How to lose weight after a gentle slope. How to lose weight after a gentle slope How to lose weight after a gentle slope

How to lose weight after a gentle slope. How to lose weight after a gentle slope How to lose weight after a gentle slope

Motherhood puts its weight on a woman, and often looks like she has lost her kilos. How to lose weight after a gentle slope? What is necessary for whom, and what is not possible? How to lower your vaga without shkodi for yourself and your child?

How to lose weight after a gentle slope? Easily!

I remember skilki to myself, for a long time I was afraid of getting better after the slopes. If the dovgoochіkuvana vagіtnіst has come, all the fears and think about what will be then, have moved to another plane. What a vaga here, if there are happiness in the middle!

Vagіtna їla yakscho not everything that you wanted, then even a lot of something. And I wanted to eat less meat, potato pancakes with sour cream, bacon at night (oh, it was like that!) At the bottom of the bag after the discharge from the canopy booth, my vaga was in the ideal, well, that’s why, in which I sounded comfortable, I was far away on cіlih ... 10 kg. Well, not so rich, but for me it was critical.

After the completion of the chest vigodovuvannya, I vrishila vpryshila to take care of myself, to that no less, no man, wanting nothing directly and without saying anything, such a "weight position" of my ... hmm ... body did not rule. Otzhe, the decision to lose weight was accepted. Lost on the right for malim - bring yoga into life.

Axis here, I realized that it would be, mildly seemingly, it would not be easy for me. Having climbed numerous sites and forums, they seem to be losing weight, virishila - I will go on a diet. Nothing of the kind, having broken my body. Youmu, maybe, was comfortable in a sleepy vase.

At the bag, I kept the diet exactly one day. Let's go hungry and frustrated, they took their toll on food.

Garazd, I'm not quiet, who gives up. Signed up for the gym. I specially told the coach that I would lose weight after a gentle slope, so that I would not let go. After a month of training, I realized that I wanted the figure to become more lifted, the vaga was strictly trimmed on the same sign.

And then I began to panic. True, it's not good. Bazhannya looked good, or maybe more better, lower good, took over.

I myself at that moment I was ripe for “losing weight”. I made simple rules for myself, which helped me through the revival of vikonati and revikonati plan to bring myself into a logical order. Perhaps, my dosvid, someone will need it.

Faith in yourself is a smut in the fight against the zayva vaga

Golovne - tse majestic, majestic itself, bajannya lose weight for the sake of yourself kokhanoy. I was suffocated by dreams about those that I am, so beautiful all over, in a tight dress and on the fronts, I will come to work, and there they will eat everything and sip with compliments, that I look so kindly after the fall.

Tse is my dream, that I got angry. You can come up with your own "nutrition". Golovne - believe in yourself!

What can you eat after a slope? Ration eating

I’ll tell you again, I’m especially against sugar, and there are more monocomponent ones, diets. I really want to freeze, but it's scary high-calorie potato fries - why not? You can, only rarely.

I realized that I couldn’t lose weight, I didn’t want to look like licorice and more fat. She came up with a rule for herself: more vegetables in the diet, less flour, the evening changed by half the portion. Before the speech, I embarrassed myself not to follow the next.

Ah yes, one more. I read this on the Internet: if you really want tsukerki and chocolate in the evening, try to persuade yourself to be patient until the wound. You don't want to lie anymore. Reversed on your own - work!

Zagalom, I can’t say that I was able to eat, but that I didn’t, and I lost weight. No, I just remembered that you are starting to go, like, for example, once replace the evening for a bottle of kefir or offended by a vegetable salad without mayonnaise.

I’m sure, here the skin is guilty of listening to itself - the organism suggests, in the wake of which it should follow for the string of the figure.

I threw the trainer into my bag. Virishila to work at home. I twisted the hula-hoop (such a hoop) and shook the press.

I’ll tell you right now, I didn’t have the patience to turn a hoop of forty quills. For this, a maximum of 10 hvilin per day was given to qiu. The press started 30 times a day, as a result, after a couple of months it didn’t matter to me to download the press 150 times. The axis is damp and the whole goal is straightened out physically.


I already realized that the older the children become, they grow more energy and spend more, and obviously, they are worse off. Better than a simulator, lower one-way, only when a baby has learned to walk, nature has not yet come up with. Explain why, I think, there is no sense. Mami understand me.

Axis, vlasne, and all the rules, dorimuyuchis yakah, I was far from losing weight to my ideal 48 kilograms. “I saw America, I didn’t say anything new,” - think about it. And I did not apply for new opinions. I just shared my opinion. I just rozpovitla, as I was able to drive away the zayva vaga.

As I understood, sit on the buttocks and grizzle chocolate zukerki, at once swear on the forums to lose weight, if you don’t go out thin - don’t quit. You just need to make up for yourself the singing rules, your own, individual ones, just need to believe in yourself - and then you will see everything! Good luck with your weight loss!


Shanovni readers! Have you had problems with your post? How did you lose weight after a gentle slope? Did you check until the body was reborn, or did you throw yourself into the bіy vіdrazu? What kind of child (diet, physical right, massage) showing better results? What can you do after a gentle slope, so that you don’t gain a position of authority?

Do you have your own recipes for homemade forms for young mothers? Do you care that your information can be different? So add your stories to the address grin @ site. More roses will be published in English.

The most beloved and dovgoochіkuvana child appeared in the world, and at the same time with him the zayva vaga. How can you lose weight if you are gentle, so that you don’t harm yourself and your little ones? And better, zvichayno, put a power supply, like a sweater to lose weight after a flattering, even if you so want to put on your beloved cloth again, shoes on your pidborah and look miraculous, like before!

How fast to lose weight after gentle slopes, recognizing the reasons for the congestion of the vaga

And so, in order to start spending a lot of money, which, having appeared in a tie with vagіtnіstyu and canopies, from the very cob it’s not nasty to work out for whatever reason it happened.
Protyag vaginosti zayvu vagu z'yavlyaєtsya in zv'yazku s bagatma zminami, in the organism of a woman's vagus. Tse i hormonal zbіy, and vіdsutnіst fіzichnoї aktivnostі, i ryasne zharchuvannya, і still richly іnshoy. Now, there’s not much left to get lost in everything, let’s take a look at everything in order.
And so, hormonal zbіy. This physiological phenomenon is more normal, like we didn’t want to, but we don’t see it all the same. The hormonal background of a woman, the most important, which can be in the body, is the most important and suffer damage. Under the hour of vagity, the ovaries begin to vibrate more than the female hormone, estrogen and progesterone. Starting from the first day of pregnancy and up to the fourth month, the whole appearance appears. At the link with the cym, the body is able to transfer stress, and stress in one's own room, calling for a feeling of constant hunger, which is why a female woman does not go out of the kitchen in the period from the first to the fourth month. І for qі chotiri міsyаці and gain the first 8 - 10 kg, and then blame the food, how to lose weight after the slope, even if we didn’t finish all the rules of eating!
Ryasne eating. Chi not hto s likarіv nі if not recommending, vagіtnim to be engaged in gluttony. All the people's troubles, which is necessary before you waste your knowledge. It’s definitely not going to be mean, but the axis of the zayva vaga is growing in the eyes. So, it’s better to get pregnant for an hour, don’t get busy, then don’t grab your head and don’t joke, like you lose weight after a gentle slope, even if in two days we’re going to go to the beach with a baby.
stress. Tsezh we suck a lot respectfully, if we are stressed, we succumb to hunger, which at times is very important to please.
From the vagіtnіstyu trochs have clarified the situation, now let's move on without middle ground, before that food, for the sake of which we have climbed here. And for yourself, how to lose weight after a gentle slope.

How quickly lose weight after a gentle slope

In a skin woman, childbirth proceeds in different ways, and the period of adaptation after a gentle, may take, inconsistency interval of an hour. And you want to look good, immediately after the gentle slopes, so I will feed you, as soon as you lose weight after the gentle slopes. Ale, change your mind, don’t throw yourself at the head with your head, be patient, and work with your mind, so as not to hurt the body, and don’t waste milk.
For the cob, you can step by step move on to the correct eating, but at the same time, you can finish obov'yazkova umova. Postupovo!
Start with a loan. Before breastfeeding, add a piece of chicken gram 150, a couple of sprouts of hard syrah, and a cup of green tea with honey. It’s even more tasty, and don’t mess up lactation. The very beginning of healthy eating.
On obid. Make your own light soup, on chicken broth. With a small bowl of bread. I to the speech, such a soup can be і at any moment to have a bite. Zayvoi vaga wines will not give you, but you will saturate from the slacks.
Noon. You can do it yourself, like a dream. It's possible, it's possible. Sir is not greasy, a sprat of rodzinok, like sour cream is not greasy, a spoonful of honey.
Supper. Dzhe korisno pіd hour of lactation, more vzhivat boiled meat not fatty abo ribi. І for skhudnennya, tse tezh not bad. So for the supper, cook your own meat or riba, skewer a green apple, or you can again have hard cheese, the cheese is not greasy. Here you will need to choose only for yourself. Read the article, what is the name of the diet for mothers, who is old, there you can know the recommendations, how to give it to you.
Take the menu for you as a whole pidide, once upon a time after a gentle, under the hour of lactation. If you don’t want to go out to see flour and licorice, start gradually changing portions. But don’t tighten it too much step by step, otherwise the result will be more than a long check. Put a task in front of you. For example, look at the floury and licorice zowsim, on the stretch of the day. І skin day practice over cym.

How to lose weight after a gentle, vicarious physical adventure

For physical adventures, in the first period after a gentle, it is necessary to be borderline protective. And just like the canopies went through the folds, otherwise there was a caesarean rose. It is necessary and necessary for the physical rights of the child until you are allowed to have a doctor.
Ale deyky you zaboroniti no one can. And the walk itself with a child in the fresh air. Vіdmovtesya vіd shops, with a package of stuff in the hands. Going for a walk, try to live in Russian. Walk the yakomoga longer. With this little troch, increase the speed, then I will go again calmly, and so fast. So your legs will be tensed, and you will be able to lose weight quickly after gentle slopes.
For the first month, the price of a single meal for food, as if you lose weight after gentle slopes, for additional physical adventures. Walking with a stroller is all you can get into. So, in this mode, you don’t waste a lot of money, but just a couple of kilograms easily. Golovna don't linger. Remember, in the middle of the night you are making money for yourself.

If you can proceed to active physical rights, to lose weight after a gentle

Just as a doctor for you, tell me that the body is reborn. You can proceed to more important artillery to lose weight after the slopes.
Immediately mova pide about those how to master the program "how to lose weight after a gentle slope." You can see it again. Here the language will not go, about lactation, and about not breaking the period of adaptation of your body. So, vodpovidalnist for yourself, to lie only on you. We give instructions of everything, and vikonuvat їh chi nі virishuvat only you and no one else.

In order to lose weight effectively, it is necessary to run three stages in parallel, we call them so. For example, in order for the car to start its ruh, it is necessary not only to press on the gas, but also to smoothly release the clutch pedal. Tom. In order to start spending your time, it is not enough to eat properly, you still need to go in for sports, and work on the same cosmetological procedures. Only in such a state of mind, the result is not embarrassing yourself for a long time, and then you can tell all your friends, as soon as you lose weight.

The program is thin, according to which the women found out, how quickly they lose weight after the slope

The weight loss program takes three months to complete. Especially when it comes to zaiva vaga close to 20 kg. I more. Shvidkі dієti can be zastosovuvat only in one fall, as it is necessary to throw off no more than 3 - x kg, the stench does not hit the body, only for ten days. It is impossible to win more than them.
The main problem is zavoi vagi, tse in carbohydrates, and yakscho be exact wrong in carbohydrates.

How to lose weight after sloping, vicarious and correct in carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in our body. Є in carbohydrates is fast-bad, and є povіlnі is good. The difference lies in the fact that shvidka - filthy carbohydrates can be seen before them: tsukor, tsukerki, frosty, boroshnya vorobi, varennya. Sipping in our body instantly peretrovlyuyuyuchi rіven glucose, and so very quickly reduce її, scho schokaє almost hunger. More than what has already been said, these "shvidki" in carbohydrates are transformed so very quickly into fats, which we least want, even if we have more cіkavo, how to lose weight after a gentle slope.
Shvidki in carbohydrates should be replaced with good ones: cereals, bread with coarsely ground pasta of the same pomelo, legumes, honey, fruits and vegetables.
More carbohydrates, consuming before us in the tube, will be allowed to be over-etched, and by the same token, we will improve the sieve.

Like a quick lose weight after a gentle slope, vikoristovuyuchi properly eating

Proper eating. No one is proposing the exact menu to you, so it’s easy to see the diet, such an attitude. You are given a whole list of products in the place of this, which you can live in during this period, and in which order, you should be vigilant. You can write this list for clarity and hang it over the table, so it will be more richly handy for him.

List of allowed products for those who want to know how to lose weight

Meat. Tears of a cock.
Fish. It is allowed to be of any kind, non-greasy.
You can eat cereals, dairy and sour milk products, especially yogurt, hard cheese, syrup, sour cream. All dairy products, like sour milk products, have the lowest fat content. Mayonnaise is neither a dairy nor a fermented milk product. І for an hour of weight loss in the presence of a new war, I call for remembrance. So like wine provokes cellulite.
You can eat everything, including banana, grapes, and apricots. Cich has a lot of glucose, yak has a dry carbohydrate.
Vegetables can also be grown in all potatoes. Yogo tezh bazhano povnistyu turn off. For wine soup.
For three months, it is necessary to renew yourself, as if greased. All prepared for a couple, or cook. Vegetables can be extinguished. A bowl of rosemary oil, vincify the olive.
Take no less than five times a day. Snіdanok, other snіdanok, obіd 2 noon, supper. Supper is required 2-3 years before bedtime, but evening is obov'yazkovo. Letter 6 Do not їsti, tse absurd understanding. Especially when you go to sleep, you lie down on the 23rd, then the evening is required at 20:00.

How fast to lose weight after gently sloping for help water

Why is it so important to drink enough water when dieting? Everything is even simpler, our body is formed by 70% water, so we need it in the first place for a healthy way of life. Until then, water will work effectively for that chi in your diet, controlling hunger. Feeling hungry is easy to confuse with a little help. It is recommended to drink a bottle of pure water before taking it, in such a rank, it will be easier for you to go to bed.
For a person, the norm of water for mining is 1.5 - 2 liters of pure non-gas water. To give a great pardon to those people, who vvazhayut for water and tea, juices, and kava.
For help of water, you can hide yourself in fast snacks, having felt light hunger, drink a bottle of pure water, and your body will immediately give you a signal, you just wanted to drink, or the hour has come to proceed to your black portion.
Water itself is an indispensable helper with a change in portions. Drinking the same glass of water before taking it, filling up the main empty of our slug, and not having a free day. And if I take a glass of water for a glass of water, I don’t take a bite, the hose needs an hour, so that I can evenly divide it into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and direct everything in the direction we need.
Vranci on a hungry slug, sing a glass of water, until the end of the first year, for the help of which you can program your body to spend the day.
Drink water and lose weight as soon as possible, without harm to your body !!!
Z kharchuvannyam mabut everything. Obov'yazkovo revise a little hunger. If you can work for help, before you start a meal, drink a glass of water, and as if you were pardoned by hunger, you will immediately leave you, and the axis is still really hungry, your appetite is not lost. Choose yourself in the booth I’ll take a plate, so that it’s easier to control the portion. Well, finally, I’ll take a break for snacks. You definitely don’t deserve to be punished.

How to lose weight after sloping for the help of an excellent student

Now let’s talk about such a faithful friend, on the way to thinness, after being gentle, like a special student. No, it’s not necessary to write down in the new what you experienced in a day, but what was written down is necessary. And everything is packed in grams, so, to the point of speech, it is possible to acquire vodkas like kitchen ones, so splendidly, without them it’s not even a cicavo.
Have a student on the first side, write down all your parameters for the current hour: chest, quilt, waist, arms and legs. Vaga. I instructed to write, these parameters, if you would like to do so, in three months. After a day, write down everything, to the rest of the rіb'yazku, scho z'їli. And at the end of the day, recharge the number of calories, you can find calorie calculators on the Internet. For a strong weight loss, on the day of the diet, the norm of calories is not more than 1000. Consistently finish up that number, but don’t obligatory finish it, as it turned out that you took 800 in a day.

How to choose a physical desire, so that you lose weight quickly after a slope

Choose for yourself the most suitable sports activities. Those who will be appropriate for you, so that you don’t blame the bajan, throw everything on the pivdoroz. You can also wear pilates, aerobics, bodyflex, etc. for today on the Internet, video with similar rights. And you don’t need to apply a lot of knowledge to know it, just everything you need to sign up for the sport you want to do. Physically, you have the right to work every day, not missing more than one day, otherwise all the work will go on again.

How to lose weight after a gentle slope for the help of cosmetic procedures

Cosmetological procedures. After a gentle slope, as a rule, the skin loses its springiness, stretch marks appear, and you get a good look. Therefore, cosmetic procedures are not necessary for us. First, to what we are beastly, if we will be swallowed, we will go out of our homeland to the body, and in such a rank, our waist will become a string. The glottis is necessary to work the skin for a day for 15 days. You can find the recipes for gagging on the Internet. І choose the most suitable option for yourself. Be borderline protective, as you have a hypersensitive skin, in your mood, you will be more likely to act in the presence of throatiness, in which red pepper is vicorous. Otherwise, yoga can be replaced with cinnamon and ginger.
Perhaps, this is the whole program, which you need to spend three months, so that you know exactly how to lose weight after a gentle slope. He has nothing foldable, that will be necessary for you, only to recover your true bajans. Otherwise, you won’t bring you folding. Finishing, I would like to send a hundred years of visnovki.
Dieti do not die only once, if they are not trimmed. For thinning obov'yazkovo, the willpower of a person is needed, as it is not possible to break a little piece of a bare cake. As you have wisely tried to lose weight after a gentle slope, don’t be fooled by the cold.

Zvituyu - for the day I lost 9 kilograms, from 65 to 56. I am sure that this is not a residual result and I will reach the goals of the 52-53s.

They often ask me (people who haven’t read the article written in Vishchevkazan) like I’m far away. Read mine for the sake of lowering your vag and write comments about your good fortune!

1. Plug the ear

Have you remembered that in most vipadkiv ways of life and the sounds are sent to the whole middle of life? Axis go sіm'ya tovstunіv - mother povna, tato tovsty, children koloboks.

Spend up to such guests as people who sit on a diet - laugh, inspire, indulge, keep repeating that everything lies in the constitution and about those who have it written in their family. Moving, marveling at them - we need to eat a little, but we can’t lose weight.

Nayzhahlivishe, what їhnі rozmovi dіyut і I will not believe the one who will say that vin can easily resist їх attacks. The stinks are fun, dear, garni people, but the stinks of TOVSTІ.

And the stench was not born like that, the stink became like that.

It means that it is wrong in their diets and daily routine. An analysis of the dekilkoh of the latest families, having changed me into something stronger - so, the stench is less (or better), lower, but let's see, what and at the skilka we consume in our bodies.

As a rule, the tsі tovstuni do not spend the whole day, but in the evening they go to the wedding. Everything will fly into your mouth - a sandwich (while it’s getting hot), pizza, then we’ll go ahead with others, and finally - tea. With cake.

Zustrichala and another option - the people are already busy, hurry up all the time. Here it’s zabіg and on the go you get a sandwich, there passers-by take a biscuit, then we’ll sіv for a working steel, drinking hot licorice kava with milk (skilki in a new calorie!). The person has lost the enmity, that the wine has not been on a whole day, even if there was no general offense - but they have already consumed a couple of carbohydrates in the body and have grown their right - again an increase in the vase - and tse, respect, with constant hunger, even wine having suppered and not offended!

2. There are no miracles

If you write down EVERYTHING that went into your mouth in a day - from chewing to a martin in a bar - it will become clear that calories are not taken just like that, you diligently stuff them in yourself, and then wonder why I am hungry, but I continue to .

Martini to avenge the majestic kіlkіst tsukru. Wicked appetite. Yak, vtim, and zhuyka.

The cookie has less appetite and if it wants to eat even more (plus it's loaded with more calories, lower bowl of vegetable salad).

3. Sharpen yourself with string people

I have to mate with beautiful and stringy women. I will suffocate in them (absolutely platonic), I will get into them. Your good looks, insight, beauty serve as a stimulus for me and inspiration, inspire me like a mind that I won’t be so effective, like a stink. Youthful sorom'yazlivіst in їhnoy comradeship (saying, "I can't reach їх equal") changed tsіkavіstі and bazhannyam vchitis - at once, in 36 years, I perfectly understand that a beautiful woman is the first woman to look at everything. school classmates who have become unapproachable barrels for up to thirty years?

Doglyanutist - tse those that you can learn. I mean, I will learn from those who have already reached it.

I'm trying to find out what my good-knowing beauties are saying, how to spend an hour. Even better - go to visit them. They don't treat me with a purchased cake, they prepare vegetables, fresh salads, and dietary desserts. I tse tasty, sieve. Mi p'emo wine and rich їmo, ale ... not smooth.

From one such friendly gathering I brought the recipe, from the other - love to the olive oil (now I will grease only on a new one), I myself shared with my friends the recipe, explored on the Internet and well-done by the rock.

4. Yoga

A great inspiration is yoga for me. The axis is already de richly stringy and beautiful people!

There is one woman, for my motherfuckers she is over 60 years old. There's a chord, like a cypress, and sings yoga to young girls - something that's easy to beat, mi, creaking and shoving, we can't work to instill all our forces.

I remember that if I spent a lot of time on її busy, as if I were writing for myself - this is how I want to look in my old age. Old age can be beautiful, noble, active.

Yoga trains the body, springiness turns into a new one, and there it is cellulite. For less important are those that I began to slouch less, my shoulders step by step.

5. Nova Zvichka

I called out to the thought that paying for a cake means paying for a vlasnu surcharge at the vase.

I called not to eat licorice. As if by themselves, vegetables appeared in the refrigerator and appeared from my diet of pasta, dumplings, cereals and potatoes. Obviously, I cook porridge for children, but by my own will, I will eat without carbohydrates.

Instead of a sandwich, I began to cook my own marvelously savory egg with meat (bazhano, for example, with soup), cibulae, tomatoes and, arbitrarily, on olive oil.

At the smell of savory eggs, a man was pulled up :). To the point, I’m leaning too thin, although I didn’t try anything in particular for anyone else, it became more than a natural legacy of my diet. A person wants to eat a snack of eggs instead of sandwiches, a salad of pasta / buckwheat and love sherbet and sirna casserole for dessert.

If you want wine, you allow your own cakes, frosty and baked, and even if it’s earlier, lower, and worse. I befit you.

The fridge door has changed irrevocably. It became step by step, without revolutions and wars.

6. Holy

For this river it was too holy - new days, national days, guests, podії і etc.

It’s a pity, I’ve come to the point of being sick (in other words, I’ve got drunk) but I have it at least once a day, or even 2-3 times a day. Effectively important bring, with a good degree of fun and significance of the date. The first day I ate cake (right licorice cake).

How can you signify the moment, if "well, today you can" and "today I am a flint"?

It is necessary to analyze. These houses, in which they cook so deliciously, that it is unreasonable to go there as a guest, not being satisfied with the cook's creations. And you can choose among these creations - a salad with mayonnaise or olive oil, a piece of chicken or a patty with rice.

Even less ryatuє those that I love in full obsyazі vipіchki. For example, I don't like pisochne tіsto. As if it didn’t look appetizing, at the same time I can easily look at the melancholy of quiet tempers, if the true lovers are traipsed.

So my conservatism helps me too - as I have tried a cake before, and I know that it is namingly savory, then I take it with unrequited satisfaction, with which I can eat a cake for only a person, for example, once or twice on the river.

But if the cake is new, I don’t know me, and I don’t know what suits me if I don’t - I can know in my own strength to act - even if I don’t appear on high, I’ll be embarrassed later.

I already love olives. And I often go to a compromise - I'm satisfied with the caloric and motorically non-corrosive olive oil, but I'm inspired by martin with juice and licorice.

The meta has been reached - I took away my satisfaction, but I didn’t consume a lot of carbohydrates to my life.

7. In order to lose weight, you need to eat often

Tse is not a pardon, you need to eat often.

Navit do not hesitate, scho you can show stamina, if you are wildly hungry. Your task is to work so that you don’t have a sharp feeling of hunger. It’s better to eat 6 times a day for giblets, lower 1 time ale so that later every day of going to the gym we can’t correct it on the right.

It's hard - it's necessary to look ahead of your day and plan ahead. Ale tse DUZHE effectively.

For example, weekend. We all went for a walk in the park. Then we sang some food. Where to eat cheap and fast? That's right, McDonald's.

There are no chances for hungry people to stand in front of the smells in the middle of the bet, but if you take yogurt with you, an apple, or a banana and take a walk for a while, then until the moment you arrive at McDonald's, you can enjoy a cheeseburger or a big poppy and lettuce with six nuggets. Already a win!

Before speech, never drink Coca-Cola and analogues. In one liter of cihs, drink up to 16 spoons of tsukru! The stench will surely stir up an appetite, about what McDonald's hairdressers know about, having made Coca-Cola at a cheaper price, lower-quality black hot tea (it would have been possible - they blew the dill!). But hot tea without zucru gives you the opportunity to get drunk, but it’s invisible.

8. Old new dress

Somebody marvel at me, as if at a martyr. I came as a guest and didn’t eat anything (actually, I don’t just have a cake, but the rulers are so cool to see something new, why do they think that I’m just a superhero). But I'm not a superhero.

Just think about it, I lost about 800 grams per month. Mіsyatsіv chotiri from the moment the decision was made, it was unremembered by any of my zusils, especially to people, like bacheling me a skin day. The first radio stations "you, here, you've lost weight" began approximately in a month, and moreover, visiting people themselves, who rarely remembered the trend that a string was born.

I can’t say how well it was - if the decision to lose weight was accepted, then all the transitions were only fought. The "persuaders" were arguing for wanting a little thing, they were arguing with food "porridge you can't eat it?". So, don't. Then I have a lot of meat and vegetables. And it’s richer and more savory and different, lower just zha.

So, I finish the child with mashed potatoes and a cutlet. Ale, I can’t wait any longer. I know about the famine in Ethiopia, but I learned how to ruthlessly get rid of the leftover licorice. Everything was foldable, so that my hand did not turn (I had to wait until it was already a long time, I always jumped "get it, so that it would not be lost").

Obviously, I’m holy to my wife, for example, in the desert, if you want to try some savory and new styles! Without these gastronomic novelties, we can’t even see the flooring more expensive. Ale, I pray to the nobility of the world and do not grow up, I take care of myself. Until the speech, my know beauties do not see the mark in the road.

If I was on a strict diet and acted in my own mind, then I would have lost weight significantly more effectively and would have long ago reversed the planned reduction in kilograms. Ale, in that and on the right, that I continue to lead the best way of life, to be salted and covered (the very same stone and help to get rid of the system even more rock), but I show firmness in superfluous carbohydrates - cereals, cereals, cakes, now we don’t have in the land

The accumulation of a kilogram of weight at the stage of pregnancy is a natural and, in general, inevitable process. After the people of the same little one, everyone walks up for 9 months in kilograms to go without a trace. Ale іnodi buvaє іnakshe. I recruited vaga n_yak do not want to leave the sides and the seats. How to lose weight after a gentle slope? Aja traditional recommendations do not fit. Diet and breastfeeding are unimaginable, and see an hour at the gym or dance to go out zovsim not at the skin. But everything is not so tragic. I know the bazhanі forms can be finished quickly and without unrealistic zusil. Golovne for whom to reach a number of recommendations.

How to lose weight after a slope for the help of breastfeeding

It’s superfluous to think that it has developed, that it’s impossible to lose weight during lactation, more than that, it’s not shameful to come with new kilos, it’s a pardon.

Aja on the utvochennya of milk went chimalo energy. close 500 kcal for the good, the woman stains for the vigodovuvannya of her little one. Such a vitrata of equal disgrace, such a workout in the gym. And here nothing is needed to work. Zavdyaki breast vigodovuvannyu vaga go step by step and naturally. І do not turn after lactation. Ale, just like a woman does not move.

It’s good for someone to feel like it, so that it’s necessary to swear at your child and eat decently yourself. І mayut on uvazі pіd tsim vzhivannja yakomog more fat and sitnoї їzhі. Tse oman. In order for milk to be able to prevent everything necessary, the diet is consumed as varied as possible, balanced, with obov'yaskovim vzhivannami great volume of motherland (water).

Otzhe, how to lose weight after gently sloping naturally and without zusil? Nurture your child with your breasts and eat yourself rationally, putting yourself to the limit without fanaticism. Such a pіdkhіd will appear brown and malyukovі, і mother. The type of lactation will NOT change. Nabіr vaghi can be safer for eating improperly with coma.

Proper eating for weight loss

Well, if the chest was not viable for objective reasons, then why work? In every way, in the diet of mothers, there is no way to lay a healthy child. And even then you can sit on a balanced diet. Just not varto pragnut lose weight in the eye, just as soon as you turn around home after a gentle slope. Age the organism having recognized chimalo for qi 9 months. Iomu needs energy to be reborn. To that it is not necessary to allow the necessary.

Vtіm, the best alternative to diets will become eat properly. It is also kind and for good mothers. Adzhe yogo main principles may be on the basis of a povnotsіnne, raznomanitne, ale korisne menu.

How to lose weight after a gentle descent without a diet? Eat often, in small portions. Chotiri or five times a day - it's ideal. So it’s richer and richer and better, lower to throw on the hedgehog only once, if the child has fallen asleep. І naїdatisya in reserve. If the little one becomes an elder, then you can try at the same time with him. The mode of eating children is fully consistent with the principles of eating for weight loss.

be inspired as well as varto for any products, so for fast food, malt, health, canned food and cowbass. There are no coristes in them. And the axis of inheritance in the view of the weight of the kilograms and the gasification of the child in the whole round. To that, having changed, like losing weight after a gentle slope, try to forget about the number of speeches.

Dairy and meat products are better selected with low fat content. So, weide and take a portion of the necessary protein, and do not expand the figure with it.

Vegetables and fruits, whole grain products are those that can be present on the menu. So, in some instructions for breastfeeding, do not give a lot of vegetables, fruits, so as not to provoke problems with the baby's tummy. Ale step by step, all the growing products can be introduced into your diet. That one chimalo nezaboronenih from the very cob. With such an approach, nourishment, as if throwing off your vag after the slopes, already does not become unpromising.

Є thought, scho vzhivannya kasha, zvarenih on the water, spriya prophylaxis of allergies in children. Well, for a figure, such a quick and safe dish is even better.

It is necessary to live in the house at the evening hour. 3-4 years before zasipannya bazhano spend without zhі. If you want kefir or an apple, in case of a severe attack of hunger, you will not be harmed.

I drink rich water, tea. 2 liters per day is optimal. Surround yourself with less need for licorice. Tim more gassed.

Physical fitness for weight loss

A newly-born mother can regularly see an hour for sports mortgages. There is no strength for the greater at the price. ale axis stroller walks can be a miracle alternative. About those, how to lose weight after the slopes of their help, it is not particularly necessary to explain. Golovnya, do not lament and add an hour to the skin of the day.

It is recommended to take a walk with a child a couple of times a day for 2-3 years. It is worthy for yoga immunity and development in general. Well, for the figures of mothers, such trips and walks run even before speech. Tilki bazhano is still collapsing at an intense pace. So the road to stringiness will appear shorter.

Do not spit out for respect, that even during the hour of home turbot, there is little energy. cleaning up- a good example of home fitness with dignity for the state. Korisno for figures and crawling, play with the toddler. It’s really real and right with him in his arms as a child. Applying similar gymnastics, you can know the mass. Lose weight after the slopes of their help, it will be like a scarlet, so it’s acceptable.

Carrying a child in her arms otherwise, in the required sling, it also gives a good idea. A walk like this is especially suitable for older children. At that hour, the weight of the weights will become more decent.

On what else do you give respect

In order to quickly know the amount of figure, it is important to secure healthy and good sleep. For this varto, look over your line up to some household clothes and replace the inexhaustible butt's troubles for an hour of sleep, the children fit in together with him. Possibly, also a sleepy dream, especially for the sake of washing the chest vigodovuvannya, pospriya more than yakіsny vіdpochinku at night.

How do you lose weight after a gentle slope, how do you spend the whole free hour in front of the refrigerator, getting bored, or filthy moods? P_slyapologiya depression is a rare sight. But it’s real to be with her completely.

A smut stimulus for the first and foremost child. If for the last time your hand will reach for a chocolate bar, think carefully about what you can’t do to negativity. Navpaki, the traces of looking at the weight of the pounds will give a reason for even greater dissatisfaction with yourself. And it’s better for him to occupy himself with the chimos and we’ll be more crooked. I would like, for example, to add respect to my oldness - to grow choked out of chocolate.

About those who lose weight after a gentle slope, they think a lot. Ale yak z'yasovuєtsya, tse whole real. Varto is less than a trifle in a different way to look at the watch for speechlessness. Those that are good for you are good for your figure. The axis is such a miraculous natural law.

Even more rarely, a woman can save the string of a figure. More gain 3-4 kilograms, but for those who have a problem, it becomes a problem and a reason for worrying. How to lose weight after a gentle slope, even to vagity, if you spent an hour on yourself and doing fitness, throwing off a couple of kilograms was a problem, but here it’s 10, or even more?

Dietologists and endocrinologists confirm that the weight is more than 13 kg, gains for the entire moment of pregnancy and is saved for a period of 6 months after the fall, which is serious for a further development of obesity. Accumulate kilograms, attract your friends, and up to a lot of surpluses, 8-9 kg are added to the rock. Yakshcho vyrishili to turn their own form after sloping, not varto nekhtuvat skhodnennymi, polyayuchis on employment and yearning of the chest: the fight against the zayva vaga needs to be tied up at once.

At some moments, it is necessary to take care of yourself that you have terminously sang thin after a gentle slope?

Sim secrets, how to lose weight after a gentle slope

1. The most common reason for the recruitment and loss of superfluous vagary after a gradual stagnation is the wrong mode of eating. A young mother, giving maximum respect to her child, absolutely forgets about the regular meals of her children, satisfying her hunger with "under-dosing" from the child's table, sandwiches, canned food and other shredded products. To go out, you don’t really know anything, but if you change it. In order to lose weight after a gentle slope, then vibrate the sound, so that you don’t have to eat 4-5 times a day. Snіdanok is obliged to pay the schіlnym, obіd at 13-14 years, and the evening is not later than 18 years. You can have a snack in between meals with green tea or unsalted fruits.

2. Yearning with breasts - do not bring їsti for two. Kіlkіsnі characteristics of eating mother nіyak not vіdbivayutsya on the quality and quantity of milk. It is more important that eating was povnotsinnym and satisfied the need for basic speeches, vitamins, microelements. Amount of drink per day is spent, may be not less than 2 liters, tse increase the necessary level of lactation. In addition, it often stimulates a little more than a little help to feel like hunger, which is why it’s a good idea to eat in the intervals between the main meals, rather than drink some water or unsalted tea.

3. As a rule, to lose weight after a gentle turn off from the diet of oiled and fatty herbs, smoked meats, spices, gostri, marinated products. An important culinary product can be steamed, baked or stewed. Malt in pomirnih kіlkostah is allowed until the 12th day of the day. In addition, it is better to eat meat or riba with vegetables, partake of pasta with hard borosna, porridge with vegetable sauce. For the evening, cook around with dairy products, be it another protein bowl without a side dish, or vegetables and fruits. It is important during lactation to take additional vitamins or special biologically active additives for fertile mothers.

4. Obviously, for effective weight loss, after a gentle, necessary physical effort. Don’t try to ask for a job - it’s only a way to tell the truth. Fifteen quills for charging can be found in the hands of the great mothers and ideal masters themselves. Forget about the thoughts of “putting” the baby in the stroller onto the balcony. Walking with a child is a miraculous way to throw off your weight. Walking at a fast pace for 2-3 years is good for taking in such a number of calories that you spend three years on the simulators, it is important only for a walk to choose warm clothes and that’s it. No one has recognized special rights for the master with a mop and a pilosom - a miraculous way to fix the press, m'yazi back, arms and legs. After a couple of months after the fall, you can already think about the appearance of the sports club. But remember, as if there is no way to deprive a child, you can bring a disk with a complex of rights and take care of yourself at home. If you want to go to the gym, choose for swimming on the cob, doing exercise bikes, elliptical trainers or big roads, for diversity you can be like dancing and yoga. Trohi pіznіshe after a month or two, you can proceed to the forceful advances.

5. For effective weight loss, a gentle psychological attitude is important. It’s not necessary to lose weight for someone who called you a friend, and not for getting into old jeans. It is necessary to know more than one reason, in order to throw off your self-esteem, for example, your health, your sexuality and love of a person.

6. Do not try to program yourself, do not set your own terms, so do not come up with punishment for seeing in the attempt to set the tempo of losing weight. Only the optimistic mood of the skin day is more inspired to go to the designated mark. Celebrate the expended kilogram of skin and inspire the one who is trying to lose his weight. I would like to remind myself that short-hour increases and “risers” are trapped in a tie by past hormonal changes, for example, before menstruation or at the beginning of ovulation. If the hormonal background normalizes, then you can pick up a lot of money and carry another hundred grams with you.

7. As an increase in the vag, the slope of the slope is large, as the mass of the body continues to increase, on the face, chest, front of the vertebral column, arms, batons, back, the dark zhorstka hair appeared, turned to the doctor. These symptoms are not just about obesity. The stench seems to be about serious endocrine disorders, building vulnerabilities are important for health. Throw off your vaga into this vdaska, only having run into an illness and normalizing the hormonal background.

Lose weight as soon as it's easy! There are no special secrets! It is necessary only to put the right numbers in front of you and to go to them without hesitation, regardless of all the changes.
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