Yarina, if the woman began to take the first pill. Yarin's antiseptic tablets - warehouse, mechanism of action, side effects, analogues and price

Yarina, if the woman began to take the first pill. Yarin's antiseptic tablets - warehouse, mechanism of action, side effects, analogues and price



Yarina's antiseptic tablets are a contraceptive drug for systemic use based on etinilestradiol and drospirenone. A low-dose monophasic contraceptive is prescribed for the prevention of non-negligible vaginess, regulation of the menstrual cycle, treatment of some gynecological illnesses.

Mechanism dії

Oral intake of drugs is the most effective method of contraception: if you know the right way, you can save the current pregnancy rate in 99% of cases.

Yarin's antiseptic tablets are highly popular among women of all ages. Tsey likarskiy zasib dіє not aggressively. Yarin's tablets can be found in any pharmacy for an affordable price (between 800-1100 rubles). Priyom Yarini to rob a positive impact on the endocrine, nervous and sciatic systems:

  • the menstrual cycle is restored;
  • the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome change;
  • a handful of bloody visions are short;
  • the risk of the appearance of chronic deficiency anemia changes;
  • tucks are getting used up;
  • not developing appetite;
  • body mass does not increase;
  • the intensity of the ridges hanging on the skies decreases.

Overexposure to the effects of additive effects to the drug. The main indications before the reception of Yarini are the prevention of non-negligible vagity.

Only drugs can correct the hormonal background for the additional drug Yarin. Self-administration of systemic contraception is threatening with hormonal imbalance and development of complications.

acceptance scheme

Instructions for zastosuvannya Yarini perebachaє taking one tablet 1 time per doba. The dose is enough to ensure a superior contraceptive effect.

The woman, as she began to accept Yarina, is guilty of the nobility of the special reception:

  1. To achieve the maximum contraceptive effect, start drinking pills on the first day of the menstrual cycle.
  2. For some reason or other, she missed taking the pills on the first day, and the woman began to drink Yarina from 2-5 days of the cycle, it is necessary to take care of supplements and go to the doctor for help in obtaining medical contraception.
  3. If the woman missed Yarini’s intake, I’ll come on a pill, I need to drink it earlier. Sufficient contraceptive effect is obtained for 12 years.
  4. Switching to an analogue drug does not affect the correction of the intake regimen, but it is only the doctor’s prescription that is to blame. It is important to remember that the analogues of Yarini are only the drug Midiana. Faces of Jess to avenge those hormones, but in a more low dosage. Other oral contraceptives should be replaced by other words in warehouses, and a full replacement for deeds from them (for example, Novinet, Lindinet, Regulon) is not always possible.
  5. When vikoristannі protizaplіdnyh pills, zarahovanih for 28 days taken, take Yarina on the coming day.
  6. Before using synthetic hormones, I should take Yarini's tablets on the day of removing the vicarious koshti.
  7. As in the anterior period, intravenous synthetic hormones were blocked, the first tablet of Yarini should be drunk on the day before the procedure. The same schemes for the reception of Yarini are completed and when.
  8. After a piece-by-piece vaccination, the doctors recommend taking the Yarini tablet on the same day, in order to secure the last infection at the moment of intimacy.
  9. The reception of Yarini in the post-slyapological period is necessary, if the first menstrual cycle ends. As such, there is a contraindication to Yarini’s treatment in the post-sleepological period (for example, with breast-feeding, obvious gynecological illnesses), an alternative to becoming a contraceptive contraceptive (condom, vaginal cap, anti-shock). It is allowed to stagnate Yarini after 6 days after the fall, so that the cycle is not renewed.
  10. In times of vomit or diarrhea, contraceptive power changes. In order to secure an adequate dose of the drug, take a repeated dose for 12 years.
  11. Odnochasnya vykoristannya deyakih likarskih zabіv (antacids, antibiotics) reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives.
  12. It should be respected that given contraceptive zasіb, like and іnshі COCs (Zhanin, Novіnet), it is possible to stop girls of pubertal age only after the establishment of a stable menstrual cycle. In most cases of depression, Jess is prescribed for women - an analogue of Yarini with a lower dose of estrogen.
  13. So that the woman did not forget to take the pills, you can put the fortune-telling in the phone or on the tablet.

Correction of the menstrual cycle

Taking Yarina, you can correct the menstrual cycle, changing the trivality and intensity of bleeding:

  1. Acceptance of the drug prescription is valid until the scheme prescribed in the instructions, transferring the cob of menstruation on the 2nd or 3rd day after the contraceptive is prescribed.
  2. If a woman wants to start the next month, then it is necessary to beat the packaging of the contraceptive without interrupting the day.
  3. The abbreviation of the term for the drug taken will cause an early onset of menstruation.
  4. A healthy woman can take Yarina for a long period of time without interruption. Give the drug until the activation of the work of the ovaries and with high immunity - until the conception of a child. Interrupt the work in the Yarini's dose, with the method of giving recovery to the body is not docile.
  5. Bleeding break through on aphids, Yarini's receptionist should tell about those that this drug is not suitable for a particular woman, or she has put it in the wrong way. Like seeing a day of dawn, or the month will not end, you will turn back to the doctor-gynecologist.

Side effects

In most patients, the drug was well tolerated. However, in medical practice, such side effects are fixed, like:

  • allergy to fluent and additional speech;
  • change of obligatory blood visions;
  • disruption of the natural menstrual cycle;
  • uninterrupted vision;
  • the appearance of a headache, confusion, an accelerated heartbeat, buttocks;
  • discord etching;
  • vіdsutnіst appetite or yogo zbіlshennya;
  • obesity;
  • pigmentation;
  • disruption of lipid metabolism;
  • the appearance of shkirnih visipans;
  • pain in the area of ​​the thoracic cavity;
  • hypotension;
  • impaired coordination of movements, sensitivity;
  • apathy;
  • indiscretion;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • daytime or decrease in libido.

With the appearance of a list of symptoms, it is necessary to go to the doctor to replace the drug with an analogue - Yarina Plus, Midiana, Jess, Novinet, Logest, Marvelon, Lindinet, Jeanine, Rigevidon, Klaira.


Vіd vikoristannya Yarini vіdmovlyayutsya at presence:

  • heart disease;
  • broken blood pharynx;
  • endocrine diseases (with important forms of circulatory diabetes, thyroid dysfunction);
  • hormone-dependent ailments;
  • mastopathy;
  • disease of the liver and nirok at the stage of congestion;
  • individual intolerance to synthetic hormones;
  • uterine bleeding of unclear movement;
  • migraine;
  • manifestations of intoxication to the body;
  • diarrhea;
  • angioedema;
  • cataracts;
  • herpes in women;
  • hostile infectious diseases;
  • psychoemotional instability;
  • oncological processes.

Surround the vikoristannya of the medical care and so become:

  1. Confirmation of vaginess, including pozamatkova. As soon as the hour of the doctor's appointment, the woman found out about the pregnancy, then there is no indication until the examination. To this day, there is no reliable information about the teratogenic infusion of Yarini on the development. Some gynecologists recommend that young women of reproductive age, if they need to be vigilant, take Yarina Plus.
  2. Lactation period. Placed in the preparation of speech, the fermentation of breast milk quickly changes, changing its power.
  3. The period of menopause or an irregular state of life.
  4. Treatment with antibacterial, antifungal, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antidepressants, barbiturates. The stench reduces the effectiveness of Yarini.

The use of oral contraceptives is possible only for indications and under the control of a gynecologist. Regular consultations with a gynecologist and follow-up recommendations - to allow the elimination of non-negligible naslіdkіv pіd hіvkoristannya kontratseptivіv systemіnї ї ії.

Be-like a woman, who lives in full life, sooner or later she will think about protecting her from vaginess. Contraceptive options today are presented richly, the skin lady can choose the most suitable contraceptive. The most popular was gained as the most efficient and most effective way to prevent pregnancy. Our article provides information about such a problem, such as the antiseptic tablets "Yarina", advice for doctors and instructions for stopping you will know below.

Information about the drug, the form of release of the drug and the pharmacological action

Viroblyayet denmark zasib great pharmaceutical concern in Nіmechchinі. These are tablets of a small rosemary, covered with a shell. In a cardboard blister pack, the skin cell of which is secured by numbering from 1 to 21, for 21 days it is necessary to take a similar kind of contraceptive. The main component of the drug is drospirenone, the skin tablet contains 3 mg of speech. Pharmacological action of the tablets is primed on suffocated ovulation and increased viscosity of the cervical mucus, which is why the vagility of the after “Yarini” does not rise.

Tablets "Yarina": peculiarities of drug administration and dosing

Indications before the zastosuvannya of the most common anti-inflammatory tablets:

  • loss of unsightly vaginess (contraception);
  • acne and seborrhea in women.

"Yarina" - you will know about some of them below, they are considered the most reliable contraceptive. Take the drug with due care, strictly in the order indicated on the packaging, on the day of the day, smut, at the same hour. For clarity, you can drink a pill with water or be some other motherland. Zasіb "Yarina" (tablets) must be taken without interruption for 21 days. After receiving the skin pack, it is recommended to take some pills for 7 days (at this hour menstruation starts) and only then start packing.

Features of taking the drug "Yarina"

Tablets "Yarina", which need to be started on the first day of menstruation, brought their effectiveness. However, if you take the drug after taking it on the 2nd-3rd day of menstrual bleeding, it is recommended that you use some other method of contraception, for example, a condom, for 7 days after taking the cob. When switching from other oral contraceptive methods to "Yarina" (tablets), it is also important to take a seven-day break and only after the start of drinking the other name pigulki. Just before oral contraceptives, it was recommended to start the procedure on the day of removal of the vaginal ring. If you have an abortion, it is allowed to have a negainous choice of pigulok - you can take pershu on the day of the abortion. If you take the drug slowly after 21 days (if lactation is present).

So robiti, like taking a pill is missed

A head short time to take anti-inflammatory pills is the need to take them at the same time every day. "Yarina" - reviews about yaks are mostly positive, not to blame. But then again, because of some other reason, did you miss taking your pills? In that case, even if the delay in the intake of pills is less than 12 years, the “Yarina” tablets do not take the effect, and the wine will not become less - the effect of the drug and the protection of the nebazhanoї vagity is not reduced. Zhіntsi need to drink a pill of yakomoga more quickly, and the onset of taking contraceptives will be taken in the order of magnitude. And the axis of the delay is to become more than half of the doby, so that the drug "Yarina" decreases and continues to change with the skin age. In this case, it is necessary to win the supplements of contraception and, obviously, it is better to take a pill.

Contraindication before drug ingestion

Antiseptic pills "Yarina", doctors' advice about how to instill confidence, actually not only protect a woman from the very beginning and successfully fight acne, but may be counter-indicated. So, it is not recommended to take the drug:

  • with venous thrombosis;
  • with blood circulation disorders;
  • with migraine;
  • with circulatory diabetes;
  • with nirk and liver failure;
  • with vagity and suspicion of it;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • children and toddlers until the present menstruation.

What work, like when the drug "Yarina" was taken, the pregnancy still came

As if the pregnancy has come in the process of taking a medical care, it’s necessary to say so, so that you don’t hurt the fetus. Even though scientific research did not reveal the development of vadose in small children, born by women, they took off hormones in the first month of pregnancy, taking medications for vagism to no avail. It has also been brought to light that the use of contraceptives changes the amount of breast milk and changes its warehouse, so it is not recommended to drink anti-abdominal pills during breastfeeding. There was no mention of serious damage to the functioning of the body in case of overdosing with Yarina tablets. On the basis of carrying out the following symptoms of an overdose of oral contraceptives, vomit, nudota, and piss are taken into account. There is no universal antidote for overdose, it is recommended to ask about the purpose of the doctor.

Vagіtnіst after vіdmіni drug "Yarina"

Bagatiokh girls praise the food about those who can catch the song "Yarini". As you can see, the woman's organism is a folding system, before that, the organism of the skin woman is unique. It is possible to take into account the importance of the drug, only the terms of the present vagity can lie in the presence of rich factors. An important role in this trend is the growth of a healthy woman, the presence of fluctuating sounds, the terms of the natural process of ovulation, ecology, recession and richly other. However, it seems to be without a face, if the women successfully vacated in the first month after saying "Yarini".

What should a woman say about the examined drug

"Yarina" - antiseptic pills, reviews about some of them are both positive and negative. Thousands of girls and women have tried these oral contraceptives on themselves. A great part of the representative of the female status is the effectiveness of "Yarini", so like a Danish drug it miraculously copes with its main tasks - zahist in the light of unsatisfactory vagity. In 90% of the girls who regularly took Yarina, pregnancy did not occur. In addition, everyone knows that this drug is hormonal and, with regular vicarious treatment, it improves the body's stamina. The tretina of the girls marked the pinning of the brittleness of the nails, the stench became mіtsnіshimi. The growth of the hair has accelerated, for as long as possible they have gained a healthy look and have ceased to fall. Zhіnok, yakі took pills "Yarina", side effects bypassed. Practically no one noticed the appearance of nudity, let the slug or other ailments. "Yarina" even softly flows into the woman's body, overpoweringly protecting from vagity, and at the same time improves the self-perceived representative of a beautiful state.

Among the widest and most effective oral contraceptives of the new generation, Yarin's antiseptic tablets can be considered. This drug is a monophasic combination of zasib with a low amount of hormones (drospirenone (3 mg) and etinilestradiol (0.03 mg) - synthetic analogs of female hormones), which has an antiandrogenic and antimineralocorticoid effect. Antiandrogenic power manifests itself in decreased secretion of sebaceous deposits, and antimineralocorticoids - in advanced enlargement of the vag, as well as the appearance of swelling on the aphids of the sebum.

Efficiency and mechanism of action of Yarin's preparation.
Scholarly taking the hormonal drug Yarin calls to "fool" the female organism and zmusiti yogo pratsyuvati so that the process of ovulation is already becoming. After this maturation and release of the egg from the ovary is not observed. The contraceptive effect of Yarina's drug is delusional, which can be found in a new fluffy speech, directing to the ovulation process, increasing the viscosity of the cervical mucus, which transfers the penetration of spermatozoa from the uterus into the uterus. In addition, the hormones present in the preparation change the endometrium, as a result of which it is clear that the implantation of the fertilizing egg has become obstructed to a minimum. It is also important to note that the cream of effective prevention of current unsightly vaginess, Yarin's antiseptic tablets are prescribed for the treatment of acne and seborrhea in women.

As a result of regular intake of this oral contraceptive, the cycle in women normalizes, becomes regular, pain during menstruation, menstrual bleeding becomes less clear, after which the development of chronic deficiency anemia is reduced to a minimum. Most often, Yarina is prescribed to women for the pleasure of sick menstruation and occasional disruption of the menstrual cycle. Also, there are reports about those that the drug will reduce the risk of ovarian cancer and the development of ovarian and endometrial cancer.

If the contraceptive is properly installed, the Pearl index (the number of vacancies per 100 women, which may be given by the contraceptive to the rock) becomes less than 1.

Method of stosuvannya that dose.
At the skin pack of Yarina's preparation, twenty one active tablets should be taken, take them one day at a time, drinking a large amount of water, bagan at the same hour, depending on the order in the package. Twenty-one days later, there will be a break for the next day, on which day (sound on another or third day after taking the last pill) and bleeding will occur (or bleeding). Bleeding may not end before the cob receives a new package of antiseptic drug.

Cob priyom drug Yarina.
If you didn’t take any other hormonal contraceptives in the previous month, then Yarini should be started on the first day of the cycle, or on the first day of menstruation. It is allowed to take the next to the fifth day of the cycle, but if you take the pills for the next seven days, it is recommended that you additionally take the bar'ernim for protection against the current unplanned pregnancy (condom).

When switching to Yarina from other oral contraceptives with folic acid, it is necessary to start on the next day after taking the remaining (twenty first) tablets from the front packaging. Priyom Yarini during the transition from the vaginal ring, or after the removal on the day of the removal of the vaginal ring, or the plaster, but not later than the day, in any May, a new ring or a new plaster is introduced.

Switching to the drug Yarina with “mini-drinking” can be taken on any day (without interruption), from a hormonal implant or an intrauterine contraceptive with a progestogen - on the day of removal, from іnєktsiy - from the day, on which the guilt is broken again injection. In case of this, in all cases, additional contraception is needed for the first day, I will take the drug.

After an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, the drug should be started without delay on the day of the abortion, in which case additional pharyngitis is not needed.

After a half-life or an abortion in another trimester of pregnancy, taking the drug, it is necessary to start, after 21-28 days after a half-life (as the woman is not suitable for breasts) or an abortion. With a larger cob, I will take anti-adrenergic drugs of Yarin, it is necessary to speed up with additional contraceptive methods by stretching the drug. It should be noted that the woman has to take Yarini to the cob with state contacts, it is necessary to turn off the possibility of pregnancy, and it is necessary to get the cob of menstruation.

Missing a drug.
If you take a pill less than omissions for twelve years, the contraceptive protection of the drug is avoided. In this case, it is necessary to take the missed pill more quickly, and then take it as soon as possible to the scheme. Since the delay in taking the drug lasted more than twelve years, the effectiveness of the drug is sharply reduced. Imovirnіst nastannya vagіtnostі tim more, chim more missed pills, especially in the period close to tizhnevogo interruption. In this case, there are a few options for women in case of skipping the received drug for more than twelve years.

Also, as a delay in missing the drug, it was allowed in the first day of the cycle (to the drug taken), women should take the missed pill again, and then the time has come for the next day to take the next pill for the missed pill. It is allowed to take two tablets at once, and then the regimen for taking is fixed. Ale, with this stretch of the offensive season, it is necessary to coristuate with a condom; As long as it lasts until the pass of the drug, the woman has a small state of connection, it is possible to improve the current pregnancy.

When skipping the drug Yarin on another day, it is necessary for the recipient to take a tablet of yakomoga shvidshe. As soon as the hour has come for taking a pill, coming for a missed one, it is allowed to take two pills at the same time. I’m going to take a pill, it’s necessary to take it according to the obvious scheme. If the drug is taken correctly by the first day, before that, if you miss yoga, then the additional methods of contraception are not obvious, the contraceptive effect is saved. In a different turn, and so the woman herself missed taking more than two pills, after that she was still holding a condom with a stretch of the day.

On the third day, I will take, when the drug is skipped, a risk of increasing the viability of the growth on aphids of the upcoming seven-day break. Here it is necessary to uphold the rules of the day. If you take the next day, before the first missed tablet, the drug is taken correctly without interruption, then there is no need to supplement it with other contraceptive methods. In the other case, it is necessary to take the missed pill, and if necessary (as the time has come for taking the black pill), take two pills. Take the next pills, following the usual scheme. However, a new package of the drug should be opened without interruption. In this case, bleeding is unlikely to bleed, until the other package is over, but you can watch the sight that smear and bleeding is bleeding for an hour taking the pills.

If you miss an hour of pills in a woman, stop for an hour, do not be afraid of bleeding, it is necessary to turn off the vagity.

Contraindication before taking Yarini.

  • presence of liver disease in an important form;
  • nirkova deficiency in important and acute forms;
  • thrombosis and I will change my mind (transient damage to cerebral blood flow, angina pectoris);
  • migraine;
  • tsukrovy diabetes s suzhdennymi complications;
  • presence of risk factors for venous and arterial thrombosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • liver disease and liver failure;
  • liver swelling of a good and evil character;
  • hormonal congestion of a malicious nature;
  • vaginal bleeding of unreasonable genesis;
  • vaginess or suspicion on her;
  • the period of breast growth;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
With the appearance of any kind of overexposure, you are more likely to become ill after taking the drug.

Zastosuvannya with vagity and lactation.
As if the pregnancy came during the period of taking Yarin's drug, it is necessary in the term order to say that the drug was taken and to go to the gynecologist. In the period of lactation, it is also not recommended to take the drug, as the shards of speech in it can change the warehouse and power of breast milk, and also signify a negative rank on your body.

Pobichna diya:

  • irregular bleeding due to pihvi during the first three months of taking the drug;
  • sickness, swelling or seeing from milk diseases;
  • change the mood;
  • vision from pikhvi;
  • headache, migraine;
  • intolerance to contact lenses;
  • change libido;
  • kropiv'yanka, visip;
  • nausea, abdominal pain, rarely vomit or diarrhea;
  • zbіlshennya or decrease in weight of the body;
  • tricks;
  • vuzluvat erythema;
  • thrombosis or thromboembolism.
As soon as I take the drug (up to 4 years after I take it), the woman had vomit or diarrhea, it is necessary to additionally speed up contraceptive methods, scatter in this case, the drug may be inaccurate, which threatens current pregnancy. In this variant, it is necessary to consider the situation as skipping a tablet and orienting, depending on the recommendations described above.

Symptoms of overdose of the drug are nausea, vomiting, bleeding, you can see that smear or metrorrhagia. When a sign of overdose appears, it is necessary to turn to fahivtsya. Likuvannya directed at the adoption of symptoms.

(Information for patients)
for medical application

Registration number: P N013882 / 01

trade name

Pharmaceutical form

Skin tablet Yarini revenge:
. active speeches
Etinilestradiol 30 mcg
Drospirenone 3 mg
. Additional speeches
Lactose monohydrate, corn starch, pregelatinized corn starch, povidone K25, magnesium stearate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, macrogol 6000, talc (magnesium hydrosilicate), titanium dioxide (E 171), saline (II) oxide (E 172).

Tablets are covered with plaid shell, light-yellow color, vibrating a six-cut on one side, in the middle of which is the letter "DO".

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Contraceptive zasіb combined (estrogen + gestagen)

ATC code

Pharmacological authorities
Yarina is a low-dose monophasic oral combination of estrogen and progestogen contraceptives.

The contraceptive effect of Yarini is based on the help of mutually complementary mechanisms, the most important of which is to suppress ovulation and change the authority of the cervical secretion, as a result of which the veins become impenetrable to spermatozoa.

With the correct zastosuvannі _Pearl's index (an indicator that reflects the number of vagities in 100 women, yakі zastosovuyut contraceptive protyazh rock) to become less than 1. When skipping pills or incorrect zastosuvanni _Pearl's index may increase.

In women who take combined oral contraceptives, the menstrual cycle becomes more regular, menstruation is more likely to be ill, the intensity of bleeding changes, resulting in a decrease in the risk of low-grade anemia. In addition, there is no data on those that decrease the risk of developing endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer.

Drospirenone, which is to be avoided in Yarin, is affected by antimineralocorticoid diseases and the development of an increase in the mass of the body and the appearance of other symptoms (for example, swelling), caused by hormone-caused stupor. Drospirenone also has antiandrogenic activity and relieves symptoms of acne (churn), oily skin and hair. The effect of drospirenone is similar to that of natural progesterone, which is found by the female organism, which should be protected when choosing a contraceptive, especially for women with hormone-depleted zatrimy, as well as for women with viscid acne (acne) and seborrhea.

Contraception (prevention of non-negligible vaginess).

Yarina is not guilty of being stagnant at the presence of any of the states / ills listed below.
. Thrombosis (venous and arterial) and thromboembolism in the past or in history (including deep vein thrombosis, legenous artery thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, stroke), cerebrovascular damage.
. \ T Conditions, prior to thrombosis (including transient ischemic attacks, angina pectoris) in this hour or in history.
. \ Tmigraine with inflammatory neurological symptoms at present or in history
. \ TDiabetes with court complications.
. \ Tmultiple or other manifestations of risk factors for venous or arterial thrombosis, including aggravated damage to the valvular apparatus of the heart, atrial fibrillation, disease of the vessels of the brain or coronary arteries; uncontrolled arterial hypertension, serious surgical involvement with crippling immobilization, smoking in women older than 35 years.
. \ TPancreatitis with severe hypertriglyceridemia in this hour or in history.
. \ TLiver failure and important liver disease (until normalization of liver tests)
. \ Tumors of the liver (good or evil) in this hour or in the anamnesis.
. \ THeavy and / or serious nirkov deficiency.
. \ TVIyavlennye gormonozalezhnі zlojakisnі zahvoryuvannya (including statevyh organіv or mammary diseases) or p_dozra on them.
. Bleeding from pihvi of unknown origin.
. \ TPregnancy or suspicion on it.
. \ TThe breastfeeding period.
. \ TIncreased sensitivity to any component in Yarin's preparation

As if from the beginning of the next day, I will take Yarini, and immediately take the drug and consult with the doctor. Tim, wait a minute, win non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. Div. Also "Special Vkazivki".

For protection
How to combine oral contraceptives and zastosovuyutsya in case of obviousness of any kind of illness / stagnation, lowering, you can demand a real look, why - explain the doctor. Before taking Yarina's cob, tell the doctor about whether you have any chance of getting sick or getting sick.

Risk factors for the development of thrombosis and thromboembolism: chicken; thrombosis, myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident in a young person in one of the closest relatives; obesity; dyslipoproteinemia (for example, high blood cholesterol levels); arterial hypertension; migraine; heart valve defects; Trival immobilization, serious surgical intervention, great trauma
. \ TOther illnesses, which may cause damage to peripheral blood circulation (circulatory diabetes; systemic dwarfism; hemolytic uremia syndrome; Crohn's disease and nonspecific virazkovy colitis; sickle cell anemia), phlebitis of superficial veins
. \ THereditary angioedema
. \ tHypertriglyceridemia
. \ T Liver disease
. \ TDiseases, in the past, vinicles or increased in the afternoon of vagity, or on aphids in front of the intake of state hormones (for example, zhovtyanitsa and / or sverbіzh, associated with cholestasis, cholelithiasis, otosclerosis with hearing loss, porphyria, herpes vagitis)
. \ TPostpartum period

Vagity and lactation
Yarina cannot be stopped during the first hour of pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding. As soon as the vagity is observed at the first hour of taking Yarin's preparation, the preparation should immediately tell you and turn to the doctor. However, great epidemiological studies did not reveal an increased risk of developmental defects in children born to women, as they reduced the level of hormones to vagity, or when taking the level of hormones through carelessness in the early term of pregnancy.

The use of combined oral contraceptives can change the amount of breast milk and change its warehouse, so it is not recommended to use it before breastfeeding.

Method of stosuvannya that dose

If and how to take pills
Calendar packaging contains 21 tablets. In the package, the skin tablet is marked on the day of the day, in which case it is due to be accepted. Take the pills in the middle at the same hour every day, drinking a small amount of water. Reach straight ahead until all 21 tablets have been taken. For the coming 7 days you do not take the drug. Menstruation (bleeding of the eye) is to be blamed for 7 days. Call it out for 2-3 days after taking the rest of the Yarini tablet. After a 7-day interruption to repair by taking an offensive package, it has not yet started to bleed. Tse means that you will always start a new package on the same day of the same day, and that the month of bleeding will come around the same day of the same day.

Acceptance of the first packaging Yarini

. If there is no hormonal antiseptic zasib not vikoristovuvavsya in the previous month

Start taking Yarini on the first day of the cycle, then on the first day of menstrual bleeding. Take a pill, as marked on the next day of the week. Then take the pills in order. You can also start taking it on the 2nd-5th day of the menstrual cycle, but on that day it is necessary to use an additional barrier method of contraception (condom) for the first 7 days of taking pills from the first package.

. When switching from other combinations of oral contraceptives, vaginal ring or contraceptive patch

You can start taking Yarini the next day after you take the rest of the dragee of the in-line package of the combined oral contraceptive (to that, without interruption in the dose). If the current packaging contains 28 tablets, you can start taking Yarini the next day after taking the remaining active tablet. If you are not convinced that this is a pill, feed the doctor. It is also possible to start taking it later, but not in any case later than the coming day, after a significant break in the dose (for drugs, which should take 21 tablets) or after taking the remaining inactive pill (for drugs, which should take 28 tablets in a package).

Priyom Yarini should be started on the day of the removal of the vaginal ring or plaster, but not later than the day, if a new ring or a new plaster can be inserted.

. \ Twhen switching from oral contraceptives, only progestogen (minimum drank) should be used

You can take a mini-drank on the next day and start with Yarini on the coming day, at the same hour. For the first 7 days of taking the pills, it is also necessary to try the additional barrier method of contraception.

. When switching from an injectable contraceptive, an implant or a progestogen to an intrauterine contraceptive ("Mirena")

Start taking Yarini on that day, if the culprit is broken by an offensive injection, or on the day of removal of the implant or intrauterine contraceptive. For the first 7 days of taking the pills, it is also necessary to try the additional barrier method of contraception.

. After the slopes

If you have just given birth to a child, the doctor may recommend that you kidney before the end of the first normal menstrual cycle first, then start with Yarini. Sometimes, on the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to start taking the drug earlier.

. After a self-improvement or abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy

Taking missed pills

. As a reminder, in taking chergovoi tablets less than 12 years old, the antiseptic dose of Yarini is taken away. Take a pill, how few people guess about it. I'm going to take a pill at the appointed time.
. \ TEslі zap_znennya in priyomi_ pills was more than 12 years, the contraceptive intake may be reduced. The more pills missed, and the closer the pass to the cob to the reception or to the end of the reception, the more risky the pregnancy is.
When you can keruvatisya offensive rules:
. More than one tablet is taken from the package
Consult with a doctor.
. One tablet was missed in the first week of taking the drug
Take the missed pill yakomoga shvidshe, how only you can guess (navit, as if you will take one pill at once). I'm going to take a pill at the appointed time. Dodatkovo vikoristovyte bar'erny method of contraception for the next 7 days. As a matter of fact, if you take a little time for a week before skipping a pill, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of vaping. It's not good to turn to the doctor.
. One tablet was missed on the other day of taking the drug
Take the missed pill yakomoga shvidshe, how only you can guess (navit, as if you will take one pill at once). I'm going to take a pill at the appointed time. If you took the pills correctly for 7 days before the first missed pill, the antidote Yarini is taken away, and you will not need additional contraceptive entries. In another case, as well as when skipping two or more pills, it is necessary to supplement the bar'ern method and contraception for 7 days.
. One tablet missed on the third cycle of taking the drug
Even after 7 days before the first missed pill, all the pills were taken correctly, there is no need to win additional contraceptive methods. You can dotrimuvatisya be it from such two dzherel, without the need to win additional contraceptives come in.

1. Take the missed tablet of the yakomoga shvidshe, as you can only guess (navit, as if you will be taking one tablet at a time). I'm going to take a pill at the appointed time. I will start the packaging again after I finish taking the tablets from the in-line packaging, in this way, I will not interrupt the packages. Bleeding is minor, until the pills from another package run out, but there may be severe bleeding or bleeding on the day of taking the drug.

2. Take pills from the flow pack, break for 7 or less days ( including skipping pill day) We'll fix it by accepting a new package.

Vykorivuyuchi tsyu scheme, you can always start by accepting the offensive packaging on that day of the day, if you call tserobite.

As soon as you stop taking the pills every day you have cleared your menstruation, you can be vaccinated. Consult with your doctor first, then consider accepting a new package.

Recommendations for vomit and diarrhea
As if you had vomit or diarrhea (disorder of the stool) in the range of up to 4 years after taking Yarini's tablets, active speech, perhaps, did not get wet. This situation is similar to missing a drug. Therefore, follow the instructions for missing tablets.

Interline on the cob of menstruation
You can start menstruation on the cob, as you will recognize the acceptance of Yarini's offensive packaging after the completion of the flow packaging. You can continue taking the pills from the package for a long time, as if it were, or until then, until the package is over. If you want to start menstruation, take pills. Under the hour of taking Yarini from another package, there may be spotting or bleeding on the days of taking the pills. I will repair the packaging after the last 7-day interruption.

Change of day on the cob of menstruation
If you take the pills as prescribed, you will have your period on or about the same day every 4 days. If you want to change yoga, shorten (although not longer) the time interval, if you want to take pills. For example, if your menstrual cycle starts on Friday, but in the future you want to start on the second day (3 days earlier), I will start packing 3 days earlier, lower sound. If you choose to take the pills, the break will be shorter (for example, 3 days or less), menstruation for an hour may not be interrupted. In this case, bleeding may be indicated, or smeared bloody vision at the hour of taking the tablets from the offensive packaging.

Additional information for special categories of patients
Children and toddlers
Yarina's preparation is indicated only after the onset of menarche. Current data do not allow dose adjustment in this group of patients.
Patients of a frail age
Don't get stuck. Yarina's drug is not indicated after menopause.
Patients with lesions on the side of the liver
Yarina's drug is contraindicated for women with important liver diseases until late, until the signs of liver function return to normal. Div. So he divided "Contraindications".
Patients with damage to the side of the hips
Yarina's drug is contraindicated for women with severe nirk deficiency or acute nirk deficiency. Div. So he divided "Contraindications".

Pobichna diya
With the use of combined oral contraceptives, irregular (acyclic) bleeding from the lungs (mazhuchi bloody vision or severe bleeding) may occur, especially during the first few months of congestion.

In the face of the reception of the CCP, women were wary of other unfortunate appearances:

As well as when taking other combinations of oral contraceptives in okremy cases, the development of thrombosis and thromboembolism is possible (div. Also "Special Introductions").

There was no mention of serious damage in case of overdose. On the basis of the total evidence of the occurrence of combined oral contraceptive symptoms, which can be indicated in case of overdose of active tablets: nausea, vomiting, spotty bloody vision or metrorrhagia.

In times of overdose, they turned back to the doctor.

Interaction with other medical care
Deyakі likarski zasobi can reduce the effectiveness of Yarini. Before them, there are preparations that are victorious for the treatment of epilepsy (for example, primidone, phenytoin, barbiturate, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, felbamate), tuberculosis (for example, rifampicin, rifabutin) and VIL-infection, apical; antibiotics for the treatment of some other infectious diseases (for example, penicillin, tetracycline, griseofulvin), as well as medical treatment based on St. John's wort (vicorist, head rank, in a reduced mood).

Oral combination contraceptives may interfere with the metabolism of other drugs (eg, cyclosporine and lamotrigine).
It is theoretically possible to increase the oroval potassium rіvny in women, if Yarina can be taken off at the same time with other drugs, yakі can increase the oroval potassium rіven. These drugs should include angiotensin-II receptor antagonists, antiseptic drugs (for example, indomethacin), potassium-sparing diuretics, and aldosterone antagonists. However, studies evaluating the interaction between drospirenone and ACE inhibitors and indomethacin did not show any significant potency between serum potassium concentrations in the same placebo group.

Keep reminding the doctor who assigns Yarina to you, and you accept the same faces. Also, ask whether a doctor or a dentist, if they prescribe other drugs, and also a pharmacist who sells you drugs in a pharmacy, if you take Yarina.

especially vkazіvki
Come on ahead, which is the reason for the choice of other combined oral contraceptives, next to be safe and in case of constipation of Yarini.


Thrombosis - the elimination of a blood clot (thrombus), which can clog a blood vessel. Thromboembolism develops when a thrombus breaks. Occasionally, thrombosis develops in the deep veins of the lower leg (deep vein thrombosis), the vessels of the heart (myocardial infarction), the brain (stroke), and rarely, in the vessels of other organs.
The risk of deep vein thrombosis in women who take combined oral contraceptives is higher, lower in quiet, who do not coryste with them, but not so high, like the hour of pregnancy.

The risk of developing thrombosis increases with age, and also increases with an increase in the number of smoked cigarettes. During the zastosuvanni Yarini, you should add a hen, especially, as your life spans 35 years.

The risk of thrombosis of the deep veins timchasovo podvishchuetsya during surgery or trivalo immobilization (nervousness), for example, when applying plaster on the leg, trival bed rest. At the time of the planned operation or hospitalization, be far ahead of the doctor who will take combined oral contraceptives. The doctor may recommend that you take the drug (at the time of the planned operation, take it a couple of days before) and do not recommend taking it for two days after the completion of the immobilization.

If an elevated arterial pressure is detected, the doctor may recommend that you take combined oral contraceptives.


The relationship between the use of combined oral contraceptives and breast cancer has not been reported, although in women who take combined oral contraceptives, they appear more often, in women of the same age, they are not vicarious. Possibly, because of the difference, women are more likely to be obstructed when taking the drug, and therefore, breast cancer is detected at an early stage.

In rare cases, on aphids, stasis of state steroids poserigavsya development of benign, and in rare cases - evil liver fluff, which can lead to intracerebral bleeding that is unsafe for life. There was no communication from zastosuvannyam preparativ. With an unexplained occurrence of severe pain in the abdomen, consult a doctor.

The biggest risk factor for the development of cervical cancer is persistent papillomavirus infection. Cancer of the cervix is ​​more common in women who have combined oral contraceptives for a long period of time. Communication with the use of combined oral contraceptives is not reported. This may be due to more frequent gynecological examinations for the detection of contagious uterine cervix, or to the peculiarities of state behavior (more rarely to stop barring methods of contraception).

reduced efficiency

The effectiveness of combined oral contraceptive preparations may be reduced in the onset of depression: when missing pills, with vomiting and diarrhea, or as a result of drug interactions.

Women from schilnistyu to chloasma under the hour of taking the CCP are guilty of unikati trival perebuvannya on sontsi and infusion of ultraviolet viprominyuvannya.

In women with relapsing forms of angioedema, exogenous estrogen may exacerbate or exacerbate symptoms of angioedema

intermenstrual bleeding
However, if other combinations of oral contraceptives are stopped, when taking Yarini for the first few months, irregular bleeding (smearing bleeding or bleeding) in the intermenstrual period can be observed. Victory for hygiene and continue taking the pills, as you sound. Intermenstrual vaginal bleeding is obviously associated with the world of adaptation of your body to Yarini (sound after 3 cycles of taking pills). Like stinks, they become important, or they renew themselves after they are pinned, turn to the doctor.

Day of black menstruation
If you took all the pills correctly, and you didn’t vomit or have diarrhea for an hour when you took the pills, or if you didn’t take the one-hour pills, then the amount of vaginess is small. Continue with the reception of Yarini, like a great one.
Like two days of menstruation, I slept, negainally turned to the doctor. Do not start with the use of offensive packaging until the drug turns off the density.

Injected into the building with a car and mechanisms
Not found.

If it is necessary to consult a doctor
look around regularly
If you accept Yarina, the doctor will tell you about the need for regular inspections, at least not more than once on the river.

Consult with a yakomoga shvidshe doctor:
. in case of any changes in health, especially in any countries, listed in the same leaflet (div. also divided “Contraindications” and “Suspension for protection”);
. with local insufficiency in the milk cavity;
. yakscho You choose vicorists for other medical preparations (div. also "Vzaimodiya z іnshiy likarskimi zabom");
. in order to clear up trival unruliness (for example, a cast was applied to the leg), hospitalization or surgery is planned (consult with a doctor at least 4-6 days before it);
. in case of unusual severe vaginal bleeding;
. yakscho you forgot to take the dragee on the first day of the reception of the package and small statev znosini for this less than a day before the next;
. you two have not had a black menstruation and you suspect that you are pregnant (do not use the offensive packaging until you consult a doctor).
Take pills and be careful with the doctor, as you remember the possible signs of thrombosis, myocardial infarction or stroke: an insidious cough; an inexpressibly strong beating behind the sternum, which is visible in the left hand; unsupported vinyl backside; non-violent, strong chi trival head bіl or migraine attack; chastkova or povna vtrata zor or twins in the eyes; inarticulate speech; quickly change your hearing, smell, or relish; zamorochennya or a non-obtrusive camp; weakness or loss of sensitivity in any part of the body; strong beat in the stomach; a strong bіl in the nose or raptovo vinik nabryak be-yakiy s nіg.

Yarina - low-dose monophasic combined oral contraceptives.

On the market of oral contraceptives, this drug has proven itself well.

Virobnik Yarina (Yarina) - Bayer Schering Pharma AG (Nimechchina).

Yak and everything is OK, Yarina does this rank:

  • Ignore ovulation (change the development and release of the egg)
  • To kill the cervical mucus thick (in this way the cervix becomes impassable for spermatozoa)
  • Changes the structure of the endometrium (mucous membrane of the uterus), in connection with which the ovum is filled, it cannot attach to the walls of the uterus


  • Etinilestradiol (30 mcg) - analogue of endogenous estradiol
  • (3 mcg) - antiandrogenic drug
  • Additional speech: lactose monohydrate, corn starch, pregelatinized corn starch, povidone K25, magnesium stearate, hydromelose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), macrogol 6000, talc (magnesium hydrosilicate), titanium dioxide (E 171) 2).

Dosing and storage of hormones is the same for all tablets, so Yarina is a monophasic drug.

Price, de buy

How many pills are used for Yarin's tablets? The price in Russia can vary. Tse to lay in the place of the pridbannya (the chain of pharmacies, the region of residence).

The price for Yarin's antiseptic tablets in pharmacies starts from +1020 rubles (for a pack of 21 tablets) and can reach up to 1360 rubles. The variant of a package for three months (63 tablets) comes out a lot cheaper - on average 2950 rubles.

You can buy Yarin in pharmacies. Hormonal pills are available with a prescription.

Indication before zastosuvannya

To whom is Yarina suitable, and in some ways її appoint?

Yarina's tablets are used for the prevention of vaginess (for healthy women), as well as for the treatment of certain gynecological problems and acne.

Luxurious effects from Yarini

  • Reinvention of the menstrual cycle
  • Reducing pain and symptoms of PMS
  • Decreased blood loss per hour of the month (otherwise relief from bleeding)
  • Reduced risk of developing uterine and ovarian cancer
  • zabіgannya endometriosis
  • Prevention of anemia, vicarious deficiency of saliva
  • Treatment of milder forms of acne
  • Zapobіgannya nabryakіv (removal of zavoї rіdini z organіzmu, sberіgayuchi at tsimu kalіy)
  • Prevention and treatment of excess greasiness of hair and skin, Seroba, the appearance of unsightly hair on body (hirsutism)
  • Prevention and treatment of dysmenorrhea

Sometimes, for relief of current vagity, doctors prescribe Dufaston after Yarini. It is necessary to restore the endometrium, which can be thinned in an hour if I receive OK. Drinking Duphaston is required strictly after ovulation for 10 days (for example, a cycle of 28 days, then yoga is drunk from 16 to 25 days of the cycle).

So very often Yarina is prescribed by doctors for polycystic (cyst) ovaries. The drug has proven itself well as a therapeutic approach in case of polycystic ovarian syndrome, as well as in depressions with single great neoplasms.

Yarina with endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease of the reproductive period (it develops on the basis of an increase in the amount of estrogen and a change in the amount of progesterone). At an early stage, you are treated with hormonal drugs. Call to assign either Janin or Yarina. Another drug for deakim pokazniki better.

Why Yarina herself?

  • The price of the most new and active drug for the rachunka instead of the greater part of the head components
  • The period of soaking at Yarina is only 1.5 years
  • The list of contraindications before the recognition of Yarini is significantly less, lower for other drugs (for example, Zhanin)
  • Follow up after taking Yarini to be positive for the drug (hormonal balance is observed, tissue growth is attached, new creations are formed)

Yarina with adenomyosis

Yarina is prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment for adenomyosis (internal endometriosis).

Adenomyosis is a chronic gynecological disease. At the cob stage, the pathological process proceeds asymptomatically, with an hour it can be aggravated right up to the absence of symptoms.

The main signs of illness:

  • Trival and clear menstruation
  • pain in the small pelvis of varying intensity and nature

Regularly see a gynecologist to detect pathology in a timely manner.

Yarina with uterine myoma

Uterine myoma - tse good-natured puh, as it develops from m'yazovyh clitin of the uterus. To finish a long-term newborn may not show the signs of the year and not cause discomfort to the woman .

Under DIAGNOSIS, the uterus is recognized for the normal cycle, the zrivnoye of the menstrual Khovtratt (Shopini RIST MIOMOMI), the acute -habitat of the VIDCHUTTIV, for the blocked ovules, for the vicinity of the evil uterine, and so self -bubbling, and so self -bubbling, and so self -bubbling.

Through the monophasic nature of Yarini, which takes revenge on estrogen and progesterone at the same time, myomy is eaten on the back of the head, after which it develops and dies.

Yarina with ovarian cyst

The reason for the appearance of cysts is hormonal imbalance. Kista - tse bulbashka, homeland. Growing up, you can get the development of polycystic ovary, and then be free. When walking, physical adventures, under the hour of the state act, the hands provoke pain in the lower abdomen.

Yak de Yarina? On the level of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal system, blocking of the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (ovulation day) is observed. Penetration of the cervical secretion for spermatozoa is reduced, and egg implantation is also not possible. As a result, during the period of receiving OK, the reproductive system may be able to be re-evaluated and improved.

Yarina with mastopathy

Milk worm is more sensitive to state hormones. Damage to their balance leads to the development of mastopathy and її unacceptable manifestations.

Oral contraceptives when taken regularly:

  • change the proliferative processes in the breasts (no uncontrolled growth of cells in the formation of cysts, fibroadenoma, etc.)
  • to help reduce the level of estrogen in the blood (protect the breasts from their supra-world infusion).
  • produce a splendid effect on the organs of the female reproductive system.
  • reduce the risk of breast cancer by 2 times. The effect of the reception is taken for a period of 10 years, so it is necessary to overcome hormonal contraceptives after the 30th - 35th century.
  • change the speed of the progression of mastopathy.

Yarina with endometrial hyperplasia

Hyperplasia must be treated comprehensively. Therapy is due to develop from a few subsequent steps. Yarina vikoristovuetsya at the first stage of rejoicing (you can take it to pivroku).

The first stage of jubilation is responsible for bleeding. If the drug does not work, then carry out emptying of the uterus and administer a number of hemostatic preparations for bleeding.

If necessary, administer blood substitutes and preparations by themselves, which will normalize the water-salt balance in the body. In some cases, the intravenous vitamins of groups B, C, rutin and folic acid are reduced.


Next to know that Yarina was fenced at:

  • Intolerance to the components of the drug
  • pancreatitis
  • Threat of development of thrombosis
  • Thrombosis, thromboembolism
  • Angina pectoris and ischemic attacks
  • myocardial infarction
  • circulatory diabetes
  • judiciary pathologies
  • hormonal puffs
  • Infection of the liver, nirok (+ their filthy functioning)
  • Migraines + neurological disorders
  • Vagity or lactation
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown travel
  • diabetes
  • disorder of blood circulation
  • Nabryaku mucus (kidney Quincke)
  • Menopause (after 40, 45 with care)
  • Chicken (especially after 35)

Pobichna diya

Side effects from Yarini can be offensive:

  • Sometimes, when taking Yarini, you can cause intermenstrual bleeding from an unexpected trip
  • Mazanin in the middle of the cycle
  • decreased libido
  • Head bіl, zamorochennya, head bіl
  • Collivannya vaga (losing weight or gaining masi body)
  • Nausea, vomit, diarrhea (diarrhea), pain in the throat
  • Apathy, depression, mood swings
  • Reduction of milk diseases
  • Sickness of milk diseases
  • Allergy to the components of the drug (visip, redness, kropivyanka, eczema and other allergic reactions)
  • Restoration of rіdini in the body
  • Fall under the blood pressure, thromboembolism
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Damaged liver function (zhovtyanitsa, cholestasis)
  • Difficulties in the assimilation of glucose
  • Hyperkalemia, hypertriglyceridemia

Yarina and the thrush. Some women write on the forums that they have thrush on aphids, or on the cob taking the drug. What the hell, how did it happen?

  • Take a single dose of Mycoflucan
  • drink Yarina to the end
  • after the tizhny pass go to the next OK
  • can be used with candles for girls (Geksikon D, Polizhenaks Virgo), as well as sprays (Epigen Intim, Panavir-Inlight)
  • to pay attention to etching, in case of impaired indications, taking probiotics (chilak forte, bactistatin)

A trace of memory, that the legacy of the reception of Yarini in all individuals: some are thinner, some are smoother, someone has no change in the vase. Some people have hair falling out, while others have a thicker stench.

Therefore, the side effects are individual for everyone. And for someone їх maybe and zovsіm not buti.

So feed “Lose weight from Yarini”, “What can you lose weight after Yarini” or “Tovstіyut chi from Yarini”, “What can you see from Yarini” ask stupidly. There are no signs of correctness.

In order to avoid side effects and colivan, it is necessary to choose the drug correctly. And for whom you should have an appointment with a good gynecologist, undergo obstezhennia and analyzes.

Installation instructions

How to take Yarina correctly? What day should I take?

The rules for taking Yarini are the same as for most COCs with 21 active tablets. You drink Yarin skin day at the same hour, drinking a small amount of water, stretching the 21st day. After that, take a break for 7 days (at this hour, the bleeding starts - menstruation). On the 8th day, you start drinking a new package.

UVAGA! A break in the reception of Yarini is able, but only once you have finished 21 active tablets. It is not possible to interrupt the reception of OK in the middle of the pack, otherwise it can cause severe damage in the robotic organism. When you bring the drug to you, it is necessary for you to take care of the doctor.

How to drink Yarina the first time?

How have you never taken a COC before?

Priyom Yarini should be started on the first day of menstruation (cycle). It is necessary for the fact that after the end of menstruation you did not have a chance to coristuate with additional methods of contraception, to that Yarina starts to work on the seventh day. If you started taking it on the 2-3rd day of the cycle, then even after the monthly, a few days for reliability, it is better to use a condom.

UVAGA! If you start drinking OK the first time, then it is necessary to consult with a doctor, go through obstezhennia and analyzes, it is necessary in order to choose the right contraceptive. Vіdpovіdne you zasіb - garantіy gornogo cob taking protizapіdnyh pills, without complicating.

How do you switch from another oral dose

Drink up the package, take a break for 7 days (there are 21 tablets in the blister) and start taking Yarina on the 8th day.

After a half term, abortion (in another trimester) and weekend

Call OK, you can start after 21 days, so there is no difficulty. But everything is more individual, so you need a facsimile consultation.

If an abortion is terminated on early terms (first trimester), then it is possible to start with Yarini’s admission right away.

madness Yarini

Yarina and alcohol. The instructions do not say that alcohol can be taken while taking Yarini. The summation of these speeches is permissible within reasonable boundaries. You can allow yourself 1-2 kelikhas of wine every hour. However, keep in mind that such cats, like oral contraceptives, put additional pressure on the work of the liver. Alcohol to kill the same. Plus, in connection with the introduction of alcohol, vomiting or diarrhea can develop, and this is negatively signified by the acquired drug. So alcohol itself pours into the central nervous system, causing drowsiness, memory loss. You can just forget to take a pill.

UVAGA! Oral contraceptives are contraindicated in case of impaired liver function.


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