Robots games. Games robots games about robots that shoot and fly

Robots games. Games robots games about robots that shoot and fly

Currently, the term robot is already a little associated with the word work that was initially laid out. Of course, industrial robots honestly work out their destination in factories and plants and no one is going to cancel these functions. However, now robots are more connected with two-legged human-like mechanisms living in an independent life. At least in the gaming industry, the games of robots online, just the second category are devoted. Most often there are games where the chief hero is usually a person, anticipate hostile robots. Here the fantasy of developers does not shine diversity - everything comes down to an ordinary shootout with superior enemy forces. All the same, robotic enemies do not shine with their artificial intelligence. The speed of shooting and reaction - yes, but you won't call them smart machines. Our main character can always choose the key to victory over these walking cans, using level objects or, simply, attacking the enemy from the most vulnerable side. Sometimes there are shooters with robots, where the main character is the mechanical hero itself. And here we are already trying on the role of this powerful and technically equipped creature. Playing robots for two, the player has the ability to use the superconductors of this reasonable car in the company of his friends. It is the shooting of lasers, different magnetic devices for climbing walls, reactive, energy shields and many other interesting and useful things. With us, you will also find epic battles, where there are a large number of cybernetic characters on both sides, here the interest and passion for the process goes to a high level, because the games of the robots have enjoyed the highest demand among gamers. In single missions, playing can feel herself as a terminator, transformer or robocop, which are not very terrible with a bullet, nor explosions. For lovers of puzzles and physics, there are a number of games in which robots participate in certain experiments that check their professionality. The main goal of reasonable mechanisms is to survive by passing through fire and water, a variety of test polygons with changing gravity, moving boxes and blocks in levels with a multitude of obstacles and traps. In general, the players will have from what to choose, and the pleasure of the game in the company of intelligent robotic cars we guarantee you. Come to us more often, and we will try to section free games Robots online have always been replenished with fresh novelties of this exciting genre.

Oh, how do you want the future as soon as possible! Robots will help you bring it closer. After all, the games about robots for boys are an excellent training of interaction with the race of artificial intelligence! In addition, the robots games are a great way to relax and have fun. Look into the future and get together with smart machines it is quite simple - you can do it on our site right now!

Who are such robots

About robots and what the excellent future awaits us after their appearance, has already been filmed a lot of films and a lot of books are written. The first robots have appeared long until the invention of modern computers, and since then, the representation of humanity about these "metal people of the future" has not changed much. We all want to see mechanical assistants who will walk with their iron dogs through the streets of cities, walk to special robot clubs a, maybe some kind of rebellion of cars.

In fact, it is no longer necessary to wait. After all, robots have long been among us, and we practically do not notice their presence and do not realize that the long-awaited future has come. No, it's not that, as in the movie "Electronics", robots are too similar to people and are not noticeable in the total mass. On the contrary, modern robots are not too similar to people - but it does not prevent them from facilitating our lives.

In the broad sense of the word, any automated technique includes robots. And standing at your home washing machine, and the crane on the automatic line for the assembly of passenger cars is all robots! And even fun running round bursts of robots-vacuum cleaners and the truth seem to be alive. But neither the hands, no legs nor, especially, they have no complex relationships on the basis of electronic emotions: however, no one says that the development of robotics will stop on vacuum cleaners!

Progress does not stand still!

Close to the classical ideas of robots are now being developed by leading scientific centers of the world. Ahead of the planet is here Japan: there are no longer appeared, but it is on sale robotic dogs that are buying lonely older people. Electronic pets not only can perform guide functions (for which it was originally created), but they even know how to label to the owner and "love" to play.

If we talk about human booded robots (they are the main characters of any game about robots), then they are not yet done entirely. But we are engaged in the production of individual robotic parts of the body, such as hands or feet. And they are used very differently! Somewhere automatic fingers serve to help a person in small routine work like an assembly of parts, and somewhere they are used as "smart" prostheses.

By and large, there are no obstacles to creating a robot in full human growth. Here are only applications for such devices yet! They will cost expensive, and the functionality will not be very superior to the cheaper, but not human-like models. After all, the problem of the development of a full-fledged artificial intelligence, the dreams of fictions come true still not destined to come true.

However, you should not be very upset! After all, while we have no real robots, we can enjoy movies and books about them, play free online games about robots and enjoy virtual communication with those who are already very soon to become part of our daily life.

Machine rebellion: What will the development of artificial intelligence?

When Jules Verne in the 19th century described submarines and space ships, contemporaries only laughed at his fantasies. Iha, they say, an adult man - and such nonsense comes up with. But the farther the technical progress went, the less readers laughed at the fiction writers of science writers: too many of them after some time became reality. The writer may not be able to create something technically new, unlike an ordinary engineer, but still can predict something.

For no accident, most of the authors of science fiction literature converge in one: if the development of artificial intelligence continues further, the rebellion of the machines will be inevitable. I repel them and one of the most authoritative scientists of modernity Stephen Hawking. In his recently released article, he warns humanity about the danger of the development of intellectual technologies, because no one can even assume to which consequences it can lead.

We are accustomed to using computers, gadgets and other electronic equipment as a free workforce. Of course, it would be strange to handle the computing machine, as with a living creature, endowed with feelings and free will! But the development of artificial intelligence is just as a gradual approximation of the "thinking" machine to human ... and who can tell where the line is the face between simple logic and the real mind? Will these experiments lead to the creation of non-easy intelligence, but of this consciousness? And can we understand on time when it happens that now our electronic servants do not act on the program laid in them, but are aware of themselves with personalities?

Another problem is the inevitable occurrence of the intermediate race - polisuroby / semi-susto. After all, now you can replace your hand or leg with a robotic prosthesis. And what if in a few decades a seriously sick person can be saved by setting it an artificial stomach? A heart? Or ... artificial brain?

However, until this pore live and live! Why experience in advance due to what has not happened, and maybe it will not happen? You need to live today, and today you can play wonderful games robots, the best of which are collected on our website! Free online games about robots will allow you to pass not one boring evening while waiting for the time when robots will surround us in reality!

Dear Guys. The game is long loaded. Therefore, manifest patience. Everything will soon boot :)

Do you know what flying Robot Games on endurance? Have you ever had to play in them? If not, then it's time to bring to your attention an interesting and exciting game that has no analogues lately. The thing is that she trains stamina and shows how long you can watch for any other phenomenon. For example, as a hero performs some monotonous and monotonous work for a long time, or action. Agree, there is no, of course, nothing interesting. But you will not immediately judge this, but only after at least one of the stages of this game will pass. In the future, you will judge what to do next.

So at the very beginning of the game after you have chosen all the necessary parameters, you will see in front of the small eccentric on the screen, which looks like an insect. He calls you for himself on a journey, and asks for help. You, in turn, do not discard him in this and try to cope with the problem together. The hero flies on a simple road, and you will display the left mouse button with the "Click" inscription. So, we recommend that you do not press this button at once, since if you use it, you will have to finish the game as a result of falling. Therefore, the main concept of this game is the question - how long can you fly? This is how you have to find out, even if you did not understand this game at first, you can always start all over again, and no longer come across old mistakes. Once again and his hero that the long flight, which he performs, will end.

In general, the guys very much like such games, even though they are not entirely distinguished by their graphics. First of all, the child is important and as the main character, copes with his instructions. But the small and pretty tiny mosquito, flies to himself and flies to save the world. By the way, it is worth passing not only alone, but also together with a friend or friend, since the spirit of competitions and the thirst for victory will be more interested in you. You report on your results to the server that will automatically offer you to save them for the tournament table. If since during the time you install records, then you can easily apply them to add to the list. In general, girls and boys like this game "Flying Robot", Because it makes the child not only wait, but also to be tolerant or straight. Therefore, be that as it may, you must completely give yourself to this game, because only in it you can learn this. Do not be afraid of anything and we are glad to wish you good luck!


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