For the drug treatment of vaginosity, it is also vaginous. The benefits of medical abortion

For the drug treatment of vaginosity, it is also vaginous. The benefits of medical abortion

The piece of vaginality in early terms is carried out in three ways - for additional vacuum aspiration, operative entrainment (viskoblyuvannya) and medication. The remaining option is very easy for a woman's body.

Winning the transfer of the preparation by taking the preparation, which is used to rip the edge of the sudin, which clings the fruit to the egg with the uterus. As a result, we see and see the weekend. Often, the middle of women will have a thought, as a medical abortion is absolutely not dull.

Such a pardon provocative provocation vikoristovuvati yogo in the form of contraception for unprotected statutory acts. But, for the sake of justice, it is not just a weekend - the most powerful blow to the endocrine system of organism.

What about having a medical abortion?

At the warehouse of drugs, which are used for medical abortion, synthetic steroid antigestagenes are available. To maintain the vitality of the fruit egg, a normal concentration of progesterone in the blood of the mother is required. It’s also a lack, the function of the hedgehog of the sudin, that the embryo and the organism of the mother are ringing, it’s going to ruin.

The drugs for the medication of vaginosis block the necessary progesterone, which provokes the release of the shells of the fruit egg from the wall of the uterus, where they were implanted.

In addition, skin preparation is used to induce the uterus in pidvizheniya tonus and provoke fastness, and when empty. Dalі wikyday see the natural path.

Treats for a woman's reproductive health

Unimportant to the visibility of mechanical disorders of the mucous membrane of the uterus, such a way to reduce the unnecessary vagineness can be a number of inheritances:

hormonal imbalance- even more frequent side effects due to drug intake during abortion. The endocrine system, which was attached to the development of the fruit egg and the development of minds for the living of the embryo, will quickly reject the command to start the production of some hormones and to start producing some of the things.

With a natural decline in the concentration of hormones, the endocrine system of the woman rises smoothly.

non-duplicate abortion- Vinnikє in case of insufficiently high doses of the drug - parts of the fruit egg may be overloaded in the mother. As the woman does not see the ultrasound for the first two days during the weekend, it seems like an ignition process, which can be provocative, burning.

In general, the instability of the vaginosity for the medication intervening of the vaginosti will be tied to the difficult ones.

internal synechia- allow for the illumination of the tissue in the emptying of the uterus. Growing up can be privately owned, so let's remember. Provokuvati vyniknennya synekhіy can overshoots of fruit eggs, in general, vyshov from the uterus before an hour of medical abortion.

In order to conceive a child, you will have a viral growth. If you want to get a taste of such a child's life, she will be included in the group.

placental polyp- is a new satisfaction in the emptying of the uterus, yake, a part of the fruit egg. The likelihood of such a legacy of medical abortion in the field is that there are so few particles in the collection that an ultrasound car cannot remember.

For an hour or so, clots of menstrual bleeding are deposited on them - this is how the polyp settles. Maybutnya vagіtnіst appears before a threat, as it is not possible to get in from a pathology pathology.

Planuvati conception is possible only after 5-6 months after the vaginosity is changed for additional medication. Theoretically, it may be earlier, if the terms are indicated, it is necessary to start for two reasons.

In the first place, the endocrine system is guilty of bouncing back, but otherwise, it takes an hour to spend in front of the planned vaginosity the following conditions:

  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages for the diagnosis of synechia and polyp, which can be a very common piece of work.
  • Hormonal regulation. It is necessary to change the fact that the endocrine system produces the necessary concentration of hormones, without which the ovaries are uncomfortably ripe and further away from the vaginosity.
  • Pre-delayed fallopian tubes. It is attributed to this, as a great igniting process has developed for medical abortion in the empty uterus.
  • Gynecological examination is a standard procedure for planning. Likar to assess the inheritance in an active manner helped the piece to change the vagina and how to fight with them. The gynecologist himself (or a gynecologist-endocrinologist) is guilty of signs of a disease in cases of hormonal imbalance.

A large number of patients have received antigestagen drugs for the treatment of an unwanted vagineness of a woman's reproductive functions and a change code before the mothers of children are not diagnosed.

Uninvolved on hormonal withdrawal, as soon as the woman is taking medication, the woman can start taking medication for the treatment of her vagina in the next month.

In such a vypadyuєta twisty situation arises: robiti re-pererivannya means, to create an organism of a serious shkodi. Zalishati child - that means, put on a serious rizik fruit, like holding out all the term will be important to get into matt, recently suffered a weekend.

Decrease in case of repeated abortion:

  • Serious, the inheritance of something that can become overwhelmed (often - hirsutism, overwhelmed vaga).
  • Deterioration of the function of women, which can manifest itself in a decrease in the production of gestagens.
  • Strong intoxication to the body.
  • Severe bleeding, as it would be the case that the endometriosis did not rise to the notice of the recent weekend.

Folding for excessive vaginosti:

  • Istmiko-cervical deficiency, which appears in early terms. Cei rizik is blamed for the fact that in the first time of the week the womb has closed up to the end.
  • The development of a fruit egg through a lack of concentration of progesterone in the blood, as there will be a lot of hormonal slaughter.
  • She died of changes in her vaginosity. Winikne through the wrong robot of the endocrine system. If you take a high dose of antigestagen drugs in hypothalamus and hypophysis, they will change their functions.

Oscillations of early pregnancy for medical abortion is tied to great difficulties, it is necessary to reach out to the doctor to respect contraception.

If necessary, you can add at once a number of types of undesirable vaginosity - for example, condom picking, calendar method and keeping a graph of basal temperature.

Months of medication change of vaginosity for 3-4 months can be irregular. If the cycle cannot be gratified by stretching it out, it is necessary to turn up to the liquor. You can, before the planning of conceiving a child, hormonal therapy is required.

It’s as bloody vision that it’s not going to be overwhelmed for 14 days, so it’s going to turn up to the lykar. It is possible, the fast uterus didn’t get too intense, and there were clots in it when it was empty, which could lead to burning. As soon as the fallopian tubes are poked, the planning of the vaginosity can be influenced by the new term.

For medical abortion, a blood test for testosterone, estradiol and progesterone is required. Monitoring is necessary in order to be able to quickly correct the hormone from the norm.

Preparations for the transfer of vaginosity to those who are already ready through the pregnancy before the child is conceived. Ale before the cym, it is necessary to go through all the recommended conditions, which should be taken into account when the baby is born.

Reconsideration of vaginosity on cob terms for the additional antigestagen drugs, which adapt to the head hormone vaginosti progesterone, is called medical abortion. Unimportant to those who are such a way to be the most merciful for the female organism, to be aware of the foldability of the vagineness of the medical abortion and the marriage of a healthy child.

A special talk is mifepristone, which can be found in preparations for medicamentous interception of vaginosity, when it is taken from the walls of the uterus of the embryonic membranes, the embryo is driven in. In the first hour, drugs will be taken to take revenge on prostaglandins, to help the robot of the uterine muscles and vyshtovuyut an egg from the empty uterus. According to statistics, medical abortion in 95-98% will end with vaginosity. If you want to have a medical abortion, you can go shvidshe, that is why:

  • Ways not to transfer surgical involvement, and not to injure the uterus;
  • Menstrual functions are updated in the calendar terms, and more precisely in 28-30 days after the procedure;
  • Vikoristovuyutsya pererivannya on early terms, if not come in the body of women significant hormonal changes.

The skin organism is individual, and on the basis of medical abortion, it is infused with the speed of renewal of the hormonal background destroyed by the piece. Deyakі women can be used practically at once, which for all needs from rock to decіlkoh rockіv. In the head of memory, it is necessary to give an update to the body and by hand to get it back. For such a change and renewal, the quality of the normal interruption of the onset of vagineness will significantly improve.

Unscheduled availability for medical abortion

In the case of an unplanned conception, without a bar, for a medical abortion, it is necessary to inaccurately turn to its own doctor and go through medical procedures. In some cases, you can trivially be careful in the minds of the stationary in order to save your stay.

Folding and risky conditions when vaginosity is set for an hour without triviality after the procedure for medical abortion is carried out:

  • Winning post-pregnancy vaginosity;
  • Wikidday threat;
  • Low placentation;
  • Rіznі wadi development of the fetus, covering in the yo development;
  • Rh sensitization, even though the woman has a negative Rh factor;
  • Zavmirannya fruit egg.

They are tied together with the growth and development of the fetus. An early visit to the gynecologist in times of such a vaginosity is also necessary in order to develop a vaginal vagina, as the fetus egg has closed the position of an empty uterus.

Successful planning of vaginosti for medical abortion

In order to be able to start a medical abortion with a minimal risk, the acceleration for the child's health and the health of the mother needs to be followed by the following recommendations:

  • With a hand to the test of vikoristovuvati nadіynі methods of contraception, if the end of the term of life needs to go through the medical treatment at once with the maybutnіm daddy child. It is especially important to accentuate respect for the analyzes of the hormonal background and the revealed urogenital infections, which are often a history of medical abortion;
  • Dotrimuvatisya healthy way of life and shake off the shkidlivy calls, throw off the wag;
  • Vilіkuvati in the field of chronic infections, unique bacterial and viral seasonal infections;
  • Rationally harchuvatisya, without preserving the organism with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, as long as the hormones are normalized, as they are suspected of conceiving, estrogen and progesterone;
  • Namagatisya unique to overcome and stress.

If you are happy with it, the woman of bagatorazovo is better than it’s that it’s possible to have a medical abortion without problems and will be opposed to it.

The potential for medical abortion without interrupting

The immobility of preserving the vagineness of medical abortion is not great, only 4-5%, but it’s necessary to know about the inheritance, if the woman is thinking about having a second abortion.

With a coarse drug induced by drawing a normal vaginosity at the stage of fetal formation, the hormonal background is disrupted and there is a high incidence of congenital defects in the fetus. According to medical statistics, the magnitude of the risk of congenital pathologies due to the intake of mifepristone, since the visit has not been interrupted, and the woman was introduced to the methods of conversion, less than ten drops per thousand flat. And if there’s a minimal chance of a teratogenic drug, it’s to blame for all women in order to save the time for a short-term medical abortion. The head of the doctor explained to women who were eager to change the vagina for additional pills about the need for surgical cleaning for a short-term medical abortion.

The optimal terms for the delayed period of medication for vaginosis are clearly visible, if it is possible to stay with the maximum benefit for oneself and the health of the mighty baby.

Features of the transfer process

Vagitness is a wonderful mystery of nature, as it brings the joy of motherhood to a woman's life, if she checks. But in the life of some people, there are inappropriate reasons, for ailments, such as rubella, tuberculosis, cancer and others, if the process is carried out for an additional abortion.

That is the least traumatic for the health of the woman є it is not infused with medication on the uterus, which will lead to the treatment of the fetus and lead to a piece-wise mimic wickedness. In addition, be it an abortion to transfer the risk of preserving one function in the future, that is the possibility of starting a medication for a medication to change the vaginosity of a bagatokh.

In order to grow up in this nutrition, you are more familiar with the whole procedure and injected into the body of the woman. It is carried out in 5-7 days, or not more than 8, to 49 days, when the ultrasonic scan is used, it is possible to switch the condition of the vagueness of the vagina and only in the form of a pictorial. Oskіlki even more frequent slowing down of bleeding, as it is not necessary to go out for help, stop the surgical method (vyshkrіbannya).

The drug for medication vaginosti

Doctors will be able to use the drug mifepristone or analogs. It is dispensed in tablets and is used only for the signs of the drug and under the control. Denmark has brought progesterone virobling, through the fruit of the egg, which cannot be dispensed with, it is traded through the endometrium. After taking the pills in 1-3 days, the bleeding should be repaired and the vagina should be digested.

Obov'yazkovo shown by ultrasound for 8-15 days for confirmation of the weekend... For some people, if they didn’t bring a good result, they are afraid of vacuuming a fertile egg.

The number of tablets I can give you a little more:

  • great blood vision;
  • zagryuvannya ignited zhvoryuvan zh_nochoї state spheres;
  • head b_l;
  • b_l in the lower abdomen;
  • nudota.

We don’t want to take a walk. We are growing women for 35 years. Prototypes are also called:

  • sensitivity to the drug has been adjusted;
  • important ailments nirok and liver;
  • collapse of the heart rhythm and hypertension;
  • pozamatkova vagіtnіst.

You can get started with medication for vaginosis.

During the manipulation of women turbine food, which can be started at once for the medication change of the vaginosity, as the inheritance for them is actual and as a long-term period of renewal.

Fakhіvtsі vverzhuyut, so tsei way to іdrіznjaєtsya as a surgical sparing day on the mucus of the uterus. To that, ovulation may occur, it may be a bit of a mistake, the egg splinter will sprout into the new cycle, start to grow the onset of the follicle, and conception may occur even in the first cycle.

term of renewal

Protect, be it a kind of infusion on the third system of injury to the entire body. For the normalization of the function of the statues of the organs, the singing interval is needed for an hour. For the data of the reproductive system of a woman to come to a healthy camp for 6 months after such a stressful situation. The style itself is recommended to be used for conception, contraceptive use in a whole hour's time.

Then it is necessary to see your gynecologist, to go through the procedure beforehand. If necessary, adjust the SPL. It is obligatory to build a shelter for hormones, so that it is good, it has been renewed and has not been destroyed.

An analysis of urogenital infections will also not be useful, the chances for an abortion will develop into a friendly middle ground for growth and development of microbes, such as wickedness and foul play on embryo.

You may be able to get started for a medication change of vagineness before 6 months without worrying about the inheritance, it is important. Skin organism is individual, that is, the normalization of the hormonal background is seen in everyone in their own way. Hormones take their natural value from children in the first cycle. For those who pass the month, the first step is not to be established in the first place. All lay in the form of building of female state organs, which have survived the whole piece of work in the rhythm of their work.

Vagitness is a natural process for a woman's body. The period of gestation will lead to the accumulation of hormones. At the moment of conception, the hormonal sphere is straightened on a safe harvest of the fetus and canopy in rows. As hormones, which are considered for saving the fetus, for some reason are lacking, then there is a risk of overturning. Details about the importance of this hormone are written in the article. Often the hormonal background will ruin before the gestation is interrupted, nevertheless, because of the surgical treatment, or medication. Vvazhayetsya, scho pharmacology, starts a big blow to hormones, then the hour of the vaginism itself changes, for the medication to change the vaginosity, it can be problematic.

I pour in іnshі factors on the unpleasant surplus of gestation:

  • Fired up female organs.
  • Chronic illnesses of women.
  • Zahvoryuvannya organs, which produce hormones.
  • Stressful, depressive stan.

Pharma-board renewal

Pharmabort uvazі is roughly involved in the hormonal background. Zokrema, the drug mifepristone, blocking the hormone progesterone, is uncomfortable without gestation. The progesterone itself starts to wiggle at the moment of conception, and conception, and without prescribing the embryo in the mattse and well-being of development.

After the retreat of the gestation, which has passed without acceleration, for renewal it is not less necessary, but not less. For a whole hour, an update of female organs and the establishment of the menstrual cycle will take place. It will be an indicator that the hormones are back to normal.

As soon as the medication is transferred, the process of renewal is delayed. A few days later, a little bit of a legacy, and then after 6 months, judge about the renewal of the body.

Skin patient, after the completion of the abortion procedure, the doctor is guilty of the date of the recommendation for the renewal of the body. The recommendation is to enter the fence on the status of life, in the morning on the classic status act and explain in detail, if it is possible to get involved in the process of medication change of vaginosity . The fence is to secure a new conception and to allow the inner ball of the uterus to be renewed.

Traditionally renewal includes:

  1. Dotrimannya recommendation of a doctor, especially a lot of articles.
  2. Lykarsku therapy in case of manifestation accelerated.
  3. Vitamin complexes, we will specially break up the transfer for women.
  4. A healthy way of life, more efficiently and efficiently.
  5. Dilution of depression, as long as there is no more misce.

If you can see the vagineness of the drug for the medication of the vaginosti?

Bagato hto vvazhaє, who went to abortion with likarsky ways, stretching out the singing period for an hour is uncomfortably awkward. Ale tse dumka pomilkov, that can still be conceived before the arrival of the first few months. Call ovum to be seen on the 14th day, for a medical abortion. Whenever there is no way to get in touch, you can accept the development of a new gestation.


Immediately after the pharma-port, you will be able to change the method of contraception!

Early pregnancy for medical abortion. Who is not safe?

Early vagina, when taking medication for vaginality, is often drunk. Women, for some reason, do not care about the doctor's recommendation for the fence of the statutory act, for medication. As a rule, it’s new to the vagina, to wrap up with new stress for the body and depression.

Whether the result of the vaginosis of the diagnosis is earlier, not through the treatment of medication, the better for everything , matime not the inheritance.

As soon as the woman knows the people of the juvati, then you can accelerate:

  • Chi is not responsible through hormonal sloughing or the inability to endometrial (internal ball of the uterus), such as anterior abortion. Often in such a situation one sees a natural change, or a weekend.
  • Feto-placental deficiency, yak vinikє, on the basis of the created function of the placenta. Tse can winicati through hormones and often caused by the tone of the uterus.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus of obumovaniya tim, scho as a pharmacist, carried out not well before the new conception, the uterus was in a strained camp. For a short period of an hour, before the new gestation, the won didn’t get back to normal. I know the risk of provoking an increase in pressure.
  • Renovation in the development of fetal death, accumulation of food-related accelerated changes. The pastry is brought into development, є the people of the immature, often a weakened baby.
  • Pozamatkovoi roztashuvannya embryo, wines through the deterioration of the function of female organs, to aphid hormonal "stress". Tse expedited reports are described.

A woman arrives in the depres sion, as a result of new vaginosity, and often gets interrupted. However, the option can be reduced to the edge without delay - no need. About інші reasons for this problem you can find out about the statistics.

When a doctor is ready for the appointment, a pre-planned gestation, a pharmacy, it is necessary to give the doctor a term and carry out an ultrasound scan. Tests often produce results, so the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin in the section decreases more and more, which summarizes the positive result.

If you can get medical abortion? Correct pidhid - plan

Before the abortion, the woman should be furnished with furniture, an hour before the abortion. Bagato, for the whole unacceptable croc, to plan the wine and people of a healthy and healthy baby. Every demand is thought out, the demand is planned.

Planning to fix up to 6 months of unresolved abortion. On the cob, planuvannya will be retelnier for the well-being of the maybutnyh fathers, the spring of the maybutnyoi mami. Until the death of the woman, the woman is guilty of the minimum cycle of the cycle of the message "The Child's Calendar", which is fixed in the new menstrual cycle.

Obstezhennya, with a clear in the anamnesis of pharmaceuticals, if it does not become a standard one. The complex of analyzes can be studied in the subject. I especially respect, doctor, for the indicators of hormones, the cycle of menstruation and ultrasound. As soon as damage will be seen, then it will be necessary to repair it. For carrying out the situation, on the basis of the results, the drug, say, if it is possible to start a medication for the interception of pregnancy.

Safely wine and people and people healthy child - the center of the skin woman. And not guilty not guilty not guilty overshkojati. At most vipadkiv, bazhan and planan travel time drug treatment of vaginosti , come to the end with the people of charming health.

Published by: Olga Lazarova

Promptly being involved in the body of a woman is negatively infused into the new one. It is especially important to use such a folding operation as an abortion. Problems with health can lead to negative development of the fetus. Women are interested in having an opportunity to have an abortion. It’s necessary to go back to be aware of it, and you see it.

Abortion is a trick for being different ways of vaginosti. In modern medicine, there is a decal of types:

  1. Vacuum abortion, which is designated for a term of up to 5 months.
  2. Medication - it can be done no more than 6 times.
  3. An instrumental way, which can be carried out in a stretch of 16 times.

In the cutaneous type, the species are special.

The safest way to fix the vaginosity is to use a vacuum aspirate. Vaughn pass the offensive rank. A disposable catheter, attached to a vidmoktuvach, is inserted through the cervix of the uterus in the middle of the body. There is a negative grip, so that the fruit of the egg spontaneously appears from the walls of the uterus. It is not necessary to expand the uterus, it is infused into the mucus organisms in a minimal way, the procedure is simple - without any transfer of vacuum aspirations. The woman, when she is not, is necessarily guilty of undergoing ultrasonic scanning, which will be introduced in a pooled amount of tissue. Organism is updated shvidshe. The vagina has come for a vacuum abortion to be characterized by lesser rises.

Medication is also used in an inexpensive way. The woman, under the control of an obstetrician, took a pill, she was old enough to get rid of progesterone.

Through two dobi, another drug is administered vaginally, which will speed up the uterus. A fruitful egg is seen. With the help of the medication method, the enlargement of the uterus is not required; In addition, the duration of the medical abortion process will be faster and faster without any medical risk.

The instrumental method of transferring is a classic procedure, which is very quick. Carrying out її to finish it is not easy, for tsyogo requires a general anesthesia. The cervix of the uterus expands and a special instrument is used to scrape the fruit of the egg. For this procedure, it is necessary to look at the fahivts.

Rizka change of hormonal background injected into the body. During the hour of vaginosti, the body is hormonally over-energized, and the change is fast. For children, women do not have to go in for an abortion for a long time, because of problems in the body organs. The folding procedure for this procedure is to be found in the term and in the conduct. Chim less buv period before the operation, tim nyzche risik viniknennya usladnen.

It is important to remember that before the negative inheritance of abortion, there is also an onset of safety, the development of such a development from 1 to 10.

  • Istmiko-cervical deficiency is a very common problem, as it can be blamed on as a result of the reversal of the first vaginosity. The cervix of the uterus can be stretched and the egg can be released. Given the accelerated manifestation in the form of vaginosity at the very beginning of an abortion, it is not easy to achieve it.
  • Low attachment of a fruit egg - more than one accelerated, before an hour when the placenta is located. The fruit in this vypadku will not take away enough sourness, natural canopies will also be contraindicated. Tom is one of the options for the cesar's rostin.
  • The growth of a child can be seen as a result of the child's growth, which has become overwhelmed by the change in vaginosity of a surgical abortion. There is a lack of fetoplacental deficiency, and the result is that it will develop more and more in the middle. If this pathology is revealed, the woman will reject the disease, as it can be carried out at home. Alle, you can be in a situation, if you need a hospital.
  • Rhesus conflict - accelerated, yake winikє in women with a negative rhesus factor of blood. If the fetus has a positive indicator, then the organism of the mother can consume erythrocytes. Tse vykliche conflіkt і belly anti-til. It is possible to reduce the risk of diagnosis of this acceleration if you vibrate with a vacuum or a drug method.
  • Breaking the uterus - numerical operations can lead to the vitrification of the uterus, in the near future, before the hour of vaginosity, you may simply not be able to show the expansion, and there is no puncture.

Before the group, children also enter the group, they gave birth to women and children, and some of the boules have fired their organs. Poorushennya exchange of speeches should be done either to the vtrati vagi, or to the yogo set. Zakvoryuvannya milky vines, for example, mastitis, in some cases, can lead to nausea to chin.

Erosion of the uterus, uterine tube failure, puffiness and dysplasia can also be included in the list of accelerated changes in instrumental change. After endometritis, called endometritis, it is even more foldable, one-time broken ball can be blocked safely for a woman.

Can you plan to have an abortion in an hour?

I think that it’s uncomfortable to question the vagueness of an abortion; Already after 2-3 years, the woman will be ready to start. Schob uniknuty tsyogo, slid beware. Likars recommend utrimatisya of unfailing statutory acts, giving the body a view not less, not less pivrok. For medication, organisms are renewed more efficiently for everything. Ale zanadno shvidka і early vagіtnіst, in any case, is not necessary.

If the visit through the month of abortion has come all the same, it is not recommended to change it. Slid immediately into the eyes of the doctor, who will look around, signify the analysis and z'yasuє, as there is a counter.

What is the correct way to develop an organism before the vaginosity of an abortion?

Life's organism, which has undergone great stress, needs to be repaired, before repeated vaginosity. It is necessary to remember that the planning of the vagina for an abortion is a process and a general process, for which later you should go through the change of the body.

It is important to intervene in order to increase the inclusion of chicken, alcohol, malt and food fats, and in the case of follicle acid, vitamins B, cereals and dairy products.

  1. Harchuvannya maybutnіkh batkіv maє buti on a high level. The first mother, і tato is guilty of good grudging, even from the quality of sperm, the health of a man is a wench.
  2. In addition to physical fitness for a good sleep, peace of mind, relaxation and change of body, for the whole of yoga.
  3. Healthy sleep, from 8 to 9 years old, and taking walks on a fresh occasion for a long time will help you to recover and stimulate the immune system.
  4. Psychological camp of both fathers is also of great significance, їm track of uniqueness of stress.

The skin woman has an individualized term for renewal, so it’s impossible to name the exact term of rehabilitation. On the new one is also infused with the healthiness of the country to the vagina and the appearance of the acceleration of sleep and change. The gynecologist does not only take into account the nutritional status of an abortion, but also helps to assess the risk.

Rizik wikipedia is found in the number of early abortions. We will become 25% of the list for the first interruption of the vaginosity, in the next week we may end the vagina for two abortions in 35% of the cases. 45% of the pregnancy rate will occur after the third abortion.

Possibly ruining the menstrual cycle, during the whole period of conception of an abortion, it’s not like that. Vvazhaєtsya, the cycle will increase to update for the match. Only a song can be repaired before conception.


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