, like the rear of the spinal areas at once. And so, lads, let's look at the ideal back training.

let's start

And so, as I already said, we start training for an important basic right - deadlift. Vіdmіnne fundamentally right, like I'm picking out the shards out of the back of a lot of m'yazіv at once.

Rear link here:

  • back extension;
  • trapezium;
  • helps to develop the strength of the widest and shoulder blades.

There is also one more important moment, which is necessary to bump. The traction on the ridge has a strong compression effect, and to that, the solution will be to combine the traction from the Chin up (pulling up with a back grip) from the tight ones, and by the same token, to eliminate the decompression effect, protecting us from injuries.

І axis as mirozpodіlyaєmo їх:

  1. 2 steps of standing in pairs with two steps of Chin up (pulling with a back grip).
  2. New 2 steps of standing + 2 steps of lifting with a wide grip to the top.

At standing tyazi, we need to practice with an important vag 4 go to 8, 6 and 2 go to 4 repetitions in the network. However, before tsim we need to grow up garnenko. And so we see a sprat of submaximal light warm-up approaches.

Save some more for me. Include one pullover piping down here. It is not enough to win the right to the back, but the most important for the promotion of one of the most important elements of traction.

This is the strength of the shoulder blades on straight arms, as it ensures the stability of the shoulder blades, which increases the tension at the upper part of the body, if you work the traction.

To grow one child, but not to the top, even if it’s a warm-up. Let's do a couple of warm-ups on the standing tyazi, and you're ready to work. Now you can proceed to the first working approach for the 8th repetition and the next time after the new workday Chin an z vagoy. So we take into account the important effect of decompression. After becoming robimo requiems for 2 hvilins and let's move on.

Especially I am trying to work with the big one here for 4 repetitions. Then we turn again to the deadlift, increase the weight so that we can do 6 repetitions and then we will repeat Chin up again, but now I have already changed the additional shaft so that we can do 8-10 repetitions. Especially I will know one minute and I will carry it on.

Then the time has come for the two most important sets of deadlifts for 4 repetitions. The hour of recovery here was already shortened to 30 seconds. Tobto, I'm actually going to lift after the pull with a wide grip. What do we need? That's why a wide grip will allow us to pump the big round m'yazi trohi more and lower than the widest.

We already well pumped the widest narrow chin apami, to that in this point the stench miraculously stretches through their reinforcements. Hands in front of the body give us a better stretch in the mountains on the vіdmіnu in addition, if the hands are from the sides.

In these two sets, we change the emphasis on great round mud. Well, I know, the hour of recovery is small, the shards of peace are all working with the power of the vaga. If we want to hear from you, we need to grow vibukhovy. One of the rules of athletics training is to omit it properly, to raise it quickly!

And so, as we can create vibes for the back, we need to victorize all possibilities. And my love is right for whom - the deadlift of the rod in the frail is dead.

The whole troch is similar to the deadlift, which allows you to train in a vibe style, with which the stimulating productivity is stronger.

However, here we hoist the barbell on the level of the column and work even more traction in the frail, but not to the point - we try to help the barbell more sharply in the ground. It is not necessary to take a light weight too far, but not too much to go too far. Take your time, with which you can get a maximum of 10-12 reps for a total of 8-10 vibes.

Nastupna right

The ability to create those that I respect is incredibly important and that it is not taken to respect - and that the stress is focused. I spoke about the right in one of my past articles, demi chose to reduce the traction for the back. I will turn again to the widest of the two options, right, my love. You have two options in the new and you need to focus on that as you work.

First option

First of all, the thrust of the high block with the draw of the hands. I work for the sake of my hands, so that I can pidkhіd trivav yakomog more. I on the right in the fact that I have the right to ideally fit for training the widest in all amplitude movement.

I can pull my hand in front of the body and so, like in Shin up tse miraculous position for the broadest - I’ll pull it up again and so I can:

  • until it stops, put your hand behind your back, firmly squeezing your side;
  • zadiyati all functions of the broadest;
  • And make the little ones turn back, thereby expanding the possibilities themselves.

I can work out this option or this option for vertical thrust.

Another option

I call it a vertical thrust with a turn or a vertical thrust oscillates. The sense here is the same - we are not just shy at the frontal area for the rahunok of which you encircle in our amplitude, and only a little bit can turn the hull. Immediately we are hurting far away, to which we can turn the hull, trying to see the best, and, also, the shortest speed of the widest through the great amplitude.

If you have not tried everything, then you need to work, and I promise you that you will succeed. And you don’t happen to sacrifice a vaga, which you victorious for whom - we can vicorist one and the same vaga, maybe, throwing off just one or two tiles, but you can secure a greater commitment to speed. I'm refocusing the stress on my space, especially if you want to take more aesthetically and increase your strength and productivity in training.

rushing far away

For me, no ideal training will be completed without the right to small m'yazi. Tі, people don’t think about yaki, “koriguvalni” have the right to say something like a stench. However, the stench always lingers in the place of buti, the shards of my strength are stronger than our weakest m'yazi.

And if it is possible for us to take advantage of these m'yazi, if we are insufficiently navantazhuєmo for the help of these "corrigible" rights, then we can make the whole m'yazovu group richer and richer.

For which world is the axis of such hyperextension. What can we give? You can work on simulators or on fitball like me. The meta here is the operation at the bottom of the trapezium. It is especially important if I talk about the stability and correct laxity of the shoulders (especially if I raise my arms above my head).

And so, in order to navantage the bottom of the trapezium, move around, so that you rob it correctly:

  1. Let's do something wrong with the form of the letter "U". At this position, I raise my hands uphill in the form of a letter, by the same token I activate and finish the bottom of the trapeze in the correct sequence.
  2. In the same position, we can raise our hands in the shape of the letter “W”, by doing so we create the same wrapping of the shoulders, as if turning on the rotator cuff.

If you don't have a rotator cuff, if you want to use it a couple of times a day, then you won't be able to do it enough. We can get you into training, training minds, like roztashovani instructions for her and for any reason you are included in the work. Train them in skin reps, 14-20 skin reps.

Well, come on, for the bajans

We finish the exercise with upper trapeziums. We can help you with the help of standard shrugs with a barbell. You can take the barbell with a wide grip from your right, so that in such a rank you can cut it more sharply by straightening the fibers of the upper trapezium. So you can take it as it is more convenient for you. All lie down in order, as you rob, even if it is finally right.

Here we see everything with a flail from 1 to 10. You, who, having entered, can make a turning flail from 10 to 1. What can I do on the street? wonder:

  • you rob the first repetition - squeeze the trapeze, tighten the squeeze for 1 second on the mountain;
  • after another repeat and zatrimuetsya in the mountains for 2 seconds;
  • Robimo the third repetition and already it takes 3 seconds, and so on up to ten.

And if at any time you cannot vikonati morning, or you have lost repetition, then put the barbell and repair the troubles, that's fine. Let's take it back and drown it to the end! The trapezium will burn on the supplement to the point that you have already crushed it here with rods, so that the trapezium will be put into chlamina.

And so, lads, the axis and the whole ideal back training. I will store її for you croque by crotch. All come, all repetitions for you lads, copy them and finish your plan, and I promise you, you will work and see the difference.

Ideal back workout like Jeff Cavaliere:

An important note: before the deadlift, build 1 pidkhid pullover to the bottom on straight arms (on the block)!

  1. Deadlift - 2 lifts for 8, 6 reps, 2 lifts.
  2. Lifting with a back grip with tightness - 2 approaches for 4, 8 reps.
  3. Deadlift - 2 steps for 4 repetitions, rep. pivhvilin.
  4. Pulling up with a wide grip with a hairy vag - 2 steps up to the top.
  5. Deadlift with a barbell in the heel - 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions of them 8-10 vibes!
  6. Focused effort - 2-3 walks, vibir: alternating pull with one hand for 10-12 repetitions to the breath; traction of the upper block with the rotation of the torso for 10-12 repetitions to the top.
  7. Extension U / W - 2 times, 14-12 repetitions each time you change the position in the skin repetition.
  8. Shrag with a barbell - behind the bajan and only a drabinka with a tuck in 1 to 10 seconds on the skin repeat.

You can get away with it, it’s too much training, but, believe me, there’s nothing wrong with that. Tse training cream hypertrophy:

  • zbіshuє strength of all m'yazіv back as a whole;
  • salutarily vpline on the support of the whole її zdorov'ya i vertebral column.

If you haven’t subscribed to our updates yet, then subscribe right away and remove the correct articles first. So, lads, leave your comments and share the article with friends. See you soon!

Grow your back bigger, wider, stronger and more relief, creating a mitzna basis for future growth.

If you take a part in zmagannya or a bodybuilder (well, if you want to do it), then I don’t greet you, as an important mother I’ll do a good job with my back. What are the costs of others, vpevneniy, the next may you perekonat. You don’t kick your back if you’re marveling in the mirror, and people don’t kick, if you enter the room, then back training is not your priority when you work out in the gym.

Ale ask yourself what to bachat people, if you stand behind you? Empty shoulders between your shoulders: a flat expanse without mud, what do you see weakness or a wide massive shield of mud?

You are guilty of respecting your back, for that we have chosen the best right for the back in the gym for people and have created for you a sixth complex for training for different health. Choose one (or more) according to your individual needs, and then beat it with a stretch of 4-6 strokes, so that you can pump up all the m'yazovy groups of the back part of the top of the body.

  • The next training programs do not allow warm-ups. It is right to work out the styles of the warm-ups, the skils are necessary, but you don’t need to warm up right up to the m'yazovy vіdmovi.
  • Choose your vag, with which you will reach the m'yazovoi vіdmovi for that number of repetitions, as it is assigned to the right.
  • Trim yourself in shape and do not let the lower ribs of your back wrap around.
  • Vykorist vantage belt for standings and great traction, as well as bracelets for strengthening the grip.

Below are shown the methods not only how to pump up the back of a person, the complexes of the right are expanded to increase the width of the m'yaziv of the back, their weight and tightness, the relief and winding to increase the width across.

Shorter training programs in the gym

Meta: zagalna masa spini

You didn’t add your back to your back and time and strength in the gym, skilki and other groups of diseases, nayimovirnishche, out of them. In order to encourage the group, focus on the training program for weight gain.

Pobudov's masi to be driven to a strained work, mainly with free vags. Work up to the number of repetitions in the range of 8-10 times, depending on the steps, ring out for 90-120 seconds, to renew the breath and strength. Stanova cravings can zazhadat dodatkovo ї whilini vіdpochinku.

The complex is right for a set of masi m'yaziv back

  1. lifting

If you can’t win 8-10 lifts, beat the simulator.

And even 8-10 times - it's too easy for you, put on a vintage belt to add a bang.

5 approaches 8-10 times

  1. Belt pull

5 approaches 8-10 times

  1. T-bar pull with handle

5 approaches 8-10 times

  1. Deadlift with barbell

5 approaches 8-10 times

Meta: Back comradeship recovery

The cream of the wild appearance in the development of the m'yazіv of the back, the most widespread problem is also “doubleness”: your back has a good width, but it is flat, like a prairie on the Middle Sunset. It is necessary for you to help and build up your comrades, so that in the last bag they will become voluminous.

The axis is here and there are belts for the wrist. You will not be able to pump up the widest back muscle in this workout without belts. At this moment, you see, your training will be zirvana, so it’s just like yours is across. Traction - all those that are necessary for the removal of the animal's back. Wrist straps chime in about those so that you could get a lot of things!

The complex of rights for the improvement of the community

  1. Belt pull

3 approaches 8-10 times (lower intake)

3 approaches 8-10 times (upper choke)

4 go 8-10 times per hand

  1. T-bar pull with handle

4 go 8-10 times

  1. Deadlift with barbell

5 approaches 8-10 times

Meta: Increased Width

A wide back is a great chance for a mother V-like silhouette. With this complex right on your back in the hall for people you will focus on the top of V, that is on the upper m'yazovy group. Different lifts and horizontal traction will serve as a means

Outwardly open: A large part of what we perceive as the width of the back, is nothing more than a visual official of your cystic structure. As you have wide collarbones, especially as you also have a narrow waist and buckle, you create the illusion of a wide back, so that you don’t have such a rich m'azovoy mass. Prote, be it a person who can make his back wider, as if he were practicing with the right rights, as if you were rehabilitated lower.

For all movements in them, you have the right to place your hands a couple of centimeters behind your shoulders from the skin side. If you try to vicorate as much as possible, for example, if you bury the very ends of the neck for traction, you will not reach the full range of the movement, or the total compression of the back.

Don't take it too wide! Vykoristovyte lower zahoplenya, vykonuyuchi tsі right, for a little traction. For which win the neutral position of the arms, one to one.

The complex is right for increasing the width of the back

Note: build 4 walks with a vertical torso,

then go down under the cut 45 degrees to the bottom and work 8 more repetitions to the breasts.

4 approaches 8 times (and more 8 repetitions)

4 go 10 times

  1. Lower block pull to the waist

4 approaches 10 times (wack the wide handle)

  1. Vertical pull with a wide grip

Note: choose vaga, with which you can vikonate only 10 times,

and then we’ll hit 6 more, adding to ourselves.

4 times 10 times (and more 6 times)

Meta: Improved relief of the back

Allowing that you have already put on a decent mass of your back, the training will be clear and perfect. The smallest number of repetitions and approaches and nazlimo їх on all parts of the big and folding group of m'yazіv, as we simply call it "back".

Fact: the more fat you have, the less detail you will see in all groups of meats. Being thin, you can demonstrate more relief, and also some other methods for developing the width of the back, regardless of the fat in the body.

Under the hour of vikonannya, you have the right to build up everything you can, so that you can get more excited about the squeezing m'yazіv and vіdchuttі їх raztyaguvannya. Tse mozhe mean upovіlnennya vykonannya pіdhodіv, sobіdomiti tse skorochennya. Your meta - apparently tse squeezing in the depths of the dermal mucosal fiber, to that, as you are to blame, so it happened, fix it.

Complex of rights for detailing the back

Note: the right has three steps. Choose your wag, with yakim you push 10 repetitions,

and then we will change it to such a level, with which we will add ten more.

3 times 10 times (and more 10 times)

  1. Lower block pull to the waist

Note: Rob 10 times more and more calmly, and then 10 times quickly and without pauses, like on the cob, so in the end.

4 go 10 times

  1. superset
  • Standing upright pull

4 go 12 times

  • Thrust of the upper block with one hand, standing on knees

Note: Whisk with the same thread as you use for vertical pull.

After the remaining 12 repetitions, go down to the knees and pull the bar to the sternum 12 repetitions.

Add more weight, necessary for greater stamina

4 go 12 times

4 go 15 times

  1. Pulling the lower block with one hand

4 go 15 times per hand

4 go 20 times

4 go 12-15 times

Meta: secure your lower back

As long as you didn’t have any injuries in the lower part of your back and you don’t move on the right side, at least, with transverse pains, feel lucky. Deyakі speech so very painful, like problems with the lower part of the back. For those of us, who are more likely to have a greater degree of physical rights, these problems can have even a negative and intermediate effect on education.

This is especially important if the language is about training the legs or the back. If your lower part of the back is sensitive, you simply can’t work everything you want - you’re right, it’s all right. It does not mean that you need to train your back until your lower back is reborn, it simply means that you need to mother the plan and remember about those that should be unique.

All types of lifting and horizontal traction, on the top of the traction to the waist and deadlifts, є safe right for the lower part of the back, so that the stench does not place the cross-section of the ridge in the position of the tension. So that your combs will be careless, beat the breasts so that you cannot bend your back too much.

The key to the fact that the training was safe and productive is to stay on the pillow for an hour of all rowing ruhs. Likewise, you allow your torso to swing out of the pillow, if you pull back, you need a meta support.

Complex right for across

  1. Vertical pull with a wide grip

4 go 10 times

4 go 10 times

  1. Barbell row to chest with narrow grip

4 go 10 times

  1. Lower block pull to the waist

4 go 12 times

4 go 12 times

4 go 15 times

Meta: lay the foundations

Nareshti, the basic procedure for those who only start. It is guilty to be simple, but functional, as if it were right by the hour, as if they helped generations of bodybuilders to lay the foundation for a great back.

Pochatkіvtsy most help the importance of the robot only on dekіlkoh productive rights. Unique, take it easy, take more and donate form in a pardon request to speed up progress. If you are too quick to increase your voice, you can move your voice, but you will not correctly dial the m'yazovu mass.

Most of all, trying too early to quickly change your voice too soon will end in injury. Cherish your form and try to develop m'yazovu memory. The back is the most convenient area for reaching the link, so do not hurry and concentrate on the skin right.

Vikonuyte training as it is, like the stench is given. Uniquely calmly add more rights or approaches, and also don’t varto go into any advanced methods of intensive work, such as imbecile or primus repeat. Soon you will have an opportunity for someone. For now, master the basics and practice over it, so that your back pains squeeze and stretch out from the skin to the right.

The complex is right for pumping the back for the ears

  1. lifting

3 approaches 10-12 times (wide grip)

3 approaches 10-12 times (narrow grip)

  1. Belt pull

4 go 10-12 times

  1. Lower block pull to the waist

4 go 12 times

4 go 12 times

4 go 10-12 times

In order to effectively and smoothly swing your shoulders and back, you need to trim the singing schedule of training, and also to win special rights, as if to help increase the amount of m'yazovoi mass of the same group of m'yazyv. It is necessary to train your back and shoulders regularly and in such a way that suits you individually.

In this article, we know how to properly shake your back and shoulders at home and in the gym for help with other rights. Kіlka program trenuvan, zaproponovanih in danіy statti, will help you to win, for the help of such rights you can pump up the delti. The skin from the complex is right on the shoulders to help inflate the entire shoulder girdle and all bundles of delta-like m'yaziv.

The body of a person is made up of a great number of m'yaziv. The main ones are chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms and pres. The skin of them has a lot of additional m'yazyv, yakі join the work with the great m'yazami.

In this vipadka, it is necessary to pump up the mud of the back and shoulder girdle. Under an hour, you can take the m'yazovі system and it's necessary to eat. A lot of fahіvtsіv vvazhayut, scho poddnuvat in one training need one great m'yazovu system and one small. For example, back and biceps. It is necessary to start the training itself from the great system of m'yazіv, to that the desire for a small one on the cob of employment will lead to a great filthy effectiveness. That’s why you care a lot of people, because you can’t train two great groups of minds in one day. For example, chest and back.

A lot of experiments were carried out, in the course of which they showed that the back and chest can be pumped at once, only the chest needs to be swung first.

Why don't you swing your back and chest at the same time? If a person in one day pumps up his chest and back, then on the next day he will be guilty of pumping up his arms, that’s triceps and biceps. Unreasonably shake the ear of two great groups, and then two small groups of m'yaziv. Besides, there is a large number of anabolic hormones, such as testosterone, growth hormone, and others, which come out on their own during training with great muscles. Therefore, with the training of great minds, a more significant synthesis is born.

The scientists conducted an experiment, in which one group of people trained just biceps, and another group of people trained biceps after training none. As a result, the other group itself was found to have a higher number of anabolic hormones.

There are three great m'yazovy groups in a human in the form of functioning: breasts, legs, back. It is necessary to supplement them with small groups of meats: biceps, triceps, delti (shoulders).

As a result, there are three main butt splits:

  • back-biceps;
  • chest-triceps;
  • legs-shoulders.

Work hard on your own in this sequence, in order to save strength for the next busyness.

Next combination:

  • back-triceps;
  • chest-biceps;
  • legs-shoulders.

This combination is similar to "fullbody".

basic rights

It is necessary to start training from basic rights. Let's look at their distance.

Thrust of the upper block to the breasts while sitting

Qia to the right is the main one for inflating the shoulder sector and m'yaziv. Meta - expand and strengthen the back and delta (shoulders). It is necessary for the vikonannі tsієї to get angry at the robot itself tsikh m'yazіv. If you include biceps in the work, then there will be no bad effect in training.


  1. It is required to grasp the neck with straight hands, bending them is not recommended.
  2. Hands need to be victorious in the quality of gakiv. At the same time, only before the shoulders and wide m'yazi.
  3. Try to take such a position, with which you can speed up the widest m'yazi as much as possible, and then turn around in the cob position.
  4. Build ten to fifteen repetitions on the back, so that you can grow up, for the help of your lungs.
  5. They gave us three important steps to build, with incremental improvements in the vaga.

Lifting the dumbbells to the sides in the forward

Tse help you pump up your shoulders and back with the best rank.


  1. For vikonannya, it is right, in a standing position, it is necessary to slightly spread the back of the head and bend the legs in the knees.
  2. It is necessary to heal the Tulub forward, bending the back at the right time.
  3. Dumbbells need to be trimmed in the hands, like trochs bent in the elbows.
  4. Required to inhale and move the dumbbells to the side.
  5. After the end of the turmoil - see the victories.

Tsya right posterior, mainly only delta-like m'yazi, especially the posterior part. The scapular blades are at the end of the occupation, and the lower and middle parts of the trapezium-like m'yazyv of the back are also activated. So, you can rightly wink while lying on a sickly lava, digging into it with your chest.

vertical thrust

There is one more effective right for pumping up the shoulders and my back.


  1. For yoga, it is necessary to take a standing position and place your feet shoulder-width apart. The back is to blame, buti is straight, and the neck of the bar is to be found below, at the stegon, with a grip on the beast.
  2. Then, it is necessary to work inward and stretch the barbell of the bridle of the body uphill, at the same time lift the lekt to the maximum height, to quiet fir, until the neck reaches the top of the board.
  3. Then, it is necessary to turn around properly in the cob position, with which we straighten our arms step by step.
  4. After the end - to see the sights.

You have the right to fight, try not to break sharp rukhivs. It expands mainly the upper part of the trapezium-like m'yazi in the back and deltoid, shoulder and fore-shoulder m'yazi. Less vono trenuє krzhovo-perekovі m'yazi i sіdnіє. Throw, the wider the grip, the more the deltoid membranes will be activated, and the less - the trapezium-like.

Correct organization of training

In order for the training to bring maximum greed, read the rules:

  1. Training is more likely to add up to the basic rights, yakі spramovanі on opratsyuvannya all delti. It is only necessary to inflate an okremium bundle in that moment, as if relying on a new venture was not enough, and becoming a wine in the development of others. In other cases, there is no need for insulating rights.
  2. You can work out in the gym, and at home. Golovne, there were dumbbells and a barbell at the trainings. Vaga need to pick it up so that with one approach it was possible to influence no less than eight or ten pidjoms.
  3. It is not recommended to take a large shoulder too long to add relief and width to the shoulders. Increase the vanity, working with more important shells, it is necessary to do it, if you become the main method to increase the strength of the m'yaziv. I’ll raise it up in the chosen fall, it’s necessary five times up to eight times and win through chotiri-five sets.
  4. It is a pleasure for beginners to master and bring to automatism the performance of one or two basic exercises. The stench is able to train the delta-like m'yaz, ensuring even tension on the entire shoulder girdle. If the wines have already been trained, it becomes clear that a bunch of bunches will lead to greater training. During the entire period in training, you can add isolation to the right, yak choose in the fallow time, depending on which group of drugs needs additional treatment.

Set on relief

This training consists of seven stages:

  1. Army bench press in a sitting position - 4 steps from 8-12 repetitions with two whilins interrupt.
  2. Separation of dumbbells in a standing position - superset: 3 sets out of 10-12 without a break.
  3. Separation of dumbbells sitting in the arm - 3 steps from 10-12 with a break for 60-90 seconds.
  4. Raise your hands in front of yourself in a crossover - 3 walks out of 10-12 without a repair.
  5. Thrust to the side of the boarding in the crossover - 3 steps in 10-12 with a recovery for 60-90 seconds.
  6. Separation of hands in the Metelik simulator - 3 steps out of 10-12 without a repair.
  7. Separation of hands to the side for the help of an expander - 3 steps with 10-12 repetitions with a repair for 60-90 seconds.

Training program on the shoulders

This training program consists of seven effective rights for the shoulders.

Standing Barbell Press

Tse is the main right for training the shoulder muscles. The main role in the new vicon is the emphasis on the middle delti beam. Ale, pumping up the line of the dilyanka is only possible with the active participation of the anterior and posterior beams.

Yak Robiti:

  1. Stand up straight and spread your legs shoulder-width apart.
  2. With a direct grip, take the projectile and lift yoga on the rib cage of the chest.
  3. Raise the projectile, see it in the final point.
  4. Take a pause.
  5. Fully inhaling, lower the barbell in the cob position, then on the rib cage.

Zagalni guard at the vikonnі:

  • it is not recommended to take a boundary vaga;
  • the back needs to be slightly bent;
  • like a projectile you can zastosuvat dumbbells.

Bench press with a barbell behind the head

Tse base is right, as if it will help to inflate the masses in the shoulder girdle. On the front view, it is necessary to wiggle it in a sitting position.

Yak Robiti:

  1. Sit at the sports bench.
  2. Bend your back a little.
  3. Take the projectile with a wide grip.
  4. At once, I could see the bar being lifted, with which I would straighten my arms.
  5. In the process, lower the projectile behind the head.

Zagalni guard at the vikonnі:

  • bench press is necessary to win properly;
  • it is possible to sanction the right way by lowering the projectile behind the head and to the chest.

dumbbell press

It is ideal for pumping up delta-like slurry in household minds. The right is not only effective, but it is also accessible, so you can beat it not with a barbell, but with dumbbells. It’s right to go with a given sports equipment also, if you don’t have the opportunity, for some reason, to work out in the gym, or if you want to pump up your shoulders.

Yak Robiti:

  1. Have a seated position on the bench with the back, trim the back straight and straight.
  2. Follow along, so that you can see in parallel, and look straight ahead.
  3. Shells need to trim on equal eyes.
  4. Fire up the tongues and follow them, so that the stench was under the brushes.
  5. Vidihayuchi, vichaviti shells uphill.
  6. Chi do not spread the brushes, at the upper point to call the dumbbells at once.
  7. Let's stop for a few seconds.
  8. Breathe in, turn around in the cob position.

Zagalnі oradi in the process of vikonannya:

  • guilty hands collapse in one plane;
  • it is not possible to allow a sharp straightening of the hands at the extreme point, so that the unfriendly inflow on the elbows of the loam is not tolerated;
  • it is not recommended to allow you to get sick back and bend your back.

Arnold press

A classic in bodybuilding, even more effective right. It is called so, to that it was obov'yazkovim in the training of Arnold Schwarzenegger - a successful athlete of a embossed and beautiful body.

Yak Robiti:

  1. Sit on the lava and press your back to the back.
  2. Bend your legs in the knees, so that the stench will make a straight kut.
  3. Spread your legs wide and rest your feet up to the border in the fold.
  4. Let's raise the dumbbells to the ribs.
  5. Bend the elbows under the hood at 90 degrees, and turn the dolons towards you.
  6. Vidihayuchi, vichaviti vertically uphill projectiles, with which turning the brushes are called dolons.
  7. It is necessary to step forward so that the arms are straightened forward to the extreme point.
  8. Breathe in and turn the projectile smoothly in the cob position.

Zagalni guard at the vikonnі:

  • it is better to beat the task with more light dumbbells;
  • at the extreme point, it is necessary to fill the trochs with bent ones and do not straighten them to the end;
  • it is necessary to press the press straightly and without a dent in the lower position;
  • sled unikati priskorennya i rivkiv, schob niknut dodatkovogo navantazhennya on the ridge.

Lifting dumbbells through the sides

Vіdminno pіdіyde for training at home. Training is insulating and victorious for training and pumping from the side of the delti.

First of all:

  1. Stand up from the style and trochs to heal forward.
  2. Dali it is necessary to lower your hands with dumbbells down.
  3. Take a deep breath and spread your arms shoulder-width apart.
  4. Raise the back of the dumbbells to the very last point.
  5. Vidihayuchi, lower your hands in the cob position.

Zagalni guard at the vikonnі:

  • unacceptable appearance of cheating. As in the process of victorious present cheating, other groups are activated. In this direction, the result decreases.
  • it is necessary to concentrate all the efforts on the shoulders.

Lift dumbbells in nachili

Directed to the training of the posterior part of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Yak Robiti:

  1. Standing straight with dumbbells in your hands, next heal with your body forward under the warm hood.
  2. Lower your hands down with cioma.
  3. Taking a deep breath, spread the shells to the sides and understand them to the maximum possible height.
  4. Turn your hands inward in an outward position.

Please at the vikonannі:

  • at the extreme point under the front part of the projectile, it is necessary to heal the troch forward;
  • the back should be trimmed straight and the trochs should be bent across;
  • You can't round your back to avoid injury.

Lifting the bar to the top of the board

It is mainly aimed at training the middle beam of delta, ale, it shakes and trapezium-like m'yazi.

Yak Robiti:

  1. Standing straight, it is necessary to take the barbell with a straight grip, trimming down.
  2. Mіzh dolonyami vіdstan is guilty but close to two kurkulіv.
  3. Vidihayuchi, it is necessary to raise the projectile to the top of the board.
  4. Hold the bar in the extreme position.
  5. Zrobiti inhale and turn to the cob position.

Please at the vikonannі:

  • liquor owed but permanently bred;
  • rise strictly in a vertical position;
  • you can’t bend your back;
  • p_dboridya is guilty of roztashovuvatisya horizontally;
  • lifting the barbell to the top of the bar, it is necessary to lift the bar higher than the shoulder line;
  • The projectile's vaga is not guilty of pereskodzhati to the correct vikonannyu to the right.

complexes right

On the front delta

If you often pump up your breasts, then you have a part of the front deltas melodiously well. The stench is activated in all the rights of the press, especially when they are in the frail. However, weakly anterior deltoid mucus can slow down the growth of breast mucosa. The Danish complex will help correct this situation.

Mіzh trenuvannyam breasts and shoulders can pass at least 48 years, sob m'yazi small hour will be renewed.

  1. Bench press overhead in a sitting position - 4 steps from 8-12 from two whilins break.
  2. Arnold bench press - 4 times 8-10 times 2 strands for recovery.
  3. Lifting dumbbells in front of you - 3 walks out of 10 for 60-90 seconds for recovery.
  4. Raise your hands in front of yourself in the crossover - 3 steps in 10-12 in 60-90 seconds for a repair.

On the middle delti

So that the shoulders become wider, it is necessary to develop bunches of delta-like m'azovoy mass. It is necessary to win the given task on the cob of training, if the energy is still on a high level. You can follow this program with more balanced delta training, for example, on the mass.

The complex is rightly composed of several stages:

  1. Bench press over your head in a sitting position - 4 steps from 8-10 with two strands for a recovery.
  2. Pulling the bar to the top of the board - 3 steps from 8-10 to 60-90 seconds for recovery.
  3. Separation of the dumbbell to the side for the help of one hand - 3 steps from 10 dekilkom seconds for repair.
  4. Separation of dumbbells to the side in a standing position - 3 steps from 10-12 to 60-90 seconds for recovery.

On the rear delti

Back bunches of delta-like m'yazovoi mass often appear not only in newcomers, but also in older bodybuilders. The stench does not take away the stimulation pads, the front and middle delts, the backs of the right for the chest and the press on the shoulders.

In order to expand the rear deltas, it is necessary to complete the complex by stretching 4-8 days, or to draw yoga with more balanced shoulder training.

The complex is rightly composed of several stages:

  1. Press over the head - 4 approaches from 8-10 from two whilins interrupt.
  2. Lifting the dumbbells to the side in a sitting position in the arm - 4 steps from 8 to 60-90 seconds break.
  3. Hand splitting in a crossover - 3 walks out of 10 seconds break.
  4. Raising hands in the simulator "metelik" - 3 steps from 10-12 for 60-90 seconds break.

Get on the mass

One of the effective methods of pumping up the shoulders in the gym is a robot with great arms. Ale, it is necessary to go to the training correctly in order to avoid injuries. For whom it is necessary to work out a good warm-up and finish the pokrokov's technique of vikonnanny is right.

In order to build up the mass of shoulders, it is necessary to start training for the most complex rights, such as press over your head, as if helping to lift a greater arm. Give one-corner right on the skin of three bundles of delta-like membranes: anterior, middle and posterior. Tse dopomozhe create the basis for the work on the growth of the m'yazovoi masi, but only in the case of saving the overall commitment to training.

Under the hour of pumping up the shoulders, you can make the training easier for the help of dekilkoh ways:

  1. At the press above the head there are more than a few dumbbells, like a folding balance and help to collapse with a great range of swing, lower barbell.
  2. It is necessary to beat the return pyramid, so as if there is a chance to build more approaches for the m'yazovym vіdmova.
  3. At the first two approaches, beat the wagon in a low repetition range. Tse is necessary in order to build up the mass. In the world of growth, in the future, reduce your weight by about 5 kilograms. The remaining two most important approaches must be covered with insurance, so that you could save the equipment.
  4. Through those that the front deltas are right on the shoulders of the chest, and the middle ones carry the whole weight of the arm while pressing over the head, often the back deltas become small and in a weak state. For whom training, the pumping of the shoulders must be the same, if you have a lot of strength in reserve. At the intervals of this hour, try to change the sequence of one-sided rights, relying on your weak muscles. If you are convinced that all the bunches of deltas you have are equally proportional, then just beat the right in a different distribution on the skin area.

Masa training program

The shoulder training program for the mass consists of five stages:

  1. Dumbbell bench press over your head - 4 steps out of 6, 8, 10 out of two breaks.
  2. Pulling the bar to the top of the board - 3 steps from 8-10 from two whilins interrupt.
  3. Lifting the dumbbells to the side in a sitting position in the arm - 3 steps from 8, 10, 12 with one quill for the recovery.
  4. Lifting the dumbbells to the side in a standing position - 3 steps from 8, 10, 12 with one quill for lifting. After the repair of the divorce, continue.
  5. Lifting the barbell over your head on straight arms - 3 steps from 8, 10, 12 with one piece of credit for recovery.

The program of training in times, so that the shoulders do not grow, is composed of five stages:

  1. Pulling the lower block to the side for the help of one hand - 4 approaches from 8-10 dekilkom seconds for repair.
  2. Lifting the barbell in front of you on well-knitted hands - 3 steps out of 10 for 60-90 seconds for recovery.
  3. Raising hands in the simulator "metelik" - 3 walks out of 10 for dekilkom seconds break.
  4. Press over the head in the simulator - 3 steps from 8-10 from the dekilcoma with quills to the rebrace.
  5. Pulling the bar to the top of the board - 3 steps from 10-12 from the dekilkoma with quills to the rebrace.


Superset - tse vikonannya by an athlete without help two have the right to m'yazi sleep. Apply m'yazіv-antagonists - biceps with triceps: the first one bends the hand in the ulnar loam, and the other one bends. Chest mud shovhayut hands, and wide mud backs pull them.

It is technically easy to work with a superset: you just need to combine the two right in one and without breaking it. If one super series comes to an end, it is necessary to make a small break, after which start a new super series.

  • If you hit the barbell on the biceps, you can start to hit the arm extension on the block. This is an example of a superset on antagonist-meats.
  • After the bench press lying down, it is necessary to stretch the dumbbells more often. This is the butt of a robot with one and the same group of m'yaziv.

If you know a sprinkling of supersets for one system, the m'yazi of your hands will grow together and harden. Tse bude poserіgatisya only at the first hour, indefatigably the stench changes to a colossal obligation, like a boon to their pumping.

Why zastosovuvat supernets

The main reasons why supersets get stuck in training:

  1. M'yazi more shvidko vіdnovlyuyutsya pіd an hour to take. This is due to the fact that in the supernetwork all m'yazi-antagonisms are activated. Vcheni vvazhayut, scho if the m'yaz otrimuetsya little vanity, then vіdnovlyuєє more shvidshe.
  2. More actively delivering m'yaziv with lively speeches. In the process of adding blood, blood begins to come out of muck, and at the same time sour and life of speech. Ale, at the spryannі tsgogo moment, the blood is actively poured with life-giving speeches.
  3. Supernets are a great way to make changes in your initial training. So the stench will save you an hour. It is especially important to be present, if you don’t have a lot of time, and you can spend your time doing it quickly, but effectively.

How to win correctly in training supermerezh

Vikonuyuchi superset, it is not necessary to chase after the vaga. If you are trained, you can pick up such a vag, which will help you technically beat all the repetitions and come up. Volume training to provide your mind with a new stimulus to grow, to adapt in a new way.

Robiti is often not recommended for supermeasures. The stench will be rotten pratsyuvati. For one group of m'yaziv, you can beat the superset once a day or once every two days. You and your m'yazova mass are responsible to the mother at the hour for renewal, so as to increase the intensity of training by such methods, to ensure straining stress for m'yazіv and the nervous system.

At busy times, you can beat the super-merezhu and at the stage, if you lose weight, burn off your fat, and also during the stage of gaining m'yazovoi mass and increasing strength.

When dry, it is necessary to burn the body to burn more calories, less wine. An important element for this is diet and exercise. Inclusion in the program to take with supersets will help you to effectively spend energy, so you will train more productively, without pauses.

Mіzh rights in the supersetі need to work interrupt, repair. A classic superset is a variant without a break between the rights. Ale, after all, work a little, interrupt the trivality in 30 seconds. It is necessary for the fact that at the next hour the cause of the m'yazi is reborn. That promotes the effectiveness of training.

Before classes in the superset, it is necessary to conduct warm-ups, a trivality of ten minutes. It is folded to be occupied with small arms, and also includes wrapping of cases and hands, as well as other arms for playing.

At the end, I would like to give a few corny joys, directing to the maximum achievement of the result without exposing the body:

  1. Training is due to follow the described system. It is not recommended to take a nap. Workers are selected to do the same, so that the sportsman of the building will have 1-2 repetitions up to the optimal number within the lesson.
  2. Supernets are victorious to improve the efficiency of the result. Slid vrahuvati, scho stench strongly vysnazhuyut energetically. That is why it is recommended to take energy drinks and isotonics during classes.
  3. After the training, it is necessary to reinforce. It is necessary to take a protein shake to replenish living speech in the body.

Practically, all people dream about the garne of the body, the back in this right takes one of the most important places. Boys are suitable for girls with a puff of dirt and a broad back. Let's find out if a back workout in the gym will be effective for pumping.

M'yazova masa of the back is necessary for the defense of the ridge against blows and injuries. M'yazi give a coat of coats, get sick, turn around, etc. In order for the back to look pumped up, aesthetically accommodating, it is necessary to make a difference in the right. It is especially important for people.

The bodybuilders have a beautiful wide back, always attach respect. To that rich someone pragne pump її. Strength training of the back in the gym may be special. Їx to be carried out under the supervision of an approved coach, so as not to take away the injury. For even pumping of the back, you need the whole program.

Back training for people: features of the process

The ready-made complex is right for people for the back, it consists of impersonal ruhiv, power training, which helps the development of all m'yaziv, roztashovanih in this part of the body. Below is a diagram with the names of my back:

The names of the m'yazіv in the zone of the back are detailed in the anatomy. The stench of attacking groups:

  • outrageous- all two widest, teeth, trapezium-like m'yazi, rozginachi. The stench plays an important role in the wildness of the back, the ridge. To that they attach special respect.
  • internal- see the m'yazovyh fibers roztashovuyutsya under the boys' ovnіshnіmi. Tse so, like round, rhomboid and so on. If you train them, then you will see a deep relief on the back, the stench of the building should be called the names of the foreign m'yazi.

First, start to take on the simulators, you will immediately need to sign up for what is important to you. Your mother needs a relief silhouette, like a bodybuilder, or you just want to take away a little fat. Sound the skinny lads toil on the spot: gain weight and build up the muck.

So that everything is perfect for you, do your training, adding respect basic rights. Tse means that you will need to work right with dumbbells, barbells, etc. Just before the adventures, there is a little bit of preparation. It is not possible to immediately proceed to great adventures, so that there would be no injuries.

For shudennnya and zbіlshennya m'yazovoi masi cholovіkam happen to work and intensively right, eat according to the regimen. At the same time, you need to train your back in the gym for the benefit of the mud. The only thing to do is to get busy. For whom is it necessary to use programs and correction of their skin athlete. Instructor of the health characteristics of the human body, and sets the song complex to him individually.

Train your back on the simulators:

  1. Start training faster without important ones basic rights. Aje, if the m'yazov's mass is not yet blamed, the athlete can easily take away the injury. To make the trainer happy for a protracted month, only work with dumbbells, gradually increasing the weights.
  2. The most important is the training program on the back, which includes right on I become cravings. Just to achieve good results, you need to work harder and supplement gymnastics, so that you can exercise equal enthusiasm for all kinds of things. Then back training will give your result.
  3. Do not think right away to start training and give great courage to the back for help bigger vag. And as a result of such events, such illnesses are blamed, like a hives, disc failures and other problems, which threaten with filthy insults.
  4. Good for growing great minds you all the same happen to go to the great vag, otherwise the growth of the m'azovoy masi simply will not be.
  5. Sob across the m'yazi tezh trimali their desire not to zastosovuvat safety belts. These additional elements will not be allowed in the outside world to goydatisya m'yazam in the region of krizhiv.
  6. To achieve great hypertrophy, draw basic back workout with forceful ambitions and spend right for the back on the simulators.
  7. It is not possible to work two law enforcers (basic) on the same day. More precisely, do not move any thrust: standing, vulture i in sickly.

See below the complex is right for training the soft back mass:

IMPORTANT: Only dosvіdcheny mentor is guilty of becoming planning to take. Aje back training in the gym - on the right is viable and traumatic. The coach can show you the right technique, right, rozpo, as an avenue to give your troubles more quickly, in order to get rid of problems.

Back training for people: right

At the same time, a lot of people suffer back ailments through a low-grade way of life. Tse to produce not only to destruction, but to other problems. That garne of back training for people in the gym cannot be hurt by anyone. Below are butts for pumping the m'yazovoy tissue of the back, yakі allow you to get in with the damage put, and the ailments of the ridge. More zavdyaki їm you will become a pleasant person.

name How do m'yazi work? What are the additional soft fibers of the back? view Where can you get busy?
Power on the rowing machine two diamond-shaped practice two of the most base In the hall
Three barbell - deadlift offensive diamond-shaped rear: offending the widest, trapezoidal base In the hall
Three with a barbell - thrust in the nachili offend the nayshire practice rhomboid, trapezoidal base In the hall
Power - with kettlebells to the waist two diamond-shaped bottom trapezium-like, two widest base In the hall
Three barbell - on straight legs thrust m'yazi - vipryamlyachі two rhomboid, offending widest base In the hall
Power - vuzka setting of hands (pull of the neck) offend the nayshire rear trapezium-like, m'yazi-straight back base In the hall
Power - thrust іz chatter neck a bunch of both rhomboid offending the widest, bottom of the trapezium base In the hall
Silove - Rivok Giri m'yazi - vipryamlyachі trapezium-like, two rhombo-like and flattering widest Base, important By the hall and at home
Power - mail weights with a new cycle two diamond-shaped trapezoidal, two rhomboid Base, important By the hall and at home
hyperextension m'yazi - rozginachi for isolation In the hall
Nahil with a barbell m'yazi - rozginachi offending delti, triceps for isolation two largest for isolation In the hall
Lifting rod in standing position bottom of the trapezium the tops of the trapezium-like, offending the upper deltas for isolation In the hall
Thrust of the upper block to the chest two largest two diamond-shaped for isolation In the hall
Right - traction behind the head offend the nayshire trapezium-like, biceps for isolation In the hall
To the right - thrust in a horizontal position two diamond-shaped offend the nayshire for isolation In the hall
Sumo Deadlift m'yazi - vipryamlyachі rhomboid, offending widest for isolation In the hall
Shrug with dumbbells the top of the trapezium for isolation In the hall
Right - Shrag with a barbell in the back bottom of the trapezium trapeze-like tops for isolation In the hall
Right - Shrag with barbell in front the top of the trapezium the middle of a trapezoid for isolation In the hall
trapezium-like bottoms posterior bundle of both deltas complex In the hall
Right - deadlift with dumbbells offend the nayshire two trapezium-like, diamond-shaped complex In the hall
King thrust to the right offend the nayshire bottom of the trapezium base By the hall, booths

Back training for people in the gym:

  • Work on the rowing machine - functionally more productive in the right, as it sprays pumping not only rhombo-like m'azovykh masses, but also includes other m'yazi backs in the work. Such training of the back in the simulator for people is considered to be an excellent gymnastics for the growth of the m'yazovyh fibers on the back. Right, practical, safe, there are no traumatic consequences.

back pumping
  • Right with the barbell - deadlift- especially effective for the development of pulp in the area across. If an athlete takes yoga, the posterior mucosal fibers are mainly stressed. Take a back seat next to the position - sit on the barbell, take the bar, move the shoulder blades to the midpoint, after pulling the barbell. Pull with your feet, not with your back alone. Get up with a barbell so that your back is straight. Now, if you have lifted the barbell, turn around at the exit position, lower it on the ground. Below is a photo of how to work traction correctly, and how to work when you are right.

  • To the right - traction in the nahil tezh is popular with people, so it is effective for pumping the widest m'yazovyh masses of the back and deltas. With a higher deadlift, you will have more power output for a higher deadlift. As you can see in the photo below, the athlete should rob the grip on the back (trimming the arms three times wider than the shoulders), and then, on bent legs, we will lift the sports tool, pulling the yoga on the video to ourselves, and lower it on the video.

  • - with the right vikonannі traction, pumping m'yazіv back more effectively, lower with tyazi in nahili. Bazhano is given the right to use only in a standing position, otherwise it will not be so effective for the bodybuilder's back mass.

vulture thrust
  • - tsієї traction is the best way to replace the classic traction (becoming) for beginners, so that it is less traumatic and it is much more efficient to pass the m'yazovoi masi.

  • Rivok giri- the orientation is recognized for the treatment of the m'ulcer fibers of the shoulder girdle. Even for the help of this, the relief on the trapezium-like m'yazakh, deltoid ones, is right to be seen. Zavdyaki rivkіv krasivіshe camp the upper part of the back. And correctly robiti rivka you learn from the photo below:

  • hyperextension - qiu is rightfully popular among both girls and boys. Aja zavdyaki youmu pumped not only m'yazi back, ale and m'yazova masa sіdnits. You can also borrow a tendon apparatus for help. You can see on the little one how to overcome hyperextension. For bodybuilders, you can still zastosovuvat a little to increase the ambition. Yogo trim with his hands, bіlya breasts, and timidly frail.

  • Fucked up with a barbell- with such a power preparation you can pump m'yazi-rozginach, sadnitsa, m'yazovu fabric in the lower part of the tunic. The shoulders are still practising. Іsnuє kіlka zastosuvan nahilіv with robots on pants. Marvel at the distance in the image:

How robiti got sick with a barbell?
  • Barbell lift for biceps- suitable for beginners and prosout athletes. Why does your back hurt? if you are right? Let's get it right - a pardon is in the fact that many people, not having developed their ability, are grabbing at once for great vagi. Then, through these pardons, other ills are strained, as if not guilty, they took the fate of the right. So they can be sick for the same reasons and drifts in the elbows.

You can also work with dumbbells for such a craving, the effect will be the same.

  • - if you work for the right, then m'yazi deltoid and widest will be formed. Dumbbells should be lifted properly, bending the liquid drifts and then lowered. You can also work with a barbell yourself. It’s right to move, like on a frail one, so on a horizontal straight lava.

  • Sumo with barbell- Tse has the right to fight with widely spaced feet. The barbell is lifted on the back on the shoulders, like a little lower, and then the athlete rises to his feet and lifts the barbell uphill. The backs of the m'yazi-rozginachi of the back and the widest, rhomboid.

  • Shrug with dumbbells- lifting shoulders with vantage. If the athlete has injuries of the shoulders, shi, then there is no trace of shrug robiti. But to consult with your doctor, you can make me happy, on the other hand, I’ll become so busy for the police, but with a small vag.

Shoulder lift - Shrag
  • Breeding dumbbells for sickness- a set of appointments for pumping delta-like m'yazovyh fibers. The athlete becomes in a frail position and spreads, and raises his arms from one side to the other.

  • king thrust- if the bar is occupied, you can raise it to the right. It's just as effective as deadlift. You only need to work yoga correctly: get sick on one nose until you can reach your feet with your fingers. Kick your leg properly in the knee until your hands reach the pidlog. Get up properly.

King thrust to the right
  • Traction vertical block- effective for the whole array of m'yazovoї masi back. On the picture you can see how the m'yazi work with vikonann traction.

Otzhe, back training in the gym does not lead to weight loss. You can change a little її razmіri, tse vіdbuvaєtsya in the wake of the fact that the m'yazova mass gains tone, as a result the back may look more lifted, lower it was before. Back training for people on the mass є growth of m'yazіv in this zone of the body. And for weight loss, you should go deep into nutrition, dietology, change your diet of eating and indulge in sports training.

Video: back training - program for people


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