Where many potassium and magnesium. Magnesium and potassium preparations in pills for heart disease, cramps, for prevention

Where many potassium and magnesium. Magnesium and potassium preparations in pills for heart disease, cramps, for prevention

With a shortage of any trace element, serious failures in the work of internal organs and systems arise. If you know what products containing potassium and magnesium, to regularly replenish the stock of these substances, you can reduce the risk of developing the pathologies of the cardiovascular system, get rid of apathy, stress and insomnia.

The role of potassium and magnesium for the body

Magnesium (MG) and Potassium (K) are closely related to each other, since trace elements are poorly absorbed separately. These substances are responsible for the normal operation of the thyroid gland, the digestive, nervous, immune system, contribute to strengthening bone and muscle tissue. But most of all k and Mg are needed to prevent heart disease and vessels.

The benefits of trace elements:

  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • support the optimal balance of acids and alkalis, salts and water;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • eliminate increased blood viscosity, prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • normalize psycho-emotional state;
  • improve blood supply, strengthen myocardium, reduce the likelihood of developing various types of arrhythmia;
  • contribute to the normal flow of enzymatic reactions;
  • excess excess harmful cholesterol, toxic substances.

MG helps to cope with stress, takes part in the production of some hormones, activates the synthesis and the process of bile outflow, and also normalizes the operation of the digestive and immune system, strengthens the bone, facilitates manifestations of allergic reactions.

K supports the arterial indicators at a normal level, improves the flow of oxygen into the brain, reduces the risk of developing kidney diseases and the urinary system, eliminates the edema, contributes to an increase in physical endurance.

At the initial stage, the MG and K deficiency is manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, the ethnicity of the face and limbs, the attacks of migraine, convulsive syndrome, depression and neurasthenia.

Daily rate of potassium and magnesium for man

The daily dose K and Mg depends on age indicators, the presence of chronic pathologies and human gears.

Table "How much a man MG and K"

After injuries, burns, operations, in the presence of diabetes, chronic gastritis, enteritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, with ulcers increase the body's need in MG, K.

Top products containing magnesium and potassium

The regular use of food with a high content of potassium and magnesium will avoid migraine, hyperhydroposis, muscle cramps, arrhythmias, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome. Most of all trace elements per 100 grams of the product are in bran, legumes, vegetables, seeds.

In wheat bran, most potassium and magnesium

The product's namePotassium content in 100 g of product (mg)Magnesium content in 100 g of product (mg)
1160 580
Sea cabbage970 170
Soy.1375 250
Buckwheat grain380 250
Poppy585 530
Pumpkin seeds800 530
Sunflower seeds600 420
Dried apricots1890 50
Greens450 85
Beef335 22
Squid280 90

Thermal processing reduces the amount of magnesium and potassium in food.

List of products with potassium and magnesium deficiency

The list of potassium and magnesium-containing products is great, most of them are available year-round - you can replenish the stock of trace elements at any time.

Tile of bitter chocolate will help to fill the magnesium and potassium in the body

Table "What products are rich in potassium and magnesium"

Group of productsmain sources
VegetablesBeans, peas, corn, swallow, Brussels and white cabbage, Kohlrabi, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rope, Cucumbers, Garlic and Onions, Tomatoes.
Fruits and dried fruitsBananas, persimmon, kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, avocado, melons and watermelons. Dried dates, prunes, dark raisins.
CraisesBarneed, oat, pearl, wheat, manna.
Nuts and seedsCashew, cedar, walnut pistachios, almonds, peanuts, sesame seeds.
Meat, Fish, Sub-ProductsChicken, ramper, pork, lamb, beef, pork and beef liver.
Milk productsHard cheeses, cottage cheese, prokobvash, kefir, natural yogurts, sour cream.
Other products

Potassium and magnesium containing vitamins

With a strong decrease in potassium and magnesium indicators in the blood, to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies in people of old age, cardiologists often prescribe special medicines and vitamin complexes.

In which drugs contain potassium and magnesium at the same time

Imported drug to fill with calcium and magnesium microelements

These means include complex therapy in the treatment of heart failure, arrhythmias, during the reduction period after a heart attack - k, Mg increase the effectiveness of cardiac glycosides.

The level K, Mg is reduced with long-term reception of diuretics, contraceptives, insulin, hydrocortisone. The deficiency of trace elements can lead the abuse of salted food, alcoholic and gashed drinks, sweets, hard diets, dehydration, increased sweating, emotional overvoltage.


Despite the fact that the MG, K deficiency provokes the development of heavy diseases, in some cases use products and preparations containing potassium and magnesium, contraindicated.

If a person has a kidney problem, potassium and magnesium consumption is better limited

In which cases you need to limit the consumption of magnesium and potassium-containing products:

  • chronic kidney diseases, adrenal glands;
  • atrioventricular blockade;
  • increased content of k, mg in blood;
  • heavy forms of hypotension - a decrease in the indicators below the mark of 90/60 mm Hg. Art.;
  • miasti;
  • acidosis;
  • strong dehydration;
  • hemolysis;
  • violation of the amino acid exchange process.

In the elderly, with the reception of antibiotics, potassium-saving diuretic drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds increases the risk of excess MG, K in the body.

Prevention of potassium and magnesium shortage

To avoid the deficiency of K, Mg, review the food habits - in the diet there should be a lot of ferocular products of medium fat, lean meat, raw vegetables, greenery. Eggs eat no more than 2 times a week, reduce the daily amount of salt, eat only rye bread, not more than 200 g per day.

Refuse the harmful and heavy food, sweets, butter and mayonnaise, fuel salads with olive, linen, sunflower pumpkin oil. Observe the drinking mode - drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.

Avoid overwork, pour, lead an active lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air, give up destructive addictions, try not to take medicines that slow down potassium and magnesium absorption without necessity.

The potassium and magnesium diet is extremely useful for the heart, the products with a large content of these trace elements normalize the metabolism, activate the body's protective forces. But do not use them in large quantities, the excess K and Mg is also harmful to humans, as well as the deficit.

Potassium is the main macroelent that regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels. The table presents products rich in potassium, with which you can provide the required amount of mineral in the diet.

The daily rate of potassium may differ depending on age: children need to be used from 400 to 3,500 mg, and an adult - 4700 mg per day.

Age, years Potassium rate, mg
From birth to 6 months 400
7-12 months 700
1-3 3000
4-8 3800
9-13 4500
14-18 4700
19-50 4700
Over 50. 4700

The deficiency of potassium in the body can be caused by both physiological and pathological causes, including:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, crown disease, chronic diarrhea) that prevent the assimilation of the macroelement;
  • vomiting, diarrhea for poisoning;
  • abundant sweating over long time;
  • eating food rich sodium (salt, glutamate and other chemical additives contributing to the removal of potassium);
  • magnesium deficiency in nutrition, since it is Magnesia "holds" potassium ions in cells and prevents the mineral flushing;
  • the use of diuretics and laxatives that contribute to the enhanced elimination of potassium;
  • long-term treatment with corticosteroids (dexamethasone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone), cardiac glycosides (digitoxine, stanfantine, celainide);
  • the use of high doses of insulin with diabetes mellitus.

Beneficial features

Participating in the regulation of cellular processes to maintain the vital activity of the body, potassium performs a number of useful functions, such as:

  • normalization of acid-alkaline balance - the optimal ratio of acid and alkali in cells and blood (chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus are responding to the acid potential of fabrics, and potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, for alkaline potential);
  • water balance control - along with sodium adjusts the water level in the tissues, which prevents decrease or excessive cell filling (normal levels of potassium should be 2 times higher than sodium levels);
  • conducting electrical impulses - along with other electrolytes, participates in the formation and transfer of pulses on the nerve fiber and between cells (nerve impulses regulate muscle contraction, heart rate, reflexes and many other processes);
  • the formation of the energy balance, including the energy potential of cells, the absorption of glucose and the formation of glycogen reserves in the muscles;
  • the normalization of blood pressure - controls the reduction and relaxation of blood vessels;
  • has an impact on the work of the heart;
  • increases the blood circulation of the brain, which improves performance, memory, mood;
  • improves kidney performance, contributing to the discharge of protein cleavage products from the body (for example, urinary acid) and reducing swelling;
  • prevents the wheeling of calcium from the bones;
  • enhances the production of insulin by the pancreas.

Which products contain many potassium

Potassium is part of many food products like vegetable (greens, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts) and animal (meat, fish, milk) of origin. The table indicates the main products with a high content of potassium - from 300 to 1000 mg per 100 grams. It should be borne in mind that the mineral level decreases by 10-15% after heat treatment (especially when cooking meat and fish).

Products Potassium content per 100 g, mg
Fruits and berries
Banana 358
Black currant 322
Kiwi 312
Dried fruits
Dried banana 1491
Dried apples 640
Dried apricots 1162
Raisins 746
Phenic 960
Green salad 606
Spinach 558
Parsley 554
Avocado 485
Potatoes 425
Garlic 401
Sorrel 390
Cabbage Brusselskaya 389
Pumpkin 340
Beet 325
Carrot 320
White 697
White dried 3937
Lisuki 410
Champignon 277
Nut. 718
Peanut 705
Beans. 508
Lentil 369
Peas 362
Nuts and seeds
Pistachii 1008
Sunflower seeds 850
Pumpkin seeds 806
Hazelnut 755
Almond 733
Poppy 719
Hazelnut 680
Cashew 660
Green buckwheat 460
Barley grits 452
Rabbit meat 383
Pork 377
Beef liver 352
Beef 339
Chicken breast 391
Chicken 257
Goose 239
Duck 252
Turkey 239
Fish and seafood
Salmon 628
Keta 550
Halibut 528
Zander 499
Trout 463
Mintay 456
Carp 427
Herring 419
Octopus 630
Shrimp 259
Milk products
Powdered milk 1335
Condensed milk 375
Sour cream 212
Goat milk 204

Below is a list of products containing potassium in large quantities (from 500 to 3900 mg), which can provide from 50 to 80% of the daily mintage rate in small portions of 100-150 grams.

Dried apricots

Kuraga is the most useful dried fruit for people with the problems of the cardiovascular system, since the high potassium content (1162 mg) contributes to the normalization of pressure and increase the level of hemoglobin, especially during pregnancy. 100 grams of Kuragi fills the fourth part of the need for potassium.


Half of the minerals contained in mushrooms, have to potassium (3937 mg), and the remaining part is on phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, sodium and zinc. 100 grams of dried mushrooms provide 85% of the daily rate of potassium. The use of mushrooms is useful in atherosclerosis and angina, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also prevents cholesterol on the walls of the vessels.

Soy flour

A significant amount of potassium (2215 mg) is included in the composition of soy flour together with other minerals (calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, manganese), a large concentration of amino acids and fiber. Among the beneficial properties of soybean flour can be distinguished normalization of protein and fat metabolism, reduction of pressure and weight, strengthening vessels.

Cocoa powder

Cocoa strengthens and increases the elasticity of vascular walls, reduces blood pressure and stimulates blood circulation in the brain due to the presence of potassium (1527 mg), magnesium and phosphorus. In total, the powder includes about 300 valuable nutrients in the form of antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and fiber.


The level of potassium in dried bananas is four times higher than in fresh, 1491 mg. The chemical composition of the banana (potassium and magnesium) has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and normalizes the water-salt balance, and the high content of vitamins B and tryptophan, strengthening the nervous system.


Thanks to a rich mineral composition (960 mg of potassium), dates are recommended for use after severe diseases, as well as after heart disease, as they stimulate heart activities, tone and strengthen the heart muscle and vessels, prevent the development of varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases.


Pistachios contain 1008 mg of potassium, as well as magnesium and antioxidants (vitamins A and E), reduced inflammatory processes in vessels and capillaries and prevent violations in the work of the heart. The portion of pistachios in 20 grams in a daily diet fills the quarter of the daily rate of vitamin B6 and provides a flow of 200 milligrams of potassium.

Sunflower seeds

20-25 grams of sunflower seeds supply the body with minerals (850 mg of potassium, as well as phosphorus), which contribute to the absorption of nutrients from food products, reduce the risk of heart disease and vessels, prevent the increase in "bad" cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and also reinforce Impact on bones and joints.


The beneficial properties of the raisin are to strengthen myocardium, improving the contractile ability of the heart and conductivity of electrical impulses, to eliminate the swelling and decrease in blood pressure, as well as in the normalization of the CNS operation (removes the voltage, improves the sleep). The raism contains a lot of potassium (738 milligrams), nitrogenous substances, fiber, vitamins and minerals.


The dill greens contains 738 mg of potassium and makes it possible to fill the need of the body as well in calcium, phosphorus, gland, vitamins A, C, P, and B6. Thanks to the balanced content of potassium and magnesium in the composition, preparations based on green dill are used to treat cardiovascular disorders.


The use of otte is due to the large content of potassium (718 mg), calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, vitamin E and group B, protein, fiber, and is a diuretic, a lining and antibacterial action. Regular use of chickpea is recommended for nervous exhaustion, heart and liver disorders.


100 grams of raw or fried almonds provide a 15% organism from the daily potassium rate (733 mg), as well as phosphorus (65% of the norm), magnesium (67%) and calcium (25%). Almonds strengthens the walls of the capillaries and the arteries, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol and has a beneficial effect on the work of the brain.

Dried apples

Dried apples differ significantly in the composition of the fresh fruits of the high potassium concentration (640 mg), calcium, iron, vitamins B, essential oils, pectins and antioxidants. The use of drying is useful for the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, bones, brain and nervous system.

Octopus meat

Octopus contains the most potassium among animal products - 630 milligrams per 100 grams, is characterized by low calorie content (80 kcal) and high concentration of useful micro- and macroelements. The octopus meat includes magnesium, sodium, iodine, zinc, selenium and iron, a large amount of protein and vitamins (A, D, B6, B12).


Salmon, salmon and other varieties of red fish contain about 600 mg of potassium, useful for bones and phosphorus joints, as well as Omega-3 valuable fats, which improve the absorption of mineral substances, reduce cholesterol concentration in the blood and prevent the development of pathological changes in vessels.

How to determine the lack of potassium

Symptoms of potassium deficiency can manifest in the work of the nervous, cardiovascular and immune system in the form:

  • constant fatigue, irritability, depression;
  • tremor hands;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • deceleration of the pulse;
  • arrhythmia arising without significant causes;
  • frequent manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • shorts, wet wheezing in bronchi in the absence of colds;
  • increased and increasing urination (up to 3 liters per day);
  • nausea, pain in the stomach, frequent stool disorders and joining.

Update: October 2018

With age, all organs of the human body are wearing, including the most important of them - the heart. For example, the 99-year-old David Rockefeller, trying to extend the life, made the sixth of the transplant of a young heart. But since not all people on material and moral and ethical considerations are available to such a procedure for replacing this important body to more workable, it is worthwhile to apply to the prevention of its diseases.

Traditionally, in addition to the abandonment of smoking and excessively alcohol, loss of weight and normalization of lipid exchange in a number of recommendations on the prevention of development of cardiovascular diseases and their complications include potassium and magnesium preparations. As far as these funds are effective, and in what other areas of medicine they can play their role, consider in this article.

For what a man of potassium and magnesium


Potassium in the human body not only helps to work the conductive heart system and regulates, but also is responsible for the transmission of excitement from nerves on the muscles, and also regulates the intestinal operation and maintains water-electrolyte equilibrium, takes part in the regulation of protein and carbohydrate exchange due to activation of enzymes. With it, proteins are synthesized and the glucose transformation in glycogen is converted to the liver.

Kaliyat is rich in leaf greens, kuraga, raisins, soy, peas, beans, bananas, melons, watermelons, kiwi. Somewhat less than it in black bread and potatoes. Among the animal food is comparative with potatoes, the number of potassium is contained in beef and milk (see table at the end of the article).

Adult depending on physical exertion can be required from 2 to 5 grams of potassium coming from food per day. For example, in 1 banana, the daily rate of potassium. And from food, potassium is absorbed by interest by 90%, subject to the absence of problems in the body with suction and profuse diarrhea or vomiting.


Magnesium is mainly occupied by energy mining, as it helps to split glucose. It participates in a variety of enzymatic reactions aimed at increasing the stability of cells and their regeneration (due to protein synthesis, DNA). Improves neuromuscular transmission due to the synthesis of vitamins of group V.

When interacting with calcium, it participates in the contraction of the muscles, maintaining the tone of the vessels. Also, magnesium provides better calcium assimilation and regulates its level in the blood. For this, the ratio of calcium and magnesium in food should be 2 to 1. Due to this, the density of bone tissue and the preservation of teeth is preserved. Stabilizing the membranes of cells, magnesium allows potassium ions, calcium and chlorine to penetrate it through it. This achieves the coordination of cardiac rhythm and decrease in blood pressure.

Daily need for magnesium 400 mg per day. It is contained in breams, legumes, cabbage, nuts, sea fish and seafood. In milk and magnesium cottage cheese a little, but it is easily absorbed.

Excess is no less dangerous than deficiency

For any medicinal product, including Potassium and Magnesium, has its own testimony and strict dosages. At the same time, drugs must be appointed by the attending physician, and not recommended by a pharmacy worker or an article on the Internet. Therefore, "harmful fantasies" that, the more these substances fall into the body, the preserved heart, you will have to leave.

What is dangerous excess potassium in the body?

The maximum daily dose of potassium is 6 grams. When using 14 grams can. The initial excess of potassium in the body can be observed at:

  • chronic renal failure
  • sugar diabetes 2 types
  • with extensive injuries with tissue
  • against the background of radiation radiation or taking cytostatics.

With long use of high doses, you can get complications such as:

  • irritability, imperidity and anxiety
  • muscular Weakness, Heart Rate Disorders
  • intestinal colic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • students of urination and diabetes mellitus.

Excess magnesium

Magnesium limit - 800 mg per day. It is impossible to die from him, but in overdose you can earn chronic fatigue, kidney stones, hyperthyroidism, psoriasis. At the same time, it does not matter whether medicines will be taken or it will be bades with minerals. Magnesium is excessively delayed in the body at CPN.

Preparations of potassium and magnesium for heart and vessels


This is the most beloved and inexpensive drug of magnesium and potassium in tablets, which is accepted for both cheeks with most heart problems, ranging from arrhythmias and ending with angina. In fact, this source of potassium and magnesium aspargincture is not so harmless.

  • Its main purpose is to reimburse potassium losses when taking potassium-saving diurendic (furosemide, thoresemide, etcrinic acid, diakarba), for example, in the treatment of hypertension or. But the potassium-saving diuretic (Veroshpirius, Triampur, triamteren, amyloride, Epleranone) are not complemented by potassium-containing medicines. Hypothiazide and Indapamide also do not require potassium additions.
  • With ventricular arrhythmias, it is capable of normalizing rhythm. But more often with paroxysmal or it is used as auxiliary means. It is also used in atrial violations of rhythm (extrasystoles) in combination with antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • For prevention, it is often used in the elderly at repeated extrasystole, paroxysmal tachycardia, against the background of low potassium blood, during the period of accents of angina and unstable arterial hypertension.
  • In the treatment of cardiac glycosides, Panangin improves their tolerance and smoothes side effects.

Contraindications serve: Acidosis, Miasthenia, Atrioventricular blockages, Cardiogenic shock with low blood pressure, hemolysis, dehydration, potassium metabolic disorders and magnesium. With caution, the drug is prescribed in pregnant women and nursing.
Interaction with other medicines: Co-use with beta-adrenoblockers, ACE inhibitors, cyclosporins, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory increases of potassium overdose risks.

Price: 50 Tab. 120-140 rubles.


This is a cheaper version of Pangen with a similar composition (potassium and magnesium asparginat), indications, contraindications, side effects and dosing regimen.
Price: 56 Tab. 70-120 rubles.

Other Analogs of Panagina: Asparkad, Pamaton, potassium magnesium asparginate in tablets and solutions for infusion.


Orocamag - potassium and magnesium orotat in capsules is used in comprehensive therapy and suprazdrocepical exrstolia. Not shown pregnant and nursing. It has similar pantangin contraindications and side effects.

Magnesium preparations


Magnerot. - Magnesium orothat dihydrate in tablets of 500 milligrams. From side effects gives allergies, appetite disorders, nausea and diarrhea. With caution can be used in pregnant women and nursing, subject to balance of magnesium level in the blood.
Indications for appointment Magnesium deficiency associated with this microelement arrhythmia, progressive angina, chronic heart failure, muscle spasms, vessels, endarterite, fat violations.
Contraindicated: with urolithiasis, renal failure, in children up to 18 years old, in the intolerance to the milk sugar (lactase deficiency), glucose suction disorders.
Price: 20 Tab. 300 rubles, 50 table. 600-700 rubles.

Doppelgers Active

This is a bad unit with a combination of magnesium and calcium. It is used for the same states as Magnesot.
Price: 30 Tab. 350 rub.

Magnesium and potassium for cramps

Clearance, sensations of tingling, crawling goosebumps are associated with a violation of neuromuscular transmission and may arise against magnesium deficiency. Detect the situation and the shortage of vitamins of the group B, in which magnesium is involved in the synthesis. People may begin to suffer from muscle twitching, called convulsions, with:

  • Dehydration
  • Electrolyte disorders on the background of diarrhea and vomiting
  • When taking diuretic or laxatives
  • Thoughtless intestinal cleaning with frequent enemas
  • With starvation

Most often, this is observed in the elderly at night, when one or both legs begin to no longer and involuntarily twitch, delivering often a lot of trouble and disturbing sleep. With the same problems face faces:

  • Abuse alcohol
  • Flawed lead, manganese, cadmium, aluminum, nickel, beryllium, cobalt
  • After resectations of the small intestine, with impairment of suction in it
  • With diabetes
  • Against the background of treatment with gentamicin and antitumor agents

At the same time, convulsions can be common and capturing a variety of muscle groups, pregnant and children in periods of intensive growth may suffer similar states. In order to cope with these unpleasant phenomena and sensations, patients are prescribed courses of drugs containing magnesium and supplemented by Vitamins B.

Magne B6.

These are tablets or an internal reception solution. The composition contains magnesium lactate dihydrate in combination with pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6). The amount of magnesium in the tablet corresponds to 48 mg of bivalent magnesium.

  • in addition to muscle spasms, the drug can be used with magnesium deficiency
  • heart rhythm violations
  • spasms in the gastrointestinal tract
  • sleep disorders, increased excitability or irritability.

Showing a course of drug (on average within 4-6 weeks). It is drunk at 6-8 tablets per day in 3-4 receptions. Tablets and the solution are taken for food by drinking water. The solution can be pre-breed in the water half-table.
Medicine contraindicated In renal failure, children up to six years, fructose intolerance, glucose and sucrose suction disorders. Unacceptable sharing with Levodopa. Not recommended pregnant and nursing, as it penetrates milk and through a placental barrier.
Side effects: As an undesirable effect is known for nausea, vomiting, liquid frequent chair, meteorism.
The poisoning can occur only with a significant drop in the speed of glomerular filtration of kidneys and is manifested in falling blood pressure, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, depression, inhibition of respiration, heart rate disorders.
Price: Magne B6 50 Tab. 550-700 rub., Magna B6 Forte 30 Tab. 700-800 rub.

Analogs of Magne B6.

Magnistad - tablets containing a combination of 470 mg of magnesium of dihydrate lactate and 5 mg of pyridoxine hydrodhloride. The special shell of the tablets dissolves only in the intestines, providing maximum absorption of the drug. Indications, side effects and contraindications are the same as Magne B6.

  • Magostad

50 table. 200 rubles.

  • Magna Express Sasha

20 table. 640 rub.

  • Magnelis B6.

50 table. 350 rub.

  • Magnesium systemics + B6

30 table. 500 rub.

Other readings of these drugs

  • Magnesium sulfate or magnesia - a hypotensive drug that reduces the edema of the vascular wall, lowering blood pressure. For a long time, it was used as a drug to relieve hypertensive crises, including pregnant women. Today, it is mainly used as a means of successfully lower intracranial pressure under intramuscular administration.
  • In Magnesium Powder Sulfate - This is a laxative, increasing the passage of bile, due to the bile acids of which is realized by a relaxing effect. Previously, hepatic tubi was used. Drinking magnesium sulfate and climbing right sideways. Today it is not practiced, since more efficient use of ursodoxysholic acid preparations.
  • In droppers Magnesium sulfate It is used in pregnant women to reduce swelling and as a tocolic that reduces the tone of the uterus. Preparations of potassium and magnesium are also included in the compositions of polarizing mixtures, which today anesthesiologists are called "paralyzing" and are seriously not considered.

Thus, magnesium and potassium preparations today have more auxiliary value and are designed primarily to carry out substitution therapy with a lack of microelements in the body. What drugs are better, and in general, the expediency from the reception should be solved only by the attending physician, taking into account this clinical situation in a particular patient.

How many potassium, magnesium in products?

The table shows a list of products - fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, fish, dried fruits, beverages - with the maximum content of potassium and magnesium (mg per 100 gr. Product). With normal absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body and the full nutrition of the deficit of these trace elements, a person should not occur.

  • watermelon

potassium 175 mg / 100g
Magnesium 25.

  • avocado

potassium 440.
Magnesium 125.

  • bananas

potassium 390.
Magnesium 40.

  • apricots

potassium 340.
Magnesium 20.

  • cherry

potassium 290.
Magnesium 27.

  • grapes

potassium 215.
Magnesium 18.

  • oranges

potassium 160.
Magnesium 13.

  • peach

potassium 150.
Magnesium 15.

  • apples

potassium 108.
Magnesium 9.

  • plum

potassium 85.
Magnesium 16.

potassium 1020.
Magnesium 130.

In the daily diet of each person there must be a certain norm of micro and macroelements to maintain all organ systems in a healthy state. Magnesium, calcium and potassium are three "whales", which underlie the health of cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and excretory systems. They take part in many metabolic processes, are responsible for the beauty of the skin, nails and hair. In which products they contain most and what is the daily rate of these trace elements?

The benefits of magnesium, potassium and calcium for human health

Magnesium (MG, Magnesium) is contained in the human body in such percentage ratio: 60% in soft tissues, 38% - in bone and 2% - in blood plasma. The total number of MG in our body - approximately 30 g. Its role is large enough:

  1. Formation of bone skeleton and dental enamel (along with calcium and phosphorus).
  2. Lowering cholesterol in blood.
  3. Beneficial effect on the nervous system, increasing stress resistance.
  4. Participation in protein synthesis processes, glucose, phosphoric and carbohydrate exchange, genetic information transmission, nutrient transportation.
  5. Removal of toxic substances.
  6. Prevention of gallstone disease.
  7. Improving intestinal peristaltics, reducing the risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

One of the most important magnesium functions in the body is to maintain the work of the cardiovascular system. It is closely connected with other important elements - potassium and calcium.

Calcium (CA, Calcium) takes part in the processes:

  • blood clotting;
  • excitability of nervous tissue;
  • metabolism;
  • activation of important enzymes and hormones.

Calcium in the human body contains:

  • in the teeth and the bone skeleton (1 - 1.5 kg, which is 99% of the total Ca content in the body);
  • as part of membranes and core cells;
  • in fabric and cell fluids.

Its regular reception contributes to the ability of the body to resist allergens, reduces the risk of acidosis.

Potassium (k, kalium) in the human body is an intracellular element and is contained in the amount of 180. It regulates:

Takes part in the processes:

  • transmission of nerve impulses;
  • fermentation;
  • carbohydrate and protein metabolism;
  • excretory renal function;
  • intestinal activity;
  • nervous regulation of heart abbreviations.

Regular taking potassium normalizes blood pressure, prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Daily rate

In order to maintain the body in a healthy state, it is necessary to follow the balance of important trace elements. There are certain norms of consumption that you need to follow. For example, the amount of magnesium that comes along with food or in tablets should be at least 350 mg. The recommended rate for an adult is about 500 mg. At the same time, pregnant women are encouraged to increase this figure to 1200 mg.

Calcium rate for adults and children is different, and for women during lactation and pregnancy - increases (from 1500 mg to 2000 mg). The table shows the daily rate of CA, taking into account age and gender.

Potassium consumption rate is calculated individually. At the same time, the role is plays not only age, but also weight, gender, the number of loads. The table shows the indicators only for some cases. To avoid the overaction of a trace element in the body or, on the contrary, its shortages, it is better to consult a doctor to calculate the individual norm.

Important! The overaffect of potassium can entail a fatal outcome! A deadly dose is 14 g, and toxic - 6 g of trace element.

What happens to the body in the event of a lack of magnesium, potassium and calcium?

With an insufficient number of necessary trace elements, human health deteriorates significantly. This can lead to various diseases and serious violations in the work of all organ systems. Magnesium deficiency leads to such consequences:

The following symptoms indicate not enough calcium in the body:

  • nail fragility, deterioration of the appearance of the skin, hair;
  • frequent cramps, numbness of fingers, pain in the joints;
  • tachycardia, increased blood pressure;
  • nervous System Disorders: Irritability, Fast fatigue;
  • in women - abundant and painful menstruation;
  • in children - slowdown in growth and muscle development.

With a lack of potassium, first of all, the malfunction of the cardiovascular system arise:

  • arrhythmia;
  • failure;
  • attacks;
  • myocardial diseases;
  • enhance arterial pressure.

But the lack of this trace element affects almost all important organ systems, violations arise:

  1. Nervous system - depression, apathy, chronic fatigue, exhaustion.
  2. The urinary system is a deterioration in the work of the kidneys, adrenal glands, infertility, erosion of the cervix, frequent urination.
  3. From the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, diarrhea, inhibition of intestinal functions, gastritis, ulcerative disease.
  4. The respiratory tract is the oppression of the pulmonary function, intermittent, surface breathing.

The appearance also leaves much to be desired. Lack of potassium destructive effect on the beauty of hair, skin, muscular tone. Due to the reduction of immune protection, there is a manifestation of allergic reactions, rashes, pigment spots.

Important! The overaction of calcium, magnesium and potassium is also extremely harmful. In some situations, it can even lead to a fatal outcome! Deciding on the reception of these trace elements in tablets independently can not. Contact your doctor and strictly follow the rules prescribed by a specialist.

Magnesium sources

Most of the magnesium in an easily-friendly form can be obtained from germinated wheat, legumes, buckwheat. Use pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cedar nuts, almonds and cashew as a snack. Add sesame seeds to salads and wheat bran. The daily need for magnesium with scarce nutrition can fill a pair of decrees of rye bread. Also, magnesium sources are chocolate, cottage cheese, sour cream, seafood, fish.

In order for magnesium to be absorbed, it is necessary to take it with calcium in the proportion of 10 to 7.

Where is the most calcium?

The main source of calcium for adults and children is dairy and fermented milk products. Everyone knows about the benefits of cottage cheese, milk, sour cream for the condition of bones, joints and teeth. But there are other products that beat all records in the content of calcium in them. Thus, the milk contains only 120 mg of Ca per 100 ml of the product, while the parmesan cheese contains 1300 mg / 100g, and conventional solid cheese is about 1000 mg per 100 g of the product. Greens, cereals, legumes are also natural sources of trace element.

In order for calcium to be absorbed, vitamin D is needed, which can also be taken separately in tablets or receive from daily diet. It is contained in animal products - in the same milk, fish, eggs, in beef and chicken liver.

Products with the greatest content of potassium

Most potassium is contained in greenery. Take care that spinach, sorrel, dill, parsley, latch can be attended in the diet. Potatoes, fish and dairy products are also rich in this trace element. Honey, bananas, and sunflower seeds will help restore potassium lack after a long workout, useful for the heart and stomach. Also, you should not refuse to yourself in citrus, nuts, grapes and dried apricots (dried apricots).

When drawing up a daily diet, consider that the prevailing quantity quantity you should receive from animal products. A large amount of plant food violates sodium balance in the body and contributes to its removal.

Useful food tables

If you take care of your health and family members, we advise you to print the following tables and attach to the refrigerator door. Especially for you, we made a selection of available products that contain magnesium, calcium and potassium. Using these tables, it is easy to make a daily diet rich in useful trace elements.

Table 1. Magnesium sources

Product MG / 100 g content
Wheat bran 590
Soya beans 250
Beef, pork 27
Chicken meat 37
Bananas 39
Fig 64
Bean Bean 130
Groes "Hercules" 139
Almond 163
Peanut 170
Cocoa powder 414
Milk cow 12
Whole grain white bread 92
Rye bread 70
Chicken egg 47
Spinach 58

Table 2. Products containing calcium

Product CA content per 100 mg / ml
Parmesan cheese 1300
Solid cheeses 1000
Cow's milk 2.5% 120
Milk defatted 125
Milk serum 80
Cress Salad. 214
Young nettle 713
Shipovnik 257
Dill 126
White cabbage 210
Milk chocolate 240
Dark chocolate 60
Dairy ice cream 140
Beans. 194
Pistachii 130
Almond 250
Boby 200
Sardin Atlantic 380
Crabs 100
Shrimp 90
Bran bread 50

Table 3. Products containing potassium

Product Content to mg per gram of product
Potatoes 429
Cabbage 148
Carrot 129
Beet 155
Bread 240
Soy. 1796
Beans. 1061
Peas 900
Milk cow 127
Beef 241
A fish 162
Dried apricots 1717
Sea cabbage 970
Prunes 864
Walnut 474
Raisins 860
Cashew 553
Mustard 608

About potassium and magnesium standards can be found in the following video:

Healthy and balanced nutrition can not do without taking into account the daily rate of the necessary trace elements. Also do not forget about the outdoor walks, sunbathing, drink more liquid and lead an active lifestyle. And be healthy!

In contact with

For the normal operation of the body, there is a sufficient flow of vitamins and minerals. Potassium and magnesium play an important role. Minerals regulate the work of immune and cardiovascular systems, harmonize metabolic processes, ensure the health of the internal organs. What products contain potassium and magnesium?

The role of minerals

Potassium regulates the work of many organs and systems, in particular, is useful for the heart. It improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol levels, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents the formation of plaques. Mineral stimulates metabolic processes, contributes to the saturation of the brain with oxygen, which improves mental activity.

Potassium has a positive effect on the work of the central nervous system, prevents stress and depression.

Mineral participates in the process of transformation of sugar into energy, increases physical strength and endurance. It improves muscle tone and muscle contractile ability. Potassium regulates the work of the kidneys and the urinary system, removes excess fluid from the body. This avoids the swelling.

Potassium and magnesium improve the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the metabolism is activated.

Magnesium stimulates the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, increases the density of bones due to the best absorption of calcium, sodium and potassium. It favorably affects the immunity, the work of the cardiovascular system, has a cardiac rhythm.

Mineral maintains DNA stability, reduces the risk of developing genetic diseases. Its application is shown during the planning of pregnancy and tooling the baby.

Magnesium stabilizes blood sugar levels improves nerve signals, adjusts the process of excitation and braking of the nervous system. A sufficient entry of the element reduces anxiety, normalizes sleep, eliminates nervous disorders.

Daily need

The daily rate of potassium and magnesium depends on many factors: age, gender, lifestyle and nutrition, physical condition, body weight.

Increase the flow of minerals, it is necessary for women during pregnancy, lactation and menopause, men with large physical exertion. The need for potassium increases with prolonged vomiting, diarrhea or towing diuretic drugs. A greater magnesium intake is required in the postoperative period, under stress, alcohol abuse, receiving some groups of drugs (hormonal contraceptives, diuretics, laxatives).

Products - sources

Plant sources of potassium can be divided into 4 categories: fruits, nuts, dried fruits and cereals. During the abundance and availability of fresh products, try to prepare dishes from them. Use fruits and vegetables, grown and collected in season. Be sure to include potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, currant, bananas, melon, oranges in the diet.

From dried fruits, choose the Kuragu, figs, prunes. From nuts with useful properties, almonds, walnuts and cedar nuts, cashews differ. From the croup give preference wheat and rye, oatmeal.

From the products of the animal origin, choose the poultry meat, pork, beef, as well as sea fish.

Table of products rich in potassium
Product Mineral content in 100 g, mg
Tea 2367
Dried apricots 1876
Coffee beans 1750
Watermelon 1705
Cocoa powder 1660
Soy. 1376
Wheat bran 1150
Bean, raisins 1020
Prunes 912
Pistachii 822
Pine nuts 760
Almonds, peanuts 740
Peas 728
Dried bream 534
Mackerel salty 519
Potatoes 470
Halibut 450
Avocado 444
Mintay 424
Bananas 390
Buckwheat 380
Artichoka 375
Pork 321
Meat goose, rabbit 240

Magnesium is predominantly found in vegetable products. A small percentage of mineral enters the body with rigid drinking water.

Potassium and magnesium perform important functions in maintaining normal organism. Add products containing minerals to the diet to avoid their deficit, poor well-being and developing serious diseases.

4.5 4.5 (2 estimates)

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