How is it possible and not possible to work while attaching erosion? But you can’t play while attracting erosions. Chi can’t go while attracting erasures.

How is it possible and not possible to work while attaching erosion? But you can’t play while attracting erosions. Chi can’t go while attracting erasures.

Writing operations, for women it is important to the nobility, but it is impossible to work while attaching the erosion of the uterus. Yaksho obmezhennya dotrimuvatisya і vikonuvati, renewed pass nagato shvidshe.

Shho also eroziya and ways of lecturing

Erosion of the cervix of the uterus - the destruction of the structure, defectiveness of the mucous membrane of a part of the cervix. The opportunity to visit the representative of the female stati of the wedding ceremony.

Defeat and sign of drug abuse is even more important, because erosions and symptoms, often lead to problems with cancer swelling.

Erosion is a small heart-shaped drink, which grows near the last gap (size from 2 mm to 2 cm).

Video about erosion

Symptoms and causes

Such a diagnosis is often made by the gynecologist only when looking around, because the ailment itself, by itself, manifests itself in small symptoms. Patients should come for advice before the doctor only in case of pain during sexual contact or blood or any other vision of the message.

Vidіlennya talk about the admission of infections.

Reasons for the failure:

  • polygamy;
  • development of sexual life in early life;
  • Infections, which are transmitted during sexual contact and inflamed female statuses
  • recovery on hormonal levels and weakening of immunity;
  • congestion defect;

Method of treatment:

  1. Chemically coagulation - the process of processing the message with signs for everyone, which add to the knowledge of the process of processing a cylindrical food. At the same time, a flat tip is left unfinished and curled up for renewal. Such a way of being able to get involved in the victim himself, even if he needs more serious procedures, he won’t be efficient enough.
  2. Cryodestruction is an area that is burned and filled with rare nitrogen. To produce up to instant cooling of fabrics and crystallization of internal and microclinical origin. The vitality of frozen cells, microcapillaries is squeezed out, produced to ruin and bend tissue, as it is necessary to be brought to the body for 1-2 months.
  3. Laser coagulation - is carried out behind the aid of the laser, which is inserted into the wire. Promenade straight into the lighting zone, fired up the flasks, vidality їkh. One hour, small capillaries are fired in order to eliminate bleeding and bacterial infections. The erosion of the cervix of the uterus is seen growing up in this way.
  4. Diathermocoagulation (electric strum) is an operation behind an additional electric strum. Yaky saw a poppy seed and a scar appeared. It’s a little bit of a possibility, but the procedure is not given, it’s impossible to fit in, then the Danish method at once victoriously.
  5. Radiokhvilova surgery is a method of polarization in the transformation of radio oscillation into energy, so that it’s going to be developed at the end of a surgical electrode. At the same time, tissue damage can be seen, but near healthy tissue, it is not injured.
  6. Medication is not viable - vikoristovuyutsya for, as vikliky necrosis of tissue, yak formє dry pick, yaku nadal replaces the ball of a new drink.
  7. Medication treatment - carried out on an additional basis, such as a proposal for heating and updating of fabrics.

Prototype shown before attaching:

  • fired in the zones of statuary organs;
  • zakvoryuvannya, scho transmitted during sexual contact;
  • great vision of blood;
  • filthy blood loss;
  • evil affirmation;
  • vagіtnіst, often - lactation period;
  • recent canopies;
  • spiral;
  • carried out earlier than cesar rostin;
  • papiloma;
  • singing vidi of a psychotic breakdown;
  • the appearance of chronic chronic ailments;
  • cardiostimulator wear

Updating the picture

For the operation, the patients need to follow all the recommendations of their doctor, so that the hour will not be delayed, if the delay has not appeared. Call the trivia close to two months.

Possible heritage:

  • firing the uterine tube, for example, the cells can develop from one side, or from two sides;
  • great in the second blood (small sinci vvazhayutsya the norm);
  • damage to the menstrual cycle;
  • outside the scar;
  • repetition of pozhkogennya on the same dilyantsi;
  • endometriosis;

There is a great number of visions and pains in the lower part of the abdomen, which do not come in handy - this is a sign of natural deterioration of fabrics. The stench is manifested in the step of thinking, whether the procedure is visible.

Sukrovichny vvazhayutsya vvazhayutsya normal phenomenon, as pass independently and not a trivial hour, in any case, it is necessary to turn up to fakhivtsya.

  1. The first author of the month of writing cannot turn back to the life of the article. Schob uniknuti zapalen is required to take care of sexual contacts. You can turn around to the life of the article only by looking at the gynecologist, who will let you know.
  2. To get rid of the seriousness of the disease, the risk can be improved and the uterine tone can be improved and accelerated.
  3. For vivid erosions, take a swim in the water, also take pledges, assigned to water procedures. It is permissible to take a shower.
  4. As there is little help, the woman can grow little love in the minds of her home. Yake polyagaє in stasis tampons with oil from the oblast or a mazzyu. You can also accept that the scab will become more mellow and easier to enter. It can also help to prevent it from being diagnosed incorrectly, as it can lead to bleeding.
  5. Planning of vaginosti by stretching a month of writing is not possible. Hour ochіkuvannya - do not end the menstrual cycle after the procedure. Krym tsiogo, requires a general consultation of the doctor.
  6. Carrying out ultrasonic inspection, from the vikorstannya of the vaginal sensor, is also carried out by the fence in the first hour, when it is visible.
  7. In order to reduce the risk of information and development of bacterial microflora, give great respect to the intimate hygiene. Minimize pads in the world, or do not wear the same one for more than three years. It will take an hour to change the tampons. Blizna slid vibrate from natural fabrics
  8. Smoking, drinking alcohol is not possible. Tse infused on the expansion of the sudin and on the diagnosis of spasm. To that, you will be able to detect bleeding in the first two months from these shkidlivy calls.
  9. Varto to conduct himself carefully with the folk methods in order to speed up the fire. To that, the stink can be absolutely vicious result. Especially, it is necessary to be more protective of the risk of injury, so as not to bring in infection and not to make any suspicions or injuries, which may result in bleeding. Whether you have a procedure, if you want to carry it out independently, discuss the details with your smart doctor, if you do not revise the information about these things, you can lead to disastrous results.
  10. It is allowed to put the spiral only when it starts up, so that you do not enter the infection.

What will happen if you come back - video

Frequently asked meals

Can you go in for sports while you're on the go?

It is possible to change the trend through the day, even if it smells light. Tobto, light fitness - permissions. If you have more and less stun, you’ll see more and less weight, you’ll get more and more worn out. The win may be to be a professional athlete, as you can’t get into a form, but if you train you can be allowed, as well as a consultation from a doctor. Obmezhennya on sports vіdbuvayutsya through the rhizik bleeding vyklikanogo great navantazhennym.

Why is it that there is an unpleasant smell from the operation?

When a smell appears, a vision appears, which is not normal when you are old and talk about the falsifications of an eye-catching, intimate hygiene. It’s just a woman’s right to follow her, and the smell doesn’t know - tse talk about the introduction of infection. In such a case, it is necessary to see a doctor and create an analysis.

Why is it more painful to get rid of the uterine erosion?

The process is absolutely painless. To be afraid and not to commit an operation is not a matter of course, it is only possible to be smart. There are even fewer nerve endings on the uterus, so you don't have to worry about the painless operation. So it is possible for a potential patient to sleep spoky.

  • rejection of injuries before the hour of pregnancy or abortion;
  • entry of unsafe infections;
  • the factor of the front end is not a whole lot of visions;
  • attaching for additional nitrogen or chemical coagulation is a procedure that doesn’t allow any extra visible waste;
  • Reach out for a few reasons, so that the uterus is not injured.

    How can you tell me how you can start?

    Later, the operation was carried out. The most recent period of start is when chemical coagulation (3 times). Nightlife - a period of thermal coagulation (2.5-3 months). For average indicators, the uterus heals close to 6-8 years.

    Adopting all the awkward recommendations for fixing the erosion of the uterus, it is possible to eliminate the potential for quicker and faster sleep. There are a lot of women who have respected the procedure, followed the rules for updating the operation, forgot about the problems associated with the uterus.

    Do not be afraid to go to the operation, because it is absolutely painless, if you cannot overcome your fear, you can give you painless and spokylylivi drugs. Take care of everything for the joy of the doctor and respectfully pursue your health.

    Women who have gone through the course of abuse are guilty of the nobility, but it is impossible to work while attaching erosion - as a result of the abuse.

    Violation of the integrity of the uterine cervix is ​​a complex pathology, which is diagnosed in another skin woman. Also, the destruction of the wine is due to many reasons and the background of igniting processes in the body. Addicted to being vicious todi, if conservatively does not bring results.

    Methods of radical infusion on the mucous membranes of the uterus are gradually being completed, becoming more and more sparing for the woman. Fence, which is guilty of the woman's death, for carrying out a radical treatment, lie down in a way that was carried out.

    ways to secure

    Lykar, when looking around, will visually establish a collapse of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Damage manifests itself:

    • mechanical injuries of the mucous membrane of the uterus - true erosions;
    • with a flame of atypical cylindrical worm-like aetiology, which cannot prevent the disease of shyki and see mucus, uncharacteristic for pikhvi - pseudo-erosive;
    • with infusions of red-colored cylindrical food in shytsi, as well as in the genus erozina, characteristic of young people, they gave birth to women up to 25 years old.

    Conservative lykuvannya є in the first way, pour on the mucus. You are right on the spotlight and stimulate the renewal of the normal flat food.

    As the drug treatment does not give the result, the drug is a sign of prescription. Shokova for the body, the procedure of "restarting" the process of renewal of the epithelium: replacement of the "wrong" red cylindrical, characteristic of the internal canal of the cervix of the uterus, opic to curl up with the "correct" bagate-ridged flat.

    Likar picks up the way of attracting outgoing parameters from the bagaton parameters - the breadth of the lesion, the need to preserve the reproductive function. Those who attach themselves to it are only those of Pomilkov's erozia, or ectopia.

    For vikoristovuyu use the following methods of hardware infusion on the cervix of the uterus:

    • injecting with a high frequency stream (deathermocoagulation) is one of the best methods, which can be used for vixening erosions. The method of engaging is old and severely traumatic to mucus, sore and difficult to reabilitate - the implanted equipment does not give the ability to accurately regulate the glybin and the flow area. A glib і large opіk of imposing trivial obmezhenya on the life of a woman;
    • injecting with mercury nitrogen abo crudestructuring, a more sparing method, rather short of it є it is unfortunate that it is precisely infused into the battle zone. Renovation of a loan in less than an hour, less when injected with a strum;
    • laser vaporisation - pouring onto the mucus by precisely directing a laser exchange. Get involved with one of the most effective methods for the ability to inflate the point of injection into the zone of erosion and regulate the level of blood pressure. The process of renewing the loan procedure is less than an hour, less than when the loan is attached to the loan or the loan. When reaching great erosions, the procedure must be carried out in a chain of stages, which will increase the period of rehabilitation;
    • radiohvil's method - to be the most promising and sparing, so allowing the formation of the best battle zone;
    • method of plasma ablation (argon) - injecting with a beam of plasmas into the zone of treatment, so that it is possible to fill it in accurately on the power supply, without dripping off the "clean" surfaces;
    • the ultrasonic method, in case of erosion of the injection;
    • the method of drug addiction to the vicarious power of those who provoke the uterine mucous membrane, which causes the scab to form and to repair the renewal of the diet.

    Pislya vikonany attachment to the mucus pretend to be a scab, before forming a new "correct" epithelium. The journey of the wolf and the change of the mucous woman can turn to the wicked life.

    If you don’t stick up

    Not all women are shown radical abuse. There is a number of stanіv, for which the method becomes unacceptable.

    The prototype is shown before the onset:

    • state and chronic firing of reproductive organs;
    • state of infection of IDPs;
    • the appearance of bleeding;
    • ailment of blood, which ruins the blood;
    • new solution of the uterus;
    • the marriage of a child and a year of breastfeeding;
    • pislyapological period;
    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • the spiral is set;
    • a history of caesarean rositis;
    • pathology from the side of the central nervous system;
    • period of acute chronic ailments;
    • collapse of the side of the heart-vascular system (in some cases).

    There is a reason, through the yak, not to carry out an addiction, to accept it - to carry out medication, and then take a decision about addiction. It should be noted that there is no burning illness and infection, chronic pathology.

    A defect in food in a large amount of vines on a blaze, on a whole bunch of people who are not in a single thought - because of a provocateur, a provocateur is fired up, weakened by an organism, or in the event of a failure

    carrying out

    Regardless of the method in which the engagement is carried out, the procedure for taking advantage of the offensive is:

    1. For diagnostics of a car, a decision about carrying out registration.
    2. The woman should come for the procedure in the first half of the physiological cycle (vinyatok - attaching to the strum).
    3. Likar got the zone of the front of the operation - the first and the beginning of the day and the refurbishment of the hotel.
    4. Vikonuє pri_kannya.
    5. A ball of necrotic tissue forms on the surface - a scab. When injected with radionuclides, a thin water will form.
    6. Through the singing method for the skin method, an hour, a scab comes out, an epithelial scar is formed on the first place.
    7. I’ll look around the car for a healthy woman.

    For yaknaishvidshim oduzhennya on the behavior of a woman is imposed on intercourse, їkh zmіst:

    • zahist mucous from pozhkogennya;
    • prevention of the introduction of infections, including those that are transmitted by way of travel;
    • preservation of a scab from a perennial posture;
    • prevention of blood flow to the pelvis for the prevention of bleeding;
    • Saving and advancing the immune system.

    The triviality of the fence is to lay down in the form of attaching and the process of renewing the food. To control the process of ignition of the license, carry out a periodic examination of the patient.

    The woman is guilty of the nobility - the love of erosia does not end with attachments. The triviality of the operational update is not less than 5-6 years. Likar will appear to be patient when attracting erozia, but it is not possible to do it by hand.

    Serpent to the way of life

    It is important to start the fight against the disease and to prevent the repeated occurrence of the disease and the reduction of immunity. For a whole life, it is necessary to change the way of life. For all you need to enable:

    • nerves of stress;
    • physical and psychological re-entanglement;
    • a negative attitude to life and to oneself;
    • kurinnya and alcohol can provoke a spasm of sudin, causing pain;
    • transfer and importance of blood flow to the organs of the small pelvis, and may provoke bleeding;
    • go to the part of the shotgun grub, yak will not overwhelm the organizm;
    • dotrimuvatisya nutritional mode for yaknaishvidshy usunennya ignition process.

    Zayva vaga є one of the factors, which is infused into the change of the mucous membrane of the uterus and the vitonization of the diet, for that it is necessary to make the race in such a rank, so that you can get a set of vagi.

    Chi not vikoristovuvati tamponi

    The creation of a device-like natural environment є vision is a collection of sacral, more insight. To get rid of the hygienic life, which has baked with erosion, it is not possible to use tampons - it is not possible to use the tampons, but it is not possible to use the hygienic pads. The period of the change of gaskets is in the world of hardship, but not more, not once for three years. Stagnation of tampons in cases of penetration of infections and injuries of mucous membranes. The fence on the corystuvanny with tampons is applied for the entire period of ignition - up to 60 days. Blizna is guilty of being handy, for size, from natural fabrics. Nosinnya synthetic slimes, strangivs, to produce subtypes of mucous.

    For the treatment of allergies, the registration of hygienic procedures is guiltyly carried out with a neutral sweet, without aromatic words and additives.

    In order not to provoke blood flow, blood flow to the pelvic organs and bleeding, for the entire period of rehabilitation is fenced off:

    • hot bath;
    • steam room;
    • turkish hotels.

    For vikonannya hygienic procedures, the children are recommended to vikoristovuvati warm or cold shower. Bathing at the bath can lead not only to the inflow of blood to the body organs, but to overheating the body, increasing the temperature of the body, the early removal of the scab and bleeding. In addition, water can be consumed in the middle of the infection and provoke infection.

    Obmezhennya imposed on syringes - їх it is not possible to prevent the infection of the infection of the uterine shyki right up to the moment of re-ignition of the erythrocyte of the uterus.

    Indoor sports and physical options

    Zhintsi, the yaka was actively involved in sports, fenced in active physical employment, while the body cannot be renewed in hand.

    Strong physical effects, picking up important items, increasing the muscle tone and provoking more, bleeding and before the treatment of scabs.

    For the patient, the yaka suffered a crush, є unacceptable bathing in open waters and public pools - even if infected with water through drinking water and eating scabs.

    Women who are interested in light fitness can choose a different way of life and start working on the 7th day of registration. I can’t help provoking the pain, or seeing it, taking the time to pinch it until the wound is over.

    For athletes who cannot get into shape, the option can be updated through a few days, from weak to strong ones, even with the help of a drug control.

    Sex and vagina planning

    For the purpose of re-enacting the scabbing, gynecologists take traditional sex off the wives again. In case of a statutory act, there is a high risk of mechanical injuries of the mucus, early detection of a scab and the introduction of infections. It is possible for the renewal of antiquated problems to lie in the fact that the infection heals during the time of sitting, but not earlier than at least 60-90 days during the session.

    For those who are in love with the idea of ​​a scab and a woman's self-esteem, it is possible for women to find non-traditional types of sex and masturbation for the development of the local authorities and the development of the local authorities of the immune system.

    Viability can be planned only after the first menstruation and passing through the first menstrual period, after taking it to respect, before the death of a thousand can be changed.

    Lykuvannya i lykarskiy oglyad

    Likuvalny process vimagaє look around the woman stretching out the period of weariness. It is not necessary to vikoristovuvati UZD with a vaginal transducer for conducting a look around and preplanned consultations. Tse be the prophylaxis of the early detection of the scab and the introduction of infection. The examination can be carried out by a doctor, who has taken an erosion, all prophylactic glances (by robot, for the removal of a medical book) will need to be covered.

    Until the moment of ignition, it is possible to fix vaginal candles with such a method, if necessary, they indicate that there is a scab.

    Winning reiteration

    • low immunity, which is provoked by stresses, important work, igniting processes in the body, disreputable hunger or navpaki - obese;
    • state of the art of infection for acute illnesses;
    • vіkovі hormonal diseases or vagіtnіst;
    • the destruction of the status of gigini (lack of sexual partners, non-abduction, rough sex, victorious sexual games).

    Until a relapse of erosion can lead to a combination of the wrong cause of the disease, or the wrong definition of abuse.

    Likuvannya erozії, in order to achieve an effective and stable result, it is recommended to carry out a path of surgical engagement. Given the political manipulation of being called attachment. Vona can be carried out with a strum, by the method of laser coagulation, for additional nitrogen, radiochwil. Erosion of the cervix of the uterus during the fixation of the vimage before the removal of intravascular-reabilitation visits. With a stretch of all reabilitation, from 1 to 3 months (to lay down according to a different technique), it will come to close to a low obscenity. Recommendations for the procedure should be taken carelessly, so that the procedure is not accelerated.

    How do you see the picture? The mucous uterine ball of the shyka is required for improvement, so the period of rehabilitation can take from 1 to 2, from 3 months. Writing vipalyuvannya erozіynykh vognisch on uterine shytsі lіkar give a woman's recommendation, so that it is necessary to work, as to diagnose symptoms. Likewise, there is a growth rate, which is protected by the prevention of negative inheritances and an acceleration of the growth of the uterine infection.

    The procedure for attaching (marvel at the title photo) є a baking method of visualizing pathological signs, ale imovirnist vyniknennya accelerated the presence. Can the stars appear accelerated? Zdebil'shoy, їkh the diagnosis is tied to the wrong robotics of the doctor, or not to the woman’s attributions of the gynecologist.

    Naybils often find traces of writing about erosions:

    • approval of cicatricial tissue on dilyantsi by baking erozynyh vognisch;
    • instability of the present;
    • fired up, developed in the area of ​​appendages and uterine emptying;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • repeated diagnosis of pathology.

    Traces of an erosion of the uterine cervix, which do not lead to a pathological symptomatology, and superficially the entire rehabilitation period:

    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • winikak sverbіzh from pіkhvi;
    • Periodically, the average intensity is seen.

    These symptoms should go away on their own, and should not be performed.

    If the temperature rises, there are such symptoms, such as a clear vision of blood streaks, bleeding, or go at once with thick clots, an overly intense beating in the lower part of the abdomen, in case of a lack of registration of erozia - it is necessary to see a licensee. During normal interruptions, it appears during normal periods of being guilty of being on the day, not least because of the cauterizing method that erozia was seen.

    normal indicators

    For attaching the uterine cervix to the presence of such a character:

    • weak or pomirna intensity, color of prozorium, bilium. Inodi processes of starting up supervise by seeing through the visions of blood clots;
    • seeing the horny vidtinku, the stench gradually melts away all the thicker and thicker, pass itself through the little tidy;
    • daub brown koloru, yak zagusє, go through 7-10 dB.

    Photos of normal and atypical, severe and bloody images can be seen in the gynecologist's office. Vidіlennya trivayut 2-3 times, until the healing of the uterus. Progress is in progress and the blame is changed. As long as it is not considered, you need to have a gynecologist.

    All that is under the fence

    When attaching the erosion of the uterus, the woman stays close to the nearby ones, which are necessary to catch them. Prototype indications in case of uterine eruptions for operative involvement are directed to those who are able to overcome the development of such acceleration, as there is a risk of bleeding and infection.

    The rules, which are necessary, are not well-groomed to trim:

    • items in a spok_y line for 6-9 types;
    • do not open swimming pools, lazyns and saunas;
    • fence for solarium;
    • vidmova vіd vikorstannya tamponіv pіd hour of the month;
    • viklyuchatsya bathing in rivers, sea, lakes;
    • zabonyaєtsya any kind of sport, as well as navantazhennya, pidyom vantazhiv.

    For the infection of the uterine cervix, it is difficult to ditch the uterus, to become involved in taking any medicinal preparations, especially, to inject it into the throat of blood.

    intimate life

    If you don’t see the status quo, you will be injured. When attaching erosion, the surface of the uterine lump is a wound; Ale tsya plyvka is even thinner, and with the smallest amount of it, the physical inflow can be torn.

    The rehabilitation period of the uterine cervix is ​​caused by mechanical trauma to the mucous surface. We will block it, but the woman is bleeding, and the appearance of a wound on the surface of the organ is provoking an infection. The state of life is only possible in 1-2 months, strictly according to the order of the leader. Over the course of a stretch of a few months of sex, you can only be in a condom, so that no infectious infection has been spread.

    Sport and physical activity

    For food, you can go in for sports while attracting erosion, statistics are displayed. As a matter of fact, women who were engaged in physical activity, whether it be pilates, fitness or three walks, stumbled into the withers. Trenuvatisya can be repaired in 1.5-2 months after the update, and the fence for sports is known only by the doctor after the repeated diagnostics of the patient.

    Early sports will block the time, so that the lower abdomen may hurt, bleeding may appear, if it is necessary for additional medical treatment.


    Why can't you use tampons? When attaching erosions of the uterus and in the farther, if you are feeding a month, the tampon will be galvanized into the process of blood circulation. Smell to smell misery, and by the very negative rank to be recognized at the stage of microflori pikhvi.

    Pathogenic fungi can develop, not become infected. As soon as it got hot, the woman can only be covered with gaskets. Minutes are required as often and skin-like times when changes are made.


    Before the category of that, it is not possible to work while attaching the erosion, to put a fence on the entrance of saunas, solariums, lazen, applying cold compress to life. Whether it’s like an inflow to the body of hot temperatures, before it’s shrinking, the roof will collapse more quickly, and there will be bleeding with a great part of the temperature.

    How can you still be robbing while fixing the erosion of the uterus? It is barred to take a bath with even hot water, do it before a shower (we are also warmly warm), when the water temperature is 38-40 °.

    Zasosuvannya lykarsky zasobiv

    It is not possible to work with the procedure for attaching erosions , so do the sprinkling, insert tampons with small labels and drink it, be it a little bit. It was buried on the occasion of a happy girlfriends, yakim drove into a visible pathology, because of which stench vikoristova tamponi.

    It is carried out in a complex way of pathology. For a simple renewal of the use of erosions, the doctor can prescribe an intake of medicinal preparations, a vicious tampon with ointments and rozchins. Along with the supplementary treatment, it is carried out essentially on the basis of the lykar, in order that the results of the supplementary medical treatment of the woman will be rejected for the vision of the erozinnyh vognisch.

    There are signs such as ailments and discomfort in the lower abdomen, that a woman is turbulent, and you can only take painful medications if you signify a drug. It is especially not safe to take medication in order to be administered to a group of anticoagulants (for example, Aspirin), so that bleeding occurs.

    Bathing in natural and piece waters

    The traces can be the most negative when the fence is ruined, bathing in the pools abo ricci. The water in the pools, as a rule, is overwhelmingly chlorinated, with the houses of the young chemical chapters, which are very dramatic and unrepentant to the lumps of the uterus, and it is significant to see the process of weariness.

    Due to such an increase, there may be bleeding, and the decrease in the strength of the muscular immunity will become the cause of the infection. For a reason, bathing in rivers, seas and other natural waters is barred, and there is a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.

    Installation of internal spirales

    Bagatokh is a woman who has brought her to love the way of being attached, to eat, who can put a helix in the event of anger.

    Victory of such a method of contraception for the treatment of pathological mucus shyka is not contraindicated. If the IUD is inserted, it is only possible to renew the body again.

    Period, when the mucus heals, individual. That, in front of the team, put an internal spiral, the patient looks at the car, indicating a number of medical analyzes. Women, who put the helix earlier, didn’t go beyond the burnout, but the scar on the fabric didn’t stand up to heal;

    In the middle of the period from the moment of seeing the erozinnyh vognisch and before the possibility of delivering the internal spiral of the loan from 40 days to the date. Where can you find such a difference in terms of renewal? From the victorious methodology of fixing the degree of gravity of the classroom to the fall.


    Skinny women are needed by the nobility, like seeing the erozia (marvel at the photo), and how to get rid of it in case of a relapse after the registration procedure. First for everything, it is necessary to clean up all the orders of the car every hour of the day. For food, which you can engage in self-indulgence, since the signs of erosion have appeared, it seems unambiguous - ni.

    If there is a relapse, it will be necessary to repeat the procedure.

    Prevention of relapse includes the timely treatment of young illnesses of the organs of the reproductive system, the prevention of retreatment and preventive treatment of the gynecologist at least 2 times per day.

    Maria Knaub, Zhinka, 22 rocky rock

    Good afternoon. I don't think about the type of food you eat. If I don’t bother you with explanations, I’ll be very good at it. I have diabetes. Lykar-gynecologist revealed in me the erosion of the uterus of the author of the fate. I marked me candles (I don’t name them at once), I went to see me with candles, I did a colposcopy, and said more and more beautifully, I designated me an anti-gel brisket twice and two times. For what I came, I wondered at me and said everything is good. Through rіk, I changed the knowledge of a whole lot of lіkar won not know me erozіyu. Three months later, I went to the іnshiy lykar for a routine, the lykar said that at me erozіya for what a long time ago. I said that I already likuvala and called nіzh. Likar said that erozia can only be attributed to me and proponated to me. I waited a while, before the cim they had a colposcopy. They pinned me to the Solkovagin two times already. Those are not possible to have sex, but I didn’t say the car. The first my article was put into place approximately in one day. If I came to take a sudden erosion, energized a drug about sex, she said it’s impossible. My know, that they got rid of it, they may have had sex, and they said nothing terrible to me. Say be weasel: 1. Is it possible to have sex (vaginal, oral) while attaching? Chim tse blocking? 2. When you get attached to erosions, there is sex, where can you insert "Hexicon" candles for infection? 3. It is possible to add an erosion to the infection in this bacterium and to bring the price up to that it burned in it, and you could consume the vision from the past, as it happened because of it. 4. Chi can be bathed in a bathtub (lie down) with lіkuvannі erozії. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    Good day. We didn’t give any results. And in your situation, in addition to colposcopy, you will receive smears, seeding from the cervical canal, PLR for admitting infections, with some types of infections, as well as an analysis for oncocytology. Pislya tsyogo lykar virishu nutrition about carrying out the treatment of the cervix of the uterus. In a young age, a female was born, it can be stashed with a chemical clotting of the cervix. Dіysno, there are dvіchі. For the procedure, you will be given a letter with recommendations. In such cases, the contact status lasts 2-4 days, and hot baths last 3-5 days. Vikoristannya vaginalnyh test is possible, but for the signs of a drug. There is a problem of bacteriuria. Maloimovirno, which is the price of the inheritance of the uterine cervix. And the axis for a full-grown diabetes is quicker to reach the characteristic.

    03/20/2002, Marina
    Not long ago, a small erosion of the uterus was revealed (a recent life story) and a small increase in one of the workers, saying that there’s no need (in my life, you can go by yourself, but now) the bogeyman doesn’t need to A smear was taken - they said it was perfect. The axis is less and less nutritious, so it robs from the erosive and from the ovary. I read about the drug Solkovagin. Can it be warto pripekti erozіyu or chekati as long as there will be no change? Can you please Vi? І still one meal when attaching a solkovagin;

    For you it is possible to use only Solkovagnom, so that no scar is left on the uterus. You can try it conservatively with Doctor Nona preparations. And it is possible to correct both those and other with the use of microdose contraceptives: Mersilon, Tri-Mersi or Novinet. Utrimuvatisya all statutory contacts is necessary to re-ignite the erosion.

    06/14/2002, Olena
    Likar made a diagnosis: uterine cervix erosions, infection - gardnereliasis of Bula vilikuvan at the time of cobbing of eroses solkovagin I with solcoseryl. Bulo carried out 8 procedures for the preparation of tribute with drugs in the middle 1 time per day (including menstruation). We state the lives on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day after the obrobka, as the gynecologist did not live. Ale after the last obrobka (the likar said that everything healed) the next day I saw a slight, slightly bloody vision, I want the menstruation to end two days before the last procedure. In principle of vision, ale of light color I have! Less turbuyut the CI itself is a slightly Bloodied Vision. Douzhe I ask you, to add, how can you be!

    There may be symptoms of opioid fertility from the uterus, when a new mucus is small. Do not be pretentious, in a ten hour everything will pass.

    06/14/2002, Katya
    I'm 22 rocky, kids are dumb. Rіk to that I vomіkuvala erozіyu uterine cervix. You can use hygienic tampons for menstruation and something else for the prevention of sickness.

    Preventive visits є: normal function of the cell and the visibility of the status of infection. Tampons last no longer than 3-4 years old, which can lead to vibukhovoy proliferation of bacteria, which means that the shelter is less likely to eat bacteria, and the temperature is a good thermostat.

    06/15/2002, Olga
    I have recently had a little erosion, which can be made with love for an hour of love (prescribed Lopovitamin E і Tri-Merci). Often it’s painful for me, if I’m one to enter me, less than 19, I live close to 5 months for each person, I don’t see him orgasm before, I can’t see him with oral sex, I want everything to be fine without one. How robiti? First: I climb to the sea, why can I swim in the sea?

    It is necessary to reconsider the status of infection, damage to biopsy and colposcopy, vilikuvati eroziya, and even to the damage caused by cancer! In case of bathing, the infection is infested with state of the infection. The visibility of orgasm and erosion of the w / m indicate the lack of women. It is necessary to go through the process before the liquor and go through it again.

    06/17/2002, Lara
    I changed 3 months and from another boat I saw a damaged flower and an erosion. For 3 months already, the axis has been caught up in the destruction of the flora, and at the same time as the fungal infestation and virus for one vilikuvati erosion by Salpovagin, since I haven’t yet been a populist. Is it possible to carry out the disease treatment in parallel with the disease disease fungus?

    A lot of needs to be checked by the DNA method (PLR) on the status of infection, that is, the destruction of microflora and fungal infection of chronic interruptions, signs of the manifestation of such infections. The stench, before the speech, could become the reason for the formulation of the erosion of the sh / m. And the treatment on the same infection did not bring a good result. Lіkuvannya solkovagin (so correct) One possible method for giving birth, but only for lіkuvannya state infections.

    06/25/2002, Anyuta
    At least 20 years, since I’m seeing a gynecologist at the meeting, so it happened that for the first time I had contact with my partner at the reception. For a glance, I was diagnosed - erosion of the uterine cervix, but no analyzes were carried out. Likar said that it would be necessary to bring the solkovagin. How can you proceed without detailed analysis? Yak at me can be the reason for the blame of erosion? And why would I block the treatment (I shouldn't cheer you up to the bottom)?

    Before likuvannya solkovagin need to create an analysis on the status of infection, the very stink of the trivial non-healing of the infection. The first reason for this is a trivial chronic infection. Nonviolent erosions can turn into cancer, erosions are not the appearance of the curtain cells, but the wrong cells, which are not guilty of being on the surface of the w / m.

    06/28/2002, Olena
    I had 7 rockies, I was just spasmed to vaginosity, 2 rocky passed, I started, I got involved in it, and then, for the statistic act, blood-smeared, as it either disappeared, then I know a vinikє. On looking around, the gynecologist said that the erosion itself was bleeding. I made all the analyzes, performed colposcopy, biopsies. I don’t care for those who I am a juggernaut, I’m a car to please me with Solkovagin, as a great sparing method, especially for quiet, who plan to children, who want to say at the same time, that the spirit is great and old (7 rocky here). Would like to be powered, why can I start the solkovagin to bleed erosions and fit the drug from my "old" erosions? For all the same, it is necessary to vibrate the method, for example, a laser or a laser.

    It is suitable for your doctor for the efficiency and safety of the given method, forgive infusion on the cervix.

    03/07/2002, ANNA
    At least 25 years, at least I had a biopsy - I found myself on a good level, signed up for a laser. Until then, I robbed the PLR-diagnostics ... everything is fine, even earlier I robbed the analysis in the whole center, and I had uroplasm, I vilikuvala, but through the problems with a penny, the new analysis robbed me of the She said, “Everything’s okay, except for one ... I’ve got a chlamydia .... And even if I’ve only got one uroplasmosis ... I know chlamydia even more importantly. I’m not rakhunkov’s number of antibiotics vipil.” If at a given moment my license seems to be that at once everything is normal according to the PLR ​​and we will take it. Vzagalі is also possible, scho PLR - chain analysis ??? And then, maybe it’s dumb senseu її pripіkati .. I’ll show up again?


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