Prepositions and particles in French. French prepositions from and to de

Prepositions and particles in French. French prepositions from and to de

Pretext dE.Entering the complement of the noun can express relationships corresponding to the Russian Parental Padel:

Le Cahier de Ma Soeur. - notebook my sister's
Le DirectEur. de La Fabrique. - director Factory

Pretext à

Pretext à Indicates a wide variety of relationships and is one of the most common prepositions in French.

  1. Pretext à Serves to express spatial relationships (location, directions):
  2. Pretext à expresses temporary relations:
  3. The preposition A expresses grammatical relationships that correspond to other indirect cases in Russian:

Pretext jusque

Pretext jusque before expresses temporary and spatial relationships and is often used in conjunction with other pretexts, especially with à .

Jump the use of the pretext jusque:

jusque Chez Eux.
jusqu."à paris.
jusqu."à Six.
jusqu."à dix heures
jusqu."à samedi.

jusqu "à. + noun

jusqu."à la ville
jusqu."Au métro.

Prepositions à - dE.

Preposition A indicates the direction or goal of the movement (B, B). The pretext of DE indicates the initial point of movement (from, from, c).


ILS Arrivent à kiev.
They come (arrive) in Kiev.
ILS Arrivent de Kiev.
They come (arrive) from Kiev.
I go to the plant.
They return from the plant.

Pretext à denoting distance

Preposition A can enter the circumstance of the place denoting the distance from some place. In Russian, it corresponds to a pretext in or words at a distance:

Prepositions en and a. Before geographic names

In front of the noun feminine, denoting the name of countries (continents, regions, provinces, etc.), as well as noun male clauses starting with vowels, the pretext is used en When specifying a place or direction. After the pretext of EN Artikl is not used:

Je Vais. en Suisse; en Irak.
Il Fait Ses études en France.

In front of the noun male clan, starting with the consonant, the pretext is used à With Article:

Je Vais. aU. Japon.
Il Fait Ses études aU. Canada.

Prepositions of Places sUR and dans.

Pay attention to the use of pretexts before nouns la Place., le Boulevard., l "Avenue., la Rue., l "île.:

sUR La Place, sUR LE BOULEVARD, sUR L "Avenu.
dans. La Rue, (more often) dans. L "île.

Using the pretext of a when specifying the place of work

When specifying the place of study or work after the nouns denoting a profession, in French is used Preposition A (student, worker where - Unlike the Russian student, working what: Institute, Plant).

M. Roulin Est Caissier à La Banque de Paris.
Pierre Est étudiant à L "Institut Des Étrangères.
Julien Est Ouvrier à L "USINE RENAULT.

Prepositions avant. - devant.

Russian preposition beforeexpressing both spatial relationships (in front of the house) and temporary (before leaving), in French correspond to two different preposition: devant. and avant..

Devant. expresses spatial relationships; avant. expresses temporary relationships. Compare:

Pretext sans. + noun

Pretext sans. Forms with nouns without article the phrase, which is in the circumstance of the image circumstance.

Into Russian these phrases are translated either nouns With a pretext withouteither adchare:

sans. Repos - without rest
sans. Bruit is silent.

© Galina Vitalevna Grinchuk, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4490-3765-7

Created in the Intellectual Publishing System Ridero


The pretext is an immutable service part of speech, which is used to communicate words in the proposal and indicates various relations between them.

The use of pretends of the French language is a well-known difficulty, since the prepositions in French are used much more often and play it a more important role than in Russian due to the lack of nouns in the French language (which is why French prepositions are not transferred in many cases Language, but are expressed simply the form of the case).

Establishing unambiguous compliance between pretexts in French and cases in Russian is impossible, since, first, the same French preposition can correspond to various cases of Russian, (for example, "Je Suis Venu de Moscou" - "I came from Moscow "(Parental case), IL PARLE DE SA SOEUR" - "He talks about his sister" (proposed case), Nous Sommes Contents de Ce Cadeau "-" We are glad to this gift "(duty case)) and secondly Various French prepositions can correspond to the same case of the Russian language (for example: "Hélène Part Pour Paris" - Helen leaves to Paris (accusative case), "Nous Allons En Chine" - "We are going to China" (accusative case).

The use of the pretext, as well as its absence to memorize.

Chapter 1. Prepositions À and DE. Merge articles with pretexts.

Chapter 2. Glag Owl Management

Chapter 3. Simple pretexts of spaces.

Using prepositions with the names of cities, countries, regions

Chapter 4. Simple time prepositions

Chapter 5. Prepositions of Avant and Devant (Before)

Chapter 6. Prepositions Après and Derrière (after, for)

Chapter 7. Prepositions of Entre and Parmi (between, among)

Chapter 8. Simple prepositions expressing subject relations

Chapter 9. Simple prepositions expressing logical relations

Chapter 10. Repetition (Révision)

Chapter 11. Sophisticated Prepositions

Keys to the exercises (Corrigés)

Chapter 1. Prepositions à and de

Prepositions à and dE. - Two most common pretext in French.

Preposition à means:

1) Action committed in relation to the subject (addition corresponding to a dutiful case)

Envoie Cette Lettre à Ton Frère - Send this letter to your brother.

2) attitude to the subject

Hélène Plaît à Philippe - Helen Like Philip.

3) place location

J'habite à moscou - I live in Moscow.

Les Soldats Vont à La Guerre - soldiers go to war.

Je Vais à la Mer - I'm going to the sea

Elle Va à l'École - she goes to school.

5) temporary relationships

Nous Partirons à 9 Heures - We will leave at 9 o'clock.

6) action instrument

CE TAPIS EST FAIT à La Main - This carpet is made manually.

7) a way to perform action

Aller à l'Aventure - go at random (where you look)

8) Appointment of the subject

C'EST UNE BOîTE AUX Lettres is a mailbox.

9) belonging

A QUI EST CE CAHIER? - CE CAHIER EST À Daniel - Whose notebook? - This is a notebook of Daniel.

10) Distance


11) Sign of Item

J'aime Beaucoup Le Beurre à l'Ail - I am very sulking oil with garlic.

Je Suis Monté En Wagon à Couchettes - I am Seole in a sleeping car.

12) Appointment of the subject

Prends Une Bouteille à lait - Take a dairy bottle (bottle for milk)

Preposition DE means:

1) belonging

C'est Le Livre De Monique is a monique book.

2) point of departure

Je Rentre Du Travail - I come back from work

3) Origin

Je Suis de Lille - I'm from Lille.

4) the material from which the subject is made

J'aime Cette Robe Indienne - I love this stem dress.

5) characteristic sign

C'EST UN HOMME DE HAUTE TAILLE is a high height person.

6) measure, weight, quantity

Donne-Moi Un Verre d'Eau S'il Te Plaît - Give me a glass of water, please.

Achète Deux Kilos de Pomme de Terre - buy two kilos potatoes.

Il a beaucoup d'Amis - he has many friends.

7) a) the beginning of the action

CE Magasin EST OUVERT DE 9 Heures à 18 Heures - This store is open from 9 to 18 hours.

b) the time of action

Je Prends Tranquillement Mon Café du Matin - I quietly drink my morning coffee.

C'EST UN CONTE DE POUCHKINE - This is a tale of Pushkin

Pretext dE. also:

- Enters the additions of some verbs and adjectives.

Je Suis Très Content De Mon Voyage - I am very pleased with my journey.

Elle a orné Sa Chambre de Fleurs - she decorated her room with flowers.

- It is used after the verb in a negative form instead of an indefinite or partial article.


TU AS De La Chance (you are lucky) and Tu N'as Pas de Chance (you are not lucky)

Nous Avons Du FROMAGE (we have cheese) and Nous N'Avons Pas de FROMAGE (we do not have cheese)

- Replaces the indefinite article of the plural, when the adjective is standing in front of the noun.


J'ai Acheté des Fleurs Magnifiques (I bought wonderful flowers)

J'ai Acheté de Belles Fleurs (I bought beautiful flowers)

Merging Prepositions à and DE with Articles

In some cases, prepositions à and dE. merge with articles.

À + Le \u003d aU. (Je Vais Au Cinéma)

À + La \u003d à la (Elle Reste à la Maison)

À + l '\u003d à l ' (Nous Allons à l'Exposition)

À + les \u003d aUX Le ProfessEur Parle Aux Élèves)

dE + LE \u003d du Je Reviens Du Parc)

dE + LA \u003d dE. lA (Il Sort De La Maison)

dE + L '\u003d dE L ' (Les Enfants Reviennent De L'École)


Exercise 1

Insert the pretexts of à or de (do not forget about the merger of prepositions with article articles!).

1. Demain Tu Vas ... l'école.


3. Nous Habitons ... Moscou.

4. Vite ... Table! Le Déjeuuner Est Prêt!

5. C'est La Chambre ... Ma Mère.

6. Céline Plaît ... Tous Les Garçons de Sa Classe.

7. On a Tué Mon Grand-Père ... La Guerre.

8. Demain Je Mettrai Mes Habits ... Fête.

9. C'EST UNE FILLE ... Les Cheveux Blonds Et ... Les Yeux Clairs



12. Envoie Cette Lettre ... Ta Copine.

13. J'ai Déjà Vu Ce Pont ... Pierre.

14. Parle ... Tes Aventures ... Ta Mère.

15. J'aime Cette Tranquillité ... LE SOIR.

16. J'aime Beaucoup M'asseoir ... La Fenêtre.

17. Nous Partons ... 7 Heures.

18. TU Veux Un Verre ... EAU?


20. Achète 2 Kilogrammes ... Sucre, S'il Te Plaît.

21. Pensez ... Vos Enfants!


23. CE Dessin A Été Fait ... Le Crayon.

24. Des Milliers ... Gens Sont Venus ... La Fête.


26. Pierre Nous Parle ... CES VACANCES.

27. Nous Viendrons ... Deux.

28. Mr. Dupont Est Fier ... SA Fille.

29. On S'est Donné Rendez-Vous Sur La Place ... La Concorde.

30. La Banque Est Ouverte ... 9 ... 19 heures.


32. Je Connais Tous Les Habitants De Cet Immeuble ... Premier ... Dernier Étage.


34. Mes Parents Reviendront ... Le Mois ... Janvier.

35. Il Va ... La Plage ... Vélo et Moi, J'y Vais ... Pied.

36. Elle M'a Téléphoné ... Minuit.

37. Sylvie Chante ... La Radio.

38. J'ai Vu Un Bon Film ... La Télé Hier.

39. J'aime Beaucoup Les Vacances ... été.

40. JE VOIS QUE VOUS N'êtes Pas d'Ici. ... quelle ville êtes-vous venu?

French prepositions (prépositions) are immutable service part of speeches that serve to communicate words in the proposal.

In French, the prepositions are simple, that is, consisting of one word: à, Avec, Chez, Dans, En, Entre, Par, Parmi, Sans, Sous, Sur etc. Also can also be complex or composite, consisting of two or more words: à Côté de, Au Lieu DE, D'Après, Grâce à, Près de, Quant à etc.

  • Voilà Le Livre De Mon Ami. - here book mine friend.
  • L'ENFANT DORMAIT DANS SA CHAMBRE. - Child Span in his Room.
  • Il Était Assis en face de moi. - It Sitel On the contrary me.
  • CE LIVRE EST DIFFICILE à Lire. - this Book difficult to read.
Prepositions of Places

French prepositions and their use

Pretext dE. Indicates the genitive case, belonging and other meanings:

  • le Stylo de Pierre - Pierre's Book
  • la Lumière de la Lune - Light Moon
  • un Mur de Béton - Concrete Wall
  • l'Art De Créer - Art Creation
  • trembler de PEUR - tremble from fear
  • jouer de la Guitare - play guitar
  • un Kilo De Sel - Salt Kilogram

Pretext à Indicates a denational case, direction (somewhere) and other meanings:

  • Je Donne Ce Livre à Mon Ami. - I give this book to my friend.
  • Il Va à la Pharmacie. - He goes to the pharmacy.
  • Il Monte Au Dernier Étage. - He rises on the last floor.
  • CE LIVRE EST Très Facile à Lire. - This book is very easy to read.
  • Il Est à Paris. - He is in Paris.
  • Nous Partons à MIDI (à Deux Heures). - We are leaving at noon (at two o'clock).
  • Nous Allons à Pied. - We go on foot.
  • Parles à Voix Basse! - Speak quietly!

Pretext dans. - in (inside), through and other meanings:

  • vIVRE DANS UN BEAU Appartement - Live in Beautiful Apartment
  • dANS LE TIROIR - in the drawer
  • DANS CE CINEMA IL Y A TROIS CENTS PLACES. - In this cinema three hundred places.
  • Dans SA Jeunesse Elle Était Belle. - In his youth, she was beautiful.
  • IL REVIENT DANS DEUX JOURS. - He will come back in two days.
  • MON FRIER TRAVILLE DANS UN LABORATOIRE. - My brother works in the laboratory.

Pretext en In value in, software, on (method and image of action):

  • Il Voyage En Bateau. - He travels in the boat.
  • Nous Lisons en Français. - We read French.
  • CET ANNEAU EST EN OR. - This ring is made of gold.
  • Victor Hugo Est Né EN 1802. - Victor Hugo was born in
  • J'ai Déjeuné en Quinze Minutes. - I gave birth for fifteen minutes.
  • aLLER EN RUSSIE - Go to Russia
  • vIVRE EN FRANCE - Live in France
  • voyager EN Été - Travel in Summer
  • JE FERAI CE TRAVail EN DEUX JOURS. - I will do this work in two days.
  • monter en Wagon - climb into the car

Russian prepositions and their French equivalents

Pretext par It is used with an indirect addition when the verb in passive form, as well as with the definition of noun, with various circumstances:

  • CE TABLEAU A ÉTÉ PEINT PAR PICASSO. - This picture was written by Picasso.
  • faire Les Études Par CorreSpondance - Learn in absentia
  • sORTIR PAR L'Ascenseur - exit the elevator
  • fAIRE UN EXERCICE PAR ÉCRIT - do exercise writing

Pretext pour. It matters for, for::

  • J'ai Une Lettre Pour Toi. - I have a letter for you.
  • Merci Pour Ton Invitation. - Thanks for the invitation.
  • Marie Est Sortie Pour Acheter Un Journal. - Marie came out to buy a newspaper.
  • Nous Partons Pour Deux Jours. - We are leaving for two days.
  • L'Exposition Est Fermée Pour Travaux. - The exhibition is closed for work (on work).
  • être Pour Quelqu'un - Being for anyone
  • partir Pour Marseille - Leaving Marcel

Pretext SUR means on (surfaces) and other meanings:

  • Les Journaux Sont Sur La Table. - Newspapers on the table.
  • J'ai Collé un Timbre Sur L'Enveloppe. - I pasted a brand on the envelope.
  • Comptes Sur Moi! - Expect me.
  • Je Voudrais Une Chambre Sur Mer. - I would like a room overlooking the sea.
  • La Fenêtre Donne Sur Le Jardin. - Window goes to the garden.

Pretext avec. In the value of C, consumed with circumstances :

  • Viens Avec Nous! - Go with us!
  • Écriere Avec Un Crayon - write with a pencil
  • Écouter Avec Attention - Listen carefully

Pretext chez. - U, to:

  • Michel Va Chez Son Ami. - Michelle goes to his friend.
  • Lucie Habite Chez SA Tante. - Lucy lives at his aunt.

Prepositions avant. and devant. - Before, before:

avant - before the time circumstance; Devant - before the circumstance of the place:

  • Nous Avons Réussis à la Gare Avant Le Départ Du Train. - We managed to train before departure (before the departure) of the train.
  • Il Y A A Arbredevant La Maison. - There is a tree in front of the house.

Pretext entre. - Between (for the designation of space (time, place), which shares faces, items):

  • entre Les Deux Arbres - between two trees
  • entre Neuf Heures et Midi - between nine hours and half a day.

Pretext parmi. - Between, among (allocates one subject (face) from a group of objects (persons):

  • Y A-T-IL UN PROFESSEUR PARMI VOUUS? - Is there a teacher among you?
  • Parmi Les Spectateurs Se Trouwait Le Chef de Notre USINE. - Among the audience was the director of our factory.

Pretext contre - K (closely); vs :

  • Mettez La Chaise Contre Le Mur. - Put the chair to the wall.
  • ETES-Vous Pour Ou Contre Cette Décision? - Are you for or against this decision?

The prepositions in French are the most different, we only introduced you to the most basic. In order to feel freely with French pretexts, you need to read more French literature. We wish you success!

In French, a preposition is a service part of speech that does not change, it serves to communicate words in the proposal and indicates different relationships between these words (place, belonging, etc.) in this sentence. Prepositions may also not have a separate sense and serve as a simple "tool" grammar. In this article, we will analyze the values \u200b\u200bof the predictions "À" and "de" in French, as well as several more than the most consumed in speech.

Prepiction "À"

In French, the preposition "À" remains one of the most frequently used. What are the cases of its use?

1. It may be a pretext of the place and also denote:

Distance from any place:

Le Port Se Troupes à 2 Kilomètres de la Ville. - The port is 2 kilometers from the city.

La Salle de Sport se trouve À 30 mètres de Chez Moi. - The gym is located 30 meters from my house.

Location of someone:

IL EST À moscou. - He (located) in Moscow.

Il a Trouvé Les Cours de L "Italien à moscou." He found Italian courses in Moscow.

Direction of movement: IL VA À Moscou. - He rides Moscow. Nous Allons à Marseille. - We are going to Marseille.

Also, the French preposition "À" is used in expressions: À droite - right; à Gauche - left.

2. Can express an image of: s "Il Vous Plaît, Parlez à Basse Voix. - Please speak quiet!

3. Is a time preposition: on t'attend à minuit. - We are waiting for you at midnight.

4. Can express a way: we play together. - Nous Jouons à DEX.

5. It serves to designate costs or measure: A QUEL PRIX TU AS ACHETÉ CETTE ROBE. - At what price did you buy this dress?

6. It can be placed before an indirect addition:

Which is expressed by infinitive:

Il Commence à Regarder La Télé. - He begins to watch TV.

ELLE S "EST MISE À Pleurer. - She started crying.

Which expressed nouns and answers the question "for what?" (expresses the purpose of the subject):

UNE CUILLèRE À DESESRT. - Spoon for dessert.

Une Tasse à Thé. - Cup for tea.

Which expressed nouns and denoting belonging:

CE Journal Est à mon Frère. - This newspaper belongs to my brother.

CET ORDINATEUR EST À MON Père. - This computer belongs to my dad.

Which expressed nouns and answers the question of what? who? J'écris UNE Lettre à Mère. - I am writing a letter to my mother. Je M "intéresse à l" Histoire. - I'm interested in history.

7. In the French preposition "À" is also used in sustainable expressions (in conversational French):

A Tes Souhaits - Be His! (if the interlocutor sneezes).

A La Vôtre (à la tienne)! - For you! To your health! (when playing glasses).

A Table! - To the table!

A l'aide! - Help!

The French preposition "À", merging with certain articles "LES" and "LE", forms the migrant forms "AUX" and "AU":

Au Secours! - For help!

Je Suis Allé Au Cinéma Cet Après-Midi. "Today I went to the cinema after dinner."

Le Professeur A Parlé Aux Élèves. - The teacher spoke with students.

The French pretext "À" in Russian corresponds to the prepositions: C, on, in.

Preposition "DE"

The preposition "DE" in French is also very functional. It can also express various connections in the proposal.

1. The pretext "DE" serves to designate the place (serves to designate the initial point of movement): Vous êtes de moscou? - Are You from Moscow?

2. Plays the role of the pretext of time: Du Matin Au Soir - From morning to night, De Notre Temps - in our time.

3. Preposition of image image: Elle A Parlé d'Un Ton Méchant. - She said to an evil voice.

4. The preposition "DE" in French is also a pretext of the method of action: Il Joue du Piano. - He plays the piano.

5. Expresses measure (size): TU ES MOINS GRAND QUE LUI DE 13 CENTIMèTRES. - You are below it for 13 centimeters.

6. Used to express the reason: IL A TREMBLÉ DE FROID. - He trembled from the cold.

7. The preposition "DE" in French put in front of a direct addition: Je Lui Propose de Manger Chez Moi. - I suggest him from me.

8. The preposition "DE" is also used before an indirect addition:

If it is expressed by infinitive: Il N "A PAS PEUR D'Y Aller. - He is not afraid to go there.

If it is expressed by the name noun or pronoun: Cela Ne Dépend Pas de vous. - It does not depend on you.

9. French Preposition "DE" in the sentence may indicate belonging:

  • la Fourchette du Père - Father's fork;
  • la Table du Professeur - Teacher's table.

10. May indicate the material from which the subject is made:

  • marble steps - Marches DE MARBRE.

11. Gives an indication of the appointment of the subject:

  • chaussures de Sport - Footwear for sports;
  • la Salle de Sport - Gym.

12. may indicate the subject to which the action is directed:

  • taking Bastille - Prise de la Bastille.

13. may indicate the origin:

  • lE TRAIN DE MOSCOU - train from Moscow;
  • l "Avion de Nantes is a plane from Nantes.

14. May indicate an action instrument:

  • hand hit - Frapper de la Main.

15. French preposition "DE" is used in some stable phrases: wire - FIL DE FER, Town Hall - Hôtel de Ville.

Preposition "EN"

Analogue in Russian will be the prepositions "in", "software", "on" (image and method of action), as well as other meanings:

IL A VOYAGÉ EN VOITURE (EN BATEAU). - He traveled by car (in the boat).

J "Écris en russe. - I read in Russian.

CE BRACLET EST EN ARGENT. - This bracelet is from silver.

Alexandre Pouchkine Est Né EN 1799. - Alexander Pushkin was born in 1799.

J'ai Dîné en Quarante Minutes. - I dined for forty minutes.

Vivre en Biélorussie. - Live in Belarus.

Aller En Italie. - Go to Italy.

Voyager en hiver (en automne, en été). - Travel in winter (in autumn, in summer).

The exception is "spring": Au Printemps.

Je Vais Faire CE Travail En Quatre Jours. - I will do this work in four days.

Preposition "Pour"

The French preposition "Pour" in Russian is translated as "to", "for", "for", also exist other meanings:

ELLE EST SORTIE POUR ACHETER UN LIVRE. - She came out to buy a book.

J'ai Une Bonne Nouvelle Pour Vous. - I have good news for you.

Il Part Pour Trois Jours. - He leaves for three days.

Merci Pour Ton Accueil. - Thank you for the reception.

Le Magasin Est Fermé Pour Travaux. - The store is closed for repairs.

Partir Pour Venise. - Leaving to Venice.

TU Me Prends Pour Un Fou? - Do you accept me for a fool?

Preposition "Dans"

Most often, this pretext is a French analogue "through" and "B" (in the meaning of "inside"), and also has other meanings:

Dans La Boîte. - In the box.

DANS CE CINÉMA IL Y A UNE CENTAINE DE PLACES. - In this cinema of hundreds of seats.

Dans Son Enfance J "Étais Très Mignon. - In childhood I was very nice.

VIVRE DANS UNE MAISON CONFORTABLE. - To live in a comfortable house.

Il Part Dans Quatre Jours. - He leaves four days later.

MON AMIE TRAVILLE DANS UNE LIBRAIRIE. - My girlfriend works in the library.

Preposition "SUR"

This pretext matters on the surface of something:

Les Journaux Sont Sur Le Lit. - Newspapers on the bed.

Je Colle Des Timbres Sur Mon Enveloppe. - I stick the brands on the envelope.

COMPTE SUR EUX! - count on them.

CETTE FENêTRE DONNE SUR LA PISCINE. - This window goes to the pool.

Preponges "Devant" and "Avant"

What they differ, because both are translated as "before, to"? "Devant" is used before the circumstance of the place, and "AVANT" is used before the time circumstance:

ILS Sont Venus Au Port Avant Le Départ du Bateau. - They came to the port before the departure (before departure) of the boat.

Il Y A Une Piscine Devant L "École. - There is a swimming pool before the school.

Preposition "Entre"

From French "ENTRE" translates as "between" (it is used to designate space (place, time) separating objects, faces):

Entre 9 Heures et minuit. - Between nine hours and midnight.

Entre Les Deux Bâtiments. - Between two buildings.

Other prepositions

The preposition "Chez" has the meaning of "k, y" (it is consumed in front of the nouns, which indicate persons):

Nous Habitons Chez Notre OnCle. - We live at uncle.

Nous Allons Chez Notre Tante. - We go to our aunt.

There is a pretext "Contre" - against, to (in the value "close"):

ES-TU POUR OU Contre CE Projet? - Are you for or against this project?

Nous Mettons Le Canapé Contre Le Mur. - We put a small sofa to the wall.

The pretext "Avec" means "C", it is consumed with different circumstances.

Manger Avec Une Fourchette. - There is a fork.

Venez Avec CE Monsieur! - Go with this lord!

The preposition "Parmi" denotes "among", "between" (it is used to allocate one person (object) from the group of persons (objects):

Parmi Les Candidats SE Trouvait Le Premier Ministre. - Among the candidates was the Prime Minister.

Y A-T-IL UN INGÉNIEUR PARMI VOUUS? - Are there an engineer among you?

The preposition "Après" corresponds to Russian pretexts "after", "through", "For". Sometimes it is confused with the advent of "Après" (then, after, then).

1. It can designate location (behind something): Après Le Corridor, La Salle de Bain. - Behind the corridor - bathroom.

2. may mean "after some time lapse": Nous Sommes Revenus à Moscou Quatre Jours Après. - We returned to Moscow in four days.

3. Maybe as part of sustainable expressions: Soupirer Après - to wake up ..., sigh of ...; Après Tout - ultimately, in the end.


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