The use of verb take. Phrase verb Take: values, shapes, examples and exercises

The use of verb take. Phrase verb Take: values, shapes, examples and exercises

We continue to master the complex moments of the Great and multi-valued English language. Today we are interested in the phrase verb Take in all the most common hypers. By the end of the lesson, we will know at least 20 of its various combinations and their values, as well as develop the skills of using these phrase verbs with the help of interesting exercises. So, proceed.

In the role of an independent faithful take Translated by verbs pick up, take, grab, apply any facilities. It refers to the category of improper verbs, so special attention should be paid on the forms of Take Past and Participle. Past time is expressed by the form tOOK. , and communion of past time - form taken. . We get such a scheme:


Note the change in the root vowel in ( a.oo) and finite n. In the form of communion. Consider examples of use take In various times and values.

From the table you can see how this verb is multivisible, even when it is used independently. And if you use it in conjunction with official words, then the phrase verb takes will have different values, practically unable to account.

Phrase verb Take:

Incurious in English, of course, do not surprise anyone, but with the phrase combinations of Take in terms of quantity can be compared unless the verbs of the group get. . To memorize them all, it's how to try to argue immense, so we selected for study only the most frequently used phrases. We will get acquainted with their use and translation, and then perform exercises to work out practical skills.

Take In.

The translation of this expression depends on the context. Phrase may matter assimilate, inclusion, make, spend, deceive, sew a thing, give refuge / shelter, work at home.

Take Over

Take Over faugable species have a more homogeneous semantic group: take responsibility, become a leader, engage in possession, accept position. Also Take Over is used in value transport to the opposite.

Take Along

Translations for this expression - take off, bring, take with you on the road.

Take off.

Another multi-valued example of Take Off: This phrase verb in translation sounds clean up, consider, reduce, discard, carry, take off, shoot clothes, enjoy success, cancel the ban, take a break.

Other English topics: Three forms of verb Catch - meaning and translations, examples of proposals

Take Up.

Depending on the context, the expression TAKE UP has many translations: raise, meet, do, acquire, shorten, discuss, accept the challenge, take a place.

Take Apart

The phrase verbs of this group can be translated with such words as analyze, criticize, disassemble into pieces, read sch., impose defeat.

Take Out.

In the verbs of Take Out contains the following meanings: delete, extract, get, write out, display stains, give will anger, bring out to take a walk.

Take Away.

Take Away design means select, pick up, remove, take away. Consumed in mathematical value subtract.

Take To.

The meaning of this phrase verb - make a habit to be addicted do to be attached to.

Take Back

Basic translation - return back. Also this combination can be expressed by phrases take your words back to recognize a mistake.

Take Down.

There are several options for the translation of the Take Down expression into Russian. In one context, it can be translated by words demolish, disassemble, destroy, and write down. In another situation, this phrase can be transmitted to the verb take off, for example Clothes or subject that hangs somewhere. And the third value of Take Down is expressed by phrases knock down, to reduce the price.

Take ON.

English phrases with such a design mean acquire, take, take to work, take, worry, take the case, compete.

Take after.

This expression is used to tell about similarity with another person. Take After - borrow.

Take Aside

Such a phrase can be compared with Russian expressions. take off the side, withdraw for conversation.

Take For

The combination is consumed in value confuse one with another, take someone / something for another.

Example Transfer
They take Me. for An American Actress. They accept me per Some American actress.

Take Around

This phrase design corresponds to Russian show surroundings, familiarize yourself with the locality.

Take ABack

Expression means extreme degree surprise; Amazement, puzziness.

Sustainable expression Take for Granted

The phrase is translated into a Russian phrase take down.

Sustainable expression Take Up with Someone

The last English phraseology for today. Means tie friendship, go with someone.

Phrase verbs are one of the characteristic features of the English language. They represent a whole indivisible semantic unit. The verb is combined with the postal (pretext or adorption), while its basic value may vary in fully or partially. One of the most common mistakes peculiar to newcomers is an attempt to translate every word. It should be remembered that in English there are many people who cannot be divided into composite parts, otherwise the meaning will distort.

Basic values \u200b\u200band forms

This verb refers to the wrong, so the second and third form differ from the standard. Take verb shapes are as follows:

  • take;
  • tOOK;
  • taken.

The main option is to "take, take". However, this word covers a wide range of values. In addition, when translating should be paid attention to neighboring words and context. This table provides sustainable expressions.

Here are not all sustainable phrases, it is only a small list. As the lexical reserve accumulates, you can supplement your personalized dictionary with new expressions.

Phrase verb to Take (in combination with pretexts)

The following table provides a list of the most common cases of word use. take Combined with different pretexts.

takeafterlook like someone to walk on, go to someone
against.testing dislike, do not love, be against
along.take with you bring
around.accompany, show (sights)
before.send to consideration to offer (question) for consideration
beLow.go down
bytake over your shoulders
fortake for someone
from.take away, deduct, reduce

1) shelter someone, give shelter;
2) take work on the house;
3) take (guest);
4) comprehend something, find out, understand


1) eliminate, remove;
2) reset weight;
3) decrease, stop;
4) Remove (clothing);
5) take off, climb the air (about the aircraft)


1) take over (duties);
2) go to work;
3) become popular, successful


1) Invite, Tale (in a restaurant, cinema), withdraw "into the light";
2) remove, delete

overreplace (at work), to make cases, duties
through.implement, bring started to the end

1) love to be attached;
2) addicted to get used to


1) take (something for certain purposes);
2) take on anything (some kind of occupation, profession), start studying;
3) take (place), take away (time);
4) continue, pick up;
5) raise a question;
6) proceed to anything (to the execution of responsibilities, etc.);
7) interrupt, appreciate

up ON.catch on words
up withbe satisfied with anything

Some phrases have two or more values. This feature must be considered when transferring. However, everything is not so difficult as it may seem at the beginning. Even if you are unfamiliar to any expression, when reading an article or book, you can guess the meaning of a lexical unit from the context and find the right transaction option. Next, you can clarify according to the dictionary, how true you understand the meaning. This method of replenishing the vocabulary stock is much more efficient than a simple memorization of a set of words.

Phrase verb Take (in combination with adverbs)

In addition to prepositions, they are also often formed with the help of adverbs. There are many different combinations (Verb to Take + Adverb). The following table presents a small list of similar lexical units. As mentioned in the previous section, some expressions have several transfer options.

takeaBackhit, capture surprise
aboardimmerse, take on board, ship to the ship

1) go abroad;
2) Become a famous, spread

accross (To)shot, transport

1) analyze in detail, understand;
2) criticize, cause defeat

aside.take toide, withdraw (talk)
away.clean, pass, carry, clean, take away

1) renounce, refuse, recognize your wrongness;
2) return (for the previous place, to memories, in the past);
3) Take back, allow to return


1) Remove (clothing);
2) knock off the armor;
3) to reduce the price;
4) destroy;
5) Record

Examples of use

Attempts to memorize phrases outside the context will not lead to success. It is very important to learn how to use new words in practice. In order to master the phrasal verb take, you need to include it in your speech. The following presents several examples of its use:

  • Whom Does Tom. take after. In His Family? - Which of his family is like that?
  • My Hobbies. take Up. A Lot of My Time. - My hobby takes most of my time.
  • I have taken Up. The Study of Spanish. - I took up the study of Spanish.
  • MOST OF THE PANANES take off. In Any Weather. - Most aircraft take off in any weather.
  • People Are Always Requested To take off. Their Coats At The Theater. - In the theater, people should always take overprices.

Exercises with answers

Another way to master the phrasal verb take - Work a lot of exercises. The multiple repetition and application of the learned material in practice will help well navigate in this topic.

Exercise 1

Take Up is a phrasal verb that has several translation options depending on the context. The next exercise for the translation from Russian to English will help to work out various cases of consumption of this phrase.

  • My neighbor took me too much time.
  • This red wardrobe takes too much space here.
  • Ann, take this book and start reading.
  • I intended to become a journalist after school.
  • She took up the music three years ago.
  • They raised this question at the meeting.
  • She wants to start working. So it proceeds (to the fulfillment of duties) next week.

Exercise 2

This exercise is intended to study some other phrase verbs.

  • Your son is very similar to you.
  • Remove the coat and drink a cup of tea.
  • Most people take me for my sister, because she looks like me.
  • I can't get used to this city.

Answers to exercises:

Exercise 1

  • My Neighbour Has. taken Up. Too Much of My Time.
  • This Red Wardrobe. takes Up. Too Much Room Here.
  • Ann, take Up. This Book and Start Reading.
  • I Intended To. take Up. Journalism After School.
  • She. took Up. Music Three Years Ago.
  • They took Up. This Matter On The Meeting.
  • She Wants To Start Working. So she is going to take Up. The NEXT WEEK.

Exercise 2

  • Your Son. takes after. You.
  • Take Down. Your Coat and Have Cup of Tea.
  • MOST OF PEOPLE take Me. for My Sister Because She takes after. me.
  • I CAN "T take To. This Town.

Phrasal verb take - One of the most common, therefore, the detailed study of various combinations will help greatly advance on the way of learning English.

We continue to study English in all its faces: vocabulary, grammar, syntax, etc. And today we will repeat the words already familiar to us go, Make, Get, Show, Eat, Play, Ride, Fall, MeetAlso we will analyze another very important lex for everyday English speech. Take (take, take) - One of the most common verbs in English. This is an incorrect verb, so it will be useful to remind his shapes:

  • To Take-Took-Taken-Taking

Verb Take and its place and role in English

Consider examples of proposals for each form:

  • What Shall I. take With me? - What should I take with myself?
  • DID YOU. take ALL THE NECESSARY THINGS? YES, I TOOK EVERYTHING WE NEED. - You took all the necessary things? Yes, I took everything we need
  • ANN SAID THAT SHE HAD Taken. HER MOBILE PHONE WITH HER. - Anna said she took Mobile phone with you
  • Where Are the Children? Tom Is. taking. Care of them. - Where are children? Tom Take care about them.

Often this verb is found not only in itself, but also in sustainable expressions, such as: Take ...

  • a sit - sit down, sit in place, take place
  • a word - take the word
  • oFF / ON - Shoot / Wear
  • care - take care
  • dOWN - shoot down, shoot
  • a Bus / A Train / A Car, etc. - Take bus, train, car, etc.
  • measures - take action
  • a shower - take a shower

For instance:

Take Your Sit, Please! - Sit down please!
I WANT TO TAKE A SHOWER. - I want to take a shower.
Tom Must Take Measures ABOUT HIS SON. - Tom must take action about his son.

We bring to your attention a few examples of proposals, where our verb will be used in different times:

Present Simple: Take Your Sit, Please, and Listen To Me. - Please sit down, please listen to me

Present Perfect: Tom Has Just Taken The Important Papers. - Tom just took important paper

Present Continuous: Where is Andy? He Is Taking A SHOWER NOW, CAN YOU CALL LATER? - Where are Andy? Now he takes a shower, can you call later?

PAST SIMPLE: I TOOK SOME FLOUR, MILK, AND EGGS, AND PREPARED A CAKE. - I took a little flour, milk and eggs and prepared a cake

Past Continuous: I WAS TAKING A SHOWER WHEN YOU CALLED. - I took a shower when you called

Past Perfect: She Said That She Had Taken All The Measures about That Affair. - She said that he took all measures about the way

Future Simple: Tomorrow We Will Take You Will to the Forest If You Want. "Tomorrow we take you with you in the forest if you want."

Take and modal verbs

Incorrect Take is well combined with modal verbs May, Must, Can, Need, Should, etc.

For instance:

  • May I Take Your Pencil? - Can I take your pencil?
  • You Must Take Measures about Your Son, He Behaves Very Badly. - You must take action about your son, he behaves very badly
  • Can You Take Me With You to Walk? - Can you take me with me for a walk?
  • We Need to Take Some Money with Us for Our Voyage. - We have to take some money with you on a trip
  • You shald take a bus, if you want to get to the airport on time. - You have to take the bus if you want to have time to go to the airport.

Sample text with verb Take

Pay attention to this text in which the incorrect verb "Take" is presented in different variations. Read carefully and follow how it behaves in these proposals:


And now we will proceed to the translation:

Jim entered the room and said he took her sister with him. We were glad to see them. They took places and we began our discussion. Alex wanted to take the floor. We started listening to him. He spoke about the importance of study. He said he took all measures to pass exams. Also Alex gave us advice on how easy it is to learn by heart. He said that we should take a piece of paper and write a short plan on the material. We took His advice for the rule.

As you can make sure, this verb may appear in different times and different forms.

Take use in various grammatical verb times

Along with "Take", in English speeches are often found and such wrong verbs, like: Go - Go, make - do, produce, get - get, show - Show, Find - Find, Eat - Eat, Ride - Ride, Fall - Fall, Buy - Buy, SIT - Sit, Meet - Meet.

We remember the shape of these irregular verbs:

  • To Go-Went-Gone
  • To make-Made-Made
  • To Get-Got-Got
  • To show-showed-shown
  • To Find-Found-Found
  • To eat-ate-eaten
  • To Ride-Rode-Ridden
  • To Fall-Fell-Fallen
  • To Buy-Bough-Bought
  • To Sit-Sit-Sit
  • To Meet-Met-Met

But how do you behave "Go, Make, Get, Show, Eat, Play, Ride, Fall, Meet and others" In sentences:

  • We go to play; Do you go with us? - We go to play; Are you going with us?
  • Let's Go There by Car - Let's go there by car
  • What do you do? I make An Application with Coloured Paper. - What are you doing? I make appliques from colored paper
  • Every time i see you, you make me smile - every time I see you, you make me smile
  • DID YOU MAKE A REPORT YESTERDAY? - Did you do a report / message yesterday?
  • Did You Get My Letter? - Did you get my letter?
  • CAN HE Get this Report? - Can he finish the report?
  • IT WAS A Terrible Fall - It was a terrible drop
  • Show Me Your Photos, Please? - Show me your photos, please
  • I Couldn't Find Exercises with The Irregular Verbs - I could not find exercises with wrong verbs
  • WE DIDNT PLAY COMPUTER GAMES - We have not played computer games
  • WE OFTEN FALL OUT WITH EACH OTHER - We often quarrel with each other
  • What do you like to eat? - What do you like to eat?
  • I eat too much - I Eat Too Much
  • THEY MADE A LOT OF MONEY - They did (earned) a lot of money
  • I Like to Ride a Horse. - I love riding a horse
  • Tom is Afraid to Fall, He is Nervous. - Tom is afraid of falling, he is nervous
  • I WANT TO BUY SOME SWEETS. - I want to buy some sweets
  • I Like to Play Board Games - I love board games
  • I Play The Horn - I play on Mountain
  • Sit Down, Please. - please sit down, please
  • MEET ME IN THE MORNING. - Meet me in the morning.

In general, wherever Kin is everywhere wedge from the wrong verbs. Let them do not strain you, and they will be your friends in English grammar. Repeat again forms of verbs: G o, Make, Get, Show, Eat, Play, Ride, Fall, Meet. Good luck to you!

Below are the values \u200b\u200bof the verb to Take with the use of various prepositions:

1. Take after. - To be like, bearing on (parents, relatives) - when they talk about the character, inclinations, etc.
- Mary Is Very Clever - She Takes After Her Mother. - Mary is very clever - she went to her mother.

2. Take Away.- take, clean, take away, select;
- She Was Taken Away to Hospital - She was taken to the hospital.
- Take 5 Away From 10 - Take 5 from 10.
- You can take the dishes away - you can remove from the table.

3. Take Apart- Another combination of verb Take, is important to analyze, disassemble;
- We Must Take Apart Your Sewing Machine - We must disassemble your sewing machine.
- I Will Take Your Problems Apart - I'll deal with your problems.

4. Take Aside - to withdraw, take to the side (for conversation);
- She Had to Tell Him Something Important Therefore She Took Him Aside - She needed to tell him something important, so she took him aside.

5. Take Along- bring, take with you (on the road), bring;
- He Took His Sister Along to School - He brought his sister to school.
- She Asked to Take Her Along With Me - She asked me to take her with me.

6. Take Back - take back, (words) return;
- I Take My Words Back, I Was Wrong - I take my words back, I was wrong.
- Take this Lamp Back to the Shop - Turn this lamp back to the store.

7. Take In. - to enter; remove (sails), sew (clothing); give shelter \u003d take residents; digest deceive; take work at home;
- The Piano Was Taken in and Placed in the Right Corner - Piano entered the living room and put in the right corner.
- I COULD NOT TAKE IN THE NEW LESSON - I could not learn a new lesson.
- She Made Her Living by Taking In - She earned a living, launching tenants.
- When the work at the office I Take It in - When I do not have time to perform work in the office, I take her home.
- I Have Lost My Weight and Had to Take in My Dress - I lost weight, and the dress had to be sewed.
- This Child Took US In - This is a child spent us.

8. Take Down. - remove (clothes), shoot (from somewhere), demolish, write, disassemble (car), destroy, reduce (price);
- I TOOK DOWN HIS INTERESTING SPEECH - I recorded her interesting speech.
- Mother Took Down The Lamp to Clean It - Mom removed the lamp to clean it.
- The House Was Half Ruined and It Was Decided to Take in Down - the house was half destroyed and was decided to demolish it.
- I Came in and Took Down The Wet Jeans and Boots - I entered and removed wet jeans and shoes.

9. Take ON. - take, hire (take a job), take on, acquire, worry; fight someone;
- I WONT TAKE ON TOOO MUCH RESPONSIBILITY - I will not take too much responsibility for myself;
- We Decided to Take On At Tennis - We decided to fight tennis.

10. Take Out. - delete, extract, remove; output (walk), output stain; destroy; reduce the scores, give anger output, write;
- If I Have Time I'll Take You Out to The Park - If I have time I will lead you to the park.
- WHATEVER I TRIED I COULDN'T TAKE OUT This SPOT - Whatever I tried I could not withdraw this stain.
- I'm Afraid But This Tooth SHOLD BE TAKEN OUT - I'm afraid, but this tooth needs to be removed.
- There IS No Need to Take It Out! - There is no need to get out of myself.

11. Take Off- remove (clothing), take off, carry, pass; take a break in work; imitate, copy; shoot a ban; take off enjoy success, gain popularity;
- Take Your Hands Off My Bag - take your hand from my bag.
- My Wife Fall Ill and I Have No Choice But to Take Some Days Off - My wife got sick and I do not have another choice, except to take a few days ran.
- The Plane Will Take Off AT 16:30 - The plane takes off at 16:30.
- She Took Off Her Hat and Put It On The Table - She took off her hat and put it on the table.

12. Take Over - take responsibility, take guidance, join; take over.

13. Take Through. - explain, exercise, bring to the end;
- Would You Please Take Me Through This Lesson? IT Seems to Be Difficult - You could not explain to me this lesson? It seems to me difficult.

14. Take To. - to be attached, addicted;
- He Was Taken to His Mother And Couldn't Do Worthr - He was very tied to his mother and could not do without it.

15. Take Up. - lift up; take (place), take (call); shoot, dig up; take something to shorten; do something; meet with anyone; acquire
- He Took Up His Luggage and Carried It To The Car - He raised his luggage and took the car.
- I'll Take Up Your Matter, Though It Sems to Be Complicated - I will take it for your business, although it seems difficult.

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So as not to miss new useful materials,

The next word with which we will work is phrasal verb take , the number of values \u200b\u200bof which is as large as with. If you look at the dictionary, find that the vocabulary dedicated to this verb takes not one page, and there are not so few examples of its use. We will be interested in combinations of this phrase verb with different, thanks to which this word acquires new values \u200b\u200bother than their main.

Values \u200b\u200bof the phrasal verb Take

As we know, the initial meaning of this verb is transmitted by the following words - to take, take, catch. In what other values \u200b\u200bcan you meet this phrase verb?

  1. Take after. - To be like (parents, relatives).

    Jane Is Very Short - She Takes After Her Grandmother. - Jane is very small growth, she went to her grandmother.

  2. Take Along - Take with you (on the road), bring, brief.

    She Took Her Sister Along To the Hospital. - She led her sister to the hospital.

    Take Me Along. - Take me with you.

  3. Take Apart - Disassemble, analyze, criticize (scold, read someone).

    Hept Two Days Taking His Car Apart. - He disassembled his car for two days.

    The Director Will Take Her Excuses Apart. - The director will quickly understand its excuses.

  4. Take Aside - to take to the side, withdraw (for conversation).

    IT WAS A Serious Question and She Decided to Take Him Aside in Order Not to Involve Others in the Discussion. - It was a serious question, and she decided to take him aside to not involve the rest in the discussion.

  5. Take Away. - clean, take, select; Remove, take away.

    HE WAS TAKEN AWAY TO PRISON. - He was taken to jail.

    Take 10 Away From 100. - Detection ten of a hundred.

    You can take ur plates away. - You can remove from the table.

  6. Take Back - Return, take back (recognize that your opinion is incorrect).

    It's Not Easy to Take Back Everything I SAID But I Will Do This. - It is not easy to take back your words, but I will do it.

    Take this Bag Back to the Shop and Change It. - Take this bag back to the store and change.

  7. Take Down. - remove (from somewhere), remove (clothes), demolish, write, disassemble (car), knock down the armor (from someone); Reduce (price), destroy.

    Did You Take Down His Speech? - Did you write it about?

    SHE TOOK DOWN THE PICTURE FROM THE WALL. - She took the picture from the wall.

    The Building Was Taken Down. - The building was demolished.

    Take Your COAT DOWN. - Remove the coat.

  8. Take In. - to enter; Seach (clothing), clean (sails); turn on; digest deceive; give shelter (take residents); take work at home; View, visit.

    IT WAS A BORING LESSON AND I DIDNT TAKE IN THE ESSENCE OF THE NEW THEME. - It was a boring lesson, and I did not understand the essence of a new topic.

    You Could Earn Some Extra Money by Taking In Students. - You can earn additional funds if you provide accommodation to students.

    She Takes in Sewing. - She takes a sewing house.

    She Took in Her Skirt. - She fell her skirt.

    We Were Completely Taken in. - We had great.

  9. Take off.- remove (clothing), take away, take off, carry; copy, imitate; take off shoot a ban; Purchase popularity, enjoy success; Make a break in work (take the rang).

    Take Your Hands Off The Table. - Take your hands from the table.

    I HAD A LOT OF WORK AND NOW I'm Going to Take Two Days Off. - I had a lot of work, and now I want to take two weekends.

    The Plane Took Off in Time. - The plane took off on time.

    HE TOOK OFF HIS CAP. - He removed the cap.

  10. Take ON. - take, take on; hire (take to work); acquire worry; Fight someone.

    She doesn't Want to Take On Too Much Work. - She does not want to take too much work.

    I Should Take You on At AT Basketball Sometime. - I somehow need to be harvested with you in basketball.

    The Word Took On a New Meaning. - The word has acquired a new meaning.

    The last sentence in the examples is very relevant for our article, because in different combinations a phrase verb take Really acquires new values.

  11. Take Out. - remove, remove, delete; output (walk) and output (remove stain); destroy; give anger output, reduce scores; To write out.

    Are you Taking Him Out for His Birthday? - Do you lead it somewhere on his birthday?

    Don't take it out on me, I am Not Guilty. - Do not dump it on me, I am not guilty.

    I'm afraid of taking out teeth. - I'm afraid to teeth teeth.

  12. Take Over - accept management, take responsibility, to host; take over.

    WHO'LL BE TAKING OVER FROM CHRIS WHEN HE RETIRES? - Who will take the place of Chris when he retires?

    After Discussions He Decided to Take Over The Leadership in Organizing Of this Expedition. - After several discussions, he decided to take a leading role in organizing this expedition.

  13. Take Through - Exercise, bring to the end, explain.

    My English Teacher Took ME Through My First Book of English. - My English teacher helped me cope with my first English book.

  14. Take To. - Purchase, attach.

    FOR Some Reason, I Town to Him Quickly. - For some reason, I quickly attached to him.

  15. Take Up. - lift up; take (call); shoot, dig up; shorten; to take place); take something to do something; meet with anyone; Acquire, take.

    I Think I Should Take Up Jogging. - I think I need to start running.


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